Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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negotiations for Settlement cf Union Pacific
Strike Are Protracted.
Contparlsoa of Proposed Airfunfnli
how Company lloldln Oat far
rieceiTork and Hetentlon
of Local Breaker.
Tom this tnrsBRRe, which left New York
t 10:40, eastern time, last night, it ia evi
dent the L'nlon Pacific officials have not
come to a settlement with the strikers or
yet succeeded In effecting a basis of mutual
satisfaction for a future settlement:
NEW YORK. Jnn. 2 The Omaha Hee.
Omaha: Conference uiJourned till Tues
day next. No piogresn for publication.
Mr. Wilson, fourth vice president of the
International Association of Machinists, Is
In New York as one of the conferees and
Is In closest touch, therefore, with the de
velopments. This dispatch comes through tho'Asso
clsted Press:
NEW YORK Jan. 2. Another conference
was held this afternoon at the I'nlon Ph
ctfle railroad offices In this city with refer
ence to a settlement of the differences be
tween the headB of the road and certain
of Its employes. The conferees Included
president hurt of the road. President James
O'Connell of the International Association
of Machinists, Thomas I Wilson, fourth
vice president of the International Associa
tion of Machinists; John McNeil, represent
ing the Internailonai Jtroth rhood of Boiler
makers, and K. F. Kennedy and Lmvld
O'Donnell, presidents of the local boller
makers and their helpers, respectively. Be
fore going Into the conference one of the
labor representatives expressed the opinion
that a satisfactory settlement would be
Local strike leaders have been advised by
their representatives in the east that in
dications point to the piecework proposi
tion and the disposition of local strike
breakers as the two bones of contention In
the efforts at settling the strike. Outlines
of two proposed agreements, one submitted
by each contending faction, have been re
ceived by mail.' The strikers, while declin
ing to make public these documents, say
there Is nothing objectionable In the com-
'pany's proposition except that part which
deals with the piecework and local non
union shopmen. There is harmony as to the
hop rules snd apparently as to the schedule
of wages. It Is evident the company means
vto hold out as long as It can on the other
two propositions. The strikers insist all
nonunion men and piecework must go.
Ensrlaeer S. I.. Wiley About to Begin
Immense Improvement in
. "8. U Wiley, formerly prominent In
Omaha by reason of his connection with the
water works construction and the building
of the Douglas street bridge. Is about to
undertake the most extensive Irrigation
scheme In Wyoming," said J. J. Marshall
at the office of the county surveyor yester
day morning.
Mr. Marshall, who was employed In the
elty engineer's ifnee at one time and with
fr. Wiley prior to leaving Omaha nine
years ago. Is still with him In the Big Horn
basin. Just now he Is visiting among old
friends here and resting for the year's
work, which will, he predicts, be greater In
Wyoming than the state has ever known
"This present scheme of Wiley's Is the
high mark In Irrigation projects with us,"
aid Mr. Marshall. "It's execution will cost
at least (500,000. The jjlan Is to tap the
Shoshone river above the Cody ditch for all
unappropriated water and conduct this,
with the abundant flood waters of the
prlng months, through a canal tn a storage
reservoir known as the Oregon basin, situ
ated about ten miles southeast of the town
f Cody. This basin Is the star feature, for
It Is a natural one, supposed to have been
once a crater, and measuring now four
miles In length and three miles In width.
It will hold 100 feet of water before It
'spills' and will hold enough to Irrigate
100,000 acres. About 200,000 acres are con
templated In the ditch plat.
"Wiley Is about to secure from Washing
ton the needed rights for the course of the
csnal, which will be about thirty-five miles
long, measured from river to reservoir, and
In the spring the work will he started.
Probably the constructing will occupy two
Only Democratic Member from Dons
las' I'nable to Take Seat
at Present.
- J. A. C. Kennedy, the only democrat
elected from Douglas county to the state
legislature, will be unable to take his
eat when the session begins next week, as
he Is now at St. Joseph's hospital, where
ha wss operated upon for appendicitis
Thursday evening.
