Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
17 FOR IALB-REAL ESTATE. 1U9IE9 1ICK.. IKH Itll M C II I !". TITF, OMAHA DAILY JIV.Ta SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 100.1. ...WE MUST SELL... ALL OF OUR REAL ESTATE RECENTLY PURCHASED FROM THE OMAHA SAVINGS BANK. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME OR AN INVESTMENT, DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU HAVE I XAMINED THE PROPERTIES DESCRIBED BELOW AND ONE ! UNDRED OTHERS IN RUR CATALOGUE. J MO Five room cottage, thoroughly re paired, new roof, newly papered and painted Inside and out. 2525 Bo. 11th. Lot 50x101. n,300 4-room cottage, new roof, new foun dation, thoroughly repaired. No. 2531 Bo. llth Bt. Jl.600 Twu 6-room cottages, thoroughly re paired, newly pnlnted, one-half block from new car line. Rents, $18 per month. Lot 60x128. $1,&00 7-room, story and one-half house, east front on 22d street, near Grace, hew foundation, newly painted, thor oughly repaired. 1G22 N. 221. $2,S0O Very attractive 9-room modern house, aouth front on Charles, near 2th. Ixit 60xl27V4. Thla la the beat house In thla part of the city for the money. $2,600 8-room modern nouse with good barn. Sightly location, In first-class condition. Lot 60x132. No. 812 N. 43d atreet. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 1301 Douglas Street, Up Stairs. D, V. SHOLES & CO., S10 N. r. Life. Tel. 829. BARGAINS. $1,850 for 231 N. 2th ave.. half-block motor, In the BEST BUILT UP block In that part of the city, lame 8-room house, full two-atory, sewer, water, gas. elegant re pair, new roof, newly painted, two coats, all repapered and painted Inside. BNAP. 14.1007 rooms, nearly new, handsome In terior, parquet floors, tine plumbing, east front lot on 28th St., near Mason; choice home. $4,000 8 rooms, well arranged, strictly mod ern, oak finish, exceptional location on Pacific, near 31st. Bargain. IS.Boo for the handsomest, finely finished home In the City of Omnha for the price; exceptional location, near Rrownell Hall. , House cost ovt-t $10,000 to build; lot 60x124 feet. $9,0o for 10-room handsome West Farnam residence, strictly modern, up-to-date, oak ' finish, polished floors; one block Farnam car. VACANT ; $650 for 60x124. 16th and Lothrop, all paving paid. BNAP. $1,600 for 50x124. very choice, 86th and How ard. CHOICE. $2,60050x132, 26th and Harney. Cheap. $3,000 ssxl02, near 26th and Dewey. VERY CHEAP. ACRES 20 acres near Country club, half-mile of motor. CHEAP. $150 per acre. 15 acres 3 blocks from motor, on paved St., WO feet paved with stone. Price, 15,000. TRADES $60,000 Brick block, renting $4.7CO ner year. always rented; cnoice location. Take two thirds of price In good ranch land, bal ance 6 per cent for 4 vcars. $25,000 for 10-room handsome residence, large grounds, hot water heat, EXCEP TIONAL location; trade clear, owing to 111 health, for land. FARMS $20 acres, SAUNDERS CO., half-mile of WA1IOO, very choice and cheap If sold soon; can give possession March 1st, 145 acres, 6 miles from P. U., Omaha, on paved road; very fine; $100 per acre. - $30 acres, near Bouth Omaha, good, well Improved, very fine farm, $M per acre. 320 acres, CEDAR CO., In German settle ment. In Row valley. 240 cultivated, well Improved, choice farm, 12 60 per acre. 150 acres. Joins right up to the town of llartlngton, very choice; part could he pluttid and sold In city lots; exceptionally line Improvements, and a most exception al place for a home close to fine schools; only 4 blocks to the P. O. Look a long time to beat this. 175 per acre. 'WRITE I S FOR LIST OF FARMS AND RANCHES. NEW LIST OUT JAN. 10. OVER 150 selected farms, ranches and tracts. RE 673 4 We Believe we have Bargain in a Ranch. WILL YOU INVESTIGATE? 300 acres In Frontier Co., Nebr., all In one body, inside your own fences. About 400 acres bottom land. 150 acres large timber, last season about 100 acres in alfalfa, 80 in corn. 35 in rye, 25 in cane, 30 in hay mea dows, three streams of never failing water run through It. Three wells, tanks and wind mills, house, three barns, tool house, granary, hog house, chicken house, house scales and sheds. This ranch has carried 500 head year round. Plenty of good roughness now on ranch to carry your cattle till grass comes. Can be sold at a bargain with good reasons for selling. Write Potter," Forgan & Has 'kell, 420 N. Y. Life. I RE 575 t , l'" ACRES. 9 miles from Omaha, good buildings. 75 , acres under cultivation, 7 acres in fruit. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 8. 14TH 8T. RE-584 t I R. C. PETERS & CO. 'We have for aale 1314 acrea of land, well I Improved, for $6,560. This Is a fine farm ' and only a few miles from Valley, Neb. We have residence property from $750 to tlO.tioo In price. You should see our list before buying. 312 acres. St' acreB under cultivation, 80 acres of timber, balance upland, living J water, good hoMse. barn, corn cribs and granary. Three miles west of Louisville, price $30 per acre. This Is a bargain. 120 acrea In Saunders, small house, worth $400. good stable. $Ti5 per acre. Owner suya It not sold before Jan. 15th price will be raised to $65. SOUTH OMAHA. We have the southeast corner of 24th and : V sts. This lot at $1,800. VWe have 10 acres of land adjoining the town of South omaha that you can buy . for $150 per acre. RE 677 4 ' Choice 66 foot lots near high school and car line, $1,800. Trackage lot, down town, $7,500, Bargains in city property. J. N. FRENZLR, Opp. old P. O. RE 61T 4 W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Ufa. Phone 1294. 