4 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: Fill DAY, JANtTATtV 0, 100.1. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MISOIt MESTIOX. ravin flls dniRS. For rent, modern house, 71!) 8ixth Av. fcxpert match repairing, LtTrt. Bwar. Officer Is Belling dwellings cheap. 419 B y. ricture framing. C. E. Alexander A Co., 133 Broadway. PI photos of yourself nr .'rlends, 10 cents. Carveth, artlat, 3"H Broadway. Cut. prlrea on art calendara and blottera for New Year's gifts. Alexander & Co. Miss 1,1 tile Drake left last evening for St. Louts to resume her musical atudies. Wanted, at once, boy with pony to carry Km roulf. Apply a the ottlce, lu Pearl street. K'xcelaior Masonic lodge will hold a pe dal meeting thla evening for work In tha flrat degree. We ara headquarters for glasa of all klnda. Sf ua bttore you buy. C. B. faint, oil md Ulaaa Co, Captain George J. Crane left last evening for Indianapolis to attend ,the convention of Insurance underwriters. At the regular meeting of Myrtle lodge, Degree ot Honor, thla evening the newly elected officer will be Inatalleu. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Long arrived home yeaterday from a visit with frlenda and relative In Chicago and Cincinnati. K. Houthwlck, who- Uvea near the Iowa School for the Deaf, win aerluualy injured yesterday by being kicked by a horse. Mr. anil Mrs. C. A. Beebe of Olen avenue lett yenterday for a aojourn at Hot BprlngB, U. )., for the benefit of Mr. Berbe'a healtn. The ovsslon of district court yesterday waa taken up with the healing ot motions nd other minor matter by Judge Thor- 1111. The regular meeting of lodge No. 270, Ancient order of United Workmen, will be held thla evening. Refreshment will be aerved. H. K. flsar and family of Treynor, la., were In the city yesterday on their way to j.oa Angeles, Cai., where they will spend the remainder of the winter. William Purcell, a la'jorer living at Denl aon, la., haa tiled a petition In bankruptcy in the federal court here. Ills liabilities aggregate and his asset constat of one auit or clothes, valued at l-o. The case against Km'. C. Hover, charged by Mra. C. C. Haln with obtaining suppliea from the county In her name under false pretenses, wa dismissed In Justice Ouren a court on motion of the assletunt county at torney. John Jay Fralney, the Shakespearean orator, will leave In a few da ye, for a tour through northwestern Iowa, southern Min nesota and western Wisconsin, under tne direction of the Bijou Lyceum bureau of Minneapolis. Mra. Hannah Waddle, widow of the la to Thomaa Waddle, died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mra. John lenney, no;! Seventh avenue, aged 9 years. Bealdea the r.aurfhter with whom ahe made her home Mra. Waddle la survived by two tons. The session of the Board of County Super visors yesterday waa taken up with com pleting the contract for the county bridge work for the ensuing year with the Canton Bridge company and with making the semi annual settlement with County Treasurer Arnd. - Louis Brown was arrested yesterday on an Information charging lit in with the theft of a quantity of household goods from the Foster home on North Second street. It I alleged that Brown and a companion cnr. rled the goods away In a xprlng wagon dur ing the absence of the family. The theft la said to have been commuted aeveriil weeka ago, John I. Redlck of Omaha haa been granted a temporary injunction restraining the city of Cojncll Bluffs and County Treasurer Arnd from attempting to col lect taxes on certain Iota n Potter A George's addition to Council Bluffs, lying on the weat side of the Missouri river. It ' la claimed by Redlck that the property 1 not subject to city taxation, being held for agricultural purposes only. Council Bluffs camp No. . 7151, Modern ' Woodmen of America, at Its meeting last evening Installed the following officers for the enaulng year: V. C. W. U Williams; ' W. A., 8. L. Miller; banker, M. E. Sutton; clerk. U G. Scott; escort, H. E. Wellert; ' watchman, H. D. Mains; sentry, K. Ga- llnsky; first manager, W. B. Fisher; sec ond manager, F 8. Simpson; third man ager, K. G. Uoyd; physician, O. H. Bower. After tha Installation a Social time waa had. Interspersed with music and refreshments. N. Y, Plumbing Co., ferophone C26. Ko laceeiior for Richards, United States Marshal O. M. Chrlstlaa, who Is lp the city attending the special seaalon of federal court, haa announced tiat no one will be appointed to take the place of Deputy William Rlcharda who recently resigned. In explanation Marshal Christian said that while In the southern district cf Iowa there were four courts. Council Bluffs, Keokuk, Pes Moinea and Creston, the work did not demand a large force ot deputlea and that for the present It could be cov ered bp the two remaining deputies, A. E. Willis of Perry and Harry Fulton ot Keo kuk. Regarding the statement that Deputy Richards had resigned because the office no longer afforded a living. Marshal Rich ards admitted 'hXn was true. He said the position under the hew rules ot the federal court was no longer remunerative, but with enly two deputies Jo the field they could now make . H more lucrative. Marshal Christian added that In his opinion the position rof a deputy marshal for the southern district of Jowa was no sinecure, although it was considered so In the days