The attack was sudden. Mr. Kennedy
took part In the conference of the legis
lators with the Commercial club and Real
Estate exchange Tuesday and was In ap
parent good health. Wednesday he was
taken sick snd that evening taken to the
hospital. It is expected that he will be
confined to the hospital for several weeks.
The operation was successfully performed
and unless complications set In his progress
to recovery will .be rapid.
Ak-lar-Bra Board to Meet Next Mon.
day Evening at Omaha
Te annual meeting of the board of gov
ernors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben will
occur at the Omaha club Monday evening,
at which time three members of the board
will be elected to take the places made va
cant by the expiration of the terms of H.
J. Penfold, W. 8. Jardlne and C. M. Wil
helm. The nomination of candldatea was
made at the annual meeting of the members
of the society held at the den In November,
at which time nine nsmes were presented,
among them being the three whose terms
are to expire.
As soon as the election has taken place
officers will be elected and probably at the
next meeting the president will announce
the names of the members of the various
committees and preparation for the annual
teatlval to be held next fall will begin.
Even children drink Grain-O
because they like it and ths doc
tors say It is good for them. Why
not ? It contains all of the nourish
ment of the pure grain and none
' of tha poisons of coffee.
Atgraosm everywbani 1M. aad , ntr packag.
maa atnbhendnrf Are Credited
with Oood Work.
Bald a member of the school board. In
speaking of the last annual report:
"Tubllc account, perhaps, ought to be
taken of the fact that while the expense of
running the public schools In Omaha has
largely increased during recent years, at
one point there has not only been no In
crease, but a material cutting down of
expense. The care of the buildings. In
cluding general repairs, repairs to heat
ing and repairs to plumbing, has cost fn
years past:
130 077.27 1W 1M.754.17
1:I 2.213 14 29. M5 49
ls 21.S-"6 1R 1 3n.77S.72
IS'y, 27.53i.tSft 1(1 11.703.78
17 SW.3f6.52 12 12.211.92
"These figures speak for themselvea when
it la noted that the buildings were never
In to good repair aa at the present time.
More than to any other one man credit la
due for this favorable showing to Super
intendent of Buildings Flhlayson, who may
not be much of a mixer In politics, like
some others of the school board employes
are supposed to be, or try to be, but be has
shown himself willing and able to attend
strictly to the business In hand. No ono
Is kept on the pay roll who Is not earning
the wages paid, and no material Is pur
chased at a figure above prices made to
contractors. If there are any advantages
to be gained by competition on orders of
material the school district gets them all.
Much credit Is also due to a few members
of the committee of the board that has had
this department In charge for the last two
years. Mr. Fred Stubbendorf has been, as
chairman of the committee, especially use
ful. Not only has he given time and at
tention tn committee meetings, but he has
frequently visited the school buildings and
personally Inspected the conditions, that he
might advise with the superintendent and
the committee with all the facts before him.
When the superintendent and the chairman
of the committee agreed upon any Item
of repair no further consideration was
usually found necessary on the part of the
committee. If the new organization of the
board falls to insist upon Mr. Stubbendorf
retaining his present position as chairman
of the building committee the school district
will be the loser.
"If expenses can be cut down more than
one-half In the repair department. It might
seem that some reductions could be made
In some other departments for example. In
the supplementary book and drawing sup
plies departments."
Time for Selling Retailers' Tickets at
Hednced nates is
Notice has been received from the secre
tary of the Western Passenger association
that at a meeting of the secretaries of the
leading merchants' organizations of the
western cities the dates for Jobbers' excur
sions have been agreed upon. For Omaha
these dates are February 11 to IS and
February 25 to March 4. Under the rules
agreed upon by the secretaries tickets will
be honored returning from the city on Mon
day after the first dsy of ssle, which will
In both cases be Saturday, and the extreme
return limit will be ten days from the last
date of sale. The fare upon these excur
sions is one and one-fifth of the regular
one-way first-class rate from all points
within the association limit.
