Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1903, Image 1

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    rHE Omaha Bail
Lire Stock Association President Urges
Uembert to ttand Together.
i-'irei Kotice that lynchers and Packeri
If ait Bj Treated Alike.
Consumer and Wool 8 rower Both Need
Congressional Aid.
mrm Aalmala Will Temporarily "ell
Lawrr, Eventually Amer
ica Will "apply Whole
W orld with Meat.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 13. John W.
Fprlnger's attack upon the beef trust and
th passage of memorials to congress urg
ing laws for the betterment of the live stock
Industry were the features of the first day's
session of the sixth annual convention of
the National Live Stock association.
The president, after declaring that "the
American stockman proposes to tske care
of himself," served notice that those in
terests "must receive protection from the
congress of the t'nited Statea just as long
as the finished products made from raw
materials are heavily protected."
Ask Immediate Artlaa.
One memorial, which was telegraphed to
Senator Frye tonight, was as follows:
Your petitioners, the National Live Stock
Association of the United HI a tea, repre
senting the feedere and handlers of live
took in the t'nited States, desire through
you to call the attention of the senate to
house resolution 15.9.S! a bill which pro
vides the secretary of agriculture with
authority to prevent the spread of con
tagious diseases in the t'nited states and
to establish rules and regulations for the
insiiectitin of live stock to be transported
through the t'nited Stales, and your peti
tioners would respectfully represent that
there Is an Immediate and imperative ne
cessity for the passage of this law. We
would therefore urge the senate to con
alder this bill at as early a date as pos
sible, and we respectfully request that the
aid bill be enacted into law.
Another memorial was addressed to
Chairman Payne of the ways and means
committee of the house and urged that the
Orosvenor anti-shoddy bill, now being held
la committee, be reported at once.
Governor A. M. Dockery was to have ex
tended a welcome on behalf of the atate,
' but ha was 111 and unable to be present.
Mayor James A. Reed took his place and,
in an eloquent address, welcomed the dele
gates, speaking for the city and atate.
The response on behalf of the associa
tion was made by Peter Jansen of Ne
braska, who apoke in glowing terms ot the
work before the convention, and the fu
ture Importance ot the National Live
Etock association.
Then John W. Springer of Denver, presi
dent of the association, delivered bla an
sual address, it was a forceful paper and
dealt with directness upon the legislation,
pending and future, necessary for the pro
taction of the live stock industry.
Ha said In part:
Learned Costly Leissa.
We bave learned at very dear cost that.
While we may differ on politics and re
ligion, we must stand toaether In -
tionai organisation it we would hold our
wwa in me great commercial alruggie now
4 going on. To secure uur well earned pronta
- we must .aland ahuulder to nhmiid.. f..-
our mutual protection, for the legislative
chain is Do stronger than Its weakest link,
aim It Is our business to remedy the wen
ft,i. H vui aiiieu inausiry.
Let it be understood, hern unit nn
the American stockman proposes to' take
cure ol himself nuu that he is not a
supplicant at the doors of the federal
congress for an subsidy, for any bonus
or tor any policy which seeks -tort
acres and a mule," But we do serve notice
n the vote-beseeching politician that the
live stock Interests must receive protec
tion from the congress of the United Slates
Just as Jong as tiie finished products made
via uur raw materials are heavily pro
tected. Our allied interests stand with American
labor and together we hold the f
fiower in this union. None ot our great
n teres la are hysterical or unreasonable or
cranky on the subject of "tariff or 'tariff
tuun. re anow 11 naa largely aided
in matting our nation great and it has
assisted the American worklnginan to a
higher level than that occupied by any
Worker on this round earth
But the tariff is not perfect and the
iwun 01 me united states believe there
are many points where the tariff could be
reduced, and even abrogated entirety, for
I,., wm jiiiereais 01 ine people aa con
ditions now exist. We believe lurther that
a tariff must be retained on hides wool
meat and animals In order that me
mis and tne next seaaiun ot the federal
congress thwart tne hiahiv nrote. iH mai.n
laciurrrs from quwn east In their-selri.h
demand for tree hides and free wool.
Favor Anti-Shoddy Bill.
We ire strongly urging upon the present
w-aa and means committee to report fa
vorably the (Jruavenor anti-shoddy bill and
to force the manufacturers to plainly mark
eaih piece of cloth as to Just what pro- ,
portion la wool, shoddy, cotton, etc., In
order that the man buying clothing will
know what herecelves. We cannot be toa
perslatent In our demand for this bill
The bill extending the shipping laws
from twenty-elht tu forty hours, which
has passed the house and is in the senate
la fully approved by all the rattle shippers.
