Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19

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Liquidation in Wheat Continuw on tie
Chicago Beard.
Argenllae Reports Form the Chief
feature Which AITrrt Trlrn and
Trading- na the Closlaaj Dr
of the I'aul Week.
CHICAGO. Jan. I. -There tti renewed
1 liquidation In wheat today, due lo bearish
t '".""J"" "dvlces, and the rinse was .-any,
'-"n May V-c lower. May corn wan a
?h"',e low, r. while cats were a charte
ytaher May provisions closed weak and
from 6a7c lu 25c lower.
The chief factor affecting the wheat pit
as the extremely bearish Argentine ad
vices, Broomhall reporting that the ex
portable surplus of wheat from that coun
try would approximate ( bu. Liver.
Pool cables were also lower, duo p-irtiy to
the liberal offerings of Argentine wheat In
that market, and contributed to the gen
eral depression. In consequence of those
BtatlMlcs there was considerable rising, but
covering by shorts gave a fair support to
he market and presented a severe break.
II "I"6'1 VilNc lower at TifiTa'tc, and
" uown in M'c soon arier trie opening,
but advanced later to 75c, only to react
during the lust half hour, the clcsc being
H'lSo P.wer at 7.&16c. Clearances of
wheat and flour were eniial to 8s2t.o bu.
Primary receipts vers 492. 2iO bu., against
Kft.JiO a year ago. Minneapolis and Ouiutn
reported receipts of cars (with a holiday
t Duluth), whlrh. wl;h local receipts of
VS car, one of contract grade, marie total
receipts for the three points of tS3 cars,
against &M last week and Silti a year ago.
Corn was rather quiet, but prices held
Mfllrlv itsuHir Th. wLuthnp m- n m . 1 1 .1 nrintl.
fal hull Influence, the map showing rains
n several of the corn states. Covering by
shorts In the January delivery was also a
supporting favor. Scalpers were the best
sellers. The close waa steady, with May
unchanged to Vi" lower at 4'Jft I2:ic. after
ranging between i2c and M,c. Ixical re
celpta were 691 ears, with rive of contract
There waa a moderate trade In oats and
firm undertone prevailed, the Lad weather
for the movement being the principal
strengthening Influence. Commission house
Were good buyers and the offerings were
limited and came mainly from scalpers.
The close was steady with Mav a shade
i higher at S3V&33H aftrr selling between
83V4C and 8.1S"'. Ical receipts were 331 cars.
There was considerable realising In pro
visions, which resulted In a lower tendency
to prices. A feature In the trading was
the action of January pork, which was very
erratic and made a drop of It per bbl. It
opened at I17.K5, and after selling at $1S
there was a break to $17. Ite In the day
a good demand from brokers brought a
rally, and the close was tec lower at 117.30.
An unexpected Increase In the contract
wtocks for the month was the main bear
) ctor, although the weak hog market also
tided to the depression. May pork closed
lo lower at $16.06. May lard was off 10
" A-Ac at $9.3'). and rib's were down 6C?Hc.
closing at $.S2V4.
Estimated rec-lpto for Monday: Wheat,
t5 cars; corn, 4S0 cars; oats, 220 cars; hogs,
41,000 head.
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
No . 4fc6c; No. 3 red. rv,37Hc; No. t,
CORN January. May, $7a37Hc;
cash. No. t mixed. J7tti.ftc; No. 2 white.
3fliVl4c; No. 3. Wc.
OATS No. 3 white, 34c; No. 2 mixed, 32V,
RYE No. 2, 4-vP4c.
HAY Choke timothy, $11.5Ggi2.00; choice
prairie, $;i ..ntf io.dh.
HCTTLlt Creamery, 2J7c; dairy, fancy,
F.OOS Ixjwer; fresh Missouri and Kann
stock. 20Vjc. lo"S off, cass returned; new
No. 2 whltewood casts Included, He more.
Receli ts. Shipment.
Wheat, bu 32.0" 77,fK)
Corn, bu vsoo 9t..2'io
Oats, bu 13.0ii0 l,0u0
Hope and Natal. 5,.: Singapore,
New York, 531; elsewhere, 4f.
fpernlatlve eatlment Indergoes
Many Transltloas at Sew York.
NKW YORK. Jan. J Speculative sentl
ment underwent several abrupt transition
today. Trading apparently was In the
hnrds of protet ."tonal operators almost en
tlrely. The distinct movement In the mar
sterling posted at M M for sixty days and
at ll.r. '4 for demand.
ST. LollS. Jan. S Clearings. tS.771.SW;
balance. $1.4'm,1:i9; money, steady, tVi1 per
cent: New York exchange. c premium.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan S. -Clearing. tX.
H9.M; balances, $.1.6!4,3u7; money, 6 per
BALTIMORE. Jan. 3 Clearings. JT,.RS1.
13; balances, 1696.2' !; money, 6 per cent.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Jan. 3 Money waa In great
uiny. i lie uiflilHl rrtorinenv in uir inai-i , ; , ti . .
ket. after a period of listless fluctuations, abundance In the market today. Discounts
followed the statement of the November weakened and caution was manifested cn
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloe.YeCy
May Its am
July 7Z M'
t i rn I t
71 71V4'
71 7U4fi T1'4
74 75 I 75S
TJ 724;72W
i May
V J July
, Jan.
42 m1
44'4 ! 4 IS
42 42 fiV.,42 W
31 31iTi
3TS, Z3Vft 33W W MS
31 31"l 31 SI' 314
17 WS Id 00 17 00 17 80 17 90
16 20 18 224 1 06 14 05 16 30
9 75 ' 9 SO 9 72H 9 77H 9 6
9 32 9 40 9 9 30 9 424
9 17V 9 22Vx 9 17H 9 17H
8 30 8 32V, 830 830 8SS
8 62il 8 67Vx 8 52Vx 8 62'i 8 SO
No. 1
Cash nuotatlonr were aa follows:
FLOL'It Quiet but firm: winter patents.
$3.4o&3.&0, Htralghts, $M.ltK(i3.30; spring pat
ents, $:i.40tr3.7O; atraights. $2.903.20; bak
er", I? 2f.4i J.7S.
WHEAT No. t spring 73fi75c; No. t
spring, 6Ki73V4c; No. 2 red, 714j71Sc.
CORN No. 2, 44c; No. 2 yellow. 44c.
OATS-No. 2, 8l(&31'c; No. 3 white, 32
RYE Nc. 2, 48c.
BARLEY Oood feeding, 39430; fair to
Choice malting, 44ft65c.
BEKD-Ko. 1 flax. $1.14; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.21; prime timothy, 83.S5; clover, con
tract grade. $11.
FROVISION8 Mess pork, per bbl., $17.23.
Tard, per 100 lbs. t9.vh9.5. Short ribs
idea (loose), 8H.3rti4.B0. 1'ry salted should
ers (boxed), $.2r.f(S.&0. Short clear Bides
(boxed). $9.06 . 12'.
Following were the receipts Lnd shipments
of Mour and grain:
Recelnts. Shipments
Flour, bbla 12,io 31.7'W
Wheat, bu 9S.&"0 M.li0
Corn, bu 40). 900 22H.7UO
Oats, bu 219.600 3l2,iO
Kye, ou ju.hki s.kiii)
Barley., bu 81.200 25.200
On the Troduce exchange today the but
ter market waa quiet and steady; cream
eries. l?(2Sc; dairies, V,(ii2(,c. Eggs, quiet
but steady, loss off, cases returned, 25c.
Cheese, steady, 23Vj1j24c.
Condition ef Trade and Qaotatlons on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
KGriS-Fresh stock, 24c.
