Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Pfivl Hls drupe.
For rrnt, modern honp. 72! sth avenue.
fcxurt watch repairing-. L 'fti rt, 4 li'ir
ORlrrr l sHiln di lii.KK cneup. By.
Prnf. It. K. w'yatt Ik home from Ills
outticrn trip.
Mtrg Flora Slevfiwn of Hastings, Neb.,
U visiting Irlcri'l In this city.
Wanted, a cik. Mrs. Charles T.
Btenart, ZM fa.mlh Sixth strn-t.
Mr. .M imic StnckhHm of Ncbrnska City
la the giji'in of Mrs. .'. A. Wllrv.
Samuel Weston of Denver la visiting; his
parents. Mr. unci Mrs. N. Weston.
fit.' AlMns IoiIrc. Knlnht. of Pythias,
Will Instnll oflict rs Monday night.
Cut prices on art calendars and blotters
for New Year's gifts. Alexander Co.
We arc headquarters for glass of all
kinds. S.e us beiore you buy. C. 11. Faint,
Oil and Glass Co.
If you want romethini? delicious try a
ping potig nut Sunuay at 8. K. Whaley &
Co., the druggists, 41ti Broadway.
White Hose Hebckah lodge will Install
Officers this evcnlni'. rtet reshmentn will
tie served Ht the close of the meeting.
Misses Nel!le und ll.itlf Marl of Oakland
avenue left last evening fur Aurora, 111., to
resume itifir studies, alter attending the
holidays With their parents.
Assistant t ounty Attorney C. K. Kimball
and wile returned yisterdiiy from a ten
Oays' visit with relatives and tnends In
Vmerluo ana his old home In Jones county.
One of the neweet drinks of the met, an 1
aomethiiig tlmt has iiecome very popular,
la the ovsler cockiail. Try It ai the drug
tors ot B. K haJey oc Co., llti Mroad
way. At Its meeting Thursday night the Court
of Honor Installed ItH newly elected ofll
cera, following which retrenhinent were
erved and a social time enjoyed with
music anil dancing.
Mrs. K, F. Watts has returneil from
Jacktonvll'e, III., where she wns called by
. the sickness and sule(Uent death ot h T
father, William t'oliun, one of the oldest
residents of that city. ; .
The Joint Installation of officers of Abe
Lincoln post, tJrand Army of the Kepubllc,
and Woman s hellef corps No. lsn will laku
pluce thwi evening. The post will hold a
abort business session at 7 f- rn.
8. F. Whaley & Co., the druggists. 41b
Broadway, will begin to give away their
souvenir spoons touay to those who take a
drink of hot chocolate lit their lotmtaln.
'lake a peep in their show windows and
aee the pous.
John Muss onstle. Royal Highlanders,
will Install officer Monday evening in the
new Maccabee hall In the Prown building.
The castle will meet weekly hereafter and
two meetliiR nights during the month wlil
be devoted to social tealures.
Miss Kusha 1'olloek of Oakland, la., was
yesterday adjudged Insant by the com
mlssioiiei's on Insanity and committed to
Ht. bernard s hospital. Mis 1'ollock was
Until a short time ago a leather In the
schools ot Oakland and her present condi
tion la due to overwork.
The winter term at both day and night
school of the Western Iowa Ituslness and
Normal college will begin Monday, Jan
uary 6. Those intending entering soon
should make arrangements to enter Monday
If possible, as beginning classes la each de
partment will be organized then.
William Mclntyre and K. 8. and George
Shivers have been committed to the county
Jail awaiting a hearing on a charge of
mealing two valuable laprcbes and a
horse blanket from the buggy of Dan
Hmlth. 'I he thelt was committed 'New
"Year a night and K. 8. Shivers and Mcln
tyre were arreleu In Omuha with the
stolen goods.
Arthur Sunford, who Ih home for the
Christmas vacation trom the Btate Agri
cultural college at Ames, Is a member of
one of the most unique college cluba in the
atate. it is named "The Hlx-Fnot club,"
and membership Is restricted to those who
are alx feet In height or over. The prefeiu
membership is thirteen. A complete his
tory of thd club, with a complete table of
Statistics concerning the members, will be
Issued In the annual college souvenir, the
nnail Willi Local Men.
Buperlntendent Gllleas of the Council
Bluffa division of the Illinois Central la
desirous of recruiting the employes in cer
tain departments from men located in towns
along the railroad. His order relative to
thla, which has been received by V. E.
Labbe, agent of the Illinois Central In this
city, la as follows:
The Illinois Central Ilallroad company is
desirous of secjrlng employes for the vari
ous pjfltlons In lis transportation depart
ment, and for positions as firemen In Its
machinery department, from men located
at' towns along Its lines, and Its agents are
Instructed to ascertain the names of all
parties who are ambitious to become rail
road men. Any party desiring to secure
a position In the atatlon service, or as
brakeman or fireman on the mad should
give his name to the agent, which placea
his application on Die, to be referred to
when vacancies occur.