8-room modern house, good order, fronting college grounds, In Kountxe Place; owner la leaving city and will sell cheap. t rooms, new, modern except futnuce, aouth front, extra well built 1822 Maple. Rents for $20. $2,000. 7 rooms, on the boulevard, with nice grounds, east front, near Georgia street; has a good barn; want to soil this quick. Choice laving south front lot on Charles street west of Ssth, paving paid for and - $K will buy It. . , 12vx4a vacant, on 24th Bt., I blocks north of Ames Ave.. $1.6i. RE 63J 4 $40 ACRES. In Washington county, only 10 mllea from Omaha; lsu acres under cultivation, bal ance pasture; two sets of Improvements. THE BY HON REED CO., 212 8. 14TH ST. NINE-ROOM house, large oarn, $S.So Windsor Place. Thoe l Fell. 4u6 Mer chants' National Bunk. RE OARDEN TRACT. 10 acres, Jut off Center, thla aide of Ruser's Park, fine, level; prloe, $l.5w. TUB BYRON REfcD CO., J 8 . HTH BT. BUILDING LOTS. f SCO 48 feet wet front on llth, near Dorcaa. I 700 North front on Jackson street, near 85th. 66x132. t 800 N. W. corner 34th and Jackson. 68x132 t 900 N. W. corner Lowe avenue and Cats streets. Lot Elxlll. $ 900 Each, two lots, east front on Lowe avenue, near Burt. 46x140. 11,000 N. W. corner Lowe avenue and Burt. 47x140. $1, 250 Each, two lots, south front on Far- nam, between 41st and 42d, each 44x132 feet. S00 Each, two sightly lots, south front on Davenport atreet, near ISth, each 65x140. OAR V IN BROS. $3,600.00. Six-room cottage. Modern. Corner lot. Very choice property. Near West Farnam. Eight rooms, modern, except furnace, with lot 60x152 feet, at Mi Douglas street, choice location, walking distance, CAN BELL CHEAP. Two modern houses. Annual rent, $432.00. Near Seventh Ave. and Pierce. Think owner would accept offer of 3.500.00. 2216 CHARLES BT Desirable dwelling of 11 rooms, all modern, except furnace. lot 62x130. Can sell for $2.X).0O; the house alone coat H.OUO.uo to build. Eight rooms. Neat place. 8830 Seward St. Think $1,750 will buy It. Part cash; balance payments. O A R V 1 N BROS. Com'l. Nat. Bank. Bldg., 1604 Farnam St. RE 601 4 SPECIAL OFFERS. 86 acres. Clark Co., Ind.; 8-room house. barns and outbldgs. ; IV, miles to R. R. 180 acres, stock and limits.. Madison Co.. N Y.; 150 acres tillable; 2H miles from R. R. 4 wall lrtnatri hld Inta Renalde. Fla. 10-acre truck farm, near Mulberry Grove, 111 Park, 30 acres, adjoining famous pleasure and health resort, Martinsville, ina. 160 acres and Impts., Barnes Co., N. D. 40 acres and ImDts.. Clark Co.. Mich. 200 acres and Impts.. Elsklyou Co., Cal.: 80 acres tillable, loO acres timber; orchard. FIrst-clasa house and 44 acres, Granville. O 24 acres and Impts., Cape May Co., N. J. 1(10 acres and Impts., Worcester Co., Masa. 40 acres and Impts.. Kitsap Co., Wash. 118 acres and Impts.. Jo Daviess Co., III.; 90 acres cultivated; 14 miles to R. R. 120 acres and Impts., Newaygo Co., Mich. Hotel and 2 lota. Junction City, Kan.; 48 rooms, good location; blks, from R. R. Residence and 2 acrea land. West Denton, Md. 8-room residence and I lota. Rutherford, N. J.; bath, modern Impts., shade and fruit. W. M. OSTRANDER. North American Building, Phils., Pa. ' RE 567 4 OUR BARGAINS THIS WEEK. 5 acrea close to Omaha, $675. 20 acres, beautiful tract, $2,850. 40 acres, choice garden land, $4,750. ARK YOU GOING TO BUILD. We can offer the fine lot at the southeast corner S8th avenue and Dodge, one of the most desirable residence corners left In the upper Farnam district, with all pav ing, curbing and other taxes paid In full, for $2,760. A CHAN CIS TO DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. We offer a full lot near Farnam and 42d, excellent neighborhood, close to motor line, for $700; $150 cash, $50 every four months. CHEAP STOCK FARM. 2,680 acres deeded land, central Neb., 90 miles from U. P. railroad; 1.600 acres farming land, balance good grass: good buildings, wells, windmills, etc.; $8.50 an acre. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. 439 Board Trade Bldg., Omaha. RE-675 f An Improved Merrick County Farm. 820 acres, four mile from good town on U. P. Ry-, with house, barn, shed and crib. Close to Silver Creek valley and can be put Into alfalfa; 250 acres culti vated, the rest in meadow and pasture. Oood black sandy loam soil, very fertile, and adapted to raising celery, beets, po tatoes and other vegetables, besides the usual grain crops, corn, oata and wheat. This la an opportunity of a lifetime and If you are going to buy you should see thl before you do ao. Prtce $25 per acre. J. B. PIPER, Ramge Block, 16th and Harney Bis.. Omaha. RE 4 " HOME8EEKERS AND INVESTORS Investigate. The Big Bend country of eastern Wash ington. Cheap Lands, Sure Crops, l Oood Climate. Unexcelled for grain, fruit and live stock. For further Information call on or address WASHINGTON LAND CO., Oncorporaied), waterviLLe, WASH. RE $500.09 EACH. Two lots on 27th St.. Just north of Popple ton Ave., nice shade trees. THE BYRON REED CO., 118 8. 14TH BT, RE 584 4 I CAN SELL your farm, ranch, city prop erty, wild and unimproved land, any place, anywhere. Send description and cash price and learn how. Customers all over the country. W. E. Ward, Colby, Kan. RE- DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. SG acres, four miles from South Omaha postufllce, good Improvements. Owner must sell by February 1, 1903, and la offer ing It am-ay down. O NEIL'8 REAL ESTATE AGENCY, South Omaha. RE M630 10 OWN YOUR OWN HOME. On fine govern ment land. Maps and charts, with full Information, on receipt of 50c. Address, Box 424. Pierre. S. D. RE-Mfl 6' 80 ACRES. Near Omaha, fine house, two barns, several acres !n fruit. THE BYRON REED CO., 21! S. HTH 8T. RE-5M I FOUR-ROOM cottage and lot. 20J Center t., $750. Inquire R 17, Patterson blk. 1 RE-648 F8 GOVERNMENT land, under Irrigation, In oil regions along IT. P. R. R. In Wvoming. 