Our Interests firmly and fully beiUve in
a reciprocity which reciprocates. We ad
vocate a give and take policy such as the
great McKlnley outlined. Not only this
but we advocate that the congress of the
Vnlted States aa a bill directing the
t resident, whenever In his Judgment It mav
e necessary, to retaliate against any
foreign government arbitrarily and un
justly discriminating against American
goous or products when the same is as
Wholly unjuelltled as the proposed German
tariff bill now under consideration in tler
niauy, which. If passed, will exclude from
that couutry per cent of ail our meat
exiHiria. 'the alleged excuse Is that our
canned meats, etc., are dieasej and danger,
uui te the health of th people or the
fatheiland. which we all know Is false in
very particular
We are also strenuously in favor of the
proposed bill to amrnd the interstate com
merce law. In order that, this commission
my have authority of its own orders
and decrees. The confessed Idiocy of
keeping up a high priced li.t of five inttr
Slate commerce coiumlaeionrrs who hear
caeea. look wise and secure no resulta Is
In keeping wllh a Justice of the peace in
Missouri declaring a federal statute un
constitutional and calling nn a Mhwourl
roll. table to arrv.t the government. What
w. want Is au effective ml.unal where 'we
can lay our complaluts aaainat overcharges
at stock yards, or terminal chargt-s, on
ficHum railway shipping rates, or unUst
clUMTimiiiaiion for or agaitiki a live slock
tuarket. and other thins equally aa seri
ous to our Interest, a lid. mat when we
prove the charges, to have an inlcctft
commerce comuusaion which can enter up
a decroe and execute an order to dis
continue the same or send the perpetrators
to the federal prison and line them heavily
besides. It wiii only require an alooathic
dose of the medicine and the balance will
tie good.
ptaht Aaalaet Olroasaraariae Bill.
Half of the Judges of the supreme court
of tbe I. riled tUaiea upheld the iitln
taken by the ofheere of the National Live
block aMuciallou In our long right again.!
the oleun.arKarlne bllL It will ultimately
kill liaelr aa a law and our position be
au.tslo.d that t was c.a lest.lation pure
and simple and against lite oeat'.a
(CoaUauea eg Second Pa.)
Britain Confer, with Allien, bat Seee
So Prospect of Rfaotl.f
LONDON. Jan. IS. President Castro's
request that the power raise the blockade
1 at 111 under consideration. The Fore'
office la inclined to the belief that a;
pension of the blockade would redur. nv
ten to the aame atatui that existed at th
beginning of the dispute, and It appears
probable that Great Britain will advocate
a continuance of the blockade.
BERLIN. Jan. IS. The Foreign offlca of
ficials here, commenting upon the state
ment that Inly Is supporting President
Castro In his reported demand that the
powers raise the blockade, say this Is
quite incredible.
LA GUAYRA, Venezuela, Jan. II The
Russian bark Feodor, from Cardiff, with a
cargo of coal for the La Ousyra-Caracas ;
railroad, arrived during the morning and ,
was notified to heave to. The bark, bow
ever, continued heading for tbe port until
the British cruiser Tribune arrived, fired
two blank shots and signalled to the boat
Columblna to approach. Feodor then an
chored outside the port when the captain
was allowed to land and communicate with
the consignees of tbe vessel'! cargo. Feodor
can only remain here five days, after which
it must leave.
The t'nited States gunboat Marietta ar
rived today from Curacao, with malls of
the Red O line steamer Zo.Ua, which
reached Willemstad on January 11.
NEW YORK, Jan. IS. Vice Admiral j
Lord Charles Beresford, who arrived from I
England today, said regarding the Venez
uelan affair:
It will teach Great Britain the extreme
danger of international complications by
allowing unlimited trade credit to a bank
rupt and unscrupulous country like Venei
uela and then trying to collect Daa aeots
by coercion. I, personally, am a strong ad
vocate or the Monroe Oictrine. inese
South American republics,- however, will
be a menHce to the world's peace aa long
as they persist in thelr.unscrupulous com
mercial dealings with foreign countries, and
it must be left to the t'nited States to lift
them from their present corrupt state or
nnex them entirely, ine Hague court is
the proper place to arbitrate the present
Speech from the Throae fe Read hy
the Chaaeellor, Coant Vast
BERLIN, Jan. IS. The Prussian Diet was
reopened today. The chancellor. Count
von Buelow, read the apeech from the
throne. No mention was made of foreign
matters nor of tbe canal bill. The epeecb
took a gloomy view oY the finances of Prus
sia. It said the accounts for 1901 closed
with a deficit of 9.876.000 marks, and added
that It was njt anticipated that tbe ac
counts for 1902 would be appreciably mora
As for 190S, a demand would bave to be
made on publio credit for considerable
loan, in order to establish equilibrium be
tween the revenue and expenditure, as In
consequence of tbe depression In agricul
ture, trade and Industry a further de
preciation In the receipt of several of the
administrative department would result.
- B1I1I were announced tor furthering the
Germanlsatlon ot the Polish provinces of
Prussia, for their economic development
and tor increasing the salaries of officials
and teach there.
Measures to improve the administration
of the railroads and for tb extension of
tbe state railroad system also were pro
Fight la la Progress Betweea Troops
f Saltan, aad the Pre"
MADRID, Jan. IS. Fighting la proceed
ing between the troops of the sultan of
Morocco and tbe forces ot tbe pretender
to the throne, according to a dispatch re
ceived by the Globo from Fei.
The followers ot tb pretender are aaid
to be overcoming the Imperial troops.
The correspondent of the Globo adds that
the Inhabitant of Fe bave risen against
the sultan and that , anxiety reigns at
Rabat, where tbe European are In fear of
an Immediate attack by tb pretender'
Tbe sultan' representative at Tangier
has been ordered to aelz cattle and to
aend reinforcement to the sultan's forces.
