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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY 11 HE: SATURDAY, .TANFATtY a. 1003. ft CASTRO PROPOSES A PLAV"kTy? "aiti Qnertion Left to One of the American Be-publica. Z IS NOT LIKELY TO BE aii, earreljr Amj Iloabt Is Kelt that Parties to (oitrmrrtr Will Finally Atrrf I ana The Haftoe Irlbaaal. WASHINGTON, Jan. J The rendition vhlch President Cestro sttsched to his re rponse to the allies' arbitrating proposal as In tbe nature of an alternative propo sition. I Almost from the beginning showing an version to The Hague tribunal. Castro, while accepting the principle of arbitra tion, aaked that the case be tried by one : Of the American republics. , As President Jtoosevelt already had de clined to act In the capacity of arbitrator ' and as some. of the reasoas which Inspired , him In his declination would apply with i equal force to tba thief evwuUve of any! other American slate . than . the United States, he was o hi Inert to. withhold any endorsement of this proposition of PreM- j dent Castro. Therefore It may be dlsruiaatd from the j field of possibilities, and unless Castro is unexpectedly Insistent upon his own plan the original proposition in reference to The Hague tribunal will carry There were no developments over New Year's day lo- the way of cablegrams con taining news from European capitals or from Venexuela. British Prises Towed Away. LA Ol'AYRA, Venemela, Jan. 2 The British gunboat Zumbador, formerly the Venezuelan war vewcl of that name, left here fur Trinidad today, towing four schoon ers and three rloops captured by the British since the blockade began. It Is to, return for other prlies. FOR UNION VETERANS' UNION Ylrkshors hralrurnt Inatalla Ita Sfit Otrioers According; to Accepted Forma. Vlcksburg regiment, fnlon Veterans' union, installed officers last night in Red Men's hall in tho Continental building. I The new officers are as follows: V. S. Askwlth, colonel; George E. Ellett, lieu tenant colonel; William O. Bartholomew, major; Thomas H. Dally, chaplain; A. H. Scott, surgeon; 9. R. Rathbun, adjutant; Frank E. Munn, officer of the day; Otto Bchneckcri-lhd.'ortlcpr ef-fho guard; O. A. Porter, sentinel; William A. Plummer, picket. After the installation Charles Thomas read a paper on Eugene Wore, Commissioner of pensions; light refresh ments were served aud the: balance of the evening spent socially, with songs and reminiscences. " ' General , Order No. 1, issued from the headquarters of the division of Nebraska by Assistant Adjutant General Hopper, was published. This gives the officers elected t the annual election In November. D. M. Haverly . Is the new division commander, With rank of major general. John H. Mer ger is the brigade commander, with rank of brigadier general. The following is the taft appointed to serve: Colonel C. L. Harris, chief of staff; Colonel J. Francis Hopper, annlatant adjutant general; Colonel W. Q. Tcmpleton, assistant quartermaster general; Colonel Thomas L. Hull, assist ant commissary general; Colonel John Webb, assistant Inspector general; Colo nel W. JRaVShocmnker. assistant judge advo cate general; Colonel John H. Berger, as sistant '.Clustering officer; Colonel W. H. Christie, assistant surgeon general; Lieu tenant Colonel James W. Thompson, chap lain; Lieutenant Cotonel Frank Thorne. Grand Island, aide-de-camp; Lieutenant Colonel D. W.. Fletcher, Ainsworth, aide-de-camp; Lieutenant' Colonel Ira D. Mar aton, Kearney, aide-de-camp. CENTRAL LABOR UNION BALKS Declines to Kndorre the Grocers' Plan for Aroendlnar the Exemption - . Statutes. Members of the Central Labor union suc ceeded Friday night In arriving at a de cision regarding Intended legislation, which was presented before the body for Its con sideration, being the proposed amendment to the exemption laws now on the statute books "of the state. The union has been in conference with tbe Retail Grocers' association, that some decision, rnlght'.bo obtained relatlvo to the matter, and at tho session last night, after the'prgposed amendment to the present law as drafted by the grocers was read before the union, that body .went on record as flatly refusing to be in direct accord with or saaotlonlog '.he amendment, voting against It, prtvclpally, that It might be made a matter of record in the minutes of the-, union and also that the grocers might not mistake the action taken. Allen's restaurant, Sixteenth and Web ster,' and Brown's Quick Lunch bouse were replaced on the "fair Hat," the proprietors of those establishments having signed up with tbe union. The date of the semi-annual election of the Central Labor union was fixed for Jan uary 18. ' Railway Notes and Personals. J. H ' Preston, commercial agent of the Milwaukee . at Denver., is in .the city. II ccme partlully on business and for the TNC DOSC itakSiM tOMlOton ttiiiiomwt IIIMItltf SWOSfM rMu 1 1 1 n aa rvraus lOMtSSraps ismm, swiosrasa S mra i4 Sms tMwaU 4 1 SSmm fT I IMMHSMUlllSfcllrlg St Mmmi 4 rate m to rtpt4 fiM ihu Mra r,mrf tji Mi ii rtil ANclMsa r Sm-m m I! rtrviuAf iii ' Wtfcaf k aia nu m Mil Aw mA tc i it aMow rally M.U1 Ito. vN 1 livery well-posted doctor today g II II a 17 U VrV- ' Vrsi. -4 ' ' ' "' ' '-(" - 7 -tt . m i i i i Hi n i W . I Pectoral. Most doctors order it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and even for consumption. Your doctor use It ? 