1. C. Patterson, Omaha. RE M44S Fi 160 ACRES fine land for sale or lease, Deuel Co., Neb. Mrs. J. B. Webater. 17v N. 4th at. RE 6S6 4 EIGHT-ROOM house, near car line, cor ner lot: a genuine snap, $1,250. Five acrea, very fine, email house, some fruit city water, near school, church and car Ine. 1. N. HAMMOND 617 Paxton Block. RE-611-1 A BARGAIN. 50 acres only 24 miles from Omaha. In the tost farming district In the state; 45 acre under cultivation, 8 acres pasture; 4-room house; good barn and shed. Owner anxious to aell. THE BYRON REED CO., til 8 HTH ST. RE 6fl4 4 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E , 1203 Farnam street. HE 417 HOI 8E8 and lota In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room iU. ttee bldg. RE W8, FOR 8ALE, good Improved farm of W0 acres, near Calhoun, Neb. Address John JiUiurlcksen, Cailioun, H. JUi MJtl THERE IS NO BETTER INVESTMENT THAN OMAHA REAL ESTATE AT TODAY'S PRICES READ THE MANY SPLENDID OEEERS BELOW FOR IALE REAL ESTATE. HOMESEEKER3' ASSOCIATION, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 1005 Farm. 320 a., Custer Co.. Neb.; Smiles irom Anselmo; good land; no improve ments. CheaD at 11.2O0. Terms. 101 Oood farm of 16o a. In Boyd Co.. with good Improvement; at a bargain If taken soon. 13.500. 1014 A fine quarter-eectlon In Manitoba, on beautiful Oak lake, near two lines K. R. ; well settled; cheap; on account of death of owner widow will sell below value. Another quarter near above for sale cheap. 1004 One-half section In Fall River Co., S. D., 3 miles from Olrlch; running water, well; buildings burned; "0 a. tn cultiva tion. This Is very cheap at $2,600. Splendid Alfalfa Farm 427 a., all river bottom; 100 a. alfalfa, 100 a. in corn, 142 a. pasture. 25 a. meadow; fenced and cross-fenced; 2 good new houftes, one of 7 rooms, one-story i. one of 4 rooms, two stories; shed barn at en-h house; granary, crib for 4.ono bu. corn; best tract of alfalfa land that can now be bought on the Renubllcan river, and J all bottom land: onlv i miles from FranR- lin; good churches, high school, academy, no saloons, chesp taxes, good water, fine oil and best alfalfa district known; rare chance for a fine farm that will grow anything; all ready to occupy without spending a cent; with this place can be had about 800 a. fine pasture land, run ning wuter and timber, or will sell sep arately; good place for two families. Price, $00 per acre, one-half cash, balance on time at 6 per cent. CALIFORNIA 1008 Non-resident offers greatest bargain; 4'0 a. Southern California fruit land; write for full particulars. 1020 100 a. farm, Custer Co., Neb.. 8 miles from Mason City; all fenced, small house and outbuildings. Price, $12.50 per a., $700 cash, subject to mortgage for balance. One of the Finest Farms 1006 For sale, 283 a. near Franklin. Neb.; $6 a. In cultivation, 20 a. meadow, fine orchard In bearing, balance of land In pasture, well fenced; large two-story dwelling, best built house In the county, 11 rooms, halls, large closets, bathroom, front and back stalrei cellar under whole house, hot and cold water, all In first class condition; 2 large barns, water In barn; granary; one frame barn, steel roof, granary; place Is watered by well, cistern and windmill at house, and barns with living springs in the pasture that never fall or freese; cribs for several thousand bushels of corn; good work shop, garden, yards and lots fenced hog tight. Call or address for full particulars. RE 682 4 BEMI9' BARGAINB. , HOUSES AND LOTS. Neat modern 5-rdom cottage near 24th and Ames ave., $1,S00. Oood 6-room house near 24th and Orant, 11.000. Small store building, alwaya rented at good rate, on car line. V.'M. 6-room house, with barn, etc., near 33d and Ames ave., n.inu. Oood 7-room house near All Saints' church, S2.5O0. Oood rented property, consisting of four nouses, in gooa repair, on a. win si. Price, $3,500. LOTS. Lots on Blondo, between 24th and 27th. Make us an offer. One of the best corner lots In Bemts Park being offered till January 16th for ot Former price $0. A SNAP FOR SURE. About 3 acres already platted Into 22 lots. Inside city limits, near Fort Omaha, $750. Still offering lots on new car lines at from $12.50 to $1d0 each and only $5 down and $5 per month. 10 or 12 acres near Council Bluffs, good lmnrovoments. $3,600. $5 acree, norwest of Omaha, fine fruit and ooultrv farm. 14.000. S acres near South Omaha, Improved, $1,550. 