10 THE OMAHA DAILY KEEt TUESDAY, J AN U A II Y 1003. OMAHA IS SHORT ON COAL Dcftlen Unbl to Eupply the Demands' of Their Cui'.oiners. NO MORE FUEL TOft SCHOOLS THIS WEEK Contract Inst Company Sotltles nr4 f Kdnenllon that It Will Be Im. poaainle to Dellrer C oat for th rrrnrnt. Testerday found the fuel situation In Omaha In n morn serious condition than It has eTr been. Tho cold weather of last week Increased the eon aajjjitlon f " kind" of coal, and especially wag the stock of ateani coal drawn upon for the use of the large office buildings and factories. A', every yard there Is a grat shortage of coal, and It la estimated by conservative dealers that there are not a dozen cars of steam coal In all of the yards of the city. George P. Cronk of the Havens Coal com pany, the contractor for supplying the schools with fuel, said the company ha 1 notified the school board that it would be Impossible to supply coal for the schools this week, as expected Consignments had not arrived. At the office of the secretary of the board It was said that no notice had been received from the Havens company nt coon, but It was not unexpected, as for some time the contractor had been dellverlnK but amali amounts. At the Hign school the de livery has been from day to day and that building Is probably In worse shape than any othur. Many of the office buildings which could not secure steam coal have been using lump coal and any othar form of fuel which could be found. The manager of one of the coal yards said that he bad but a small quantity of one variety of coal and that bis drivers would quit work at noon, as all orders were filled as far as possible. Inquiry at the other yards elicited similar conditions. With the exception of one house every dealer has more orders for coal than can bo filled, and this bouse cannot supply the demand much longer unless additional consignments ar rive. asnenston of Ilnalneas. A number of business concerns were forced to suspend operation temporarily yes terday morning, a It was Imponsible to warm the rooms so that men could work. By great effort the majority secured 8L.aU quantities of fuel and resumed operations In the afternoon, but they were Informed that the coal delivered yesterday must be the last until more coal arrives In the city. The railroads, it is said, are doing all they can to relieve the stringency. Many companies have refused business In order to use their cars for coal and others are giving coal trains tho right of way over everything but passenger trains. Despite all of this, deliveries are a week or more behind and dealers find It difficult to locate shipments. One ense Is reported where a dealer, after waiting for several days for coal from the west, received notice that the shipment had been sent to Chicago, where It bad been delivered to dealers. With such conditions the miner and the wholesale dealer can do nothing, as they must keep on good terms with tho railroads or go out of business. It Is reported that about fifty cars are overdue here now, but no dealer will base the acceptance of an order upon the probability of the arrival of this coal. M. Levy, Chairman of tho committee of the Board of Education having in charge the securing of fuel, said that arrangements had been made whereby the schools are assured of coal sufficient to run two weeks and by that time it Is expected the most erious part of the shortage will be passed, o it la believed the schools will not be forced to close by leaeon of the failure of the contractor to supply fuel. Don't Worry. This is easier said than done, yet It may be of some help to consider the matter. If the cause is something over which you have UV LUUIIUI II IV UUVIUUB IUAI Worrying Will not help the matter in the least. On the other band, If within your control you havo only to act. When you have a cold and fear an attack of pneumonia, buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and use it Judiciously and all cause for worry as to tho outcome will quickly disappear. Thero is no danger of pneumonia when it is used. ASKS DAMAGES FROM CITY Ionia Wants Ten Thousand Dollars for Aliened Injuries to Wife and Child. Cyrus Wlllard Salsbury of Carroll, la., has