LIVE 1'Ol'LTRY Hens 9fjl0c: old roost
ers, 45c; tarkevs. Kvgl3c; ducks. S"itic;
geese. Hj'iV'; spring chickens, per lb., W
DRESSt:!) rOI'LTRY Young chickens,
llfil2e; hens, lofjllc; turkeys, 14(&lSc; ducks.
Mi lie; geese. lli&12c.
HI TTER Packing stock. Kftnije; choice
dairy. In tubs, 2-(i21c; separator, 2930c.
CORN New. 37c.
OAT3 34c.
RVK No. 2. 45e.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c; extra
selects, per can, 3cc; New York counts, per
can, 4-'e; bulk, extra selects, per gal., Sl.ib;
bulk, standards, per gal., $1.45.
FRESH FISH Trout, 9(i'0c; herring. Be;
Pickerel, He; pike. c; perch, 8c; buffalo.
drefsed. 7c: sunfish 3c; blueflns. 3c; white
llsh, !'c; vnlmon. ltic; hsddock, 11c; codilsh,
K'c; redsnapper, 10c: lobsters, boiled, p?r
lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 2Sc; bull
heads, inc; cattish, 14c; black bass, 20c;
halibut. 11c.
11RAN I'er ton. $13 50.
HAY I'rlces quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealer association: Choice No.
1 uplund, S.f.0; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1
course, 7. Rye straw, $6. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair, reoelp's light.
NEW CELEilY-Kal-rr.axoo, per dos..
I5c; Utah, per dot, 45c; California, per
dor., for stalaa weighing from 1 to 1V lbs.
each, 45fr7nc.
SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes,
per bbl., $3 2j. Kansas, $2.2j.
TCRMPS Per bu., 4oc; Canada ruuba
gas per lb., lc.
BEETS Per basket, 40c.
Cl'Cl'MHERS Hothouse, per dot., 2.
PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c.
CARROTS Per lb., lc
GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dozen
bunches, 4oc.
RADISHES Southern, per doien bunches,
WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; string
beans, per bu. box, $1.50.
CAUI3AUE Miscellaneous Holland seed,
per lb., lc.
ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per
bu., 75c; Spanish per crate, $1.75.
NAVY HE ANS Per fc".. $2 60.
TOMATOES New 1allfornin, per 4-baa-kef
crate, $2.75; Florida, per 6-batkrt crate,
CAULIFLOWER California, per crate,
PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2; Colo
rado, per box, $2.2Ti.
APPLES Western, per bbl.. $2.75; Jona
thans. $4; New York stock. $3 .J5; California
Bellftowersi, per bu. box, $1.60.
GRAPE8 Catawhas. per basket, 18c;
Malagas, per keg, $6.00;.00.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl.,
$10; Boll and Bugles, $11: per box. $3.50.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
LEMONS Calif orrla fancy. $0.75; choice,
ORANGES Florida Bright. $3 75; Cal
fornla ravels. $3.50; California sweet Jaffas,
all sizes. $2.75.
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
flc; per case of 30-lb. pkgs.. $2.25.
FIGS California, per lo-lb. cartons, $1;
TurkJfh. per 35-lb. box, 148ac.
GRAPE FRUIT Florida. $6.
HONEY' New Utah, per 24-frame case,
CIDER New York. $4.60; per H bbl., $2.75.
SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per Vi bbl.,
$2 25; per bbl.. $3.75.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4o.
HIDES No. 1 green, c; No. 2 green. Be:
No. 1 salted, 7c; Na. 2 salted, 6V4c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 124 lb-. 8W,c; No. 2 veal
calf. 12 to IB lbs., c; dry hides, S!2c;
sheep pelts, 258"7'c; horse hides, 8l.6OS2.50.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb..
15c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft shell,
cer lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Brazils, per lb.. 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft ahell, per ib., 16c; hard shell,
tier lb. 15c: Decans. large Der lb.. 12V4c:
small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doz., 56c;
chestnuts, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb.,
5M,c; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7c; black
walnuts, per bu., l; hickory nuts, per du
tl .50: cocoanuts. Der 100. 84.
OLD M ETA 1,8. ETC. A. B. Alplm
ouotes the following prices: iron, country.
mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stovo plate, per
ton, $8; copper, per ir.. khc; Draa. neavy
uer lb.. 8Sc; brass, light, per lb., B'c; lead
per lb., 8c; zinc, per lb., 2c; rubber, per
iu., oic.
earnings of ihe Pennsylvania railroad. The
rate at wnicti the rise in operating ex
penses In this railroad system was seen to
outstrip the gnlna In gross earnings served
to enforce doubts caused by a similar tend
ency which has become general throughout
the railroad world. The Pennsylvania lines
directly operated showed an Increase In
gross earnings for November of 8691,5oo,.but
expenses ln reaseil $l,3v(.M0, eo that net
earnings decreased 8T71. On the lines
west of Pittsburg and Erie there was re
ported an Increare In gross earnings of $93.
t, with a growth of $.VS.2) In operating
expenses, resulting In a decrease In net
earnings of $414.(S"i0. The whole railroad lit
weakened sharply under the Influence of
this showing. Prices In some Important
storks. Including Pennsylvania, receded to
a point or more below last night. There
was an animated recovery upon the ap
pearance of the bank statement, with Its
unexpected recuperation of H. 644, 600 In the
surplus reserves of the banks. Such a
showing Is almost unpret edented for the
first week In January. That the banks
should have been able to set through the
January settlement, which required re
sources In excess of all previous records,
with a merely nominal Increase In loans,
was In Itself a pleasant surprise to those
who had felt nervous about the money sit
uation. In addition, the gain In cash for
the week reached $5.4.Oi), which Is almost
$a.i'io.l In excels of the largest preliminary
estimates. The redeposlt of cash by the re
tall shops, making up the proceeds of
Christmas trade, is attributed as the cause
of this showing. The recovery In prices
met renewed hesvy eelllng, snd the market
cloned easy and with net changes mixed.
Amalgamated Copper and United States
Steel were notably flrrn throughout. Man
hattan was weakened by the requirements
made upon the company by the state rail
road commission for Increased equipment.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
M'-t Bo. Railway W,
lv do pnl H
Ilkl'lTlui at Pclfl- 41-
Toledo, HI. I W. 2ns
do pftl
Bal. A Ohio
do pfd
f-anfttliun Pacific.
CnaU So A Ohio
Cblrsgo & Alton Si
do im . i
Chlcio, lnd. L
do pld
Chli-Mo R. 111...
Chlrajo O. W..
do 1st pro.
do id Pfd
Chliaso 4r N. W...
Chicago Tar. & Tr.
do pM
C. C. St. L.
Colorado tfo
do in pfd
do 3d ptd
Del. ft Hudson...
Dal. L. & W
Denrar At R. Q...
do pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illlnola Central ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
Laka Urla W...
do pfd
. N
Manhattan L....
Met. 8t. Rr
Mel. Ontral ...
Max. National .
Minn, ft Rt. L...
Mo. Pacific
.. K. ft T
do pfd
. J. ('antral...
. Y. Cantral ..
Norfolk ft W....
do pfd
Ontario A W
Pennsylvania ....
do lat pfd
do td pfd
Li. ft 8. r...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. L. 8. W
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
Bo. Paulllo
of the Day oa
NEW YORK. Jan. 8.-FLOUR-Recelpts.
(7,526 bbls. ; exports, lti,3U2 PIiIm. ; quiet and
eacv; Minnesota patents, $4.0iii4 2; bakers,
v83.25g3.40; winter patents, $3.6tnu3.Ko; winter
J straights, $a.4o-g'3.oi, winter extras, $2.u4;
lj: I; winter low grades, $2.6Vu2.b6. Ryu
flour, choice to fancy, $J.utii;i.60. Buckwheat
Hour, quiet, $2.u2.3a, spot and to arrive.
