ill F' ft 4 TT "XT" ITTA , t) Ml . 'rt i ZJk I li n ri r"i 'i r-" i J:STA11LISIIED JWSV 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1903-TWELVE PAGES SINGLE COPY REE CENTS. .it u rsd a y, ) , yr.. The Omaha 1 j " Sk M eaanmnt. eamSSBSW SBX Ail Jaw?-tm, " ' t "51 ) I SEES END OF STRIKE Director of Uilon Faclfio Says s Compro- miss Hu Been Beached. f 1 1 TtRMS, HOWEVER, ARE NOT GIVEN OUT Sfayi President Burt Will Burt West Friday to Confer with Men. pECUTlYE BOARDS HOLD JOINT SESSION ' Statement Made After the Adjournment :. J of This Meeting. ioCAL MEN TALK ON THE SITUATION , fnalat that WkittTtr Else Is Agreed ipo Piece Work Mast Re A han 't dnn.d and tha Scab Moat Go. & f';. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. (Special Tele jfcram.) That the officials of the Union Pa Iclfle rallrosd and representstlves of the em--ployen of the company have arrived at a 'satisfactory agreement In regard to the grievances of striking shopmen, which ikrcatened aerlous trouble on all the Har ' . riman controlled roads, became definitely ,known today, when a report was made to libs executive committee of both the Union p'aclflc and Southern Pacific railways that the strike was over. While Mr. llarrlman maintains his characteristic reticence con -corning the situation, it director of the com- fpony said todny: "A most eatlafactory report on the labor situation was presented to the executive committees todsy. President Burt Is ex-f" pected to go west on Friday to thorou put the case to the men. A com' ' ' has boen effected, but I cannot d' ,. Us details. Not only has the strl'' shop men been .terminated, but jr jreatened sympathetic strlkea areT-rted by the fair el""1 the officials have taken toward tha- f "i tin Cl em '.r.c con Charles II. Tweed of the South- company attended. Mr. Tweed'i resignation ss chairman of the Southern Pa cific board, not as a member, was accepted, although nothing has been done toward electing bta successor. J. W. Kline, executive committeeman for the Union PsclHo blacksmiths, ssys that negotiations between the strikers and t'ulon Pacific officials In the east have as sumed a more favorable aspect than the press dispatches even Indicate. He has been In dally communication since last Sat urday with President Slocum of the Inter national Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, who la In New York. The supposition of some la thst the Union Pacific officials sought first to deal with the three crafts, machin ists, blacksmiths and bojjcmakers, sep arately, but finding this disagreeable to the trlkers, they yielded to the only alterna tive of meeting the labor leaders lto-g-nther. Mr. Kline however, does not take this view. . Mr, Kline aays the one point at' Issue Um.s" r Upu'j which there ill be nJ' com the disposition of the strike breakers These men must leave the shops uncondi tionally or there will be do abandonment of the strike. If Strike la Hot Settled. J "We will effect one of the biggest mo tive power striken In the history of the country," said this leader, "it the Union Pacific fight Is not settled as a result of the negotiations in New York. Wa bave the moral support of our men everywhere and will have ample financial resources. We will be prepared to wage the war as long as the railroads can. We must fight this out to the finish. We cannot listen to compromise. We started In six months ago to settle the question of piecework and settle It right and we will not atop until that result is accomplished. - The life of our unions Is at stake. If the Union Pa clflo should win this strike and Introduce piecework on Its system, which would mean on the entire llarrlman system, it would Imply be the opening wedge that would fatally split our organizations and admit the Introduction of piecework throughout the country. And. whenever that Is done, whenever piecework Is In general operation the unions are done for. Piecework Is the death knell of organised labor." The resignation of Chairman Tweed cre ates now Interest In Omaha. Strikers con- , tend that It has special significance and interpret Mr. Tweed's action to indicate the stubborn opposition of some members of the Southern Pacific board to the policy of the Union Pacific. It is believed here that the Southern Pacific's avowed policy Is to steer clear of any further trouble and by all means to aee tht the strike Is crt complicated so as to Involve that road The only method for accomplishing this purpose, according to the strikers, la for the strike to be settled forthwith. Cms of the most conservative leaders of the strlks last night Informed a reporter for The Bee that pledges have been re ceived from shopmen on the Baltimore ft Ohio to co-operate actively with the Union Pacific striker If they fall In their negotiations at Nsw York. It alresdy hss been stated that the Northwestern, Ssnta Fe and, of course, the Southern Pacific shopman are pledged for a sympathetic Strike It the settlement falls. PINNED UNDERTHE ENGINE ratal Wreck Oceara on loath Park Host Wear Plttsbars Switch, Colorado. DENVER. Dec. SI. The combination train on the 8outh Park railroad, which left Den vor last evening, wss wrecked about 4 o'clock this morning near Pittsburg switch, four miles