gone by. f Smith Refuses to Talk. Frank Bmltb, alias George Murray, under arrest on suspicion of having stolen three duck coats, which he disposed of to a second-hand deak'r and made arrangements to ell him twenty pair of overalls and other gooda. has refused to talk. When placed In the sweat box yesterday he refused to answer any questions, and the police have been unable to locate where the other sup posed goods are. At first It was thought that tha goods had been stolen from the commissary of one of the Oreat Western grading camps, but. now It Is believed tbey were stolen from a car in transit at one of the local railroad yards. Smith is a stranger to the police and la believed to be from Kansas City. Another Heating afore Free. The first beating stove given by Wllllrm Welch to his Goal customers was awarded to the Christian home. Another has been put up on' the same plan, and during the nsxt thirty days will be given away free to one of his customers. Before ordering your coal call at II Nor'h Main street or 'phone 121. Ueerae K. Hoaatoa Ueta tloaae. The houss and lot valued at 12,000 offered by the Council Bluffs lodge ot Elks, as one of the prises at the street fair and carnival last September, was awarded laat evening to Oeorge E. Houston of 121 Fifth avenue. Charlea Matthal. J. J. Hughes, C. Austin. R. Roth and J. T. Tidd comprised the com mittee In charge. Gravel rootling. A. H. Read. 126 Main St. HEW THEATER I PHICTC8-36-36 -G.. TONIGHT THE BURGLAR AND THKWAIF niSS INEZ FOk.fl AN aa THO WAIF LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. a Pearl sU., Council Bluffs. 'Phona 17. BLUFFS. COAL SHORTAGE IS SERIOUS Bi CoDiumen of Steam Varieties Are on the Anxious Seat. MOTOR COMPANY IN WORST PREDICAMENT Water Works and Has f'orasiaay Also Down to Pnlat Where Only One Day's flnaply Is In lent. Council Bluffs Is on the vergs of a steam coal famine and unless shortly relieved several of the public utilities will possibly have to suspend operations. The scarcity of the supply of this kind of coal yesterday very nearly proved disastrous to the motor, electric light and water works companies. Not since the coal strike has this situation been so keenly felt here and the big cor poration, which are the large consumers of this kind of fuel, are all on the anxious seat. For several days the motor company his been barely receiving sufficient steam coal to keep Its power houses going and last Sundav it was nearly compelled to stop running Its cars for lack of fuel. At one time Sunday there was but little over ons hour's supply on hand and had not a ship ment reached the power houses In time to save the situation that afternoon the serv ice would have been suspended. Yesterday morning the supply again became nearly exhausted owing to the delayed arrival of a trainload of coal. At 11 o'clock the sup ply on hand was barely sufficient to keep the power house going for two hours longer. Many of the heavy cars were taken off the line between thla cjty and Omaha and all heat was shut off In' the cars on the entire system. For a time it looked aa Jf the company would have to shut down for lack of fuel, but shortly after noon the sit uation was temporarily relieved by the ar rival of several cars of coal. The situation Is, however, still most precarious, as the supply Is barely sufficient to. keep things moving without placing a ton In reserve. Superintendent Tarkington stated that there waa plenty of coal on the way here, but that the railroads appeared to lack the necessary facilities to transport It and this was what caused the delsy. Other Companies Ansloaa. The Electrlo Light and Gas company Is also on the anxious seat, as its supply is almost down to bedrock and the arrival ot more coal Is uncertain. So far the com pany haa managed to secure sufficient coal to keep tho plant runnlag, but one more day's delay In the arrival of its orders would place the company In serious diffi culties and probably result In the plsnt shutting down or running on halt time un til the situation la relieved. The Water Works company yesterday morning w&s face to face wltb a seriou condition. It bad but, sufficient steam ooal to keep the pumping atatlons going for about thre hours and when that was ex hausted It would hare been compelled to use up its reserve supply of lump coal. Of lump coal the company had sufficient on band to keep the pumps going for another twenty-four hours. Msnager Hart was not overanxious, however, as fie anticipated the delivery of several cars during the night, which would relieve the situation, and even in the event of a further' delay the reser voir would be good for two days' supply of water. The situation, however, was suffi ciently serious to necessitate the hurrying of coal In ton lots secured from local deal ers to the several pumplug stations. The Peavey "elevator at tha Union Pacific transfer shut down Wednesday evening foi lack of coal, and the Plntah Oas works, which supplies the gas for the Fullman and other railroad cars on the trains leaving the transfer depot, was In a serious pre dicament yesterday. It had but sufficient coal to keep up steam for a few hours and orders were Ireued to turn over to It the first cars of coal which reached the trans fer yeaterday afternoon. The supply of coal for domestic uses Is keeping up with the demand, although