Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
l,TAliLIhlii:i JUNE 1, 1871.
Two Thousand of Sultan's Troops Slain or
Woundei bj Bele's.
Imperial Aembly Drirea Away in
Greatest Disorder.
European Ge'.ony of 600 Persons Are Be
' leaguered in Town.
F'retend'er la Advancing Upon the City
wllh Horde of Followers and
Sltnatton la Decidedly Critical
for Those Within Walla.
LONDON, Dee. 28. The complete rout at
Tar.a of the Moorish Imperial assembly by
retail under the leadership ot the pretender
to the throne, which waa reported December
23, has been officially confirmed. The Im
perial forces abandoned their Runs, rifles,
ammunition, tents and beasts of burden
and fled precipitately to Fef.
TANGIER, Morocco, Dec. 28. On Decem
ber 22, 10,000 Sbereeflan troops, commanded
by a brother of the sultan's minister of
war, received orders to concentrate and
take the offensive agalnat the pretender at
Taxa. Before the Shereeflans moved upon
him the pretender attacked them with large
bodies of cavalry. The Imperial army was
surrounded, completely routed and fled In
disorder toward, Fes, abandoning all mate,
rials of war. The first fugitives arrived at
Fax on the morning of December 24.
The gatea of Fet at present are ahut.
Shops there are closed and the population
is greatly excited, but there has been no
The European colony of Fei, embodying
about 500 persons, is taking no steps to
leave the town and appear to be satisfied
that It la In no Imminent danger, although
the situation is regarded as serious. It
Is said that the pretender's followers have
received numeroua additions since his suc
cess and be la already negotiating with the
tribes of Wedmaweb valley. The popula
tion of Fei la reported to be generally
hostile to the sultan and ready to acclaim
any pretender who will guarantee the town
from pillage.
No details of the Imperial losses have
yet been received here, but It la rumored
that 2,000 of the sultan'a soldiers were
killed or wounded. The authorities here are
trying to minimis the dlsaater. It 1 said
that a section of the imperial troops sent
a reinforcements deserted to the rebela
and aided In driving the local troop back
to Fes.
l Sara Lesdoa Times Correspondent
Was Plaea from City, Which Ha
' Declares la Disloyal
LONDON, Deo. 29. In a dispatch from
Pes, dated December 23, the correspondent
ot the Times declares he bellevea the sit
uation to be critical.
"I have reaaona to doubt the loyalty of
the inhabitants of Fes," aaya the corre
spondent. "Both the government and the
Europeans her ridicule my anticipation
of an acuta crlala and my estimate of the
pretender'a strength. I am leaving Fea
The Times Is publishing a dispatch from'
Tangier, dated December 27, in which the
correspondent aays:
"I got away from Fea Just tn time. I
arrived here thla morning with the first
newa of the disaster. The rebels are re
ported to be marching on Fes, which la
Incapable of defense for mora than a few
daya, owing to ita position, the absolute
lack of a aupply of provisions and the ruin
ous state of the town walla.
"The population will remain loyal only
as long aa the aultan can protect and feed
them. A few daya of siege meana starva
tlon. The aultan may attempt to escape,
but In that case the populace will recognls
the pretender.
"The aultan'a troops were dlsaatrously
routed, the remnant fled to Fex, abandon
ing everything, artillery, tenia, rifles, am
munition, money and stores. Practically
the wbol army waa routed, aa couipar
allvely few troops were left In Fea.
"The road from Fex to Tangier la open
and aafe at present, but the pretender's
prestige will receive an enormous stimulus
and loyal trlbea will Join hla cause. It the
aultan escapea or can defend Fea, th
aouth will support him, in v.hlch case civil
war la Inevitable."
Mr. Harris, the correspondent of th
Times at Fea. la said to be a confidential
adviser of the sultan of Morocco.
Arohdnke Refnsea to Slam Away Hla
Might mm mm Anstrlaa
VIENNA, Dee. 29. According to an In
terview published here. Archduke Leopold
has refused to algn a renunciation ot hla
rights aa an Austrian subject. Emperor
Francis Joseph Insists that the archduke
resign everything and never return to Aus
tria. The archduke clalma the payment of
his appanage and declares that be will take
very legal step to fight against exile. He
aaya he will never abandon- hla rlghta aa
an Austrian aubject.
GENEVA, Dee. 28. Newspapers her al
lege that the Swiss government haa re
fused the request ot th German legation
to expel the crown prlnceaa ot Saxony from
Donaaer Iracerialn a ilea.
v FEKIN, Dec. 28. The women of th
American legation and Lieutenant General
Milea and hla party were entertained at
luucheon today by the dowager empress
and th emperor. United Statea Minister
Conger also gave a diplomatic dinner In
honor of the general. Tomorrow the min
ister will entertain at dinner a number
of Chinese officiate to meet General Mile.
thlaa lakes m stride.
