Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 13, Image 13

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We realize that It take EXTRA
to secure trade lust after the . .
Holiday Season
Oonm-queiitly w have st'ietl
from our lure stock 10 Hi lal bar
giilus fur
and Tuesday
You will lniso notice Hint we
give nnino, tlt'HoripUon. prices nntl
torniH of rnch instrument. We
gunrnntpo a jrenultio linrKnln in
each and every wine all are plain
ly marked
Bargain No. 1
1 full parlor size malioRnny rase
Erbe & Co. piano used only a
short time In perfect condition
On terms of $5.00 down and $1.00
per week.
Bargain No. 2
. 1 fVnwn nlnno lnreest size-
ebony flnth, In nice order, will IastH
for years jet-
On terms of $7.00 down and $5.00
per month.
Bargain No. 3
1 GlllH-rt upright walnut case
old style-
On terms of $3.00 down and 75c
per week.
Bargain No. 4
1 KnalH lartre size ebony case
in perfect order good ns new
On terms of $10.00 cash and $6.00
monthly payments.
Bargain No. 5
1 DobKon 1I size black case-
good value, at
On terms of $5.00 down and $5.00
per month.
Bargain No. 6
1 Kverett large oak case mod
eru style as Kxd as new a blj
bargaiu at
On terms of $3.00 cash and $1.50
per week.
Bargain No. 7
1 Needham sample piano walnut
case an elegant piano in a beautiful
On terms of $10.00 cash and $1.25
per week.
Bargain No. 8
1 Jewett flfrured walnut
case e
tlrely new, but Bhop
excellent value at
worn a most
On terms of $6.00 cash and $1.00
per week.
Bargain No. 9
1 Diamond square piano pretty
carved legs and lyre a good practice
On terms of $5 00 cash and 50c
p.T week.
Bnrgaitt No. 10
1 J. Mueller square piano mcdern
uVsigu handnomc carvings and Cue
toue I
On term of $3.0) ca:.h anJ $3.00
rer ir.
Pc ember
these Instruments ot these prlocP
end errr.s sre olerd far Mcnday and fij
Tuetdsy only. Quick SMlou secures m
riaaufacturrr3. NVho!ea!e and
Kcta'.l fJ filers.
1323 Parian Street
502 Broadly, Co. Eluffsa
A m . aj
One bright spot In the history ot last
week theatrically was the visit ot Miss Alice
Fischer In "Mrs. Jack." This new star
with a new play did not receive anything
like the patronage she deserved la Omaha,
but thoae who did go to the Hoyd to hear
hrr will carry for many daya a pleasant
recollection of a big. breezy woman, whose
acute perception of real humor enables
her to make the very best of the delight
fully funny situations the author of her
play has provided for her; and this woman,
surrounded by a company of capable actors,
who took a much Interest in the play as
she, apparently, for all seemed to enter
Into the performance with a test. And
tho play itself Is one of the brightest
satirical comedies seen In Omaha for many
seasons. Miss Fischer has scored a de
cided success In her venture aa a star, and
her next visit to Omaha, It there should
ever be a next, will nnd ror ner a mil on
more cordial welcome than did her first
venture. Otherwise the week was without
event. The usual thriller had a big house
Sunday night at the Boyd, and on New
Year's day Adelaide Thurston delighted two
very large audiences with her "Cozy Cor
ners." To wind up the week we had the
good old "Burgomaster," which has never
failed to get an enthusiastic greeting here.
In fact, the murlcsl comedy has yet to be
written that cannot draw a big house In
Omaha. At the Crelghton-Orpheura an
average vaudeville bill was well patron
ized all week.
Christmas week was signalized by the
production of a number of new playa, among
them tho latest Clyde Fitch affair, "The
Girt with the Green Ryes," which had its
premier in New York. Concerning this
piece the critics are at variance, as usual.
Mr. Hunneker of the Sun, who is quite out
spoken in his Sunday column, says of it:
The Girl with the Green Eyes" Ik a
title that has a pantomimic ring. "God
only knows," as Cordelia said in Mr. liar
rigan'a play, the new Clyde Fitch comedy
Is no masterpiece, nor In the miming of an
exalted character. Perhaps played In p;tre
pantomime, like the delicious "J. I.nfant
Prodlgue," it might be more effective
than It was last Christmas evemng.
Perhaps tried before a lees partial Jury
than a well-dined Christmas audience the
verdict may not be so favorable. Certainly,
there was much laughter at Jokes so old
as to masquerade aa new. It would seem
that everything about the nudity of the
Apollo Helvedere had been collected by
Mr. Fitch and spilled promiscuously
throughout the second act. The guide that
lectured the Cook excursionists was of
the Mark Twain order. As for the story,
it simply lacks vertebra.
