8 THE OMAHA DAILY HTCEi SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1902. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MENTION. Davis sells drugs. Stoekert sells carpets and rugs. Kxpert watch repairing, Leflert, i Bwar. Officer In selling dwellings cheap. 419 B y. Cut prices on art calendars and blotters for New Year's gifts. Alexander St Co. We are headquarters for glass of all kinds. Roe us before you buy. C. 11. I'alnt, Oil and (J la s Co. The members of Ihe Dodge Light Ouards" foot ball team will meet thla afternoon at I o'clock In the armory. Tb funeral of Conrad Nansel of Inland Fark will be held this morning at V)M c'clock from 8t. Peter's church. t aim grove box party and dance Tues day evening. Ladles with box of lunch for two admitted free. Admission 25 cents couple; extra lady. 10 cents. Members of the Union Veteran legion will assemble at Lunkley's undertaking rooms at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow afternoon to attend the funeral of Comrade Mercer In a body. Sheriff Hill of Hastings, Neb., brought C. C. Warren, an escaped lnmnte of the Iowa State Insane asylum at Clartnda. to the city yesterday afternoon and turned him over to E. D. Bell, deputy superintendent of the Institution. The funeral of Ionls Moore of 24 South Fifteenth street, who was run down and killed Friday In the railroad yarda at Clin ton, la., will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Union mission chapel at 1313 Broadway. The funeral of William Mercer, a Grand Army of the Republic veteran, will be held Monday afternoon at I o'clock from Lunk ley's undertaking rooms. Rev. O. W. Sny der of St. John's English Lutheran church will conduct the services. A banking channel Is now open. We sell stocks and bonds on commission and ar range guaranty of principal and some In terest. Charters furnished under new act of congress, small cost. Many references. New York and London syndicate, 10 Wall street, New York. The funeral of George W. Fletcher will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family residence and Interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. The members of Council BlufTs lodge. Ancient Order of . United Workmen, to which deceased be longed, will meet at the lodge room at 1 o'clock for the purpose of attending the fu neral. The services will be conducted by Rev. W. S. Barnes of the First Presbyte rian church. Ladles' Home Journal Free. Monday only we will give one January Ladles' Home Journal free with each box of our fine 39c box stationery, regular 60c value. DeLong The Frlnter. 307 Broadway. With the Churches. At St. Paul's Episcopal church there will be holy communion at 8 o'clock this morn ing and morning prayer and sermon by the rector, Rev. George Edward Walk, at 10:30 o'clock. There will be a midnight service on Wednesday evening, beginning fifteen minutes before 12 o'clock, to watch the old year out and Ihe new year In. At the Broadway Methodist church this evening; the choir will render Schnecker's cantata, "The Hope of the World," and will be assisted by Miss Allda McFadeen, soprano. Services will be held at the fol lowing hours: ( 9:45 a. m., class meeting; 10:30 a. m., preaching service; 12 m., Sun day school; 6:30 p. m., Epworth league; 7:30 p. m., sacred concert. The Second Church of Christ (Scientist) will bold services, in Modern Woodmen of America ball, In Merrlam block, at 10:45 a. m. Subject, "Christian Science." Sun day school Immediately after tbe service. Wedsjesday evening testimonial meeting at f:45. The First Church of Christ, (Sciential) will bold services this morning at 11 o'clock sharp In the Sapp building, when tbe subject of the lesson will be "Christian Science." Snnday school will follow this service. Tbe usual testimony meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Another Heating Store Free. The first heating stove given by Wllllsm Welch to his coal customers was awarded to the Christian home. Another has been put up on the same plan, and during the next thirty days will be gtvon away free to one of bis customers. Before ordering your coal call at 18 North Main street or phone 128. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday" In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Peter Langer and wife to Charles , and Regula Utuhr, all a of rall- road In e4 nW4 and In nn4 21-77-41 and part w' . nwS4 22-77-41, w. d $12,250 00 Chris Carlson and wife to Henry Nelson, n30 acres sV nw 7-77-43, w. d 1.000 00 E. F. King to Chicago, Rock Island St Pacific Railway com pany, lot 15 and eV lot 13, block 41, Riddle s aubdlv., w. d 263 50 Same to same, lots v and 10, block 41. Riddle's subdlv.. w. d 350 00 County Treasurer to John S. Crooks, lots So. 86, 37 and 38, block 16, W right's add., t. d 4 84 Same to same, lot 2. block 38, Beer's subdlv., t. d 4 93 Same to same, lot 4, block 10, ' Stutsman's second add., t. d 1 21 Eame to same, lot 7, block 23, Mul lln's subdlv.. t. d , I 58 Same to same, lot 9. block 24, Bay-, liss & Palmer's add., t. d ' 2 91 Nine transfers, total 313.87$ 97 Gravel roofing. A. H. Reld. 126 Main St. Old Father Time will soon usher In the new year. If you want to make a New Tear's gift to some friend see us. We have some beautiful presents In the Jewelry line. And prices ws cannot be undersold. Remember this. Hansen 6c Marks The Jewelre, JS . Mala St. COUNCIL BLVFF9. . I'M NOT BUSY NOW I was very busy before Christmas will be again In a week or -so. All the crayons I had orders for were delivered before th ath and every customer well pleased. If you have any photos you are particular about and want them enlarged call at Sot Broadway. CARVETH, ARTIST. NEW THEATRE 8PECIAL ELKS ATTRACTION. Prices. 