Another Heating; Stove Free.
The first heating stove given by Wlllir.rn
Wt.lch to his coal customers was awarded
to the Christian home. Another has been
put up on tbo same plan, and during the
neit thirty days will be given away free to
ne of his customers. Before ordering your
coal call at 16 Nor'b Main street or
phene 128.
Real Katate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Equfre, 101 Pearl afreet:
Coleman 8. Denton and wife to James
A. Buckingham. neV. 12 and nw'i
ei; 1H-75-H w d 12,000
J. M. I'ullen and wife to O. W. Tierce,
part e4 seSi 11-75-40, w d 2,640
Anna Knop to C. I.. Otto Knop, elO
rods lot 1, Auditor's sub bw1 so1,.
1-74-38. w d
8. O. Meppen and wife to William K.
Boehm, si sw', 3H-74-42. w d 5,475
Kruncln I'brck and wife to Julius
Hansen, lot 2, except s feet, and
lot 1, In block 2. Walnut, and part
lot 5 In wl, ae4 9-77-1S. w d 1,450
J. J. Stewart, exerutor. to William
Wachterhauser, lot 2, block 39. Cen
tral aiibdiv, e. d 121
Sarah Head ami husband to Martin
K. Whltsitt and wife, lots 1 and 2,
Vark add to Macedonia, w. d 400
Joseph M. I'ullen and wife to R. F.
Walker, lots 2, 3, 4, 6, block 1, Gates'
add, Oakland, w. d 1,275
J. M. I'ullen and wife to W. H. Free
man, lot 1. block 3, and lot 9, block
2. Oakland, w. d 100
O. W. Marquardt, trustee, et al. to
Fred Urix, lot 7, block 2, Wilson
Terrace, w. d 800
Council Bluffs Savings bank to Ohio
Cultivator company, lot 8 and a 10
feet lot , block 15. Riddle' aubdlv,
w. d 6,000
Mary Hermsen to J. A. Ilermsen. her
husband, lot 11. block 7, Jackson's
add, w. d 1
Total twelve transfers
Msrrlisc Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age
V a. Hawcllfe. orraha 21
Mabel Bnotts. Omaha IK
W C. Collacott. Pottawattamie Co., la.. 21
Ida Veuable, Omaha
New Theater
Suniay, Jan. 4
PRICES. 25-50-75o$.1.50.
PRICE5, 25-50-75C
(buncil Bluffa Women Propose to Iuvoke
the Law if Necessary.
Heavy Penalties Provided for gelllnar
Them In lorra l( Prosecution Is
Instltated Proarram for
the Year." '
At the meeting of the Woman'a Chris
tian Temperance union yesterday plans for
a crusade against the sale of cigarettes In
this city were formulated. The members
of the union will visit each merchant who
sells cigarettes and by moral . persuasion
seek to Induce him from doing so. If
"moral persuasion" does not have the de
sired effect the union proposes then' to
Invoke the strong arm of the law. Section
E06 of the code prohibits the sale of cigar
ettes and cigarette paper and provides a
penalty of not less than $25 or more than
t."0 for the first offense and for the second
and each subsequent violation a fine of not
less than $100 nor more than $500.
The members of the union also will In
vestigate the matter ot the sale of to
bacco to minors and will as far as posslbl?
prevent it.
The program for the meetings of the
local union for the remainder of the year,
which closes August 31, was announced
yesterday and Is as follows:
January 16 "Why a Pledge Against
Cider?" Miss Helen Brldgman; reading,
Miss Alma Cassel.
February 6 Selection from "A White Life
for Two,' Mra. W. O. Denny; solo, to be
February 20 "The Use of Unfermenttd
Wines In the Churches." Kev. Mrs. Mulle
neaux; report of committee.
March 6 "Kevlew of State Law on House
of Shame and Age of Consent," Mrs. J. B.
March 20 "Boys' Temptations," Mrs.
Anna B. Phelps; discussion, Mrs. Hosa
April 5 "Heredity," Mrs. M. W. Brun
ton; discussion. Mrs. Bessie B. Oursler.
April 17 "Symposium on'Army and Navy
Regulations Anti-Canteen Law," led by
Miss Peterson.
May 1 Temperance - Training In tho
Home," Mrs. A. A. Hart; discussion, Mrs.
May 15 "Let Us Live with Our Children,"
Mrs. Mary J. lngalls; discussion, Mrs. J. L.
June 5 "The Relationship of Environ
ment to Good Citizenship," Mrs. O. J. Mc-
June 19 "Wherefore a 'Y?' " Miss Mary
Denny; reading,' Mrs. Laura Smith. - --
July 10 "The Tobacco Habit and Its Ef
fect on School Work," Miss Ellen Mcin
tosh; solo.
