Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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Bell Pnertj on Whioh Taiet Are. Delin
quent for What it Will Bring.
State Triiirr Starfer Rrrflrn f 2A,.
OOO Worth of Massaehaaetts
Boads for Permaaeat
School Fill.
iteit Muni fewi I
(From 8U.1T CormpriTi1r.
LINCOLN, Dec. 27. (Special.) A bill
has been prepared by number of well
known politician! to be presented to tbo
next legislature, the object of which Is al
leged to be tbo putting of the state of
Nebraska upon a good financial basla. J.
H. Ager of the Burlington Railroad com
pany in discussing the proposed bill, said:
"The measure will provide for the sale
of alt property on vhlch taxea bar been
delinquent for a period of Are rears. Of
course, It will be necessary to prorlde for
a redemption within two years, as It would
probably be bard to evade tha provisions
of tha constitution, which provide for this
redemption. The bill will provide for the
payment of the county and municipal taxea
first from the proceeds of the aale and then
for the payment of the balance Into tha
state treasury. This measure will not only
clear the books of the state of all In
debtedness, but will land 11,000.000 In the
treasury. The great advantage of the meas
ure la that It will do away with the ex
pense and delay under the present system
of selling tax certificates. With the pro
pos?d measure It will be possible to sell
the land when tha taxea accrue regardless
of the amount the lands will bring. People
who pay their taxes can have no objections
to the measure, because It will relieve
them of the burden of paying the taxes
that others should have paid, and will avert
the necessity of Increasing taxation."
A politician who Is well posted on legis
lative matters and how things are done,
said In speaking of Mr. Ager'a proposal:
"It Is a acheme of the corporatlona to
divert the attention of the people and rep-
resentatlvea from railroad and corporation
taxation. Mark my words, the corporations
will have all kinds of bills like that Intro
duced In an endeavor to throw dirt tn the
eyea of the legislators."
Identify Oae of Saspeeta.
John Doe, one of the three suspects held
at the city Jail, was Identified today by
Police Captain Dunn and Detective Sav
age of Omaha as Leo, one of a party of men
who held up and robbed a saloon keeper
on Leavenworth atreet In Omaha some
years ago. Leo waa tried, convicted and
aentenced to fifteen years In the peniten
tiary. Ha waa granted a new trial and
acquitted. Detective Savage said he knew
Leo well and that he was at one time In
the Nebraska penitentiary for blowing a
safe at Clarks. He also served a term In
the Sioux Falls prison. ' Tha detectives
did not remember Leo's first name, nor tha
name of tha Omaha aaloon keeper. They
were both positive In the Identification,
however. The detectives did not know
Btandlah or Cramer. These two are serving
out fines for carrying concealed weapons,
Leo, or John Doe, Is In Jail for ninety days
on a charge of vagrancy.
Compare School
Superintendent Fowler has iaaued tha fol
lowing tables of the comparative ahowlng
of public school statistics In tha atate of
Nebraska during tha last three school
School Tear Ending July,
1900. 101. 18.
Income $4,410, 40 J4.2K4 WJ t4.6M.33S
Expenditure 4,403,222 4,324,025 4,436.338
For buildinga and
sites , 456,980 339,077 357.040
District bonds Is
sued 128.460 149,491 17S.927
District bonds can
celled 138,332 153,976 149.810
Dlst. Indebtedness,
bonded 2,499.824 1.598,136 2.(18.434
Dlst. Indebtedness,
not bonded 873,866 690,09 623,348
Value of school
dlst. property.... 9,691.134 ,870,683n0.tfl,648
School funds ap
portioned by co.