filed notice with the city clerk of a claim for damages of 110,000 based upon an accident alleged to have befallen bis wife, Mrs. Frank Anita Salsbury, and their infant child on the night of January 8 about mid night. It Is related In the complaint that Mrs. Salsbury had Just arrived In the city on a late train and was alighting from an omni bus in front of the Thurston hotel, carrying the child in her arms, when she fell through hole In the sing stone walk In front of the hotel and sank In the hole up to her arm pita. It Is alleged that the child, whose ge Is about 6 months, suffered a fracture Of the right leg Just below the hip joint. , . . REAL ENJOYMENT. The woman who reads this will under? atand to the full wliut Mrs. Tipton meant when she says : " I am enjoying f lieauu.- it takes a person who has been made wretched by sk-k-acii to under stand the joy of health. There are very many women who"' utter as did Mrs, Tipton, who might be cured as she was by the use of Dr. rierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion. It estab lishes regularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals in flammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women atronp, aick women well. It i with pleasure I rrcomtnend Dr. Pierce's nudiciu.' writes Mr. Nora TuHon, of Cropper (Crapper Statiuui, Mirlby Co., Kentucky. "You remember my cae w oue of female weakness aud weak luiiit. I hail no appetite and would ot'teo spit blood ; was confined to my bed iltutwt half of the time and could hardly stand on my fret at tituea lor the paiua through my whole body and syntem. My husband had to pay lure doctor bill for mc, but aiuce 1 have taken lour buttle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, four of ' favorite Prescription ' and three vial of Pleaaant Pellet' we naven't paid any mora doctor bills. It had been seven month since 1 stopped uing Dr. Pierce' i nieOiciuea aud I have been enjoying good health fell the time. I can never praite theme medicine too highly, lor 1 have receive! so much benefit. I pray that snauy who sutler aa 1 did will late Dr. Pierre's medicine. 1 mm sure they will sever tail to cure when given a (air trial. Everybody tell sne 1 look better than they ever aaw aie. I am sure I feci better Uiau 1 ever did be lore ." Favorite Prescription haa the testi- I mony of thousands of women to its com plete cure of womanly disparts. I)o not ,eccept an unknown and unproved aub stitute in its place. Dr. PiercVa Pleasant PelleU are a ladies) laxative No other medicine cqu&la Ua for gcstle&csa a&4 thorough 4 m 1 vi.. I I, IK K A FAIRT TALK. Warn Tkli Country Has AeeOMpllahed aide of n Hlre4 Tear a. A writer In the New Tork Sun makes this Interesting exhibit of the country's re markable progress the past century: Foreign commerce of the United States exports and Imports: $ im.CM .o YAH 22,OoO.'').OiiU Internal commerce of the United HtHtes: lXnO f 2,U0U,ii.WW l:2 iW.uuu.uui).wu or hs much In li"2 as the entire foreign commerce or thi. world. Fxtiorts of the United Statea: isi f 7o,nno,nno 1!U l,34O,W0,OW Imports of the United States: sk t fll .ono.i)" K) 12 9nU.iJUU.Kli) a ten-fold Increase In Imports, while our population his Increased alxteenfold. W ealth of the United Btales: t.V) f T.ire.mo.non 1'2 IHO.UW.kM.IjciiJ Steam railways, miles, of the United Plates: li'l 23 lir. 3K,(a n Newspapers and periodicals of the United States: ll'l SHI l:2 22,Uuu Factories of the United States: 1S50 123.025 i YJ"2 523.IRW Immigration to the United States: 1SJ0 8.3S5 iyi2 Sou.ouo Factory wage-earners of the United States: ltiO 957,059 i:to2 6,ijU.umi Factory wages paid In the United States: l-50 1 23(5,000,000 1!'2 2,75U,O00,O0O factory product In the I nlted States: is.vi f i.ni9.iM.ono Y.orj 14.uuu,uuo,u(iO Individual deposits in national banks In United States: ISTu t 607.000.000 Hi2 S,XI,000,'li) Value of farms and farm property in the United States: lsfy $ 3.967.0Crt.0OO 19o2 lUmu.Ouo.OUO Pensions paid by the l nlted StateB-. 