July 24 "The Law of Habit." Mrs. A. P.
Scofleld: discussion. Mrs. Iniira Terrant.
August 7 Parliamentary drill.
August 21 "Looking Backward," resume
of year's work.
N. Y. numbing Co., Telephone 626.
Commissioners for the Insane Hare m
Peculiar Cane to Pass
August Doerner, a 17-year-old student
n Union college, the Seventh Day Ad
ventist Institution at College View, near
Lincoln, Neb., waa before the Board of
Commtaloners for the Insane yesterday on
complaint of Julius Korgan, a well-known
farmer living eight miles eaat of Council
Bluffs, who charged young Doerner with
being mentally deranged. The examina
tion before the commlFSioners developed a
most remarkable story, in which religion
and cupld played prominent parts.
Young Doerner caroo to the United States
from Germany, where his father is one of
the most prominent leaders In the Seventh
Day Adventlst church, seventeen months
ago, to take a course of study at Union
college and prepare for the ministry. There
ho met and won the love of three young
women, students at the Institution. The
frequency with which he wooed and won
the hearts of the opposite sex waa cited
in the testimony before the board as one
of his "peculiarities" and evidence of his
being mentally weak.
One of the young women who came under
the spell of the young student was re
moved from the college by her parents and
returned to her home In Kansas. The other
wo whose hearts had been captured by
young Doerner were Miss Lena Korgan,
the 17-year-old daughter of Mr. snd Mrs.
Julius Korgan of this county, and Miss
Lydia Kraus of Tampa, Kan. Both young
women considered themselves engaged to
the youthful preacher.
Last May, Doerner who had been engaged
at the college on a translation ot the Ad
ventlst church doctrine into German, be
came 111 from overwork and waa sent forth
to preach the doctrine and rest. He be
came a guest at the Korgan home, the
family being ardent members ot the
Adventlst faith. He fell sick and his mind ,
became clouded and he suffered from hallu
cinations. He was nursed back to health
by the family and again he and Miss
Korgan plighted their troth and declared
their love for each other. Mr. and Mrs.
Korgan declined to recognize the engage
ment, for several reasona, the principal
one being that the couple were too young. '
Young Doerner returned to Lincoln after
he and Miss Korgan had each sworn to bs
true to one another. On the advice of bla
physician Doerner reated trom bis studies
and sought outdoor employment He found
It In hueklng corn. The manual labor Im
proved hla health.
In tha meantime Miss Lydia Kraus had
learned of young Doerner'a attachment for
MIes Korgan and she began to make
trouble. She told her friends that the
young corn-busking student had threatened
to kill both her and himself, and that she
dared not leave the house without a guard.
Miss Kraus came to spend the Christmas
holidays at the Korgan home and ahe told
of young Doerner'a threats. Mr. and Mra.
Korgan became fearful that possibly Doer
ner might kill their daughter whe,n re
fused permission to marry her, and as the
young msn was expected to spend the boll
days with them, Mr. Korgan decided to
place his case before the commissioners
tor the Insane. He Died an Information
against the young man, but withdrew it
the next day at the solicitation of mem
bers of the family. Doerner persisted In
his declaration that he would marry Miss
Korgan, whether the parents wished It or
not, and. It was alleged, threatened that
If prevented he would kill the girl and him.
aelf. Thla alarmed the parenta of the
young woman and resulted In young Doer
ner'a arrest yesterday on a charge of In
Tho board discharged him snd recom
mended that aa soon as the young man
could secure the consent of his father and
the means, be and Miaa Korgan be married
but to this the parenta of the latter re
fused to listen.
Horse Killed In Collision.
A double team hitched to a covered
buggy, containing W. I. Walker and Sara
Duucan of Loveland. ran into a buggy In
whlOi Mrs. M. A Clark ot Elliott street
was driving on East Broadway last even
ing. The horse driven by Mrs. Clark was
killed and Mrs. Clark was thrown out ot
the vehicle. She suffered severe bruises.
Her buggy was almost demolished. Walker,
It Is claimed, wai driving on the wrong
side of the street.
Matters In District Conrt.
Edna Julia Hummer commenced suit for
divorce In the district court yesterday from
John Hummer, to whom she was married
In Kansaa City in 1884 and whom she al
leges deserted her In July, 1897. She asks
j that her rnalden name of Julia Edna Beach
; be restored to her.
T. J. Shugart and C. O. Ouren. trading
under the name of the Shugart & Ouren
Beed company, began suit In the district
court yesterday against Mrs. A. M. Clinton
to compel the specific performance on her
part ot a contract to sell them the building
at 320 West Broadway now occupied by the
firm. It la alleged by the plaintiffs that
Mrs. Clinton agreed to sell them the prop
erty for $7,000, and of this amount $."i00 was
An application for the removal of the
United States court of the personal injury
damage suit of James Burke against the
Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company
was filed yesterday by the defendant com
pany on the grounds that Burke is a resi
dent of the state ot Nebraska.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son.