superintendents... 719,638 687.166 768,(30
Necessary 7.8S2 8,744 9.101
Males employed... i0B 1,84ft l.g2
Females employed 7.401 7.616 7.7S7
Total employed.... 9.463 9.4K5 9,(29
In graded schools. 2,967 3,033 3152
County Certiflcatea
First grade 874 928 917
Second grade 6,312 6.376 6.11
Third grade 977 6S8 837
Average Monthly
Males $46 .26 847.64 849.16
Females 3H.W 38.13 38.51
Totala $37.90 840.08 840 44
Pupils, census (5
to 21 years)
Poys 192,2SS 191.631 190.423
Girls 1S6.&29 185.438 184.917
Totala 377.791 377,069 376.340
Hoys 147.67S 14X.6R5 147.11
Girls 140.652 139.760 141.604
Totals 2SS.227 285.415 289,468
Average Dally
99.927 91.429 91.833
Girls 91,947 92.160 93,922
Totals 181,874 182.589 186.755
Number of schcol
districts 6.708 4,675 6,666
Number of School
houses 6.733 6.773 6.813
Frame 6.761) 6.831 6.9
Brick 313 320 v 327
Btone 42 26 M
I -OB- 112 1.12 121
Sod 606 464 436
Iron 2 13
Number built In
the year 175 1SS 167
Average number of 1
mills tax levied.. 15 16 15
iMumner districts
holding 8 months'
school or less.... 344 337 300
Six months or leas 1,298 1,179 l.lut
Average number of
days of school
In all districts... 135 133 138
Average salary of
cour4y superin
tendent 1895.74 I8S8.78 $917.31
Cost of education
per pupil On en- '
rr-llment 15.2$ 15.15 16.33
m average at
tendance 24.21 23.6$ 22.8$
(In figuring tht coat, total expenditure,
Including buildings and altea, are used.)
Including Douglas county, the vslue of
wne school district property was $2,357.
Ti. This enormous Increase waa due
partly to the erection of Omaha a new
high school building.
Slesnhershlp to All.
State 8uperlaWcdent' Fowler wanta it
known to those people of Lincoln who de
sir to attend any of tha meetings of tha
State Teachers' association that .'n order
to do so they must enroll. The arrange
ments of the executive committee with tha
truateea of St. Paul s Methodist Episcopal
church ara with the conditions that no ad
mission should b charged to the evening
aesslons held there. However, any one can
enroll by payment of tha membership fee,
$1, at the library building on the uni
versity campus, at the Llndell or Lincoln
hotel, the Nebraska Teacher, the state
superintendent's office, the High school
building, or Harry Porter's. The receipts
for the fee will admit tha bearer to any
of tha sessions of the association. Including
the evening meetings at 8t. Paul's, on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, also the
art exhibit during the association. The
only extra will be for the Shakespearean
plays at the Oliver theater, Friday and
Saturday evenings, and Saturday matinee.
Tlchets for those are entirely separate.
Out-of-town teachera ara requested to have
their mall sent car Station A. t
Examinations of Teacher.
Preliminary t the State Teachers' as-
An Unprecedented Opportunity.
33!) Per Cent Discount Safe on All Our Ladies' Jackets, Cloaks, Suits and Furs
20 Per Cent Discount Sale on All Our Black Dress Goods
20 Per Cent Discount Sale on All Our Colored Dress Goods
No Sale Comes at a More Opportune Ti Hie'' None offers you more distinct advantages. This year's aggressive pur
chasing compels us to close them out at a time when you naturally think of buying, and enables us to show this season's broadest and most
handsome of ultra styles at unparalleled prices. No matter what idea you have formed as to price, style or quality, our vast and diversified
assortments are sure to meet your requirements. We would also remind you that first choice is always preferable,
The history of Black and Golored Dress Goods selling contains
no record on a par with the present offer 20 per cent to be de
ducted from our regular prices.
And many other desirable weaves.
Duplicates of the above styles in colors. Also Waistings,
A large assortment of White and C,ream materials.
We guarantee that in no instance have prices been changed. Every
price .m&rlced in plain figures. No reserves.
soclatlon, an examination tor state profes
sional, or life, certificates will be held In
representative ball, capltol building, Mon
day and Tuesday. This examination will be
conducted by the state superintendent and
the State Board of Examiners, consisting
of Superintendent A. O. Thomas of Kear
ney, Superintendent D. C. O'Connor of Nor
folk, and Dr. Oeorge E. Condra of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. For this examination
tha stste superintendent accepts first grade
county certificates for the eighteen branches
thereon named when the grade In each one
Is 80 per cent or more. There are nine
other required for a state certifi
cate, and the program for the examination
la as follows:
:ttl a. m.. Chemistry.
10:30 a. m.. General History.
1:30 p. m., English Literature.
S:(iO p. m.. Plane Trigonometry.
i:3f p. m.. Zoology.
S:30 a. m.. Urology.
. 10:00 a. m.. Physical Geography.
1:90 p. m.. Intellectual Philosophy.
1:30 p. m.. Rhetoric.
The attendance this time promises to be
far In excess of all previoua examinations.
The cities of Falrbury and Grand Island
alone will send five each for thla examina
tion.. Art Assoc tat loa Reception.
