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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1903)
I t : "i i V Ml 1 .i !!l 'it , it t 1 bed and one held the revolver ruler was nsed and It wtt not In Una with th hoi In the window. Mn. Llllle testified before the coroner's Jury that when aha came downstairs on tha morning of the murder the back door was topen, and, with testi mony aa to the money and notes stolen, heretofore published In these columra,' tha eross-examlnallon of the witness waa con rfuded. Court- adjourned. . Mra. I.llll Makes statement. Mra. Llllle ws Interviewed by The See reporter at her residence yesterday after loon. She waa very careful and conservative la her statements. "Yesterday eveningwhen the curtain and window sah were (laced In the same posi tion they were on the morning of lbs ruur-. 8er," she said, "for the Inspection by the aounty Judge and court official, the bole In the curtain and window glass Indicated that the bullet look a downward course and not an upward course, aa testified to by Dr. Sample. "Or- Sample, also said that It waa Just twenty'three 'Inches from the floor to the hole In the window glass. Ve measured this and it Is just twenty-nine and one-half Inches. ' . . "During the Intjuest held by the coroner's Jury I waa put .through -a 'sweating process' for two and one-half hours at one time and about two houra kt another time. And this was when I waa sick and hardly able to ait up. We will prove, when the time cornea, that Coroner Sample) is, mistaken in hla testimony about this.' "Dr. Sample also testified that In demon strate to the coroner'a Jury the position of the burglar when Mr. Llllle was shot that I used a revolver. This la not true and I can prove It." ' , Talka of the Revolver. In referring to the revolver that, was pro Suced In court Wednesday, Mrs. Llllle said: "Mr. Llllle had an old revolver, which was the only revolver In the house. It was an old, ruaty one, and the shells were cor roded, and It had not been used for a long time. "The revolver that was In court Wedneev day I do not think I had ever seen before. If It was our old revolver It haa been brightened up. I gave thla old revolver to Sheriff West the morning of the murder and have not aeen it since The reporter said: "Mrs. Llllle, there are some rumora that you think thla ia a case I of persecution and not a case of prosecu- tion. What do you aay about it?" She said: "Yea, I think ao. I have some ene- mica here In David City and I think tbey are behind the whole thing." , , ' Mrs. Llllle declined to name any of the parties who ahe thlnka are behind the caae, but aaya ahe la Inclined to think the fra ternal orders, to which Mr. Llllle belonged, are having something to do with It. OMAHA MAN KILLED IN ROW fames O'Leary Dies from Injuries Re- reived la Qaarrel at Peoria, Illinois. ! PEORIA, III., Jan. 8. During a quarrel yesterday-James O'Leary of Omaha received iVijurlca from which he died at a hospital todsy. His alayera, Henry Rogers, J. Van depute and auposedly Frank Fowell, were Treated. The men are Bohemlana and un ble to speak, English., , ' The Omaha city directory doea not con tain the name of Jamea O'Leary. THINKS HE IS COMMISSIONER Insane Mas Attempts to Gala Eatraaea 'to General Greeae't Office la Slew York. NEW YORK. Jan. A man, apparently Insane, tried, to gala entrance to the pri vate office of General Greene, the new po lice commissioner,-at police headquarters today, saying that h waa the new commie- i.ouer. mapecior urooKa inveigled mm to the Mulberry street itatlgo. Two loaded revolvers were found Jn hie cnt pocketa. DEATH RECORD. John Kanslaer. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Jan. 2. (Special.) Another pioneer of Dakota county en tered Into hla long, Jast sleep yesterday defenee of the country'a eoverelgntyj hav mornlng lust aa the aun waa rising UDon ,n been conferred upon, the civilized Flli- the new year. Uncle John Naffzlger, who since the spring of 1856 had been a contin uous resident of' Dakota precinct, waa the one td answer tbe summona. Mr. Naffzlger was a native of Germany and waa In hla 97th year. When years old he migrated to Canada, where he remained until In the early '60a, when he headed a colony of Oermana who removed from Canada to Davis county, Iowa. In 1856 he came to Dakota City. For a number of yeara he followed farming. At a apeclal election In thla county on January 18, 1862, he waa elected county Judge. On October 18, 1868, he waa elected atate representative, serv ing In the fifth, sixth and aeventh ses sions. On October 13, 1863. he waa elected county ' commissioner and waa re-elected October . 1866. From 1889 to 1893 he waa Justice of the peace for Dakota precinct. He waa a staunch democrat, waa twice married and on hla death left aeven chil dren, aa follows: Mra. Leah Dagllsh of Bedalia, Mo., Rev. William F. Naftzlger of Bmlthavllle, O.. J. F. Naffzlger and Mra. Louie Warnholta of Sioux City, Ia., Mra. Henry Niebuhr of Winnebago agency, Mra. Oeorge Niebuhr and Mra. J. B. Dewltt of thla place. The funeral waa held at I SO p. m. Friday afternoon from the Luth eran church. Rev. L. McLeaher officiating. ' John raatle. ' STILLWATER. Minn.. Jan. 1. Ex-Congressman John Caatle, aged (5, waa found dead In hla yard thla afternoon, haying been atrlcken with heart failure. Telearraphera Not Heeoeralaed. TOFEKA, Kan., Jaa. . Charlea H. Gaunt, auperlnteadent. of telegraph of the Santa Fe, aald tonight the road waa hold Ing no negotiations with the telegraphers. as reported last week. The policy of the road la understood to be agalnat 'recogniz ing or negotiating with the telegraphers' union. No discrimination will be mada agalnat union men, a pumber of whom are In tbe employ of the company. "Nothing (Teat waa