25c, 50c, 75c. $1.00, $1.50. MONDAY, DEI'. SO . MISS ADELAIDE THURSTON IN AT COZY CORNERS NEW THEATER PRICES 25o, &U.-, 76c, $1 IKDAY, DECEMBER SH. THE WORLD FAMOl'S HERRMANN : THE : GREAT, Accompanied by the Musical Ooolmana. LEWIS CUTLER UORTICIAN. P.rl at . Council Ttlufrs 'Phone BLUFFS. FIX DATES OF COURT TERMS Four Judges Apportion Work of District for the Ensuing Year- THORNEll OPENS IN BLUFFS IN JANUARY Georse dealer Brings Salt Against the Bnrllngton for 1,0011 for Personal Injuries Received In Company's Employ. Oeorge Gelsler began suit In the district court yesterday against the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad com pany and tbe Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy Railway and Railroad companies for 11.999. as compensation for personal Injuries al leged to have been received July 2 last. Gelsler, who was In the employ of the Bur lington system In this city as a laborer, was engaged In unloading a car of cinders near the roundhouse when fn stepping down from the car the handle-bar broke and he was precipitated to the ground, re ceiving Injuries to his back which It Is al leged have rendered him unfit for manual labor. The diatrlct court calendar for Pottawat tamie and other counties in tbe dldstrlct has been completed, and Is as follows: J I' DOB N. W. MACT. Harlan January 6 Avoca , February 3 Audubon March .1 Logan March "1 Atlantic ....... April 28 Red Oak May 28 Council Bluffs September 1 Sidney November 4 Glenwood November 24 Clarlnda December 8 Ji'DGE A. B. THORNELL. Council Bluffn January 6 Sldnev .. March 17 Glen wood April 34 Clarlnda. May a Harlan September 1 Avoca September 22 Audubon October 13 Ioaan November 4 Atlantic November 24 Red OaK December 16 JUDGE O. D. WHEELER. Logan January 6 Atlantic February 3 Red Oak March 3 Council BlufTs March 24 Sidney September 1 Glenwood September 22 Clarlnda octooer 13 Harlan November 4 Avoca November 24 Audubon December 8 JUDGE W. R. GREEN. Rlrlnov January 6 Glenwood January 27 Clarlnda jrenruary if Harlan March 17 Avoca ' April 14 Audubon May 12 LoRan August 25 Atlantic September 22 Red Oak October 20 Council Bluffs.. ....November 4 Plumbing and heating- Blxby ft Son. I.ee Located la St. Loala. Charles Lee, against whom an Indict ment was returned on the charge of at tempting tb pick the pocket of Charles Beno at Lake Manawa on the night of the sham battle last summer, during the re union of the National Society, Army of the Philippines, is under arrest In St. Louis. Lee, whose right name Is said to be Napoleon O'Brien, was bound over to the grand jury by Justice Bryant, his ball be ing, fixed at $300, which he furnished. When his case was called in the district court he failed to put in an appearance and his bond was ordered forfeited. Since then his bondsmen have been looking for hia, and yesterday received word that he was under arrest In St. Louis. Ad effort will be made to bring hiu back. At the time of ha arrest here It was said that Lee was a member of a gang of pick pockets, and the day after he was released on bond the authorities learned that he was wanted In St. Louis and that there was a reward of $25 for his capture. It Is said that Lee, alias O'Brien, will have to answer to the chargo against him In St. Louis before the authorities here will have an opportunity of bringing him back to Council Bluffs. N. T Plumbing Co., telephone 256. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Uanrlng Parties and Christmas Es tertalaments Make I'p a llasr Week. Mrs. K. H. Lougee entertained at dinner last evening. Miss Florence Shea entertained at cards yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cook of Sao City, la., are visiting relatives In the city. Miss Hoffman of Webster City Is the guest of Mlw Josephine Jennings. Miss Bonner of New York City is the guest of Mrs. Charles Test Stewart. Miss Hlgglns of Missouri Valley is spend ing several days visiting friends in the city. Miss Elisabeth Munger of Denver Is the guest of Miss Jane Bonharr. during the holidays. Miss Laughlln of College Springs Is th) f;uem of Mrs. A. M. Hutchinson of Frank in avenue. Mrs. A. W. Hazelton will entertain the members of the Oakland Avenue club New Year's evening. Arthur Munger, formerly of this city, but now of Denver, la vlxitlng friends here during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unk of Seventh street spent Christmas with relatives at St. Louis and Hannibal, Ma. Mrs. Robinson will entertain the member of the Euchre club at her apartments in the Renard Tuesday afternoon. Will Schnoor has Issued Invitations for a dancing party to be given at the Royal Arcanum hall tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace are enter taining a large house party at their home on Bluff street during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shugart entertalled at a large family dinner Christmas even ing. Covers were laid for forty-one. U"orge Meyers, who la the only Council BlufTs boy In the I'nlted States naval service, spent Christmas with friends at Manila. P. I. Mr. and Mra. J. R. Doty of Freeport. 