SHANGHAI. Dec. 28. Yuan Hal Kal. vice
roy of Chi Li province, haa drawn up plana
for the formation, ot a department of com
munications on the Japanese model. His
plans have received government aanctlon.
The department haa been entrusted 'o the
control and management of the Chines
postal service.
airily Keels m Qalver.
ROME, Dm. 28. A sever earthquake
shock was experienced at Syracuse, 8lclly,
thla evening. It waa preceded, by sub
trraa nuu tiling, a,
Kataara Mlalstry Is Said to Be n Kve
of Defeat Over the Saval aad
Land Tat Meaaares.
TOKIO, Dec. 13. (Via B. C,
Dec. 28.) The Katsura cab. 4 -ight
to be on the eve of defeat ove,. V .
and the land tax bills. If defeatc
combination of political parties the" ,.
will be dissolved and a new election held.
The situation Is being watched with keen
est Interest.
Apropos of the naval Increment bill a
rumor emanating from Ban Franciaco that
Japan waa preparing to send permanent
squadron to Esquimau and Europe la said
to be without foundation. The Japan
Foreign office denied that Japan haa any
ambitions that way and saya Ita only ob
ject In increasing its navy la to maintain
the statue quo in the far east In which
all commercial nations are Interested.
TOKIO, Japan, Dec. 28 The imperial
Diet reassembled today. The house of rep
resentatives was 'immediately dissolved by
Imperial order, and the bouse of peers waa
prorogued. The electlona have been fixed
for February.
The dissolution of the Diet la due to the
opposition of the party leaders to the gov
ernments plan to raise the money for th
naval program by Increasing tho land tax.
The leaders refused the government offer
to compromise by reducing, thla tax. Th
opposition desired that the land tax be
abolished, and that the funds for the naval
increase be aecured from other aources.
Paaseaarer Terrorised, bat the Calm
Jada-ment of Officers Avoids
Any Casualties.
MANILA, Dec. 28. The United States
transport Sherman atruck a rock near San
Bernardino light, aouth of Luxon, Friday
night. The tranaport sustained a heavy
shock and soma of ita platea were dam
aged. After the accident twenty-three
Inchea of water waa found In ita forward
bilges, but raa controlled by steady pump
ing. The steamer proceeded for Manila
under Its-own steam and arrived her to
day. When Sherman atruck the paasengers
on board were terrified, but there waa no
disorder. They promptly took their sta
tions with life preservers on In the small
boats. The officers of Sherman handled
the aituatlon splendidly.
Sherman'a cargo waa not damaged and It
probably will not be necessarv for It to
dock at Hong Kong.
Governor Taft'a energetlo expedition look
ing to th suppression of Ladronlam haa
produced unusual activity In thla direction.
Numeroua municipal preaidentea In the
provincea of Cavlte and Rtaal are assisting
the native constabulary in running down
th bandlta.
Aathorltles of Osaka, Japan, Learn
f Merciless glaoghter of SOO
Helpless Babes.
VICTORIA, B. C, Dec. 28. Correspond
ence ef the Associated Preea received from
Oaaka by th ateamer Tsar include
details of a horrlbl baby farming con
spiracy In Osaka. An elderly woman, her
married daughter and huaband and two
other persona have been arrested for in
fanticide, and It la learned that since they
atarted operationa thla year 800 children
were killed.
Ihe Japan Tlmea haa an account of a
Japanese of Koohi having been married, to
a corpae. The bride-elect committed sui
cide on the evening of her marriage. The
body waa recovered and at the requeat ot
the dead girl's parenta the ceremony took
place between the living and th dead.
Japanese Merchants Are Thrown Into
Consternation by Imposition
of Ten Cent Tax.
YOKOHAMA. Deo. 2X (Via Victoria, B.
C, Dec. 28). The report that the United
Statea will Impose the duty of 10 cent a
pound on tea now held in bond, even
though withdrawal may not take place un
til after January 1, when duty la removed
on new arrivals, has caused consternation
among merchants.
The tea merchants, jobbers, grocers and
othera Interested will endeavor to Induce
the government to withhold auch action,
which haa come upon th market like a
thunderbolt. The tea tax In America,
which waa on of th Spanish-American
war taxes, Is to be raised January 1, and
in the event ot that a large amount has
been placed in bond In American aeaporta.
Dewey Greeted at Ponce.
PONCE, Porto Rica, Dec. 28. Admiral
Dewey arrived here yesterday evening from
San Juan and received aa ovation. He
waa warmly greeted by a commute of na
tive officiate and cltlsens and. waa escorted
by them from Juana Dlas to Ponce. Tt
city waa decorated in honor of tha ad
miral's arrival, which waa followed by a
procession with bands ot musie through
tha atreeta. Later th admiral boarded
the United Statea steamer Mayflower and
sailed for Culebra.
Another Shock In Csar'a Land.
ST. PETERSBURG, Deo. 28. An earth
quake ahock which lasted twenty-three
seconds waa felt today at Blgsk, tn th
government of Temsk.
