Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16
J I V it t V i) I! ! I 1(1 tite omaha daily bee: sunday, SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlsemeats for these rnlms will be Ukfn until ia m. lor ! renin edition and onlll m-..W p. ss. f. -.,.1.. and Snndar edltloa. Kates. 1 l-2c a word Mrst Insertls. lo word thereafter. Sothloej takes) lor Iraa than 2.-VO lor the nrs loser, tlon. Thtif advertisements ssast sj taa eoiiser stive ly. e..d rhrrk. cao have answers ad ! irMMd to a numbered letter ' t ! The Uee. Answers ao addreaaad. will I be delivered preaea.a.- ' It only. WAITED-M AI.K HELP. tad CIGARS. PIPES AMI TOBACCO. CUT RATE CIGARS ' Talk about cutting the price on cigar, ee what others give you and then find out whHt we offer you. Our 14 for 25c cannot imirhtrt hv the teonle who have started thin war, for thiv tlnrl tht th-lr baekbono la not atlff rnouKti to bump ogatnat Omahao largest cigar house. we can sive im rnnimir who la bo often deceived by these people, the Jobber's profit and the re taller profit, and sell them cigars lllte the c-nea nlTered to them 8 and 10 for 25c, 14 for 2 Be, and they are not made by the trust either hut manufactured In our own factorv. Whin we cut we cut at all our tores at the aame time. THE STOKCKER CIOAR CO., W. F. STOECKER, Pre". Our atore "A" (headquarters) you will P.nd st 144 Douglas; our store "B,"221 South 16th; onr store "C" you will find at 305 South isth- Kiiirn "D." at the corner of Irtth and Farnam. In Myers-Dillon Drug Co. pluca of business. SITUATIONS WASTED. WANTED, a place for student to work for board while attending the Nebraska Busi ness college, Boyd theater. Tel. 2435. A-M512 4 WANTED By young married man, position with well established Omaha tlrm. Five veara successful business experience: one year on the road. Not a liquor man. Al references and recommendations. For In terview address. T 1, Bee. A 676 4 A YOL'NO lady attending shorthand school wishes a place to worn ior ner Doara, Address T 6, Uee. A 872 4 Tomorrow, January 5, THE WINTER TERM OF BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE WILL OPEN. BUSINESS COLLEGE ADVERTISING. The school that would ret the best results from its advertising must win the respect and loyalty of its students. The school that la right on the Inside will con trol a patronage In proportion to the energy and skill with which It presents Ita advantages to the public. No amount of skillful advertising will compensate for ln- ncrent w-eaaness in the school s organization or methods. It la the purpose of theae few observations by the management of BOYLES COL LEGE to assist the student In analysing business college advertising. The school that publishes a catalogue of Diluting attractiveness, and promises results rivaling the imagination of the showman s preps agent, depends on getting business through printer s Ink, rather than through the eflicieney of the school or the ability of Its teachers. The Institution that offers free tuition for a time, or tuition on credit, testifies to. a lack of public confidence. Shorthand should not be advertised as "easy to read easy to write nnd easy to learn." What would a knowledge of shorthand be worth If It could be acquired without effort or time? A student who Is attracted by this kind of advertising Is not the one who makes the best stenographer; hence, an overcrowded market of "plug" stenographers may be charged directly to what Boyles College terms "fake adver tising." There Is always a good demand for the competent stenographer. The school that changes shorthand and typewriting systems fire times In as many years, claiming each system to be better than the otner. Is at all times experiment ing, and experiments at the expense of the student. Such experiments lead to disap pointment. The greased-llghlnlug, 100-words-a-mtnutr-ln-flve-or-alx-weeks system has iievrr mei ine requirements 01 practical Duniness and never win. Th method of school advertising: should be to present farts, and there should Tint be any discrepancy between accomplishment and promise. This school realties with pride the immensity of Us opportunities, but the student must do his part. None should enter with a view of acquiring without -energy or stlck-to-ltlveness the edu cation that Is In aueh great demand. This school has a large faculty of able and experienced Instructors who take a personal interest In their students. Eaah stu dent advancea as rapidly as possible, and Is not held back by lack of progress on tne part or otners. in instruction is Imparted In proportion to the student a ability to receive It This la a direct Incentive to th highest possibility of each Individual pupil. I Intending pupils should visit the school where opportunity Is given for personal examination. The more, young people and their parents become acquainted with our methods of Instruction the more blghly thev respect and esteem this college. Students will be received during the entire week for this term, but all are urged to start tomorrow If possible. , information ana literature free at BOYLES COLLEGE, New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, aav. matter, iaen signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. u 9t SALESMEN WASTED. WASTED MALE HELP. OOOD messengers wanted; high A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13lh St. salaries. B 380 WANTED Two good hustlers. Open until p. m. western Art Co., 1714 Nicnoias oi. 15 dOl PANTS pressed, 10c; suits, 30c; we call and deliver, uo a. win, upstairs, ramie oo. B MhiO 17 WORTHY vnune man or woman to take , scholarship In Omaha's leading business .' and shorthand college and puy for It when . course Is finished ana position securea. Address, H 21, Bee. u mid- WANTED. a place for young man to work for board while attending school. Ad dress Boyle's College, New York Life Building. Telephone 19S4. B M482 WANTED, an experienced bookkeeper, state age, experience ana saiury ex pected. Address 8 63, Bee. B 490 WANTED, by a larse Omaha business in stitution, a young man 17 to 20 years old. wllllna: to start on small salary; kooo op portunity to gain experience and work up. Address. aivlng education, business ex perience, if any, and references. 