Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Foreign Sews of Bearish Nature Tends to
Lower Wlnat Prces.
Other Matters Affecting- Trade Are
Opening of Danube Savlaatlon,
Argentine's Fine llarvrstlna;
Weather and Rnailan Wheat.
CHICAGO, Jan. 1 Bearish foreign new",
as the main cause for lower price In
Wheat today and May closed 4c lower. Mty
corn wus off 4c, with oat down VdNc.
Way provlalona closed from 74c tu loi.-o
lower. Wheat ruled quiet anil lower, with
a Rood deal of long etuff on the market and
but little demand. Liverpool cable were
weak and northeaatern markets alfo were
easier. Northwest receipts were consider
ably In excess of those of the correspond
ing time last year. Advices from Argentine
reported favorable harvesting weather and
a report waa current that offerings of
wheat from Ruts I a were more liberal on
rumors of the speedy reopening of naviga
tion of the Danube. Offerings continued
very free during the entire session and the
market declined gradually, closing easy.
May opened 4c lower at 7t'c and sold be
tween JBVa'MsC and 764(?iT64c, closing 4c
lower at 7o4c. Clearances of wheat and
flour were equal to 712.0UO bushels. Pri
mary receipts were 955,000 bushels, against
434.000 a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth
reported receipts of 87 cars, which with
local receipts oi 44 cars, none of contract
grade, made total receipts for the, three
pulnts of Sol cars, against 673 cars last wees,
and 866 cars a year ago.
The corn market was rather dull, but
firmness at the etart on unfavorable
weather throughout the west. Commission
houses and shorts were good buyers of
January and that month was neirly :t
cent higher at one time, and the strength
In the current month acted as a supporting
Influence to the May option. Large esti
mated receipts for tomorrow were a bear
factor, and when wheat commenced to go
down the corn market waa affected sym
pathetically and prices receded to a trifle
under Weonesday close. May closed 4e
lower at 424c, after ranging between 4?r
4270. an! 434c Ixcal receipts were 306
cars, with 4 of contract grade.
Oats were nulet and easy, the weakness
In wheat being the principal depressing
factor, although there -was considerable
liquidation hy Toenl longs throughout the
day. The shorts closed with a profit. The
close was easy, with May 4ft4c lower at
S34c. after selling between 34c and 3c.
Local receipts were 111 cars.
The chief feature In the provision market
was the marked gain In January pork,
caused by active covering by shorts, which
resulted In an advance of from 2.Vfj274o to
bixii .i24o at the opening, rales belnrt made
at 117.7518.01). The strength of this month
helped the entire list, the realizing by local
longs caused n break at. tne close was
easier, with January pork 3.Mi3.4c higher
at $17.85. May pork wus 74c lower at
$16.30, lard lower at inS124c lower at $9.40
.424 and ribs down 74c at JR.H'.tflS.S'i.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
I'm cars; corn, 865 cars; oats, 330 care; hogs.
20,0(0 head.
- The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloee.Yest'y
May .
( -Ma-Jan.
Jan. May
Jan. May
W .
72 7241 7141 714
76 7644''4!754'"iS 734!
734&4 73141 724724&-H:'
MWiHI 45 ' 44 j 444
1 43 41 V 43!42M4 424
424(&i 42V444i42 (541 424
3141 31'3WV
S34; ;4 334'ft4
314l 314i 314
t i
I 17 73 I
16 40 I
I 10 0241
I 9 6241
I 8 4241
18 05
16 65
10 024
17 75 I 17 SO
16 274' 16 30
17 F0
16 374
9 974
9 624
8 424
8 674
9 K5
9 40
9 R5
9 42 4
8 35
8 60
6 674!
8 45
8 30
8 65 '
8 674
No. t
fash ntiotatlons were as follows:
FIX3UR Quiet but firm; winter patents.
$3.40fo3.!0; straights, $3 toftS-SO; spring pat
ents, $3.40r3.7o; straights. S2.90M3.20; bak
er .25r2.75.
WHEAT No. I spring. 754c; No. 3 spring.
77Sc: No. 1 red, 714V?24c. -
CORN No. 2. 444c; No. 2 yellow, 444c.
OAT8 No. 3 white, 32V33Vic.
V YK Nr.. 2. 4He.
BARLEY Good feeding, 3943c; fair to
choice malting, 45iMc.
SEED No. 1 flax, $1.14; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.21; prime timothy, $3.85; clover, con
tract grade. $11.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $18.
Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9. SOfr 10.00. Short ribs
Hides (loose), $.374(fj8 60. 1 ry salted should
ers (boxed). $.2r.ffl 8.50. Short clear sides
. (boxed), f9.n0ifi9.124.
W HliiKY Masls of high wines. $1.31.
Following were the receipts Lnd shipments
of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 26,'6'V) 1R,3'H)
Wheat, bu IW.rVH) 1S.6VH)
Corn, bu 26-,700 92,400
, Oats, bu 234.900 220,4m)
Rye, bu 13.50 700
Barley, bu 3S.700 25.100
On the Product exchange today the but
ter market was quiet and steady; cream
eries, JtufrSXc: dairies. 1TSj25c. Eggs, quiet
but firm, loss off, cases returned, 25c.
Cheese, dull, steady to Arm, 134&14c.
Aaolatlom of the Day oa Various
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. FLOUR Receipts,
t.779 bbls.; firm on spring patents, but
otherwise dull and easy; winter straights.
13.46(83.66; winter patents. $3.604ji3.70; Minne
sota patents, $4.0J4i4.2u; winter extras. $j.So?jr
115; M.nnesota bakers, 3.zjtfA40: w nter ow
grades S2.nXi2.9i Kye flour, steady: fair to
good, I3.K4j3.40; choice to fancy, 3.5i4j3.60.
buckwheat, Hour, qJlet, $2.3ou2.3j, aput and
to arrive.
CORNMEAIi Steady; yel!ow western,
11.10; city, $1.18; Brandywlne, $3.40(83.46.
KVE-Hrra; No. 3 western, fa -ic f. o. b.,
afloat; state. F,tdij7c, c. I. f., New York.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 42c, c. I. f.,
Buffalo; malting. 47S6o. c. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 126.350 bu.; exports,
J2.69J bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. 79c, eleva
tor; No. 2 red, ik-fcc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, Stic, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
hard Manitoba, 864c, f. o. b., ulloat. Op
tions dull w II das and generally weuk under
liquidation Induced by cables. Argentine
news of an entire support and large north
western receipts. The close was weak at
c net decline. May. 794$) 804c closed at
74c; July. 77478c. closed at 774c
CORN Receipts, 5S,uut bu. ; exports, 2.1U6
bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 6Kc, elevator, and
66c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 68c; No. 2
white, 69c. Options opened very steady,
held . firm during the forenoon on rains
west and big clearances, but eventually
eased off with wheat and closed unsettled
at 44r4c net loss; January, &44)'j4Sc closed
at 64c; May, 4?4(4&4c1 closed at 477c; July
closed at 47c.
OATS Receipts, 5,001) bu.; No. I white,
S94440c; track mixed western, nominal;
track white, 4"ii43c; standard white, 4;4c;
No 1 white, 4o4c: track mixed western.
4oc Options dull and about steady; May
Closed at 3V-.
MAY Quiet.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
19'2, limbic, lsl, 24'Ti'tic; olds, 7tyl24c; Pa
clrlc coast, 19U2, 2J.tjJlc 19ul, ZHH26c: old. Vd
HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.,
lac, California, -1 to 35 lbs., 19c: Texas, dry,
24 to 30 lbs., 24c.
WOOly Firm; domestic fleece, 2530c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $16 00
4bl7.u0; mess, l0.6utll.u; beef hams, $?j.5o
fl.uo; packet, 1)4. UwU 1S.00: city txtra India
mess, $:;4.ujii27.10. Pickled bellies, $8.7.Vi
7a. Pickled hams, lll.ii 11 50. I.ard, easy;
western steamed, $lo.4ii'iil0.&0; refined, easv;
continent, $10.75; South America, lllii);
compound, l.jx'!b. Pork, steady; family,
$1S; thort clear, $19.50.
BUTTER Receipts, 7.290 pkgs.; steady to
firm; state dairy, 2u4)26c; creamery, extra,
SS'U'MHc; creamery, common to choice, 21W
CHEESE Recelnts. J.424 nkaa.: firm:
fancy large, state full cream, colored, fall
made, 14c; fancy large, white, fall made,
14c; late made, 134ftl34-; fancy small,
colored, fall made, 14c; late made, 134c;
fancy small, white, fall made, 14c; late
made. 13 Va 134c
EUG8 Receipt (.549 pkgs.; state and
Pennsylvania, average best, 28c; western.
