Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee-.
Introduce J ai Exhibit in the Trial of Mrs.
Lillio on Murder Charge.
Coroner Describee Course of Ball Which
Went Through Window.
Say He Found Distinct Powder Bums on
the Lace Curtain.
Asserts Weapon Mast lie Held Within
l: Is. tit Inches to Prodaee Darns
1 and Rven doner to Match
Those la Llllle Home.
DAVID CITY, Neb., Dec. 80. (Special.)
-The attendance at the preliminary bearing
of Mr. Lena M. LUlle was not aa large
as yesterday, the court room being only
comfortably filled. Mrs. Llllle appeared
fresh and bright and was In a pleasant
Dr. M. V. B. Sample, county coroner, was
the first witness called.
lie. was at the hospital soon after Mr.
Llllle was taken there and also after tbe
patient died. He made close examina
tion of the wound and found the flesh
around the wound was blackened from
About thirty minute after Mr. Lillio
died, witness and I) re. Buch and Stewart
hold a post-mortem examination. They
found grains of powder inside of the skull.
Witness, by the use of the skull of an
adult person, demonstrated the course of
the bullet. He said the bullet struck about
two inches in front of and slightly above
the right ear, and was found Just behind
the left ear, and that a bullet passing
through tbe brain aa this one did would
produce paralysis Immediately,
Ilr tn a- Bullet Into Oonrt.
The bullet that was found in Lillie'a
brain was identified by the coroner and
admitted In evidence, also the bullet found
lodged in a barn S00 feet from the Llllle
residence and Is claimed to be the bullet
which went through the window. He also
produced one procured from W. It. Heath,
who says bis revolver was stolen atxajt
the time Mr. Llllle was murdered, and It
1h supposed was the revolver used by tbe
criminal. All of the bullets are exactly
the same.
Coroner Sample in his evidence also gave
a brief synopsis of the testimony of Mrs.
Llllle before the coroner's jury.
Tries to Show Discrepancies.
At the convening of the court this after
noon Dr. Sample was recalled and the di
rect examination resumed. He testified tbac
where the bullet went through tbe window
tbe lace curtain was powder-burned' aad
that the bullet hole In the wlndownana was
allahtlyhlfiher. than, the holo In the cur
tain. 'This was tor the purpose of proving
that it was Impossible for a man to stand
up and fire the shot that went through the
window. That the distance from the window
to the west side of the bed was fifty-nine
Inches. This was on a line with the bullet
hole through the window. Witness also
testified as to the statements made by Mrs.
Llljle with reference to the loaning of
The cross-examination of Dr. Sample was
very rigid and every point in bis evidence
on direct examination was gone over thor
oughly, but did not weaken his testimony
in the least. This is claimed to be one
of the principal witnesses for the state.
County Attorney Walling says they will
Introduce several other witnesses to cor
roborate the evidence of Dr. Sample, and ho
thinks some of the members of the cor
oner's jury will testify even more certain
than has Dr. Sample. Tbe attorneys for
the state claim that when the evidence is
all produced the defendant will be held to
(the district court by Judge Sklles.
Experiments with Pistols.
The attorney for tbe defense la equally
confident of an acqultal. On redirect ex
amination the doctor stated be had made
sotne experiments as to bow near a ptstol
must be to an object to powder-burn; that
the experiments were with different kinds
and sixes of revolvers and different grade
of powder. . He was assisted by tbe cor
oner' Jury. He demonstrated that to powder-burn
a piece of lace curtain the re
volver must be not further than eight
Inches away, and this burn was very slight;
that to burn similar to the powder-burn on
the lace curtain in tbe Llllle hoaie the pis
tol must be as close as six Inches, aud that
to powder-burn a windowglass tbe pistol
bust be as close as three Inches.
When court adjourned the examination
of Dr. Sample was not concluded.
Mrs. Little say that the report pub
lished in today's paper that the Llllles and
Hills had Intermarried several times, is an
error, and requests that the same be cor
rected. Sam Llllle, brother of Harvey,
married her alater, and this waa the ouly
two marriages between the Hill and Lll
lle families. Also that she has only five
relative living in David City.
Aldermen of New York City Present
Him with desolations Kxtolllas;
Ills Work Anions Poor.
NEW YORK, Dec 0. Professor Adolph
Lorunx was today presented with the reso
lutions recently passed by tbe board of
aldermen extolling the work he has done In
this city, particularly for the poor.
After a luncheon at the Hardware club
the surgeon was escorted to the city hall,
where Alderman Walkley delivered an ad
dress and Alderman Sullivan presented the
album containing the engrossed address.