W. C. A. Annnal Meeting;.
The annual meeting of the Woman's
Christian association will be held Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock In the parlors of the
, First Presbyterian church. The yearly re
ports of the officers of the association will
be read and officers elected for the en
suing year. A musical program will be
given and tea will be served at the closo
of the meeting. Mrs. M. S. Gaines, secre
tary, states that while no printed invlta-
: tlons havo been Issued, all friends of tho
association are cordially Invited to at-
1 tend the meeting.
Notice to Contractors.
COUNCIL. BLUFFS, la., Jan. 2, 1903.
Warehouse Construction company No. 2
will receive bids until noon, January 8,
1903. for the construction of Its warehouee
building, according to plans and specifica
tions, to be bad at the office of Cox ft
Schoentgen, architects. The right to reject
any and all bids Is reserved and all bids
must be submitted on blanks furnished by
the architects and accompanied by a $40
deposit. H. W. BINDER, Secretary.
Switchman Instantly Killed.
SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Albert McVlcker of Mapleton, a
switchman for the Milwaukee road, was run
over and Instantly killed here this morning.
He was making a coupling and his foot
caught In a frog. Three cars passed over
him. He was to be married In a few days
to a young woman from Kingslcy.
(Continued from First Page.)
Joint stock company or other issoclatlon
shall have been a party, who shall there
after violate this, or either of said acts,
shall be no longer allowed to engage In
commerce with foreign nntions or among
the several states; provided that such pro
hibition shall only be enforced after such
corporation. Joint stock company or other
association shall have been enjoined against
further engaging In such business, on an
Information or suit brought In a United
States court of competent Jurisdiction, by
the attorney ceneral, in behalf of the
government. It shall be the duty of the
attorney general in any case, unless he
shall bo satisfied that such corporation,
Joint stock company or other association
has desisted and abstained and will In
future desist and abstain from such viola
tion, to enforce the provision by proceed
ing either by information or by Indictment,
as he may In his discretion think best.
Any corporation. Joint stock company or
other association which shall be charged
with violating this act, and any president,
director, treasurer, otticer or agrent thereof,
may be Joined as a party in any proceed
ing, civil or criminal, to enforce this act.
Interruption to Business.
If, In tho Judgment of the attorney gen
eral, such corporation. Joint stock company
or other association against which any civil
proceeding may be instituted, be one on
which the public Is so depending that the
Interruption of its business will cause seri
ous public loss or Inconvenience, he may,
tn his discretion, refrain from proceeding
to obtain a decree which will absolutely
prevent the continuance of such business
and may apply for a limited or conditional
decree, or one to tuke effact at some future
day, as the public Interests shall seem to
require. And If, In the Judgment of tho
court before whom such proceeding may be
Vending, the interruption of the business
of the defendant corporation. Joint stock
company or other association will cause
such serious public loss or inconvenience,
the court may decline to enter an absolute
decree enjoining It against proceeding with
Its business and may inter a mutinied or
conditional decree, or such decree to take
effect at a future time, as Justice shall
require. The court may also, in Its discre
tion. Join such oirtcers or agents or servants
of such corporation, joint stock company ;
or other association from continuing In Its
service, and enjoin any corporation. Joint
stock company or other association frum ,
continuing their employment therein, us,!
the case shall seem to require. j
Sec. 10 That any coritoratlon, . Joint
atock company or other association, and
any president, director, treusurer, officer,
comorator. co-partmr. associate or any
agent thereof, who shall In Its behalf after
the 3Wh nay or June, in tne year en
gage in such business In violation of this
act shall for each nfTense tn addition to
such penally for contempt as the court In
case or disobedience to its lawrui order
may Impose, be punished by a fine not ex
ceeding $5,000, or by Imprisonment not ex
ceeding one year, or both said punish
ments, in the discretion of the court.
bee. It mat every president, treas
urer, general manager, agent or other per
son usually exercising the power of such
officers of any corporation. Joint stock
company or otner association rno nas
himself in its Denair vioiaieo. ui.ieo. io
violate or voted ror or consented to inn
violation of any of the provisions of this
act, shall thereafter be personally liaoie
for all the debts and obligations or any
such corporation. Joint stock company or
other association created wnne sncn per
son holds such office or agency, whether
under the same or subsequent elections or
A Service Demanded.
Instead ot Jollying passengers, says the
New York Press, railroad companies abuse
them, consequently there Is eternal fric
tion. All of us like to know what is going
on. A tram stops; cause unsnown to sev
eral hundred occupants. Conductor, en
gineer, fireman, guarda all are under or
ders to say nothing. Our ungratlfled curi
osity makes us rebellious. After a delay
of half an hour we are heartily damning
the management. How much better It
would be If the company were to send a
man through the train to make a little
speech of enlightenment, on this order:
"Ladles and Gentlemen: We ran into a two
horse wsgon, killing the team, one man,
two women and three children. Tha pilot
picked up part of the wreck. We are now
removing tue debris. The delay will last
fifteen minutes longer. The engine la not
Not for Hint.