Boor to fancy. 2o4i2bc.
POl'LTRY-AIIve: Firm; chickens. 10
lie: luraeys. Hii'lic; fowls, lie. Dretsed:
(jutst; western chickens. 124-; western
f.twlm I'- . . . . I. . . 1 (1 .
UEl AIJS Tin Advanced Is In Indon to
day, cloning at 120 7s 6d for spot and at
a 111 l-'s (d for futures. The local market
was quiet, with aot at $?6.54i?ti 65. Copix-r
advanced lue In london to i.52 5a for spot,
but was quiet and about unchanged here,
with standard quoted at JUMtllio. luke
and electrolytic at $11.H&12 u6 and casting
at $11.9043 12.00. Iead continued quiet and
unchanged at $4 124 In the local market,
but advanced Is 3d In London to 10 17s M.
Epoltur was quiet and unchanged at $4 .Tu.
and In London at 11 17s Sd. Iron closed In
Glasgow at Us $4 and, In allddlesborougn
46e 4U1 locally Iron was dull and tin
ged, warrenis continuing nominal, with
No 1 northern foundry quoted at $23f(f
2.VK) and No. 2 northern and No. 1 southern
soft foundry at t-'2.ip'ci 23.(0.
Condition of Trade and Qaotatlons on
Maple anil Fancy Prodnre.
EOOS Fresh stock, 24c.
LIVE Pl)l LTHV-ll tin 9&1V; old roost
ers. 4'6c; turkeys, 12'ul3c; ducks. Miifc:
geesf, 4 'I) 8c; spring chickens, per Itr7 loii ,
DRESSED POULTRY Young chickens,
IKol-'r; hens, lu'rillc; turkeys, UlKc; ducks,
10'illc: ge-se. IKplit.
HI TTER Packing stock, 17f)174c; choice
dalrv. In tubs, 2"'w21c; separator, 2:ty3ic.
( iH N New, 37c.
1( K Nn. 2. 45c.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c: extva
selects, pr-r can, 3oc; New York counts per
can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.76;
bulk, staniiarils, er rhI., $1.45.
FRESH FISH Trout, fr-oc; herring. 5c;
pickerel, Rc; plkf. c; pt rch, 6c; buffalo,
dressed, 7c; sunflsh, Sc; bluetlns, 3c; white
fish, 9c; salmon, lic; hiddock, He; codllsh,
12c; redstinpper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, jwr
lb., 3ic; lobsters, green, per lb., 2v; bull
heads. 10c; cattish, 14c; black bass, 2oc;
halibut, 11c
BRAN Per ton, $13.50.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hav Dealers" association: Choice No.
1 upland, S,s.60; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1
coarse, 7. Rye straw. $i. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair, receipts light.
NEW CELERY Kalamaxoo, per dos.,
:5c; Utah, per dox., 45c; 4'allfornla, per
dm . for stalks weighing from 1 to 14 lbs.
each, 4ni75o.
POTA I OES-Per bu., 60c
SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes,
per Mil., $125, Kansas. $2 2.1.
TURNIPS Per bu., 4(K?; Canada rutaba
gas, per lb., lc.
BEETS Per basket, 40c.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dot., $2.
PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c.
CAR ROTS Per lb., lc.
GREEN ONIONS Southern, per doxen
bunches, 45c
RADISHES Southern, per dozen bunches,
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. $3; string
bean, per bu. box, $1.50.
CABBAGE Miscellaneous Holland seed,
per lb., 14c.
ONIONS New home grown, In sacks, per
bu., 75c; Spanish p.-r crate, 11.75.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2 60.
TOMATOES New California, per 4-bas-ket
crate, $2.75; Florida, per 6-batket crate,
CAULIFLOWER California, per crate,
PEARS Fall varieties, per box. $2; Colo
rado, per box. $2.25.
ATPUES Western, per bbl.. $2.75; Jona
thans. $4; New York stock, $3.Jo; California
Belltlowerr, per hJ. box, $1.60.
GRAPES Catuwbns. ner basket, ISc;
Malagas, per ke. 16.noftf.0O.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl..
$10; Boll and IJMgles. $11: per box. $3.50.
BANANAS Per bunch, Recording to size,
LEMONS California fancy. $3.75; choice.
ORANGES Florida Rights. $3.75; Cali
fornia navels, $3.50; California sweet Jaffa,
all sizes. $2.75.
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.,
Co; per case of 30-lb. pkas., $2.25.
FIGS California, per 10-lh. catons, $1;
Turkish, per 33-lb. box. 11(0 18c.
GRAPE FRUIT Florida, $6.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case,
CI DER New York. $4.50; per 4 bbl., $2.75.
SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per 4 bbl..
$2 25; per bbl., $1.75.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c;
No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 snlted, 64c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal
cair, 12 to ir lbs.. 6c; dry hides. wl2c;
sheep pelt. 2.'(Ti'75c; horse hides. $1. 5062.50.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
15c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard she!-., per lb., 12c;
Brazils, per lb.. 12c. filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large per lb.. 124c;
small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, pet' dox., 50c;
chestnuts, per lb., IDe; per.uts, per lb.,
64c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black
walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu.,
$1.50; cocoanuts. per loo. $4.
quotes the following prices: Iron, country,
mixed, per ton, $11; iron, stove plate, per
ton. "$8; copper, per lb.. 84"; brass-, heavy,
per lb. 84c; brass, light, per lb.. 64c; lead,
per lb., 8c; sine, per lb., 24c; rubber, pel
lb., 64c.
110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb
Telephone 18141.
CHICAGO. Jan. 2. WHEAT The factor
In the wheat market hus been favorable
crop reports from Argentine and from the
west, end there has been continued liquida
tion by local ho)d-rs, with hardly any
help from the out!j. The market at Its
weakest was off c to 4c Cables said
there wag such mild weather Danube might
be re-opened. Liverpool said Russia was
offering more freely. The Modern Miller
said there were no Important' comnlalnts
as to winter wheat. Primary receipts ere
995.UH) bushels for two dnys, against 436.000
lust year. Nurthwest receipts w.'re 807 cars.
against azu. Local receipt were 44 cars,
with none contract. Clearances, 712,000
bushels; clearances for the week, S.Xo-K)
bushels, agaltu-t 4.818.0UO last year. North
west country elevntor stocks showed 6.890.-
000 bushels, agnlnot ll,bX),0u0 last year and
a decreuse for December of about 800.000
bushels. Argentine shipments last year,
19.4-t8.Oil0 bushels, against 31.500,000 the year
before and 72,OiO,OiO two years ago. New
York reports 10 loads for export. Esti
mated for Saturday. 100 cars. Liverpool
cables: 'Wo have confidence In present
prices of wheat. Stocks are small and re
quirements large."
CORN Corn waa Arm for the January.
advancing to 4ac, with some reaction later.
l nis nrmness was partly aue to tne ract
that deliveries amounting to about 300.0oJ
bushels were taken In and paid for. The
deferred futures were steady early on wet
weather, but eased off later on the liberal
estimates for tomorrow, 86.1 cars. Receipts
today, 3o5 cars, with 4 contract. Argentine
shipments, bushels. Clearances
larocr. 742.000 bushels. Primary receipts.
785,(NO bushelo, against 694.0-JO last year. The
car-lot murkot was Knl4c lower. Cable i
were oft a trifle. Liverpool stocks. 414,uOO
bushels; decreased 661,ou bushels for the
month. Clearances for the week, 2.537.ia
bushels, against 1.562,030 for the previous
week and 27IM) lacit year.
OATS 1 here has been liberal selling of
May oats by the oatmeal party, about
&iio.tsX bushels, and this future yielded
slightly. Local receipts, 111 cars, with 6
contract. Estimates (or Saturday, 350 cars.
Cash oats were steady In the simple mar
ket. There were no deliveries in the morning-
PROVISIONS The provision market
opened strong; sold off on liberal offerings.
The market has been Influenced by the
grains and there has been no support. There
were 21,t0 hogs; prices at the yards 5c
lower. Recelptd tor the month, 956.996,
against 1. C30.4.16 same month last yetr.
Estimates for tomorrow, 2,oo0. Hogs In th
west today, 6i,2, against 62,500 last week
and 97.800 last year.