practically not a pound ot anthracite cau be bought in Council Bluffs. Local dealers regard the situation as serious, as should there be a railroad blockade on account ot storms the supply here would soon, be ex hausted. Plumbing and hratlr.g. Blxby ft Son. Inea I.ewla Makes a lilt. Little Inex Lewis of this city, who ap peared at the header the Royal Llllputlans In the spectacular musical comedy, "Pester land," at the New theater, was given a flattering reception and was the recipient of several handsome bouquets, almost as large as the little lady herself. Miss Lewis has been frequently seen In amateur enter tainments, but last night waa the first time she 'appeared before a Council Bluffs au dience in a professional company. The little actreas Is IS years ot age, but her height Is only forty-one Inches, and she weighs but forty-six pounds. Major James Boyle, one of the comedians of the company, was the guest of Ed Cogley while In the city. The "major" and Cog ley used to dp team work on the stage as twins. Doyle stands thirty-one Inches high, while Cogley tops the mark at six feet. The "major" is sn Elk, being a member of New York lodge No. 1. Major A. J. Cric- qul, also a comedian In the company, who stsnds one Inch higher than Doyle, Is also an Elk, being a member ot the lodge in Newark, N. J. Daniel Kelly, the tall man of the company, was exalted ruler of the Elks In 1885. He and two "majors" were guests at the Elks' "lub house during the dsy. Miss Lewis rode around the city In a ; miniature brougham, drawn by two Shet ' land ponies. The carriage Is said to have ! been formerly the property of the noted Qeneral Tom Thumb. Music and flowers at Whaley ft Co.'a drug store Saturdsy night. Musto by Whaley'i orchestra. Xlsoa Ksplalas Hla Fallare. William Nixon, a farmer living near Adel. Is., against whom Attorney J. B. 8wett ot this city had brought suit to recover on a note, was summoned last November to ap pear In court for examination as to his property. He failed to appear and a war rant was issued for his srrest on a charge of contempt of court, which he Is to an swer at this term. Yei'.erdiy Nixon filed a atatement asking that be be purged of con tempt. He states that when served wltb the notice bis wife was seriously 111 and there waa no one but himself at horn to look after bis nine small children. He sup posed that under the eircumatances his place was beside his stck wife and little children, He also claims that ba was Ig norant ot court rules and aupposed that his attorney would explain matters to the court and relievo him ot any charge of contempt. Count Superintendent McManua received word yeaterday that two schools Id Norwalk township and one In Lincoln township had been closed on account of scarlet fever among the pupils. Scarlet fever is preva lent through the country, and It Is likely that more schools will have to be closed on this account. Superintendent MrMsnus will leave thla morning to inveatlgate the sit uation and .order a thorough disinfection of the schools closed, so tbst they msy be reopened at the earliest moment possible. TO TEST PEDDLERS' LICENSE Salesman for aa lovra Tea and Coffee Hons Objects to Its Pro visions. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Jan. 8.--8pe- clsl.) The arrest of a salesman for a Mar shalltown tea and coffee house at Union has raised an Important question under what Is known as the peddlers' license law. The tea company Involved sends men all over the state soliciting orders from house to house for future delivery. In some casea goods are sold and delivered at the same time, but as a rule the orders only are taken. The town of Union passed an ordinance by the provisions of which all transient merchants are required to secure a license, for which they are charged $5 per day, and all persons taking orders for future deliv ery are also required to pay a license fee of 15 per day. It la held by the defendants that the ordi nance Is Illegal and Is clearly In restraint of trade, and that If enforced would exclude every salesman for wholesale houses of every description. The last legislature, however, amended section 700 of the Iowa code so as to give towns the right to tax merchants for rev enue purposes, but It has b?en held that tbjs amendment Is unconstitutional. The question hinges largely on the defini tion of a peddler, as the state has a law Men requires peddlers to pay a monthly license fee of $26. Should the decision be In favor of the town It will be carried to the highest court, as it ha been decided to make this a test case. If the town's ordinance should be de clared legal, other towns will no doubt take the same steps to protect their home mer chants. WOUNDED MAN FROM CRESTON Newspaper Solve Mystery of Identity of Prisoner In the Knox rllle Jail. CRESTON, la., Jan. 8. (Special Tele gram.) The Identity of the wounded robber In the Knoxvlile Jail who was shot by H. Rnllfvan nf Hamilton after he and three confederates had robbed Sullivan of $1,800, ; which baffled the officers for a time, has been established as Frank Balrd of this city. The tip that led to the discovery was given by the Advertiser, a newspaper of Creston, and when confronted with the evidence he admitted the fact. He was raised here and bora the reputation of al ways being very wild. He has served one term In the penitentiary for forgery and la known as a gambler and grafter. Two war rants are now out for his supposed confed erates. PRAIRIE CHICKENS COSTLY Proprietor of Meat Market May Pay Fine of Over Foor Thou sand Dollars. SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 8.