TITK OMAHA DAI LA BEE: THURSDAY JANUARY 15, li03. COjuIuvCIAL ASD HXASCIAL Bulli Hold ftraia Pit Beini cn Chicago Board of Trade. MARKETS CONSEQULUtLY ARE STRONG Wheat, Corn and Oats All do lp, While Provisions Remain Firm, with slightly nnifr friers. CHICAGO. Jan. 14 The bulli held the reins In the grain pit today and tne mar kets were strong ami active, May wheat t losing 4c higher. May torn u up -vif o utid oats wcie 4',iSc higher. Provisions closed tlrm, May porn l iiig " higher, May lard unchanged and ribs a anaue '"w'heat ruled strong and, active, with the chief Incentive to higher prices being the continued demand tr May the most prominent bull, although higher rabies and small receipts were strei.gthenlng ln-flif-nces early In the clay. 'I'he leading )un via reported to have added materially to ills already big line, and this fact acted kit a dampener on the sellers, and In con sequence offerings were rather limited There was a good cash demand reported from the northwent and the seaboard was again an artlve buyer. May opened a shade to V'Hc higher at 764iT76Nc, '"Id HP to 77o and closed toe higher at 76Vi!'7c. Clear ances of wheal and flour were equal to SM.OkI bj shell. Primary receipts were 623, OfiO bushela. against VM,i bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and Iiuluth reported re ceipts of 201 cars, which, with local re ceipts of 27 cars none of cotitract-riiiarte total receipts for the three points of 288 cars, against 4n6 cars last week and 439 cam a year ago. Thero was a good trade In corn and the sentiment was generally bullish on a big export demand and a heavy cash business liere, sale being reported at over 2i )) bushels. The opening was strong on higher cables and small receipts, and the market held firm on a good general demand for futures from commission houses, while shorts covered freely in the January de livery. Offerings of January stuff were hard to get and more strength was) mani fested In that month than In the more distant futures, the price going up to 4x4c after opening 4i'4c higher at 47Vif4ic. The clone was Vtc higher at 4,c. May closed VaV! higher at 44',4fN4",,c. after ranging between 4M.C and 444c. 1ocal re ceipts were 1M cars, none ol which were of contract grade. Oats were given open support by longs and an active and higher market resulted. Commission houses were also good buyers and there waa some buing by shorts. Helling waa chiefly In the way ot liquida tion. Small receipts and a tlrm cash de mand were bull factors. The close waa strong, with May HfSc higher at 304c, after celling between 31'c and 3&c. Local receipts were P4 cars. Provisions were dull and the opening was weak on liberal receipts of hogs, and lower prices at the yards. There waa a rally on the strength In grains and on actlcve de mand from brokers for January pork, and most of the earl yloss was regained. The close was steady to firm, with May pork 74c higher at 116.35; May lard closed at 39 474, while rlba were a shade lower at $8.93. Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat, 20 cars; corn, i!75 cars; oats, 155 cars; hogs, S9.'KMt head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Mign. Low. Close. Kesy. Wheat I I I Jan 1 73i, 7914 May 714fftJS! 77 74 7ti7n 76 July 73'VttJl"3Vfi-H 73434,'0',73VH4 Corn 1 Jan. 47" 484 V ""t 474 May 44Vf1i 444 lUra 444 July 434W4 41? V 4 4304 Oa ta Jan. 34 34 14 34 S44l 334 May 34VB3B 3fS 344 354 34V(j3o July iU 324 32 32 31 fork Jan. 17 824 17 974 17 80 17 95 17 80 May 16 15 16 35 16 15 16 36 16 274 Lard Jan. 85 9 874 824 85 9 85 May 424 9 BO 9 424 9 47 9 474 July 930 935 930 935 985 H lbs Jail. 8 80 8 82H 8 80 8 80 8 80 May - 8 924 9 00 8 92 8 95 8 97 '4 No. X. Cash quotation! were as follows: KLOUK Quiet and steady; winter pat ents, 13.4CK&S.WI; Btralghts, 13.10(g3.3i; spring patenU, 12.4iVif3.70;, atralghts, f2.9U&'3.20, bakers, $2.25(U'2.75. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7476Hc; No. 8, 72 7514c; No. 2 red, 72tSf314c. CORN No. 2, 47V4c; No. 2 yellow, 47Hc OATS No. 2, 34Vc; No. 3 white, 34(3oV4c RYE! No. 2. 4 He. BARLEY Good feeding, 43846c; fair to Choice malting, 47fi68c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 81.18: No. 1 north western, U 24. Prime timothy, 82.86. Provisions Mess pork, per bbi., 118.20. I.ard, per l'lO lbs., I9.87V4. Short rlba sides (loose), 88.6714.92. Dry suited shoulders (boxed), IX 37 6JV4. Short clear sides (boxed). t9.0tl(B9.12Vj. Following were the receipts end shipments of flour and grain: t Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 19.000 11.4H0 Wheat, bu 119.8(1) 83.200 Xorn, bu 416.100 149,600 Oata, bu 375.610 341,700 Hye. bu 9.500 Barley, bu 86,000 10,600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was Q'tlet and easy; cream eries, lMi27c; dairies. 17trJ6c Eggs, steady, lose off, cases returned, 2bc. Cheese, dull. Lib 14c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (laotatloaB of the Day cm Varloas Coaaaaodltlaa. NEW YORK. Jan. 14-FLOUR-RecelptB, ll,i45 bbls.; exports, 12,993 bbls.; more ac tive and firmer; winter patent. S3.oi9 4.00; winter atralghts, $3.46&3.; Minnesota patents, S4.00fu4.26; winter extras, $2.8.Kj33.1o; Minnesota bi'krrs, 13.2ji3.40; winter low grades, t2.6tKU2.90. Rye flour, quiet; sales trU bbls.; fair to goxl, S.0tKiii3.35. Buckwheat flour steady. 2.2Kf!.35, spot and to arrive. CORN M EA L Firm ; yellow western, $1.18, city, $1.16; Brandy wine, llfcc&U.&ft. RYE Steudy ; No. western, 69c, f. o. b.. afloat; state, 664j67, c. I. f., New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 42ij45c. f. o. b., 1 afloat; malting, 47(ii60c, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 133.0o0 bu.; exports. 17S.0UO bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 red, Ulo, elevator; No. 2 red, 80Hc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Dulutb, 87c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, HSVc, f. o. b. afloat. Options were lirm and fairly rx-tlve all day, ruetalned by cables, expoit demand, small wostern receipts, comm(as4(m house buying and higher cables. The close waa Ht'Vjc Jet higher. March closed at K3c; May OlS-ltKuMu; closed at 81c; July, 79c; closed at 78c CORN Receipts, 26.000 bu.; exports, 159. 207 bu. Spot, tlrm; No. 2, 6bc, elevator, and 68c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 6c; No. 2 white, 68o. Option market sold up also on strong cables, further big cash de mands, poor condition of Chicago arrivals and covering, with the close 'ufac net higher; January, &Mgtac; closed at 68c; February closed at &6VN March closed at 64c; May 494)49Ic; closed at 49Vc; July AXtMXWc: cloned at 4c. , OATS Receipts. 64,500 bu.; exports, 21,603 bu. Snot, nrm; No. 2, 41c; standard white. 4:'Vic; No. $, 4oc; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3 white, 42c; track, mixed western, nomi nal; track, white, 43y45c; track, white Btate, 43i46r. Options firmer on good weet rn speculative support. HA V Firm; shipping, 6fijj'70c; good to i;iioii v, r.v'm iv.w. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 19t3 crop, 29nt37c; 1901 crop :4ij-'6c; 0dg 12c; l'aclilc coast, lsnij' crop, 25ij40c' lnol crop, 231126c; olda, 8412Vjc. ' HlDrS Firm; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry' 1 kj iiu aa. , i w. LEATHER Firm; acid. 24a'264e. