Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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JUa&inicg at Home During- the leceas and
Ganitol it Deserted.
Kf Paha . County- Man Oorrrnilrra
to Wiriln of Penitentiary, hat I
Denied Admlanian Wltn-
out Pnpers.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LfNCOLN. Jan. 12. (Special.) Very few
of the legislators who went to their homri
after adjournment Thursday have returned
to Lincoln, though many of them are ex
pected In tonight. Speaker Moekett an
nounced today that he would he ready to
nam the committee of the hci'.se Wednea
de He haa been conspicuously absent
from the haunta of the legislators alnre Hla
elevation to the speakership chair. Satur
day night ha ventured out and wn ao be
sieged that he Immediately mad hla escape
home. '
In the meantime there la considerable
talk of proposed legislation going the
rounds. The labor people. It Is aald, desire
aome amendments to. the child labor law.
One change that will be insisted on. It Is
aid. Is 'an amendment that will compel
children under 14 years of age to remain
In school during the entire school year, as
prescribed by the various achoM districts.
Another Is to bring the compulsory school
lav Into harmony with the child labor law.
The latter law, aa It now stands, requires
the attendance of the ch'ld for at least
twenty weeks In the year, while the com
pulsory school law require attendance two
thirds of the year.
Seoretary Davis of the Board of Charity
and Correction aald that board would want
everal bills Introduced. One of these will
be to create a state parental school tit
Lincoln, the object of which Is to enlarge
tho work of the Home for the Friendless.
This board also wanta a bill providing pen
alties for wife desertion. An act to prevent
a county Judge from giving marriage li
censes to Imbeciles, eptlepttca and insane
persons; another bill to provide matrons
for the penitentiary and county jails where
women are confined.
What G. A. R. Wanta.
The members of .the Grand Army of the
Republic were scouting around today to find
aome member of that organization In either
house who would father a bill 'to trevent
the desecration of the flag. Should this
bill be Introduced and passed It would
mean that no business Arm could use the i
Bag to wrap up goods. I
Three members of the Grand Army of the
Republic, all past commanders, met yea- I
terday to confer upon the appointment of a j
member of that body aa a member of the I
committee on soldiers' homes. Tho man I
these will select will be recommended to
8peaker Mockott. Captain Culver of Mil
ford, Captain Adams of Superior and Cap
tain Reese of Broken Bow made up the
caucus. .
Gveraor Consider Appointments.
Governor Mickey la atlll buay looking
over the Held of appointments and made
no announcement today. Pending the an
nouncement of the -adjutant general, Oen
eral Colby will hold over. The governor
expects to make the appointment to thla
place either thla week or the first of next.
There are atx candidates for the place,
Captain Holderman of York and Captain
Phelps of Holdrege being the last an
nounced. . The Kearney Induatrial school
aruuerlntendency still remains in doubt.
Deputy Food Commissioner Baasett baa
conaented to remain In office until May In
order that the legislature mar have the
' benefit of his experience. .
The Slate Printing Board expecta to meet
Wednesday and name Ita secretary. This
'place Is held by L. A. Williams of Blair,
but there are a htlf dosen who would like
the place. It pays fl.COO a year and a man
can gr5w fat on the work. ,
Discover More School Vm4.
Land Commlsaioner Follmer haa un
unearthed two plecea of land belonging to
the atate that had been loat sight of. Theae
plecea comprise 160 acres. The books In
the office of the commissioner have been
carefully cheeked 'up recently and the mis
taken entrlea discovered.
Breaking; Into .Penitentiary.
Another man hat sttempted to break Into
the penitentiary. This time It Is Joseph
Bouchet from Ktya Paha county, under
Indictment for murder. He came to Lin
coln thla morning with a letter supposed
to be from the sheriff -of his county, rec
ommending him to the warden of the peni
tentiary. He at once went fo the prison
. and gave himself up to the garden and de
sired to be locked Up. Bouchet waa sen
tenced to serve seven years, but feuding
ad appeal to the supreme court waa out
under bond. After the transcript had been
made hla attorney advised him to drop the
proceedings and begin his sentence. As
he waa not armed with the necessary com
mitment papers, Bouchet will be held aa a
guest at the prison until these arrive.
Because the state's attorney failed to
show the value of a horse which Joseph
Keller of Cheyenne county waa convicted of
stealing, Keller's attorneys applied to
Judge' Holmes thla morning to release
Keller on a writ of habeas corpus.
Attorney for Keller, Mr. Bergo, urged
that the supreme court had tield that such
an omission la fatal when coupled with the
fact that the Information did not fix the
value either. The rase waa one brought
under a geueral statute making hcrse steal
ing a felony. The atate Inalsted that ha
beaa corpus was not the proper remedy,
and that the defendant having failed to
appeal to the supreme court was bound,
the court having once secured Jurisdiction
over him. Mr. Berge contends that the
Information and verd'et being Irregular,
the court never had Jurisdiction aud that
hla conviction and sentence therefore were
Judge Holmes took the matter under ad
visement. Omaha ronrtet Dies. '
Frank Clark sent to the penitentiary
from Douglas county for burglary, died at
the prtkon this, morning of consumption,
and the authorities are unable to locats
hla relatives-and d- not know what to do
with the txxiy. Clara was sentenced for
ive years and his time would have expired
next September. He waa St years of age
Historical Society Meeting;.'
