Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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GoniidareV 8treigth Showa in Bsard of
Trtds Transactions.
Wheat Rale Active and Strong, Corn
ad Outs Are Firm ea Fair D
M(d, While Provisions
Clone ICasy.
CHICAOO, Jan 8 Considerable strength
was manifested In both the grain and pro
vlrlon pits here today, and the former was
strong. May wheat cloning 'b'iCbc higher,
May rorn ard oats were easier, but up 'mc.
May provision closed from 64(74c to
Wheat ruled active and strong, and while
the newa waa somewhat conflicting the
general trend waa more of a bulllnh char
acter. Smaller receipts and llrm cables
Inaoarted a good tone it t the atari, and the
market waa well maintained throughout
the session. There waa considerable tuy
Ing by a prominent long and aome of the
commission house, the offering coming
largely from locals. Argentine an vices were
again reported favoraole, but the large
export business reported later In the day
easily offset all bearish teridenrles and re
sulted In a strong close. A good cash de
mand was also favorable to the bulla
May opened a shade lower to a shade
higher at 764c to 75Nc and held firm the
entire day, selling up to 76c toward tne
close, with final llgurrs at the top, maklns
a gain of V'.i'4'. Clearances of wheat and
flour were &M,in bushels. Primary receipts
were small, 429, OfM bushels, compared with
4S,sX bushels last year. Minneapolis nnd
Duluth reported receipt of 27N cars, which
with local receipts of 32 cars 1 one of con
tract grade made total receipts for the
three points of 310 curs, against 623 curs a
year ago.
There was a fair trade in corn and a
firm feeling prevailed, there being but little
treasure to sell. Cables were firm, but a
f;ood cash demand wa the main influence
n maintaining a strong market. Keports
of a heavy export trade later In the day
and the close wan strong, with May
Mgher at 437ae after selling between 43Vu
4:SC and 4374jC Local receipts were 3u
cars, with 1 of contract grade. .
Oats were traded In Ireely today and
gcod buying by locals and commission
bouses caused a strong feeling. The sell
ing waa scattered and largely in the main
of liquidation of outsiders. Light receipts
and a good cash demand were supporting
features. May closed higher at 34Hc
after selling between Mc nd 34iS'33bc.
Local receipts were 188 cars.
1'rovlslons opened strong oh light re
ceipts of hogs and an advance of from lof
2"c at the yards, but an easier feeling de
vnlo)ed early on selling of lurd for foreign
account. Later on pood buying with HRht
offerings there was a rally and the close
waa Arm. May pork closed up 124c at
fltl. 25; May Inrd cloned 6fq74c higher at
5:4, while ribs were 74c hinder at ts.824.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 35
cars; corn, 365 curs; oats, 1W cars; hogs,
tl.OOft head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgtl. Low. Close. Kes y.
'Wheat I I
Jan. f 71T,
May TBVoil
July I72V873,
Corn I I
Jan. 47 4
714 1
Hi if
47V! 47
I 17 SO I 17 60
I IS 2241 16 274
8 90
9 Si
9 90
9 66
f 40
43 4 !
32,31 Va 3:
17 55
16 2S
9 90
9 624
- J
8 I 674!
8 W4 8 85
17 B0
16 174
9 8S
9 474
8 2'J
8 75
i 71
17 45
16 124
9 824
9 6; hi V 324
8 674
8 8241
8 674
8 75
No. 2.
Cash quota-tlons were as follows:
FMH'R Market steady: winter patents,
$3.4u4?3.SO; straights, t3.lu4j3.30; spring pat
ents. I3.404jS.70; straights, J2.904J3.20; bakers,
WHEAT No. 2 spring, 73Y7Sc; No. 8
prlng, 67a9c: No. 2 red, 7144f724c.
CORNNo. 2. 47c; No. I yellow, 47c.
ATS-No. 2, S White, 33344c.
RYE No. 2. 4Sc.
BARLEY Oood feeding, 4043c; fair to
choice malting, 464j-5c.
HEED No. 1 flax. 81.15; No. 1 northwest
ern, 11.22: prime timothy, $3.85; clover, con
tract grade, $11.20.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.80.
"Ijurd, per WO lbs., $9.90. Short ribs sides
(louse), $S.864f1i.824. Dry salted shoulders
(buXKii, 8.2uu8.&u. Short clear sides (boxed),
$9 00f!)124.
Following were the receipts ind shipments
of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shlumen's.
Flour, bbls 12.i0 20.600
Wheat, bu 71,3ml 16.3(a)
Corn, bu 212,7(4) 166,l"0
Oats, bu 253. lot) 175.700
Rye, bu 4.6'K) 4,400
Barley, bu 69.4oO B.SiX)
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was quiet and easy; cream
eries. lhtiuSc; dairies, 17iiiJ.Sc. Eggs, quiet,
steady, loss' off. cases returned, 25c. Cheese,
steady, 1244iHc.
prices gained 8s 9d. closing at 11 Be, while
New York remained quiet at $4 124. Spel
ter advanced 2s 6 1 In london to 2n, txit
like lend was quiet snd unchinged at $4 7'.
Iron waa rather firmer abroad, Olagow
closing at is sd and Mliidlesborougn nt
4is 9d. Locally Iron was quiet and un
chmged. Warrants arc nominal; No. 1
foundry northern Is quoted at U .t)4i3i "";
No. 2 foundry northern, No. 1 foundry
otithrn and No. 1 foundry southern soft
at $Zi.(X 4j23.uii.
Condition of Trade nnd Quotations on
Maple and Knney Prodare.
EC,4S Fresh stock, 24c.
LIVE Pol LTilY-Hens 9810c; rid roost
ers, 4Htoe; turkeys. 12&13c; ducks, Siic;
peese, 'tWu:; spring chickens, per lb., 103
DRESSED POt'LTRY Young chickens,
Viim; hens, lOWllc; tjrkeys, Hy!6r; ducks,
lOdllc; giTse, Ii112c.
fiLTTER I'acklng stock-, 17fli7Hc: choice
dairy, in tubs, Kit2lc; fceparator, 2y'u3c.
OYHTEPS Standards, per can. 28c; extra
elects, pr can. ;-c; New York counts, per
can, 4e; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75;
bulK, standards, per cal., $1.45.
FRESH FlrtH-Trout, S'if.ic; herring, Sc;
plckeiei, Sc; piae, 9c; ptrch. 6c; buffalo,
dressed, 7c; sunllsh 3c; bluelUis, 3c; white
ttsh, lc; salmon, lbc; haddocK, 11c; codilsh,
Uc; redsnappir, loc; lobsters, boiled, iwr
lb., Sue; lobsters, green, per lb., 2sc; bull
heads, loc; cattish, 14c; black bass, 2uc;
hnllbut. lie.
HHAN-l'rr ton, $13 60.
11 A Y Prices quoted by Omaha 'Whole
sale Hay lealers' association: Cnolce No.
1 upland, $8.ftc; No. 1 medium. $7.50; No. 1
coarse, 7. Kya straw, $o. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair, receipts light.
CORN :tc.
OATS 34c.
RYE No. 2, 45c.
NEW CELERY Kal-.maioo. per dox..
i5c; L'tah, per (los.. 45c; California, per
dox , rot stalks weighing from 1 to 14 lbs.
each. 4M)75c. i
I'oTAlOES Per bu., 60c.
SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnei,
per bbl., $3.26, Kansas, $2.85.
TURNIPS Per bu., 4oc; Canada rutaba
gas tier lb., lc.
HEET8 Per basket, 40c.
CCCl'MBKRS liothouse, per dox., $2.
PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c.
CARKOTS Per lu., lc.
GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dosen
bunches. 45c.
RADISHES Southern, F?r doxen bunches,
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. $3; string
beans, per bu. box, $1.50.
CAHHA'lE Holland seed, per lb., Hc.
ONIONS New home grown, in sacks, per
bu., 75c; Spanish per crave, $i.7i.
NAVY HE ANS Per b".. $2 60.
TOMATOES New California, per 4-bas-ket
crate, $2.75; Florida, per 6-basket. crate,
CAULIFLOWER California, per crate,
PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2; Colo
rado, per box. $2.25.
APPLES Westein, per bbl.. $2.75; Jona
thans. $4; New York stock. $3.25; Callrnla
pe'.ltlowers, per bj. box, $1.60.
GRAPES Catawhai. per' oasket, 18c;
Malagas, per ke. $(,.( J.Ofi.
CRANBERRIES Wfsconaln, per bbl.,
$10; Pell and Bugler, $11: per box, $3.50.
P ANANAS Per bunch, according to alxe,
LEMONS California fancy, $3.73; choice.
ORANOES Florida Brlghta. T3.75; Cali
fornia navels, $3.50; California sweet Jeff as,
all sizes. $2.75.