The governor general ot Turkestan in a
report to the cxar on the Andljan disaster
saya he hopea that within a month It will
be possible to find temporary accommoda
tions for the troopa and the authorltlea at
the devastated city.
Hessian T. M. C. A. Prospers.
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 28. The third
annual meeting of th Toung Men' Chris
tian association, under the patronage of
Prince Oldenburg, waa held her tonight.
Amoog thoae present were Prince Plato
Obelensky, Senator Tagantsey, E. L. Nobel
and Franklin Gaylord. The Russian branch
ot the association la nearly self sustaining
and Ita membership in the laat year haa
Chappell Heaehee San Jaan.
SAN JUAN. Dec. 28. Archbishop Chap
pelle, apostolic delegate In Cuba and Porto
Rico, arrived her this afternoon, and the
people of the city turned out in large num.
bera to receive hiss. The water front was
crowded for hours before the archbishop
disembarked. A large procession escorted
th prelate to th cathedral, where ser
vices wtr held.
Cervere Accorded aa Ileaor.
MADRID. Dec. 28 The appointment ot
Vic Admiral Cervera, who surrendered to
the American fleet off Santiago de Cuba, to
th post of chief of staff of th navy haa
been jubilate U tat Official CaMlta,
French Capital Agog with Expectancy Over
Their Approach.
attempts to Brian- Them Secretly
'led When Train Crosaed flpaa
Frontler and Ita Delay
PARIS, Dec. 28. The train bringing to
Taris the membera of the Humbert family,
who were arrested In Madrid, waa due to
arrive at 4:52 tomorrow morning, but owing
to an accident to a brake. It waa two hours
late at the Spanish frontier, thereby miss
ing connections with the Paris train at
In their anxiety to avoid the assembling
of crowds and demonstrations on the ar
rival of the Humberta, the authorltlea here
refuse to say at what station the prison
ers will leave the train. These precau
tions probably will be defeated by the
delay In arriving, as it now seems prob
able that the train will reach Tarla In
broad daylight. Instead of, aa intended,
in the early morning.
It la possible that the prisoners will be
taken from the train at some atation out
side the city and thence conveyed secretly
to prison. Cells at the Conclergerle have
been prepared for their reception.
At Henday. on the 8panlsh frontier, the
car containing the prisoners was detached
from the Madrid train outside the atation
on the Spanish aide of the frontier and
the Humberta were hurried Into a French
car held in readlnesa and handed over to
the French officials. After thla bad been
done the Spanish police retired.
The change of cars was accomplished so
rapidly that the waiting crowd barely
caught a glimpse ot the party, but It
greeted the prisoners with ironical cheer
ing. Thla greatly enraged Mme. Humbert.
After the car had been attached to tho
French train the train proceeded.
Crowda had gathered at the various sta
tions, hoping to see the Humberts. They
were disappointed, however, aa the blinds
ot the car were kept closely drawn.
At Bordeaux the Humberta' car waa at
tached to the fast train, whloh la acheduled
to arrive here at 7:80 tomorrow.
Details of Exeentlon of Chinese Army
Officer Who Refused to Protect
British Missionaries.
VICTORIA, Deo. 28. According to ad
vices received by the ateamer Tartar, tha
Hunan correspondents of the Shanghai pa
pers send particulars regarding the execu
tion of Major Liu, the Chen Chau military
officer who refuaed to protect the murdered
missionaries, Bruce and Lewis, from the
mob, and whose execution waa demanded
by the British government and China forced
to accede to it after a naval demonstration
at Hankow. The condemned man waa re
moved from th yamen In a chair, after
which ha waa taken to a place outside the
walls to the place of execution.
Th execution waa witnessed by, large
number' of foreigners. After th execu
tion the remain were rolled In a red
wrapper and all day a continual line of
people wept bitterly before the coffin.
Before leaving Pekln for Washington, Su
Liang Cheng, .who will replace Wu Ting
fang, waa given 1,000 taela and a large
bouquet by the empress dowager, with
whom ha waa in audience for aome hours.
News waa received from Bangkok of a
collision in the mouth of the Menam river
between the North German Lloyd ateamer
Phra Ehlm Clo and the East Indian com
pany's ateamer Kelantan, the latter sinking
In a few minutea. No Uvea were lost.
The bark Aberystewlck Castle, which waa
dUmasted - 250 mtlea - off Yokohama on a
voyage from the Clebea to Eureka, aa be
fore reported, haa been aold to Japan at
Yokohama and the crew aent to New York.
President Castro Expected mt Caracas
to Dlscnss Terms of Arbi
tration. (Copyright. 1902. by Preaa Publishing Co.)
CARACAS, Venezuela, Dec 28. (New
York World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
The course pursued by United Statea
Minister Bowen Is giving satisfaction here.
President Castro la expected to return
from L Victoria tomorrow to discuss the
conditions of the arbitration.
