Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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run's Beview of Trade of Week is Favorabli
in Tone.
Transportation I nelllHe. nntlnne la.
adequate to ntlfy Hemnnrfs, aa
Fori eresllle llltrrt Ctrl
(ram Ordinary I sea.
NEW YORK, Jnn. 2.-R. O. Iun ro
Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
leplte the Interriintlon of a holiday,
tskinx uf Inventories am", n.ncr disturbing
elunents lnelden'.il to the r-loslna: of the
old year, the past week bus I, en tar from
dull. (.'ons4rr.Tf wiTp n it perceptibly les
sening pure hu', while the approach of
higher freight rates accelerated shipment,
cf golds.
Transposition fne fill lo continue utterly
Inadequate, the pr exit K need for fuel di
verting rolling Murk from other classes of
frnlnht. New wane sccls have become ef
fective, largely enhiinc. Itii? the purchasing
power of the people. The new year opens
with evrrv prospect of exceptional activity
In all I rani fiea of husliiera. Hallway earn
ings thus 1 1; r available for Ierember show
a gain of 7.7 per rent over VJil art' 10 8 per
cent over H, whllu for the full year there
are Increases of 4 1 and 16 5 per tent re
rp cllvclv. notwithstanding the heavy loss
il coal tralflr. The declines In clearings
for tin last week are not actually unxatU
fiirtory, ax the percer.litFe would SUKKest,
nwiiiK to the tart that last year' lis; urea
Include one day of Jnnuar," anil IhoHc cf
two yearn ago. embrace two day In Jan
uary, when payments are abnormally
Ijrhe question of higher freight rates com
T'.lcutrs the sltJatlin regardlne; Iron and
teel. but now orders ore constantly rum
lug forward and the activity of plants
wu.ild e.iual capacity were It not for the
fuel shortages. Qimtat.Vms for all the
products In this Industry are fully main
tained, with a tendenrv toward Mill higher
jrlces because, of freights and fuel. The
first advance Is expected In wire lalls, al
though this Is nit officially announced.
No new features have, developed In the
footwear .situation, prices remaining firm
and order books full. Aside from slight
reaction In union barks the leather mar
ket Is strong, hrmlork sole receiving the
additional support of exceptionally high
heavy exports In Europe. Domestic hides
are dull, prices again declining.
Textile mills are busy, with only a hand-to-mojth
home demand 'for cotton goods.
I.ut export buying for China continues
Farm products weakened as visible sup-
filles Increased, and reports from the west
ndlcatn that much more grain Is offered
for shipment than the railroads will ac
cent. Exports of corn are steadily gaining.
For the week at Atlantic ports 2,336,403
bushels were sent out .compared with only
247,113 bushels the corresponding week a
year ago.
Atlantic exports of wheat. Including
flcur, amounted to only 1,4!X.61 bushels,
against 2,705,044 bushels a year ago, and
arrivals at Interior cities were 3,773.21)
bushels, compared with 3. 73ti, 3tj"9 bushels
last year.
Wool tends upward, shipments to the
mills continuing heavy and Inquiries nu
merous, i
Bradstreet's tomorrow under the heading
of "Canuda" will say:
Canada this week completed from a busi
ness point of view the most successful
year In Its history. For the last five years
, the Dominion has been experiencing what
has been called the growing time. The
truth of this has found ample proof In the
great expansion that has taken place In
manufacturing, mercantile and financial
circles, as well as In the agricultural sec
tions of the country. There was a great
tncreane In the wealth of the country dur
ing the last year. Various tlguies an,i
statements now In course of preparation
for the calendar year Just ended, but which
are still Incomplete, unmistakably prove
this fact.
generally prosperous and the outlook tn the
cry a:ods traife is bright.
There Is little new In the Iron trades.
Merchant furn-iceg are sold shead from six
to eight months, but the Independent Iron
men say that high raw materials and low
priced finished products leave little or no
margin tor profit.
Nearly all lines of trade show gains for
IHol at New York, the majority ranging
from 5 to M per cent. The most important
feature In the eastern dry goods market
this week Is the Increased buying for ex
port to l hlna of brown cottons, by which
nil floating supplies of this commodity have
been cleaned op snd the mills have secured
orders ahead. The rest of the market Is
steady, with, on the whole, cautious buy
ing. Woolen goods retain their good condi
tions snd raw and manufactured materials
have closed the week at the highest prices,
with machinery well employed.
