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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1903)
jThe Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOANING, JANUAltY 5, 1003. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. NOT LAW OF NATIONS Monroe Doctrine is Ho', Officially Eecoj nized by Foweri.. SO SAYS BERLIN VOSSISCHE ZEITUNG Deo'aratioi is B tt?rly A'siiled by This German Newspaper. ITS EX CTIONS ARE OF NO CONCERN Declares Even South American States Do Not Countenance It. SO GERMANY CANNOT ACCEPT ITS TENETS Affirm that Country Will Establish Ita Claims Against Vtnofl Without Reuurd to Position of Inlted States. BERLIN, Jan. 4 The government Is without Information regarding the landing ot the German marines at Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. The foreign office says that If inch landing occurred It must have been transient and regards the reported seizure of the customs house at Purrto Cabello by Oerman marines as a canard. ' 8everM newspapers today In their yearly political reviews, devote much attention to Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. The Vosslscbe Zeltung (Independent liberal), re gards Oermany'a proceedings against Venez uela aa entirely within the limits of Inter national law. "Whoever has a claim against another," ays this Journal, "tries to collect it, whether they be private Individuals or na tions. If anybody disputes our right to compel payment of the Venezuelan claims we must ask that peraon If he. be willing to pay the debtNilmself, or give guarantees therefor. If ao, the matter speedily could be settled, but, if this other person Is un willing to give such guarantees, his objec tions don't concern us. The United States could settle the trouble between Qermany and Venezuela In a moment If It would stand good for the payment of our claims, but the United Slates Is unwilling to take this step and we cannot demand that It do o. In this case the United States should not hinder Germany from pursuing a courso that is deemed expedient." grouts American Press. The Vosslsche Zeltung refers to what It calls "the wild noise" in a portion of the American presa which declares that Ger many has no right under the Monroe doc trine to take forcible action In Venezuela nd that Germany has not even recognized the Monroe doctrine. "The latter assertion is correct," says the Journal. "No other European state ever recognized this doctrine and wo believe no European country will ever do so. ' The Monroe doctrine is not adapted to become a subject of diplomatic negotiation and the document hardly exists In which this doc trine Is laid before any European power with the 1 request that this power make a declaration thereon." .After reciting the history and origin of the tramer of the doctrine the paper as serts that the right of intervention claimed by the holy alliance has long since been abandoned. The countries of 8outh Amer ica have bean in a state ot chronio revo lution, yet nobody In Europe dreams of In tervention. The disastrous Issue of Na poleon'a attempt In Mexico renders it prob able that no European atate will ever re peat the effort to establish itself in the western hemisphere. , "Later interpretations of the Monroe doctrine," continues the Zeltung, "do not Involve the defined hegemony of the Unltsd States over central and South America The United States clatma suzerainty over these states, with the right of Interven tion, but denies to European countries the right to interfere In their affairs. How far such suzerainty extends and what rights and obligations come from it have never been cleared up. Neither have the Central and South American stales recognised this suzerainty, but they bave decidedly re Jscted It owing to its repulsion of the Ro manic and Germanic races. No European tats has made concession in this respect and Anally the United States itself has given no clear statement of Its alms. Bays It Stands Vnreeoarulsed. "The Monroe doctrine does not belong to International law, but to conjectural poll tics. It binds nobody and endows nobody with rlghta. Oermany baa no obligation to recognise and no occasion to dispute the Monroe doctrine. The South American states stand toward Germany as sovereign nations, and they all have the rlghta and all the obligations of sovereign states, and having sucn obligations must pay their debts. "Germany will establish its claims con siderately In form and energetically In action." The Tagllacbe Rundschau complains that that hard realist, the Yankee, does not ap preciate courtesies like the visit of Prince Henry and the gift of the statue of Fred erick the Great, "but blows a few notes Into the rusty and hoarse Monroe trumpet and Oermany must lot that impudent trickster, President Castro, alone while he laughs in bis fist." HUMBERTS ASSISTED DREYFUS Colonel Iw Paly de Clam CoaSrma the Statements Made ljr Gaston Pollonals ltereatly. PAR13, Jan. 5. The Temps haa pub lished an Interview with Colonel Du Paty de Clam concerning the articles pub lished in the Gaulola by Gaston Pollonals, the well known polemist, In which It was asserted that the colonel recently made a deposition before the magistrate investi gating the Humbert rate to the effect that the archives ot the general staff contain documents showing that the Humberts were active In trying to save-Dreyfus. Colonel Du Paty de Clam confirms the accuracy of M. Pollonals' atatementa. - He adds that be was struck during the Drey fus affair with the activity of the Hum berts in behalf of Dreyfus. He says the former were especially active In 137. when everybody whom the Humberts rould com mand worked bard to nave Dreyfus. 