DATES Persian. In VO-lb. boxes, per lb.,
6c; per case of 30-lb. Dkss.. $2.25. "
FIGS California, per io-io. cartons, $1;
Turkish, per s-'h. box. 1418c.
1IONEY New Utah, per 24-frame caN
CIPKR-Npw York. $4.50; per 4 bbl., $2.75.
PAUERKRAUT Wiscon!n, per bbl.,
$2.L5; per bbl.. $3.75.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4c.
111DE8 No. 1 green, 6c: No. 2 green. Be;
No. 1 salted, 7c: Nj. 2 salted, 6!ic; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 8V,c; No. 2 veal
calf. 12 to 13 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c;
sheep pelts, 2.Vff75c; horse hides, $1.50(92.50.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
15c; hard shell, per lb 14c; No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard sheh, per lb., 12c;
Brazils', per lb.. 12c, filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per jb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large p-r lb., 12Vic;
small, per lb., llo; cocoanuts. per dox., 60c;
chestnuts, per lb , 10c; peanuts, per lb
6Vic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black
wulntits, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu..
$1.50; cocoanuts. per 100, $4.
quotes tho following prices: Iron, country,
mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per
ton, $8; copper, per lb., 8V4c; brass., heavv,
per lb., 8c; brass, light, per' lb., 54c; lead,
per lb., 8c; sine, per lb, 24c; rubber, pel
lb., 6Hc
fresh southwestern. 27f2Sc, loss off; fresh
southern. 2c, loss off.
( II EEHE Firmer, but qulel ; New York
full creams prime small, inliy; fair to
good, small, 3'1il.Vc; prime Lirge, 14a
14'c; fair to gool, large. 13 Vj 13T.
St. I.onls firaln nnd Provisions.
ST. I)UIfl, Jsn 8 -WHEAT-Stearty; No.
2 red, cash, elevator, 71Sc; track, 74VlY5Wp;
May, iBSi'SjTo'c; July, 71,c; No. 2 hard, ti'a
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 41c; track, ll'.T
41',ic; Ma v. 4oHft 4c.
OATS Higher: No 2 rash, 3!c, nominal;
track, 314c; May, 34414 'He; No. 2 white,
It Y E Firm at 494
FI-OUR Steady ; red winter patents. $3 35
ri35o; extra fancy and straight, $3.u6ij3.30;
clear, $2."'ti3.oo.
SEED Timothy. $3 0lKii3 6o.
CORNM E A L Hteadv $2.30.
IIK.a.v-Htn.iig ; sicked, east track. 7nJfVP.
HA Y Tlmothv steady. $U.(K'i! 15.W; prai
rie, easier, $St.5cKfi'll.50.
Irto.s Kll'lii.t TIES-$107H.
HACiSlNtl 5-lMf7 l-)6c.
PROVISIONS Pork. Jobbing, standard
mess, $17. Ird, steady, $10.70. Dry salt
meats (hoxedl steady; extra short. $H75;
clear Hba. $s.75; short cksrs, $9. Racon
(boxed), steady; extra shorts, $11,624; clear
libs. $9.75; short clears, $10.
M ETA lyS Lead, steady at $3,974. Spel
ter, held at $4.45.
POULTRY Higher; chickens. lOo; tur
kevs. lf.ilc; ducks, 124c; gese, 8c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23(g30c;
dalrv. lW22c.
EOOS Steady at 224c loss off.
Receipts. Shipments.
SCO") lO.onfl
, 42,000 73.ori0
, 79.000 SS.OiiO
, 8O,0i)0 44.0OT
per cent;
New York exchange. V pre-
el York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. S. MONEY On call
steady at i;'ua per cent, closing offered at
4 per cent; time money easier at 554 P
cent lor sixty and ninety oas aim a. a
per ent for six months; rrlme mercantile
P'lf er. d4i ler cent.
actual business in bankers' bills at $4.867vi
4s;5 for iemand and at $4.tU5"(j4 S3t for
sixty flay hills; posted rates. 444 and
4.8i4: commercial billi
$4 K2i4fi3V4.
Mexican dollars.
Flour, bbls..
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu
Dtilnth (Irsls Market.
DULUTH, Jan. 8. WHEAT Cash, No. 1
hard, 74c; No. 2 northern, 72c; May, 7o7c.
OATS May, 34c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, 111.. Jan. 7.-CORN Strong; No.
S; 39c.
OATS Strong; No. 8 white, 32Hc."
Quotations of tho Day on
NEW YORK. Jan. 8-FLOUR-Receipts,
19,024 bbls.; exports, 2,375 bbls.; mnderateiy
active and ateadler; Minnesota patents, 4 00
434.20; bakers, Wl.&iUMo; winter patents,
tJ.6Kn3.90; winter straights, $J.lo(u3.d5, win
ter extras, 2.0u J.S6; winter low grades,
fc54j-. Rye tlour, choice to fancy,
steauy, tZMWi-W- Buckwheat flour, steady,
$2.2. t)..3ti, spot and to arrive.
CORN MEAL Steady; yellow western,
$1.18; city, $1.15: Brandy wine, $3.403.55.
BARLEY guiet; leedlng, 42c, c. 1. f.,
Buftaio; malting, 7t!tnK'. e. I. f., Buffalo.
RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 6!c f. o. b.
WHEAT Receipts, H9.7CO bu. Spot. Ann;
No. 2 red, &"'c, elevator; No. 2 red, 'Sc,
t. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, onc,
f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 tiard Manitoba, s7c,
f. o. b., afloat. In spite of an extremely
dull trade wheat held remarkably firm all
day on higher cables, a better export In
quiry, -the strength of corn, further good
support west ana local covering. The close
was 4iJe. net higher. May, 9 U-ltMiisuc,
closed, at 80 'c; July, 77Vg I'ttVic, closed at
CORN Receipts, 22,000 bu. ; exports, 50.
74 bu. Spot, firm: No. 2, 674c. elevator,
and 56c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 674c;
No. i white. 674c. Options were again
firm and a shade higher on light contract
arrivals west apd here, firmer cables, a big
caoh inquiry and covering. list prices
were Vuc net higher. January, 67V
67Tc, cluued at February. titfofrtC.
tioaed at 644c; March, 63c, closed at 63c;
May, 48U-16u49c, closed at 49c; July, 47Ytf
4a4c closed at 484c.
OATS Receipts, 124,500 bu. Spot, firm:
No. 2, 40c; standard white, 414c; No. 8,
S4c; No. 2 white, 41c; No. 3 white, 414c;
track mixed western nominal; track white,
n-ui. Options llrm and higher with other
markets. May closed at 4o4c
HAY Quiet; shipping, 5o'j70c; good to
choice, 96t'U$100.
HOPS Firm: state, common to choice.
Ii2. 1.j37c; 19ol. 2426c; olds. 7(&124c; Pa
cini: count. IK 2uum1c; 1901, 23426c; olds, 7
HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.,
18c; California, 21 to 2a lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
24 to Su It., 14c.
LEATHER Firm; acid, 24QI54c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $15 00
(li.w; mess, tlO.aotri 11.00; beef hams, $20.50
X' ou; packet, 14.0uj 15.00; extra India iresa,
$24.0ut:i27.tM. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bel
lies. $8.6otf ip.00; pickled shoulders, $8.26;
plcxled bams, $U.uiKiil.2a. l.ard, steady-;
wektrrn steamed, $10 30; rrtlned, steady;
continent, Slots); South America. $11; com
pound, $7.50(u7 76. Pork, steady; family. $18;
short clear, $19.aoaj21.6o; mess, $l&.tVril8.6o.
TALLOW Firm; city, bv. country, i
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to ex.ln, 4'i
d,kc; Japan, nominal.
BUTTE K Receipts, 4.614 pkgs. ; steidy to
firm; state uatry, 2lKU264c; creamery, extra.
2Vc; creamery, common to choice, 224t28
CHEESE Receipt, $.449 pkgs.; firm:
fancy. Urge, state, full cream, colored and
white, fall made, 14c; late made. 134c;
fancy, small, colored and. white tall. made,
ltml4lc; late made, 134c.
EGGS Receipts, J.Jwi ikga.; Ann; state
and Pennsylvania, average bent, 30c; west
rn. inKir to fancy. 21u.'7c.
Itil'LTRY Alive. Irregular but steady;
Chickens, loc; fowls. 12U1.V. Dressed, quiet;
western rhlckens. 1141UM40; western fowls,
li-c turkeys. lHttlttc
METALS There was a further break In
tne loiiuon "III msruri iiiubj, canning
tirtces down 1 7s 6d to 123 7s7d fur siiot
and to 123 15s for futures. The New York
market was slightly affected by the foreign
weakness and closed about 10 points lower
at $27 lau'7.324. Cornier 111 Ixtndon lost
3a 5d, closing at 52 15a for spot and at .d
for futures. The local rositol waa steadier.