Kastern shoe manufacturers bare still
something to do to fill winter orders and
already some are being Importuned for
prompter delivery. The leather traues are
quiet, with some selling at cut prices of old
or undesirable grades reported from Hcs
tcn. Aside fom this prices are firmly held,
and there la even some talk of further ad
vances in sole leather.
Wheat, including flour, exports for the
week ending January aggregate'ti
bushels, against S.MMK last week, 4,MH.4;i
in this week a year ago and 3.id4.atl In 1H01.
Wheat exports since July I aggregate l:t'.
tio.22d bushels, against 14ii.74li,2i last season
and 7,l:l.H! in llMi.
i orn exports aggregate 2,637.642 bushels,
against l.oo:'.441 lust week. 27U.235 a year
ago and 4.414.13) In 11. For the fiscal year
exports are 10.7i.42o bushels, against ,
last season and 97.Ha3.6ui) In lssil.
WKKKLV BAK t I.E A It I Mi ft.
Kammary of Business Transacted by
the Associated Hanks.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2 The following
table, compiled by rndstrct, shows the
bank clearing at the principal cities for
the week' ended January 1, with the per
ccntsge of increase and decrease as com
pared with the corresponding week last
Amount. Inc. I Do.
Holidays Limit Business, bnt Do Xot
Destroy Confidence In Conditions.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Bradstreet's tomor
row will say:
Holiday observance and stock-taking
limit new buflness, but do not decrease
satisfaction and confidence. Wholesale dis
tribution has been down to a minimum,
while retail buying, although satisfactory,
teela reaction from previous activity. Addi
tional returns as to 1W2 trade confirm
earlier estimates of increases in nearly nil
lines of distribution and Industry. Aside
from this developments are scarce. Per
haps the most notable features are the
strength of prices of staples, as the year
opens and the hopefulness as to the out
look for next spring and summer's trade.
One unfavorable feature Is the continued
shortage of anthracite coal In the eust.
Reports of Increased trade In I'J'Bi over
19ul continue to come from nearly all north
ern, eastern, southwestern and PlcIHu
coast points. Examples of this are given
In the cuss of Kansas City, which despite
the corn shortage of lust year and the win
ter wheat shortage of this year shows a
net kaln in all trade over 19ul. The same
report Comes from St. I.ouls. Chicago re
ports Jobbers having more orders on their
books than In previous years; that 3,00u,0oJ
tons of pig Iron was made or handled In
that district during the year and that Chl
eago banks hold 8 per cent more of de
posits, while loans are 14.5 per cent more
than at the beglnninc of 1H02. The outlook
for 1902 on the Pacific coast was almost
unanimously favorable. The largest busi
ness ever done was transacted at Portland.
Ore., last year and Bsn Francisco rct-oru
tho condition of gro'.vlng crops excellent.
At New Orleans the outlook la classed as
fairly good, but Montgomery reports 19U2
not as satisfactory as l'jul, owing to the
short cotton yield. Atlanta reports that
manufacturers are doing well on n in
creased output and banks are making good
Fronts. At eastern points it Is noted by
'hlladelphla that the textile trades were
New York
I I lladelphla.
Mt. Ixwls
Ban Francisco ...
Kansas City
New Oilcans
Bt. Paul
St. Joseph
Salt laike City....
I, os Angeles
Fort Worth
Portland. Ore
le Moines
New Haven
Springfield, Muss.
(Hand Rapids ....
Portland, Me
Sioux C!tv
. . rucuse
I Dayton, O
I Tacoma
Davenport ..
Kvonsvllle .,
Fall River ..
Llltlo Rock .
Knoxvilte ....
Wichita ..,
New Bedford
Youngstown .
Jacksonville, Fla
Springfield, O
Sioux Falls .
tCjlumbus, O
jWllkesburre ....
Oreensburg, Pa..
Totals, U. S 11
Outside New York...
I K 1 I
6.3) I.
I S3
I 2.2
34. 4.
29.4 ,
24.8 ,
14 7
Montreal t 12.507.1K7 1S.0
Toronto 12.5.61S 1.4
Winnipeg 4, 4X1,040 19.9
Hullfsx 1,4.S22 10.1
Vancouver, B. C 1,165.421
Han.llton 7S4.344
St. John, N. B 713.972 1.1
Victoria. B. C 825.668
Quebec ... 4113,780 1.1
Ottawa l,3K4.013i
London, Ont i 670,5OO
Totals. Canada I 37,0f8.C65i j3
1Not Included In total because containing
other Items than clearings
Not included In totals because of no
comparison for last year.