'What tbs Humbert! wanted was money, says Julonel Du Paty de Clam, tor money gave all the Influence In behalf of Dreyfus and the Humberts were able to set many strings at work. nitrhances Are Spread lag. SHANGHAI. Jan. 4 The disturbances is the Interior of China are spreading. Five thousand troops bave been sent to sun press the disorders la the prpvlacs ot Che KlansV HINDOO PRINCE A BANKRUPT Descendant of the tireat Moaral t'a not I. Ire on Paltry fl,(MM) Per Year. (Copyright, inoj, by Preen piiM'hln Cn.) LONDON, Jan. 4 (New, York Wotld Ca blegram Special Telegr.. -I'rlnce Victor Dhuleep Singh, whose t' -t)f 'roubles are engaging the attention ''London bankruptcy court, says tha. . "tlsti government would psy him tht . jt . oweb mm ne would not only oe ior.( wealthy. Prince Victor, a brother-i... by marriage of Lady (Vlerglna Bouguk) Ieerhardt, Is a direct descendant of the ' grand mogule. After the capturo of Delhi at the time of the mutiny his father wee found a babe of 3 years In the great temple and was taken charge ot by the British government, which appropriated 170.000.000 worth of his father's property, Including the famous Kohlnoor diamond, now the chief Jewel in Queen Alexandra's crown. Prince Dhulerp Singh was brought to England, placed under the rare of a gov erned and educated at Eton and Oxford. The British government then made, under deed, a solemn settlement on him of $500,000 a year In compensation for the family prop erty appropriated at Delhi. Dhuleep Singh married a French woman at Suez and de veloped extravagant tastes. He was the best partridge ehot In the world, having made the record of killing 1,000 birds to his own gun In a single day on his estate at Clevedan, In Norfolk. He got Into financial difficulty, claimed his property from the British government and when the liability was repudiated went to Russia and tried to stir up a rebellion among the slkhs, of whom he was the head. This failed. He returned to England, made atonement and waa accorded a reduced in. ccrae of $60,000 a year. , On his death he loft three children two princesses and Prince Victor between whom his Income was divided, the daughters getting $15,000 year each and the prince $30,000. Prince Victor three years ago married a daughter of the earl of Coventry, Lady Anne Coventry. Her taste In selecting a husband was freely criticised, for Prince Victor, though educated in England, Is as much of an Oriental as his father was.- He seemed to think that If he married Into a swell English family and so gave hostages for his loyalty, as it were, that the British gov ernment would restore bis father's original income of $500,000 a year. Accordingly he proceeded at about . that rate, giving bis wife coatly Jewels and keeping great state. But now that his creditors bave come down upon him the British government looks on his troubles with callous Indifference. EMPEROR STARTS MODEL FARM Shows Oerman Agriculturists flow to Make It Pay Without State Aid. (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Jan. 4. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Emperor William has been directing much atten tlon lately to agriculture. He says If German farmers would only take lessons from scientific farmers in England or the United States they could increase their crops and improve taoir- condition without stats aid. . 1 Hit model farm in Cadlnen is being ran (dly transformed into an agricultural show place. When the emperor took posses sion of it four years ago It was In a con dition of wreck, both houses and estate. badly drained, badly stocked and yielding no crop worth speaking of. In four years he changed everything. The house Is now a charming English country house and shooting lodge combined, and the estate of about 6,000 acrea. half forest, is In a fair way to add $20,000 a year to the emperor's rsvenues. Four years ago only rice and potatoes would grow in Cadlnen. The emperor has introduced wheat, oats and barley and mangel wurtzel for cattle. He has put 1C0 Dutch cows on the estate and every day their produce goes to Danzig and other towna in the vicinity. The Cadlnen milk, cream, butter and cheese have become famous throughout the east .of Germany and command the highest prices. The emperor's new dairy is modeled upon the Windsor establishment. A spirit motor supplies all the power needed. - During his recent stay In Cadlnen the emperor read up all the latest English .books on dairy farming. His attention has also been directed to a better breed ot swine. He has Just bought a farm ad joining Cadlnen, a place called Klckelhof, where he haa installed some ot the best Westpballan breeds. But be Is proudest of his potatoes. In four years he haa replaced the poor, soapy potatoes which used to grow In Cadlnen with a splendid, floury article, admired all over the countryside. The potatoe output of Cadlnen this year was over 1,000 tons. LOSES HIS HEART TO A WIDOW Sonatina: Bachelor Soldier Finally Kails Desperately In Lavs, (Copyright. lf3. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Jan. 4. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Mrs. Blake of Boston will wed next Tuesday Sir Seymour Blone, a septuagenarian bachelor soldier, who haa always boasted that he had never had a lovs affair and never met an English girl who could entice him from single blessedness. But when he met the tall, elegant, Mrs. Blake, the widow of a rich Bostonlan, and who has lived for the last seven years In a pretty house ea Hans Place, the baronet soon lost his heart. Every nlht he dropped In to Hans Place and, until the engagement was fixed, be was I The ttrtflA-tft.liA la a fharmlna. woman, 'quiet and kindly, and tor some time baa been in rather delicate health. She er delicate health. She .ste In all things and Her wedding robe will has Irreproachable ta A war mm Haa u 1 1 f ill I V . . . ' lfh . " ., w m.v.-. .l.h ih. wertrtin, will h. v.,. ,..,' It will take place at Holy Trinity. Sloan, j Pa"! 'rom th,e ' Sen""- street, at a very early tour. M- M. Rouvler are the only Mrs. Blake baa a great social connection. ! two nln,te" ho candidates. The Among her most Intimate personal frlen.l. j nlr other notaworthir result of the elec are Lady Cheaterfleld. Lady Roden. Lady ' U.OD the torr llsr Wallscourt. Lord Mun.ter. Mis. V.nw.r. of for"sn ff"'1r8' """'""l" ln th D" and Lady Ablnger. all ot whom are Invited I Pr'm'n' f Al; ' h c.ud date. to the wedding. About seven yeara ago Mra! Blake loat ber only son. To Resist American Cotton Klars. PARI3. Jan. 4. It Is asid that Inl.. Flegfrled. Richard Waddlngtcn and Felix Mellne, as well as other deputies and aen- ators and a number of leading cotton maa ufacturers bave formed a colonial cot tot association, with a view to resisting the American cotton monopoly by aKlng the development of the growing of cotton ln the French colonic, and especially in the Soudan. Transport Hancock nt Valparaiso. VALPARAISO. CHli, Jan. 4 The United State, army transport Hancock arrived here today from Mare lalaad qa its way to New York. REFORM IN GERMAN MORALS Women of Hijh Degree Take Part in Mote ment to Regenerate Country. LAXITY IS NO LONGER TO BE CONDONED Two Meetings Held and Effort Mak ing; to Have Emperor's Slater Preside nt the Heat On Held In Berlin. k pyrlht. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Jan. 4. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) German prin cesses to the number of sixty-nine have made a solemn vow to reform the morals of the Fatherland. They will work In two directions. First They will seek to establish Institu tions for redeeming unfortunate fallen women. Second They will bring their social in fluence to bear on men in high stations to take up strong ground against im morality. Two of the sixty-nine are queens tne queens of Wurtemberg and Saxony. Thirty- five belong to reigning houses in various parts of Germany. These women are going about their work In business fashion. Their first meeting was held in Frankfort-on-the- Main. Only sixteen real prlnceases were present, although twenty others sent repre sentatives. They bad high tea In the principal hotel of the place, and the proceedings, to which no man waa admitted, were prolonged. Judging, however, from the noise In the room in which they met, th meeting was animated and not infrequently Jocund. At this meeting the princess of Waldeck Pyrmont presided. She is a stately, hand some personage, with a beautiful voice and lovely hair. She rules society in ber own little principality with a rod of iron woe betide the unfortunate male transgressor who gets into her clutches in Pyrmont. He is ruthlessly excluded from her court. An other Important person at the Frankfort meeting was the 'Duchess of Crach, one ot the sweetest of the younger German duch esses, a woman of a fine mind, winning in all her waya, graceful aa a sylph. 'She is a Wurtemberg lady. Her castle and gardens are models of care, and show what culture and refinement in their mistress can ac compllsh. She is the secretary ot the asso ciation. Second Meeting; Lively. Ths next meeting was beld at Cassel and waa better attended, not probably by prln ceases, but by their business repreeenta tives, who mean to work bard to carry this thing through. No particulars as to ths resolutions adopted have come to light, but enough Is known to assume that the crusade has begun. One woman said ahs was going to begin that very day to influenoa her men friends to do their utmost to change ths prevalent laxity of views. 'Another said she must get to work at snea among the hapless women. She spoiled an otherwise admirable speech by referents to the shock ing -morality ot ths "lower orders," and was speedily brought to book by a friend with the remark . that In ths matter ot morality there was Httl ts shoos between th aristocracy and the working classes, Antttovery princess In the room applauded So, at least, rumor has it, for no such vulgar person as a reporter was present among this bevy ot arlstocratlo dames. A leading spirit at the Cassel meeting was the Duchess Frederick Ferdinand of Schloswlg-Holsteln. a woman who comes from a fine race of pure and heroic men. Another waa the duchess of Ratlbor, woman of tremendous energy and one of the leaders of Berlin society. She Is constantly In and out of Emperor William's court, and exercises a tremendous Influence In mili tary circles. She is one ot the best dressed of German women. Two women who take a profound Interest In the movement are the princesses of