LONDON, Jan. IS. Tb latest advices re
ceived here from Fes say that with tb ex-
cept'on ot the members ot th staff ot Gen
t era! Sir Harry Mat Lean, commander ot the
bodyguard, tb. British resident..
I including women missionaries, leri January
I, and bave since arrived at tb coaat.
Appointment ot Raw I nlverelty Rector
Viewed aa Proof of Educational
ROME, Jan. IS. Tba appointment of Mgr.
Dennis O'Connell as president of the Cath
olic university, 1 regarded In Vatican clr-
cle as confirmation ot tbe pops' delerml-
nation to pursue a progressiva line In edu-
callonal matters.
His holiness trusts that Mgr. O'Connell
will carry out the design of making tbe uni
versity a center qf distribution of educa
tional Heaa. It is believed thst tbe pur
suance of this plan will bave an Immediate
effect on the clergy of the United Statea In
accordance witn tbe policy ot rallying all
Catholic to tbe cordial auppert ot th uni
versity. It 1 expected that Mgr. O'Connell will
choose a German to fill th post of vice
rector ot the university.
Planters Tr Xew nationality
Lssg search for Sugar
HONOLULU. Jan. II. Tb steamer
Gaelic arrived bere today from tbe Orient,
with 102 Coreana, including twenty-soe
women, who will be put to work on the
sugar plantation with a view to testing
tbelr efficiency as laborer.
It 1 thought tbey will accomplish more
work tbaa the average plantation laborer
and are expected to prove much more
valuable than th Porto Rican laborer
brought bere last year.
Denied hy the Princess.
VIENNA. Jan. IS. Countess Lonyay, the
former Crown Princess Stephanie of Austria-Hungary,
who. It has been asserted In
the newspapers, had been deserted by ber
husband. Count Elmer Lonyay, bas tele
graphed to tbe Neus Welner Journal from
Cape Martin, France, aa follows: "Stories
untrue. Count here. Den Impertinent
Vaji and Meant Committee Bill Provide
for a Rebate.
Vaiir to Go lata Effect ! Pns
f ( Bill and Re In Effect
for Period of On
aeans comnit.
0- IS. The way and
tbe houae today de-
elded to report ., bill providing for a re- 1
bate, equal to the duty now Imposed, on all
kinds of coal coming from all countries for
a period of one year.
Thia bill la a substitute for the one Intro-
duced DT Representative Hill of Connecticut,
which provided for a rebate until June 30
next. It Is expected the bill will be called
up In the bouse at once.
Tbe bill adopted provldea:
That the secretary of the treasury be and
he Is hereby authorized and required to
make full rebates of auties imposed by law
on coal of every torm and description Im
ported Into the United States from foreign
countries for the period of one year from
and after the passage of this act.
Representative Richardson (Tenn.) pro
posed an amendment striking out the word
"for a period of one yesr," which was voted
down. He then proposed an amendment
placing all coals on the free list, which was
likewise voted down.
The final vote on tba adoption of the bill
was unanlmoua.
Representstlve Psyne, Dalxell and Gros-
venor held a conference with the president
this morning relative to the action which
bad been taken by the committee.
The committee reported tbe bill, but will
not call It up In the house for considera
tion today, as originally contemplated, the
decision having been reported to bring it
up under a rule tomorrow.
Purely Emergency Measure.
Tbe report ot the committee, submitted
to the bouse by Chairman Payne, after
recommending the passage of the bill, say:
This 1 an emers:encv men.ura riemnnried
bicause of the scarcity and high price of
coal resulting from the recent prolonged
strike In the anthracite coal mines.
I'recedents lor such action are found in
the Chicago fire and the fire at Eatsport,
Me., in which cases congress gave rebates
on the duties on lumber used in rebuilding
me uurneu aistricis. v netner tne legisla
tion will Increase )ie importance or reduce
the price of coal is a question on which
men differ, but it is all congress can do In
the premises and will satisfy the demand
of many of our cltlsena. While there is a
threatened coal famine In any part of the
country, we cannot turn a deaf ear to the
cries or the people.
The committee did not consider It best to
make any changes In the tariff on coal
after the period of one year had expired,
preferring to bring in this as burelv
emergency measure and not desiring to go
into me question or tarim revision, even
upon this one article. If any relief can
come to the people from such legislation It
will be amply secured In the period pro
vided for In the bill.
Senate Will Also Act.
After the adjournment of the senate to
day the republican members of tbe com
mittee on finance held a conference of more
than an hour' duration and discussed tbe
various ruggestton for tba removal of tbe
tariff on anthracite
They had before tbem the text of tbe
bouse bill granting a rebate tor twelve
months and practically sgreed to acept ft
witbout alteration If tbe democratic com
mltteemen could be Induced to allow It to
be so reported without delay.