east of Breckinridge. The en gine and tour cars jumped the track and rolled down so embankment Engineer Daniel Wllllsms and Fireman Frank Younger, both of Como, were pinned under tbs locomotive and were terribly ' scalded. Wllllsms died two hours after being removed from th wreck. Younger may recover. The passenger car remained upoa the track and no passengers were In jured. BACKER MUST SERVE TIME Edward S, Dreyer of Chloasro la Besyla the Hew Year In to Jollet Prison. yjCAnO. Dec. 81. Edward 8. Dreyer, lr buuker and treasurer of the West m ,v a faLen In Jollwt tmlav In Milk dfiarad ton It lira for wlth- thlTAe' Pr fund. I your, have passed alnse eesrr luu, uurius wuiLu uuia aw era i. J in tha couuty jail. ulia of tfforta looking se. i V ARE HELD FOR SMUGGLING Defendants la Porto Rico Cases Are Bonnd Over for Trial After Preliminary Eiamlsstlss, BAN JUAN, P. R., Doc. SI. The hearing of the smuggling cases was continued today before United States Commissioner Ander son. In the case against Lieutenant Com mander George W. Mentz, U. S. N., and Supervisor of Elections Benjsn- Butler, Lieutenant Commander Ments x trial In $1,000 ball and Butler charged. v. ' for In the case against Lieutenant Co, mander Ments, Butler and James Brennan, an employe of the Country club. Butler and Brejinan were discharged and the com mlssloner was undecided as to Lieutenant Commander Ments. The hearing of the third case against Butler was continued. The judge bss discharged Lieutenant Steward McC. Deckrr, commissary of the Porto Rlcsn regiment, against whom action for contempt of court had been started, upon Lieutenant Decker promising to answer the question to which his refusal to reply resulted In the proceedings. Today the lieutenant testified that he had removed certain boxes, but said he did not remember upon whose order they had been taken to the barracks. Neither did be know what became of them. The testimony today showed that some ef the boxes of liquid were marked with the single Initials "DU." Other boxes were la beled with a dozen different marks, but the owners were not Identified. POWERS AGREE WITH SPAIN Will Hot Interfere la the with Morocco Pre tender. Trooble MADRID, Dec SI. Germany has notified pain that she Intends to observe an atti tude toward Morocco similar to that of France and Great Britain. All the powers are thus in accord with Spain's desire to maintain the status quo. A dispatch received here from Ceuta, Morocco, says that a Moor, who was under British protection, has been mur dered by Moors between Tangier and Teu ten. The Kabyles in the vicinity of Melllla, Morocco, are quiet. People who have arrived at Ceuta from Fes do not take very serious views of the situation there. LONDON, Dec. SI. The missionary head quarters In London has telegraphed to Tan glers for Information regarding the mis sionaries in Morocco, for whose safety, however, not much fear is felt. The latest advices from the Americans t Mequenez shows that Messrs. Welllver ot Sioux City and Reed ot Kansas City went to Fez after the recent trouble at Mequlnei. Six other missionaries are presumed to be at Mequenez. SIOUX CITY, la., Deo. 81. Rer. James Wellever, formerly of Sioux City, is one ot the Iowa missionaries In danger in Morocco. Mr. Wellever was formerly a newspaper man and worked on the Sioux City and Fort Dodge papers, -WDMIT REBELLION IS SERIOUS Chinese Officials - Coadrra Statemeats of t'prialnar, hat Bay Force In Wart-Ins; Province Is Bufltclent. PEKIN, Dec. SI. Replying to Inquiries from the legation, the Foreign office today admitted that there was some truth In the reports of warlike preparations on the part ot Tung Fu Sang, although it char acterizes the stories of his movements as exaggerated. The Foreign office says the viceroys of northern provinces have sufficient troops to subdue him. This latter statement is dls believed. It is expected that government troops will join Tung Fu Sang in the event of his undertaking a rebellion. Popular sympathy Is with Tung Fu Sang, who was exiled and degraded tor obeying the orders of his superiors and attacking the foreign legations here. The monument to Baron von Kettler, the German minister who was killed in Pekln shortly after the outbreak of the Boxer trouble, will be dedicated on January 18, Chinese and German officials participating in the ceremony. The monument is a white marble arch, spanlng the principal busi ness street at the spot where Baron Ton Kettler was assassinated. SEND BALLOONS OVER SAHARA French . Esplorers Try Experiment and If Bacceasfol They Will Trav erse Desert by Airship. PARIS, Dec. 81. Mme De Burax and Cas tllleon De St. Victor embarked at Mar seilles today for Tunis, whore they propose to send up two small balloons for the pur pose ot ascertaining whether the winds which prevail in winter will carry airships across ths Sahara desert. If this la suc cessful the two explorers propose to cross the unexplored portion of the desert In a balloon. . v This plan receives the support of the French government, which supplies ths baijoons. The airships to be used first are furnished with automatic registering instru ments and carry requests written In seversl languages, asking the finders to return them to the