The Red D line steamship Maracalbo baa
been permitted t land Ita paaaengera and
mails at La Ouayra.
The steamship Maracalbo Bailed from
New York December 20 for Curacao and La
Guayra with paaaengera, malls and a mis
cellaneous cargo, principally made up ot
flour, grain, butter, lard and other food
Ilearlac on Pretest Asralast Admission
to Probate Will Be Bea-na at
Colorado Spring;.
COLORADO SPRING3, Dec. 28. Tha real
battle for the Btratton millions will begin
tomorrow when the hearing on the admis
sion ot the will of W. S. Stratton to probate
cornea up in the county court. Prominent
lawyera from all over the atate. Including
United Statea Senator Patterson, are as
sembling In the city, and the prospects are
that tbe hearing will be long drawn out.
The protest against the admlasion ot the
will to probate was one of tbe first atepa
taken by the attorneya for Harry Stratton,
the contestant of the will, and it waa based
upon numerous grounds. Young Stratton
and hla bride from Oehkoah, Wis., arrived
In the city yeaterday to be preaent at the
Secretary of Illlaols Workers Saya
Operators Are Maklag Greater
Prodta Than Ever Before.
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Dec. 28. W. .D.
Ryan, secrtuary-treasurer of the United
Mine Workera ol Illinois, la a statement !
today, say that the miners of the Lulled
Slates will make a demand for a material
increase in wsges at the national conven
tion at Indianapolis on January 19.
Mr. Ryan aaya that th operator are re
ceiving a larger price for coal than ever
before, and they cannot make the excuse
that the mloea are not paying expenses.
Mr. Ryan says that the convention will
produce figure, to allow the total coat of
mining a ton of coal and glvi the public
an Idea of th profit be lug reaped by th
operator. Mr. Ryan will attend the con
vention and no doubt lead th fight for
higher wages.
Says Hla Acceptaace of Colorado A
Soathern Poattlen Is Dae Only to
Amaont of Salary.
DENVER, Dee. t8. James M. Herbert,
general manager of the Denver A Rio
Grande railroad, who Is to become general
manager of the Coloracto Southern and
vice president of the Foh Worth Denver
City on January 1, returned to Denver
from a trip to Joplln, Mo., today. Tonight
Mr. Herbert dictated the following state
ment: "Two weeka ago, unsolicited, the office
of vice president and general manager ot
the Colorado A Boutbern and vice president
of the Fort Worth at Denver City, carrying
with it aome attractive feature, was ten
dered me. 1 asked time to consider, which
wss granted, following which 1 accepted.
There has been no friction between myself
and higher Denver as Rio Grande officers.
Salary waa the paramount Issue with me.
There la absolutely no friction aa between
tbe Colorado a: Southern and the Denver
A Rio Grande interests. I have placed my
resignation aa director of the Colorado Fuel
and Iron company In the hands of Mr.
Clement, who Is Mr. Gould's representa
tive in that company, tor auch action as he
deems advisable. "
Mr. Herbert said further thst the report
that General Hawley had In any way In
fluenced hla appointment with the Hawley
roads la unfounded.
"It haa been said," aald Mr. Herbert,
"that such waa the case, and that the re
cent Colorado Fuel and Iron company fight
prompted thla. There Is absolutely not a
particle of foundation for such a report.
I am Mr. Trumbull's appointee. I never
had any conference with Hawley, and will
have nothing to do with him when I accept
my new position."
Caleb Powera Seeka Assistance from
People Ontside of Kentucky to
Pay for Hla Defense.
GEORGETOWN, Ky.. Dec. 28. Ex-8ecre-tsry
of State Caleb Powera, who haa had
two trials and now awalta In jail here hla
third trial for complicity in the murder
of the late Governor William Goebel, today
issued the following appeal to the public:
"I have had written a number ot letters
to different statea aaktng for financial aid
in my coming trial for alleged complicity
In the Goebel murder. A portion of tbe
preaa haa, through a misunderstanding of
the facta, attempted to thwart my plan for
raising the much-needed money with which
to defend myself, by circulating a report
that theaa letter wer not genuine because
algned by different persons for me.
"It la true that many of the letters were
signed by different persons, because it was
Impossible tor one person to send them
out In the limited time before my next
trial, but all of these letter are genuine.
"I have been continuously in th Jails
of thla state for nearly throe yeara. My
meana are exhausted. . The generosity ot
Kentucky haa been tated to the utmost In
my former so-called - trials. In a few
weeka I am again to be tried tor my life.
Hence my appeal now to my friends out
aide ef Kentucky." rr;
Cessation of Service of Frlck Company
to Coasamers Resalts tn Estab
lishing; New Ovens.
PITTSBURG, Deo. 28. With the closing
of the present year tbe H. C. Frlck Coke
company passes from the service of the
general coke consumers ot the country and
will devote Its energies to supplying the
constituent companiea of the United Statea
Bteel corporation.
