Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Dailx
i:stai;lisiu:i) june ij, isti.
Bill Grnti"gr Bel at) of Dut7 Paues the
Hsuse in fchort Order.
Bsnats tends Measure Eaclt with Single
Amendment, Which is Adopted.
Oushman, Jones, Oaini, MondV.l and
Patterson Vote A rains t. -
Weat Virginia Repreaentntlve Ie
fcnda nprralora, Claiming Thr
Half Right to Ralae Prices
d Make Much Money,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. The bills re
ported from the wiyi and means committee
yesterday providing a rebate on coal for
one year wm passed In short order by the
bouse today by 258 to 5. thoie voting against
being Messrs. Cushman and Jones (Wash.),
Gaines (W. Va.), Mondell (Wyo.) and Pat
terson (Penn), all republicans.
The only opposition came from members
representing coal states, who expressed the
fear that the admission of Chinese-mined
Canadian coal would Injure the industry of
their state.. Both Mr. Dalzell (Penn.) and
Mr. Payne (N. Y.), the republican leaders,
expressed the opinion that the bill would
not relieve the existing distress, but ad
mitted that it would satisfy the public
demand for action and show the disposi
tion of congress to do what It could.
Democrats Would Extend Scope.
The democrats, although they all sup
ported the bill, took the view that it did
not go far enough, saying coal should go
on the free list, and when the bill came
back from the senate with a provision
which practically conceded this point they
applauded vigorously. The senate amend
ment was adopted without division.
' Rapid progress was made with the army
appropriation bill, the most Important
amendments being an Increase In the sum
ber of officers In the signal corps by
twenty-three, namely, one colonel, two lieu
tenant colonels, four majors, two captains
and eight first lieutenants, and another to
present the discontinuance of 'the army
transport service without action of con
State to Seise Mines.
The chairman ot the Judiciary committee
Introduced the following resolution:
Resolved, That the committee on the Ju
dlc-lury be and Is hereby directed to In
vestlicate and reuort to thla house, with
all convenient speed, the opinion of that
committee as to the power of congress to
declare that a necesHlty has arisen for
taking possession ot all coal, coal beds and
coal mines in the United States, and all
lines of transportation, . agencies. Instru
ments and vehicles ot commerce necessary
tor thii tranuuorttitlon of coal; and that It,
In the opinion of that committee, the power
exists and the necessity for the exercise of
uch power tms arisen, mat me commutes
furthwlth renort to this house a bill declar
ing the necessity, providing fully and In
detail the occasions, modes, conditions and
naenclea for hhI(1 BDuroDrlatlon. that Will
fully and completely exhaust the power of
congress in mat regard.
Galleries Are Filled.
The attendance In the house galleries to
day waa an evidence of the general Interest
la the proceedings which were to take place
upon the bill providing for the rebate of
the duties on foreign coal for a period of
one year.
An unusually large number ot members
were on the tloor and the leaders on both
aides were In their places.
After the transaction of some preliminary
business Mr. Grosvenor (O.), from the com
tnlttee on rules, presented a resolution sup
plemental to that adopted yesterday, dl
rectlng the committee on merchant marine
and fisheries to investigate the coal situa
tlon. The resolution authorizes subcom
mlttees of the committee to take testimony,
It was adopted.
Mr. Dalzell (Pa.), from the committee on
rules, then presented the special nil for
the consideration of the coal rebate bill
It provided for the Immediate considers
tlon of the bill, with provision for one
hour's debate, at the' end of which time the
previous question should be considered as
ordered without an Intervening motion.
History ot Duty on Coal.
Mr. DaUell, after reviewing the history
of the present duty on coal, said the pend
lng bill needed no defense. It was designed
to relieve the existing distress. Neverthe
less, he said, he did not believe It would
accomplish Us purpose.
He did not believe It would Increase the
Importation ot a single pound of coal. "I
don't believe," said he, "that anything now
can stop the greed and avarice of the cor
morants who are taking advantage of the
already oppressed people, but It will satisfy
a public sentiment and show the disposition
of oongress to do everything In Its power to
relieve the situation."
' Mr. Mondell (Wyo.) said- the bill would
Injuriously affect the coal Industry of his
state and of the northwest generally by per
mitting competition, and In Jew of the
stated nellef of Mr. Dalzell that the bill
will give no relief, he asked If the com
mittee would not consider tho reduction ot
the period of Ita operation to six months.
Mr. Daliell said the proposition had been
considered, but because of the Impossibility
of forecasting the future ot the coal trade
It had uot been adopted.
Mr. Richardson (Tenn.) called attention
to the fact that the rule prevented all poa
siblllty of amendment, and he protested
against such a course In such a crisis.
Proceeding, Mr. Richardson said when the
stress of emergency came there waa per
force a recourse to democratic doctrine.
May Make Cheaper Coal.
Mr. Williams (Mass.) contended that the
removal of the duties must result In re
ducing the price ot coal.