On the other hand, the c.itlc of the
Telegraph, who had, very likely, dined more
satisfactorily than Mr. Hunneker, writes as
Here Is Fitch's dramatic summit, but he
does not stand or fall by It alone. He ex
pects something from every scene and
every line. He has placed the Fltrhlc
stamp upon each step, permeated the whole
atmosphere with that deft, breesy and
cynical personality which differentiates o'
of his plays from those or oth' r men
Ing with the same subject. His point of
view Is Individual, his epigrams charac
teristic. He seems to skim along thi
surface, of affairs,' but, as the world wit'
which he deals Is not noted ror depth, tt s
manner has the merit of truth of reflect' jn
rather than shallowness of Insight.
One thins; Is true: If this latest marks
the beginning; of the end of the reign of
Clyde Fitch, the suffer g pt'bllc will sigh
a sigh of relief and agree to forgive him It
he will only subside.
Anotbor of the uew Christmas plays Is
the one In which Mr. James O'Neill will be
seen in Omaha later in the season. It is a
problem play based on a problem book,
the' main facts of Hall Calne's "Manx
man" being done Into a series of scenes
and situations. It there Is anything franker
in literature than the guilty love ot Kate
arid Philip, or anything more despicable
than their deception ot Peter, or anything
mor.i pathetic than Peter's efforts to pro
tect. Kate's good name after he has more
than suspected the truth, the present writer
vots not of it. All this is brought out
freely and forcibly In the play. Mr. O'Neill
takes the role of Peter Gilliam, and won a
triumph in the first performance of the
piece, which was at Norfolk, Va., on Christ
mas evening.
Other new plays brought out on Christ
mas day were Kathryn Kidder's "An Eye
for An Eye," for which Syracuse was "the
dog," and which went very well, and Henry
Miller's production of the Richard Harding
Davis play, "The Taming of Helen," which
was tried on the people of Rochester. It,
too, is highly praised.
Your old friend, Sclp Dundy, has finally
concentrated the knowledge gained at the
midways, beginning In Omsha and ending
at Buffalo, in an amusement enterprise at
Coney Island that is making even the New
Yorkers, who think they are used to big
things, hold their breath for amazement.
With W, A. Thompson, who was Frank
Dunnlvant's partner In the "Darkness and
Dawn" show at she Transmisslsslppl, Mr.
Dundy has secured couU-ol of a tract ot
twenty-two acres in the "heart of Coney
Island," and has erected Luna park. Here
all the essential features of a complete
exposition midway have been Installed, and
a number of decided novelties added. A
lagoon or canal runs through the center
of the park, and around It are grouped the
various amusement enterprises, thirty-four
In number, all up-to-date and described in
glowing terms in the prospectus. One of
the features of the place Is a creche, where
babies will be cared far free of charge
while the mothers take in the sights. Ten
cents admltj to the park, which Is to be
opened on May 2, and once in a visitor will
never want to go out, if the attractions
come anywhere near being equal to the
Mr. Sothern opened on Tuesday evening
in "Hanilct" at the Garden theater In New
York and again emphasized what so many
critics have agreed on. that "Hamlet" has
never yet been successfully presented. !
When here Mr. Sothern admitted the diffi
culties that lie in the way of a satisfactory
performance of the play, the complexities
of the nature of Hamlet being such thst
no one man may reasonably hope to give
them all adequate Interpretation. la dis
cussing the performance Mr. William Win
ter writes in the New York Tribune:
To say that Hamlet cannot te precisely
dt lined is to speak within the I m!t of trutri.
