Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1903, Page 8, Image 9

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Davis sells drug.
ttxpert watrii repairing, Leffert, 409 Bway.
Officer Is irlJni dwellings cheap. 419 By.
Harmony rhnpter. Order of Eastern Star,
will Instsll officers this evening.
Cut prlcea on art calendars and blotters
for New Year'a gifts. Alexander & Co.
Judge J. K. F. MrOee returned yesterday
morning from a trip to Washington, D. C.
We ara headquarters for glass of all
kinds. Bee us galore you buy. C. li. paint,
Oil and Olass Co.
If you Want romethlng delicious try a
plug pong nut Runriiy at B. K. Whaley &
Co., the druggist. Hroadway.
' At the meeting of Court of Honor till
evening the newly rlerted orllrera will be
Installed, after which refreshments will be
One of the newest -drinks of the east, and
something that has become very popular, .
U the oyster cocktail. Try It. at tne drug '
stora of 8. E. Whaley A Co., 416 Broad-
Anton Brock, a laborer living at 2303
Couth Hlxth t reft, wna struck by a motor
un South Main street, mar Twelfth avenue,
iit evening and seriously bruised, lie
wu removed to bla borne In the police am
bulance. Clarence Virtue a-id Llda Van Kirk,
Charles A. Moore and Anna L. Hostetter,
all of Silver City, la., were married yes
terday afternoon by Rev. O. W. Snyder at
the parsonage of St. John'a English
Lutheran church.
Hon. J. W. Ragsdale, United States con
ul at Tien lain, China, who arrived In
Council Bluffs Wednesday morning with
ilon. VV. E. Halnbrldge, second secretary
of the American legation at l'ekln, China,
will leave for Dea Moines today to visit
relatives and from there will proceed to
Washington, D. C, with Mr. Batnbrldge.
Tha road house on the Crescent City
road of the cty limits, owned by Mrs.
Kmma Metcalf, was destroyed by Are at
an early hour Wednesday morning. The
loss Is estimated In the neighborhood of
1 10,000, partly covered by Insurance. The Is supposed to have been of Incendiary
origin aim started by people living In the
liulghborhood who complained of the char
acter of the place.
F. W. Rickman, the young man who two
aays ago returned and had cancelled the
l.iarrluge license he had secured to wed
2.11s Lulu Woodford, at which time he told
Xeputy Balrd that he would be back after
.neither before long, was as good as his
word. Yesterday he procured a license to
wed Miss Altha B. Mlllls and the cere
i.iony wax periormed without any hitch by
ftlder J. 11. Falrchlld.
Frank Kuman, the young man arrested
on suspicion of having stolen a horse,
addle and bridle, which he was trying to
tall for Sio, wan taken buck to South
Omaha yesterday afternoon. T. J. Cooley
tf the Omaha 1'acklng company of South
Omaha Identified the hnrso as one stolen
irom tbe yards there Monday afternoon,
Kuman a right name Is said to be Shur-1
man. He admitted stealing the animal and j
1 onsen ted to accompany the officers acrosa
the river with jut requisition papers.
Beginning Saturday, January 3, C. E.
WhaJoy A Co., the drugglHta, 418 Broad
way, will give a beautiful souvenir spoon
with every hot chocolaiff" drink at their
new fountain. They have bw of these
epoonn and will give them out from day to
.y until all are gone. They have one of
the fountain expert of the country en
gaged for the occasion, Mr. T. Ulake, who
lor a number of years presided orer the
launtaln at the W. H. Bennett company
I tore In Omaha. If you want to see what
these spoons look like Just keep watch of
ineir show windows.
Qravel roofing. A. H. Rcid. 12S Main St.
Jolly Farewell to Old Tear.' .
Watch night services were held last
sight at St. raul's Episcopal church, the
Vtrat Baptist church, the Broadway Metta
tdlst church, Trinity Methodist church,
First Presbyterian church and the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church.
New Year's eve social affairs Included the
dance given by the Rowing association in
the Qrand hotel, entertainment for Odd
Fellows and Rebekahs by Rebekah lodge
No. I In Odd Fellows'- temple, entertain
ment of Ideal club at tho residence of
Mrs. T. B. Metcalf, entertainment of Tues
day History club at tbe res'dence of Dr.
and Mrs. Cleaver and entertainment of
Broadway church cbolr at the home of
aIIsb Ranck.
A number of social events are on the
calendar for today. Rev. Honry DeLong
will celcbratt his fifty-sixth New Year in
Council Bluffs by entertaining at a 12
o'clock dinner a number of ministers and
friends interested In his work at tho mla
tlon building on East Broadway, which wl 1
be followed by a dinner tor the children
of the Industrial school. The Trades and
Labor assembly will give lu second an
nual ball In the new Maccabee hall. The
'Danish Brotherhood will celebrate New
Vear with a dance and entertainment In
Qrand Army hall. The Crescent club will
entertain its members and friends at a
dance in Royal Arcanum hall and has ar
ranged for a motor to leave hero at 12:20
a. m. for the convenience of Its guests from
In addition to these affairs there will
be the usual number of private receptions
nd family gatherings. The attraction at
the New theater will be "Pudd'nhead Wil
son," matinee and evening.
