Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha : Daily Bee.
Senator Hoar Earl All Agree u
Pressing Dan per,
ITatioii Beet that Common Alarm U by if'.
! Means Baseless.
Should Make Combines Publish Aocounts
and Stop Buiino iej Illegally Bon.
tw Bequlred to Compel Directors ta
Accept Obligations Before Asians
la Power, with Right (
Coarta to Collect Debts,
WASHINGTON, Jan. . In the senate to
fly the Vest resolution Instructing tha cotn
mlttee on finance to prepare and report a
bill removing tha duty on anthracite coal
Has considered.
v Mr. Vest (Mo.) said the finance com
mittee could do nothing and, therefore,
be could not see the necessity of Mr. Aid
rich's (R. I.) motion to refer the resolu
tion to tha finance committee.
"This no longer Is a party question," he
aid, "but a queatlon of absolute humanity.
We are not on the verge of a crista In re
gard to coal, but are actually in It. Women
and children have been frozen to death and
rnjr only solicitude Is to find a remedy for
this disgraceful and outrageous condition of
Senators stood dumb, he added, either
afraid or unwilling to take any action an
swering the appeals of the poor, freezing
women and children with a party cry "stand
pat." Nothing was to be done with the
aacrad elephant of the Dingley tariff law.
The senator from Massachusetts, Mr. Lodge,
had endeavored to administer a homeo
pathic dose in the shape of a suspension
cf a duty for ninety days, but If medicine
was needed at all. It was In allopathic
doses. By referring the resolution to the
committee It would have no chance to pass.
"Don't we know," he continued, "that
when we send the resolution to the finance
committee we send It to its execution?"
He criticised the Dingley tariff and said
there was no more chance today to reduce
a single duty in the Dingley act than for
him to carry off the capitol building on
his shoulders.
Mr. Aldich (R. I.) said he desired to
make full answer to Mr, Vest, but as Mr.
Hoar (Mass.) had given notice that be
would speak on his trust bill, he asked that
the resolution go over until tomorrow. He
took oocaslon, however, to deny certain
statements by Mr. Vest, attributed to Mr.
Dingley, to the effect that the rates of the
bill were made unnecessarily high In order
that reciprocity treaties could be made.
Trusts Mast Be Rrsrulated.
The resolution went over and Mr. Hoar
addressed" the senate upon his anti-trust
The address of the senator was devoted
entirely to the question of trusts and partly
to an explanation of bis recently Intro
duced anti-trust bill. He began his ad
dress with the assumption that all thought
ful men are agreed as to the necessity of
legislation, state or national, for the con
trol of trusts.
He said that as yet there had been only
apprehension and alarm, but no serious
Injury, except In the case of the recent
coal strike, on account of trusts. On tho
contrary, the progress of our material pros
perity had been greater In the past few
years than ever before had been knowif
and our workmen were better off. Still
there Is, he said, actual peril and It is
none the less real because it Involves only
the future and not the present
The senator then took up the discussion
or tne effect of the control of vast
wealth by Individuals, saying that In such
a system there was much to threaten re
publican liberty. Moat of the vast fortunes
of the present day had been accumulated
within thirty years.
"Is there anything to render it unlikely,'
he asked, "that If one of these vast for
tunes has grown from a hundred thousand
to a hundred million or a thousand million
In thirty years, that. In the hands of the
next possessor. In another thirty or fifty
years, the hundred million may become a
hundred thoussnd million, or the thousand
million a thousand thousand million? Is
there anything to stoo the accumulation o
these snowballs? Cannot the same power
and business ability and capital that can
control all the petroleum country control
all the coal? Can It not control the rail
road and the ocean-carrying trade? Can It
not buy up and hold In one man's grasp
tne agricultural and grazing lands of new
and great states and the coal mines and
silver mines and copper mines?"
Peril In Corporate Wealth
But, great ae were the possibilities of
the accumulation of great wealth by In
dtvtduala, he did not find In such accurau
sation tne same peril that Is found In
corporate control of wealth. This
was true, he said, becauie the natural man
dies and his estate Is dlitrlbuted under the
law, while the corporation lives forever.
"It ' never goes through the probata
court," be said.
"Internal transactions are kept secret.
It Is not solicitous for Its own honor, ex
cept so far as Its honor or reputation Is
essential to Its getting money. It has no
soul and no conscience. In general, the
men who are most powerful In Its manage
ment can. If they see fit, avoid personal
liability for obligations."
The senator said tbat now the great cor
poral lona are In good hands, but suppose
some Napoleon of finance should come Into
the routrol of a thousand million dollars.
Would not that possibility be a real public
danger? Such a power can make wars or
It can prevent wars. It can threaten a
community with a coal famine, a wheat
famine and It can execute Its threats. He
had no tear but that the American people
could meet such emergencies, but it were
better to forestall them.
Points Out tho Evils.
