I; 8 BANKERS RESERVE LIFE A Successful Home Life Insurance Com pany Dolnx a Phenomenal Business. BANNER YEAR OF ITS LIFE Ni'lirnaUii'n SI roiiitt'xl Life i n ti -l.enil All Com M1 1 1 am tor 'I'll In Year. HuhIiii'hh In every lino Iisih been exoep tionnlly g'od In this state fur several yrarn. Life Insurance liiiH never lieforo been so much In demand, l'enple nri' eek'iiK Hafe Investment. Life Insurance companies stood the teKt f pimir and disaster belter than any oilier form of mivlnKs int I' ul Inns. Therefore, life Insurance Ih now sought by men, not cnly for protect Ion, Imt for In vestment. It Is th" Hafent ficm of In vestment, as time has demonstrated. Tliln Ironic- ('oiitii it y offers policies not only si'iurlni? protection to thn family, but which are first class Investment! for those who are seeking ln t crept -hearing securities. A policy In the Hankers Uescrvo Fjlfe Association Is better than a Koverninent bond, because It Is as safe, and the percentage of Increase Is moro than double the rate allowed on gov ernment bonds. The Investment Is lie tier 'I'll nil ll liiiii'riimpnl lloml also because the beneficiary In nnn of those, policies will receive tho face of the policy no matter how small may have been the number or amount of premiums paid. Tho future of Life Insurance In Nebraska Ih assured. The state laws governing the management of Nebraska companies I'lllccK h feft inirila A roil ml tho assets, surplus and reserve of Ne braska companies which will steadily strengthen the companies as they prow In power and Importance. Tho Hankers He rervo Is conservatively inanaKcd, based upon well established principles nnd writes upon thoroughly tested plans policies which nro unexcelled In the world. II. II. HoI.U.mi, rrcalileiit. Is an old life Insurance underwriter and ex pert. He Is building this company for nil time. It. Is his life work. He Intends that It shall be IiIh monument. He wants good audits nsslst In pushing the Rood work Write him at McCimuo liuildlng, flinah i Neh. BETTER ;THINK t ABOUT THIS There are engravings and en gravlngs, but the kind that are really good are the ones we make. J. Manz Engraving Go. CHICAGO: NEW YORK: i 193-207 Canal St. IJ-2J.27 Cil Hall Place j RcoLd What Co burn Soys. "I'm ttlud to bear of the urowiia r AHMKK circuit- Bill COM tion, ami itundy how you imll to- lie u hie to gethnr mich a funi each week of inteiest i.i. ii.r..r- 111 11. VkllllK- mutioii. Oil making paper woiih much mute hii t lie lllollry asked for it. Kansas Statt A. .. .W More iiionr-v is spout for articl by tlie iiromiiuMit men and for the handsome ami interesting illustrations Uian lv anv omer larut journal. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER., ttraaa el., Omaha, krb. Send .for PKHF. SA If'f A' CO''. WE WANT A UUOD AO. NT AT EVfcKV HOSrOFFICE. 1 SUSLdUUMf JaM-JUWPWJSi1- The Best 4 Interna tional Dentifrice Muknethe twlti IxwulKuL Hi nni. I.nr.l. Ilia brnalu. il. Fmrm ae m.'U aa Iwaulitioe Iwlli. omreoniH ail the olotoiiij aide fature (moid In powdttre and li.iiilit. HotiTttiilmit to um and rarrj. &C.VH. At Mil drunalaia. C. H. STRONQ A CO. Chlcasoi U. S. A. ORPillNE-OPIUr.1 and I ilhlM M II A1IIT (.'Ul-rd bf iiiiIm L.uu. tn.UlwuL alitlorali Ikllll Uaeil by ledliK ptiyalcluiia. A trial treatment auUU'iuit to oouuu. jrou, arut f rt 'U book ol UsauaiouUU aualrd. Uorrwpomienoa OuudJ-nUt. 7 ! f r Nivl sth Evfl Carnegie's Lieutenants (Continued from Third Tago.) trouble resulted. Tho riotous element held full sway and mine and county officials hid themselves becauso drink-crazed strikers swore, that they would kill the. first American who attempted to Interfere with Ihelr anarchistic doings. Everybody was scared everybody except "Tom" Lynch. Despite the pleadings of friends this small man would walk Into the midst of a group of strikers and order them to Bcatter to their homes; and they obeyed. He did more to quell riots In the Connells vlllo region than a dozen officials. So Mr. Lynch was made superintendent of every thing that Frlck and Carnegie owned In this coal and coke line. Five years ago, when Mr. Frlck retired, Mr. Lynch took his place as president of Iho coke company He Is worth about $2,000,000. The story of how Mr. Charles M. Schwab became ono of Mr. Carnegie's most trusted lieutenants has already been told many t lines. II is New Honor He was a large man and his bosom f welled with nrlde t,s he stepped up to thi desk and r glsti red, reports the Brooklyn Kagle. H was evident that he knew he was a man of distinction. Tho clerk glanced nt tho name and was l-UZZlt'll. "Hnven't you stopped with us before, Mr. Barker?" asked tho clerk. "Dozens of times," answered tho large man. "I thought I recognized you," said