Professor Lorens replied, thanking the
aldermen and expressing bla pleasure at
the reception tendered htm in the United
Leaks Into a teller aad Is Exploded
by tho Flame ol Lighted
DELAWARE, O.. Dec. SO. When Mis
(Men Kurrley went to the cellar this morn
lug to start th Ore a terrific explosion of
aatural gas occurred from her lighted lamp
and wrecked three sides of th house.
Five member of th family were blown
through the house and Miss Kurrley wss
fatally injured and ber mother aerloualy
hurt. The other three were slightly in
jured. Gas bad leaked into the cellar and filled
tUe bouse during tb night.
Is Dlacnssed at Meeting of the stock
holders aad Prndlnar Xeaotla
tlons Approved.
PARIS, Dec. 30. The annual L.. ' '
the Panama Canal company was heiw 'y
todsy. The attendance was smsller ti
usual and the proceedings were more or
derly than last.
The meeting was occupied with reading
the report of the directors of the company,
in which were detailed the pending nego
tiations with the United States. The facts
set forth tn this report are already known.
The sanguine hope was expressed that
all difficulties would be overcome and the
ssle completed at an early date.
The reading of the report was followed
by a brief discussion, in the course of
which two or three of the stockholders
made the customary protests against the
sale and asked what would happen it the
negotiations with the United State fell
President Bo replied that In this event
the stockholders again would be consulted,
while If the sale took' place they would
have to meet to vote ratification.
Tho directors' report was approved, the
outgoing officers of the company were re
elected and the meeting adjourned.
German Warship Commander's Mall
Detained by Maraealbo Post
master Proposes Retaliation.
LONDON. Dec. SI. A dispatch to the
Dally Msll from Wlllemstad, Curacao, dated
yesterday, says: "The pcetmaster of Mara
caibo, Venezuela, having detained corre
spondence belonging to German merchants,
German cruiser Falko threatens In conse
quence to bombard 'tho town."
CARACAS, Dec. 30. President Castro ar
rived here this morning. At 8 o'clock United
States Minister Bowen called on the presi
dent and communicated to him the recom
mendation that issues between Venezuela
and the allies be taken to the international
peace court nt The Hague. Venezuela's
answer ' will be received tomorrow at 11
The victory gained by the government at
Barqulslmo argues for President Castro's
continuance in power.
Noted Prisoners Conttnno to Absorb n
Large Portion of Poblln At
tentlon la Paris.
PARIS, Dec. 30. The Humbert continue
to absorb attention here. Minister of
Justice Velle brought the subject before
the council of minister today, saying be
had given 130,000 to tbe special police to
assist in the arrest of the principal In
tho famous safe fraud.
This Is additional to the $5,000 reward
offered for their capture, which ha not
yet been paid, owing to conflicting clalma.
It Is expected that the prosecution of
the Humbert will not begin for several
days, Th prisoner have so far declined
to name their lawyer and the court has
designated Mattr Chonu to appear In their
The Humbert safe, which waa alleged to
',-ontain $20,000, ha been removed to the
Monte Carlo theater, where It will be the
chief attraction.
Reports Made to Trnde I'nlons by Es(.
Hah Labor Commissioners Cos.
tnia Contradictions.
LONDON, Dec. 30. The reports made by
Mr. Mosely's commissioner to the trades
unions on the result of their observations
in the United State contain more contra
diction than point of agreement.
Tbe closest approach to a common under
standing I the opinion that the domestic
demand for manufacture of all kind in
the United State I so great that, there is
no Immediate prospect of the displacement
of British by American goods, either her or
In neutral markets.
When the American home trade falls oft It
I admitted that the surplus product will
be sent to England and to neutral markets
with most damaging effects upon British
Appeals to Government to Bo Merelfnl
to Those Who Fonght for
Boer Caaaa.
CAPETOWN, Dec. 30. General Schalk
burger, former acting president of the
former Orange Free State, In an open let
ter, published In Onsland, appeals to tbe
government to be merciful to those who
suffered as a result of their devotion to the
Boer cause and to remove the grievances
which now make it Impossible to live up to
the motto, "forgive and forget."
In conclusion General Bchalkburger ex
presses tbe hope that "the people will ahow
that the power of the rule in South Africa
lies In the Afrikander, who will remain
loyal while righteousness remalna, and
while his rightful portion 1 allotted htm."
Rovolotlon la Colombia Practically
Ended by Surrender of Arms
to Government.
PANAMA. Colombia, Dec. 30. The Co
lombian army, by the recent national de
cree, baa been reduced to 60,000 men.
Tbe government commissioner have re
ceived up to date from the surrendered
revolutionists twenty-three field pieces,
8,821 rifles and over 1,000,000 rounds of am
munition, not counting what Is on board
the steamer.
The censorship on cable messages ha
been abolished.
British Government Anslons to Seeare
ervlees of VHJoen, How In
Vnlted States.