111., are In the city for the holidays, the gueatr of the latttr's mothr, Mrs. Patterson of Tenth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank True entertained Mr. and Mra. 11. H. Jones, Mrs. Brown of Bos ton and Mlsa Thorn of Uncoln at dinner Christmas day. The marriage of Mlsa Adele Meyers and Frank J. Capped will occur Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother on Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lewis of Woodbine are spending the holidays with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. WUllaro Plumer, south of this city. The Christmas party of the pupils of the Cuamliers Dancing school, which was to have been given r'rlday evening, haa been postponed until Friday of thla week. The members of the Crescent Dancing club will give a party Vew Year s night In ths Royal Arcanum hall. The club la com posed of a number of society people of this city and Omaha. HHncer Smith and Waldo Smith, who are attending the Iowa Agricultural college at Amos. la., are home to upend the holidays with their parents. Mr. snd Mrs. Spencer Smith of Wubhlngton avenue. The members of the Yellowstone party, a party of Omaha and Council Bluffs peo ple who several months ago visited the Yellowstone park together, held a reunion and banqurt at the Grand hotel last even ing. The annual Christmas party of St. Paul's Episcopal Sunday school was held last svsutng at the Uuyal Arcanuiu ball. Christ i mas tokens, refreshments ami dancing served to make a delightful evening for the young people. Miss Hmel Hnnnnn, Miss llortense For syth. M!s Nnnn Forsyth. Chsrlf Hannan and Roy Smith have Issued Invitations for a large dancing party to he given at the Royal Arcanum hall Friday evening. Jan uary 2. The second dancing party of the Council Bluffs Rowing association, held Thursday evening at the bull room of the Grand ho tel, attracted a large crowd of society peo ple of this city and Omaha. The third party of the series to be given this winter under the auspices of the club will be held Wednesday evening at the Grand hotel. TEN MILLIONS TO HOLD RIVER Captala Chittenden Thlnka that Sum Snfllrleat and I rues Action by Western States. 810UX CITY. la., Dec. 27. (Special Tele gram.) A gigantic movement looking to a continuance of the improvements on the Missouri river is likely to be started by people of the several western states inter ested. Captain R. M. Chittenden of the corps of engineers, who has charge of the work along the river and at Yellowstone park, Is back of the movement and Is urging the calling of a convention or congress to meet st St. Joseph or some other western city to take action that will carry weight with congress. In the face of the dissolution of the Mis souri river commission and in tbe face of the diminishing appropriations made by congress, which Indicste an Intention to abandon Missouri river Improvements alto gether. Captain Chittenden urges the neces sity of an appropriation of $1,000,000 a year for a period of ten years. This sum, he thinks, will bring about the necessary per manent Improvements.' In an Interview given out here Captain Chittenden said he did not think the nav igation on the river would warrant any further appropriations, but that the sum named would be necessary to keep the river within its banks. "These Improve menu," he said, "are as necessary as the levees along the Mississippi in the south. The Missouri river is constantly eating out the banks and thousands of acres are an nually washed away. The damage In this way Is almost Incalculable." There Is a strong sentiment in favor of the continued improvements and Captain Chittenden's suggestion of a congress is likely to meet with immediate approval. IOWA STRIKE CONTINUES Railroad Superintendent Arranges Peace Conference with Men's Representatives. . MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Dec. 27. The Iowa Central Switchmen's strike situation is unchanged tonight. General Superintendent Sweeney -arrived this morning for a conference with Grand Master Hawloy of the Switchmen's union and Grand Master Dodge of the Brotherhood of Trainmen, who will arrive tomorrow. If their demands are not granted the switchmen say a general strike will be de clared on the Iowa Central and the Minne apolis & St. Louis road. DOCTOR THREATENS TO KILL Prominent Physician of Garrison, Iowa, is Arrested on a Seri ous Charge. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Dec. 27. Dr. O. B. Beller, a prominent physician of Garrison, has been arrested on the charge of threat ening to kill his former fiance, a Miss Hall, of Vinton, Who married on Christmas Dr. Park of Fort Morgan, Colo. Three Rontes Are suggested. FORT DODGE, la., Dec. 27. (Special Tel egnm.) Chief Engineer Marston of the Mason City tt Fort Dodge Railroad com pany has forwarded to St. Paul reports on recent surveys to determine the route of the new line of the Great Western to Sioux City. Three points are suggested at which the Sioux City extension will leave the new Omaha line, Somers, Lobrville and Lldder dale, the latter a new town on the Omaha line near Carroll. All lines center at Ida Grove and run from that point to Sioux City, via Anthon and Holly Springs. From Lohrvllle via Lake City and Wall Lake and from Lldderdale via Wall Lake. Reports were submitted with recommendation on part of Mr. Marston. Fnglnemen Scalded by Steam. OL'EBOLT, la., Dec. 27. (Special.) As the passenger .train was coming up the grade east of town one of the flues of the boiler burst and filled the cab with hot water and steam. The