Chicago Tribune: "And this Is the first
time you have seen the old boms for
twenty years!" his former friend said to
him. "Tbey killed the fatted calf for you
didn't tbey?"
"No." responded the prodigal son of a
lster period. "They said that, in view of
all ths circumstances and considering the
high price ot veal, they thought aa old
hta was good enough for me,"
State Executive Council Issues Statement
on Insurance Examination.
Incomlnar Andltor Is Checking I p the
Securities In Possession of Pres
ent Incumbent Change
Iowa Bolldlns:.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Jan. 2. (Special.) The
states executive council this evening Issued
a statement in relation to the controversy
of the Insurance companies with the pres
ent state auditor in regard to the examina
tion of eastern Insurance companies and
the fees charged therefor. The statement
only partially exonerates the state auditor.
An opinion by Attorney General Mullan
waa Included, In which the attorney gen
eral holds that the law is not exactly clear
aa to whether the state auditor has the
authority to make the examinations with
out an order from the council, but he holds
that under the head of foreign Insurance
companies Is meant all those not in Iowa.
In regard to fees, he holds that the state
auditor must make a report on examina
tions and fees and make It a part of his
official record. This has never been done.
State Auditor Merrlam presented a letter
from Secretary Shaw, who was a member
of the executive council when Merrlam
first went Into office, In which Shaw states
that he recalls the discussion of the matter
and the verbal authority lven Merrlam.
This Is verified by ex-Secretary Dobson.
Mr. Merrlam made the statement to the
council that he has a record of his exam
inations and it is a part of his office record
and he will Include a statement ot fees
received. With thjs statement the matter
will drop. The auditor Is censurable for
not having mads a public record ot his
examinations before and of the fees re
ceived. No action will He against the state
auditor by the state or Its officials and tho
matter of the reasonableness ot fees Is for
the companies to decldo.
Teachers Association Adjourns.
The closing day of the State Teachers'
association meeting was without Incident.
The feature was the annual address of
State Superintendent Barrett, in which ho
tevlewed the progress of educational work
in the state during the year. He presented
satlstics Indicating that while the average
monthly wages of male teachers shows an
Increase, because ot the smaller number of
those who are engaged, the wages of female
teachers show a decrease. He insisted that
the state must pay higher wages If the
schools arr to be kept going. He recom
mended tne Indiana plan of regulating the
wagea by state law, by a system of fixing
It In proportion to the grade of the teacher
as shown on her certificate. Mr. Barrett
highly commended the plan of rural school
consolidation and the transports tlon ot
pupils, which Is' gaining ground rapidly In
the atate, and each year sees a larger num
ber of schools consolidated. In regard to
manual training In schools, he recom
mended that a course be provided for train
ing teachers In this work at the State Nor
mal school. The most important legisla
tion ever enacted by any one legislature
was by the last one1 In Iowa. The com
pulsory education law was the most Im
portant, and almost of equal Importaneo
was the one relating to normal work In
academies and high schools, He sharply
denounced the tendency to continue educa
tional work along the line of partisanship
and said that competent educators and su
perintendents should be retained as long
as they are useful. '
In the state association meeting, after
the election of officers, as recommended by
the committee last night, there were re
ports on the legislation accomplished and
a general report on resolutions. The reso
lutions favor efforts for better salaries.
The effort made to have the educational
council abolished failed and It will eon.
tinue. -.f '
Checking; Up the Securities.
B. F. Carroll of Bloomfield, who will next
week succeed F. F. Merrlam as state au
ditor, is engaged tn going over, the securi
ties in the office of the auditor of state.
There are several million dollars worth of
these placed on die by the insurance and
other companies. .' They will be counted be
fore the office Is turned . over.
The Board of Railroad Commissioners
will reorganize for the year next Monday
and probably elect Colonel D. A. Palmer
chairman. E. A. Dawson Is the present
chairman. ; ,
Land Case Asjalnst Btate.
An appeal to the supreme court has been
taken in the case of the controversy over
land at the Fort Madison penitentiary. A
small tract of land belonging to the state
and used as a part of the prison yard is
claimed . by R. R. Currter. The trouble
arose . originally over; some errors in the
survey ot the town, plat at Fort Madison.
The Keokuk superior court decided in favor
ot the state. '
The articles ef Incorporation of the Dem
ocrat Publishing company of Atlantic were
filed with tha secretary of state today. The
capital ia $10,000. S. W. Cuyknndall . la
president and Edwin' P. Chase secretary.
