10 THE OMAHA DATLY 1'EE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Markt Easily Aflsctd by Beari'h Kewi of the Day. REPORTS OF BIG CROPS CAUSE DULLNESS i Considerable Llqoldatlon Ocorrlni Dariaa- the Day Alio Has Kllret of lightly l,nwrrl( Irlees ( the Prevloaa Diif. CHTCAOO, Dee. SI. The demand for wheat today wan limited anil the market tii easily effected by the bearish news. Liverpool cables were bearish, Argentine advices reported good harvesting weather and tho northwest markets were weak. The fact that the government crop report estimated a gtln In the actual and a gain In total yield of nO.Onu.uo') bushels was hIko a depressing Influence. Thirj was al.-o con. slderabl liquidation going on during tne entire day. The close was eaxy and near the bottom May opened Vo to ,c lower at 79fec to 76Vc and aales were made soon after the opening at iti'-ttf'iiic and then the price gradually declined until 76''57S1ic was reached. The close was lower at 76e. Clearances of wheat and flour were jual to MS.ixm bushels. I'rlmary receipt were 607.OHO bushels, against a holiday Ihsi year. Minneapolis ana Duluth reported re ceipts of k96 cars, which, with local receipts of 61 cars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of Ml cars, with a holiday both last week and a year ago. In spite of a bearish government report corn held fairly steady, a fair demand from commission houses being the supporting In fluence. Weather conditions were favor able for the movement of the crop and local traders were disposed to favor the selling side. The volume of business was light and the close was easy, with May off Vgc at 43c, lfter selling between 43c and 4J-c, lical receipts were 2M cars, with i of contract grade. Oats were quiet and easy, the depression In other grains being the chief boar factor, althoush the government report was con sidered disappointing. Commission houses were liberal sellers early and offerings were well absorbed by local traders, who were Inclined to support the market. There m less demand later In the day and the close was ensy. with May 4V lower at 8.1H ra3Se, after ranging between &Hc and J37c. local receipts were 104 cars. backers gave good support to provisions and although the market was easier the decline was not as great aa the weak condi tion of the hog market would warrant. The opening was easier on liberal receipts of hogs and a drop of from l"c to 15c at the yards, but T"Ti nf ,h early loss was re- talned and the close was steady. The mar et was helped some by shorts, who cov ered In the January products. May pork closed at 7V44jlOc lower at 316.37H- May lard wse off 2e at $!".d2V. while rios were 2Wac higher at S.."v&J.;v, .. Estimated receipts tor tomorrow: Wheat, (6 cars; corn, 15 cars; oats, lot) cars; hogs, 82.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. I High. tow. Close. Yesfy Wheat I TJ 73'72'S,04l72H!rJ 73i Dec. May ' July Corn Dec. Jan. May Oats tDec. May Pork Jan. May Lsrd Pec. Jan. May Ribs Jan. May IWll 176V,'rG'V i6VU'V! ".,76Vfl' 1 I I 44-H-4 444U 444 44H 43v 43 44 43 81, 44 44' 44V, 44 '4 43 I43V8' 43Vs,W I ... .1 S2S 33T 81 S! 32 33 '4 33", 33VOi I 17 60 17 35 1 42H! 1 30 I I 17 50 17 27V, 16 37V4L16 471, r I 10 10 00 10 07V4I 10 00 10 07H 10 30 9 90 00 10 00 v 90 9 97V 9 92V, 9 67HI 50 8 47H 8 40 8 6TVil 8 60 I 45 8 60 8 4211 g 47V4 8 67Val 8 02V, No. 8. tNew. Cash quotation were as follows: FLOL'R Julet but firm; winter patents, t3.4U03.64J; straights, $:Uk&3.30; spring pat ents, t3.40tS3.70; straights, $2.90'3.20; bak ers. 12.25412. (5. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7374c; No. 3, 69c; No. 2 red, 72lti 73ic CORN No. 2, 44c; No. 2 yellow, 44c. OATS No. 2, Slftc; No. 8 white. 32V433c. RYE No. 2, 48c. BARLEY Hood feeding, 392420; fair to choice malting, 45ifio. HEED No. 1 flax, (1.14: No. 1 northwest ern, 11.21; prime timothy, 13.85; clover, con tract grade. 111. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per- bbl., $17 25. I,ard. per 100 lbs., $Hi.(i(,'10.02V,. Short ribs side (loose), 18.3; VflH 2"4- Dry salted rhoulders (boxed), $8.2; 4(8.50; short clear sides (boxed), $U.oixSj9.U.'H. WHISKY Basis ot high wines, $1 .31. Following were the receipts and shipments of flour and grain Saturday: Receipts. Ehlnme-n's. Flour, bbls 33.000 27.700 .Wheat, bu 117.! Corn, bu 4:;3.80O Oats, bu r.S.Soo Rye, bu 18.000 Barley, bu Sts.uw) ll.KM 2K8.R.10 l'JS.700 On tho Produce exchange today the but ter market was quiet and steady; cream eries, 1Wi2ac ; dairies, l,4i2fc. Eggs, quiet and firmer: los off, cases returned, 2oc. Cheese, unchanged, 1.1(&13Vc. MCW YORK OBKKItAJL MARKETS. Onotatlona of the Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. FLOUR-Rf celpts, 18.13& bbls.; exports, 21.4M) bbls.; dull but steady; winter patents, 83.60i33.7i); winter straights, Xj.46o.6; Minnesota pat ents, H.uufc-i.iu; winter extras, 8-'8.(Su.l6: Minnesota bakera', H 2."xi3.1'; winter low grades $2 ."t'2.95 Rye floi.r. steady; fair to good, 83. 1(3.40; choice to fancy, 3.&K(i AGO. rtuckwneai, Hour, 14 J let, 2.'-iwLU.'i. spot and to arrive. -t'ORNMEAL Uasy; yellow western, 8110; city. 81.18; Brandywlne, tx 403.45. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 55c, t. o. b. float. ' ..itLEY Steady; feeding. S9f40c. c. 1. t. Buffalo; malting. 4sr(i). c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 35.100 bu. ; exports, 67.379 bu. ; i;ot steady; No. 2 red, 79-c ele vator and i9'4C f. o b. admit; Nn. 1 north ern, Duluth. t&'tC t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 87c f. . b. afloat. The big ciop llgurea caused further liquidation In whest today except December, which belated shorts advanced sharp'.y. The general mar ket was dull and easy air day, cioHing ',c net lower; May, SuVi 7-ltk closed at bo'c; Julv, 7&V(7.-V4C. closed at 78',c. CORN Iliuliils. 39.i)0 bu.; exports, 31,000 bu.; spot easy; No. 2, 59c elevator and 57:e f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, H'Jc; No. 3 white, tro. Options expen-fneed heaviness under the Influence of crop figures, coupled with favorablo weather conditions. Liqui dation was a feature and the market closed Httc net lower, January closed at 54c; Aiarch cIobkI at 61 So; May, 48Vt4'c, closed at 4S,c. OATS Receipts, 64.600 bu. : exports, 1.740 bu.: spot quiet; No. 2. 38c; standard white, 4Hc; No. 3. 3ic; No. 2 white, 40Se; No. 3 white, SH".(!i 40c ; track, mixed western, nominal; track, white, 48(i 43c. Optlo;i)s dull and weak with other niurkets. HOPS yutet; state, common to choice, 19i'2, iiiyJ7c, lil, 2441bc; olus. 7tfil2c; I'a tltlo cuaat. 19U2, 20yJlc; 1!K1, 2J(uV.tc; old. i'lt HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., J i v 1 ivji inn. &j iu m lun., ijv , 1 1'AUH, Ury, . 24 to MJ lbs., 24c. WOOl Firm; domestic fleece. 2'fi30c PROVISIONS Beef, quiet: family, t!600 tjis.uo; mcis, tHI.jijill aj, li.ef bviiis, t;.o. a0; patket, 114.16; city extra India mess, t2f4j28; cut meate. quiet: pickled bf'.lleg, tK.7.i9.75; plck'ed shoulders. IsiViivoii; pickled hams, 111.25$ 11. 60i Ijtrd, n.imiiuil; Western steamed, tlu.70; retlned. nominal; ooi tlnent, tlonO: South America, 111.50; compound. I7.bn4j7.75. Pork, eaBy; fancy, 118; short clear. l21.ouu 22.00; miss, 3lb.25'uv 13. 80. BUTTER Receipts, t.494 pkgs.; firm; state dairy. 2ui2oc; creamery. 2iJj2Sl,,o; creamery, common to choice, 21tf27,,c. CHEKSE Receipts. 