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Deputy Oame Warden C. B. Kuhl today secured a search warrant and act ing upon Its authority discovered 206 prairie chickens In the basement of the Potter meat market, of which B. C. Potter is pro prietor. . An information wll je filed this after noon charging Potter with keeping prairie chickens In his possession contrary to the law. As the fine In such case is $10 for each bird and an additional mulct of $5 for the prosecuting attorney and $5 fcr the In former for each bird. Potter, If found guilty, will be subject to a fine ot $4,120. prnat F.leetrle Line More Time. CRESTON, la., Jan. 8. (Special.) The city council of Creston held Its regular meeting last night, but there was little business transacted. It was thought that the council would accept the new city hall and engine bouse, but that building Is not yet completed. The only business of lm nnrtance was the DBSsaae of two ordinances allowing the Creaton ft Wlnterset Inter- urbsn Electric railway an extension or one year's time tor the completion of the road on account of the trouble It hat encoun tered in floating Ita bonds. Thla is taken to mean that the company does not Intend to give up the Idea of building the road, and aa there la now a new set of directors In control, It Is thought that the road will be completed thla year. Contest Over Coanty Printing. CRESTON, la., Jan. 8. (Special.) The Board of Supervisors of Union county held Ita regular meeting yesterdsy and awarded the contract for the county bridge work and the county printing. The Standard Bridge company of Omaha waa awarded tUe bridge work and the Creston Advertiser, Creston Oaxette and Afton 8tar-Enterprlse were designated aa the official papers of the county. W. H. Robb, editor of the Creston American, has taken exception to tha de cision of the board, which Is republican, claiming that It was awarded on partisan lines and asking for a dsy to have tha papers prove their Hits. Old floidler Is Jealona. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Jan. 8. (Special Telegram.) Late thla evening Oeorge Llv. tngston, a member of the Iowa Soldiers home here, ahot and wounded E. M. Dun can, another member of the home. Jeal ousy waa the motive tor the shooting. Liv ingston's wife lives In a small house nesr the home and Duncan waa there splitting wood for her, when Livingston discovered him. and the shooting, took p'ace. Llv Iqgaton fired two shots, but only one took effect and Duncan received only a flesh wound. Is a Bogus Evangelist. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Jan. 8 (Special.) F. A. Marston left the town yesterday Juat two minutes ahead of Tama officers who wanted bim for Jumping a board bill. Mar- ' ston came here some time ago, sang In several church choirs and laid a plan be fore leading churches whereby ha expected to do great good In the way of missionary , work. Hs claimed to have a plantation near New Orleans which be bad colonised and waa looking for a minister to look after the spiritual welfare of his flqek. Rob Safe la Shoo Store. OSKALOOSA. Ia.. Jan. 8. (8peclal-) , Thomas Neagle's shoe store was robbed J while fully lighted early laat night and $106 cash waa taken from the safe. Gets 910O.OUU a Year. Because ba has a keen, clear brain In a vigorous body. Electric Bitters give both, and satisfy or no pay. Try them. 60a. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. DEMOCRACY LOSING HEART Few 0bt3TTauces of Jackion Daj in tha Itate of Iowa. WOODBURY WANTS ITS INSANE RETURNED Hoard of Control Kot Inclined to Grant Reqneat, aa Counties Do Hot Make Suitable Pro vision for Them. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 8. (Special.) Not withstanding that In many sections of the state the democratic party mads substan tial gains last fall at the election because of the omission In the state platform of all references to the Chicago and Kansas City free silver platforms, only a tew gen eral celebrations of Jackson day are re ported. The day passed without any rec ognition whatever In Des Moines and not one of the Des Moines democratic orators was Invited to go elsewhere snd speak. A banquet was given by the democrats of Muscatine lsst night addressed by Con gressman M. J. Wade of the Sacond district. This evening he was the principal speaker at a Jackson day banquet In Davenport, nearly all the speakers being old-time dem ocrata In the eastern part of the state who have survived as such since the advent of the new order. The most oonsplcuous gathering of democrats was In Waterloo this evening, where there were aa speak ers ex-Governor Boles, Waterloo; J. M. Parsons, Rock Rapids: Judge A. Van Wagenen, Sioux City; Henry Vol'.mer, Davenport: A. L. Sorter, taason City; S. 8. Wright, Tipton, and T. J. Fltipatrlck, Dubuque. Ex-Governor Boles spoke on "The Republicanism of Lincoln Compered with the Republicanism of Hanna." Mr. Parsons, who has twice been chairman of democratic state conventions, spoke on "The Iowa Idea; Is It a Doorstep Foun dling?" At Ottumwa another gathering of the democrats