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, $1,100 (fiW.ow; mesa. $10 be(i u 00; beef hams. $2o.ii . C2.00; racket $14.w.'y 15 00; city extra Indi i nes. $.'4.w!(i27.iJU. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. $.&oaluo0; ptcklid shoulders $& )dck!ed hams. $11.0011.26. Ijird. prm; west ern steamed, $10.26; Junuary closed at ll..). nominal; re ined, firm; continent, $iu 4i South America, $U.w; ccmpound. $7 Utti 7.76. Pork, steady; family. llvoO; short clear, $10 9!Q 12.5u; mess. $lMioulS.50. TALLOW i'lrm; city, 6:tfc; country, iSKSc. Kit. E Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. 4li -4i: Itt'TTER-Recelpta, 6.41 pkgs.; steady; tate dulry, Hxijv: extra creamery. ic; tnnmrn to choice creamery, 2i27c. I'll EESE-Recelnta. 1,147 pkgs.; firm; state full cream, fancy, snitll. colored, fail nistle, H'c; lute made, 13i:c; small, white, fall made', 14c; lte raaue, UliC; mia. colored, fall made, 14c; lute maue, 1JVI large. hue, full made, lie; late made, 13'. l.1c. EOGS-Recelpls. 4.502 pkgs.; steady to firm; ktate and Pennsylvania, avenge best, Swi3lc; western, poor to fancy. 22'nc. POI LTHY Alive, firm; urkeys, Htil5c; fowls. 12'iil4c. Ireased, tlrm; western chickens. 13c; western fowls, 13c; tur keys, lktflic. M KT A I -ti Yesterday's decline in the Luudoa tin market waa followed by addl- Vi uic'.i), ptlris there beln re- 01. ceil .s to .1.'7 is l for spot and to i.ij." I's I ir futures. The local market for tin was steady, however, rales of & tons for Keoru:iry deliver txlng re;orted at -.;. whi.e spot rmsed at 1.17.9 .'tf28 ik. Copper In lyoinion was M 3l Inwif, with spot at Li 1-s id and f 'it j res at 53 5s, but the New York marker continued dull and praellrailv nndianked. standard Is quote,! at )!.. lake, U2..S.; ele trniytlc. H.M:1; t-astlm;. 112. Lead was qulel and unchanged h-ro at l.l-'i and LDndon at ;il o. Siel trr wra steadv at 4K..1 local'y and L ndon also was su-ady a. AID", lron ruled I'teadv abroad. (Jlasgow closed at 53s ol Hnd Sliddlesoorotigh at 47s tL The local m.irk "t was dull and unchanged. Warrants remained nominal; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at izt.vrti .; N. 2 northern fourdrv. No. 1 futitnern foundry and No. 1 a.ft "southern foundry at tU-VrnUMO. OHAIIA VIII(l.r..1.ALK- MARKET. rnodltlnn of Trade anil Qaotatlona on Maple and Knurr Produce. EOOS Fresh stock, 24c. LIVE POl.'LTRY Hns 9fil0e: old roost ers. 4'u."c; turkeys. Hil3c; ducks, 'u9o; geese. ikc; spring chickens, per lb., Wtf 11c. DRESSED POTLTRY Young chickens, llti 12c; hens, loiihc; turkeys, 14'tfl6c; ducks, loyllc; geese, 1 I'd 12c. t , HITTER Packing stock. 16ifj.lie; choice dairy, In tubs, 2om2lc; separator, 29ii30c. OYSTEP.S Standards per can, isc; extra nelects, jn r can. c; New York counts, per can. 4Sc; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $l i5; bulK, Hta-idards. per al., $1.4L FRESH FISH Trout, 9'.(c herring, 5c; plckeiei, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; aunilsh. Jc; bluelins, 3c; White hall, 9c; salmon, lbc; haddock. 11c; codilsh. Uc; redsnapper, loc; lobsters, boiled, p r lb., 3c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2ic; bull heads, Kk; cathsh, 14c; black buss, 2)c; halibut, lie. BRAN Per ton, $13.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha WhoU sale Hay Dealers' association: Cnolcc No. 1 upland, $8.50; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1 coarse, 7. Rya straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair, receipts light. CORN 36c. OATS 34c. RYE No. 2, 46c. VEGETABLE. NEW CELERY Kalsmaxoo, per doa., 25c; California, per dox., 4j'a7ac. POTATOES Per bu., 60c. SN EET 1'OTATOES Iowa. Kansas. $2.35. TLRMP8 Per bu., 40c: Canada rutaba gas, per lb., lc. BEETS Per bj., 4flc. CUCl'MBEHS iiothouse, per dox., $2. PARSNIPS Per bu., 4uc. ('AKH')TS Per bu., 4Cc. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dosen bunches, 4oc. RADISHES Southern, p:r dozen bunches, 46c. WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; string beans, per bu. box, 11.60 CABBAGE Holland sed. per lb., lc. ON IONS :cw home grown, In sacks, per bu., 75c; Spanish per crate, li.Ti. NAVY BEANS Per b.. $2 60. TOMATOES- New fallfornla. per 4-baa-ket crate, $2.75; Florida, per 6-basket. crate, $5.00. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $2.60. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2; Colo rado, per box, $2.25. APPLES Western, per bbl., $2.73; Jona thans, $4; New York stock, 13.26; California Belltlowers. per bu. box, $1.60. OHAPES Catawbas, per basket, lie; Malagas, per keg, $ti.OUi.0O. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl., $10; Bell and Bugler. $11; per box, $3.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.0Cu2.6n. LEMONS California fancy, $3.75; choice, $3.50. ORANOES Florida Brlhts, $3.76; Cali fornia navels, $3.50; California sweet Jaffas, all sizes. 12.75. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., Cc; per case of 30-lb. pkgs.. $2.26. FIOS California, per 10-iu. cartons, $1; Turkish, per as-lb box. 14S18c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame ca $0.75. CIDER New York, $4.60; per hi bbl., $2.75. SAUERKRAUT-Wlsconsln, per bbl., $2.20; per bbl., $3.75. POPCORN Per lb.. !; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c: No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7V4c; No. 2 Baited, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c; sheep pelts, lAfjToc; horse hides, $L502.50. N UTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard sheh, per lb., 12c;' Brazils, per lb., 12c, filberts, per lb., 12o; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, Iarr;& p?r lb., 12c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dox., boo; chestnuts, per lb, 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60; cocoanuts, per 100, $4. OLD METALS, ETu. A. B. Alplrn quotej the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; cupper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb.. 8c; brass, light, per !b., 6c; lead, per lb.. 8c; zinc, per lb, 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c. WEARS COMMISSION COMPANY. 110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb Telephone 1516. CHICAGO. Jan. 14. WH EAT There has been, a strung wheat market, with more outside help and a broader trade than has been apparent for a good many weeks. Prices advanced c to Sc. but 77c there was mora May for sale than was wanted, evidently Important profit-taking. There were complaints of continued dry weather In California. Antwerp cabled that cold weatner waa creating nervousness In Eu rope, as the winter wheat was ooorlv cov ered. There was a reiteration of the poor condition of the Russian crop. Minneapolis said country mills were drewlng wheat from the elevators there and that country acceptances naa aecreasea very much. There has been a good cash demand; sea board reports sixty-flve loads taken for ex port and there were sales here of 85,000 bushels; clearances, 3M.0UO bushels; primary receipts, 623,000 bushels, against 498.000 last year. In the northwest 261 cars against 294 a year ago; local receipts. 