The twentf-flfth annual meeting of the
' Nebraska Historical society will be held
at memorial chapel of the State university
Sab Ten Million Boxes a Year.
January 13 and 14. The following program
will be carried out:
i Tuesday, t ti. m Tapers and sddressea:
Tributes to J. Sterling Morton, President
Hobert W. Kiirnaa, Hrownvllie, and Hon.
Ueora-e U Miller Omaha; "Kallroads In
Nebraska Politic," Hon. Edward Knee
water. Omaha; "The ''ampilan Aaalnat
t'rasy Horse and the Mule Recrvea," I).
Y. Mcar. t'nadwn. ftcamboatlng and
steamboat -lay j-i tho Missouri: "Pioneer
ing tin the Misuurl Hlver, lv-l-9'i." t'ap
tln V. H. tasl, 8t. Louis; "The Rise
and Fall t.f Heimhoaiing on the Missouri
Itlvrr," Phil K t'happell, Kansas t'lty.
WednsUav, i n m. Supper for nv-mbers
of Plate Historical society. Territorial
plotii ere, fttte Horticultural society, Lan
caster t'ounty Old 8:ttlers' association and
vliP!lf-s friends: p. m. "The Pas-ing of
a Romantic HuHness." Captain H. M. Chlt
tendfn I'nited States engineer. Yellowstone
park: "My Recollections of the Missouri, j
j-f,J-l!i2." 4 aptain A. Overton. . Council i
1,1. T" 1 . .. All f-..n. IJn.L.u trt 1 Ha '
Itor bi " Cnnt.iln I) I. Kcinr. Itnotlp 11 Ic.
Mo.; "Running? :he Indian blockade On the
Missouri. aptuln . It. Uouid, lankton,
8. I).; "Decatur tbe Krly Steamboat anil
Railroad Center'of No'th Nebraska. " Cap
tain B. T. learning. Decatur; ' Sailing the
old Missouri." Captain James Kennedy,
Kansas Cltv. Mo.; "Steamboatlng Now and
Then." Captain W. A. Cade. Kansas City.
Mo.: Karly Railroading and Hteamboating."
Harry P. D uel, Otnnha; "Recollections of
Hteamboat Days at the Old Omaha Land
ing; William J. Kennedy, Omaha.
The Nebraska Territorial Pioneers', asso
ciation will meet In Memorial chapel
Wednesday, January 14, at S o'clock p. m.
for social reminiscences a'nd election of
The Nebraska ftate Horticultural aoclety
will meet in morning and afternoon sessions
January 13, 14 and 15, In Nebraska hall,
university campus.
The Lancaster County Old Settlers' asso
ciation will hold a session Thursday after
non, January 15, at, 2 p. m., In tbe old
chapel of the 8tate university, with the
following program:
Music, Mr. Camp and others; "The Hog
In Iancnster County." J. V. Wolfe; "Wuv
erly and Its History." O. R. Bowman;
"Karly Law . anil lawyers of Lancaster
County," Judge 8. H. Pound; Music, the
O. A. R. quartet; "The location of the
Capital at Lincoln," Hon. 1. P. Kennard.
. Other papers and addresses or talks are
expected front Colonel J. P. Bratt, Colonel
Vifqualn, Mrs. Dr. Demaree, Captain Batrd,
Mra. A. Roberts.. Rev. II. T. Davis, Charles
Retzllff, Rev. John Chapman, Hon. C. H.
Warner and others. Recitations will also
be given. There will be a social and sup
per at & p. m. at the armory.
tieta Tno Barrels of Qunll.
From Plalnvlew, Neb., Game Warden
Simpklna today received two barrels of
quails that bad been left on tbe depot
platform at that place for shipment. Tbe
rgeut notified Mr. Slmpkins that the bar
rels were there, without' addresses upon
tbem and the latter had them sent here
to be distributed among the state institu
tions. ;t is not xnown who left the game
on the platform.
Articles of Incorporation were Bled with
the secretary of atate today by tbe Ord
Telephone company of Ord, Neb. The cap
ital aiock Is 110,000 and tbe Incorporators
are: F. J. Bell, S. E. Bell, Horace Davis
and J. D. Laverty.
The Shlverlck Furniture company of
Omaha has amended ita articles of Incor
poration on file with the aecretary of state
to read the Baker Furniture company. 4
Supreme Court Call.