CORISAtEAL Easy; yellow western, Zl.U;
city, $115; Brandywlne, $3 40dj3.r..
BARLEY Steady; feeding. 42c. c. 1. f..
BufTttlo; malting, 474iOc, c. 1. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, ',4,1(0 bu. ; exports,
123,642 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 ri, 7SSc, t. o.
b., afloat; No. i northern Duluth,, f. o.
b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. MSc, f. o.
b , afloat. The wvakneks of cables, coin
Vilned with an estimate of fco.uni.uio bushels
Argentine export surplus, Induced farther
wheat lhiuldiUJon and decline this morn
ing. Later the market rallied on export
rumor and closed steady at 4c net decline.
May, 73-15vg;aV. closed at ilcSc; July, 77Vs
(uTTWc closed at 7714C.
CORN Receipts, 11,000 bu.; exports. 1.
071, 6oO bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, Bsc, elevator,
and 6oV f. o. b., atloat; No. 2 yellow, Wic;
No. 2 white, 6c. Options opened a shade
lower with wheat, but quickly recovered
cn scant contract arrivals west, local cov
ering and bud weather conditions In the
large corn states. Closed steady, un
changed; January. B3'p-4e, cWaed at Bic;
March, 5Atc; May, 4;47To, closed at
4','ac: July closed at 47c.
OATS Receipts, 75,000 bu.; exnortd, 1R.SO0
bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2, 3,c; No. 3, ST'ic;
No. 2 white, 4"c; track white, 4'i43c; stan
dard white, 4oHt: No. 2 white, 4-V.c; track
mixed weater:., nominal. Options, dull but
aieu'iy With corn; May closed at iftc.
HAY yuiet; bhliiplng, 66Q0X.'; good to
choice. Sin "U 11 00.
HOPS julet; state, common to choice,
n ... Uw.i 1U.I1 Vi 1..' nl.l. TfrVlVln. Lla
elite coast, M, 25iuiilc; ll'l, M'u-bc, olds, 7
ai l.'Wc
HIDES Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs..
Sc; i aiirorniu, 21 to S3 lus., ic; Texas dry
24 to Do lbs., 14c.
l.e.A'1 MfcK gulet; acid. 24fj'254?.
WliOL-Firm: domestic fleece. 26T2c.
PROVI810N-Bef. steady; family. $15 09
017.00; mesa, $10 oo4i II 0; beef hams, fcjO.otHl
X-'OO; packet. n.uuuismi; extra India meas,
8-!4t.ll 27.00. Cut mexts. Irregular; pickled
tellies. 88.7CA9.75; pickled shoulders, fa . I
l.aO; pickled hams, $11 Mna 11.50. Lard, easy;
western steamed, $10 15; refined, easy; 'on
lnent. ll0.tV.: South America. $11.26. pork.
irreaular: tamllv. $1X; short clear. $l.5uu
tui: mers. IIS.SC'IIK iS.
BUTTER Firm; extra creamery, 2Hc;
...r. farinrv. lb'. fl'-'U' : creamerv. common
to choice, il'iiac; siaio oairy, in .uc ; reno
vated, 164112240.
I CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, fancy
mall colored, 14cf small white, i4c; larg
...i..rrf ii-: Una white. 14c.
iEG'JS Steady, state and Pennsylvsnli,
..,.ruu ' hest. 2c: refrigerated. l!lj(21c;
I western fancy graded, JOc; western poor to
I TALLoW-Bteady; city, 8c; country,
1r1cE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, 4V.
L METALSNothing of special Interest In
any of the metuls today. Tin ruled steady
at fSaKuW ti" for spot. Copper ' was J. so
Louiet and unchanged; standara. u ii u
f ff. and electrolytic,;
1 i ah A nit ste ter unrhang-d
( the fomiei- ateddy at 84.121 and tho laf
110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb
Telephone 1510.
CHICAGO. Jan. S. WHEAT There was
a break In Mav wheat to under 75c. with 4c
recovery, which held fairly well. Cables
were c lower. Argentine news was bear
ish, weather favorable for harvesting,
Broomhall put the exportable surplus from
there at 80.000,000 bushels and Liverpool said
Argentine was offering freely. Armour took
some wheat at 75c, but was a seller at the
fractional advance. There was large
enough buying by a few commission houses
to recover the early decline. World's ship
ments, estimated at 6.400.COO bushels. An In
crease of 750,000 bushels In the visible Is
axuected. Clearances. 683.000 bushels; pri
mary receipts. 40,000 bushels, against- 526,iMO
bushels last year; northwest receipts, 250
cars, against 206 a year ago. The seaboard
reports 20 loads taken for export. Estt
miiKi for Monday. 65 cars.
CORN There hus been a firm corn mar
ket, with a continuance of the buying of
May, which has been under way for several
days and which Is credited to a provision
Interest. There has been a moderate de
mand for January from brokers. There
was some hesitation at the opening because
of the weakness in wneat, out tne corn
market moved up 49c from the opening
and held it. The weather was somewhat
unfavorable, primary receipts were sii.uiu
buahels. against 707."JO buahels last year
clearances were 3t.2,OuO bushels; local re
celpta. 6H1 cars, with 6 of contract; esti
mates for Monday, u cars, rnuaaeipnia
took 50.000 bushels here lor export, rsew
York reiHirts Is loads corn taken for export
and local sales of corn are put at 2B.00
buahels. Stocks hen promise to Increase
some, cash corn was about tne same
OATS There has been a aulet but firm
cat market. It's claimed that all but 480,000
bushels or the standard oats in store nave
been sold to in out. There has been some
selling by the oatmeal party, but the trade
has been small. Clearances. 60.000 bushels:
local receipts, 331 cars, with in standard
and no stanuanl out or private nounea
Stocks are not likely to Increase this week.
Estimates for Mondsy. 225 cars.
PROVISIONS There has ten a weag
provision murket. with the January pork
at one time off a dollar. Gregson bought
short May lard. Market has been weak
diirlns- entire session. Packing to date
1.612. OK), tigalnat 2 06 OuO last "year. Receipts
for the week,, sgainst ni.ani same
week last vear. There were 2S.ii0 hogs.
Prices at the yards, fralOc lower. Estimates
for Monday, 42.0)0 head; for next week,
loooco head. Hons In ths west today, 46,6i)
head, against 2a.aJ last wees ana ei.iuu
last year.
Iron nominally uncnaugej
easy at $4.70.
and quiet.
Kaasas City Urals $ rroaleloae
(Ma July, Wv:; cast. N. hard, ssVyvje
AllSm do pfd
. li .inioa l'acinc
44l do pld
do pfd
75 Whaalliii ft L. B..
.71 do Id pfd
.195 .Wis. Cantral
. 2V do pfd
. ,0 iAUama Ex
. 444 American Ex
.l.'O Inltad Stales E..
. 1 .Wttla-Faro Ex....
. 344, Amal. Cupar
.,, HAdmi. Car ft P...
... 214i do ptd
... oa-ii, Amer. Lin. Oil
... 4J do ptd
...173 'American B. ft R.
...Mi) do pfd
... 40T, Anac. Mining Co..
... M4 Brooklyn K. T
... '. Colo. Fuel ft 1...
do 1st pfd W . Cons. Oaa
do Id pfd 5lCont. Tobacco pfd
Oraat Nor. ptd JW4 Oen. Kioctrlc
WV,g riO KUIR ....
H4 Inter. Paper
147 do pfd
404 Laclede Oaa
72 National Biscuit.
II National Laad
account of the weakness of Paris exchange.