27 cars, with none contract; estimates for tomorrow, 20 cars. CORN There has been a strong corn market and the cash demand has been at the bottom of it; sales from here are re ported at 400,000 bushels by the way of New Orleans and Baltimore, with the bids the best so far; Boston reported 300.000 bushels sold for export; St. Louis claimed sales of 690.000 bushels today; New York reports 150 loads taken for export; sample market was "40 higher: futures were up with January the strongest and with a liberal trade In It. Armour has been a buyer of futures; local receipts. 1S4 cars, with none contract; eatomates for tomorrow, 275 cars; there were only four cars and 7,700 bushela contract out of private houses; primary re ceipts, 703,000 bushels, against 469.000 last yeurs; clearances. 162.000 bushels. OATS Market has been strong, with a targe trade, ana prices advanced wc; Patten. Howe and some of the other brok ers added to their lines. There has been a very good cash business, with from 200,000 to aoo.oiio bushels reported sold from here for shipment and 2oO.OoO bushels reported at New York for export; local receipts, 104 cars, with two contract; estimates for to morrow, 155 cars; clearances, 2S.0O0 bushela. PROVISIONS The provision list recov ered from an early decline, although hog prices were lOjjlSc lower, and receipts In the west 92.0HO head, against 73,000 last year. The strength In grain also had a bullish effect, but the market was mostly affected by the buying of ribs, which has been going on until the market now acta congested; there were 47.000 hogs here; esti mates ror tomorrow, 3-j.ooo head. WARE COMMISSION COMPANY, Liverpool tiraln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL Jan. 14.-WHEAT-Spot. nrm; iso. z red, western winter, 69 lld; No. 1 California, 6s hd; futures, steady; Miircti, 03 2SK1; May, ha l'-,(l. CORN Spot, tlrm; American mixed, new, 4s lld; American mixed, old. 6 6d: futures, tirm; January, 4a ovd; March, 4s 4'd; May, a 3d. PEAS Canadian, steady, 6s Td. FlAJl'R St. Louis fancy winter. 8s Id. HCFS At London ll'uclllc coast) tlrm, 6 15s4j 7 5s. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; extra India mess, 10s a fork, easy; prime mesa, western. 75s. Hams, short cut. 14 to 18 lbs steady, 62a. Kacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to Hi,,., tirm, 47a; hurt rlba. lt to 24 lbs., quiet, 47a tkl, long clear middles, light, 28 to S4 lbs., Klt-ady, 47a, long clear middles, heavy. " to 40 lbs, steadv. 4bs 6-t; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., tirm. 46s od; cleur Dellle, )4 to Its lbs., quiet, 62s. Shoulders, tilimre. 11 to 11 lbs, steady, 39a. I-ard, dull; prime western. In tierces, quiet, 61s 6.1; prime western. In tierces, quiet, 62s; Amer ican retlned. In pulls, quiet, 61s. HI 'T I E It Nominal. CHEKSE-Kirtn; American fliest white and colored, strong, 62a. Receipts of wheat during the last three days, 2:4) 000 cental, including llS.tkU Amer ican; receipts of American corn during the last three days, o5.tu0 centals. Dnluta Grata Market. Dl'I.UTH, Jan. 14. WHEAT- Cash. No. 1 hard, 76c; No. 1 northern, 72c; No. 1 northern, sic; May, 77c. OATS May, 35c. Kansaa City firala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. H.-WHEAT-May. M7c; July, -fi7c; casi. No 2 hard. 67 Sse; No. 3, Otatiic; No. 4, 6Wut$!c; rejecteu, WnnTc; No. 2 red. tiKfifer; No. 3, fWti!i7c, CORN" January, ir.c; May, ; cash, No. 2 mixed, 39'j.9c; No. 2 white, 4'K-: No. a, 39'g.p. OATS No. white, 3ifo3c; No. 2 mixed, 30!tc RYE No. 2, 4c HAY' Choice timothy, $13."); cholcs prai rie, no. BUTTER Creamery, 25t27c; dairy, fancy, 22c. EOGS-Fresh, 22c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 4.hi) lS.fn t orn, bu pi.w) lla.sw Oats, bu 17,000 16.00U St. I.onla (.rain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Jan. II. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 7u'c; track, 73ltV 74c; May. (CStTSc; July, 7lW4j71Sc; No. t hard, ."i.!4e. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 42fti .. ; May, 41:P. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 84c: track, 34V'i35c; May &i35c; No. 2 white. u i K Firm. 49iSOc. VA iUH Unchanged: red winter patents. $3.3nti3.5ii; extra fancy and straight, $3."XK(i t.M, clear, 2.9ti'o3.00. SEED ilmothv. uteadv, 13.Ottjj3.oO. (!KN.iKA I, Steady, 12.30. BRAN Strong, higher; sacked, east track, fcifiHio. HAY Timothy strong at $10.0015 00: prairie, quiet at $9.5Kill.&M. .'HON COT ION TIES 11.07. B AUG I N 8 o-16fti 7 1-ltic. HEMP TWINE-9c. PROVISIONS-Pork. higher. Jobbing. standard mess, lls.OO. Lard, weaker, $9.52. Dry salt niciitw (boxed), tirm; extra shorts, $9; clear ribs, 19; short clears, 19.25. Bacon boxed), tirm; extra shorts, $9.t2; clear ribs. $10; short clear, $10.25. METALS-UEil, lirm, $3.97. Spelter, trong at $4.75. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; turkeys. 161 16c: ducks, 12c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23&29c; dairy, lf-a22c. EUGS Sttady; 22c, loss )tT. liecelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4.() 8.X) Wheat, bU 4o,000 4A.00'i Corn, bu 62.000 50.000 Oats, bu 49,000 67.UOJ Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 14 BUTTER Firm and weaker; western creamery, 28c; extra nearby prints, 29c. Kugs Firmer, good ciemana; iresn nearby. 32c, at the mark; fresh western. 31c, loss oft; fresh southwestern, 3oc, loss off; fresh sotuhern, "Mctk-, loss off. CHEESE Quiet but ilrm; New York full creams, prime small, HfrrM c: New York full creams, lair to gooa small, i.'vii.iyC; New York full creams, prime large, 14c; New York full creams, fair to large good, 13iS'13ic Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Jan. 14. WHEAT Fairly ac tive, firm; cash and January, 7sc; May, 81V- ... - ..... CORN Dull, nrm; January, w:; jnay, 36c. RYE Dull; NO. Z. 53C SEED Clever, dull, steady: January, $6.97; March, $7.07; prime timothy, $10.90; prime alflike, $10.35. Minneapolis Wheat. Flonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 14. WHEAT May. TSTtc; July, 76:jc. On track: No. 1 hard, 7674c; No. 1 northern, 751c; No. 2 north ern, 74c. ' FLOUR First patents, I3.s.iy4.uy; second natents. S3.80fr3.90: first clears. I2.90&3.W); second clears, $2.40(&2.50. BRAN Higher; la bulk, J14.wan.io. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 14. WHEAT Hlaher: No. 1 northern. 78c: No. 2 north ern, 7677c ; May, 7674C, cellers. RYE rirmer; no. i. diwmc. BARLEY Firmer; No. 2. 67c; samjle, 47 56c. con; may, c, oia. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Jan. 14. CORN Stronger; No. 3, 42c. . . OATS steady ; no. s wnue, c. New York Money Market. NEW YORK.' Jan. 14. MONEY On call. steady at 3(&4 per cent; closing offered at 3 per cent; lime money easy; eixiy days, 6 per cent; ninety days, 6 per cent; Blx months, 5 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6(ff6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tnnl business In bankers' bills at $4.8690 for demand and at $4.8360i&4.P365 for sixty days; Eoated rates, $4.M ana 14.8; commercial ilia, $4.82T44.83. ' SILVER Bar, 1I-J4C; mexican uuiiars, C' .,.. BONUS uovernmeni, sieauy; raniuau, Irregular. The closing quotations on oonus are as follows: V. B. ref. Si. re( 108 L. A N. unt. 4.... 0 Hex. Central 4a... it-1, do U Inc .101 . 77-1 . 2i .102 . M 4 .104 .103i do coupon do la, reg do coupon ,.im Minn. St. U 4l do new 4a. rag 18tW M., K. T. do coupon ....13 do 2a do old 4a. rf... do cuupon do la, ref do coupon Atehlesn can. 4a.. do adj. 4a Bal. 4 Ohio 4a... ....10 ....U ....loala ....104 N. Y. C. gen. I'll N. J. C. (en. 6a... No. Pacific 4a. do la N. A W. con. .... 