. LONDON, Dee. SO. Th British govern
ment is trying to secure the service of
General Ben Vlljoen, who 1 now touring
the raited States, to command th Boer
forces which are going to Eomallland.
It was General Vlljoen who suggested am
ploying tb Boer against th Bomalls, but
th authorities at that tlm were not pre
pared to accept bis offer.
I s
To Sahmlt Claims tn Coart.
PARIS, Dee. SO. Franca and Guatemala
have agreed to submit to the International
arbitration court at Tbe Hague th French
clalma against Guatemala. They are atml
lar to those against Venesurla. The terms
of '.he protocol ax bow being discussed.
Two Missionaries from This State and One
from Iowa in Danger.
. . One of Pnrtle Sent Ont by
I .'ne lleadqaartere at
Ks, City Writes of'
their Sltnntloa.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. SO. Eight mis
sionaries who are working in Morocco under
the direction of the Gorpel Missionary
Union, whose headquarters are in Kansas
City, are believed to be In peril. They pre
George C. Reed of Kansas City, formerly of
Nebraska, stationed at Fez; Mr. and Mrs.
W. Olltver and Maude Grey of Emporia,
Kan.; Irene Ward, Avoca, la., and Nellie
Allison of Alabama.
Another party, now at Mequlnez, is com
posed of F. C. Eynart of Kansas City and
Victor Swanson of Nebraska. This town
Is forty miles west of Fez.
A letter from Mr. Reed at Fez, dated
December 4. to George 8. Fisher, president
of the union, ha Just been received. Mr.
Reed writes:
"Word to hsnd indicates that the aultan
is retiring to Fez from Mequlnez instead of
going to Rabat. The fight last Sunday east
of here was a serious reverse for the gov
ernment and estimates of loss vary, some
rutting It at 600 on the army side probably
one-balf to two-thirds of that number."
Mr. Fisher believes that Christian mls
slonsrtea would be slain if captured by the
fanatical rebels.
Raler of Morocco Is Belna; Closely
, Pressed by Followers of
the Pretender.
MADRID, Dec. 30. It Is reported here
that the sultan of Morocco has been foiled
in an attempt to break out of Fes by tbe
body which is investing that city.
A dispatch from Tangiers, Morocco, today
announced that the rebels had cut the aque
duct which supplied Fes with water and
added that the city was now practically
without water.
It was further asserted that unless the
Kabyleh tribesmen from the south come to
the succor of Fez the place must surrender
wunin tnree days.
The hostility against the sultan I nread-
Ing In Fez. The Moor are exhibiting pho
tograph of bim arrayed in ridiculous garb.
The sultan yesterday assembled the noble
of the besieged town at the palace and ex
horted them not to despair, assuring the
chiefs that the Imperial troops ultimately
ui iriumpn.
Great Britain and France have nntlflail
Spain that they have no intention of taking
any advantage of the situation In Morocco
and that they desire the maintenance at the
statu quo tn the event of the sultan being
dethroned and hi place Uken by the pre-
These communications h 1VA . rasa mmtwA
tho Spanish government; wnien 1 thus re
lieved or fears of International comnllra-
TANGIER. MorOCCO. Dee. SO. Fnrelvnor.
in the interior of Morocco have been
vised to make for the coast, as provisions
are scarce ana communications are almost
The pretender has been reported to he
twenty miles from Fez.
Italy Hot Planning; for War.
ROME, Dee. 30. It la said that Italy la
not making any warlike preparations in
connection with the situation In Morocco.
From an authoritative source the Associ
ated Press ha received tbe following:
"Italy, not being Interested In the Morocco
question, will limit herself to watchlna-
Under the Franco-Italian agreement in
regard to the Mediterranean, under which
Italy undertakes to respect French aspira
tions In Morocco In return for analogous
French undertakings regarding Tripoli,
Italy ha no direct Interest In the Mornn
situation. It also can be said that Italy
has no intention of occupying Tripoli un
less obliged to do so In order to prevent
other power from settling there.
Testimony la Porto Rtcna Smaaxllntr
Cnses Shows How Easily It
Wns Accomplished.
BAN JUAN, P. R.. Dec. 30. At today's
hearing of tbe smuggling cases before
United States Commissioner Anderson, tho
case against Supervisor of Elections Benja
min Butler was taken up.
It developed during the hearing that
about 100 cases of liquors bad been brought
from St, Thomas to San Juan on the United
States steamer Uncas In November of 1901.
Some of these boxes'bore the name of Cap
tain Yates Stirling, then commandant of
tbe naval station here, Ben Butler, Dr.
Charles H. T. Lowndes, U. 8. N., Quarter
master Captain Joseph T. Crabbs and Pay
master William A. Merrltt, U. S. N. Others
were marked for the Country club, while
still others were marked for the canteen.