Cm the Stock exchange operators were
cheerful and the business transacted was
beyond the usual Saturday limit. Ccnsols
Improved ' as the result of the ease of
money. Home rails were moderately active
and mostly hlerhef. Americans opened
fractionally lomer and fractionally on
either side of parity. Their tone was firm,
In expectation of a good bank statement.
They were not particularly active and
closed firm. Grant! Trunk waa firm In
view of the traffic returns above exp'cta
t'ons. Kaftlrs were easier on profit-taking.
Export and Imports at Neve York.
NEW YORK, Jan. S.-The total Imports
of merchandise and drv goods at the port
of New York for this week were valued at
The total Imports of specie at the port
of New York this week were $16,993 In sil
ver and $64.5:3 In gold. The total exports
of sneclc from the port of New York for
this week were $10,000 In gold and $093,800
tn sliver.
... 4'
... 1'iia
46 'm
1 17
. 4.
. M
. m
. it
. 41
. lil
. 9
. 60 4
. sl4
... lTi
... 14
... 71
... tl
... 411i
... t-S
..111 No. American 117Vi
.. 1 2V t Pacific Coast 9
...14.1 Pacific Mall 4 People s Oaa 10.1
... U1 Pressed B. Car fJ
... Ik i do pfd Hi
...107 Pullman P. Car tn
...1U8 lt public Steel J'
... do pfd Vi
... .14 ftuiar 121
...till Trnn. Coal & I tll'i
....514 Union Ita( ft P 13
.... J3is do pfd 7'i
...90 V. a. leather 12,,
. . 1-S do pfd h
....!".!, V. 8. Kubber 17
. .. 44 do pfd.: 67
... 3i4V. 8. Steel 374
... 7 J1, do pfd 174
. .. lot, Weatern Union sH
.... 7K Amer. Locomotive.... 2
... V"i do pld V
... 4 K. C. Southern 344
.... IVi do pfd ul4
. .1774 Rot k Island O
...12 do pfd U!t
.... ao4
Weekly Hank Statement.
NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Statement of aver
ages of the clearing house banks of this
city for the five business days this we"k
shows: Loan. 8875.362. Ptl; increase, $30.6i;
deposits. $s;3.115.ii); Increase. $7,161,400; cir
culation, $4,7si,2no; Increase, $I8.4'; legHl
tenders. $73 473.900; Increase. $4.180.An0;
specie, $1M.HI'S.7k; Increase, $1.2M.4.; re
serve, $22S.4T2.6i;, $5.4:tt.tni; re
serve reuulred, $218,278,75": Increase. $1.79).
360; surplus. $l0.193,8.i0; increase, $,!.644,6:iO;
ex-United States deposits, $20.233,ojo; in
crease, $.!,637,lu0.
t. Loals Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUI3. Jan. 3 WHEAT Lower; No.
2 red, cash, elevator, 72c; track. 73'u74c;
Mav. 744c: Ju v. 70,c: No. 2 hard, 00'a .00.
CORN Unchanged; No. 2 cash, 40c; track.
4fXu41c; May. 394c.
OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. 334c bid; track
S44c; May. 834c; No. 2 white, 354c.
R Y E ft tea (1 v at 4c.
FLOUR Steady; red patents, 83.3511.150;
extra fancy and straight, $3.o5Jj3.;Xi; clear,
d IHNMFAT, Steadv. $2.30
BRAN Firm: sacked, east trark. TMrBc.
HAY Timothy, firm, $11.0015.00; prairie.
weak, $10.5i'(j 12.1X1.
BAGGING 6 5-li7 1-ltic.
PROVISIONS Pork, ' lower; Jobbing,
standard mess. $17.75. Iirrl. lower at 9.Ti4
Dry salt meats (boxed) dull; extra shorts,
1 12U.: clear ribs. 19: short clears. $9.5.
Bacon (boxed), dull; extra shorts, $10.50;
clear ribs. $10.50: short c ears. 111
METALS Iead. quiet, $3.95 bid. Spelter,
firmer, $4 40 bid.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens, 9c; turkeys,
94jl2c; ducks, 12c; geeve, 8c.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 235300;
dairy, 1Wu22c
EGGS Steady ; 22c, loss off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 8.000 9,000
Practically "So Cattle cn Bale, but Price
Lowir for the Week.
Sheep anil Umbi of Good Hnaiity
Have Been Ready Sellers All Week
and Prices Held Aboot Steady
Feeders (tooted Strong;.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
4,.t0 6.ail
Receipts were:
Official Monday ...
Ottlelal Tuesday 6.4U ii,ni
Ottlctul Wednesday 1,966 1I.J43
t'fU' lal Thursday 97n 6.16
Ofticlal Friday 1.477 b.M
Otllclal Saturday i.t
Total this week 14,917 47,040 19.114
Week ending Iec. 27 S.D79 27.196 13.2"1
Weeg ending lec. 20 17.247 54,530 44,315
Week ending Dec. 13 27,34:1 67,On2 4o.blS
Week ending Doc. 6 21. 720 54.434
Same week last year 13.1S3 4,u4 11,411
The following table shows the receipts ot
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for
the year to dale, and comparisons with last
er" 1903 1902. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 2.U 6.646 ... 4."o
Hogs 15,361 23,U2 ... S.lil
Sheep 2.019 2,395 ... 3.6
Average price paid for hogs at South
Omaha tor u:u lust several days with comparisons:
yearlings. 8.1 o) li3.rjn; feeder wethers. $! 7f l
.125; feeder ewes, $1.5ir.'.2i. Representatlx e
No. Av.
7 cull ewes 91
51 ewes 114
43 lambs 66
3 75
4 26
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 1 head; market unchanged; chides
export and dressed beef steers, I'mCh '";
fair to good, $.1 fMi'5.00; stokers and feed
ers, $' 2.1M.2.'; western-fed steers. $2.75(p
510; Texas and Indian steerj. 82 6,vt 1 ;
Texas cows, $2 kVtK.hi, n itlve cows, l.25i
4 ST.; native wethers. $2 "iH "; earners,
$l.ot2.25; bulls, 82.isKt3.7a: calves. 83.:i'rf
8 50; receipts of tattle for the week. 2.'.7t';
calves. 9r".
HlKtS Receipts, J.Mo head; mark-t 6!f
Pc lower; top, $6 (74; hulk of sales. $;.2; .i
8 4"; heavy. $4.3'"iit )?4; mixed packer",
f6 201i1 4"i; light. ..6.jSh;.:; yorkers. $t.2M
tl Vi; pigs, $fi.DO'ij5.Sii; receipts for the week,
37 ".
SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts, na
tive lambs, $l.0nti 1.25; western lamb. $.1 A3
ii4.;"; fed ewe. $.likit.l.:V.; native wethers,
$3 tmr.j4.iti; western wethers. $:! o 1 1 25 ;
atockTs and feeders, $2.'lii;.3S; receipts
for tho week, 12,'..
Date. I 1902. lH01.1900.lt9.iP8.l9;.l36.
Dec. 15...
Dec lo...,
Dec. 17...
Dec. 18...
Dec. 19...
Dec. 20...
Dec. 21... I
Dec. 22... I
Dec ii. .
Dec. 24 ..
Dec. 20...
Dec. 26... j
Dec. 27...
Dec. 28...
Dec. 29...
Dec. .'M...
Dec. 31...