7J'a ....10I1 ..UK1 Reading gen. 4a...... 9 ..1024 St U A 1 M c. la... .11M St. LtH.r. 4a.... Hi St. U 8. W. la M4 do la Ki S. A. A A. P. 4a 86 do I Via do conv. 4a... Canada So. la.. .... M' ....JM Central of Ca. la.. .1US do la Inc 79 80. Pacific 4a 1 Ctaea. A Ohio 4iia liO 80. Railway le Ilk Chlrafo A A. ma... 7't Texaa A Pacific la...llMj C. B. A Q. a. 4a... W4 T. , t. u. at w. 4a.. C, M A St P . 4a,..lllVi.tnion Pacific 4a 134 C. A N. W. e. Te.:..iss o cost. 4a l'H C, R. I. A P. 4a....l0i C C C A St L g. 4a.. 101 Chicago Ter. 4a 4 Wabaih la .117i, do la do deb. B .110 . T .110 . Colorado 80. 4a 4 Weet Shora 4s. .. rw.n,.r Jk R. O. 4a.. MH Wheal A L. B. Erie prior lien 4a.... " 'll. Central 4a H do general 4a MaiCon. Tobacco 4a 47 m ib M. n r 1. ..1I1U Colo. Fuel eon. la... BSU Hocking Val. 4a....l07 1 Doatoat Stocka and Bonds. tiartoV Jan 14. Call 6&6 per loans, S per cent. Official junl.'Hme loans closing 01 atocaa and bonds: Atchlaon 4s... .101 Adventure .. 1 .. 1 .. U ,.R!S ..124 .. 3 ,.10 .. 10 .. lot, .. 46a .. 11 .. to .. 27 ..115 ,.14 .. 4 .. 14 .. 12 .. 11 - .. .. 17 .W4 Allouea Hex. CantraJ 4s 79 Amalgamated ..... Ualumet A Heels. Atchlaon An nfO Centennial , Copper Range .... Boaton A Albany.. Boaon A ale ..267 ..11 Dominion Coal .... franklin lale Royals Mohawk old Dominion .... Oaceoia Parrot Boaton EleratM ... N. Y., N. H. A H. Pltchburg pfd I'nlon Paclno Umx. Cantral ..lf.2 ..140 ..1U2W! .. U4k' ..131Vi American Buiar ... do pfd American T. AT.. Dominion I. A 8... (ln. Electrle ..121 Qutncy .. .14 Tamarack .. t.6'4 Trlmounula .. ..in Trlnltr .. UV4 I'nlted Btatea .. 4 UUh ..ira VU't-wla .. 17 .Winona , Mate. Klectrle do ptd I'nlted Prtilt U. 8. Steel M WolTartns .... Weitlofb. Common. .101 London Stock ((notations. LONDON, Jan. 14. Closing quotations: Conaola for money. .93 1-1 New York Central. ..169 do account 91 1-1 Norfolk A Western... 7( Anaconda B I do pfd 94 Atchlaon WJ',1 unurio weatera... SjV do ptd 100 rennaylvanta .. Baltimore A Ohio. .. .104 Rand Mlnea . 11 . i . 44 . l . S6 . 97 ' . 47 .luf. . K Canadian Pacific 141 Heading Cheuapeake & Ohio., bl't do 1M pfd Chicago Q. W. do Id pfd Southern Hallway.. do pfd Southern Pacific.... tolon Pacific do pfd b'niled States Steel C, U. & St. P.... DeBeera Denver A K. O..., do ptd Erla do let pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Central Loutavllle A Naah. ..1X6 .. 12 .. i .. 914. .. 42', .. 7J .. M ..IS 31. ..ism do pfd 9u WabaaH SI1 do pfd 4Va Hlaourl. K. AT.. BAR SILVER Steady at 22 l-16d per ounce. MONEY 33 per cent. The rate of dla count In the open market for short bills la 17-ltya3 9-l6 per cent and for three months bills Is 34j3 pel cent. Kerr Ynrat Mlnlr. tlaotatloaa. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. -The following are the closing prices on mining atoegs: Adama Coo...tf. ... A I li e Breece Brunawlrk Con.... fometock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Sliver Iron Silver Loadvllle Cod . M Little Chief .. li Ontario . 40 ophlr . m Phoenix . y .ml .ZS6 uvage .12 Sierra Nevada . 7e Ismail Hopea .. 1 I Standard .... t ...Sou ....150 .... .... 70 .... IS .... 40 .... SO ....JJ4 Forelsra Financial. LONDON. Jan. 14 The condition of monev and rilaeotintii m.re nrwh:,.ir..l r- I day. Business on the Stork exchange opened irregular, nut the trend was tavora ble. A moderate amount of business was transacted and operators entered Into the new account with confidence that the In fluences were propltous. Conaola Improved, but prices were not fullv maintained I'nderground rails were strong; Ameri cans opened generally lower and hardened. but dealers were cautious ana tney closed irregular; Canadians wen buoyant. The feature of the market was the strength of Kattlra. due to Colonla Secretary Chamberlain's statements re garding taxation and labor In the Soutli African colonies; they became easier later India contol bills were allotted today at is 1 i-ioc; nana mines, iia. PARIS, Jan. 14 Prices with the excel,. tlon of rentes and Rio tlntos opened firm on the bourse today, but later became easier. Business was dull; I nt-roni t -m U were litavy aud iuduainala vei weak; Rio tlntns were depressed by the decline of the price In copper; Kaffirs started with a goo, demand, fluctuated later and closed strong; !e!errs were easier. The private rate nf discount was 2 15-16 per cent. Three per cent renUs, locf for the account; ex change on Imdon, 25f 14c for checks. HER LIN, Jan. 14 Trices tin the bonrse toilay were firm: Americans were In sctlve demand on r movement In the I'nlted States to suspend the duty on coal. Hanks and Canadhin I'aciric were higher. Ils count rates: Short bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent. HEW VOHK STOCKS AD BOSDS. Markets Slionr'Mothlna; bat Efforts of Professionals to Find Pnrehaaera. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Today'B spotted stuck market seemed to represent nothing mole th;tn the efforts of -rofeseloral trad ers to tlnd purchasers for shares. The con stant fluctuations over a narrow range were n testimony to the difficulty they found. The volume of transactions fell off to little nn re than three quartern of a million shares, or about one-half the business of last Friday, when the activity of the pres ent movement reached Its culmination. Of l.i.lnt' .1....1I.. n.. thai, TiMtAiA .h a rtm were of Erie. The continued activity In that stock Is the subject of the greatest Interest In Wall street at present and sur mise exhausts Itself to account for It. The failure of Rock Island to move with It today discredited previous rumors that Erie was being sought lor an eastern out lit of the Rock Island system. The other coalers were Inclined to move with the Erles today and there was a dlspowltlor. to attRch Importance to the formation of the so-called securities company as prob ably concerned with further developments In the consolidation of the anthracite In dustry. Manhattan Was strong for a time, supposedly on account of the coming opera tion of the lease to the Interborough Tran sit company, but the stock reacted with some violence to a point below last night. Ve:-tern I'nlon this held by the Injunction against the removal of Its wire by the Pennsylvania railroad. Sugar was weak, but after the annual meeting of the stock holders showed that higher dividends were not to be expected at present. An Incident of the day were snlea of Cannd" Southern and Michigan Central, the former at a de cline of 7 and the latter at a decline of 4X'4 from the last preceding sales some time ago. Aside from these special move ments the market waa dull and sluggish throughout ami offered little of Interest. The fact that realizing salts met advances In all cases served to discourage the pro 'essiinal element and led to the sharp break in the afternoon, which carried the level of prices well below last night. This was particularly evident in Rock Island, and the large part attributed to Rock Island Interests In the recent close gave the market special significance on the whole list. The closing waa steady at some rally after the break. The failure of the market to advance was considered the more significant in view of some of the more depressing factors. Sterling rose at Paris, thus widening the margin from the gold export point. Call money waa appre ciably easier, and some time loans matur ing today were taken by the largest bank In the city at 6 per cent. Receipts from the Interior seemed to encourage the stock operators In the morning. Bonds were quite active and Arm, hut became Irregular when the stock market turned weak. Total sales, par value, $2,20, 000. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on the last call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlaon do pfd Bal. A Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific... Canada So Chrs. A Ohio Chicago A Alton... do pfd Chicago, lnd. A L. do pfd..-) Chicago Al. W... do 1ft pfd do td pfd Chicago A N. W... Chicago Ter. A Tr. do pfd C. C. c. A 8t. L.. Colorado 80 do let pfd do id pfd Del. A Iludaon.... Del. L. A W Denver A R. O.... do pfd Erla do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great N'Sr. pfd Hocking Valley ... do pfd . 87 80. Railway t . do pfd 94'4) .101 Texaa A Pacific 41 . S3', Toledo. St. L. A W. h .137 do pfd 44 . 72)4 Union Pacfle 102 . 10 I do pfd 94 . tttt Wabaah I'l .72 I do pfd 44 . 75 Wheeling A L. E.... J6V1 .91 I do 2d ptd IV, . 17 Wla. Central 1 , II i to pfd 62Vs . 40 Adama Ex 20U .224 'American E 220 . la'ajlnlted atatea Ex 142 . 34 Wella-Fargo Ex 220 97 Amal. Copper 3 . 30 Amer. Car A F.... . 10', do pfd . 4.V Amer. Lin. Oil.... .172 do pfd .272 American 8. A B.. . 41 do pfd . MAnac. kilning Co... . 41, Brooklyn R. T . 714 Colo. Fuel A Iron. . 17 Cone. Uaa .201', Cent. ToMcco ptd.. .WiVa Cen. Electric . 16 Hocking Coal . i . 10 . 1 . 47 . 4 14 . ;il4 . 9 . ', . .111 .117 .16 . 194 . 1 . 11 . 0 . 45 Illlnola Cneral 14 inter, paper Iowa Central 45 W do pfd.. do pfd 56 Inter. Power Lake Erie A W. It National Blacult do pfd 111 National Lead . L. A N. ...... ....127 No. American- 11 v,.15a Pacific Coaet 70 Manhattan L. Met. Bt. Rr. ....141 Pacific Mall .... .... Veople'a Uaa .. .... l!fPreeaed 8. Car., ....10S . do pfd.'. , ....llMPullman P. Car .... 284Republic Bteel . .... iv 1 do pfd , ....lM'vBugar 4o Max. entrel .... ....104 .... 4 .... n ....2.12 .... 11 .... 78 Mex. National .... Minn. A St. L.... Mo. Pacific M , K. A T do pfd , N. J. Central , N. Y. Central Norfolk A W ..Ul ....lM:Tenn. Coal A Iron. .... 7411'nlon Bag A P.... 0.1 do nfd 1 13 Ik 18 Hi til 17 i M 19 10 12 do Dfd Ontario A W Pennaylvanla Reading . UIV. & Leather .!' to pfd . 1 U. 8. Rubber do let pfd... a 1 no pia do Id pfd 75 V. 8. Bteel St. LAS. F 71 , do ptd. do 1st pfd.. do Id pfd... 70 Weeteni Union .... .. 70 Amer. Locomotive . ..3 I do pfd .. 2 K. C. Southern ..179 do pfd ..m Rock laland .. UK do pfd Bt. L. 8. W.. do pfd Bt. Paul do pfd Bo. Paclfio ... Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 14. Bank' clearings todav. ll,2V4.i-3.m; corresponding day last year, 11.125. 50.68; Increase, $159,002.93. CHICAGO. Jan. 14 Clearings. I31.480.Z39: balances, $4,219,009; New York exchange, 15 fer cent premium; foreign exchange, stori ng posted. $4.84 for sixty days and at $4 4 for demand. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Clearings, $337.. 867,115; balances, $12,297,120. BALTIMORE. Jan. 14. Clearings. $4.401.. $00; balances. Irtfil.THO; money, 6 per cent. rHihAUtLMiiA, Jan. j. clearing, $21,050,122; balances, $2,438,675; money, per "BOSTON. Jan. 14. Clearings, $24.8$7.7H: balances. $2.1b2.914. CINCINNATI. Jan. 14. Clearing. 14.06.. 600; money, 46 per cent; New York ex change, 25 per cent bid. BT. LOUIS. Jan. 14. Clearings. W.Z7Z.438: balances. $481,468; money, steady, buZ per cent; New York exchange, 4oo premium. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14. WOOL Firm: me dium trades and combing. 174ilc: lisrht fine. 16ftl9c; heavy fine, 13616c; tub washed, 18 61:00. BOSTON. Jan. M. WOOL The market is generally quiet, though the firm tone fireviously notlcea is continuea ana even ntenaltled. Territory wools are relatively more active than the balance of the Hat. The demand la especially for fine woola. though mediums and fine mediums are alao In demand. Fine staple, territory, scoured basis, quotable at Mj67c, with fine at 53 4K-K-. ; for tine mediums tyi2o4c is asKea, medium being quotable at 4647c Texas wools are very firm, with the offerings rather llirht. There Is moderate demand for California Wools on a scoured basis of b-iifyM: for northern spring, with middle counties at 4H4i60c; southern, 12 months, pure California wool Is quotable at 4wti 50c. Eastern .Oregon Is steady at 67i&68c for state, cured basis. Fleece woola are In fair demand, especially for medium un washed fleeces. XX wools are quoted at Sr'i C'c, with No. 1 clothing at about the 1411 me fltrure. Delaine wools are also in excellent demand and full quotations are being paid for desirable lots. Sales have been mane of nne wasnea at ate, witn even higher prices being asked In some cases. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. WOOL Firm, and nominal. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. COFFEE Bpot. Rio. quiet: No. 7 Invoice. 6c: mild, easy; ,'.,...1...... 71 - 1 1 V. li'tilni... nnftnaH ,t.uiiv v U . v ..... , . w. ...-. . , ... .. - - at an advance of 5 points undtr light cov ering by shorts, who were Influenced by the higher European markets, notwithstanding the decline at Santos and predictions of ad ditional shipments to this port In the near future. This demand ana tne scarcity or sellers steadied the market throughout the session, with the close on the Initial basis; sales were 19.500 bags. Including: March, 4ic: May. 4.56c: July. 4.70a-4.73c: Beptei ber, 4 86c; November, 6.00c; December, 6.05 6.10c. Evaporated Applea and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet under a more quiet Jobbing trade, but wltn prices sieanuy maintained; common are 'quoted at 4o6c; prime, &'J 6Wc: choice. 5sitl6c; fancy, 7S7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS SdoI prunes are gneting with a fair Jobbing de mand and are generally ateady at quota tions, though occasional large lots are offered at flight concessions. Quotations ranae from 3'c to 7u.c lor ail grades. Adit rota are moving slowly, but are about steady at 7'9c for boxes and 7til0c for bags, feacneii are quiel at iztj.oC ror peeled ana 6TJ'o "r unpeeiea. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 14. WHISK Y-On basis of high wines, $1.30. PEORIA. Jan. 14 WHI8KY-8teady at $1.3. BT. LOVIB, Jan. 14. WH ISKY-Flrm St $i.so. CINCINNATI. Jan 14-WHISKY-Dls tl.lcis' ttulthed good, nrm. OB basis of $130. 0MA11A LIVE STOCI MARKET Liberal BecelpU of Otttla Oaaied Price t Eaw Off Litt.e. HOGS SOLD TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Desirable Grades of Fat Sheep and l.amka la Artlre Demand at Oooa, Steady Prices, Native Lanabs Selling aa Hlgk as Six Ceats. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 14. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclal Monday 3.4 4.S3 $.701 Olllclal Tuesday 4.80i 7,2n2 .0o Ofllclal Wednesday 3,740 7.600 6,000 Three days this week.J2.010 19.7S5 15.609 Same daye last week. ...9. 973 1.'4 16.4S4 Same week before 12.327 30,7ti8 17.097 Same three weeks ago... .3ul Id.769 11,003 Same four weeks ago 11,641 23,810 ,2H Same days last year 11,380 20,609 9,297 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sneep at Soutn Omaha for the year to date, ana comparisons with last year: jo3. i-hc!. Inc. Dec. Cattle 31,328 32,667 1,S Hogs 74,4J 96,d!8 21,390 Sheep 38.751 22,103 16,651 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days with comparisons: Date. j 1902 . 