engineer, C. H. Packard, climbed out of tbe window and jumped to the ground. His left hand was badly scalded and his head slightly bruised, but Clyde Bennett, who was firing, did not escape as well. He climbed over the tender to the baggage car and was badly scalded about tbe head, face and ankles. Dies from Fall on Icy Sidewalk. SIOUX CITY, la.. Dec. 27. (Special Tel egram.) J. C. Huffman, an aged man, slipped on an Icy sidewalk here today, striking hlj bead violently on the pave ment. A bloodvessel was broken at the base of the skull and death ensued shortly after. Train Kills Iowa Man. BROADHEAD, Wis., Dec. 27. John Duffy, formerly a farmer of this place, but for some years past a resident of Batrd, la., and his dsughter were run down by a train today. They were attempting to cross in front of It with a team and sleigh. FIRE RECORD. Creamery at Adair. ADAIR, la.. Dec. 27. (Special.) The Adair County Co-operative creamery build ing caught fire at 2 o'clock yesterday after noon and was entirely destroyed. Tbe build ing was owned by the Adair County Co operative Creamery association, and was valued at $4,000; insurance, $2,800. None of tbe surrounding buildings were damaged. The supposition is that ths fire caught in the boiler room by a defective chimney. Ban Pedro Block Burned. SAN PEDRO, Cal., Dec. 27. An entire business block In the center of the city was wiped out by fire early this morning. The loss will be about $75,000, which Is about one-half covered by Insurance. HYMENEAL. Wedding at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special.) Mr. Francis Laymon and Miss Minervs Do Ran were married at high noon Christmas dsy at tbe bride's home in West Beatrice. The young couple are well known resi dents of this city, where they bsve re sided for many years. Bates-McKee. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27 Miss Henrietta Bates, eldest daughter of the paymaster genersl of the army, and McKee Dunn Mc Kee, second son of David R. McKee, were married at the bride's home. The couple will make their home In westers Pennsyl- t van la. J ALL READY FOR TEACHERS Large Attendance and Interesting Session of State Association Expected. LOOKING UP SUGAR BEET PROSPECTS Principal (lathering of Iowa Demo crats on Jackson Dsy Indicates Free Silver Element is in the Backgroand. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Dec. 27. (Special.) The advance guard of the Iowa State Teachers' association" will begin to arrive In Des Moines tomorrow and leaders In educational work will bo here In large numbers. The program begins on Tuesday evening with the meeting of the educational council, but It Is usual for the committees of this coun cil to have a meeting on Monday. Gen erally the reports of the leading iwo com mittees will be prepared on Monday even ing so as to be ready for the council on Tuesday. One of the subjects the council will consider this year la an old one. the "Sequence of Studies." A year ago the committee considered It for a second time and made a report, but later the committee requested that the subject be withdrawn from consideration and that the committee be given another year on account of its great Importance. Tbe committee was in structed by tbe council that In making up Its next report. In addition to those studies already reported on,. It carefully consider snd report upon all studies which are prac ticable for Iowa schools, and also to con sider the relative time which it is profitable to give to each under present conditions In this state. Several matters which were to the front last year will not be bothering the teachers this year. For Instance, when the association met last year the contro versy In regard to the methods of keeping accounts at the stste educational Institu tions was on and the State Board of Con trol was being censured for hsving offered some slight criticism. This has all been changed since. The matter need not come up again. The association last year en dorsed the compulsory education bill, which has since become a law. A resolution was passed asking a law allowing directors to contract for two years for teachers, and this will be repeated, as the legislature failed to do so. Last year the association "viewed with alarm" the large number of children allowed to run Idle in the streets of the cities of Iowa.' The compulsory ed ucation law has obliterated all this. One session of the association meeting this year, that of Thursday afternoon, will be given over to memorial addresses on the late Dr Beardshear, president of the na tional association of the State college. An Innovation at the state association meeting this year will be that President Shelton will give recognition to the vice presidents and allow each one of the three to preside a halt day each. He has announced this to the vice presidents, who are Adam Pickett of Mount Ayr, D. A. Thomburg of Grlnnell and Agnes J. Robertson of Chero kee. Sugar Beet Prospects Good. Charles F. Saylor of this city, special agent of the Department of Agriculture In tho investigation of the beet sugar Industry in ithe United States, will soon start for the far west on his annual visitation to In. spect the great factories and to report on the sugar beet outlook. He has already visited the principal beet sugar regions of the middle states. His report this year will be most flattering. There are ten or eleven new factories actually being con structed now In different parts of