Another Heating- Stove Free.
Tha first heating stove given by Wllllr m ! ln addition to the paving and permanent transferring of money from the-county gen
Wtlch to hla coal customers was awarded j aidewalks the city erected a new bridge ral tuai. The expenditures by months
.v. rh.i.iion ,, ,,, ,.. hn over Indian creek at the Interaction of wer follows:
put up on the aame plan, and during the
next tnirty days will oe given away iree 10
one of his customers. Before ordering your
coal call at 16 Norn Main street or
'phene 123.
Ileal Katate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan omco of J. W.
r quire, 101 Tearl street:
Cusanna C. Dodge and husband to J.
A. Goehrlng and wife, aeV nw'i 2-
Mi, w. d $
John Josoph Kearon to Theodore
Wollateln, w 22 1-3 feet lot 4. block
7, Buyllad 1st add, w. d
Orion J. Allard to J. Ulmon, lot 8,
block 8, Myniter'a add, w. d
Iowa Townslte company to Max J.
Iehman lota 22 and Ti. block 1,
Great Western add to Minder, w. d.
H. V. Knudhon and wife to K.ora B.
Ferguson, lot 7 mid a 10 fevt lot 6,
block IK, Howard add, w. d
Council Bluff Havings bank to Nettie
K. Allison, part lot 7. In ortKinal
plat; lot 64 and part lot i. Mock 3,
Stutsman's 1st add, w. d 1.30)
Total alx transfers $12,760
Marrlaae Licenses.
- Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to
tha following:
Nume and Retldence. Age.
Walt.r Hodgson. ouncll murrs
Elisabeth Woodruff, v ouncll LluTS
Ira Grayblll. l'ottawi ttam'e Co.. la....
Maria Llndcrmauu, l'otla a t lamlo Co
F. W. Rickman. Council Bluffs
Alt ha B. MUlla. Council Bluff
Charles A. Moore. Silwr City. Ia
Anna L. lloaftter. Silver City, la
Frank J. Capcll. Council Bluffs
Adole S. Meyers, Council I:luff4 ,
Clsrence Virtue, Council Bluffs
Lid Van Kirk. Stoux Ctty, la
New Theater
Prices-Matinee. Jio and 60c Night. 25c,
10c. 7Cii-. $1
M rrl P . Council Ttti.(T
'ltl("l ("
Business Aotmty Greater Than Any Tea
in History of Council Bluffs.
Some Statistics of What Has Been
Accomplished Daring 1902 tn the
Way of Material Pros;
reaa la City.
When the clock on tbe Bloomer school
house tolled tho midnight hour last night
.nlindd the nasslnr t,t a vear which in
" ,0""apa tne Passing ota year wnicn in
the history of Council Bluffs will go on
record as the moat prosperous It has en
Joyed and tbe ushering In of a new year
which indications point to being equally
Not only have publlo Improvements kept
pace with private enterprise, but the de
velopment of the city along all lines has
surpassed all former records. Handsome
business blocks have replaced the old-time
frame buildings, landmarks of the city when
it was a frontier town; elegant residences
have been built in every section of tbe city
until the year closed with Improvements,
public and private, estimated to aggregate
at least $1,000,000.
The last year has seen the advent Into
the city of another great railroad system.
The Chicago Great Western has expended
during the last twelve months thousands
upon thousands of dollars for its right-of-way
and for its terminal buildings tn this
city. Other railroads centering in Council
Bluffs have also expended large suma for
Improvements within the city limits, and to
which must be added the large expenditure
of the motor company in improving its re
sort at Lake Manawa and its general street
system in this city and between Council
Bluffs and Omaha.
Merchants Have Banner Year. -
For the retail and wholesale merchant
1902 was a banner year, and it was the same
for the many large wholesale agricultural
houses on Implement row. Tbe banks have
had a moet prosperous twelve months, aa
n" 7 X' , , " .
Never ,n th history of the city has the
volume of business In the real estate, mar-
aer. reached the magnitude It did during
1902, and more business buildings and pri
vate? residences were erected during tbe last
twelve months than ever before.
The Indebtedness of the' municipality has
materially decreased, and the city atarts
out on the new year with its finances in
better shape than for many years past.
Bveral new manufacturing enterprlseo
have located In the city, and several large
Implement houses have established head
quarters here for this section ef the coun
try during the last twelve months. The
public schools have enjoyed an era of
marked prosperity along with everything
else, and the year closes with the larges;
enrollment of pupils in the history of the
Itccord of Pabllo Improvements.
Public Improvements in Council Blufff
during 1902 kept pace witA the times, and
today this ejty 1s 'one bf'tbebest par&
towns in .western Iow.DwIst Lhv!a
twelvo months approximately 60,000 square
yards of vitrified brick pavement were laic
at an average price of $1.75 a yard. The
streets thus Improved during the last yeai
wore as follows:
North Eighth street from Broadway to
Mynsler, l.M.1.6 yards; Des Moines top am
Council Bluffs base.
