Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1903, Page 2, Image 3

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Him SPAY, tTAXfATlY 1, 1003.
Telephones 618 and 604.
Bee Jan. 1, 1903.
ry ,
a n w
NosherifTs sale no bankrupt sale no receivers sale no forced 'money-raising sale but a genuine January Clearing Sale of, choice mcr
.handise bought for the winter's business on the very lowest cash basis. We believe the public know what our January sales mean. Sale
commences Friday morning, at ,8 o'clock. - . , ,r,,, ' , , ' , ,::""-r'
Clearing Sale of
Colored Dress Goods -
To give a descriptive talk on
the line o clearing prices of
colored drrsa goods in this de
partment alone would fill an en
tire page in this paper. We sim-
pi j say, we make no statement
we cannot substantiate, offer
no values ,we cannot show,
quote no prices we are unable
to make good. The reductions
Trd, regular prlc 35o.
yard, regular price 60c.
29c yard, regular price 60c.
Now 89c ft yard, regular prlc $1.
red and mode, now 29o a yard, regular-price
Colon blue, brown, red, caitor, gar
Bet, etc., 42 Incbei wide, beautiful
quality, now 29o a yard, regular
price. 60c.
Inch wide, now 39c a yard, regular
price : )1.00.
B2-lnch wide, a most beautiful fabric,
handsome rich luster, now 98c a yard,
regular price $1.60 a yard.
FRENCH PRUNELLA now 69c a yard,
regolar price 21.60 a yard.
now 49c a yard, regular price $1.00.
wide, now 98c a yard, regular price
$.1.26 a yard.
that ahould Interest every woman who
",; ! looking for material that will make
i " tJ,""h- ult at email coat. Nothing
more atyliih to be had thla season at
. -any price. $1.00 quality now 49c yard.
"Extra fine Imported . xibllene, $1.75
quality now 98o a yard.
yard, regular price 76c.
a yard, regular price $1.00.
HAIR STRIPff o.IJTING now 39o a
yard, regular price $1,00.
of dark blue only, 66-lnch wide, $2.25
quality nw 79o a yard; $3.00 quality
now 99o a yard.
one of the greatest values ever ottered
from thla or any other establishment.
They are the very best mixtures to be
had, the quality ts superb, 66-Inch
wide, $1.25 quality bow 7c a yard.
now 98c a yard, regular price $1.60.
.. NEW SCOTCH SUITINGS with all the
newness and goodness you are looking
for, with all the good polnta you ex
pect to find. It Is a wonderful line we
have to show you at this prfce, $2.00
quality now $1.49 a yard.
Stylish New Wool Walstlngs
.They are gems of beauty, the
latest styles and daintiest pat
terns to be had, the kind you
Jiave always paid us about
'd'.nble the price we are now
asking for them note these
special prices. Oa sale at dress
goods counter. .
N ELLA A handsome line of choice
v colors to choose from. 75a quality
Bow W a yard.
( Ein) at Evil Oontaqnenoei if Indemnitiei
. Are Paid in Silver.
Its Attltade Preeiades Feasibility- f
I'saslnMl Denial, Wbtrh Made
'r Part of Pawera, la Warlike ,
, la IsvaiaaatlOB.
PEKIN, Deo. II. The ministers here of
the foreign power have telegraphed their
government the refusal of China to pay the
International Indemnity In gold nqtea and
have discussed the matter among them
selves. .,
It I proposed to Inform the Chinese gov
ernment that failure to fulfill the obliga-
tlona provided In the protocol will entail
grave . eoBsequeaca. .
The policy of the United States presents
an obstacle In the way of delivering a
Joint note to China on the matter and the
present difficulty Is' generally attributed
to the encouragement given the Chinese
by the American government' Indorsement
of their argument. , The Chinese are con
tent to await developments, believing that
the powers will find It so difficult to agree
on a course of action that the present
deadlock will be prolonged Indefinitely.
UaUea tlataa Takes (llvar.
WASHINGTON. Pee. II. The State de
partment has been officially advised through
Its .fiscal agent la China that the second
Installment ef the Chinese Indemnity fund,
which (alia doe toaaorrow, nasi he paid la
llvar, or rather oa a sllvr bast. This
teault baa bee anticipated and tha depart-
with a dajnty Parisian stripe of con
trasting color, f"6o quality aow 39o
a yard.