St. l.onla firsla and ProTlslons.
ST. IXDI'IS, Jan. 2 WHEAT Lower; No.
2 red, cash, elevator, 12c; track, 744S7ic;
May. "54c; J.ily. 71c; No. 2 hard, ftoiijTJo.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. a)y4o4c;
track 3l(41c; May, S94c.
41ATS Lower; No. 2 cash, S34c; track.
S4i; May, 334c; No. 2 white, 36c.
RYE- lvower at 49c.
FliOl'R Steady; red patents, $3 36(83.50;
extra fancy and straight, $3.06i)'3.30; clear,
8EED Timothy, steady. $2.903.50.
t'OHNMKAl, Uteady, tl'.).
BRAN Firm; sucked, east track. 73i6-75c.
HAY Steady; timothy, IU.Omu 16.00; prai
rie, slo Mn 13 !'.
WHISKY Hteady, $131.
BAG.51NG-6 5-lf4i7 1-ltic.
PROVISION'S Bacon (boxed). steady;
extra shorts, $10.50; clear ribs, $10.50; short
clear, $11.
METAEB Lead, steady at $3.5t3.974.
8lelter, steady at $4.40.
BOI'LTRY Steady ; chickens, 9c; turkeys,
114"l'.'c; ducks, 12c; geese, 8c.
Bl'TTER Steady; cieamery, J330c;
dairy. IS'j-.'Jc.
EGGS Steady at 22c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 6.000 .)
Wheat, bu &0.U1O 63.0a)
Corn, bu I44.A1O kl.iu)
Oats, bu (H.ojU 64.UIX)
Philadelphia frodacw Market.
I Firm, good demand; extra westeru cream
ery. 3"c; extra nearby pitnts, S2c.
EGGS Firm, good ccmind; tresh nearby
and western. Jcc; fresh southwestern, 2ac;
fresh southern, ifc; loss off on all.
CHEESE fillet, but firm: New York full
creams, prime tmall 14c; fair to good small,
134i 14V; prime Urge, 14c; fair to guod
large, 134jldc. '
Liverpool Grain and Provlalona.
Paeon. Cumberland cut. steady. 47s od: long
clear middles, ll.hl. vjulet, 4164; long dear
middles, heavy, quiet, 47. Shoulders,
square, dull. 41s. I-ard. prime western. In
tierces, dull, 64s; American refined. In palls,
dull, 6.1
t'H EESE American finest white, strong,
61s; American finest colored, strong, 61s.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
6K4c: July, Gtiic; cash, No. 2 hard, 6Va6c;
No S. 64'uS7c; No. 2 red. 67'niHc; No. I.
CORN January. 3641 34 d May, S74c;
cash, No. 2 mixed. 314u3kc; No. 2 white.
3i.l4c; No. 3. 8743Sc
OATH No. 2 white, 84c: No. 2 mixed,
RYE No. 2, 4fic.
HAY Choice timothy, $11.5012.00; choice
prairie, $9 6 10.(0.
BUTTER creamery, 26fr27c; fancy dlry,
EGGS Fresh, 21c
Receipts and shipments for two days:
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu fio.Om)
Corn, bu li.4 S4.
Oats, bu 26.000 15,0.10
Toledo (Jraln nnd Seed.
TOLEDO. Jan. 2.-WHE AT-Dill. lower;
cash and January, 76c; Mav, 794c.
CORN Dull, lower; January, 444c; May,
OATS Dull, steady; January, 34c; May,
RYE No. 2. 524c.
SEED Clover, dull. Arm; January, $6874;
March. $7; prime timothy, $1.80; prime al
slke, $S.25.
Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran.
74c; July, 744f744c; on track, No. 1 hard,
744c; No, I northern, 734c; No. 2 northern,
FLOUR First patents, $3.901.00; second
patents, $2.7o&3 85; (Inst clear, $2.iX(i3.0O; sec
ond clear. $2,304)2.40.
BRAN In bulk. $13.50313.75.
Milwaukee drain Market.
No. 1 northern, 754ijj'76c; No. 2 northern,
744(?i75c; May, 76 V-
RYE Lower; No. 1, 614c
BARLEY Firm; standard, 60c; sample,
CORN May, 424c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, 111., Jan. 2. CORN Easy ; No.
3. 404c
OATS Firm ; No. 3 white, S2c.
WHISKY $1.31 for finished goods.
Tradlnc Starts Off Briskly, bat Soon
j! '' Beromrs Doll.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-The trading on the
Stock exchange started off with great ani
mation this morning and something like a
bulge In prlcea. Buyers of Tuesuay and
Wednesday took advantage of the rise to
secure their profits. Prices ran off under
this process and the market became dull.
The advance was renewed again at some
points, but the snap seemed to' be taken
out of the market and a tairly general sell
ing movement developed in the alternoon,
when chII money rates stiffened to lp J'er
cent. Reading was vlgoroosly advanced
to above C3 and rerved to steady prices, but
the selling was renewed bctore the clce,
wh:ch-was highly Inai'ilar. Sugar nn eff a
point below Weunesuay.
The opening cnll loan rate of 10 per cent
revealed a stiff demand for funds, but
caused no uneasiness. Other developments
pointed to a relax condition In the loan
market and the sterling exchange market
made a sharp break, with the cearatlon of
the demand for cubles to meet the year
end settlements In London, which was a
feature last week. The London market
showed Its. usual prompt response to the
turn of the year, and money nnd discounts
mnde added declines under the a'jundant
oflerlngB In the market. This was acceptei
as a hopeful Indication of a light demand
for the future trom that center upon New
V..K1 tr All m t. a H 1,1 1 Hi a nf Iha VL-Sflf'
currency movement, which rtins up to J
Wednesday night. indlcaUn that the banks
have gained upward of $3.:!o0,Ia)O on the reg
ular' express movement with the Interior, j
wnlle tne sumreasury nns uiaen irom ioe
banks 1, 425.000, this Indicating a net gain
of about $1,8(U,000 for the banks.
The week'e grain exports were disap
pointing, while the Imports of dry goods at
New York rose in value several hunared
thousand dollars over those of last week
and exceeded those of this week last year
,by over $fi-W,000, thus explaining tne large
customs collections of the week. The stif
tenlng of the call loan rate late In the day
Indicates that there will be the usual delay
In the return of funds to the channels of
the New York money market following a
disbursement period.
Today's statement of the Reading's earn
ings for November proved disappointing
and the late advance In thli stock was un
explained. Other statements of November
earnings showed gross Increases more than
wiped out by Increased operating expenses
Louisville & St. Paul, however, snowed
moderate net gains remaining. But these
s Locks were rather more affected by realis
ing than others. The announcement of tha
profit-sharing plan of the I'nited State
Steel Corporation caused a sharp rise In
the preferred stock. Amalgamated Copper
continued to advance, but reacted sharply.