Lake la quoted at $1126 and electrolytic anj
.-asLln at 1U 16. A further advance was
je.ooried lu the London lead market, when
110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb-.
Telephone 1310.
CHICAGO, Jan. 8. WHEAT Market has
been strong and tfHc higher. There has
been reinstatement of some local lines re
cently sold out, and there haa been some
important covering. "Cables were tyc higher.
The weather in Argentine keeps favorable.
Price Current said the crop has less snow
protection, but Is still maintaining a higher
condition. Primary receipts were 430,0110 bu..
against tdO.nno lant year. In the northwest
28 cars, against 501 a year ago. Local re
ceipts. 32 cars, with one contract; estimate
for Friday, 35 cars. Clearances, 224.000 bu.
The bull inspiration haa come from the sea
board, which reported about nfty load
taken for export, of which 250.010 was sold
to Portugal. Local cash sales, 150,000 bu.
CORN There has been a (itrong corn
market, with futures up 4S"ic and cash
corn about 41c higher. It has looked as
if scRlpers were willing to sell the futures.
The buying has been led by elevator people.
Cables were higher. Local receipts, 3uo
cars, with 3 contract. Estimates for Fri
day, 365 cars. Private houses turned out
only around 50.000 bu. ' contract. Shippers
reported a good demand for cash, but re
cent large sales have cleaned up the avail
able. Ivocal sales today were about 100.000
bu. New York reports 60 loads taken for
export. Weather Is favorable for move
ment, but car scarcity still embarrassing
business. Primary receipts, 190.000 bu.,
against 509,000 last year. Clearances were
S35.O0O bu.
OaTS Market haa been strong, and the
leading holders have continued to add to
their lines, especially Patten. "Cash oata
H,-unru.l h'.fhlr anf f 1 1 1 1 1 ra wer L. fn V. r
higher for January and May, while July 1 lk w
uwn receinrs were itta cars, won 1 r
8 contract. Estimates for Friday. 160 cars.
New York reports 150.000 bu. sold for ex
port. Clearances, 39,out bu. Shipping de
mand good, but supplies light and business
today moderate.
PROVISIONS Market opened strong.
Real slug on the advance caused reaction.
Trade was light. Light receipts of .hogs
gave strength to the market. There wre
20.000 hogs. Prices at the yards were lOQlBe
higher. Estimates for tomorrow, 24.000.
logs In the west today. 61. pw neaa, against
81,oo0 last year. Private estimates of stocks
In store: New York. 22.000 bbls.; old pork.
6.000 bbls.; lard. 13.500 tierces; ribs, 8.0OO00O
Lanarnld Market la Sparred to Anima
tion by Heading; Deal.
NEW TORK. Jan. 8 Today's stork mar
ket was languid and somew hat' irregular
during the early part of the session, but
It was roused into greater animation and
general strength by reports of the deal
for control of Reading by the Pennsylvania
and Vanderbllt Interests. The coalers 14)
the movement, but the movements them
selves were moderately affected, beyond a
full recovery from some earlier depression.
Pennsylvania also failed to show in the
strength wakened by the reports. The
Erles took the lead and scored advances
of between 24 and 3H points on ernnrmous
dealings. Concise details were lacking of
the deal, but it was taken for granted that
Important steps had been taken toward
further centralizing of control of tho an
thracite traffic.
Reports have been long current of large
buying of the Readings for Baltimore &
Ohio account and th dominance oT the
Morgan Influence in Reading made it evi
dent that the usual observance of comity
between the Pennsylvania and New York
Central powers would be foUowed. The
fact of the resumption of deals and large
financial projects In the railroad world was
Itself an Incitement to speculation. The
declining course of the money market pro
tected the speculation from anxiety on
account of the money situation.
The announcement late In the day thnt
the bankers' pool which subscribed Jo0,000,ooo
in the middle of December for the protec
tion of the money market had been dis
solved added to the feeling of security and
led to the buoyancy with which the market
New York Central and Baltimore & Ohio
shared to some extent in the strength due
to the Reading report. Of other special
movements that in the corn grangers waa
attributed to the growth of the corn move
ment, although there was some evidence
of organized market support in Missouri
Pncltlc and Rock Island.
The speculation was continued In Sugar,
which is usual on the approach of a divi
dend period for that stock, but there was
profit-taking in the stock In the latter part
of the day. There was also evidence of
profit-taking from time to time in some
of tne f acmes ana bi. t aui.
United States Steel showed a tendency to
rally from yesterday's declines. Amalga
mated Copper waa very Irregular, but was
Inclined to react under the Influence of
the weakness of copper both here and in
London. The New York Public Utilities
continued to reflect the favorable effect of
Governor Odell's recommendation for the
repeal of the franchise tax. The reported
blizzard In the northwest was taken on
account of traders who sought to renew
the market reaction of yesterday.
The firmer tone of sterling exchange at
tracted some attention.
With the largely augmented control of
the outside market, it Is largely a matter
of Interest whether the Bank of England
will attempt to attract gold from abroad
or will operate directly to ease the pressure
for government loans.
Bonds were quite active and were rather
Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,580,000.
United States bonds were unchanged on the
last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Slock exchange:
Atchison M4 80. Hallwsr H
do pld 10"Vt do pM H4i
Bl. Uhlo
I'. 6. ret. Ze, rg.
do coupon
do St. res
do cotipoit
do new 44,
do coupon
do old 4, rrg
do coupon
do 6. res
do coupon
Atrhlson i:rn. 44..
do ad) 4a
Bll Ohio 4a
do 3ifl
do conv. 4ff
Canada Bo. 2a
Ontral of Oa. la.
do la Inc
Chea. A Hun 44a.
rhliago A A. I '-si
C, b. 4t Q n. 4t
C , M A St P f 4a
C. N. W. c. It
C. R. I. A P. 4a
steady; railroad,
102 14
SILVER Bar, 4s'c;
B( NDS Government.
The closing quotations on bonds are at
Kii'i HocVInx Val. 44a.
lu1 L. A N- unl. 4a...
lo4-14 Met. Ontral 4a...
101 do la Inc
1 J.', i, Minn. A St. L 4a
U-. M , K. A T. 4a...
lim-s do ta
10i N. T. C. a. Sa.
pa N. J. C. sen. ta 1J4
Ihj-H No. Pacific 4a P'3'i
do is. n
fz N. A W. con. 4a 9S'
Heading sen. 4a 6'i
fit L I M c. fia ln
im 'st. u s. r. 4a.
1"7-H St. U a. W. la ...
do za
n- S A. U A. P. 4a...
lift Rn. Pacific 4a
! sn. Hallway 4a ...
14 Texaa A Pacific Is.
Ill's T . St. L. A W. 4a.
m Union Pacific 4a
1074 do conv. 4a
C r C A St h n. 4a. .100-, Wabaah la.
Chlcaan Ter. 4a.
Colorat(i So. 4a
Inver A 11. O. 4a..
Krla prior lien 4a
do general 4a
f. w. u. :. la.
Bid. Offered.
M, dO 29 I..
3, do deb. B
99 West Shore 4a...,
Wheel. I. K. 4s
Wla. Central 4a...
1104 Con. Tobacco 4a...
. 91
. 91
. to
. ta
. 7a
ins 4
. 4744
London Stork notations.
LONDON, Jan. 8. Closing quotations:
Conaola. money.,..
do account
Atchlaon ....'.
do pfd
Battlmora A O
Canadian Pacific. ..
Cheaapoaka AO...
Chicago O. W
C. M. A St. P...
t ie Been
Denver A R. 0...
do pfd
o lat pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Central ...
LoulaTllla A Naah
M., K A T
J 5-14 N Y. Central ,1574
.. J4jNorfolk aV Weatarn.. 744
.. t do pfd 4
.. 9 lomarlo A Waatsrn.. 94
1U4 rennarivanis
ln4S,Rand Mines.
..140 IReadina
. . 51 do lat pfd
.. rt do id pfd
. .1M Southern Ry
. 22 S do pfd
.. 43'a Southern Pacific.
.. t;'a't'nlon Pacific....
.. ss, do pfd
. 4f4 I'. 8. Steal
.. 6:os do pfd
,.JS44 Wahaah
,.1XJ do pfd
. I9'
BAR SILVER Quiet; 22id per ounce.
MONEY 243 per cent. The rate of dis
count In Ihe open market for short bills Is
SHfrS 7-16 per cent and for three-months'
bills Is 3V34 Per cent
. 4l
. 444
. tn't
. ai
. 91
. 44
. N4
. 3H
. 14
. J0i
. 4&4
Kevr York Qnptatlons.
NEW YORK. Jan. 5. -The following are
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adama Con
hrunawlck Con...,
Comalork Tunnel.,
Con. Cal. A Va...