Tbe opinion waa unanlmoua that tba sit
uation called for prompt action and the
aenate committee will be called together
perhaps tomorrow. Immediately after tbe
bouse paases the bill
At a meeting of the republican members
of the committee, prior to the meeting of
tbe full committee, McCall (Mass.) pro
posed that provision be made in the bill,
subsequently adopted, that after the expir
ation of a year, during which a rebate la
to be paid on all coal, that all coal com
fig from countries which admit sur coal
free of duty be admitted free Into this
country. j
Representative Tawney (Mian.) favored
the proposition, but It was opposed by the
remainder of the republican member on
the ground that aa a temporary measure
waa under consideration they should not
adopt any permanent policy.
Representative Dalzell, from the commit
tee on rules, reported a resolution prhvid
ing for the consideration of tbe coal re
bate bill In the bouse tomorrow, limiting
debate to one bour, a vote then to be
taken without Intervening motion.
Chicago Will Import.
CHICAGO, Jan. IS. Mayor Harrison,
speaking of tb. recommendation of the way
and means committee to grant a rebate on
coal Importations, said:
"The moiuent that recommendation be
comes law this city will take immediate
step to bring In sufficient coal to break up
tbe combination.
"Coal will, be aold for cost plus the rail
road tariff and In that way the people will
be able to get It at a fair price. Canada
will, of course, be the only available aource
of Immediate aupply, and from there we
hall expect to get it."
A train of twenty-fir cara containing
I coal for Cblcago'a poor arrived bere today
I and will be distributed free by city wagons.
Mayor Harrison, in view of the prevail-
ing distress having Issued an order to that
Owing to the late arrival of tbe train only
a few wagona were available this afternoon.
They were those used to take the coal to
the police atatlon. wber those In pressing
need may com and get it. Tomorrow
400 wagons, ordinarily occupied In removing
garbage, will move the fuel into needy
Tbe train came over the Illinois Central
from the coal region of central Illinois
and was given tbe right ot way over all
but perishable freight,
Indiana Legislature Moves.
INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. IS. Tbe legisla
ture showed a determination today to re
lieve the altuation brought about by the
shortage of coal. In the aenate a resolu
tion providing for tbe appointment of a
special committee to act In conjunction
with the governor to take necessary aetion
and report to tb general assembly was
adopted. In tbe house a bill was Intro
duced to make it a misdemeanor to limit
the output ot coal or to Ox or increase the
Kaasaa Meats Legal Action.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. IS No relief from
the present Ksnsas coal famine Is In sight.
The railroad are sending an abundance ot
cars Into the coal district of tbe stats, but
th output is not nearly equal to tbe de
mand. Dealers are helpless and tb people
are without coal. An effort will be made
to bave the legislature take action at once
looking toward a correction of the evil.
CANTON. O.. Jan. IS. Tbe coal altuation
Is becoming serious. Several shop bave
closed sad tbe Canton-Akron electric rail
way bas been obliged to run cars oa bait
acbsdui ewiug to Uui acaxcU at tusk
Spreading Ralls Kill En
lajare Pair Tralsm
Quluey Roait.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. IS The St.
Paul passenger train on the Chicago. Bur
lington Qulscy. due la St. Louis at 6:55
p. m., and running fifty miles an hour to
make up lost time, was wrecked this even
ing by spreading rails five miles northeast,
of Alton, III., killing the engineer and In
juring four trainmen.
Tbe engine was overturned, the baggage,
mail. exDrrss and one roach, four in all.
mere thrown on their sides and the Tullmau
.Jeenere and remaining coach left the rail-.
but remained upright. No passenger were
The dead:
FRANK HORN, engineer, Beardstown, 111.
The Injured:
G. L. Mitchell, mall clerk. Rock Island,
leg crushed.
E. W. Ebery, mail clerk, Winchester, III.,
leg crushed.
Charles Pollard, baggageman. Rock Island,
head cut.
A. H. Pollard, conductor, brother of above.
Rock Island, bruised.
Express Opinion that They Will Get
Increase In Wastes of Twenty
Per Cent.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. IS. A conference with
reference to the demand of trainmen for
higher pay Is being beld in the general of
fices of the 'Frisco railroad between the
official of the western, southwestern and
southern trunk linos, with headquarters
here, and the representatives and commit
tee of t re. Order of Railway conductors and
the Brotherhood of Rallwsy Trainmen.
The railroad men are still confident that
tbey will receive the increase of 20 per cent
asked for December 20 last, although noth
ing definite haa been given out aa to the
result of the conference.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 13. Tbe adjustment
committeea of the conductors' and brake
men' organlzatlona of the Santa Fe will ad
journ to Chicago In a few day. There they
will meet Third Vice President Kendrick
and discus with him tbe wage scale.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Jan. 13. The griev
ance committee of tbe Louisville k Nash
ville engineers today presented a demand
for a 10 per cent increase in wage.,
Catholic Prelates Meet In St. Lonls
nnd Select Threw Cnndl
daes. ST. LOUIS Mo.. Jan. It At the reaidenca
of Archbishop Kala tbe suffragan bishops
of the archdiocese of St. Louis met today
and selected three candidates for the posi
tion of coadjutor bishop of St. Xuta, with
right of succession to archbishop Kain.
Tbe bishop In attendance were: Bishop
Fink of Leavenworth, Kan.. Bishop Hen
nessey of Wichita, Kan., Bishop Cunning
ham of Concordia. Kan., and Bishop Glea
non of Kansas City, fr presenting Blehop
Hogan, who wa too 111 te attend, Bishop
Burk of St. Louis was the only absentee.