In concluding the debate Mr. Daliell de
clared that the hypocrisy ot the other sldo
waa apparent from the remarks of Mr.
Richardson. The opposition, he said, was
simply playing politics. The democrallo
, "perfidy aad dishonor" bill had contalaed
duly on coal.
A rising vote upon the adoption ot the
rule resulted: Ayes, 136; noes, 110; a party
vote, with the exception of Mr. Perkins
(rep. N. Y.) and Mr. Gaines (rep. W. Va.).
who voted with the democrats.
A roll call was demanded and the rule
was adopted, 144 to 113, Messrs. Perkins
(N. Y.) and Galnea (W. Va.) voting with
the democrats.
Mr. Richardson said that neither he nor
any ot his colleagues was opposed to the
Payne (N. Y.), In support ot the
measure, sketched briefly the emergency
which made Us passage advisable. He did
iContluued on Fifth Fag.).
German Reichstag- I'nasea Resolution
Aimed at the Great America
BERLIN, Jan. 14. The Reichstag adopted
today, by a vote of 143 to 70, the tariff com
mittee's resolution asking the government
to consider whether It Is not In the Inter
ats of the nation to place a differential
uty on refined petroleum, a' galnst crnde.
In order to establish a nat . -fining In-
urtry. The resolution Is u. ''. alnst
the Standard Oil company. rl .
Herr Wurm. socialist, sold the re. ' A
was designed to Increase the price of
troleum for "the benefit of the bankrupt
fuel and oil Industry." If a natural rising
Industry was established by state protection
It would be dependent on foreign raw Bia
trial. Baron Heyl Zu Herpgclm said: "The
Standard Oil comp.iny sells oil cheaply only
long enough to ruin competition, and then
harply advances prices. It signifies noth
ing that a domestic Industry is dependent
upon foreign raw mater.'al. Our textile
manufactures are In precisely the same
Foreign Vnder Secretary Fischer said he
bopd the House would not bother the gov
ernment with such a proposition. The levy,
lng of a duty on reflned oil would be ex-
eedlngly difficult owing to the uncertain
eflnltlon of "crude" and "reflned" pe
Herr Freeie, moderate radical, of Bre
men, defended the Standard Oil company.
He ssld petroleum had become cheaper
ince Its organization than ever before. This
was not on account of philanthropy, but was
due to a desire to avoid competition and
adverse legislation.
Dr. Paasche, national liberal, said tie
thought this was the time, to get rid of the
Standard Oil company's monopoly, which
had already cost Germany 12,500,000 marks
because of Its discrimination against Ger
many compared with other countries.
Herr Ootheln, radical lfbt.-al, said that If
the government attempted to do what It
was asked to do It would be futile. France
had tried to extinguish the Standard Oil
company's monopoly, but of twenty-four
French refineries all were now controlled
by the company. Eakuu and Oaliclan oils
were Inferior to the American product, and
German refiners would be dependent upon
America for their raw material.
Seeks Ninety-Two Thousand Dollars,
bat Finds Money a Scarce
WILLEMSTADT, Island of Curacoa, Jan.
14. It has been learned here that the Ven
ezuelan government has ordered a forced
loan of $92,400, being one-quarter of the
total loan contemplated. The loan Is obll
gatory on all Venezuelan merchants, traders
and bankers.
f oreigners are exempt, hut they are
courteously asked to contribute. The gov
ernment proposes to repay this loan when
the country Is at peace by permitting the
subscribers to retain 10 per cent ot tho
Imports levied at the La Guayra custom
house upon goods they Import until relm
bursed. t , .. .
Owing to the scarcity of money In Ven
ezuela It Is not-believed here that this loan
can be subscribed.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. Notification of
the arrival at Kingston, Jamaica, of Dol
phin, with, the United States minister to
Veneruela and Mrs. Bowen on board,
reached the State and Navy departments
ROME, Jan. 14. It la officially denied here
that President Castro has Informed the
powers that he is disposed to pay the ex
penses of maintaining the blockading squad
ron In Venezuelan waters on condition that
the blockade Is raised Immediately, and
It Is also absolutely denied that Italy would
be Inclined to accept this proposal, even
If It were made. It was said today that
while Italy was willing to do everything to
reach a solution of the difficulty, It con
slders Great Britain and Germany, having
superior claims, to be entitled to take the
lead In all matters.
Treats Cannot Harm Britain, Accord
Inar to Professor of Glasgow
LONDON, Jan. 14. Dr. William Smart
professor of political economy ot Glasgow
university, delivered a lecture tonight be
fore the Society of Arms on "Industrial
Trusts." "
He opposed the view that American com
mercial combines sought to crush British
competition or to secure an International
monopoly. What they wanted, he said, was
high prices under protection in tho Amer
ican market. Dr. Smart said the United
8tates had set the pace In large produc
tion and that It Groat Britain desired to
retain Its place among the exporting na
tions many ot lta Industries must be built
up on the large scale similar to that In the
United Btatea. Sir Robert GlfTen, who pre
sided, declared that the American com
bines did no particular harm and that
there was no need of legislation In the
San Juan Mayor Feted When Magis
trate Releases Hint for Al
leged offense.
