8 WHAT OF 1903? The Year Just Past Mas Been Remark ably Prosperous In All Parts of the American Union. To THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE It Inn lice ii n Itrroril llrrnkrr nml I'lii AiticrrNnlve Home I.lfe In MiirHiicr Compnny filee fully tlreela 1(MC. "What of l!t(3?" repeated B. II. Koblson, president of Nebraska's own and only Hank ers Reserve Life Association, In response to the reporter's query. "In 1!03 the Hunkers Reserve Life will step Into the class of $10,000,000 life com panies. "In 1!)03 the Hankers Reserve Life will write not leHS than $."i,000,000 of new busi ness. "In 1!I03 the Hankers Reserve Life will earn $liiu,000 net to he Invested under the Nehraska law In state securities for the protection of policy holders, and will In crease Its Invested onsets to $2.i0,0t0. "In 11403 the Hankers Reserve Life Asso clatlon will write more buslncBS In Nebraska than any alien member of the national llfn Insurance trust, Bometlmes called national association of underwriters. "In 1!03 the more sensible representatives of the alien combination will have sense enoiiKh to treat the Hankers Reserve Life decently end fairly. "In 1903 tho Hankers Reserve Life Asso ciation will pay Its few losses promptly and reward lis excellent corps of solicitors coinprlsinK Its field staff generously, as it haa always done since It entered the life Insurance field. "In l!t03 the president of tho Hankers Re serve Life Association will continue to be known as the friend of home life Insurance. "In 1003 tho policies of the Hankers Re rerve Life Association will be, as hitherto, modern, liberal, attractive and easily under stood. "In 1003 the reader should be sure to se cure one of thie policies. The time to make extra profitable life Insurance con tracts Is In the early years of a good com pany. (Jet In early and enjoy tho benefits of the earlier years of tho existence of thU well known, prosperous home company." "Big Four" A Railroad Of the People Operated For the People And Recofnlied By the People As the standard passenger line of the Central States. 2,500 miles of railway In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Kentucky and Michigan Write for folderi. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe. G.n'l Pass. AMI. UII I t , AT. A. Tkt.Aft CINCINNATI. OHIO. pip The Best Interna tional Dentifrice M&kM thtlh bmutlful, lh annua hard, thtt brealli iwwl PruaerriM a well aa hoautinnw toolU. OTxrooiuxa all the oli)otl. utile featurca found In iowdr anil lliiulrtii. Oinvttiilmti to u and carry. ) CEVl'at. At aall araiiUU. C. H. 8TRONQ CO. Chicago, u. . A fiftottHv-vaiiral tiot. of ", rooett,lorkt, niJ, tvrrlBg, uff bu nd II fur "r i t- MM 9m. Nf MM tfttl f ttM rfe in4 kitfilL fcUad Wi 4l4Mic in mu1 tuublMv MTIumiII. ft wrttUa ufavliU villi vttry diatSfud, ftil ica.ititn( r tUmttuUf rlun4 mnj it wli r t.u4 ta,w-t'r. rit ( It fttiovt Uum- Modi ot Matti(ui WiIum tor hrlllBU WlUtlft li fck vt ftll, tkrtMth a lUrrni 1m Uyimm, Our prltm ftfft tiurn 10 to pt ut. luMftf thta tuttJ 4Urft. L0FTI5 BROS, k CO.. S'.'.l!. a4. W A H UH BUM Bt., Ulan Kl-i t.S. a. r 4 TIIK Art, Not Intrinsic Value, Governs Jewelry Fashion UK design is the thing in the Jew- ilry world today, with art as the dominant force, reports the Hrooklyn Eagle, and this Btate of nfTairs retires nts an evolu tion that Is welcomed with Joy by tho art ist craftsman who believes that an orna ment worthy of the name should possess an art value that warrants Its being con sidered as a thing of lasting beauty, not simpiy represent a combination or precious metal and gems proclaiming to all behold- ers tho expenditure of so miny dollars and Cents. Intrinsic value Is no longer the govern- lng motive In tho selection of a piece of Jowelry by those whoso tastes have been trained to appreciate the art manifested In Its production as In a beautiful picture or a piece of bric-a-brac. Many times the real cost or worth of an ornament. Judged by commercial standards, Is now cheerfully paid because of the brains and the Idea embodled In the production. "Ten years ago we would have had no sale for such an ornament as this," said an artist-Jeweler, pointing to an equisite pendant of tho art nouveau type, with a beautifully modeled female head in the center and perfectly matched pearls and diamonds embellishing the frame of rose gold. "Fortunately many people are conir lng to a better appreciation of the true mission of Jewelry and refuse to accept that which does not conform to artistic standards. We are becoming better edu cated along art lines, care less for showy things and more for those that represent artistic creation, not merely skillful work manship and display. Pretty soon men and women of refinement and culture will no more think of buying a piece of Jewelry that Is Inartistic than they would purchaso poorly executed picture. Drains tell In the Jewelry productions of today as they have not told heretofore In this new and prosperous country. Tho form of an orna ment Is no longer subordinated to the Jew els that embellish It; it Is the gems that