authorlt'ea at Tunis. Major Marchand of Fashoda fame Is to meet the explorers at Gabes, at which point tha two balloons will be sent off. I AUSGLEICH DIFFICULTY ENDS Premiers Get Tesrether and News Is Hailed with Delight by Crowds CelebratlaaT New Year's. VIENNA, Dec. 81. After protracted conference Dr. Von Koerber, the Australian premier, and Coloman De Szell, the Hun garlan premier, surmounted the difficulties In ths way ot reaching an understanding with regard to the Ausglelch at S o'clock this evening, said it was then announced that the premiers had agreed tot compro mlse the Ausglelch difficulty. The Ausglelch is the customs union and fiscal agent between Austria and Hunger) . The news of the settlement wss published in extra editions of the newspapers and was received with signs of satisfaction by the crowds celebrating the new yesr. PARTY OF EXPLORERS EATEN Meatenaat de Masineso and Party Captnred hy laraada Cannibals, Who Feast on Bodlea. BRUSSELS, Dee. St. The Congo admin istration has receive J news that Lieutenant de Magnese and his party, who were in charge of Port Boni, on the frontier of Uganda, were attacked by a cannibal trlbs June 14 Ust and that tbe entire party was murdered and eatua. B miK SLQW PROGRESS State Still Has Large Number of Witnesses in Lillie Cage- REVOLVER IS BROUGHT INTO COURT Claimed to Be Weapon with Which Crime Was Committed Little Child of Defeadaat Testlfles. "ITY, Neb., Dec. 81. (Special Telrfc. -re wss a small attendance when cov. oovened this morning, the' smallest sifN.0 the preliminary hearing of Mrs. LUlle commenced. The moBt Interesting event of the day was the testimony ot the 12-year-old daughter of the defendant, who detailed in her child ish way the events of the night of the mur- ocr of her father. Dr. Sample was recalled for further cross- examination. The doctor testified thst at the coroner's Inquest Mrs. LUlle demon strated to the Jury, by the use of a re volver, the position of the burglsr on the morning ot the murder. This revolver wss produced In court this morning and Identi fied by the doctor. This revolver was found at the Lillie home by the coroner. It Is a 32-caliber and is said to have been found in the dresser in the Lillie bed room by the officials, it has four chambers, two loaded and two empty. The revolver is mads by the Farelnnd Arms company of Worcester, Mass.; pat ented June 2, 1881; double action, center fire and is thirty-two long. Estella Dawson was the next witness. She said she was 14 years old, had been at the Lillie home three weeks when the shoot ing occurred. She was boarding there and going to school. Hears Mra. LUlle Scream. The first thing I heard on the morning of October 24 was a shot and heard Mrs. Lillie scream. When I first saw Mrs. Lillie she wss in Edna's and Mae's room. This adjoins the room where I slept. The door from Mae's and Edna's room to the h-llway was (but. "I heard Mrs. Llllto say, 'Oh, Mae, get up; someone has been in our room and shot at us.' Edna went in and called to her papa and tried to wake him up. We all then went Into the room and saw that Mr. LUlle was shot and there -was blood on his face. - "We all then went down stairs. Mrs. LUlle went down first. We took the lamp with us. It wss a few moments after I heard the shot that I heard Mrs. Lillie scream. I did not hear Mrs. Lillie say anything after we got down stairs, only saw her at the telephone. We girls went to call Dr. Stewart and Bert Hall to help us. "When we got back Mrs. Lltllo wss In the bed room with Mr. Lillie. Mrs. Bert Hall was with her. The n!gbt before I saw Mr. LUlle lock the back door. This was about five minutes before we all went up stairs to bed." Witness said that she did not hear any noise that morning at the time of the shoot ing, only the shot and Mrs. Lillie scream, That there Is no carpet or matting on the stairway. On cross-examination, witness said that when Mrs. Lillie screamed it sounded like. she was In the hallway, and also in the girls' room. Further tbsn this the cross examination elicited nothing. Sewing- Girl's Story. At the convening of court this afternoon Julia Flcke was called. She had been sew ing for Mrs. Ltllle tor eight weeks prior to the murder. Witness said in the afternoon prior to the shooting that Mrs. Lillie went up town, saying she wanted to deposit some money In the bank, but returned soon after and said the bank waa closed; that "during this same afternoon Mrs. Lillie asked us girls If we would be uneasy It there was money in the houso over night. This was the first time I ever heard Mrs. Lillie say anything about money or finances." Wit ness occupied the bedroom with Estella Dawson. "I heard both shots fired; the second one was just a few seconds after the first one. Tbe next I heard waa Mrs. Lillie calling the girls, saying that Mr. LUlle was shot. I heard no other noise. Could not say I could have heard anyone going down stairs hurriedly. Immediately after the first shot heard her sons come up those stairs when I wss in my room, but they were not in their stocking feet. May Lillie took the lamp Into Mr. Utile's room to see if he waa shot. Miss Dawson and myself remained la the hall. Immedi ately after the shooting we all went down stairs and