Schaumburg-Llppe and the princess of Saxe Melnlngen, both sisters of Emperor Wil liam, but gentle, winning women. They will not take any prominent part in the public agitation, yet all their sympathies are with it. But the aoul ot the movement is ths Duchesa Vera of Wurtemberg, the wife of Duke Eugenef.'a Russian princess by birth, a fiery, enthusiastic Slav nature, full of noble Impulses. She is a deeply religious woman, a fine bible scholar and In her Wurtemberg home the center of everything that tends to regenerate society. She baa a strongly marked Slav face and tares little for outward appearanees or dress. The next meeting la to be In Berlin, and efforts will be made to indues one of, the emperor's slaters to preside. FRENCHMEN ELECT SENATORS Contests Pass Off Without Incident nad Results Confirm General Expectations. PARIS, Jan. 4. Senatorial elections wars held today In thirty-four departments ot France, Algeria and in the colonies of La Reunion and Guadeloupe, to select ninety eight senators, of whom ninety-four will fill seats the terma of whose occupants have constitutionally expired, while the other four will fill vacancies cauaed by deaths. The elections passed off without incident. The results have confirmed the general ex pectation that the ministerial majority in the upper house would be strengthened. The conservatives have elected five progres sive republicana, the liberals have elected twenty-live republicans, eighteen radicals and thirty-four radical socialists. Final returns from some seats In France and the two colonlea have not been received. i Combe been re-elected from ! the Partmnt ' Charcnte-Inferleure; be ; , " , " -". I 'lso returned from Corsica, where he only nominated Saturday Finance Minister Rouvler was elected In the De- Fitment "t Alps-Maritiraea. He thui members of the Senate; the other, are deputlea. ex-deputles or new men. The ministry of the Interior claim, that the government gained fifteen and loat two, Dt ' i elecuon, net gain of thirteen seats in today'a Attempts to Steal the Jewels, LONDON. Jan. 5. In a dispatch from Delhi the correspondent of the Dally Mail aaya: "A body of Pathana made a bold attempt ln broad daylight Friday to attack the guard and rob' the Jewel room of the arta exhibition, where gems valued at $1,250,000 were ln keeping. Member, of the police force and the Jewelers present after a scuffle succeeded in foiling ths attempt. Entrance to the Jewel room has now been made much mors difficult." COAL TO GO UP A NOTCH TODAY Scrantou Companies Agree on In crease of 1 Pr Ton In Pries of Anthracite. . SCRANTON, Ps., An. 4. Following the lead of the Lehigh Valley, the Jersey Cen tral, the Reading companies, the Delaware, Lhrkawanna A Western company yester day acceded to the demand of its contract shippers to suspend the 15-35 contract until circular and actual market prices again conform. Only about half of the Independent op erators are selling under the 65-35 con tract. They have had to be content with 65 per cent of $5 on big sizes and the same per cent of $3.75 on small sizes, the arbi trary figure fixed by the carriers for coal at tidewater. The independents who were not under contract terms have aold their coal at the breaker for at least $5 a ton and the purchaser looked after the freight. The contract Independents argued that it was unfair that they should be bound by an arbitrary circular price when they could get fully 60 per cent better prices, and particularly when ether independents were getting all that the law of supply and demand allows. This means that the independents are now all free to sell their coal at the breaker at the best prices they can secure. leaving it to the purchaser to deal with the carrier about freight charges. In return tor the concession the Inde pendents have promised to favor the east and New, England, where coal la most needed, and with thlsj. end in view they have already announced that no more coal will be sold by them at retail. To generally discourage local consumers from buying more coal than Is actually needed an advance in price was agreed upon, and tomorrow Scrantonlans who want coal will have to pay $5 a ton for the larger domestic sizes. This $1 a ton more than It was selling for lsst week. Under normal conditions It sells here for $2.50 delivered. READING. Pa., Jan. 4. By midnight to night the Reading company expects to have transported to market for the past forty-eight hours 8.500 cars of anthracite coal. This movement of coal began yes terday morning, and In forwarding this great quantity the company is breaking every record. Today every locomotive of all classes was pressed Into service and all available freight crews were called on for help. Most of the 8,500 cars were moved today. Officers estimate that dur ing the holidays and because the miners failed to get back to work promptly 250, 000 tons ot anthracite failed to reach market. The Independent operators of the region rains about 15 per cent of tjie entire pro duction of anthracite coal, NO MALLEABLE IRON COMBINE Proposed Orsaaliatles Announced . Month Ao aa Completed is (2on to Pieces. PITTSBURG, Jan. 4. The Gazette tomor row will say: Tbs $20,000,000 malleable eaatlngs con solidation announced lata smooth- as an as sured thing has gone to pteoea. It Is said that ths support of former Judgs Elbert R. Gary, Max Pam and their assoolates in the United States Steel