2.3So pups.; firm; fancy lurge, state full cream, colored, fall nuiko. 14c; late make, 13Sc; white, fall make, 14c; lata make, 131'13,ci fancy small, fail make, colored,. He; late make, 13V; white, rail make, 14c; late make, U't tri3f!. EGGS Receipts, 1155 pkgs.; flora; state and Pennsylvania, average best, 2c; west tin, poor to fancy, Sfi2c. POULTRY Alive, sloady: chickens. 10 11c: spring,, 14ol5c; fowls, 121ii:tc. Dressed, firmer; western chickens. 12'd l-'Mif; western fowls. 12c; western turkeys, lf,il9c. METALS Tin declined 7s Id In Irf,ndon, pot selling at 121 7s and futures at 121; spot tin soid locally at t-'ti.w. Copper, 8s d higher In lndon: there was a sale of 100.- 000 lbs. electrolytic t 12c; standurd Is quoted at lll.Sod 11 50; lake at til 9o'n 12.05 and electrolytic and casting at lll'HIJ.a5. lA-ad declined Is 3d In Ixindon to 11 lf-a 3d. but continued quiet and unchanged here at 14 12V Spelter was unchanged In both markets, the local quotation being 14 TO and trie foreign price remaining at a.19 17s d. Iron closed at 63a 41 In Glatgow and at 40i 4,d in Mlddlesborough; here It was dull and unchanged; No. 1 foundry, northern, la quoted at t23 oo25 00; No. 8 foundry, northern. No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at t-Ou 23.00. Mlaaeaella Wheat, Floar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, Deo. tL WHEAT De cember, 7?'c; Msy, 74'574T4c; on track. No. 1 hird. 75-v; No. 1 northern, 74'4.c; No. 2 n"riliern, T2'c. Kl.ol'K Quiet, flrt patcntt, UWilH; second patents, S3.i4M.ft5; Hrst elsr, lift 8.1''; rcMiml ilears, 12 .'"u 2.40. I'.RAN In bulk, 11325. OMAHA WHOLESALE M.tRKRT, Condition of Trade find Quotation on Staple anil I'ancy Produce. EW IS Fresh stock. 2-lc. 1,!VK I'ul LTRY Hens, ifaWc; old roost era, 4'u.'c; turkeys. IMiji ; ducks, MrjSc; gcrne, iV'"Sc; spring chickens, per lb., !V U li;c. PRESSED POULTRY Hens, Iffillc; young chickens, Sifjlnc: turkeys, 16'el7c; duck-. I '"ft lie; geese, I1?i12c. Hl'TTKU-l acking stock. 17fal7He; choice dairy, In tul.s, tfiCuilc; separator, i30c. CORN New, 37c. OATS 34e. !li K No. 2, 45c. OYSTERS standards, per can. We; extrs selects, per can, 35r; New York coflnts, per can, 4ic; hulk, extra selects, per gal., 81.75: bulk, standards, per gal., t! 46 KRE.-'H FISH Trout, 9'ninc; herring, 5c; pickerel, 8c; pike. 9c; perch, 6c; bulTilo, dressed 7c; sunllsh, 3c; blueflns, 3c; whife nsli, v; salmon, lfic: haddock, lie; codtlsh, 12c; redstmpper. 10c; lohaters, boiled, per lb., 30c; lobster, green, per lb., 28c; bull heads, 10c; cattish, 14c; black bass, 2uc; hnhbti, 11c. URAN Per ton. 813 50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha' Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, th ait; No. I medium, S7.Ct; No. 1 coarse, 17.00. Rye straw. Jti.oo. Those prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair, receipts light. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per dozen. 23c; L'tah, per dosen, 46c; California, per dozen, lor stalks weighing from 1 to IV, lbs., each, 4 itf7fc. POTATOES Per bu., 60c. SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes, per bbl., 83.25; Kansas, 82.26. TURNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gae, per lb , lc. BEETS Per basket. 40c, CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dozen, 81.5". PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40o. Fit !S California, per -10-lb. cartons, 81; Turkish, per 35-lb. box, ltOflfcc. CARROTS Per lb., lc. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dosen bunches, 45c. RADISHES Southern, per dozen bunches, WAX BEANS Per bu. box. 83; string beans, per bu. box, 81.50. CABBAGE Miscellaneous Holland seed, per lb.. 1'4C ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu., 75c; Spanish, ner crate, 81.75. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.60. TOMATOES New California, per 4-bas-ket crate. 12.75. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, 82.60. FRUITS. PEARS Fall vnneties, per box, t2.00; Colorado per box, 32.25. APPLES Western, per bbl.. 82.75: Jona thans, 34; New York stock, 13.25; California Belltlowers, per bu. box, 11.60. GRAPES Catawbas, per basket, ' 18c; Malagas, per keg, t6.O07.O0. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, per bbl., 810; bell and Bugles. 311: per box, 83.50. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, 32 0Ki 2. 50. LEMONS California fancy. 83.75; choice. 83.50. ORANGES Florida Brights. 83 75; Cali fornia navels. 33.; California sweet Jaffas, all sizes, 2.75. DATES Persian, In TV-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., 32.25. GRAPE FRUIT Florida, 86. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frama case, 83.75. CIDER- New York. 31.50; per Vt bbl.. 32 75. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per V, bbl., 82.25; per bbl.. 83.75. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 5c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 Baited, tc; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 124 lbs., 8V4c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., fic; ffVy bides. 812c; theep pelts. 25T75c; horse hides, 8I.50rn2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. i soft shell, per lb., 1.1c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Jtrazls, per lb.. 12c; nlherts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., :2"c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doz., 50c; chvfJtntits, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6VjC; rousted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu.,3100; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50: cocoanuts, per 100, 84. OI.D METALS. KTC.-A. B. Alolrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country. mixeu, per xon, u; iron, stove plate, per ton, 3S; copper, per lb.. S'fcc; brass, heavy, per lb., Sc; brass, light, per lb.. 6'ic; lead, per .'!, 8c; zinc, per lb., 2Hrc; rub ber, per lb., 6Vic , WEAIIE COMMISSION COMPANY, ll O-l It Board nf Trade, Omaha, Kebe Telephone 1310. CHICAGO, Dec. 31. WHEAT The mar ket has been Influenced some by the In crease in the povernmer.t estimate of the crop, and all the markets have yielded to gether. There has been some selling by local professional!! rind some stop-lc.?s sell inc;, but the trade ha been small and un important. The December discount wid er ed to 3,c under the May. Weather In ArRer.tine favorable lor harvest and the weather moderate through the winter wheat Dctt in tnit country. Minneapolis and Du li.th are expected to Increase 1,050.000 bush els for the week. The seaboard reports It loads for export. CORN There has been a small com mar ket, with rrlces off slightly. Tho sentiment was intintneed some by the government nop estimate for the ' crop 2,525.000,0)0 buxhels, or fully as high as any estimate so far made. '1 he crowd has kept an eye or the December at St. 1Oiiln, where the bi'lls nppnrcntly have kept the control, as the December there sold at 46c, against 46c yesterduy New York reports two loads for export. Weather west favorable for move ment hut milder predicted for middle west. OATS There has been a draggy oats market, with fluctuations small and de clines unimportant. The mood has been affected some by the government crop es timate Ispjed last night. Oats receipts here the last year. 78,ix).oOO busTiels, com pared with 90,000,000 In 1901; shipments, 58. (0i bushels, compared with 70,000,000 In 191. New York reports GO.ouo bushels for export. PROVISIONS The market opened off on larger receipts of hogs than expected. The market reacted quickly on buvln orders jrom commission nouses, rsoi mucn stuff offered; trade fair EARE COMMISSION COMPANY. ' w Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec 31 WHEAT De cember. 