'iSwlT."?- of attending ihe ftmeral of J. I. Ji. PI!'T1K hs featmed the IvNsttlnn rf tl.K-f f if m cf the I'x bI freight nltti -e of tV- I nrol cr.irm. wl.irh he has held for ntany ji-nrn will enga; in business with bin Ithr s a mrmoer cf the firm I of Chime 'umhtnatlon I'ntl 1'la.te com tnny. located In the I'sxton hlork. J. N. iongstreet tonus fr'm tbe Illinois Central IklCICTTNT ' bf'.'e ut Council Bluffs to auccetcl Mr. Hill ings. FUNERAL OF JOHN JAY'DICKEY Impnalaa- Throna of Friends Follow the I.ate Wnlrrn I Ion Official to Ilia Grave. The funeral of Colonel John Jay Wrkey was, held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the fsm.Iy borne at Rose Farm. Men prominent In the telegraphic affairs of the wrrld Journeyed thousands of miles, from all parts of the country, to add their last tributes to those of a host of Omaha friends and associates at the grave of the deceased. The lower floor of the house was crowded to its utmost to accommodate the throng of mourners. The casket stood in the center of the large reception ball, and back of it. Oiling the alcove and covering the entire west wall, were banked the floral offerings of Colonel Dickey's friends. . The services at the house and cemetery were read by Rev. John Williams and the music was by mem bers of the St. Barnabas' church choir. Noticeable among the floral tributes was one which came from the employes of the Western t'nlon and American District Tele graph companies of Omaha and Sonth Omaha. On a solid mass of pink carna tions, 7x4 feet in size, there was designed in white roses and lilies of the valley, telegraph posts on either side, with wires stretching across the middle, and in the center in violets was the symbol "SO." Among the floral offering were: Colonel R. C. Clowry. president of the Western Union, a magnificent wreath of Liberty roses and lilies of the valley; Henry I. Estabrook, general solicitor or the Western Union, a Urge wreath of sutumn leaves tied with ribbons; Western Union employes of Texas, a large finished column of white carnations, roses and lilies of the valley, with a base of Easter lilies' and LaFrancs roses; employes at Denver, a broken wheel, consisting of while carnations and Hies; Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, a pillow of roses and carnations; employes of the Salt Lake City and Denver offices, a pillow of roses and carnations; members of the Loyal Le gion, the button of the order made 3 feet a cross of carnations; directors of the Omnha club, huge bunch of American Beauties; employes of Colonel Dickey's of fice, bunch of American Beauties; C. B. Morton, assistant superintendent at Den ver, bunch of white and pink carnations; I. N. Miller, superintendent at Cincinnati, roses and lilies of the valley; Superintend ent J. P. Alt burger. Manager J. W. Read and Chief Operator McCammon of Phila delphia, all former employes of Mr. Dickey's district, carnations; General Su perintendent B. Brooks, New York, a wreath of 'violets and lilies of the valley; Old Time Telegraphers' and Historical as sociation, American Beauty roses; Nebraska Telephone company, mixed carnations; W. F. Drake, Pueblo, lilies of the valley and roses; Dr. H. Perry, Salt Lake City, white rosea; I. N. Keller, flat bunch of narcissus; F. G. Lamb, Philadelphia, rosea; 'employes of the Topeka office, large lyre of mixed flowers with a floral "30" In the center; Colorado Springs office, roses; Lincoln of fice, pillow of flowers with figure, "30." In addition there were over 150 floral offer ings from individuals In Omaha and vicin ity. The active and honorary pallbearers were: Active, Edward Porter Peck, Luther Drake, J.' K. Chambers, Charles B. Horton, John C. Nelson, John E. Wilbur; honorary. Count Crelghton, E. M. Morsman, 'George F. Bldwell, Senator Millard, Belvtdere Brooks, Theodore P. Cook, General Mander son and Guy C. Barton. Rlarnt on the Spot Where rheumatism pains rub Bucklen' Arnica Salve, the great healer. 