Brooklva Transit was somewhat depressed
and affec'ted the other local tractions. Mis
souri Pacific se ling ex-dlvidend was notably
strong and helped the Southwesterly gen
erally. The early flrmnrsK In the bond
market cave way to an Irregular tone In
sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par
value, $3,300,014) I'nited States bonds were
all enhanced on the last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the. New York Stock exchange:
Atchison 44Bo. Hallway ,.. MV,
do pfd ' lnjis do pto tilt
Dal. A Ohio lOOTexaa A Pacinc 40',,
do pfd JVs Toledo. St. L. & W. 27
Canadian Pacific ....lS2Vs do pfd 4li
Canada So T7 t'nlon Pacific 100-4
Chea. A Ohio 4S4 o pfd
Chicago A Alton J44 Wabash I'"
do pfd '1 -So pfd 44
Chtcato. Ind. 4c L... 76 Wheeling A L. K US'
do pfd l I do Id pfd J5',
Chicago A E. Ill m ,Wla. Central 2H
Chicago & O. W anv.) do pfd MVi
do 1st pfd o Adams fcx low
do 2d pfd 41 American Ex TU0
Chicago A N. W....2194 t nltcd States El US
Chicago Ter. A Tr... Wells-Kargo Ex 126
do pfd Amal. Copper 444
C C. C. A St. L 964 Amer. Car A T 6'4
Colorado So m'm do pfd ft
do 1st pfd 4 Amer., Lin. Oil 14
do Id pld 4i do pfd ,. tJ
Pel. A Hudson 173 American S. A R 44
Pel. L. A W Ml , do pld
Denver A R. G 41 'Anac. Mining Co M
do pfd k Urooklrn K. T 4(4
Erie J91 Colo, fuel A Iron si1
do 1st pfd 4Si Cons. Oas ..1 217
do td pfd blS Com. Tobacco pfd.. ..lis
Great Nor. pfd 201V, Gen. Electric 1824
Hocking Valley 4 Hocking Coal 2lH
do pfd 46 ilnter. Paper 1S'
Illinois Central ,.1484 do pfd 71
Iowa Central 40- Inter. Tower 414
do pfd 71 Laclede Gas 81
Lake Erie A W 61 National Hlscult 464
do pfd 118 National Lead 2k
L A N li'i1, No. American lis
Manhattan L 14S Psi lBc Coast 48
Met. Bt. Ry 14 J' Pscinc llall ss'i
Mcx. Central Penple'e lias lnv,
Mex. National 174 Prrrsed 8. Car 2
Minn.' A 8t. L I"7 do pfd
Mo. Psclflc i'i mnm r tar as
M . K. A T Hcpubl'.; Steel 2'4,
do pfd M4 do pfd 77",
N. J. Central 178 Sugar 127
K. V. Central 151- Tojin. Cos! A 1 411
Norfolk A W T3 L'nlon IHg A P U
do pfd XI do pfd 77
Ontario A W I'. 8. leather 14
Pennsylvania ! do ptrt m4
Reading 4S',l'. 8. Hubber 17S
do lat pfd is do pfd 67
do 2d' pfd 74 V. 8. Steel St
Bt. L. A 8. r 7 do pld s4
do lt pfd 74 Western l'nlon 8n
do Id pfd 71 Amer. Locomotlvi ... 24
Bt. L. 8. W.. t do pfd -
do pfd I!', K. C. Southern 444
St. Paul nn do pfd 571,
do pfd. lit Rok lUnd 4'
So. Pacific 164 do pfd aiV,
Boston Storks and Bonds.
rent; time loans.
Closing of stock
Atchison 4a
I. Call liana, 65j7 per
5441O4 P" cer.t. Official
and bonus
1001, Allouex
I'i2 Amalgamated
84, Caluiuvt A Hecla.
loo1., Cooper Range
lb Dominion Coal ....
14 Franklin
1M lale Koyale
r.l M..hawk
Hi Old Dominion
12H, Osceola
1 in', Parrot
til', Qulncy
1S2 Santa Fe Copoer...
34 Tamarack
t Trinity
JfS l ulled States
4 Victoria
liiz Winona
17 'Wolverine
. 4
. 44V,
. i4
. 104
. 11
. 454
. li
. 46
. 27
. 14
. 114
. N
. 44
Uss Is
do pfd
Rostoa A Albany....
Boston A Me
Hoatou Rlevsted
N. Y . N. H. A H.
rltclu.urg ptu
Amerlcsn Sugar
do pld...'
Dominion I. A 8 ...
(ten. Electric
Mass. Electric
do pfd
I'. 8. Steel
do pfd
Westlngh. Common..
New York Minima quotations.
NEW YORK. Jan. J The following are
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adams Con 20 l.ltt'.e Chief
Alice 20 Ontario 625
breece Itlpnlr 12i
brunawlck Con I Phoenix k
roswliKk Tunnel ... 8 Potoel 2U
Cca. Cal. A s !. ;Savase 11
Horn Oliver jnierra Nevada 46
Iron Silver 7i Small Hopea .: U
UaJv.i.e Con t 'standard j;i
Bask tlearlags.
OMAHA. Jan 2 Bank clearings, $1,891.
1.15 00, t-orreiondlng day lust year, $1.4ti7,-0-ti
oi; Increase. $i!4.107.61
ST. LOl'IS. Jun. !. 4'iearlngs. $11.6"S,671 ;
balanced. $l.8i1.2oS: money, easy, fw per
cent; New York e ;i-hnni;e. 6-ic premium.
CHlCAllO. Jan. i. 'leurings. Mi.DH.TW;
balances, 11.71V, dbu; New Yoik exchange, hte
premium: foreign exchange, unchsnged;
sterling posted at $4 84 for sixty day and
at 4 r,4 for demand.
NEW YORK. Jan. 2 Clearings. $352,710,
439; balances, $17,014,414.
BOSTON. Jsn. 2. Clearings, $31,831,827;
balances, 3.25Z.3Jo.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 2-Clearlnga, $26.
685. r.4; balances, $3,202,550; money, 6 per
BALTIMORE. Jan. 1 Clearings, $5,897.
561: balances. $.S61.193; money, 6 per cent.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 2 Clearing. $4,908.
6); money, 54'H6 per cent; New York ex
change, 20c discount.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2.-MONEY On call.
4i5 per cent; closed at 4 per cent; time.
64 per cent for all periods; prime mercan
tile paper. S per cent.
tual business In bankers' bills at $4 8ft;.ff?
40W) for demand and at $4 8310i4 8:f20 for
slxtv days' bills; ported rates, $4.85j4.874;
commercial bills, $424?i4.834.
SILVER Bar, 484c; Mexican ' dollars.
3.84 c.
BONDS Government. steady; state,
steady; railroad, Irregular.
The closing quotations on bonds are
U. S. rf "j, ret ....lH 'Horklni Vsl. 4'l. .
do coupon ION1 A N. unl. 4s 99
so . res HW 'Mrx. Central 4s 74
do coupon 10 do Is Inc 244
do new 4. rcg IK'! Minn. Kt. L. 4s
do coupon M'-H M , K. A T. 4s 174
do old in, res U" do Is
do coupon imv N. T. C. . Vs. . . .HiJ
-do re !"' N. J. C s.n. to....l.Ut I
in f uupnn 10.'4 No. Psclflc 4S ICS
Atchison ma. 4s 101 do 714
do adj. 4s l N. A W. con. 4s ion
Dal. A Ohio 4s ! Rsadlnx fen. 4s Ks
do IWl HiHt L A 1 M c. 6s. ...US
do coiiy. 4s M St. L. A S. K. 4s 7
Canada So. 2s in Ht. L. 8. W. Is (44
Central of Oa. . . .lfffi'i -St. L. 8. W. is SI
do Is tnc 75 8. A. A A. P. 4s... a4
rhrs. A Ohio 4's...l034 fo. Pacific 4a (1
Chicago A A. la.. 8o. Hallway Ss.. ...US
C. U. A y. n. 4s ... TI'lTnil Pacific U...ll4t
r. K t tl f . 4a. .110V, T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. 7
c. N. W. c. ts., 't'nlon Pacific 4a 102"4
C, R. I. A P. 4a 1044 " conv. 4a lot.
C C O t It L i. 4s.. 100 Wabash Is ...1164
Olirto Tcr. 4s 0 do 2s 10s
Colorado Bo. 4s do deh. B r"4
PcnTcr A K. O. 4a."T West Shors 4a 110"4
Erlo prior lien 4s... , Whel. L. E. 4s... tl
do general 4s M4 Wis. Csntral 4s 1014
F. W. A D. C. la.... Ill Con. Tobacco 4a MVt
London Stork Quotations.
LONDON, Jan. I. Closing quotations:
Consols for money.... 934 New York Central... M4
do account II 1-14 Norfolk A Western... 7ft
Anaconda 8'4 do pfd 14'
Atchison ' Ontario A Western... U'4
do pfd 10H4 Prnnrylvsnla an
Baltimore A Ohio in Iftand Mines 114
Canadian Pacific iM Reading 144
Chesapeake A Ohio... CO I do 1st pfd it
Chicago O. W 4 do 2d pfd 40
C, M. A 8t. P 184 southern Railway S3,
DcHaer, 22H do pfd W
Denver A R. 0 47 Southern Pacific 474
do pfd ,1 l'nlon Paclflc 1034
Erie 40 do pfd
do 1st pfd 714 I'nited States Steel... 374,
do Id pfd S3 do pfd
Illinois Central 1S4 Wabash J114
Louisville A Nah...U.'4 do pfd 4f.V
Missouri. K. A T 29
PAR SILVER Steady at 224d per ounce.
MONEY 24 per cent. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills is
:44iif-4 per cent and for three-months' bills
34 per cent.
Forelcm Financial.
PARIS, Jan. 2. Prices on the bourse to
day opened firm. Industrial and copper
shares were In strong demand. Realiza
tions later resulted In a halt. Prices were
well maintained, however. Brazilians and
Argentines were buoyed up by the advance
in the price of copper and New Tork ad
vices. Kaffirs were firm and quiet, and
finished rather dull. The private rate of
discount was 2 16-18 per cent.