Members Get Ont Restraining Order
Iron Court Against Secre
tary Bteyers.
YuU Tide
In Old Kentucky
litres f MrafiMS if o eif rare
M San Srotsft 4 "fotxf
.." nti if tm fosiy. Tk
UttiUvt' npitittoa if ft ttak
"No. 173 Pleasure club," voluntary and
unincorporated. Is troubled with an Internal
disturbance, as a result of which Judge
Dickinson of the district bench has Issued
au order restraining J. J. Meyers, the
society's secretary, from enjoying Its bene
fits or disturbing its program of dances at
the Crelghton hail, Fifteenth and Harney
streets, pending; a hearing in the suit next
O. W. Newman, A. O. Gibson, M. Gibson,
William Jordan, J. O. McLean and Henry
Rasmussen, the plaintiffs in the suit, allege
that on September 1. 1902, th club leased
the Crelghton hall from W. R. Morand for
one year, at a rental of $75 per month for
the first ten months and $25 per month for
the last 'two; also that on December 24,
though the club was prospering and was
treating him well, Meyers went to Morand,
told the latter the club was going to the
bad, surrendered the lease and secured a
I new lease for himself, having Morand de
stroy the old one on the spot In order that
it might not be put In evidence.
On the strength of these alleged facts
the plaintiffs ask the court to make Meyers
surrender bis new leas to the club.
M tnwrr tfrs f Scam; frost J
nW Jems rati srarcksutsi.
l arrisMj Ataa, cisrsrss m&Uni
, MTkim M,
I Oearf. If.
mmamM0mmmm i i.ts4s fmrMmmm mmmtmgA
BalllC Then Takes Oath to Da Proper
Things Dnrltig F.aaalag
Local T. M. 0. A.. Basket Ball Team
Easily Victorious.
"manned Platers on Home Team Have
Little Dlltlcnlfy In Krorlna.
bat riny I Fast nnil
Outclassed from the start, the basket ball
leam of the Lincoln Young Men's Chris
tian association was defeated by the local
team In the association gymnaslu-n here
last night by the overwhelming score of
34 to 12. The visiting quintet waa not
nearly so strong as the one which repre
sented the Capital City association last
winter, and, oppostd as they were to the
strong veteran Omahans, the strangers
never had a lookln from the first whistle to
the last. The l.lncolnltes were younger,
weaker, slower ond lets experienced than
the seasoned locals, but they played a
hearty game from the start, never faltering
in the face of certain defeat.
A late train delayed the visitors In their
arrival somewhat, so that they did not got
into their togs' till long after 8 o'clock an 1
the big gamo did not commence till 9. As
a preliminary meanwhile the second team
of the local association played the High
school team a game of two flftecn-mlnute
halves, with a flve-mlnute intermission.
The second team won by 18 to 9 In a snappy
When the big card of the evening was
finally called a large crowd of spectators
was gathered In the end seals on the gym
nasium floor and in the gallery above. En
thusiasm was rampant as the opening
whistle sounded, but it (lid not take three
minutes to expose the discrepancy in the
teams and the result was never In doubt
after the first ten minutes of play.
I'lny Win Fust nnil Fierce.
Six points in each 1; 3 1 f was all the vis
itors could score. Meanwhile the localg
rolled up thirteen the first half, playing
carefully. In the second half they let go a
little, knowing they were safe, and added
twenty-one more. Although the play, was
fierce at times. It was well controlled by
the officials, and there were no Injuries.
Every man lasted clear through and the
condition of the plnye.s seemed excellent.
At the end of the ten-minute Intermission
they were fresh and strong as ever and
finished the match in good wind and form.
"Uncle Qus" Miller, captain of the local
team, was a prime favorite with the crowd
and he, with Jardine, the other forward,
and Hanson, the center, threw four field
goals each. The most remarkable one
thrown were accomplished one each by th"
two guards, the Wlllard boys, who landed
the ball In the basket from positions and
distances that seemed well-nigh impossible.