took place this evening and the banquet was addressed by about fifteen local speakers. Want Insane Returned. The county officials of Woodbury county are making an effort to have returned to the county asylum about fifteen inmates of the state hospital at Cherokee who are, so It is claimed, able to be placed lu a county asylum. The officials have had an Investigation msde and find that" about fif teen of their patients are harmless and in curable and they are seeking to have them sent from Cherokee. They can be cared for cheaper at the county asylum than at the state hospital. But the Board of Control has In this esse, as in others, hesitated because the county asylum Is reported In poor condition. The state Inspector ot these county Institutions reported at the last visit that It waa in better condition than before, but still In very poor snaps for properly caring for the insane. A sim ilar state of affairs exists In other coun ties of the state and It ia probable that very few 'will be sent from atate hospitals to these county Insane asylums unless there Is material Improvement In the county hospitals. Schumann at State University. President Schurman of Cornell univer sity Is to deliver the address tomorrow at the sixteenth annual convocation of the tudenta of the State university of Iowa. He has been in Minnesota and waa Induced to tarry a day In 'owa. The Board of Control yesterday elected Dr. F. M. Powell ot Glenwood to be super intendent of the State Institute for the Feeble Minded for another term. He haa been at the head of the institute for twenty yeara and has' about 3.700 children in hla charge the year round. Sent to the Penitentiary. Judge plven In the district court today aentenced Charles Kelhl to five yeara In the penitentiary for larceny. He broke Into a dyeing establishment and stole a tew things. He had been In the penitentiary once before and is addicted to liquor so that he Is regarded as hardly responsible. He told the court he would commit suicide If sent back to Fort Madison, where ha had been before, but expressed a willing ness to go to the penitentiary at Anamosa. He will be transferred to the latter place. "Tip" Blaine, who last summer was con victed of larceny, after he had been brought back from Washington state, and whose case has been to the supreme court, walked Into the sheriff's office today and announced he Is ready to go to the pen. He will serve six years. Served for Old Crime. William Dillle, mentioned in dispatches from Anamosa yesterday as having died after twenty-six yeara In the atate peni tentiary, waa from Iowa City. He was serving a life sentence and his case waa a sad one. Dillle was serving time for the killing of Thomas 8wlfl, a section foremen on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids ft Northern. Dillle was working under Swift and a dif ference arose over a time check, amount ing to about 75 cents. A sharp quarrel arose, and Dillle went to Iowa City and purchased a revolver. He returned to Morse, where both men lived, and meeting Swift, In front ot the latter's home, re newed the quarrel and ended by shootliig Swift. The latter died the next May. Dillle was defended in court by George W. Boat and 8. 8. Ranck, but he was convicted of murder in the first degree. - INJUNCTION IS IGNORED Forty 'Frisco Track Layers Arrested for Bnlldlnsr Prohibited Switch. LAWTON. O. T.. Jan. 8. Forty track layers In the employ of the 'Frisco rail way were arrested today on a chsrge of ob structing the streets. The company attempted to build a switch connection with a brickyard, and the city obtained an injunction. The tracklayers then attempted to push the work during the night. FIRE RECORD. V. M. C. A. Bulldias; Barns. CLEVELAND, Jan. 8 Fire early this morning partly destroyed the central build ing of the Young Men's Christian sssocls tion, at the corner of Prospect and Erie streets. The loss to the asaoclation and to merchants occupying the ground floor will aggregate HOO.t00, partially covered by In. surance. The fire originated In the kitchen. Store Burned at Oakdale. OAKDAI.E. Neb.. Jan. 8. (Special Tele gram.) At $ o'clock this morning fire to tally destroyed the hardware, harness and Implement warehouse owned by Norwood ft Biringfellow, together with the contents. Loss over and above the losursace, Is about $2.0CO. Fire la Ueorgla Town. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Jan. 8 A fierce fire Is raging in Wayrross. Ga., and tha eotlro business portion ot the town Is threatened with destruction- Tha wind la blowing a (ale. VANDERBILTSBUY INTEREST Purchase La rare Block, of Stork In the Philadelphia A Readla Railroad. BALTIMORE. Jan. 8. President Loree of the Bsltlmore ft Ohio railroad officially confirmed the published report of the pur chase tor Lis company of stock In the Philadelphia A Reading railroad and the subsequent sale of a part of that stork through the Pennsylvania company to the Vsnderbllt Interests, He said the control of the Reading was acquired by the Pennsylvania rosd, on behalf of the Baltimore ft Ohio, through Kuhn, Loeb A Co. Of a total of 2.800.000 shares, tbla firm secured between 1,200,000 and 1,400,000 shares In the Interest ot tho Pennsylvania. This was largely preferred stock. Then the Vanderbllta and the Bal timore A Ohio were Invited to take these purchases between them. This