8 56, Bee Office. B-M619' WANTED, paper ruler; blank book work. wanted, dook Dinuer, goou nnisner. ao- Creia S 66. Bee. B M521 4 WANTED, young man for reportorlal work on a dally piper. Address, stating salary WANTED Men to learn barber trade; steady practice, expert Instruction, no limit to term; most complete institution of the kind in the world; all work free: complete outfit given each student; wages Baturaavs; Doara proviaea lr aesirea. Write Moler Barber College, 1302 Doug las St B M668 9 WE WANT twenty-five salesmen to sell whips; must answer before January 15, r trst-class references must accompany application. united etates Whip Co., esuieia, jubbb. - baJ CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebrnsk with staple line: hiirh commissions with advance of $100.00 monthly; permanent po sition to ngni man. jess It. Smith Co Detroit, Mich. 693 4 ANY person who will distribute samples for $3 daily snouia aaaress "Btanuara t Welle, Chicago; no canrasslng.. W ANTED Men with rig to Introduce Poultry Compound. Straight salary, !W weekly and all expenses. Enclose stamp for contract and particulars. Dept. 117, Royal Co-Op. Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, ina. ti Ml t- W ANTED Manager capable taking charge branch store; salary', i.w yearly; ,m.o cash deposit reaulred; state previous ex perience and qualifications. Address Man ager, lxicK Drawer iu, cnicago. a wa - HIGH GRADE book men are Invited to cull or write to James A. Iowell for one of the greatest specialties of the day. If you are satisfied with less than 75 a week don't waste time. Address, IoOb Howard Bt., Omaha, Neb. B 6214 WANTED, men to take charge of hog and beef casing department, to leave city; those understanding thoroughly handling hog and beef casings. Address T S, Bee. B-627 4 CIGAR salesmen wanted; experience un necessary; good pay. B. Manuel com pany. Station J, New York. B expected, 8 69, Bee office. B 622 4 WANTED, harneBS-makers on hand and machine work. The Waterloo Saddlery Co., Waterloo, la. B Mtrta WANTED, experienced overall cutter. Ap ply at once to Bryne & Hammer Dry uooas co., i.ii. ana nowara sis. B M544 4 WANTED, packing house men to leave city; men thoroughly conversant with all details In their line: hog killing and cut ting, fertilizer ana tanK, poric ceuar, CAN use a number of first-class plumbers; steady work, eignt hours, wages gooa; come or communicate. Madlgun & Green way, Dallas, Texaa. B 676 4 SALESMAN WANTED To call on doctors only on behalf of the leading firm in tne business, also one ror outsiae cuy; es tablished trade; position permanent; ptate experience. Address P. O. Box 868, Philadelphia. 4 First-class specialty salesmen ca- beVfCmuPn AdVsV Be.an1 thorou'i, pable of earning 2,000 a year. None B Mo3a 4 . r,Ucr nooH annlv Ai-Mrpcc T fi Rin WANTED, solicitor to solicit subscriptions on two flrst-cia.ia technical papers; must be man of fair education, good appear ance and address; only man desiring per manent position and capable of earning from f to $40 a week need apply; in writing state reference, age, previous ex perience. Andreas mil I'UDiiRning co., B ftio4 4 B 693 4 WANTED, another good delivery boy, with bicycle. Appiy to ocnaeier a cut trice Drug store. a it 4 rerlence. Address Hill World bldg.. New York. WANTED, two reliable men to travel In Nebraska, advertising ana special worn; fcO.OO monthly and all expenaes; perma nent position. Address Manager Travel ers. 8sl Wabaah Ave.. Chicago. 111. B 535 4 DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted In every locality tor prontanie tsecret serv ice; experience unnecessary. Write American Detective Association, Indian apolis, Ind. . B 553 4 WANTED Good second coachman. W. H. McCord, 2201 cass. B M579 6 EXPERT accountant la open for a position; hlahest references. AHuiess. 1 Z. uee. B-674 4 CIVIL service government positions; 14.983 siinolntiiienis this year; this Is 4.S;2 more than last year; excellent opportunity for young people; catalogue or information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, U. C. B Mood & I2S.