corporation was with drawn on the ground that the conditions sre not opportune for the launching of such s concern and this led to the deal being dropped for an indefinite time. Early last month William C. McMillan of the Michigan Malleable Iron company, which would have been one of the strongest of the Seventeen constituent concerns, an nounced that the deal had been completed. Audits had been completed by a New York firm and everything was In readiness for the financing when the important support from the United Statea Steel corporation Interests was withdrawn. Only one of the several Pittsburg malle able concerns had planned to enter the consolidation. This waa the Pittsburg Mal leable company, controlled by the Westing house company. The new concern waa to have been launched the first of the year. The seventeen concerns which were to form the consolidation have a combined yearly output ot 200,000 tons of malleable castings. These concerns are mostly lo cated In the middle west, in Illinois, Indi ana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, with three others at Buffalo, N. Y., Trenton, N. J., and Chattanooga, Tenn. DEATH IN LODGING HOUSE FIRE One Killed, One Fatally and About a, Dosen Seriously Injured at Denver Conflagration, DENVER, Colo., Jan. 4. A fire In a lodging house on Thirteenth and Market streets today resulted ln the death of one man and the injury of a dozen more, one fatally and several ot them seriously. The fire Is thought to have been caused by the explosion of a gasollpe stove. The dead: JOHN OTT, Itinerant tinker, cged 45. Fatally Injured: Naclne A. 8hamaley, aged 28, a saloon keeper and proprietor of the lodging house; terribly burned. Seriously Injured: Charles Halk. Glendo, Wyo. William Hardin, baker. Burt Keefe, cook. Ferris Thoruaa, bartender. Frank Brown, laborer. Oeorge Herbert, laborer, Ed O'Malley, laborer. Lizzie Hall. All of the latter were burned and bruised, ths bruises being received from Jumping from windows. The property loss wss nom inal. ELECTROCUTION FOR ELEPHANT Topsy, the Original Baby" of For. auah Show Many Yeara A so, la Killed Humanely. ' NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Several hundred spectator, today witnessed the electrocu tion by electricity at Coney Island of "Topsy," au elephant who had killed three men and had recently become unmanage able. Immediately after 200 grains of cyanide of potarslum had been administered, con c-aled In a carrot, a current of 2,600 volts waa turned on through copper plates on which the animal atood. Almost Instantly the elephant fell, and at the end of ten seconds, when the cur rent wa. turned off, wa. pronounced to be dead. An autop.y showed that the poison bad not had time to take effect. The execution wa. conducted under the supervision of the Society for the Preven tion of Cruelly to Animals. "Topsy" was sbout 35 yeara old and waa ths first baby elephant exhibited ln this country, when she waa brought here by j Adam Ferepaugh twenty-eight years ago. WORK AHEAD FOR CONGRESS Little Expected for a Few Days Until Mem bers All Return from Holidays. STATEHOOD BILL ON DECK IN SENATE Many Other Importnnt Measures Pressing for Recognition Com mittee Considers Cuban Treaty. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 Many of the senators who left Washington for tbs Christmas holidays are still absent and the present Indications are that when bualness is resumed at noon tomorrow there will not be a very full attendance. Before the week is far advanced, how ever, the senate again wtll be in regular working order and there will be little ces sation of work before March 4. The pre diction Is very general that the remainder of the session will be exceedingly busy, because of the number of Important ques tions which will be pressed forward before final adjournment. During the present week and probably for some time to come the omnibus state hood bill will be the chief topic of discus sion on the floor, but under the unanimous agreement by which the bill was made the unfinished business It cannot be taken up any day before 1 o'clock. It Is the pur pose of the friends of the bill to press its consideration and not to allow the bill to be sidetracked unless under very great pressure. The present purpose Is to give way only for appropriation bills, but there are no appropriation bills on the senate calendar. It Is, however, the purpose ot the senatorial leaders, and especially ot those who oppose the statehood bill, to press appropriation bills to the front as rapidly as possible. The senate committee on appropriations Immediately wtll take up the legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill, and it will be reported to the senate aa soon as possible. It Is a bill which de mands considerable Investigation, and it Is not probable that it will reach the senato much before the middle of the month. When it la reported the committee will seek to secure its Immediate considera tion. Debate on Statehood. According to the arrangement made be fore the holidays, the debate on the state hood bill will be resumed at 2 o'clock to morrow. Senator Nelson of Minnesota being the first speaker on the Hat. He is a mem ber of the committee on territories and in addition to his opposition to the admission of the territories of New Mexico and Ari zona, he is a staunoh advocate of the bill for the admission