waa to bring the Reading Into the community of ownership scheme originated by the Pennsylvania railroad and the New York Central without conflicting with the lawa of the atate of Pennsylvania, which prohibit the Pennsylvania railway from owning control of a competing line. The Vanderbllta nominated the Lake Shore ft Michigan Southern railroad to take up their share ot tha purchase, and the transaction Involved the Issuing ot about $25,000,000 In bonds. The Pennsylvania selected the Baltimore ft Ohio and this company financed the re quirements by part of the money derived from the recent sale ot $42,500,000 ot stock. President Loree said that the deals make a aubatantlal addition to the mileage oper ated under the Baltimore ft Ohio Influence, doubling the same, as follows: Present Baltimore ft Ohio syatem, 4,400 miles; mile age affected by d;al, 4,405 miles. Total, 8,805. Mr. Loree aald that the management ot the Reading would continue aa at present. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. The reported pur- base of a majority ot Philadelphia ft Read ing stock by tho Baltimore ft Ohio and Lake Shore railroads was confirmed hero today. The transaction was financed by J. P. Morgan ft Co., for the Lake Shore, and Is a thing of the past, as no syndicate will be formed to carry the stock. The shares were bought in the open mar ket and wre divided equally between the Baltimore ft Ohio and tho Lake Shore. The understanding Is that the Reading will be operated In the intereats ot the purchasers, but that Its policy will not be antagonistic to other lines. CLARK BUYS OUT RIVAL Will Be Bio Parallel Line to His Pro posed Road Wnt from Salt Lake. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. $. The Examiner aaya: By making an alliance with Senator Clark . of Montana, E. H. Harrtman leaves PrtncePonlatowskl's projected railroad from Los Angelea to San Francisco In the air and neutralises the danger ot a possible com bination between Ponlatowskl, Clark and the Gould systems. The Clark corporation has agreed to buy from Harrlman 80o mtlea of road, part of the Oregon Short Line, running southwest from Salt Lake to a point In southeastern Nevada. Thla deal la to be cloaed In New York within a few daya. By moans of it Senator Clark gets rid of a parallel line which Harrlman was arranging to build. On the other hand, Harrlman has an underatandlng with Clark, so It Is said, by which Gould ia ahut out from part ownership in tha road projected by Prince Ponlatowskl from San Francisco to Los Angelea to connect with tha Clark ayatem. Owning the $00 miles of the Oregon Short Line, Senator Clark still will have about 400 miles more to build. All the surveys are made and construction Is In progress. As the story runs, .Clark Is to pav between $9,00,000 and $120000,000 for the 300 miles. Harrlman and hla friends are to accept bonds of the Clark company. Once the cut-off la finished it will con nect with the Harrlman and Gould linns at Salt Lake and give each an Impartial survey Into aouthern California. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. A press dispatch stating that E. H. Harrlman had formed an. alliance with Senator Clark of Montana which would preveut the .construction of Prince Poniatowskl's projected railroad from Los Angeles to San Francisco, and also pre vent a combination ot the Gould and Clark Intereats, was shown to George J. Gould today. After reading the dispatch Mr. Gould said he had nothing to say about It. The same dispatch was shown to W. D. Cornish, vice president ot the Union Pa cific and Oregon Short Line. He said he knew notbfng at all about the reported com bination or alliance. Secretary Millar of the Union Pacific said he knew nothing about such an alliance. The dispatch was shown to E. H. Harrl man. He had nothing to say about It. TRY TO STOP HALF RATES Westers Passenger Association Passes Old Resolutions Afresh to Stop Abuse. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Western Pas senger association today the agreement re garding the issuance of half-rate tlcketa was reaffirmed. It waa decided to make another i effort to correct some of the abuses which have crept Into the use of half-rate privileges. The committee failed to reach a uniform agreement recording the hauling of fish commission cars. VfaBASH FIGHT IS OVER Arbitrators Arrange Terms with Pennsylvania Railroad, bat Make No Aanoaneement, PITTSBURG, Jan. 8. The dispute be tween the Pennsylvania railroad and the Pittsburg, Carnegie ft Western railroad, the Wabash extenaion, over the right of the elevated structure ot the Wabash was set tled today by a board ot arbitration. The details of the agreement were not made public. So Strike on Santa Fe. TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 8. The general man ager ot the Santa Fe aays there is no danger of the trainmen and conductors on tbat line striking to secure the demands which were refused yesterdsy. NO TRIAL YET FOR HUNTER Rumors of an Arojulttnl Are Denied by Correspondent at Guatemala. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. Replying to an In quiry regarding the reports circulated In the United States tbat W. O. Hunter. Jr., bad been triad and acquitted of the murder of Flttgersld, the Associated Press corre spondent today cables as follows: OVATE MA LA, Jan. 1-If there has been a trial It waa a secret one. All my story here. Scarcity of Fuel at Atehlaoa. ATCHISON. Kan.. Jan I -For acveral days It has been Impossible to secure coal hire to aupply local needa. A flour mill haa ahut down for lack of fuel and others may have to follow. If very heavy weather comes there will bo suffering. CAS EXPLOSION R1L' S TWO J a Building jg Wracked and Entire Town Shaien by Iti Fore. CAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT IS A MYSTERY Men Who Were Workln'st on the ia Tank Which (anacd the Havoc Are Both of Them I n stnntly Killed. SIOCX CITY, la.. Jan. 8 iSperlal Tele gram.) By the explosion of an acetylene plant at Mapleton thla afternoon ihe building In which the plant waa locate! wns wrecked, two men wnre Instantly killed and several others injured. Th I deal are: JOHN MATTHEWS, aged 40, carpenter. CHARLES DRADFIELD, agrd 40, car penter. The entire town was shaken by the force ct the explosion. Matthews and Dradfleld were working on the building. At 1:43 o'clock Matthews was standing upon the roof of the gas tank and Bradfleld waa in side. As the generator exploded the roof was blown off and Matthews was hurled to a great height, falling a distance of fifty feet from the building. The top of hla head was gone and bis body vat, horribly smashed. BradQeld waa not nianglsd, but his body was crushed to a pulp. So terrlflo was the forre of tho explosion that all the plate glass In the neighborhood was shattered and glass on all sides of the hotel nearby was broken. Each of the unfortunate men had a family, Matthews being the father ot three children and Bradfleld of two. The cause of the explo sion Is not known. A coroner's inquest will be held. SUGAR MEN EXPLAIN (Continued from Flrat Page.) withdraw from further connection with the association ,as it had outlived Its useful ness and waa dominated by a one-man power. Mr. Wagner and Mr. Clark both voted against the resolutions. Mr. Oxnard afterward contended that the yearly output of the companies which he represented and by those for whom he had proxies was many times greater than the output of the companies whose representa tives had opposed the resolution. The Michigan beet sugar Interests had not yet passed on the resolutions. Senator Burrows and representatives of the beet sugar Interests of Michigan were in ' frequent conference with the members ot the association during the day and to night assembled at the Arlington hotel, when the resolutions adopted were read over to them, but no action taken. One of the Michigan men said that thus far noth ing had been determined as to how Michi gan would stand in the matter, that the beet sugar Interests of that state were not committed on the subject. Senator Bur rows said the people of his state probably would watt until the Cuban treaty had made Its appearance from the committee In the senate before taking action. Before adjourning the Beet Sugar asso ciation tonight elected the following of ficers: President, Henry T. Oxnard; vice president, F. K. Carey ot Baltimore; aecre tary Truman O. Palmer; treasurer, Julius Stroh of Detroit. START RUN ON SAVINGS BANK Depositors , JMIannderstand Unsoaxe Used be Bank Superintendent o'.' New York. SCHENECTADY, N. Y., Jan. 8. Because of a misapprehension regarding the re cently Issued report ot State Superintend ent of Banks Kilburn, there was a run today on the Schenectady Savings bank, one of the oldest and most conservative In stitutions In the state. The demonstration was confined slmost entirely to foreign speaking persons. When the report of the banking department ap peared It was translated by volunteer in terpreters Into the language spoken by the various foreigners working in this city. The criticisms ot trust companies and recommendations regarding legislation af fecting them produced a bad effect upon these people, as they VI Id net understand the matter, and in a mysterious manner a fear gained ground that all, was not well with the savings bank here. In which the thoussnds deposit their savings. Posses ot them withdrew their money from the bank and today when the doors of tho institution were opened there waa a large crowd of excited foreigners who demanded the deposits. They were promptly paid, the bank officers, In anticipation of a run, having prepared for It over night. At noon every one had received what was demanded. The true situation was ex plained to the foreigners snd gradually the run decreased. Kot Owned by Stnndnrd Oil. NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-The Standard Oil company authorises the atatement 'that 't doea not own or control any part of tho producing territory ot either the Beaumont oil field In Texas or the Jennlnfcs field in Loulsluna and has never sought to do o. LOOK OUT FOR The col J-wave flag means zero weather, icy, moisture-laden winds, and the beginning of winter in earnest. To Catarrh sufferers there ia nothing cheering in these climatic changes, for with the return of cold weather, all the disa greeable symptoms of Catarrh appear: blinding headaches, dizziness, n attifty feel ing about the cose that makes breathing difficult, chest pains, and, as the disease progresses, a discharge of nauseating mut ter from the throat and nose that keeps one continually hawking and spitting. Catarrh is a most disgusting disease, the foul mucous secretions that