(0 PER 1.000 copying letters and return- ins; to us. Stamped, addressed envelope. (Sure.) Oro Chemical Co., Dept. W, Chi cago. B 5S9 4 DETECTIVES, every locality." good salary, experience unnecessary. International De tective Agency. Milwaukee, W la. B 594 4 GOVERNMENTponl lions More than 13,000 appointments made last year; cnano?a better for 193: examinations soon In every state; circular 151, giving full particulars as to nod t ions salHNes. etc., sent free. Address National Correspondence Insti tute, Washington, D. C. B WANTED, lady or gentleman to take asency for soaps and polishes in Omaha and Council Bluffs and surrounding towns. C. H. fiummer specialty Co., care Bee office. B 7UJ 4' A SPLENDID CONTRACT for the New Year 1903, made by THE TRIBE OF BEN HUR to good fraternal Insurance solicitors; write or see at once. l-l. c. M. Burgess, bib Richards block, Lincoln, Nebraska. B-M706 4 SALESMEN WANTED. TO SELL side line, easy seller, large profits; sens everywhere; carry sample In pocaet. Address, o, uee, council uiurrs 80713 EVERYWHERE, to sell writers. Monroe Sc Co., Omaha. Lambert Type 811 N. loth St. 3X2 NEW opening for traveling salesman of lerea, also advertisers; siraignt smary to good men. inumpn co., uauas, rex. -M536 SALESMAN Specialty, experienced trav eling, to nil vacancy; best proposition ever presented; standard line: leading manufacturer; "crackerjack" advertising pian; insures oraers nearly every town commission advanced; averages X30 on each order. Box 156, Minneapolis, Minn, M 4' BIDE LINE pays hotel and cigar money every aay; poeitet samples; gooas paid tor wnen sola; give line ana territory, jnaer uum CO., Aiempnis, xenn. M666 6 WANTED, capable traveling salesman for rxeoraiSKa, to atari immediately after January loth ; one year contract; bond re quired, box eos, Bt. iouis, mo. -51 4 JANUARY 4, 1003. ..t . . ..TTTTtT. . i . . t t t m CLAIRVOYANTS. Our Ad Men Will Write Your Wont Ad So as to Bring Best Returns Telephone 238 and One Will Call MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass Ptw-rt. MME. UYLMER, genuine palmist. 31R B- 1. WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Three Al salesmen willing to hustle six days in tne wees, ana ten months In the year for an Income ranging from $2,000 to 5,0i net per year- others are earning it, why not you? For fa II Particulars write Bushway, Brltt & Co., ecatur, 111. THE WINTER TERM OF THE Omaha Commercial Colleee Opens Tomorrow Morning At 17th and Douglas Streets. New classes win be organlied In every department tomorrow. Holldava are over. Old students have returned. Scores of new ones will enroll this week. The tlms has gone by when a little knowledge of theoretical bookkeeping, arithmetic, etc., constitutes a business training. Business men of today wish to em ploy young men who are bright and alert, of erect carriage and good address. To this end the Omaha Commercial Collets has broadened it mors of atudv nnrt while our bookkeeping, shorthand, etc., are presented In a better manner than ever before, we have added other essentials which assist materially In giving young men and young women a well rounded course of training. Well trained mindi In sound bodies are now needed. - Why the Omaha Commercial College Is the best place to attend school: Its larse attendance makes It Dosalhle to have n larae numhr nf rln.a. mn that every student, however bright or dull, may start at the proper place In his studies. Because It Is the only school of Its kind in the west which offers Its students a well rounded, symetrlral business training. Our students. Instead of dronlna over books day after day, without recreation, have the opportunity to tuke an hour's vigorous exercise and a Kood shower bath each dav whlt-h keens them In the nrlmn of condition for mental work, besides offordlng Innocent recreation. because our Actual Business Department Is the only one In the west that does business upon a business basis, thus affording tho student experience of great value. Fourth Our IJterary Society, Orchestra, College Band, Concerts and Enter tainments afford opportunity to put on a polish In language and address which Is being more appreciated by business men. Fifth As Important as penmanship Is, this Is the only school In the city which employs professional penmen. Telegraph Department We will have the largest attendance In our Telegraph Department we havs ever had. Our corrse of study fits young men and women for telegraphic positions. All Interested In telegraphy should call and visit this department or obtain our catalogue. , Shorthand and Typewriting Department Many new students have made arrangements to enter this tomorrow morn ing. All thinking of studying shorthand should Investigate the Mosher System be fore deciding where to attend. While this system Is easy to learn. It Is the most rapid snd legible ever Invented. It is based upon the Oregg, but is from 20 to 40 per cent briefer nnd a great deal more legible. A WEEK'S TRIAL FREE In order to give students an opportunity to ex amine the merits of the Mosher System, Is why we do this. This will enable them to decide whether they are adapted to the study of shorthand or not and whether they like the school and the system taught. Start with us tomorrow morning, TO OREGG STUDENTS AND WRITERS In order to give you an opportunity to see the many and great improvements which hsve been made on the pure Oregg, we offer every Oregg writer or student of the Oregg two weeks free Instruction. Come two weeks If you cannot stay longer. It will cost you nothing and will make you familiar with new principles which when thoroughly learned will Increase your speed and the legibility of your notes from X to 40 per cent. MOSHER WRITERS HOLD THE BEST I'OfllTIONS While we have trained acores of stenographers and placed them in excellent positions during the last six or eight months, space will not permit ua to name but a few. We will refer only to one class. In which there were Hve young men, Paul, Levlne, Lee, Honnold