Mr. Hoar then took up the question of
the trusts as they now exist, pointing out
what he conceived to be thslr chief evils, as
FirM Destruction of competition.
oVcond The manantnieiu of local In
dustries t) absentees in the Interest of
ahst-ntee capital.
Third Instruction of local public spirit.
Fourth Fraudulent capitalisation.
Fifth Hecrecy.
Blxtii-Management for the private benefit
of the orhVlHls.
Severn h Th P3er to corrupt elections
and In some case tu corrupt the courts.
F.lshth The want of personal reaoonsib'.l
Ity to public sentiment.
Ninth The aueviice of personal liability
for contracts.
Tenth Tha holding of vast properties In
(Continued on Scoona Page.)
Ksports to the I lilted States Khow
Lsrge la Many
BERLIN, Jan. 6. The budget appropri
ates the first Installment of $375,000 for the
icmnn exhibit at tha St. Louis exposition
places the totsl requirement for this
at from 12j,000 to $7.'i0.0OQ. The
'f,ti Mment has been placed at the
t. ' ,. -e Imperial commissioners.
of the mlnliter of the la-
terlor V
However '
8 Item tare:
. ( may appeal that
an InternatllK. an on the lsraret
scale should foS. after the Paala ex-
KiKtlnn and hiivn, arret the ibttcptlnn
to avoid every uta..ceieKry expenditure
may be. an obligation tmponed by the pres
ent financial conditions of the country, still
the empire cannot clo otherwise than ac
cept the uffer to exhibit at the St. Iouls
Nxnosltlon after France and Oreat Britain
have accented. This decision Is directed
not only out t regard for our friendly re
lations with the united Btates, nut Dy rea
sons of a purely commercial character.
The memorandum makes use of American
statistics to show that the United Btatss
occupies second place among the nations
aa a purchaser of German4 goods,
Although the total of Germany's exports
of raw sugar to the United States decreased
In 1901, heavy gains were made In the ex
portation of other articles better suited to
expoeltlon purposes. The exports of lith
ographs and other art reproductions In 1901
from Germany lo the United States
amounted to 13,750,000, an Increase of $1,
800,000 over 1900. Other articles were im
ported as follows: Tableware and porce-
aln, total 14,475,000, Increase $1,025,000;
drugs, chemicals and dies, total SIS, 250,00,
Increase ll.S25.0O0; toys, total $38,875,000,
Increase $275,000; cutlery, total $700,000, In
crease $175,000; optical and astronomical
nstruments, total $350,000, Increase $130,-
It le pointed out thst the German ex
Dibits of the above classes of goods at the
Paris exposition attracted the greatest at
tentlon and that they won many prizes. It
agrees with tho view held In' trade circles
that the Paris exposition caused the above
ncrease In the exports to the United
States and that the increases gained a fur
ther momentum In 1902.
It must therefore be hoped," continued
the memoranda, "that our participation in
the St. Louis exposition will have a fa
vorable effect upon German exports."
Objects to Russian Torpedo Boat De
stroyers on Waters of the
Black ton.
Britain has vigorously protested to the
Turkish government, against the permis
sion granted In September last to four
unarmed Russian torpedo boat destroyers
to pass through the Dardanelles, Into the
Black sea, with the commercial flag of
Russia. These vessels were about to start
on the proposed trip.
The British note says the passage of the
Dardanelles by the torpedo boat destroy
ers would be a violation of the exlating
International treaties snd .that It Russian
war ships are thus allowed to use the
Dardanelles the BrlOsjavrmrrSrTr-the
right to demand similar privileges.
The protest hat caused Irritation in
Russian circles and concern on the part of
the Turkish authorities, who fear that
other powers will follow the example of
Great Britain.
BERLIN, Jan. 6. The German govern
ment declines to associate itself with the
protest of Great Britain and Italy to the
porte concerning the passage through the
Dardanelles into the Black sea of four un
armed Russian torpedo boat destroyers, and
has Informed Russia to that effect.
Aids Her Husband In His Work of
Pacifying People of Month
PRETORIA, Transvaal, Jan. 6. All doubts
aa to whether the Boers would participate
In the entertainments given in honor of
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain and Mrs.
Chamberlain were dissipated by the ap
pearance of Generals Botha, Delarey and
Crcnje at the garden party given by the
governor yesterday. Tho attendance of the
townspeople, however, was not large.
Mrs. Chamberlain is tactfully aiding the
eou.'etary in his pacificatory mission. When
General Cronje was Introduced she at first
did not catch his name, but Immediately
she heard it was General Cronje, Mrs.
Chamberlain sent for him and engaged in
a lengthy conversation with the noted gen
Kama Enormous Profits Dnrlns; Past
Year aad Declares Regular
NEW YORK, Jsu. . The directors of the
United States Steel corporation today de
clared the regular quarterly dividends on
the common and Dreferred stock. A state-
- ,! ment showed net earnings for the calendar
year, with December estimated, of $132,-
From the net earnings for the year de
ductions are made of $24,528,183 for sinking
funds, depreciation and reserve funds, and
tor a special fund set aside for deprecia
tion and Improvement; $15,200,000 for 'he
interest on bonds; $3,040,000 on sinking
funds for bonds, and $DG.0u2,869 for interest
on the stock. Tb-?se deductions leave un
divided profits amounting to $33,S41.665 for
the year. Cash on hand Is $54,726,156.