'Twill work wonders. Stops pain or no pay. 25c. For sale by Kuhn Co. LOCAL BREVITIES. Kllen Kelly has secured a divorce from Daniel, because of non-support. Judge Dickinson granted the decree. Charles J. Benson sues for divorce from Ulrdle, whom he married in Council Bluffs on November 6, 1H:H. He alleges cruelty. Thomus It. McNalr desires to acknowl edge the receipt of a check for $f0 from the , ciks, a aonaunn lowiiru wie maintenance of the Omaha City Mission. Edward Knsewater will deliver an address on "Electricity us a Vital -Force" before the 1'tiiluKiiphU'Hl society at the Paxton hotel at 2:31) Sunday afternoon A decree of divorce has been granted Id.-i Venable. wife fif Hyron, whom she accused of abandonment. The decree gives her the custody of their son Otis, aged b years. Minnie II. Jones n ks divorce from Charles W., alleging non-support. .They were mar ried on December 22, 1!1. Prior to thut time she was Miss Humrlc k, and that name she wishes restored. Lnuls Rtrujtnld, 9 years old, was hit in the head by a tin can. which he elHlms was thrown by a colored lad named Price, resid ing on Houth Eleventh street. A deep gnsh was inflicted, requiring the attendance of Police Surgeon Mick. Unity club meets this evening at the residence of Mr. O. W. Llnlnger, 214 North Eighteenth street, according to the post ponement on account of President Schur man's address last night. There will be a paper on "Interstate Commerce" by K. C. I'uge of the Omaha bar and un address t)y Judge Irving b Baxter of the district court. Judge Ouy R. C. Read of the district bench starts the new year with an sdrtl tional member of Ills family. At an early hour yesterday morning a young man of judicial mind and robust frame arrived at the judge's home, 812 South Thirty-seventh street, and thrreby Immensely pleased his honor, who heretofore has been raising ex clusively those of gentler sex. knows all about Aver'a Cherrv mi V I f 1 I llll II BENEFITS OF CRA1N MARKET Railroads Wou'd ELare with Omaha in Increased Prosperity, LONG HAUL IS NOT ESSENTIALLY VITAL Baslaess at the Ktock Tarda aa Illastratloa of What May Be Expected front the Pro posed Move. Not all the grain men In Omaha who are working so hard for the establishment of a grain market here think thai there It any actual feeling of hostility toward this city an the part of the railroads which refuse to promote such a scheme by offer ing fair rates through here. Some think the railways are actuated solely by what might be termed an Instinct of self-protection. Said one of these: "As I understand it, the chief and, In reality, the only objection advanced by the railroads agains' this grain market propo sition Is that they run a chance of losing for outbound shipment grain coming Into Omaha over their lines. Thus they would be deprived of the long haul and full through rate. 1 do not think for a minute that any other factor enters Into their at titude on the matter. On that proposition I thing tbe freight men are wrong. I think the establishment of a grain market here would in reality increase their revenues In stead of diminishing them. There'wonld be a temporary fall tag off In that imme diate business of the haul out. I admit that. With three other roads cutting in ' and sharing In the traffic which the two r.ow carry this would be a natural and an obvious result. "In the end, and not such a distant end, either, the two roads that now refuse to carry the grain through here would be greatly benefited by doing so. If the com mercial value and prosperity and enterprise of this town were Incressed double or three times what they now are, the new bene I fits accruing to the railroads would be so vast as to completely overshadow this : profit that they now reap from the long I hauls. With Omaha built up in all dlrec ; tions the increase in all other lines of I traffic would be so great as to make the present hsul enjoyed by these two rosds out of Nebraska look like a mere Item. I.lve Stock an Illustration. "And I'll go further. I ll say that these roads would not be hurt so very much, even at the start, by taking their chances with the rest on the out-business. They seem to get along all right down at the stock yards. They are all represented there. They haul the live stock In and then scramble to get a share of the finished product. If the railroads are satisfied with the affairs there, If the business of each goes on satisfactorily with the stock, wbr not with the grain? If they can even up all right at the packing houses, why not at the grain market? "In any event, Omaha should have Just as good facilities for handling this traffic as do the other Missouri river -central points. We have a right