tbe coun try, besides projects for others which msy materialize. A larger number of factories are being built now than ever before In any one year and the expansion of the business that will be shown In his report to tbe department will be more consider able than anything ever before reported. The old established fields are all being ex panded rapidly now and some new fields are being developed. The most considerable fields now are In Michigan, Nebraska, Colorado and California. Mr. Saylor be lieves that in Wisconsin there are great possibilities for the cultivation of the sugar beet, and also In Colorado and In the so called arid region of the west where Irri gation projects are being considered. "I regard the new Irrigation law," ssld Mr. Saylor, "as settling the beet sugar problem In this country. The Irrigation projects possible under that law will open to the cultivation of the sugar beet vast tracts of land in tbe states and territories of the west that will make It certain that there will be great factories maintained. All tbe trrigable lands of tbe west lend themselves to the sugar beet crop readily. I believe that this law means much more for the west than people now understsnd and It certainly means a great deal for 'the beet sugar Interests." Water Company Wants a Rehearing. An application has been made to the Iowa supreme court by the Cedar Rapids Water company for a rehearing In the case in which the company was defeated at ths October term by the city In the natter of rates for service In the city of Cedar Rap ids. The company claims that tbe rates put in, which were approved by the su preme court in an Important decision, are not in fact compensatory, and therefore contrary to the constitution. The State Savings bank baa been organ ized at Baxter with $25,000 capital; George D. Wood, president; R. L Arnold, cashier. Revival of Jaekaoalaalam. The principal gathering of democrats in Iowa on Jackson day In January Is to be at Waterloo, the home of ex-Governor Boles, where arrangements have already been completed for a grand banquet y the Botes Jacksonian club, at which will be many of the leading democrats of the state. The speakers who have already ac ceptcd invitations to speak are Horace Boles, ex-govornor; M. J. Wade, congressman-elect In the 8econd district; Champ Clark, democratic congressman In Missouri; P. J. Fitzpatrlck of Dubuqu". Henry Voll mer of Davenport and Judge A. Van Wag enen of Sioux City. It will be observed that all the speakers are men who have not been radical in advocacy of free silver. At Law Over Telephone Number. A peculiar lawsuit has been commenced here over possession of a telephone num ber. Two brothers, Henry and L. F. Shank, had been In the undertaking business msny years, but finally quarreled and dissolved partnership. Each one has gone Into busi ness for hlmuelf and now one of them has gone Into court asking an Injunction to prevent tbe other continuing the use of the old telephone number. Fitting lv Hope Hall. It Is learned that the fitting up of what Is called "Hope ball," near Fort Dodge, the home (or ex-couvicls provided by L. S. Coffin, Is recelviug encouragement from many sources. A report of the opening of the hall has been given place in the bulletin of the slate Institutions, giving it some state recognition as a worthy charity. In addition to thla the wife of Warden Hunter of tbe Anamosa peniten tiary and her sister, Mra. Miller of New ton, and Mrs. Osborne, tescher of the Urge Sunday school clsss at the penitentiary, have contributed for the fitting out of a room to be called the "Anamosa room." The Farmers' Mutual Insurance association, of which Mr. Coffin was president many years, made a donation of $100 from its treasury to assist in fitting up the home. It is designed as a refuge for persons who have been discharged from the state peni tentiaries while they are making a start In llafe again. PRESIDENTIAL PROGRAM OUT Roosevelt's Secretary Announces De tails of Receptions Ordered for New Year's Day. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Mr. Cortelyou today made public the program for the president's reception on New Year's day. The order Is as follows: The president will receive the members of the cabinet and the diplomatic corps at 11 a. m. 11:20 a. m. The chief Justice and the as sociate Justices of the supreme court of the I'nlted States; the Judges of the court of claims; the Judges of the court of appeals; the judge of the supreme court of the Dis trict of Columbia; ex-cablnet members and ex-ministers of the I'nlted States. 11:30 a. m. Senators, representatives and delegates In congress; the commissioners and Judicial officers of the District of Co lumbia. 11:45 a, m. Officers of the army, navy and marine corps; commanding generals and general staff of the mllltla of the District of Columbia. 12:15 p. m. Assistant secretaries of de partments; the solicitor general; th attor ney general; assistant postmaster general; the treasurer of the I'nlted States; the comptroller of the currency; the commis sioner of patents; the commissioner of pen sions; the Interstate Commerce commission; the librarian of congress; the house printer; the commissioner of labor: the Civil Service commission; the commissioner of fish and fisheries; the regents and secretary of the Smithsonian institution; the heads of bureaus In the several departments; the president of the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. 