Following Is a' list of cases that will be
called for bearlug January 20, 1903:
Sturdevant against Farmers' and Mer
chants' Bank, Kuahville, Douglas; Bank of
Miller against Klchmon, Buffalo; Knight
agalnat. Denman, Butler; MoNerny against
HubbaiM, Lancaster; Union I 'a el lie Rail
road Co. against Stanwood, Douglas; Ingle
hart against Lull, Douglas; State ex rel
Young against Royse, Custer: National Aid
Association against Brachter, Clay; First
National Bank, Greenwood, agalnat . Wil
bern. Cuss; Western Travelers' Accident
Association against Holbrook, Douglas;
Harker against Uurbnnk, Hurt; Lehmer
against Horton, Douglas; Western Union
Telegraph Co.' against WaKefleld, Dixon;
Menstnger against Btelner-Medlngsr Com-
fany, Douglas; Standley against Ciaff. Rob
naon & Co., Douglas; x Standley agalnat
Clay, Robinson & Co., Pougtas; Cady lum
ber company against Greater America Kx
posltion, Douglas; Omaha Oil and Paint
Company against Greater America Kx po
sition, Douglas; Cady Lumber Company
against Greater America Exposition, Doug-'
las; Zabriakle against Greater America Ex
position, Douglas; Cady Lumber Companv
against Grealei America Exposition, Doug"
lua; Cady Lumber Company against
Greater America Exposition Douglas; Cady
Lumber Company against Greater America
ExK)8lt!os, Douglas; Cady Lumber Com
pany against Greater America Exposition,
Douglaa; Chamberlain against Chamberlain
Honking House, Johnson; HaJsek against
Chicago, Burlington Qulncy Railroad
Company, Valley; Matoushek againBt
Dutchcr & Son, Boyd; Nebraska Ioan and
Trust Company against Corning. Sherman;
Grevk against McDanlel, Douglas; Cole
against Boyd. Adams; Kepllnger against
Woolsey. Johnson; Farmers' and Mer
chants' Insurance Company against Col
lins, Hoyd; Williams against Fuller, Frank
lin; Hagek agalnat Prachell. Saline; Hack
ney against Raymond Bros. Clarke Com
pany, Lancaster; Strong against Combs,
Johnson; Metcalf agalnat Jetter. Douglas;
Omaha Street Railway Company agalnat
Boeson. Douglas; Fidelity Mutual Kir In
surance Company against Murphy, Greelev;
Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy RailroHd
Company against Ulley. Butler: Rawllngs
against Anheuser Busch Brewing Associa
tion, Gage; Uartllng against State, Chey
enne; Guthrie against Guthrie. Iincaster:
Block againxt Fuber, Pawnee; Parker
against Wells, I-uncaster; Sawyer against
Bender. Saline: Smith agalnat Clay County,
Clay; Mitchell against Clay County, Clay;
Allen agalnat Cerny Butler; Jones against
Plggott, Thayer; State against Porter,
ljancaster; National Wall Paper Company
against Columbia National Rank. Iancas
tcr; Adlr & Sons Clothing Company
agilnst Helloian. Douglas; Adler & Sons
Clothing Company against Ilellman. Doug
las; Keating against State, Webster; State
against DeWolfe. Lancaster; Porter against
Parker. Thurston; McCauley agafnst Tyn
dall, Thurston.
Matunl Insnranro Pr
YORK. Neb.. Jan. 12. (Special.) The
large supervisors' room In the county court
house was filled to overflowing at yester
day's annual meeting of the members of
the Farmers' Mutual Insurance company of
York county, who met for the purpoae of
the annual election of officers. The secre
tary reported money In the treasury, no
losses during the past year and no as
sessments made, and over $500,000 of Insur
ance In force. The following officers were
elected: D. Zimmerman, president; Henry
Scheele, vice president; W. L. Kirkpatrlck,
secretary. The three 'directors elected
were: R. B. Price of Thayer. -Commodore
Beavor" of Waco and W. 8. Freeman of
West Blue. But one assessment of 19 mills
has been made In tbe past seven years.
Business bain sea In Battle Creek.
BATTLE CREEK. Neb., Jan. 12. (Spe
cial.) Business In Battle Creek Is taking
on quite a change. A. H. Gardels haa
started a new flour, feed and oil atore.
Fred Schrerger haa bought out the pump,
wirdmill and tank business of Zimmerman
J A Co. and will run It in conneclioa with
his Implement ousmeas. . at. Loveiac
has sold his Interest in his lurplentent busi
ness to his partner, Chsrlea Probst, and
J. 8. Braisher, one of Battle Creek's oldest
harness dealers, has sold bla entire -stock,
tools and building to Mrk Sesler. The
transfer will be' made as soon as tbe
papers can be finished.
f nw
Ho Logger Looks for Aid from tie
United States.
However,, It la Regarded Certain that
He lias Clothed Minister Bowen
with Snfftclent Power to
Make settlement.
NEW YORK. Jan. 12 Referring to the Sit
uation In Venezuela the London correspond
ent of the Tribune s.iys the opinion ex
pressed by the leading officials there Js that
the blockade has evidently oppressed Castro
and that he has given up all hope of Ameri
can Intervention.
The American's La Ouayra correspondent
is authority for the statement that under
the persuasion of President Castro tho for
eign merchants of Caracas have "con
tributed" $5,000 to the expense fund of
Mr. Bowen on his trip to Washington.
, - May Raise BloeTtade.
, ROME, Jan. 12. Negotiations between the
co-onerating powers relative to raising the
blockade of the Venezuelan coast are pro
ceeding, the main point being the question
of guaranties for the payment of claims
should the warships be withdrawn.