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Leadrllle Cos
. 75
. it
. 40
. 7
. ai
. 1
Little Chief ..
Phoenix ......
Potoal .....
Sierra Nevada
small Hopes ..
.. 5
.. II
.. 21
.. a
.. it
.lu24 Texaa A Pacific 424a
do pfd 4 .Toledo, at. U W. 0'
Canadian Pacific 134 o pa 47
Canada So 77 .Union Paclfio 104
Chea. A Ohio 50 I do pfd 134
thlcaso A Alton MS Wabaih 211
do pfd i4 do pfd 44t
Chicaso. Ind. A L... 74 .Wheeling U E ... 24i
do pfd .'. 11 do 2d pfd i
Chicago 4t K.' Ill li Wis. Central 27
Chicago A O. W 2 do pfd 53Sa
do lat pfd M Adama El !0u
do 2d pfd 42 'American Ex 240
Chicago A N. W 223 I n lied States Ex 14n
Chicago Ter. A Tr... 1M Wella-Fargo Ex 230
.. 4a44 AD141. copter 4J"
.. 9 Amar. Car A P 4o
.. to do pfd 124
.. 71 Amar, Llo. Oil 17",
.. 44 do pfd 47
..174V American 8. A R 464
..274 I do pfd 4Vi
.. 42 Anae. Mining Co M
.. knVUrookljrn R. T 4HV
.. 41 Colo. Fuel A 1 114
OSkCona. Oaa 204
do pfd.
C. C- C. A 81. L.
Colorado So
do lat pfd
da 2d pfd
Pel. A Hudaon...
Pel. L. A W
Dentrer A R. O...
do pfd
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
Oreat Nor. pfd...
Hocking Va.lay .
do pld
Illlnola Central ..
Iowa Central ....
do pfd.
. ' 4 Conl. Tobacco pfd....liasa.
.200 (ien. Electric
..... .Hocking Coal
. v74 Inter, pgper .
.14V no pfd.
. 204
. IK
Liverpool Urain and Provlalons.
Arm: No. 2 red, western winter, 5s lid; No.
1 California, 8a 6d; futures, steady; March,
6s Id; May, 6a.
CORN Bpot quiet; American mixed, new,
4s HUd: old. 5s fxi: futures, steady: Janu
ary. 4r 7d. March. 4s SSd; May. 4s 24J-
PEAS Canadian, steaay. e 10.
FLOUR St. Iuls fancy winter, steady.
8s 3d.
HOPS At London, pacinc coast, nrm,
L'siti:? Fs.
lROV181UN8 Beef, quiet: extra India
mess. Hue. I'ork. easy; prime mess west
ern, KsM.S Hams, short cut. quiet. 52.
Hacon, t umoeriand cut. aitow 10s., aieauy,
4hsCd; short ribs, IS to 24 lbs., dull, 4Ts6d;
long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs.,
quiet, 4ns; long clear middles, light, quiet,
46s 6.1; short clear bpeks. 16 to 20 lbs., quiet,
4; od; clear belliea, 14 to 18 lbs., easy, 54a.
Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet. 41s.
Ijird, prime western. In tierces, dull, 53';
American retlned, in palls, dull, 51s M.
Pork, prime mess western, easy, fv.
CHEESE Firm; American -finest white
and colored. Rls.
T A LIjO W Prime city, quiet. 27s (d; Aus
tralian, In London, llrm. 34a 3d.
L. A N.
M4nh4ttan L....
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central ...
Mex. National .
Mlnu. St. L..
Mo. Pacific .
11.. K. A T....
do pfd
N. J. Central ..
N. Y. Central .
Norfolk A W...
do pfd
Ontario A W...
Pennaylvanta. ..
do lat pfd....
do 2d pfd
St. LAS r..
do lat pfd ...
do 2d pfd
St. L. 8 W
do pfd
St. Paul
do nfd
So. Pacific
47 1 Inter. Power
... 74 lcleda Uas ....
.... 52 National Blacult
,...111 National Lead .
,...1244 No. America .
....15044 Pacific Coaat ....
....1414 Pacific Mall ...
.... 2V People' 4 Uaa ..
.... 20' Prrsaed S. Car..
..r.lua ' do pfd
....1124 Pullman P. Car.
.... Z'a Republic Steal
414 do pfd
. ...m , Sugar
lMVTenn. Coal A Iron..
.... 7(4a Union Bag-A P
.... So do pfd
.... sa'a V. S. Leather
....I54a do pfd
gala V. 8. Rubber
.... 474 do pfd
.... 74 V. 8. Steal
.... 72 do pfd
.... 74 Weelern t'nlon
.... 704 Amer. LocomotlTa...
.... do pfd
.... 4.M4. K. C. Soul hern
....1414 do pfd
Rock laland
.... 174 do pfd....
Forelgrn Financial.
LONDON, Jan. 8. Money rates hardened
In the market today, owing to the heavy
depletion of supplies. Discounts were firm.
On the Stock exchange business was very
light and prices were depressed on account
of the absence of support In view of the
approach of the settlement. Consols were
easy at first, but recovered later. Ameri
cans opened dull, hardened to above par
and dropped off later. Toward the close
the trading was more active and prices
closed firm. , Bullion amounting to 40.000
was withdrawn from the Bank of England
today for shipment to South America.
PAKIS. Jan. 8. Three per cent rentes.
lOOf 224c. Exchange on London, 25f 144c.
The weekly statement of the Bank of
France shows the following changes: Notes
in circulation decreased 21,O4O,O0of, treasury
accounts current decreased 29.650.000f, gold
In hand decreased 6,678,000f, bills discounted
decreased h6.550.OU0f and silver In hand de
creased 8.05O,0O0f.
1 BERLIN, Jan. 8. Business began dull on
the bourse today, owing to New Tork ad
vices, but acquired firmness later, a result
of the rise In the price of iron, due to a
favorable article on the Iron market published-
by the Cologne Gazette. Interna
tionals were firm and general. y quiet. Ex
change on London, 20m 454pfgs for checks.
Discount rate for short and three months'
bills 24 per cent.
.. 40
.. 41
.. 21 4
.. 70
.. 41
.. 44
.. 34
.. 21
.. 3V
.. 7', V
.. 12'.
... 34H
... 5
... 53
... 141,
Cotton, Market.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 8.COTTON Market un
changed; middling, kc; sales, I08 bales;
receipts, 4.076 bales; shipments, 4.628 bales;
stock, 28,814 bales.
NEW YORK, Jan. 8. COTTON Opened
quiet and steady, with prices 1 point higher
to 2 points lower and following the call
ruled rather quiet, but firm, for a time on
light estimates for receipts, notwithstand
ing the disappointing Liverpool cables,
which reported a decline of 4 points, but
from this point the market reacted to a
level not far from last night's figures. The
decline was largely the result of a rather
Indifferent public demand and also a moder
ate movement for profits. The crowd was
generally long and some fears were ex
pected of another raid on the market
similar to that of the preceding day. This,
however, proved groundless, and Wall
street was at no time prominent on either
side of the account. The chief feature of
today's situation was the comparative
volume of exports as compared with re
ceipts. The former amounted to about
65.000 bales, or practically double the latter.
Stocks at Interior towns have lost this
week 12.000 bales and today's Interior move
ment showed receipts of but about 11,000
bales net. foreshadowing a bullish week
and statement tomorrow. Toward the close
there was some buying In anticipation of
the expected strength of tomorrow's sta
tistical showing, and while the market waa
somewhat Irregular, sales showed an up
ward tendency on active movements, with
the close steady and prices net S points
lower to g points higher. Sales were 150.000
fair demand, prices 4 points lower; Ameri
can middling, 5.35d; middling fair, 4.6Kd;
low middling, 4.5hd; good ordinary, 4.44d;
ordinary, 4.32d. The sales of the day were
10.000 bales, of which 5o0 were for specula
tion and export, and Included 9,100 Ameri
can. Receipts were 41,000 bales, Including
85.3i)0 American. Futures opened easy and
closed steadv: American middling, g. o. c,
January. 4.6j(S4.63d; January-February. 4.82
rnl,63d; February-March, 462Q4.63d; March
April, 4.6 4 63d: April-May, 4.63d; May
.lune 4fi44: June-Julv. 4.64d: July-August.
4.64d; August-September, 4.57Ji4.58d; Septem
ber-October, 4 44U, uctooer-rovemDer, a.ota.
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON. Jan. 8. Call loans. 6&7 per
cent; time loans, 6&6 per cent. official
closing of stocks and bonds:
102 i
Kansas City 4;r" and Provisions.
rNinjM-ae; Julv. 67c; ckrh, No. 2 hard. Hl'ii
6S 4 ; No. i, 64'Siie; No. i rfxl, 8jSc; No.
a. ..
CORN January. 374c; May, 4c; casn.
No. t mixed, 34c: No. 2 wht,e, 3Sc; No. 3.