This special arrangement does not Inter
fere with the special arrangement for re
fund of fare by merchants to those who
buy certain amounts of goods upon visits
to the city. The last three years that these
excursions have been in effect have made
them very popular with the merchant and
the Jobbers, and each year a larger number
of retail dealers have taken advantage of
them to visit the wholesale houses.
Somnambulist Gets Oat of Bed, Opens
Window and Takes Dl
For his fall from a second-story window
to the hard walk below Tom Dushak, who
resides at the Metx hall. Thirteenth and
William streets, can blame his somnambu
listic tendencies and a large consignment of
booze which he had taken unto himself.
That he is alive la considered a miracle.
Dushak attended a dance In Mets hall Thurs
day night and imbibed so freely that friends
had to put him to bed. Later he opened the
window and fell out. He was found by
passing pedestrians, who called the patrol
wagon and the victim was removed to the
police station, where Dr. Mick was com
pelled to take several stitches to close the
wound which had been Inflicted In Dushak'a
scalp. He was later removed to St. Jo
seph's hospital.
Police Coart Revenae for Year Jnst
Ended Breaks Prevloas
The year 1902 was a record-breaker for
the police court in the matter of fines
which were imposed and collected. The
fines collected from prisoners sentenced In
the police court exceed all previous years
since 1888 by over $3,000. During the
month of December the total amount col
lected by Police Clerk Crier for fines was
$937. A comparison of the last tour years
Fines paid M02. 1901. 1900. 1899.
lor year.. i,os sx ' 773 170
collected $8,266 80 15.021 25 $3,699 00 $908 SO
Yoaaar Woman S offers from Taklag aa
Overdose of Some Pateat
Lena Shlpling, a young woman who lives
at the Barker hotel, was yesterday afternoon
found to be Buffering from the effects of an
overdose of some patent medicine arnica
she has been taking and was relieved
through the spplication of a stomach pump
by Drs. Hahn and Mick.
bealna at BfS itoelc.
Health, strength and vigor depend on
digestion. Dr. King's Nsw Life Pills makes
It perfect or no pay. Only 2Sc For sals
by Kuhn sV Co.
Aaaoaaeemeata of tha Theaters.
The Orpheum will give a matinee this
afternoon and with this evening's perform
ance close this week's bill, which has
proven very satisfactory to vaudeville
patrons. Miss Lydla Barry of Felix
Barry Is singing for the first time "You
Will Wish Me Back Again." thf latest
tong by Paul Leslie, young Omaha
writer, whose ballade are meeting with
considerable success. Commencing with
matinee tomorrow and for the ensuing
week the Barrows-Lancaeter company,
which, it will be remembered, scored
heavily In "Tactics" last season, will ap
pear In a new sketch entitled "A Jolly
Jollier," by Edmund Day. Thoy were en
gaged to present It tor two weeks at the
Orpheum In San Francisco and It proved
.0 successful that the engagement waa ex
ended for two weeks. The other numbers
n the program are varied and embrace
much that la new here.
Four of the Largest Site Made Are Fnt on
Kaeh of New Engines Has Total
tVelRht, (oontlsi Tender, of Over
Two Hundred aad Fifty
Thoaaand Pooads.
Four of the largest size locomotives made
came Into Omaha yesterday. They are
the property of the Burlington, the first In
stallment of a consignment of twenty which
have recently been completed in the east.
The other engines are to come as they can
be relessed by the makers and put into use
without delay. The need for them Is Im
perative. The Burlington, like every other
growing railroad In the country, has been
in dire straits for motive power for many
months. Its steadily Increasing freight and
passenger traffic has long a so Imposed Im
possible tasks upon the normal resources.
These engines, while they could have been
used to great advantage months ago, yet
come In the nick of time, for the avalanche
of grain transportation Is still In the fu
ture Each of the new engines pulls down a
total weight, counting the tender, of 258,
450 pounds. The drive wheel la of the
84-Inch standard and there are 85,850
pounds on the drivers. The weight of the
tender, loaded. Is 99,400.
Comparison with Old Knarlnes.
These figures show a mammoth structure.
