Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4
1 THE OMAHA PA1LY NEE: SUNDAY. JAXtURV 4. NOT ADMINISTRATION BILL Em I Aiti-Trcki Keart-f tsyrtrnm Otlj E i Ovs T aw ATTO'AfY GtMFU TS f flPMTAG PlMS 4Hlig tar lsire-t H 111 Mkall Oeletea r J.' (kitrn la rtl Law B)lsllea t Tti- WAf.KTVGTOV. Jan. li can b as serted e . authority tbtt ay sttie-tr-erl lht' fTJlM Hoar lull i a 4 m! rocesur it a misttk S-e Jar can Tv innrj ned It n.ho:'f -p:y hi n vvs Tb tnnrsey r"nra hid n btr8 in its" preparation.. itS la lrl had never en it afir 11 paMicsiion. Tb iinr general ha lrt requested by Senator Hoar of lb JuiK-iary renin. :t-e and also by 1b Jofrleiary oommlit of lb bcusf. ; IB T.rr-pa?- and prewtt bit vtfvs 10 lb t-ttur of ftrtber Vr s latum necessary la : hit Judgtrrrt.. "8 I1 1 1,(11 'vi-ecied id mak fc;t pmcir.titraio t tr V :rr- MpsfliT. kr wipwi oonrriira. F't .; Prat r Inifr). Anttif Frrp!ary Carlitf of ikr rsry It 6e-fffl lb flpair.t luiw 1 Coupe Wi.nina r. CrrtiB rf Jtarwn tiii ! Jlar )t:f-r ie rb Twtrrt lb crtw t1 ibtl tk'T-: , Omiib T. K Fiunr-ji. F-Mmfi C. G. VtH.. P C. Prirrr. Gottit' Kti T. BpJo (Tflititry JfBsr H. T. M arsis. VT. G. a F. E Milct Aryri H. H. Tbrmat. "Tbf ArpanoiMit 1 isTornrfJ y iir t-MiiTincaiti cr oT Mariftia at( ibTfufb ib S'.ti fl-piniDit fry tb Tformelat icIiiiiiT for forijB aCtirt of 1b rparur of a txrolu tbrBB frora ertatilta y Kartfil lifeboat ott L Gutyra. Vrrru-la. KoTaibr 1. 1X4. Tbe Trvr ii rrforBB la a bnry aea aol n a aark unflw cooditlont tbat t- 7rmf fl ib orrw 1a ooTiHiertble dnfr; and ibr- roniinasfliiic fttorr of Maritta. the twnnoA efir 1a amtti aofl the ra-itM'-1-cktft of tfca Nert Atlantic t 1 inn act oibr bo -r oorn'n1 ' 'n !!rruniii.aipr kav ittib tbIr arm rnir.niT4atlrii of tbfr'kwhaTior of Ibe ofB onr anfl mm In ike liffbott an! of ib Ciuirabi mtwi In hir 1b boat bknfl)ffl. Tli AfntLruDont it rrtlifia to Jfiiin) nf not jiraiwa'ortby art a vb. an A eMitm 1 pnimtniRti 1 ro ii r trririatm nf your t.kill aa roa Judrmrt tin xhit oniiamrni f atviiii; liJ miflfT fiifB rurxip. atifl an rtiriarmt b.)(h 1 In V wr ing -f..k rb VfW traaiilfnit of lb aeTT- $OB.' Wr MrMtrMi tMB HlBlm. Tb frr)rMiif f.ilp hipiwupi ,t &0 Jiuiitlr at tb 'ilin. Bmiw toBky: HC'NClA'liT. 3ati 1 Tb T-rwid.t of nh t'rit:l S.Ti. Viilif"uin : Cti iMitmlf tif th narlf hkulini i.f ur tTrrnifr wr HnHvr 'Uifct 'iu. oiir tirwiiomtt. bruia knr fir th owij' ana T-M'naT iinrwt 1 i tiaf Tntt frmi lb frmt Hi Hi r7i.j rin nwirrta.! anfl iiutiuna.1 miH-niriwif of hiriti xri I'unltK rlLh an AnirKm.ii ckliw una Ttif-fcr f-rt aiitiHfkcrion nut o4ipl1 uimn Th imiMp r'oti ihB iiay et thai jMirriim of Th irnrtv. -tiii!b Hih.h tbi upon tli Hit tn land i nfl nui hfr uti Tli nil on a -t -ir tiffnr 5r xmitrrt tulkt rnu Mr. f"ri6mt. ana thmurb 3'ou our tHllotr ciswona m tb mi. ixitkno j r-Anrrcx, filt.T.r. Jk. X. K F-PCHICEIi, , iCHS EM WH7TK Hfl'Stt. WAfTHT3S!eTClf . Jan. . . 3MK Tiir TirwMOnnt 1 much )uia to r oit" lbmufh ynu tb oortiud -nwtttfr of r nam- Hawallaiia ana mtndf to Ultra In -otnif-r ml turn ujifrn th iij-niTit- of tekirrajibic rominur.tnatioii t:li rit-a!t GBuRGE B. COKTELTC'l". fmcTftary. LArvtettaBt Vatr" Otla. Tbc rooora of tba can nf Uoutnutxt Jbbm C. A-bbotl, artniorf oorpa. Jia ia Twoo1va at tb nary At-parrmniit. TLlt ofhonr vat trta by fpuruuartial at Van imvto' terrarkt a cbarrot of sofloot of duty ana vita auSem&t. a priaourr oon Itit18 la bit barr ta oacapa. Be at oquiuoa by lb oourt, but tb j.