OATS No. 2 white. Sic? No. 2 mixed, J14
RYE-No. 2. 464'
HAY Timothy, $12.004512.50; prairie. $9.26J
i.PTTKB-Creamery. X27c: dairy, Sc.
EOOS-Fresh. 204c
Receipts. Shipments.
.... 40.0k) 4!.
....107.31O 6J
,-t.. ia.ut)4 22.14)
. .fc .4
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu. ...
Philadelphia Prod ace Market.
Dull, lc lower; extra western creamery, 29c;
extra rearby prints. 30c.
EGOS Firm, guod demand; fresh nearbv,
trc, at mark; fresh western. 2c, losa off;
Atchlaon 4a 101
Oaa la 104
Mei Central 4a
do pfd
boaton A Albany..
Uoaton A Ma
tttiaton Elevated
Fitchburg pfd.'.
t'nlon Pacific
Mei. Central
American Sugar ...
do pfd
Araerlcao T. A T.:
Dominion I. A B..
uen. Klectrlc
Maaa. Electric
do pfd
t'nlted Fruit
I'. 8. Steel
Weeltngh. Common
Alluuea 1
Calumet A Hecla
Copoe.- Range
lVunlnloQ Coal ...
. .133 M..hawk
..142 Old Dominion ..
. .101 Ineceola
. . Su-h Parrot
. . 1&V yutney
..12i 'Santa Fa Copper.
'. .14- T4marack
.. 5a Trlmounlaln ....
,.144 Trinity
.. 44 t'nlted States ...
.. l'tah ..1
. .10? Victoria
.. Mr Wlnon
..107 Wolverine
.. I4 Daly Weal
.. 2
.. J4
.. X
. .4
.. 21
.. 4i
.. li'.,
.. 43 ,
.. 174
.. to
.. 24
.. 14
.. i
.. St "4
.. 43
flank t'learlngts.
OMAHA, Jan. 8. Bank clearings todiy,
$1.2n4.M7.6it; corresponding duy last year,
ll.3W 2H.47; decrease. $U7.216 7s.
CHICAOO. Jan. 8. Clearing. $26.s5.8N0;
balances. $l.K6i".y73: New York exchange,
loc premium: foreign exchange, sterling
posted at K M for Mxtf days and at $4.8;t
for demand.
NEW YoKK, Jan. 8 Clearings, $34.376..
balances. 14,&ra.471.
BOSTON. Jan. 8 Clearings, $21,107,372;
balances. Jl.ol4.lHJ.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. S. Clearings, fc!0.
6U..ZUU; balances, $-'.lul,i46; money, 6 per
BALTIMORE. Jan. 8. Clei, Ings. $3.Mf,
378; balances. $434. 6u4; money. cent
TNC1NN ATI, Jan. 8. Clearings. $4,111.
SoO; New York exchange, l'lQlac premium
money. 44ii per cent.
8T. LOL'IS. Jan. 8. Clearings. 88.6sn.liiO:
balance. .H.tut; money, steady ai tVu
Cattle Receipts Mora Liberal, bnt Fricei
Held Just About Stsad;.
F.xtremelr Light Rnn of Sheep and
Lambs and Trading; Ruled
Aetlvo at aironner Prices
No Feeders Offered.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 2,!il7 0..M S.l-
1. oust
RecelDts weir:
Ofilclai Monday ....
Official Tuesday ....
Official Wednesday
Ofllclal Thursday . ..
Four days this week. . .1.973
Same days last week U.3a
bauie week before 6,'l
Same three weeaa ago. . .14,ik
Hame lour weeks ago .tw4
Same days last year 16.326
Average unce iuid tor boca at
Omaha tor tne last several days with com
3 j. 1. 10
Date. I 1902. lwi.1300.lsy.l)CK.lsa7.lo3-
Dec. 1B... ( 04' I 4 84 8 ! $ 27 8 2a 3 11
Dec. Id..., 6 In... 2ti, 1 1 oil 8 3u( U, i I.
241 $ 34 4 831 I 8 26 4 3l 2 li
14 4; 4 3 8 9S: i all 2 16
Uli 12- 4 7. 1 8 3 8 2S 111
ti4 041 'ui 1 M 2 2o 3 33
! it 6i 4 81 1 4 01 3 lit -N
Dec. 17...
Dec. 18...
Dec. 19...
Dec. 2o...
Dec. 21...
Dec. Zc..:
Dec. 2J. .
Uec. 24...
Dec. X...
Dec. i6...
Deo. 27...
Dec. 28...
Dec. 30...
Dec. 81...
8 1641 I 4 SOl'4 02, 3 34 8 24 3 71
134 0! I 4 041 3 371 3 211 1 ii
V64 $ u 4 861 18 4.1 3 26, 3
mm j e I e I ea mm I ee I ee
6 3641 19 4 89; 4 11 3 50, I 3 2'J
8 44 I 8 361 4 83 4 09 3 44 1 i 30
. I 281 4 77 i 4 141 3 48 8 32i 3 24
6 c04 4 81 4 16; 3 40, 3 30 3 18
6 34 I 6 351 4 141 3 4i 3 31 3 15
t 2i 321 4 90 I (1 8 3i 3 li
Date. I J903. 190I.1901.1900.1S99.189S.1S87
Jan. 1.... 8 33 I 221 4 ! 4 21' I 3 42 3 18
Jan. 2.... $ 37-HI b 22 1 4 4 3U I 67 8 .7
Jan. 8.... 6 29:,i 6 19; 4 96i 4 2 3 67, 8 43,
Jan.. 4.... I t. 29 5 02 4 27 3 44; 3 44 3 25
Jan. 5.... 6 274i 6 04 , 4 S7l 3 47 3 3 3 2i
Jan. 6 I 6 S4U. I!l e 14 1,, a 4X1 lit x as
Jan. 7.... C 394i 6 09; 5 06 3 42, 3 4o 3 19
Jan. 8....I 6 4!i'.i 6 W, & 061 4 341 I 3 43i 3 12
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
The official number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Koad. Cattle. iloH.8ll p. U ses.
m. ax bi. tr. y 1 o
Missouri Paciflo Ry....
Union Pacific system..
C. & N. VV. Ry
F., E. & M. V. Ry
C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.
B. & M. Ry
C, B. & Q. Ry
C, R. I. & P., east
C, R. 1. & P., west
Illinois Central
, 2
, 10
, 1
Total receipts 139
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha, Packing Co 465
Swift and Company 1,849
Armour & Co 1,122
Cudahy Packing Co 1,0X4
Armour, from S. City.... 91
Vansant & Co 77
Lobman & Co 80
W. I. Stephen 49
Hill & Huntxlnger 27
Huston & Co 68
IJvlngstone & Shaller.... 20
Hamilton 107
U F. Husk 60
B. F. Hobblck 23
lennls & Co S
Wlrtheimer 4
Lee Rothschild 130
Other buyers 362
Total 6.704 S.343
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to dale, and comparisons with last
year: 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 14.3S8 19.412 6,024
Hogs 40,246 68.934 1S,&
8hep 18,247 10.9(17 7.260
The following list shows the number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country
yesterday and their destination:
Cattle Cars.
Brass & 8., Palmer, Neb. B. & M 1
Wm. H. Hilmen, Concord, Neb. M. & O..I
Robinson Bros., Falrbury, Neb. R. 1 1
C. Blgelow, Atlantic, la. R. 1 1
M. J. Berry. Woodbine, la. N. W 4
John McOovern. Vail, la. N. W J... I
CATTLE There was just a fair sixed run
of cattle here this morning, and the market
showed veay little change from yesterday.
Buyers all seemed to be quite anxious for
supplies, so that trading was fairly active
and the bulk of the offerings was out of
first hands In good season.'
The better grades of beef steers were In
active demand and fully steady prices were
paid. The half fat and common stuff,
did not move any too freely, and was
no more than steady. Whenever packers
can get enough of the better grades to till
their immediate orders they are very slow
about buying the half fat stuff and usually
bid lcwer on it.
The cow market was also about steady
with yesterday. The better grades In some
cases looked a Utile stronger, but the me
dium kinds and canners sold rn just about
yesterday's notches. The supply did not
seem to be any too large to meet the
demand so that trading was fairly brisk
from start to finish.
Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold with
out much trouble at good, steady prices.
The supply of Blockers and feeders con
tinued very light, and, In fact, was smaller
than the demand, so that anything at all
decent sold a little stronger. The common
truck, though, continued to be more or less
neglected, as the demand from the country
Is confined largely to the more desirable
grades. Representative sales:
At. Pr. No. A. Tr.
. 780 I 00 20 lilt 4 2
.1110 2 M 41 1204 4 :
M 1204 4 S5
. Wool Market.