to have them, and we will have them. As it stands now, nearly one-half of our products go to the markets of Kansas City or St. Louis. We deserve every bit of it here. Nebraska is a commercial state, in which corn wears the crown, and yet the traffic of this com. monwealth goes to commercial centers out side of it instead of to Its own. It is not fair. And the railroads that oppose this thing are merely standing in their own light. They do not stand a chance, to lose. It is absolutely certain that a grain mar. ket, if aided by them, would do so much for this town that they would bo far more than reimbursed tor what they suffered II being compelled to -even up on the out haul. "As for tbe standing which this exchange would have In the markets of the world, there Is no need to worry about that. The Omaha Board of Trade already has an in spection bere, the Inspection of tbe 8outh Omaha products, and tbe register as well. This is recognized wherever these products are sold the world over, and so would be our grain. The exchange would be standard from the start, and its work and its goods would be good anywhere." Amusements. At l tie lluyd. Five times in three seasons and still do ing good business is the record for "The Burgomaster" In Omaha. Just what there is about the Plxley ft Luder's concoction of Jingle and Jest that lures people to the playhouse is not exactly apparent on the surface. For the Jingles are not especially meritorious and the jests are somewhat hoary, and almost everybody In town can nudge his neighbor and grin himself In anticipatory enjoyment of each approaching climax of humor. Yet all seem to enjoy tbe performance, and there you are. It ts merry after its fashion and tuneful accord ing to its kind. It doesn't set up to re form anything or anybody and hasn't tried to make a laating impression anywhere but on the box office. And In all human prob ability it will continue to visit Omaha and be applauded by large audiences until some newer and more acceptable form of amuse ment has been devised. Many members of the present compsny are old favorites. Some of them are tbe originals In the roles. All of them are sufficiently Interested in tbe piece to try to get the best out of it, and that they do not entirely fall la evidenced by the faot that they were roundly applauded from time to time by the large audience at the Boyd last night. "The Burgomaster" will be repeated at a matinee and evening performance today. WILL INSIST ON EQUALITY Woman will Object to Her Assess, xneat If Those ( Corporations Are Reduced. Among the documents which will go be fore tbe city council when It meets as board of equalization to perfect the assess ment tor tbe tax levy of 1903, as returned by the tax commissioner and Board of Re view, Is a communication on behalf of Mrs. Sarah E. Hartman, which is somewhat un usual and possesses some elements of orig inality. Mrs. Hartman, who is tbe owner of a considerable amount of real estate in the city, including her homestead at Thirty-fifth and Farnam strsets, the ag gregate assessment upon which is in the neighborhood of $40,000, slgnlflss to the bosrd thst she Is satisfied with her assess ment as it has been fixed by the Board of Review, provided the franchise corpora tions and railroad companies are to be assessed according to the schedule as ap- ! proved by that body, but in ease those figures are to be reduced, she will object. The communication, after describing in detail the property assessed in the name of Mrs. Hartman, continues as follows: Tou are further nortfled that this ap plicant will be satisfied with the values putted on earn or said pieces or property and on said personal property by the tax commissioner only on condition that the 4ernr nts of railroad property, Omaha franchlHeil corpora lions and other property in said city remain substantially sa your rmard nsa nxed the valuation thereof,. Hut If the sasessmenls of such other property for the taxes of the year IhoS Is heraafter renucei, either By tn omsna city council. Ittlng ss a board of equilisatlon, or by the courts, or otherwise, then, and In that vent, said fierab Ju. Uartataa fsecrvea tbe : the illustrated BEE f)ID YOU TAKE NOTICE of the difference bviweon the appear, ance of the Christmas number of The Illustrated Bee and tbe Christmas numbers of its contemporsrles? Well, tbst Is the difference esch and every week In the year. The Illustrated Bee never nsa a rival in ma western news paper field, and In all llkllhood never will. This doesn't figure in tbe effort to keep the paper up to Its original standard the best and Its readers will never be disappointed because the paper has been neglected. Fifty-two