Exchanpe on London, 20m 4Bpfg for
checks; discount rates for short bills, for
nrttlement, 6 per cent; for three months'
bills. 24 ner cent.
IjONDON, Jan. 2. Money was plentiful
and cheap today, owing to borrowings from
the Hank of England, the willingness of
the Joint stock banks to lend and large
dividend payments. Discounts were un
settled. Business on the Stock exchange
was more active, prices were firm and the
public showed a disposition to operate.
Consols Improves on the ease of money.
Home rails were In fair demand. Ameri
cans advanced fractionally, but the deal
ings were confined to professionals, pend
ing the receipt of New York's opening price,
after which Americans became more ac
tive. They closed firm on New York sup
port. Rio tlntos and Kaffirs hardened.
BERLIN, Jan. 2. Operators on the bourse
today were generally confident, owing to
the favorable advices from New York and
encouraging reports from the manufactur
ing districts. ihN
Three per cent rentes, 99f 85c for the ac
ciunt; exchange or) London, 26f 14c for
Stocks In LIrerpool.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 2 The following are
the stocks of breadstuffs and provisions In
Liverpool: Wheat, ' l,8f,9,000 centals; flour,
73.000 KSC.ks; corn, 24.ouo centals; bacon. 17.
100 boxes; hams, 5,K boxes; shouUers, 2,400
boxes; butter, 13.300 cwts; cheese, 64.000
boxes; lard, 1.800 tierces of prime western
stenm and 750 tons of other.
The following are the stocks of wheat
and corn In store on quays (railway and
canal depots not Included): Wheat, 2,063,000
centals; corn, 2b0,000 centals.
Cotton Market.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. !. COTTON Firm, 4c
higher; middling, 8c; sales, none; receipts,
none; shipments, none; stock, 27.8.11 bales.
modern business done, prices 6Vtj8 points
higher: American middling, fair, 5.36d; stood
middling. 4.8fcd; middling, 4.72d; low mid
dling, 4.0d; good ordinary. 4.48d; ordinary,
4.2titl- sales of the day were 8,01)00 bales, of
which BOO were for speculation and export
and Included 7,700 bales American; receipts
'since last report, 66,000 bales, including fe,
80O American. Futures opened firm and
closed strong. American middling g. o. c:
January, 4.6Wtf4.70d; January and February,
4.6".)d; February and March. 4.6S)d; March
and April, 4.69d; April and May, 4.69ft4.70rl;
May and June. 4.70d; June and July. 4.7Cd;
July and August, 4.70d; august and Sep
tember. 4 Mi4.S4d.
NEW YORK, Jan. 1 COTTON Tlie mar
ket opened strong at an advance of 3014
points, ruled very active, with prices stead
ily working upward, and closed firm at a
net rise of 11&-31 prints. The advance was
started by a strong attitude shown at
Liverpool during the holiday hour. Today's
cables showed a net rise of 8 points on spot
cotton and 4tj0 points on futures. Ac
cording to private cables the English ad
vance originated In the appearance of an
active demand from China and better Man
chester conditions. Superintendent King
makes the port receipts for the week
254.148 bales, against 301.851 last year, and
the amount brought Into sight for the
week 333.67 bales, against 381,227 last year,
which brings the amount brought into
sight, according to the New York Cotton
exchange figures, 6.1-37,5(1 bales, against
6.M25.738 last year, when the crop, according
to the Chronicle, was 10.7(11,000 bales. Shorts
who have been depending upon a Inrge
volume of receipts have been actively buy
ing to gover. while the public demand has
been further stimulated by strong spot
cotton markets throughout the LOtton belt,
thtse generally showing an advance of
1-liyfi 3-16c. Large experts also wre a factor
In today's rise, with Wall street interests
leading the demand throughout the session.
Total sales were 450.0U0 bales.
Flrm; sales. 10.160 bales; ordinary. 7H,c;
stood ordinarv. 7c: low mldd lng. 715-16c:
muiming, o s-ioc; guoa 1111 111 11s uir, p 11-101.
receipts, 4.211 bales; stock, 411,046 bales. Fu
tures, firm; January. .63ifis.65c; February.
8. 7i Kit 8. 72c; March, 8.76.'(i.77c: April. 8.81(1
R3c; May, 8.o7fe8.88c: June. 8.934)is65c; July.
8 V6.(t 8 87c; August, 8.70c, bid.
NEW Oh LEAN'S, Jan. . Secretary Hes
ter's statement of the world's visible sup-
iil of cotton shows the total visible as
926.428 bailee, of which $.251,428 is American
New Deal on Sugar Prices.
NEW YORK. Jan. 8. The so-called
equality or factor plan In the sugar trade
will be dine away with by the American
Sugar Ketining company tomorrow and
national granulated will be quoted at 4. (Vic
ler pound net. thirty days, loss 1 per cent
for cash without rebate.
The plan has been adjusted by refiners
for years. By It the grocerp received pro
tection to the extent of 25c per l'A) pounds.
The clulm Is made that as the grojera
have not adhered to the terms they made
and failed to sell by the factor plan terms,
this step becomes necessary.
The refiners say that New England Is
the only section of the country which has
stood by the plan strictly, although the
grocers of New York and Pennsylvania
have followed cloeely. Hereafter all sales
will be on a net cash basis.
Oil and Koaln.
LONDON. Jan. 2. OIL Calcutta linseed,
soot. 46s d, nominal. Turpentine spirits,
4a 3d.
TOLEDO Jan. J. Oil I'nchanged.
NEW YORK. Jan. i Oily Cottonseed,
steady. Petroleum, Arm. Rosin, steady.
Turm-ntlne firm.
SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. I. OIL Turpen
tine, firm. -'4c. Rosin, firm: A, B. C, I).
$1 4h; E. J15ti; F. $155; 3. $170; H. $2; I.
$2 36; K. $2.85; M. $3.36; N. $3.55; WCI. $3.8o;
WW. $4.
Koek Island Declares Dividend.
NEW TORK, Jan. I The directors of the
Rock Island, the new company, today de
clared a quarterly dividend of 1 put cent
oa the preferred slock.
Cattle fieceiptj Again Light and Trices
Held fall Steidr.
Desirable tirades of Fat Sheep and
Lambs doM Freely at tiood, Steady
Frlcea ot Enonah Feeders on
ale to Test the Market.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
OfTlclal Monday 4.960 6.371 b.713
Official Tuesday b.4li 12.t.'.4 7.7('J
Oiucial Wednesday l.sajft 1.743 3.673
Olllclal Thursday 76 b.Zl 62
Oftlclal Friday 1.M8 4,1S 1.3.9
Hve days this week. 14. 600 41.173 18. W5
Same days last week.... 8'l 22.844 12.43
Mime week before l'i.i;i 4i.27 43.4tii
Sums three weeks ago...27,o.43 4!),110 43,;.:
Same lour weeks ago 21.470 42.4M 4n.4uo
Same days last year 13.011 43.821 lo.649
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for
the year 10 date, and comparisons with last
19-13. 1S102. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 2.i;i9 4,015 ... 1,876
Hogs 10,3-t) l2,i; ... l.s;
Hheep lil 1,633 26S
Average p. Ice paid ior hogs at 8ouih
Omaha for the last several days with com
parisons: Date. j 1902. 190L1900.1S99.1898.1897. 11896.
Deo. IS..
Dec ll...
Pec. 17..
Dec. 18..
Dec. 19..
Dec. 20..
Dec. 21..,
Dec. 22...
Dec 23.
Dec. 24 ...
Dee. 25..
Dec. 26...
Dec. 27..
Dec. 28..
Dec. 29..
Dec. 30..
Dec. 31..
Jan. 1...
Jan. 2...
I 094!
1 j 2 271
4 Oil 4 3l
1 26
5 98, I
t 92 S 2S
3 94, 3 2S
4 01( 3 32 1
4 02 3 34
4 041 t 87
e. I .. ,
4 HI 3 50,
3 2i
3 .
3 17
8 L
3 17
3 IS
3 IS
n 101,1
6 2241
I 144,
6 01k.
