Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1903, Page 12, Image 13
TTTE OMAHA DATLT JiEEt TTTTJ11STAV, JANUAUT 1. 1003. 12 TO EXCLUDE EASTERN WAIFS Nebraska Children's Home Sooiaty Will Hare Bill for Legislature. DEALS WITH OBNOXIOUS IMMIGRATION Secretary of fforlrtr Baye Children Seat lain Nkriaks from Tue. tit Districts af Bl Cltlaa Art Hat Wanted. The official! of the Nebraska Children's Horn society are preparing a bill to be presented to the legislature which will have for tta purpose the suppression of Immigra tion Into Nebraska of a large number of waifs from other states, particularly from New York. C. S. Talne, tha secretary of the society, said: "Nebraska is particularly unfortunate tn this matter. There are societies In New Tork and other places which have for their object the removal of children from tha con gested districts of the citlea to the west. If they carried out the object of their asso ciations with care there would be little ob jection on the part of anyone to their opera tion, but the trouble Is that the managers seem to feel thnt as soon as the children are removed from the city their interest should cease. "The result is that children are brought to the western states by car lota, homes are ostensibly found for them and the society takes no further interest In their welfare. No care is taken to aelect good homes for the children, the New York society appar ently thinking that anything In the west Is better than the condition of the children in that city. Anyone can get one of these New York waifs to care for. The character of the children is often bad, and they are placed in families who cannot or do not properly care for them. The child soon be comes a charge upon the state and then the local societies or the state society Is ex pected to provide for It. "The trouble waa for a long time as bad in Kansas as It is In Nebraska, but by the enactment of a wise law it is now prac tically impossible for the New York so ciety to operate in that state and the aame condition should exist here. Watch Our Windows LlQJIi - aaa a w aa Watch Our Window! Have a Care., Don't fool with a cold; no one can tell what the end may be. Pneumonia, catarrh, chronic bronchitis and consumption Invar iably result from neglected colds. Nothing can be compared with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as a quick cure for colds and in fluenza and by Its use these diseases may be avoided. AUTHORIZES NEW BOND ISSUE Ordinance Passes First and Second Readings at Special Canncll Meeting. At a special meeting of the city council eld solely foe that purpose a new ordinance te authorize $200,000 of funding bonds of the elty was given Its first and second reading nd referred to the Judiciary committee. This is the same bond Issue contemplated In two former ordinances passed and re pealed. The bonds to bear 3H per cent in terest were first offered for sale, but found no market, and even when the rate of In terest waa Increased to 4 per cent and they were offered at public sale the highest pre mium offered was $200, and for that reason all proposals were rejected by City Treas urer Hennlngs. Later, Epltier ft Co., bank are of Toledo, who had been one of the bidders, made a private offer of $3,000, and It Is to make that sale possible that the pending ordinance has been drawn. The council will hold another special meeting Friday morning at 11 o'clock for the final reading and passage of this ordinance. Tbo bonds, as provided for In the ordinance, will run thirty years and will bear 4 per cent Interest. ' They are to be Issued for the purpose of funding a portion of the present bonded Indebtedness of the city and will be designated aa renewal bonds. Don't Lose m Meal Through dyspepsia ' and Indigestion. Take Electrto Bitters. They cure stomach troubles or no pay. Only 60c. For sals by Kuhn ft Co. t "At Cosy Corners," Adelaide Thurston's aew comedy success, will be tha New Tear's attraction at the Boyd this after Boon and tonight. Miss Thurston will be remembered aa the petite and wlnsomo young actress who was seen here in "Sweet Clover" last season. In "At Cozy Cor ners" Miss Thurston has the best vehicle ahe ever had for the display of her talenta. 