Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20
20 THE OMAHA DAILY I5KE: SUNDAY, JAN IT All V 4. 100.T. AMENDMENTS TO TAX LAWS Cannnlnlanet IlenuDf Will Bnr, gst 8Terl to Ctirta Brrin'ao Committee. WAuNTS DETlNtTE. DATE TOR ASSESSMENT CoBslderv Pmat Law tasattsfartarrr te ClMrl of Prperty Vary fa TiIm Dwrlas; Two Month' Time. Tax Commissioner Fleming at Id yesterday morning that It la bl Intention to prepare for the committee on charter revision be fore the close of next week some auggea tlona aa to desirable change In the lawa on taxation. Speaking of thla matter be aid: "Of course the principal change to be de sired la the repeal of that clause of the charter In regard to railroad taxation which baa been dealt with In the resolution adopted at the general meeting of Friday Bight. There are, however, other provisions of the present charter which might with advantage be revised, and these I will en deavor to point out. My suggestions will chiefly be calculated to facilitate the work of assessment. "I am convinced that It would be desira ble to have aome definite date fixed for the assessment to take effect. Aa It Is now, an assessment may be based upon the value of property at any time between September IB and November 15, and In that period the yalue of aome clauses of proprrty, particu larly the stocks of businesa houses. Is likely to vary materially. In the county assess ment, the atatement, no matter when It Is Biade, Is based upon the value of the prop arty on April 1, and that conduces to fair Bess toward all persons assessed. I believe that the city also should have some fixed date, and I shall so recommend." COOPERATION IN HOME GETTING Rotable nhovlag Blade by the Omaha Association la Its Twentieth ; Annnal Report. The twentieth annual report of the Omaha Loan and Building association was presented at a meeting of the board of di rectors at tho association onVe, Bee build ing. Friday evening. According to the re port the BMiets amount to $572,165.22, a gain of $98,588.79 during the last year. Receipts aggregated $380,664.54, out of which thero was paid on withdrawals $137,778.42, for loans $221,837.68 and $7,253.16 for expenses. .Earnings for the year amounted to $39, 213.22. Of this sum a dividend of per cent took $26,906.79 and $5,053.27 waa car olled to the reserve fund as required by law. i An Instructure feature of the report la j the showing made of the value of co-operation In procuring homes. During the last 'half of the year the association assisted 101 members to secure homes of their own ;in Omaha and South Omaha and In the j twenty years of Its life 1,134 members were ' enabled to purchase or build homes: The association has 2,075 members, carrying 12, 270 shares. The usual semi-annual dividend of 3 per tent was declared by the directors. Genuine imported beer on draught. Ed ttiaurr's. 1306 Farnam street. ITA9TINGS HEYDE. Kavr Real Estate and Canada Iand Firm. E. T. Heyden has recently sold his in terest in the Omaha Bicycle Co. and has associated himself with Byron R. Hastings, who has been with the Byron Reed Co. for 'the paat fourteen years. They have opened a real estate business under the name of Hastings ft Heyden, at room 610, N. T. IJfe building. They have inapected large tracta of lands in Canada the past season and will have the sale of these lands the -coming year. Sub-agents will be ap pointed in Iowa and Nebraska and excur sions will be made to Canada several times each month, beginning early in the aprlng. In connection with these lands they will also handle city property and other farm lands. With the past fourteen years' ex perience Mr. Hastings has had in the real estate business and Mr. Heyden's experi ence and reputation as a businesa man, these two gentlemen will no doubt com mand their share of the business transacted. H0RT0N SUCCEEDS DICKEY Comes from Denver to Beeome Super intendent of Fifth Central Division. - Charles B. Horton has been appointed superintendent of the fifth central division of the Western Union Telegraph company, to succeed