-oC-!aca of tb oourt vera iaarprra try Oen rraj Kasaall, oCTnintnflUit tb arrruuaat f Caluiubia, ba vaa tb rf-rtf-w-inf an tiiortty. Trar1! 0lat f MtmCa. Tb lateasoEt of tb oolnar at i b auistt of tb l"iflia (ttatoa auribc tb cal aar roar 3CW libera a total of ? a tollonn: Gt14, Mt.lMKJ; elJrw, a2 .17; minor oolna. KM' "Mi. la aafiJUoa tb rovrrtnooat baa foiii4 W.d.OtHi jiloiwa for V m rir oe la, 1, 860. POP jiimt tor tb rcornnifut of Coloitbia ana 'An aroia Coliart lor tb ljouleiaua rurrbat Ct)ClUOIk. Wvviat at fC lMta F'olr. jaoooret&c to aflrir roriva at tb Srata apnartBioct from 1Ji'( C. Griarom. f nlta Siaiot n.ltttr 1 Ff-rsia. Imrtrur Dont btv poa orat to tb foraiaa nita lirter at Vatblnrtoa by tb frovortirooiit folativ ta aa cxbibit of TVmaa proflucit t tb LouiUaia furrbai cjinaition at fit. ljiita. Mr. Grtaooia alue aayt tbat tb FHjiaiali tort ira H)o ba ttoi iba miT- THE VALVE OF CHARCOAL fm r'.atlB svMW Mbw (orfail H h It ti iiiiltt HosIisi axa aVeBoty. Xasrly rwryboty knev ibai obaronal H tb safest asd most effinteat Bislnfeetant aafl psrlber la nature, but few realise ftt vatn vbna takes iats tbe bumaa system tor lb sans cleansing purpose. Charcoal is s remedy that tbe mars ro take of tt tbr better; tt la not a rug st all. tut aiKply absorha the gam ssd impurl Ts aiwar present ia lb stomach anB 1 testlnes and oarrias ihem out of tb trs em. Cbarooal aseeXena tbe breath after amok tag a4 orltk'tic or artor sating onions and o ber aaoreus vegetables Charonal ePaorual.'y rieara and Improve the oomplaxios, it vhhana tht teeth and lartbar acts at a natural ant eminently ear oatbartle It absorbs tb inyarteo gases vbira ool lert ta tb siemaih ant bowels; It dtsrs sots the ssos'-h ant throat froat lb Boa of satarrh. All drugglet sail obarooal 1a oa tons or asBtber, but arohauly tb bast cbarooal and tbe most Tor tt money ta fitaart't Ab sorbent liossoi k - ... j cosipcaea iot Snast Bv6era viliesr 4-barcsal ant SMber baraaVass aaUaaprlrs la tattiet form, ar, rather, la tb form of laraw. pleasant tast ing losengea, (be charcoal being misat vltb ' boner . Tbe daily use of the losangea vill a nee tsQ ta ssoch taaprsved eont.tioa of th reneral fcraOifc. lietier oompiexian, sireetar breath ant per blood, and tb b auty of ti la. tbat at anetibi barm can result frssi tbelr oautlsaet oso, asA. a tb ootrary. great beoeav A Bufiala iibrciclaa. la p(king of tb benefits of r btreetV aays. 1 advlii tttuan t Ahao'ifoat loaeuswt ta ail aatiantt eutfevtng trom gat la tb suimach aad brv ia ant clear ta oaaup)saB ant pur try th breatX. auauuh and I ureal. I aiaa be lieve tbe liver la greatly benefited by tb cairr as of tben: . tby aaet bat towsry-tva oeaut a aas at rug anoeea. aat aiiaough ta aaata Beat a aat prepapatian, yet 1 be lle I em snore ant better obarookl la Stuart's Aasorbeat Itoaengea than ia aaf 4 Us o-bor araual table is. r baa is tbrnngboat Persi of 1b eon! tie l et 4 lb rpvB'.ng f tb ra'T. or that tbos h t-t'rr stay ml e k Mt Vmt Da ma rtltHI. Tb cr-nerte? of tb rci war eoJ Ur