An employe of the naval station testified
that be stored these goods according to the
bills of the St. Thomas merchants, which
were given him and that they were aent out
the next day on the army wagons.
Dead Body, Fright felly Mutilated, la
Fonnd In Yard of St. Loots
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 30. The dead body of
Orrln Wortben, a coachman, was found in
the back yard of bla employer's residence
In the West End today horribly mutilated.
Evidences of a terrific struggle with his
murderer were apparent.
The police believe that robbery prompted
the crime. Worthen'a throat was cut, stab
wounds were In his face and his head had
been crushed with some heavy weapon.
No one heard the combat and tbe body
laid for a number of hours before being
Ohio Man Is Shot and Killed by Offi
cers While HeslstlngT
BEHTEL, O., Dec. 30. T. T. Sims was
shot today while resisting arrest. 81ms and
Earl McKlbbon had a desperate fight with
weapons on th street.
McKlbbon swore out a warrant for tbe ar
rest of Sims and when Marshal George Clare
and Constable Hannah attempted to make
the arrest they were fired on.
They shot Sims four times before b fell.
Employers Side of Coal Strike Will
Consnme Tea Days, or Two Weeks
of Time of Cemmlssloa.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. SO. A conference
of anthracite coal operators and their at
torney was held here today to arrange for
the presentation of toe mine owners' side
of the controversy to the commission when
tbst body convene here next Tuesday.
The conference was called by Simon P.
Wolverton of Sunbury. counsel for the Phil
adelphia Reading Railway company, and
continued from S until 4 o'clock. James H.
Torrey, representing the Delaware ft Hud
son company, presided. Jamea Burr, coun
sel for the New York. Ontario ft Western,
wa secretary. Samuel Dickinson, attorney
for this city, represented John Markle, tho
Independent operator of Hasleton.
Among the others present -were Henry C.
Reynolds of the Enterprise Coal company,
John B. Kerr, New York. Ontario ft West
ern; Francis I. Oowen, for the Lehigh Val
ley; Colonel Everett Warren, for the Erie;
W. W. Ross, for the Dataware, Lackawanna
ft Western; Ira H. Burnt, for several in
dependent operators, and John T. Lenlhan,
for the nonunion mine workers. After the
conference hsd adjourned Mr. Wolverton
gave nut the following statement:
"The testimony on the part of the non
union miner Is not complete. Tuesday,
when the commission sits, the nonunion
men's counsel will submit further test
mony which will probably consume a day or
two. Then the operator will open and
proceed with evidence, which will be pre
sented by companies tn the following or
der: Delaware ft Hudson, Erie, Delaware,
Lackawanna ft Western, Lehigh Valley, Le
high Coal and Iron, Lehigh ft Wtlkes
barre. Independent operators and Philadel
phia ft Reading Coal and Iron company.
The presentation of the operators' side will
occupy ten days or two weeks perhaps
Judge Hand of 8cranton, attorney for the
Connttl Coal and Coke company, said: "It
la necessary that we provo to the commis
sion that there is no blacklist and no dis
crimination against union men. Most of
those who attended the conference left for
their homes tonight. Members of the an
thracite coal commission and several of
the lawyers have secured rooms at tbe Con
tinental hotel, which will be the headquar
ters of the commission."
Two Investigations Started at Chicago
' Already Show Thousands of Tons
Secnrely Stowed Away.
CHICAGO, bee. SO.Two Investigations
Into the cause of the scarcity aad the high
price of coal in Chicago were begun today.
At the Palmer house Attorney General
Hamlin held a conference behind closed
doors with representative of. th coal
hauling railroads and of the eoal trade. .
At the city hall the council committee on
railroads held a public session, hearing
statements from men who direct the move
ment of coal on the railroads entering the
city. v .
Neither Inaulrv renrtfed li eetlan hr the
public official and both wifl be continued
Mr. Hamlin announced tonight that -he
had made rapid progress and Intimated
that the greater part of the blame rests
with the dealers and not the railroads.
' "If I find proof," he said, "that thou
sands upon thousands of tons of coal the
dealers have In tbe yards, snow covered
and untouched, are not under contract, but
held for ' the purpose of Increasing the
price, those dealers will be prosecuted and
compelled to relieve th suffering occa
sioned by the scarcity of coal."
Before the railroad committee of the
city council tbe fact was brought out that
local dealers are holding vast quantities
of coal merely to keep up the price.
American Free Trnde I.eaa-ee Aaka
Congress to Remove Datlea Wlth
ont Further Delny.
. BOSTON. Dec. 30. At a meeting In
Fsnueil hall today called by the American
Free Trade league the following resolutions
were adopted:
Whereas, The tariff duties upon beef and
coal by assisting the extortions of monop
oly, or by withholding relief from them,
have proved a serious hardship for our
people, and,
Whereas, Such abundant evidence Is
easily accessible to congress that investi
gation need not cause delay In the removal
of this hardship.