The first reception of the year of the
Nebraska Art association waa held at the
university art hail last night and many
were in attendance. The hall waa taste
fully decorated and rousio was furnished
by an orchestra concealed behind palms and
planta. Mrs. A. S. Raymond, chairman 'of
the arrangement committee, announced tHe
following hostesses for the next two weeks:
December 29 Mrs. F. N. Gibson, Mrs. C.
I. Jones.
December 80 Mrs. J. H. Wright. Mrs. W.
C WIlBon Mrs. William Leonard.
December 31 Misses Eleanor Raymond,
Blanche Harsreaven.
January t Mrs. Charley Meyer.
Janutry 3 Mrs. A. R. Mitchell, Mrs.
January (Mrs. E. H. Barbour.
January 0 Mrs J. C. Marpham.
January T Mrs. W. D. Fitzgerald.
January 8 Mrs. A. S. Raymond, Mrs. A.
E. Hargreaves.
January t Mrs. II. J. Wlnnett, Mrs.
January 10-Mrs. W. H. McCreery. Mrs.
A. L. Candee.
January 12-Mr Ell Pljmmer, Miss
January 13 Mrs. Field, Mrs. F. E. Luhr.
January 14 Mrs. A. 8. Raymond, Mrs. 8.
H. Burnham.
There will be arrangements for another
reception on New Year's eve.
Receives Mora Bonds.
State Treaaurer Stuefer this morning re
ceived 125,000 worth of Massachusetts
bonds, a portion of the recent purchase. Tho
total amount received to date la (164.000.
The Department Store company of Plalu
view. Neb., has Incorporated, with a capi
tal stock of 130.000.
Fatally Uaraed ky Gasoline.
By the explosion of a lamp filled with
gasoline last night Mrs. Pearl Tatum was
Duiaed to death at her home. No. 3 Eva
place. The explosion threw the burning
oil over her face, breast and body, burn
tug her so severely that she died In great
agony Ave hours later. The clothing was
burned from her body. She was at home
alone when the accident occurred and hi 4
poured the gasoline Into the Ismp, think
ing It waa kerosene. As soon as the ex
plosion occurred her clothing caught Are
and she rushed Into the house of a neigh
bor. Blankets were thrown over her and
tha flames subdued, but not. however, un
til aba waa fatally burned. Mrs. Tatum was
On all our Hlack Zibelines
Oil all our Black Panama Cloths
On all our Black Melrose Cloths
On all our Black Etaniines & Voilea 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Prunellas & Whip Cords 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Poplins & Oranite Cloths 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Venetians & Broadcloth 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Cheviots and Serges 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Cheviots and Series 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Henriettas and Crapes 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Mohair and Sirillians 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Mistral and Canvas Cloth 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Twine and Batiste Cloth 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Arolines & Taniise Cloth 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT
On all our Nun's Veiling K Camel's Hair 20 PER CENT DISCT.
the wife of Otis Tatum, a driver for the
Standard Oil company, and she was 24
years of age. She waa the mother of a
daughter 2 years of age.
Forfeit Many Bonds.
In the criminal court this morning many
bonds were forfeited because of the non
appearance of the prisoners. Among them
were William H. Bowen, out under $300
bonds for attempted assault; Frank Cun
ningham, under $500 bonds for trying to
aell a team he didn't own; S. L. Boosts'.:,
who bought some shells stolen from the
Burlington, and who has since been walk
ing the streets because his friends put up
$800 for his appearance, left them to settle
with the court; Ed P. Wiley, who took an
appeal from the police court, left hia
bondsmen In the lurch to the tune of $500;
Louis and William Grimm, who had lap
robes that didn't belong to them, caused
their bondsmen to put up $500; George Bra
den left his bondsmen to pay $200. Sev
eral more were out on their recognizance
and failed to show up.
Thomas Heller, an old soldier, died at
10:30 tonlRht from the effects of Injuries re
ceived in falling from a motor car. Heller
walked from the car onto the platform and,
losing his balance, fell to the pavement. He
was picked up unconscious and taken to St.
Elizabeth's hospital. His Injuries consisted
of two broken ribs, a broken shoulder and
a scelp wound. He was a carpenter, 58
years of age and married. His wife waa
with him when he died. The accident oc
curred at Twelfth and C streets at 8 o'clock.
Heller was formerly a police officer.