The Italian Foreign office recognizes iht
correctness of the contention in Secretary
Hay's last note that a continuance of the
blockkde will only further impoverish
Venezuela and make the settlement of the
claims) more difficult and is desirous of meet
ing the suggestion of the I'nited States.
At the same time It cannot act without an
agreement with Germany and Great Britain.
As a solution of the question the suggestion
Is again mooted whether the Pnlted States
must be asked to guarantee the payment of
the sums awarded, now that the situation
has so cpmpletery changed.
Cnstro Passive Germany.
BERLIN, Jan. 12. The Foreign office
here is .somewhat puzzled by President
Castro's last note. He avoids specific ac
ceptance of the powers' stipulations and
seemingly leaves the basis for a settlement
as Indefinite as In his preceding dispatch,
agreeing generally to arbitration.
The president's reply las really not ad
vanced the matter at all, but It la con
fidently supposed he has given Mr. Bowen
full power of attorney.
The State .department at Washington has
advised the Foreign office that Mr. Bowen
has sailed from La Guayra. Nothing more
will be done from this side until Mr. Bowen
arrives In Washington.
Bowen la on Hla Wy,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Mr. Bowen be
fore leaving La Guayra yesterday on
Dolphin, dispatched a short telegram to
the State department announcing his de
parture, but not stating what port he ex
pects to make in the' United States. The
Navy department was Informed that the
boat would stop first at Kingston for coal.
Inqalries at the State department as to
whether or not answers had been received
from the European capitals to President
Castro's last communication developed that
the department now baa nothing to do, di
rectly or indirectly, with ' the exchanges
which may pass between the powers and
Venezuela. The functions of the depart
ment are sa'.d to have ceased when It
brought the parties together and they must
hereafter communicate directly. Pre
sumably Mr. Bowen will be addressed as
the representative of Veneiuela. and as
he cannot be reached on shipboard, there
probably will be a halt to the exchanges.
Advices received here Indicate that while
Mr. Bowen comes aV Venezuela's commis
sioner President Castrq, has made It a con
dition that the bfbekade shall be raised be
fore he proceeds wltb the preparation of
the protocol for the peaceful adjustment Of
the claims. Moreover, It now develops that
In this request Venezuela is likely to have
the support of Italy. The United States,
though not a party to the negotiations, of
course will throw the weight of Ita moral
influence on the same side. The Italian
government is Influenced In Its course by I
purely economic considerations. It does
not desire to crush Venezuela simply to
procure payment of claims. The contin
uance of the blockade by sapping the very
life of the country threatens to make it
Impossible for Venezuela to pay these claims
within any reasonable period, so that any
Judgment rendered against it by private ar
rangement or by The Hague tribunal would
be hollow and almost without results.
Dempster Manufacturing; Company
Gives Annan! Function lij Honor
f Slockholdera.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 12. (Special.)
The fourth annual banquet of the Dempster
Mill Manufacturing .company was held In
Nichols' hall last night and was attended
by nearly 200 rtockholders and traveling
men of the company, besides a number of
Invited guests:
The culinary department was presided
over by the women of the First Presbyte
rian church, and of the menu too much
praise cannot b given. The tables were
aa handaome creations aa eer graced the
dining halls of any event held la the city,
and nothing was left undone to make It
the best and most elaborate banquet yet
held by the company.
f 1' Dt.croaa t raa an ,ur nf Ilia fim-
pany. acted a. toastmaster, and the follow-
Ing sentiments 'were responded toe "Our
Maids," Fred Owen; "Our Bachelors."
Miss Ethel Pyle: "The Ladies," Miss May
Leary; "Alfalfa." R. A. Yale; "Oil," W.
Z. Warner; "Tlf.e Paat and the Future,"
C. M. Hemler; "Our Wives." D. W. Carre;
"Wanta," Homer Metzger; "Knighta of the
Grip." Frank Owen; "The Press," B. E.
Munville for the company and M. A. Metz
ger for the presa; -"The Church and the
Laboring Man." Rev. W. H. Kearns; "The
Legal Department," R. S. Bi'jb and Hon.
Samuel Rlnaker; "The Stockholders," M.
T. Cummlngs; "An Outsider," M. V. Nich
ols; "Our Guests." President C. B. Demp
ster; "The Memphis Plant." A. B. Smith.
These were followed by a poem by J. W.
A handaome leather chair was then pre
sented -to Mr. Hemler by Mr. Dempster.
The toast, were followed by a program
of music and recitations. Jenkins' or
chestra added spice with a muaical program
throughout the banquet. (
The banquet was also the celebration of
Mr. Dempster's fiftieth birthday and when
the fact became kptown he, wa showered
with congratulations. Aa tbe hour of mid
night waa reached the evening's featlvit'es
closed with a selection by the orchestra,
Social Event at( l.eiiagtea.