10 acres near Dundee must sell; your oner, If reasonable, will buy It. 20 acres, Improved, near Benson. $2,200. I or 4 acres near Ruser's park, FARMS. ACREAGE, ETC. 80 acres, finest bottom land, good Improve ments, near Benson, $90 per acre. 160 acres In Sarpy CO., good Improvements, rural mall delivery and telephone, run ning water on farm, $70 per acre. 250-acre farm, and a good one, only 10 miles from Omaha, and only $50 per acre. A 16 PER CENT INVESTMENT. W.GW will buy a Id-room brick flat, newly built, renting for $Mb per month. This means after water, gas, taxes, etc.. are paid an Income of at least 23 per cent on the Investment. Where can you beat It. Come In and Investigate this. EXCHANGES. Good residence property In Hanscom Park district to exchange for more modern house In West Farnam section. Improved -section In Greeley CO., to ex change for city property. Well Improved five-acre tract on Military ave., will trade for Income producing or good vacant city property. Cash price $7,000. Modern 8-room house In Clifton Hill to trade for vacant city property. GEO. P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO. Tel. m. PAXTON HIXK-K. RE-695 4 Tukey 6k Son Vacant Lots for Homes North of Grande Ave. and west of 24th St., on new car line, beautiful lots with fine shade: crlcee from 8125 to $200 on Tukey'e terme. This la very deplrable property and a good many houses will be bjllt on It during the coming spring. After the lot Is paid for we will make you a loan to build your house. I A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444 445 Board of Trade. RE-638 4 I $2,600 FOR NEW SIX-ROOM COTTAGE 1 Modern, except furnace; on Miami St., west or xutn St . $1,860 for eight-room house, modern, except furnace, on Boulevard, north of Ohio St. $000 for nice little home, 8113 Burdette St., nice barn and fruit on lot. B. R. BALL. 626 NEW YORK LIFE. Tel. B-12M. RE &J9 4 8 THREE BIG B ARGAINS S In hav land In the Platte valley near North Platte, Neb. One of 40 acres, $15 per acre. One of 240 acres, $16 per acre. One of 320 acres, $15 per acre. These ere snspe. Write us about them. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, "The Alfalfa Men," New York Life Building, Omaha. RE M623 8 THREE CHOICE HOMES Desirable location for Htreet car men, on Boulevard north of Manderson One cottage. 4 rooms, $l.l(io.uu. Two cottages, 6 rooms each, $1,400.00. Each house has water, gas and sewer. All special taxes paid. These are special snaps and must be sold. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Building. RE M626 ALrALFA FARM FOR SALE. A fine 320 acres In the best part of Dawson county; owner will take $2.5o0 Omaha houre end lot as part payment. This Is PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Alfalfa Land Men, N. Y. I. Hldg. RE-Mti25 6 DON'T FAIL TO SEE II. Just north of Orace, an east front on Boulevard, 7-rojm bouse, city water and gas. go-id bnrnj lot 44x140. nice shade trees. Price. IS.wjo. easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Building. RE-M624 6 ATTRACTIVE 10-room residence, all mod ern, good barn, 4"2 8. 4th St., .. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. HTH ST. RE 544 THREE houses. th and Binney Sts.. 4.0A; rent for $43 monthly. Thos. H. Fell, 4ot Merchants' National Bank. RE 577 4 WE HAVE more than 60 good bargains In city residence property that have come In during the last month. Call and take your choice. Douglas County Realty Co.. 1st floor N. Y. Ufe WJ. HXr-i, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BUYERS for the following: Moi'ern 6 or 7-room house In Hanscom lark district for $2,5H. li-acre tract west of South Omaha, not far from Q St.; must be cheap. Modern ho.ipe In West Farnam district; small residence In excellent locality to be given as part payment. BEM1S. Paxton Block, or Telephone 685. RE tii-6 4 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? Ii you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The best ay to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a leasnnable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement In an, till 1 dnto ... U.iP.I tul. rivi-NTin 14 f 1-MTI 1PY FAPMT-'P Mt 1 ' trV lF. V-LJV.l.JKY rAKmtK ubiaiia, incd, RE 604 A RAROAIX. Ixit. southeast corner lft Ii and Cuming, (xlT2, paved street, $3,200. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. RE 5S4 4 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the L'nlon Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, l'nlon Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 4.19 FOIl REST HOI SES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office, lullVi Farnam, or Tela. Ko9-M3. D-3M FOR RENT, one 9-room house, with gas, water and sewer; Just been placed In first-class repair; In good Iccatlon. C. M. Bachmunn, 436-37 Paxton block. D 179 FOR RENT, forty acres In the city limits of South Omaha: small house, excellent place for feed yard. The Omaha Realty company, i&h uuugius oi., upstairs. D 386 9-ROOM modern, near High school, $27.50. 8-room house, 36th and Charles, $20.00. Ir.q. 2648 Cap. Ave. Tel. 573. Koblson. D-4S1 2741 S. 13TH St., 8-room cottage, city water, rental $10. William K. Potter, receiver, So3 Brown block. D 392 HOIIQP In all parts of city The O. Davis Co., 5U8 Bee Bldg. D 3S HOUSES, $3 upward. Bemls, Paxton Blk. D 3!W VANS and baggage wagons. Tels. 1191-1145. D C91 HOUSES. G. G. Wallace, Brown Block. D 3S7 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block, D-3SM 7-ROOM modern house, 2317 Charles. Tele. phone A-2.W8. D-153 HOUSES it all parts of the city. C. Peter & Co., Bee BUlg. D-392 2813 WOOLWORTH AVE.. 8 rooms. mod ern, $25; 1K13 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, mod ern, $40; Webster, 7 rooms and bath, $1S; 2705 Davenport, 7 rooms, barn, $15; 2439 Emmet, 7 rooms and barn, $13. Ring wait Bros., Barker Blk. D M496 4 7-ROOM house, N. 24th, $14.00. Tel. 884. D-M339 FIRST and second floor 6-room flats, all modern, also neat 6-room cottage. 