Resolved, That as American rikjiens we
ask that the tariff duty on beef and coal be
now removed.
Kesolved, That the tariff duties In gen
eral be postponed, we urge that an excep
tion oe made in the case of these duties
up n beef and coal' and that they be re
moved and those articles placed on the free
list at the present session of congress.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to each l.'nlted States senator
and member of the house of representa
No Anthrnclto to Be Had aad Rail
roads Are Confiscating; AH Soft
Coal in Sight.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 30. The people of
St. Joseph are confronted with a most seri
ous coal famine.
Anthracite coal cannot be had at any
price. The supply of soft coal is almost
exhausted and if the railroads continue to
confiscate coal as they have been during
the last few days there will be no soft coal
In the city.
Srft coal yesterday sold at $1.25, $4 and
$3.75 a wagon load, which averaged a ton.
Anthracite coal was quoted at $12 per ton,
but there Is none.
Aathraelte Companies' Sales Agent
Agree Not to Renew Contract
with Large Coasnmera.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. SO. The sales
agenta of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad com
pany and anthracite coal companies met to
day and decided to continue tbe present
circular prices during tbe month of Janu
ary. Th aales agenta also declined to
renew any of the expiring contract with
large consumers of anthracite, which ac
tion will compel all consumer to purchase
coal In the open market. It la said the
Philadelphia ft Reading will take similar
They Move for Statehood.
MUSKOGEE. I. T.. Dec. SO. The Ii dlan
Territory statehood convention held at
Eufala today was participated in by repre
sentatives of ten towns and cities. Resolu
tions were passed favorwig admlaelnu with
ukianonia under tne lieverKlge bill, with
delegate and constitutional rights. im
oppoaiu to It unJrr any other condition.
Arrangements were made fur a Urge dele
gation i rum i no in territory to ailaud the
Gklabom City cunveullon.
Wyoming Man Receives Many Congratula
tion on Coming Promotion.
Joha II. Flmple of Ohio la Said to Be
Slated to Sncceed Rlchnrds as
Assistant Commissioner of
Land Office.
(From a Staff Correepondent)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) "Well," said ex-Governor Rich
ards, first assistant commissioner of tho
land office, as he smilingly grasped the ex
tended hand of hla first caller today, "It
may be a little premature to accept your
congratulations, but I thank you." In fact,
the announcement of Commissioner Her
mann's reslgnstlon and the probable ap
pointment of William A. Richards to suc
ceed him aa commissioner, general of the
land cffice tn some manner leaked out
prematurely. It had not been Intended at
the department that this choice bit of new
should, be made public until congress con
vened next week.
While Assistant Commissioner Richards Is
receiving many telegrams congratulating
him upon his prospective promotion and
numerous personal calls from friends, he
Is accepting all the well wishes with a sug
gestion to wait, "as my nsme haa not yet
been sent to tbe senate." It Is, however,
regarded as almost certain that the pres
ident will appoint Mr. Richards to be the
head of the general land office.
Commissioner Hermann says he will upon
h! retirement from office return to hi
former home tn Oregon. "I have made ar
rangements," said Mr. Hermann today, "to
re-enter the practice of my profession, tho
law. I will only remain In office long
enough to settle several minor matters and
close up the affairs of my Incumbency."
Ohlonn to Sncceed Rlchnrds.
John H. Fimple of Carrol I ton, O., has
been selected as assistant commissioner of
the land office, to succeed ex-Governor W.
A. Richards of Wyoming, who baa been
slated to succeed Blnger Herrman of Ore
gon aa commissioner.
Both Mr. Richards and Mr. Flmple were
slated for these otnees by the late Pres
ident McKIntey. Mr. Flmple was law clerk
of the general land office for four years,
was assistant attorney general for two
years under Attorney General Vandeventer
of the Interior department and resigned
two years ago to resume his law practice.
He Is 40 years of age.
Bonthera Quarantine Order.
The aecretary of agriculture has Issued
the annual order establishing a quarantine
against a number of southern and western
state on account of the southern or Texas
fever. . The quarantine against Texas and
Oklahoma is made a month earlier this
year, taking effect January 1, but It is not
operative against the other states unit
February. In this respect the provisions of
the order are Identical with that of pre
vious year.
Had So Country o RnsasciMnu
Justice Clalbaugh of the Distrlot supreme
court is engaged in hearing a petition filed
by Antonio M. De Ycaza, a young Filipino,
who la seeking to obtain naturalisation pa
pers. He came to this country after sign
ing the treaty of peace botween the United
State and Spain. Ho applied for naturali
sation papers In this District. The local
law requires that all applicants for cltlsen
hlp must renounce allegiance to his coun
try. He bad no country to renounce and on
this ground he was denied naturalization
paper by the clerk of the District supreme
Routine of Deportments.