ot Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one state, which was reported by the majority of the committee aa a sub stitute for the house omnibus bill. He has a carefully prepared speech and its de livery probably will require the greater part ot two daya. Senator Burrows will be heard next and he will probably speak for two days or more. Other republican senators bave agreed to speak in opposition to ths bill and It is now estlmsted that there Will be no fewer than fi'teen antl-' statehood speeches before consideration of the measure is concluded. Borne speeches ln support of the bill are promised, but the indications are somewhat against the delivery of any of them during the present week, though it is possible that Senator Foraker, who Is an earnest advocate of the omnibus bill, may be heard soms time wlt'jin the next tew days. Other Measures Presstn. The time of the senate each day before 2 o'clock will be earnestly contested for, among the measures seeking early atten tion being the omnibus bill, the immigra tion bill, the eight-hour government labor bill and the Philippine currency bill. Senator Proctor baa given notice that he will call up the. militia bill Monday mom Ing aa soon as the routine business Is dis posed of, and hs will try to keep this bill to the front until action can be secured. Some features of the measure are sharply antagonized, so that it may provoke con siderable debate. There also is a disposi tion to amend the immigration bill. The supporters of this measure do not yet seem Inclined to concede the changes demanded. Senator Lodge, as chairman of the com mittee on the Philippines, bas given notice that be will press the currency bill aa rap idly as possible, and expresses confidence ln its passage before the aesston grows much older. Senator McComas will urge consideration of the eight-hour bill. The committee on foreign relations. It is expected, will take up the Cuban treaty at Its meeting this week, but it Is doubtful whether It will be reported dulng the week. It has not been decided whether there will be any bearings on the treaty. Thus far no formal request for them has been made and probably none will be sought until after the beet sugar convention, which is to be beld in this city during the week. Senator Cullom aays that he will ask the senate to give the treaty its at tention at as early a day as practicable after it shall be reported. A large number of new bills and resolu tions will be introduced at the beginning of the session tomorrow, among them a Joint resolution by Senator Morgan direct ing the executive department to ceaae ne gotiations with the government of Colombia for right-of-way for an lathmlan canal and to close agreements with Costa Rica and Nicaragua for the construction of a canal by the Nicaragua route. On Thursday during the morning hour Senator Hoar will address the senate in support of his anti-trust bill. It 1. probable that his speech will give rise to more or lesa debate, but any discussion on this bill must cease at 2 o'clock unless unanimous consent should be procured to delay the statehood bill for a time. So Prosrrana for the II No complete program Is mapped out for the house for the first week of the new year. The leadera are very anxious to force the appropriations bills shesd a. rapidly aa possible. The Indian bill i. on the calendar and headway la making in committee with the postofflce, diplomatic and consular and Dis trict of Columbia bills. The latter, at leaat, will be reported to the bouse before the end of the week. Mr. Sherman of New York, chairman of the Indian committee, Is 111 at Hot Springs, Ark., and bis absence may delay considera tion ot the Indian bill. Until ths appropriation bills get Into the hopper the house probably will occupy ita time with miscellaneous matter, brought up under call, of commltteea. Receiver for silvertoa Hank. DENVER. Jan, 4. A .pedal to the New. says that Thrmss Ancear haa been ap pointed receiver of the Bank of Sllverton at Sllverton, t'olo.. which rinsed Its doors t Friday after the dlnappearance of Its prel- drnt, J. II. Robin, who committed sttl-He. One committee appointed to examine into the a flu Irs of the bank U credited with saying the depositors will bs paid ln fulL CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday and Tuesday. Temperature at Omaha Yestcrdayl Hour. De. Hour. Dev. B a, m ao 1 p. m Sl a. m st p. m St T a. m ...... 82 Bp. m ZN H n. m ....... 8-i 4 p. m 117 9 n. m 84 It p. m 8T in i. n nn n p. m shi 1 1 a. m ...... 8.1 7 p. m SB lit m SO H p. m SA 9 9. m 85 FATAL COASTING ACCIDENT YouuaT Elmer Mclatyre Has Skull Crashed on William Street Hill. Elmer Mclntyre, a 14-year-old lad, crashed into a "traveler" on the William street hill at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon with such force that his skull waa crushed and he died a few minute later. The vic tim of the accident resided with his mother, Mrs. M. Mclntyre, at 1225 William street. During the afternon a large throng of boys and girls and several coasting par ties. In which older pleasure seekers min gled, had been making speedy flights down the smooth icy surface of William street, from Sixth to the Burlington railroad tracks. The Mclntyre lad had started on bis little sled from the top of the hill and was sliding at a terrific speed, when at the Intersection of Fifth and William he nearly collided with