Captain Hammlll of the Lincoln team
succeeded In making two field goals, but
no other member of h's team found tha
basket for two points. Meanwhile Miller
was very weak on landing goals from the
foul line, he scoring on only four of six
teen trials. Hagcnsick did better, making
eight points in this way out of-sixteen
trials. The summary:
Jardine L. F.IR.F.... Hammlll (C.I
Miller (C.) K. K.L. F HagensicK
Hanson C.iC...' Flel.l
C. Wlllard L. 0.R,0 (Jutting
O. Wlllard R. U.L. U -iatson
Goals from field: Miller (4). Jardine (4),
Hanson t4, Hammlll (2, O. Wlllard (2), C.
Wlllard. Goals from foul line: Miller, 4
out of 16 trials: Hugcnslck, 8 out of 16
trials. Fouls: Mstflon (). G. Wlllard (6).
Gutting (51, C. Will art) 14). Jardine (4),
Field (4), Hagenslck 3! Hanson (3), Ham
mill (2), Miller. Referee: Nelson. V'm-
ilres: Jones ana rcyan. -nmeKeeper.
Monahan. Scorer: Pentland. Uime of
halves: Twenty minutes.
One First Choice at Inaleslde Track
Realises Anticipations of the
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2 Ballroom
Belle was the only favorite to win at Ingle
side todav. The weather was cold and the
track muddy, especially on the Inside. There
were several close nnlsnes, Kaiiroom iieue
and Preskuno both landing by narrow mar
gins. The last named was a "good tning
and beat Bernota a nose. Burns on Grey-
fleld carried Axmlnster lnio deep going in
the fifth race and but for that the favorite
would have won. Results:
First race. Futurity course, selling: nose
of hilo, 105 (Burns), 6 to 1. won; Torllh., 101
(Minder), 6 to 1. second: Angelino, H (Hull-
man), 8 to 1, third. Time: i:id. Fausturo,
Ben Magen. Nona B. Katernell, Intrepldo
and Corlila also ran.
Second race, six furlongs, selling: nipper.
101 (Reed). 3 to 1, won; Andrew Sing, 1U9
(Hlrkenruth), 6 to &. second; Tammany, 1ii9
(Burns), 8 to 1. third. Time: 1:19. Ante,
Indiana and Walter P also ran.
Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Gold
One, 107 (Carson), 6 to 1, won; Star Cotton,
1U9 (Minder), t to l, secona; jiuioun, itw
(Kansch). 3 to 1. third. Time: 1:32. Mis
sion, Dwlght Way, Saintly, Castlne, John
snd I,one Fisnerman also ran. Hairnet te
left at post.
rourtn race, one ana one-sixieenin mne,
selling: Ballroom Belle, 105 (Clelly), 8 to 1.
won; Quatre, 105 (Walerbury), 6 to 1. sec
ond; Gus Lanka, lu4 (Hlrkenruth), 4 to 1,
third. Time: . 1:11. Leasch, Salver and
Stunso also ran.
Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards,
selling: Greyfeld. 108 (Burns), 4 to 1, won;
Kxpedient, lo8 (Hansch). 8 to 1, second- Ax
mlnster, 110 (Bullmun), 8 to 5, third. Time:
l:49Vi- Constellar and Larry Wilt also ran.
Slxtn race, r uiurity course, sening: i-ren-tano,
1U8 (Minder), 7 to 1. won; Bernato, 110
(Bullman). 8 to 1, second; Matt Hosrsn, 113
(Burns), 8 to 5. third. Time: 1:15. Tlng-a-l.tng,
Iilogo, M ureses, Jim Brownell and
Educate also ran.
It la assumed that through the new year
all the district court bailiffs will bs r
talned, but aa yet George Sherwood of Judge
Baxter's court Is the only one to be form
ally commissioned. Judge Baxter signed
and filed yesterday his appointment of
Sherwood to serve until January 1904
Sherwood, Id order to make the transac
tion complete, then swore to uphold A
constitution of the Called States, take good
care cf all Juries Intrusted to him, keep the
Ice pitchers full, the Janitors sober, the re
porters informed, the public excluded and
the other bailiff awake.
Only Two, Inspector Shea, and Barbara
Freltsche, Come In Inder the
Mire Too Late.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 2. Inspector Shea
and Barbara r reitsche were the only
beaten favorites today. Weuther clear,
cooler; track heavy. Results:
First race, nve iuriongs: i loga, nu
(O'Nell), 7 to 2, won: Glorlamundl, 110 (H.
it, ,i, Wen a tn 1. second: Hruh Bv. luS (Red-
fern), 4 to 1, third. Time: l:u64-u. Belg.