and Tusa. Mr. Paul Is with a firm In Council Bluffs, drawing $tW per month; Mr. Hon nold Is stenographer for John A. Tolle, Nebraska Bridge and Lumber Supply Co., at $60 per month; Mr. Tusa was with the I'nlon Paclilc at 100 rer month until he resigned his position a few days ago; Mr. Lee Is with the l.'nlon Pacific at Cheyenne at J77.FiO per month; Mr. Levlne Is with the Swift Packing Co., at $5 per month. wnen siunents aiier spending live or six montns studying tne Mosner system can become such expert stenographers that they are able to hold from K0 to ITS positions It should certainly be an Incentive for others to Investigate the merits of this system. Address, Rohrbough Bros., Omaha, Neb. WASTED FRMALB HELP. " The Van Sant SCHOOL of SHORTHAND 716,717 AND 718 New York Life Building. This school Is devotsd exclusively to the teaching of shorthand and typewriting, together with Instructions In all branches I of office work usually required of the stenographer. The equipments are flrst-class In everr respect, and ths methods In use are mod ern and effective. Students receive the entire compensation for work done by them while In the school. Many students have earned mors than thetr tuition while In attendance. Tuition may bo paid monthly If preferred. Money will Ijo refunded for unexpired time ff students wish for any reason to leave the school. A trial week Is given free to enable stu dents to judge of the character of ths school. Ths winter tsrm opens January I. IMt. MADAME LUCRETIA, "lum. 1 l cago street, . . SEND Sfic and stsmp. with dat i of birth, and get trance reading of your P"" ent. Kd future. I tjl full ."w f ' wft Vie and d,uVnf marrlngeT give mlv o. on h'e bnUncse. marrlago. "'"ln, divorces, changes, etc.. snd tell the one you love is trie or false; f""? tee satisfaction. Address Mmo. l ere. Lock Box 915, Kansas City. Mo. MADAME LUCRETIA. medium. 1WS I C hi cago t. ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d MMl' . . P.-v .T I'M k at Miss Iverlng. massage ams, wi ";'"". GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky, "j,111 MRS. DAVIS, 1631 Howard St., T MM i baths. T-475 J13 MME. SAUNDERS gives magnetic treat ment. 1819 Leavenworth St. Flat 1. PKRSO'V AL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removea py finirsaij. Frenser block. Vn V1AVI, Woman1 Way to Heaitn. ""too treatment. BooKiet tree. iee " Omaha. U 4ia GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Coaiins nnno co., jei y DR. B. M. JACKSON, specialist In chronlo diseases. Jfaoo rarnani eu tonmnnuun free. U 416 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U-416 AGENTS WASTED. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of four; good wages to right ty. None Dut tnurougniy competent need apply. u o. 3tn bt- Tel. C MS&f WANTED, a head trimmer in millinery de partment: one wno is tnorougniy com petent. Apply or write to J. L. Brandels & Sons, Boston Store, C teJ party helo A-2aS6. GIRL for general housework. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th ft Dodge. C 3W WANTED, a good girl for general house work; small rurally; i-rooin nouse. izs N. Ust ave. C M530 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. . aw WANTED, girl for general housework; good wages, small lawny. Airs. Slmeraj, K76 N. 2btn Ave. C-MSftii AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge i-4 U J WORTHY young man or woman to take scholarship In Omaha s leading business and shorthand college and pay for It when course Is finished and position se cured Address 8 2l, Bee. C M168 4 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 10th & Chlcsgo L. M. E. hauls trunks. WANTED, a girl for general housework. Mrs. Shook, 114 N. 2th St. C M342 6 WANTED A neat young girl for upstairs worn in small mmuy, uu south 30th Ave., corner Poppleton. C 365 31 CENTRAL, steam-heatod, furnished room. ZSO N. Sid HI. nvtv WANTED. 60 girls to make shirts, pants and overalls; steady employment at good wages. Apply at once to Bryne c Ham mer Dry Goods Co., 12th and Howard su. C-M&43 4 ELEGANT steam-heated rooms. lol Ave. 220 N. 17TH, NEAT steam-heatod rooms. V 7 1,1 IV7 WANTED, a neat young work In small family, corner Poppleton. Sir I for upstairs 11 S. 80th ave., C M540 TWO rooms, single or together, furnished or unturnisnea. ituo do. ina m. 1 M3i9 i WOMAN with tact and business ability to fill a position for 12 months. Address B 62, Bee. C M639 b WANTED,' a crockery saleslady. Address 8 64, Bee. C M529 i LADIES, make sofa pillows at home; en tirely new iaea; to iit weemy; m terlals furnished; no csnvasslng, steady wors; sella stamped auaressed envelope, New Textile Mfg. Co., Erie St.. Chicago, C-&52 4 WANTED, flrst-class waist and skirt makers; only experienced people need spply. A. Seebick, 46 Sherman St., Dead wood. a. D. . C 666 4 SALESMEN wanted, honest, reliable sales men willing to work hard for 130 per week, selling staple line to retail trade; must be aole to sen at least u per day, Iarktn, Manager, HowUnd Block, Chi cago. 560 4 WANTED A flrst-class shirt polisher. None but first-class need apply. Leaven worth Street Hand Laundry. C M588-6' WANTED, salesmen to visit banks; exclu sive, on salary or "side." Pocket samples. Permanent. Bankers' Check company, Des Moines, Ia. 664 4 LEARN proofreading; situations secured, fl& to J.'S weekly. Home Correspondence School, 1 hlladelphla. D GENTS OR BOYS, copy letters at home and return to us; $13 a 