75c quality now 39o a yard.
handsome Turkish stripo, 7So quality
now 39c a yard.
new light shades, with handsome em
broidered polka dot, $1.00 quality
bow 49c a yard. , .
No lack of beauty in these handsome
- walstlngs, quality 'and style are
faultless, $1.00 quality now 49c yard.
Remnants of Colored Silks
When we say remnants we
do not mean trash or unsalea
ble goods. These are what is
left after a busy -season's Bell
ing. . -
All clean, stylish ' silks not a poor
pleco (n the lot, from one to five yards
lengths, never sold for. less than $1
to $1.60 a yard your -choice now
33 1-Sc a yard as long as Jhejr last.
In the Black Silks
An lteu that should Interest every
lady who Is thinking of buying a
black ellk dress. Now is the lime to
buy. Come and see them. '
8.ILK In this sale, 98c a yard.
SILK Extra fine quality and finish,
now $1.27 a yard.
In this sale, 63o a yard. . '
wide, extra fin value in this' sale,
98c a yard. ;y-
Ladles' Shirt Waists
To make a quick clearance' of
all our ladies' fine Shirt Waist's,
we have made such low pricps,
that we expect to Close them all
in one day. fjj
We have about 300 beautiful Velvet
Waists, In Persian and plain effects,
- with large military buttona-Lthese
are garment which we have sold all
season at $7.60 each sale price $2.93.
Tarn OShanters 7
Boy' and girls' Tam O'Shan
ters that were $1.00, reduced
to 69c each.
Tam O'Shanters that were 50c, reduced
to 85o each.
Knitted Toques that were 60c, reduced
to 85c each. j,; i-
Toque that were 40c, reduced to 25c
Toques that were 23c, reduced to 15c
One lot of colored tllk bonnets that were
75c, reduced to SOc each.
One lot that were $1.00 and $1.25, re
duced to 76o each.
One lot that were $1.60 and $1.75, re
duced to $1.00 each.
One lot that were $2.00 and $2.26, re
duced to $1.60 each.
One lot tlm were $2.50 and $3.00, re
duced to S2.00 each.
lot that were 50c, reduced to 35c
ach. , . . . ...
One lot that were 6o and 75c, reduced
to tOo each.
One lot that were $1.25, reduced to 75c
One lot that were $3.00 and $3.60, re
duced to $2.00 each.
meat more than a month ago wa advised
unofficially o what would happen.
The first Installment of the Indemnity,
which wa due July 1 laat, wa likewise
paid on a silver basis, the nations receiving
the money reserving the right to reclaim
the difference between the silver and gold
hail. Therefore tomorrow the department
will have placed to It credit $486,093, tor it
ha decided without hesitation to accept
the payment on the basis proposed.'
Borne Idea of the extra charge that would
be Imposed on China did It yield to the
almost general demand of the powers for
the payment of these demands on a gold
baala may be gathered from the fact that
whereas the Chines tael, which was the
bast of the calculation of the Indebted
ness, was worth 74 cents at the time the
agreement wa signed la Peklo, It 1 aow
worth only CI cent. -
The Impression prevail here among per
son who have taken part In these settle
ment that the indemnities demanded by the
power are far beyond China' ability. It
may for a year er two borrow enough
money from various International source
to pay the Installment a falling due every
Is month, but In a short tlm the power
will have to eotn to a readjustment of
the whole Indtbtednes. either by submit
ting the case to arbitration at The Hague,
which China ardently desires, or by a mu
tual agreement between the creditor na
tions. There's no place like home, and no home
la a happy one. without Cook' Imperial
Extra Dry Champagne.
Teaeaers Hala -Walca" Meetlic.
MITCHELL. 8. D.. Pee. SI. Special Tel
nra .a.) Tbs South Dakota Educational
association nalabed op lie aeaaloa of thrve
days this evening, whea an eloctrtloaaiT en
tertainment by Joaephlna Bttor Powell wa
glvea by the cltUena of UltcheU conpU-
In the Cloak
.To enumerate
the hundreds of
bargains in
garments which
will be placed
on sale Friday
is impossible.
Only an idea- of the immense
reductions can be quoted
Suits, Wiiiets, Skirts, Furs,
Capess Ladies' Coats, Misses'
Coats, .little children's Coats
and Tetticoats, will all share
in this great clearing snle.
FUR SCARFS male of Russian marten,
cluster tails scarf which we sold reg
ularly at $6.50, $7.50 and $3.50 sala
price, $4.50.