6 0741
6 1B4I
6 261
6 26,
6 121
6 041
6 061
e I
I Ml
6 C9
4 83
4 73
4 771
4 7
4 81 1
4 80
3 31,
1 31
8 33
3 21 3 17
3 24 1 3 74
3 21 1 3 17
3 26, 3 !)
s i ee
3 2')
3 W
3 32 3 24
3 301 3 IK
3 .Tl 3 15
3 351 3 17
3 42 S 18
3 17
4 86
6 394
4 89
4 83
4 77;
4 81
4 fO
4 5;
4 96,
6 19)
e 1
6 V
6 36
6 34 1
4 09i
3 441
4 14
4 I61
4 141
3 48
6 3441
6 33 1
6 s,4i
3 45 1
3 451
I 3 61
4 21; I
4 33 3 57,
Tndlrates Sunday. Holiday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Road Cattle, Hogs, Sheep.
C. M. & St. P. Ry 2 6 1
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacific system.. .. 1
l'nlon Paclflc system 6 11 3
C. & N. W. Ry 4 9
F.. E. & M. V. Ry 15 18 1
C, St. P., M. & a Ry.... 18 8 2
B. & M. Ry 7 8..
C. R. & 4J. Ry 6 8..
C., R. I. & P. Ry., east.. 1 V ..
Illinois Central Ry 3 3
Tots! receipts 67 68 7
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co t9 74S
Bwlft and Company 402 l.ull 408
Armour & Co 4c6 1.279
Cudahy Packing Co 504 127 708
Armour, from Sioux C 794
Vansant & Co 60
Lobman & Co 1
W. I. Stephen 20
uvingstone & rjnaller... 22
B. F. Hobblck.... 3
Dennis At Co 6 475
Other buyers 47
Total 1.620 3,939 1,591
CATTLE Recelnts of cattle were light
here this morning, but, considering that
yesterday was a holiday, the receipts were
as large as could be expected. Packers took
hold with a little more life than tney ma
yesterday and the general tone to the mar
ket was considerably better.
The few cars of cornfed steers tnat were
offered changed hands In good season. The
better grades. If anything, sold a shade
stronger, but the common stuff and
warmed-up cattle could not be quoted any
more than steady. Buyers claim that these
warmed-up rattle do not kill out at all well
and for that reason they are afraid of
The cow market was quite brisk, espe
cially at the start, and the prices paid
looked a little stronser all around. !t was
only a comparatively short time before the
bulk or the early arrivals was disposed 01.
There was no special feature to the trade.
Hulls, veal calves and stag:! were all in
light supply and the market held Just
about steady with yesterday.
There were no new developments in tne
stocker and feeder market this morning.
There were only a few odd bunches In the
yards and, owing to the time of week, spec
ulators did not care for many. In fact sup
piles have been so light all the week that
It Is difficult to tell much about the true
condition of the market, but with mod
erate receipts the general Impression Is
that desirable grades will And a ready out
let at satisfactory prices. Representative
At. Pr.
I. ..,
II. ..
I. ..
II. ..
4 10
4 10
4 II
4 15
.. 7s6 I 25
... Ill)
... 110
I 40
I 50
I 50
...inn 1 to
4 16
...1260 t M
... 7U6 I 40
... S70 I 60
.1161 4 20
.1.34 4 20
4 20
4 25
... 7M
... 140
I 40
1 45
I 75
4 25
4 26
...1010 I 76
...1040 I 75
4 25
4 25
...10M I 75
...lOtg I 80
... Ml IM
1234 4 40
1O30 4 40
1214 4 40
1171 4 45
1232 4 60
1232 4 50
t to
..1510 J 0
.. 8 4 00
t rro 1 60 2 170 1 00
1 iso 1 00 li on t 00
1 70 I 00 1 110 I ou
1 Ml IM 13 1125 I 00
1 ) I 00 12 1028 I 00
14 145 I IS 1 00 I 05
1 IkO I 15 10 131 I 05
t 121 I 15 4 t 75 I 05
1 935 I 15 I Ml I 05
1 1040 I 25 1 1070 I 10
I 01 I 25 1 1100 I 10
t 100 I 25 I I 10
1 410 I 15 I H I 10
1 1020 I 15 1 640 I 10
1 110 I 15 I lino I 10
6 1000 I 35 1 1030 I 16
1 10l4 t 15 7 1046 I 15
1 1000 1 40 4 louC I 15
1 110 1 40 1 1111 I 15
i 121 I 40 4 1120 I 16
1 134 I 40 4 H'iO I 16
1 110 I 60 I 171 I 15
4 1'3 I 60 17 104T I 15
1 till 1 60 1 10H0 I 16
1 114) I 60 I s:,o I 211
1 190 I 50 11 M3 I 20
I IsO t 50 16 11131 1 20
1 103 I 50 10 ll'S I 20
I IM 140 1 136 I 25
1 1020 I 60 1 I 25
1 1060 I 40 1 12H0 1 35
4 170 I 40 ( 24 I 25
1 1076 I 75 1 7V0 I 25
I 1100 i 76 24 175 I 35
1 170 I 76 1 12H3 I 40
1 :60 I 76 1 1013 I 40
II 170 t 76 1 1016 I 40
4 1047 1 76 1 13110 I 46
I Ml I 76 II 10S1 I 45
1 104 I 75 1 121 I 60
I so I 75 4 U47 I 50
II 44 I 10 1 1616 I 60
6 101 I to 4 1110 I 50
Ill I 0 6 1110 I 40
i 7 I to 1 17 I 40
1 1060 I to 1 1183 3 40
t W IM II 1044 I 46
II 10-.5 I 0 1 1040 I 46
I loan I 16 4 1247 I 70
11 1031 I 00 1061 I 10
1 1100 I 00 1 11(10 I 76
1 1320 I 04 1311 I 75
II 151 I 00 1 IOK) I 76
1 1000 I 00 1 1360 I 75
1 1010 I 00 10 1311 0
1 1120 I 44 14 I 9 to
1 170 I 00 4 1155 I It
7 Ill 1 70
1 144 1 15 1 430 I 04
1 401 1 15 1 sao I 00
1 ISO I 60 1 1:0 I 35
1 120 I 50 I luO I 25
1 570 I 50 10 123 t 35
1 Ill I 60 4 174 I 31
I. 171 I 46 I lli I 50
1 141 I 15 t 1U01 I 50
II 104 t 45 1 1056 I 40
1 170 t 15 1 1470 I 10
1 1010 I 16 1 Itao I to
1 15M I H 1 1IW I 15
1 17 I 15 1 1X,0 I (6
1 14U0 I 0 1 1620 I 30
1 1440 I tO 1 Hu I 33
1 Iv20 I 0 1 law) I 35
1 1414 I 00 1 14H4 I 50
1 110 I 00 1 ltso I 50
1 IKO I 10 1 1410 t 40
1 1050 I 10 1 130 I 5
1 1740 I 10
1 174 4 40 1 110 I 75
1 to 4 00 I 1(0 I 00
1 inn i 60 1 lto 4 00
1 150 i 15
1 110 I IS 1 1114 I 44
1250 I 15
120 1 o
430 14
44 I 00
620 I 00
170 I 15
I 16
so I 15
4W I 44
. tao I 50
71 I 66
3 I 40
6M I 40
.470 I 5
M0 I 70
Hi. '4 I 0 t 144 I 74
I 700 I 40
HOOR There was not a heavy supply of
hens here this morning and ss ckers
nil seemed to be In need of fresh supplies
the market opened quite active and strong
to a shade higher. In some cases the
better grades of butcher weights sold ss
much nn a nickel higher. The bulk of the
hogs sold from $6.V. to $6. 40, with the prime
loads selling from $6 40 to $S 45. The lighter
loads sold largely from $6.3" to 6 3o, but
the extreme lightweights sold from $6 30
down. About the mliidle of the fotvnuon
the marhet suddenly weakened and as sell
ers all wanted the morning prices the close
was not only weak, but very slow. All of
the advance of the morning was lost and In
some cases more. but. as hns been the
case of lste. It w ss mostly the lightweights
that were left until the last. Represents
live sales:
No. At. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr
34 Ill ... 6 70 241 120 I I74
17 121 ... 6 50 10 174 4 4 27L,
M 175 ... 4 05 II 271 40 I I7
S3 lu !0 I IS 44 241 140 4 !7
3 ll 40 I 25 47 II 120 I 37'
6 2iH ... 4 26 71 147 SO 4 17v
25 210 ... 4 SO M 247 120 I S7V
It 203 ... 4 10 74 215 ... 7 '
n 12 10 30 6 253 120 I 40
II 2114 ... 4 10 19 2f. 140 I 40
7 222 ... 4 10 43. ...C. .2.10 ... 4 40
40 221 40 4 30 43 277 to I 40
HO 210 40 4 SO 40 J04 SO 4 40
a 201 40 I 30 IS 24 120 I 40
70 211 40 4 10 71 207 ... 4 40
15 210 lo I .in 61 271 100 4 40
17 211 . HO 4 30 66 24 ... 4 40
47 224 ... 4 I2S 10 242 ... 4 40
43 240 SO 4 15 40 275 ... 4 40
71 242 100 I 15 45 251 60 4 40
69 25H ... 4 36 47 310 ... I 42'i
11 210 ... 1 36 67 29 SO 4 42V.,
47 227 10 I IS t 27 60 4 42
44 2.3 ... 4 36 76 24 ... 4 42
31 239 40 4 36 14 297 ... 4 45
24 220 ... 4 36 46 140 40 4 46
44 233 40 4 16 73 362 ... 4 45
70 242 HI 4 15 34 296 ... 4 46
II 262 60 I 174
SHEEP There wa a very light run of
sheep and lambs here thle morning and
as packers all hnd to have a few the
market on good stuff was active and fully
steady. Wet tern ewes sold as high at $3.00
and western sheep and yearlings brought
44.60 and some straight yearlings sold at
$4.65 Owing to the light supplies the mar
ket soon came to a close.