a large coaater returning to the sum mit. Just behind was being drawn an other. Unable to avoid a collision, he crashed into It, striking his head upon the planking of the big coaster. He was hurled some distance and knocked unconscious. Bleeding profusely from bis wounds, he was carried by Charlea Povilk and Mrs. S. Welsbroed Into the meat market of Joe Vopolka, 1324 8outh Fifth street. Follce Surgeon Mick was Immediately notified, but before hie arrival the boy died. Mr. Mclntyre, the father of the dead boy, cannot be located, having left the city last fall, since when nothing has been heard regarding his whereabouta. Coroner Brailey took charge of the body and re moved It to bia undertaking rooms. An Inquest will be held. STRIKE SETTLEMENT LIKELY Message from Sew York Gives Union Pnclfla Strikers New Hope. "We meet the officials again Tuesday, when a settlement probably will be de cided on." This Is the news that came yeaterday to strike headquarters from an executive rep resentative in New York. On the strength ot this telegram from one of the men en gaged in the conferences with the Union Pacific officials, strikers are disposed to look with more seriousness than ever upon the possibility of a settlement this month. Still, tbey are proceeding with their plans :iz as if they expected Co ght to con tinue for another six months and will ob serve this policy nntll ths last vestige ot war is gone. But the strike-breakers are leas skeptical, so to speak, than the men outside the high board fence that sur rounds the Union Paoiflo shops. They con tinue to leave, and probably wisely so. The telegram quoted also brings Oe In formation that the reports contained in some eastern papers to the effect that "an unequivocal victory" has been won by the strikers in their ability already to se cure the officials' pledge to the abolition of piecework, are positively incorrect. The officials have not only hot yielded in thla, the crucial point, but are holding out with special tenacity and show they would rather give up every other proposition before that 'one. Piecework or no piecework is the pivot on which the strike hangs and has hung on all along. INTEREST RATES GOING UP Money Brlnsts Two Per Cent More Than It Ltd Few Months A so. Omaha bankers say the tendency ot the money market Is toward higher rates ot interest. Ths rats during the fall months I bas advanced gradually until it is prac- tlcally 2 per cent higher than it was four months ago, the prevailing rate being 7 to 8 per cent, against 6 to 6 per cent on sim ilar paper in August, A large amount of western cattle paper which was placed six months ago at 6 per cent is now commanding 8 per cent, aa loans become due and are rsnewed, for much of ths cattle which it was thought would be marketed In December Is being beld. For two or three months the Omaha money market haa been lower than In any of the large cities and the expectation is that the conditions which prevail elsewhere will be seen locally before the snd of ths season of activity. r CAPTAIN BARNUM EXONERATED Court of Inquiry Blames Major Ayere for Maktaa- Complaint and All, cations of Misconduct. FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. Jan 2. A court of Inquiry appointed by Major Oen eral John C. Bates, commander of ths De partment of the Missouri, to investigate certain allegations snd chsrges against Csptsln Malvern-Hill Barnum, Elghtu cav alry, has completed a report entirely ex onerating Captain Barnum. Major General Bates approved the findings of the court. The trouble occurred during the fall maneuver, at Fort Riley, when Major Ayer. was commanding an Eighth cavalry squadron, with whom Captain Barnum was serving. The charge, concerned the Issu ance ot passes, and in passing upon them the court says: "The court is of the opinion that Major Ayers in making these assertions wss hasty and intemperate, and that, while not Imputing to him any intention of making a false statement, the assertions mads by him were misleading, inaccurate and un warranted." Movements of Ocean Vessels Jan. 4. At New York Arrived: I'mbrla, from Liverpool and Uueenstown : Sardinian, from , Glasgow; from (ienoa and Naples; L'HtiacllHB. from Liverpool At Holy Head Fussed: Khyndland, from Philadelphia, tor I Ivernool. At The Lizard Paused: Minneapolis, for London: Hlueoher, from New York, for t'lymouin. t neroourg ana namuurg. At Liverpool Arrived: Etrurla, from New York -via UueenMown ; Nuinadlc, from New York, b'nlled: St. Louia, from Southamp ton, for New York. At ueenstown Sallnd: Ivernla, from Liverpool, for Jew ork. At Hamburg Arrived: Monoe, from Ta coma, Seattle and Ban Francisco via Ccn tral and South American porta and Havre. At ValDaralfO Arrived: l'nlid Htates army transport Hancock, from San Fran- cuto tor iw lor. HOUSE NOT SO SWIFT Takes More Time Than Senate to Settle on ths Matter of Organisation. SPEAKERSHIP FIELD IS A LARGE ONE No Concentration of Sentiment on Any One Man is to Be Noted. EFFORT TO REVIVE TWO-YEAR-OLD FIGHT Cards Whioh Are Intended to Damn Mookett with Its Praise. SOME SUGGESTION OF A- DARK HORSE Indications that Mockett Will l,ead at the Start, with Thompson a Close Second Several Ballots Probable. (From a Staff Correeponden.) LINCOLN, Jan. 4. (Special Telegram.) Although only one day remains before the caucus that is to settle the speakership fight the contest Is still being waged, wtth