FUR SCARFS made of beautiful sable
Gorman marten, extra fine long tails,
regular price $10.00 and $12.00 sale
" price $6.60 and $7.50.
FUR SCARFS cluster stylo, made of
extra fine mink, regular price $13.60
sale price, $8.00.
FUR SCARFS made of genuine brown
bear, regular price $26.00 sale price,
FUR SCARFS made of genuine cln-
nlmon bear, regular price $30.00 and
$33.00-sale price, $18.00 and $20.00.
FUR SCARFS mads of extra fine
blended stone marten, regular price
$40.00 sale price, $25.00.
FUR'SCARFS-full length, of extra fine
German fox, regular price $18.00 sale
price $12.00. .
FUR SCARFS beautiful American sa
ble fox, the very finest foxes, regular
price $30.00 and $35.00 sale price
$17.50 and $20.00.
' FUR SCARFS Isabella American fox
scarfs, extra long, genuine brush tails,
regular price $40.00 sale price $22.00,
FUR SCARFS made of genuine sable
Lynx a very fine and rare fur, regu
lar price $30.00 sale price $17.60.
FUR SCARFS of genuine brown mar
ten, cluster styles, regular price $13
sale price $6.75.
MUFFS of genuine natural mar
ten, regular price . $8.50, $10 00 and
$12.00 your choice at sale price, $5.50,
each. .
MUFFS-of genuine Alaska seal, regu-
- lar price $18.00, t $20.00 $22.00 your
choice at sale price, ; $12.00.
MUFFS of genuine. Persian lamb and
... beaver, regular price $8.50 to $12.00
ale price $5.50.
In regard to our sale of fur we would
add that these are not the kind of
goods usually- sold at special sales,
but are all choice and desirable and
of the very latest styles every gar
ment purchased for thla seas-.n's
' trade. We have about 250 beautiful
Ladles' Coats
Handsome, . blouse
coats, made in the
very newest styles,
a coat we consid
ered very cheap
during the season
at $10.00, sale
price $5.00.
COATS long ' Monte , Carlo
made of beautiful zlbellne
cloth; regular price $50.00 sale price,
$25.00. 1
Goods bought after
We pay
768 tli
Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth
mentary to the visiting teacher. A watch
meeting was held afterward and until mid
night addresses were made by the leading
educators of the state. This afternoon at
the general meeting of the association ad
dresses were delivered by Dr. Graham of
this city and J. R. Davie of Bturgls. The
committee on resol itlons presented Its re
port and it waa adopted. The meeting hj
been one of great success and the attend
ance has been much larger than the
weather of the previous week warranted. '
Kevr York Life Shows Over Three
Hnadred Millions ef Kew Baal,
srii la 10O?.
NEW YORK. Dee. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) It will be shown by the returns of
the various banking and trust companies
that 1902 baa been as profitable as 1901.
The western Institutions report greater
progress than In the previous year and the
aeveral commercial agencies in the V'nlted
State and Canada make gratifying state
ments as to th' general business of the
country. The fire Insursnce companies will
show better results this year than laat.
Among the life Insurance companiee the
phenomenal business and gains of the New
Tork Life Insurance company are unprece
dented. Prealdent McCall of that company
has officially announced that the new paid
for business of the yesr will exceed $300,
000,000 and the total business In force will
be over $1,600,000,000, a gain of $190,000,000
over 1901, It la believed In banking circle
her that congress at Its present session
will take op very serlouily the recent
recommendation of the secretary of the
treasnry on financial coalition and Impor
tant ltTlslatloa along the lines of the plaas
presentee by Prealdent Roosevelt la hi
message will foUw.
In ladles' handsome new and up-to-date
coati we have about 300 most elegant
garments which will be sold at prices
which will surprise y.u.
will also share In the general clear
ing sale.
Our fine 'tailor-made suits and separate
skirts will all be sold at the same
general clearing sale prices.
NOTICE That none of our customers
may be disappointed we beg to nay
that during this grii -sring sale
goods purchased will not be altered
or exchanged.
Women's and
Children's Underwear '
Some sizes in each line may
be missing but in the several
lines together you will find a
good assortment of sizes.
Women's gray .ribbed wool vests, pants
and tights, $1.00 quality, In this Jan
uary salo, SOc each.
Women's gray wool vests and pants,
$1.60 quality; also black tights. In
$1.76 quality, In this January sale
$1.00 each. .