SAN JUAN, P. R., Jan. 14. The mayor of
this ctty. Manuel Egozcue, who was charged
with destroying records of the city water
receipts, which constituted the only evi
dence of alleged embezzlements, was dis
charged by the magistrate today, but will
be tried before the district court.
There was a brilliant reception by the
republicans in celebration of his release
from Jail. Thousands ot people assembled
and listened to eulogistic speeches.
The minimum penalty if he Is convicted
Is a year's Imprisonment and a fine. The
maximum la ten years' Imprisonment and
$5,000 fine.
Delaye Expedition Aaralnat Pretender
While Reinforcements Arrive
In Fes.
TANGIER, Morocco. Jan. -4. The lau-vt
news received here from Fez Is that large
reinforcements have Joined the sultan.
Their arrival has delayed the departure of
the Imperial expedition against the pre
tender. The sultan and bii court are confident
of the success of the expedition.
The report that the war minister.
Mlnebbl, had been killed outside of Fes
Is unfounded. Mcnebbl was not Injured.
A party of British subjects. Including
missionaries, has arrived hers (row Fes,
Many Interesting Paper Read at Cattle
Hen's Oonrentioi. .
Cotton Fields I,osg Aliaadoaed Tan fie
Purchased Cheaply and Provide
Good Graalnn- (or Eight
Months In' Tear.
VSAS CITY, Jan. 14. But one section
k.. -nual convention of the National
Llv? t association was held today.
After considering resolutions presented
yesterday and listening to severaf speeches
cn various topics, the delegates spent the
afternoon Inspecting the stock yards and
Investigating the packing houses.
Tonight a grand ball and 'reception will
be given in Convention hall, for which
elaborate preparations have been made.
Denver was added to the list of cities that
desire to entertain the delegates next
year. The biggest effort to secure the
convention is being made by the Portland,
Ore., delegation, which apparently Is In
the lead for the honor.
Ansors Goat Industry.
Dr. W. C. Bailey of California, who read
a paper on "The Angora Goat Industry,"
said that the Industry has been success
fully growing win the United States for
over forty years, and the flocks have grown
from nothing to about 400,000 animals.
Last year over l.oOo.OOO pounds of mohair
were produced, which sold for from 20 to
45 cents a pound, ond the American mills
consumed about 6,000,000. ,
It would take some year to produce
enough mohair for home consumption, but
home consumption was Increasing as rap
Idly as home production, and there was a
demand for large, fine skins far In excess
of the supply.
"The Angora goat Is not a creation of the
whim of speculation brought from distant
Turkey to Induce the American public to
part with Its hard-earned lucre, but he is
money-maker, and when the American
live stock breeder prepares a proper place
for the right kind of Angora, he need feel
no hesitancy In stocking with these silver-
fleeced brush destroyers. They are an
American institution and1 they have come to
United States Senator William A. Harris
of Kansas took Mr. Francis' place on the
program. He told of the possibilities of the
live stock exhibit at the exposition and
urged the stockmen to use their Influence
toward making It one of the greatest of Its
kind ever displayed.
Mr. W. L. Foster of Shreveport, La., spoke
of the live stock possibilities of the south.
The St. Joseph delegation extended an In
vltatlon to the convention to spend the day
In St. Joseph tomorrow. A special train
will be at the disposal of the visiting dele
gates and an elaborate plan of entertain
ment has been arranged by that city. A
vote ot thanks was extended by the conren
tlon for the hospitality offered.
Asks Aid for Fair.
Among the other speakers was Senator
Harris (Kan.), who spoke on "Louisiana
Purchase Exposition and What It Will Do
for the Livestock Industry."
"Every citizen of the United States
should take a peculiar interest In the
Louisiana purchase, he said. "It la sec
ond In Importance only to the Declaration
of Independence to the people of this coun
Then followed a review of the history of
the territory comprised In the purchase
and an appeal to the stockmen to contrib
ute to the success of the enterprise.
George Fayette Thompson of the Bureau
of Animal Industry, Washington, read
paper on "Our Markets for Livestock and
Their Products," which was given the
closest attention.
Mr. Thompson satd that the livestock
value In 1900, according to the census re
ports, was about $3,000,000,000, exclusive
of 6,000,000 animals In barns and Inclosures
and not on farms or ranges.
He produced statistics to show that
every person engaged In agricultural pur
suits .consumed meat worth $18.29 during
the year 1899. At that rate of consumption
the producers of livestock In the United
States during that year should have re
ceived $148,033,576 more than he actually
did receive, which proved that tho pro
ducer of meat was bis own best consumer.