Bishop Glennon- baa already been selected
aa one of three candidate by tbe priest of
th diocese. He waa second oa tbelr list.
Bishop Dunne of Dallas, Tel., being first
and Blabop Messmer ot Green Bay. Wis.,
Kill Marshal and , Deputy Who En.
leaver to Keep Thesa
CAIRO, 111., Jan. 13. At a dance at
Moorehouse, Mo., last night James and Dol
pheu Hill of Johnson county, Illinois, be
came Intoxicated. Marshal Dan Lance and
Deputy Marshal John Taylor were called In
to restore peace. Dolpbeus Hill abet and
killed Lance, while James" Hill faulty cut
Taylor. The Hill boy started to leave tbe
bouse when Taylor shot and wounded one
of tbem, but they made tbelr eacape. Search
parties have been organized, but tbe mur
derer, are still at liberty.
Cigar Dealera Organise National Body
la Chicago to War on
CHICAGO, Jan. IS. Independent cigar
dealera from moat of tbe large cities met
here today to form a national organiza
tion to fight the Tobacco trust, which is
aid to have invaded retail circles. I.
Latsar of the department of publicity of
tbe Independent Cigar Dealer' Associa
tion of America addressed the gathering.
He declared cigar men to be "ploneera in
the fight for liberty" and that tbe eyea of
tbe nation were upon tbem.
Prisoners Aro Relensed nnd No "More
Prosecutions Will Be lnder
taken in Toledo.
TOLEDO, O , Jan. IS. Tha 'workhouse
board haa Issued an order setting at liberty
all prisoners held for stealing coal from the
j rallwsy yardB and tracks.
Tbe order Include direction to the su
perintendent to receive no more prisoner
from any court sending tbem In for petty
coal tbefts.
It is said that no prosecution for coa
theft will be recognized by the board dur
ing tba coal famine.
Transport Brings Eleven Hundred
Soldiers Honre tor Whom
Army Haa So sc.
BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13. The trans
port Logan arrived bere today from the
Philippines, with 1,1(4 discharged soldiers
on board. One-half of tbe soldiers on
board were dlshono.'ably discharged snd
tbe other, or most of tbem, were weeded
out of the service as undesirable. In spite
of th record of the men, perfect discipline
waa maintained during th trip.
Jadgo Weldon B. Heybara of Wallace
la Stan Favored hy tba
Lrgl. latere.
BOISE, Idaho, Jaa. 13. Judge Weataa B.
Heybura of Wsllac wa elected United
State aator by tb Idaba legislature
Nebraska Delegation Finally Agrees Upon
Measure Effecting Grating Land.
Representative Moadell Free
Coal Rill. Asserting It Will
lajare the Indastry in
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. (Special Tele
gram. ) Senator Dietrich, who ha been an
ardent and perslsfent advocate of some
land leasing measure, in view of constant
friction between the government and cattle
growers of Nebraska, today submitted a
draft of a bill to Ms colleagues o! thetCe
braska delegation, which met with general
The bill which tbe senior senator pre
sented to tbe conference, be stated,
was largely prepared by Assistant
Attorney General Vandevanter of the
Interior department and In some
particulars followed the Lacey land leas
ing bill Introduced at the last session.
Senator Dietrich explained seversl sec
tions of the bill and urged upon tbe dele
gation united action. In view of the im
portance of tbe measure to Nebraska It
was agreed that the bill should be sent to
the president of the aenate and speaker ot
the house of Representatives of the Ne
braska legislature, member of the Ne
braska delegation in congress calling upon
these gentlement to present the bill to their
bodies and that In event of these bodies
agreeing to the measure that they me
morialize congress to pass tbe measure. It
was the consensus of opinion among those
in attendance at tbe conference that the
bill was the best that would meet the ap
proval of the secretary of the Interior and
In view of this condition enncertod action
was urged.
Congressman Stark desired to insert into
tbe bill a clause empowering the president
to make proclamation of land to be aet
aside for grazing purposes, but when he
found that the bill was wholly designed
for Nebraska he withdrew his motion and
stated that as the bill safeguarded the
right of homesteader be would give tbe
bill hi support.
Congressman Shallenberger, who has In
sisted that thirty section was too large
a tract to lease to any one holder, as had
been contemplated in former measures,
presented to congress, expressed himself
as satisfied with the section limiting the
maximum of acree to be leased to any one
person to twenty sections and be Joined
Stark In seconding tbe motion to refer tbe
bill to the legislature ot Nebraska.
After tbe conference, whleb wa most
harmonious tbe Nebraska delegation has
beld In a long time and which waa attended
by every member ot the Nebraska delega
tion now in Washington, Senator Dietrich
introduced tbe bill in the aenate.
Lease Twenty Sections. .