1jh) t 4.131 ' I9n2 13X.0CJ.oti0 I f'uhllc school teachers salaries In the I United States: lsTO t 38.0OO.onO 1902 137,OuO,UOO To the foregoing should be added the most amazing and grandest showing of all: Life insurance In force in American com panies: S40 none wi 17,000,000,000 OBJECT LESSON IN TAXATION Itenl Estate Committee IMnrea It Be fore the Public In Little Folder. The tax committee of the Real Estate ex change has Issued a bulletin which will be printed in the form of a four-page folder for general circulation in the city and Btaie. The first lot was taken to Lincoln last event ug by P. D. Wead, chairman of the committee, who went to the capital In the interest of the bill to repeal the objection able section of the city charter. The first page of the folder says: Tne will he reduced If the clause In section m of the charter Is repealed. It reads: "Provided, that the tax commis sioner shall take the valuation and assess ment of railroad property within tne city limits from the returns made by the State Hoard of Kquallzation to the county clerk." Kecause It legalizes tne startling mem shown Inside. On the second page appear the following: That ft rents navs the cltv taxes on $1,000 worth of railroad terminal property, but it takes $10 to pay city taxes on a $1,000 cot- ae. i hat U cent navs the city taxes on iioo Ttorth of railway terminal property, but It takes $1 to pay tne city tax on iiw worm of household goods. Thaf $2.50 pays the city taxes, on iuu.uiiu worth of railway terminal Dronerty. but It costs $500 to pay the city tax on the $50,000 stock of Hrownlng, King & Co. That $32.50 pays the city tax on $660,000 of railway terminal property, but it costs $6,500 to pay the city tax on the $ti6o,000 building of the New York Life Insurance company. That $3U0 paya the city tax on jo.wo.ouu worth of railway terminal property, but it costs SiW.000 to pay the city tax on the tii.KXi.Goo street car property. f igure It yourseir. it is aarameo oy me "nlon Pacific Railroad company that the hIii of its Omaha terminals la $15.000,0uo; tate board's return Is $67,M9.40, which is lees than l-20i)th of fair cash value. To correct this ineouality it is only neces- arv to re Deal the discriminating clause in section 98 of the charter. If this clause la reiJealed every person paying city taxes amounting to $10 will have them reduced to $8.32: those paying $50 will have them reduced to $42; those paving $li will nave tnem reaucea to t; thfi nnvlna- $500 will have them reduced to $420, and so on In proportion. WANTS THE DECREEVACATED Wife Realata Huaband'a Attempt at Divorce and Botb Make Counter Claims. nsi Maneold informs the district court that her former husband didn't tote fair In securing his divorce from her last summer and that therefore she would like to have the decree vacated and John compelled to make provision for her and their three chil dren, aged 16. 13 and years. nthee nf her allegations are mat Alan- gold has $2,000 worth of property and draws more than $100 per month as engineer on ho rhleairo. St. Paul. Minneapolis at umana railroad, yet haa for several years com pelled her to support the family; that he riuaurteit her In 18!5. and when she found him here In Omaha In 1901 he told Der to go back to Sioux City and wait until spring, when he would come and live witn ner, in the meantime Bending money for her and the children's maintenance; that she did so, but he came not, and by stealth and misrepresentation secured a divorce here, without lettina her know. It la the decree so obtained that she wishes vacated. In his petition Mangold Informed the court that his wife had a fierce temper, called hlra bad names In the presence of company and spent his money Indiscreetly and with utter disregard of nis wisnes. TRAINMEN GET A HEARING General Superintendent Hushes Makes an Appointment foe Ad justment Committee. After a long wait the adjustment commit tee of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad lodges of conductors and brakemen has secured an appointment for an 'audience with General Superintendent Hughes for a conference regarding the 20 per cent raise of wagea asked by the train men. Mr. Hughes has set 11 o'clock Tues day morning as the time for beglunlng the session. Meanwhile the engineers of the road con tinued their Interrupted aesslon with Su perintendent Hughea yestetdjy and It is not thought that they will