Markets abroad were growing from year to
year and would continue to do so ss long
ss they could at low cost produce the best
meat In the world. America fell behind
In Its exports of cattle and hogs in 1901, but
that was due to a shortage of supply at
home rather than to a lack of demand
The United Kingdom, Germany and
France were the beat customers, but the
United Kingdom was a far better one than
the others, taking three-fifths of the live
stock exports In 1902.
In Mexico snd Argentine there sre great
possibilities tor a large trade In breeding
cattle and they were now selling some cat
tle to those countries, though Great Britain
supplied most ot their wants In that direc
tion. W. L. Foster of Louisiana spoke on "The
Livestock Possibilities of the South." He
said the people of the south were now
waking up and tha thousands of acres ot
abandoned cotton fields would be reclaimed
as pasture lands for stock. Those fields
could be utilised for pasturage eight
months out of the year and be purchased
for from $3 to $10 per acre. He told of
the possibilities of alfalfa as a forage crop
and of other valuable grasses for pastur
ing purposes which grow ao abundantly In
,he BOuth.
Flyer and a Fast Frelaht Come To.
(thtr on the Great North
era Railway.
BARNE9VILLE, Minn., Jan. 14. A col
lision occurred on the Great Northern to
day between the flyer and a fast freight.
The Injured:
W. C. Hudson, engineer; leg taken off.
N. George Weppler, fireman, leg taken
John Nelson, engineer ot passenger, head
The mall car, two baggage cars snd both
engines were demolished. None of the pas
sengers were hurt.
Cleveland Payeholoalat Appointed te
Vacant Chair In Chicane
I alveralty.
CHICAGO. Jan. 14 Dr. G. M. Stewart,
professor of psychology in the medical de
partment ot Western Reserve ' college,
Cleveland, has been appointed professor
and bead of the department of psychology
at the University ot Chicago to fill the
place vacated by Jacijuos LovU,
Meeaage of the Governor of West Vir
ginia Is Sobmltted to the
CHARLESTOWN, W. Vs., Jan. 14 Gov
ernor White's message, considered by all the
most radical In point of reform ever sub
mitted by a governor of West Virginia, w as
delivered to both houses this afternoon.
The rash balance In the state treasury
was the largest In maty years. Governor
White attributed this to tho "Dawson cor
poration law." The net receipts last year
were about $1,300,000, and expenditures $1,
200,000. It Is recommended that the direct
tax be abolished.
Special attention Is called to the recom
mendations of the State Tax commission,
especially one to levy excise tsxs upon
street railways, steam railways and other
public corporations.
A tax ot one-third of a cent per ton on
the mining of coat Is also recommended.
To prevent depletion of the West Virginia
gas fields the governor recommends that a
btgh license tax be put on every pump used
to pump natural gas out of the state.
A liberal appropriation la asked for a dis.
play at St. Louts.
MONTGOMERY. Ala., Jan. 14 Governor
William D. Jelks today transmitted his
message to the legislature.
The governor says the people of Alabama
have arrived at the epoch of honest elec
tions and must cleanse tpclr garments.
The Sayre election lalw should be re
pealed, he says, and prjovlslon made for
representatives of the te or more political
parties at the polls. ,
Lynchlngs are vigorously denounced. The
state la congratulated, however, In the de
crease in this form of lawlessness. The
concealed weapon habit Is cond?mnctl.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jan. 14. By a vote ot
85 to 54 the lower house of the Illinois as
sembly today adopted a resolution to bind
candidates for the United States senate to
voto for a constitutional amendment for the
election ot senators by direct vote of the
people. Consideration of a similar resolu
tion in the senate was deferred.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. 14. Apostle
Reed Smoot was nominated for United
Statea senator by the republican caucus
CONCORD. N. H.. Jan. 14. J H. Gal- I
Ilnger was tonight nominated by acclama- !
tlon by the legislature to succeed himself
ss United States senator.
MADISON, Wle., Jan. 14. United States
Senator John C. Spooner was the unanimous
choice for re-election In the Joint sena
torial caucus tonight.
He will be voted for In each house on
January 27, and on that day the senate will
meet and ratify the selection.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jan. 14. Congress
man A. J. Hopkins of Aurora was tonight
nominated by the Joint republican caucus
of the Illinois legislature to succeed W. E.
Mason tn the United States senate. The
only other name before the caucus was
Luther Laflln Mills of Chicago. -
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 14. Governor
Jefferson was Inaugurated tor his second
term of two years this afternoon in the
presence of the general assembly and a
large gathering ot other citizens of Ar
kansas. In his message the governor urged
a rigid anti-trust law.
Ten Chfhnmen and Tvre Whites Lose
Lives In British Columbia,
NANAIMO. B. C, Jan. 14. A terrific ex
plosion occurred at the Hamilton Powder
company's works, Departure Bay, this morn
ing. George Slmonetta, James Fulforte and
ten Chinamen were killed. Only one body,
that of a Chinaman, was recovered, the
others being liter-'. !y blown to fragments.