Some of the heavy engines now In use by
the Burlington weigh In the neighborhood
of 185,000 pounds, so It can be seen what a
difference In the capacity there Is between
the old and new locomotives.
, The rule now Is with all roads to In
crease the engine capacity, and with many
to reduce the number of engines. As
shown by the snnual report of the Union
Pacific that road reduced Its number of
engines during the fiscal year ended June
80, 1902, about bhi per cent and at the
same time Increased Its aggregate motive
power by 9 per cent.
. These facts account in a measure, If not
entirely, for the general demand among en
glnemen for more wages. With the enor
mous increase of engine power comes to
them more arduous tasks and for this they
naturally want more pay. But one of the
worst features from the trainmen's stand
point Is that It means the material reduc
tion of train crews. Larger engines will
haul larger trains and fewer trains will re
quire fewer train crews.
It Comes Oat of Government Bondage
aad Goes to Waltln
Almost every grocery Jobbing house in
the city! was flooded with tea yesterday, and
the' large supply will be with them for
several days. The occasion for this, the
greatest tea day ever seen In the west, waa
the fact that the duty levied on tea since
1898 as a war revenue measure expired, and
all tea In bond, by special act of congress,
was delivered to consignors free from duty.
Anticipating this action the retail dealer
of the stato had for six months purchased
tea to be delivered after January 1, and the
tea sold for Immediate delivery since the
beginning of last year was limited to
actual consumption. Jobbers governed
themselves accordingly, and the larger part
of last year's product was sold by the
producers In China and Japan for delivery
after the duty expired. The orders re
ceived by the local houses during the latter
months of the yesr had been filed In alpha
betical order, and the tea In bond ad
dressed to the retail dealer. Yesterday
those orders were being shipped.
Receipts More Tbaa Two Tkoaaajid
Dollars la Excess of Ei
H. P. Deuel, register of deeds. Is showing
a record of the business done In his office
since January 9, last, when he entered It.
This report shows 8,566 as to total of instru
ments filed; $10,417.25 as the total of re
ceipts, and $8,323.97 aa the total of ex
penditures, leaving a surplus for the county
treasury of $2,093.28, which Is, Mr. Deuel
states, greater by more than $400 than his
predecessor's surplus, though the latter had
tn his total the receipts of eighteen more
days than are Included in the Deuel report.
The register states that the year has been
the best recorded in his office since ths old
boom days of a dozen years ago.
I O. Simons Will Lanaeh the West
llcbe Presse aa a Weekly
The Westllche Presse, a new German
newspaper, will be launched in Omaha on
January 8 by L. O. Simons, formerly pub
lisher of the Nebraska Post-Tribune. The
new publication will be issued weekly and
will be Independent in politics. The pub
lisher says it will start with a strong finan
cial backing and a large circulation. The
owner and publisher says he will make the
paper the leading German publication In
the west.
Doa't Costs Alt Ricat.
Restful sleep follows use of Dr. King's
New Discovery, the best lung cure In the
world. No cure, no psy. 60c, $1.00. Fol
tale by Kuhn A Co.
Florida Excursion Via Dixie Flyer"
On Tuesday, January 6th, an excursion
will be run from Nebraska to Florida with
through sleeping cars from Omaha and Lin
coln, via Burlington Route to 8t. Louis and
the "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jack
sonville. This excursion will be a personally con
ducted one and will be In charge of Mr.
George W. Bonnell, C. T. A., B. M. R. R..
Lincoln, Neb., who Is thoroughly familiar
with the points of Interest enroute and In
the state of Florida.
As you pasa through Cairo, Martin,
Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon,
and make a 12-hour stopover st Chatta
nooga, where an experienced gutde will
conduct the party through Chattanooga
Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and
other points of interest, the trip will be
an Interesting and Instructive one.
An early application for sleeping car
space la suggested. Ask for copy of illus
trated booklet outlining the trip at 1402
Farnam St., or write W. H. BRILL, Dist.
Pass. Agt., Illinois Central Railroad,
Omaha, Neb.
This season's Florida Me-rvlco Via
Pennaylvnala Maea. "
Will leave Chicago union station at 8:10
p. m., running via Louisville, LexlDgton,
Atlsnta and Macon to Jacksonville and 8t.