RT IXlt'IS. Jan. 8 WOOL Firm: me
dium grades and combings, 17fr21c; light
nne, lwjil94c; ntavy nne, uinc; iuo
washed. Wu-iX--
BOSTON. Jan. 8. WOOL The market
held rather quiet over the holiday season
as a whole, but some houses report a good
week's business. Manufacturers are still
buying freely. There are Indications that
sme buyers think that the market Is as
high as it Is likely to go. DUI mere is -certainly
nothing In the present condition,
which would Indicate that the price limit
haa yet been set. There was a tremendous
advance, especially in pulled and combing
wools, which were relatively below the
market. This wools show an advance 01
3i6c per pound anil are now fully on a
parity with the balance or me marsei.
The reouest for territory wools continues
excellent. Prices are fully maintained.
Fine staple territory, 66tfitinc; strictly 1 ne.
StftOCc; tine and tine medium, sofyWc; me
dium, 4546c.
fhere is a firm market for Texas wools.
Quotations are firmly held. Fall, cleaned
parts, 4tt4c; twelve moinns, moouc, six 10
eight tnonlha. spring, 3'Cjc.
!.. lalho.nia nomx i:ie acman'i is
steaoy. wl'h no change to note in pi ices.
Northern county, cleaned 1 as:s. xuu..',
middle counties, 4ST(.i0e: southern counties,
4..rs47c; fall, free, 4.iftj47c; defective, 43H46c.
Oregon wools show no chaLge either In
lone or prices. Eastern staple. l.Vs19;
tholce. 164) 17c; average. 13itl4o; valley. No.
1, mi2(tc; No. 2. 2ni21e: No. 3, 18&19c;
irnnrwl ha sis. all Viniis. 52fiXC.
r Itece wools ai in goou uemaim
p'lcee lirm ajid umunged. Ohio and Penn
rylvenla, XX ant above, 31ijl; X, 27i0
2r; Michigan, X. stiiic.
There is a very jrm market for delaine
wools. Ohio and r-inni'S'lvaniu, washed de-
la'.ne, M'ttic; Mlj.Jgan. 3i31c; No. 1. 3KJ
Uc; No. 2. &i3b, coarse. 26j(i7c.
Australian wo. . Is generally quiet. Q lo
tationa are l-?gely nominal. Combing,
choice scoiii-A Duals, IbUpUm:: good, 735(j76c;
, Nl'
ORK, Jan. 8. WOOL Firm.
Coffee Marker.
NEW YORK, Jan. 8. 4 "OFFEE Bpot Rio,
teadv: No. 7 Invoice. 5 3-liic. Mild, firm
furr'-sava. 7i'ul2c. Futures opened steady
at a 4-hanged priceo: ruled quiet under
featu .less foreign news, but displayed a
ragging tendency as a result of fur'her
liquidatt :i. continued offerings by exporters
snd a limited demand. The close waa qolet.
with prices unchanged to 6 points lewer
Bales were 16fri bag inclining January at
4 2lc; March, 4.4'ji 4 45c ; May. 4.6V(4 65c;
June. 4 7uc; Julv. 4 7it( 4 Mic ; August. 4 ic;
September, 4.84f 4.96ci October, ac; Jovm
bcr, I ooi4i4.(6c; December, 8.16c.
10 ,
1 ,
... 4f I (II
... (47 I 7ft 41 11 4 35
... UK) 2 HO K 11112 4 3S
... M0 2 65 1134 4 29
... t27 S 96 27 1041 4 40
...lnita 4 00 12 .......lOat 4 40
...1212 4 00 13 mi 4 40
... tin 4 00 10 1172 4 40
... li2 4 10 4 1370 4 40
... 70 4 10 1131 4 40
...1117 4 15 17 1331 4 43
... 470 4 is i 12IW 4 40
1146 4 20 I KS0 4 tS
....1143 4 20 4 114 4 0
,...1172 4 2S 11 1274 4 45
.... 4 25 1 una 4 W
....1121 4 2? 12 1J71 4 71
,...1271. 4 20 21 1204 4 IS
. 1104 4 15
9Vt I 40
...loai t to
..1014 4 88
. 4n 2 00 2 inni 1 10
. tin 2 00 t t25 t is
.1000 2 40 1 71S I 15
.1020 2 40 1 1100 I IS
. 481 2 40 t 110 I 14
.1000 1 40 It 444 t 1ft
.1(110 2 50 t 1320 I It
. 170 3 50 It H3 I IS
. 440 2 60 6 2 I 14
.470 I 60 II 1041 I 15
. 540 2 60 t 711 I 15
. 151 t 56 It 1015 2 15
.. 4;.7 2 0 1 1250 t 20
.. 770 t an II 1044 t 20
..1060 2 45 II tw I ill
.. HI I 45 8 M4 I 20
,.1010 2 15 1 tmo 1 tu
..1010 I 45 1 770 I ;j
.. 909 I 4ft 1 1140 I 2ft
.. 467 I 15 1 loo I 25
..till i 15 1117 I 29
..1020 2 IS 1 1040 -2 30
.. 740 2 45 IS t 10
.. 175 t C It K 2 SO
..9T ; 45 f mat 1 10
. . 20 I 70 I -...1041 I 10
.. 171 t 7ft 24 445 I 10
. . 3 t 75 II 1M4 I 30
.. tfl 2 75 20 J I 3ft
..lOno 2 75 20 1IM I 35
..1133 t 73 It 1194 I 35
.. 171 2 73 11HI I 3ft
..1i:i0 2 75 8 1100 2 36
.. ano t 7ft 7 1114 I 35
. . 71"i i 75 t 1181 I 35
..871 t 80 10. t4 3 13
..lor.0 I 80 1 1213 2 IS
. . t 80 1 1100 t 3g
..1070 t 83 10 n 2 36
., 9t 2 85 2 1310 I 13
.. 14 5 2 46 T 1077 I 40
. .lino t 8a 10 1106 t 40
..) t ' 16 1031 t 41
..UluO I tn 1 1013 I 60
. . ton 2 as 4 lost t fto
,.10l 5 an I nr. 3 5$
.. 74 2 0 32 841 I 40
.. 7 $ I to 1 1184 3 40
.. 446 2 to 1 1?0 8 C5
,.1125 J 40 1 130 lift
..11110 I OO t 1201 2 5
..1133 I INI 10 1194 I 45
..PlitO 2 00 11 lO.M an
..843 3 00 4 440 4 00
..1031 3 00 24 1048 I 40
. 1,170 3 00 2 lO.'o 3 ftn
.. am I 10 1 io-io 1 M
.. t4" I 10 4 11141 3 60
, . . kK3 2 00 4 11 I 40
. I 1(1 t I25 I 46
...'! I 10 I 11 1.3 I J
.. V I 10 t 170 t aft
...UkO I 10 lloO I 71)
,.12f.O 10 47 104 I 40
. .11"! t I J 11M I 40
...110 I 75
...20 IN 4 121 t 04
... 440 8 St 8 Ui IN
1 1 ii 4 1 140 t 00
I HO 1 Mi 1 100 I On
I '. 170 ft ui 2M 8 00
1 ii" i M 1 IJ I 2
1 ) 6 7. 3 IM IS
1 18i 6 7.
t "2 it ia a:..i 3 jn
t 3o 2 48 831 3 4"
6 874 2 " 3 11 2 '
2 lis 2 so 2 8.10 8 8N
4 7"2 2 9" I l'Hxl I 711
J I " !! H7 I 70
15 1 t !..174 I 8i
42 3 IT. 23 Illf.4 2 86
S 1074 3 2.". 1 ISKO J 86
2 770 3 S'i 2 1140 4 2
1 15:i 2 M 1 1230 3 35
1 7 10 So 1 li,40 t 40
1 1 1 an 3 Ho 1 . infill I 60
1 1:11.1 3 00 1 ll3il J 611
1 1430 S tm 1 138.1 I 50
1 i:.'. s in 1 1.V.0 1 6n
1 Hid 3 2,1 1 1880 I 60
1 12i 3 25 1 1400 t 60
1 1240 1 I1 I 181(1 I 80
1 102" 3 2o 1 1600 I 40
1 UK I J 3(1 1 1780 a (5
1 l:ltn 8 So 1 1320 I 75
1 1.'8 i :i 3ft 1 lfifio 2 86
1 117') S 35 1 1540 3 tu
1.... . IrtlO 3 35 1.. I..40 4 utt
1... inn 2 (Hi 12 44(1 1 45
J .nn J H5 1 8K0 25
1 41(1 t on 11 838 t 15
1 !M I (M 10 788 I 70
1 1411 i m 1 III! I 75
1 620 8 06 - 1 400 I 75
7 Sl I ( , 1 74 I 75
2 129 J 26 7 774 I 76
1 613 3 35 4 137 I 76
2 48'i 3 60 1 610 I 10
6 60 3 50 30 too 4 lat
I PI 2 3 80 7 Sit 4 Ck
1 6.10 3 80 St 106 4 II
1 740 3 60
9 cows 790
8 feeders.. 7S3
7 feeders. . (178
1 feeder... KoO
1 cow Ioi
l!i tows Skl
13 feeders.. lf)
I COW tf?0
11 cows... . 7VS
..1240 4 10
2 S.'.
3 35
3 6-)
3 2.)