ever achieved without enthuai ' -Eawa. TTiree generadona of enthusi asm behind the . , , Gorham Co. account, for the fact that h achievement has been nothing hort. of great, namely, the production of the ' best silverware at a ' moderate price. AU reapoaslhle Jawalara keep It Eg trinjMi FREEDOM FOR THE FILIPINOS President Jacob Geuld Bohirman Oirei His Solution for Probln. SAYS UNITED STATES SHOULD WITHDRAW Conditions Whltk Sow Exist la Island Ilehe at Length by President of Cornell' Inlvrrslty. To enable the Filipinos to establish a atable government and then to withdraw from , the Islands, leaving the. natives to manage their own affaire In their own way. la the duty of the t'nlted 8tatel In Its dealings with theThlllpplne problem, ac cording to Jacob Gould Schurman, president of Cornell university. Mr. Schurman lec tured on the question to a large audience at the Flrat Congregational church last evening. He discussed the question In all Its phases and gave hla reasons for the tem porary retention of the archipelago by the United States, that being to relieve the Filipinos from Spanish oppression. He la opposed to permanent retention,, and also thinks that a great mistake has been made In undertaking te-force the English lan guage on a people whose language la Span ish. '. He waa Introduced by John XV. Battln, president of the Cornell AlumrfJ associa tion, who aald that the graduatea of Cor nell are now found all over the United Statea and in all parta of the world, and that the present enrollment, nearly 3,000,. represents forty-four states and sixteen foreign countries. ' 'V v President Schurman; after a brief review of the events leading up td the cession of the Inlands to the United States, aald that previous to the signing" of tha treaty of Parla he had been opposed to thla Country retaining the Islands. Ha had urged this aa a reason for declining Lis appolntmebt, made by President McKlnley, when chosen as president of the first Philippine com mission. In reply to this President Mc Klnley bad aald: ' "The,' American" people, having gone to war" for the freedom of. Cuba, will not consent, after It a Vlc.torloua close, to leave the' Philippines, subject to SpanlBh oppression. "When' I visited the Fhmpptnek.' ln 1899, we held Manila' and, the fort at Ilollo- few square miles of terrUbry.V aald Presl- dent Schurman. "Today we hold 'possession front the northern to the southern bounda ries." The Islands of the Moroa and heathen, he said, remained at peace while there was fighting in the lalanda of Luzon and the' Vlacayaa, simply because tha United States government renewed the treaties in force between Spain and the rulera of the south ern lalanda, by which the people were to be governed by their own tribal rulera and after their own lawa and customs. If Chris tlan civilisation la to be planted In that country it must be aa the grain of mustard seed which In time will grow to large pro portions. Millions of Intelligent Native "The people In Luzon and the Vlscayaa number , 500, 000. They are civilized and are Chrlatianlsed. The Filipino will com pare favorably with any South American people, and the - beat of. the "beo'p1e will compare favorably with any man In North America or Europe, and to think of them for a moment aa aavagea and barbarlana ia an outrage on humanity. Now, theae mil lions of people were governed by Spain In a very despotic way. They enjoyed nothing like home rule had no civil liberty. ' The Insurrections in Luton and the Vlacayaa were due to thla facf: The reformera clamored tot hjm iule, jdipnlatraXive au tonomy. These people were governed by Spanish military officers. . Spanish civil of ficers and Spanish frlara. and. when Spain ceaaed to exercise authority they were aa sheep without leadera. It waa a abeer dem0cracy, without native leadera and with no machInerv bv which to choose leaders. They had no tribal government." Of the recommendatlona of the first Phil ippine commission, President Schurman aald they had been practloally carried out by congress and the present . commission, the bill of rights, with the exception of trial by Jury, aomethlng unknown In Spanish countries, and the right to bear arma In plnoa. He criticised congress for not ar ranging more aatlsfactory trade relatloua between the Islands and tha United States and for not adopting the gold atandard tor tbe lalanda, aaytng that tbe failure to pro vide that atandard had coat the government more than $1,000,000 during tha laat, year and the people of tha country much more The people of tbe lalanda may be bound te the United Statea by aelf-lnterest, while tbey could never be bound by tlea of blood or tradition. He painted a picture of desolation on the Islands, where the rinder- peat haa killed 90 per cent of the cariboo, where famine haa followed war, pestilence haa walked upon the heels of famine and tbe Asiatic cholera la now raging, and said that It Is the duty of the United Statea to aid the Islanders. As regarda the educa tional efforts of the United Btatea, he aild a blunder had been made in providing that the English language abould be the baala of education, and the blunder will be a crime If tha poller be continued, for Span- tab la the language of the country and will continue ao for generatlona. Referring to the ecclesiastical question he aald: "Under Spanish rule the church bad been part of the state. The priest and bishops drew stlpenda from the government, but now the Catnolle church atanda upon tbe aame baala aa the Other churches, and must be supported by voluntary subscrlp tiona. So tar as the church goea, tbe Philippines are aa Cathollo aa Mexico and Central America. Tbe trouble la not with the church, but with aome of the order which own the land. Aa landowners they come under the