i asbmrtos harrata iU b iaa oa titnhdny i4 art lb id 1nrt at va lnartUy s-atcd y lordey. TLf ji-inrlpal iJJrtw will b tbad by Freridett tooeetvOt. TIRES OF COURT LIFE lCotiitw3 from ririr, Par bo4. Pb -Cid oot -ar any omaicfcl fiHlt ritif -lih a str.t i-trl WTa tb r wt i- kr r- l-.fkt xp bft far-. H(t r it ilr-JHf ly ilaBttt aa ofi- baa4. Rut lb trwt iitTirrHKioa of br ' rffoatljtr a is o ay aJnrfl oa )rrr arooaittaac la proarstliif lb Woria oorrT,tia'al G:rta -fik kr ' 1ir;ly "-int ato ."' Sb loT.(rr uw try t:). Trl it it st tbtl l tb Kama cocrt t.b v u t Jaty of ooa and ka tdo ttrnr.iar iik lbn troutid tk aoct to fuflinlr titu a&a afiort a frr..i.r.y rcrror n,triT Tbfr at too cf ttn. bw"fT. is tb trta&rular fOtrritijrs iktl nrt!d on iki orra1on.. Girt plaliia iirprtlr tbat lb rt;tor s-.a a nirijitjr rorri'Otint. Tb jr;n f brpfl krr bfad 1a arquifiit and ittqurrd : Wril. bat rta 1 sty. Ttr it rotly boikir-f tktt it sol taca-a a!rey about ct " WJafl 1 YoloBtloosa. Otitmlnr lb 1b ormrr.oTiant'a soiio bad fs ltrat-ld by bur J'" pf ltttora tkf os a tab) ar windc-. b aa4 rayly Is rira ton: 'Ta. by Try i-ot It trea t- Tby ar of all kisdt; torn arr amuit.g. om ar totfralulatlot.. olbn oraiaia tkral lo kill ot botk. May hroFkt Cbrittmat tsd N Tr rrtitr H so iroobl aos to tDoniRrar i rad tkraa all. I coald do It alos. "T." lstrpoo4 Giroa, "ooo ar from on tarry Iot lik onrslTt, akinf for tympatky and ts mosry." H rpok lih a bm of fctiBiOT aid vb ;riocft loisod is: Oar ampalky. Iiy satsrsllr kar rot; at for money" ahmrribf br shoulder "tbat ia bat ciot moat; la it sot Aadre." Glron, bo ia "Anir" t o bT sow. r tursod br aBrtenat pas- rtOylaf . tlmata.Uy, Ak. trw, trs Tke prlacoaa oootisood : Tbs tbw It oat aiir'hJ Jo sac at Mm. Glrns' tbtt ia tb saoat jireiraa of all." Thit caid irtih anotbr oretaatic t;laiio at Giron, be lioasiod and bnrod rallantly la rotpona. Tb n tb Prinwiat aAdod: ""What tran tbliiF tby Itrt la tb jia jra about ut tbat vt ar lini lururi oualy bcr. that I an oniKiuaiUy making M jinHiv purtbfc.nn la lb t.bnria. It ia un tru.. A yon can .. llw !n;jly at ant to Vvt ara-aya hwsofltnnb." "Ton tr hitppy, tbm, maaam?" tb BToria oorroaponaoiit sucrwto4," rtoa aW rttUAor. "lty aol tirirrrw," tb jirMitmBS roplft. "it tbat 1 nan tint haif up-a-a of asy rliUaron. 1 have -a-ritioa and niitijrrfc.ibfl (ik..'.y to Irronaos for ti'tira. but tbor rnimm an-" F'ar. It 1 saB tbat sowum I am a jiriB onat I Hbouia In flfmlHB tb ripbt ar.y ochnr vomti ta my rrrrunnrtatin nouia aaanrt. to br cbulflrm. hH vorarvtir vtrUl at Ifwet that right it recciita. It cannot b tU-iic from mo. ll it all 1 auk of Tb ! crp-a prinoe." "Thy bop, Ooubtitwa, ly krpiiig yon ajiart from tout ubUarea to tnflun you to rotum ta Xrtis6ea.,' the corrRBponBfinl r markoA. Tlitin ft 'u that th prtooaat oartiMiUy . poke tb 'orflt guotea at tb haaa of thit Citpatcb. "XTr, vrvttr wVl I po bacat there. Xfvrr would I rotura to the puatfUua of jinoooaa. They art alavoa. aristocratic alfcf to ti- ' Quonc iavaa, oothiitg else. Boaiaoa. this It so pltiaeliig fkiicy. No amourott; It It profound lov. it it the dirty of max and a woaias to maia fo oocooiosoM' saka. Tt -ill 12 our Uvea toffther at "batrvnr coat The priopoaa vat ltonkint tirai and Giron aalt: "i hoik ro tfraatiy lauruod. Ka have bom Uirough oach osxioua aara." TberoujtfiB the 'World oorreapasarinl thankoa tb prioooas for bnr rounory and vitharrv. 