The guncotton storage house exploded
first, the concussion exploding the gell
mtte tn the drying house 400 feet away.
where the greatest loss ot life Is supposed
to have occurred. The ground was exca
vated to a depth of six toet where the build
ings stood, and the buildings themselves
were blown Into kindling wood and scat
tered with fragments ot human flesh over
several acres.
The tramway was torn up and a length
ot steel rail twined spirally around a tree,
like a whiplash. James Preston, a nitro
glycerine maker, bad a miraculous escape
and owes his life to his coolness.
He was running his machinery 4,000 feet
from the explosion and was thrown down.
The wall was blown tn but he kept his
machinery running In spite of the concus
sion, which almost stopped It, and never
left his post, thus preventing a third ex
The works are three miles from Nanalmo,
but broken windows here testify to the
force of the explosion. The management
states, that it Is utterly Impossible to as
sign any cause, as no witnesses survive.
Most Determine nishte to Property
In - Philippine Chorea
MANILA, Jon. 14. Governor Taft has sent
a circular letter to the provincial governors ;
enlnlnlnsr them tn tnntntnln an tmnarlliil at.
tltude In the religious dispute, over church th8 P'P"'n quarries loeated In Pipestone
property county, Minnesota, to the government tor
He directs them to'lntervene when the 1 W0.000: Will Brander, sr.. Felix Brunott.
peace Is disturbed or forcible dispossession j Elijah Dllllan. Davis H. Ofe, Pctor Oagrum.
Is attempted, but Instructs the governors of Ared Bmlth. Davt'1 Seephur and Thomas
provinces not to Interfere where Roman Aungle.
Catholic priests. In possession of church ! 11 appears that there is some grave doubt
property, peacefully surrender It to schls- ! t0 ,ne tl,le of th8 Yankton Sioux to this
tcatles. The governor says the courts alone quarry, and this doubt has held off ratlfl
mnat rintermlna i ho rtvht. nt it, n.rfi.. in , cation of the agreement entered Into In
any dispute over church property.
The provincial governors are directed to
transmit the circular letter to the presl
dentes. ,
It Is anticipated that there may be at
tempts on the part of schismatics to seize
additlonal churches and the letter was writ-
ten In order to secure proper use of the ex
ecutive power.
Treaaory Department Iaanes Special
Hen-ulatioa Regarding Celestlala
Bound for St. Louis.
.yna iKu, jau. i.-uraers w men
uwu uruueu oy ine secretary oi xne
treasury at Washington were received to
day at the Chinese bureau of special regu
lations for'the admission of Chinamen dur
ing the St. Louis exposition.
According to tee new regulations China
men having exhibits for the fair or bound
on any other mission in connection with
the exposition may be admitted on the pay
ment of a rash bond ot $"i0, but must go
direct to St. Louis and remain there during
the exposition, entering no service except
that specified upon their arrival.
Within thirty days after the close of the
exposition they must return to their point
ot entry and leave by the first steamship.
Opinion Prevails that Bill Regarding Eig tb
Circuit Will Be Passed.
Yankton Slonz Want Money for Pipe
stone Quarry, hnt There Is Con
siderable Doubt About
Their Title.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, an. 14 (Special Tele
gram.) The report on the bill providing
for an additional circuit Judge in the
Eighth judicial district, mado by Congress
man Lot Thomns, chairman of the subcom
mittee of the house Judiciary committee,
gives a most interesting resume of tho
work done in tho Eighth circuit. Attor
ney General Knox Is quoted as saying that
there is Immediate necessity for an addi
tional circuit Judge for this circuit. From
Information furnished the subcommittee by
the attorney general It appears that there
are twenty districts within the Eighth cir
cuit and that there sre a larger number
of divisions from which appeals can be I
., . . ., , , ,- ,!, I
taken to the circuit court of appeals than
in any other circuit. The Eighth circuit
embraces eleven states, Nebraska, Minne
sota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas.
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah. North aud South
Dakota and three territories, New Mexico,
Oklahoma and Indian Territory, having a
irtfol nntmlfltlnn rtf ll.-.T.RAR Tn VlPW Of
the exhaustive nature of the report and the ,
further fact that the Judges of the Eighth
rtrn.iH hnnnh pro . nlt In liriinir UMII i
congress the importance of adding an ad
ditional Judge, It Is believed that the bill
stands a fair show ot getting through tho
present congress.
Should tho bill pass thrre is a rumor cur
rent that the president will appoint Willis
Van Deventer of Wyoming, assistant attor
ney general In the Interior department, to
the new position.
Send LenalnaT mil to Mickey.