J. J. Dickey, deceased. Mr. Hor ton waa for thirteen years assistant super intendent to Mr. Dickey, holding that posi tion till laat summer, when he was trans ferred to Denver aa assistant superintend ent there. He will now return from Den ver to taks this position. Sale I January Olooring In order to close out the balance of our Winter Wooletis and to keep our tailors busy during the dull season, we make a big reduction in prices. Any $35.00 and $30.00 Suits, now $25 00 $27.50 and $25.00 Suits, now $22.50 $24,00 and $22.50 Suits, now $20.00 $20.00 Suits, now $.7.50. Every Garmment Cut, Fitted and lade by Skilled Omaha Tailors In Our Own Work 5hop, and we guarantee perfect fitting and well-made garments or your money back. We arc making the best fitting, bsst made Up-to-date Popular Priced Tailoring in Omaha. If treating you right will hold your trade, we are at your service. This is no flim-flam, skin game sale, but a strictly reliable dull season inducement for the direct benefit of the men of Omaha. We advise an early selection as the stock won't last long at these prices, Paris Woolen Co. Omaha's Busiest Tailors. D. H. Beck, Mgr. 1415 Douglas St. This Bank opened for business Sept. 6, 1902. Statement December 30, 1902. RESOURCES City of Omaha B per cent bonds ; ts.noo 00 Time- loans 5,OM 42 City and county warrants.. 20,X3 11 Premium account ........... K 62 Fixture & sO Demand loans.. ....$45,000 00 Cash In ' office and banks 43,823 64 88,823 64 $201,140 59 " LIABILITIES 'apltal $50,000 00 ndlvlded profits 1.116 0J Deposits: Individual depolts$135,n5 Kl Time certificate... 14.W5 72 Demand certiflcstes 7S 64 Cashier's checkp... 7i4 65 Total deposits ....$1GO,024 63 $301,140 CJ Certificates of deposit issued for 3, 6 or 12 months, bearing 4 per cent interest. TOO MUCH STOCK Is the cause of the slaughter of men's and boys' wearing apparel at 1519 and 1621 Douglas street. Shaw-knit Socks, 20c; fleece lined men's Underwear, 19c a gar ment; Working Panta, 48c; men's rattling good suits of clothes, $5.00, amongst them re pure all wool black clay worsted suits; Storm Ulsters, from $3.90 up; Rockford Socks, extra heavy, with double soles, 6c; men's Work Gloves, leather faced, 15c; also Jersey Gloves for same price; genuine Guyot Suspenders, 39c; imitation Guyot, 16; black Canvas Gloves, 6c; fine line of men's One Pants, $1.90; Regent $2.60 Shoes, $1.60; pure all wool extra heavy Under wear, marked down from $1.26 to 75c, this la a genuine bargain; also big inducementa In Suits and Overcoats at $7.60, $10.00 and $13.50. Money saved Is equal to money earned. It costs you nothing to look at our goods. It they don't suit you. It's no harm done. It's up to you. The Guarantee CHothlng Co., 1619 and 1521 Douglas street. If Your'e a Druggist beat these prices if you can. If you are HiUKk AR1ICLES (and most everybody does now and then) take advantage of Lf.9.8. J,J?CP8- ur motto Is just this: 8CHAEFERS SELL, IT TOR LESS $1 VlnoL, not fl, bat 7rc $1 D. D. D., not i, bat 8Bo $1 Peruna, not $1, but ic $1 Pierce's Remedies for 64c $1 ller's Malt Whiskey 62c Pretty good percentage of saving, Isn't It? 85c genuine not Imitation Castoria... 24c $1 Temptation Tonic new stock 25c $1 Parisian Hair Tonic guaranteed.. 75c $1 German Kimmel Bitter guaranteed 75c $1 Canadian Malt Whiskey pure 7Sc Allcock's Plasters 12o 25c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne loo SCHAEFER'8 SELL. IT FOR LESS DON T FORGET. SGIIAEFER'S OPEN ALWAYS. Two Phones 74T and'A3S23. S. W. Cor. 10th and Chicago fits. PEHKOJIALLT CONDUCTED. Florida Kxcarsloa Via "Dial riyar" Rants. On Tuesday, January 6th, an excursion rill be run from Nebraska to Florida with through aleeping ears from Omaha and Lin coln, via Burlington Route to St. Louis and ths "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jack sonville. This excursion will be a personally con ducted one and will be in charge of Mr. George W. Bonnell. C. T. A., B. 41 M. R. R., Lincoln, Neb., who Is thoroughly familiar with the points of Interest enreute and In the stste of Florida. As you pass through Cairo, Martin, Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon, and make a 12-hour stopover at Chatta nooga, where an experienced guide will conduct the party through Chattanooga Fark. pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and other points of Interest, the trip will be an Interesting and instructive one. An early application for aleeping car pare is suggested. Ask for copy of illus trated booklet outlining the trip at 140! Karnam St., or write W. H. BRILL. Dlst. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb. There's only one Stonecypher. He prints. Monroe Coal and Feed Co., 807 N. 16th 8t. Tel. 971. t'H.lNUU OK TIME. Vilwaake Railway Increases Xaatber of Trains and ( kin Time. Beginning today, 8unday, January 4. ths Milwaukee railway Increases ita train serv ice between Omaha and Chicago to three Brst-closs daily trains each way. East bound these trains leave the Union depot, Omaha, aa follows: No. t. Overland Limited, 8: OS p. m. No. 6, Eastern Express, 6:45 p. m. No. 4, Atlantie Express, 7:45 a. m. These trains are all Bnely equipped with palace aleeping cars, dlntug cars and free reclining chair cars. "Thla Is the road that bss the electric lights." City office, 1504 Farnam street. H. E. A E. Hubermsa. Furs remodeled b4 repaired. 118 South lith street. Who's Your Tailor? Don't order your clothes until you look over our line of woolens. One thousand (1,000) different styles to select from. Prices reasonable and within reach. Workmatmhlp and trimmings A 1. Bulta $20 to $40. Over coats. $2a to $50. Trousers, $6 to $10. DRESHER OPEN EVENINQS. 1313 FARNAM Telephone 1857. TRAVELERS' TIME-SAVER January Now on Sale. Price 25c, or $2 a Year The New and Up-to-Date Railway and Hotel Guide. Published by Travelers' Guide Co. at 17 U, 8. Nat. Bank Bids;.. OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA A Beautlfal Calendar. The Milwaukee Railway has published an artiatie calendar for 1903. Six sheets, lOxU Inches, of beautiful reproductions in colors of pastel drawings by Bryson. Price. 25 rents. On sale at City Ticket Office, IbOe Farnam street. Try the Chicago laundry, 'phone 3u5. A. B. Hubermann, only direct diamond Importer In the west. Corner Thirteenth and Douglas. Callahan Printing Co. Call 985. 711 S. 16th. Cbamberi'School of Dancing,17th A Doug las. Classes forming for Jan. Tel. F. 1775. Have Root print it. DIKI). Ll'DIXGTON Isabella Patterson Por'or, of Horace Ludlnatoo, U. D., on Sat urday. January 1, 11 Private funeral services will be held at the house. Interment at Cincinnati. u. Friends are requested nut to send flower. TRACY Mar v, at her reelience. 13u4 Nor;h - Twentv-stxth street, batjrcay morning, January 1. l- l Funeral Monday, January k. at t:Jft a. m. from residence to fct. John's Cnllt-glate church It I t. a Interment In Huly bap ulcher veutvlery. JTneuoji lovllcd. CORRECT 8TYL.RS FOR W I.TER WEAR. Any man who wears a pair ot ur nuet has the salisiac tlon of knowing that he wears a shoe of correct style a shoe of the latest shape, of the finest finish and of the best material that can be put into a shoe and void for the price you pay us for It. Whether It is a $3 50 shoe or a $5.U0 shoe, you will find that ours has a little bet ter material in it. Is a little betetr finished and a little later style than other shoes sold at the same prices. We make It our . special business to have them that way a little better value than any other at the same price. FRY SHOE i5;&D0DGLAE0i CO. BE3D B3XS8 MYERS-DILLON DRUG COMPANY Sell All Kinds of Rubber Goods v r-r .' "J. FARNAM HOT WATER BOTTLE. Guaranteed for 1 year. Two Quart 48c Three Quart BSc Postage 10c. Write us for your wants. We keep everything in the Rubber Goods Hue, MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., 16th and Farnam Streets BIG VALUE FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Two Quart 4So Three Quart C8o Postage 15c. EC nn n7irrp V J a r aT 111 -mrnm Mm iyis Cloaks Delayed by Railroad Go. $5,000 Worth Vomon's Coats and Suits De layed in Transit by tho Railroad Co., Sold to llayden's at 25c on tho Dollar. This Fortunate Purchase of Stylish, Vcll Made Garments Goes on Sale Beginning Monday- Gold Crowns From S2,85 Spscial Prices Work guarauteed 10 years. We are here t star consult the professors at onne. Fillings from 25c Set of Teeth from .... $3 .00 Teeth Extracted Free Teeth Cleaned Free Soft Fillings Free Small t barges for Material. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE Ineorported College 1522 Douglas, Room 4. Open till Pp. m. Sunday 10 to 4. '"WRS'"e"sj UP TO A CERTAIN POINT all overcoats are alike. There they part company. The difference between the medium-length, full-cut, best-for-walklng coats or the long, luxuriously loose, fashionably tu flint Tva unt mnk- I nil v it L iiiuid w.u i. ' ' - - - n in for .v, and the everyday, I buy-'em-everywhere $25 over coats Is marked. In fit, . durability. Quality of fabric and lluinR, In tailoring, in flnlshlnK in every little detail that adds cost to the making of an overcoat, the ."MaeCartuy" sort Is decidedly different from any overcoat $35 will put you Into anywhere 'round-about Omaha. MacCarthy Tailoring Co. Phone 180!. 1710-12 Farnim St. Bee Btd Oman.. If you are thinking of fitting your home out Vlth new fixtures gas or electric come In and look over our ele-K-ant line. We can please you. F, M. Russell 313 South 15th St. Telephone 503 ATTENTION! We want you to know that our drugs ere strictly pjre and fresh, and that our stuck is complete in all departments. We All pre ertpili.ns promptly and with the greatest of care. Our stock of perfumes, toilet soaps and In fact all toilet articles la the moat complete and quality the beat at the very lowest prices. e extend a happy New Year to all our ltrj patrons and prlmooe a Christmas pres ent to all l'J"3 patrons; tht is to say, we alii uie you enough money on your pur chases that you can aell afford to buy yourself one. We nolK'it your patronage. We want your business. Our prices sre the lowest and niiatity the best. Drop in an J have a hut drink. J. M.Johnson The Druggist, 702 N. 16th St.' Tel. 922 BROriO SELTZER $1.00 Size, 60c $1 Stuart's Dyspepsia 65c iOc Stuart's Catarrh Tablets 35c 60c Cause's Catarrh Tablets 85c D0c Ely's Cream Balm 30o 25c Kondon Catarrh- Jelly 15c 60c Kondon Catarrh 'Jelly 30c fl Tarrant's Paste 6uc 26c rianten Capsules 15c 25c Brorao Catarrh Snuff 15c 60c Bromine 40c 50c Omega Oil 35o 25c Mennen's Talcum 10c 25c Rlcksecker'S Soap 15o Glycerine, per pint 85c BtroDg Amonia, per pint 10c EVERYTHING AT CUT PRICES Fuller Drug & Paint Go. 114 5. Mth Street. WE SELL PAINT. A PERTINENT QUESTION! Have you evtr figured up how much you pay out in a year for Misses' and children's shoes? Have rou ever figured up how much you might save If you bought them right? We offer you a chance In 1903 to save money from our immenso line of Misses' and Children's shoes. We have a special in Box Calf with Rock Oak eoles, a Arm last In sizes 5 to 8 at $1.25, S',4 to 11 at $1.60, 1114 to 2 at $2.00, women's sizes with spring herli 2 to 6 at $2.50. Hundreds of Children and Misses' are wearing this same shoe and find them money savers. DREXEL SHOE CO. Omaha's Ip-to-Date Shoe Homj 1410 PADNAM tTDFPT -fife mm AM Trousers S3.50 No lore No Less Coat and Vest SI2.50 No riore No Less WE ASK YOU KINDLY DON'T dismiss our offer with a wave of YOUH HAND. Come down to our place, select the goods you want and If you still doubt our word we will give you a sample and you may price it In any tailor shop In Omaha and you will be convinced of what we say, that It Is worth DOUBLE IN ANY OTHER TAILOR SHOP. HOW CAN WE DO IT? WHY CAN WE DO IT In New York, Chi cago, Kansas City and other places. GRAND PANTS CO., 205 North 16th Street. OPEN EVENINGS. C0LLAR YOU'LL NEED ICE TOOLS NOW REMEMBER WE ARE SOLE AGENTS KOR THE CELEBRATED Wm. T. Wood & Co.'s Tools, AND CARRY THE ONLY STOCK IN THE WEST SEND FOR 1'AiJ CATALOGUE. Jas. Morton &Son Go. 1M1 DdK Street. Omaha, Neb. HARDWARE AND TOOLS. 