the field full of candidates. The day has been full of rumors, none of which, how ever, have materialized Into any definite action, binding any number of members to a particular candidate. The rush line tactics puraued by ths senatorial end of '.he field, which carried Harrison to Hall over the goal ot president pro tern, have produced a sort ot reaction. Harrison Is recognized ss a tort of legatee of the so-called anils of the last legisla ture and his scoring bas been followed up by an effort on tho part of tho same ele ment to resurrect the old Issue of D. E. Thompson as a factor In the speakerahlp content against Mockett, who was one of the lieutenants of the Lancaster county candidate for United States senator two years ago. Early ln the evening cards wers distributed throughout the hotel lobby pur porting to be a plea for Mockett, but In reality designed to cut under him. The reading matter on ths card la from ths pen that produced the screeds agalnat D. E. Thompson during the session ot 1901 and were aptly referred to as sn extra edition ot the historic "Daily Capital," published at that time by the sr-called antls. Sentiment is general that this effort to revive a burled Issue Is likely to over reach itself and react against the can didacy ol W. T. Thompson, in whose be half ita authors appear to be working. W. T. Thompson himself, it is only fair to say, disclaims any knowledge or coun tenance of these campaign cards. SuKsreatloa of Dark Horse. So far as the lineup between the speaker ship candidates is concerned, it cannot bs accurately described, because about half ot the members ot ths house are yet to put in tbelr appearance. The Impression is that Mockett will lead ln point ot strength, wtth W. T. Thompson a closs second, and that the finish will not be seen until the. caucus proceeds to ballot tomorrow night. The hope ot the other candidates la that neither of the leaders will bs able to muster the necessary number ot votes, and that their followers will be compelled to choose among them. There is soms suggestion of a possible emergency which may bring out a new man altogether, but at tbe same tlms there is a general aversion to dark horses on ac count of unsatisfactory sxperlenoe. with dark horses on former occasions. While the agreement upon Harrison by the senators bas caused a renewal ot ths talk about a compact that was to make Mockett's running mats, all parties con tinue to deny the existence of such a com pact. Rouse of Hall, who was expected to be a formidable candidate tor speaker, bas unquestionable suffered from the premature action of the senators, but has tried to combat the argument against giving the presiding officers of both houses to one and the same county by recalling the legis lature of 1899, when Lancaster county cap tured both the presidency ot tbe senate and the speakerahlp ot ths houss. Deleadenlor of Cass and Bears ot Burt each have numerous delegations of their friends here assisting ln ths promotion of their campaigns. The death of Representstlvs Mustek of Nuckolls and the aerlous illness of Repre sentstlvs Atwood ot Seward will reduce the number participating In ths caucus, even if all the rest are at hand, and make the vote necessary to nominate thirty- eight instead ot thirty-nine. Senntors to Cnueus. Notwithstanding the fact that the senate organization Is practically decided on, senate caucus will be held to make it a formal matter and agree upon the minor offices. Senator O'Neill was by mistake represented In these dispatches to bsvs been present at the conference of Harri son followers yesterday, whsa In fact bs was not there, and naturally does not want his friends to labor under ths Impression that ha gavs up ths fight and went over to Harrison without- their knowledge or assent. He haa, however, acquiesced In the result and expresses himself today as satisfied with It Among ths onlookers hers ars State Chairman Lindsay, Congress men -si set Hln sbaw and McCarthy and United States Mar shal Matthews, but they all Insist they ars hers ss spectators only. Message, Is Ready. Governor Savage's massage Is practically completed and will bo ready by tomorrow for transmission to ths legislature, al though It will not bs delivered before Wednesdsy. It Is understood that ths mes sage is a quits lengthy document, going into considerable details for all tbe various department, ot tbe stats government and full of recommendations on vsrlous sub jects of public importance. It Is sxpected to be in- ths governor's characteristic style, with forcible language that calls a spade a spade. Fuslonlsta Are Lonesome. In ths melee the fuslonlsts seem to bave been almost entirely overlooked. The few already here indicate a disposition to vote for George L. Loom Is of Dodge for speaker, just to show a friendly disposition. The four fusion votes In the senate bave not yet found a lodging place. Dedicate Kew Pythlnn Hall. ASHLAND. Neb., Jan. 4 (Special.) Shelter's new hall, which was completed laat week, was dedicated last nlgbt for the use of Star lodge. No. 9, Knights ot Pyth ias. Frank J. Kelley, grand chancellor of Nebraska, officiated In the ceremonies of dedication, after which the members re paired to the Selma hotel, where a ban quet waa held, plates bring laid for sev enty. Officers for 1901 were Installed by Grand Chancellor Kelley as follows: C. C. M. Mays; V. C, R. D. Pins; P.. J. A-