The removal of thla large aupply of coke
from the Independent field haa done more
to stir up capital tor new coke operationa
than anything that haa occurred in yeara.
During the past month or six weeks thero
have been several publlo announcementa
of the plana of new' corporations to develop
coking planta In the weatern Pennsylvnla
field, aa well aa in West Virginia.
The latest to appear la thai of the Union
Coking and Coal company ot New York.
This corporation haa been formed during
the past few weeka by eastern men and
baa aecured 2,200 acres ot fine West Vlr
ginlt coal land along the line of the Weat
Virginia Central railroad. The first part
of the coke oven equipment tor the new
company will contain no less than 1,000
ovena. The capital of the company for the
preaent will be $2,600,000.
St. Panl Cltlaeas Witness Opening- of
Magnificent Kew People'a Church
CostlasT Over flOO.OOO.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Dee. 28. The new
People's church, which replacea the struc
ture burned about a year ago, waa opened
today with appropriate religious ceremo
nies. The church Is an Imposing struct-re,
erected at a coat ot over $100,000, and Is
unique In that Its Interior decorationa pay
tribute to the great teachera ot all recog
nised religtona and creeds. Placed at In
tervals around the aemi-circle of the audi
torium are two tlera ot stained glasa win
dows that have been given to tbe church
by tbe varloua nationalities and religious
denominations In St. Paul. There, in their
order, are Hebrewa, Roman Catholics, Ital
ians, Swiss, German, Methodists, Congre
gatlonallsts, Unltarlani, Baptlata, Presby
terians, Bohemians,' Swede, French, Irish,
English, Norweglana and Afro-Americans.
Other windows represent missions, pa
triotism, labor, the great teachera (which
bear the . namea of Zoroaster, Confucius,
Buddha and Mohammed), philanthropy and
The great pipe organ, to cost $10,000, is
to b Installed later.
Fir Ocenra la Coal Region Nenr
Baehmat, n Rnsslaa Prevl.ce, aad
Workmen Are In Denser.
ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 28. A fire haa
occurred la a coal mine at Bachmut,
Ekatofrnoslay province. A hundred mtnera
were underground when the fire atarted.
Twenty of these have been reacued, but It
la feared the othera have succumbed.
Mexico's Plaaa Abates.
MAZATLAN, Mexico. Dec. 28. There Is
better feeling now that tbe plague baa
somewhat abated. Tbe energetlo measures
taken by the authorities had excellent re
sults. The people leaving town have la
some cases encountered sanitary cordona
on approaching neighboring villages and
returned. Foreign ships touching here re
fuse to tske passengera or freight. Tha
deaths are diminishing, only four being
reported on Thursday last and during tha
subsequent day but taw casta.
East ii Waiting Up to the Fact Reclaiming
of Arid Land Help AIL
Already Thla Class is Grabbles; Up
Every Acre Possible aad Some
Means Mast Be Taken to
Head Them. OS.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. (Special.) The
great work which the national government
la just embarking upon of Ihe subjugation
of tbe American desert la being discussed
by the entire western halt ot the United
Statea, and was brought into particular
prominence by the recent national irriga
tion congress held at Colorado Springs.
The weat haa ao long striven for some
assistance from the government that Its
people can hardly realise that congress
actually did make an appropriation ot
about $8,000,000 for constructing irrigation,
reservoirs and providing, further, that the
proceeds from the sales of all western
public lands, as received year by year, shall
be used for such development. Even west
ern senator and congressmen who. It
might be thought, would have known the
temper ot congress on this subject, have
expressed the greatest astonishment that
such a bill should have really received the
votca of a majority of congress. They had
not reckoned, however, upon the change of
sentiment In the east, aa the question be
came better understood, and the support
which eastern men have been giving the
irrigation movement the past few years
since the captaina ot the great manufact
uring centers have considered the possi
bilities of arid America and have actively
forwarded the proposed plan to reclaim the
western deserta and thus create new home
markets for the sale of their goods.
The eastern agricultural opposition, too,
it seems, haa largely disappeared since it
Is seen that irrigated products will not
come east to compete with eastern farm
producla, but will find a market In the
Orient, and that when the eastern manu
facturer sells additional gooda In the west
he will have to employ more factory handa,
and that eaatern agriculture will be stim
ulated to feed them. Trade la the life ot
the land, and tbe motto suggested by
speakers at tbe recent Irrigation congress
that "trade follows the irrigation flag,"
la appropriate and axiomatic.
Keep Specalatora Out.
Now the great question is to save these
irrigable lands from speculators. While
the peopln of tbe country are complacently
Bitting back, waiting for the national Irri
gation act to go Into operation and pop
ulate the deserts, the land grabbers and
speculator are absorbing, by fair means
or foul, and aa rapidly as possible, evory
acra of good land which there la any pos
sibility of Irrigating.