63c; May. (K'h,S68tC ; cash. No. 2 hard. f,4'ri(n,c; No. 3. (.'4i7c; No. 2 red, C7!fl?ic; No 3, 6l!(fi664C- CORN December. y',c; May. 87c: cash, No. 2 mixed. 37fec; No. 2 white, SsrgasVic; No. 3. s;v. OATS-No. 2 white, Sic; No. 2 mixed, 324c R Y K No 2. 4tk . IIAY-Choke timothy. tll.5Oei2.0O; choice prairie. JO.iOGi 1100 BI TTER-Creamery. 2SS27c; dairy, fancy, EGOS-Weuk; fresh Missouri and Kansas No. 3 whftewood cases Included. 22c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu Oats, bu 1.2"0 S,ti(J 6V 38.4110 12.5J0 14,000 Philadelphia Prodare Market. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 31. BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream cry, 3iH'; extra nearby prints. ic. EtltiS Firm, lc higher; fresh nearby, 30c, Iosh off; fresh western, 30c, lose off; fresh southwestern. 24c, loss oft"; fresh southern. 2)c, lone off. CHEESE Firm and quiet; New York full creams, prime small, 14c; New York full creams, fair to good smalf, 13W.giU4c; New York full crcaniH, prime large, 14c; New York full fleams, fair to good large, 13V4 t!l3C. Toledo Uraln and Seed. TOLEDO. Dec. 31. - WHEAT - Dull, steady; cash and December, 77Vc; May, 4vNc. CORN Dull, weak; December, 44ic; Miy, 434 c. OATS Dull, steady; December, S4c; May. 34Sc R YE No. 2, 52HC SEED Clover. dull, higher; January, ttiW'j; March, t95. Prime timothy, tl 80. Prime almke, tS.io. Mllv4aak.ee Uraln Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 31. WHEAT Easier; No. 1 northern, iti&TSHc; No. S northern, 754-; May, 76V4C. RYE Firm; No. 1. nle. PARLEY Firm; sample, 42&65C. CORN May, 43ic. long City Hi 4tork Blarket. PEORIA, 111.. Dec. . CORN-Lower; new No. 3. 4tVtC. OATM-Steavly; No. S white. 32c S H1SK4-41.J1 for finished goods. Ilalatlt tirnla Market. DULUTH. Dee. St.-WHEAT-Ca.h. No. 1 hard, 74c; No. I northern, 71c; No. 1 north ern, 7:t'c: iH-'Ct-ni'.ier, 7Jc; May, T4c. OATS May, JJ'c. Liverpool Uraln and Provisions. LIVERPOtlL. Dec. 31. WHEAT Spot. Arm; No. S red western, winter, 6s li'.id i No. 1 California. 6s 90. Futures, steady; December, nominal; March, M May. 1 VI. C iRN Spot. American mixed, new, quiet r.t 4sllHd; Amernun mixed, old, steady at f.f 'frd. Kjtures steady; January, 4strVl; Al.ir. h, 4s 2"d. PROV ISIONS -Beef, extra India mees, quiet. Ills 3d. Pork, prime mes western, easy, 82s tid. Bacon, clear bellies, dull, 57s. Lc.rd, prime wesiern, quiet, &4s9d; Amer ican retlneu, quit t, oils 9d. St. I, no la Uraln and Provisions. ST. IX5IIS. Dec 31 -WHEAT-Ixiwer; track, 74'-'((;;,c; May, 7'4c; July, 77 He; No. 2 hard, 6!i 72Sc. t'oRN Lower; No. 2 rash, 4"Hr; track, 4(V"Jl,tc; December, 42c asked; "May, i9' (fl Hiked. )Al'R-uwcr; No. 2 cash, 33c; track, 34c; May. SJNc; No. 2 white, 3oc. RYE-Firm at 47y, FLOUR Dull, steady; good winter pat ents, !3.ii."Q;;.50; extra fancy and straight, to.05ft3.30; clear, t2.9iOT3.o.j. KEbD-Tlmothv. steady. 12.903.40. CoKiSMKAI-Mteaily, 2 3u. jRRAN Strong; sucked, east track, 73'lc. HA V Dull; timothy, 811.iHif8l6.OU; prai rie, Spl.oDtl i 00. . 1 RON t OTTON TIKR-tl.074. HAGGINO 8 6-lG-g7 l-)Sc. HEMP TWINE tic. PR(JVlSIONS-Dry salt meats (boxedV steady; extra short, 3912V4; clear ribs, ID; short clear, 19.50. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, 110.50; clear ribs, 310.50; short clear, til. METALS Iad. steady at 83.95fg3.9714. Spelter, lower at $4.4. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 8c; turkeys, llfi'lic; ducks, 12c; geee, Sc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23(3'30c; dairy, EGGS Steady at 22c, liss off. Receipts. Shltiments r utur, oois 4,"i Wheat, bu 6.'l,0io Corn, bu 122, 1x0 Oau, bu 46,000 47,tti) 611.oi) 4 1, 000 STOCKS AKD BONDS. Year Closes with Confidence Relcnlnsi at New York. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. The year closed on the Stock exchange with a verv confident sentiment predominating. During the tlrst two hours of business the aggregate salens reached a larger figure than In any similar period for many months, the total reaching to nearly 76u.0i shares. During the latter half of the session trading was much in terrupted by the New Year's celebration of the Produce exchange on the neighboring floor. In which many members of the Stock exchange participated, while the eplrlt of preparation for the Stock exchange frolic was also In the air The taking of profits on the two days' rise made considerable Impression on prices during the final hour, so that some conspicuous stocks loot all of their early gains. The great central factor In the day's mar ket was the safe passing of what haa been considered a danger point In money affairs. The fact that New Year's day has been reached without money embarrassment is taken to demonstrate the success ot the plans made for meeting the extraordinary requirements upon the money market at this reason. For the moment the possible future requirement to be met by reason of extended loans and deferred payments of obligations Is lost sight ot and confidence is general that the normal relaxation In money rates will follow the turn of the year. ' Current reports of railroad earnings also show a larger ratio In gross earnings, rais ing the hope of an Improved showing in net refirne. The yearly reviews now appearing of the closing year's extraordinary prosperity had a strong sentiment on speculation atul the government's estimate of the very large cereal crop gave substantial ground for a hopeful feeling ?ver the future. Or the day s special developments the maintenance of (he 7 per cent dividend on Delaware & Hudson etock was a reassuring factor, es pecially in the case of the coalers. Thit group, however, was, affected by realizing. The rise In the) price of copper had a gen erally favorable effect besides its Influence on Amalgamated. The railroad commis sions Intimation that It had a plan for Im proving the handling of congested traffic on the local street railways induced heavy speculation In Manhattan. Brooklyn Tran sit was held back on account of the pre uentment by the Kings county grand jury condemning its car service. A' feature of the day was the diligence with which all classes of stocks were bid up so long as offerings continued light. A number of re cent flotations which have been practically dormant owing to the tight money market were vigorously advanced. Examples were United States Realty and . American Steel foundries and on the curb International Marine (when Issued). The money market continued stiff today, but eased off In the kite transactions. The trust companies continued to call loans and the fofces of de pletion of bunk reserves seemed to be still at work, but all such considerations were Ignored In the almost exultant confidence expressed by the stock operators that the turn of the year will see the. end of their money troubles. The bond market was broad and active and made general advances. Total sales, par value. 12.34i.OaO. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. I The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atrhlion MT 8o. Railway 'J"4 to prd IK'S do P'd 1,2 ' Bat. & Ohio 100 Tan Sr Pacific 404 do nfil l'.,.Tnledo. 