. KiT ave"u from Pearl to Eighth street
?., . L93 yards; Galesburg top and Councl.
Bluffs bottom.
Willow avenue from Seventh to Eighth
streets 1,979.06 yards; Qalesburg top and
Council Bluffs base.
South Eighth street from Broadway to
He vent n avenue, 10,400 yards; Oalesburg
top and Council Bluffs base.
South Seventh street from Broadway to
IiMh avenue, 12,047.66 yards; Oalesburg top
and Council Bluffs bane. .
Fifth avenue Horn Main to Eighth street,
yards; Galesburg top and Council
BltifrH base.
Sixth street from Eighth avenue to Six
teenth avenue, ll.wiO yards; Galesburg top
and Council Bluffs base.
Ninth avenue from Main to Sixth' street,
1.260 yards; Ues Molnea top and Council
Bluffs base.
Tenth avenue from Fourth to Main street.
910 yards;. Dea Moines top and Council
Bluffa base.
Ninth street from Broadway,, to First
avenue, 1.5H yards; Galesburg top and
Council Bluffs base.
Pierce street from North avenue- to Oak I
street, B.SCiO yards; Galesburg top and Coun-
vii iuuv
Owing to the demand for brick heln In I
excess of the supply only about a mile and '
a half of brick sidewalks were laid dur-
Ing tbe last year, although contracts had
been let by tbe city for nearly six miles.
' Mln and Mynster street, at a cost of
i ' r -
I at North First street and contracted for a
new bridge at Twenty-third avenue.
Record Real Estate Transfers.
One of the most notable features of the
last year and one of the particular a'rlk
lng evidences of the general pro-perl y
which prevailed in Council Bluffs and
Pcttawattamio county waa the remarkable
activity of the real estate market. The
aale of farm' land and the prices obtained
were unprecedented in the historv of this
county. Never before has there been such The books of County Treasurer Arnd i th" Brand prlie, one from Ottumwa and
a volume of real estate bualness In this i show that the tax collections for 1902 were ene trom wll"nBburg, each with seventy
section of the state and tha remarkable I greater than for the previous year There nlen,br' There are also a number of con
feature of it all was that the sales were i was eolitPd imk sn m .ki.i, h- testanta from Hedrtck. Colfax, Iowa City
bona flde transactions, the majority being
casn saies. i tat tne advent of the Great
Western railroad Into thla county and city
necessitating the purchase of Its right -of
way, Increased tbe sales la not disputed,
but this was but a minor feature of the
year's transactions. The total transac-
Hons fcr the twelve months Just passed
represent almost $5,000,000, of which
amouut $3,r.00.CO0 la credited to the first six
months of tho year. In the month of
March, 'the banner month by long odds, thi
lransactior.3 reached the sum of 11.353 -
0S0.01. During the year t.848 deeds were
filed for record, the total consideration
amounting to $1,888,501. The transactions !
2 i acd ccnslderstlons, divided into months,
were as follows:
Deede Conaidera-
January .
March ...
May '.
.... 1W7
.... 26u
.... 44',
.... 34)
.... 271
.... 1T9
.... 1M
.... 16i
.... 175
.... 1M
.... l&l
$ Soi.MSKi
5?9 i-1 8)
1.44J.9J9 73
i7,6 61
m 671.44
. Zlt.4i.
October ...
November .
December .
Totals 4 $.846 H.kSStl.txJl.&J
Increased Postal Receipts.
The bualness at tbe postofflce haa shown
a steady Increase during 1902 and the re
ceipts far tho last twelve months amounted
to clcss upon $120,000. In addition to its
local bualness tbe Council Bluffs postofflce
is the remittance station for aub offices to
twenty-three counties In western Iowa
Four rural routee are also counseled with
1 this office aod. besides the postmaster and
his deputy, fourteen clerks ara required to
handle this business. Fifteen matt carriers
are employed for 'the city diatributlon of
mall. Owing to the continued Increase of
business It will be necessary to call upon
the department for additional help this
year. The recelpta for the Inst year by
Dontba were as follows:
Local From flub
1 Hustness. Offices.
January .'..$ 6,32i W $15.36 99
6.479 56
D.94S 01
April ,
4. s:'0.o
4.775. 82
5. M8.54'
Totals $61,687.82 $56,541.63
Total receipts for year $118,129.44
Fire Losses Small.
The Ore loss during 1902 was remarkably
mall and, although the department re
sponded to seventy-three calls during tbe
twelve months, the total damage sustained
Is estimated at about $9,000, the greater
part of which was fully covered by insur
ance. This speaks much for the efficiency
of the fire department. The Council Bluffs
lira department maintains four engine
houres, and comprises nineteen men, of
whom John L. Templeton, a veteran fire
fighter. Is chief. During the last year the
department purchased several new horses,
1,000 feet of new hose and all four of the
engine houses were thoroughly renovated
and repainted.
The calls responded to during the year
were as follow: January, 4; February, 7;
March, 7; April, 17; May, 4; June, 4; July,
8; August, 2; September, C; October, $;
November, 7; December, 10.