Augustlns, commencing January 6. 1903.
Get posted by consulting H. K. Dering, A.
Q. P. Agt.. Z48 South CUrk 8t., Chicago,
by telegram or latter.
9 $(
y and
I $12.50
Today we will include additional
lots of fine clothing in our
$150,000 Clearing Sale of
Men's Overcoats and Suits
We give you the choice of all our Suits
and OVERCOATS that have sold at Ten
Dollars and Twelve Fifty FOR FIVE
:' A r. m:, ' 1
Men's $3 and $4 Pants $1.50
Choice of the entire stock of cheviot
and worsteds that
have sold for $3 and
$4, at
Caaatr Commjaaloners Reduce Rata
of Intereat and Extend
tbe Time.
The old refunding court house bonds,
amounting to 1119,000, were taken up yes
terday by tbe Board of County Commis
sioners, pursuant to the action of several
weeks ago, and of last Wednesday, and a
new Issue made to bear Z per cent. Instead
of 44,' as the old one did, but to run
twenty years from this date, instead of
twenty years from January '1, 18913, as the
old ones were to. The transaction Is
prompted by the proposition of Kelly &
Xelly, the Topeka bond company, that
brought about the previous reissue of old
bonds bearing 6 per cent at 3 per cent,
wnicn reissue provoxea sucn a siorm oi
protest from Farson, Leach & Co. Nothing
having come of the storm, the county com
missioners have decided their action must
have been a safe one, and are repeating It,
on the ground that every such deal Is
eventually a saving to the county.
Crer man-American Republican Clan
Wants Prevent City Treas
urer Renominated.
The German-American Republican club
at Its last meeting at Oermania hall trans
acted routine business and made several In
dorsements for appointments by the legis
lature. Before adjournment the following
resolution waa adopted unanimously:
That we cannot fail to recognize the effl-
clent services rendered by t'lty Treasurer
Henninss bv the faithful discharge of oath
bound duty in the colltrtiun of public
moneys, which furnishes an excellent ex
ample: that this duty, so well performed.
aeserves Air. iienninKB unanimous rriiuuu-
nation by our party and that this club aak
this of the coming city convention.
Only About Tea Per Cent of Guriilnf
Tickets Tarned In (or
The time for the conversion of tickets
sold during the auditorium contest Into
common stock In the Auditorium company
expired December 81, and at that time the
total amount of tickets presented was about
10 per cent of the total sales of tickets, or,
roughly, from 3,600 to 4,000 shares of stock.
The secretary has not yet begun to Issue
the common stock for the tickets, his time
being occupied with the preparations for
the delivery of fully paid-up preferred
Have a Car.
Don't fool with a cold; no one can tell
what the end may be. Pneumonia, catarrh,
chronic bronchitis and consumption Invar
iably result from neglected colds. Nothing
rsn be compared with Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as a quick cure for colds and In
fluenza and by Its use these diseases may
be avoided.
A Beautiful Calendar.
The Milwaukee Railway has published an
artistic calendar for 1903. Six sheets, 10x15
Inches, of beautiful reproductions In colors
1 J I ... Xtmvann I).lna of"
1 a- t
" l . .V; ; v -i ' - e--t I
J OI pastel ura.iuK. u, . Kaunas City. The deal whs closed on Ie-
I cents. On sale at City Ticket Office. 1004 . c-mber 29 ami the home hlried Wednea
I n-arnam atreet i rtav- Koby is marked at 2:1U' and has
tl, . ; "7,,.. ,
Publish your legal notices in Tbe Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Mortality Btatlatlca.
The following births and deaths were re-
ported at the omVe of the Hoard of Health
during me iweniy-iour nuaia cuuma ui i
noon Friday: i
Births Ned Recoes, VM North Twentieth i
'street, girl; Kiward Murphv. 111H HrlgKii i
street. fcUrl; Charles A. Kenton, 312 Norlh I
Thlrty-elahth tret. twin, bey and Kin;'
Fred 1.. Mack. 2uls Nicholas street, boy ; I
Warren W. Haxey, 71H firree etreut, girl.