6 091 I 4 Ml 3 i 3 27! 3 2l II
6 lb a 6 26, 4 Oil "l
6 22S 34 4 83 I 8 26j M l
8 144 6 26 4 73 J 88 1 "I
8 ill w. 6 121 4 77l 8 92i 8 21 ' "
8 0741 04 4 78 8 84, 8 I 33,
6 061 4 81 4 01 3 321 $ 2 I 17
8 164 I 4 601 4 02, 8 Mj i 24, J .4
184 108 4 04 8 87 1: 81 1 3 17
344 6 19 4 89 4 ll! 3 60, S 20
44 I 6 36 4 03 4 09, 3 441 J 30
6 26 4 77 1 4 lt 8 481 8 32 ; 3 24
S 5041 4 811 4 16 3 4a, 3 J0 3 ?
0 31".! 6 351 4 141 3 45! 3 31i 3 lo
I 6 25HI 82 4 90 1 3 51, 3 Sa, 4 H
ew York llir Stork Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 3. BEEVES Receipts,
ins head; no sales reported: dressed l.eef
steady; city dressed native sl.ies. 7V"'l'c;
Texas beef, 64'ii74e. Cables iiote Amer
ican steers at 124'"1.;4''. dressed welaht;
refrigerator beef. 9i!'4c; exports, imrtly
eetlmated, 1.692 head beeves. 13 head slice 1
and 7,ln head dressed sheep and 6,125 quar
ters of beef.
CALVES No receipts: 30 head western
state on sale sold at $.1,624
HOGS Receipts. 2.179 head; none on S;tle
SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 9(9 head;
good sheep and lambs, steady; sheep, 813,'i
M."; lamtis. . .""Id.'"'; orese,i mutton, oy
4c per lb.; dressrtd lambs, i4riloc.
Stork In Sight.
The- following were the recelpta of live
stock at the six principal cities yesterday;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 13 4. 9; 111
'hlcsgo 5n0 22,( v 2,000
Kansas City 10i 2.5"0
St. Louis 3o0 l.ooi)
St. Joseph 415 4. oil
bioux City ifoo
Date. I 1903. 1902. 11901. 1900.1899.1S98.11!7.
Jan. 1...
Jan. 2...
Jan. 3...
6 33 I 6 22 , 4 951 4 21 i I 3 42 8 18
6 37HI 6 221 4 94 4 831 3 67 3 17
6 294, 6 19 4 96, 4 89 1 3 57, 3 48
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
The ofliclal number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Road Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. Ii ses.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu...
Oats, bu....
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 3 COFFEE Futures
opened steady, with prices unchanged to 5
points lower, early local selling being In
fluenced by bearish German cables, full
receipts at primary points, a prospective
bearish visible and weak Brazilian dull,
but moderately active, which pre
vented further declines, and the market
closed quiet and unchanged to 5 points
lower. Sales, 24.500 bags, including Janu
ary at 4.30c; February, 4.40c: March, 4.60c;
May. 4. 70-ii 1.75c; July. 4. Sac; September, 5c;
October, 6. (Ac; November, 5.15c; December,
C M. & St. P. Ry.... i 6 i ..
Missouri PaclMo Ry.. .. J
Union Pacific system 1 10 ..
C. ot N. W. Ry 17
V., B. & M. V. R. R.. .. 6
C, Bt. P.. M. & O
B. &. M. Ry 2 2o
C, B. i Q. Ry ?
C, It. I. At P.. eaat 5 .. -
Total receipts 6 76 1 8
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co..
Swltt and Company.
Armour & Co
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour. Sioux City.
Other buyers
. 55
. 93 6.S21
lust a few
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frolt.
APPLES-Demand fair and prices steadily ,e'ndncy of prices was downward. On Frl-
r ATTI.V1 There were
bunches of cattle In the yards today, but
not enough to make a market. For the
week receipts have been fairly liberal for
v,.,ii.i ,. ,1..... L- The demand, however, has
not been very heavy, so that the general
tendency of prices has been aownwuiu.
The beef steer market has been rather
......ion all the week, and until Thursday,
which was the low day of the week, the
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Jan! 8. MONEY On call.
steady; all loans at 6 per cent; closed of
fered at 6; time money easy; all periods,
54 per cent; prims mercantile paper, 6 per
tual business 1.1 bankers' bills at $4.t6625?
4.8675 for demand and at $4.83376(6 4.8360 for
sixty dnvs, posted rates, 84.84 and $4,874;
commercial bills, 84.824'6'i 83.
SILVER Bar, 4Sc; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Railroad, steady; government,
steady; refunding 2s, 'registered and coupon,
10Si: ss. registered, lcov coupon, lus; new
4s, registered, 1364; coupon, 1354; old 4s,
rerrlsterea ana coupon, u4, on, registered
and coupon, 103V
The closing quotations on uonus are as
..t04 Hoiking Val. 44. ...lM
. .1084 L. at N. uni. 4a 100
..1'joi, Max. I'tntrai 4a 1
..pi do la Inc 16 4
..1354 'Minn. & hi. h. 4s. ..I024
..13j4 M.. K. A: T. 4a 97''.
....1M34 do 'It J
do coupon P 4 N. T. C. gen. I41..10.V;
do fs. rag lus s, N. J. C. sn. Sa
do coupo.t U" No. racir.c 4a 1U3
Atchison (aa. 4a I "2 4 do 2a 74
do ad). a i"i n. w. ron. 4a iuu
Dal. Ohio 4a I024 Reaillng sen. 4a Vj4
do J 4s sai. "Sl I. a I 1 1. as. ..Ill
do con. 4a 1WV, St. L. & 8. P. 4a... 17
Canada 80. is lod'a, 8t. L. 8. W. 1
Onlral of Oa. aa im -ao :s al
do la inc 7t 8. A. & A. P. 4a 8k
Chaa. Ohio 44a. .. .1 to. 1'aolflu 4a 1
Chlraso A. I4I -. "4 80. Railway Ka 111
C, B. A J. n. 4s MW Ttua ft Pacific la...l!
r, II U P . 4a. .1134 T., Bt. L. ft w. 4a.. 7
r. a N. W. e. la... IXi t'nlon Pailf..' 4 1024
C, H. I. P. 4a 10' Co roi.v. 4a.. 1064
C" C H L g. 4. .11X1 Wabaah l.i lie,
thlisgo Ter. 4a M do dt6. I) 774
Colorado 80. 4a 8) TVrat t-'hma 4a Ill
Danvrr A K. O. 4a.. W Wheel, k L. B. 4a... tl
Erla prior Ilea 4a 4 Wlc a 1
do geuarai aa w:i too. luuacco na S'A
F. W. a D. C. la.... Ill 1
. 8. ref. Sa, rag.
do coupon
do Ss, res
do coupon
do naw 4a. rag..
do coupon
do old 4a, rag.
maintained; common. 4116c; prime. 6V54c; day packers took hold with more life, as
choice. 6ft64c; fancy, 7ifii4c. thev had to have a few freah supplies, and
CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS - Spot improved a little, but still the mar
prunes, quiet, but firmly held, with quota- ! , for the wek may be quoted all the
tlons ranging from 34c to 74c for all f 10c to j, lower. The decline
grades. Apricots are quiet and unchanged affict. n classes of cattle, but the half
nr .r.iic in noxes ana iwuioc in dsk?. : . . . ...ff... ih worst when
Peachf s are steady at 121lSc for peeled anil i?.1. " " ,,h th hetter aradea to
4tfKc for unpeeled. uackerB' orders.
, . - . , The cow market has followed very mucn
Philadelphia Product- Market. the same course as the steer market. Owing
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. S BUTTER to the rapid fluctuations thcre Is consia-
Flrm. sood demand: extra western cream- eruble unevenness to the trade, but tne
ery, 30c; extra nearby prints. 33c. decline, as a general thing, can be put at
tnc.fa rrh nenrhv '2Qp. loss nfT: I trflF for the week. There have been a
fresh western. 19c, loss off; fresh southeast- I few bunches of good cornfed cows that
ern, 18c; fresh southern. 27o. have sold from $3.S0 to $4.40, but the sales
l lifctst-rirm, nut quiei; iew u iuu 1 aj,ove J4.0O nave Deen ranier k-siw. m
creams, prime small. 14c; fair to good fair to good cows sell largely from $2.90 to
$3.75, Willie tne camnis ou .".."
grades OI cutters sen musny num .