us girls went after Bert Hall and Dr. Stewart. It was getting daylight. In sweeping the floors that morning we found some pepper on the dining room floor, which we sweyt up and saved." The state attempted to show by this wit ness that Mrs. Lillie bad made some re marks about the poisoning of the blood- bounds, but was not permitted to do so. Lillie Child's Story. The next witness was Edna, the 12-year- old daughter of Mrs. LUlle. As this wit ness told ber story ot the tragedy in her Innocent, childish way, profound silence was observed throughout the court room. Spec tators leaned forward to catch every word uttered by the child. She said: "The first thicg I heard was mamma scream. I did not hear the shots fired. I got up and went into papa's room, took hold of his ear. Jerked his head and called to blm and tried to wake him up. "There was no light In ths bed room at this time. We then went downstairs, us girls went after Bert Hsll and Dr. Stewart, Mamma went to the telephone. When I went Into papa's bedroom that morning someone else csms Into the room, but I do not know who it wss. Think I only went into the bedroom once before we went downstairs. Heard mamma acream twice; she came into our room and called us girls and said a man had shot papa." At tnis time counsel tor tha state re quested that counsel tor both sides, the de tends nt and tbe court take a recess and examine ths different rooms In the LUlle residence. This was agreed to by counsel for tbe defendant, providing the window curtain and sash be taken back and placed In the same position they were when the crime wss committed and then placed in the custody ot the court. This waa agreed to and an adjournment takei until Friday morning. Brine Bed Into Conrt. County Attorney Walling said last night thst the state had twenty witnesses yet and the beat witnesses were being held back until the last. "We will bave tbe bed In which Mr. L'llle lay, the window curtain and the window glass in court before we get through," said he, "sod there Is soma other articles which I will not mention that will be produced tefore we reat." During tbs progress of the preliminary hearing the state has attempted to show thst the telephone la tbe LUlle residence was not in working condition on ths morn- , (Continued en Third Tags.) SANTEE Montana Man Appointed to Take Chara-e of N Indiana braaka (From a Staff Conrepondent.) WASHINGTON. Dec. St. (Special Tele gram.) Secretary Hitchcock today ap proved the recommendation of Commis sioner Jones and appointed Wllber A. Meg ley, now at Fort Peck. Mont., to be super intendent ot schools at ths Ssntee agency, to succeed W. G. Saunders. The comptroller of the currency hss ex tended the corporate existence of the First National bank ot Omaha until the close of business December SI, 1?22. Tbe City National bank, of Lincoln has been approved as reserve agent tor the Na tional Bank of Wichita, I. an. . These Iowa rural free dPvery letter car- rlers were appointed toOay: Fremont, regulars. Swain Cook, WHam A. Vanbus klrk; substitutes, A. Cook and Bur Lee. Llnvllle, regular, Everett .W. Swan; sub stitute, Leonard Moore. Melrose, regulars, Homer Jceselyn, Ira V. Jossolyn and Will iam O'Conner; substitutes, Mark Carmody and Michael O'Conner. 1 Secretary Root by a derision Just ren dered has thrown In the hands of tbe civil courts in the Philippines for decision the controversy between the two elements in the Catholic church In the islands which has developed into an actual schism. Tbe schismatics, under the leadership of a priest known by tbe name fit Agllpay, have retained possession ot a Jarge amount of property which is claimed! by the Catholic church and tbe latter appealed to Governor Taft to dlsposaess the scjitsmatlca. Tbe governor held that the question was one for the adjustment of the clvl I courts and the case came to Washington on appeal. Sec retary Root has sustained Governor Taft's view. The Importance ol the matter to tbe United States government lies In the fact that the property in controversy U part of that to which title must be passed to the United States If the negotiations now In progress beween Governor Taft and M. Guido succeed. The Interstate Commerce commission will hold a hearing on January 15 at the federal courthouse in New York City In the case of Kentucky Stato Railroad Com mission against the Louisville t Nashville and numerous other roads, involving an alleged merger. ' Arguments in the case on Antonio M. Opisso in de Yeaza, a native Filipino who is seeking to compel the olerk of the dis trict court to record his citizenship declar ation, was' continued today and decision was reserved. MILLIONS FOR THE FORESTS Cosgreis Will Appropriate Large Amonnt for Their Preser vation. ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 81. The American Forestry association opened Its twenty-first annual meeting here today. Secretary ot Agriculture Wilson made an address. In which he said that tbe depart ment is .experimenting to ascertain what trees are best adapted to different locali ties. ; Over 100,000 plants, he A. ..Mrtll be aent out for the experiment durisg the coming year. Tbe report of tha board of directors showed that greater Interest is being man ifested in forest reserves In the aoutharn Appalachian mountains. The bill providing for the purchase ot 4.000,000 aeres at a cost not to exceed $10, 000, it waa stated, would be pressed at this session ot congress. There were 8S3 members elected during the year, making a total membership ot 2,136. Most Rot. Mgr. Sbarettl, archbishop ot Ephesus, has received the pontifical brief appointing him apostolic delegate In Can ada, '.o succeed Mgr. Falconl, who has ar rived in Washington to take the place of Cardinal Martlnelll as apostolic delegate In tbe United States. Mgr. Sbarettl was formerly auditor of the delegation in this city and was three years ago appointed bishop of Havana. There he succeeded In his negotiations with General Wood in adapting tbe ecclesiastic state to the new civil order In a manner most satisfactory to this government and to the holy see. Mgr. Sbarettl received bis brief at the apostollo delegation here, where he has been a visitor during tbe last fall and he will leave for his residence In Ottawa on Friday. Today, accompanied by General Wood, Mgr. Sbarettl was received by President Roosevelt, who expressed to him his satis faction with his work in Havana and his thanks for tbe hearty co-operation he gave General Wood while there. Tbe American Physical society today elected the following officers for 1903: President, Arthur Webster of Worcester, Mass.; vice president, Elltau Thompson; second vice president, Prof. Merrltt of Ithaca. N. Y.; treasurer, William Haller. Milton M. Price of South Dakota has been appointed commercial agent of the United States at Jeres de la Fontera, Spain. BIG SALE OF J3EN HUR SEATS Omaha People Take Almost Five Thousand Dollars Worth on . First Day. As wss expected, the advance sale of seats for tbe engagement of "Ben Hur" opened yesterday with a rush. The spec tacle opens a week's engsgement at Boyd's cn Monday evening of next week, and as eight performances will be given here and sests were placed on ssle yesterdsy for the entire week, a long line of purchasers ap peared before the box office opened and the watting procession did not break until the ssle closed at 9 o'clock last even ing. The advance sale yesterdsy was $1,751, which Is probably ths largest ever recorded in Omaha for any the atrical offering during a single day. Al though the aale yesterdsy was one of un usual proportions, plenty of excellent seats csn be secured for every performance next week, as the sale was evenly distributed throughout the eight performances. FORMER SOLDIER IN TROUBLE Shoots and kills n Girl, bnt Asserts tho Shooting Waa Aecl. dental. NEW YORK, Dec. $1. Lydla DeGrsw was shot and fatally wounded in Paulfield's saloon in Washington street, Paterson, N. J., late last night. She died in tbe am bulance while being taken to the hospital. William Skinner, colored, was locked up on the charge of being responsible for the girl's death. He asserts tbat tbe shooting wss accidental. Bkliiner returned to this city three aeeks ago from Fort Robinson, Neb., after having served ten sad a half months la tbe army. He Is 20 years of age. The dead girl was about 21 years old. MEGLEY GOES CASTRO ACCEPTS THE PLAN Willing to Bubmit All Differences to The Hague Tribunal. i ANSWER GIVES GREAT SATISFACTION Text of Reply Will Hot Be Made Pabllo tjitll It Has Been Trans mitted to the Allied Powers. WASHINGTON, Dee. 81. The answer ot President Castro to the proposals of tbe allies to submit to the arbitration ot The Hague tribunal the Venezuelan difficulties has reached Washington through Minister Bowen. ; The auswer amounts to a general accept ance of the principles of the proposition, President Csstro being willing to submit the arbitration of his case to fair and im partial authorities. The C-tstls ot the answer will not be published here in advance ot its reception by the European allied powers, and. In fact, It may be withheld entirely from publication, on the ground that it really belongs to those powers. Today the answer is being prepared at the State department for transmission to Europe. As it Is quite long and will un doubtedly require careful consideration by tbe foreign offices at Berlin, London and Rome, it is not expected that any further steps toward a final settlement can be taken for a day or two. Tbe feeling here, however, based on a knowledge ot Castro's position, is that bis answer practically clears the way for the submission of the case to arbitration. The answer has given great satisfaction here. Will Protect French Claims. PARIS, Dec. 81. A dispatch to the Matin from Caracas confirms the statement that Venezuela has promised France to treat its claim as those of Great Britain, Ger many and Italy, but adds that a similar promise waa refused to Belgium, Spain and Holland. AMOUNT OF CLAIMS EQUAL Germany and England Believed to Be Owed Abont Same Snma, bnt For. mer'a Officials Are Silent. BERLIN, Dec, 81. The German govern ment's reservations In agreeing to submit ths Venezuelan claims to arbitration con tinue to be undisclosed In their entirety. From statements appearing today, bow ever, it seems to be confirmed that Ger many excludes from the claims which are subject to arbitration demands amounting to $300,000 for seizure of