LEXINGTON, Neb.. Jan. li. (Speclal.)-J-Ya-tcrday
was the S9th anniversary of the
blr;B of Judge H. A. Turton of thla city,
and bis friends of the Woman's Relief corps
and Grand Army of the Republic took ad
vantage of the occasion to spring a sur
prise upon bim. He was busily engaged in
his official capacity when a detail cf com
rades presented itself In b's office and re
quested his presence at Grand Army of the
Republic hall to assist In getting up a pro
gram tor joint inttallat jn. He excused
himaelf on the ground that he was officially
enraged but aaa told he would only be
kept ten minutes, so he accompanied the
detail. On arriving at the hall he was
(idtred by the post commander to present
timselt at the altar. The room wa. filled
to Its utmost cspaclty with women and old
soldiers. Comrade Mollin then. In a neat
address In behalf of those present, presented
him with an elegant rocker; ancf Mrs.
Kohler, In behalf tif the women, pinned a
larg bouquet upon the lapel of his coat.
The Judge was taken completeVf off his
guard and the surprise was so complete
that It took severs! moments for him to
respond to the presentstlon. but be Anally
pulled himself together sufficiently to ex
press his appreciation of the remembrance
so kindly tendered, him, A collation waa
then served and all paesent. wished the
Judge many returns it his natal day.
Mrep I n gearrh for Body.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.)
I'ncccsihg efforts have been and are being
made to recover the body of George Ruehl,
who was drawn under the Ice at the dam
nearly a week ago. but without sucess.
A mass meting of citizens wss called and
a committee appointed to supervise the
work of the volunteer searchers. Nearly
the entire membership of the local lodge
of the Wodmcn of the World, of which de
ceased was treasurer, have turned out and
are cutting the Ice away and searching the
bottom of the dam. The weather being so
cold and the water Jelng fifteen feet deep
renders the work very difficult. The search
will not be abandoned until the body Is
found. His wife Is prostrated with grief.
Held for Aaannltlnsr Rlrl.
YORK. Neb., Jan. 12. iSpeclal.) George
W. Bohner. for the past rwenty years a
resident of Bradshsw, and who durlrg that
time has? run a drug store, was bound over
to the district court charged with assault
on little Wilhelma Reachuel, a 6-year-old
girl living south of Bradshaw, wbo with
her brother, 8 years old, was In Bohner's
drug store. In which place It was claimed
the assault was made. Witnesses testified
to the good character and standing of
Bohner during hla twenty years residence
In Bradshaw. The trial occupied two days
before the county court and was bitterly
Dies from Barns.
WYMORE. Neb-., Jan. 12 (Special.)
Mrs. J. W. Roberts, the wife of a prominent
farmer living south of town, died this
morning, from the effects of a burn. Mrs,
Roberts had tern washing a waist In gaso
lene Saturday evening and had gone near
the stove with It. The articjo took fire and
before she could help herself the flames
hnd enveloped her. She threw a piece of
carpet oar her head and ran out of doors,
where 'she fell in an unconscious condition
and was in that state when the family re
turned from town late In. the evening.
Relief Corps Installs Officers.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan.-12. (Special.)
A very largely attenderl'and enjoyable meet
ing of Rawlins' post No. 35. Grand Army
of the Republic, and the Woman's Relief
corps was held in the post hall last night
at whlah time officers were Installed for
the ensuing year. Following installation
refreshments were served, after which a
musical program was rendered and a very
pleasant evening passed by tbe large num
ber present.
Plenty of Conl at Ilh.
LEIGH, Neb., Jan. 12. (Bpeciaf.) The
coldest wave of the wmler Struck here Sat
urday evening an kept steadily Increas
ing until this morning'; while tne street
thermometers registered till the way from
in to l decrees below ero. 'People a
t general rule are well prepared and there
is plenty of coal at the local yards to sup
ply the present demand.'' although It has
been very scarce at tlmed'tourlng the early
fall and -.vlnter.
1' I
Odd Fellows Eleet' OBIws.
. FALLS CITY. Nab., jaoaJJ.-iOpeclal.)
At the last meeting . of Nemaha Valley
lodge No. 36. Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, the following officers : were In
stalled for tho. coming year: Dr. Fast,
noble-graridl Frank Schalble, v'co grand;
J. C.'utzey, treasurer; A. E. Gantt, sec
retary.. ,'
Fill Vacancy In Corpner'a Office,
WEST POINT. Neb., Jan. 12.-(8peclM.)
The Board of Supervlaors of Cuming county
has appointed Dr. H. 8. Wells of this city
at coroner In place f Dr. 8. A. Sammons,
who has removed from the country. Dr.
Wells Is a aon-ln-law of Judge-Readingcr
and a graduate of Creighton university.
Coldest Day of 'Winter.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.)
Tbe weather haa been Intensely cold for
the last two days, with a strong north
wind blowing steadily. The thermometer
shows the lowest temperature of the sea
son so far, 14 degrees below.
Jtw Board li Republican,
FALLS CITY, Neb.,, Jan. 12. (Special.)
The new Board of Superviaors will organize
Tuesday. It will be republican, standing
four republicans and three democrats. The
first thing the new board will do Is to lei
the contract for supplies.
Document la MIsalnaT nnd Widow Re
lics for Her Rlschts Ipon
aienoaraphlc Notes.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 12. A peculiar con
test began here In the probate court today,
when ' the widow t the late millionaire.