2124 Miami St. D-472 MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Tel. 14. D 359 COTTAGE, 2506 Franklin St. D-624 6 FOR RENT Nine-room house; Just newly papered and repaired; all modern except furnace; 22d St. and Poppleton Ave., $18. Two 9-room houses, 3th and California Sts., all modern, city water and sewer, $18. One 4-room house, 27th and Cuming Sts., city water, $10. C. M. BACHMANN, 426-37 Paxton Block. D-525 FOR RENT A fine located 5-room cottage, 2fi25 S. llth St., $12. Also a good 7-room house, 1622 N. 22d St., $15. The Omaha Realty Co., 1301 Douglas St., upstairs. D-691 DOUBLE FLAT. 1611 Howard St., 12 rooms, In first-class repair; new plumbing; two bath rooms. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 16)1 Farnam St. D M9? 4 FOR RENT- 6-room flat, 1K4I Sherman avenue; modern, except furnace. Inquire at 403 Kurbach Block. D 5S3 4 FOUR-ROOM house, rear. 2511 Decatur St. D 641 I TEN-ROOM house; all modern, ney St. D- 22ii6 Har--M622-6 FOR RENT. 2711-15 Jackson, 9 rooms, all modern, $8". 8719 Marcy, 10 rooms, barn, all modern, $.T5. 131t S. 31st, 8 rooms barn, all modern, $10. tm Pacllic, 6 rooms.' $15. D. V. SHOLES CO. 810 N. Y. Life. Tel. 829. D 674 4 210 N. 23 8-rooms, modern, $35. D 619 4 FOUR good flats, containing altogether 24 rooms, modern except heat; all newly papered, painted and new plumbing throughout; all light rooms; being tho 2d and 3d floors Nos. 1611 and 1613 Howard St. $120.IM per month for all, or will rent each lloor separately. 6-room brick house, city water, etc., 1136 N. 19th st. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. D-684 IS FOUR-ROOM house, 312 N. 17th. $18; pos session at once. Inquire 1203 Etrnum at. D 6Wi 4 CONVENIENT 5-room house. Grand ave. Call 2437 D 678 4 MONEY TO I.O AX CHATTELS. C A CVTO GET LAO 1 TO PAY Best explains our methods We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse reeclpts, etc. Or If you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN Without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is quick and confidential and we always try to pleaie. All we ask la that you give us a cull be fore you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 225. (Established 1692.) M 8. 16th St. X-M426 "HEADQUARTERS" FOR SALARY IXJANS. Everr man or woman In Omaha, South Omaha- and Council Bljffs getting a salary call and get our m ir.ey on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage or indorser TRY US ON FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain In your poisession; you get the full amount of loan without deduc tion, our system of payments the easiest. Our rates are easily the lowest. YYe aim to please. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Get off Elevator at Third Floor. Room '3. PAXTON BLOCK. Room S'3. X-427 WE IX)AN money on furniture, pianos and diamonds. Low ratea. Any length of time. Private. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK. 1404 Farnam, upstairs. Tel. A-211S. X 129 LARGEBT BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team eters. boarding houaes, etc.. wuhiut se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolmau, 440 Board of Trade Rid. xtu MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. TRY US -for- SALARY and CHATTEL LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 633 Paxton Block, lfith and Farnam Sts. Top Floor. X-M428 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, norses, cows, etc. C r need, ;nst H. 13. X-431 THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Room K44, Paxton block. Phone F2298. This company Is the private bank of t lie wage-cumer salaried employe. it you have a permanent position as clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arti san of any klnu, you can obtain on your note, without security or Imlurser: S.nil- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. JliHI return to us 2K W $13 3.) 40 ' $ oo return to us.... 13 33 tj 3 4 2 return to us.... 6 60 1.M l.d I lo return to us 4.uo a.uu i.ji Our o.Ilces are private and our business confidential. From a. m. to p. m. X-M517 MONKY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 014 Paxicn block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-433 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jewelry, to salaried people, roley ixian Co., Sue. to Daft Green, 8 Barker block. X 130 III SISF.SS (IIAMKS. INVESTORS, ATTENTION. Write us regarding Investments that will net you from 10 to 18 per cent and abso lutely safe. Western Wealty and Invest ment Co., Fremont, Neb. Y 8u J13 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y-434 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see J. II. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y 435 FOR SALE Complete stock of socondhand furniture; doing a good business; tine lo cation; store can be leased or stock can be removed; this can be bought at a bar gain; reason tor selling Is bad health. Address, P 49, Bee. Y Mo86 GOOD location for a bank; brick building, fine fixtures, safes and time lock for $inju. Addrese, P 59. Bee. Y M691 13 IF YOU want to get In or out of business or buy or sell property communicate with Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. Y 436 M WILL buv a two-chair barber shop, establlFhed business; rent $8 per month, Including three living rooms. 2626 Cuming St. Y-M371 DABNEY oil stock, safe as government bonds; pays 1 per cent dividends monthly through tnls office from sale of oil; in vestigate. M. J. Greevy, reliable broker, 414 Bee bldg. 