The following letter has been drawn up
for transmission In a formal manner to
Governor Mickey by representatives in con-
gross from Nebraska regarding the pending
bill to authorize the leasing of grazing
lands in that state. Senator Millard Is ex
pected to return to Washington tomorrow
and Immediately upon his arrival his ap
proval will be sought and doubtless his sig
nature attached. Then the letter will be
at once mulled to Governor Mickey lor bud-
mission to the state legislature. The text
of the letter follows: '
The undersigned, members Of the Con-
gresalonal delegation from the state of
lN.elrnnha, have the honor to herewith " ." '" ... o-- -t
transmit to your excellency a copy of sen- his physicians to be Just a shade Improved,
ate rile No. t6, to authorize the lc-aslm? with the chances for his recovery about
of grazing lands In the state of Nebraska, t . .. , ., ,,.
respectfully representing that nt a meeting ! en. His age-68 years-Is against him.
of the majority of the delegation, It ap- Rest and fortitude may carry him to recov
pearlng that there was a wlile divergence er
of opinion as to the merits- of the leasing j " -
of public In mis. It was agreed, ns the pro- , -.
posea mil involved a question .or revenues
of the state and counties and a new de-
parture touching public lands, that it
would be sound public policy to obtain the
views of the Nebraska legislature and
yourHelf as to the desirability of the pro
posed legislation. W therefore respect
fully urge that you Bend a special message
to the legislature, laying, this matter be
fore them and requesting the passage by
them of a Joint resolution and memorial
on the proposed bill, and giving or with
holding your approval of such resolution
as you may determine.
With expression of high personal esteem,
we are, very respectfully: C. H. Dietrich,
senator- K. J. Uurkett member of con
gress First district; D. H. Mercer, Second
district; William Neville, Sixth dlBirict;
W. U Stark, Fourth district; A. C. Shal
lenberger, Fifth district; J. S. Robinson,
Third district.
Assay Office Waits on Gamble.
Congreesman Martin of South Dakota
said today that he expected to dispose ot
the superintendency of the assay office at
Deadwood in a few days, the delay being
due to the absence of Senator Gamble, who
returned to Washington late last night.
C. E. Llewellyn, one of the Inspectors of
rural free delivery, connected with the
western division, with headquarters In
Omaha, Is In Washington on matters con
nected with his office. Mr. Llewellyn Is
regarded as one of the most efficient In
spectors ever sent over s route.
ronarreasman Robinson Returns.
Congressman John S. Robinson of the
Third Nebraska district and Mrs. Robin
son returned to Washington today for the
remainder of the seesion of congress. Judge
Roblneon, who has been very ill, says that
he is better now than he has been for a
number of years.
l.aeey Will Kot Oppose.
Major Laoey, chairman of the house com
mittee on public lands, stated today In re
gard to the Nebraska land leasing bill in
troduced In the senate by Senator Dietrich
that It the Nebraska delegation was In
favor of the measure he would not place
any obstacles tn the way of Its passage, ,as
he recognized how Important It was to enact
some law that would put an end to the fric
tion between the government and cattle
Confer on Pipestone Quarry.
The following named Bloux Indians from
the. Yankton agency held a conference this
afternoon with Commissioner Jones rela
tive to a treaty entered Into .between their
tribe and the United States tn 182. to sell
1892. The Slssetons claim a share In the
Pipestone quarry. The senate committee
on Indian affairs has pigeoned the matter
and It Is probable that the entire ques
tion will eventually be thrown Into the
courts to determine who really does pos-
, aess title.
Congressman Conner today called upon
the supervising architect of the treasury
regarding the Boone, la., public building. A
""i.11" "buiu oVrk'whiirms.
pleasing to Boone, which desires a federal
building constructed of stone. Mr. Conner
was today informed, by tho architect that
It Is bis Intention to construct the ne
building at Boone of stone, and he could not
j conceive how any other report as to the
; materlal t0 be UKei nai goDe forth.
Department Routine.
John P. Mutser has been appointed post
master at River Junction, Johnson county,
la., vice H. B. McCullough, deceased.
The postofflce at Westmark, Phelps
county. Neb., has been discontinued, mall
to lJK)in!.
Charles E. Sturtevant of Tyudall, S. D.,
and W. L. Lamb ot Anamosa and J. It.
Palmer of Lisbon. la., have becu appointed
railway mall clerks.
The civil service commission today an
nounced dates for spring examinations for
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Forrcnst for Nebraska-Fair Thursday aud
Temperature at llmnhn Yesterday!
. . li
. . an
, . as
. . SJM
. . SiH
. . 2
. . SI
, . 84
1 . m ,
2 l. m ,
a p. in.
4 i. in,
B i. m ,
p. tn ,
ft a.
t a.
T n.
X a.
0 n.
to a.
11 a.
It tu.
nt .
in .
. . . ,
. . . .
nt . i
m . ,
. .
T P.
t p.
ni .
lie Is Fleeted President of the Vet
era nn' Aaaorlatlon at the
-Annual Meeting-.
At tho annual meeting of the Omnha
Veteran Fireman's association luet night,
which was attended by about a dozen mem
bers, tho following officers were elected:
TroBldrnt, Charles G. Hunt; first vice presi
dent, Charles Grucnlg; second vice presf
denl, John F. Hchm; secretary. Frank H.
Koesters; treasurer, Julius Treltschke;
trustees. J. W. Jardine, William Alstadt
and William Moran.