8t. b. & W. 2s r.n.rt. Mn 77 !o nM 4C4 Can. dun Pacific ... .13:,l-nios Pacific 10IH, , Cha. & Olilo oo pia j Chicago II Alton H'Wabanh io'i do pfd 71Si do pfd 44, Chicago. Ind. L. .. 75 W heeling ft L. r.' do pfd . . 90 ; QO sq pia K ..1S Wla. Central 5i .. 17T, do pfd iit .. Kv Adania Ex S0i . . 4l'4 American E 230 .J' 4 I'nlted Statra Kx 1.17 .. WrUa-Karfo El 22.) . . S31. Aim). Copper I3 .. An.tr. Car F 35' Chicago St F. 111... Chicago ft O. W... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chicago ft N. W... Chicago Ter. A Tr do pfd C. C. C. A St. L. . Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. A Hudson.... .. 2 do pfd Ill1 ) .. t; Atit. Lin. Oil It i .. 44- do pfd 40 J ..172 American 8. A R 43 0 do ipfd W.l'.i I Del. L. A W Denver R. 0 41'4 anac. Mining co i no pfd 8R Brooklyn Kald Tr... 67'j Erla Colo. Kuel & Iron... oi do let ptd iM, fnna. Oaa ti'- do Jd pfd 61 n Coat. Tobacco pfd... 117 Great Nor. Pfd 2U2, Gen. KUdrlo 1M Hocking Valley. ... 9 nocKing toai ... 5Vi Inter. PaD.r 117V ! do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Erie A W. do pfd L. A N Manhattan L ...14s do pfd 714 j . .. 40S4 inier. rower . .. 724 Laclede tisa bo1? ... to National Ularult 45-V, ...116 National Load 24 .. .1274 No. American 11 ...14H Pacific Cuaet CD ...1404 Pacific Mall SH tin dt Ry mi. central ... 2t rtople a Gaa 1M t ... ITVi Hr-iuM-d 8. Car ? ...107 do pfd 2! ...1101, Pullman P. Car !J8 ... 244 Republic Sleel jut, ... 6TS, do pfd 771. j Mrt. N.tlon.l Main. St. L. Mo. Pacific M.. K. A T. . . . do pfd N. J. Central , ...175 sugar :2 N. V. Central lit Tenn. Coal a- Iron... Norfolk A W 733 Inlon Hag A P. do pfd do pfd. .. 77 .. 124 . . AN's .. 17 .. M1 .. 34 .. .. k't 2S-, .. f' .. 44, .. J74, .. Ss .. 4 Ontario A W 32 I. I. Leather .... i;,ii do pld :S a- Rubber 774 do pfd 7 1'. Steel Pennsylvania ... Reading do let pfd do 2d pfd St. L. ft a. r... do let pfd do 2d pfd St. L. s. W T6 do pfd " Western t'nlon ... e--r ' Amer. Loiomotlva. do pfd -', K. C. Southern ... 17S do pfd 1W31) Rock inland 44Vs do pfd do ptd St. Paul do pfd 9o. Pacific 'eir York Money Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 31. MONEY On call, firm at 9ii12 per, cent; closing offered at 9 per cent; time money easy; sixty and ninety days. 6 per cent; six months, 5V per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4 per cent. STERLING EXCH ANOE-Heavy, with actual business in bankers' bills at S4.MIC ti4.ti035 for demand and at t4.S2H"'fl.!5 for rixty-da'v bills; poeted rates. JlStijlST1; commerclaV bills, tl. t24i4. MS SILVER Bar. 48Vc; Mexican dollars, a'4 BONDS Government, steudy; railroad. Arm. The closing .nictations on bonds are at follows: . V. 8. ref. 2a. rug do coupon do 4a. reg do coupon .do new 4a. reg , do coupon do old 4s. reg.. do coupou du 4a. reg do cuupou Atchleon gen. 4a., do ndj. 4a Bel A Ohio 4a... do l',s do lonv. 4s Canada kin. Sa Central of Oa. 6a ...Ids' U. A N. unl. 4s 10114 . . .ltikVa Mm Central 4a 7 . ..1.4-V do Is Ine 254 . ..K11, Minn A St L. 4s...lJ ...130't 41.. K. A T. 4a M ...14 do la fti ...!' K. V. Central la. . . . . 111214 ...llO'a do general 14; Iim1 ...luJ.S. J. C. gen. 4a ltS ...10J, No. Pacific 4a P'3a ...1021, do Is ... 43 N. A W. con. 4s.. ...Iu2 Keadrng geu. 4a... ... H L S I II f. 14 ...li4 1" e S V. 4a. ...lo'4 tl. L. 8. W. la... . ..lotiW do 2s . 72 . . 100'4 ,. 7', .11314 . ft; .. 441, .. U' .. 74 .. kuv do is Inc li IS. A. A A. P. 4a . Chea. A Ohio 4Sa...l0aS So. Pacific 4s t hicago A A. SWi kl 0o. Ra.lway 5a Ill C, H. A 1. n. 4a.... M Texaa A Paclhc la...ll'i C. M ft St P g. 4a. ..Ill T., St. L. A W. 4a. 76 . . m n. w. c. is us iniua racinc 4a io4 .k ... 1. c r. B....liks 00 couv. 4a... C C C A S: L g. 4a . !, WalMlak la Chicago Ter. 4a M do Colorado Ko. 4a kl do deb. B Denver A R. O. 4a...lwil4 Wt bhore 4a . 4ne prior lien 4a lou Wlteel a, L. K. do geural 4a s74 W la. Cenlral 4a V. W. A D. C. la. .. .110', Con. Touucco... Hovkibg Val- 4sa Wt .ll'S .1IC .l' . 77'i .llt . 51 . 1 .. k Foreljtrt Flnnni-lal. BERLIN, Dec 31 -Prices were Arm on the buurte ttviay. Collieries were In large ceirutiul. liinka were harder and Interna tionals were favored. The close was sonie hat quiet. LONDON. Dee. SI. There was great pres sure In the money martlet ti.luy for year end accommodation, and It wis rstlmatwt j that tout burrolr.gs from the liawik of England probably exceed t75.floo.000. Pts- . . ...... v i tu tne scarcity of bills ar.il continental competition. In the Stock exchange New Year's eve qjletude? pre vailed, but the general undertone wsa firm In spite of some irregularity. Consuls were dull. Americans had a general recovery, following the lead of New York. The fea tures of the transactions were Norfolk A Western. Southern. Union Pacific and Erie. There was an Indisposition to operate In Americans, but .hey closed Arm. Orand Tturks Impnved on renewed buying, es pecially ordinary thirds. Kaffirs had a hardening tendency. PARIS. Dec. .11. Operator on the bourse today were farovably Impressed by the aKrecment hf the powers regarding Mo rocco. Kusiness opened animated and prices Improved on bear covering. Rentes werj In request at the opening, but in conse quence of the bankruptcy of an outside broker dealing therein later became quieter. Rates were also Influenced by the tight ness of contangoes. South American rose sharpiy, industrials were firm and Rlj tlnios milled briskly on the rise of the price of copper In New York. K attire were In eager demand and Arm. The private rate of discount was J 15-16 per cent. PARIS, Dec. 31. Three per cent rentes, 9Uf Me for the account; exchange on Lon don, L'5f 15c for checks. RKRDIN, Dec. 31 Exchange on London, December, 2om 444 pfg. for checks; dis count rates: Short bills (for settlement), per cent; three months' bills, 3Vt per cent. notion Stocks and Roads. BOSTON. Dec. cent; timeoans, closing of etockis Atchlann 4i Gaa la Met. central 4a....... Atchison do ptd Ritetnn A Albany... Boston Elerated N. Y , N. H. A H.. Kltchourg ptd t'nton Pacific Mex. Central Amer. Sugar do pfd American T. A T.... 1'omlnlon I. & s Gtn. Klectrlc Mast. Klectrlc do pfd United Krult V. 8. Steel do pfd 31. Call loans, 6fl7 per 6H4Vs per cer.t. Official and bunds: 1004 W.atlngh. Cemmon .102 HIIS Adrentura 14 7 Allouea MS Amalgamated luva Blugham l.Si! Calumet A Hecla.. 1M4j Centennial 2'H jCopper Range 141 Dominion Coal lfMi-Vlnie Royale zl' Mohawk 12t Old Dominion 120's Osceola Parrot fi2'- Tamarack . I, . . 2S .UK! . 1S . .111 . II . 444 . 174 . t ,. n .160 . 104 . ! .. 144 . . t4 . 44 Id! Trinity S4 14 110 54 I nlted States l lah Victoria Winona Wolverine .... London Stock Hnotatlons. LONDON, Dec. SI. -4 p. m. Closing: Consols, moaejf MT N. T. Central 16j ao account 4r.orrolK ft western.. IbW Anaconda 4 do pfd. 44 Atchleon do pfd 10 j Daltlmore & Ohio... 1071, ai.adlan Pu lfl- 136', Chesapeake Ohio... Chicago O. W 7'. Ontario ft weatarn.. 32 PeanarleanU 14 lUnd Mines 124 Heading 14'4 do let pfd 44'4 do id pfd 47 ('., M. & 8t. P IU Southern Ry 16 DrHeera 11", do ptd Denver ft R. do ptd Brie do 1st pfd. do 2d pfd. 41. UUtWH riciuG IIV.. nlon Pacific li'.IH 40 do pfd K 70'4 r. 8. steel fct'4 (2W do pfd (74 outhern Pacific l4 Illnols Central. .H Wabash got Lou svtlle ft N 13 Hk do pfd 44 ilAR SILVER Steady at 22'4d per ounce. MOMiY 4fg4'4 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 3 15-UV54 per cent; for three-months' bills, 34j37t per cent. ew fork Mining Qnoto tlonn. NEW YORK, Dee. Sl.