Boy' heavy cotton fleeced shirts and
drawer, 2fic quallty( In this January
sale, 15c each.
A large line of children's cotton ribbed
fleeced vests and pants, in gray or
ecru, large sizes, sold as high as 40c,
In this January sale, choice of any
- else, 15c each.
A line of children's black wool tights,
sold as high as $1.00, in thla January
ale, 50c per pair.
Special Corset Sale.
; Regardless of Cost.
At rwdiif-ed
C from $7.00, $6.00
V- .. . -1 . m 1- T -
ana 4,ou eacu. ia.
. Vida which needs
no praise from,
, us, also P. D. Do-
hita, boned with
''genuine whale
bone. Gored and. straight front, , made of Ital-
lan lasting cloth or fine French cou
tflle worth every cent of the regular
price to you, but with us Its different
can'i afford the space they occupy,
o at Invoice' time when we find alzes
. missing, we drop the price to send
, them -out quickly.
At SOc;' reduced from $1.75, $1.50 and
'$1.00 each all are standard makes,
, and .not. back numbers but new
straight front, bias gored goods size
are mlsBlng In some makes, but all
together the assortment Is fair prices
only 60o each.
Men's Underwear
These three numbers should
sell out quickly at the prices
we have marked them.
Fine wool ribbed shirts and drawers In
colors blue or natural gray a very
good garment and always sold at $1.76
In this January sale, $1.00 each.
Good heavy ribbed wool shirts and
drawers In color blue or salmon, our
regular 76o garment In this January
sale, 60c each.
Heavy cotton ribbed fleeced shirts and
drawers. In colors blue or ecru, our
regular 60a number In this January
ale, 35o each.
12 o'clock, will be delivered the following day.
out new money in making change.
o ft psto rl m r l 01
United States Bteel Corporation Iibusi a
Hotel Circular.
cope aad ' Parpese of Poller, tae
elaetly Outlined, by Which Di
vision of Proats la te Be Added
to lalarle of the Mea.
NEW TORK, Dec. 31. In a doubl circu
lar, on to the stockholder and the other
to the officers and employes, the United
States Bteel corporation announcea Its In
tention to Inaugurate a system whereby the
humblest workman on Its rolls may, if he
desires, become a permanent atockholder
and share In the profit of the corporation.
The scheme Is the result of months of prep
aration by the finance committee of the
corporation, and the circulars are atgned
by Oeorge W. Perkins, chairman. The plan
Is said to have originated with Mr. Perkins.
The circular to the stockholder point
out th apparent advantage of the plan,
which was devised "with equal falrnee to
every man, from the president of the steel
corporation himself to the man wtth pick
and shovel, working for ons of the subsid
iary companies."
The circular goes on to say that at tbl
time there are about 65,000 stockholders,
who It U believed would feel a greater
sense of security In the corporation' earn
ing power If they knew that officer and
manager generally war willing to enter
Lnte a contract by which part of their cem
aeaaatloa for service, rendered shall he
paid only tr tae realUa'loa ef 3,oee,00
Our Great
Annual January
Linen Sale
All our $1.75 bleached Damask In this
sale, $1.10 per yard.
All our $1.50 bleached Damask In this
sale, 98c per ysrd.
All our $1.50 silver bleached Damask In
thla sale, $1.00 per yard.
All our $1.00 silver bleached Damask
In this sale, 75c per yard.
All our 75c sliver bleached Damask In
this sale, 60c per yard.
All our 65c bleached Damask in thla
sale, 48c per yard.
All our 60c silver bleached Damask In
this sale, 45o per yard.
All our $1.65 bleached Table Cloths in
this sale, $1.00 each.
All our $1.75 bleached Table Cloths In
this aale, $1.29 each.
All our $2.25 bleached Table Cloths In
this sale, $1,69 each.
All our $3.00 bleached Table Cloth In
this sale, $2.00 each.
AH our $4.00 bleached Table Cloth In
this sale, $2.98 each.
All our $3.75 bleached Table Cloths In
this sale, $2.75 each.
All our $4.25 bleached Table Cloths In
this sale, $3.28 each.
All our $6.00 bleached Table Cloths In
this sale, $4.28 each.
All our $7.50 bleached Table Cloth in
this sale, $5.00 each.
All our $1.25 bleached Napkin In this
ale. 98c per dozen.