are made subservient to the design. I do not mean that flamboyant Jewelry Is des tined to disappear entirely and all at once; rather that the ornament that Is artistic as well as Intrinsically vnlunblo will be more and more conspicuous. "The design for a brooch or other orna ment is as carefully sketched as the draw ing fcr a picture. When the artist's work has been passed upon and the form se lected tho services of tho goldsmith and Jeweler aro enlisted, and If, as happens in many of these new designs, a touch of en ameling Is added, that part of tho work Is assigned to a master of tho craft. Artistic Jewelry represents the production of spe cialists, as does the best work in other lines where art enters Into tho manufac ture. We no longer give an ornament to one man and let Mm carry out the design In its entirety. Thus we have a change not alone In result, but In method. This evolution is one certain to appeal to every lover of beautiful things, and to the Jeweler who la concerned with art as well as the commercial aspect of his craft It Is one of the happiest of auguries for the fu ture of the Jewelry business In this coun try. "With regard to styles In Jewelry," con tinued this exponent of the new art, "pearlp lead everything else this season. Tarls is pearl mad, and tle prominence given to this lustrous Jewel is in keeping with the development of the artistic Idea in lewelry, for the pearl makes no special appeal to those who like showy ornaments. In order to accentuate the luster and coloring of fine pearls we frequently set them In a frame of diamonds, and herein note another differ ence: Formerly the pearl served as a frame for the diamond. For many people there is a murked fascination about pearls, and It may bo Interesting to note that they or" the only Jewels used In a natural Btate. Diamonds, rubles, sapphires and all thr other gema are polished, cut, altered; the peari preserves ine rorm in wntch it was I taken from the oyster or murel shell. I "Perfect pearls are to rare that they com mand high prices, but pearls of Irregular , '"e have asxumcd unusual Importance In j years ami are known as baroque 1 Some pecimcns of baroque pearl ' "d as high as ll.OOU. They entci t rompoKitlon of distinctive orn- iftent lines possessing a unique cbar . for the aim of this nw development Is the production of designs that shall in dicate individual selection, not look as it they were all poured out of one mold From the favorite detdgns that have stood the test et ages an ornament is evolved by the combined talent and skill of the artist and craftsmen In which originality of treatment Is the keynote and artistic blending of form and gem itcc ration and color effect the result. Reauty and art value, not tho value In dollars and cent of the gold and Jewels represented, will guide the educated purchaser of fine Jewelry in the future, and I ventur to predict that the number of such purchasers will Increase with each succeeding Year. While the pearl Just now reigns supreme, the precious gems that have held sway for ages have not been eclipsed, and they, too, enter Into the production of Jewelry that represents the best that artist aud artisan working together can evolve." As a last word the Jeweler added: "Brains and Ideas command high price la our z3 ILLUSTRATED BEE. business, as In every other, consequent 1 this fine art Jewelry costs more than the ordinary type. Hut It Is worth It.' Good for Sick People The Fort Scott (Kan.) Monitor relates an amusing story of an Insane doctor In Hiat ville. Hp was tried bv the troli;itr cmiri and ajudged Insane. The asylum as not prepared to receive him. and so for some weeks he was confined in the county lail Recently a delegation nt ltlT..ra trnm Hiatvlllo appeared before the probate judge an(' asked that the doctor might be sent home, pending his admission to the asylum, "We navn an unusual amount of Bickncss ,n our vicinity," said the Bpokesman; "we nnve great commence in our old doctor, and wp want him to come back and treat our sl'k." The request was granted, and the 0,11 ('0'tor went home to tak up his prac- "p- " should be explained, perhaps, that ",e ,ur an" ,wvn annum neavlly. and It was believed that he would be all right If he left whisky alone. Hut the fact re mains that a man who has been adjudged Insane In the regular course of legal pro cedure Is turned loose without legal pro cedure to take up the practice of a pro fession which deals with the life and health of the people of hlB community. And there is something very suggestive of Dogberry In the admonition of the probate Judge to the victim, that If he went insane again (that Is. f he took to drink) he would be clapped Into the asylum quicker than a cat can bat Its eye. The Man in the Moon New York Times: "Yes, Just at pres ent," said tho moon, "I'm out late at night because I'm down to my last quarter." "Therein you differ from the average man," remarked the morning star. "He is often down to his last quarter because be was out late at night." Pointed Paragraphs Saloonkeepers always have plenty of fall goods on hand. Some marriage are failures because the woman In the case j auspicious and some are failures because she isn't . BETTER THINK ABOUT THIS There are engravings and en gravings, but the kind that are really good are the ones we make. J, Manz Engraving Go. CHICAGO: NEW YORK: 4 15-207 Canal St. 2J.25-27 City Hall Place 4 In the Famous Klickitat Valley A Superior Timothy Itniicli. 