'BTbllo tb prrsooaa va apnak ing ah ataplayod forvor anfl Ortomilnatioa. but vitbal she baa sofUMias of eiopoaiUaa vbirb left as aaooabi tniprraaios. Sbe ia not bandaom., nor roea vhat It oaliod fronfi lookinc. Hr photo oonvya a iaoa of vomaa of much more striking proses ne and oharanor tbas ah oaa roaly lay ciaia to luring. Hpt glanrna lom-ara Giroa vore molting la their tondorseaa, almost ombar raawing ta the tbrra party. But she really ma obilviout of anyoD'a jirnaono at thoo momenta ana in ejieaklng of ber Jo for Giroa ebe aiBi.layod a lack of reserve ouit abnannal She la an enigma. Ber renouncing of tb rroas seemlnciy la no notoriety kundng poati. but a genuin rt volt against oanCl tiont lit ltfr hateful to her. There it no oooentritdiy la her manner. ather ther it much -eetneat and aoihlng to Bugceflt th S,gfcnneat of a voman he caait pro priety to ib vtnai from irresmiibl me tivet til Bftlf-lnfluignnna. C7) IV PriflD IIP Til iL.ill l. I UUil ULALliT (ConUnut'd from First Fag French comjuwers. or. sben she fhelt heroic aui strong, uashing lnis some ol , ,in.cin afuT b vat j-oniinea in ibi c.on tb VLgner grand tones. It it not merely i pir-gori oouriety vbich lm,U the visitors 1 ask j v lHtur Father-Mv vbow heart , vitt th csar to Join bit vif 1a a Oust. B you 1 oould not Irv 11 you ver no l.ltJt s-iLh a fcn Uiuch. bui rifi iniiuif ' Ttk rare of vr.ureell 1 implur ynu. slot i.v. t it a piettiur in Ikit mighty ruler forgetting all tit caret at b pick out bit part from lb musir sheet in front of bus and oheCientiy tifllos-mg the shit fingers of th csarina at an points out th notes is sbinh b it to attend. This it th lit for vhicn tb cxtr s-at mad. Hit ouiet. refined nature it mur st bom in such surroundinge thaa Ib tb glar and sound of pubilr lire. N wonder bit fao often wears that itatned. tired look which all knew so well; no wonder that In the rniosi of the gorgeout flisplajt t bj, noun ia St. rus,,urg b.t . oftea a- V' " " tho1' bis ihougbts ver In aistant LlvaCi aiifl I tilt in.kf-! Ilk' tm Jim limh . . . ... . . , - ' -e j " '"- passion- su.iv loved vl and Tsuana ant bga and Tber tt aaoiber aoxabi vusitor at Taita at present, tb aged Count Tolstoi, vbo it alovry recovering trom a aever iirneea Count TteisaaL, it la neediest ts sat, it never sees s-ltbin the Imperial eonista H lives la vtrirt ewJusum and slut fnr bourt oa lb beach, aocomiianted by bit wilt, oontemiiiating the sea and ocuaaionaily vrlung At on t:mr th csar vat much Influenced fcy Coum Tolstoi't vriitnga but b now regaro btm at being a l;ttlr eccentric laa a -. tiont tool vita a cold; ti oa caa tell vbat tb end tut lie. Fneumunua. catarrh, chronic broiu blti and onosumpuas Invar iably result trom neglected colds Xothiftg eaa be eoanparwd with Cnamherlata t Cougb I.enudy at a ouuk car for ooldt and tn fuenza and ki lit us these disease auty bt tvuviued. SEIZE THE CUSTOM HOUSE tt Fvcn GabeL. PtOPlt BCOt TCs TO SrS W fiGHT i Bat tXaalaaatloa ! liit tbat tatea- tiao a aly fa WaV lM-V4f - E-ffevifv sea (alms la lr Hela-alaB. 1-A GrATR. Tfrro.a. .ttt f. Tit