'..r.uS , .
Baumer thanked the members for their as-
slstance and received a vote ot thanks for
bis excellent work in the office.
John H. Butler, a member of engine com
pany No. 2, and J. II. Rlcharils of the same
company, applied for membership In tha
association, and were elected.
The annual statement of the secretary.
V - H. Koesters. showed receipt, of $101.90
nd expenditures $185.40 for the year.
I'1"5 ul llicmocis imiiiuk
J. F. Hertiman, March 27; L. Kroltsch,
April 30, and A. II. Sander, September 15.
There were added to the rolls of member
ship A. B. Frary, M. W. Bushcy, W. II
Calligan, Ed Kupplg, William Edmondson,
Chris Johnson and II. A. Nichols, making
a total enrollment of sixty-four.
The report of Julius Treltschke, treas
urer, showed a balance in the treasury of
Kidney Dlsenac Forces Veteran Mer
chnnt to Ilattle for Ills
In his homo at 2526 Dodge street J. L. 1
PrandcU lies dangej-ously ill. With two
nurg(,g over nlm an(i nimost constaut med-
. . ttttndan,.e. he has battled for bIx day3
comcilcatlon of kidney troubles. No
nortinn Is demnnded. vet the nhtleut haa
, unonncxlmm a Inrira nart nt tho time.
, ...,, ,. ,,., h . ,hnh, h
UMth WLL KtAU fit fAi
Police Department Requires the Illa
1 tory of Those Who Read the
Future for Money.
Omaha not longer will be a home for
clairvoyants. Chief of Police Donahue has
placed an embargo on them and unless
they can hereafter produce letters from the
chiefs of police from the last two cities
lu which they practiced they will have to
leave Omaha. Tuesday afternoon J. C. Cra
vens, who located at C21 North Eighteenth
street, waa arrested, charged with distrub
utlng misleading bills on the street ad
vertising himself as a medium.
Lara-eat Party Ever Gathered Asaem
bles at Fourteenth Regiment
Armory In Brooklyn.
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Tho largest crowd
of euchre players ever assembled at one
sitting, It Is declared, was gathered last
night In the Fourteenth regiment armory,
Brooklyn, where 7,500 persons played tho
There were 1,875 tables. These were ar
ranged In sections, eo that there were forty
players In each section. A band of music
was assigned to every twenty sections. A
dozen bands played tn unison, under the di
rection of one leader.
The party was given by the students ot
St. Francis college of Brooklyn. Ten
thousand dollars, It Is estimated, was re
Ronrd of Aa-rleulture of Grent Britain
(Seeks to Know Maine's
AUGUSTA, Me., Jan. 14. Governor Hill
has received a cable from tho secretary of
the Board of Agriculture, London, Eng
land, asking for the text of the order pro
hibiting the importation Into Maine of
cattle Infected with the foot and mouth dis
ease. Tho following answer was sent:
Copy commlBKloner's order sent todsy. It
closed aU railways, roads and bridges
against traffic in cattle, sheep and swtne
from Infected states.
(Signed) JOHN F. HTLL,
Governor of Maine.
Receipts for Veor Exceeil Payments
by Nearly One Million
BOSTON, Jan. 14. Harvard's financial
standing was thown today by the treasur- j
er's report submitted to the overseers. The
excess of receipts over expenditures was
$43,602. The gross receipts for the year
were $4,788,956, and the gross payments
$3,7'.)3,'.53 leaving a net Increase of fund
and balance of $.!'3,003.
Arrangements have been completed for
tha dedication of tho Setnetlc museum on
Thursday, February 5.
Movements of Oceun v eels Jan. 14,
At New York Arrived Main, from Bre-
! c'llvcrpoul; uZ!!! , lot-T.
I pool.
ai inaon Arnvea-i.oiumtnun, irom
At Glasgow Arrived Pomerlan, from
At Algiers Sailed Commonwealth, for
At Antwerp Sailed Nederland, for Phil
adelphia. At l.'ueenstown Arrived Teutonic, from
New Yoik. for Liverpool.
At Arrived St. Paul, from
New York.
At Liverpool Arrived -Celtic, from New
Y'Tkr SVent from Philadelphia;
yyivanl-i, trc m Huaton.
At Sicily Passed bt. Paul, from New
York, tut Liverpool.
At Hrowhoail passed Teutonic, irom
Nt w York, f'T Liverpool.
At Atorlii. Ore Arrived -Murr.-li tuk,
from Antwerp. Hailed Murle, Nul uuj
''eaala, ail Xwr gucciuttuwn.
Makes Move to Place Each Legislation
Ahead of All Appropriations.
Btrongsntiment in Legislature that Debt
Must Bo Prsvidod Tor.
Douglas County Men Waiting for Mooiett
to Name Employes.
Committee on l-'.miiloyea Blocks the
rropoanl and Full la Or
dered on the l'n Holl
nt Once.