A besutilul. exulted soul, shrined In a
lliyslral Image of perfect grace, and In
vt.ted with circumstances of lofty social
stutlon and of romantic and awful char
acter, de ldent In the attribute of will,
overladen with distracting thought, and
overwhelmed rot only by a terrible per
sonal experience, out vy sn accumulation
of the shocks and sufferings of earthly
environment, Hamltt remain, and forever
must remain, the inexplicable type of all
that Is rftnnge and dark In the spiritual
oettlny of man. As a mystery 6hakespeare
treated him. and his mystery Is his greatest
iharm. H's ravaged strrneih and bloom
of early manhood and his picturesque posi
tion combine with thU allurement, while
the eloquent linuar of a stately play,
togetntr with ireternatural accessories,
complete the g'amour. It Is not w:n lerful
that actors ktniuli aspire to play the prince
of Denmark, but. as said before. In this
plac. there are Insuperable obstacles In
the way of most of them when they ap
proach th subject. It Is. Indeed, readily
posrtl le tor an experienced actor of re
ctectubl talent to dress In the customary
trapping of woe and to walk conven
tionally through the imrt of Hamlet, sneak
ing th words smoothly and giving- a mora
or less plcturesoue embodiment of medi
tative meUncholv. ni1 th' e'l
usually la accomplished. The essential
quality ot tne character its soul of misery
Its grandeur of desolation. Its slgulucsiic
as aa luiujjs vf fluiie man, ba&cd, vtr
whelmed and ruined In thi struggle to
comprehend and dnmtna'e the awful mvs
stery of his Infinite environment is scarcely
ever even remotely suggested. The poet
has created and displayed a type of human
nature at Its highest and best, over
whelmed with affliction, blasted with grief,
tainted with mildness, and, alike by Innate
tendency and external propulsion, msde a
total failure; the stge ordinarily presents,
as a correlative of this Image, a' hundeome
young man. In blsck velvet clothes, well
groomed anil looking as If Juwt liberated
from a bandbox, with no more sense of the
terrible f.-cts of life and death, moral re
sponsibility and spiritual destlnv than a
feather has of the breeze by which It is
Naturally, Mr. Sothern's "Hamlet" does
not meet Mr. Winter's entire approbation;
In fact, it finds little grace In the eyes
of the veteran critic and analyst. That
other critics equally in earnest, though,
mayhap, not so eloquent as the dean of
the guild, are well impressed by the pres
entation Mr. Sothern offers, is made plain
by the comments In the other papers. One
of these writers, who himself is not un
known to fame "on Broadway," Mr. Frank
lyn Fyles, writes:
Mr. Sothern has bettered his "Hamlet"
In two ;-ears, but there Is no need to go
Into many particulars of what Is less a
reveiauon man a repetition, it Is ex
tremely demonstrative, much of the time
noisy, and all the time Inclined to emo
tional excess. For those reasons the sol'lo
qules are the lenst satisfactory portion!".
Hut nenrlV nil th f:illlta nt alnntlnn hni'.
been eradicated, the strong voice has be
come modulatory, the Intelligence is thor
oughly pervnnlve ami the dramatic feeling
Is under effectual control. The merit now
rises IllRhesl In the ptir-nuntera with th
ghost, where the agitation comes of amaze-1
ment, horror and vengeful resolution, and
fnlls lowest In the scenes with Ophelia,
where the actor's purpose of evincing pas
sionate love seems to exceed that of the
author. At various pcints Mr. Sothern's
desire to eluclilate and Illustrate Shakes
peare has led him Into perversions of the
text not In forcing the words Into ques
tionable menninas so much as In accom
panying action calculated to Increase the
eloquence at the cost of simplicity. Hut
jnr. Boinern s exped:ents for graphic v'vld-
ness are so very numerous, so considerably
original, and generally so efficacious, that
his work deserves to be accepted in its en
tirety by ShakesDearean scholars ns well
as by people who are Impressed more read
ily by its graphic activity.
Coming Events.
Tomorrow evening we are to witness the
first local presentation of "Ben Hur," which
Messrs. Klaw & Erlanger will present at
the Boyd theater all this week, with mati
nees Wednesday and Saturday. The cus
tosnary Sunday performance Is omitted. The
sale f'. seats for the entire eight perform
sncee is said to be unusually large, but still
this theater Is a large one and many de
sirable seats remain for each performance.
Tho curtain rises at 8 o'clock promptly, and
no one will be seated during the action of
the prelude. This Is to avoid marring the
effeu. There is no overture, but a dark
ened theater, and after a few bars of music,
the curtain rises on the prelude, revealing
the wise men following the Star of Beth
lehem across the desert on camels. There
is no spoken word, but the story is told
with dramatic effect in pantomime, accom
panied by appropriate music. Tableau fol
lows tableau In quick succession throughout
the piece, giving all the chief Incidents of
tho story, with which everyone is familiar.
The musical setting for this play was com
posed by Edgar Stlllman Kelley, professor
of music In Yale college. It is both or
chestral and choral; for the latter, passages
were selected from the prophecies of Isaiah
concerning the coming of the Messiah,
where Christ is referred to as the "light
to lighten the darkness of the people."
The music of the first act consists chiefly
ot allusions to the themes in the prelude,
which are associated with tho prophecy, the
beauties of Jerusalem, and the promise of
the delight of the world, according to the
demands of the dialogue. The music In the
second act bos a movement which suggests
the rowing of the galley slaves, the swash
of the sea and the moaning of the wind
through the unseen cordage. In the third
act the music Is more elaborate. In the
composition for the scenes, Mr. Kelley has
made a special study of the ancient muslo
of Greece. He has also Introduced certain
harmonic progressions which have for some
centuries been prohibited by European
theorists, but which the latest investigators
of ancient Greek music have proved to their
satisfaction were undoubtedly used by the
Greeks. In the music in the first tableau
in the fourth act. the dower of Sheik Ilde.
rim, the old Arabian scale Is employed, and
the wild lift of the Arab is suggested. The
fifth act music opens with a march sug.
gesiing the power snd dignity of Rome.