600 coats In all the new styles, Skinner's satin lined, worth up to $15, sale price $2.90 600 women's skirts. In pedestrlenne and dress skirts, worth up to $4, for $1.50. 100 suits worth up to $20, sale price $3.75. 300 Monte Carlo coats, sizes 32 to .40, worth up to $12, sale price, $3.90. Your choice of 700 Monte Carlos, short and long garments, all colors, worth up to $20, sale price, $9.90. 4 dozen women's dressing sacques, $1.50 quality, tor 75c. 100 dozen women's flannel waists, $iu quality, for $1.00. 60 dozen women's flannelette wrappers, $1.25 quality for 69c. Big stock of women's skirts not yet marked, will be put on sale Monday at about bait price. HAYDEM'S LIKEN SALE. Sensationally Low Prices on Finest Lino of Ta ble Linens and Muslin and Sheetings Ever Shown in Omaha. Big Spot Cash Purchase Direct From the Looms on Special sale. TABLE LINEN 64-Inch silver bleached all linen table damask, regular 69c, on sale at 43c. 72-Inch silver bleached all linen table damask, regular 75c. on sale at 69c. 68-Inch halt bleached German table dam ask, regular $1, on sale at 75c, 72-Inch half bleached extra fine German table damafk, sold regular at $1.40, on sale at 98c. , 72-Inch satin damask, regular $1.00, on sale at 76c. 72-Inch satin damask, regular $1.60, on sale at 98c. 72-Inch extra fine double satin damask, regular $1.75, for $1.25. 72-Inch extra fine double satin damask, regular $2.25, for $1.69. 72-Inch extra fine double satin damaisk, regular $2.75, for $1.98. . 1,000 yards oil boiled, turkey red dam ask, regular 40c, for 25c. Fringed table cloths, regular $1.60, on Bale at 98c. for for for Flnged table cloths, regular $2.00, oa sale at $1.36. Hemstitched table cloths, regular $2.00, on sale at $1.48. SHEETS AND SHEETING 81x90 bleached, ready-made sheets, with a wide hem, regular 65c, for 39e. 8- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 17c, 15c. ' 9- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 19c, lGVic. 10- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 22c, 18c. 9-4 unbleached sheeting, regular 17c, for 14HC 42-inch bleached pillow casing, regular 12Hc, for 10c. 45-Inch bleached pillow casing, rrgul 13V4C for llHc 42-Inch bleached pillow tubing, regular 14c. for 12Hc. 45-Inch bleached pillow tubing, regular 15c, for 13c. Remnants of table linen and toweling at less than cost. i GREAT CLEARING SALE OF SILKS Commencing Monday morning at 8 o'clock, this great sale takes place. Former prices and cost entirely Ignored In this sale. Too mar.y silks. Prices rut to re duce stock. PURE SILK TAFFETAS, In colors, reg ular 69c and 75c quality, at sensational price of 29c. FOR MONDAY ONLY 60 pieces of fancy velvets, corduroys, Ve netians, metalics and printed velvet, plaid velvets and others. There sell regularly at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, for Monday, all go at sensational price ot 49c. HAYDEN BROS. New Train Service BETWEEN Omaha and Chicago VIA THE Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. BEGINNING Today, Jan. 4 3 Daily Trains Each Way City Office, 1504 Farnam St F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. 903 Blank Books (Tolephoao 1TM.) Now is the time to order your blank books. If you are In the market for a new set of books send us a copy of same and we shall be pleased to quote you prices. THE MOYER STATIONERY GO. 220-222 SOUTH I6TH ST. Xputy Stats Tstsrtnajrlaa food Inspector. H. L RAUACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETJCRINAJRIAN. pfflos sjt4 Infirmary, 3th aa4 Masoa St Omaha, Neb Tr It phono Moat every Isdy Is more cr less nervous and the trouble fre quently occurs from partial less of appetite which eveutually causes a "run down" system. Meti Beer tones ths appetite and Imports vim and vigor. Every family should keep a case on band. M KIT BH08. UHKWIXG CO. Telephone 1IU. Omalia. Or Jacob Neuinayer, Agents, care Neumayer Hotel, Council Mliifs. Iowa. WHEN YOU BUY A You are not paying for CHHOMO-s. .tcUUK.i, cKtE DEALS, ETC.. btit for FINE QUALITY II ATANA TOBACCO. FQUALt. IMPOH TCI) CIGAR T. &. WUCX MKRCAMTm CUilll CU. t Lsua. tTnlosj XUAm,