Criminal Statistics.
The city during the last year was' com
paratively free from crime of a grave na
ture. The number of arrests was about
the same' as In 1901 and most of the' cases
were for minor offenses, although there
was about the usual number of burglaries.
During 1902 the police department made
1,311 arrests, at against 1,821 In the pre
vious year. The arrests during each month
of 1902 were as follows: January, 65;
February, 100; March, 62; April, 85; May,
157; June, 154; July, 148; August, 124;
September, 106; October, 114; November,
110; December, 10L
Health Statistics.
But for the epidemic of smallpox, which
was prevalent almost everywhere last
winter. Council Bluffs would have had a
good health record for 1902. As It was
the number of cases of contagious dis
eases reported to the Board of Health was
greatly in excess of that for 1901. In ad
dition to smallpox there were many cases
of measles, as compared with the previous
twelve months. The death rate, however,
was sma.ler than for several years 'past,
despite the large Increase In the city's
population. The number of contagious dis
eases reported to the Board of Health for
1902 was 413, aa against 277 for 1901.
The mortuary statistics obtainable are
not the most accurate, aa many cases are
never reported to the city clerk. For tho
last year 318 burial permits had been is
sued, as compared with 383 for 1901, 344
for 1900 and 336 for 1899. These permits
do not Include those issued for persons
outside the city. The number of deaths re
ported each month was as follows: Janu
ary, 87; February, 24; March, 35; April, 20;
May, 80; "June, 22; July, 25; August, 81;
September,' 24; October, 23; November, 81;
December, 18.
Marriage License Clerk Busy.
Council Bluffs sustained during 1902 its
reputation as a veritable Gretna Qreen for
marrying couples and the records of the
clerk of the-dlstr'.ct court show there were
Issued 650 license to wed during the last
twelve months, being four less than Issued
in 1901. Divided In months they were as
follows: January, 46; February, 46; March,
48; April, 47; May, 43; June, 66; July, 46;
August, 47; September, 55; October, 85;
November, 65; December, 66.
While the record of marriage licenses
Issued shows that Cupid was not In any
way Idle during 1902, the docket of the !
district court reveals the fact that tbe
number of divorce cases was above the
average. For the four terms of court
seventy-three divorce suits were filed in
Council Bluffs and eleven in the court at
Avora. making a total of eighty-tour. In
the suits filed tn Council Bluffs tbe women
appear as plaintiffs in fifty-one and tbe
men in twenty-two.
, Coat of Carina; for Poor.
The expenditure by the county for the
care of the poor in 1902 was slightly in
"ess . of 19')i. During the last twelve
montn there was expended for this purpose
$21,242.79, as against $20,175.03 in 1901.
lne ,eT' ror tne county poor fund reallxed
$12,962.62. the difference being made up by
. Iuary IRTi SeTem
1.845.31 October ...
2MI.VH November
1.1H66M December
1.2J3.93 Total ....
July .
Un owing; of Banks.
Ths showing of the four banks of the
city, according to the December state-
ments. was most fiattertnr. and were aa
follows: Total assets. $5.242 .356. 84: total
deposits. $4,460,856.56; cash resources,
$1,880,992.09: total capital. 8500.000: ...!
: ri,i r.i. tut ion tt
' city's share waa $170,820. In 1901 the total
collections amounted to $615,813.47, of which
the city received $143,014.60
Showlns of City Finances. r
A atatement prepared by Ctty Treasurer
True evidences the agreeable fact that the
j finances of tbe municipality are in better
shape at present than tbey have been tor
many yeara. At the close of 1902 the city
j Indebtedness Is less by $500 than It was
j ten years ago. It Is now $361,500. as against
i JS73.466 in 1892. The annual Interest
'. charge has been reduced from $35,181 to
$17,640. This has been effected by rigid
economy In the administration of the sev-
eral municipal departments and by the
curtailment of civic expenses generally.
N. T Plumbing Co., telephone 156.
Honrs at PostotHce.
Postmaster Hazelton announces
these hours will prevail at the pestofflce
today: Stamp window, general delivery
window and money order department, will
. v,ru uvui v amii n a. m. varners
will make but one delivery, leaving the
office at 9 a. m. There will be a business
collection made ln tbe afternoon, carrier
leaving the poatofflce at 1 p. m.
Tbe public library wfll be closed all day.
Plumbing and heatm. B'.xby Son,
The aianal ( uttf
Whites of eyes and skin yellow show
liver treubls aod Jaundice. Dr. King's New
Life Pills cure or no pay. Only for
sale by Kuha Co
Attendance at State Association 400 Lou
Than Lart Tear.
Inebriates from 3ort neastera Iowa to
Bo Scat to Independence Larg
K a inker of Walsh Slavers
la City.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DE9 MOINES, la., Dec 8L (Special.)