have finished by Tuesday. The trainmen'a movement Is part of the great step In the same direction now under way by conductors and brakemen the country over. Dlmtuork'a I'oaltloa Grows. W. 8. IMmmock, formerly general man ager of the Uuibha and Council llluffi street railway Hue, who went to Taeom some months ao to become general man ager of the Theouia Hallway and I'owr company, hits .lust been appointed Keller il mnnrtKi r also of the Tti'uma and b'-uuie Suburban railway, the iiiatingenient of the two coin! allies having been consolidated. Tha general , trices of the suburban rail way will be moved from Seattle to Ta'oiii.i and extensive Improvements will be uride to the consolidated pruiitles. A Wonderful Chaae. Weak, aickly Invalids are soon changed by Electric Bitters into healthy men and women. They cure or no pay. 6tu. Fvr aide br Kuna C SHERIFFS OFFICE IS POOR Feei Art Inadequate to Oorer Running Expanses ef Department. TWO OF THE DEPUTIES MAY HAE TO GO Ofllre tVhlrh at One Time Wu Fat IMrklnar (or Ineumbent la Sow Hardly Worth the Effort to Secure It. It has been rumored about the court house the last few days that Sheriff Power will seek to have two of his deputies dropped from the force for the sake of economy, said to be made necessary by the fact that the expenses are greatly exceeding the fees. Yewteiday morning the sheriff waa found in the commissioners' room and when pressed for a statement conceded that "something will have to be done." For some years the sheriff's has been a fee office, which means that while the Board of County Commissioners specifies the numerical strength of the force and the salaries to be paid, the office Is aup posed to earn sufficient fees to meet all such expenses and the salary of the sheriff. Exclusive of the jail staff, tha sheriff's force now includes Chief Deputy William Weber. Clerk William Cunningham and Field Deputies James Roach, Joseph Sherry William Neve and Adam Sloup. Weber draws $100 per month, Cunningham $S5 and the others $75 each. The sheriff's salary Is $2,500 per year. Thus there la a monthly salary total of almost $700. "nark In the days of McDonald," said Sheriff Tower yesterdsy, "it wasn't hard to make the fees go away over this amount. but conditions are different now. The tnkruptcy law almost entirely does away with any Income from that source, whereas such income used to be quite large. Fees for services in foreclosure used also to be a big Item, but nowadays the county Is so prosperous that they amount to practically nothing at all. No Profit From Foreclosures. "Foreclosurea not only are few, but to show how profitless for our office they can be, I may mention that tho recent sale of the McCague building for nearly $200,000 benefited the sheriff's office to the extent of just $5. Still another prop knocked from under us Is that of the income for services in petit larceny cases. The council grabbed that from the county by passing an ordi nance making petty crimes misdemeanors punishable by sentence to the city Jail in stead of the county Jail. "As a result of these things It Is true that the total of the fees during my service has run $4,500 behind the total of the ex pense account supposed to be met by the fees, and something must be done. Unless the county will take action prompted by the circumstances, the lose Is mine individ ually and leaves my office a source of but little Income for me." Asked why he has within one of as many deputies as McDonald had, although the work has bo greatly diminished. Sheriff Power answered: "The sheriff's office la entirely subject to the action and conveni ence of the courts and pretty nearly every body elce. In consequence, the work can not be systematized and whereas one day finds us idle, the next finds the full force rushed to its fullest capacity." Oil as Fuel. Experiments have proven that oil Is just as serviceable for fuel purposes as coal and is considerable cheaper. There are many people however, who will always prefer coal. Just as there are many people who take Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters In prefer ence to any other remedy because they have tried It and know that it cures head