1,0, paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for) copy and In structions, r lilted Pen Co., bJ Nassau St., New York. B 123 WEEKLY and all expenses for men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. W, Parsons, Kan. B 603 4 INTELLIGENT people who need an Incoms address Proofreader, Box Philadel phia. B FOCR PER CENT and over earned weekly on Investments of $50 and upward In one of the most profitable modorn co-opvraltve racing stables; endorsed by satisneo cus tomers In all parts of the country. This Is an opportunity to place your idle capi tal In an established business that will net you greater returns than any form of Investment b fore the pub Ic. Your money at your command at all times. Subscrip tions acknowledged by certificate of de posit. For full particulars send for free booklet. Demurest & Co., Caxton Bltlg., Chicago, 111. 652 4 WANTED, a few pupils to learn book keeping free and pay for tuition from their ernlr.;s after we place them In po- '. Billons: veu can learn at your own home ' In a few weeks without loss of time or nvNMy; we guarantee It; we teach you freo and gel you a position. Write for full Information and our free, hook, "How to Succtetl In Business." It tells you how you can tetter your position and make more money. Commercial Correspondence . Schools, Drawer O, Rochester, N. y. B- IF YOl' are a solicitor, city or ccuntry, and are making lens than ll'M a morth. ad dress Poblofttce Box IS, South Omaha. B-Jl 4 WANTED, salesmen: first-class aide line, free r ample and good pay; for confec tioners, bakers, etc. Address Box "D." Iowa City, la. 572 4 TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no technical knowledge, but active, all-round hustler. Established, high-rated house. V. R. Jennings. Sales Mgr., 21 V. At water, Detroit, Mich. 670 4 HOME employment, copying small blanks; rite, A per i,ox; two stamps with ap plication. Woman's Commercial I'nlon Dept. W, Chicago. C 693 4 LEARN proofreading; attuatlona secured, J15 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence Bcnooi, pniiaoeipnia. c LADIES OR GIRLS, copy letters at home and return to us; iiz a i.i"o, paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and In structlons. United Pen Co., hi Nassau St., New York. C COPYING letters at home, full or spars time; no names to supply or addressing envelopes. Nothing to buy; $20 per thou sand, pain weekly. Bend addressed en velope for copy and application blank Imperial Co., U3 Liberty St., New York, C-)6-4 WANTED, salesmen, by manufacturer of grocers' specialties: give experience fully; good salary to hard workers. Address Box 617, Chlcsgo, III. yol'NU men. everywhere, copy letters, home evenings. 17 week. Semi addressed envelope fur particulars. Filbert, Dept. . 8 131, Box Hli, Philadelphia, Pa. B 644 4 BAD DEBT M EN You can double your present income by representing us; no membership fees; stale agency to the right man. The International Law and ' Collection Co., Dayton, Ohio. J-'IVE solicitors and collectors. ' Quick ad- . vancemwnt. 67 Paxlon Bldg. ; B-61J-U TOBACCO stripper and experienced ap prxullc. Geoigs Harm, IvM N. S-tih at. SALESMAN WANTED 8alary or commis sion, uoods sell reaony in city, town or country. No competition. Any person desiring legitimate, honorable, paying business which lusts the year round will send address and receive full particulars. It will pay you to Investigate this. Ad dress, M. X., P. O. Box 643, ltock Rapids, Iowa. 57 4 WANTED Immediately, by reliable Cleve land house, a wide-awake man with good business experience to complete our trav. elng force for 13. Standard line. Church & Co., Ellastone Bldg.. Cleve land, O. H4 WANTED, traveling salesman for exten sive, fine line of advertising novelties, signs, leather goods aril calendars; new line ready January 1; permanent position, exclusive territory; must be experienced In there lines; stute experience in detail and send several references. Ajguut Oaal Bank Note 4k l.ltho. Co., St. Louis, Mo. SELL Bitters as side line on commission; Hue article, well advertised. wi4 Cuming. -7u4 F4 LADIES OR GENTS, copy letters at home no namea to supply or addressing en velopes; nothing to buy; $20 a l.oou, paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and application blanks. Practical Mfg, Co.. U6 Market St., newark. N. J. C 604 4 S15 PER THOUSAND copying letters home, either sex; send two stamps for particulars. Blackney & Co., 5-C7 Halsted, Chicago. C LADIES, writing at home evenings. $7 per wees, i utiii uiars iree 10 an. oenu ad dressed envelope. Filbert, Dept. 8 131 Box 1411. Philadelphia, Pa. C 643 4 LADIES wanted everywhere, writing, copy ing. noma evenings, steady work, n mailing or canvassing, good pay. For particulars snd addressed envelope, Manager, uepi. a m. uux 1363. Ph la iK-er. delphia, Pa. C 612 ! LADY wanted to collect newspaper clip 1'iiitr. names and addresses ; good pay eteudy employment. Knickerbocker Ad terueing tu., flew rtocnelle. New York C 629 4 W ANTED Ladiee to learn hnlr.1 reusing nun i in ir laciai massuge; specla uurr ior ien 10 Dt-in at once; lour week compute; call or write Moler College, LADIES to work dollies snd centerpieces at no;ne; an materials rurnlnhed: hlnh piicep paid no canvassing. Send stamped lu c-ijr UVCliy C. O., f.iy Hlilg V iiii.iu, u 14 4. LADI t8 to do piecework at their homes we turnisn an materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly; send stamped envelope