The first annual meeting of the Methodist
Episcopal Historical society of Nebraska
will be held at the Nebraska Wesleysn
university on Tuesday. The society was
organized a year ago to collect records of
(Nebraska Methodism. The officers of the
organization are: Rev. Hiram Burch, presi
dent; Rev. Gallagher, secretary; Rev. J.
B. Lecdom, treasurer; Rev. David Mar
quette, corresponding secretary; with three
vice presidents. Rev. P. C. Johnson for Ne
braska conference. Rev. Jazeb Charles for
North Nebraska conference, Rv. James
Liale for Northwest Nebraska conference.
Pablie Building to Be Pashed Ahead
of All Olhers, Says Dietrich
The Senator at Homo.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special.)
Senator Dietrich, who Is at home for the
holidays, brings good news for Hastings.
The senator aays be baa succeeded In mak
ing arrangements whereby the Hastings
public building Is to have the first atten
tion of any of the buildings for which ap
propriations were made In the last session
of congress. Senator Dietrich expects to
remain in Hastings until after New Year'a
day. He will visit Lincoln and Omaha be
fore returning to Washington.
Steal t attle Oat of Feed Lot.
TECIMSEH. Neb., Dec. 27. (Special. )
A thief or thieves entered the feed lots of
William Hahn. a wealthy German farmer
residing In the eastern part of this county,
one night recently and drove away eight
fat rattle. The officers tracked the beeves
1 southeast from Mr. Hahn's place about
J two aod a half miles through the village
I of Graf, but there lost the trail. It is be
i lieved the thieves have made good their
I escape, possibly driving the cattle over luto
) Missouri and there disposing of them.
20 Per Cent
Challis and Skirting materials.
Plattsmouth Boy Finds His Loit lather in
Kansas Oity.
Waa Shipwrecked Wben Charlie Was
Infant and Had Never Seen
Hia Family Since The
Mother Now Dead.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb , Dec. 27. (Special.)
Charles Fisher, who left PlatUmouth sev
eral weeks ago to meet hia lost father,
whom he had not seen since Infancy, has
written to a friend that his father Is presi
dent of a large elevator company In Kansas
City and that he will remain there to as
sist him.
In speaking of the long separation of
his father from the family, he statea that
hia father'a ship was wrecked near an
Island by aavages, who succeeded in captur
ing the ship, killing many of the crew and
making prisoners of the others. For over
a year the natives held them captives, but
one day he, with fifteen others of the ship's
crew, escaped from the island In two boats.
After drifting about on the open sea for
two daya and nights they were observed
by a ship headed for New York, and were
taken on board. Several months later Mr.
Fisher arrived at his old home In Illinois,
when he learned that hia family had re
moved further weat. He spent thousands
of dollars In his efforts to And hia loved
ones. His 'wife had given him up for dead
and with her little family removed to Iowa,
where sha died.
Plattsmonth Families Hold Hapnjr Re.
anions Balls and Maslcal
E at ertala meats.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 27. (Spe
cial.) A number of happy family reunions
were held tn Plattsmouth Christmas day.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William At
wood, the former 65 yeara of age, their
children and grandchildren were present.
Hon. J. M. Patterson had his children and
grandchildren, numbering thirty-three,
present to enjoy the Christmas dinner.
At the Panneie theater Mr. and Mrs. Tom
E. Parmele entertained In honor of Mr.
Matzene and Mr. Kester of Chicago, Miss
Sweeney of Kansas City and Miss Coffin of
Omaha. The entertainment was in the na
ture of a ball, which was given on the
stage. The stage was set with a wooden
drawing room setting and prettily deco
rated with holly aod draperies. These dec
orations, together with the electrical ef
fects, made an elegant picture. The guests
enjoyed themselves by dancing and par
taking of a dainty supper and punch.
Twenty couple were present.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Dec. 27. I Special.)
One of the most pleasant and enjoyable '
social events of the holiday season wss
the full dress ball given by the Elks' lodge
of this city Christmas night, which was
attended by fifty couples. The Interior of
the Elks' club rooms was tastily decorated
with holly, mietlelot and other evergrstns
Discount Sale on
day ftnioiii
The history ef Cloak, Suit and Fur selling contains no record on a
par with the present offer 33a per cent to bo deducted from our
regular prices.
33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT On all our Ladies' Jackets ,13 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT
33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT On all our Ladies' Long Garments 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCT.
o3 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT On all our Ladies' Cloth Capes 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT
33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT-On all our Misses' Jackets 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT
331-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT- On all our Misses' Long Garments 33 1-3 TER CENT D1CT.