It was very evident this morning that
packers were anxious for good stuff, but
the commoner grades and half fat stuff
was not In such active demand.
There were not enough feeders on eale
to tell much about the market, but de
sirable grades would probably have sold
at about steady prices.
Quotations foi fed stock: Choice lambs.
$5.0lVu5.25: fair to good lambs. $4.5Ofi5.0O:
choice yearllntrs 14 IMS 75; fair to good
yearlings, $3.75(iJ4.15; rholc wethers, $3.
425; fair to good. $3.50'B3.o0; choice ewes.
$3.50(34.00; fnlr to good, $3.00&3.50; feeder
lambs. $3.0004 00; feder yearlings, $3,004)3.50;
feeder wethers, $2.7ra3.25: feeder ewes, $1.50
()2.25. Representative sales:
No. Av. Tr.
207 western ewes 91 2 20
1 buck 110 3 00
1 buck 140 3 00
267 feeder yearlings 91 3 6)
6fi ewes 99 8 60
1 ewe 100 3 85
35 ewes 102 3 85
3 ewes 86 2 25
1 ewe 100 4 2ft
443 ewes and wethers 9.1 4 45
4 wethers 12 4 40
10 wethers 162 4 75
8 lambs 12 6 25
1 lnmh 100 5 25
23 lamba 62 4 6)
23 lambs 61 4 25
23 lambs 95 6 30
244 western wethers and ylgs.... 107 4 60
214 western yearlings 89 4 65
Cattle Prices Remain Steady, but Hogs
Still on Decline.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2 CATTLE Receipts,
3,500 head; steady; good to prime steers,
$o.4()(&.40; poor to prime steers, $5.4Kft6.40;
poor to medium, $2.7TVa'5.o; stockers and
reeders, $2.(nii4. 10; cows. $1.50&4.60; heifers.
$2.?i4.75: canners. l.5t"& 4.50; bulls, $2.00i)
4.40; calves. 3.7.fgS.tiO; Texas fed steers,
I lOitS Receipts. 21,000 head; estimated
tomorrow. 2O.00O hend; left over, 900 nead;
market 5fil0c lower; mixed and butchers,
$.0Yn6.40; good to choice heavy, $6.45(f6.75;
rough heavy, $n.ln(.f6.40; light, $5.83(ii6.20;
bulk of sales, JG.-a-tUO.
SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts. 7,000
head; sheep, steady to 10c lower; lambs,
steady to l)c lower; good to choice wethers,
$4.0)ri'.40; fair choice mixed. $3.25S4.00;
western steers. $4.OOra4.30; native lamba,
Ofliclal yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 4,976 3,413
Hogs 21.645 9.062
Sheep 6.9J0 . . 1,lo6
Kunaaa City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 500 natives, 600 Texans. 30 calves;
heavy cattle higher, medium weights
steady; cows and heifers steady to slow;
choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.05
(ftG.00; fair to good, $3.5ua.0i; stockers and
feeders. J2.2fifjl.2o; western-fed steers, $2.75
(fto.10; Texas and Indian steers, $2.60(54.00;
Texas cows 2.OOi3.O0; native cows. $1.25
(fi4.35; native heifers, $2.00(4.00; canners.
Il.04i2.25; bulls, $2.503.75; calves, $3.25
HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market Be
lower; top, $6,474; bulk of sales, $6.259
6.46; heavy. $6.3'K('6.474; mixed packers,
$l.20frT6.45; light. $5.65(6.35; yorkers, $6.259
$6.35; pigs, $5.roiS.9S.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.001)
head; matket strong; nntlve lambs, $4.003
5 25; western lambs. $3.85J4.35; fed ewes,
$3.00(53.91: native wethers. $3.00t4.60; west
ern wethers. $3.00fj4.2-'); stockers and feed
ers, $2.0Uf3.35.
New York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2 -BEEVE8-Recelpts,
4.719 head; steers slow and pK(t'20c lower;
bulls and cows, steady to slow; native
steers. $4.25(fjo 50; bulls. $3.30f4.25; cows,
$1.7i4.0O; extra fat, $4-60. Cables slow and
unchanged: export tomorrcw. 11.682 head
cattle, 12 head sheep and 6.(m quarters of
beef and 71 of mutton.
CALVES Receipts. 200 head: steady:
veals. $V0)i9.50: western calves, $4; city
dressed veals. IKiiHe.
HOtJS Heceitita. 4.946 head: nominally
stendy: no sales reported.
SMKKP AND LAM rS Receipts, 7.09S
heed: sheep, slow and eaeier; prime lambs
shade lower, others IOiBKio off; sheen, slow
and easier; prime Iambs shade lower, others
lnUlftc off; sheep,; culls. ll.4OCfl2.0U;
lambs, 84. 6(iftiti.l0; culls, $3.254j4.25; Canada
lambs, $5.50i5.80.
St. Lonls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOCI8. Jan. 2.-CATTLE Receipt
1.500, including l.Oo Texans; market steady;
native shipping and export steers, $4 45(9
5 7". with strictly fancy quoted up to $6.75;
dressed bef and butcher steers, $4.2"i(ij'.50;
steers under l.onu lbs, n.7n(aa.oo; stockers
and feeders. $2.37(04 26; cows and heifers.
12 .2.'i(&'.".00; canners. $1.5c-4i-2.75: bulls. $2.35
3.50; calves. $1.007. 60; Texas and Indian
steers, jJ.ib'iM.Ko; cows and neirers, iz.wa
HOGS Receipts. 5.500 head; market 510c
lower; pigs and lights, $6 1Mi6.40; packers.
$6.4c(f??.6n; butchers. $6 &orti.70.
SHEEP AND LA M US Receipts, 1.600
head; market stead v; native muttons. $3.60
4l4 4": lambs, $4.6()irt.70: culls and bucks,
8l.otrfpl.00; Blocker, $1.503.00; Texans, $2.00
St. Joseph Live Stork Mnrket.
Receipts, 614 head; stronger; natives. $4.00
i0.(i; Texas and westerre, $3.5'4.50; stock
ers and feeders, 6J.mnn-4.ii".
HOGS Receipts, 3.380 head; medium and
heavy, $6 364-fc;, $4 &"l 20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 256 head;
top native lambs, $5.75; top native sheep,
$4 50.
ion i City Live stock Market.
SIOI'X CITY. la.. Jan. .-(9peclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100; steady;
beeves. $3 Soft 6. 25; cows, bulls and mixed,
H.B xi; 3 75 ; stockers and feeders, I2.5nii3.76;
calves and yearlings, $2.4)3.66.
HOGS Receipts, 1.5u0; market strong;
selling $6.754i6.25; bulk, $6.006.25.
Stork la Slht.
The following were the receipts of live
stock at the six principal cities yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 1.23 4,ls9 1.379
Chicago Jt,fy 21.000 7,oou
Kansas City 1,000 6,i0 t.Ooo
St. Louts l.b 5. MO 1,500
St. Joseph 614 3 3H0 256
Blous City 100 1.&U0
Totala $.011 40.569 11,135
Wool Market.