Tba text ot tbe bill follows:
That the secretary of the interior la auth
orised In his discretion to -iense for live
stork graalwg pm-pnew, for-eaeh advance
annual rental, upon terms, with such re
strictions, not exceeding twenty sections
In any single lease and for such time not
exceeding a period of ten years as to him
shall seem rensonable, such of the yubllc
lands within the state of Nebraska as are
in their natural condition valuable Only
for live stock grazing uur noses and are not
capable of irrigation.
isot more than one lease shall be. di
rectly or Indirectly, made to or held by the
same person, and no lease shall be trans
ferable, without the approval of the sec
retary of the interior. Aa far as possible
bona fide settlers and owners' of private
lands shall have a preference in leasing the
adjoining lands and where two or more
sui n nomestead settlers or private own
ers are desirous jf leasing the same ad
joining public lands, the latter shall be
equitably apportioned among them.
do long as any lessee 1 Lilly complies
with the terms of his lease, but not be
yond the term for which the lease Is given.
he may encloae the land embraced In his
Iruse aad shall be entitled to the exclusive
use thereof for live stock grazing pur
poses, but the landa embraced In any lease
snail continue to te subject to settlement
and acquisition by qualified persons
In good faith, go upon such lands for the The driver did not top when he w that e snuaiea wnerever nine commissioner,
purine of making actual ettlement and i ,h hnd - ,jown but whipped fr whose appointment tlx by the speaker
maintaining actual residence thereupon, as tuB "u , ' , . .he hnn.e frnin th. ,.. .,....
Is required by sections rwt, 2u. iffll, n up hi horse, and disappeared along the or the nouse from the respective congre
and Juo. of the revised statutes of the ' street. Mr. Brady, the teacher, and a ' alqnal district and three by the lieutenant
United Statea.
ing or holding such leane or transfer, be
requirea lo agree 111 vtiiuiig mm ut- w,u
any manner, directly or Indirectly, violate
any of the provbsions of the act of con-
gress entitled "An act to prevent unlawful
occupancy of the lands,' approved Feb-
ruarv 20. 1&S6.
The rentals of lands leased hereunder,
after deducting the exense of. administer
ing this act. shall be annually disposed of
under the direction or tne secretary ot tne
interior as follows:
One-fourth shall be Dald to the state of
Nebraska: one-fourth shall be paid to the
county In which the leaned land lies, and
one-hair shall be cr.Hilteo in tne treasury
of the United States to the reclamation
fund established under an act of congress
entitled "An act appropriating the receipts
ftom the sale and dispoeal of public lands
in certain states and territories to the con
struction of irrigation works for the re
clamation nf arid lajids," approved June
17. 1SSJ2.
The purpose of this act Is to provnie lor
the economic use of public lands in the
state of Nebraska which are adapted only
to grazing purpose, to encourage the Im
provement, use and protection of the grass
therein, and to determine by actual, ex
periment and observation whether a sys
tem of leasing pudiic lajios oi vnis cnarac
ter mav be justlv and advantageously In
augurated and maintained.
Richards Xot alted.
Bartlett Richards, who bas been In Cali
fornia for the past fortnight, arrived in
Washington today direct from tb Pacific
coaat and at once began a canvas of the
situation in regard to the proposed leasing
bill. When asked tonight bow the bill
suited him, Mr. Richards said: "Had the
secretary of the Interior sumbltted the
Dietrich bill to me a personal proposl-
tion, I would bave refused to accept It,
but I wa ent here by the Nebrska Stock
Grower' association to urge upon congress
the passage of some leasing measure. This
Is tbe best bill. I believe, we can get. It
Is this bill or nothing. It Is now up to
the Nebraska legislature to say whether
It wr.nts this bill or not. If Nebraska wants
It. I want It, notwithstanding Its terms,
but If the stork growers don't want it,
then I will be against it."
It is suggested here that the Nebraska
Stork Grower' association be at once con
vened and after passing on the measure,
end their representative to Lincoln to
urge upon the legislature the importance
of memorializing congress to pasa the bill
Introduced today by Senator Dietrich and
which bas the approval of Secretary Hitch
cock. Want Pence Law Repealed.
Two hundred small stock growers of Ne
braska living at Alliance, Hyannls, Box
Butte, Antioch and other towns In tbe aand
hill section of Nebraska and owning about
M. 000 bead of cattle and sheep bave aent
a petition to Senator Millard asking tbat
tbe fence law ot lSi be repealed and ask
ing tbe passage of aome act that will dia-
(.Continued b Third Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Wednesday
and Thursday.
Hour. Den. Hour. He.
Raum 17 1 p. m H5
a. m Id S p. m 3T
T n. as IT 3 p. n HN
ft au m Itt 4 p. m ST
w n. in lt ft p. m al
10 n. m St p. si
11 a. m 2! T p. m at
iv m as st p. m...... a:i
it p, va ...... a?i
Takes a Shot at Robbers and Appear
ances Indicate 11c lilt On
- of Them.
The saloon of John Bush at S01 South
Thirteenth afreet was held up last night
by two men, doubtless the same who
worked so successfully Sunday night, but
this time a new element. Policeman Tom
Ring and his revolver, entered the game
when the holdup was Just nicely started
and saved ol9.R0 for the house and the
private purse of the Individual who were
At about 11 o'clock Tiush, H. W. Rocbe of
1617 Cass street, James
Twelfth and Martha stree
Ing, from Twelfth and Bancroft afreet,
were sitting at cards in a corner of the
room. Joseph P. Wagner of IMS South
Eleventh street had Just dropped In to get
a china pitcher filled with beer. Police
man Ring who wilb other offlcera had been
detailed to work on tbe saloon holdups,
was also In tbe room and armed.