$2 75
Bulla have not fluctuated as much during
h week as steers and cows, but still
small, 13Vul3c; prime large, 134c
Whisky Market.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 8. WHISKY Steady at
CHICAGO, Jsn. S. WHISKY On basis
of high wines. $1.31.
TEORIA. Jan. 3. WHISKY Steady at
lera' finished goods steady on basis of $1.31,
London Stock (notations.
LONDON. Jan. 3. Closing quotations:
Conaola. monar w Naw York Central 1S7
do account 4 r.orioi at Wntarn... 7tH
Anaconda 1 do pld 6
Atchison 84 Ontario Waatrra... Vi
do pfd mist rauntylvunla u
Baltimora 4t Ohio. .. .lu4 Hand Mluaa 11S
Canadian Pa.'lflc 1S4-I Rradlng J5'
(hxaapaaka & Ohio... CO I do 1st pfd 4(4
Chlciio Q. W M4 do 2d pfd 4.rt
aoumarn nallway aa1?
. 224. do pfd 4.M.
. 4:4 Soulhcru PaclAc 474
. l t'nlon Ptd flu 10t
. o 1 00 ;tia aa
. 704 t'nl-.c.l Futra Steal... 3i
. i: 1 ... pi 1 asi.
.101 nauai.j i
.1114 do ptd 46
Mlaaourl. K. T ... 2i '
HAH SILVER 22 5-18d per ounce.
MONEY 2i24 per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills Is
84 per cent ana for tnrec months bllld is
14 per cent
Boston Mocks and Hands,
BOSTON, Jan. 3. can loan. 67 per
cent; lime loans, 041164 per cert. Official
closing of stocks and bonus:
Atchison 4a 100V Advantur .,
Oaa la l14 Allouea
Mai Cantral 4a .' '-l Amjilaniald
Atchison b44Ulcsliau
C. tl. A St. P....
Ianvar at R. O ...
do pfd
do lat pfl
do Id pfd
Illlnola Central
laulsvlll St Nash.
Liverpool Market.
t.tvF.BPnoL Jan. 1 WHEAT Spot. No.
red western, winter. &1141: No. 1 Cali
fornia, 6s (til. Futures, weaa; naarcn, oa u;
May. 5 114d.
CtiRN-biot. American mixea, new, as
lld; American mixed, old. firm at os 6d.
Futures, quiet: Janusry, 4s 64d; March,
424d; May, nominal.
PE4S-Ccnadlan. steady at s 7d.
KUH'8-St. Loals fancy winter, steaay
at s 3d.
HOPS At London, raeinc coast, nrm ai
l2su7 5s.
PRoNlSlONS Beef. oult; extra India
trees, lis Sd. Fork, easy; prim mess wst-
ern, 82 6J. nam, snort cut. quiet, rua.
Bacon. Cumberland cut, ZCS lbs., steady ;
short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs., dull. 48s; long clear
middles, heavy. Si to 40 lbs., 47s; vhort
clear backs, 16 to 20 It., quiet, 47s; clear
bellies, 14 to 16 lb., dull, 55a d. Shoulder,
square. 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 41. Lard, prime
western. In tle.-cea, quiet, 54a; American re
fined. In pall, dull.
CHEESE Firm; American finest whit
and colored, 61.
TALLOW Prime city, quiet, ITswd; Aus
tralian In London, firm. Sis Id.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 8-WOOI. Firmer; me
dium grade and comblr.g. 17ij'4c; light
flue. 16(j ise; heavy fine, lSulic; tu'j wasntJ.
LONDON. Jan. 8 WOO I-Arrivals of
wool for the hirst erle of auction sale
amount to 118.246 bales. Including for
warded direct to spinner. Th Import
during the week were: New South Wale.
a bales; Boula AuslraUa. W; Caoa) lit Good
Toledo Grain and feed.
TOLEDO, Jan. 3. WHEAT Dull, lower;
cash and January, 76ic; May, TVc.
CORN Dull, steady; January, 4ic; May,
OATS nun, nrm; May,
rye-no. 2, 524c ,
SEED Clover, dull, unchanged; January,
$6874; March, $7; prime timothy, $1.65;
prime alsike, $8.25.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
7av.rn::f4c: Julv. 744c. On track: No. 1
bard. 74c; No. 1 northern, 734c: No. 2
northern, 7i4c
FIJI 'II-First natents. .!fin.i"i secono
patents. $3. 7513.85; flrt clears, 83; second
Milwaukee Grain Market.
No. 1 northern. 754'ij78c; No. 2 northern
74Cu7r.4c: May, 754c.
uvhllnill: No. 1. 5Kt514c.
BARLEY Firm; stanaaru sample, owtf.
CORN May, 42Tc.
Peoria Market!
PEORIA, 111., Jan. 3. CORN Lower; No.
OATS Steady; No. 8 white. 823240.
WHISKY $1.31.
do pfd 100,
Kna'.on ae Albany. ..!')
Boston A Ma I"
boston Etevatad "34
N. V.. N. H. H..HSI
Caluraat aV
( antannlal ...
i oppar Itang a
'tomlntoa Cual
Kttchburs pld Kl Isla Korala
fnloa PadSe loo' Mohawk
Mai Cantral 14 Old Iiomlnloa ....
Amtrlcu Sutar in 1'rtoli
do pfd 1M4 Parrot
Amarlcan T. A T....U24 tJutncy
Dominion I 4s g Santa ra Copper..
Can. Electric 14 ,Tamarack
Maaa. Klactrlo K Trinity
do pfd ' I nltad Slataa ....
I altcd Fruit lo4 I'tak
I . g. Staal 17 4 Vl.-torta
do pfd at 4: Winona
Weatlnga. Common. ..104 JWolartna
Kan York Mining; Quotations.
NEW YORK. Jan. $.-The following are
ths closing prices on mining stocks:
. IT
. 14
. M4
llec 1....M
... 14
... ;i4
... 104
... 1
... 444
... Vt
... 274
... IV
... 114
... :i
... J(Ss
... 4
... 1.
... t
Market Is Only Xouilnal and Cattle
Receipts Mffht
CHICAGO, Jan. S CATTLE Receipts,
500 head; nominal; good to prime eteers,
aA loriiK tif noor to medium. $2. i&lpi.OO
sttckers and feeders. t2.f."fj.40; cows. $1 .60
&4.60: heifer. 82. 004. 75; canners, $l.a0
4 5o: bulla. $2.0uiii4.4o; calves, xi.ioys.ou;
Tvna.rit ateers. t3.7r.6.00
iti iiiri Fteceln'.s. 22.0u0 head; estimated
Monday, 88.000; left over, 7,i0; slow to loc
lower; mixed and butchers. S5.9nOr6.SO; good
tj choice heavy, $6.4i"i6.66; rough heavy.
$.l'ii..V light. $&.7bi(it.10; bulk or sales,
tr. M-.i4t .?n.