The board amended the bylaws by In
creasing the number of the finance commit
tee, and Henry B. Frlck and Robert Ba.
con were elected members.
The board approved the action of the
finance committee In making the purchase
of the Troy furnacea and steel works and
the Union Steel and Sharon Steel plants,
and the plan for profit sharing and sub.
scrtptlon to stock by th board. It was re
ported that the stock subscription plan was
being well received by the employes, and
that within three days after the opportun-
Ity to subscribe was given, upwards cf 1$,.
000 shares had been applied for.
Bodies Are Discovered Lylasi oat the
Floor of m Residence In
CHICAGO. Jan. I. An entire family was
wiped out by asphyxiation last night and
the bodies wers discovered this sfternoon.
The family resided at 113 Liberty street.
The victims are Albert Flnkelsteln, aged
60 years; Etta Flnkelsteln, aged 60. bis
wife; Jessie Flnkelsteln, aged 7, a grand
son, and Anne Flnkelsteln, an 18-year-old
The tip of a gas Jet waa found on tha floor
and the (as waa turned ojl
Conference to le Held in Omaha Within
Ten Days,
President Bart Is tu. Tome West to
Renew the Xesrottatlons Here and
Roth Sides Are Hopefnl
A sf tho Reanlt.
NEW YORK, Jan. 8. The strike confer
ence between officials of the Union Paclfle
railway and union labor leaders was re
sumed today.
There wss a prospect at the opening of
the session that It would be the last formal
conference In this city and a representative
of one of the tabor parties to It made a
statement which Indicated tbat some sort
of amicable understanding would be reached.
His remark was that after today further
meetings between the railroad officers and
the union men might be simply Informal
talks to arrange details.
He said that no formal written proposi
tion had been submitted or was "under con
sideration by either side. The main ques
tions were wages, hours and recognition of
the union. The dismissal of strike break
era was a email matter, he said, which
would adjust Itself, because the nonunion
men would quickly withdraw after a set
tlement between the road and the unions.
The labor representatives at the confer
ence were .Presidents J. O'Connell of the
International Association of Machinists;
John McNeill of the International Associa
tion of Boiler' Makers and Iron Shin Build-
C1D, D LI VI O 11 11 LI DIUUUUI VI lllO . ' I U 1 11--1 uw.'" w.
Blacksmiths; Thomas Wilson
speaker ot
the house of representatives of Wyoming 1
and vice president of the machinists' as
sociation, manager of the strike since It be. j
gan, and Messrs, Kennedy and O'Donnell
of Omaha, representing the local strike ,
committee of that city. I
At the close of today's conference It wae
said satisfactory progress had been made
and that President Burt would go to Omaha
to continue the negotiations there. The un
derstanding Is that both sides expect that
an amicable agreement will be reached. The
sessions will be resumed in Omaha in a
week or ten days.
After the conference today, a representa
tive of the strikers, In explaining the rea
sons for the adjournment to Omaha, said
that each side to the controversy bad made
claims which tha other believed could not
be substantiated.
The meeting at Omaha would be In the
nature of an Investigation. The chief point
of disagreement is Involved in the question
of piece work, which Mr. Burt strongly
favored and which the strikers wished to
see abolished.
Mr. Burt Is said to maintain that of the
3,000 men out on strike the majority are
In favor of piece work, snd this Is one of
the points he means to investigate. It Is
understood that If he finds this to be true,
or if he can persuade the nyn to withdraw
their objections, the officers of the union
will agree to drop the demand for the aboli
tion of piece' work. '
Late yesterday afternoon The Bee re
ceived the following dlspatoh from Thomas
L. Wilson, fourth vice president of the In
ternational Association of Machinists, who
has been attending the strike conference In
New York City:
Conference adjourned to meet In Omaha
in Hbotit ten nays with the general commit
tees of all trades. We will then meet Mr.
Burt and It is confidently expected that a
settlement will be reached. I shall speak
nt Trenton, Washington and Pittsburg and
then return to umatia tor tne conrerence
Strikers in Omaha are unanimous in their
Interpretation of the day's events. All say
It simply means that the two sides to the
conference came to amicable and aatisfac
tory terms yesterday. At the headquarters
here of all three trades involved, the boiler
makers, the machinists and the black
smiths. Information practically correspond
ing to the above was received late yester
day afternoon. Tom Wilson, fourth vice
president of the International Association
of Machinists, telegraphed Sam Grace, the
secretary ot the district lodge and of the
district executive committee, that the con
ference In New York City was concluded
and that all the parties to It were coming
to Omaha In a few days to meet with the
general committee and conclude the settle
ment. James W. Kline of Kansas City, ex
ecutive committeeman In charge of affaire
for the blacksmiths here, received a similar
mesage from John Slocum, president of the
International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths,
and so did Martin Douglas, secretary of
the local lodge of boiler makers, from E. F.