times a year it comes, full of pretty pictures of people and events that are of more than momentary Interest, and special articles prepared exclusively for The Illustrated Bee. That' why it is popular. fAPPY NEW YEAR I It is never too late to send a creettn?. and so from the front page of the com ng number The Illustrated Bee beams forth a bright, winsome face, wreathed with smiles of greeting for all. N0REW CARNEGIE'S LIEUTENANTS 1" a special article on how the great steel king chose the men who hsve helped him build up his colossal fortune. It is illustrated from photo graphs of his leading aides, and gives a gossipy sketch of their careers. OMAHA PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY has recently uccupied a new build tntf on its permanent site In Kountze place. Some splendid pictures made by a staff photographer of this hand some building accompany an article telling of the school and its founders' plans. WINTER SPORTS FOR THE YOUNGSTERS is a (froupiif pictures made from photographs taken by the staff artist on the day after Christmas when the boys and girls were out trying the skates Ssnta Claus had been good enough to bring them. They are full of life. WHERE WOMEN MINE COAL 1 told about by Mr. Frank G. Carpen ter In his weekly letter, which ts written this time from Wasmes, Bel glum, in the heart of the Belgian coal region. Illustrations are from photo graphs made by Mr. Carpenter at Wasmes. COACHING FOR SOCIETY tolls how the ambitious women are prenared for entrance to the social swim at Washington. It is written by a per son who is thoroughly famllar with conditions at the national captttal and deals understanding with the topic. QF INDEPENDENT PICTURES there are several, dualing ith matters and people of Interest, including the customary golden wedding couple. Not a department has been neglected nor a feature overlooked. If you are not a subscriber, y you should order the paper today. right and will Insist that the assessed valuation on each of the above described pieces of property and said personal prop erty as fixed by the tax commissioner for VMH be reiiucen in iiku proportion ns any such other property may De reduced. COOPERATION IN HOME GETTING Notable dhowlna" Made by the Omaha Association In Its Twentieth Annual Report. The twentieth annual report of the Omaha Loan and Building association was presented at a meeting of the board of di rectors at tho association office. Bee build ing, Friday evening. According to the re port the assets amount to $572,165.22, a gain of $98,686.79 during the last year. Receipts aggregated $380,664.64, out of which there was paid on withdrawals $117,778.42, for loans $221,837.68 and $7,263.16 for expenses. Earnings for the year amounted to $39, 213.22. Of this sum a dividend of ( per cent took $26,906.79 and $5,063.27 was car ried to the reserve fund aa required by law. An Instruct ure feature of tbe report is the showing made of the value of co-operation In procuring homes. During the last half of the year the assoclatldn assisted 101 members to secure homes of their own In Omaha and South Omaha and In the twenty years of Its life 1,134 members were enabled to purchase or build homes. The association has 2,076 members, carrying 12, 270 shares. The usual semi-annual dividend of t per cent was declared by the directors. HYMENEAL Nfckelaoa-Shorter. TABLE ROCK. Neb., Jsn. I. (Special.) Over 100 Invited guests assembled at the residence of Mrs. Malvlna Parka in this city, who Is grandmother of the bride, to witness tbs marrlags of Mr. Leslie B. Nick elson of Elk Creek, Neb., 'to Miss Vina M. Shorter of this place. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W. Shamel, pas tor of tbe Methodist Episcopal church. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Nlckelson of Nemaha county. Nebraska, and a young business man of Elk Creek. The bride Is a Table Rock belle, tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vf. T. Shorter of this place. They will be at home at Elk Creek after January 10, 1904. I .ester-Vert ree a. BEATRICE. Neb., Jsn. 1. (Speclsl.) Among the foremost of Cupid's captives to be led to the altar for the new year In this city were lohn Emery Lester and Miss Carolyns Mae Vertrees, who were joined in holy wedlock at the home of the bride yesterday noon. Rev. O. W. Crafts officiating The bride' and groom are well known and most highly esteemed In this city and vicinity, where they have resided for a aumber of years. roar Dollars Prleo of Two I.Ives. 8T. LOUIS. Jan. t Thomas Dunn, col ored, was hanged today for the murder of Peter Jackson, a negro, with whom ha had quarreled over $4. The prisoner event his last