'Phone L2330. Y M506 5 FOR TRADE for property In south or west, large stocK general merenannise; January 1 Invoice completed shows $ll,Sx7. without fixtures; bills payable $3,960, these must be paid by purchaser, but owner will tnke land or desirable city property for entire equity; this stock will suit you If you can handle It. Also have large hotel and summer resort, together with 1 fifteen cottaKes. all furnisneu, near m, Paul, no Incumbrance, price $17,500, to trade for property south or west. Also have 800-acre Improved farm North Da kota, cash value $s,Ou0. mortgage $2.5nO lonir time: nwner will trade for property south or west; says too cold for him up here. Address Ixiuls Wilde, Dally News Building, St. Paul, Minn. Y Modi 4- CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located; If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern nusiness gency, i 014, Bk of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis, Minn, Y 548 F2 When You Write to Advertisers rmmhr It nnlv tnkea an extra stroke Of two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ao. in ire ttee. THIS REATS NEW JERSEY." Charters procured under South Dakota laws for a few dollars: write ior corporation mw. blanks, bylaws and forms to PIUIlp Law renco, lato assistant secretary of state. Huroa, Beadle Co., B. D. TCSMi 4- AGENTS. $30 to $50 weekly easily made; prove this. Luminous nameplatea, nu bers, signs readable darkest nights; sa we mtm. bers, signs reaoanie naraesi rikihb, wim ples free. Right Supply Co., jsnglewooa, 4n RR7 f DOES YOUR MONEY EARN ALL IT IS WORTH? On November 3 we Increased our 8 per cent weekly dividends to 4 per cent, which, together with th QUAR TERLY RESERVE FUND DIVIDEND, will net you about t per cent weekly on your Investment. This la the earning power of your. capital placed In a con aervatlve, legitimate enterprise, such as we offer. Write for our booklet, "WHEN ALL ELSE HAS FAILED," and other In formation. Highest mercantile references and testimonials from old, satisfied clients. The Mason-Fuller Co., Dickey Bldg.. Chi cago. III. Y-556 4 $ INVESTED made over $K60.oo for our clients paBt 8 weeks In a thoroughly le gitimate business. If you have $25.00 to $Hi.OO to Invest write ua. Rartlett & Co., Drawer 102, New Orleans, La. Y-651 4 MARVELOUS REVELATION IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD. MONTHLY, 20 PER CENT MONTHLY. $ 25.00 earns you $ 6.00 50.00 earns you 10.00 100. W earns you 20.00 earns you lno.OO A STEADY INCOME GUARANTEED. Absolutely sure, unquestionably safe, posi tively Bound: speculation positively ellml nat?d. All Dividends Payable Weekly. Representatives wanted. Write for Free Booklet. THE J. E. GARDNER CO. fine.) Fuller Bldg., Broadway & 23d, New York. Y-5s5 4 DIVIDEND NOTICE. All deposits made with us receive a guar anteed weekly cash dividend, paid on earh and every Tuesday throughout the year. Your money begins to earn this profit on the day of rectlpt. and continues to do so until withdrawn. Investments made with us are amply protected ; your money Is perfectly safe, and can be withdrawn at any time. Endorsed by business men and mercantile agencies throughout the country. For full particulars address H. E. Whitman & Co., Cttllaghan Bldg. San Francisco, Cal. Y 091 4 O. W. PARRY & CO., co-operative book makers, have earned and paid every week from 5 to 7 per cent on money Invested with ua; all money standing to your credit on our books subject to withdrawal on demand: the best paying investment In the country. References: Satisfied In vestors and prominent business men. Write for free booklet, which thoroughly explains our methods. O. W. Parry A Co., Suite 214-215 Century Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Y-595 4 5 PER CENT weekly dividends paid on $30 and upward; money can lie withdrawn on demand: business, co-operative book making; agents wanted. Send for pros pectus. Richmond Syndicate, St. Ixiuls. Y-66 4 BUY May wheat and corn at once, margin It JV" per bushel, which will amply pro tect you. and your money should double within 15 days. Do not delay. Buy Im mediately. $.') will margin Z.'joo bushels $Hi will margin 4.0m) bushela. Remit by cash, draft or postal order Send for our free book. "Modern Safe Methods for In vestments flower & Co.. Brokers. Traders Bldg., opposite Board of Trade, Chicago. Y M 4 OREAT PROFITS $"!5 and upwards earned monthly on every $100 Invested: write for booklet; dividends weekly: money can be withdrawn any time: highest references. Theo. btelu it Co.. 60 Broadway. N. Y. Y-7W i FAKE MINING AND OIL STOCKS Do you own tijem Send for frre sample copy Rulletln oontnlnlng list, latent new and other valuable Information. Bulletin Pub. Co., Denver, Colo. Y FOR SALE AT AUCTION-Htoek of grocer ies snd groceries fixtures; meat market fixtures; two hnrses and delivery wagon. Inquire of Joseph B. Tradenberg. Klnt Nat I Hank Bldg. V $3.0io FOR stock of groceries, without fix tures. H. K. Ball. 526 New York Life. l'hone B-1229. Y- 610- E. J ARNOLD CO. of St. Louis. Mo., race horse owners and bookmakers, in vite the speculative public to an Investi gation of their methods. This Is an old and lor.g established concern, amply re sponsible snd reliable In all Its dealing?. A rigid Inquiry into their business will develop 'a condition tinattalned by any other Investment proposition ever offered for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made In amounts of $.v and upward, subject to withdrawal In full on demand. Dividends paid In cash fifty-two times every year. The best pay ing safe Investment In the country. Refer ences: Banks, trust companies, commer cial agencies. St. Ixiuls business men and Prominent men everywhere. For full par Iculars address, E. J. Arnold & Co., th and Pine St. Louis. Mo. Y SMALL stock general merchandise, cheap; account of health. A snap. J. H. Phil lips, Friend, Neb. Y AN r.STABI.ISMED cereal food company desires the services of branch offl" man ager; compensation $:!.i0 per annum; highest references required nnd given; op portunity of a lifetime for right party. Address "Cereal," Box 24S1, Battle Creek, Mich. Y- FR EXCHANGE, choice, clean stocks of merchandise Invoicing from $5.fl"0 to $20. tin). Every stock listed, personally In spected and Kuarnnteed as represented or expenses paid. Owners will exchange for part cash and form lands or good Income property. Describe your properties fully and give value first letter, stating about slue deal you can handlis Can match any fair, square deal offered. What have you? Don't write unless you mean business and can back up your representations. All letters carefully answered. Personal attention given to each deal. Established since 192. Address Charles W. Somero. 