The State Teachers' association was fairly
started today. The first meeting of the as
sociation proper was this evening, when the
president, C. E. Sheldon of Indlanola, pre
sented his address reviewing the school
work In the state, and there was an address
on school matters by Superintendent Schaef
fer of the department of education in
Pennsylvania. In the afternoon a docen
round table meetings were held In a many
different places. The enrollment at tha
convention Is estimated to be about 700, as
against 1,100 last year. The educaUonal
council reported to the general association
on the topic of "The Sequence of Studies."
which had been considered by the council
two previous years. The report covered
the entire ground or order In which studies
should be followed up in all educational
work. The report on the teaching of Eng
lish wan considered by the council for the
first time the report approved for refer
ence next year. The council decided upon
taking up next year for discussion tbe sub
ject of the salaries of those in the teaching
profession and generally Inaugurating a
movement for better pay for teachers. This
will be brought to a head at the session
next year Just before the legislature meets,
and an effort will be made to aecure some
desirable legislation.
Academy of Science Meet Ins;.
The annual meeting of the Iowa Academy
of Science was concluded this morning at
the state geological rooms. The attendance
was somewhat disappointing. Professor H.
E. Summers of Amea presided. The most
important ' action taken was In reference
to a change In the time ana place of hold
ing the meetings. On recommendation of
the executive committee it was decided to
recommend to the council that the annual
meetings be held in May, and that they be
held at the various colleges and universi
ties of the state in rotation. ' It is planned
also to have at each meeting a popular ''
ture. This recommendation will probably
be adopted. ' There waa disappointment that
Professor Macbrlde waa not present at the
meetings, as he arrived too late, but he will
lecture this evening. A report of the com
mittee on food adulterations was read, also
papers by B. Shlmek, Alfred N. Cook, J. B.
Weems. Alice W. Hess, E. C. Myers, T. C.
Frye and B. H. Bailey.
Bla; Zlne Company Organised.
Tho articles of Incorporation of the Hawk
eye Zinc and Lead company of De Witt, Clin
ton county, were filed with the secretary of
state today. The company Is capltallied for
$250,000, and tho Incorporators are O. W.
Wallace, H. H. Allen, F. U Hlxley and
others. The purpose ,ls to open up cine
mines In this and other states. '
The Genoa Bluff Creamery company of
Iowa county was incorporated' with $4,000
capital; H. M. Rathen, president; George
R. Howard, secretary.
The Midway Coal and Iron company of
Oskaloosa was Incorporated with $13,000
capital by Daniel Regel, E. Z. Ross and
The North Angus Town Lot and Coal
company of Cedar Rapids filed notice of re
incorporation for twenty yean.
Smallpox Caaea Heard From,
The secretary of the State Board of Health
today received notlcea of caaes of smallpox
tn two places heretofore free from the dis
ease. From Logan, Harrison county, five
cases were reported, and from Scott town
ship, Poweshiek county, three cases were
reported. But few new cases were reported
from districts known to be Infected.
Divide the Inebriate District.
Tbe State Board of Control has Issued an
order dividing the northern half of the
state into two districts for the disposal of
the inebriates. This has all been in the
1 Cherokee district. Now it Is ordered that
I those from the ' northeastern part of the
state shall go .to the hospital at Inde
pendence. The dlatrict Includes the coun
ties of Hardin, Franklin, Mitchell, Floyd
and Marshall and all counties eaat of these
Dea Molnea Poatofflce Business.
The postmaster at Dea Moines today fig
ured up tbe business for tbe uionth. and
the year and it was found that the receipts
tor ae year aggregated $422,651.84, aa
against $352,751.0$ list year, a gain of 19.84
per cent, which la regarded aa an excellent
gain. There has been for fifty consecutive
months a steady gain each month over , the
preceding month, without a decrease at
any time. There are 1216 rural mall car-
j Hers who are paid from the Des Molnet
omce ana some lime auring tne next week
they will receive a total of $61,198.92.
Orenlaar ef the Eisteddfod.
Tbe annual Iowa Eisteddfod waa opened
here this evening. There ara about 300
i persons from other parts of the state in
tbe cUjr t0 ttena- The program extends
over two whole days. There are two lead-
lug cholra In attendance to compete for
B1 other P1ce- Thla afternoon there was
a meeting at Plymouth church and a ban
quet in the evening. This Is the first time
the Eisteddfod haa i been held In Dea
lldnea. . .
Fcrt Dodge Teacher Asks 10,000 from
One of Leading; Merchants
of that City.
FORT DODGE. Ia.. Dec. $1. (Special Tel
. cgram.) MUs Lucy Taff. a school teacher of
l.crt Dodge, today filed a suit for $10,000
images against R. A. Schroder, one of the
' prominent merchants or IMS city, suit Is
i on two separata counts, ror is.vuo eacn.
riilntiff alleges that while she was In
Schroder's (tore ahe was accused of larceny
by the defendant. This the plaintiff denies
; gnd asks $5,000 damages tor injury to ber
! Cod name and character. She also sues
for $.000 damages for alleged Ujury done
' her person by defendant. The suit has
! cauaed a aensatlon here on account of ths
I - -
Mayer ef loiiss Insane.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Ia.. Dec. $1. (Special.)