12:30 p. m. The Society of the Cincinnati; the associate veterans of the war of 1X46-47: the military order of the Ixiyal Legion of the United States: the Grand Army of the Republic; the Union Veterans legion; Union Veterans' union; Spanish war vet erans; the members of the Oldest inhabi tants' Association of the District of Co lumbia. Adjutant General Corbln of the army and the assistant secretary of the navy today Issued the customary orders requiring all officers of the army, navy and marine corps to assemble in full uniform on New Year's day at their respective headquarters and proceed thence to pay their respects to the president. BOY BELONGS IN URUGUAY Contest in Which Legation Becomes Involved is Between Two Sets of Relatives. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Dr. Herrera, first secretary of the Uruguayan legation, called on Secretary Hay today in regard to the case of young Joseph Preston Ames, who with his aunt, Mrs. Sparehawk, as alleged, was deported from the UnlteJ States with the assistance of the officials of the Uruguayan legation here. Dr. Her rera outlined the history of the case briefly to the secretary as he knew It. Ac cording to his statement the boy was brought to the Uruguayan legation some weeks ago by his maternal cousins, who asked Dr. Herrera to take charge of him, as they did not wish his father's relatives to get possession ct the boy. Dr. Herrera did not care to assume the guardianship of a young boy. The case as represented to him showed clearly that the boy was a Uruguayan citizen, having been born In that country. Furthermore, the cousins declared that the boy's mother, on her deathbed, bad requested that her child be reared In Uruguay. Dr. Herrera, In view of these facts, ad vised the boy's cousins to make an affi davit to that effect before a notary, that their action might not be challenged. The boy was tsken to New York and from there sailed for Uruguay. Several days later a notice of Mrs. Sparehawk's appointment as guardian was presented, but the boy not being In his possession he wss unafMe to turn him over to his aunt. Dr. Herrera is quite willing to throw all the light possible on the case. SCIENTISTS ARE TO MEET American Association Will Hold An nual Conference In Washing, ton This Week. WASHINGTON, Dec 27. At a meeting to day of the executive committee of the gen eral counsel of the American Association for the Advancement of Science final ar rangements were made for the fifty-second annual conference, which begins Monday and will continue through the week. The local members of the association will lunch the visiting members on Monday at the Arlington hotel. On Friday evening a reception will begin at the Corcorsf art gallery and on Saturday morning the mem bers will be received by President Roose velt. In sddttlon to the regular program on Friday afternoon John Hays Hammond will deliver an address on "King Solomon's Mines." Professor Remsen of Baltimore, president-elect of tbe association, will preside over the meetings. GETS FILIAL INSTRUCTIONS Newly Appointed Minister to Guate mala and Hoadaras Prepares to Leave. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Leslie Combs, newly appointed minister to Guatemala and Honduras, called at ths Staff department today and talked over the situation la Guatemala City, the Hunter case and other matters, Mr. Combs expects to sail from New Or leans about January 10 or 12, for Port Bar rios, and will enter Guatemala on horse back with his family over the mountain trails connecting the capital with the coast. Army Needs Sargeons. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. There are thirty-five vacancies for assistant surgeon in ths army and but little prospect of filling them. The next examination will be held in Washington some time In April, though candidates are now being examined In the Philippines. Liable to Special Tsi. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Commissioner Yerkes hss decided that under existing laws a special stamp tax for peddling oleo margarine cannot be issued, and therefore anyone who sells it in that way Is liable to a special tax at each aeparate plate where tbe ssles are made. Fixes Army Inlforms. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Secretary Root has approved the report of the biarl of army officers which considered modifica tions In ths order prescribing chsnges In tbe uniforms of the army. This action In sures the use of blue faclngi Instead of white. Minister Becomes Ambassador. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Baron Laldslaw Heogelmuller von Hengerver, who recently was raised from the post cf minister to that of ambassador from Austria-Hungary, today presented his credentials to the president In his new capacity. LIVE STOCK MEN'S MEETING Fnll Prr,.m f B;. fl-V-. . V...m full Program i for Big Oather.ng at Kansas Lit Kelt Month. MANY NOTABLE SPEAKERS ON THE LIST Governors of Sis States Kspected to Lead Grand March at Great Ball to Re Given In Conven tion Hall. The program of tbe sixth annual conven tion of the National Live Stock association, to be held at Kansas City January 13 to 1, Is Issued. The convention will assemble at the Century theater Tuesday morning, January IS, at 9:30 o'clock. After the for mal opening the program of the day will be as follows: Address of welcome, Hon. A. M. Dockery, governor of Missouri, snd Hon. James A. Reed, mayor of Kansas City. Response on