331-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT- On all our Velour Jackets 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT
331-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT--On uur Entire Stock of Furs 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT
Fur Capes, Fur Scarfs, Fur Collarettes, Fur Muffs, Children's Sets, Etc.
20 per cent discount on all our Cotton Linings.
20 per cent discount on all our Dress Trimmings and Buttons.
and planta. Dainty refreshmenta were
aerved during the hours of dancing, and
the affair will long be remembered by all
participants. Cole's orchestra furnished
the music.
The annual Christmas entertainment was
held at the Institution for feeble-minded
i Thursday afternoon and evening. A pro-
gram of music and recitation was rendered
I by the Inmates, after which Superintendent
Johnson and his corps of teachers supplied
the children with candy, nuts and pres
ents. A feature of the entertainment was
a concert by the Institute band of eighteen
Officers Rely I'pos Circumstances to
Hold Mra. Llllle for Harder
of Husband.
DAVID CITY. Neb., Dec. 27. 8peclal.)
Aa the time draws near for the preliminary
hearing in the county court next Monday
morning of Mrs. Lena M. Little, charged
with the murder of her husband, Harvey
Lillie, ,on October 24. considerable talk Is
being indulged In, and interest taken by
a large number of people.
There are rumors that the revolver with
which the crime was committed has been
found, and will be produced at the pre
liminary hearing. The officers will not
affirm or -deny this rumor. The officials
are doing very little talking as to the evi
dence to be introduced, only saying that
they have a good atrong case.
The defendant and her friends are also
confident that she will be acquitted and
released at the preliminary hearing.
Mr. Llllle carried $8,000 life Insurance,
all In fraternal beneficiary ordera, distrib
uted as follows: Ancient Order of United
Workmen, $2,000; Modern Woodmen of
America, $2,000; Tribe of Ben-Hur, $3,000.
None of tbla has been paid, for the reason,
it la claimed, that the head officers were
Informed of the rumors that Mrs, Ljllle
waa susppected of committing the crlraa
and withheld payment pending investiga
tion. All of, the inaurance Is made to Mrs.
Llllle, except $750, which la made to the
little girl, Edna.
Omaha and Florence Street Railway
Company Compiles with Le
gal Reaalrements.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 27. (8peclal Tele
gram.) The Omaha Florence Street
Railway company has tiled with the secre
tary of state an amendment to lta articles
of incorporation changing tha name to
Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway
company and increasing Its capital stock
from $200,000 to $15,000,000.
The company Intends to operate In Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha and suburban lines
from Omaha to Fremont, Blair, Lincoln,
Plattsmouth and Florence and from Council
Bluffs to Grlswold.
Improvements at Falrbary.
FAIRBVRY, Neb., Dec. 27. (Special.)
Fairbury's buildings erected In 1902 crowd
the $100,000 mark. Summarized, they com
prise, of brick structures, four store build
ings, sddltlon to the Goodrich bank, and
lbs Galbrattk nursery packing house, a
All Our Dress Trimmings and Buttons
On all our Children's Cloaks
On all our Tailor-Made Suits
On ;.ll our Walking Suits
On all our Separate Dress Skirts 33 1-3 PER CENT' DISCT.
On all our Walking Skirts
Cn all our Velour Blouses
total of $22,400; forty-six dwellings have
been built at a cost of $54,490, an average
of nearly $1,200, which Indicates a good
class of buildings. Additions to houses
previously erected cost $12,850. The Chi
cago, Rock Island & Pacific railway built
an addition to lta roundhouse and pumping
station at a cost of $4,000. The amount
expended for cement and brick sidewalks
and atreet crossings was $2,480, making a
total of $96,000. Several buildings now In
course of construction are not Included In
Yoana; Men Board Vestlbalo Train aad
1 nable to Eater Are Compelled
to Jump On.
BLAIR, Neb., Dec. 27. (Special.) Quar
termaster Sergeant Charlea H. Pierce and
Oscar Jamea, both of Company I, Twenty
second regiment, of Fort Crook, had an ex
perience last night that they will not forget
during their lifetime.
They were on a Chrlstmaa visit to friends
in this city and were late getting to the
depot for the southbound train for Omaha.
The Black Hills passenger waa lata three
houra, bringing It here about the same time
aa the Omaha train.
Pierce and James awung onto the vesti
bule entrance of the Black Hills passenger
train on the Elkhorn road aa It pulled out
for Missouri Valley, thinking It waa the
Omaha train. The vestibule doors were
locked and they were unable to make any
one hear their cries, ss no passed between
the cars.