(From, ft Ptnff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 14. (Special.) Unless
Bears of Burt Is unable to prevent It sll
those house members who are after build--lng
appropriations wilt be forced Into line
to support a revenue bill, which, If not the
most Important, certainly will bo one of the
most Important bills of this session. As
the first step tn his predetermined plan of
commanding support for this measure to
provide means of winning out the state debt
Scars today introduced this resolution:
r.esnlved. Am ti rule of this session thrtt
bills carrying npprnprlation. for p.ibllo
bulMlngH nlinll not l'usji to the third rend
ing till u revenue measure nhall have pre-Vu-usly
passed provKlitiK fur tho payment
of Die present state Indebtedness, and from
which the Htnoimt of such appropriations
cuulil be rnlsed by luxation t hereunder.
Asked If he would bo tho author of this
paramount bill, Mr. Sears said:
"I dou't know that I will. I have not
framed any such bill yet."
Bui Mr. Sears did not say he would not
introduco this measure and he frankly ad
mitted the purpose of tho resolution today
to be the bringing Into line ot all authors
and friends of other appropriation meas
ures. This Is regarded ns a very successful
move In the interest of tho revenue bill to
come, as it will havo a tendency to make
rough the road ot any building npproprla-
' measure whose author refuses to sup-
pori tne revenue mil.
Sentiment for Revenue Lealalatton.
That Mr. Sears will be one of the most
potent factors in the plan of effecting leg
islation thnt will effect tho heavy state debt
If not indeed the actual leader Is gen
erally accepted. And Identified with him
In this Important movement are other lead
ere of the present legislature. Tho con
census of opinion is that Sears has taken
time by the forelock effectively by project
ing this resolution at this early stage and
acquitted himself of a very strategic act.
Revenue litigation, something that will af
ford adequate relief from the enormous ob
ligations now resting upon the state. Is the
slogan of this session of the Nebraska leg
islature and It general evidences betray sin
cere motives and thai Is not questioned
It will take a mighty power to block this
concerted movement on the part of this re
publican legislature.
The Douglas county delegation Is still
watting around on tho outside of Speaker
Mockett's holy of holies for the announce
ment of Bomo Do up Ids county men looking
for favors through their representatives.
One announcement was made today, that of
D. R. Loring as head Janitor of the house.
Lorlng is from the Second ward In Omaha
and has been performing these duties since
the opening of the session, pending the
chances of being regularly assigned to
them. Koetter would like to see Henry In.
man of the First ward placed in some berth,
he Is not particular what, and other mem
bers have a score or more of other candi
dates. The members refuse to disclose the
names of their applicants and so does the
speaker, without the consent of tho Douglas
contingent. One of the Douglas representa
tives remarked today that he though the
speaker had had ample time to make bis
decision in this matter and ought to hand
down nn answer and relieve the auspense.
Attempt to Cut Down Employes.
Senator Hall of Douglas today Introduced
his bill empowering the legislature to de
cide the number of members of the supreme
court and to fix their salaries. The measure
is attracting conxlderablo Interest.
A certain number ot republican senators.
Inherently possessed of that fundamental
principal of true republicanism, "economy
without parsimony," tersely expressed by
Governor Mickey In his Inaugural address,
today attempted to enforce- the operation
of this principle by having the number of
senate employes cut. down, but they failed,
for tho committee on employes brought In
a report recommending that all employes
appointed should be put to work, and that
Immediately. But tbe committee did not
atop at this. It recommended that fo'-r ad
ditional names be placed on the list of em
ployes. Personal Xotea.
Warner of Lancaster Is tho youngest man
In the bouse, being 27 years of age. Yet
despite bis years and limited txperlence be
has been numed as cnalrman ot the com
mltteo on revenue and taxation, which this
session probably will be the most important
of all committees In view of the great
importance attached to legislation of that
class. The state debt must be wiped out
and there Is a great demand for revised
tax laws, and three things must tome under
the consideration of this committee. Mr.
Warner served In the house two years ago.
Some little Interest arose under the
surface over the report of tho house com
mittee on employes which deprived the
committee of deficiencies of a clerk, thus
setting up a precedent and changing the
rules of the house. Rouse of Hall Is
chairman of the deficiency committee and
he tays It will have greater need fo.' a
clerk than any other committee in the
bouse and that the report of the commit
tee on employes simply cannot stand.
Good of Nemaha waa chairman of the com
mittee on employes and says that It wae
not the Intention of the committee to de
prive Mr. P.oubo and his associates of a
clerk and that tho mistake will be rectified.
He says the only committee which It was
recommended to have no clerk was that on
liilueky ember of Thirteen Bills
Introduced In that Body
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 14. (Special.) The eco
nomic section of tbe senate became so nu
merous todjy that Immediately r.fter ad
journment a caucus of the republican mem
bers was called to line them up. These
desired that all sinecures held by cleiks snd
employes be abolished. The caucus, how
ever, decided tbat all employes bs placed