11901. 1900.1899.1898.1897.1896. Dec. 27... ( 44 I 861 4 831 4 091 3 44 $ 30) Dec. 28... j 2b 4 77 4 14 $ 48 3 32 3 24 Dec. 29... 50. 4 81 1 4 lk; 3 46, 3 3 11 Dec. 30... to I 4 141 3 4i 3 1U 8 16 Deo. 31... 26 82 1 90 t 61 i 3o 1' Date. I 1903 .1902. 1901. 1900. 1899. 189i.l897. Jan. 1... Jan. 3... Jan t... Jan. 4... Jan. 6... inn. ... Jan. 7... Jan. 8... Jan. (.., Jan. 10., Jan. 11.. Jan. 12.. iiiii. 1.1. , Jan. 14.. S3 37 2 m t 27 ( 22 b 221 191 5 29 .-24,1 6 0v 6 09 16 6 14 6 04 I 6 O0i 6 14 4 95 4 2i; 4 96 4 3J 4 9tf 4 29 6 02 4 -4l a 04 4 SI I I 4 3o 6 06 I 6 06 4 S4 6 14 4 38 t 26 1 4 36 6 23 4 4l 6 17, 4 4 I 4 W 6 16 I 3 421 8 18 3 a 8 4S. 3 44j 3 23 8 3 8 3' 3 39, 3 3D 3 401 3 13 8 431 8 12 I 8 14 3 43 8 29 3 07 3 41, 3 14 3 49 3 09 3 49 3 19 S 67 8 67 3 44 8 47 8 48 34.11 4 35 3 DU 3 t5 3 b-j 3 i I 8 i) 84 6 SuUI 48;, 4' 6 40 e 46 6 4, 6 36 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's. C, M. tfc St. P 20 9 1 Wabaah 3 2 Missouri Pacific 1 1 i Union Pacific 48 16 6 2 C. fc N. W 9 20 1 V., E. ft M. V 89 23 S C, St. P., M. & O... 24 8 2 1 B. ft M 18 13 6 4 C, B. ft Q 8 4 K. C. ft St. J 3 1 C, R. X. ft P., east.. 10 6 1 C, H. 1. ft P., west.. 8 2 Illinois Central 6 4 Total receipts 191 106 25 7 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follovs, each buyer purchasing the num ber of htad Indicated: Bo,yere Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 346 l,o87 238 8 wilt and Company 8.'6 1,59 1.646 Armour ft Co 900 2,088 1,860 Cudahy Packing Co, 996 1,690 902 Armour ft Co.. K. c 10 .... .... Armour ft Co., Sioux City 210 1.8o4 10 Lobman & Co 196 W. I. Stephen 32 Hill ft liuntzlnger 13 Huston ft Co 48 Livingstone ft Shaller .... 194 Lee ft Rothschild 61 L. F. Husx 81 Wolf ft Murnan 151 li. F. Hobblck 30 Dennis ft Co ... 15 .., Hamilton- 1 Other buyers 303 Totals 4,471 8,208 4,736 CATTLE There was another liberal run of cattle here today, which makes the supply tor the three days this week con siderably in excess 01 tne same uays 01 laat week. Reports from other markets were unfavorable to the selling interests and as a result the tendency on the part of packers was to take off a little more today. v ' A good proportion of the receipts con sisted of cornfed, steers and the bulk of them sold weak lot a dime lower than yes terday. There was considerable uneven ness to the trade, as some sales were right close , to ateady, while others were safely a dime lower. Trading was fairly brisk at the decline, so that the bulk of the nfferinas waa dlsDosed of at a reasonably early hour. The quality of the cattle was nothing extra, tne Dig duik 01 tne oner lngs being only part fat. Tne cow market was aiso weas to a oime lower. What was noted above regarding the unevenneaa of the steer trade applies eouallv well to the market on cows and heifers. Packers seemed to want the cattle. but they took advantage 01 tne uoerai receipts to pound the market wherever possible. All ainus aunereu, uie goou as well a the common kinds. Th. hull market wan In bad shane thla morning. Packers started In from the first bidding a good deal lower than yesterday and In fact the offers were so much lower that It was late In tne day before very many changed hands. Veal calves held just about steady, but stags were a shade lower. , . Stockers and feeders were again In mod erate supply, but the market waa hardly as good. Something strictly choice might have sola aooui sieauy, uui ma mcuium to common kinds were weak. Representa tive aalea: BEEF BTEEKS. Mo, Av. Pr. No. t. rr. l.A 7 to I w a w a. 66 I 90 11 11M 10 4 U 1 00 11 1061 4 10 !(,..., KM) I oO 17 llil 1U 1,,..........1SV 9 OO .... .... .woe xm a 711 1 0 JV3U 4 10 1 841 1 SO 1 1 840 1 tO M .111 4 10 .1171 4 16 17 Kl IM 1 841 1 90 I aft 1 1100 1 ks It luv 1 U 1 1201 4 26 I 12t 4 at 10 1231 4 10 14 121 4 U 1 1071 4 SS 1 1160 4 f 1 120 4 40 II Ul 4 (O 11 1329 4 7 10 1071 BO 1 lieu a wv Jl 101 1 90 10 w av COW 8. ...1100 1 - V 190 1 11 ... 8tM) 1 to 1 M 1 10 ... 7M 1 11 11 M0 1 It ... ttt..l 40 1 1016 1 16 ...10U0 1 41 1041 1 li ... 640 1 10 17 113 1 li ... 920 I 60 1 970 1 11 ... 711 1 10 10 1126 1 li ... 7M 1 60 1 996 1 If ...1030 1 60 1 UU III ... 930 1 10 10 1029 I 10 ... 7.0 8 60 1 libO 1 20 ...1120 1 60 19 1036 I 20 ... taO 1 60 11 93 1 10 ... 911 1 60 17 1021 1 20 ...1024 1 0 1 10X0 1 it ...1020 1 0 12 113 1 21 lo'.'.! .... 2 1 (5 I lluO i 16 I... 1000 1 6 II 1201 I 26 1 130 1 26 1 104 1 21 1 900 1 26 1 1177 1 26 4 1130 I i 1 till 1 C6 1012 1 70 1 120 I 70 1 9M 1 76 1 1136 1 71 1 1030 1 76 1 10W 1 76 1 920 1 7S J 1170 1 71 1 20 1 76 1 J0.'K) 1 76 I f. 990 1 7i I 94 1 7i II 910 1 76 1026 1 76 1 1010 1 96 1 tf0 1 M If 974 1 66 1 9M 1 96 II 974 1 91 1 1116 I 94 1 910 1 90 1 117 1 90 1 1140 1 90 1 7 I 9 19 91 1 91 11 964 I 96 1 1040 1 94 19 91 1 0 1 1240 1 M 1 1296 1 10 17 1051 I 10 I 1160 I 10 1 10m 1 so 1 104 1 10 i Mi 1 o 13 114 1 SO 10 1073 1 3k 1 9o 1 'I 1 lSOO 1 19 17 Ill 111 12 997 I Si 17 9kl 1 li 17 99 1 16 1 102 I 40 90 1 40 1 130 1 4 8 10i I 0 1 1170 1 40 1 1210 1 40 1 1 940 I 40 U 1043 1 46 U 1112 141 II 91i 1 60 t 1204 1 6 1 Ill I 60 1 101 1 66 1 104 I 09 1 1121 1 if 1 11O0 1 00 11 lose 1 to 17 107 1 0 11 1071 I (0 1 90 1 06 f 1104 1 M 1 1044 1 6 4 1160 1 10 1 1014 1 Of 1 H- 1 75 1 UM 1 06 1 Mil 1 76 II 171 I 06 It 133 1 76 II 1V27 I 06 1 17 It lub 1 Of 11 X! IN II 941 1 10 1 101 4 00 1 120 1 It 17 1071 4 It 1 1176 1 1 1 1130 4 It 14 961 1 10 II 1144 4 It I lul I It 11 1141 4 li IT ecu 3 10 1 1M46 4 to 1 i:0 1 10 16 lza4 4 6 101 1 10 I I3i 4 71 COW8 AND HEIFERS. 1 70 1 It HEIFERS. T 471 I 26 2 741 I It If , 411 1 M 11 171 I 20 16 414 1 26 1 904 I 26 4 47 1 16 16 964 I 16 1 60 160 1 k&u I 60 I 642 1 76 1 1240 I 60 1 44U I W U Ml 16 1 470 I 10 CALVES. 1 lit 1 00 1 im i n 1 190 I 60 1 140 6 JO 1 146 1 1 11 f j 1 t 1H 1 210 a 00 1. IM IM 1 US 1 OS ... 1W t X ... 1.1 H ... 100 I ...14.14 I 00 ...1J I 00 ...1110 1 16 ...1M0 I II ...1.170 I li ...ir-40 I M ...130 I 16 ...1400 I ...Trf.0 1 r) I Mil I 00 1 . . I mo I 00 1 '" STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS, 1J0 1 '4 8 n t BTOCKER9 AND FEEDERS. I 1-0 1 00 4 II 077 I 90 I 60 77 I 00 771 I 60 4 nn I 00 1 10 1 0 1 Stio I 00 1 77 I 0 1 H0 I 10 10 0 I 0 1 M0 I 10 t 7.11 I 76 1 110 I 10 43 " ' M 72 I 16 2 79 1 64 1 670 I t 12 1000 60 sr.; I 12 II 900 1 90 7 1000 I 40 to 969 I 14 1 11.16 I 40 24 116 4 10 4.1 66 I 40 1 94 4 00 10 7J.1 I 64 4 1067 4 04 Reed Bros. Colo. 20 feeders.. 872 3 00 175 feeders.. 871 S 75 HOGS There waa the heaviest run of hogs here this morning that has arrived so far this year and as other points also had liberal receipts prices suffered a decline, lackers started In bidding 100J15C lower, but sellers were slow to accept the prices offered, aa they did not like the Idea of taking off that much In one bunch. For the bulk of the good weight hogs buyers were offering 86.3U to 86 40 and aa high as 16.60 was paid for a prime load of heavy weights. The light stun sold from 86.10 down. Trading was very alow at the start and In fact the morning waa well advanced before many hogs went over the scales. There was not much change In the market from start to finish. Trading was slow all the morning, but the prices paid remained about the same. Representative sal en: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. . sn. IT, no. av. nn. r r. ... 