AH our $1.75 bleached Napkin In this
sale, $1.29 per dozen.
Al! our $2.25 bleached Napkin In tht
sale, $1.69 per dozen.
All our $3.00 bleached Napkin In this
ale, $2.00 per dozen. ,
All our $3.75 bleached Napkin In this
Bale, $2.98 per dozen.
All our $4.00 bleached Napkins In this
sale, $2.75 per dozen.
All our $8.60 bleached Napkin In this
. sale, $5.00 per dozen. . . . ,
All our $8.00 bleached Napkin In this
ale, $4.34 per dozen. ,
All ourr7Vs Brown Crash In thli sale,
3Hc per yard.
All our lOo Brown Crash In this sale,
7Vc per yard.
All our 12ttc Bleached Crash In this
ssle, 10c per yard.
All our 15c Bleached Crash In this salo,
12fto per yard.
All our 25c Bleached Crash In this sale,
20c per yard.
All our 12Vtc Huck Towels, hemmed
this sale, 8 l-3c each.
All our 16 t-3a Huck Towels, hem
stitched, in this sale, 12V4e each.
AH our 25o Huck Towels, hemstitched,
in this sale, 19o each.
All our 26c Fringed Damask Towels In
this aale, 19o each.
All our 40c Hestltched Huck Towel In
this sale, 25c each.
All our 40c Hemmed Turkish Bath
Towel In tbl sale, 25c each.
All our 25o Fringed Turkish Bath
Towels In this sale, 19o each.
m mum
and Douglas Sts.
of profits. This represent profit on bond,
dividends, on stock and reserve and sinking
Th plan of inviting officer and em
ploye to participate I divided Into two
part. Part 1 prescribe that from the
earnings of the corporation during the
year 1902 there will have been set aside at
least $2,000,000 and as much more ae le
needed for the purchase of at least 25,000
shares of preferred stock, which will be
offered as follows to employes of the cor
poration and constituent companies.
At present the corporation and subsidiary
companies employ about US, COO men, whom
It Is proposed to divide into these sis
Divided Iato llx Classes.
Claas "A" will Include all those who re
ceive salarlea of $20,000 a year-or over;
class "B" will Include all those who re
ceive salarlea of from $10,000 to $20,000 a
year; claas "C" will Include all those who
receive salaries of from $6,000 to $10,000 a
year; clesa "D" will Include all those who
receive salaries of from $2,500 to $5,000 a
year; class "E" will Include all those who
receive salaries of from $S00 to $2,600 a
year, and class "T" will Include all those
who receive salaries of $800 a year or less.
The preferred stock will be offered to any
employe during January at $32.60 per share
(its closing price today was $S5.7).
Employes can subscribe for an amount of
tock not exceeding the sum represented
by a certain percentage of their annual sal
aries a shown In the following:
Class "B." I per csnt; claas "C," II per
cent; claaa "D," 12 per cent; class "E." 13
per cent; claas "F," 20 per cent.
Ceadltloaa ef Parehaae .
In part two the plaa explained that the
corporation now soaking change la th
salaries of men occupying official or aeml
fflclal positions, and the director kav ap
All our 75c Fine Hestltched Huck
Towels In tbl isle, 60c each.
. All our Ho Scrub Cloth in tbl sale,
6c each. .
At Just Half Price-
All our real cluny lace and
Japanese table cloths, scarf,
center pieces, plate doylies and
trny cloths read reductions.
$85.00 real Remalsanc Round Table
Cloth, 2Hx2H yard round, in thla
ale, $42.60
$25.00 resl Cluny Lace Table Cover In
this sale $12.60 each.
$20.00 "real Cluny Lace Scarfs In this
Bale, $10.00 each.
"$15.00 real Cluny Lace Center Piece In
this sale, $7.60 each.
$10.00 real Cluny Lace Center Piece In
this sale, $5.00 each.
$7.50 real Cluny Lace Center Piece In
. this sale, $3.75 each.
$10.00 real Cluny Lace Scarf In this sale
$5.00 each.
$6.00 real Cluny. JLace Center Piece In
this sale, $3.00 each.
$3.00 real Cluny Lace Center Piece In
this sale, $2.50 each.
$1.75 real Cluny Lace Plate Doylies In
this sale, 88c each.
$1.00 real Cluny Lace Doylies In this
sale, 60c each.
.. EOc real Cluny Lace Doylies In this sale,
25c each.