-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Arums con Alice Hreece Brunswick Con.... ( omstock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs.. born silver Iron Silver Uadvule Con.... ... IS Little Chief ... ... M '(Intarlo .., 40 Ophlr ... t phoenlg ... t Potosl ...130 Savage ...1M Sierra. Nevada ... 40 Small Hopea .. ... I Standard .. t ..464 ..12i .. 4 .. I .. li .. 4i .. 36 ..325 Bank Clearlags. OMAHA, Dec. 31. Bank clearings today, 1 lfil.742.G0; corresponding day last year, tl 447.RN7.70; Increase. t4.054.96. BALTIMORE, Dec. 31. Clearings, t3,649, 047; balances. 50R,k7O; for the month, clear ings, $102. 073,653; balances? tl4,939,016; money, 6 per cent. PHILADELPHIA, Dec Sl.-CIearlngs, tl9,131,265; balances, t2,597,502; for the month, clearings, tM4.660,476; balances, t6.t'97,121; for the year, clearings, to.875,328,349; balances, 4513 2S6,6dj; money, per cent. CHICAGO. Dec 31. Clearings, t2o,265,47R; balances, tl.S2,620; New York exchange, 30c premium; foreign exchange, unchanged; posted sterling, $4.84 for sixty days and il.871 for demand. ST. IXJUIS, Dec, 31. Clearings tS.594,111; balances, tl. 139,677; money, steady at 6ft3 per cent; New York exchange. 60c premium. BOSTON, Dec. 81. Clearings, $22,617,924; balances tl,374,22j. . CINCINNATI, Deo. 31. Clearings, t3.730. 0o0; money, 6HM Pr cent; New York ex change, iwfjl5c' discount. NKV YORK, Dec. 31.-Clearlngs. t239k C92.921; balances, 113,469,496. '.Cotton Market. 8T. LOUIS. ; Dec. 31. COTTON-8teady ; middling, 85; sales, 634 bales; receipts, 4,tCl bales; snipments, 4,827 bales; stock, 27,517 bales. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 31.-4 p. m.-COTTON Spot, quiet; prices 2 points higher; Amer ican middling fair, 6-ijd; good middling, 4. Hud; middling, 4.C4.1; low middling, 4.62d; good ordinary, 4.40d; ordinary, 4.28d. The sales for the day were 7,000 bales, of which 60 were for speculation and export and In cluded 6,000 bales American. Receipts, 23,000 tales, Including 11,600 American. Futures opened easier and closed fairly steady. American middling g. o. c. : January, 4.67d; January ruid February, 4.60d; February and March. 4.60d; March and April, 4.60d; A"prll and May, 4.60dj4.61d ; May and June, 4.61d; June and July, 4.62d; July and August, .sld; August and September, 4.66d. The tenders for delivery at today's clearings were 6,000 bales, new docket. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. COTTON The cotton market opemu firm at an advance of iCni points. For the day preceding a holi day speculative operations were on a most satislactory scale, prices losing up to the best point of the season and HO points above the lowest on the part of the crop. Jan uary started out as the bull feature, ad vancing i points soon after the call. Its highest point was 871, 6 points above last night. In March and May the feature was good buying for Wall street pool Interests and prominent Philadelphia' people. There was also a good general demand early In the dav on over-night orders by people who regard the present export shipment but temporary. English cables, while open ing 3'1 points lower, later contributed con siderable aid ta the bulls by showing a partial recovery. Late dTTerlng by room traders were so quickly absorbed by the market as to check aggressiveness along this line. From -the sojth reports were quite btllllsh as to the spot situation: ex torters were Veany buyers of the staple, nnd private English cables noted a general European covering movement, ae well as some expansion ot speculative business. At one time during the afternoon prices lost several points under local realizing, but this was followed by returned buying ex cept In January, which closed about 4 points under the top. The market closed very stead v at 2pl0 points higher, late posi tions showing the greatest Improvement. Total sales of futures were estimated at tiV.oiO bales. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 81. COTTON Steady, closed Arm; sales, 6.900 bales; ordi nary. 6 1a-1c; good ordinary. 7 7-16c; low middling. 74c; middling, SSc good mid dling, 13-16c; middling fair, 9Vic; receipts. 22.222 bales; stock, 411.472 bales. Futures, Arm; January, 8.39c; February. 8.47c bid; March. 8.64fa8.55c: April. 8.r(&8.6i)c; May, 8.G4us65c; June, B.SS'JjSOc; July, .7uj.72c; August, 8.4.bo bid. Oil and Roala. LONDON, Dec. SI. OIL Calcutta linseed, spot. 47b, nominal. Turpentine spirits, 3Ks 10'd. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. OIL Cottonseed, dull. Petroleum, Arm. Kosln, Arm. Tur pentine. Arm. OIL CITY, Pa., Dec. 31. OIL Credit bal-, glues, tl 64; certificates, no sales; ship ments. 1M.606 bbls.; average. 92.406 bbls.; runs 91.974 bbls. ; average, 75.710 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., Dec. 31 OII-Turpen-tine. firm at 52Wc Rosin. Arm; A. H, C, D, tl 45; E, tl 60; F, tl 65; G, tfrO; H. 2; I. t2.:j; K, 42.S5: M, t-1 Sa; N. (3.66; WG, t3.S0; W, S4 2o. TOLEDO. Dec. 31. Ol L North Lima, 91.15; South Lima and Indiana, tl.lu. Raarar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. SI SUGAR Raw. nominal: fair refining, S7-16c; centrifugal, 96 teat, 3c; molasses sugar, 3S-16V; refined, quiet. MOLASSES-Qulct. -NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 31. SUGAR vulet; open kettle. 2'63 1-lc; open kettle, centrifugal. S6-ltij34c; centrifugal, granu lated, 4 3-liV(i4'4c; whites, Vt4 l-16c; yel lows, SM3c; seconds, tWo3 5-lftc. MOLAbbEa Quiet; open kettle, 162Sc; centrifugal. 43-lc; syrup, 21424c. Kvuporaled Apples and Dried Fralt. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows little change made and but moderate prices for spots. Common are quote.! at 4(6c: prime, iW 64c; choice, C-VrtOc; fancy, 7'. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Spot prunes are '-. moderate jobbing demand an j llroily held at 7 Sc for all grades. Apri cots are quiet at 7c In boxes and 7tfa loo In buas. Peat hes. steady at 8c for peeled and ti;7Vtc fur unpeeled. Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. Dec. SI WH ISK Y-DlstV-lers' nulshed guods, active on basis of tl JL OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Dtsinble Beef Otttle Bold Generally at About Steady Prioe. HOGS EASED OFF ANOTHER DIME a Light Ran ef Sheep and Lambs, bnt OwlngT to Infavorable Reports from tho Bnst the Feeling; Seemed to Re a Little Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. SI. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.950 6.371 5., IS Official Tuesday b.4i2 12.0..4 .i2 Official Wednesday S.ouO 11, "HO 4,u00 Three days this week,.12.33 2S.025 17,421 Same days last week.... 6.31 1H.7H9 U.d'M Same week before 11.541 23. M0 30,241 Same three weeks ago. ..18.750 SV.041' 36.1S3 Same four weeks ago. ...13,718 2.2 31.S' Same days last year 7.604 2t,J .77 Total this month 87,651 222.1N 1M.113 Total December, 1901.... 62, 184 267,724 61.556 Total lecemoer, l!)0....4,e6 200.926 6o,i36 Total December, lifts. .. .63,33 18,9! 46,046 total iecemoer, isss. . . .w.ui 1 ;.i'v w,en Total Total Total Total December. lr-97....68.! 150.6 86,t. December, 196....24.J0 131,957 ll.iatj December. 1m....59,o49 1S3.662 .9.'9 December. 1894.... 66, 708 106.213 23.231 1896....24.&10 Itt.... 59.049 1894.... 