SHEEP ATU I.AMOD rceceiuia, z.w
heiid: aheeD and lambs steady; good to
ch.ii..A wethers. 84.liW 40: fair to chop
miviit xa ,A,4.iiO: western aheeD. l4.OtKau.75: I s
.. . I . ..mill 11 ISri:t .ft . I""
Official yesieraay:
they are a little lower for the week, unless
thev are very choice. Veal calves, though.
have held just aooui urauj,
n-hN. hnve hen scarcely enough stock
. : , i . o . v. .. ...ii
nintll- ers ana leeaer on aaie nn iwn " '
l'lilll I . . .v, muplrAt hut ancolators
mucn auouv me . .' ' : , .
all claimed they were willing to pay higher
prices for good stuff, a they could easily
nf that class of cattle. In the ab
sence of the better grades the commoner
kinds alao sola a tune mruuiw mu
week. Represcniaiive sk.
.No. At. rr. iso. . rt.
1. aim i w
1000 1 SO 87 t 10
1,40 t ID 11 aV) I IV
146 I SO 1 100 I tS
1180 t 00 I HiM S 15
.....102a I 10 1 10) it)
, 1330 I 5 1 14 3 00
1240 5 1 670 I 75
aoj a o o o4 a o
irnna There was a light run of hogs
here today even for a Saturday, but, as
...-I,.. lir.iUe al omer ooiiiijs, ui niaraci
here eased off a little. The general decline
,,m l.i nut at bfttlOc. lightweights sur
ferlng the worst. Trading was slow all the
mnrniiiif. owing to the fact taht sellers
hnMiuar for letter orlces. Practically
everything, though, was disposed of In good
season, ins duix ui mo oo(s noi
$6 2a to $6.35. with prime loads selling as
hih n it'i.40. The light hogs, of which
there were a good many this morning, sold
largely irom i o.o.
Th. reoeluts for the week show a good
Increase over lust week, but there Is a
slight decrease as compared with the same
wuek 01 lapt year. no ibi" im nai.-i.u-ated
back and forth considerably during
the week ana cioneu suuui i'i-w suwur
than the close of last week. Representa
tive sales:
I'nollna Ihelr Interests. They Form
nn Knornions and Powerfnl lots,
blae, Keallalnat Knornions Prollts.
..1,6" 40,517
17. Farnam Smith
& Go.
We offer Union Stock Yards
Stock, South Omaha, at 1054,
1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064
Start a
We offer an excellent opportunity to
one reliable representative In each
locality to start a lucrative stock
and grain commission business.
We furnish all market quotations and
market news by telegraph free of
charge. We also furnish market lit
erature of tho highest order and full
instructions how to handle the busi
ness. We allow you a liberal com
' mission on all transactions.
Our business Is strictly ' legitimate
and every trade made through us Is
placed on the New York Consoli
dated Stock Exchange or the Chicago
Open Board of Trade.
are the clearest speculative letters
ever written. They are free. We
furnish the highest banking refer
ences and require same from our
representatives. We treat speculation
as a business, not as a get-rlch-qulck
This Is the chance of a lifetime
to enter a good paying business with
a first-class house. Write at once, as
we will consider only one representa
tive in each town.
Full particular on application.
144) La Salle St., Bank Floor,
One of the noteworthy moves In th
financial world that Is attracting a great
deal of attention Is the pooling of Inter
ests by small investors. A St. Louis llrm,
the National Securities Company, Is the
prime mover In the plm. Thin company
receives the money of thousands of small
Investors, and. combining them, form
gigantic sums which enable them to suc
cessfully transact enormous deals that pay
handsome profits to the Individual mem
of the pool. This is another phase of
the Community of Interest Idea made so
popular by J. Plerpont Morgan, tho only
difference being that this company Is com
posed of un unlimited number of small In
vestors, while Mr. Morgan a companies are
composed of u limited number of rich men.
The Natlonul Is the tirst company organ
ized on this new plan, but because of Ita
wonderful success It Is but a question of a
short time until many more will enter the
field. It la a well known fact that tho
man of money has thousands of opportuni
ties to make profitable investments that
never come to the man of email means.
In populnr liinguaRe. "It takes money t
make money." By this successful plan of
combination the small Investor with from
fifty to a few hundred dollars secures the
same opportunities that come to the man
of millions, and as a consequence realises
the same enormous per cent of profit on his
Investment, however email It may be. It
can be safely raid that a more marked
departure than tills plan was never made lu
the world of money and those who take
advantage of the opportunities offered by
this company will realize more on their
money In a week than they would under
ordinary conditions in a year. Thu general
plan upon which the company Is operated
does not materially differ Irom that em
ployed by tho National Bunks. The In
vestors of the company occupy the same
position us the stockholders ot the I. link.
Each and every thirty il.iys a dividend la
declared and each investor receives a draft
ployed by the National Banks. The Invest
ors of the compuny occupying 'he sama
run no risks wuhtever. The entire capital
of the company, One Hundred Thousand
Dollars t$lm,0WJ). stands between the In
vestors and low. The majority of the
mammoth fortunes of this country were
made by almost exactly the same methods
as those employed by the National Securi
ties Company. Combination is the keynote
of present day success. The small investor,
by placing his money with that of hundreds
and even thousands of other small in
vestors, obtains all the advantages of
enormous capital unil his money earns as
much, dollar for dollar, as that of the
millionaire "Captains of Industry," while
small sums, if invested alone, earn but
3 or 4 per cent and are usually tied up for
long periods of time. Investments In the
National Securities Company pay more
than tills each month and are subject to
withdrawal at any time. Upon investing
the Investor receives a Certificate of De
posit, stating on Its face that a sum equal
to 6 per cent a month Is guaranteed, pay
able monthly, and giving the holder ot tho
certificate the right to return the certificate
at any time he may choose and withdraw
his investment In whole or In part in
stantaneously. This Is without question
one of the greatest opportunities for safe
and highly profitable investment in the
entire iinanclal world. It is worthy the
careful consideration of any man who de
sires to rapidly accumulate u snug bank
balance and yet have his money invested
where It is at all times subject to In
stantaneous withdrawal and protected from
loss by a company whose Iinanclal stand
ing and reliability is beyond question.
The National Securities Company Ih rap
Idly extending Its Held of nitrations, and,
to arouse adilltionnl Interest, has issued a
booklet explaining fully Its plan of operat
ing and giving full Information in regard
to everytldng an investor would want to
know. This booklet is sent free to all who
write for It. Address at once. National
Securities Company. Dept. 41. St. Louis, Mo.
Aaama Coo
Prunawlck in
Comatork Tannal.
Con. (al. ak Va..
Horn Sllrar
Iron Silver
Laad villa Coa
. 10
. 40
. I
. m
LIU la Chi.f ..
Mlfrra Kavada
Small Hor ..
. 6
,. t!
. 10
.. a
Baak C learlag.
OMAHA, Jan. $. Bank clearings for the
week as compared with the corresponding
wetk last year:
llafl. 19.'1.
Monday tl.Zlijn 4 $1, 121.15 68
Tuesday l.m.TMti S 1.14M47 2
Wednesday 1 .11,1,742 so 1.145.U7 ti
Thuiaday Holiday.
Friday l.tftl.jjS W 1.4rr.f- 03
Saturday l.M.l 23 1.31. sol 21
balance. 2.T3 11;
..$,t4.737 4.1 $6,19.:12 74
. .. 475.0:4 ea
I. Clearing. $-VM4.61:
New York exchange, 10c
prtuiluiu, foreign a.ctiaug tuicuaiiged;
44 ...
. . . i
.... 2oi
St. I.ool Live Stork Market.
BT. IiOl'IS. Jan. S. CATTLE Receipts
3nO head. Including '200 Texan. , market gen
erally teav; native shipping and export
steers, M fri 3.76. with strictly fancy quoted
at $0.50; dressed berf add butcher steera,
$4.0ti46.l0; steers under l.iurt lbs.. 4.7o(e5 oi'.
Receipts. Shipments. J."