control of the government A few months ago It waa eald hi large head' Unsa that the frlara must go, but the frlara have aome rlghta. The frlara ara the un fcrtunate victims of the old system. Tho military officers and the civil officers could returnAto Spain: the friars had to remain and when the Filipino became reatlve and atruck at a Spanish bead the bead of a friar waa the most convenient. My eolu tlon to this question waa to have tbe landa valued by arbitration and purchased by the Philippine government, leaving the matter of the deportation of tbe frlara to time and changed conditions. The second commla slon haa unfortunately coupled the purchase of tha landa with the withdrawal of the frlara. I am not a Roman Catholic, but I can aee why It la absolutely Impossible for the Vatican to agree to thla rule. The frlara have been charged with oppreaslen and various crimes by a part of- the Fill plnoa. To conaent to their withdrawal aa propoaed would be a confession of guilt on the part of the Vatican. i"We went to the Islands with humanl tartan - motives. ; I 'know other Influences were at work. Tbe capitalist thought tt waa a land to be exploited. H Is dlsll lusloned. Tbe Protestant elergymaa aaw a field for' missionary work, but that II lualon haa vanished; tbe Jingo and exan slonlat were all at work, "but the dominant feeling waa, that voiced by President Mo Klnley. I waa eppoeed to taking tbe Philip pine lalanda from Spain, and ao spoke 188. before tbe signing of the treaty Parta.' Wkti Ue archipelago waa taken I TTTE OMAHA DAILY TKTA 'ATtTimAY, went to the Islands and convinced tnyrelf thai Agulnaldo did not represent the Fili pino people. I waa opposed to giving the lalanda to Agulnaldo or to any other Insur rectionary chief. I felt that we had a duty to ourselves, to the other nations and to the Filipinos not to turn the Islands over to any other power than tha Philippine people themselves." To Deal with the Qneatlon. But three possible methods exist for set tling the Philippine problem, according to Mr. Schurmitn's view. One la forcible con trol of the Islands; the other annexation, making the Inlands a territory and after ward statea of the union, and the third to assist the Flllpinca to set up a government of their, own and to then 'withdraw the forces of the United States from the Islands, after bringing to thoae Islands what the government haa brought to Cuba. He favors the third. He aald that out of 1,000 wage-earners he addressed In New York last week all but three approved thla plan, and out of 1,800 eduratora he ad dressed Thursday night at Lincoln, all but eight signified their approval. No test was made last night. After the address a number of the prom inent auditors and Cornell men met the president at the church. SITUATION IN THE PHILIPPINES Pope Receive Long Report on Con dition of fharrh There from Marr. Galdl. ROME, Jan. J. The Vatican Is In receipt of the first long report of the situation In tbe Philippines from Mgr. Ouidl, apostolic delegate In the Philippines. The delegate expresses the hope that aa he and the governor are animated with the desire to maintain pacification and prosperity of the islands they will aucceed in reaching an understanding satisfactory to Rome, Wash ington and the Filipino people. Mgr. Ouldl gives a summary of the evi dence he has collected with regard to the selling of the friar lands, the settlement of rents, damages due to the church, the conveyance of titles and the administration of charitable and educational trusts. He thinks the question of the withdrawal of rhe friaT will be solved through the re organization M the church. The apostolic delegate aaya the schism In the Roman Catholic church In the Philip pines will be put down, although the sep aratist "m6vement ia believed to be encou raged by the people's dislike for the frlara and their 'desire to have a Filipino church not connected with the ancient regime. EQUAL TAX ON RAILROADS (Continued from First Page.) In taxing farma and alK other property and he believed the law to be unconstitutional which attempted to discriminate, in favor of railroad property. John L. McCague suggested that the same constitution which makes provision for uni form taxation of property also provides for legislation for cities of the first and second and other classes, andVsald that the resolu tion was Intended aa an appeal to the law making body for tbe repeal of an objec tionable feature of the charter of cttlea of the . first class, "which charter had' been enacted by that body. At the close of this discussion the resolu tion was adopted without a dissenting vote. Health Department Short. The appropriation for the maintenance of the health department waa the subject of much discussion,, but no. definite action. Dr. Ralph, hearth' 'commissioner, when called upon by Councilman Haacall to state the needs. of hla department, said thpre wss, yrgent need of additional funds, bill he could not even, state an approximate amount.' " ' " ' ' Mr. Hascall aald in thia connection that the council had been obliged to rob the general and other funds and resort to all sorta of other expedienta to aupply the health department with the money It really needed for the support of the emergency hospital and for other branches of the work, and Councilman Lobeck aald that In tend of $10,000 there should be at least 20,000 or $25,000 appropriated for the health department. Comptroller Westberg suggested that the true solution of thla difficulty and the shortage In other funda would be to do away with the system of special funds for pcclal departments. The charter, he aald, authorized the appropriation of $1,140,000 in all for the purpose of maintaining the city government and In hla opinion that should be In one fund and tbe