They both held on until within one mile
of California Junction, la., when Picrce'a
banda were ao frozen that he told his
comrade that be would let go and drop.
James tried to encourage him to hold on,
aa he could aee the switch lights and the
station, but Pierce again aald that ha could
not hold on, and, making a jump, he dropped
from the flying train, striking the frozen
ground face downward, mashing his face al
most to a Jelly.
Jamea held on until the train pulled into
the junction, Informed the trainmen, se
cured a lantern and went back to find Pierce
unconscious by the track.
He took off his own overcoat and wrappej
It around the Injured man and waited for a
train that the operator told him would be
along soon. Ha waited over two hours and
then retraced his steps to the station and
with the section men and a handcar brought
Pierce to California Junction, after which
he waa brought to Blair on a freight train
and hia wounda dressed by Dr. W. H.
Palmer, the company physician at this
The men rode In their perilous position
for nearly eight miles. They both bad re
turn tlcketa over tha Omaha road and aald
that they blamed no one but themaelves.
Pierce was taken to Fort Crook.
Charged with Burglary.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Dec. 17. (Spe
clal Telegram.) Carl Nelbart of Lorton waa
before Judge H. G. Leigh this evening,
charged with robbing the hardware store
of C. H. Daunne of Lorton. The case was
continued thirty days and the prisoner's
bond was placed at $300, which was not
. M. Perkins Goldea Weddlaa;.
FAIRMONT, Neb., Dee. 27. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Perkina of Wast Blue
township celebrated their golden weddlne;
yesterday. About 200 of their friends and
neighbors were present and were treated
to a bounteous repast.
The presenta were valuable and plenti
ful. Thla couple came from Illinois about
twenty years sgo and aettled on the farm
on which they now live. Mr. Perkins baa
represented Fillmore county In the atate
legislature and Is now a county commis
sioner. The couple are hale and hearty.
Wahoo Editor Eatertalaa.
WAHOO, Neb., Dec. 27. (Special.) -Mr.
and Mra. T. J. Pickett entertained tha coun
try correspondents and the office force of
the Wahoo Wasp at a 8 o'clock dinner and
theater party last evening. About thirty
guests assembled at the residence to par
take of an elaborate spread. The house
waa tastefully decorated with holly an"
evergreen. Mr. Pickett gave a short addresa
of welcome, saying that It was bis Inten
tion to make an occasion like this an annual
event, to bring the co-editors of the Wasp
closer together and become better ac
quainted. At 8:15 p. m. the jolly crowd ad
journed to the opera house to witness "The
Friend Plaas live Bird Shoot.
FRIEND, Neb., Dec. 27. (Speeial.)
Friend haa arranged for a live bird shoot
on January 1 and 2. Inducements ara being
offered to amateur shooters from all over
the state to be present, nnd arrangements
have been made to sboot blue rocks and
birds at the same lime. A tint will be
kept warm on the ground for those v. ho ara
Company f Gives n Banqnrl.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Dec. 27. (Ppe
clal Telegram.) Company C, Second regi
ment. Nebraska National Guard, gave lta
second anniversary banquet t'.'ls t venltig In
Masonic hall. Over 100 plates were laid.
Rev. A. E. Knickerbocker waa toaslmaater.
A noteworthy spe-vh of the evening wsa by
W. H. Pltzer, who pioposed "Theodora
Walks OsT n Brldsre.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Dec. 27.--(8pe-clal
Telegram.) This evening Louie Back
enbush walked off the aide of the bridge
at the corner of Ninth street and Wash
ington avenue and broke b!s right leg be
tween the knee and hip. He waa taken to
tha Perkina bouse and Dr. Livingston re.
dueed the fracture.
Only Thirty Thoasaad.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Dec. 27.-(Special
Telegram.) L. J. Jackson, a local at
torney, today received word from an asso
ciate In fan Francisco that the estate willed
to the Tibbett's brothers of this city will
amount to but a little over $30,000. It waa
reported a few daya ago as being worth
Cora abellrr Crashes Flag-frs.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special Tel
egram ) Charles Stevens, a prominent
farmer residing In Lincoln township, bad
his left hand badly mangled In a corn
shelter today. It wss necessary to ampu
tate the fingers.
Cold at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special )
The coldest weather of tha fr.- .hi.
section prevailed here yesterday. Tbe
j thermometer registered I degrees below