J. C. Madson has been appointed post
master at Glen, Sioux county. Neb., vie J.
GUmore,' resigned.
Tbe postmaster at Marshalltown, la., will
be allowed one additional letter carrier
after January 16.
Jacob K. Davis haa been appointed a rural
letter carrier and Arthur Davl as substi
tute carrier, at Hawarden, la.
Elbrldge 8. Johnson of Desmet, S. D., ha
been admitted to practice before the In
terior department.
The comptroller of the currency ha ap
proved the application of the Colman
State bank of Colman, S. D., to be' con
verted into the First National bank of
Colman, with $25,000 capital.
The First National bank of Bellefourche,
8. D., haa been authorized to begin business
with $25,000 capital.
Dra. L. M. Beckman, B. A. Wade and C.
W. Hargens have been appointed pension
examining surgeon at Hot Spring. S. D.
Rural tree delivery routes will be estab
lished In Iowa, February 2, as .follows:
Bonair, . Howard county, one route; area
covered, twenty-five aquare miles; popula
tion, 400. Lime Springs, Howard county,
three routes; area, sixty square miles; pop
ulation, 1,625. Northwood, Worth county,
two additional routes; area, fifty-four
square miles; population, 1,015.
Bids were opened today at the Treasury
department for an electric elevator for the
public building at Cheyenne, Wyo. The
bidders were: Otis Elevator company. New
York, $5,625; Morris Engine and Machine
company. New York, $6,033.
The United 8tate National bank of
Omaha has been aproved as reserve agent
for tbe First National bank of Scotts Bluff,
Major William H. Cormusler, surgeon,
upon tbe expiration of hi present leave,
will proceed to Fort Crook for duty to re
lieve Captain Paul F. Straube, assistant
surgeon, who, upon being thus relieved,
will proceed to the Philippine for assign
ment to duty.
Captain Horace M. Reeve, Seventeenth
infantry, is detailed for duty a recorder of
the Army Retiring board at Omaha, vie
Captain Robert W. Dowdy, Twenty-second
infantry, relieved.
Salt Attacking Ita State Board of
Equalisation la Filed by a St.
Lasts Property Owner.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. In th United
States supreme court there wa filed tor
docketing a case attacking th course of
tbe state board of equalization of tbe state
of Missouri in the matter of the rat of
taxation in the city of St. Louis.
Th proceeding wa instituted by William
Preston Hill, a property owner of that
city, who cbargea that by placing tbe as-ee-sment
of the property of corporations
doing business In the ctty at from one
fourth to one-half of their real value, great
injury Is done to other taxpayer. HI
original petition for a writ of mandamus
was quashed by the state supreme court
and Mr. Hill asks the federal court to as
sume jurisdiction on the ground thst the
proceeding was unconstitutional In that It
deprives bim of property without due pro
cess of law.
Foirast for Nebraska Fair Wednesday
ami Warmer In West Portion; Thursday
Tempera tare at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Hear.
5 a. m to 1 p. m Jt
A n. m It) ii p. tn fttl
T n. m 1 a p. m T
K a. m lO 4 . m K
1 a. m 11 B p. m !
10) r. nt 17 l p. m
11 a. in X2 7 p. nt 34
11 in XT N p. nt IM
II p. nt 31
Secretary of Vnlted States Legation
In Pekla Arrives la t'onnclt
Hon. W. E. Balnbrlge, second sccretsry of
the American legation at Prkln. China, ar
rived in Council Bluffs at S o'clock this
morning, accompanied by J. W. Hagsdale,
United Statea consul at Tlrn Tain, China.
Messrs. Bslnbrlge and Rsgsdale are on their
way to Washington and will leave for there
Friday, after spending tbe time until then
with friends here.
Mestirs. Balnbrlge and Ragsdale were ap
pointed commissioners to Investigate the
clalma of American citizens arising from
losses Incurred during the Boxer rebellion.
They began their Investigations on May 1
and concluded the work on November 17.
Two hundred and twenty claims were con
sidered, aggregating $4,000,000. Of these the
commissioners recommended that claims to
tho amount of $1,600,000 be paid to United
States citizens and $40,000 In addition to
Chinese subjects who were at the time of
tbe lost In the employ of tho United States.
.Regarding the report that he had tendered
his reslgnstlon or intended to tender the
same, Mr. Balnbrlge said that there was
absolutely no foundation for this report.
He satd that hla future plans were unde
termined and beyond this declined to make
any statement until after he had reported to
the department at Washington.
Collision on Pennsylvania Results la
One Person Killed, Three Fatally
and a Score Painfully Hnrt.