Then follows music suggesting the speeding
of the horses in the chariot race and the
downfall of Messsla, and revenge, ending
with a triumphant march for the visitor.
In the sixth set the music is very impres
sive. The theme from the prelude, "The
City of Jerusalem," is heard as the curtain
"iu iuB lueines sre introduced at
appropriate times. The particular theme is
"This is Jesus of Nazareth." In the scene
In the Vale of Hunnom, there is a move
ment suggesting the misery of the leoers
broken when Amrah speaks of the comln
of the Messiah, when is heard the grand
meme or tne chorus, "Hozannaa," intro
duced by the orchestra.
The bill that opens a week with a mat
nee at tne urpheum today Is diversified
and besides presenting Borne favorites who
are siready established. Includes several
bidders from whom something new may be
anticipated. Prominent among the offer
ings Is the Barrows-Lancaster company,
who msde a very good impression here
last srason in "Tactics." They have
new sxeicn this season entitled "A Jolly
Jollier," by Edmund Day, who has been
very successful In writing for vaudeville
nui ana Biivisny have never appeared
here, but It Is said they do one of the best
"stunts" on bicycles In vaudeville. One
especial feat they perform is the riding
of a unlcycle down a flight of stairs by
Mr. Hill, supporting Miss Sllvinnv nn hi.
shoulders. Les Dumonds. known ih.
Parisian street singers, besides their vocal
talents, entertain with Instrumental m,lsin
Mile. RIaltos spectacular dances are en
hanced In beauty with elaborate color snd
ugni enects. The Cole De . Losse duo
come also with the brand of newness, while
tne topical Jester. George W. Moore, will
direct his efforts In a monologue to laugh
provoking. The klnodrome plctnres will
be entirely new. Commencing Thursday
next, and continuing each week hereafter,
the wldweek matinees will be given on
Thursdays Instead of Wednesdays.
"The Prince of Pllsen" makes its entree
Into local theaVesl circles at the Boyd
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.
The new piece Is the latest work of
Plxley snd Luders, the authors of
"King Dodo," snd Henry W. Savage,
the foremost producer of comic operas
In America tcday, is Its sponsor. It
Is full of pretty music and many of tba
songs are already being whistled In many
parts of the I'nited States. A chorus of
more than sixty stunning girls is required
to make twenty changes of roitumes during
each performance, so everything on the
stage is lively all the time. Mr. Savage, as
in "The Sultan of Sulu" and "King Dodo."
has a competent cast. Amoug the princi
pals are Dorothy Morton, Annie Uchter,
Jeanetts Begesrd, Lillian Coleman, Zella
Frank. Arthur Donaldson and John Rsn
sonie. The environment of the new piece
from a scenic and costume point of view
Is sure to prove a sensation, for it has ben
deslf Qd by the IttdlBf artists of lbs toua-
try and money has been spent lsvlshly by
Mr. Savsge in every conceivable way to
make "The Prince of Pllsen" the finest
comic opera on the road. After a stwrt
rosd tour It will be taken to New York City
for a long run.
(osslp of Stastelanil.
Sarah Bernhardt has followed out her
alleged sleeping In a coffin ns a pleasant
bed to Its logical conclusion, it Is rnld she
hss hsd a monument erected to herself tu a
Par's cemetery.
A woman's faith goes beyond all under
standing. Not eeeming to mind the fact
that I) Annunilo s dramas fulled to draw
Maiinme Iiuse Is having a couple more
pieces written by that weird playwright.
Richard Mansfield has become tangled up
in a controversy over the correct way to
eiell Bhakeapeare. Aa the Immortal Wil
liam signed his name no less than eight
different ways. It is going to be a little
difficult for any one at this late day to de
cide which one of the eight styles of spell
ing he preferred.
It Is really pleating for we of the woolly
west to note that blHse New York has fol
lowed cultured Boston In giving hilarious
and unstinted endorsement to the antics
and melody of "The Sultan of Sulu."