Kennedy, president of the local district
ledge of boiler makers. '
Thinks Terms Hare Been Made,
"This Is Just what we expected," said a
prominent striker. "I interpret the Infor
mation to mean that our representatives
and those of the railroads have come to an
understanding, and they will now come to
Omaha for the ratification ot the terms
reached. This Is the only place the strike
can be settled, anyway, as it Is hers that
the man are who are to determine upon the
acceptance of the agreement are located.
"I see they ask for meetings with the
general committees. That means a man
from each point on tho system where the
unions are employed. The machinists' gen
eral committee comprises the district lodge,
nine members In all. The district execu
tive committee Is within this, five members.
These are all here now, and we will get
the others in.
"I think that all the men who took part
In the conference In New York will corns
here, including Mr. Wilson, Mr. Slocum,
Mr. O'Donnell, Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Me
Hellct of Fantooa Author
Probably Fatal Acci
dent. Buffers
PITT8BURO, Pa., Jan. 8. Mrs. Wylle,
the widow ot Stephen C. Foster, the famous
writer of old melodies. Including "The Old
Folks at Home." was probably fatallr
burned today
While aitttng In front of an open fireplace
the flames caught her clothing and before
they were extinguished she was terribly
Twelve Persons Are Injured In Trol
ley gsnuau Caused by Open
8T. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 8. Twelve persons
were injured tonight in a street car col
lision at Grand avenue and Palm street
one being hurt Internally. The accident
was caused by an open emergency switch,
throwing a speeding northbound car to the
other track In front of a switUv moving
southbound car.
Other Maes Kot Yet Ready to Answer
Trainmen's Demand for
ST. PAUL, Jan. 8. The Northern Paolflo
today returned an answer to the demands
of Its trainmen for a 20 per cent Increase
In wages. The company sent an oflr of
10 per cent. The committee ot the Great
Western and the Omaha held conferences
with the managing Officials f their com
panies, but no formal answer has been
given. The Great Northern, the Soo line
and the Minneapolis St. Louis have not
been heard from. A general meeting of
the Joint committees will not be held be
fore Friday or Saturday.
The local committers will report to the
general committee of the Northern group.
The latter will report to the Western Asso
ciation of General Chairmen, composed of
the chairmen of the various divisions ot
the Order or Railway' Trainmen and the
Order of Conductors. There tho whole
proposition Involving all the trainmen In
the west, numbering many thousands, will
b settled. Up to data- there have been
absolutely no irritating circumstances..
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 6. The grievance
committee of the Order of Hallway Con
ductors and Order of Railway Trainmen
today formally presented to the general
manager of the Santa Fe- a demand for r.
20 per cent increase lni Wages. The road
baa not yet taken action, on the matter.
.Negotiations between the Santa Fe offi
cials and the trainmen's, committee will be
carried on this week in the effort to reach
an agreement. J
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. t The representa
tives of the railway trainmen snd con
ductors, who have been meeting here since
LT . "..." 7 Jl " k.m l-a h attended
a funeral In a body. They are awaiting
the return ot Russell Harding of the Mis
souri Pacific and President Ramsey of the
Wabash, who are absent from the city.
It Is stated by a railroad official high
In authority, who requested the suppres
sion of his name, that the request of the
committee of trainmen ot the western sys
tems to Increase wages 20 per cent has been
decisively refused by all the roads In St.
Western Roads Acres to Raise
Frrleht Charges, hut Leave
Amount Indefinite.
CHICAGO, Jan. 8. Steps were taken at
the annual meeting of western railway ex
ecutive officials today for a general advance
In all commodity rates- It was not deter
mined how great he advances shall be for
this depends upon suggestions from tue
general freight agents.
The chairman of the western trunk line
committee will Issue at once a call for a
meeting of general freight agents. The lat
ter will formulate their recommendations to
the executive officials, who will hold an
other meeting for the ptttpote of acting on
the "eport. "2 '
The executive officials Y treed that a crisis
has been reached and iWonly way to meet
it was to advance rates s.Y.bat commodities
shall pay transportation -'charges commen
surate with increased railway expenses. .
To prevent a recurrence in 1803 of de
moralising reduced tariffs the officials
pledged themselves to adhere to the1 work
ing rate of the committee, which places the
rate making power In the hands of the pres.
Idents and other officiate who have charge
of traffic.
Object Is to Eaeoarsge People
Locate In the Golden
Gate State.