apportion ment of It ahould devolve upon the mayor and council. Then there would be no necea- ity to rob one fund for another. This plan Andrew Roaewater opposed on the ground that aome of the departmenta would neceesarlly Buffer and the money would go to the departmenta which were In favor with the council. ' ' Nelson Asks for Action. At thla Juncture Representative Nelson call'd the attention of the meeting to the fact that nothing definite waa being ac complished by all thla discussion. The members of the delegation, he aald, bad come to Omaha from Lincoln it great In convenience to bear what the citizens of Omaha wanted In tbe way of charter re vision and the citizens of Omaha had not yet made up their minds aa to what they wanted. South Omaha, he aald, had gone to work In a systematic rranner upon Ita charter revtalon and appointed a commit tee aome time ago. The reault waa that there waa now a new charter all ready to file. He aald he believed that tbls leglsla ture preaented tbe best opportunity Omaha had ever had to get a good city charter, and ho hoped aomethlng would be accomplished toward that end, but It must be done with out any further delay. A motion by Mr. McCague that the mayor be requrated to appoint a committee of twenty-five to take, charge of the work of charter revision waa, after-, numerous at tempts at amendment, road e ie. read that the mayor appoint, ten additional members to act wttb the present committee of five from the Real Eatate exchanger five from the Commercial clu,b; and ' five clt'iena kt large, thereby Increasing . the ' number to twenty-nve and permitting the appointment of representatives of the labor organiza tions and city officers. In that form It was adopted. At the auggestldn of Deputy Tax Cora mlealoner waa agreed that any person should be, permitted to appear be fore tbe committee to present suggestions An adjournment waa taken to next Frl day night, when If la expected-the com mittee will have aomethlng ,lo report. A Aaajranteed Care fur Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding and protruding piles. No cure, no pay. All drugglsta are authorized by tbe manufacturers of Paio Ointment .to - refund the money where falls to cure any caae ot piles, no matter o how long atandlng. Cures ord nary cases In six daya; worst cases In fourteen days. One application gives ease and reat. Relieves Itching Instantly. This is a sew discovery and It is the only pile remedy aold on a pns Itlie guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price 60e Lara-eat Oaa Well la Qhla. ZANE8VILI.E. O . Jan. I Th Ohio Fuel company or una city naa just enuej in th largest gaa wen ever atruck in Ohio. Th new well la In tne Homer Held In Licking couniy ana nii a aaiiy capaiuy oi lt.uuu, Ouu cublo feeu BERBERS "DISLIKE PROGRESS Rebellion ia Morocco Due to Attempt to Introduce Moilern Ideas. PARTY" OF SURVEYORS START TROUBLE Rev. Jamea- P. Welllver, eioaa city Man Nov aervlng as a Missionary, Write Abnat the Events Leading t p to Trouble. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Jan. S (Special.) The following letter from Rev. Jamea P. Well Iver, formerly of this city, gives the most complete account of the causes of the re bellion In Morocco that has been mrde pub lic. Mr. Welllver, his wife and two chil dren, are members of the party of mission aries now at Fat, where tbe sultan Is be sieged by tbe pretender. He haa been In Morocco'tiearly 4x years and was formerly a newspaper writer In Sioux City, before go ing Into the ministry. The Utter follows: FB3, ree. S, iftil In view of the many reports which have ra-en In circulation re cently regarding political conditions In Mo rocco, a few lines concerning matters as they really are may noi ue unappreciated. Up to the time of writing nothing very serious haa occurred, and the missionaries are all sfe,' sound and well, our station anees,.i vacated, the brethren being In J res .sor trio present, and our mends, Mr. and Mrs lay or, who were approacning , Meuulnei: On their' return from an ltlner atlng vour, have returned to Larache, afto" being In the midat et oimurbanoes about a day's Journey from Metiuines, In which the governor of the district was killed. The-' sultan of Morucoo, Moolal Abel Al Aziz, begun his reign eight years ago al the nee of 18. Just previous to the com mencement of our mission work In this land. Hts grand vizier, familiarly known by the name of Abu Harold, at one aa- aZon.!1an0dnarr?alrsf Tn- usually stern- and -unrelenting character. with Mttlo lovu for anything foreign. Un der bis administration foreign powera re ceived, -with but one or two exceptions, no favora of any ,'rnportance, and treaty rights were generally, If at all, obtained only after a show of force. Saltan So, Klararehead. - Upon the death, of Abu Hamtd, two and a half yeara ago, the country Knew him so well, and know the sultan ao little, that conservative people feared the tribes might rise up and rebel when his strong hand relaxed its hold. I waa, myself, detained a llttlo while by this fear, in leaving Me qulnez for Fes and Lararhe at the time of the laat visit of our general director to Moroccov but the- sultau proved to be no figurehead, and assumed the reins of gov ernment at this Juncture Juat aa completely as he had turned them over to the vizier at hla accesHlon. - Two Important facta now affect the whole story. One, that the sultan had de veloped the most remarkable liking for everything foreign, and the other, that during the winter preceding the death ot the grand vlsier France, whose posseeslons In Algeria lie on the eastern border of Mo rocco, had by force of arms taken posses slon of a district on the Morocco frontla., known aa Tuat, and It eeemed aa if further invaalon of Moroccan territory