Grmant sudSmly landoa t torre of rrn- i rint at ririe CtbDo il mora eg and ! toe portooKKioa of tb m-..nni bou ant. barvf ti?nr ris:nrf ooiid k otr4. Tb vidtesxnl of 1b Itbtb-.ttxt va 1 leto and tby iirjr4 to dtfrnd ti rt-l of tb leva. Tb rt.rt slreafiy bud Ifrn btrriceSoa sktn It sat announood that tb landing r lb Germant m orly t mrTmnl ikkra in orirr to riear lb port ol rmt'l rrtf. ani rfiflT lb lmJLa ai:.r tt3f. Tt: lii a taJming fetl on lb poop".. sbei PJlifTod tbtt tb allio it:r3ffi IP or rLjT ail lb mincin boua- ib ib outi.T Tb rerolutioiii' ar tciJT cn tb on aklna of Tuno Cabfllo Tb Erit.ah guttxit: ZuB.btd.-r. formr'.T lb VnrDlaa sar ifsod of ibtl nam, skich )-fi bre yiraay fnr Tntiasd vr.b a icnm of priret is tctr. va rhiif-rfl ir riura i iht lal nigkt. rvir.g in tb btvBprs rarj-rir-g t"ty r'potiraiy on tr--ooutt of lb heavy pa) tiov:i.g atiS mrmif pontrary mrmt Tb Firiiuh rruinrr Tri liut srat oot l j: awi:apo The Imllan cmiwr Gicranns Etuntn kt lert ber for Curacao. er It viil ooal. fsys Cavrmoas ta TS. read - rAE.15. .Ian. 4 A eipttc.b to tb Vttia from Crarat aya tb ciiy m mnaoed ly rTlutitnary foroet ia tb poifkbnrbooa The ditpalck fletcrilx' tb situation at Can cat a critical. Tb bank,, b st-rt. lacka lb reonlra resourr to wt lb blllt and rTmBei of tb goT'ornmort and a forced loan 1 feared, shirk viil aCett forpignrrc a veil a Yenerotvlanfc. HURTS THE USURERS iContiBOfd from First fjrr ) searcbea tb prisoner ver oonCurtefi it oella. Later la tb Bay Era Humbert va takes 1 befor tb examining marlmrate. sbn. aftir brief ouettioning. tola her sb va at lib erty. As aferung Mif follrs-ea vbea ber oia granCmoibrr. 1b viflov of a fnrmfir misisHT of the Interior, met ber in tb oorriflor orttia. Tb vomea fell ltt.o eaik others arms veeping blnerly, arret vki;h tb granfimolber look Era bom v1th In. frsBOOthy- tor tTv-au Era't position ercrte grmral rnnpatty. Tb girl, vbo perer sa very strong, suf fers from heart trouble. Eb va nroupbt up at a renea gen Up voman, great oar being taken vlih ber oBuratinx., a.nd vat rer aJloveB to tnr atytbrtig of Mma. Humliert'a scbemnt. Trannacuont vjtk vhicb all the other members of tb family sere thoroughly familiar ver nerer re ferred to in her presenile. Tbue sb grev up b 'omiileie lignoranor of tb real posi tion nf herself and tboe around ber, lnr ing nothing of tb plotting tyiiocnsy and rvindling vbicb vat going on in th family. ytom tb first it bat been reoognisea tbat it vouia b grossly unfair to keep tb inno rnnl girl in prison because she baB tb mie torxun to lie oomieneB vlth tbne respon sibit for tb gigasuc tvinfil vbicb bat landed tbem ia the ooDciergerie. Bo tbr sp tioa of tb avuiborltiet in set.ting Era promptly at liberty meet viib general ap proral. Tb flay after ber reieas Kdil fcprerlB.. veil ktnova ia Trit literary cir clet, paid s visit to tbr girl's granBmotber on Due Be Confl.. "STbil Jftme. Sever In vat tber Era vat lntroDuced to bnr. Km., fiererrn fleocriliet bov, ia a patbetir narra- ttve. brokea by many sobs and sorrevfu recolleotiona. the girl tola tb visitor that until tbe gendarme cam into tb boue at MaBriB and arrestefi ber parents sh knew shsolutely nothing of vbat bad been going on at Avenue ta ia Grande Arm la Paria. la telling of tb filgbt trom boms, Eva said : Jly parents told me they ver going into tbe country for rest, but la tbe cab they both -cried frt ts break tbelr bearta. Tbea Vbey asked m If 1 vould not prefer to r malB ia rant vltb gransi-" But tb tlrl loved ber grief-stricken father toe much and Declared tbat sb vould go vita them, so all vent to Mafirl 4. !.