CHICAGO, Jan. 8. The Southern Pacific
and Union Pacific and oonnectlng lines have
given notice through the chairman of the
Transcontinental Passenger association to
all lines Interested In California traffic that
they will put Into effect from February 15
to April 30, Inclusive,, a second-class and
so-called colonists' rate of $33 from Chi
cago, $25 from Missouri river points, Sioux
City to Kansas City, Inclusive, and
Houston, Tex., and $30 from St. Louis,
Memphis and New Orleans to points In
The object of the low rates Is to en
courage immigration and to secure skilled
and unskilled labor for cltiea on the coast.
W. O. Nelmyer, the general agent for
the roads, said: -
'Union labor of the right kind Is desired
and the verv highest wsges ere being paid
throughout the whole state of California."
Shareholders to Be Asked to Aathorlse
Four Hundred Millions
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 8. The call for
the meeting ot the stockholders of the
Pennsylvania railroad for March 1 contains
a notification that the shareholders will be
asked to authorize an lnurease in the cap
ital stock of more than $400,000,000, or
nearly double the amount outstanding.
Northern Pacific Tracks Will Not Be
Clear for Tea Days
TACOMA, Wash., Jan. .---Superintendent
Law of .the Northern Pacific says It will
take about ten days to clear the main Una
of the Northern Pacific between Palm
Junction and Ellensburg.
There are three westbound passenger
trains between Palmer Junction and Stam
pede tunnel. One Is at Canton, one at May
wood and one at Lester. Most ot the main
passengers came into Tacoma last night,
walking from the point where the trains
are stalled to Kanasaet and being brought
from there by a special train. The women
and children remaining on the train are
being well cared for at the expense of the
compsny. There Is a dining car and sleep
ers on each train, and there are provisions
enough in the dining cars and at the Hot
Springs hotel, which is accessible, to last
four days".
It is expected that the bridge at Martin
will be repaired within three days, and
that the stalled trains will be sent back to
Spokane and brought west over the Great
The main line ot the Northern Paeifle Is
open between Seattle and Portland, and
trains are moving between these points on
scheduled time.
From Seattle trains are being sent east
over trfe Great Northern. There was
trouble reported on that line this morning
and tha superintendent said that It would
taks about ten hours to repair the damage.
With the exception of the Carboranado
branch trains are running on all branches.
Preliminary Hearing at David City Cornea
to Ahmet End.
Ten Thousand Dollar Bond Given at
One After County Judsro An.
ounces Ills Decision In
DAVID CITY. Neb., Jan. 6. (Special
Telegram.) Owing to the general Impres
sion, that the defense In the Lillte case
would Introduce no evidence at the pre
liminary hearing, there was a small at
tendance this morning.
County Attorney Wailing was put on the
stand to identify a stick about six inches
long and ono-half Inch thick which wss
found under the window sash by W. R.
Heath. This was Introduced as evidence.
W. R. Heath testified to the finding of
this stick under the sash.
Dr. Alfred F. Stewart was called and
testified that when he first saw Mr. Lillle
on tne morning of tho murder he was
lying on his left side, with his face to the
This, It Is claimed. Is a contradiction of
his evidence before the coroner's Jury.
Mrs. Etta Buelow was the first witness
this afternoon. "At tho time of Mr. Lll
lle's, death I lived Just across the street
from the Lillle home nnd have frequently
visited at the Lillle house," she said. "They
always impressed me as a couple who wero
agreeable and loving. The seemed to be
very attentive to one another."
On croRB-examlnatloii witness said she
had lived near the Lillle home seven or
eight mouths and had been at the Lillle
home about every week or every two weeks,
some times on a visit and tome times on
business. "Mr. Lillle was not there when
I went on business; do not think he was
there at one-half cf tho visits I made," she
said. "When I was there on Sunday I
should Judge Mr. Lillle was at home. I
think tho first time I met Mr. Lillle was In
our bowling alley; could not say the first
time I met him in his own home." ,
Conple Seemed Mutually Avreeable.
F. F. Ware, the next witness, said: "Us
ually pass the Lillle house In going to din
ner and returning. I frequently would drop
in there. I have seen Mr. Lillle and Mrs.
Lillle at lodges and on the street, and they
conducted themselves toward each other as
husband and wife ought to. They were
most agreeable. I never saw anything be.
tween them the would lead me to believe
that there was anything otherwise than
pleasant. Never ssy anything unfriendly be
tween them."
Ferdinand A. Buelow was the next wit
ness. He said: "I live Just across the
street and a trifle south of the Lillle resi
dence. Saw Mr. and Mrs. Lillie together
frequently. They came to my ping pong
parlors quite often. They were always very
kind, pleasant and agreeable toward one
another, never saw anything to the con
trary. I first met Mr. Lillie In my place
of (business, a bowling alley. They were
In the bowling alley Just the evening before
the occurrence took place. My wife and I
frequently called at the Lillle residence in
the evening and as far as I saw and know
their relations were pleasant;- it always
struck mo peculiarly well."
Dr. William Hewitt was the next wit
ness. The testimony of this witness cor
roborated that of Mr. and Mrs. Buelow and
F. F. Ware.
Condition of the Pistol.