was Immi nent. The Moorish government found It necessary to send strong warnlnga to the tribes of the neighboring district of Tart prevent the execution of plans for an attack on the French, as "holy war" had been proclaimed In the public mar keta. Had auch a thing taken place there would probably have been a pretext for further IngresHlons on the territory of the nultan for the ostensible purpose of restor ing order, and possibly a surHclent pretext for war would have been found. At the same time that efforts were made to check the movements of the tribesmen of Tatllelt a protest to France and an appeal to the principal Curopean powers were made. The case, however; seemed complicated, and none of the-powers seemed inclined to interfere with .the French In their free hand on the frontier. Takes Progressive Coarse. Shortly after thW time, the nubile mind .waa conatdexa.bAy-- exercised at the arrest Dy tne sunaript .tne vixier, Al Ha) MoKn taf, who had Succeeded Abu llamld. W'hnt tniH meant wB ihk understood, ue such, oc- 1 currences were aald to be rare In recent I years.' But It 'thHl " not remain entirely a mystery, for I a exceedingly short time j the vlx'er who was appointed to succeed him WE) sent on' a special mission to Eng land, ostensibly 'to congratulate the king on hit aCoetielon, but probably In tact, as later development seemed to show, to make a stroiiKer appeal than ever before to Hrltatn lor protection against the encroacn- menia oi tna xenon, ji is aaiu mat tne mbasHy S"tU at tbls time, was with In a very etralghtforwurd manner by Kin Edward and his 'high officials, with the re- uu -uiat tne vizier carried back, to his munter the Intelligence that Hillaln wan ready to help him hold his empire together. proviaing ine oia snen or exciusiveness ahould be broken .anil reformc In govern ment made which would Insure an open oor to all European nations, and which would make - It no longer to the people themselves "a terror to be rich and a dan ger to be poor. ' In short, the young sul tan seemed to be In a mate of mind to be convinced that Morocco muBt either go for ward with the nations, or be speedily 'eaten ud by them. And it soon became evident that he oreferred the former, for he-had surrounded rumseit --'n a corps or foreign assistants euch . as no previous sultan had ever had drill masters, ma chinists, sclentlllc men, surveyors, physi cians, etc. and It looked as If the day of reform In Morocco had dawned. Foremost among the Improvements in the adminls- ration was the-institution oi systematic property taxation, designed to relieve the pecple . from the burden of being "eiueeied," or made to pay taxes at the will of the magistrate. Without doubt, though no official announcement nas ner- elded the fact, the sultan has bad in mind definite plana for the Improvement ot traf fic facilities, ana a small moai rauroaa is In the process ot construction in Fes. The free transportation of grain by sea - has been allowed, relieving grently the high prices In the northern part of the empire. Innovations I'n welcome. But while these Innovations were wel comed by a large clans, their meaning waa not understood by tne masses, and leal ouay on the part of a certain class of rrn run nut them In further, disfavor. In stad of understanding that the sultan had laken the oulv course left for the preserva tion of the crumbling empire, tney treated with disdain the idea that foreigners were to be feared or to be. listened to. and all sorts of rumors and slorleu were circulated about the government. It was no pleasant medicine for many proud Mohammedana ta ewallow. when, on the sultan's arrival at Fes last spring, a acore or more of the ht houses and aardens had to be vacated for the forelgnera in tne employ or tno government. Fanaticism and Ignorance of tne real auuauon were uiv reuvuus lur iiur strong feeling, but the crll, If such it be came, unexpectedly. The sultan had planned to have a wagon road constructed from Fes to Mequlnes, and sent out en gineers, to locate It. in so uoing signal i.r.lea were nsed after the -fashion of sur veyors, and these were aken to be the flags of tha nations, and were at once torn down by indignant Berbers, wno supposea mat the foreigners had really taken the country. it was snoriiy rounu uimi me let-unn among the Berbers was oi no transient character, and soon their dissatisfaction found vent In an uprising oi ine iriues or ;immoor and Glrwan, west of Mequlnes. The public markets within their reach were looted, roans uecame uupasaauic, aim it was strongly rumoreu mai mey ntiu ex pected, except for the timely arrival of re inforcements lor lUe Iimu Iivujr ui i at Mu'ilnex to make an effort to enter that I'f'y by force, release the sultan's brother. Moolal Mohammed, who la a pris oner there, and -to proclaim him sultan. These plans. If tbey were really laid, were hPP(iy foiled rlanS Vriltn tmu writ rviunili, llia" for the sultan to remain In Fez for the win ter were thua Interfered with, and he Is now said to be gathering an army, and haa announced his expectation of leaving for Rabat, with a strong probability of vlaitlng Mequlnes on the way. Nothing, of cofrse, of the plans against the belllxerent tribes la' officially announced, and the movement of the sovereign and his mlnlKters Is watched with greatest Interest. Fortunately for the general situation, the virle:s. or executive cabinet, seem to be In full sym pathy with the reform movement so far as la known The sultan Is said to be nothing T. -.ui hn mav yet prove God s In strument for bringing about true reforms In dark Morocco, among which, let us trust. wlll be religious liberty FIRE RECOftP. Gasoline Start Blase YORK, Neb.. Jan. 2. (Special.) About i o'clock last evening the gasoline tank in the Pearl steam laundry exploded. The gasoline set fire to the rear part of tbe frame building which waa uted aa a coa nil envlna room and Instantly all waa In a blue. The fire company waa soon on JAXtTAin .1, 100ft. the ground and In a short time had the fire under control. Tbe loss to the build ing Is - estimated at about IIV'O to ."