SHARON, Pa., Dec. 80. In a head-on col
lision on the Pennsylvania, one and one
half mile west of West Middlesex tonight,
the engineer of the passenger train, Neal
Daugherty of Erie was killed, four persons
were seriously Injured and almost a score
more were hurt. The wreck was caused
through a . misunderstanding of orders.
Both engine were demolished and are
lying on their sides tn the ditch, while
the express, baggage and smoking cara are
badly wrecked.
Following Is a list of the dead and in
jured.' NEAL DAUGHERTY of Erie, body not
recovered. ,
Tbe Injured:
Engineer Shallenberger, probably fatally.
' Robert Williams' at Erie, fireman pas
senger train; serious;
v flsorge Gibson of - Erie, fireman freight
train; serious.
Samuel . J.' McDonald of Greenville, ex
press messenger; serious.
Six of the injured were brought to the
Sharon hospital on a special train. Of
the injured Samuel McDonald, George Gib
son and Engineer Shallenberger will die.
Eliot nnd Hnffcnt Differ on What Pro
fessional Schools Shoald Require
as to Admission.
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. The second ses
sion of the conference of the American
Association of Universities took place to
day at Columbia university. - Tbe subject
dlscuBsed waa "Tbe Requirements for Ad
mission to tbe Professional Schools." There
were two papers read one from Harvard,
by President Eliot, and the other from
Cornell, by Professor Huffcut of that insti
tution. President Eliot In his paper advocated
strongly that professional schools require
bachelor' degrees, but omitted from his
list engineering, chemistry and architec
ture. - Professor Huffcut took directly the op
posite view. He said that atudenta re
ceived from high school had shown no
difference in the result of their work in
tbe university from those admitted with
bachelor degrees. A discussion followed
the reading of the papers.
Coroner's Jnry Not Agreed ns to Re
sponsibility Between Cnrsoa aad '
Kerr for Disaster.
WYOMINO. Ont., Dec. 30. The coroner's
jury which haa been investigating tbe
wreck at Wanstead last Friday night, in
which twenty-eight lives were lost, brought
In a verdict shortly before midnight to
night. The verdict is as follows:
We find that Arthur F. Rlckett was killed
In the collision at Wanstead on the even
ing of Friday, December 26, 1902; that said
collision waa caused by wrong orders being
given No. i at Watford. Responsibility for
the Issuance of wrung ordors we are not
agreed upon as between Operator Carson
and Dispatcher Kerr. That aiter No 6
had left Watford by tne is- uance of
wrong orders, we coLslder that the acci
dent could have been averted by the op
erator at Wyoming or King's Court Junc
tion had the railway company had more
experienced operators at those points (one
being but a boy of 16), st each of which
places the. dispatcher having had ample
time to do It and endeavored to get the op
posing trains stopped.
Self-inflicted by Francis G. Beach, a
Prominent Cltlsen of New
NEW HAVEN. Conn., Dec. 30. Francis
G. Beach, a prominent citizen of New
Haven, died today from a pistol shot, self
inflicted, December 4, during a fit of tem
porary aberration, resulting from Illness.
During the second administration of Pres
ident Cleveland he was postmaster here.
He was well known In military circles, hav
ing been a captain of Connecticut volun
teer In the war with Spain.
Movement of Ocean Vessels Dec. SO.
At Harwich-Arrived: Polam Hall, from
Portland via 8t. Vincent. C. V.
At St. Vincent, C. v. balled: Norman
Isles, from Antwerp, for Portland, Ore.
At Liverpool Arrived: Ivernia. from
Boston via Queenstown.
At Glasgow Arrived: Tauric, from
At New York Arrived: Pottsdam, from
Rotterdam. Hulled: Cevlc. for Uverpool.
At iioiiK Kong Arrived: Empress of
China, from Vancouver via Yokohama.
At Indon Arrived: Monos. from Ta
coina via Valparaiso and Havre.
At Yokohama Mailed: Kmprrss of Japan
from iiung Kuiig, fur Vancouver. '
President and Vice President of Union
Paoifio Confer with Strike Leaden.
After Discussing the Situation Adjournment
is Taken Urtil Friday.
Declares Issues Practically Settled aad Ho
Danger of Sympathetic Strike.
Alt Snch Abortive Attempts of Con
reeling Company's Anxiety to
Settle Are Defented by
Actaal Statements.
This telegram was receive yesterday aft
ernoon a little too late for publication la
the evening paper:
NEW yoitK, IVr. .-The Omaha Pee.
Omaha: James OTcnnoll, John McNeal.
John Hloctim, David O'Donnell, K. K. Ken
nedy and Thomus L. Wilson met Mr. Burt
and J.idge Cornish this morning: and after
two hours" conference It was derided to ad
Jo irn till V'rldsy, January 2. for further
c.iiwldcratlon. The con fere"nce was very
pleasunt and harmony prevails.