John McCormick Gibson of this city, who
Aahevllle. N. C. a few month, ago.
presented for probate a Copy Of his will.
made from stenographic notes alleged to
have been preserved by Attorney Wells of
The original will. It is asserted, has never
been found since the death of Mr. Gibson.
It bequeaths his entire estate to his widow,
to whom he was married a few hour, before
fcls death.'
His legal heirs, his mother snd a brother,
contest the probating of the will, and a
legal argument is In progress on the ques
tion whether a will of this description Is
valid or not. ,
Mra. Gibson, the widow, was ti Cecilia
Wolff of Providence. She was called by a
telegram to Asheville when Mr. Gibson wss
critically ill and was married on her ar
rival. Mr. Gibson's first wife was one of
thV victims of the Windsor hotel fire In
Now York.
IN BLUE - : Jh&
Count Lonjty Leave EU Prince When
Poverty Becomes Oppressive.
Coaple Strive to. Keep t'p Position
. on Small laronto and Foiling;
Astreo to Part Onee
for All.
VIENNA, Jan. 12. Serious differences, ae
eordlngNto Die Zelt. have arisen between
the Countess and Count de Lonyay, form
erly the Crown Princess Stephanie, dutlng
their stay In the south of France. The
count Is reported to have suddenly left his
wife and to have since given no Intimation
as to his whereabouts. The nature of the
alleged differences has not developed.
The count left his wife at Mentone on
January 7 and his present whereabouts Is
not known. His fVlends assert that In ad
dition to financial difficulties the count hni
found his position In, society aa the hus
band of the former crown prlncese of Austria-Hungary
exceedingly uncomfortable
and unpleasant and will seek a divorce.
The disagreement between the couple hat
long been evident and It Is believed that
pecuniary troubles underlie the affair.
As a widow the former crow-n princess
enjoyed an Income Tf $1?5,000 and bad free
residence at the) Imperial palace and the
use of carriages and servants. It Is re
ported that the couple married In the be
lief that Emperor Francis Joseph and King
Leopold would coptrlbute to their mainten
ance. In this, however, they were disap
pointed. The emperor gave the countess
$25,000 a year, while King Leopold stopped
her former allowance of $10,000 altogether.
The countess consequently tried to meet
all the expenses of maintaining her house
hold with one-fifth of her former Income
and found the task Impossible.
She used the Influence of her daughter,
Archduchess Elizabeth Marie, who is a fa
vorite with the Austrian emperor, to secure
additional money and to obtain permission
to reside In one of tbe Imperial palaces,
where jShe was out of reach of her creditors.
She was granted the use of. tho palace at
Helezendorff. near Vienna, but this priv
ilege expired upon the marriage of her
dnurhter to Prince von Wlndlschgraetz on
January 3, 102.
The Crown Princess Stephanie of Austro
Htingary. widow of the Archduke Rudolph
and a daughter of King Leopold of Belgium,
was married March 22. 1900, to Count de
I-onyay, a popular diplomat of high stand
ing in court circles. The marriage of tbe
princess to Count de Lonyay waa bitterly
opposed by King Leopold.
South Dakota Lawmaker. Lose No
Time In Transacting; Business
of c.slon.
PIERRE. S. D., Jan. 12. (Special Tele-
ram.) The senate today passed a bill ced
ing land at Hot Springs to the United State,
for the purpose of a national .sanitarium.
Among the principal bllla Introduced In
the senate were one by IIlon appropriat
ing $5,000 to the payment of the expenses
of the state fair, and one relating to tha
establishment and vacation of highway.,
while aeveial bills were Introduced relating
to legal practice.
A message from the governor was reaM
including a , letter front the ' management
of the St. Louie exposition, asking the leg
islature to take action ae to the desired
design of a statu, to be erected at the ex
position to typify the state.
The first bill to pas. both house, went
through the bouse today at senate bill
No. 2, .which provide, for the holding
of term, of court at other than county .eat
town. ' t
Tbe first house bill to go- through waa
aldo passed today. It being to Ox the terms
of court in the Fourth circuit.
Bills Introduced in the house were: By
Nelsoji, to amend the law relating to the
i collection of delinquent personal property
taxes by the sheriff; by Hutchinson of
Beadlo, to appropriate $50,000 to erect an
armory and arsenal on the atate militia
; grounds at Huron, and by Koening, prohlb
j Iting the killing of quails In the, state for
live years.
The senate capital removal bill went to
first reading in the house under suspension
of the rules, being taken up out of order
by a vote of 71 to 11.
Ia Joint session Hon. Bartlett Tripp of
the code commission tqtnk up an hour ex
plainng to the ' two houses tbe changes
I made In the law. by the commission, which
are mostly changes In phraseology, making
more clear the evident intent of laws In
I existence. He perpetrated what might be
called a Joke In atatlr that the commis
sion found that under existing law. one
of the circuit Judges of the state waa re
ceiving a less salary than the other Judges,
which wss undoubtedly a discrepancy which
had crept Into tbe law. ,and which the
commission took the liberty to correct.
Another change which was made provided
for the qualification of county auditors nt
the ssmeime with other county officers,
January 1.