Woodmont Belle, Offset. leimu. Bwit
Nell, Neapolitan ana fatrice uiso ran.
Uu..,.t,.l njlliii.r ul v 1 tirt,n ira Alnnru
1i4 iXITalYrtvl S til h Ikon: FlorM lvv.
92 (Wlshard), 25 to 1, second; Jim King, 94
(I'Ulien, to l, imru. lime; i .i -o.
w'mm i -- VI i w m Rhnnlatv TIlit llrnniN
Demon, Polly Blxby. Crutchfleld. Ailnx, Sue
ohnson and rrince Herman aiao ran. -. , . u Rven f nrliin M Ften Front
lCu (Murphy i.' 6 to 1. won; Robert G. Ijirmin,
90 (H. Preston), 20 to 1, second; Malster,
lu4 (H. Booker), 10 to 1, third. Time: l:i4-o.
Insolence. Lieutenant Woods. Inspector
Shea, Masterful. Spere and Doctor Mc.Nally
also ran. Kaloma left at post.
Fourth race, aeven iuriongs: bi. jani-
manL' 1 , ul ,1 luvlannl 13 t fi ft VL' rtn - Htli-tmi
lus (Hoar), 4 to 1, second; Ahunilda, 1'
(Preston), 30 to 1, tnira. rime: I M4-..
Aurle B, Bedlam and Barbara. Freltsche
aloo ran.
Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Star
and Garter, 1U4 (Haarrson), 5 to 2. won;
Glrnnovls, 112 (Creamer), lv to 1, second;
rraie, jtiu ia. nan;, la to i, iniru. lime:
1-11 1K U'LUnm. I luhl TAjia in.
Seiner, Flambuoyant and Daddy Bender
aisu ran.
Sixth race, selling, one mile and a six
teenth: Fake. h (Otis), 11 to 5. won;
FUza Dillon. 98 (Helgereon), 10 to 1. second;
bn ill..,,!!.., 7 . .. t tkl.
4-cu Ul... Ul,ld Cr. . ' V. . . -1 i,
ey, Swordsman and Atheola also run
With the Bowlers.
II. D. Reed. W. W. Hartley and A. C.
Reed were defeated on Clark s alleys last
night by M. R. Huntington, liermun Beso
lln and W. II. Emery. Score:
1ft. 2d. 3d. 4th. 6th. Tot.
Huntington W 1 1t8 2"l 177 Wt,
Reaeltn .....212 177 15T 1K3 13 v2
Emery 196 158 lt lh 19 V
.605 4!) 4M 673 E !.7i7
1st. 2d. 3d. 4th 5lh. Tot
..lirt m i,n in bos
A. C. Reed ir-H 149 1M 1 m
11. l. Heed 172 148 177 141 1W Ml
Totals 492 496 478 40 46.) 2,4l
Takes Derided tan4 Aaalnst the
Cattlemen's Hen of the
OMAHA, Jan. 2. To the Editor of The
Bee: While I understand there Is a grand
jury of the I'nlted States In session In
the federal building (having a recess for
a few days at present) which It Is gen
erally understood is taking evidence '.n
these alleged fraudulent homestead entries
by certain negroes and soldiers' widows,
also the cattlemen's fencing in of gorern
jnent lands, with a view to say whether
In Its judgment infringements of the law
have bren made, and If so bring In "true
bills" of indictment against them, the very
Interested parties the fence builders have
not had the patience to wait and see what
the grand Jury had to say on the subject,
but are doing everything possible to make
the world believe they are being very
much maligned, and that In compelling
them to pull down their fences, fencing in
largo tracts of land which do not belong
to them, a very unjust thing will be done.
I guess the bulk of us know their little
game. The gentlemen of the grand Jury,
you may rest assured, read the newspapers,
and are not likely to skip anything bearing
on the question. The proper thing to have
done would have been to have waited for
the grand Jury's verdict without any at
tempt from the outside to bias Its Judg
ment either one way or the other. I would
have preferred this, but I don't see why,
now that the public ia being treated in
my Judgment to some extent a one-sided
view of the position It should not also
have a view from another side.
From newspaper reporta and otherwise
It is well known the grand Jury has, with
the assistance of the district attorney,
called for evidence from the cattlemen, the
soldiers' widows, the local land officials.