The Teton Telephone' company ot St. An
thony. Fremont county, has Incorporated
with $100,000 capital. O. 8. Turrlll of Jef
ferson la president and L. E. Turrlll secre
tary. Notice has been given of an Increase
In the capital atock of the Northwestern
Telephone 'company of Clarion from $10,000
to $20,000.
Iona Bnlldlnar to Be Chanced.
It is probable that, the Iowa building at
the exposition in St. Louis will be some
what smaller than the plans which were
selected by the commission two weeks ago.
The architects submitted their plans to
Director of Works Taylor, who approved
them In general and gave them high com
mendation, but suggested that th?y might
with propriety be made for a somewhat
smaller building and be changed to suit
the exact location. This will be done, as It
was feared that the building planned could
not be constructed within the cost al
lowed. The plans will be perfected at
Implement Dealers.
The executive committee of the Iowa
Implement Dealers' association has de
cided upon Davenport as the place of meet
ing for the association the next time. It
was expected that in view of the successes
ot the meetings In Des Moines they would
be here, but some members of the associa
tion have been unfriendly to Dea Moines
for several years.
l'p-to-Iae Methods for the Modern
A man who died the other day In Col
orado took time by the frontispiece. He
wrote bis own funeral notice, and he made
It a long one.
Therein he waa wise. Yea, his wisdom
was of a surprising order ot excel'nee.
By writing hla own speech, says ths St.
Louis Post-Dlirpatch, he cotild tell the
World all that he' desfred It to know and
no more, and he was assured beforehand of
an audience a desideratum In the life of
every author by no means always attained.
However dull his style mlfsht be, how
ever prosy his narrative, however much the
writer should boast of his own deeds and
accomplishments, ns man would be so 111
mannrred as to lesve the house or church
before the paper had been completed. Being
once In the net he would have to stick It
out; nor would he be likely to forget what
was said under these unusual circum
stances. The funeral oration Is the thing
By which a man, for once, can have his
After awhile this system, perfected, msy
become all the rage with persons who ex
pect to die. We may dispense with
lengthy panegyrics, and. while the choir
is singing, "Lead, Kindly Light." gentle
manly ushers will pass through the au
dience distributing as souvenirs neat pam
phlet autobiographies of the deccdont, pub.
llshed by himself.
This plan has everything to commend
It. It will save much effort on the part of
the preacher, and will give every man a
chance to put himself on final record in
the beet style. He ran then leave the
world satisfied that he will get a good
send-off, whatever the knockers may have
done to him previously.
Rearnlar Army Officers Hare Several
Grounds of Complaint.
There are further complaints, some ot
them well grounded, from army officers re
garding the new uniform regulations, ssys
the Army and Navy Journal. In many
cases the heavy outlay required by the re
cent change has been a positive hardship,
which would be still further Increased by
the additional modifications which have
been proposed. It is true that these pro
posed modifications are not extensive, but
they would Involve an aggregate outlay of
large proportions from officers who have al
ready been compelled to spend large sums
under the new regulations. Whether the
suggested changes are desirable is not the
question at all. The point we urge Is that
any change which Involves expense to offi
cers who have so recently been required to
expend large sums for uniforms Is unjust.
It would be only fair to stipulate when a
radical change, like the recent one, Is made
In uniform, that a clothing allowance should
be granted to cover the cost of any modi
fications ordered within a period of say
two or three years. This Is far better than
any attempt to underbid the tailors by
providing a portion of the uniform through
the Quartermaster's department.
To insist upon changes at the expense of
officers In a uniform only a few months after
its adoption Is Inconsiderate and unfair.
Many corporations employing large num
bers of men give eacb man his first or sec
ond uniform either free or pay part of the
cost ot It, and the emulation of their ex
ample by Uncle Sam would be an eminently
creditable proceeding. Major General Cor
bin and others who contend that young
officers should not marry unless possessed
of resources in cddltion to their army pay
or until they have advanced to the rank of
captain or major may find the uniform
problem an aid to the general adoption of
their views. The young lieutenant who Is
required to plank down some hundreds of
dollars for a uniform outfit without knowing
bow soon he may be compelled to hand over
additional cash for chinges In his toggery
may pause to consider whether, under those
circumstances and with his slender pay,
he haa really any right to contract an
alliance that would still further increase
his annual outlay for clothing.
Another point In the regulations to which
objection is made, Snd we think Justly, Is
that they have taken away the distinctive
letters "U. 8." from the collar of the uni
form coat. In place of them appears the
national coat-of-arma, which is all right In
Its way,, but it is not nearly as distinctive
of the regular service i as the letters "U.
8." Several officers have written to urge
that the letters be restored, and we heartily !
concur In their views.
Klnar Edward Breakfasts at Seven and
the Kaiser Even Earlier.
While the great mass of his subjects are
still comfortably asleep in bed King Edward
has risen and Is seated at his desk, deep in
the consideration ot state documents; for,
though his majesty does not lie down with
the lamb, he gets up with the milkman.