At the close of tbe session tbe speaker
announced the placing of Representative
Welch on tbe committees of live stock, ap
propriations and Insurance, he having Just
i taken his seat after a successful contest
before the bouse.
Ron Ik Dakota Divorce I.ealalatlon.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. 1).. Jan. 12. (Special.)
Tbe agitation for an amendmont to the
divorce laws, increasing the period of time
necessary for residents of other ststes to
establish a residence In South Dakota, re
ducing the number dt causes for which
divorces may be granted and otherwise
making It more difficult for eastern people
to secure drvorces in South Dakota, la not
taken aeriously here. The agitation is con
fined solely to those wbo are envious of
Sioux Falls because; this city, without any
effort on tne part of Ita cltiiens, haa become
the divorce center of the state. While the
divorce business Is a source of revenue to
some attorneys and to some of the local
hctels, it doe. 'not financially benefit the
people of the city generally, the vast ma
jority of whom do not care in the least
whether the legislature amends the divorce
laws or not. However, It. Is a safe predic
tion that the legislature, which It now in
session.' will absolutely refuse to tamper
with the present divorce laws, which are
a. atringent aa those of many other states.
Wheatland Fee din Center.
' WHEATLAND. Wyo.. Jan. 12 (Special.)
Wheatland is becoming a feeding center
of considerable importance. This winter
several thousand aheep and cattle are being
fed by the farmers, while large numbers
of hogs are hejng fattened for market.
Among the larger feeders are: E. T. David,
800 cattle, 1.200 aheep; E. M. Gibson, (.000
shrep: M. R. Johnston, 4,000 sheep; Tren
holm Brothers. 100 cattle, 50 calvea.
Itlit Mrike n Dark reek.
WHEATLAND. Wyo., Jan. 12. (Special.)
What promise, to be an important min
ing strike was made one day last week on
Duck creek, about thirty miles from Wheat
land. On a claim owned by V I. Laugblln,
W. E. Seaman and othet an Immense ore
body rich in copper aud gold wa. dls-
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never
Suspect It.
To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy. wamp-Root, Will Do foi
YOU, Every Reader of The Daily Bee May Have a Sample
Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail.
It used to be considered that only urinary
and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kid
neys, but now modern science proves that nearly
all diseases have their beginning In tbe disorder
of these moat Important organs.
The kidneys filter and purify the blood that Is
their work.
Therefore when your kidney, are weak or out of
ordSr you can understand how quickly your entire
body I. affected and how every organ seems to fall '
to do It. duty.
If you are .Irk or"feel badly," begin taking the
great kidney remedy. Dr. Kilmer'. Swamp-Root,
because as soon as your kidney, are w;ell they
will help all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
Weak and unhealthy kidney, are responsible fof
many kinda of diseases, and If permitted to con
tinue much suffering with fatal result, are .ure to .
follow. Kidney trouble irritate, the nerve., makes
yon dizzy, restless, sleepless and Irritable. Makea
you pass water often during the day and oblige. '
you to get up many times during the night. Un
healthy kidneys csuse rheumatism, gravel, catarrh
of the bladder, pain or dull ache In the back, Jointa
and muscles; mskes your head ache and back ache,
causes Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble, you
get a sallow, yellow complexion, makes you feel as
though you had heart trouble; you may have plenty
of ambition, but no strength; get weak and wast,
The cure for these trouble. I. Dr. Kilmer".
Swamp-Root, the world-famous kidney remedy. In
taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Na
ture, for Swamp-Root Is the most perfect healer and
gentle aid to the kidneys that Is known to medical
science. .
If there Is any doubt In your mind as to your con
dition, take from your urine on rising about four
ounces, place It In a glass or bottle and let It stand
twenty-four hours. If on examination It is milky
or cloudy. If there Is a brlck-duat settling, or If
small particles float about In It, your kidneys are In
need of Immediate attention.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and Is used In the
leading hospitals recommended by pbysictana In
their private practice, and Is taken by doctors them
selves who have kidney al Imenta, because they
recognize In It the greatest and most successful
remedy for kidney, liver and bladder troubles.
If you are already con v Inced that Swamp-Root
la what you need, you c an purchase the regular
EDITORIAL NOTE You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful remedy,
Swamp-Root, sent absolutely free by mall, also a book telling all about Swamp-Root,
and containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received
from men and women who owe their cood health. In fact their very lives, to ibe great
curative properties of Swamp-Root. In writing to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Blnghampton,
N. T., be sure to say you read this generou a offer In The Dally Bee.
January 12 and 13 round trip
tickets to Kansas City will be
. ......
sold at reduced rates.
Call and let us give you details.
i mm
covered. ' Expert mining men who have
visited the property say it will compare
favorably with any property in the atate.
A tunnel haa been run In from the base of
a cliff, which years, ago was struck by
lightning and expoaed the copper-bearing
rock and now that the rlchnes. of te
mine ha. been established the property
will be worked .yatematlcally and regular
shipment, made.
Colored Man Badly Frosen.
PIERRE, 8. D , Jan. 12. (Special Tele
gramsCharlie Stoke., a negro, was found
Saturday In a claim shanty on the range
so badly froren lhat both hie feet had to be
amputated. He was coming in from a
ranch where he was at work and broke
into the ahanty where he was found and
built a fire, but went, to sleep and waa
Ilnalne.a M-u Declared Insane.