Klram'a cocktail song touched a responsive
chord In the Knickerbocker bosom. Just as
the schoolma'em chorus caught on at the
Dorothy Morton Is to resume her role of
Mrs. Crocker, with "The prince of Pllsen"
company at Omaha. Helen Bertram, who
has been doing this role since MUs Morton
left the company, will go to tho new Sav
age company, to create a part In "Peggy
from Paris. ' Miss Morton will sing tor
the first time under the new engagement at
Beatrice Terry, the little niece of Ellen
Terry, played a childish part In "Hara
Crewe" In London recently with "remark
uble self-possession and grace," and Justi
fied the expectation that the traditions of
this remarkable lamtly of actors will be
maintained by a new generation. Her
voice Is said to be clear anil resonant, and
she In said to have brought tears to the
eyes of many spectators by simple touches
of pathes.
One of the pathetic circumstances that
came to light In New York City on Christ
mas eve was that Pauline Markham, once
the queen of stage beauties, Is now earn
ing scant subsistence by scrubbing floors
in a Harlem flat building. i hie. Is the
woman whose arms were once described as
'the lost arms of Venus" and to whom
Whlttler Indited an autoaraon letter de
claring her to be "tt pearl among pebbles."
She Is old now and has lost her beauty,
but she retains some measure of pride,
for he conceals her identity behind a fic
titious name.
The young man Irnown as "Kid" Broad.
who on occasions punches the head of
other young men for a share in the purse.
recently attended a performance of Mans
field's "Jullue Caesar" in New York. He
bought an admission ticket, and after he
had entered he could not get near enough
the. rail to see the stage, so dense was the
crowd. He hopped upon tiptoe three or
four times; he dodged about from point to
point, trying In vain to find a loophole
where he could peep. He gave it up Anally,
and went back to tne manager of tne
house. "Hully gee!" said he; "hully gee,
but dls show is a money getter! Who
wrote it?"
Possibly tne most beautiful theater in
Mexico Is the Teatro Juarez, in Guana
juato. It cost SiiOu.O'JO and will seat about
3.000 people, but has never been opentd.
1 he reason of this Is: The president or tne
republic. General Porflrio Diaz, visited the
city about five years ago, and during his
reception they stoned him. He took nn
oath that he would never return, and they.
thinking he did not mean It, Invited him
to visit them to formally open the new
place ot amusement, and he has penlsten ly
ueciinea to do so. consequently its ui.ors
remain closed, fur to open .It under less
august auspices the management cannot
bring itself.
According to Francis llson. one of his
neighbors at New Kochelle has a perfectly
lovely little boy, who never gets any one
into trouble and who had rather go to Sun
day school than stay at home. The other
day the little boy wa playing In the road,
end when he came In for his supper he de
clared to his mother that he had at last
seen a man who was much better than his
fathrr. "How Is that'.' asked the mother.
Well, you see. replied the little fellow,
he was a-goln' by. an' his horse got balky.
He whipped It an' he slapped It, but it
wouldn t go no more. But tie oiun l get
mad about it. He Just set back an' told
that horse all about God an' the the bad
The death of Nate BalsDury removed from
the Held of theatricals and the circus busi
ness a man who, in his quiet way, left his
stamp on a good many novelties. Of late
years Mr. rlalsbury s career was devoted
entirely to the managerial end of the busi
ness, and having a half, interest with
Colonel W. F. Cody in the Buffalo Bill
show for years, he lias accumulated a for
tune. Though he turned to tne circus
business and found It a lucrative one, hts
earliest associations were with the stage.
Before taking up Buffalo Bill's business
balsbury's ' Troubadors were famous all
over the country. Salsbury himself was a
comedian ot no small ability, and his work
was ulways a feature of tneee ulg snows.
particularly In his "Greenroom Fun,"
was a novel tiling, it was in tnis piece
mat Nellie Mclienrv. Eddie Girard and a
score of others who huve become widely
Known since scored their first hits. "Green
room Fun," by the way, was a novelty In
that it was one of the first piece to give
the audience a glimpse of behind the
scenes life, only in this instance It was
travestied for laughing purposes. It was
'.n the midst of this success that Salsbury
first became Interested in Buffalo Bill. At
that tlmo Colonel Cody was appearing In
theaters, and the bullet-pierced walla of
the Peoples theater In the rear of that
house today are mute reminders of his old
show. Salsbury conceived the idea of ela
borating the show, and making it the big
thing that it has since developed. Of
course, at the outset, things were not done
on Buch a big scale, but from time to time
the show was Increased, and with its prog
ress Salsbury became estranged from the
theatrical business almost entirely. An
other of his ideas was the taking of the
Buffalo BUI show to England. He had
traveled a good deal in Europe, and took
advantage of the queer notiona the Eng
lishmen had concerning America, with tne
result that many Ignorant of this country
accepted the show ss a reflection of Amer
ican life. The enormous success of the
European trip demonstrated how thor
oughly he hud sized the situation up In ad
vance. Mr. Salsbury was of a quiet, re
tiring disposition, especially for a circus
man, but he had wonderful executive
ability, and as much credit has always
been given him for the great success of the
Buffalo Bill show as to any other thing
connected with that show, not excepting
Colonel Cody himself. As a result of his
remarkable foresight and good manage
ment of a good thing after he got it Sals
bury died a very wealthy man.