-00. There was some loss on machinery. The laundry will suffer considerable damage from smoke, water and breakage. All of the laundry washed and to be washed was saved. DUNLAP CASEG0ES TO JURY Fate Will Soon Be Knowa of Man Who la 9ald to Have Done Mnrdrr for a .t Job. ' ALE DO, III.. Jan. 2 The fate of Ton Dunlap, charged with the murder of Allle Dool, was submitted to the jury tonight. The case, which has been on trial for sev eral weeks, la an outgrowth of a tragedy that haa excited the people of this com munity since early last summer. Allle Dool, clerk In a general store here, died suddenly after eating chocolate can dica that had been given her by Tona Dun lap. It was proved that ahe died of strychnine poisoning and charges were made that the poison was administered by Tona Dunlap. A coroner's Jury, however, exonerated Miss Dunlap and thui the mat ter was allowed to rest until late In the fall, when a grand Jury indictment was returned against Tona Dunlap. , The only motive for the crime was that Tona Dunlap hoped to succeed Allle Dool in the store clerkship, a position paying only a weeK. ll waa provea mat tona r)Uni.D nart nnrchased strychnine from a druggist, but the young woman testified, and In this waa corroborated by her mother, sister and brother, that ahe had bought the poison and used it aa a corn remedy. The prosecution proved that the chocolate candles contained poison and that Miss Dunlap gave them to Miss Dool waa aa- mltted. The testimony developed the fact that Ton. Dunlap and another young woman naa eat,en canay ana taxen irom me sarue paper bag and that neither suffered Injury. Miss Dunlap haa stoutly maintained her innocence and her lawyers have tried to establish a theory of accidental poisoning. For two days rumors have been current concerning statements alleged to have been made by a Juror prior to hla acceptance. but nothing of an authentic nature can be learned. The Juror In question Is said to have told a friend he would "either hang Tona Dunlap or hang the Jury," should he be chosen aa a Juror. PEACE SEEMSFARTHER AWAY Appearances Indicate Conference Called for Cincinnati Mill ot Now Be Held. CINCINNATI, O., Jan. 2. It Is now prob able that the peace conference between Na tional league and American association ball cluba will not' be held hero In January. President Ban Johnson of the American as sociation wired Hermann of the Cincinnati club, who Is chairman of the NjJonal league peace conference, that unless the National league committee was given full power to act all communications would be broken off and no further action taken toward a settlement of the base ball war. Hermann when seen today said: "I wired Mr. Johnson today that I had mailed a letter to him replying to his communication. I expect that he will make known tho contenta of my letter to him to morrow. I do not propose to make public the text of any communications I address to him previous to their receipt. "The National league committee has full power to act as much as any other com mittee, but a committee' l action must al ways be ratified by the entire body It repre sents before LL Is legal. If in this Instance we should do something that was not rati fied by the National league, the league would stand divided against us. It is now up to Mr. Johnson, whether there will be a peace conference or not." As the matter now stands the American league refuses to go Into the conference unless Johnson feels assurred that the Na tional league' committee has full power to act, and If that assurance la not given the war will continue. . DRIFTING, HUNGRY, ON OCEAN Amerlcaji Ship St. David, Dlamaated and Without Provisions, la Wan dering; on tbe Pacific. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2. The American ship St. David is drifting about the North Pacific dismasted and short of provisions. The Japanese liner America Maru, which haa reached port from the Orient, spoke to the ship oft the Japanese coast on De cember 17. Bt. David la bound from Ma nila for Tacoma In ballast. Captain Going aent a boatload of provisions to St. David and took off one man, John Johnson, an ordinary seaman of Los Angeles. Johnson said that at Manila Captain Har rington had given up the command of St. David to Captain Ryder, who understood that the ship was provisioned to reach Tacoma. A few daya ago they found there were practically no provisions aboard. When fifty daya from Manila and within eighty-five miles of the Japanese coast a typhoon struck them. With the men all starving and the vessel In a bad way. eight .days passed before America Maru hove In sight. With fresh provlelons Captain Ryder thought he might be able to get the vessel to Yokohama for repalre. DEWEY HAS AN ACCIDENT gteant Cutter and Torpedo Boat Col lide, Sinking; the Former Vessel. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 The Navy de partment haa received the following cable gram from Admiral Dewey, dated San Juan, Porto Rico: Combined squadron reassembled at Cjle bra visits to various West Indian porta, most cordially welcomed; effect excellent in every respect; fleet continuing tactlral exercises; marines and torpedo flotilla en gaged in special ami, m.-iuuuig uig-ni at tack by the latter upon deslnnated ships; F Bralley, coal passer, urowr:eu, in hiiik lng of Newark, steam cutter, by collision with torpedo boat. BOOTH CCMING TO OMAHA Founder of Salvation Army Completes Work in San Fraaclseo and Leaves for East. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2 General Wil liam Booth, founder ana commander-in-chief of the Salvation Army, did hla laat day's work In Han Francisco yesterday, and tbls morning left for Salt Lake and Omaha. Grlacout latereata Japan. TOKIO, Dec. 16, via San Francisco, Jan (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Tbe news of the appointment ot Mr. Grlseoin, formerly minister to Persia, aa the new United Statea minister to Japan a auccessor to the late Colonel Beck reached here today. Little beyond bla dip lomatic career Is known here, but hla ar rival la awaited with Interest. This signature Is oa every boa of tbe genali e Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tbieu the remedy tost cm res a txild la aato eta. city of fez" remains calm Dinpatcb of Spanish. Keinforoementi to Morocco ii Oountermaaued. PRETENDER ISSUES A PROCLAMATION gays He la Rot Klahtlnar for tha Throne for Illmaelf. hot for Brother of Saltan, Notv In Prlaon. GIBRALTAR, Jan. 2. The dispatch of Spanish reinforcements to Morocco baa been countermanded. The latest advlcea from Fex, Morocco, aay that city rematna calm. TANGIERS, Morocco, Jan. 2. The pre tender haa Issued a proclamation announc ing that he Is not fighting for tbe throne for hlmnelf, but for the sultan'a Imprisoned brother,- Mulal Mohammed, aurnamed the 'Ore-Eyed." It la now confirmed that the sultan haa ordered hla brother's release and that the honors of hla rank be paid to htm. The governor at a recent conference with the Kabyle chiefs pointed out to thera that they are responsible for tbe safety of the roads running through their territory. The SpanUh sloop ot war Isabel has ar rived here. Advices from Fez under yesterday'a date have been received here. Guns were then being mounted on the walls for the defense of the city, but the rebels remained Inac tive. They have not sufficient supplies for expeditions. The city of Fct continued quirt, but the dearness of food was causing discontent. If the situation becomes more grave the sultan will abandon the capital, retire to Rabat and summon the border tribes to a holy war. The sultan then will proclaim himself sheref and' defender of Islam, re nounce nil European leanings and then, at the head of new fdrcea, attempt to retake F. ' ;' LONDON. Jan. 3. Cabling from Tangier, the correspondent of the Times says that private letters received there are conflict ing, aome saying that tho sultan's brother haa arrived at Fez and others that he died at Mequlnes. The only certain news, the correspondent continues, is that the Jews have been confined In a square quarter of Fez on account of the fanaticism of tbe natives. LONDON, Jan. 2. In a dispatch from Gibraltar the correspondent of the Dally Telegraph aays the brother of the sultan of Morocco, Mulal-Mohommedan, in command of the royal army, left Fez December 27 to attack the rebels. PARIS, Jan. 2. Telegrams received here from Oran, Algeria, announce that detach ments of zouaves (French troops) have been ordered to the Moorish frontier. Increiaed Kraln Dntlea, VIENNA, Jan. 2. Increased duties on grain and manufactured articles are the Im portant features of the new Ausgleich, which It is learned are of a highly protec tionist character. The details of the higher duties will be determined on within a fortnight. The du ties on both grain and manufactured arti cles will be considerably Increased, which Is likely to seriously affect both the United Statea and Great Britain, who are respect ively tbe third and eecond largest export ers of manufactured articles to Austria. It la thought here that Great Britain will be the greater sufferer, since the United States Is better able to protect Itself by adopting retaliatory measures. The term of the new Ausglelsch.haa been fixed at ten years. Indicating that commer cial, , treaties which will be based on tho new tariff agreement will be concluded for a like period. ' The agreeroept Is the reault of a compromise on the part of both Aus tria and Hungary. The two premiere wished to resign, asserting that they were unable to reach an agreement. Emperor Francis Joseph, however, refused to con sent to' this aud Insisted that the Ausglelsch must be completed before midnight Decem ber 81. ... ' . . ' ... Take Oath of Office. MANILA, ' Jan. 2. General Jamea F. Smith, the . recently appointed member of the Philippine commission, and Elmer Bryan, superintendent of instruction, were sworn In yesterday at the publio session of the commission.,. General Smith takea the portfolio of secretary ot education. Souan la In London. SOUTHAMPTON, Jan. 2. The American line steamer St. Louis, from Nfcw York, De cember 24, arrived here about 6 o'clock this morning, having been delayed by bad weather. - Sonsa and bla band, who were passengers on BU Louis, will have their opening performance In London tonight. Wed diner la Not to Oeenr. LONDON, Jan. 2. The newspapers here announce that the marriage which had been arranged between Charlea H. Hawtrey, the English actor, now on a tour of the United States, and Mlse Hanbury will not occur. Dlamoad Flelda Rear Pretoria. LONDON, Jad. 2 It seems to be beyond question, cables the Johannesburg corre spondent of the Dally Mall, that large and enormously rich diamond flelda exist north of Pretoria. To Visit the Csar. BERLIN, Jan. 2. Crown Prince Frederick William haa accepted an invitation qf the czar to visit his majesty at St. Petersburg In the middle of Japuary. Howard Gould Passes Gibraltar. GIBRALTAR, Jan. 1 The American ateam yacht Niagara, from New York, with Howard Gould and party on board, passed Gibraltar. Fas. Remains Calas. GIBRALTAR Jan. 2. The dispatch of Spanish relnforaements to Morocco baa been countermanded.. Tbe latest advicea from Fez, Morocco, say that city remains calm. OBJECTS, TO ROGUES' GALLERY New York Man Contests Right of Po lice to Keep aad Clrcalata Ills Pletare- NEW YORK. Jan , 2. The right of the police to keep a man's photograph In the rogues' gallery la to be decided by the courts. Jacob Owen today secured from Jus.loe Scott, In the supreme court, an order di recting Police Commissioner Oreene to show reuse why he and the officials of tha BEGIN THE YEAR RIGHT r by ordering a ease of Blue Ribbon Heer. If a a tonic, and brscvr and .hu most delightful beverage for tbe table made Knally anT perfectly digested a high gTade family and table beer. Uegln the" year right by ordering a case sent to your huiua today. mm. ttSS gallery ana circuiniwa ...