66, 708 FOR THE RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for the year, ana comparisons with last year: 1 1902. 19il. Inc. Dec. Cattle 1,010,074 418.003 192,071 Hogs 2.2(4,401 2,414.oo3 Sheep 1,741,463 1,814.841 426,(23 Average p. ice paid lor hogs at South Omaha lor the last several days with com parisons: Date. j 1932. 1901.1900.1S9J.1898.1S97.1896. Deo. 1... Dec. S... Dec. .. Dec, 4... Dec. 6... Dec. ... Dec. 7... Ih'-c. 4... Dec ... uec 10.. Dec 11.. Dec. 12 . Dec. 13.. Dec 14.. Dec. 16.. Dec. lb.. Dec. 17.. Dec. 18.. Dec. 19.. Dec. 20.. Dec 21.. Dec. 22.. Deo. 23. Dec. 24.. Dec. .. Dec 26.. Dec. 27.. Dec. 28.. Dec. 29.. Dec. 3U.. Dec. 31.. f 09 1 wm ll 24-) t I 07 V I 5 9;! "I 6 32, t & 4l 4 V4 .'.' 13 14, 16 211 2l 26' 34 26i 12 04 06 I 0i tt) t 71 t S5 1 71 S tti 1 ; 3 81 I t 8o S S7 i Mil 3 t 81 r 281 S 83 S M t 0 S 21 I oil S 92, I 3 Ju S 37 I 96 I 38 t 9 t 33 Oil 3 I S3 t li 4 2o vt 1 3 14 5 211 S It S 0 S 25 3 23 S 00 4 1 ;i 1 19 ui 1 n a m 1 21 t loi 3 17 a ao 3 20 3 2-l 3 24 3 2i S 11 t 29! 3 17 5 311 t 17 4 6I I H, 4 7I S4 4 81 1 4 78i I 4 tot K2 4 77 4 811 4 4 4 84 I 4 831 4 731 4 J7 4 79 tl 4 801 I lto"l t U I t UK I 6 InrHl 6 944k I 09Hf lsn 22HI 14 0144, 0771 I t KHi I8V4; '( 1 26 S98, 1 92, I 2S 1 311 t It 3 11 3 33, 3 28 3 17 S 24 S 74 S 941 3 28 4 01 S 33 4 U2 3 341 4 U4 I Ii 3 21 S 17 4 E6 ee 1 oe 4.1 1 2tt I I 6 354 t 19 t 36! 4 w 4 83) 4 77 4 81 e I A 90 4 11 S 60, S 2u n 44 4 09 3 441 I 6 281 0t4J j 84 6 351 I 32 4 14 3 48 3 321 S 24 3 30 S 18 3 31 3 16 3 35 S 17 4 16 S 46: 4 14 S 451 I S 61 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each roaa was: Cattle. Hogs, sn p. il ses. C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 15 7 vvaoaiin Ky 1 Missouri Pacific Ry.. .. Union Pacific system 13 C. A N. W. Ry 6 F., E. & M. V. R. R. 15 C, St. P.. M. V O.... t H. 4 M. Ry S K. C. & St. J. Ry C, R. I. & P., east... 6 C, R. I. ot P., west... 1 Illinois Central Ky.... S 4 6 11 45 23 2 18 1 20 2 7 170 Total receipts .... 84 14 The disposition of the day's receipts was as tollows, euch buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle Hogs. Sheep. ... Mo l,o24 372 ... 767 2,119 1,699 ... 763 3.1u2 781 ... 279 3,2.4 1,117 ... 201 3,482 ... 35 ... 30 ... 1 ... IS ... 132 ... 4 ... 66 Omaha Packing Co.... Swllt and Company... Armour tt Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour, Hloux City... Vansant or Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Livingstone 6c bhaller. Other Buyers Dennis & Co VVertnelmer Totals...' S.628 13,633 8,869 CATTLE Receipts ot cattle this morn ing were much smaller tha.n yesterday, so that the market steadied up a little. There was considerable unevenness to the trade, though, so thai some salesmen succeeued in getting better prices than others. Steer buyers were In good season and the market 011 the more desirable grades was lalrly active anu Just about steady with yesterday In the great majority of cases. The half-fat stuff, In particular, sold at uneven prices, as the different buyers were farther apart than usual in their bids. Owing to the light receipts practically everything was disposed of at a reasonably early hour. The cow market started out aulte brisk and the early sas were about steady with yesterday morning. Toward the close of the market buyers did not seem to be quite as anxlouB for supplies as they were at the start, so that the late arrivals did not sell quite so strong, or in other words, they sold about steady with yesterday's close. The same as noted above for steers, there was considerable unevenness to the trade. Bulls, veal calves and stags sold In just about the same notches tuey aid yester day. V There were very few stockers and feed ers In sight and buyers all seemed to be anxious tor a lew bunches of good tuff. The demand was, of course, not very large, owing to the fact that not many buyers a.e expected on the market to morrow, and then the end of the week will be close at hand, but buyers claimed that they would pay stronger prices for some good cattle. Representative sales: BKF STEERS. Ko. 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4! 4 1 I 44 11.... 17 1.... t 1 1 1 t I II... Av. .. 160 .. 414 .. ISO .. S1U' ..1010 .. 444 . .11)110 .1144 ..11(, ..llKM) .. n ..ll'2 rr. I vo 4 14 I 40 I 44 4 40 I 40 4 0 I M 4 74 4 75 4 74 I 46 fco Av. ..1101 ..1110 ..121! ..luuS ..10SO ..1260 ..1114 rr. i to 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 M 4 14 4 44 4 Sit 4 40 4 44 4 00 6 40 14 1 14 14 4 17 II 1 , .1104 11 ....U!u 14 IM 1 161U 4 1444 .10.1 1 B6 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 141 1 16 4 ....1224 4 16 cows. 1 74 I. 1040 176 1061 11110 I 46 I 46 1 14 : to I N t 40 I M I 40 I 40 t to 1 1 I 4 I 44 I M I 00 4 00 I 00 4 00 I lo I 00 I OS I 00 I 04 I 04 , I 00 I 00 I 00 I 14 I II I 10 4 10 4 14 I 10 I 1 i 10 I 10 I II I 16 4 16 I 16 4 :o 1 20 1 to I 20 I I 24 I M I 40 I 10 I li I 16 I 16 1 f. I 25 I 0 I 10 1 It I 10 I 44 I U I 16 I U I 40 I 40 4 44 I 60 I to I tt I 16 1 16 1 00 I 00 1 09 1 10 I It 1 IS I 14 t 14 I 46 I !t I t I 16 I 16 I It I II 1 :s I 14 I 16 t at t It I II I u I 40 I 40 t 40 I 46 I 46 I 40 I to I 44 I 40 I 64 1 60 1 40 I 60 I to t 40 I 6) I 40 I 10 I 44 I 41 I U t 46 I It 1 16 1 15 I 71 I 71 I 16 I It I It I 74 I II I II I It I M I to I M I to I 14 I U 1 " I 44 t 16 I tt I tt 11.... 11 14.... too . tSO 104 I4& s . 424 an 4t0 14. . . 1011 11 4i 11.. . e. 181 1 1 14 11 11 4 11 1 14 I 1 1 11 I ' 41 I 11 4 1 11 11 4 1 I 10 10 I 1 T Il 11 4...:. 12 1 14 It 7 4 14 II 12 I 40 I It 4 4 4 1 4 I t S 14 4 1 10 I I 1 ... I.... 100 101U 10S1 1074 ns 1041 4l 1140 1IM0 14 1144 1160 fill 1040 14 4J0 lo.U 1121 170 .U list 714 460 U'Sl 1060 ....1ISI ijoo 1144 1006 I'M I4j 117 1141 1010 11241 176 1042 IMS KM Hit 1214 1140 171 lilt 1111 1111 ioo 1141 list 1226 1141 1110 U'OO 1174 1161 llf.l 1116 11.1 1170 UTS 1370 1121 I J 1.... 1 1...., I 4 I 1.... I I. .... 4.... 1.... I 1.... 1 4 T.... II. ... 4 ... 4.... I. ... 4.... II. ... 1.... 1.... It.... 4.... 4.... 11.... 4 ... It.... 1.... I.... 4.... 4.... 4.... 4.... 4.... 1.... 1.... I.... 1.... I ... I ... I.... I.... 4.... .... t ... 4... I.... I.... 11.... 11.... 4... 4.... 4.... ... II ... 4 ... It.... 14.... I.... I ... . I.... I.... 1.... I ... 4.... ......760 ....70 771 40 t0 ISO tit Ms 1030 lObO 440 louo t40 fell tit tt loao 4t0 lost 461 10O0 470 144 434 1000 M 424 MS tM tit tl 1060 1064 Ml 441 1000 1160 1W nw 1010 lU-'O 1014 S5 1040 , loot .....1170 1111 li't) 1114 , lll tl 10'Jt lilt 1114 , 1041 , 111 1144 440 3 t4 COWS AND HEIFERS. ..464 I 40 . HEIFERS. r. , 710 . st; . 440 .1(KI0 . '! . t .1144 t 11 I tt I OK I 04 I M I to I 44 14.'.'.'.. it!!!!! I 46 I u I at I 4 I 40 14 . 024 . I 4 110 414 1 4.11 I 7S , T Kit I 1 Ill I 75 1 Ht I 4n I inoo t 76 1 74 I 40 1 400 I 76 1 11' I to BULLS. 1 IM t IS I H?0 I 18 1 WW I 2 I ll;.0 I 16 I 10 I 'i 1 11S0 I JO t mo 1 si 1 moo 1 n 1 moo 1 sn I lot 4 :t 1 is;o t en I uio I it 1 lino 1 t6 ! I4M 4 24 1 11M I IS 1 1 I 25 1 ,...imi 1 n 1 IS'") 1 : I "...1441 76 1 1740 I 14 1 IS40. I 40 1 1 I 1'. 1 12M I I , ima I 411 1 Inn 1 1 sr. 1 1M I 40 1 1310 I to 1 t 60 4 M0 1 00 1 1650 I 60 I IIo I Oil 1 14O0 1 60 1 15L-0 I 00 I lean 1 m 1 470 1 no I ;t6 I to 1 1166 I 10 1 1400 I 46 1 1ISH 1 10 1 140 4 76 I 40 I 10 1 1410 I 74 1 10O0 I 16 CALVES. 1 lone 1 to 1 ;io I 80 t 25 4 00 1 to I 60 1 110 I 00 I too 4 76 I lot 4 00 1 140 4 00 1 170 4 00 1 17 4 00 1 110 4 26 STAGS. 1 470 I 40 1 1140 I 44 STOCK CALVES. 