Tbe national irrigation act I aa well
guarded against speculation aa It waa pos
sible to frame a law under the existing
condition; but tbe men who have had the
Interest of the west and the nation at
heart pointed out at the time of tbe pas
sage ot the act that to safeguard the ;ublto
domalrr'and fneur Ita reservation for act
ual, aet tiers the desert lsnd law and tha
commutation clause of the homestead law
must be repealed. The . activities of the
land shark alnce the passage of tha Irri
gation law . ahow the neceasity . for their
repeal forthwith. Under these lawa mill
ions of acrea of the nation's best remaining
landa have been, during the past year,
absorbed by big stock concerns and fraud
ulently acquired, at that.
A atrong effort will be made at tbe prea
ent aesslon ot congress to secure the re
peal ot these lawa. Several bills looking
to such an end have been Introduced, and
they will be urged. Needless to say, too,
they will be urgently opposed by those
Interests which wish no Interference with
their schemes tor gaining control of aa
much land and water In the weat as pos
Death by Suicide of Dollle Earl, n
Burleaqae Actresa, Reveal Sad
History of Her Failure.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 28. Dollle Earl",
the actresa who last night committed sui
cide in her dressing room at a burlesque
theater here, was today identified aa Dollle
Allen, daughter ot Mrs. T. J. Allen of
Rochester, N. Y. The Identification was
made by Mra. F. Meyers of thla city, who
aaid she had known the actresa aince child
hood. Mra. Meyers ataled alao that Miss Allen
waa married to a Mr. Bowsmlth, a New
York business man. Her grandfather waa
John Tallinger, who, according to Mra. Mey
ers, waa a wealthy merchant of Rochester
and who at hla death left hla business to
T. J. Allen, the girl's father.
Dollle Earl, aa aha waa known on the
stage, formerly sang with some ot the lead
ing comic opera companiea, but about eight
yeara ago her vole failed and ah ap
peared with varloua burlesque companiea.
Tbe coroner haa not yet heard from any
of her relativea.
Pall River Coanty Stockmen Propose
to Ronnd I'p tho Entire
HOT SPRINGS, S. D., Dec. 28. (Special.)
Owing to tha ravagea of tbe wolves on
young stock in Fall River county, th
County Stock aasociatlon has arranged for
a general wolf hunt, to take place Janu
ary 8. A pack ot fine hounda haa been as
cured from Missouri and a good time and
profitable hunt ia anticipated. Starting
placea have been designated on th out
skirts of th county, from which tbe hunt
ers will close in until they round up
somewhere near the center.
Thrown from Horse aad Injared.
LUSHTON, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.)
Cecil Churchill, while riding a horse, waa
thrown yesterday and seriously Injured.
When found he waa carried borne and when
examined by a physician It was found that
his leg was broken, and that he had a dis
located ankle.
Yeaasr Coasters Meet Death.
8T. LOUIS. Dec. 28. While coasting down
the levee onto the lee formed along the
river shore opposite Olive street this even
ing Mary Uulleano. aged 15. and Arige
Cafferata. sued 17. brcke through the Ice
and were drowned. Thereait Logo Mar
mno, aged 14. also plunged Into the river,
but waa rescued. The b.idy of Mary Gal
leu no has not been recovered.
Vaaderbllt l.riini Better.
NEW YORK, Dec. 28 Cornelius Vender
bllt continues to Improve. Ills temperature
is slowly dropping toward normal. The at
tending physicians svr wtll satisfied wllh
Li progress.
Forecast for Nebraska Generally
Monday and Tuesday.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear.
ft a. m HI 1 p. m HO
6 a. m 24 31 p. m 8
T a. m ...... K4 a p. m t
Ha. m Ill 4 p. m HI
U a. m Silt n p. m......
to a. ni SMI a p. m Xt
II i. n 2H 7 p. m tt
11 a XV X p. m XT
B p. m 24
. a
Denial of the Statement They Are
Behlad the Prosecution ot
Mra. I.lllle.
DAVID CITY, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.)
The Llllie murder case la the chief topic
of conversation, and aome healed discus
sions aie hold. An Omaha paper of yea
terday morning atated that the fraternal
orders ot which Mr. Lillie waa a member
were responsible for tbe arrest of Mra.
LI 11 1 e. The Bee reporter yesterday inter
viewed the head officers ot these ordera
and they all aay the atatement Is incor
rect and unanimously say that they had
nothing to do with the matter either di
rectly or indirectly.
Some ot the membera of the Women's
Christian Temperance union are taking
quite an interest in behalf ot Mra. Llllie,
and boldly assert that she is wholly In
nocent of the crime charged. A large num
ber of the membera ot the Women's Chris
tian Temperance union sre keeping "handa
off," and, since Mrs. Lillle'a arrest, want
a complete and thorough inveatigatlon
made, that her guilt or innocence may be
determined by the court. It ia asserted
that friends of Mra. Lillie are ready to
furnish her with funds to aid In procur
ing the beat legal talent obtainable.