ache, flatulency, lndtgeation, dyspepsia, constipation and malaria, fever and ague. A fair trial will also convince you of Its value. Try it today. Announcements of the Theaters. "The Prince of Pllsen" la a musical com edy calling for large cast, and the leading roles are in capable hands. Filling the Im portant parts are Dorothy Morton, Arthur Donaldson, Lillian Coleman, John W. Ran some, Harold Crane, Sherman Wade, Jean ette Bageard, Ada Brown, Anna Llchter and others all well known on the mujic and comedy atage. Mr. Ransome Is cast for the role of the Cincinnati brewer, who at home Is an alderman and In Nice a prince and who readily adapts himself to the condi tions which so unexpectedly arise. Arthur Donaldson Is the real prince, and he slnga and acts the role In an admirable manner. Dorothy Mbrton, handsome and vivacious, has the role of the dashing widow, Mrs. Crocker, and sings in good voice and acta with grace. Miss Coleman is always ef fective as the daughter of the Cincinnati beermaker. Harold Crane la manly and at all times pleasing as Lieutenant Tom Wagner. Sherman Wade haa a atrong com edy part In Francois, the waiter, of which he makes the most possible, and Miss Bageard sings and dancea herself into a warm spot In the hearts of the audience as Mrs. Crocker's French maid. There are no weak spots In the company. All do their utmost for the success of the per formance. "The Prince of Pllsen" will be at the Boyd tonight and Wednesday night and matinee. HALF HATES Via Wabash Railroad. Mobile and return $28.35, New Orleans and return $29.50, Havana, Cuba and re turn $63.35, sold Febuary 17 to ZZ. Half rates one way and round trip (plus $2) to many points south on sale the first and third Tuesdays of each month. For full In formation call at Wabash office, 1601 Far nam street, or address Harry E. Uoores, a A. P. D., Omaha. Neb. Kansas City and Iteturn. The Missouri Pacific railway will tell round trip tickets to Kansaa City on Jan uary 13 and 13. For further Information call at company's office, a. e. cor. 14th and Douglaa Sts., or Union station. . THOS. F. GODFREY, Pass, and Ticket Agt. Publish your legal notlcea In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 23h. Organised Labor A flairs. The conference between the employers and the scale committee of the printers' union was not productive of results, and another conference is fixed for early this Week. At the last meeting of Electrical Workers j union No. lKi the following officers were Installed: President, K. J. Stark: vice t nresident. J. R. Ilanrahan: recording see. ei.iry, i. .vi. iiuiituKtr; nnancial secre tary. U. I., matt; foreman. James C. Cowin; treasurer. J. I), liogan; first In spector, J. K. (Iraham; second Inspector, M. O. IJnilliolm, trustees. Fred Witter. eighteen months, T. M. Hunaaker, twelve mourns, aim i. iieiirorr, six months. DIKU. ANDERSON Mrs. R. P.. January 11. 1908, iMirn In Omaha. Aurll 12. IkNl. Funeral troin residence. 24J South Eight eenth street. Wednesday, January 14. at 3 P. m. Intermint at Prospect Hill ceme tery, i ne o area Is a sinter of Council- mun Hove of the Second ward. CARI'r.NTKH David I, an old and re speeted citizen of hejirt disease, at hla res: lence. 1M1 tMutn 1 wenty-slztR street January 2 Mr. Carpenter was born In West Chester county, New York, In 1SJ4, moving; to Wis cousin In lf.l. and In 1st to Panllllon. Neb. where be was engaged In the merchandise and grain busliuss for many years. He leave a wife and tour children. Funeral ervlve from the residence weuueso ajiernuon M CMC. MLU-ll-ll Yasjr Motey la Oar lank I 1 lJ I HV 1 1 1 J J lit Today, Important Specials in Our Challenge Clearing Sale Some of the greatest offers of our wonderful clearance Girls' $5 Dresses at 98c Our entire stock of Girls' Dresses aud Suits, in nges 1 to 14 years, in cashmeres, .all wool HannHs, suitings, checked and plaid, all neatly trimmed and made up in the latest style. Also many two-piece suits, skirts and jackets, on sale tomorrow on main lloor 050 at clearing sale price, -J C Ladies' $1.50 Flannel Waists at 69c Our entire stock of ladies' flannel waists, in old rose, blues, reds, greens and black, in all sizes, plain and trimmed, on sale on main floor at