1 I'O I 00 I MJO I 14 14 176 1 00 1 .. 10 I 15 4 6 t 26 1 4S0 I 16 I MO I (0 1 640 4 00 140 I 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I.. 104 I 16 4. 4. 170 24 I 40 I 40 , 640 424 . KM , 760 131 471 76 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 14 1.... 4.... I..., 1.... 10.... II.... ... 110 .. 441 ... 440 .. no .. im ..1121 I to to 44 I 44 I 16 t 40 ll!!!.'" I 15 I 16 I 60 I. 1. 70 14. Ml I 40 HOGS There was another heavy run of hogs here this morning, and, as other points were all quoted lower, the market nere eased oft Just about a dime. On the start packers were bidding 10tfl5c lower, but they failed to get many hogs that way and they had to raise their hands. The market seemed to gain In strength as the morning advanced and the close was more active and stronger. The bulk of the hogs sold from S 20 to $8.30 and as high at S6.46 was paid for prime heavies, which was only a nickel lower than yesterday's top. Buyers all took hold freely, so that prac tically everything was disposed of In good season. Today's decline takes the market back to Just about where It was the day before Christmas. Representative aales: ' No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 14 lft ... 4 40 44 til ... ISS 7 114 ... I 14 11 144 40 I 16 14 144 ... 1 16 41 110 ... 4 14 41 164 ... 4 04 44 Ill ... 4 S4 IS 174 ... 4 10 - 44 10 40 I 14 16 260 100 4 14 41 261 40 I 26 14 141 10 I II 10 144 ... 4 It 44., Ill ... 4 14 44 241 40 4 13 40 144 ... 4 14 44 1:1 ... 4 ! 10 161 40 4 14 10 400 too I 14 4.1 224 10 4 14 14 144 40 I 25 40 17t IN 4 14 41 211 ... 4 14 44 11 ... 4 174j 64 141 ... 4 14 64 124 40 4 11V It 164 40 4 IS 14 Ill 40 4 11 10 160 44 4 34 46 Ill ... 4 10 41 114 ... 4 25 41 104 ... 4 SO 44 164 ... 4 26 16 Ill 100 4 10 61 II 40 4 44 1 114 40 4 20 42 242 120 4 2 44 ,.2M 40 4 10 41 20 :t0 4 26 t 201 ... 4 14 74 211 40 1 44 11 104 ... I to II 114 120 I 14 41 160 ... 1 10 44 161 140 4 26 44 Ill 40 4 20 44 141 120 4 85 It Ml ... 4 20 14 Ill 44 4 16 6 246 200 f 20 44 17 ... 4 16 7 Ill 120 1 10 70 241 40 4 27 W, t4 136 40 4 10 10 St! ... 4 17S 41 214 ... 4 20 10. 141 40 I 17 46 116 ....4 20 II 246 !S0 4 271 7t 114 ... I 20 10 121 10 4 11V 79 211 ... 1 20 41 161 110 I 17'4 70 211 40 4 20 II 147 200 1 17' 66 211 ... 4 ?2 14 190 140 4 27 v 44 114 ... 4 :24 44 104 ... 4417V 11 241 240 t I.", to 101 164 4 10 t 216 120 I 26 64 Ill ... 4 10 11 241 40 4 25 61 24 110 4 10 46 176 40 1 15 66 277 ... 4 40 41 21 110 4 26 12 141 ... 4 10 61 146 ... 4 26 44 184 HO 4 10 47 Ill ... 4 25 4t 131 40 4 10 62 t0 ... 4 14 11 131 60 I 10 24 241 ... I 25 10 166 40 4 M 10 2.16' ... 4 24 II 341 110 I 10 70 231 140 4 16 t4 151 40 I 10 2 IM 120 I 25 61 106 ... 4 40 17 242 ... 44 74 Ml 120 I SO 71 13t 40 4 16 62 Ill 10 I 40 . 116 ... 4 15 44 14 40 4 10 41 140 ... 4 26 42 194 40 4 80 47..? 24 40 4 IS 40. ...... .144 120 4 31V II 311 40 1 16 61 191 ... 4 I2S 61 139 120 4 14 62 Ill WO 4 16 42 224 ... 4 23 46 137 ... I 36 11 241 140 6 26 12 1.11 40 4 46 71 240 2l 4 25 41 141 10 4 16 44 266 120 I 19 41 404 40 4 10 60 its ... 1 25 61 131 40 4 IS 66 320 ... 4 25 14 154 ... 4 40 M 280 ... 115 41 Ill ... 4 40 63 121 ... 4 16 64 1st ... 4 40 ti 221 V. 4 15 46 180 ... I 45 " SHEEP-There was a light run of sheen and lambs here this morning, so that, al though eastern points were quoted lower, the demand here was sufficient to prevent any great break in prices, 'n fact, lambs sold at Just about steady prices with yes terday, western lambs selling as high as J5.25, and a little bunch of natives brought 45.60. The sheep market, though, was a little lower and as compared with the first of the week the decline can safely be put at 102j15c and In some cases more. There were very few feeders offered and no quotable change In prices took place. Quotations foi fed stock: Choice lambs, S5.OOfe6.26; fair to good lambs, 84 606.00; choice yearlings S4.16&4.76; fair to good yearlings, I3.7uri4.15; choice wethers, 13.80 4.26: fair to good, 33.60g3.90; choice ewes, I3.60(ri4.00; fair to good, $3. 0043. 50; feeder lambs, S3.00&4.00; feeder yearlings, $3.003.60; feeder wethers, $2.7633 26; feeder ewes. $1.60 j2.25. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 100 8 00 94 S 00 80 4 00 76 4 00 101 1 35 92 4 26 W 3 66 90 4 00 84 4 26 160 3 00 1 4 00 100 S 00 135 3 75 92 6 60 79 4 16 69 6 25 108 8 46 95 3 10 92 ZOO 109 S 60 71 4 00 66 4 60 92 6 60 67 1 25 4 S 60 81 2 60 102 S 60 87 S 70 66 4 00 101 4 66 65 6 00 69 6 00 W ewes 7 yearlings 13 yearlings 212 ewes 229 yearlings 238 ewes 8 yearlings , 419 yearlings 1 buck 6 cull lambs '1 buck 2 cull ewes 18 lambs 29 lambs 272 lambs 218 ewes 226 ewes 23 cull ewes , 49 native ewes 9 native Iambs 37 native lambs 18 native lambs 12 culls 37 western wethers.. 3.' western ewes 200 western ewes 241 Mexican ewes 240 western lambs 314 western yearlings. 143 western lambs 140 western lambs CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Choice Cattle Still Show Streasrfh, While Hosts Drop a Little. CHICAGO. Dec. $1. CATTLE Reeelnts. 17,000 head, including 100 Texans; choice cat tle, strong, others slow: good to Drlme ters l&.4(rfrj6.6&: marln medium 42 7&rf 1 R isl stockers and feeders, S2.Oofe4.4o; cows. 11 2.SW 4.40: heifers, 12 OiMiS.OO; canners, $1.2&fe2.40; bulls'. $2 .00154 50; calves. $3.75fe7.76; Texas fed steers, $3.6ut5.0O. HOUS Receipts. 47,000 head; estimated to morrow, 30.0UO head; left over, 13.0u0 head: market 6fel0c lower but active; mixed and butchers, $b.00fe6.35; good to choice heavy, $(V3ffioO; rough heavy, $6.10ti.30; light, $5.7F4i 2ii; bulk of sales. $.2ofe4 4o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18.000 head: market steady to lower: good to choice wethers. $4.COii4.60; fair to choice mixed, t3.2&fe4.00; western theep, $4.0oil4 9u; native lambs. $4.0tife4.90. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle t.8S6 1.0)3 Hugs , 66.4X0 2.5S8 Sheep 20,29 503 SI. I,oa Is Lire Stork Market. ST. 1)UI3. Deo. S1.-ATTLE Receipts. 1.700 h-ad. Including l.OuO Texans: market steady to 10c lower on native beef steers; Texans slow; native shipping and export steers. $4 407 6.00. with strictly choice worth up to $6.76; dressed beef snd butcher steers. $4 0nf.5u; steers under l oot) lha , I3.75fe5.15; storker and feeders. $2 6(ijjl.26; cows and heifers, $2.2S'(i6.0v; canners, 41.75; hulls, $.'.36 itf'i M, calves. tl.i'Kgi uu; 1 exits ana inciian steers. $2.66ii4.0; cows and heifers, $2.7.r4 -. . - HCK34J Receipts, J.iiw head: market l&e lower: pigs snd lights. $6 1511(35, packers, S6.3T.b6 5o; butchers. $6.35fee).56. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 500 head; market strong; native muttons, $3 80 i4 40; lambs. $l.6"i6.75; culls snd bucks, 2'ko4 0O; stockers, $1.5063.00; Texans, 12.0 S.75. St. Joseph l.lve Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. SI CATTLE Re ceipts. 1674 head; active and steady; native. $3 7Si6.85: Texas snd westerns. $;( 3V( 5 35 ; cows and heifers. $2.!i4.25; veals, $2 6wii6.75; bulls and stags. $.'.5'iii4 35; year lings and calves, $2 5oy4 25; stocUcrs and fetders, $3 1X41135. IKHIS Receipt. 8.f'7S head: light and light mixed. $.l"'i' 4i; medium snd heavy. SIS ait;.5: pigs. Sl.fit.4r6.l6: bulk. $.20fli 45 SHEEP AND LA M US Receipt, 1 . head: native lambs. : OA; yearlings, $4.5u; wethers. $4 35; ewes, $4.10. Kansas City live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Twc. SI. CATTLE He ctipts .no head; 3n0 calves. 