ST. LOCIS. Jan. 2 WOOI-Flrm and
tending upward; medium grades and comb
ing. 17(fl4o; II (lit fine, l&alVc; heavy fine,
13il5c: tub washed, lKj!2t
HoHTON. Jan. 2. The Boston Commercial
Rulletlu wlil say tomorrow in Its statistical
report of the wool trade of the I'nited
Plates: The grots stock of wool stored In
Roston. Including manufacturers' holdings
of foreign and domestic wool, Is P4). 32,373
lbs. The net stock of wool In Huston un
sold and on th' market Is 62.143.372 lbs. of
domestic and 7.250.(iO lbs. of foreign, against
6i.S65.4tJ lbs. of domestic and ..'if5, Its. sf
foreign a year ag. The receipts In liorton
In lisc were 313 774.164 lbs., sgalnat 26.e49.2H3
lbs. In mI. The total shipments for 2
were 2S2.75.ir7 lbs., axainst 2-J.7Mi.7'rj lbs. In
19,)!. The famine in wool all ' vrr the world
has sent manufactur. rs swarming Into
Huston during the last two months, and
there Is scarcely a bouse, eveu the tmaller
ones, that Is not sold far ahead 4)f J;
with wool purchased to cover the new
heavy weight cloths now opening, "uon
wool Is. .f course, not Included in atocK
on hand fo- sale. The tola! stock
unsold In the t'nltrd Slates on J11""",.-1!
1!3. waa 122.N71.672 lbs., of which llil.499.6i3
lbs. are domestic and 12.S72.0rtl Ins. are for
elgn This Is a rut of over SO.OOO.o,.. lbs
from the total stock t.f last year. It U but
little more thsn half the sup4y unsold at
this date two years ago. The "r'
foreign wool Is the smallest since 19 and
the stock of domestic Is the smsllest since
lm The total stock Is the smallest since
1N3. At the coming Umdon wool auctions
on January 20 the offering of lno.OUO bales
Is scarcely half the offering of ft year ago.
The shortage In the clip Of Australia Is
now estimated at $i).000 bales. No Increase
of moment Is reported from Argentine.
Half the clip Is already sold there on an
exacted market. Only 8,000 bales have been
bought for the use.
Evaporated Apples nnd Dtled Frolt.
APPLES The market Is rather firmer, un
der a fair trade, with price ""I"""!!:
however, at 4Ci6c for common. S4i?4c for
prime, 6tt64c for choice and i4p4o 'op
prunes show no Improvement In volume or
demand, while Instances are reported where
prices have been slightly shaded on Indi
vidual transactions, but quotations rernsln
at from S40 to 74c for sll grades. Apricots
are quiet and unchanged at 741'l2c In boxes
and T4ff 10c In bags, l eaches also are quiet,
hut fairly steady, at 12tjlSo for peeled and
641lOc for unpeeled.
Isiar and Molassea.
nominal; fair refining. I7-I6e; centrifugal,
96 test, $4c; molasses sugar. 3 S-lfic; re
fined, quiet; crushed, 5.4Sc; powdered, 4.9oc;
cranulated, 4.8."io.
MOLASSES Dull ; New Orleans. 38c.
open kettle, 24i3 11-16c; open kettle, cen
trifugal, SS-1ftV4c: centrifugal granu
lated. 4 8-l;i44c; whites. 344J-4 l-le; yel
lows. J 7-lrVii3 15-16c; seconds. t44(3 5-16c.
MOLASSES Quiet; open kettle, 16(828c;
centrifugal, tV9'21c; syrup. 214J24C
Coffee Mnrket.
market for futures opened steady at a par-
. , , j 1 1 . I .. n,uilln wna re.
strlcted by the continued holidays at Havre
and primary points, wnne cominrm w
bearlshlv affected by continued full re
ceipts and moderate sales by local Import
ers. The bull clique bought Just sufficient
to maintain value around the Initial level
at whtrh the market closed quiet. Ssles
were 9,20 bags. Including: February. 4.46c;
March, 4.65ti4.60c; May, 4.75e; September.
6.05c; October, 6.06c; November, 6.10c; De
cember, 5.25c.
Dry Goods Mnrket.
market opened New Yesr quietly so far as
the trade is concerned. The general rtin has
been limited for both stsple and fancy
lines. Print cloths are very Arm, with re
luctant selling. Burlaps quiet, but firm.
Cloths. Arm. but not active. Yarna, quiet,
with very little doing.
Whisky Market.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 2.-WHI8K Y-Dlstll-lers
finished goods, active on basis of $1.31.
Baltimore Herald: Teacher Eddie, what
ts tautology?
Eddie A repetition of the same meaning
In different words.
"Correct! Can you give an example?"
"Yes'm. Anthracite coal."
"Why Is that tautological?"
"Because all anthracite la coal."
Teacher Jlrumle, can you give anothe
Jlmtnle Yes'm. Cold street cars.
"How do you make that out?"
"Why, all street cars Is cold."
Kew Orleans and Ban Francisco.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. J. The New Or
leans &. San Francisco railroad was char
tered here today with a capital stock of
$5,000,000. Local capitalists have become
associated with the officials of the Et. Louis
ft San Francisco railroad in the enterprise.
The object of the corporation is to build a
line of railroad from New Orleans by way
of Arkansas to Chicago. The organisation
Is In -connection with the entrance ot the
'Frisco Into New Orleans.
Cottlnaj His Eye Teeth.
Washington Star: "Mammy," said Picka
ninny Jim, "kin Santy Claus see In de dark,
same as a cat?"
"I dunno, chile," answered hit mother.
"What makes you s'plclon dat he could.'"
"He nebber makes no mistake an' gibs
mo none or dem rockln' horses an' steam
Injlncs like what de white cblllun gits."
German Exports Inerease,
BERLIN. Jan. 2. Partial returns from
the consular districts Indicate, thst Ger
many's exports to the United States) In
creased In 1908 by about $5,000,000 over those
of 1901. The net Increase In nine districts
of North Germany alone amount to $2,985,
071, chiefly In textiles. Bremen and Magde
burg showed decreases together of $2,500,000,
frlnclpally In sugar. The Imports from the
'nlted States fell off, but no reliable figures
are avalluble.
Communication is Restored.
NEW YORK, Jan. J. The Commercial Ca
ble company today sent out the following
advices: "We are advised of the repairing
of the cable between Trinidad and Dem
erera. restoring communication with l
latter colony."
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday.
January 2:
Warranty Deeda.
B. J. Kendall and wife to The News '
company, lot 4, block 4, W. L.
Selby's 1st add $ 450
reter Roth and wife to Hyman Kats
kee. lot 23, block I, Albright's Annex L700
II. K. McCandless and wife to Ernest
Sweet, lot 11, block 6, Isabel add 800
Nona Baldwin to 'H. 8. Rouyer, lot 12,
block 8, Plalnvlew add 1,000
C. 8. fihepard and wife to Annie C.
Jacnbson. taxlot 2 In 17-16-13 J 100
Ernest Sweet and wife to C. B.
Chambers. lot 11, block S, Isabel add.' 17S
Frank Skupa and wife to John Skupa,
n4 lot 16, block 2, Potter & C.'s 2d
a!W 100
C. 8. Shepard and wtfe to Susan K.
Sharpnack, lot 3, block 2, Hamilton
Square 1,000
Ellen M. M. Llndqulst to F. M. Him,
lot 10, block 4 W. K Belby'a add 1,000
Farmers and Merchants bank to E. 8.
Flor, lot 18 and w lot 14. block 4,
C. E. Mayne's let add. to Valley 1
Louisa Adam and husband to Andrew
Adam, undlv4 of a tract 40xS0 rods
In ne4 ne4 36-16-12 1 750
3. W. Harris snd wife to Betsey E.
Btryker. lot 18. Stewart Place 1
Qalt Claim Deeds.
Valley to E. 8. Flor, a tract - com
mencing at a point 60 feet north
west from the northwest corner of
lot 4, block 2, Harrier's 1st add. to
Valley 150
A. P. Tukey and wife to Tukey Land
company, lot 14, block 2, Grammercy
Park, and other property 1
Total amount of transfers.
P. B. Wears. Pres. C. A- tVeare. V-Prea.
Established 1842.
Member of the Principal Exchanges.
. ,.i'r.1vmt Wires to All Points.
Bought and sold for cash or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH. Uo-lll Board of Trade
. Telephone .51.
W. B. Ward. Local M-nager.
Ilosi City, Iowa.
Craft-Hagen Go
Let us know whst you have to sell and
we will se-nd you highest rash offer. IT
- r-"a - -"'