Conflict Between limrch Factions li
Philippines Mast Be JndUUlly
MANILA, Jan. . Solicitor General
Areneta in a written opinion sustains Gov
ernor Taft's contention that he Is not in i
position to Intervene regarding the posses
slon of Roman Catholic property seized by
Independent Catholics and that the courts
must settle the subject.
The adherents of the independent Catholic
church have seized several churches and
convents and In some Instances native par
Ish priests have seceded, continuing in pos
session of the churches, and have defied the
new pastors appointed by the Roman Catho
lic authorities.
Archbishop Guidl, the papal delegate, has
formally requested authority to dispossess
the Independent Catholics and restore the
Roman Catholics, and to use the constabu
lary in so doing if necessary.
But the governor has declined to do so
holding that such sctlon is beyond the
powers of the executive. He also advised
an appeal to the courts and cabled the facts
to Secretary Root, who sustained him. At
torney General Wllfley concurs in Solicitor
General Arencta's opinion, which Governor
Taft will forward to Archbishop Guidl.
It is expected that the latter will lnsti
tuts proceedings to oust the independent
Catholics, who claim that much of the
church property belongs to the people. It is
not thought that the Incident will affect
the friar lands negotiations proceeding be
tween Governor Taft and Archbishop Guidl,
Crown Prince May llt I alien States
BERLIN, Jan. S Emperor William is
sending Crown Prince Frederick William to
Russia aa an educational experience. He
probably will be present at the magnificent
New Year's function of the Russian court
January 10. The crown prlnrs has visited
England snd Austria, and It is not improb
able that bs may visit ths Vailed Slates la
Again '.he new year has rolled around
and finds us open-eyed, expectant, antlrl
pstive. What will It bring us?
As we look over the year that Is psst we
have many things to be thankful for, and
especially is this true In the studio line
Omaha Is essentially a city of teachers.
The studio business In Omaha Is always
active. The tosns adjacent to Omaha send
In their singers and players to the teachers
here for studio work, and. be It said, these
enthusiastic young people from out of town
are a delight to the teacher because of the
earnestness with which they apply them,
selves to the work, .realizing, apparently,
that their lessons cost so much more than
those of the city pupil, who Is not obliged
to take a train fifty or sixty miles, but can
step on a street car at his or hrr own door
and be at the studio in a few minutes.
And here Is where the gain comes in, too,
In a business way. How many students
coming Into Omaha will receive their tui
tion and go back home without visiting
some of the stores?
I venture to say not one. In many cases
it Is a time for "shopping" between trains
which is profitable indeed for the Omaha
merchants, some of whom are probably
blind at times to the real object of their
study, and to the reality of music, the art.
Pupils do not come into town to study so
called "popular" music.
And now comes the merchant at Belturbct
and complains because his customers "shop"
In Omaha, and It would seem rather hard
that he should be neglected and that his
own deserved patronage should ber withheld
from him and extended to the man in
Omaha who has no Interest in Belturbct
nnd who cares nothing for that, smaller
But alas! and alack! There Is another
town called Balllnasloe, and it is smaller
than Belturbct, and the Balllnasloe girls
go to Belturbct to study snd "shop" at
Belturbet, Just ss In the preceding instance,
neglecting, as it were, their local teacher
and tradesmen, and doubtless there are In
the little hamlet of Bnllynahlnch or VII
lageburg some young people who travel
weekly Into the next town, this same Bal
llnasloe, to learn, and to buy things.
Strange, Isn't It, after all? But human
nature is natural and human, and the ten
dency Is always to seek the sdvantsges of
the greater town, even if the population Is
only five hundred or one thousand more.
And so Vlllageburg goes to Balllnasloe, and
Balllnasloe to Belturbet, and Belturbet to
Omaha, and Omaha to Chicago, and Chicago
to New York, and New York to Paris,
and, of course, you know Paris Is "tho
Let not the country town have a "grouch"
because the city gets some of Its retail busi
ness, for It in turn is getting it from the
next in size. And it is not necessary for
Omaha to complain because her people may
run over to Chicago for a pair of gloves.
It is a case of "pass it on," and if tho
friends in the adjacent towns think it unfair
that their townspeople come to Omaha, let
them bIbo remember that there are many
pupils frqm Omaha in eastern schools.