property and out rages on the persons of German subjects under circumstances which are here deemed so clear that it la uaeless to call In arbi trators. The payment of this sum will not be demanded in cash at present, but a sufficient gusrantee ot the payment will be instated upon. Great Britain's preferred claims are equivalent in amount to $300,000, hence the inLumviiLB dwh aurunu turn utnua'iy , ' asking more than Great Britain are Incor rect. Germany waives an apology for what are here called "diplomatic Insults,'" ask ing only material reparation. It is now stated that German cruiser Su perber will sail for Venezuela January 4. The Lokal Anzelger, the only German newspaper having a special correspondent at Caracas, prints a dispatch . from tbe Venezuelan capital dated December 29, re lating the correspondent's experience In interviewing President Castro. He found him at General Alcaatsra's estate i at La Victoria, dancing at noonday. General Al cantara, who was waiting with a bundle of dispatches, remarkod to the correspondent that "it would not do to Interrupt the president's pleasure even with state busi ness," but the correspondent says he spoke to the president between dances, "and after a conversational reconnalsance," inquired if he Intended to give the powers satisfac tion. "Why, no," replied the president; "I am the one demanding satisfaction for Insults." "At this remark," the correspondent con tinues, "a lady clapped tbe president on the back and said: 'That's the way to talk, old boy.'" WAGES ARE TO BE INCREASED Delaware, Lackawanna A Western Adds Half Million n Month to Its Pay Roll. NEW YORK. Dee. SI. Beginning tomor row, a new schedule ot wages will go Into effect on the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western railroad that will increase, sub stantially, the pay of a large percentage of the employes In all departments of tbe road. The percentages of Increase vary in differ ent departments and with different men or classes of employes. According to an offi cial statement, the new schedules, taken In connection with previous increases made during the year 1902, will make the total Increases approximate what other roads, located in tbe territory through which the Lackawanna runa, have done In this direc tion. President Truesdale would not state definitely what these Increases will aggre gate per month or year, but It was ascer tained tbat they will approximate $500,000 per month. WABASH TO ENTER ST. JOSEPH General Connsel Blodgett Tells the Cltlsens ot that City that la tho Road's Parpose. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dee. 31. "I expect to see Wabash trains running into St. Joseph at no very distant day," said Colonel Wells Blodgett, general counsel of the Wabash railway, with headquarters In St. Louis, to a representative of tbe St. Joseph Gazette. Colonel Blodgett says the Wabash may build a new line from a point near Pat tonsburg. Mo., to connect with this city, a distance of alxty miles. This would give tbe Wabash a good lino from St. Louis to St. Joseph. Rock Island's ftew Service. GUTHRIE. Okl., Dec. 31. The Rock Island announces train service established over tbe newly constructed extension from Lswton, Okl., to Waurtka, Okl., where con nection is made with the main line, thus giving another direct route to Dallas. Tbe new extension is forty miles in length sni passes through Faxon and Temple, Texas. tioea with Denver A Rio Grande. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Dec. 81. A. C. Hinck ley of St. Joseph, formerly master me chanic ot tbe Bt. Joseph A Grand Island, has been appointed master mechanic of the Denver k Rio Crande and left for Denver today to aaaume tbe duties of his position January L CONDITION OFJTHE WEATHER Forernst for Nebraska Fair Thursday and Friday. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Honr. Dear. lloir, IK. ft a. m tttl 1 p. m 4 A a. rn an a p. an 44 T a. m : S p. m 4i a a. m itit 4 p. m 4(1 n. m ...... :m 6 p. m ...... 4:1 II) a, m na p, n 41 It n. m .1 T p. so 40 ia sa :tu HEW V EAR'S DAV CALENDAR. Forenoon Special service at Trinity cathedral, con uucted by Hishop Williams, at 10 o'clock. Afternoon Curling by Omaha Curling club at Cut Oft Uke. Live bird and target shoot at Gun club's grounds across the river at l:3o o'clock. "At Cozy Corners, ' at Boyd's theater at :.W o'clock. Vaudeville at Crelghton-Orpheum at 2:30 o'clock. Receptions at many private residences. Evening Reception at Young Men's ChrlMlsn as sociation, 7 to 10 o'clock. Reception at Young Women's Christian Hsaoclatlon, 6 to 8 o'clock. Reception by Women's Relief corps ol George Crook poet, k to 11 o'clock. HlKh School Cadet Officers' club ball. Metropolitan hull. "At Cozv Corners," at Boyd's theater. Vaudevlile at Crelghton-Orpheum. MEW LEAGUF FOR WORKINGMEN Details of Organisation Which Pro poses to Work Together with Union Men In All Lines. ALBANY, N. Y., Doc. 31. Rev. E. M. Falrchlld of Albany, who has been called into consultation by the workmen inter ested In the formation of tbe National League of Independent Workmen of Amer ica, said tonight: "The league will be organized In the near future. It is proposed to put a national organizer In the field and to organize local branches all over the country and demand that employers run their shops as 'open shops,' in which unlou and league men can bave an equal and fair chance for employ ment. "The league will be strictly a laboring nun's affair, but It will be incorporated so as to command the confidence of em ployers and the general public and be In a position to defend the rights of Its mem bers through the courts. Only American citizens will be eligible to membership. "The specific objects for which the In dependent workmen propose to organize are as follows: 1. To protect independent workmen in their Independence. It. To sustain tiltth wages by skillful, en ergetic co-operation with our employers. S. To establish reasonable hours of labor according to the exigencies of trade. 