- for Ber FaS-r. Km., ieverine asked Era if sb still meant to take tbe veil. "St." tb girl an twereB, "that would be selfiBh. 1 vieb to llr fnr my father anB for bim alone. 1 know tbat my lifr ia niba snB bencefnrth I Khan be branded at a reprobate, but I do not mind that- 1 sbaH never marry, but vil consul my fat.her. For my sake b vlll not kill bimaelf. but fear be viU let bimsrlf ui slosly from oetpair tind bunger." At Kmc. St-verin said goodbye lb poor girl a soul found vnt in lb pktbeur cry. Hsv pity on btm. madam. 1 burr so i rart:ly seen TLim emilt. K s at so goofl, so unhupjy. Ky poor, fltiar" Tben th ' girl tear burst out afretk. ? UTB " "rw1"T Era iorettbpmor AU Iror aS- turn seemt lo Ix- ltrisbed ujmn ber fatJier 1 esjieciklly sinct recent revelatiunt bavj aiiovn that bt., like ber, sat Ui rictim oi ! th aeeirniliE Tberew.. Tb follovitig let- t. mk m-riiTen i.t Fa- m her .?. m I ni, 1 I ait i.f.nv in1 ".rtTi..t ; i yiur health- veu. shoe const it iriuu l ' tfiit eiroiifc. T'i inn ft 11 iti. I in in:-rt iu I urn Tnnrt. That vouid t Creuctui lor mn. t'to lev you niore than atij'iiiti:g fit enrtli l.fc. 'i tb O viib frraiiiin.a 1 tnuu you kwiutt tt. ' detrwei ffciiier Vlth tenoree: di'-i'Tl.ii.. ynur dturntrr. vtmn. you nuuet mi EVA HX-KFEET. IB-. GilbiTL, tb medical attendant she trarelea With tb Humbert! from Kadnd u Fans and bad lour talks sit.h Km.. Humbert, both IB prison and during tb ! fiiiT'tsB"r 1 a WitTinsv ut - , .. M traora:nary eniat,; gav. j UQ. oepressed and smiltng V, turns f5b I talked almost jsoesaanUy oa tb train .-... , .,.,, . ,.... ., : n,u, her oonuow and enia:ned bos tb i had been vtetimiserl H-hen ih. .,.,.! vr the. --. r,.,rtA, , i...... j ber on thai topic sb poured proteetfc lions 1 of ber innoneno lute my oar. In her I lndignanon sbe clenched ber 1st at m- rwibl enemtea. then brok mm a lamett over ber poor daughter, who bad bees reared in lusury, pui new it iwnnitesa Sb Haawt. ""bea sh had exhausted that sht shot ed m her rmgt and hoped bur clfc would not b taken from ber. Il luming to her arrest, en oeclared ener geucaliy iba: ah sat tb must honest woman la Franc and thai in ib course of ber wbol lit sb bad never commutes an act which oouid lamifcb th honur ber name. " Tbey bv called m tb tnpt-if: rclitier of tb century.' sb cried 'What Um-j abould btv said it tbfct ain tb on I hat bat been robbed tb moet ' "Sb left oa mr tb lnipreaaiiis of on suCeruit from baiiucu-a uuna, ha I .--v.v:..