8he Is surrounded by a splendid company, and the scento environment of the play Is aald to be excellent. It's a story of a young elty girl concert violinist, who goes to Cozy Comers, a quiet hamlet, to rest. Shs marries the village parson, after much country gossip. At the Orpbeum there will be two per' feraancee of Its hj.ppy New Year bill to day, a Special matinee at 1:15 and tonight at 1:15. For the matinee parquet and front circle seats can be secured. The sale of aeits in advance has been very large and Indicates full houses at both performances. The bill Is an excellent one and haa much tn It that Is good In the comedy line. Miss Lydta Barry of Felix and Barry, who are among the heavy scorers. Is wearing some stunning gowns, and different ones at nearly vary performance. Katherlne Osterman, In "Tomorrow at II," is meeting with even bigger success than ever before. Fox, the clown Juggler, and hie clever little dog, Foxle, are winning the children. ' A special box office has been opened at tha Boyd theater to accommodate the large umber of purchasers of "Ben Hur" seats. The sale of seats for this Important engage naent, which occupies the Boyd stage all -next week, opened yesterday morning, and, wing to the Urge demand, a separate of fice was opened on the left of the lobby. This will greatly facilitate matters, as "Ben Hur" patrons will not have to wait for the holiday patrons today. The curtain rises promptly at t o'clock Monday evening. Store Open Today UNTIL NOON to give everybody an oppor tunity to secure the extra ordinary bargains we are offering during our mm Glearii. g Sale Cordial wishes for A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Props. Boston Store On Friday, January 2 THE GRANDEST T SULE EVER HELD IN OMAHA Don't fail to avail yourselves of this extraordi nary opportunity, as it only lasts one day iiujj.p'MXJU"isiMi..ii.auuiaiii.ui,juiiajjai'ji V""' iwsuiii Lumi.ty U A ' s ..leu Year's Presents., W. Pi. Bennett Go By E. D. HASTINGS, Receiver. The great bankrupt sale is continued, no such wind fall ever happened in Piano buying Every instrument is DISTINCTLY HIGH GRADE and every price is DISTINCTIVELY LOW. Easy Payments! Easy Paymsnts!! Easy Payments!!! Edison and Columbia Phonographs Also Disc Machines 15.00 to 9100.00 Cash or Payments 14,000 H words to Select From We carry a complete stock of Edison and Columbia Machines and Records. Our facilities for showing records and filling mail orders cannot be equaled in the west. Call on us or write. Dealers wanted. Free concerts all day and evening. Also Vehicles, Automobiles and Bicycles. 1 NEW OAK $162 1 LARGE PIANO 135 1 80HJIER (used) 200 1 STARR (used) 245 1350 PIANO 186 $375 PIANO V, 215 $400 PIANO 225 $425 PIANO 250 $450 PIANO M 275 $600 PIANO 826 $475 PIANO S00 $525 PIANO 850 $550 PIANO 875 $600 PIANO 400 All sold on easy payment plan. Sheet music and musical merchan dise sold at a treat sacrifice. Sheet Music All 50o music from. 12c to 21a. All 40o music from lOo to 18c. All 10c music from 3c to 8c All 50c (olio music from 18o to 88c Guitars, mandolins and ylollns from $1.00 up. NOTE! No rented, returned or re paired pianos -Included In this grand NEW YEAR'S OPENING SALE. j-PCOflELD IIXmmsuiTco. 1SKI Doasla. at. Scofield's Cloak Clearing Sale Commences Tomorrow, a January 2d Your money will do more for you here than any other, place you can take it. OK SCOFIELD CLOUO-SUITCO. UtlDUPLIO STABLE fUflisjmuiur.n.uiWM iiairgrowa Prices quoted hf low cannot be dupli cated. Yon can get the goods (all you want of them), at Sherman & MoConnell's Druic Store all the time at prices given below. 20c Mennen's Talcum Powder for .... 11c $3.50 Marvel Whirling Bpray Syringe for $2.09 $1.00 Swamp-Root (Kilmer's), we eell. 74o II WH1TU RIBHON LIQUOR CURE 75c 60c Nrale's Catarrh Tablets, we sell.... 40c $1.00 Newbro's Mcrplclde, we sell 74c WK GIVE YOU WHAT YOU ASK. FOR. 50c Syrup of Figs genuine we sell...'. 34c 'ihc Mistletoe Cream, we sell 10c 60c Agnew's Catarrh Powder, we sell 4'c $1.09 Wine Cardui, we sell 6tie 50c Wakelee's Camellne. for 40c These are Sherman & McConnell'a prices. Small Gartleld Tea for 10c loo Pure 2-grain Quinine Fills for 25c $1.60 Peruna for 62c Tha above Is tha genuine, bearing top strip label. $1.00 Listcrine (Lambert's) for 6flc &Oc Stewart's Dyspepsia Tablets for .. 