4. To promote intelligent understanding of our work. 6. To furnish favorable conditions for training apprentices. In order that our boys may become succeesrui workmen. 6. To maintain sanitary conditions of em ployment by means of state laws and In snectors. 7. To compel officers of the government to enforce the laws. 8. To compel lubor unions to observe the laws. 0. To protect members Lgainst unjt'at treatment from employers by due process of law. . 10 To. r,roVtdAf..lHhor bureau for Its mem- oers. CLAIMS OF STRIKE BREAKERS Bring Salts Aggregating Over a Mil lion Against Coal Companies, Alleging Misrepresentations. NEW YORK, Dec. 8L Suits have been brought by the twenty-two residents of this city who claim that during the recent coal strike they were decoyed to the mines in Pennsylvania by agents of the Erie Railroad company and of the Pensylvanta Coal company. Damages for $50,000 each amounting to $1,100,000 In all, are sued for and the attorney for the plaintiffs con sulted with an assistant district attorney today about bringing tbe matter before tbe grand Jury to be sworn in next Monday. The plaintiffs claim that under pretense of doing work for the railroad and coal com pany they were decoyed to Hoboken, where they were locked In a car and carried against their will to the coal regions of Pennsylvania and compelled to act as "strike breakers" under threats of "being turned over to the fury of the miners." The men say they finally succeeded in making their way back to tbe city, but de clare tbat on their way home they had narrow escapes from being mobbed. An official of the Erie road said that no com plaint had been served as yet on tbe com pany. He added that the company was without Information as to tho cause of action, that he was confident that the Erie company and the constituent compsny, the Pennsylvania Coal company, had done nothing unlawful and he had no doubt that the companies would be able to success fully defend any cults that might be brought against them. "The company makes no misrepresenta tions," said this official, "but Is always ex tremely careful to tell the men the condi tions and circumstances under which they are employed." TO RELIEVE COAL FAMINE Baltimore A Ohio Is to Give. Fuel Ship ments Prefereaeo Over 6th er Commodities. BALTIMORE, Dec. SI. General Superin tendent Arthur lisle of tbe Baltimore & Ohio railroad Issued the following order to day: Until further notice we cannot accept . 1 , . .. .. i . . V, , v ...... , Hi.. utA.. umt , . r Ishable products, for points east of Pitts- burg, Moundsvllla and I'mrkersburg. we will continue to accept our own empty cars and employ foreign care en route home. This sction places an embargo on car load shipments from the connecting lines ot the Baltimore & Ohio. It means a temporary halt in grain shipments. Just bow long-this will last Is not known, but probably not more than a week. The object of tha order is to relieve the coal famine along the line. CONN ELLS VILLE, Pa., Dee. 31. Fifteen thousand miners and coke workers of the Connellsvtlle, Lower Connellsvllle and Lat robe regions get a 10 per cent wage ad vance for a New Year's gift. The lide pendent concerns followed the example set by the H. C. Frlck Coke company and vir tually tbe same scale will go into effect all over the coking country the first of tbs year. Movements of Oecnn Vesaels Deo. 81. At New York Arrived Neckar, from Bremen; Llgurlu. from Oenoa. Sailed Celtic, for Liverpool; Philadelphia, Jor Bouilinmptnn. At MovUIb Arrived Ethiopia, from New York, tor (iNsgow, and proceeded. At Rotterdam Arrived Noordam, N-w York. At the I. Izard Passed Necerland Philadelphia, for Antwerp. At yueenslown Hailed Ultoii la, Liverpool, for iviton. At Liverpool Arrived Bohemian, from from from from New torx. Hailed Noordland, fur 1'hU- adi-lphlu At Itong Kong Bailed Athenian, for Vancouver. YEAH OF PROSPERITY Omaha Enjoys Twelve Months of Iteady Business Expansion. GROWTH IN ALL DIRECTIONS IS NOTED Jobbers, Manufacturers, Retailers Aid bankers Encouraged by Ooniitiois. FISURES SUPPORT THEIR ASSERTIONS Increase in Trado is Shown by Erery Balance Sheet Prepared, REVIEW OF THE DEAD YEAR IJI GENERAL Every Lino of Local Activity Con trlbates to the Story of Forward Movement for tho Onto City In Commercial Importance. Rank clearings at2,aoT,a.1 Vol. ot fobbing boslneaa.. 