Colonel Mosby and Mr. Lesser (the apeclal
and ex-speclal land office agents from
Washington), and I think the public In
terest Is safe n the hands of the twenty
three good men and true forming the grand
Jury, which Is probing the matter to the
I will not attempt to go Into the wholo
thing from the beginning to where it la
now, although much tempted to have my
views brought out as well as others, but
will content myself with simply referring
very shortly to one or two things. An at
tempt has been made to throw discredit on
Colonel Mosby, but without harm to him, I
guess. He Is the accredited servant of the
government and It Is well understood held
In high esteem for his sterling honesty, In
tegrity and fearlessness, and It Is well
known his reports are held In high respect
by such men as the president and others
who will "hew to the line, let the chips fall
where they may." He knows what he la
about, and these men referred to know tho
lay of things perhaps as well as he does.
It Is well known Colonel Mosby would pre
fer that Instead of congress being asked to
carry through an act to lease these grass
lands In large stretches miles and miles In
length and breadth for the benefit of the
cattle kings to have a measure making It
lawful to allow homesteaders to acquire a
certain number of sections to a moderate
amount and thus enable men of small capi
tal to establish homes In the state and
strengthen not only the state in which they
live, but the whole nation. The extent of
land for each homestead could be easily
fixed by surveys made by competent men
with reference '.to, quality of land, water
supply,-etc. The scarcity of water is much
exaggerated, and for a purpose, besides a
great deal of this grazing land will ulti
mately become Irrigated land and be more
valuable than much - of that nov looked
upon as being our best agricultural land.
This progression Is owing cn all over the
world. To carry out what the cattlemen
want In the way of leases Is to hinder tho
growth of the country both In wealth and
population, and should be strenuously op
posed. One other point: In your last Sunday's
lrsue you represent C. J. Greene, tho cat
tlemen's agent, as saying: "There are laws
governing the entry of land by the w'dows
and orphans of aoldicrs. Aa we understand
tho laws they give these parties the right
to make entries and to secure patenta with
out the entryman residing upon the lands
entered acd that from the time they make
entry until they come to make final proof
they have the right to deal with the land
as they see fit." He further says: "Tho
department places another construction
upon the law." I am not surprised the
department docsl The wonder to me U
that any man of any Intclllcence would
construe the law as he does. Tho law
reads as plain as day that a soldi -r must
go on his homestead the same as any other
homesteader, but is allowed to count of
from the time of settlement ths time In the
service, but never moro than four years,
making It compulsory that he must live on
the land one year previous to proving up.
It does allow his widow. If he has never
settled on the land previous to his de
cease, the right to prove up without ever
living on tha land a wUe provision in
such a case, for seeing they had never
gone onto the land previous to his decease.
It might prove a hardship for her to go on
then to make It hers. The law makes no
provision, however, for a soldier's widow
whose husband had not filed for a home
stead to file In her own name and never
reside on the land, but the very opposite.
It Bays she cau file and under the same
conditions that her deceased husband was
under bad he filed for a homestead. If Mr.
Greene can show me the law where It
reads aa he says It does, he would very
much oblige, AN OLD SOLDIER.
Police Board Will Hear Protests at
. Session to Be Held Tuesday.
Ths following licenses were granted at
the special meeting of the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners yesterday after
noon: Max Flotbow, 1405 Farnam street;
Fred H. Krug, 401S South Thirteenth, 4024
North Twenty-fourth and 914 North Six
teenth; Fred Krug Brewing company. Tenth
and Jackson; Albert Krug, 414 South Fif
teenth; Henry Rohlfl, 2563 Leavenworth;
Harding Distilling company, 1303 Farnam,
and William Jetter, 1202 South Thirteenth,
901 Jackson and 412 South Thirteenth.
No further business was transacted.
owing to Carl C. Wright being called away
by a telegram announcing the probable
fatal Illness cf his mother-ln-law. Mrs.
Russell, at Glen wood. Ia. The hearing of
the protests against the granting of licenses
was postponed until Tuesday, on which day
meetings will be held st 4 o'clock In the
afternoon and at 7:30 In the evening.
City Council Adopt Itesolatlon Deals;.
( natlBK The Eicslsg Bee
as One.
At a special meeting yes'erday afternoon
at 3 o'clock the city council designated
The Evening Bee and the World-Herald as
the official papers of the city for 1903, and
a resolution to that effect, drawn In due
form by Assistant City Attorney Adama.
was adopted.
Charter ReTiiion Committee 8ugge3te Doub
ling1 Membership of Council.