hours in prayer and said he was ready to die. Before leaving the jail for the (al lows a number of Uia prisoners bade trunn !.. i oy me THE ILLUSTRATED BEE j fooooy. SHAW SEEKS A SECRETARY rinds it a Difficult Taik to Becnre 8uoceor to R. B. Armstrong. APPLICATIONS ARE PLENTIFUL EN0U6H Major Tamer Hot Knthnalastle Over location of revelry Post at Fort lee Molaes Maklne; low Progress. (From a Staff Oorreepnndcn't ) WASHINGTON, Jan. t (Special Tele gram.) Secretary Shaw, now that hie pri vate secretary. R. B. Armstrong. Is going to leave him for the position of second as slstsnt secretary of the treasury. Is casting about for bis successor and he Is not find ing it an easy task. He has had nearly half a hundred applications, but today stated that Mr. Armstrong's successor had resolved Itself Into the choice of one of two men and one of these applicants came frou Iowa. As this seems to be the era of ycung men, it Is thought Secretary Shaw has some bright and active young newspaper man In mind to succeed Mr. Armstrong. Major R. B. Turner, In charge of con struction work on Fort Pes Moines, is In Washington under orders to report tomor row to the quartermaster general. Major Turner Is not particularly enthusiastic over the site chosen for the new cavalry post at Des Moines. He thinks there has been too much politics for a cavalry post. "As yet we have hardly a shack erected," said Major Turner today. "We have had all sorts of things to contend with. Strikes and weather hsve kept us back until I am almost ready to give up In despair of get ting things done. Contracts have been let, but with strikes on It Is mighty hard to move. I expect to know more tomorrow as to the reasons which called me here." Postmasters appointed: Iowa John R. Berks, Halbur, Carroll county. South Dakota Hannah Bastlan, Grobb, Spink county; Howard G. Plnney, Robcy, Aurora county. Clyde E. McCormlck has been designated as a member of the civil service board for the Nebraska City postofflce and Carl O. Melnburg at Red Oak, la. Mrs. Ida M. Copenharve of Omaha has been appointed a compositor in the gov ernment printing office. Receipts and f.spendltnres. The monthly comparative statement of the government receipts and expenditures shows that for the month of December. 1902, the total receipts were $47,151,299 and the expenditures $36,433,744, leaving a sur plus for the month of $10,618,000. The re ceipt for the month are about $109,000 tn excess of those for December, 1901, snd the expenditures $798,000 less than for that month. The receipts from the several sources of revenue are given as follows: Customs, $23,670,094, an Increase ns com pared with December, 1901, of $2,163,000; Internal revenue, $20,979,318; decrease, $2,215,000; miscellaneous, $2,510,886; de crease, $326,000. The expenditures on account of War de partment show a small decrease and on account of the navy an Increase of about $1,123,000. For the first half of the present fiscal year a surplus is shown of $24,134,000, as against a surplus of $42,621,897 for the corresponding period last year. . Although the receipts from the internal revenue are less thsn for December, 1901, the amount of the decrease Is surprisingly small and it is a noteworthy fact that in some of the larger revenue districts the total collec tions are greater than they were before the war tax was removed July 1, 1902. Circulation statement. The monthly circulation statement issued comptroller of the currency shows that at the close of the calendar year the total circulation of national bank notes wss $384,929,784, an Increase for the year of $24,640,058, and an Increase for tbe month of $76,270; the circulation baaed on United States bonds amounted to $342,127,144, an Increase for the yesr of $17,118,538 and an increase for the month of $1,027,435. The circulation secured by lawful money amounted to $42,801,940, an increase for the year of $7,921,620, and a decrease for the month of $952,163. The amount of United States registered bonds on deposit to se cure circulating notes was $344,252,120, and to secure public deposits, $153,384,070. Deaths front Cholera. The latest list csbled the War depart ment by General Davis reports the follow ing deaths from cholera: James Hamilton, Company D, Twenty- sixth infantry; Robert D. Finney, Company D, Twenty-sixth Infantry; Thomas J. Kelly, Company A, Eleventh Infantry; Louis Koplesoko, Company L, Eleventh Infantry; Jacob Cohen, Company O, Fifth Infantry; George D. Ravgdo, Company I, Eighteenth infantry. Uonndorenn Minister Recalled. Senor Don Luis Fell use Carbo. who has been minister from Ecuador to the United States since January 15, lf6, will formally present his