100 natives; corn rattle steady and slow; cows and heifers steady; stockers and feeders steady to strong; quarantine steady; choice ex ort and -dressed beef steers. $.1ll-i; Inlr to grv-id. 86; stockers and feeders, $2. W IH 40; western-fed steers, $2.7:!uV'.7i; Texas and Indian steen. $.1 ts il; Texas cows, S2.aOW.2r.; native cows. $J.4kjnS.;6; native tows and heifers. $2 x,fe4.1f; csnner. 81. U 41 2 1" ; bulM, $2.2ffe'4.2.': calvea, 82. 0"t6. 60. HCMIS Receipts. K.onO head; market It "9 Ko lower; t. p. $6 60; bulk of sales, $6 l-ilt" 6 40; heavy, $6 30.rf 611; mixed packers, $6.10 lid. 42V,; ht, $.".l'ti;.35; yorkera, $6.fe.3.; pigs. 40 iu6.75. SIIKKP AND LA MR 9 Receipts. ' 3.S0O head; market strong to 6c higher; Iambs film; native lambs, $4.i(in'. i: western lambs. $1.8.V(f4 40; fed ewes. S3. 004 4. 09; na tive wethers, $3.004.6o; western wethers, $3.00.25; stockers and feeders, $2.0ci3.35. Sen York l.lve Slock Market. NEW TORK, Dec. SI.-BEEVES-Re. celpts, S.164 head; steers slow and l'V lower; bulls and cows, uteadv; steers, $4.5t'd j.75; oxen, $4.15: bulls, $2.w4.20; cows. Sl.ttl' 8 70; fat heifers, $4.4'iiS.Ot. Cables un changed; shipments, 62ii head cattle, S.olO quarters of beef and tiO carcasses of mut ton; tomorrow, 150 head cattle nnd iMO hend sheep. CALVES Receipts, 1.S38 head; Itrong all around; veals, $5.Kjf9 50: little calves, SS.aO fe-4 60; barnyard, $3.(K&a621; westerns, $4 ; city dreesed veals, firm, llrl2c per lb. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts, lO.lfiS head; good sheep firm, others easier; lambs, 15fet0c off; sheen, $2.60414.26; culls, tl.Tbtr2.00; lambs, $4.75ii6.12V4; culls, $3.00 4.26; Canada lambs, $5 no. HOUS-Receipts, 2.377 head; market lower; state, $6.60fe.6; no westerns on sale, v Stork In Starlit. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: Cattle, lines. Sheet. irmnnn Chicago Kansas City St. Ixuls St. Joseph Sioux City Totals $,iv0 ll.oriO 4.000 17. OHO 47.0:10 .f00 6,3110 8.000 1.500 1.700 3.i)0 &'X 1.674 8.076 1,9:16 300 . 6,000 100 28,974 82,075 27,0? OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Christmas Holiday Still Farther Shortens the Market Supply of Hoars. CINCINNATI, Dec 81. (Special Tele gram.) The Price Current savs: A holi day shortened the market supplv of hogs. The total western packing was 390.00O, com pared with 646,000 the preceding week snd 460,000 last year. Since November the total Is 4,446,000, ngalnst 6.180,000 a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows: 1902. 1901. Chicago Kansas City . South Omaha St. Louis St. Joseph ... Indianapolis . Milwaukee ... Cincinnati .... Ottumwa Cedar Rapids Sioux City ... St. Paul .l,565.ono l,84S,onf . 4"0,0n0 715.01. S60.0HO 203.000 246. OilO 226.000 1 86.O1 12.". (IO0 102,000 90.000 132.000 163,000 465.0' ) 340,000 436. (m 8.10,000 217,000 i;.ft 130.00) 114.0110 190.11") 160.000 Coffee Market. NEW TORK, Dec. 81. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at un changed prices and ruled very quiet. In keeping with featureless European mar kets and tomorrow's holiday. There was no feature In the local market and the close was quiet, unchanged to 6 points lower on November. Sales, 0,250 bags In cluding: January, 4.40c; March. 4.60c; April, 4.70c; May, 4.76c; July, 4.90c; Septem ber, 6.05c. Peoria Market. PIOUX CITT, la., Dec. 3I.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300 head; stockers steady and killers lower; beeves, S3.50rrf6.25; cows, bulls and mixed. Sl.60tr3.75; stockers and feeders, $2.60i4.00; yearlings and calves. $2.28 75. HOGS- Receipts. 6.000 head; 15o lower, selling at $5.6O((t6 30: bulk. $5.90(?G.2O. SHEEP Receipts. 100 head; steady. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. Dee. 31. DRT OOODS This has been a semi-holiday on the mar ket and the general business has been on a lively scale throughout. Narrow print cloths are firm and difficult to buy. Men's wear woolens are firm, with fair demand for overcoatings. Woolen and worsted dress goods dull. Wool Market. 8T. LOUIS, Dee. SI. WOOL Steady to strong; medium grades and combings, 17tfJ 20Hc; light fine. Ifel9c; heavy fine, 13gi5c; tub washed. IS 29c. , Bares Paul Revere's Home. BOSTON, Dec. 31. Paul Revere's old home, one of the few structures of revolu tionary Interest In Boston, was bought by John P. Reynolds, Jr., a real estate dealer, today. He proposes to preserve It. The house Is In North Square, In the heart of the thickly settled North End, and was built In 1776, Revere buying it four years later. Mr. Reynolds will ask others to as sist him In restoring the building before handing it over to the care of some pa triotic society. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS nlaced on record Wednes day, December 81 : Warranty Deeds. Joseph McCleneghen and wife to An drew Ekqulst, lots 16 to 18, block 6, C. E. Mayne s 1st add to Valley $ 2.000 E. R. Myers and wife to W. R. Law- . she, lots S, 4 and 6, block 5, Water loo 1144 Mary C. Leuthatrom to C. A. Carl son, a 84 feet lot S, block C, Prospect Place i,io T. J. Williams and wife to Mabel J. Carey, lot 4. block S. Dupont Place.. 4 Mabel J. Carey to Fred Peterson, same 3o0 O. C. Dearlng and wife to Elisabeth I. M. Tukey, n 88 feet lot 6. block 197. Omaha Lavlnla C. Benford to W. M. Hey den. lot 4, Dewey Place 2 8K) Frank Koutsky and wife to Peter Plcqueur, lot 8, block 22, 1st add to - Corrlgan Place 301 Same to Qustaf Hoogewys and wife, lots 1 and 2, block 22, same ex) Omaha National bank to Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust company, u lot 8. block 7. Capitol add , Same to same, seW seV, 7-14-1S (except 6uxl20 feet) end lot 6, block 188, Omaha Same to same, lot 6, in nwU ne4 10-16-13 1 J. H. Levy and wife to Oeorge Tick' nor. lot 5. block 9. Summit add utn A. H. Norton and wife to W. V. Graft' lota S and 8. block 8, Waterloo 70 W. J. Laymon and wife to Ixuls Harris, lots 3 and 10, block 6, Ken dall's add j, B. R. Hastings and wife to E. R. Hums, lot S, block D, Prospect Place ogj Harold Olfford and wife to Margaret A. Davis, lot 9. Gilford's add 1 103 Lucretla H. Seymour to John Enke boll, lots 1 and 17, block 2, Sey mour's add 137 Samo to Ida M. Wolcott, lot 8. block 2, same 175 Bame to Fred Borland, lot 7. block 2. same 175 O. S. Iienawa and wife to Ella H. Loblngler, lot 38, block 4, Brlggs' P'ace KjO tatt Claim Deeds. A. P. Tukey and wife to Tukey Land company, lots 7 and 8, block 2, and ' other property In tlrammercy park.. 1 J. ri. Green to Barker company, e lot 7, block E, Omaha 1 it. 8. Thomas to K. R. Hume, lots 1 and t, block D, Prospect Place 909 Deeds. Sheriff to Francis Shaw, lot 1, block 3, Kountse eV R.'s sdd SOOO Sheriff to H. H. Thomas, lots SI and 32, Cunningham sc B.'s add 33 Sheriff to same, lots IS to 17, block 470, tlrandvlew 41 Elizabeth D. Kimball et al to same, lota 1 and 3. block D. Prospect Place C. E. Barry, administrator, to A. 11. Iee, w lot 7. block 337, Omaha too 1.100 Total amount of transfers $20,264 sasf SHIP IS TOt R HIDES STRANGE BROS. HIDE CO. leas City. Iowa. P. B. Wears. I'rer,. C A. Weare. V-I'T. Established ICH WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO ktmmra of the rriucifiul fc.xchunge. Private Wlrei lo All Points. CRAIS, flit4 !. Nlliikl. IJOXDll Bought and sold for casb or future delfverv. OMAHA BRANCH. liiMll Board of Trade. eiepnniie iJl W. B. Ward. Local M"nael. J V t y 1