3 2
i 70
4 25
3 fi.S
1 bull 1670
1 bjll HwO
2 cows..
40 cow s. .
6 cows. .
i ca I f . . .
i bull...
1 cow..
.. toJ
.. 2A
t 00
8 35
3 60
3 20
8 24
8 15
3 t0
i 90
8 60
HoUt4 Tehere was another light run of
hogs here this morning and other points
wer also short on supplies, so that the
general tendency of prices was upward.
The market here opened fVaJlOc higher and
.oon became generally 10c higner. Trading,
howevet, waa not particularly brisk owing
to the fact that buyers were slow to bid
the full strength of the market. The bulk
of the hoas sold from 36.46 to 3S.56 and as
high as 36.70 was paid for a prime load oC-l
ncavy nogs weighing a. 8 pounds. ine
lightweights were neglected, the same as
uhuuI. ard In most cases were left until
the last.
The close of the market was rather slow
and weak, so that the late arrivals did not
bring as good prices as those sold earlier
In the day.
Today's advance carries the market to
the highest point reached so far this year
or puts It back to about where It was on
December 29.
No. Av. Sh.
30 161 ...
62 234
4 246
10 232
49 2-'8
10 200
6S 230
87 227
68 226
63 228
74 214
75 226
88 215
67 260
43 234
60 230
88 208
66 234
53 261
5 233
53 226
64 249
Representative sales:
SHEEP There was a very light run of
sheep and lambs here this morning, only
about five cars being reported on salo.
Buyers all had to have a few fresh sup
plies, so it only took a few minutes to dis
pose of everything offered. A double deck
of western lambs of pretty good quality
sold at 85 25, but the quality of the rest
of the arrivals was rather Inferior, with
he exception of a single deck of mixed na
tives. The market could be quoted strong
and active on all desirable grades of both
sheep and lambs.
There were not enough feeders offered to
make a test of the market.
Uuotatlons: Choice) western Iambs.. SS.OfMV
E.25; fair to good lambs, 34.5O6.00; choice
native lambs, 35.26iff6.50;. choice yearlings,
84.50 4. 76; fair to good yearlings, 34.00(34.60;
choice wethers. 34.16ii4.40; fair to good, 83.75
Sel.OO: choice ewes. 83.5CKS4.00: fair to rood.
83.003.60; feeder lambs, 33.004M-O0; feeder
yearlings. X3.UK03.6O; feeder wethers, 32.76(9
3.26; feeder ewes, 31-60(jp2.25. Representative
i cull ewes
b cill ewes
1 ewe
69 western ewes
166 western ewes
cull lambs
228 western fed lambs
245 lamba, ,
2 lambs
67 ewes
2 ewe
4 lambs
57 yearlings
12 bucks
20 cull ewes ,
11 cull ewes
6 western ewes
38 western ewes
10 western lambs
318 western lambs
6 85
6 40
6 424
8 42
6 421,
6 42Vi
6 45
6 45
6 45
6 45
6 46
6 45
6 45
6 46
5 46
6 45
6 45
6 45
6 46
6 46
6 46
6 45
6 47H
6 47'A
6 47V4
6 474
6 47".
6 474
b 60
No. Av. Sh.
73 2fi0 120
63 274 80
66 253 ...
19 !i4 ...
14 32V 40
18 280
69 329
65 304
68 326
64 812
23 300
62 298
60 262
43 349
61 204
64 348
48 376
6 60
6 60
6 60
8 60
e 60
6 60
6 60
6 60 -6
6 60
6 60
6 60
6 624
e 624
6 624
8 65
6 65
6 65
6 65
6 66
6 65
8 65
6 65
6 674
6 60
6 66
. 85
. 66
. 100
. 83
. 93
. 64
. 67
. 73
. 110
. 93
. 90
1 76
3 60
3 00
2 75
8 60
4 26
4 75
6 25
6 00
3 76
3 00
4 76
4 65
3 60
1 76
1 75
2 26
3 60
4 25
4 60
Cattle Lower, Hegsand Lambs Higher,
While Sheep Remain Steady.
CHICAGO. Jan. S CATTI-R Rexelnta
8.000 head; best lower; good to prime steers'.
4.ui'(jo.iu; sioraers and reeders. 82.OOI&4.I10;
cows. 11.254i4.t)0: heifers. 32.Oiyn4.K5: ran nor.
il.2Sft2.60; bulls. fci.OiYcH; calves, 83.507.50;
lexae teu steers, 4. lorfM.Bn. ,
HOfJS Receipts. 18.000 head: 'estimated
tomorrow. IO.OuO head: left over. 4 000 hearl-
bulk, 10c higher; close advance lost; mixed
and butchers, JS.30tft6.6j; good to choice
heavies, J6.3u(t!6.SO: rough heavy, 86.504j6.8o;
bulk of sales, 36.36ig6.60.
BntKr AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000
head: cheep, steadv to loc higher: limhi
steady to 10c .higher; good to choice weth
ers. J4.2MT4.i6; fair to choice mixed. J4.1fir4
4.25; western sheep, t2.4orov4.6o; native lambs,
$4.t88fi6.90; western lambs, 14.005.00.
umciai yesieraay:
Recelnts. Shlnmenta
Cattle 23.560 4.117
Hogs 27,212 3,690
Sheep 18.769 709
Kansas City Live Steele Market.
ceipts. 4,200 natives 800 Texana. 35 Texas
calves and 3o0 native calves: fat cattla
steady to 16c hlcher. closing dull and weak:
cows steady to higher; Blockers and feeders
active, strong; choice export and dressed
beef steers. Jo 00f(i4i.o0: fair to good. J4.75(W
6.00; atockers and feeders. 33.60f!t4.40; west
ern fed steers. 83.0015. 75; Texas and Indian
steers, 83.404.20; Texas cows. Ji.lW.i3.0u; na
tive cows, l.6i"74.;: native heifera, 12.111
4.00; canners. 8l.txr62.25; buiTs, 32.653.60;
calves, 83 (8ii3.75.
HOG) Receipts, 5,000 head; market strong
to 15c higher; top, 36.60; bula of sales. 86.4Mj
8 574; havy, 86.464i4i.66: mixed packers, 86.35
46. 67S; light. tG.tOfu6.40; yorkers.
pigs. Jr. (.'3610.
BH EE! AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600
head; market ntrong to loc higher; native
lambs, t4.0mf(6.25; western lambs. J3.85W4.3fi;
fed ewes. 8.i.00ii3.96: native wethers. 13.004
4.6n; western wethers. t3.O0Cu4.2O; stockers
and fetders. t2.00ffj3.35.
market strong; active muttons, tS.TtMM SS
lambs, $4 6o7i."..7o; culls and bucks, t2.i4i
4 00; stockers. tl-6OJ3.00; Texans, $2.7041 3. .
St. Joseph Lite !(nrk Vtsskel.
8T JOSEPH. Jan. 8 -CATTLE Receipt .
3.046 head; sctl. steadv to strong; na
tives, t3.KijfS.iitt; Texas and westerns, $.125if.
5 25; cow s and heifers, li HHM ; veals. ta.iM; bulls and stags, t: 4tJ4 ; yearlings
and rnlves, $2.60fj4.3o; stockers and feed
ers. 83 ("HH AO.
HtHlS Kecolpts, 4,922 bead; light and
light mixed, 86.8.VQ So; medium and heavy,
J6k.iU6.724; pigs, $4 7.V,i.24): bulk. t6?'?.70.
HltKKl' AND LAM US Receipts, 378 head:
steady to strong; top western yearlings,
$4 75; lambs, li.jflnc higher; top native
lambs, Jo. 76.
jtlnnt City I.tve Stock Market
fllOVX CITY. la., Jan. 8, (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, sou; steady;
beeves. J3.604i6.oo. cows, bulls and mixed.
bar. ann reeners. i.'.ntiojd. 10:
et ui.. a 7ft mt
yearlings and calves, liaxu.
HOI JS Receipts, i,ri; mais't tor nignrr,
selling, to.9vj6.60, bulk, t6.104j6.40.
Stork In Sight.
The following were the receipts of live
stock at the six principal cities yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha S.00O 6.1
Chicago 8.O14) 1S.O0O 8.000
Kansas City 4.200 6.00ft 1.6 8'
St. L011I S.800 4.500
f-t. Joseph S.046 4.922 3.8
Sioux City J0 2.600
21,34 39.922 11,978
Oil and Roais.