Miss Anna Fltle, Principal of Brans
Park School, Dies Knddrnly
Live Stock Exchange Die.
ensses Situation.
It was reported on the streets last night
that a number of the members of the char
ter revision committee favored the election
of twelve councllmen. Th! would In
crease the number from one representative
from each ward to two. When the question
of expense Is brought up It Is stated that
the salaries now paid. $50 a month to each
member, could be reduced to one-half that
amount and thus maintain twelve members
Instead of six.
Those who favor an Increase In the num
ber of councllmen assert that the opinion
of a dozen men is better than that of six
and that more work can be performed and
better satisfaction given by having two
representatives from each of the wards.
On the other hand, some of those who
favor an Increase in the number of coun
cllmen met last night and talked over
school board matters. These same men fa
vored a reduction in the number of mem
bers of the Board of Education. An amend
ment to the present lsws Is to be sug
gested, so it was stated last night, that
the number of members of the Board of
Education be reduced to seven and that the
secretary of the board be an outsider. The
Idea Is to have a secretary who will devoto
all of his time to the duties of tha office.
At present the secretary Is a member of
the board and receives a salary of )50 a
Sometime next week there will be a gen
eral meeting of the charter revision com
mittee, when the amendments suggested
will be resd and voted on. It w'.ll then
be up to these who desire a change In the
existing laws to provide ways and means
for sending a committee to Lincoln to
properly present the matter to the legis
lature. Death of Miss Anna Fltle.
The announcement of the death of Miss
Anna Fltle, principal of the Brown Park
school, was a great shock to her many
friends In this city. The Immediate cause
of death waa peritonitis and the death cer
tificate haa been issued to this effect. Miss
Fltle waa taken 111 on Wednesday and Im
mediately went to the home of Dr. Hos
tetter. Sixteenth and Nicholas streets,
Omaha, where she was a frequent visitor.
When Miss Fltle seemed to ba getting
worse Dr. Hostetter called In Dr. Hamil
ton, but In spite of all their efforts ths
woman died. The remains, are now at
Brewer's undertaking rooms and the
funeral will be held on Sunday. Frank
Fltle, father of the deceased, came up from
Lincoln last night to give directions about
tho funeral.
Want Lines Extended.
Hesldenta In the southwestern part of
the city are anxioua to have the street car
linea extended so as to take In Corrlgan
addition and fthe property south. It is
asserted that this section of the city is
building up rapidly and that a transporta
tion line la badly needed. A meeting of
the Southwest Side Improvement club Is
soon to be held, at which the matter will
be discussed and a committee appointed to
wait upon the officers of the atreet railway
company with a request that a southern
exteusioB. ta the present Q street line be
made, t
Live Stock Cirhange Sleetlnsr.
A meeting of the South Omaha Live Stock
exchange waa held yesterday afternoon.
There waa an unusually large attendance
of members on account of the question of
solicitors coming up. At the present time
and under the existing rulea three so
licitors are allowed each commission firm
doing business at the yards. Some of tho
larger firms object to this rule and deBlre
to have he limit taken oft. There waa a
long discussion over this matter of so
licitors, but no action waa taken, the en
tire matter being deterred until the next
meeting. An election of officers of the
exchange will be held on Monday, Jan
uary 5.
Working on Condnlts.
Yesterday bricklayer were working on
the thjee manholes, making connections
with the conduits being laid by the electric
light company across M street. This work
waa commenced some time ago, but the
cold weather put a atop to the operations.
While the conduits are laid, the manholes
have not been completed. With a few days
of soft weather the work will be done.
There has been some delay about getting
the cableu for the conduits, but a report
haa been received hero that the cable haa
been shipped. The big transformers will
not be moved to the basement of the com
pany's plant here until the cable ia laid
under M street.
William Montitoinery Dies.
William Montgomery, aged 77 years, died
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. E.
Mack, S410 K street, Wednesday. Cancer
waa the cause of death. Funeral services
over the remains will be held at the Baptist
mission on Sunday forenoon. iniermem
,iii v at Falrvtew cemetery in Council
Bluffs. The deceased leaves a wife and six
children. Friends are Invited to attend
the funeral services.
Maoie City (iosslp
f Unrnlce. Ia.. is vlsltlna
Dr." Wheeler and family.
Stephen Flynn of Laurel. Neb., Is In the
city, the guest of friends.
Knoxall council of the ttoyat Arcanum
met last night and Installed officers.