Hermann Taddiken, night policeman, was
(he next witness. He said: "I was at the
Lillie residence on the morning of the mur
der and then again after that during the
day. I got there about twenty minutes be
fore 6 In tho morning. I saw Sheriff West
there, saw a revolver, but did not see West
have it. When I first saw It Mrs. Lillle
was holding it In her hand. I examined
the cylinder and barrel and there was rust
in them, indicating that it had not been
fired that day. It was rusty on tho outside,
revolved hard."
WltnesB was given the revolver now In
evidence and continued: "I think this Is
the revolver I examined In the Lillle home
on October 24. Think as near as I can tell
It is In the same condition It was when
I examined it In tho Lillle houBO that day."
At thia time the defense rested.
Counsel for the state was in consultation
for a few moments, then came Into court
and announced they would not introduce
evidence in rebuttal. Tho attorneys argued
at length tho motion filed by tho defense
yesterday evening.
On the conclusion of the argument Judge
Sklles overrulod the motion and said: "I
would gladly thirk this responsibility, but
cannot do so. There are three ti'al points
In this case the point of entrance and exit
of the bullet and the hole in tho curtain
and window. The testimony of Dr. Stewart
is not probable. The one cold, sperate
fact In this case Is the powder burn on
the curtain and window pane. I believe It
Is a physical impossibility for a man to
stand where Mrs. Lillle says he did. I
would much rather discharge this defend
ant, but do not feel that I can do ao. I
feel that she must be held to tho district
court." .
During all this Mrs. Lillle sat cool and
calm, as she has throughout the hearing.
As soon as Judge Sklles had spoken the
last word there was confusion in the
court room and the large audience com
menced to move toward the door.
Seemingly relieved of the anxiety that
has prevailed ever since the arrest of
Mrs. Lillle, Judge Miller aBked the court
to permit the defendant to give a bond for
her appearance at the next term of dis
trict court. County Attorney Walling In
sisted that the gravity of the crime charged
would hardly Justify tha court In admit
ting the defendant to bond, but in case
the court should permit a bond to be given
that It should not be less than $10,000. If
the court would do this he would make no
further objections to" a bond being given.
The court fixed the bond at $10,0u0, which
was promptly furnished by James S. Hill,
father of Mrs. Lillie, and Leu's Henfling ot
Offers Million aad Half Dollars with
Which to Build Thirty
Branch Libraries.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 6. Andrew Carne
gie has offered to give the city of Phila
delphia $1,500,000 toward the extension of
its free library system.
Under the conditions of his gift, the
money Is to be applied only to the erec
tion of thirty buildings which are lo be
used as branches of the main library. The
city Is required to furnish the sites and
equip the libraries and afterward maintain
tbem at a yearly cost of at least $5,0u0
per building. The main library is not In
cluded, the city having already appropriated
$1,000,000 for the purpose.
Forecast for Nebrnskn-Fair Wednesday
snd Thursday, folder Wednesday, with a
Cold Wave In North Portion.
Temperatnre nt Omaha Testerdayl
Hoar. Dec Hour. Dear.
ft a. m it 1 ii. m ...... -4 1
fl a. m 21 U p. m 4.1
T a. m Slit p. m 4l
N a. ro lili 4 p. m 4.H
ft a. m 3t. n p. m 4lt
10 a. m JM p. m 4 4
11 a. m .t:l T p. m 4'J
llim 3T Hp. m 4
t p. m 37
Plate ;! Windows Blown In, tlns
Are Blown Down and Onthulld
Inas Wrecked,
A full gale at least It appeared to be
full coming down some streets from the
west and up others from the north, held
possession of the city's thoroughfsres laBt
night and the few pedestrians abroad mado
hard work of It and were forced to Ho to
In the lee of buildings and doorways when
ever an unusually heavy gust came along.
The air was filled with flying debris nnd
pieces of tin, apparently roofing, and bits
of packing cases. For a few moments tho
"Ben Hur" crowds, tacking out into the
worst of the gale, made a vallnnt struggle
against wind and lingerie, which drew and
fluttered like the sails of a barkentlne, and
picture hats went by tho board and were
brought back from far to leeward by gen
tlemen escorts.
The center plate glass In the western,
half of the Farnara street front of the
Nebraska Clothing company was blown In
about 10 o'clock. The proprietors were
notified and soon had men at work closing
the break with boards. The broken glass
was 14x12 feet and nearly a quarter of an
inch thick.
About. 9 o'clock one of Kilpatrlck's deliv
ery wagon's turned Into Farnam street from
Fifteenth street and was capsized, me
wagon was somewhat damaged, but neither
the two boys who were driving It nor the
horso were hurt.