6 50 69 259 90 6 37 ... 6 75 76 259 120 6 37 ... 6 00 65 237 40 6 87 14 104 27 112 91 158 91 1S3 SO 6 20 80 248 80 6 374 93 183 40 6 26 62 262 40 6 37' 143 194 ... 6 25 52 302 ... 6 87 V 32 197 ... 6 25 66 263 ... 6 371 65 206 80 6 25 34 252 40 6 37V 80 182 40 6 25 67 245 80 6 374 48 221 80 6 35 76 248 ... 6 37" 53.....224 ... 6 30 69 219 ... 6 3T1, 64 193 ... 6 30 70 25S 80 6 37', 63 200 40 6 30 69 261 ... 6 874 70 217 ... 6 32 4 66 255 ... 6 374 64 2.12 1 60 6 32 4 63 274 ... 6 40 85 211 360 6 324 46 313 ... 6 40 60 242 ... 6 35 37 8 ... 8 40 44 239 ... 8 35 67 298 160 8 40 43 240 ... 8 35 Kl 264 40 6 40 68 229 ... 8 35 79 259 ... 6 40 62 234 40 6 35 62 252 40 6 40 67 253 80 6 35 63 2N0 ... 6 40 73 231 ... 8 35 72 20 860 6 40 68 228 ... 6 35 12 305 ... 6 40 75 240 120 6 35 30 246 ... 6 40 63 217 200 6 35 63 270 160 6 40 65 251 80 6 35 65 259 240 6 40 66 2.15 ... 6 35 67 265 80 40 83 217 ... 6 35 66 240 ... 6 40 17 2o0 ... 6 35 31 26 ... 6 40 30 227 ... 6 36 30 302 ... 8 40 18 218 ... 35 61 291 40 6 40 66.....248 ... 6 36 76 254 120 6 40 76. ....229 ... 6 35 21 23 ... 6 40 81 207 80 6 36 24 282 ... 6 40 73 229 120 6 35 68 248 ... 6 40 86 213 130 6 35 62 326 40 6 424 39 225 ... 6 35 60 310 160 6 424 82 220 ... 6 35 73 266 ... 6 424 70 259 40 6 35 71 259 ... 424 60 252 ... 6 374 66 3"6 820 6 424 65 253 ... 6 874 31 300 ... 6 45 71 254 ... 6 37 4 60 343 80 6 45 77 238 160 6 87 4 67 328 ... 6 474 76 226 ... 6 374 47 366 ... 60 SHEEP Receipts of sheep and lambs were again quite liberal for this time of the year, but the demand for the better grades was fully equal to the supply and an active and steady market resulted. Id some cases salesmen thought they saw a little weak ness on some of the part fat grades, but It was scarcely of enough Importance to be worthy of mention. As a general thing the ma. 'ket could be quoted active and steady. Fed western lambs sold as high as 85.75, and a little bunch of natives brought 86.00. A bunch of native ewes from the same feed lot as the $6.00 lambs brought 84.26. Year lings sold as high as 85.00, or the same as was paid yesterday. All the desirable grades were dlspcsed of in good season. There was nothing new to report regard ing the feeder market, as supplies con tinued light and prices unchanged. Quotations. Choice lambs, 85.4005.75; fair to good lambs, 15.00ft 6.40; choice native lambs, 85.756.00; choice yearlings, 14.601 6.00; fair to good yearlings, $4.004j4.50; choice wethers, $4.1694.40; fair to good, $3.75 fi4.15; choice ewes, $3.60194.00; fair to good, $3.0O(3.6O; feeder iambs, $3.OO4.00; feeder yearlings, 83.O0ffi3.5O; feeder wethers, $2,759 3.25; reeder ewes, ii.6WUi.lb. Kepresentatlve sales: ...... No. i i "; Av. Pr. 6 cull ewes 90 2 00 1 cull ewe 60 2 00 2 cull ewes 125 2 60 21 ewes 94 2 60 cull ewes 75 2 60' 1 buck 170 8 00 1 buck 190 3 00 198 western ewes 102 3 60 128 western ewes , 91 3 65 109 western ewes... 86 3 65 4 western ewea 100 3 SO 2 native ewes 100 4 0) 16 native ewes... 131 4 00 60 western lambs 66 4 00 15 native ewea 133 4 25 48 native ewea 96 4 00 44 native ewes 110 4 00 211 western wethers 107 4 56 15 western wethers 104 4 65 417 western wethers 102 4 70 110 western yearlings. 1 S3 4 85 2 native wethers 135 4 60 11 native wethers 128 6 00 63 native yearlings 81 5 00 140 western yearlings 94 6 00 676 western lambs 65 6 00 232 western yearlings 83 6 00 190 western yearlings 106 6 00 140 western lambs 69 5 25 17 native lambs 81 6 61) 62 native lambs 80 6 35 620 western lambs 80 6 76 13 native lambs 103 6 00 19 western ewes 101 2 60 1 buck '. 130 3 00 42 native ewes 117 1 90 30 native lambs. 60 4 00 70 native ewea 106 4 00 10 cull ewea 82 I 60 146 western ewes 94 8 65 O western lambs 61 4 76 497 arestern yearlings 04 4 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs All Drop front Teat to Fifteen Cents. CHICAGO, Jan. 14. CATTLE Recelpte, 25,000 head; market 1 (HQ 15c lower; good to prime steere, 15.0iK(j6.00; poor to medium, $3.0iX(H."6; stockers and feeders, $2.25fc'4.50; cows, $1.40i(H.50; heifers, $3.O0iW4.76; canner, $1.4Ktr2.6o; bulls, 12.0003 60; calves, $3.5tKf4.76. HOGS Receipts, 45,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 35,000 head; left over, t.uoo head; alow, 10tgl5c lower; mixed and butchers, $6.15(6.45; good to choice heavy, $6.50!? 6.774; rough heavy, $6.Xq6.46; light, $5.80itJ) 6.15; bulk of Sales, $6.2Kr6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head; sheep, slow; lambs, dull, lower; good to choice wethers, 4.2uu4.6o; fair to choice mixed, $3.2T4.26; western sheep, $4.25(6.10; native lambs, 14.25Cfi6.00. Official yesterday; Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 8,857 2.747 "Hog 88.185 3,170 Sheep 19,228 - 1,189 Kansaa City Lira Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,000 head natives, 1.000 head Tex ana, 450 head native calves; coin fed lowest of winter; cows, slow and lower; quaran tine and stockers and feeders, steady to lower; choice export snd dressed beef steers, $4.&i'05.9O; fair to good, $3.254 90; stockers and feeders, $2.75i4.35; western fed steers, 12 7.Vn5.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.004.00; Texas cows, $2.40'a3.uo; native cows, $2.onit?4.on; native heifers, $2.25(4.10; dinners, $1.0O&2.2&; bulls, $2.653.60; calves, $3.7517.00. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head: market Ifva 15c lower; top, $665; bulk of aalea, $6.35 150; heavy, $6.4oi6 65; mixed packers, iAHi-Ji 6t24; light. $6.o&6.36; yorkers, $6.30J.Y5; pigs, 16. 6.10). SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 2.300 head; market active; native lambs, $4.dl 0.25; western Iambs 83.8u''u-4.35; fed ewes, $3.0u4i;J 95; native wethers, $3.uo4.60; western wethers, $3.00f4.2o; stockers and feeders, $2.00433.35. St. Lonls Lira Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Jan. 14. .-CATTLE Receipts, 6,000 head, Including 4.0oo head Texane; market ateady, alow, a shade lower; native shipping and export steers. $4 6.Vi6.70. with strictly fancy quoted up to 16 5o; dressed beef and butchers' steers, $l.2Vn5.50; steers under ,'" lbs., $3.7545.00; Blockers and feeders. $2.75ii3.65; rows and heifers, Vl ZSrf S.OU; canners, 11 5"-.Vi 75; bulls. $2 5nj3 U); calves, $4.uta7.&0; Texas and Indian a leers, $2.&oM U; cows and heifers, $2 3xu3 26. HOGS Receipts, 6.U10 head; market 69 10c lower: pigs and lights. W 1041 aj; pack ers, 86.2046.60; butcners. 16 4tsn . 70. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 1,600 head; market strong; native muttons. 14 U0 ii4 Mi; lambs. $4.(i6 20; u I lav a. id bucks, $2 ot'iH. 00; Blockers, $1.5o3.oo; Texana, 82.70 4J3.75. Scot York Llva Stork Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 14 CATTLE Re. relpta, 2". 503 head; steers slw and (tjioe lower: bulls snd cows steady; steers, $4 itY0 $60; export, !5.Mgf4 00; oxen, 12uo7i4 00; bulls, $3,2044.00. cuwa U.tVtfi.5. Cables steady; T 171 4 li 1 70 4 .V 1.... I Mt 4 15 1 BULLS. 1 Mt 11 1.... 1 1 no 17:. 1 ... 1 1410 1 v, 1.... 1476 190 I.... 1 1..10 IS 1.... 1 UK) I 9" 1.... 1 1444 I 90 1... 1 970 I 00 1 shipments today. 48 cattla and 1650 quar ters of beef. . ' CALVES Receipt. 