-a-rs-.'t' Vjt. 1 &'J j -Mi W m ;fSf-If ' t "'If if $ 1 -if 1 "C- The values we jjive you in this sale will not only please you today, but will anchor your trade to us permanently in the future. There's little profit in such prices, but it reduces the season's stock to where we want it cleans up hundreds of odd lengths and keeps our large force of tailors busy during the winter months. BEAR IN MIND AUoTirg-rnenteivrexsadebj the best f killed itilcrs cf Omit and earh ptrmenl it csrt'tflj fitted to you before being completed. Note the fabrics zni wiccs Get your order oa our books early Moaiay raorng. KARBACH BLOCK ttllen into t irhr ,bf bid ltifl lor o.ber I and fu.ibb lj Ih.1;m-:i.e tbr Ft one f.lip 1 it vent efi. -WLen sb stu.l ( of the Cris-forB ' or, tag sbp v.h,W.,:.:j tfLrmefl l.t tb ,.y (t;ffL j,u; XU U, t stolen trom bcr r-y nTh-pit-ced Furisita botamMiuea vbom tl' iw could comixil i ; id mi-Lt res-. ortt.iou. , Th sjxtakt very st.h t.''- ft crerr o-bi j subject. Imt tt socn st tin Cr-fore mi!- t 1 lions ar lo-oai beti sin raablcs. liecomca ! ' lnoiiheirent and accuses "bf pcvertnjff. und ! all tb pr:tic;pti btt.ts t.f bcitf lm-gbed 1 fc.gfc.mBt bi-r to stcul bi-r n.illions. i ; 'In ary rpinioa ah is a imiu tfllittefl vith tbe Icily of und nmner. 1 ' am corvinced thut sbr is absolutelr w- . consrinuF of tut Ter.pousibility sbe but i ! incurred and dm- nut lor a miimei: realiB 1 i ber real situation, fh believed sb was j I coming it I'Lrif to coiouufl bur en:mies 'and olit.ii;n specSi ItKrutiun "In on ctn -vermit ml . .b m sii d- i iart-fi thfct even in tli height ( f ber ', splendor sb never wasted nionrr. tbtt ; under th of luvury rb bad i often lacked pei-esau-M. and tbat in her 1 vbnl lif sb had never stient H Iml need : letsly " ' bat foti r I Apropot of t hese LSher: lout fct' ni5 ser- ant of the Hun ben tun..'y suppl (,.,rs-.u.c tacts cor,-. 1-1 enu o lfc G-tna Arniw.. Fron r:f to t"d aui. KTient Dfcliv OI: " bl IUM. out .nit sum wus mcriased fc I uo"Te(.!oio ai butiredlold at tb , I gsla tibbe-e sbict set p.vei rregnen. :y j Tbor we' tftoee eentn-t s no ver J ruled with a rod o? iron alms. Farsj-r. 7 tb v." oT Sim r tin oe-. ib'-.u.iiuh. fcrrt-r! Bn hat inouigee in eiteu -i- l m I Vn,. Ftrkrr Uft ali account a. and it mpromsa bit -- f unctirmarie by re suljert ' fvT,-teti tbat an :eatheed bet bust i ..... lraiiBacn.iiin inn tbey bad vlth ber. mm rflecTuallv r!!i wet fc! l"' c-ioa in Mm Huniiier; tud u Ui on o! tb servatita v in v us in as tht ; leH-pfaobea. of i. l..i L sen hiouen , t-a in tne mti. t uin t'pci '.ed cortiera There iV.ui. f-Ln.'.' ' k-ayt iU::Hed i on ber too'.nx-c :a:: atic her tiuuert and coachmen tut luC ruln-i.nd E'iim j uuailec belor lit r. servart tuu on nw-t u? ib thn:i.' tin F-eo-T.-A Han. lien, ber s-ncd it e.i - a! cn-ud uf b. Oom:be'riig pur-ui'? i. ( put,t.ed niost o" tit t:ni t-'iitiei -i :c -in s- ucr c.i'-t bt tHJUiiia h. ti.:-.; i. jj a j-ar: iv mm A Chance in our vindovi this vetkl I 1 1 VM IVV W v V"Jil l iV J TV i Shrader's LAX AT IV Manufactured by Omaha , htlt -u, farit" ataitmbied . ... iber to pay tneir raspecss w m th bouse Fredeni-k neart always left the bouse by lb set-rant' stalrnaee "'beB b mot BomeBtlca bt st- rt.ierentiallr. Iils-ingusUied viaitor ver fre,.uent aitr tb Chatesn de Vlvet Eauk T hen Lb wfc madr oa that plan after Humbert j fiMfl tb, JK)tu oestrcyed tb oT a larg qua hut ? ui iuii "e- j.ersouaget s ho nan oeei yura.p I er.. but Jems. Humbert amvt sn nae : W(JW rf ..n pbotirapb and threaten u, ,,r(,ou( tbem Mot than one sine or reiationt tormerty and her am.'y. but it i ooul.tful II eb ttt -bei 2:n of oelena it ber tna: if 'the can the that tbor