letters of recall within a few days, when Senor Baquerenxo, his suc cessor, will present bis credentials. Australia Needs Breadstuff. One hundred thousand pounds of bread- stuffs must be Imported from wheat-pro ducing centers to Australia during the coming season to meet harvest deficiencies, says United States Consul Oodlng at New castle In a statement dated November 11. The crop In New South Wales, he says, will not reach 60 per cent of the quantity reaped last year, and Victoria will re quire Imports of' 1,637,920 bushels of wheat to supply her needs. Tbe situation Is not so bad in South Australia, though the crop there is less thsn last year. About 16,000 tons of California flour are afloat for New South Wains, but the consul says the price of California flour baa risen so greatly that the effect will be to divert a great deal of the trade to Canada, which raises ASK YOUR NEWSDEALERS FOR IT Young People's Weekly The Leading- Young People's Paper la America Magnificently Illustrated WITH ORIGINAL HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS AND PRINTED IN COLORS Bright. Clean and Interesting JTST THE PAPER FOR TOCNO PEOPLB OR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS PRICE J CENTS PER COPY bard wheat of a rises well suited to mix with California flour. Report of t nlforat Hoard. The War department has msd public the report of the uniform bosrd. headed by General Toung. of which Colonel Patten la the recorder, setting cAit In detail the changes made In the army uniform, some of which were seen for the first time at the White House reception yesterday. The first recommendation la that officers on duty In Washlngtou should be required to wear their uniforms during fllce hours. Other recommendations, all of which have been approved and are consequently now army regulations, provide for the substitu tion of the bronxe sleeve ornaments for those of embroidery and metal for full drees. Chaplains are to wear black over coats. The embroidered gold oak leaves on officers' visors must come off, except on ranks abeve that of major. The United States coat of arms In gold Is to be added to all shoulder knots of officers above csp- talne. ! An Important change Is the abolition of ' the chapeau, the service helmet and serv ice cap for officers and a service trousers ' for enlisted men. Provisions are made for a combination sash and belt for brigadier Cenerals. i A significant recommendation calls for a more detailed description of the shoes to be worn by officers, for It Is rumored that the board's labors were begun as a result of the detection of an officer, otherwise prop erly uniformed In full dress, wearing a pair of russet shoes. Hereafter chevrons are to be worn midway on the sleeve be tween the elbow and the shoulders. Other recommendations are that belts and cartridge cases) are to be worn outside the overcoat, that a marching shoe shall be provided for the men and that the bureau of insular affalts shall provide a device. Physician aa Commissioner. The American Association for the Ad vancement of Science today agreed to ae- ' quest President Roosevelt to appoint a ' physician as a member of the Isthmian Canal commission. A commission wss also appointed to procure a suitable memorial to Dr. Rcld. the army surgeon who per formed notable work in improving the sani tary conditions In Cuba. I The feature of the sessions of the sec tion on social and economic science was a i review of the work in various bureaus of I the Department of Agriculture by their chief. Prof. Willis L. Moore, chief or the weather bureau, who said It cost $1,250,000 a year to make the forecasts; that the frost warnings of a tin days ago in Florida saved millions of dollars to the people of that state and the forewarning of a single cold wsve recently saved shippers $4,000,000. Statement of Public Debt. The monthly statement of the public debt shows that at the close of business December 31. 1902, the debt, less cash treas- : ury, amounted to $947,164,679, which Is a I decrease for the month of $10,932,602, which Is largely accounted for by an Increase of nearly $10,000,000 In the amount of cash on , band. j The debt Is recapitulated as follows: In j terest bearing debt. $914,641,240; debt bear l lng n Interest, $395,777,109. Debt on which Interest has ceased since maturity, $1,255, 710. Total, $1,311,674,059. This amount, however, does not Include $876,674,069 In certificates and treasury notes outstanding, which are offset by an equal ' amount of cash on hand for their redemp tion. The cash In the treasury is classified as ' follows: Oold reserve, $150,000,000; trust funds, $876,674,069; general funds, $156,290.