No city can control all the business ot an
Its people. Let us in this new year be con
tent to "pass it on" in every way.
If I hear a good word about a musician
this year, a musician who is honestly, ear-
estlv working for the good of the cause, it
shall be my endeavor to "pass it on." If I
heir anvthlne- mean or unkind about a
friend I will "pass it up."
I hate those genial friends who (merely
acquaintances as they are) come to you as
your friend, with a lay like this: i am
one of those people who believe in telling a
man tn his face what he." etc.. etc. To
such friends I say: "Pass It on," If you
wish, if you must, but for goodness sake
don't bother me with It.
Don't tell me the mean things people say
about me. If they are untrue, now can tney
affect one, and If they are true, one knows
them siready.
I would banish to a land of forgetfulness
and put to poppy-sleep all those kind per
sons who always "stood up for you" and
who jHBt couldn't help telling ypu "what
mean remark the other one made about
you, and I Just said you didn't deserve it, so
I want all the mean things, to be said be
hind my back. Let us all start off the New
Year with the thought of passing along good
words, kindly actions and generous
thoughts. That does not mean gush nor
sickening flattery. I ahnll try to be truth
ful and kind, not untruthful and sycophan
tic. I do not like to read a criticism full
of fulsome gush, which was written by a
person who verbally expressed an opposite
opinion. Let us have truth ana pass tnat
Mr. Oscar Gnrelssen bos left Omaha and
will take up his abode In the east. No mat
ter what may have been Mr. Garelssen's
reasons for going, and he has not mads them
public, Omaha loses a good musician. As a
voice teacher I knew nothing of Mr. Garels
sen, but as an interpreter, a singer, an ac
companist, he challenges my admiration. I
wish Oscar Rudolph Garelssen success in
his new sphere, snd I sm reminded that
when the May Festival association was be
ing organized, and other musical persons
were advocating the organization or a rival
to that of Ak-Sar-Ben, Mr. Garelssen waa
one of the first to come forward In a letter
pledging personal support.
The Tuesday morning musicals will have
Its next program on January 6 at the home
of Mrs. Herman Kountze. Miss jauison
will have charge of the program, Chamlnade
being the composer. Mrs. Sheetz, Mrs. Sun
derland and Miss Bishop will sing ana Miss
Hawley, Mlas Paulson and Mrs. Crofoot will
The Oberlln College Glee club will give
one of Its unique concerts on Monday (to
morrow) night at the First Congregational
Miss Corinne Paulson gave a pupils re
cital last Wednesday afternoon in ner
studio in the McCague building.
Let me once more remind teachers that
they niuat not expect mention of their pu
pils' recitals In this column without writ
ten notification.
This column Is for tbs general public, not
for snyone or two musicians, but the de
partment has not a force large enough to
send out musical news-gatherers. If you
have done anything good, "pass it on."
rrotertloa for halloa's Wealth.
In order to obtain better protection for
the nation's wealth the Treasury depart
ment has decided to add to Its massive
vaults and complicated locks a novel elec
tric burglar alarm. While th government
Is endesvorlng to gusrd the nation's wealth
It Is very important that w should en
deavor to protect our health from the In
roads of dlsesse. Then Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters is needed. It will strengthen tbs
stomach, purify tbs blood and curs In
digestion, dyspepsia, constipation, bllcus
ness and malaria. Try it todsy.
Chsmbera'School of Dancing, 17th A Doug
las. Classes forming for Jan. Tel. F. 1775
wnnnvatrj. i
' I
H'.tiponil his I'i'ihI net lop of ( i mi. I W'tlliicn'.
Dratnulixcd by Win, Young
Prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2
A good scat for every performance. Box office open every
day at ! o'clock. Gallery stats on sale at Hot Office for
every performance.
SPECIAL -The curti'n w.ll rlss pro ny.y at B p. m. rvrry venlrif
and 2 p. m. at matin;;), 01 th s beautiful o?.i'n- tihlcaiin "fha
Star of Bj'.Iilahj n," aiJ pit-311 a:j rjjJMtiJ 1 1 01 In their seats
ptin:tui1ly a'. tii hTj-t at ni li'Kini'i w II hj sjitiJ until
after the act Is over. Pr.e list positlvjly suspemlei.
" " ' JaT-.
4324 Work Apron,
Small, Medium, large
Woman's Work Apron, 4324 Every
housewife, every artist and every other
woman whose occupation means danger
of soil to her gowns, feels the need of a
protective apron. This very excellent model
was designed with direct reference to such
need and Is eminently serviceable and sat
isfactory at the same time that It is taste
ful. The original is made of white lawn
and is simply stitched, but gingham and
all apron materials are appropriate and
bands of embroidery can be substituted
tor the plain ones It desired.