It ia always after midnight before the
king is In bed, but by 7 o'clock he is astir.
Very often he rises a couple ot hours earlier
in order to keep abreast with the enormouB
quantity of work which presses on him. At
Windsor he usually attends the early serv
ice at St. George's, and has accomplished
the day's work of an ordinary man before
most ot his subjects have finished break
fast. This spectacle of the king, up and doing
at 6 a. m. while so many of hla subjects
stroll leisurely into their offices five hours
later, is notable and suggestive. Americans
assign as one reason for their marvelous
progress that New Yorkers are at business
at 8:30 or 9 a. m., while Londoners are a
full hour later.
There are no harder workers than mod
ern monarrhs, and they, at all events, ap
preciate the value of the morning hours.
The German emperor breakfasts punctually
every morning at 7 o'clock. Very often be
has been uj for hours.
Not very long ago the colonel ot the First
Dragoons turned up twenty-five minutes
late at the a. m. parade. To his horror
be found the kaiser waiting with the regi
ment. Without a word the emperor mo
tioned the officer to his post and watched
the drill In silence, but on that evening the
colonel received from his Imperial master
a neat little alarm clock.
Soon after 8 a. m. the emperor Is at the
foreign office, In consultation with Count
von Buelow. His ally, the king of Italy,
la likewise an early riser, and requires his
officers and servants to be the same.
Boon after his accession he a round
of morning visits to the government offices.
At each he arrived at tho stated time of
opening, and smoked cigarettes while
waiting events. When the early bird of the
clerka arrived an hour late he found, not
the worm, but the king, awaiting him.
Very plainly were the heads of departments
informed that the king required strict
punctuality and attendance to business.
One result of this sction of Victor Emman
uel's Is that the Italian civil service esti
mates have been considerably reduced by
dismissing clerks whom regular hours ren
dered superfluous.
The czar ot Russia ia another of ths 7
o'clock breakfast brigade, while the Em
peror Francis Joseph it astir even earll-r.
It must be a very early riser who would
get the better of the mikado. The ruler of
Britain's new ally holds his councils of
state at 4 a. m.
What's la araef
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Yes, sir. I tell
you that his nsme will go ringing down the
chambers of time when most names of this
century are1 long forgotten. It is a name
that represents the apex of human en
deavor, the ne plus ultra of applied Intelli
gence. Yes, sir, his nsme will stand sld
by side with that of Watt and Newton and
Stephenaon and Fulton and Morse. His
nsme "
"Whose name, uncle?"
"Whose nameT Wby, ' Macaronl'a, of
Kearney, Mo., Man does Before Intcrttnte
Commerce Commission.
Afttrma Points West of Kansaa City
Are Favored by Lower Tariff on
Live Stork Hilled Thronh
' to Chicago.
WASHINGTON, Jan. . The Chicago,
Burllucton & Qulncy railroad Is made tho
defendant in a complaint filed with the
Interstate Commerce commission by Gilbert
Barr ot Kcaruey, Mo., who alleges tbo
exaction of an unreasonable and unjust j
tariff on lire stork. The complainant Is a
live stock shipper and says that since Oc
tober 4 lust the railroad has compelled him
to pay for tho transportation of live stock
In carload lota from Kearney to Chicago
23'4 ceuts per 100 pounds, although a rea- I
sonable charge Is 12 cents per 100 pounds.
The complainant charges that during the
time mentioned the defendant has bad In !
force on Its lines a rate of 23Vs cents per !
100 pounds, applying upon live stork orlg- j
lnatlng at Kansas City and shipped In car- j
load lots to Chicago, and another rate of j
12 cents per 100 pounds, called a propor
tional rate, applying between Kansas City
and Chicago on live stock originating at
points west of Kansas City and shipped In
carload lots to Kansas City In the first
instance, and upon which the through rate
from originating point to Chicago would
not be less than 234 cents per 100 pounds.
The complainant alleges that, although
the 12-ccnt rate is published as a pro
portional rate, the defendant still allows
shippers of live stock to use it without
reference to the origin of their shipments
and regardless of whether ratea have been
paid thereon from points ot origin to Kan
sas City, entitling such shippers to the
proportional rate from Kansas City to Chi
cago. According to the complaint, the defend
ant, by compelling the complainant to pay
the higher rate, while exacting from other
shippers for a like service the low rate, ia
subjecting the complainant and the locality
from which be makes shipments to undue
and unreasonable prejudice and disadvan
tage and la violating the Interstate com
merce law. An Investigation and a repara
tion tor the charges said to have been un
lawfully collected are asked.
Vnlvcrslty Gets Railroad.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 2. The appraise
ment of the assets of A. C. Hutchinson,
late president of Morgan's Louisiana &
Texas railroad, shows Its valuo to be $991,.
168." The bulk of this property will go to
the medical department ot Tulane univer
sity. Specialists
of MEN.