607 Manhattan Bldg.. St. Paul. Minnesota. Y $.10 TO $40 EARNED monthly on $100 In vested by our new metnoa or successful operation. Larger and smaller amounts earn In proportion. Weekly payments Accounts withdrawable on demand. We refer to banks, mercantile aaenctes and hundreds of satisfied clients. Particulars free. J. D. Irving & Co., 302 Broadway, New York. Y 631 4' WANTED Party with from $2.flo0 to $5,000 to accept permanent position: business manurncturlng. L. m. u., Boutn moux City, Neb. Y-M5S2 DABNEY OIL stock paya twelve per cent annually on par. iecemner oivioena checks one per cent ready for distribu tion January 15. Stockholders please call. Agents wanted. M. J. Greevy, Fiscal Agent. Bee Bldg. Y 620 4 1250 WILL buy complete outfit for mall orner business: catalogs, piaies, etc.; is now belnir successfully worKea In .il cago. Address Lawrence, 811 Pontlac Bldg., Chicago. Y-664 4 SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING only pos slble by our select lists of pullers; our expert artvise and advertising guide iree; avoid expensive experimenting. Guen- ther-Bradford Advertising Agency, Chi cago. Y 6T8 4 MT. SHASTA Any sire, block; great bar gain; must sell. At bw t" FOR SALE, stock of fruits, confectionery and tobaccos; also eoda fountain and Ice cream parlor, doing a good business; best location In town of 1.2UI; store can be leased or bought: reason for selling, have too much other business. Address P. Bee office. Council Bluffs. Y Mt9 7 PARTY with small capital: amusement en terprlse; travel; good proposition to right party. Address t;, nee, council muns. Y-660 4 SEND for free book. "Facts nnd Figures," explaining option trading; $20.00 margins 1.000 bu.. 2 cents. Osborn Grain Co.. 17 old Chamber of" Commerce. Minneapolis, Minn., members Chamber of Commerce. Y 662- 4' ENTIRE laundry outfit. In fine S. D. town 1.200; good business; purchaser can etart right In and make money; will sell for $3.i0, less than halt value. r 00, dpb, Y 680 4 r.PKPBAl. MDSE. 13.000 to $20,000 clean staple stocks, dolnp good business In live country towns; can handle good Improved lands for some of these. GROCERY STOCKS $1,000 to $4,000, doing well, can be hud rlgnt; in city anu coun t rv HARDWARE $2,000 to $6,000 staple stocks city and country; casn nnu goou im ttrovari lrind will flo. tiunis-i son n JfimO clean stocks. In ami out of city; good income property for some of these. auoM BTorKi413.Rno to $6,000 fine, clean staple lines; Improved land at right price formerr what have VOU? IMPLEMENTS AND BUGGIES At $5,000 stock; live weorasaa town; goou innu v value for business. PIH HINO MILLS 50 to 75 bbls. rapacity. fully equipped, good business, well lo cated in JSeuraHKa, tnritty comniuuiiy, $6 000 to $,00o; good lnnd will Interest. HOTELS 20 to 60 rooms, well furnished, city and country, good business; furnl urA for ante: reasonable. ROOMING HOUSES 7 to 42 rooms, fine i..nil... In eltv- furniture Bt rlnht flsure. NOTICE i always know of someone who has a stock of goods or other business to deal, and I know of someone who has iand to deal for something else. NOW tell me what you have to aell, AND tell me what you want to buy; THEN If I don't find you a deal, WHY, you may say 1 never try. i H JOHNSON. N. Y. Ufe. REAL ESTATE. LOANS. INSURANCE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Y 6K9 4 FOR SALE, millinery stock and fixtures of one of dhe oldest millinery establishment In Omaha; established over twenty years, Joyce, 1624 Douglas. y OJ 4 INCREASE YOUR SAVINGS Absolutely guaranteed wteaiy per ciu uivmeuu t.M tn mihscrlbers on Investments o twenty dollar and upward; profit pay ments made weekly; all deposits subjec to withdrawal on demand; highest tlnan rial references, commercial and profes a It. via 1 references, covering a period o thirty yearn: write for particulars. The C. E. Rand Co., 169-171 Broadway, New YorK City. Y .09 4' FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE, books for records for graphuphone. Auarean o tw, uee. Si 668 4 LAW AXD COLLECTIOS9. BT1LLMAN & PRICE, 2S U. 8. N l Bk. Bldg. two NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y Life Blag., attorneys anu cuueviuia i where. NEB. COLLECTION CO., 305 N. Y. Life, DANCING SCHOOL. ATTirvn Murand'a school or Wed. assem bllea and learn the latest waits fad of the eastern cities, the most graceful walta ever Introduced. Clasres for beginners now forming. Adults, Tuesday and rl day; children, Saturday afternoon. Prl vate ieuiia. 