the clerk, "but there seems to have been a change In your name." "There has been," asserted the larg man; "a most Important change." "You always registered before as 'John Darker,' and now you have It 'H. J. Marker.' " "Of course, of course," returned the large man. "I gucs you haven't heard from my district or you wouldn't worry about that. I've been elected to congress." "Oh!" said the clerk, puzzled. "That gives mo another initial, doesn't It?" "I don't quite see " "What a thundering lot of Ignorance some of you city people have. That makes me Honorable John Barker, doesn't It? And that's H. J. Barker for short, ain't It?" How Pineapples Grow Many persons have an Idea that the pine apple grows on a tree. As a matter of fact. It comes out of the ground as a stalk, the plant growing to a height of four feet. It divides at once Into swordlike leaves, fifteen In number, from tho center of which projects a stiff, upright stem, and at the top of this stem grows the fruit. The stem Is short and the crown of the fruit, when full grown. Is a foot or more below the tips of tho leaves. Each plant produces a single "apple," but when that Is pulled a little sucker appears on tho stem, among the leaves, and this becomes the head of the plant, and within a year produces anothet apple. This may continue for years. "BLUE RIBBON" Don't forget to order "Blue Ribbon Beer' for your homes. ALWAYS PURE, ALWAYS THE SAME "Hlim Ribbon" will tone ud your appetite. aid digestion, ao that you will appreciate your dinners to tne fullest extent. itlno Ribbon" la the hlKheat point or ex cellenee In fine table beers telephone your orders now to No. l-'tw, Homing iepan ment. Storz Brewing Co., OMAHA, NKn. Try a Sample Case. Telephone 12ti0. fiLGOQD THEii M 1503 1 1 l ; : l THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. IRri! "Big Four" A Railroad Of the People Operated For the People And Recofnlied By the People A the standard passenger lin of the Central States. 2.500 milas of railway in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Kentucky and Michigan Write for folders. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe. Oen'lPas. 4 At. Gen'l 1 Tkt. A(jt. A T. A. CINCINNATI. OHIO. iaa,-J- IIVA, rwevr JiJrA kaA mi r mi 1 1 mi T) CI ..a-i.t. H. u. WtitiLY, manager ior renraska. Herchants National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb.n I'lrtmc s nil ni'i inform it ion rrjiirtliwj an ' cndoirmnit fov t if iAsucd at i(trs iiije. Xumc Athln-s a"" P aa -x ,-a YOU CAN BUY OUR HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time in The Illustrated Dee. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of $1.00. On larger cuts, 6 cents per square Inch. They are 11 In first-class condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. BIG WAGES TO MEN and UrtMCM . w.Slfcll r. Taxaall mad !.) lha lint fit nu.nl In. nr " ui a 11., iz im, jy . air I lay f Vt . tt thai day. Mr. Ihariia, of Ma I HU.'iia aftcrumiu. Mr. i.llioil, of Pa I7 lirt to d) Jl r. Howard, of la ' WWm vDiKk. Huuiiirdi of ot hen making tug mon-r miu.f sod srpiDt- r bulb I'aUaaU. Pra. tniued. Lai you Wa furnub itl,in. Aoyont Wlllln . rt Kn,W a n n . L . - a . wak IUT. Oraataat tuoncy oiakrr known. Ju.i what tTarybody Dsada. Uaudrrful Hrllrr. Wt'rt old firm. Capital lluo.uon tm. Wrtle fur New PUa. Teraaa, I'BU, Addraaa WfOf 'J M i- 0 CO., 621 Moria Bldg.. Cincinnati, 0. January 4. Upr? Easy to Play, Easy to Buy Victor Talking Machine No Home Complete Without a Machines from $15 to $50. Sold on wc( k ht payments of f 1.25. Sen! for new catalogue. A- HO PF 1513 ,"k' St., Western Dint riliu tor. ATTENTION Thousands are investing In Tonopah and aro making fortunes why ? Be cause the gold is there. It Is the rich est camp on earth today. You can make It and make It quirk on a Hmall Investment. Remember that tho man that uccs Is the man that wins opportunity offers if wou re fuse you lose. For information ad dress, J. H. LOUNdE & CO., 31 t alUglinn Hl.lg Kan Francisco, California. A? For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh The Oldest Bemedy, haa a national np ilallon and haa never bn-n Kumll,..! for Ih In.l.nt rt-IU f and prmanrnt rare nf r.tarrh, t old, in the brad and thf Mlondaut ileadaihe and Urafnraa Kh. .10m i.-at Hne of Bmrll Immediate rell. f lluaranlMM). (iiidranlwd rrftctlv harmloas. Ak enri'" f I? 1a I'"'ue uh.tliut;rPrir5 cicu'S fret dn"""" ' IH-tpaid. F. C. KEITH. (Mfr.l. Cleveland. Ohio ARNOLD C KOENia Mam. Aaa. Baft. r. u . . . CIVIL AND HYDRAULIC ENQINEER -- K. T. Ufa Bid.. OMAHA. W,tar lapply, Sewarace. Orada puta. pw!t. M-j-. Bo atnpu. aid Steal Tw. JLd Biemlnatleaa and reports ea rail wit - - 4 uua .f 1 1 h u.. UiiiLil. aaatalMM.. nuue atw mix