- 632; In rational bank depositories, $150, 216,598. Totsl, $1,331,081,200, against which there are demand liabilities outstanding amounting to $966,611,820, which leaves a cash balance on hand or $364,409,260. No Interference with Church. j The attention of the officers of the ad ministration charged with the direction of Philippine affairs being called to a dis patch from Rome to the effect that Sec retary Hay has written the Vatican that Mgr. Messmer of Green Bay, Wis., ts Im possible for the position of blsbop of Ma nila, because of the firebrand speech which he recently made before the Catholic Truth Federation, the statement was made In the most emphatic terms that there was abso lutely no foundation for the story. It was further declared that In no single Instance has tho United States government allowed Itself to be placed In the position of dic tating the personality of any priest or church official who was to go or stay in the Philippines. Bolivia and Pern Arbitrate. The Bolivian minister baa received a cablegram saying that the Bolivian gov ernment has algned a treaty for arbitration with the republlo of Peru to settle the boundary question. The arbitrator selected is tbe Argentine government. Red Cross Moves Offices. The American National Red Cross society has removed its headquarters from Wash ington to No. 19 East Fifth street, New York City. Miss Barton already Is there. Western Men Get a liaise. LAS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. Locomo tive engineers and firemen employed In the local Jurisdiction of the Bante Fe and Southern Pacific systems hsve been granted an Increase of wages averaging 10 per cent. This action was taken in compliance with a request for higher wages made by the railway employes. Kevr Orleaas Oat of Fuel. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 1. New Orleans Is now without a supply of fuel and all the furnace recently converted to the use of oil burners are being changed back so that coal may be used. Price ( Ceal Gees Tp. NEW TORK, Jan. t The price cf soft coal advanced another notch today, reach ing wholesale, freightage not in cluded. Anthracite averages $10 to the consumer. i ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Walter Bakers BREAKFAST liOliUA V' U I V, 0 -' fl J rrrf i)UiJtkf! Tha FINEST COCOA In the World Costs Less than One Cent a Cup Forty Highest Awards In Europe and America. Walter Baker & Go. Established 1780 Dorchester, Mass. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet something- to be en. joyed. It removes all stains and toughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no common soap can equal, imparting the vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish bath. All (jRorms an" br.uuGisTS. Double Dilly Train Slrrlc via the Joulsville & Nashville Railroad between Cincinnati, Louiavilla Chicago find 8t, Louie and Nashville, Memphis Atlaata, Birmingham Mobile, New Orleans Florida1 and Gulf Const Points Through Bleeping Cars and Chair Cara An Unexcelled Dining Car Service LOW RATE EXCURSIONS First and Third Tuesday each Month For rates, msps, folders and time tables, Address C. L. STONE, Gen. Past. Art., Louisville, Ky. Oceans of Sunshine A rns of rones and miles of palms that's CaP.fornlu. iu mid winter. Gatlier flowers and pick ornngr. Reached ou a hlgh-cbiss train THE CALIFORNIA LITHTED Chicago to California In leas than three day. Why endure disagreeable weather at hornet The California tour described In cur books; mulled for 10c In tamps. Address I'nssenger OfhYe, Atchison, Topeka Sc Fauta Fe Hallway, Dea Moines, la, Santa Fe, SAVE FUELV0RRY If YOUR DEALER TWES TO TALK YOU INTO THE MISTAKE Or BUYING ANOTHER MAKE, WRITE TO US. Charter OakStove&RaneCa ST-LWIS.MO, J.P. Those suffering from wesk neiiaei which iI tbe iileamires of life should txke a dollar tiot- . . tie of Juveu 1'ills. One buttle will tell a story Cf marvelous reultj and ereste profound wonder.- This inedlnine lit more rejuvenating, vitalising force than Itai ever been offered. Kent by mail in pla'ii package onlr on receipt Of this S'l v. aud SI. II This Is 4 worth of niedirine for one dollur, Mwle by its originator '. I. Hood t'f... pro T. I...... I'. ' U tn' -ENf.YnOYAl. PILL 4.'-V er)lI mmt Calr aaaa raff aw t nun jVtfcD aa4 tomiA aw " Wm. I'r baUttiUoej ut4 lali ' tiom. Ha f fui Iiuim. or iu. is) "kaslW fcrr I.W "a. UlLar b w pa liri Mall ! 1miimiii uid tij? ntMsi- ( btrWatr C fceavUitu C w " Jam I lart, rMlU YAs rut Vl f .. rw saat or ftoiauUttuS. i Mtr.vrl eottt - i - . r U Wa aass svwMsl ((m&m V -7f W r - Jr I iiVVT v a sssas SaH aa I fw M aafsnaM. . U fll OCOBI ana. P m Bts-aHtai Oa-aaaw ' a MI: IsUB. at ft 4 ftUt BW1MB