OIL CITT. Pa., Jan. S.OIIi Credit bal
ances. tl-64; certificates, no bids; ship
ments. 109.137 bbls.; average. 183.530 bbls.;
nins, 89,(Si bbls.; average, 69.9W bbls.
SAVANNAH, Oa.. Jan. 8 OIL Turpen
tine, 64ic, Rosin, firm; A. R, C, D, tl f:
K, tl.55; F, 81 60; O, tl.70; H. $2: I, $2.40;
K. $2.90; M, $3.06; N. $3.56; WO. $3.80; WW,
$1 20.
TOLEDO, Jan. 8. OIL No change.
LONDON. Jan. 8. OIL Linseed, 24s M.
Turpentine spirits, 41a Sd.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 8. OIL Turpentine
spirits, firm, 42s 6d.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
No. 1 northern. 76Q764c; No. I northern.
76f(i754c; May, 76c.
RYE Steady; No. 1. 61tf514c.
BARLEY Firm; standard, 0c: sample,
CORN May, 44c.
Minneapolis Wheat, Flour and Ttran.
74c; July. 76'hc; on track. No. 1 hard,
i!4c; No. 1 northern, "64c; No. 2 northern,
FI5UR First patents, $3.864T3.96; second
patents, $3.7041.80; first clears, $2.8ot2.90;
second clears, $2.304j2.4O.
BRAN In bulk, J13.604jl3.75.
Whisky Market.
CHICAOO. Jan. 8. WHISKY On basis
of high wines. $1.30.
PEORIA, Jan. 8. WHISKY-Steady at
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 7. WHISKY Steady nt
at $1.30.
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO, Jan. f.-WHEAT-Dull. Arm:
cash and January, 774c; May, 804c.
CORN Dull, Arm; January, 454c; May,
OATS Dull, firm; January, 35c; May.
Satcar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. Jan. 8. SUGAR Raw,
Steady. Refined, quiet. Molasses, firm.
LONDON, Jan. 8. BEET SUQAR-Janu-ary,
8s d.
P. B. Wears. Pres. C A. Wears. V-Pres.
Established 1863.
WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO of the Principal Exchanges.
Frlvate Wires to All Polnta.
Bought and sold for cash or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH, llo-lll Board of Trad.
Telephone 1316.
W. E. Ward. Locai M'naget.
Burllnsrton at Missouri River.
1' Leave. ,
Wymore, Beatrice and
Lincoln a 8:40 am
Nebraska Express a 8:40 am
Denver Limited a 4:26 pm
Black, tuns and puget
Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:10 pm
uonraao vestiDuiea
Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:62 pnv
Fort Crook and Platts-
mouth b 8:20 pm
Bellevue & Pacific Jet. ..a 7:50 pm
Bellevue & Pacific Jet... a 3:00 am
bll:6S am
a 7:45 pm
a 6:46 am
A 8:10 pm
a 9:17 am
bll:05 am
a 8:27 am
Joseph A Council
a 9:45 am a 6:05 pm
all:05 am
a 6:16 am
i5:lo pm
10:30 pm
Kansas City, St.
Bin Us.
Kansas City tay Ex
St. Louis Flyer
Kansas City Night Ex.
Chicago, Burlington at Qalncy.
Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:05 pm
i nicaDo vestiDuiea !.. 4:taj pm
Chicago Local a 9:30 am
Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm
Fast Mall
a 7:3) am
ali:00 pm
a 7:30 am
a 2:46 pin
Vnlon Pacific.
.a 9:40 am
Overland Limited
The Faat Mall
California Express a 4.20 pm
Pacific Express all:30 pm
Eastern Express
The Atlantic Express...
The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am
Chicago Special
Lincoln, Beatrice and
Stromsburg Express.. ,b 4.00 pm
North Platte Local a 8:00 am
Grand Island Local. ..f.b 6.30 pm
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 7:20 am
Chicago, Minneapolis as
St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm
Minneapolis tc St. Paul
Express b 7:20 am
Chicago Express
a T:50 pm
a :25 pm
a 6:30 pin
a 7:30 am
a 8:40 am
a 3:40 am
b:80 pm
a 5:15 pm
b 9:86 pm
a 5:10 pm
a 1:06 am
DlO-35 pm
al0:36 pm
Chicago, Hock Island at Pacific.
Chicago Daylight Lt d. .a 6:00 am
Chicago Daylight Local 7:00 am
Chicago Expreaa bll-16 am
lies Moines Express.... a 4:30 pm
Chicago Fast Express. ..a 6 :3a pm
Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 0.60 pm a 4:66 am
Lincoln, Colo. Springs,
Denver. Pueblo and
West a 1:30 pnj
Colo., Texas, Cal. and
Oklahoma Flyer a 5:20 pm
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 6.66 pm a 8:20 am
St. Louis ixcl, Coun
cil Bluffs a :1S ant al0:30 pm
rhlcaco, Milwaukee at St. Paul.
Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am al 1:15 pin
1 nicagu rasi cx proeia. . .a o:ao pm
Chicago IJmlted a 8:05 pm
Des Moines Express.... a 7:46 am
a 6:4ft am
a 9.36 pm
a 6:06 pm
bll:60 am
1:25 pm
a 6:00 pm
al3:40 pm
New York Live Stoek Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 8 CATTLE Recelnts.
24 head; a few bulls sold at $32o'g3.75;
dresued beef steady; city dreased native
aides, 744illc per lb. Cables quoted Amer
ican steers, ;!V(il3c, dressed weight; re
frigerator beef, He; exports today were 600
CAIjV ES Receipts, 2c6 head; firm; veals.
$".5o4i0.50; small veals, $6; barnyards, $3,754?
Oil; city dressed veale, lKgltc.
.tons Receipts. 3,359 head; steady; a
few state, $6.75.
SHEEP AND LA M MM KecelptS, 3.6M
head; sheep, steady; lambs active, slightly
stronger; sheep sold at $2,304(4.60; small
hunch at 84.75 a tew ror export at the
same figure; lambs, $5.2;4i6.40; about a car
at J6 0n'n ,i(i: one car textrai at Jti.uo:
dreased muttons, 544j44c per lb.; dreased
lambs, 744104c.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market. v
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 8 CATTLE Receipts,
2.So0 head, including l.diiO head Texans;
market strong, with Texans liic higher: na
tive shlnili,g and export steers, J4 tSyufi h.i,
with strictly fancy worth op to $6.50;
drexred beef and butcher steers, $4-2fi4:JT.60:
steers under l.'" Us., $3 5oU j.oo: stockers
and feeders, $2.7514. ; cow and helfeis.
$.' 2;"4jt.i; canners. J1.5"i2 75; bulls, $3.86f
'i :t; calves. Jl Wi'iiH 10; Texas and Indian
steers, $2 V4)4.3i; cows and heifers, $2.4oil
I IOCS Receipts. 4.M0 head: market 10
15c higher; Pigs and lights, 86.O0fn4j.40; pack
ers, Jii4 'u6 b". butchers. J-i iwa 6
BHP AND LAMBS Receipts, tuO head;
Chlcasjo at Northwestern.
Ths Northwestern Line.
Fsst Chicago a 8:40 am
Mall a 8.00 pm
local Sioux City a 6-10 am
Daylight St. Paul a 7:36 am
Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am
Local Chicago al0:65 am
Ixcal Carroll .-...a 4:00 pm
Fast Chlcsgo a 6:60 pm
Faat St. Paul a 7:65 pm
IJmlied Chicago a 8:10 pm
Fast Mail
Local Bloux City b 4:00 pm
Mlaaoarl Pacific.
St. iouls Express a 10:00 am
K. C. and St. L. Ex....al0:60 pm
a 8:40 pm
a 7:50 am
a 1:40 pm
a 7:00 am
a 8:80 am
a 3:60 pm
a 10 26 pin
all:20 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 8:60 am
a 4:06 pm
a 8:16 am
a 9:20 am
a 2:40 pin
b'9:50 am
a 8:26 pm
a 8:15 a-
Leave. Arrive
Black Hills, Deadwood,
lead, slot Springs a 1:00 pm a 5:00 pi.
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas d 8:00 pm 0 6:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
t'lty, Superior, Oeneva,
Exeter and Seward b 1:00 pm b 5:00 pm
Bonesteel, Lincoln, Nio
brara and Fremont. ...b 7:30 am bl0:26 am
Fremont Local c 7:30 am
thtcan-o, -at
Twin City Passenger. . .a 6:30 am
Bloux I Ity Passenger. ..a i:) pm
Paul, Minneapolis at
.b 5:45 pm
a 9:10 pm
sll:: am
b 8:4o am
Oakland Ixxal.
Missouri Pacific.
Nebraska local. Via
seplng Watr b 4:10 pm al0;2j am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally
except Bsturday. a Dally except Monday
,in Iff ,