804 head; vesla firm: barnyard and calves steady: westerns lower; veals, $5btsi7 90; tops. $10; barnyard calves, .764-4 0ii; westerns, $.1 501)4.00. , SHEEP AND 1 .AM US Receipts, 1.6M hesd; Bheen, steadv; lambs, steady snd pv higher on light supplies; sheep, 83.0oq4.75; . Iimh. 16 '. HtXJS Receipts, 2.93 head; steady: state hogs, $6.851.00; choice light pigs. $7.10. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,716 head; Opened steady, closed loo lower: natives, ITKOtfti.ia.i; Texaa and west erns, $3.35(110.50: cowa and heifers, $2.0Oy4.4); stockers and feeders, $.1 OOtjM.SS. HOGS Receipts, 7.109 head; light and light mixed, 86.3txif4l.Fs; medium and heavy, $6 404j 624; Pig. $6 15- SHEEP AND LAMMS Receipts, 1.606 head; top native lambs, 36 .10" top Colorsd.i. $5 95; top native wethers, $4.50; top Mexican sheep, $4 83. Sloas City Lira a Stock Market. ' Jan. 14. (Special Tele- nillllA l 11 X. 1BU. . gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 6ou; stockers strong, killers lower: beeves, $3.OGi.tiO; cows, bulla and mixed, $1.6tii3.75; Blockers and feeders, $2.50UH.OO; calves and year lings, $2.iVU3.75. HOGS Receipts, S.500; market 5JM0c lower, selling at l5.Soojii.50; bulk, $6.00(,t 40. Stock In Sight. Tha following were the receipts of llva stock at the six principal cities yesterday: cattle, nogs, niieep. Omaha Chicago Kansas City ... St. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City 3.740 7,00 5,'mo 45,000 20.000 9,000 2.3'H) 6,000 i.mn 7.109 l.taaj 3,600 78,259 80,466 .25,000 . 8,000 . 6,000 . 2,716 . 600 Totala 46,956 Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 14. COTTON Flrm; sales, 9,000 bales; ordinary, 7 l-16c; good ordinary, 7 9-lc; low middling, 7Te; middling, 84c; good middling, 8 15-ltic; mid dling fair, 9'Sc; receipts, 13,2.t6 bale; stock. 392,7u3 bales. Futures, steady; January, 8.58'8.58c; February, 8.69m8.oc; March, 8.6? ti8.68c; April, 8.73f"(8.75c; May, 8.79'uS.8ik'; June, 8.8tK2rX86c; July, 8.S90).91c; August, 8.55jj8.57c; September, 8.08d8.12c. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. COTTON Opene I steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 2 points, and after ruling dull for a time suddenly developed pronounced strength and activity. Prices sharply ad vanced on general buying, but largely by shorts, who became alarmed In view of the continued failure of receipts to expand. Port recelpta for the day were exceeded by the exports, the figures being 34,4.19 In the way of port receipts and 39.827 balea in the way of clearances. Today's' exports bring the total for the season up to 3.8i6, 600 bales, against 3.997,7o4 bales last year, for the correepondlng time, reducing the deficit to 98.904 bales, while reports from the spot markets of the south go to show a large demand on European account, which forecasted continued large clear ances. At the strongest Interval an ad vance of 40J8 points was apparent, with the market finally very steady at a net rise of 2 (a 8 point. During the afternoon the buy ing was largely by tne more important bouses, whleh rennrterl Investment nrilera and a larger public interest; bu mand came chiefly from shorts. but the de ls, partly on Liverpool to tendency to fears of bullish leadership by Llv morrow. The English had a te out-advance the market in this country. Total salea futures estimated at 150,000 bales. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 14 COTTON Firm; middling, sales, 380 bales; rererpta, 8.60.1 bales; shipments, 8,950 bales; stock, 29,293 bales. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 14-COTTON-Spot. In fair demand; prices unchanged; Amer ican middlings, 4.7od. The eales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export and included 9.0(H) American. Receipts, 18.000 bales, including 9.300 American. Futures opened and closed - A.. A l n.. 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 . . 1 .. Bir.uji nuiriivnii imiuuidih f. j. .. .011- uary, 4.60(64. 6od; January and February, 4 H54i4. 66d; February and March, t.firyfj.tiHd ; March and April. 4.66d; April and May, 4.67d; May and June, 4.6Hd; June and July, 4.3Hd; July and August, 4.68d; August and September, 4.61(!j4.62d; September and Oc tober, 4.47(ff4.48d; October and November, 4.37d. Oil and Roaln. OIL CITY, Jan. 14. OIL Credit balances, $1.64; certificates, no bid; shipments, 87,729 bbls.; average, 86,473 bbls.; runs, 59,843 bbls.; average, 69,696 bbls SAVANNAH, Jan. 1 1.--OIL Turpentine, firm, 6ttc. Roaln, tlrm: A, B, C, $150; D, $1.65; E. $1.60; F, $1.65; G. $1.75; H, $2.05; 1, $2.40; K. $2.90; M, $3.35; N. $3.55; WO, $3.80; WW. $4.20. TOLEDO. Jan. 14.--OIL No change. " NEW YORK, Jan. 14. OIL Cottonseed, Arm. Petroleum, firm. Turpentine, steady, 48'49Vc. Hnsln, steady; strained, com mon tn innil. 11.92Ul?i)1.05. LONDON. Jan. 14. OIL Turpentine spirits. 4s 104d. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 14. OIL Cottonseed, dull; retlned spot, quiet, 22s 4d. Sugar Market. NEW 'ORLEANS. Jan. 14. SUGAR Steady: open kettle, 244i3 8-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 8 3-16fii3t4c; centrifugal, whites, 374a4c; yellows, 34(fj3 15-16c; seconds, 2,'i 3 6-16C MOLASSES Steady: open kettle, lftftJOc; centrifugal, 6.20c; syrup, 19JT23c. NEW YORK. Jsn. 14. SUGAR Raw, steady; refined, steady. MOLASSES-Oulet. Dry Gooda Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. DRY GOODS The cotton goods division was without change in any department; there Is an average de mand at Arm prices. Print cloths are un changed; men'a wear woolens and worsteda are firm; heavyweight piece dyes are open lng at 674 per cent advance. Killed In a Collision. BEAUMONT, Tex., Jan. 14. In a collision between two Southern Paclno freight trains at Sour Lake today Fireman J. Huddleston and two unknown men, supposed to be tramps, were killed. Conductor Daniels Is missing. Several trainmen were Injured and seven car were burned. -y Connecticut Renames Piatt. ' HARTFORD, Conn., Jan. 14. In a caucus lasting only three minutes Senator O. H. Piatt was unanimously renominated today by the republican members of the general assembly for another term In the felted States senate. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Wednes day, January 14: Warranty Deeds, C. P. Frederlckson and wife to Henry WulfT, w34 feet lots 8 and 10. blcck 2, Hasel Terrace S00 William Conner to Mary A. Conner, lot 8, block 22. Wilcox's 2d add 1 Sophia Lowe rt al to Edward Nolan, lot 7, block M, Lowe'a add 1 Verona Duffy to Sarah M. Kitchen, lots 9 to 13, block 95, Dundee Place.. 2,000 Caroline C, Johnson and husband to Sarah M. Kitchen, lot 15, block 95, Dundee Place. j Unit Claim needs. F. T. Wead and wife to Surah M Kitchen, lots 6 to 13. block 95, Dun dee Placa 1 Deeda. Sheriff to J. H. Pardee, lot 12. block 471, Grand View add 271 Total amount of transfers $3.12 pikeiTriai Co.il MEMBERS ..Chicago Board of Trade L' Louis Merchants Exvh'ge GENERAL COMMISSION Dealers In Grain and Pro vlaloiiB for Cash or Future Delivery. Write for our Market Latter. OFFICES Chicago. 642 Rlalto Bldg. Missouri Valley, Iowa Ho. Omaha, 319 Kxch'g'e Bldg. Omaha, 6oo-6i3 Ue mjg " P. B. Wears. Pres. C. a. Wears. V-Pres, . Established 18X WF1RF r.nuuiuinw rn puipirh eviiinnwoiuil VVl WIIIUfMJU .Member. t lo. Principal Exchanges. CHAIN, PMOVISIONS. llOlkl, BOSOM Bought and aold for rash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH, llo-lll Board of Trade, Telephone wis. W, E. Ward, Locai KruiM )