are constantly dropping back into the stomach, contami nate and poison the blood and is distributed throughout the body, and it thcu becomes a deep-seuted, systemic, persUteut dUea'.c tbat must be treuted through the blood, for it is beyond the reach of sprays, washes, powders or external treatment of any kind. S. S. S. soon clears the system of all Catarrhal matter aud purges the blood of the irritating poisons, thus eiTeetually checking the further prgrcsa of this ter. o'us and far reaching d;cuje. Ixxjk out for Catarrh in the winter, for cold stirs the blood ar.d causes excessive secretion of nntcua and brings to life all the slumbering poUona that make Cat.irrh the mostubomiiiaiilcol all diseases. S.S S. keeps the blood ia such per fect order thut cold waved cause no alarm and the chanire from the torrid heat of summer to the rigors of winter produces no hurtful effects. Write us if yon have Catarrh and our Physicians will advise you w ithout charge. Ikok on Blood and &klu Diseases free. Tbt Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, 6a. 11 BABY'S FUTURE Something for Mothers to Think About. Lives of Suffering and , Sorrow Averted And Happiness and Prosperity Assured by Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills When All Else Fails. Zvery child loru Into the norld with n inherited or early developed ten dency to distreslng, disfiguring hu mouii of the akin, scalp and Mood, he comer no. object of the most tender so licitude, not only lecaue of Its anfler Ing, but because of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration ii to be lifelong and mar Its future happiness and pros perity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to ac quaint thrmselvea with tho best, the purest and most eflectlve treatment available, viz., The Cuticura Treatment. Warm bnths with Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin and scilp ot crusts and cab's, gentle application of Cuticura OlutinPiit, to allny Itching, Irritation and Inflammation, and soothe and heal, and mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent I'llls, to cool the blood in the severer enses. are all that can be desired for the alleviation of the fullering of akin tor tured Infants and hildreu, and the com fort of worn out parents. Millions of womt-n use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Olutmeut, for pre serving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the sculp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hnlr, for softening, whiteulnjr and soothing red, rough aud sore hands, for baby rashes, itching and chatlngs, In the form of washes 'for annoying Irritations and Inflammations, and for many sanative, antiseptic, purposes which readily suggest themselves. The Best Stimulant When worn out or run down Is found In Hunter Baltimore Rye Tbe Finest Tjpe ' of the , , , forest Whiskey. It la particularly recommended to women because of Its age and ex cellence. Sold ftt all flrt4Ma.a e.f.t and tv Johhsra Wil. LAXAHAN SON. BAlttmora, Md. Specialists In all DISEASES and DISORDER of MEN. 12 years of maa ceasful practlea ia Omaha, CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE snd Dl EC cur I, .. Ssrs. without cultluf. la of I ILkW loss ot lima Lsl (uaraotM to cur. you or money refunded. CVDUII IC rurrd for Ufa ant Ui poises OlrillLlsV inorouitlr atatniM from th. m.m. Htu Trr .tii on rmptoio JluppMrl eouitalr and (or..r. No "BKEAKINO OUT" of tot dlMM on th akin or f.oo. Trwtmont contains i ao S.ns.rous druss or Injurious SMOUilnw. 11 C If HE II '" ooMS or VICTIMS TO If EAR IllCn KKHVOI B KKB1UTT OH BX HAL'blluN, WAallNO WKAKKKBS. with BARLT DECAT lu YOUNO and MIDDLE AUBDi lack at via, lor and strength, wllk organs impaired and waak. Cures guarantee. STRICTURE cured with new hotae treat ment. he pals, no detoauoa 6' nniKAitv v !,, and Bladder TrouoloB, Weak keck, burning Urine, frequency ot Urinating. Drue Miek Colored, or with milk! eediBeat wa staadtns- Comsaltatlow. Kiet. Tr.aimrsl by Stalk Call aw adalreas. Ill a. 14n St. SEARLES & SEARIES. li2k DR. fVIcGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms et ISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY ST Tears Kxpartencs, 17 Years In Omaha. Ills remarkable suo cess has never ben equaled sail every day brines many flatter Ing reports of the good he la doing, or the relief he has given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all glood Poisons. NO "BHEAKINO OUT" on the akin or face and all external signs ot the disease disappear at once. BL000 DISEASE ttZ?& dS..1 UlDirtflPCI C Cures guaranteed In ifilUUUuLLC l.KSS THAN & DAII. 1 1 . U '.i. tl. cases cured ui nerv Ult.il dUsUUll ous debility, loss of ,......., -,....jMi Uiet-lutrges, dLrii'iure, Uieel, rwlunty aua biaauer Ulaeasea, lij urucce. UU1CK CURES-LOW CHAHOES. Trcutiueul Ly uiu.lL A O. Hox .04. Ofllce ver iu a. itltt aireet, betweeu It aruavia ut lou.a streets. OMAAlA. .Na,H.. DRUNKARDS" WHITa OOVK COaEnvrr .'!.. locir.i.tj. i rar li.g (ur .i.MiK drink, tbe epretne fur wnlck eaiinui eil.t ru-r u.l is ihla r.nirdj. Olvea la any liuuli w Ih .r without knnwleoen if ratini, taatairM; ! ' Sherman & McConuell Lirug Co.. Omuba. "Man waota but Uttlo bar below" Said inurbid poet long y)4ra ago, I'm prone to doubt that unci nt aaica When I look at Tha Hae'a graat "Want Ad" ptga). mmt Jans mm OR