H. M. Sheldon, mayor of Coggon, who
disappeared nearly a month ago, has been
found at Anamoaa. He wandered away
when temporarily deranged. He had been
as far as Georgia. The rumors of crlm.
inallty are untrue.
Beller Waives F.samlnetlea.
VINTON. Ia., Dec. 81. (Special.) Dr.
10. B. Beller, who la charged with Bending
obscene and threatening letters te hli
former fiancee. Miss Delia Hill, and with
having deposited a satchel filled with dyna
mite near her residence, waa today ar
raigned in Justice's court and waived ex
amlnatlon. He was held to await the ac
tion of the grand Jury, his bond being fixed
at $1,000. It Is claimed by the government
detectives who have been prosecuting the
case that his marriage yesterday to the
young woman who bad furnished the most
damaging evidence against htm will not
prevent them from getting her story before
tha court-
One Haadred Thenaaad Bashcls ef
Oata Destroyed la the
Ba lid lav.
FORT DODGE, la.. Dee. 8L (Special Tel
egram.) The big elevator of the Great
Western Cereal company's mills at this
point waa burned to the ground this even
ing. One hundred thousand bushels of oata
and a large quantity of valuable machinery
were destroyed and the loss will reach
from $75,000 to ' $100,000, fully covered by
Tbe cause of the fire Is a mystery. It
was probably atarted by a chance spark
from the machinery. The flames, fanned
by a strong south wind, spread rapidly. The
elevator la connected with the main mill
building by a closed passageway, and for a
time the mill building proper was endan
gered, but plucky work by the firemen and
mill employea, armed with hose with which
the mill building la fitted, confined the
flames to the elevator, the loss on which
will be total.
A. C. Heath, one of the managers of the
mill, stated thla evening that the elevator
would probably be rebuilt, but the mill will
necessarily be shut down and seventy-five
men are thrown out of employment.
Found with Stolen Goods.
CLINTON, la.. Dec. 81. (Special.) Frank
Pleraon, aged 20, who resides at Delmar, a
little town in this county, and John Con
nors of Sioux City, have been arrested here
on the charge of having broken into the
residence of Dr. E. C. McMeel and the
Davis store at Delmar on Christmas night.
Circumstances pointed to the young men
as being the burglars, and, armed with a
search warrant, the sheriff searched their
room and found the stolen articles. . They
were brought to this city and given a pre
liminary hearing. Each waived examina
tion and was bound over to the January
grand Jury.
Bx-Governor Boles Recovering.
WATERLOO, Ia., Dec. 81. (Special.)
Ex-Governor Boles is greatly Improved.
His condition is such now that he is able
to be out and will fully recover.
Woman Testifies Concerning; Effort to
Work Way Through Point
Lorn a School.
SAN DIEGO, CaL, Dec. 81. The cross-
examination of Miss Matilda Kratzer, who
testified that she waa overworked as house
inaid at Point Loma, was commenced when
the Tlngley-Tlmes trial waa resumed this
6he said that money was not paid for the
maintenance of herself or her mother, and
that ahe expected to do some work ln re
turn for education. She waa certain that
fifteen minutes twice a week was all the
time ahe had to practice on the piano.
Giving account of her time from morning
to night, the witness Justified her original
statement that she waa kept busy. Mrt.
Kratier said again that her own Greek robe
was made of cheese cloth. The robes were
cut, ahe considered, fairly high ln the neck
"from the . base of the neck," ohe said.
"The arms were bare from a point about
midway between shoulder and elbow."
The plaintiff introduced a letter written
by Miss Kratzer to Mrs. Tingler after she
bad left Point Loma.. In this letter Mrs.
Kratzer expressed thanks for kindness ex
tended to her mother, her sister and her
self, aaying that she would always remain
a theosophlst and signing herself ."lov
On direct examination the witness said to
her that both she and .her alster could go
back to the institution at any time, but that
her mother could not unless she would sign
a contract, because she had been Inclined
to "lay down the law." Thla conversation
took place In Mrs. Tlngley'a room on the
morning Miss Kratzer left, she having
been called there by Mrs. Tlngley.
Willis Freeman of Auburn Park, Chicago,
waa next called by the defendant. He is a
young man, and went to Point Loma in
October, 1900, and remained there until
April, 1901. He went there from Jamaica,
L. I. Arriving at the Point, he went to the
homestead, where he remained a few hours,
and then went by direction to the colony.
where he was quartered ln a tent.
Hla mother was an Inmate of the colony
for about five months. Mrs. Freeman took
up her residence In the colony about a
month after witness went there.
Describing bis duties, witness aatd he
stood guard, tended the herd of seven
cows, scrubbed floors and cleared tha
Officer ef Marines Sahdaes RJotens
Ceart-Martlal Prisoners hy a
Few Calm Words.
BOSTON, Dee. 81. An officer of marines
quelled aa incipient mutiny ln which two
naval prisoners were he chief actors, on
board the Southern Line steamer Plymouth
during last night. On board were twelve
general court-martial prisoners who were
being taken from tbo Brooklyn navy yard
to the naval prison here to serve out their
terms. An escort of marines accompanied
the men.