clearing CQp sale price, Kjzss GR3AT SALE OF FINE LACES Fine -- Hrhtly damaged by sea water Four laro harpain quares with Immense lots of all kinds of laces aud Insertings, Including torchons, Valenciennes, meehllnes and cluny, in all widths, laces and Insertings to match, some of the bolts of lace are only slightly wet, many worth up iv vc a yard, go at, a yard Uc, 21c, 3Jc and 5c Outing Flannel Gowns at 69c and 98c Hundreds of ladlos' flno outing flannel gowns, great variety of yles, worth regular fQ up to $2.00, go at 6!c and "Ow 23c Underwear at 1 0c Clearing sale of Indies' and childron's undorwoar. Misses' and children's fine and heavy ribbed vests, pants and A drawers, all sizes, worth 25c, go at, each IvW 75c Underwear at 29c Ladies' fine and heavy ribbed, also plain, heavy, fleecy lined underwear, worth up 00- to 75c, go at aw"C Misses', Children's and Boys' All Wool Fleecy Lined Hosiery SZn All sizes, worth np to 35c, go at O w Ladles' Heavy Wool and Fleecy Lined Hosiery jf Worth up to 25c, so at 12io and IOC $12.50 Cloaks at $3.83 300 of this season's Monte Carlos and Jackets silk and satin lined, some with high fur storm collars, new - nf and stylish coats that have sold at $12.60, now at.... OtOD $3.00 Oolf Skirts at $1.98 We will close out all our odd anil ends of Oolf Skirts that have sold as high as $5.00, all correct styles -f OC and popular colors and fabrics, very special, at It VO $29.00 Astrakhan Jackets at $1 1.90-Astrakhan and Electric Sea Jackets, all selected furs and late styles, that have ff sold as high as $29.00, at I 1 e V U 4 Caihioa Shoes. LLmt9-sl B IIW T'." 1 17 H'Ur ULff WML SETTLES FOR FIFTY DOLLARS Easy Dlaposttlon . of Suit In Dlatrlct Court for Fire Thousand Dollars. I'll n r In diatrtct- court the Coates Hotel com pany and F. J. Coates have settled with Lrmei : Van NoSt.rand's representative for $bu and costs a" suit for ss,tuu. The cas dates back to February 21, 1899. when the Coates ' eompanyS had the Mercer hotel at Twelfth and Howard streeta. Van isos trand. a bov was taken sick Vhlle serving aa elevator conductor and asked to be given a room separata from those occupied by other employes. The house demanaea rental in advance, which he paid. The next dav the doctor Dronounced his ailment ty phoid fever, and three days later the hotel company had him removed on a warrant of arrest sworn out on the complaint of F. J. Coates, who charged him with vagrancy. For two days he was in the city Jail, ana then was given a hearing and discharged. Such were the alleEations In Van Nostrand's petition. The answer of the Coates com pany was that F. J. Coates acted witnout malice and on the advice of C. W. Brltt, who was then acting as city prosecutor. HAIR flATI,BALl.V ABIXDANT. When it la Free of llavndruff It Grows , Luxuriantly. iinlr nrcnaratlnns and dandruff cures, as a .rule, are sticky or Irritating affairs that do no earthly good. Hair, when not dis eased, grows naturally luxuriantly. Dan druff Is the cause of nine-tenths of all hair trouble, and dandruff Is caused by a germ. Th onlv war to cure dandruff Is to kill tho germ; and, so far, the only hair preparation that will positively destroy tne germ is Newbro's Herplclde absolutely harmless, free from grease, Bediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allays itching in stantly, makes hair glossy and soft as silk. Tvtrn tha ran vou remove the effect" dandruff. Sold by all druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to ine iterpi. clde Co.. Detroit, Mich. A Beautiful Caleuuar. The Milwaukee Railway has published aa .H. tl r.lpnitar fnr 1903. Six sheets. 