He bad been looking at the cards on the
table and glancing up saw two men with
whlto handkerchiefs on their faces on the
point of entering the front door. Ring
ran out the side entrance, followed by
Wagner. The policeman !lpped around to
the street entrance and, looking in, found
one of the men taking the money from tha
cash register, while the other kept the
card players with their arms up. Taking
deliberate aim Ring fired, the distance be
ing about twenty feet. The man at the
register either Jumped or staggered and.
dropping some silver, cried. "Back up!"
Ring then ran to the corner of the build
ing, where he bed command of the two en
trance, and waited for a shot. At this
moment he saw a man running across the
street with something white in his hand.
Thinking that he saw one of the holdup
men with the white mask In hi hand. Ring
let fly and dropped hi man. It was Wag
ner with hi china pitcher. He waa hit
on the ankle Joint, but the ball glanced
without doing much damage.
While this episode wa belns acted the
robber ran out the de door and turning
to the rear and not toward the street, ran,
in the shadow of the building, through a
mall gate In tbe back Into a blind alley
and from there outh to Tweirth street.
I. P. A. Bruechert of 2618 South Twelfth
treet, hearing 'the shot, opened his door
and saw two men running past. Just op
posite his bouse one of them fell, but, get
ting up again, ran on.
The man at the register had already taken
$S3 when the policeman fired. He left
$1S. 50. No tala of blood were dlcemlble
in 'the. building, -but -careful search f.iUod
to diacloee any trace of the bullet. No ac
curate description waa obtained of the
men, but tfie police are satisfied that they
were the. two men who perpetrated the
former robberies.
Leg ta Broken nnd Little Fell
Otherwise Injured aa n
. Result.
Elmer Borg, tbe T-yer-old on of Mr.
Amanda Rnrc. a widow living at 2205 North
Twentv-eventh avenue, waa knocked dewn
and run over at 3:10 o'clock yesterday aft-
ernoon at Twenty-Blxth and Franklin, by
a wagon driven by an unidentified person.
probably a farmer. Tbe right leg of tbe
little fellow wa broken and he auffered
l.ever.1 unlmnortant bruises about the head,
( f ,rhool mates of the injured boy
"d did what they cou.d
, for the .ufferer. The Janitor of the .chool
, . Elmer In
a wheelbarrow and took him
home. Dr. Ellis waa called and la of the
i opinion that the bone Hi crushed. At the
I . . . th eblldren were
' "me of the, accident the children were
Just coming irom scnooi. iney ran across
the street In front of tb rapidly approach -
Ing wagon and Ellroer, who was the last
of tbe party, waa not quick enough to es
cape the wheel. Tb driver wore a long
beard and drove a white and a bay horse.
Twenty-Four Presentments All Told
Returned, Moat of Them for
Among tbe Indictments returned by the
federal grand Jury Tuesday waa one
against W. R. Lesser, former special agent
of tbe Interior department, living at Tama,
la. Lesser 1 charged with defrauding tbe
government In tbe matter of expense ac
count. Colonel Mo.oy who was chiefly re
sponsible for Lesser' losing bis govern
ment position, chsrged that Lesser, while
hi duties should bava kept him in Ne
braska examining Into the suspicious land
entries, waa remaining quietly at home and
making regular reports from there. Lesser j commissioner of the city of Omaha power t
says that the rhisrgea are without the assess the railroad within the corporal
slightest foundation and tbat be attended ' limit Instead of accepting tbe state' Ag
in every way to hi official dutie. ure. At a meeting ot tbe delegation to
There were twenty-four indictment re- night In room 11. Lindell hotel, to consider
turned all told, sixteen of which were for
, ,eIllng qUor to Indian. Contrary to gen-
j era, expectation, there were no Indict-
ments returned on account of the alleged
fraudulent widow' entrie or tbe fencing
of public lands.
Mew Railroad for Missouri.
tificate authorizing the St. Louts. Kansas
City aV Colorado railway to extend Its line
from Union, Mo., to Kansas City waa today
granted by th secretary of atate.
Mot meats of Ocean Teasels Jaa. IS.
At New York Arrived: Vaderland. from
Antwerp. Sailed: Palalla.. for Nuples and
Genoa: llesperia. f'r Marseilles, etc.
At HyoViey, N. u. W. Arrived: Previously,
Sierra, frtn Bum Francnu-o via Honolulu.
At London Arrived: Minnehaha, frftra
New York.
At Antwerp Arri'ed: Kroonland, from
New York.
At lireraen Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm der
Grose, from N-w York.
At Muviiu Arrived: Bavarian, from St.
Johns and Halifax for Liverpool.
At Palermo-Sailed; Olio dl Measlna, for
Nt-w York.
At The Lizard Passed : Fennland, from
PhiisA-ljihia fur Antwerp.
At lad uiarahull l'ated. Bavarian, from
St. Joins. N. 11. and Halifax for Uvcr
pool; H u-roy. Irom lut.n for Giaagow.