Ieath Anna C. Millard. IsiS Capitol
avauue. aaed 8 yearn: William Lialtou
English, 6i South Thirty-RrM street, aife.i
S years; Frai.k Thever, ZlZt ouulh bixtcciilb j
street, aged 1 muulU. j
Here are overcoats and suits that sur
pass those you usually pay $10.00 or $12.50
to buy. The suits are the handsomest of
materials and patterns, and the overcoats
In the long and short styles of Washington
kerseys, oxfords, friezes, etc. Very special
today at $5.00.
Worth $10 and $12.50
durlng this sale at
Boys' Suits and Overcoats $1.98
All pure wool, all best makes, stylish and
elegantly trimmed the -f
prices all during the season I Vf
were $3.60 to $5 today..
a w
O a for Odds and
JSnf Ends of boys
v,1v' all wool suits
Including double
breasted, vestee
and other styles
each worth double
what we aak.
5 25 'or by' tui,s
I . that sold up to
1 Si and $4.
All new fresh goods,
not an old style
In the lot fancy
vestee and double
breasted styles.
Men's $5 and $6 Pants $2.98
Your choice of all the highest grades
of men's pants that
have been selling ,J VJ
Kt r nnri Iff anaje S
Committee of Fifteen Oalh Meeting at
Commercial Club Monday.
Proposed I.aTr Combines the City and
Cornly Governments and Promoter
Says It Will Save Thou,
sands In Tasea.
The committee of fifteen appointed a year
1 t0 arrangg for the consolidation of the
Ctles of Omaha and South Omaha will meet
Monday to consider a bill prepared with
this end In view. A member of the com
tnittee said:
"The matter of consolidating Omaha and
a portion of Douglas county surrounding it,
with permission for South Omaha and Flor
ence to become a part of Omaha If they so
elect, has attracted considerable attention
at Intervals during the last two years, snd
during the latter part of last summer at a
mass meeting called by the Omaha Real
Estate exchange In the council chamber for
the purpose of discussing the advisability
of consolidating the two governments and
thus curtailing expenses, a committee was
appointed to ascertain and report, first,
whether It waa necessary to have a consti
tutional amendment before such consolida
tion could be brought about, and conse
quently to advise sjch a plan as would best
secure such consolidation. Economy and
! home rule were the watchwords. Much con-
slderation and investigation was the result,
and Mr. Green, as chairman of the commlt-
tee appointed at the mass meeting and as
lepresenting tbe Omaha Real Estate ex
change on the committee, bas been untiring
. h . . . ,ivn.,i mllrh tlm in
! ms eal Bna aevte much time to
I the Investigation of similar plans of con
solidation in other lnrnlltipc and aa a ra.
j suit of Ms Investigation he has formulated
a plan of consolidation tn the shape of a
, bill, to be submitted to tbe legislature for
that purpose, which he will submit at a
meeting of tbe committee to be held Mon
day noon at the Commercial club rooms,
lie has notified the members of the com
mittee of this meeting and he earnestly de
sires every member to be present at that
i time."
flrleflr Outlines BUI.
Mr. Green briefly outlines the objects of
the bill as follows:
"It consolidates the city and county gov
ernments, the offices of city clerk and
county clerk, the offices of city treasurer
and county treasurer, the offices of city
engineer and county surveyor, the offices
of sheriff and chief of police, the city
i council and county commissioners and
I many other departments. It will save
taxpayers 1100,000 per year.
"The bill provides for municipal owner
; ship of the waterworks and other public
utilities, civil service reform In tbe police,
fire and other departments, home rule for
the city, the power for Omaha to make
Its own charter and a great reduction la
C. F. Heed Sells Robjr.
C. F. Ileed has Just sold his well known
P I 1 1 1 II. t 'J A'l. ... ... liril 'l
I won hiH Inrmer owner consineraDie money
! In following neighboring circuits. Mr. Keed
HIarted Koby laat at Missouri Valley, lust
I fall, and won :uo with htm. The animal
is rhupely and strong and has long been
admired in Omtiu and thiH vicinity, where
I he Is known The cunoldcration was $o"u.
i . -
Couslis, Colds,
Asthma, Jironchitls,
ami Sore Throat.