to AGENTS to sell treasury shares gilt-edged gold mine: devldends guaranteed this vear: liberal commission: reply with ref erences. Jackson co., box hs, tvoss- land. B. C J-657 4 SCHEMES and fakes for agents and fakers; It's an eye-opener for live men; many hidden secrets revealed; E5o silver. cnariea enirey, nan i-tiucwco, ,w. w SALESMEN WANTED, every state, to sell tobacco and clears. Experience unneces- sary. Salary full time or good commis sion side line. J. M. cosDy at uro., uira- vllle, Va. Established 1871. J 607 4' a) WANTED TO REXT, A RESPONSIBLE business man will make a two or three-year lease of well built, attractive, seven or eight-room modern house In good location. Address B 67, Bee ofltce, stating particulars. K MS18 FURNISHED room, private family, for man and wife, and part rare for child 6 months old; steam heat preferred; refer ences. Address 8 1, Bee. K-MMl ' WANTED, by two young men flrst-class board and room In South Omaha. Ad dress Box K. Bee office. South Omaha. K-M637 t 1816 Wirt St. C 701 4 FOR RE JiT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR REXT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, large new business room, good location; also office rooms. Box 673. VII Usca, la. s 1-M480 ( WANTED To rent t to 6 room modern flat or cottage, reasonsble and clone In. LAAmm U ft- T V KQA K 60 4 WANTED TO Bl'Y. WANTED Five carloads of secondhand furniture; highest prices psid. Drop a card or telephone 771. Joe Levme. sou N. 16th St. N M903 19 DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1616 Webster st I M647 ACJENTS WANTED. WANTED to buy or rent a house or flat containing 18 or 30 rooms. Address Dr. Condon, 111 N. Y. Life. N Mood PER WEEK 422 So. 18th St., one block south of court house. E 394 Telephono 780. E M398 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 So. 11th St. E-MS99 1909 Capl E 191 LARGE front room, modern. St. 622 N. lath E M4S8 4 NICE, warm room, suitable for one or two, zoau narney. " - DK81RABLE rooms, walking distance. 2224 Farnam. uie v ELEGANT rooms; hot water heat; mod ern; references, joio weumer. E MS46 J 16 FOR sleeping or housekeeping. ard; by day or wee a. 162.1H How- E iw 4' FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable for housekeeping, lio a. iaia v' EM6al NICELY furnished modern board. No. W4 BO. inn m. rooms with E M707 4 WANTED Canvassing agenta In every county to solicit subscriptions to mm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $114 per month. Ad. dress. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 213 COMBINATION DIPPER Dosen articles In one dipper, strainer, tunnel, etc.; sample and catalogue describing other goods post paid 26c; agents wanted. Chick Wlnship Co., 104 S. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. J M4t6 6 GOOD specialty man for extracts, baking powder, spices, etc.. In Nebraska. Give reference, experience and salary wanted. Address 8 68. Bea. J-62J 4 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies Doaroeo ana auonieu. Mrs. Gardels, 2334 Lake, Tel. ReJj7 ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B. J. Bcannell, agent, oca ware diock. - ANY CASE of dandruff or falling of hair cured for $l; so years- experience; tnis Is no fake, but absolute cure; If not cured will refund money; can also give many testimonials; ladles can call or address, except Saturday, T. J. Clark, 2419 N. 2h St.. Omaha, Neb. U-M644 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; llrst-ciass in every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller. 2504 Blondo St. 'Phone F-11S2. U M427 OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1515 Howard, fash ionable cleaners, oresven. suits, ciobks, draperies, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. U-MS24 15 CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial nnd spe cial massage taugni anu practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Bee Bldg. Consultation free. Tel. 1716. U-M837 ELITE PARLORS, CIS S. 16th St., 2d floor. U 10 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. uensvn, 8626 California St. Terms reasonable. UM907 19 Mrs. Jocabson. 8206 N. 20th St. U 179 22 RUPTURE CURED without psln. Empire Rupture CO., N. Y. Life Building, omnna. U 7o THE PARTY who took the long, nable-fox boa at the Y. w. c. A. reception, new Year's night, by returning to the Y. W. C. A. rooms can obtain their own In ex change. U 649 4 I WAS saved from consumption after my case had been pronounced incurame ano hopeless by eminent physicians; If you are suffering from this dread disease and will write me I will gladly tell you how It was done at home; my sole object Is to bo of some benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvin L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ, 144 Stone St., Glbsonburg. O. U 671 4 MOTHERS Your children can be cured of bedwettlng regardless of age; Pen-lne cures every case. One treatment, full ' directions and booklet mailed free to all who write. Missouri Remedy Co., Dept. 114. St. Louis, Mo. U WANT TO BUY A HOME Want to purchase for cash a house and lot in first-class lo- rntinn Ownprs nf hfimp? nnlv J A CHARACTER SKETCH FREE. nPPfl flnnlV. AfrPntS nft mn- Particulars and 8-page. Illustrated, paper rr-- --o i y sidered. Address T 7, Bee. N-694 4 STOP runaways, hitch horses solid In stantly, carry In pocket, sight seller, agents wanted; particulars for stamp. Pocket liltchlugpost Co., Richmond, Ind. J-660 4 AGENTS, a million overcoat owners will buy our newly patented "Name In Your Coat" coat hanger this winter; 3,564 sold last week by seven agents; no sending orders In to be tilled; you make and de liver hanger on the spot; sample with your name and particulars, 10c. Alumi num Hanger Co., 62 W. Van Buren Bt., Chicago. J-669 4 AGENTS, free. Modern Agents, 82 pages, drop postal today. 