1 tO.OOO.lMH Onlpnt of Omaha smeltery Sft,tia0,234 Real estate transfers lB,oal,n1 Bnlldlng permits l,lMt,WI Real estate m't'g'a. Sled... 3,a,BT5 Real ratate m't'g. released 8,1W,010 Money orders paid at Omaha a,ll,tU Money orders Issued at Omaha 448,637 The year of 1902 has passed Into history as one of the most satisfactory years, taken altogether, Omaha has ever experienced. With one or two exceptions there bas not been a line of Industry or business whlcb bss not shown a divided advance and theat exceptional cases have been dus to ex traordinary conditions, which now promts to change. The retail trade of the city has been In jured to a considerable extent, by ths Union rsclfic strike, which prevailed dur ing the last six months of the year, and this strike also bus had a bad effect upon real estate, both as an Investment and a moving commodity, a lumber ot former residents of tbe city hsvlng moved from the town, and the purchasing power of more than 1,000 men having been materially re duced. This has had to a certain extent a reflex action upon the Jobbing trade, but the growth in other directions bas reduced this shortage to a point where It has had little effect upon tbe business houses, as, with one exception, every Jobbing line of the city shows a material advance, the general average app'.txlmatlng SO per cent Increase over tbe year 1901, which was the highest point reached previous to last year. With the exception ot the Union Pacific, strike there have been no serious troubles 1 between employers and employes in tbe city and labor has been employed In all ' of the trades more regularly and at a higher average of . wages than in any . previous year in the city's history. In ; the building trades this has been true ; to a degree, and although the value of building permits - issued show a slight reduction below last year this cannot bs taken as a positive evidence of tbe rela tive condition of affairs In the building trades, ss much ot the work that has been done has been in the way of improvements and repairs which have not required , a Xr. mlt to carry out. Balance of Tra e Turns. r' One of the mou satisfactory evidences of the city's growth is the rhowing of the money order branch of the loeel postofflce. Here the difference between the receipts and expenditure, that is, the money ie cived for orders and that paid out upon orders bas been greater than ever before in the ctty'a history, the difference ap proximating $1,900,000, showing that Omaha Is receiving from outside towns thst much more than it is sending abroad. In other words, the balance ot trade has come around until it Is that much in favor of Omaha through the postofflce transactions. and as these transaction generally repre sent completed buulness and transactions in comparatively small amounts, It is safe to conclude that this difference Is positive gain to the city, while bank balances may be In the nature ot speculative money aent here for investment. With the bankers of the city the year has been eminently" satisfactory. While there has been a shortage ot money In New York and a corresponding stringency In other centers Omaha bankers havs had no shortage. Tbe deposits have been reduced somewhat on the whole and the loans and discounts reduced, but the reserve Is higher than It wss last year and the demand for money is healthy, the demand being easily met at rates hut slightly in advance of this time last year. Aa Shown by Debts, The tendency of the year Is shown by the record of real estate mortgages filed and released. There were filed this ysar mort gages amounting to $3,038,276, an Increase over 1901 ot approximately $520,000, while the mortgages released show a dscrsase from last year ot approximately $410,000. This does not indicate tbat the people had less power to reduce debts, but that thsy felt that the Investment of the money is better than paying Ibe debt. This Is shown by the fact tbat with the relative showing compared with last year, the aotusl debts ot the community, in the form of. real es tate mortgages, were reduced by about $150,000. The real estate transfers, In spite of what has been considered a slow market, show a small Increase over last year on ordinary business, but a large increase in the aggre gate, caused by ths transfer ot the property of tbe Omaha Street Railway company, rep resenting $10,000,000, In the last month ot the year. Leaving out tbls transfer, which was a practical reorganization movement, the increase over lsst year is approximately $200,000, or about 4 per cent over tbe total of last year, which la something not antici pated by the dealers, who expected to see a slight reduction in tbe volume of business, as there was considerable activity in real estate circles early In 1901, which was not repeated lost year. JOBBING AND MANUFACTURING General Advance in All 1,1 a ea la Re ported for tho Year Jest Closed. Ths lncresse in the business of the manu facturing and jobbing trade has been prin cipally along tbe lines of development of houses already in business at the beginning of the yesr, as is shown in detail in this review. The number of employes have in creased, the wages iid are higher and the volume of limines has reached a point which surpr,ses those who were most sanguine a year ago. The year has not been remarkable, as (Continued on Fourth Page.;