behalf of the association, Hon. Peter Jansen, Nebraska. Annual ndilress of the president, Hon. John W. Springer. Annual report of the secretary, Mr. Charles F. Martin. Noon recess. Annual report of the executive committee. Introduction and reference of resolutions. General buslneKs. Address, "Mortgage Low With Reference to Live Stock," Hon. U C. Boyle, Missouri. Discussion by the delegates. Address. "The Great Northwest As a Stock Country," Dr. J. Wlthycomb. Oregon. Discussion by the delegates. Address. "Railway Uve Stock Agents and Their Relation to the Shippers," Mr. W. V. Galhreath. Texas. Discussion by the dele gates. Address. "The Movement of Uve Stock and Prospects for 1903." Mr. Thomas Flynn, Illinois. Discussion by M. C. Campbell, Kansas. Wednesday morning the program will be: Consideration of resolutions. Address, "The Angora Goat Industry In the United States," Dr. W. C. Bailey, Cali fornia. Discussion by the delegates. Address, "The Ixiulnlnna Purchase Expo sition and What It Will Do for the Uve Stock Industry," Hon. D. R. Franclf, presi dent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Mis souri. Discussion by the delegates. Address, "Changes In Our Financial Svs tern Which Would Benefit Stockmen," Mr. 8. R. Flynn, Illinois. Discussion by the delegates. Address, "Our New Markets for Uve Stock." Hon. George F. Thompson. Wash ington, D. C. Discussion by the delegates. Visit to Stock Yards. Wednesday afternoon the delegates will visit thn stock yards and packing houses, and that evening the grand ball will take place. Thursday's program la as follows: Consideration of resolutions. Paper, "How the Stock Interests of the I'nlted States are Regarded In England and How They Compare With European Coun tries." Hon. F. S. Peer New York. Address, "Infectious Diseases and Their Prevention," Dr. W. H. Dalrymple, Louis iana. Discussion, Dr. Charles G.'esswell, California. Address. "The TarlfT as It Affects the Uve Stock Industry." Hon. A. B. Cummins, governor of Iowa, Discussion, Hon. W. W. Turney, Texas; Colonel John F. Hobbs, New York. Address, "Irrlcatlon as it Affects the Stock Grower," Trot. J. E. Stuhbs. Nevada. DlsciiKslon. Hon. N. O. Murphy, Arizona. Introduction of resolutions. Noon recess. Consideration of resolutions. Paper. "The Destruction of Hides by War bles. Mr. K. c. jacobsen, Illinois. Address, "What Changes Congress Should Make In the Law.i Governing the Public Domnln and Forest Reserves," Hon. Charles J. Bueli, South Dakota. Discussion, Hon. E. A. Harris, Iowa; Colonel John P. Irish, California; Dr. W H. Patterson, Nevada. Address. "What Congress Should Do to Aid the Uve Stock Industry," Hon. Chsrles H. Grosvenor, Ohio. Discussion by the del egates. Address. "The Necessity of a Classified Census of Uve Stock and How This Work Mav Be Best Conducted," Hon. H. Parker Willis, Washington, D. C. Discussion by the delegates. Address. "Co-Operation Ir Marketing Live Stock," Hon. Sansom, Texas. Discussion by the delegates. Election of new executive committee. Introduction of resolutions. Reports and Resolutions. Friday the following program will be car ried out: Reports of committees. Consideration of resolutions. Report of new executive committee on election of officers. Address. "The Proposed Merging of the Packing Plants of This Country anJ the Effects and Remedy," Hon. William M. Springer. Washington. D. C. Discussion, J. H. Vandusen, Nebraska. Address. "The Uve Stock Industry In the Republic of Mexico and, Its Relations to the I'nlted States," Captain Brltton Davis, Chihuahua, Mexico. Discussion by the del egatea. Address, "The Benefits Derived from Ex perimental Stations," Prof. C. F. Curtlss, Iowa. Introduction of resolutions. Noon recess. Address, "The Benefit of a Traders' Ex change on a Stocker and Feeder Market," Mr. E. S. Downs, Missouri. Address, "The Process of Evolution From n Pnmillst to a Stockman." Hon. Jerry Simpson, New Mexico. No discussion. This Is final. Address, "The Stockman In Pdlltlcs," Hon. Herbert S. Hadley, Missouri. Unfinished business. Selection of next place of meeting. The local committee In charge of the convention Is making arrangements for tbe entertainment of a large number of dele gates and visitors and an Interesting pro gram for the unoccupied hours has been arranged. Six Governors to Lead. The feature, of course, will be the grand ball Wednesday evening, which will be held In tbe convention hall. The grand march. It Is said, will be led by tbe governors of six states. The dancing floor will accom modate 1,000 couples and 15,000 spectators msy be accommodated. Thursday afternoon the visiting women will be given a reception and tea, and Thursday night a reception will be ten. dered the visiting newspsper men by ths local press representatives. Friday night a smoker and luncheon will be held at ths convention hall, and all rec ords for conviviality and enjoyment are ex pected to be broken. Saturday evening there will be 'started an excursion to New Orleans, wbjch may Sisin A H?JQ COPVSjisriT 5ktiv J ! iborter'tt?. rhe wm rr:1.! It Is expected thst this gathering will be the Isrgest convention of live stock ' n"n ver held In the United States, ss much , mattr of Bwit t0 , of ,h, prnotl, . I gageu In this business Is now receiving tht attention of the government and the busl- ness Interests. Echoes of the Ante Room At the annual election of officers of Tan gier temple. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Friday night there was a spirited but friendly contest all along the line. There were ID votes csst and the following offi cers were elected: B. K. Wilcox, potentate; W. L. Rltter. chief rabban; C. E. Herring, assistant rabban; M. A. Hall, high priest and prophet: A. M. Olson, oriental guide; S. Roper Crlckmore. secretary, and W. L. Rhoades, treasurer. These officers will be Installed at the regular meeting In January, at which time there will be a spread and a program of addresses carried out. Bellevue and Omaha chapters, Royal Arch Masons, will, during the month of Jsnusry. at a date to be announced later, join in Installation ceremonies. There will prob ably be visitors from other parts of tlm state. Maple Iaf chapter. Order of the East ern Star, held a meeting last night at which nine candidates were Initiated. This chap ter Is now but little more thsn a year o! I and his sixty-five members. The Royal Neighbors of West Tolnt. Neb , at their meeting on Thursday elected th following new officers: Oracle. Anna Rnif ler; vice oracle, Gertie Peterson; past or acle, Emma Herse; chancellor, Katherln Krake; recorder, Bertha Krause; receive;-. Lizzie Koch; marshal, Ida Thlemke; as sistant marshal, Eulah St. Clair; inner sentinel, Nellie Wilde; outer sentinel, Flora Luedke. Fraternal lodge No. 3, Bankers Union of the World, elected the following officers for the year 1903: President, A. A. Bu chanan; past president. Myrtle Baker; vice president, Msry E. Terrlll; chaplain, Oeorge T. Bastedo; banker, William H. Hyte; serretsry, Charles L. Hopper; over seer, Charles E. Jackson; guard, Amelia OIUIs; sentinel. Otto Kurtz, trustees. W. E. Flndley, John II. Gallagher, Kate Barrows; physician. Dr. E. M. Carpenter; musician. May Green. The new officers will be installed January 6, at which time the supreme president. Dr. E. C. Spinney, will act as Installing officer. The lodge has lately consolidated with No. 400, which puts it In a very flourishing condition. Triune lodge No. 66, Knights of Pythlsa, will hold an open meeting Tuesday even ing, December 30. NEGLECTS TO SIGN CODICIL Provisions of Mrs. Grant's Will, How. ever, Will Be Carried Out 1 the Children. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Tho will of Mrs. Julia Dent Grant was admitted to probate today and letters ctkdmlnlstratlon wore Issued to Brigadier General Frederick Dent Grant. General Grant, as executor, furnished a bond in the sum of $60,000. It developed today that Mrs. Grsnt neg lected to sign the codicil attached to the will. The codicil embraced the bequests of valuable articles of historic Interest to the Metropolitan Museum of Art In New York, and to tbe United States government, being gifts received by Mrs. Grant from various foreign governments during her husband's tour of the world. As the codicil Is not signed it has no legal effect, but the executor states thst It is the desire of tbe family to execute the provision of the codicil as fully ss pos sible. Marines Relieve Manila Comrades. WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. A detachment of 300 marines will be sent to the Philip pines to relieve a like number on duly there who have completed their term of duty In the east. A fnrca nr T.n ,,n Major George Barnett will leave San Fran cisco cn February l, and another force of 150 will sail on March 1, under Lieutenant Colonel Russell. Generals Will Not Testify. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Secretsry Root today decided that it was impracticable for General Chaffee, General Smith and other officers to go to Manila to testify before the Glenn court-martial. He believes, bow ever, that tbe purposes of the Investiga tion can be fully subserved, so far as ths testimony named is concerned by securing their depositions. MONEY PACKAGES ARE FOUND Detective ia Possession of Two Thou sand Dollars Discovered Near Scene of Burlington Holdup. LINCOLN, Dec. 27. (Special Telegram.) Detective Malone has found $2,000 of the money supposed to have been taken from the Burlington train October 9. Tbe money was found nesr the scene of the holdup and was In four packages. Malone has the money and believes It was bidden by the three suspects now In Jail here. . New Boiler P .uses Test. BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 27. (Special.) The new upright Kinney boiler, which wss recently Installed at the waterworks at. tlon here,' was tested In the presence of the mayor and city council yesterday. Mr. Vincent 'Kinney had charge of the test, which proved satisfactory to all, and ths big boiler was Immediately put In opera tion. Not a Rival In Sight Anywhere when linen that baa been done up at our laundry is put In contrast with that laun dry anywhere In tbe west. The beauty of our . laundry work makes us Justly proud, and we feel like crowing every time we see tbe difference in our superb finish and color on the shirts, collars and cuffs done up by our methods. Bluff City Laundry, 22 and 24 N. Main. COUNCIL BLUFFS. A Man That Needs a Plumber badly wants him In short order, and ws not only give your work prompt attention, but we do It quickly and satisfactorily. If your pipes need repairing, your wash bowls, or closets replaced, your ateam or water heat ing apparatus put In order, or anything done that comes under the head of plumb ing, gas, or steam fitting, send for us. If we do It, It's done right. J. C.Bixby6c Son, 0 Mala A 201 Pearl Sts., Council Bluffs, la. . Telephone Hi.