1661H Monadnock Chi cago. J 664 4 AGENTS and mail order men; our patent screw buttons for pants, coata, vests and shoes simply screw In; no sewing. Five cents, half dosen. Spiral Button Co., 1 Devonshire Bt., Boston, Mass. J 664 4 FIRMSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. PRIVATE family. 509 South 25th avenue. F M4uo FURNISHED front or back parlor. 211 1 So. 25lu Bt. BOARD by day or week; meal ticket, $3.50, 21 meals; nome cookui. " , MERR1AM, comfortable winter home. TelS X gw FOR REXT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Store In first-class location, rent reasonable. Appiy Co., ground floor. Bee Blog. llvi CENTRAL, grocery, drug, meat market. with lixturts; aiao nne ikuuui,, ... steam heat and power. Tlxard, iM N. iid. 144(1 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by J ne nee si io rarimm oi. i four storiea ard a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will bo rented very reasonably, it interested apply at office to C. C. R0,,- water. secretary, room iw, ot uunu.i. 1-361 WE ARE selling Osark fruit lands In 40 acre tracts, 5.u clown ana i s per wee. A good investment, own your own farm. Agents wanted. Address Orchard Land Co., 6ol Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. J 697 4 1002 WE HAVE customers for 40 acres, 80 acres and 160 acres not far from Omaha. Three parties want to settle near each other and would buy a good farm of 280 to 3M acres, snd divide It to suit them selves. Call or address Homeseekers' As sociation. 1st floor N. Y. Lite bldg. N-681 4 FOR SALE FtRNITlRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 'UtiO. New and sscondhand, bought, sold, exenangeo. O 4U2 MUST be sold at once, furniture for 12- room house, used only one year, excellent location, house filled with very best class or roomers; a money making opportunity for the right party. Write S 66, care Bee. O 681 4 mn HI I V .ahlHal ua.nlln. t ..a Knaa burner, cook stove, small soft coal neater and household goods. 3338 Manderson St. O 669 4 FOR SALE, almost new furniture of a i room flat at a big bargain If sold at once. Call after p. m. at lot . 27th St., room 23. O 697 4 FREE. Address, Nafl Institute of Palm istry, Grand Rapids, Mich. Li ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING CO.. 1913 Iyeavenworth, cleans rugs, lace curtains, blankets, etc.; cleans and dyes ladles' and gents' wearing apparel; every article sterilised. Tel. 326o. U-M498 12 BEAUTIFUL and accomplished young lady. owning property and Independent Income, would assist kind and loving husband. Mae, Box 83, St. Louis, Mo. U-632 4 MARRIAGE paper: prints addresses of all personal ads, both ladlea and ftentle men's; eight pages: latest Issue, 10c. A. J. Stover, Box D 919, Chicago, 111. U-640 4 HACKMAN'S DELIGHT Sure cure. At Gladlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. U-615 4 DR. AGNES V. BWETLAND, M. D. A. Woman doctor for women. Specialist In women's diseases. 1715 Dodge. U-619 4 CHILD lost for 18 years, stolen from the crauie, was 1010 wno and wnere ner par ents lived by Zemindar, great Hindu seer, who foretells correctly all private affairs, health and business; full partlcu- lars, 2c. Box S-245. Saratoga. N. Y. U 655 4 AGENTS wanted, new lamp attachment that every woman wl'l buy; It Is a neces sity, fits any lamp, very unique and prac tical device. Bend 10c for sample. Magnus Supply Co., 45 Broad St., New York City. J 698 4 LAMP that makes its own gas; costs lo a day; no on, wicks, cnimneys, ur. .aiuy free to those wishing to work for us. Eustern Gas Co., 130 Fulton St., New York. J-606-4 WANTED Agent to sell "Family Me- pronta ano steady worn. . FOR 8.4LK-HORSKS, WAGONS, ETC, TRY ME on wagon repairing. Flrst-class wors. n. rrost, mn ana ieaven worth. P 408 FOR SALE, or trade, whits hearse. Ogden livery uarn, council cnuns. 1' M u OOOD family horse. 1311 Jarnam. P MBOft FJ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. KVcTlVnHlVn hllllard and rw,l billiard tablea repaired; a large stock of! cneap oar nxtures, cigar counters, sto. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-9 D. ivtn. M7V3 7 FENCES LATH for sulck shipment, crib bing, comomauon ladders, uui Douglas. OFFICES In The Bee building. S'0-00 Pr m.mfh lin. Hfnill UriCO llltllllio. ii.-i iiBht and latiltor service. H. & Co., Rental Agents, Bldg. C. Peierj Ground Floor. Bee 1-2.9 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale at 81 Farnam. 22x9o. tour stories and rlrsl-class cemented bailment, elevator, fire and burglar proot vault, office counter and fixtures. For price ana particulars Inquire C. C. Kosewaler, secre V?ry The Bee Building Co.. room loo Be. building. . lMoOl The 4-storv and basement brick building, Tfxl3U i ft In slse. Nos. 1414 and 1414 Har- nv at t.Ai.iio per month. aZd ItoreToom, No. 1412 Harney St. $50.00 Blo'ren,omhand basement In flrst-class con dition. 1616 Howard st. $.