A post sign in front of Boyd's theater was
blown down and Officer Mansfield, wbo was
standing near it, had a nnTow escape. Sev
eral upper windows wero blown In at Ma
loncy's theater. A tall showcase In front
of a shop at Sixteenth and Dodge streets
was blown over and tho sign of the Relia
ble laundry at the same corner was blown
Into the street. Tho bU transparency of the
Salvation Army at 1515 Capitol avenue lost
Its glass.
The street lights were turned off about
10:30 and tnnny light and telephone wires
were broken and crossed. A pedestrian on
Eleventh street narrowly escaped a large
sheet of tin-which was bounding down thi
One of the large windows of the Her
Grand was smashed and at Wolfe Bros.' tent
and awning factory on South Sixteenth
street, between Jones and Leavenworth, a
heavy awning was torn loose kt about 12:40
o'clock, and In falling crushed In a big
plato glass of the front.
Reports from out of town show that the'
storm, which is of almost hurricane force,
covers an extended area and that many tel-egmiilt'-wrres
are-dorva la -the region af
fected. The wind locally came from north,
west by west.
From all over the city came reports ot
outbuildings wrecked and roofs partially or
wholly blown from larger buildtngu.
The force of the wind was sufficient to
break show windows or burst open doors
for Eaton & Eaton, sign painters on Doug
las street between Thirteenth and Four
teenth; Nlcol, the tailor. Fifteenth
street; the City Mission, Sixteenth
and Jones streets; Sam Adier's saloon,
Tenth and Farnam streets; Blolsky's Jew
elry shop, Tenth nnd Howard streets; Joe
Epp's saloon on Douglas street; another sa
loon at 612 South Thirteenth street, and a
store at Twentieth and Martha streets.
TwentyKlflh Annual Meeting to Re
Held at - Lincoln Kt
The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the
Nebraska State Historical society will be
held in the memorial chapel of the State
university at Lincoln, January 13 and 14.
The event promises to be very largely at
tended and several Interesting sessions
have been erranged for.
Tuesday, January 13, the first session of
the meeting, will be devoted to papers and
addresses from the prominent pioneers of
the state and members of the society.
Among those who will appear on that day's
program are: I'resldent Robert W. Furnas
of Uiownville, rx-governor of the state;
Hon. George L. Miller, Hon. E. Rosewater
of this city, D. Y. Mears of Chadron, Cap
tain W. R. Maselc of St. Louis, Phil K.
Cbappell ot Kansas City.
On Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock sup
per will be served for the members of the
State Historical society, territorial pio
neers. State Horticultural society, Lan
caster County Old Settlers' association and
visiting friends.
On Wednesday the principal speakers will
be Captain H. M. Chittenden, United States
engineers, Yellowstone Park; Captain A.
Overton, Council Bluffs; Captain D. L.
Kciser, Boocevllle, Mo.; Captain W. II.
Gould. Yankton, S. D. ; Captain S. T. Learn
ing, Decatur; Captain JameB Kennedy and
Captain W. A. Cade, Kansoa City, Mo.;
Harry P. Deuel and William J. Kennedy of
Omaha. This setislon will be followed by
the business meeting.
The Nebraska Territorial Pioneer asso
ciation will hold an afternoon session Jan
uary 14 In memorial rhapel for social rem
iniscences and election of officers. Tho
Nebraska Slate Horticultural society will
hold daily session January 13, 14 and Vi In
Nebraska hall. The Lancaster County Old
Settlers' association will hold a session
Thursday afternoon, January 15, In the old
chapel of the State university.
Comes by Itoundaboat Itoute While
Postoftlce at that Place
is t'!ned.
INDIANOLA, Miss., Jan. 6 The Inde
pendent mall route established between
Indianola and Strahaman on the Southern
railway, four miles distant, Is working
smoothly and mail is being received two or
three hours late.
Citltens here are relying upon Senators
Moncv and McLaurin aud the representa
tives in the house to relieve the present
Nutcuirsli of tier an Vrt.rli Jsu, U.
At New York Arrived: Mhkr, from
Hamburg. Sailed: Kal-r Wllhtlm tier
tirops.-, for Hrenien; lJpuha. for NupltM
and (Jenoa; Tauric. for lJverpool.
At Genua Hailed: liUui.d Prince, for
New York.
At Sydney, N. P. Arrived, previously:
Aorangi, from Vancouver via Honolulu.
Twentj-Eipbth General Astembly of
Nebrat'sa Be dm Business.
Harrison of Hall and Mock? tt of Lancaster
Formally Elected.
Opening Session Does Not Draw Bo Well as
Two Tears Ago,
Senators and ltrpresentatlves Both
Take Hold as Thonati lrer
' mined to Make amnion
One of Business.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 6 (Special.) The Twen-ty-eiRhth
session of tho Nebraska general
assembly convened at noon today, The
machinery was set In motion simultan
eously In house and senate and the pro
grams arranged in the preceding caucuses
strictly carried out.