89c 25c Shrader's Fig Powder for 20c $1.00 Pierce's Medicines for 65c One Pound Mixed Hird Seed for 4c 26c Grave's Tooth Powder for 12c 60c Mull's Grape Tonic for 10c $1.00 Coke Dandruff Cure for 40c 25c Kirk's Juvenile Soap for 10c True Violet Soap, box 3 cakes for .... 26c 25c Brown's Bronchial Troches for .... 19c 50c William's Pink Fills for 39o 25c Oranglne for 19c Write for our catalogue of Drugs, Per fumes and Rubber Gooas. Sherman &, McConnell Drug Co Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Omaha. Neb.. Cor. 16th and Dodga. H XjfjjULJTtH'll'lall Froifriolissn 15th and Capitol Avenue. 'Phone 2161. 41 " AUina "il f'lf '"' " 11111111 susiiB. uraafc jgrwm sa v. THaaj pagB SBffiK a " I J To Cat lea at Maaawa. Not discouraged by tha put season's sum mer resort weather. Manager Griffiths Is making preparations for next summer's les supply at Lake Manawa, and expects within a short time to begin to harvest ice. Tha Manawa Ira houses and Ice were In spected yesterday and tha Ice was found to t ten Inches thick and as clear as crystal, air. Griffiths will fill tha Ice houses to thetr full capacity In anticipation of a season of geaulns summer resort weather. Saarl.e Prayer Meetiag. Tha First Presbytorlsn church, following Its annual custom, will begin tha new year by holding a morning prayer service at S SO 'clock Thursday. The theme for the morn, tng will be, "Let us not be weary In well tolng; for In due sa-isoa we shall reap, It aa faint not." The A Uaailul Caltadar. Milwaukee Rallwsv has published an artistic calendar for 1903. 81a sntete, lOilt Inches, of beautiful reproductions in t stars of pastel drawings by Bryson. Prlca, M seaia. Om at Uta Ti.aat PERSONALLY CMOtCTED Florida Excorsloa Via "Dixie Flyer" Roate. On Tuesday. January 6th, aa excursion will be run from Nebraska to Florida with through aleeping cars from Omaha and Lin coln, via Burlington Route to 81. Louis and tha "Dixie Flyer" Routs from there to Jack sonville. This excursion will ba a personally con ducted one and will ba in charge of Mr. George W. Bunnell, C. T. A., B. M. R. R., Lincoln, Nel., who ia thoroughly familiar with the pointa of interest enrouta and la the state of Florida. , Aa you pass through Cairo, Martin, Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon, snd make a 12-hour stopover at Chatta nooga, where an experienced guide will conduct the party through Chattanooga Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and other points of interest; the trip will bs an Interesting and instructive one. Aa early application for sleeping car space is suggested. Ask for copy of illus trated booklet outlining tha trip at 140 Faroam St.. or write W. H. BRILL. Dlst. Pass. AgL. Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb. Notleel Notice la hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between Louis Slsvlu and Fred M. Youngs, under the name of the "Omaha Plating Company," has been dissolved by mutual consent, said Louis Slavln continuing the business of said co partnership. LOUIS 6 LA VI N', FRED M. YOUNGS. Notice is hereby given to tha publto that If any person or persons that may solicit or ask for money or anything In the name of the Volunteers of America with book or paper that does not bear the name of Captain F. Rot tel. In charge of North Omaha, the aame has no right and is falsely representing themselves as to the right to solicit In the nam of the Volunteers of America In the city of North Omaha, whether In uniform or not. CAPTAIN F. ROTZEL, In Charge of North Omaha. "Th Fratwnltr" will give a grand ball at Crelghton hall New Year's night, Janu ary 1, 1S0S. Fifty cents per couple; extra lady. 26c. Dance until 2 o'clock. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. IT'S A FACT The width of a Beam, the size of a button or the location of a pocket may sometime determine the up-to-dateness of an over coat The wearer of a "MacCarthy" overcoat Is a man who Is proud of his overcoat 'We give the closest attention to the little kinks of fashion. Overcoats that embrace every virtue of fit of fashion, of fabric and of finish $30 to $50. MacCarthy Tailoring Co Phone 1808. Bee Bldf., 1710-12 Farnan ?L Omaha. A HAPPY NEW YEAR Begin jight by wearing a genuine welt soled women's shoe. Made en th latest of lasts the high Cuban beej the military heel vlcl kid uppers the genuine stock flexible oak tannage sole leather soles heavy or medium weight wide or narrow edges broad, com mon sense round toea. Did you ever bear of so much that waa ao good for ao little money, $3.60. Wa stake our reputation as the greatest value givers back of this shoe and if . you are not satisfied we give you your money back. DREXEL SHOE CO. Omaha's Up-to-D&te Shoe House 1419 FARNAM STREET. a Send for new fall catalogue. i. Business Stimulates BEE WANT ADS THE BEST HELP IN TOWN one of the mo.-t important features neces sary in carrying on a successful business t the employes, une great union racino railroad, WHKN THEY HAD THEIR KKOULAIl M f.N liN I JlJii BllUfH, Was a model enterprise trains were on time, engines ull in good ehape and everything ruiminir smoothly. One thing we claim to huve HETTEK THAN ANY OTHKR DKCU tiTORK IN Tlilfl WtSTEMM COUNTRY IS OUK JlKkl. me loiiowing registered men have charge of our prescription and eales departments: H. J. CASHMAN, x r Mini.k'A'NiN n W Kt 'flTT UARFIKLD HAYHOW, Q. HUTTON and" E. T. YATES, we also nave three de livery bos with bicycles, which fairly burn the pavement in their eagerness to promptly deliver an oraera. i wo TELE PHUNKB, os. ii ana A-tia. make up the balance or me equipment 01 mis great "Emporium oi orug neeiia. as to auull rating prices where else can you buy Il.ou v isuii ror ,&o 1.00 Zy-mo for 7sQ JlGO imperial Hair Regenerator for. ...$1.20 tic Poizoni race i-uwurr lor 0 2."e Graves Tooth fowaer lor ioo l.uO Peruna lor i0 $1 00 I'lerce's mediclnea for 64c Hon l ouy urug m-rua I rum L ATA. I.ofH'KS. but send us your list for I'KICEH. OPEN ALL. NIGHT. CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE S. XV. Car. 4ta sit Calaaaa, .ISCHAEFER'S Hallroad Mulitf Krilaisi, BRADFORD, Pa , Dec. r John C. Mc Kiiira. for twenty-one years general man utr of tha Kmdiord. Ikirdell A Kinau railroad, has resigned, to take effect Jan ury i. la SUM Cols 8aU-naU4 BuakwaSaai IT MAGNIFIES Your Income larger when you have part of it. Any amount seems small when you spend It all for pleasure. Don't wait to make a New Year's reso lution, but make up your mind to save money now not tomorrow, but today. To day Is your day. Bring In $1.00 If that Is all you can spare. It will open a bank account for you. Get one of our small steel banks, free, it will assist you to save. The part of your Income that's In this bank will Increase at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. V CITY SAYINGS BAKK, OMAHA, IMEB. C. W. LYMAN, President. JOHN F. KLACK, Vice-President. CUAL C. 8ATC9, Traaaurer. Tal. 4T. I .... 1 P. If you are thinking of fitting your home cut with new fixtures- gas or electric come In and look over our ele gant line. We can pleaae you. F. M. Russell 13 South 11th St. Telephone S03 111 rari n 7 Open Till loon Thursday 44 U ... VamI n ... ILa lit a etern lit 3 V nc is i cai uf me m& LL3aiiiU will close as usual at noon. SPECIAL THUH-DAf MORNING SALES IN ALL DEPTS. THURSDAY CORNING Iff THE BARGAIN ROOM The great clearing out tale will continue in tbo Hargain Koom and the prices will si ill be cut lower. Thousands upon thousands of yards of merchandise, ladies' and cents' Furnish ing Goods, Linens, Muslins and in fact everything will go noth inij in. reserve in this sale. No peddlers, dealers or manufac turers are sold to. WOOL DRESS GOODS Extra heavy Wool Skirling for raiuy-day skirts, goods woith DOc a yard, will go in this sale at, a yard. 50-inch Brilliantine and Mohair, regular price ?l.