(- Pr Bunt h. Storeroom, In Hrst-class coldltlon, 1433 8. lttth st. $10.00 per month. GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 Farna St. STORE ROOM. 1615 Howard St.. dlrable room with full basement: $V.trt per month. CRiHUE AND COMPANY, 16ul Farnsm St. 1- M96 4 MUST sublet part of office; amall room for rent; norm windows, luuulra 721 . N. Y. tils. I-M4M Address Campbell Co., 261 A St.. Klgin. HI. J 616 4 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any . - other musical Instrument, $6 up. Ths AOENT8, don t work for others: learn a Wlttmsnn Co.. 1621 Farnam. Q 406 profession In ten days that will pay $lo to $25 pr day. Prof. S. A. Weltmer, Ne- FOR BALE OR TRADE-Whlte hearse, vada, Mo. . J Ogden Livery barn. Council Bluffs. WANTED, oil sg nts In eevery county; re- INDIAN goods and relics, UU Farnam. liable, energetic men to sell on commls- Q tog tlon to farmers and threshtrs our line of i - high-grade lubricating oils, greases, also 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1111 Farnam. roof, bam and house paints. Apply at J 4u7 once. Address The Woodland Oil and . . Grease Co., Cleveland, Ohio. J TWO good donblo sleighs, $45 and $65: newly . painted; Rockawaya, depot wagons, WANTED An agent, either gentleman or Broughama. Drurarnond Carriage Co., lidy. In each town to take orders for lxth and Harney Bts. Q M715 IS skirts made to order. Stylish, swell dress- ers will appreciate them. Big Induce. SELL Bitters aa aids II ns on commission; nit-nts to right party. The London Ladles' fine article, well advertised. 1568 Cuming. Tailoring Co.. 2623 Olive St., Bt. Louin. M-771 13 J ' 11 i hi i i .. - . i FOR BALE, first mortgage note bearing WE I'AY $26 a week and expenses to men 6 per cent interest, payable every six with rigs to introduce poultry compound. months; has about 2H years to run; good International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. security snd .endorsed by responsible J 636 4 party; amount, $l,lsu. Inquire C. M. . - Bachmann, Room 414, Paxlon block. WANTED, manager In every city, county, Q 656 to handle best paying business known; . legitimate; new: excljslve control. I'hoe- ANYONE contemplating taking a business nix Co, 15 W. 28th St., New York. or shorthand course can srure a life (J 6 4 scholarship In one of Omaha's leading commercial colleges. For particulars ad- 6TOCKHOI.DERS Dabney Oil Company, dress B 47, Bee. Q M344 i lease call on and after January 15 for ' December dividend checks one per cent NEW and tdhand typewriters. Ul Farnam share. Agents wanted. M. J. Greevy. tthoa Fiscal Agent. 414 Bee Bldg. Phone L-2S30. . ' J-614 4 76 LADIES' snd gents' watchea. 150 dla- monds left In pawn, gned s new. selling AGKNTS wanted to sell the best proposl- at half price. Diamond Loan Office. 1401 tlo'n's ever offered In this territory. Good Dojglas. Q M21T 26 money Reliable tlrm. Investigate. 1 Harrier & Brothers, 611 Bee Bldg. GOOD Remington typewriter, onVe desk iiariH r J-613-4 and chalra. Address B 66, Bee. W-6-S6 4. COMBINATION DIPPER Doen articles BEVEN-COM E-ELKVEN. most fascinating In one dipper; strainer, funnel, etc.; puzzle produced In years; old and young sample and catalogue describing other mystified; send 66c snd secure smuse- Koods post paid 2fc; agents wanted. Chick- ment for long winter evenings. Ohio Wlruhlu Ci., 104 East lh St., Kansas PuxxlSj Co-, Dept, If-1, Toledo, Ohio. City, J M486 li 662 4 MILLIONS awaiting heirs; our book "IJst or Heirs contains thousands of names of people in United States and Europe wanted to claim estates; we publish free names of any heirs wanted; we have associate attorneys in Europe; we nlso furnish legal advice nnd collect claims everywhere; write for particulars anil references. Severance, Davis & Stuart, Lawyers, New York Life Bldg.. Kuuihi City. Mo. U 671 4 WANTED Members for Home Entertain ment Society. $10; graphophone free to members. Write Mason Co., Box 47. New York. U 650 4 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per manently removed ny electricity; consul tation free end confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas. U- PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during connncment; names adopted. 2702 B. 18th SU Mrs. Fisher. Tel. K3213. V Mfi-X) F3 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 414 PER CENT on bustneas property. S per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. 401 g. ISTH ST. W 418 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real eatsis. urennun-iove 1.0, an B. nth. W 419 WANTED, city and farm loans; aluo bondn nnd warrants, r. c. Peters & Co.. 17.12 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 420 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 421 FARM and city loans, low rates). W. H. Thomas, f irst Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel 1648 W 422 FIVE PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., lar4 W 423 WANTED, city losns and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-424 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1024 Douglas. W 425 WANTED TO BORROW. WOULD like to borrow $7, On) on 320 acres 01 iana; no better land anywhre, a tine place, with soft water, also lflfi acres of alfalfa on the land, a fine stand, which In an ordinary crop will raise 1,000 bunhi-ls seed. Would like to have the loan for 1, 1 or 3 years at 4 per cent. This land Is worth $40 acre and on the raise; located In Ixiup county. A fine loan for aoma one who wants positive security. Address T 26, Bee. M7'is 9 PHOTOGRAPHER. LOW prices, all styles. 918 N. 24th st. F3 )