Two of the long-time prisoners were un
shackled and sent below in charge of two
marines. The prisoners disarmed their
guards of their revolvers and began a gen
eral fuallade. Tbe officer in charge ap
peared, only to be confronted by one of
the men with a drawn revolver. The of
fleer said:
"Now, don't do anything foolish," and
his words had the effect of bringing tbe
unruly men into aubmlssion. Ths men
were reshackled. Ten ahots ln all were
fired. Tbe prisoners were landed at Fall
River and brought here by Jraln. .
Paalle at Kevr Orleaae Racee Are
Fortnnnte la Their Selection t
of Favorites.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. il. Melbourne,
Eclipse and Pothrn were tbe wlniiAg
favorites today. The latter was run up "to
and sold to Ed Trotter. Jockey
Pickering will be permitted to ride aftur
January I. Weather cloudy and cokt; track,
heavy. Results:
Flrat race, one mile: Melbourne Eclipse
102 (Red fern), 7 to 5, won; Jdemphlan, luo
(BiM.kerl, S to 1, second; Boec, lu9 8culiy). 1
to 1. third. Time: 1:4s t-l. War Cry,
Mauser. Showman, Fair Lass, Pirate. Roil
Call, King's Bister, Sleepy Head and Pas
toral also ran.
fiecond race, six furlonga: Pyrrho, 1A6
(Fuller), 11 to 1, won; Aluttca, lu4 iMcCaf
ferly), 90 to 1, second; Zark Ford. 107 (l)on
negani, 3u to 1. third. TlrSe: 1:1s. Fake,
lien Mora. Moroni. Hrown Veil. Criterion.
I ot tor Chartf, lames Fits and Frank
Kenny also ran.
Third race, one mile and a half: Totheen,
9 (fUafern). 1 to 2. won; Erne, (Ora
ham), 4 to 1, second; tlejrgla Uardner, lot
locuily). Is to 1, third. Time: 1.42 t-i.
It outsells
Jersey Butterine
TJfrr TaAtrcAw cnlsl ffian 9nv r n 1 1 .lAiVWin-
other Butterine. because
eels all others in quality and
Put up in i and 2-lb.
in printed paper wrappers like
cut. Ask your dealer.
EusisCHr Omaha St.Loals Swift & CompiCy, (HagO SU Joseph St.fiol Ft. Worth
THS rTTTOTT PACIFIC waa the first line to Inrrodoee
Dining; Cars, Testttraled Oars, Steam Heat, Flatten Light,
Buffet Smoking and Library Oars, Toarlat Oars, on Trans
continental Trains west ef the Missouri Blver, and stUl
eoatlanes to lead.
Is first ln equipment) first tn Important Improvements
first In stupendous engineering enterprises first ln hlstorle
interest! first la seeala attractions!
Ita Faint TraJrta Reaxhlrvg
1824 Faraam St. Thone Sit)
All Qrocen and DruggUt
Every Voman
Is hneraeua ana fhotila knew
MARYTL Whirling Sorer
tun aa Suf Nmi, B S.f.
-Mt 0osTnl.B4,
f tbr, bin tnd sums for II
iMtnUM book )) II tin
full MrtleuUtriaitd dlrerboDSte-
T.lusbl. to l.dlM. M tSIBI CO.
Boom t Tunas Bldar.. N. Y.
For bale by
Corner 16th and Chicago Bts.. Omaha.
..J? L frriuiloM of .lcr.tioul
imm N noiasi nwntnr.iw.
inteuar' rsiniMS, sna aosasMaw
uMtsifut 0a. "orpowoMua.
O f Drngflstn,
iwrtnii mmmb1
Olnspray, Falae Lead. Judge
Bimoon and Eminence also ran.
Fourth race, one mile: Honolulu. 100
iHelgerson), 7 to 2, won: Harry New (Otis),
to 6, second; Hargls, 99 (Redfern), to 6,
third. Time: 1:46. Hanover Queen also
Fifth race, alx furlongs and a half: Bard
r A .... n lilt I T n t I...I K A 1 manwt . 1
Hunt, 101 (Donnegan), 20 to 1, second; 1-ady
Alberta, 97 (J. Walsh), I to L, third. Time:
1:24 1-6. Stratton, Inspector, Bhea, Ulster
and jane Holly also ran.
Hlxth race, elx furlongs: Dad fly Bender.
103 (Otls, 20 to 1, won; Marco, 98 (Fuller),
10 to 1. second: Tom 2.1 ay bin, 107 (Redfern).
I to D. third. Time: 1:17. Jim KUng, Floyd
K, Brookston, Flora Levy, Pride of Galore,
Bprlngatead and Orpheum also ran.
Becomes Victor In daadraaaralar Cen
teat at Cbeaa wltk Tale, Har
vard aad Frlneetea.
NEW YORK. Dec SL The eleventh
quadrangular college chess tournament be
tween Columbia. Harvard, Yale and Prince,
ton rame to an end tonight. Columbia,
with half a Dolnt ln the lead, broke even
In her games with Yale In the Anal round 1
and thereby won the tournament, tne rep
rpsentiitlves of the blue remaining 1 point
behind. The final score:
won. Lost.