-5, will lO. co in this sale at. a vnrd nfUw 7 - ay AM our Fancy Dress Goods we sold at 39c will go in this sale at, a yard Plain Black Solid, regular 49c goods, you can buy at OK a a yard . . . . IbiWU 32-inch Scotch Plaids, made to sell for 15c, just the thing for children's school dresses, as long as they last you Ql n can have them at, yard U 2li 75c Imported French Flannel, in Persian, in stripes, in figures. strictly all wool, brought in from the High Grade OIa DresB Goods Dept.. to close at, a yard saallU Strictly all wool Challis, in silk stripes, regular 75c goods, at, a yard ' COTTON DRESS GOODS Regular 15o snd 19c flannelettes, 36-Inch j5c i9o Bna 25c walstinKs. handsome wide una i line or colors. In order to close ,fr ,nd , or(Jer quick, will ro at, , . . -'2C W8W,u'el,at- 0n-71c 12V4c, 13c and 19o percales, tn both light " Prints, worth Be, 614c snd 7tye, J 1 aJC all in one lot at, a yard sCiC 25c 25c 24c and dark colors, for, to close them quick, at, a yard FURNISHING GOODS Ladles' anion suits, worth $1.00, at Ladles' underwear, worth $1.00, will go at Children's union suits, worth EOc, will go at 49c 49c 25c All our 49c, E9c and 75o underwear will go In one lot, on ona large square, at Ladles' kid fleece-lined gloves, worth COc, will go at Children's kid fleece-lined l gloves, worth 23c, for lUC 25c 25c GREAT CAP SALE 26c and COo men's and boys' caps te close at. each 5c-IOc A BIG FORCED SALE OF SHOES Bur your shoes Thursday morning and save from 75a to one dollar a pair. Men's Sample shoes, worth up I AO to 3.S0 IsUU Women's Sample shoes worth up to $3.60 , Misses' Sample shoes worth up to $2.00 , Brooks Bros.' Patent Calf lace. worth up to $4.60 .1.96 90c 2.98 EHlAYDEftS Women's Patent Calf Vlcl, lace, from a well known, Lynn factory, rag- aj , 25c ular price, $3.60 Women's Storm Sandals, for Sole agenta In Omaha for tha celebrated Stetson and Crossett 8hoes for men and the Brooka Bros.' Ultra and Orover Ehoea for women. REDUCTION SALE of ebony goods Steins, Austrian gold decorated glass, Austrian fra villa flaaa, hand-painted china; vaaea made in !ussnu pua uapaJSg 'Jjqujspo PtraitikX statuary, pedestals, masks, etc. A fine large electrto bronaa figure with pedestal (or $76.00. Former price, $120.00. MAWHINNEY Jewelers and Art Stationers, i & RYAN CO., 15th and Douglas Streets, Omaha. () OUR STORE will ba closed all day New Tear's Day. We wish yon a Happy New Year and all tha year. Look for tha name and trade with. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. For a Cold in the Head, Thoat or Lungs, take HOWELL'S ANTI-KAWF Ask your druggist or send 26 o to Howell Drug Co., Omaha. This is a copy of the Label puico on cacn piece oi iuc GENUINE AgaleNickcI SteelVare aa a guarantee oi HDS01UI8 rUIUf. LA BEL I Sustained by VA Circuit Court NAME OP UTENSIL. Pawoud Pea 1. ISO. COST ftELL HIT Mil Mkw Tou. TaA. T. lfBC have bum a earvful elimination of a note of AsM NlekaJ Staal War " noalrwl t. Ttta ftpamal ooaana a comogmmmm, area KitofciMaa, an invuc punir. ... aiuircJv Int from erMMo, Haa ana araa, lttt so ol Very rMSiwcuullr, BTILLWELL i GLADDIHO, a to tes Mow York Produce Exohaaga. often found In i aiana,r bwia,nix,na AaaJrsla Ne. M.tnX hmw Voii, Mar a. iavl. aULAKCaafaaOUBAN Mirii. CO, 6aflTnauir As roquoetro. bf you, we putt ekat4 in tka opao mar tat a auapla of " Art K'lokal Btoel War ana bare made a careful eavateallUBljraaof laoeumal ourarlucef tue aaiu. w Sad tbaansaal a ataohaVIv pars sad frtm aramic iaoww, Iao1 and x W uo- auMtou n'4rtou to ktU li. W hi itbarafuta li rnr ail culinary aoa i m . r.q rgo"nma4 it fnr auranan, Baaaoct fully youra. aicirfrns BArs. CaaaUstS to ia at. T. afatal Siiaaaga, IvnxsA Hsuii Csttefl ui LSti&j fin Coprmtitod,- NO POISON Baa Brer Been Poaod la the Enamel at Agate Nickcl-Stecl Ware. SI4 h Finl fUlt Drfarfmtnt amJ Hfut. La lance & Orosjean Mfg. Co., nw toss so. tow CMicaaeJ We Wish You a Happy New Year May Dama Fortune smile her sweet est smile for you and yours during every day of 1903. May happiness and success form tha team which draws you ta the next milestone. , Thanking you who hare been our patrona In tha past and trusting that those who have not ao favored us will aee "our light," wa are. Tours Sincerely, T. L. Combs & Co., and Optician. 1520 Douglas Street iill TEN DAYS TRIAL. AMI tMiaNI. IsBsKS mm, artaa f. Cartel , mmt Wf P(fM Vaaavaa. lvtor wttlrari fmm takaaraigasaawirifltlf 4aM mrm4 M aUaaaal. Mer r lirMl r aaUl4 Va bavs) sVsaa. km aii er ni tot akaM. awlMAiA. R. P. Kmmt. Good blk. Denver. Col TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oaly Oaa Dallar Year. WHEN YOU BUY A i . i . i... iiuiiuil i n t n i. . i. t. l- iku' t a PTf". Vil yOU Are DOI pay IU4 IW . w v. . . a r m- . w lor FINE QUALITY II AVAN A TOBACCO. FQUALto IMI'OKTEDClUABJs.