2rj rre. 3 inlhi from county Kut, 2K aires of rlrh Initiated bottom land, lti( airea In timothy, i-ut twu iTiipa per year, 40 are more ready lor need. 50 acrea of tlmlier. Thla land la finely adapted for onharda; two hoimea. barn and oulhulldlnm In Mi-elleiil condition. Ill head of cattle; 1-J Interent in near hay baler; farm Implement! go with the place. IMHy in. 6n; tenna. Tina la one of the beat bar Kama have on our lint. TIIK KLICKITAT LAND CO , Uoldendale, Vlaah. Strength of the cufTce you buy adds to ita value in the cup. Lion Coffee comes to you fresh and of full strength, always in sealed, air-tight packages. Hulk colfees lose their strength, deteriorate in flavor, and also gather dirt. Uniformity formlty, frmhnsaa and fall atrnnirth Inaurad. to uaara of. Lion CoffeSa 1 6 nra ReaLd What 55Coburri Sa.ys. "I'm glad to hear of the r AHMED'S circula am con wondering are able to gether growing tion, and stantly how you pull to- each week such a fund inii. VHlua of interest ble infor are surely mation. You making a much more asked for it.' paper worth than the money F.P.Ciburn.Sti'n Kansas Slate 'oard ttAxru ulturt. More money is spent for articles by the prominent men and for the handsome and interesting illustrations than by any other farm journal. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER., f urnura Hu, Oaiaha, Srh. Send .for FKF.F. SVr.S COrY. WE WANT A 00OD AO NT AT EVERY POSTOFFICE. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALE-TONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time In The Illustrated Bee. On small portrait cuta we make a nominal price of 11.00. On larger cuts, 6 cents per square Inch. They are all In first-class condition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, O aw aha. Neb. ATTENTION Thousands are Investing in Tonopah and are making fortunes why? Be cause the gold Is there. It is the rich est camp on earth today. You can make It and make It quick on a small Investment. Remember that the man that acts is the man that wins op portunity offers if you refuse you lose. For Information address, J. H. LOUNOE & CO., 319 ('alia Khan lildg., San fr rauclaro, ( allfornla Easy to Play, Easy to Buy Viator Talking No Home Complete W ithout a rlachlnes from $ 1 5 to $ 50. Sold on tw kly puynunts of $1.25. Send for new catalogue. A. HOSPE, 151 V&U,V" st Western IMatrlhutor. J The i .. 11 M-7 atat 11 1 Have you si-riously conicl,T'd the cost of cnal with a furnace pipe properly covered or only partially covered? I'roperly covered we can make tine Iiuy what you now pay tl.iai for. Is It worth Investigat ing? If you burn soft coal In yojr furnace or stove, try a package of our Soot Iestroyer. It makes burn ing soft coal a pleasure. 15c each, by mall Sic. Have you a stove, range or furnace that needs supplies? We carry in etock over 2.i,iihO pounds of original parts. This includes repdrs for your stoves. Hot water attachment for furnaces, stoves and ranges; workman to make necessary connections in the city and ir.ft ructions sent with every water front shipped out of the city. OMAHA STOVE HKI'AIH WORKS. ''' LM7 Douglas St. Dcrcinlicr 2.S, 1002. RED -4s- J GROSS 4 Full Ouarts OK WHISKEY S3.00 Kxpress chsrRes pre paid Recommended by the leading physi cians and used in all prominent hos pitals. The Red Croft 14 Whiskey enjoys UhI day the best of rep- titatlons and stands above all In quality and purity. References: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. OR ANY EXPRESS COMPANY. Western Distilling Co., 716 So. 16th St OMAHA, Sole Owners. Orders from states west of Nebraska will be whipped by freight. t 1 ' i 1 i z . .-Aim' Z I - - fr i i "BLUE RIBBON" Don't forget to order for your homes. '1 Hue Ribbon Beer ALWAYS PURE, ALWAYS THE SAME "Blue Ribbon" will tone up your nppetltc. aid digestion, so that yon will appreciate i your dinners to the fullest extent. "Blue Ribbon" Is the highest point of ex cellence in line table beers telephone your orders now to No. t, Bottling DepurL ment. Storz Brewing Co., OMAHA, NEB. Try a Sample Case. Telephone 12iX). Ca.60CDTmK TO TIE TO Jti anaaaa V M -mvm ar ARNOLD C. KOENia Uaoe. Mam. Am. Soe. C. Mam. Am. W-Waa. A at' a CIVIL AND HYDRAULIC ENOINEER tM-l-l N. T. Lift Bldf.. Oaf AH A. Water Supply, Bcwcrasa, Orada Plata. PaTlna. Brldiea. Roola, 8taodplpea ana BimI Tower o4 Tanka. Bxamlnatlooi and reports on railway, waterpovar aaa elactrlcaJ power tranamlaaloo pro) acta. rltlj Prof agonal. N eootraetlaa. " , ""f"' enuorat-a ana . . uj irnuiiiK iiiyuciaii. Atrial uvahiuru(wuii'iuiki ouiivtu,'. you, evul free? Wlia ItaMlk Of LwllmnnL I- I. .4 I ' . ... . V Wl ffs&fiu? W jj lrnORPHINE-OPIUM HVfll . a . .- .. . ..TL " . u PA IfUULlI to., il.jiu , (aUM . U.u