Mra. Lillie went to Bell wood Wednesday
evening to spend Cbristmaa with her
father, Jamea Hill. She will return to
morrow morning In time for the prelimi
nary hearing.
It ia expected that a large crowd will be
In attendance when court convenea tomor
row morning.
Renews Charge of Murder Aaralast
Her Ilnaband, but Aathorltles
Do Not Believe It.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 28. (Spe
cial.) In tho case of G. A. Baxter, the aged
negro charged by hla wife with the murder
of their 4-month3-old babe, who waa Induced
to plead guilty to the charge of manslaugh
ter, though he Insisted on innocence of
crime while pleading, who waa sentenced
to ten yeara in the penitentiary and then
exonerated by the testimony of the same
woman who had mado the charge, an ap
plication haa now been filed In the district
court asking to withdraw the plea of guilty,
set aside the sentence and reopen the case.
Judge Thompson will take the caa under
adviaement until January 5. County At
torney Horth statea that he will not prore
cute the case any further; It the plea is
set -aside and the sentence canceled he
will permit that to aettle the case, though
the woman la now aald to again Incline to
her first story. Since then, however, she
haa been in the jail with her huaband,
having for a time no other place to be
Bucking; Broncho Palls on Him and
Ruptnre Blood Vessel
In Lea;.
HASTINGS, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special Tel
egram.) Barney Pierson, a cowboy who la
well known throughout the western part
of Nebraska and eaatern Colorado, waa
badly injured here today by having a bron
cho fall on him. He waa riding a wild
and bucking broncho when the animal fell
and crushed him to the earth.
For nearly five minutea he held the
haunchea of the horae off hla chest with
his left hand and thus prevented the ani
mal from crushing in hla chest. When he
waa finally released from his dangeroua
position It was found that the blood ves
sels of his right leg had been badly rup
tured and he waa otherwise Injured.
Court Terms In First District.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special. )
Judges J. 8. Stull and C. B. Letton have
agreed upon the following dates for holding
district court in the several countlea of tbe
First district during the coming year:
Gage county, January 26, March 23 and Sep
tember 14; Jefferson county, February 23,
May 18 and December 1; Nemaba county,
February 2, April 20 and September 21;
Johnson county, February 23, May 11 and
October 12: Ricbardaon county, March 16,
May 25 and November 9; Pawnee county,
April (, June 15 and November 80.. A grand
jury haa been called for thla county at the
February term. It la not known for juat
what reason, but many suppositions are ad
vanced. One la to have it look into th
Chamberlain bank failur matters.
Hot Bo Bnd ns Ho Thong-ht.
YORK, Neb., Dee. 28. (Special.) Cadla
Scholley, tbe young man from the west
who wanted hla associates to believe that
he waa really a bad man from the weat, la
In jail and at times crlea over hla mis
fortunes. Cadla, In a spirit ot bravado and
to ahow that ha wsa really bad, atole Jamea
Grler'a buggy and a aet of harnesa from
Brittaln'a livery barn. He got as far as
the neighborhood ot Henderson when John
Afflebaugh captured the property and tel
ephoned officials here to catch Scholley,
who was on hla way back to York. Scholley
waa captured, and when pui In jail ha com.
menced to cry and haa been doing a good
job of crying ever alnce. He ha been
aentenced for alxty daya.
Datea for Farmers Institute.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.)
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February B,
and T, have been chosen as the dstes for
holding the snnusl Johnson County Farmers'
Institute at Tecumseb. Premiums will be
offered for the best exhibits ot corn and
Steal Pair of Ponies.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 28. (Spe
cial.) A pair of bay ponies waa stolen
from tbs barn of George Poisall in tbia city
last night. Up to a late hour no trace of
the robbers or the horse bad been found.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Dee. 2M.
At the Llxard Paaaed : Nordam, from
New York for Koulogne and Rotterdam.
At Jueei)stown-Ha'led: L'mbrla, fur New
At Movllle Balled: Furnessla, for New
At New York Sailed: La Champagne, for
At Southampton Sailed: Moltke, for
Hamburg: Boulogne, for New York.
At Hrowhead I'HHHed: Ivernla, from
Loaivu for juentuwa and Liverpool.
Operator Carson Puts Onni for Disaster
on Dispatcher Kerr.
This Wu Conveyed to Conductor a
Reason for Signal.
ButGraad Trunk OfBoiali Assert Belief in
Kerr'e Caution.
As Work of Investigation a to Canae
of Ontario Wreck Proceed Injared
Paasensters Are Cared
for In Hospital.
LONDON, Ont., Dec. 28. There were no
deaths today among the persona injured In
Friday nigbt'a collision at Wanstead on
the Sarnla branch ot tbe Grand Trunk roll- '
road, between Pacific Express No. 5, west
bound, snd an eaatbound freight. In which
twenty-eight persons lost their lives.