- different pjllce preclude. ( RAID COUNTERFEITERS' DEN erret Service Aarent Makes Im portaat Capture at wtlnsln ton, Delaware. i ' WILMINGTON-.' Del.. Jan. Service Agent Oeorge W. Fiater of Waah Ington, after a long tnveatlgatlon, suc ceeded In locating a counterfeiter den at 528 West Second atreet, thla city, today, and it waa raided by the polloe. Agini Maloroel. better known aa Mike Ross" Salthla Maloroel. hla wife, and Nicola D. Caso, his brother-in-law, were arrested and the plant captured. It waa an unusually large one. eomprla ing ten moulde. a number of mixing pote, dies, presses and other counterfeiting para phernalia. The parties will have a hearing before Acting United Statea Commlseloner Hollla. ' ' ' ' Among the material captured were about 100 counterfeit dollara and Borne partly formed nickels.- ' ' lowans Bar ICanaae I-and. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 2, Franklin K. Brooke, president of a I'edur Raplda, la-. Investment company, closed a deal today for the sale to Veedersbiirg. Ind., l"on O., and other eastern capltallntn of acres of land In western Kansas, whli-n. it la stated, la to be made fit for the de velopment of Polled Angtia rattle. rhe tract Is situated Juat southwest of Colby, on the Rock Island railway system In the northwestern corner of the state, and Is aix miles wide and twelve long. Mr. Brooke returned to Kansaa City today with a party of easterners after, a, trip over tho land. HEART DISEASE SOON CURED .... . . : : Hundred Hare Been l'ure$ by tne Wonderful New Treatments Dlncov ered by the Famous t'hlfaffo Scien tist, Dr. Franklin Miles. 1,1. H., Aft l.eadina Dnrtori had Pronounced Them 'Inenrnbl.' Patients Who had Suffered for Yeara with Dropsy and Other Complicat ing; Diseases Have Slarvelonaly He ro veredKndorsed by Leading; Pro fessors and KdKora. i Sent Free, Book and Liberal Course of Personal Treatment "Which Will As tonish Any Header: ' During the last few years remarkable dl.v coveriea have ueen maue by ur. Miles In the treatment of uisvastit ox the heart. A womlertui aysterii ol treatment hue been discovered which acts upon the .heart iniougn lis nerve centers, rlundreds ol the worst cuaea have been cureu: lr. Mlu-s, the founder ot the Grand Dis pensary and Banliurlum ot Chicago und Elkhart, will give way 110,000 worth of hla new personal treatments to uumousirate their rtmarktible curative powers in heart diaeaae, short breath, distress In the aide or chesi, lrrtgulur, piupitutiou, smoth ering spells or dropsy. The doctor treats thousands ' of 'heart catica yearly and la one or the most suc cessful and reliable phBlciana, us U proven by hundreds of testimonials frpm well known people. - Prof. J. 8. Jewell, M. D., of Northwestern Lniverfclty, eald: -By an means publish your nurpiiHuig result." Prof. J p. Koks, M. U., Ex-i'rea. Bush Medical College, states: "Dr. Miles haa taaen two cuum. a oi my private Instruc tion In diseases of the heart and lungs." Cui. ii,. b. tipnemun aays: ."lour remarka ble persona! treatment has worked won ders when all else lalied. I had employed the bt medical talent and ,npent i,iJ0." Dr. Miles' system of treatment . le . thor oughly scleniilic and immensely aupcrlor to tne ordinary methods. It Includes eeveral newly discovered remedies which -are; care prepared to suit each lnulvldjml case, and Is the result of tw-tnty-flve years .of very eXifliislvA'' eeavan h'-unfl 'remarkable success. Each free frp(Hment -ootvsletai'Of a curative elixir, tonic tabloids, eliminating piles and usually a hy yamlc ; laster. bend for a free book; diagnostic chArt and vaiuaoie peisonal advice, otatrstlcs olearly demonstrate that It, Miles' Personal Treat ments are tnree times as (ticcesstul as those usually employed: Write to Tr. Franklin Miles, 203 to Btata St., Chicago. Mention .umuna nee. -, .-- OPiM 'orUUDANUh Habit Mr4 r hem: o pill. Dr. 1. B W1THIAX, TglAl isea. MBt..iwTMr Bii. BOYD'S Woodward A Burgess, Managers,' Matinee THE Today, Tonight The Popular riuHlcal Comedy Prices Mat.. 26c to tl. Night, 25o to $X.S0. UOl'ilX t Woodward & Hurgess, MgTS.' U'KKK ALL NBXn COMMENCING P. M. MONDAY ' Matinee Wednesday and Saturday, Seats now on aalo for all perform ancesPrices, Mc to J2O0, KI.AW A EHI.AKUKH'I 1 ' Oen. Lew Wallace's . -. Stupendous Production of ... Prices bl)c, 75c, H. II. W curslon ratea on all end J. E roads. -Mall orders with remittance filled tnibe order received. Positively- free -Jlet auapended. Ttrt irpHnMB! mil aCatlnesa Thursday, Saturday, Bunda. 1:11 Every Nht, I;!, . . HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Fella and Barry, One WtiilamaTCetharlna Oauruan V Co., Vox and Foxle. fliyllls Allen, lianlon and singer: and thw kino druine. ' ,. , .1 PRICESlOc, 260, Wo.v '' ! UUTKLI. IIIW nomaia e Leadlbg Jtotel t-r.i ial rr:vn itrJ, LUNCHEON, FIFTY CENTS. 12:80 to lp. ID. SUNDAY, 6.SU p. m. LINNlta. TSe' Steadily Increasing business has necessi tated an enlargement of this cafe, doubling Its former capacity. . tv Bnviin&Co.0maha. "Itphomm 1260. MORPHINE BEN fltJfi Va """.'f s 4