At Naples Arrived.; i'tXusut, truui How
Mockett Give Out Lilt of Member of tne
Committees f Lower Hou
Fretend Not to Be Eirprised, but Borne
Soreness is Manifest.
launders Introduces Bill to Change Date of
Omasa City Election.
Koetter Haa Bill Reducing Member
ship of Omaha Board of Education
from Fifteen to Nine, On
from Kara Ward.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. IS (Special Telegram.)
Lynch, living at i Speaker Mockett finally announced hia for
ts, snd John Erv- ty-four house committeea today. Th Hat
differ in no material particular from what
waa expected. Th general verdict I that
the speaker did a good Job toward discharg
ing obligation and redeeming pledge mad
during hi candidacy. Naturally some dis
appointment I felt and aome sore spots
re evident Just aa they were before the an
nouncement waa made. Tbe result of th
rontest for the speakership hsve not been
obliterated, but there are no surprise
Of the men who aspired to tbe speakership
with Mr. Mockett, Rouse ot Hall. Is mad
chairman ot tha ctmmittee on deficiencies;
6ear of Burt, committee on claim;
Thompson, on apportionment; , Perry on
miscellaneous subjects; Sweety, on consti
tutional amendmenta.
Considerable Interest center around this
feature ot the appointment. Oa of th
defeated candidates said tonight be and
the other had agreed to ak for nothing
and therefore were unconcerned as to th
result. .Another said that he would have
preferred to have had no chairmanship, a
he wanted to be a free lance on the floor.
"But," he added, conveying the aplrlt
of the other, "none of us has been bur
dened with Important chairmanship, de
spite the suspicion tbat It might bave been
tbe program to give us duties tbst would
require our presence elsewhere thsn In tha
bouse at crucial time. For my part, I
would rather be In my place than handi
capped a speaker."
Criticises Finance Committee.
In the course of hi remarks this member
took occasion to criticise the apoplntment
ot the finance committee, which, he pointed
out, wa composed of new member. He
"I have no fault to find with the Indi
vidual members of the committee, but I
think tbat committee, above all otbera.
ought to be made up of old and experienced
Douglas county. It will ha seen, captured
five chairmanship that of ta Judiciary
committee going to Nelson, corporation t '
Shelly, labor to Koetter, cities and town
to Gilbert and militia to Ten Eyck. Menden
hall of Jefferson Is chairman of tbe railroads
committee, as waa anticipated, unit Warner
of Lancaster of the Important committee
on revenue and taxation.
One interesting fact to be noticed In con
nection with these committee I that th
committee on telephone and telegraph now
specifies In It title other electric com
panies, which, of course, take in afreet
railway concern. Considerable significance
I attached to thl In view of the recent
contemplated suburbsn line of e lee trie
railway and the notable Interest these con-
eerns are manifesting In the affairs of tb
, present legislature.
: A flood of bills has broken loos In tha
house. The flrt meaaur wa by Warner
of Lancaster, appropriating 1100.000 for tb
erection of a new state normal chool 1o
aovernor, from the Fourth, Fifth and
Sixth congressional district, respectively.
Bnall decide upon. Other Important mea-
ur carrying signinoant approprlatlona
were oy eaaier oi Aasma, S8K,000 for a
fireproof wing to tbe Hasting asylum;
Sweezy of Adams. $15,000 for a barn at the
same place; Good ot Nemaha, $75,000 for
a new library .and chapel at the Peru
state Normal, and Wilson, to provld for
Hills Affecting Omaha.
Koetter of Douglas I the author of a
bill to make the Omaha school board com
posed of one member from each ward In
atrad of a total membership of fifteen a
now and pay earh a salary of $50 a month.
Senator Saunder ef Omaha today sub
mitted his bill to have the tlty election
In Omaha put off from the first Tuesday In
March till the first Tuesday In May. Stoutly
denying a personal interest In tb purpose
of the bill, the senator, who I linked with
sn aspiration to be mayor of Omaha. f
firmed that th meisure was devoid af
politic and was designed to afford a better
time, from a climatic standpoint, for hold
ing th city election.
Delegation la Secretive,
The Douglas county delegation mean to
guard sacredly Its action on thl Real Ka-
ta'e exchange proposition to give th tag
thl bill, reporter were given to under-
atand emphatically tbat this wa a
. In which their paper and the put
bile bad
no concern. One member, when ssked by
another what statements should be made
to the press, said:
"Tell th pre this I "bone ot It bust
tes." m
Representative Nelson returned end cour
teously informed tbe Omaha reporters tbat
no decisive action could be taken, conse
quently no statement could be glvsa out.
Commlttco oa Employes Makes Its
port on Mat and It Is
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jsn. IS. (Special.) In th
enate thia afternoon Eaunder ot Douglas
Introduced his bill to postpone the city
election In ritie of th metropolitan claa
until the first Tuesday in May, IMS. Sen
ator Saundera ststes emphatically tbrr. I.
no politic in the bill and he desire th
passage of such an act simply because th
time of tbe election at present i th worst
time of the year. "It put tb convention
JU fst.-uaxr," ba aaid. "aad aiake las a-