The spectators in attendance Included
quite a number of former members of pre
ceding legislatures In addition to trie usual
horde of place hunters anxious to get In
on the ground floor. On the whole, gal
leries and lobbies were not crowded ns
much as they liave been on opening days
of tho last two sessions. This Is, perhaps,
because there is no impending senatorial
contest to add zest to the legislative pro
ceedings. Tho halls of both branches of the legis
lature presented an inviting appearance,
with new polished furniture and freshly dis
tributed supplies. Hack of tho presiding
officers' chairs the walls are draped taste
fully with large American flags centering
about a portrait of President Roosevelt In
the cennte and a portrait of the late Presi
dent McKlnley :i tho house. The desks of
tho presiding officers were nlso adorned
with floral sprays and In the house the
desk that had been assigned to Represent
ative Mustek of Nuckolls wc.8 draped In
black and surmounted with flowers and
two small fiarB in token of bis sudden
death last week.
Opening- Not Sfectncnlar.
The rrts played In the opening scenes
by the respective officers and members
were chiefly prefunctory. In the senate
Lieutenant Governor Steele did the honors
as presiding officer, while In the bouse Sec
retary of State Marsh called the body to
order and gave way to Dr. Wilson of Paw
nee, who in turn, yielded the chair to
Speaker Mockett. Dr. Wilson ludicrously
forgot that there weie any fuslonlsts In
the bouse, a mistake quite natural In view
of the extraordinary majority of the re
publicans. As a result In appointing bis
committees he almost Invariably named
none but republicans and then having his
attention called to It, revising his list by-"
adding romcone to represent We minority.
The speeches Of both Dr. Wilson and
Speaker Mockett were received with ap
plause indicating that they accorded with
the sentiment of the members. Mr. Mock
ett's brief remarks in particular were clear
cut and to the point, giving promise that
the proceedings will be conducted through
out the session In a ctrlctly businesslike
Rouse of Hall made a winning play that
was not on the program when, by motion,
he added a name for chief clerk of the en
rolling room to the list of officers elected
by the house. The position had not been
considered at all by the caucus, and in the
usual course of events would have gone to
the speaker, along with his other perqui
sites. Rouse's motion came as a surprise
and went through without a dissent. The
complete organization ot the house by the
appointment ot the minor employes and
the naming of committees cannot be turn
Ished before the first part of next week.
How the Senate Met.
The senate was called to order by Lieu
tenant Governor Steele, and after prayer
by Chaplain Cressman of Grand Island, tbs
roll call disclosed all present.
Hall of Douglas moved tbat Reynolds of
Dodge, Howell of Douglas and Anderson of
Saline be appointed a commltteo on cre
dentials. After ten minutes' time given
them, on motion of Harrison of Hall, tho
committee reported all entitled to seats.
Warner of Dakota moved that Hall of
Douglas, Wall of Buffalo and Marshall of
Otoe be cppolnted a committee to notify
Chief Justice Sullivan cf the convening of
the renato and escort him to the chamber
to administer the oath. After the oath had
been taken the rules of 1901 were adopted
on motion of Harrison, the senate waa per
manently organized and committees cliosen,
as agreed upon In the caucus last night.
This was done by motion ot O'Neill of Lan
caster. Howell of Douglas, Warner of Dakota and
Sheldon of Cass were appointed to bring
the secretary of state to the senate and
administer the oath lo tho employes. When
the committee returned without the secre
tary It found Chief Justice Sullivan doing
the work. Before the committee could re.
port, Harrison of Hall moved that the rec
ord oe corrected and the chief Justice's
name be inserted in place of tbat of the
secretary of stats. This brought forth a
talk from O'Neill, who wanted the rec.
ords to read that the committee could not
find the secretary and had brought In the
chief Justice. Then the committee objected
because Its chairman said It had uothlng
to do with Judge Sullivan being there. The
name ot Judge Sullivan was Inserted In the
motion instead of the tecretary and tbe
business was settled.
A committee consisting of Day of Nuck
oils, Reynolds of Dodge, Jennings of Thayer
and Meredith of Sarpy was appointed to
wait upon the bouse and notify it of the
organization of the senate.
Harrison of Hall. Brown ot Keya I'aba
and Saunders of Douglas were appointed to
act with a committee of the bouse In wait
ing upon the governor. The flrt commit
tee n ported the house not ready to receive
It and the senate adjourned Until 11 o'clock
Before adjournment a resolution was
passed to pay the chief enrolling and en
grossing clerk $4 per day.
Tbe senate committee' on committees met
tonight, but brought no Work to completion.
House Itoutlne.
The house was called to order at noon
by beeretury, of State Marsh. The roll
call showed two absentees, Atwood Ot
KeAard and Kennedy of Douglas who Is
kick. Rev. Joseph H. Frerson of Milford,
chaplain of the larl session, delivered the
Invocation. Wilson of I'awuee was elected
temporary ihairman, receiving' srveiity-oue
republic an totes against the twenty fu
sionlht votes cast for liny of Polk.
Juuvi nat, Burgess acJ Hogrcfc were ap