The gentlemen mentioned tn Mr. Wil
son's message arc respectively (he Interna
tional presidents of the machinists, bolter
makers and blacksmiths, the local presi
dents of the helper and bollermnkers,
fourth vice president of the International
Association of Machinists, president and
vice president of the Union Pacific rallroaif.
While many conflicting report have been
received from New York f nd othera not re
ceived have been manufactured In certain
quarter here and published In certain
newspapers, this dispatch comes Erectly
from one of the confereea, th man who de
clared the atrlke for the machinists and ha
led It for them from tho first. It ought,
therefore, to set at rest all other reporta
regarding this conference, including those
sent out from Union Pacific headquarter
In New York to the effect that Mr. Burt,
Mr. Harrlman and other official were Ig
norant of any conference being held.
Ilopefal of Settlement.
Mr. Wilson aent a telegram to hi sssocl-
tes In Omaha yesterday morning stating
that he and othera of the confertnee did
not reach New York until Monday night,
precluding, therefore, the possibility of a
meeting with tho Union Pacific offlclala
Monday, as was heralded In an Omaha pa
pet. From the latter report of Wilson's It Is
believed by the striker here that no ten
tative agreement has yet been reached, but
that favorable-developments will follow the
resumption of -the conference Friday, There
I no thought of a final disposition of af
fairs at any New York conference, since la'
the nature of things the ultimate settlement
must be made in Qniaha' through the chan
nels of th district lodgej. Whatever ae- -tlon
Is reached In the east will, therefore,
be tentative and require approval or disap
proval of the district lodges.
McNeil Talks for Slea.
NEW YORK, Doo. i0. (Special Tele
gram.) James O'Connell and . Thomas L.
Wilson ol the machinists, John McNeil, E.
F. Kennedy and Dave O'Donnell, represent
ing the boiler makers, and John Slocum of
the blacksmiths, of the Omaha delegation,
representing the Union Paclfio shopman, thla
afternoon, at the office of M. J. Ford,
member of the executive board of the In
ternational Association of Machinists, Mc
Neil acting as spokesman, satd that a con
ference was held this morning between
.President Burt of the Union Paclfio and
representatives of the three striking
"The conference was of a pleasant char
acter," said McNeil, "and the questions at
issue were thoroughly discussed. No de
cision was reached today, however, but an
other conference ws arranged to take
place on Friday morning."
All the men were very secretive about
the matter and refuted to answer further
questions beyond saying that th confer
ence lasted nearly two hours and that the
situation waa hopeful.
Three men, who looked like prosperoua
western mechanics, walked into the main
office of the Union Paclfio railroad, at 120
Broadway, this morning and were eon
ducted by a company porter to another
part of the Union Pacific office. Th ap
pearance of the thre men started afresh
the rumor that delegates of th striking
mechanic had arrived from Omaha to hold
their uninvited conference with President
Burt of the Union Paclfio or with E. H.
Harrlman, president of the Southern Pa
cific and actual head of tha Paclfio system.
Including those . two rosds and the Oregon
Short Line, etc. But Mr. Harrlman' sec
retary said when seen later that thing
food today Just as they did yesterday,
namely, that the officers of the Union Pa
cific and Southern Pacific had not had any
conference with any labor leader from
Omaha and saw no reason why they ahould
hold such a conference, as all th place of
the striker had been filled.
A director, who declined to be quoted,
said that matters were practically settled
and there would be no fuither strike la
Scales All Denials.
The abortive attempt of Harrlman and
other Union Pacific men In New York to
deny any knowledge of the intended con
ference, a wa reported In the press dis
patches, become rather ludicrlous when It
Is positively known that President Burt
not only knew tbe conference waa to ba
held, but helped to arrange for It, and not
only was aware that tb strikers from
Omaha snd Kansas City were sending dele
gate, but saw that those delegate were
not prevented from reaching New York,
the scene of the conference.
"I can think of no reason why Burt and
Harrlman would want to assume thla In
different attitude, unless it was their
scheme to convey the Impression to tb
public that the conference waa forced upon
them at tbe urgent solicitation of tb
striker," said a strike leader. "But If w
(bould chose to divulge certain secrets
which Mr. Burt has seen fit to repose In us,
w would make bim look rather cheap and
reflect a similar shadow upon bis big chief,
E. H. Harrlman. Th fart I that tbl con
ference wa called by tbe Union Paclfio
people. Whether Burt or Harrlman Issued
the actual order or request I can't say, but
I do know this: Some of our men could
not see their way clear, on tbe spur of th
moment, to get to New York, until a way
ws pointed out to them by President Burt.
They went then gladly. I know of no reason
for holding this conference In tbe east un
less it be that Burt and Harrlman tblua
they will stand a better chance of bluffing
our men into accepting th abort end at