Harvard .
The Individual final acorea are:
Won. Lost.
Bewail 1
Heeler 2
BaraheU Hi
Bawliv 1
Adams 2
E. Hull I
N. Hull
Carr ,
liankinaon .
PUgram ...
Lateata Jockey Cine Stakes.
CINCINNATI. Dec. . The Latonla
Jockey club slakes for the next spring
aaeetu.g and fixed events for 19u4 close to
morrow, as follows:
Mllsetta. 2-year-old fillies, 11.000 added.
' Harold, 2-year-old colts. ll.UiO added.
i Cincinnati Trophy, 2-year-oldat, 22.000
Brewers' handicap, 2-year-olds and up
ward. 11,2.00 added.
Merchants' selling, 2-year-olda and up
ward, Sl.' added.
Uecomtion handicap, 2-year-olds and up
ward. .U added.
Cincinnati Hotel handicap, t-year-olda and
upward, tl.ZoO added.
ClncinnaU steeplechase handicap, J-) ear
olds and upward, fl.uu added.
Latonla lierby ((or 19o4. K &00 added.
Latonla Oaks (for 11M), II. u added.
The estimated value of the Latonla
Derby for l la f7,5uu to the winner.
vh m M,f i'
a Ow
v hitsi
all others
it ex- ft rfstetsev
Cheao Trios
JT 1. :
rVna dni wat en,!..- ftO .mmmwtA eSsw
WUW A4nV V yiUBJ aaaaa IlUUU lia. All na.
class, Chicago to Kansas, Colorado.
XT V-IWV A wleAHd gMr1ai krwtaa
A v 7 W AIACAl WV Hn a'Ahn ValUUUUl
' UIU A. ex .a, man. i , . i , 1 .u ,i.n,iv .ti j.u
Greatly reduced rate for one-war 1
econd clasa tlcketa. -, .
Corresponding rates from Eaat
Flrit aa& third Tuesday each .
month. ' . ,
For homeeeekers and their famlUaa
Interesting' land pamphlets free.
Address Passenger Office,
Atchison, Topeka dt Santa Fa -Railway,
Des Moines, Ia.
Santa Fe
o MEN.
12 y ara ( auo.
cessful practice la .
csraS liS ears, without cuuins,
loss of tlnw
Ltl ssrsaiM la
you .r moa.r rwfunttxl.
sr.Um. Beau t
ouros tor Ills an u sotsoa
thorouaalr c1mph4 Iron th.
.Tory .1(d ana symptom Simppmjs
ui..iu.i .n. tararar. No "BREAKINO OUT" of
la. il s. ob th. ssla or faa. ooatalas .
I a. sntraus Sracs r tajartsws ssmIoIbm.
VICE If lirtl trom Iiihm or VICTIMS TO 1
tlBOAT In TOUNU sa MIUULB AUKD; lao of vim.
, vtsar aa. stransta, vita organs wvoalrvtl aaS eaak.
I Cu'aa giiaraataal.
fc. "' A ,.aa- vi -i
tafh! "aaSij 7, V.I.7. Una.
- Bisk Colons, a with aUUj aaslmsat ao stanzas.
I Caaaaltatlea Free. Treatment by Mall. '
Call or addreee, u ia
Naa -
Ja the worst dlaeaae oa sarin, ySk lu
easiest to euro WHkai kuu avNOfc
Vv UAT TO IAj. Mauy tiave uluiylea, wie
en the akin, aores in the tuouia. JUera,
falling hair, bone pains, celaim; uou
know II la bLOUU i'UiouN. eon to UIU
bKuWN. W6 Arch tit. PUtlaowpnia, fa, .
for BROWN'S bUJUb CLH, V pel'
buttle; laata onw month. Mold only k)
bherman A McConnoll irug Co., Jsm an
uodgv Bts.. Omaha.
Brown's Capsules
r-r- liiua and lpdae bla.
or Ui'ijAN'jifi
"ilSSSlS. TSIal
----- v Liiaareypny
iques and stsady aervea, but now have
insufficient physical loree to properly
attend to ordinary dauts: you who
. . ,
rtnveascaasoi "an-ouenaa" alter tne
slightest exertion; you woe are dull
languid and old In spirits at an aw.
wbea you should be full of phvslcal fire;
yon who may fee) that your'life is act
worth the atrufirle there iasacientiSc
means of redeeming alt the precious
powers which seem to be entirely loot.
Have cured thousands such as you.
Don't eaierimeat with your health or
money. W will Uke the risk. 11 all
boxes do not cure you, your umney is
returned. For year, we bavs been
curing raeaoa theae ai,:actury tciaut.
fl 00 per boa, 6 for 0'.) mailed lu
pUm package. Bock iiac. AUklrcai
For sale by Kufcn A Co., Omaha
Plllnn'c rrug Store,- bnuth fmh.
Davla Drug Co., Coub u Bluffs, la.