In Our flannel Dept.
Notice the reductions on all
of our silk embroidered flannel
waist patterns. Come early.
These prices will make them go
All our $7.00 waist patterns now at $1.97
and $2.98 each.
All our $6.00 waist patterns now at $2.37
and $2.98 each.
All our $5.00 waist patterns now at $1.97
and $2.49 each.
All our $3. B0 waist patterns now at $1.49
. A lot of our 75c and 85c Imported French
flannels In this sale at 25o per yard.
All of our choloest $1.00, $1.10 and $1.25
' Ilk embroidered waist - flannels In
this sale at 69a per yard., :v
AH the chol cms of our 75c and 85c Im
ported French Dannel In this sale at
59c per yard..
Blankets and Comforters
Go at greatly reduced prices.
Comforters reduced to 79c, $1.35, $1.49,
$1.88, $2.10, $2.98 and $3.95 each.
Cotton Blankets reduced to 39c, 53e, 69c,
88c, $1.08, $1.22, $1.38, $1.59 and $1.78
a pair."
Wool Blankets reduced to $2.29, $2.48,
$2 95, $3.C8, $4.33, $4.89, $6.68, $6.97,
$8.79. $9.83, $11.75 and $12.98 a pair.
All of our $6.00 Robe Blanket now at
$4.29 each.
All of our $4.60 Robe Blanket now at
$3.18 each.
All of our $3.00 and $2.60 Rob Blanket
now at $1.60 each.
All of our $5.00 and $6.00 Indian Robes
In this sale $2.97 each.
All our $2.25 and $3.00 Crib Blanket at
$1.48 a pair.'
Hosiery -
Women's and children's
cashmere and fleece lined hose
are included in this January
clearing sale.
Women' $1.00 hose reduced to 75c pair.
85c and 75c hose reduoed to 60o per pair.
EOc hose reduced to 35c, or t pair EOc.
86o hose reduced te X5o per pair.
26o hose reduced to 15c per pair.
A line of ladles' fancy lisle hose reduced
from $1.00, $1.25, 1.50, $1.75 to 76c per
proved the recommendation ef th finance
Whenever $30,000,000 and less than $90,
000,000 la earned during ItOJ, I per eent
shall be set aside; whenever $90,000,000
and less thin $100,000,000 Is earned during
1901, 1.2 per cent shall be aet aside; when
ever $100,000,004 and less thaa $110,000,000 Is
earned during 1903, 1.4 per cent shall be set
aside; whenever $110,000,000 and less than
$120,000,000 I earned during 1803, . 1.6 per
cent shall be aet aside; whenever $120,000,
000 aad less than $130,000,000 Is earned dur
ing 1903, l.R per cept shall be set aside;
whenover $130,000,000 and less than $140,
000,000 Is earned during 1903 S per eent
shall be est aside; whenever $140,000,000 and
less than $150,000,000 is earned during 1901,
t per cent shall be set aside; whenever
$160,000,000 and less than $160,000,000 Is
earned during 1903, t per cent shall be
et aside. "-
The. question of what constitutes profits
Is to be determined entirely hy the finance
committee. It la stated, which -will have ao
Interest la the profit-sharing plan. If $80,
000,000 I earned la the eomlng year, $100,000
will be aet aside, one-half to be distributed
In cash quarterly, the other half to be
reaerved until the end of the year. Invested
In the stock; the stock thus purcbaaed to
be divided one-half to employes entitled
thereto and th other halt to remain wtth
the treasurer of the corporation. Each
shareholder is to receive a certificate for
hie Interest containing these provisions:
First, that If be remain continuously In
th service of ths corporation, or of ons or
another of It subsidiary companies, for five
years, th stock shall be delivered to him
and be may do a he like with It.
Second, that If he die or become totally
or permanently disabled while la the em
ploy of the eerporeUoa, or of oa or more
bt It subsidiary companies, th itock will
January ,
Clearing Sale ;
of Muslin v
No laudator 1
remarks artj
when value
. like theBe are
ments are
somewhat f
soiled, but materials and trimf
mings are reliable, and style
are good. No second invitation!
will be required by ladiew lc?
recollect last year's sales.. ,
place prices at lowest rato
consistent with tlie quality
garments 'mentioned. 1
At EOc each, reduced from 6,3c, 75c and"
At 75c each, reduced from $100 and
$1.26. 1 . . ; ' ... .