it any rea. ground lor ber s ory ol tb Crtslurd legacy. tfclr a arVlot HV rEiNnSr'0 Jan TU nee rani lietaeet fat Francisco and HonolulL it ti readr m f n working o-der and a larg run" t"ir o niessaget ar nenig bendiee Tarouat mt tourietj ol Ciarunct U. buu- Omaha's Popular Priced Tailoring House. HERE'S A SNAP NICOLL'S JANUARY u to have garments madtvtO'Order at about cost of material and making. WE'VE SOMETHING LIKE A THOUSAND REMNANTS, SHORT LENGTHS, ODDS AND ENDS, ETC. THE RESULT OF A VERY BUSY SEASON'S TRADE. It is our custcm at the end of every busy season to collect the surplus stock remnants short lengths odds and ends bunch them together and then cut them to your order at about cost of materials and mak' ing. TROUSERS S5 worth S6 and S7 TROUSERS S6 worth S7.50 and 58. TROUSERS S7 TROUSERS S8 bey're zn oaf x a ynax you u ia You'll find a prcfitab'e rurprise awaiting you- Removes Alvine poison the cause of appendicitis. That's all you need. W. J. Shrader Med. Co,, and New York. tfc and o-her oflinials tin eha-gi lu. r,,ii. tin- uendinc nmttucw to and - - - - - from Honolulu Ouru ib lasi two naya Tb acbievi mem vesieruay of sending Ui t.falH.-word tiseiMtia ed F-ee s:or from Honolulu it addition to many private aug. i-orsioe-eB remarkul.t work 1ia lb trst uay of th ne cahii s nmtallatioi. 1 CCTESTS DIVORCE DECF.EE l.aen E. (rrb a tana- Prttl aat sa. e aw He .4I Tw-ti m H tHwii areeaHin. n.EalLiVT Neb. Jul. t ifcoemui - k u:vnrc i-ae of rt -her ucueua iiatu- but lieen or triu! in ib ilistmc: court tor lit last t i Oa' fc Lj.k: Hummur l:u?u Cu-:. otiUblliec a i!'.-iirin Tiini bis w irn ioirt furtifc. hi resule in I'leveluiiii 0. fir the ground o! Oiwwtiiii. iwirvir was bad b iUblii:ioa The ocfonuwlil kne eiubllit ariotit tb i u i:n: i. sune- tint a'-n- tbt Oecre a eiiifll t.lid snni . hiciaffe' 1 iMiguu at ai'tuin ir In vf li eel awuiv alleg ing Tmu( aiiC ibfc. eb liad a s-ivic ceeii,-4 to tb S'- irin ft"fc"d tnn tin evr Oenc ttltt fll":i Hi""1 asn tK- ia-ucu a Nu-.t t,Lu4 ti "u'.i., ti l aat worth S8 50 and S9. worth 59.50 and 510. 522 and 525. 527 and S28. S30 and 532. 535 and 540. to ur 209-211 South 15th Street. sni aside or. trmuui of lmgiila.-Utet sr beneim obcalne vhiimn n. i . - - th Oer.,oam s b.t salarie i 'urt ta aea been for u. led emplove o,' rb viblr kri UK Blaihln comnativ ot Cleveland f.. li. uha-r of tiiu-t nf tbe. wwarerk buslDeet slra ru-ti aud a rown ur mnr ktui OuirbrriT a-r preeent Ir oourt. lUKh aide bkvr a strnug array or eourteel and are hlrte-H bsbtli th caee bluet of tb e:lnmi.v ennuie: of le.-r.rr ansi of vblrh we- srirren yt Curste vb,i p at- etui u,g ih f-a-a .Knoalilnt ecd traveling U. Fu-o). .Miilp nlintinant voxm-r) STanred af-t li-eita lllujinha-d a d'vore frofc nnr bue-1-U.C caa ala. was stno,: ,. teereU nr !. giutid that th plalntlC we on; a huna h. readmit nf Vebraaka aud b t rb na-:i hrifik beet rbi plaln tlt m,H Jvln reaiibMl In iel.rUa fn sit nun, at hetn flllu, bnr petltlnu. SnMTMMfc, ' Tli. n-t and nmoihw nr ak-Sar-Ren liwtp Vn S-i Kanieni 0-o.r f l-nne n-knieb ar e)uae)Kli tr mml m tB,r ball Kui.dv afrerniww at t W p a te stall Tnr ih Tutteral or our let b-e ,f4r 3 r l ft .V-.ffiRn bl f sm .,., Um m aifa-itaeta E FIG POWDER ll i i .-iarr,.r-i - .