10x15 Inches, of beautiful reproductions In colore of pastel drawings by Bryson. Frlce, 25 cents. On sal at City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam street MRS. CAMPBELL IS COMING I)lslnnlahed Enallnh Actress Booked to Appear In Omaha In February. Manager Bureess has at last succeeded In booking Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the dlstln gulabed English actress who Is now making a tour of this country. Mrs. Campbell and her company will appear at Boyd'a for three performances In February, and tne piays she will present here will be announced later. It la likely that tne umana engage- ment will afford the presentation of three different plays and that Herman suaer mann's ,,Es Lebe das Leben," renamed In English "The Joy of Uvlng," will be among them. REPUBLICAN CITY COMMITTEE Meeting? to Arrange for Convention to Be Held Nest Saturday Filaht. Chairman Herring has called the repub lican city committee to meet at Washington hall at t o'clock next Saturday night, Jan uary 17, for the purpose of arranging for the primaries and city convention. It la aald that a proposition to make a new appor tionment of delegates, based on the repub lican vote at some previous election, will come before the committee. Heretofore tbe representation la republican city eonven Uent haa beea tea delegatea for each ward. MllHlll IJLaMJmiaB,J I llllllll IIIH IIIK BVatv) 4 Per Cert Inurett paid Gar3Sw,Dt'p"iu -aO' fiLJatail for Men and Women V.l' !' ".'HVm"kJt iVS.B'X WiitikXU Mag TO HELP THE TELL CRAPHERS Conductors, Brakeman, Engineers and Fire men Takj Up Operators' Cause. WILL PR0T ST AGAINST Dl CRIMINATION Brotherhood Men Assert that Elk horn lload Has Been Antagonis tic to Employes Jolnlna; the Telegrapher.' Order. Railway conductors, brakemen, engineers and Bremen are to take up unanimously the cause of their brethren, the railway oper ators and dispatchers. Since the latter or ganized along the Elkhorn system three months ago as a district of the Order of Railway Telegraphers tho operating depart ment of the road, It is said, has shown hos tility to tho order and has discriminated pointedly againijt its members Id the serv ice of the road. This treatment the feder ated board will now Insist on being brought to an end. , There are about ISO telegraphers on the Elkhorn system, Bnd It Is said fully 99 per cent of these went Into the order when the movement was begun. The telegraphers as sert that several men have been discharged because of their connection with the order and that others have been compelled to re sign. This was accomplished, they say, by taking away their regular help and piling on them so much work that they simply could not handle it. Action to tome Soon, "The telegraphers are very soro at tho treatment," said one of the men, "and their fellow members of the federated board are right with them In a move to secure a ( righting of the wrongs. These other mem- bers of the board are the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, the Brotherhood ef Railway Trainmen and the Order of Railway Conductors. The actlou will come before February 1. being delayed till that time so that the present conferences between Su perintendent Hughes and the englnemen and trainmen regarding a raise of wagea and other matters may be out of the way. All that the federated board will ask of the railroad is that the discrimination he discontinued, that the telegraphers' union be recognized and that its members be given reasonable treatment." Drive All Before It. Aches and pains fly before Bucklen's Anlca Salve. So do sores, pimples, boils, corns and piles, or no pay. 25c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. Mortality Nlullatle. The following births and deaths were re. lorted at the office of the Hoard of Health a the course of the forty-tlKht hour eliding at noon .Monday: KlrlliH ( hurles Moore. Seventeenth mil Grant, girl; otto Hchnelderwlnd, 2.V.ii fuming street, boy; T. M. Hwlft, '122 Ame avenue, girl; K t.. W Itikelman. 714 South Thirtieth itret. girl; John Schmidt, Woolv. orth avenue, ulrl. l)ealhs Austin Mc.Namara. 1918 Military avenue, aged 13 years', Mrs. Mury Ander son, Ht Joseph's hospital, aged 4") years; Frank M l-ilanillng. 