12 years of sue
cesaful practise ia
ILCO Ion of ilau Local (uarantM to oun
nn np mnnftV rfUBdd.
cure tor ltf snd Mm poison
- , s,..n ...n atn fcnd IT motom oiuppoars
oompl.Wlr aoa No "BBKAKINO OUT" of
tbo 41uo on tho skin or faeo. Treatment ooatstn
no stmerous aruci or tnjarloa bmSIcIooo.
tllrilr CU Eiceeaes or VICTIMS TO
DECAY in YOUNO o4 MIDDLE AUBDi lack of via.
vigor and strength, with organs unpaired and weak.
Cures giiaranteej.
cures s'taranteea.
era red erlth a now homo treat
ment. No pals, no detention
JKIN AkT.' Kidney on Bladder Troubles. Weak
tecs! Burning Hn. Frequencr ot tlnn.tln.. Unn.
High Colored" or with mllkr sediment on standing
Consultation Froe. Treatment br Mail.
Call .ir address, lis . m
3nly One Dollar a Year.
A Simple Homo Treatment Which Never Fails
to Restore Full Strength and
Vigor of Youth.
There Is so longer any see lor men to suffer
from lost vllalltr. nlgnt loaaea. Tarlcutele, eio ,
vk.a It can be cured almost Ilka mafia In tne
Ctrl vecy ot roni on bone ana nature amall weak
ora.ns to full ecr.ngin ana vigor ol Joula br a
simple ttmel) which arr man saa uee. Siraplr
O.I.4 your name ana a4treee to tbo Lir. Kiuap
ldlrel Co. Hull BuBlKllDg. letrolt, all. n .
ml (her glealr eMid ,m tke Donor's lull pre.
script Ion tree sos eT.rrml-g neceaoery tof a quick
'"Tho'tohSw"!' taken from their Sallr null, shows
What men u who he taken advantage ot Ibis
gran ft ire. over.
except sir el a cere tbenka tur
fu) 4 rwMot rt glTss
uear oir.. r
Little Liver Pills.
Muit Bear Signature f
5ee Fec-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Terr assail and aa ens
V- take as nfasv
ran iiliousress.
ti7 rarely TstMeyhse6
usual usssnii
CURE sick; heapachc
For years this remedy has beeo the
standard nerve restorative. Thousands
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to itn use.
Srxine Pills replace weakness snd
exhalation with strength snd vigor;
the brain becomes clrnr; the serves
steady sod calm; gloomy foreboding
are banished and perfect vitality Is ful
ly restored.
If you are suffering s above, try a
box; you'll be encournged by its effect
to take the full course of six boxes-'
then if yoj sre nut entirely cured, w
will refund your money. This satis
factory offer is one of the factors of
our stircer.
SI OOprrbox; t boxra (with giutrnn.
tee to cure or mouey b:ie'c 1, $V 00, mailed
in lnin n--'-""-.. '- f-
For sale by Kuhn A Co., Omaha,
lMllnti's Prug Store, Bouth Omaha.
Pavls Drug Co., Council Bluffs, Is.
Treats all fofma of
27 Tears Experience,
17 Years tn Omaha,
Ills remarkable sue
. K a a havAP li..M
nualed and every day brings many flatter
tnr reports of the good he is doing, or the
relief he has given.
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Blood Polaons. NO "BREAKING"
OUT" on the skin or face and all external
signs of the dlnease disappear at once.
varicocele z&xtitxsnrinxz
UftK aU.UUJ rS3E&.oturS
..-i..i,, uiiui4utu ulocliarges, fltriciur,
Oleet, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, H
oroceie. ,
Treatment by mull. V. O. Box liA. Ofllcs
over tit B. Uth street, between Farnam and
Lounlus streets. OMAHA., ,
rem mouiiiiy .t'KU
iur: sUroiict'bt. bnt.
ifMt:con(Mln RrtmL.
Twy. Peuuyruyal; imt tingle failure: lo tig cut, iiiont
ouftiinaie cum rtmevcu iu m icw nayi; a.iA m
Sherman McConneU Drug Co., Omaha.
Uurougk teat and the beneat has bees oitraordU
narjf. it has couiblelely braced u.e up. 1 am lu4
aa vigorous as im a bur ud uu cannot rewlus
how baopjr 1 ni."
"Dw Hire - your method worked beautifully. Re.
aulte were eaactljr what I ued!. Strength and
Hir have coinpl.telr returned and onlargauent U
entirely eatlala -tur "
"bear g'.rs Youre waa retelved and I had no
trouble la nakl..g ute ot the receipt aa direcUu.
ai.d can truthlulljr eajr It Is a boon to weak in 11.
Don't atop aud wond.r now ihty can afford to
do all thla. but eeud toCay; the offer la g.nulue
and the preeurlutlou will be ent by return mail U
penetxiy piala envelope Ire. u
i all las. TTulr;it a suoa null he aai.