C A. Melcher la at Atlantic, Ia., visiting
relatives. He is expected home today.
w V. - M,. and Mrs
A son nas vw,t v " ,
John Anderson, Twentieth and Harrison
William Wheeler of Fairfield is here, the
auest of his brother. Rev. Dr. R. L.
Mrs David Mulcahy died yesterday and
funeral Mervlces will be held today at St.
Agnes' church.
August Papea is figuring on grading down
the lot at the southwst corner of Twenty
fifth and L streets.
James L, Paxton, superintendent of the
Cnlon Stock Yards company, is back from
an extended western trip.
of ths city were swept yesterday by th.
gtreet force in anucipanou u n""-
r rn4VAAn nl,4 VlllltV tft C ll T I? Ci
disturbing the peace In police court yester
day afternoon and was fined U and costs.
Frank E. Jones, cltv sanitary inspr-ior,
writes from Harvard. Neb , that his mother-in-law
is still alive, but little hopes ar
given Dy pnysicians iui mc-i
The Best
The Guest
a!timre Rye
(told at M first -rim f uf mo( bv Inbhert.
WM. U.NAHA.N SON, iioltlrnorti, Md.
II Colorado, like all principal Western points,
1 is reached best and with the least inconvenience I
by the Union Pacific. This road has three lines I
1 1 to Denver. 1 1
One via Omaha.
" ne va Kansas City.
One via Omaha and Cheyenne.
I miles a day ... . Colorado Special" J j
I The fast trains to Denver are via Union Pacific. I I
On i,ecount of Its frightful hldeousness Blood l'olsonlng Is commonly called
the King of all Diseases. It may be either hereditary or contracted. Unce the sys
tem Is tslnted with it, ttie disease may manifest itself in the form of fl rnfula.
Id rttr a, Kheumatt : Tains, Stiff or Swollen Joints. Eruptions or Uotiper I'rlorsd
Spots on the Fac or Hody, little "leers. In the Mouth or on the tonaue. Mora
Throat. Swollen Tonsils. Falling; Out of Hair or fc-'yebrowa. and f nal'.v a Lcpious
l:ke iJecoy of the Flesh slid liones If you have any of these or elmllo.- symp
toms, set IIROWN fr1 BLOOl CL'HE Immediately. This treatmen: Is piscti'cailr
the resjlt of life work, it fntitntir.' no i'iui((eroii dmcs or other injurious uieali iiiea
of anv kind. It goes to the wry bottom of the olf.tas and forces oit every
rtlrle of impurity. Boon every hjji inul symptom disappears ro.-nt ietcly and
The blood, the tissue, the posh.
cleansed, purified and restored to perfect beaTIi, mid the putlent pre pan i anew
for tho dutle. and pleasures of life. HltuWN B MI.ODD C'RIC. $2.(J0 a bottle
lasts one month MALMS BT Hit. BKOWN, 9J6 Arch Street Phlla-Telnhla '
Sold uly hy Phenuau A Met onn cli lli oa Co., iutto alt IJuJe t., Oniaaa.
i I
Private Diseases
of Men
in the treatment of Private DISEASES OP MEN, to which
our practice la limited and to which our exclusive thought
and experience has been devoted fir mora than IS years
PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every cent
paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE. I MPOTEMOY
to consult us at office or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE
and if you take treatment chargea will be entirely sstlsfael
tr.ry to you EVERYTIIINO
Master Specialist
In Private Diseases
of Men.
Cook Medical Company
112 South Utlt St. Over Daily Nw. Omahi
Yankton Left la Durkaesk.
YANKTON. 8. D.. Jan. 1 (Special Tel
egram.)' The exploaion of the main steam
pipe la the electric light plant last night
wrecked It badly and left this city tn dark
ness. F. O'Neill, one of employee, was
badly burned by escaping steam. It will
take aeveral daya to repair the plant.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
John C. Anderson, Omaha 22
Flossie 8. Gilbert. Omh 30
Morris tiross. Omaha S!
Rosa Mots. Omh
Edgar A. Tullls. Omahs Zs
KIsie K. Poulton. Omaha 144
louls. Frank. Omaha
&drah Levenihul, Omaha
....WHY STAY....
Warm Rooms $10.00 Up
Rental prica Include Het, Ught, Water and
Janitor Service.
R. C. PETERS 4Co, Ground Floor
Rental Agents. Bee Bldg.