1 iivnw iw. MIXES AND MINING. GOLD mining stocks In strong demand are safe and profitable Investments. The Black Hills gold mines produce a large and steady Income. For that reason they ura much 111 demand and are a splendid nonspeculntlve Investment. Big fortune will be made by Inventing In the Columbu t'finao Idated. Hidden fortune, iakot Bprarliah, Gladiator Consolidated, Horse shoe. Oro Hondo. Deadwood Standard, Jupiter. Grants and Potsdam mines. Write today for prospectus and Inside prices. I mil t mls a good tiling. Burt Rogers, Deadwood, 8. D. 56' Ml SIC. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. 369 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. Phone 1717. 5o6 8. 16th. 4iJ THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 4U Second-Hand ' SEWING MACHINES These machines have all been thoroughly overhauled and are In good condition and ate very cneop. One Domestic Machine $10.00 wo Singers uaro. lied, with latest head l.VOO 2 i0 120 3 50 S.i 111. 00 1'UH 10.00 10. to tiger, high arm naer Inger Tailoring ne ttowe ma St. John ne White ... .. ew Home onychoid I ouschold Modern Drop Head Machines, slightly sed, of any make, very cheap. These are uch machines as tho usual agents will n) you for new. We rent machines for 75c a week or $..!'. lcr mouth nnd repair and sell parts 1 . any machine manu factured. Nebraska Cycle Co. GEORGE E. MICKEL, Manager. Phone 1603, Corner Fifteenth and Harney. Fhone B-61S 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Fhone 4365612 North Twenty-fourth street, South Omaha, Neb. Q- MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, irom nny cause. Experienced and reliable. 1513 Dodgo street. Arlington block. Omnh, Neb. Tel. 3233. 'S 1 MARRIED ladles suffering from Irregu larities, eend 4c to Dr. 1'arger, station A. New York, for "Parker's Periodical Pills, an unfailing specific. M236 MARRIED ladles suffering from Irregu larities send 4c to Dr. PiirKer, ntaiinn A, New York, for "Parker's Periodical Pills,' an unfailing specific. M236 Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, Kidney and oiaooer oiseanes cured: a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., 524 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., graduate of Hellevue Hospital Medical college. New York City. LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; rellaDie. lane no other. Send 4c, stampB, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES wanted to do embroidery and Bat- tenberg at tneir nomes; stenoy worn. Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago. 111. C DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children; so years practice. Office, 22"5 Cuming. Residence telephone, F-2790; office, B-2i36. DR. PRIES. German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience in connce ments; cures sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded of suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladles who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview Is Impossible state your case fully. Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly bo given. Address R. F. Pries. M. D., Iil3 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. LADIES: Use our harmless remedy for delayed or suppressed menstruation; it cannot fall; trial free. I'nrla Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. SISTERS In despair, If you have a sup pression write and 1 will send you t no remedy which gave me relief. Mrs. Amanda Green, 216 State St., Chicago. DR. NEUMEISTER'S Sexual Restorative Is a certain, speedy, permanent cure lor nervous debility In Its varloua forms and from whatever cause; restores lost vigor, Increawea nerve force; price, $1.00, at drug gists, or by mall upon receipt of price. Valuable booklet free. Neumelstcr Fam lly Med. Co.. Kansas City, Mo. LOST. LOST, red nnd white part Jersey cow. Re ward for return to uih in. d st. Ixist M530 IiST, $15.00 at Kllpatrlck's store Saturday at the lining counter. Itewurd ir returned to 2412 Cass. Lost j(K 4 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG S. H., Touch T. W., Rus. Branches, Teieg. cat. free. om. com. coi., 11 ec, uoug. 44U A. C Van BANT'S school, 717 N. Y.'Llfe. Ml BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Lire. 1 NEB. Ruslness & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. STOVE REPAIRING. NEBR. Stove Repair Co., 1603 Leav'nw'tli. Tel. 2X94. M490 J3i SIASttl ERADE COSTUMES. THEO. LIEBEN, 1018 Farnam, costumes. M4I.1 EXPERT ACCOIXTAST. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. G. R. Rathbun, Room 15, Com ! Nat. hank 4f.K SIGN PAINTING. SCHROEDER Sign Works, 209 B. 17th. We also ship slgne. Write us. 376 June5 H AND LAI N DRY. FAMILY washing a specialty. 1318 N. 24th Bt. Tel. F-1373. G. W. Bampson. M535 9 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. EGGS, 20C PER DOEN. T. & E. Butterton, grocers, 324 N. ISth st. M534 F2 BRASS FOUNDRY. BRA8S and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. SIMMER RESORTS. LAKE MINN ETONKA Cottages for sale and to rent for lake season liS by JAEGER & TORELLE. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. SHOE M IKING. SHOES riade for lamo folks. 603 N. 16th. J. T. Miller, Mii7 Ron. W IK LUND, union shoo shop. i7tn r.nd Doug. Mi0 J31 POIt HE4T-DAHNS. WARM, large barn, $3 per month. 2019 Cass St. M633 BICYCLES. $24 50 BUYS '1 HE NEW HIGHEST GRADE 4-drawer drop head, oak cabinet Genuine H1NGER Sewing Machine; $20 for the New Home or Domestic; $21 for the White, Standard, $J2; Wheeler & Wilson, $24; Minnesota, $1.30; Burdlrk, $12.85; Seroco, $ 95. For free sewing machine catalogue and most liberal free trial offer cut out and mall this notice to Bears, Roebuck Ac Co.. 'hlcago. MASSAGE. $ FACIAL massages, $100. 1711 Podge. V