4.441 n.wi
21.071 4.1S ja
6,970 .,
N lit
40 la
140 U
... 20
... 39
... t 10
... I 20
J.K) 1!0 4 20
2o4 40 10
... VI
40 2S
a0 IS
I ml ( 2i
40 26
... 4 26
... 25
... 4 ii
... 6 26
2..I 20 rr4
..261 120 27
,.2111 160 27a
..U4 ... 4 10
, 234 140 I 20 to to
..2.M ...
..! 10 10
140 f 10
40 90
..16 ... (10
60 144 I SO
A a.
Sh. Pr.
40 4 10
40 M
44 10
to t SO
ao t i o
41 .
M. .
100 4 SO
40 t SO
120 4 30
U tit
W lit
40 I SO
... t SO
... t so
... t so
... t so
... IIJ1
40 t U ' t
... t 12',
10 t SH'i
ii 129 I 3! 'a
264 ... t 12
1TI 1!0 t S2'a
isi iw t s."
26t SO I 2
i.o 2o I ill 'a
176 140 t as
tl.J ... 4 IS
2S) tOO t S3
S"t ... its
424 M III
311 tOO I 16
274 ... 4 40
:s 120 I 40
by the sure and safe system of the
Co-Operatlve Turf Association, a cor
poration with a capital stock of $100,
idl.hl, doing business under the laws
of the state of South Dakota and li
censed by the states of IUIiioIa and
Louisiana mil cities of Chicago and
and prices furnished to bookmak
ers and pool rooms; one good
priced winner wired each day at
an extremely low jirlee to the clients
throughout the country. If you have
Idle money, money to Invest, money
that should be earning money, a POS
TAL CAHD will bring you our little
1 1, 1 . .-. t I ...
ORIGINAL PLAN, indorsed by K
PRESS and PUBLIC and reeom- H
. . th.. , i v r.v'.,, t . . v i -1 , ae
Ths Co-Op3rative Turf Assn., Inc,
New Orleans, La.
A few share of stock paying 24 per
cent per annum and which In the near
future will pay even greater dividends
for sale at lim per share.
SHEEP There was only one car of mixed
sheep and lambs In the yards this morning
tinkers sn.1 feeder. $2.wj4t.2.'); cow and and, as they were of lnferlur quality, a test
heifers. $'2.2o&5.; canners. l.rof2.75; bulla,
U.4il.25: calves. $3.7Mi7.6o; Texas and In
dlan steers. $2.7ti'6'4.4o: cows and heifers
HOGS Receipts, neau ; market o'uioc
lower; pigs and lights. s.3-r.4-; packers,
t;.Sib.5o: butchers. 10. 44(1.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts; mar
ket nominal: native muttons. S.i .WH4 bo
lambs, $4.7Diji6 .25; culls and bucks, $'2.001
4.U0, stockers, $1. Mi 1.00.
Btoas t'lty Mve Stork Market.
BIOUX CITY. la.. Jan. $. (Special Tele-
aTram.l CATTLE-Recelnts. j; market
steady, beeves. ll.aoC'io.i: cow, bull and
mixed, $l.n''3 75; Blockers and feeders, $2.50
ti.lvj. yearlings and calves, iiu
HOGS Receipts, 4i; market RlflOc
lower, selling at $5.7but 40; bulk, $6.ara 2o.
81. Joseph live Utork Market.
8T. JOSEPH. Jan I CATTLE Receipts,
415 head: market steady.
HOGS Receipt. 4.7ril hesd: market E'ulOc
loer; mixed and heavy. $ii.2f(i light
snd light mixed. $ li.K; pigs, $X2&(?(i.iJ;
bulk or sales, liJ'n tt.
tollEEi'-NQ receipt
i the market waa not made. For the week
receipt have been rainy nuerai lor tne
time of year, as there Is a good gain over
the same week of last year. The market
hhs also been In very satisfactory condi
tion taking the week aa a whole, on Mon
day and Tuesday the tendency of price was
upward until tne cioae or ins inuraei on
Tuesday, when the feeling was weaker.
On Wednesday and Thumuay the market
wa also rather unsteady, but Friday it
firmed uu again, so that the market on de
sirable grane of both fat vheep and lambs
may be quotea steaay tor tne weea. it i
very evident tnnt liacner ao not want mis
half-fat stuff and In fact packers claim
that it is the dearest meat they can buy.
For that reason commission men are ad
vising their patron to make th-lr sheep
and lambs good before shipping them.
Feeders have been in very ngnt supply
all the week and the market ha held fully
steady ..n anything at all desirable.
Ouotallon: t noice western lamns.
5 :3; fair to good lambs, $4 5(i6.0ii; choice
r a live lambs. $5 2f.i4.oo; choice yeurllnna.
$4.5" C4.75; fair to good yearlings. 4 '""a-4 do;
choice wethers. $4 li'ri-t 40; fair to good. $3.75
i4 w: choice ewes, $-1 ba4 .ou; fair to good,
$j 0uij'J.i teeder lambs, $3.00jt.00; feeder
We have just Issued a special letter
on IT. S. Steel Common. It will In
terest you. Call or write for It.
E. B. JENKINS & CO., Inc.
Capital 9100,004).
Banker and Brokers,
at-l Foarth Are.,
IMttshurtf, Fa.
"The One Way"
Giving full particulars how to make
your money earn a regular monthly
income without rUk or loa. Wa have (
never had a dissatisfied customer. We
make good incomes out of modest in
MONEY. Write at once to
113 Wall Street. New York.
1. 8.
I'p-to-date mining paper tfully
Illustrated), containing all the lat
est news frum famous gold camps.
Mining; Journal, 1DII Naiaau St.,
ew York.
Stock Bargains
Can save you money at all times.
we i.i tr i
Eastern Consolidated Oil $ .23
King Cruwther Oil 50
Great Western Gold (Henderson). .17
National Fiber & Cellulose 1.75
Mount Shasta 11
city, and many other.
Send for our 'January Market Letter.
containing exhaustive Information
ubout all stocks. Always consult with
us before purchasing.
Emerscn & Company
Bunkers and Brokers,
New York Office Si Nassau Street.
Chicago Ll La Palle St., Phone 4J18
If permanent, must be the rult of abso
lute honesty. The Grain and Stock Mar
kets offer a fertile field for fraud, too often
worked by the unscrupulous.
If we could so vtrlte nn "ad" that
every reader would , "This look
like aa honest biialneaa) I'll Inveatl
trate It." we could double our subscription
list In a week.
o per cent of our subscriber renew at
expiration. It's no trouble to hold them,
but we want new ons. It us "how
you." Bend for our free booklets or try
our forecasts on grain and stocks for a
eek. It only coat ll.uo. Then you'll re
new for a year, because IT WILL PAV
a.Vt a year for dally forecast.
408 Mailers' Uldg. t ItlCAUO, II.U
B. Weare. Pres. C. A. Weara, V-Pres.
Established 1112.
Aleinuera of the Principal Exchanges.
Private Wires to All Points.
Bought and sold for casts or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH. Uo-111 fcoard of Trada.
1 eleohone laid
W. E. Ward. Local M-nager.
CAoJz0ED' Craft-Hagen Co
111 KFALO, . V.
Let us know what you have to sell and
we will send you highest cash offer. IT
We execute orders for 1,000 bushels and
upwards. Deliveries made In Chicago and
Kansas City. All orders will receive care
ful and prompt attention.
HOOVt 4 N. V. 1.1KK lil.DG.
Tel. 10:lli. OMAHA. DKU.
Omaha Branch, 221 Board of Trade. Tel
ephone, 31.
All orders promptly executed on Chicago
Board of Trade.
aloas City, lowtfe