The Associated Press was Informed to
night at Victoria hospital that while sev
eral of tho Injured are atill in a serious
condition, It ia expected that all will re
cover. The body of Fireman Ricketta ot tho ex
press train, which waa laat night believed
to be buried under tho wrecked engines,
waa found todny covered with snow In the
ditch beside the track. Ono arm waa com
pletely toru oft and the body waa other
wise mangled. Death must have been In
stantaneous. -
It is believed that th body waa thrown
clear of tho engine and Into the deep snow
In the ditch, where In the storm snd dark
ness the wreckers failed to find it Friday
night. Snow fell rapidly all that night,
ao that Ricketta' body waa completely
covered at daybreak and waa not found.
Today one of the mou working at the
wreck noticed a little mound in the ditch
and Investigation showed Ricketta' body
under the anow.
Tonight there la but one unidentified
body at tbe morgue here, that of a woman
t' waa ticketed from Toronto to Duluth.
Tho man'a body which waa unidentified
last night waa this afternoon identified as
that of George D. Southern of Lockport,
N. Y.
Carson Denies Responsibility.
Andrew Carson, the operator at Watford,
the first atation east of the wreck, whose
failure to deliver ordera to Conductor Me
Auliffe of the Pacific Expreaa to pass the
freight at Wanstead, Is aald by th Grand
Trunk officials to have caused the wreok,
thla afternoon made to the Associated
Press his first statement aince the wreck. .
He saya he received the order for No. 6,
the express, to psss the freight at Wan
stead at 9:48 o'clock, but declares posit
ively that a few minutea later Dispatcher
J. G. Kerr, at London, called him and or
dered Mm to- "Dtist or-caaeer th order. (
He aald: -
"About 9:45, after calling Wyoming and
ascertaining that the freight waa there, the
dispatcher called me rapidly a half doxen
tlmea. When I answered on the wire ha
told me to 'bust' thla order. I wrote 'bust
It' across the order just aa No. S waa com
ing in.
"Conductor McAuMffe came in and aaked
me what the order board waa out agalnat
him for. I told him that we had had an'
order for him, but the dispatcher had
'busted' It. He asked me to hurry and
write htm a clearance order, which I did.
"After the train had atarted and waa out
of my reach the dispatcher learned that
the freight had left Wyoming. I told him
I could not atop No. 5, aa It had left. Ha
immediately began calling Klngacourt Junc
tion, the atation between Watford and Wan
stead, on the railroad wire, and I tried to
ralae them on a commercial wire. We
both failed to do thla, however, until after
the express had passed ths junctlou."
Faith la Dlapntcher Kerr.
Caraon admitted that he knew that it
waa against tbe rulea to cancel a train
order without aendlng a substitute for It,
but said that the dispatcher waa his su
perior officer and he disliked, to question
his order or dispute hla authority to take
thla action.
Dispatcher Kerr'a order book la th local
Grand Trunk office doea not ahow that the
order waa "busted" or canceled aa Caraon
clalma. According to the book it waa atill
In force and ahould have been delivered to
the conductor ot tbe expreaa. Kerr haa
not made any atatement even to the rail
road officials and will not until he takea
the atand at the Inquest.
Division Superintendent George O. Jonea
of Toronto aaya that the rule against can
celing or "busting" train ordera ia the
strictest in the company'a code.
"I do not believe," he aald tonight, "that
It haa been violated alnc the atandard
dispatching rulea went into effect. Dis
patcher Kerr la on ot iht beat and tnoet
efficient dlspatchera In our service. H la
the operator who accompanied the train
bearing the Duke and Duchess of York on
the royal tour ot Canada a year ago. I
have every confidence in him."
Other Grand Trunk officials who wr
present also expressed their confidence la
Coroner Dr. Harvey of Lambton county
will begin the Inquest at Wyoming tomor
row. Condition of the Injared.
Of the five Chicago people in Victoria
hospital, John Bird and Dr. C. Harvey,
lecturer on anatomy at the University ot
Chicago, are the most seriously injured,
although Ruasell Qulnn, whose band are
badly acalded, la Buffering a great deal ot
pain. Dr. Harvey, who waa on of the laat
persons dug out of- the teleacoped coach,
la roatlng quietly tonight and la consid
erably better than he waa laat night. He
ia suffering from exposure in addition to
his wounds.
The condition of John Bird showa little
change from yeaterday. Ha la Buffering
Thomas Coote snd his wife are both re
ported much better tonight. Mra. Cooto
Is still suffering from ths shock and com
plains of pain in her back.
John Barnea of Woodstock, Ont., whose
leg is broken and whose back li Injured,
tbe house surgeons ssy, Is probably tha
most seriously injured ot any ot the
wreck vtctima. His condition tonight la
uot so good and the doctora are appre
hensive about blm.
J. J. Cutbbertaon of Port Huron, Mich ,
whose mouth waa badly lacerated, la Buf
fering tonight. His wife and daughter,
who are alao in tbe hospital, are not se
riously Injured.
J. M. btewart of Oshkoah, Wis., whoae
lt and two young sons ar In th be-