1.M3 Leavenworth street, aged XI years; K. 10. Hosworth, St. Joseph's hospital, aged 42 years. THE FURE GRAIN COFFEE Even children drink Grain-O becau.se they lik it and tha doc tors say It Is good for them. Why not? It contains ail of the nourish ment of the pure grain and none of the poisons of coffee. TRY IT TO-DAY. At groosia Tsrrwnant i Uc. and Mc pw package, RAlrtn Our Semi-Annual Sale of 1 MSc CiAA ZuH Dnnfc iUGU O UUU JUli i unto Was a Great Success. AVc sold more men's pants last Satur day than we have ever sold on any pre vious dav. The values that we are offer ing are startling. Over 1,000 suit pants have accumulated and every pair is in cluded in this sale. Some were taken from 87.50 & $10 suits, others from 812, 815 and 818 suits. They, are divided in two lots and your choice is absolutely un restricted: Worth $2.00, $2.50, 5f J W $3.00 mMm At Gold Crowns From S2.85 Spseial Prices Work Kaarmuteed 10 hereto stay eoasnlt kffcVJLA Fllllnrs from Set of Teeth from... $3.00 L7 , MfXiiJii Teeth Evtracted Prea XLllkLrfcXi- " sV Iw7" -TL V, M T-.na.t. rt.... tviij vicaucu . . . Hmmll UNION DENTAL COLLEGE ' 1522 Douglas, Room 4. Open till 9 p. m. Sunday 10 to 4. FOR COUC1HS, COLD5, SORE THROAT and HOARSENESS TAKE Ask your druggist or send 25 cents t The pistol cracks. Tho Get-Busy Sale Is on. All our fabrics are headed one way toward our door. All our prices lean one way toward you. This week our swellest $50 fabrics made to your meas ure for )40. Blacks excluded. AH week long (If the stock holds out) $14 trousers sell for $12. With underprlces on overcoats from Thursday on. We're cuttrng prices to keep our cutters cutting merrily to add recruits to the army of MacCarthy cus tomers to make It an obect for Omabans to give us a chance to demonstrate that It will pay them to come up the hill. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Farnam St. ' 'Phone IS08. . Bee Building Court House Is. Opposite. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Finger roufhened by needlework catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured . cuticle, and restores the tin gen to their natural beauty. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS CANADIAN MALT WHISKEY We buy the GORDON BRAND of CANA DIAN MA1.T WJIISKKY with a guarantee of purity and proof und we ttell It the name wuy, so that if you buy this brand of us and It Is not perfectly Biitlnfactorv, we hum. you to return it and get your money. WE MAKK THIS OFF KB KV KBV TIM hi WKSKU, A HINtJLK JIOT Tl.K, AND NEVKB 11AV K HAD ON K HfcTFBNED: MldT UK BIGHT! Do you netd any ruliher goods? We have been notllied by several iiMnufacturera of ruliher goods THAT MA. Ft IBM Kit I'HICK I.IST8 A BR V ITU 1 ilt AWN AND A 3 FKB I'K.NT ADVANCK HAS liKKN OB DFBED. Better get anything you may need in the rubber goods line before our present sto k Is exhaust d. MAIL, ORDKBS ' HOMFTI.Y FIIJ.KD. Don't buy any drugs, ruhtier goods, patent medicines, soaps, perfumes. surgical Instruments, laundries or anything which should he found in any well stocked drug store, from ANY BODY'S catalog until you get our prices. Bemember "Schaeftr's sell It for less." SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DKUO STORE OPEN ALWAYS. Toto I'hones T4T nnd A 3325. f. W. for. 141th nnd (lilrnso at. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Popular and Timely Artlrles. MIEN YOU BUY A islMSMaaaajJt -anasJaan Toil are not paying for CIIKOMOS. t-JlIliMK-s tuEE DEALS, ETC, bvt far FINE QUALITY II AYAN A TOBACCO. KOUALto IMPOKTEDCIQAkA r. K. tUCJB ktXaCAMXXXJfi ClOAA CXk aUi.f-, pi, IjuuXm. !ukiu Mad, rfnsfflsacs Worth $3.50, $4.00, $4.50.. vt years. We are r-T"53TdTM the profeaior rJr'j" rlTurjH fpllTCj 25c .f.iTl r- - cat rim - i . rrcc 7uu riiimgs. nco Charges for Material, Q)SQ HOWELL'S ANTI-KAVi o Howell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. More Hanan Shoes $3.50 A cold wave can't keep tte people from a Drexol ehoe Hale our men's enamel Bale today was such a success have decided to give the women a chance, and tomorrow Tuesday we will ell: All our $5.50 and $5.00 French calf enamels for 3.6i. This Includes all our Hanan French enamels with double koIcs, all our Wright & I'eters French enamel Calf and other enamels nt one price, 3.f0. This Is the women's opportunity to buy the bent shoe ever made at a price the poorest are usually sold at. This sale for one day (Tuesduy) only. DflEXEL Sh'OE CO. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Houe 1419 FARNAM STREET. Willi. R YOU AltF. I.OOKa AROISI for artistic. Gas Fixtures do not forget ti. look up our styles, which are the newest We design to suit the customer. F, M. Russell 313 South ISth St. Telephone 503 MORPHINES 1MB. IMM.,tralw LAUDANUM .I1 SIP ;.C0LLAR A