The apron is made with and fronts and
backs that are gathered at their upper
edges and finished with bands that serve
as a yoke. To these bands are attached
others that form shoulder straps and
which serve to keep the apron in place,
a single button and buttonhole make the
only fastening that is required.
The quantity of material required for
the medium size Is 4'4 yards 27 Inches
wide, or 4V4 yards 36 Inches wide.
The pattern 4324 is cut in three sizes,
small medium and large.
He Loses Hia Place on a Charge ot
Violation- the Neutrality
NEW YORK, Jan. 3. The Herald says
that under charges based on a violation
ot the neutrality laws and with the alleged
responsibility of having given information
to the blockading force, which led to the
rapture of the Venezuelan gunboat Mirand.1
at Maracalbo on December 20. Captain
Terrlll of the steamship Zulla of the Red
D line has been suspended from duty.
It Is alleged that Captain Terrlll had ar
ranged with the officers of a German war
ship blockading Maracalbo that If when
passing out of the harbor during the day
time the Zulla displayed Ita ensign twice
It was understood this would be a signal
to the shlpa blockading the port that a
Venezuelan gunboat was Inside. Should
Zulla pass out after sundown It wss agreed
that the stern light was to be dropped
Zulla remained at. Maracalbo from De
cember 17 until December 20, when It
steamed out, retching the blockade line
shortly after sundown.
The German gunboat Panther was shout
abreast ot Zulla when Captain Terrill, It is
alleged, railed hts second officer, John
Crssso. and Instructed him to order the
ship porter to lower the stern light twice.
Captain Terrill declares the assertion that
he signaled the German war ship is false.
Hindoo Savant Arrives.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 8 Bwam! Trt-
gunatlata, a distinguished Hindoo savant,
has arrived here direct from the Kama
Krlshma monastery in taiciuta. inaia, to
make a pilgrimage around the world that
will orcupv from threw to five years' time.
Ho will remain In Sun Francisco for son.e
weks, teaching the phlloimphy of the
Vedauta to the cult in tills city, and then
resume his Journey.
ii ai t t.9.
The HltUBO?E
Donslaa Sts
A. fctOH.
Leading Hotel I
12:8o to 2 p. m.
SUNDAY. 6 30 p. m. DINNER. 75e
nieadlly Increasing tjslnets has necessl
tsted an enlargement of this cafe, doubling
its former capacity.
Finest Cafe West of New Tork.
XjU.uo in Kecent improvements
Open Jan. 3rd to May
Lnder ew Management.
J. K. Hayes. C. A. Urant. Lessees.
IU u
piano go.
Easy Terms, Bis Values, Least Expense
AMI t-.v!r-.Vr".
MMn., Wrl wnrt Nnl.
Music by F.dgsr SiIIImijmi KH
WnoriwsH A Burgess,
Tt t:IMV nt WWHUtnit IHT
Henry W. Hivasn Presents th Newest
Musical Commly-THB
By Plxley and lenders. Authors
of "KINO DO DO."
5 Months In lioatnn,
a Months la ("hleastd.
UH In the f ast. M In the f horns.
A tialnsy of fjnrstennsly llonsril (ilrfs.
A Ilndlnnt lirglnient of Heal Masters.
rilICF.8: EvenliigsII.SO, IHiO, 7f. ,
ISc. Matinee IJ.iio. 7.V, fto, SDc.
Trlepnnne 13HI.
Week Commencing
Sunday Mat. Jan. 4
TODAY 2:15 -TONIGHT 8:15
Barrows, Lancaster Co
Presenting; "A Jolly Jollier."
Hill and Silvia ny
European Hensationul Cyclists.
Les Dumonds
The Pnrbdan Street Kilmers.
Mile Rialta
Spectacular Terpslchoreun Artiste.
Geo. W. Moore
The Topical Jester.
The Cole De Losse Duo
New Life Motion lictf
Prices, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Gen. William Booth
founder of the Salvation Army, will
lecture In
(20th snd Davenport 8ts.)
Subject: "The lessons of My Ufe."
Tickets rsn be obtained at the Salvation
Army headquarters, 4 3 Kee building, and
the Y. M. C. A.
Mr. Kelly ....
Tone Production
I).vU(t lilock,
18th and Farnnm
In Cherry Blossom Time
Honolulu. Manna ann
iiliia. A small, emiu
le parly leaves early
ri l..r..t r..l n it
early In Jine. Itoun.l the world party
text Ix t iImT. Address
ll:n V. llil.l.H'.R,
V poylston Ht.. Jioston.
ifV t IN
In H Jt a 1 . 1M -