Ft' Simile
on ar
L&JIW.y,.'' bOfiS Windows j
Our Great End - of
Are Now in Full Force. Satur
day They Reach the Very Height
of Bargain Giving Strength.
We arc making short work of all broken
lines and odd lots and have priced every
thing accordingl'. These sales affect
every section, and there is hardly an ar
ticle in the entire store that cannot be
bought at a great saving. Of course
there's a loss, but then that's a penalty
we expect to pay where such an enor
mous business is carried on. The losses
of today are olfsct by the profits of the
past, and that's why you'll find in a
great many instances merchandise
priced at less than half. It's an un
written law in this store that goods must
not be carried over from one season . to
another. Hence the unparalleled values.
Unlike all the
So-called Creams,
Lotions and Cures
25c Bottle. Howell Drug Co.,
After washing; the
hands and face
and drying use
25c Per Bottle.
We want you to know that our drugs are
strictly pure and fresh, and that our stock
lo complete In all depurtments. We 1111 pre
scriptions promptly and with the greatest
of care. Our stock of perfumes, toilet
snaps and In fact all toilet articles is the
most complete and quality the best at the
very lowest prices.
We extend a happy New Year to all our
1902 patrons and promise a Chrlntmas pres
ent to all 19U3 patrons; that is to nay, we
will save you enough money on your pur
chases that you can well afford to buy
yourself one. We Hollclt your patronage.
We want your buslnees. Our prices are
the lowest and quality the beet. Drop in
and have a hot drink.
J. M. Johnson
The Druggist.
703 N. 16th St. Tel. 922.
Saturday, Boys' Day
Nearly everybody In Omaha knows
tbe value of our boys' $1.60 school
shoes but If your boy bas never
worn a pair bring him to our store
any time Saturday and let us show
them to you. We can fit any boy
no matter bow small or bow big be
Is Just so be Is a boy with these
$1.50 shoes. They're made from good
solid leather from sole to top, and
will stsnd more bard knocks tban
many a shoe that you would pay twice
as much for. We have the same shoe
In light calf or heavy kid for girls.
Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Hoiiis
Send for new fall catalogue.
Sells it for Less
Just bear this in mind and when you are
quoted a price on anything In tbe DRCO
LINE, write to or call on us BEFORE YOU
BUY and we'll prove tbe headline of this
If you don't see advertised what
you want, write us for prices.
Two I'honea 747 and A.iaiiS.
S. W. Cor. lOlh and I klcasu tits.
Only One Dollar a xear.
iLf ant o.K
- tlie - Season Sales
16th and Capitol Avenue.
Ask for It.
Has Ever Been Found
in the Enamel of
Protectid by Dscltlon of United States Court
Pasted qn Every Piece
If substitutes are offered, write us
This trade-mark Is on every piece
of genuine Azate Ware.
Snld by Firat-rlais nepartraant and Iloma
furuiihlnj Hturaa. Bend for nw Booklet.
and Bet better value for your money than
you can fct from any other tailor In
Omaha. Satisfaction positively guaranteed.
$1.00 size, 60c
1 Stuart's Dyspepsia
60c Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. ,
60c Cause's Catarrh Tablets....
50o Ely's Cream Balm
2Fo Koodoo Catarrh Jelly
60c Kondon Catarrh Jelly.......
$1 Tarrant's Paste
. . .
. . .
35 c
6 oo
. . .
... .
25c Plauten Capsules ,
25c Bromo Catarrh Snuff........
6flc Bromine
60c Omega Oil
26c Mennen's Talcum
25c Rlcksecker's Soap
Glycerine, per pint ,
Strong Amonla, per pint...
. . . .
.. .
. . .
. . . .
. . . .
Fuller Drug & Paint Co.
114 S. Hth Street.
n' ili,tiM ft