PIERRE, ,8. D., Jan. 12 (Special Tele
gram.) J. T. Lang, who came here from
Sioux Falls last fall and started a second
hand store, haa been declared insane and j
will be taken to Yankton. An attack of
typhoid fever Is accountable for hla condi
Court Holds rorpae to He Property
of Tlioae XV ho Hemuln
ST. LOClS, Jau. 12. The circuit court
today decided that the living relatives
have the right to select the burying place
of a member of the family and change it
at will, and that a cemetery board haa no
interest in ' a dead body except that of
holding the body In trust.
Climates wearout. HmJteaand spray,
do not cure. They relieve symptoms
inst.-ud ot removing cauHes ; whereus,
we tune Art'.uina so tin 'tig tily out of
the yMi-.m that iioihlnu remains
v. hlclicaii produce an hIIui k: niKmn
are wajii ahle U) v.orU, cut, ale p and
stand expiwure without tlie ullthlc.t
return of A.thmn. lain,; lilit In
principle our tr.-utnicnt does what
reiU-b" cannot dit. We cure to slay
cun-d aevMv, Ions-standing unit pro-noaiie.-l"liciin!M-"eji-R.
If you are
I lpt l hMase you are Ignorant
of our great work, imiic iyCi we nave
trwited AM bum and liny Fever
snnVrvrx. If you qcm r rouiplcta rtv
U f, heuith reMoivd, and no return of
Asthma, write for our Book 7 J FrH,
t UAKOLU liATta, SLtULO, . T.
UTI OfM, lap m tV
IttnytnUll Wfr ff aft
W9 d WsllimaV
CftU4rei I ra .nxrhrf to
My eaCnaruMH Wltti amail
4o natal I crwnM to fail Vnja
" wr, OtVM WTJttM
a) rafale.
TtiN rwl fir-Af wmrm nil
kniMTj'r, ImM- and (Mr
ArU trrn.l mm4 dfcwranm
to Witk kUntTt.iafi aa
-VTfc f laM UolaW, rrl,
rSMffntJ Im, JajfjirMMro an-!
Urxt'fl Ik- vhlrP. It the
rot, frwm of kMrkrv itoiaaa.
its. nxivTZft co.,
Sold by all DntggiflU.
tH,amp Root Is pleasant to take.i
fifty-cent and one dollar alio
bottles at the drtig stores every
where. Don't make any mis
take, but remember tho name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and tbe address,
Blnghamton, N. Y., on every
1502 Farnam Street.
Phone 250.
Strong Nerves
are the true source of good, healthy
Persona with halt-starved nerves si.
ways look worried and "dragged-out."
You caaslot be happy without nerve
vigor; you cannot be natural without
all the powers which nature meant yon
to have.
produca a healthful glow which art
cannot imitate. Thev iniHirrmi.M,.
organ, put new force to the nerves.
elasticity to the step and round out the
face and form to tinea of hniih --a
beauty. ,
11 00 per bo : bores (with written
guarantee), j.Ui iiooa tree,
For sale by Kuhn ft Co., Omaha.
Ttlln.y limn Store. South Omaha
Davis Drug Co.. Council RlurTs. Ta.
lLOODPbl son"
la uio wural disctso on uuu, yt lit
easiest to cura wtiLil iui, KMiiV
V HAT To 0J. Many hv pimples, apouj
ou Uia skin, sores in tbe uiouU. :co,a,
fallwiK ni'r, bone pai&a, calarm; uon I
know it la 3LOOD 1'ulauN. Send to UK,
bitoWN. . 4 Arch M. iruiiaaetpnia. fa
for BROWN'S Bl"Kji. CtflK, W.uO pel
bottle; lasts onw month. Sold only hi
Kherman & MrConnoll Drug Co., uin auc
idee Kts.. Omaha,.
Drauinl Omenlne Vnr" In a ''
DIUHII UOUOUIBa days. Urug felon
bin and Loci ice Hla.
Every YJaman
about iLm woiirlrfnl
MARVEL Whirling spray
HO A 4 nW-'tT'. bAte-Kf.
a nm IwM ft k.
MtBt KL, aceptuu 1
filher. Inn mihI iairii fof 1,.
iilill brM,k M .TM
full prtlmi lain anil ,n tn-
r&inabla in lamea. SI I HI LI tf'tv.
Boom rs Tuuea I'.ldc. N. T.
. tor bale by
Coiner 16lh and Chicago Uia Onmhi.
I M Hlf Sal" n,,riiat
da hara",lati u..hit..
ilflLMftov (if alcolalu!i4
nf tm neon a SaavbrftUaS
Si I I tears.
r j aua.f I.
aa. Pauikaa. aad autaefciiai
mlai n Oal ut rotauIMrtia,
tat uMta
own,. 1 - "rnrrla a,
U.S. A. V. rf n "ri
af 1 1 hf aianea, prepaid fcaf
w SV! fl -S " bottle fO v."
11 iO .
w an wajMaas ansa mm saajnavs