At $1.00 each, reduced from $1.50, $1.73
and $2.00.
At $1.50 each, reduced from $2.26, $2.6.
and $2.75.
At $2 00 each, reduced from $3.00, $S.6
and $3.75.
At $3.00 each, reduced from $4 50, $5.00,
$5.60, $6.00, $6.25, $7.00 and $8.00.
At 15o each, reduced (rem 25c and 80c.
At 35o each, 'reduced from 60c
At 60c each, reduced from 66c, 75c and
At 75c each, reduced from $1.00 and
At $1.00 each, reduced from $1.50 and
At $1.60 ' each, reduced from $2.00,
$2.25, $2.50 and $2.00.
At 60c each, reduced from 75c and
At 7Eo each, reduced from $1.00 and
$i.25. , . . ;. ; : "
At $1.00 each, reduced from ' $1.60.
$1.76 and $2.00.,
At $1.50 each, reduced from $2.25 and
At $2.00 each, reduced from $3.00 and
$3.50. '
At $2.50 each, reduced from'. $3.75 and
$4.00. ,
At $3.00 each, reduced from $4.50 and
, . $6.po.-.. ,,.. ... , ; ...
'." - fSKIRTaVt! V..'.-.T '
At 50o each, reduced from $1.00. , . ;(
At 75o each, reduced, from $1.25. and
$1.60. :
At $1.00 each, reduced from $1.75 and
$2.00. . .-.
At $1.50 each, reduced from $2.25,'
$2.50 and $2.75. . . .
At $2.00 each, ' reduced from $3.00,
$3.50 and $2.76.
At $3.00 each, reduced from $4.00,
$4.50 and $5.00. .
At 60c, reduced from" $5c.
At $1.00, reduced' 'from $2.25.'
At $1.60, reduced from $3.00.' "'
At $2.00. reduced from $3.26 aad $3.75.
Stylish Velvetlna Cords
For waists and full, suits, beau
tiful silk lustre, equal in' ap
pearance to any all silk fabric,
handsome lino of colors;, to
chose from. '. . . ,
$1.10 quality now 69c a yard.
For waists, .regular 75c and 85o
quality now 89c a yard. -
Dress Linings
A few odds and ends in our
clearing sale. ''J.
A 36-lnch Andersona percale, 1n red,
eerese and purple, regular 30c quality,
at 15c per yard. j
A 36-Inch near silk, purple only, 15e
quality, at 15e per yard. "
A 27-Inch Farmer's satin, dark blue and
tan, 60o quality, at 2Ec per yard. ' .
A 81-Inch mercerized raduma, lavender,
60o quality at 25o per yard. " I "
A 25-lnch all wool black moreen, 40o
quality at 26c per yard,
A 36-lnch fast black percaline at $ l-So
per yard. . i
be delivered to hi estate or to him. ' ' '
Third, that he can . draw the. dividend
declared on the stock while it le held
hi account and be remalna in th employ
of the corporation, or of one or another of
It subsidiary companies; but that if with
out previous consent voluntsrlly he shall
have quitted the aervlce of the corporation,
or ef Its subsldlsry companies,' he shall for
feit all right to this stock, and tn eurh cam
It will be held In a fund which at the end
pf five year will be divided among such
employes a shall Vave complied' with all
the conditions.
. Thus, 26 per cent of all the money set
aside la this profit sharing plan will be
held for fiv year and will be given te euoh
only a ai the and of that period shall be
In the employ of the corporation, or of one
or another of It subsidiary companies,
from and sine January 1, 1902. . -
High official of th steel corporation de
clined today to discuss the reported ap
proaching retirement of Presltr Schwab.
FVLLERTON, Neb!; Dee. 31. (Special.)
At th Methodist Episcopal church in
this elty at 7 o'clock last -evening iy tlx
preaence of a large number of frlearts and
relatives, occurred the marriage of Thomas
Btorch and lllss Iva Grace K'rk, ' Kev. J. ,
M. Botbwell officiating. The bride at
tended by her cousin. Miss Ella Kirk, oil
Bonds, Ind.. and Arthur 8 torch, a brotberJ
of the groom, acted as groomsjjieTh
usher were James Kirk and n
Th groom Is a prominent
of Nance county and the ,
youngest daughter of J. A.
furniture dealer of thla cn
marriage ceremony the coupl
drove tu the hoana et th
they will at oace con,
eorr -a-nce l
, I