w IJVlrwl o iuhi wuiu la eyuneu J j I nowadays largely by help of wood, cunning work in gold and silver and topper and Iron, In miracles of the dyer's art and the weavers skill; Bomewhat also by help of sunlit airy spaces, for unhindered sunshine within city gates Is golden In more sense than one. Where every extra foot of site space stands for many good hard dollars, even multi-millionaires may well think twice over the securing of elbow room, let alone ample prospects. Notwithstanding, a good few of them se cure such prospects. In proof one has but to walk leisurely through the ultra fash ionable precincts of New York. Even the crush and severe line of Fifth avenue, especially In its upper reaches, are now and then broken by wholesome fripperies of green open spaces, jealously walled and sparingly planted. Hut it is on Riverside Drive and its scattered relatives that one sees th'jm at their highest, as one Bees also at the highest the reward and usu fruct of diligence combined with pure luck. Fancy a house standing upon a boldly swelling corner where a crossway makes Into the drive proper. It is tall, it is wide, It is big everywhere, but so fine in line and proportion It takes study to realize the mass of It. Strong but light and beautifully wrought Iron grill work guards tho open space round about, where the turf is truly velvet in spite of covering a ramp sharp enough to provoke drouth. Broad, easy marble Bteps go up the ramp, leading to a pillared entrance. Behind the pillars one catches the gleaming of bronze doors cunningly wrought. They open upon a great hall, floored with the costliest mosaic and set round about with genuine antique columns. The big fireplace has a mantle, also antique, plundered from a ruined palace across the sea. The great stairway came from another palace, but somehow the architect has managed it so the two shall not mournfully war with each other. Perhaps they dare not quar rel In presence of the rugs which lie be tween. Some of the rugs are 300 years old and simply priceless: eastern fabrics without a duplicate anywhere In the world. They set the pace In furnishing--all else Is in keeping. Each of the five occupants of the house has a separate special suite bath, bed chamber, sitting room, dressing room and snuggery, for playing at work, or working at special play. Some of the baths have tubs with silver gilt fittings, others have marble pools big enough to swin In, with marble divans running round the edges of the room. There social bathers can lie at ease, smoking, gossiping, drinking black coffee, after they have done with the plunge and the needle spray and tho skilled kneading of the masseur. The dressing rooms are all in silver, eilver gilt and rare odorous woods, each so treated as to bring out every detail of its natural beauty. Cedar, camphor, sandal each and all are preservative. Toe clothes presses have drawers of camphor wood, and the closets are supplied with electric lights automatically turned on by the opening of a door. There is also, of course, a library, a dining room, a breakfast room, a drawing room and a cosy parlor, but no ball room, for the master of all this U evangelistic ally austere. Still, austerity does not for bid a billiard room nor a music room, richly harmonious, whose frescoed ceiling alone represents a tidy fortune. Every manner of musical instrument sanctioned by classic taste harbors there, along with the objects of art, pictures, bronzes, engraved gems and antique gold plate, whose cost would endow a hospital. There Is a small conservatory whose flowers appear shame faced as though they felt themselves some fc.NERAL DEWET, in his recently published book, tells this story W , A or an attempted transaction on tjyi the battlefield at Nicholson's ."Nek during the heavy firing: A man who had been a merchant before tho war came up to a burgher who was lying behind a Btone, on a piece of ground where bowlders were scarce. "Sell me that stone fjr half a crown," whined the man. "Loop!" the Boer cried, "I want it my self." "I will give you 15 shillings," in sisted the other man. But there was no bale. Last July Congressman Williams of Mis sissippi, "the poet of the Yazoo," was a guest at Congressman Sibley's summer home on the banks of Lake Champlain. The other day he said to Sibley: "Joe, I'm writing a poem about that "place of yours. It's abcut a young couple sitting on the fence of that fine park and making love In the gloaming." "un. that won t do." protested the I'ennsylvanian. "Why not? Don't the young men and women of north ern New York make love?" "Of course thty do, John, but It s a barb-wire fence." In his biography of Alexander Dumas Harry A. Snurr says that the improvident French author, who hated avarice, was once waiting in line for his cloak at a soiree, when he saw a millionaire give a tip of 10 cents to the servant who handed out his paletot. Dumas, getting his cloak, threw down a tM note. "Pardon, sir, you have made a mistake. I think," said the Luxury's Last Work on Man's Dwelling Place what put out of court by the bronze and Jewel glass enclosing them. The building U about an open court, glass roofed In winter. It has, besides the great stairway, back stairs and two electric elevators one for the master, one for tho servants. In tho basement there Is a complete electric plant for lighting, laun dry work, some special cooking and the recharging of automobile batteries. There is also an automobile room, big enough to hold a dozen machines. It Is below street level and tho gay-colored monsters ride up and down upon a special lift all their own. The big kitchen, which matches and bal ances in a way, tho electric plant, has a cnld-Btorngo chamber attached, and Is floored with tile, walled with vitrified brick and furnished throughout In black real English cuk. All the cooking vessels are of brass, copper, silver or vitrified china. To make use of them there are a chef (whose salary approaches that of a diplo mat), two masculine under cooks one es pecially for bread and pastry a woman vegetable cook, a kitchen housekeeper and a brace of scullery maids. Altogether the number of servants Is between thirty and forty, without counting the companion, two private secretaries and the almoner, who dispenses charity and investigates such ap peals for aid asare not upon the surface fraudulent. The electric engineer lives outside, although his helper is reckoned among the household staff. Truly up-tu-nate housekeeping apart ments offer all tho discomforts of a homo, along with the splendors of a hotel. Inci dentally, there are also many comforts. One can have apartments of two stories. There is an imposing entrance. Light and air are in bewildering plenty. Some big houses are built around a great central court with four passenger elevators, one in each court corner. Others are in shape somewhat of a letter H; still others ap proximate the Maltese cross. No trades man's wagon may stop the way for my MEMORY OF A MERRY I ... .. : Lift-i V Episodes and Incidents in the Lives of Noted People man, offering to return the note. "No, friend," answered Dumas, casting a dis dainful glance at the millionaire; "It is the other gentleman who has made tho mistake." Mark Twain is said to be pondering on Just how far a humorist's duty to his fellow men extends. This unusual hut of medita tion has been suggested by receipt of the following letter from Baltimore: "Mark Twain, New York: Some people think you are Immortal, but if you really ever do intend to die it is certainly your duty to go to h . Funny men are needed there, but they are very small potatoes up In heaven. You have always preached phil anthropy and now yon have the chance of a lifetime to demonstrate your consist ency." Mr. Clemens acknowledge that this letter is "full of suggestion," but he more than Intimates that the writer must have been full of something more substan tial when he Indited it. When President MeKlnley was consider ing the appointment of a successor to John Russell Young as librarian to congress, ex Representative Barrows of Massachusetts was a candidate for the place. John D. Long was his most persistent champion, and Mr. Reed Inquired of a friend the rea son of Mr. Long's insistence. "I suppose," was the reply, "that It is due to the secre tary's interest in things pertaining to the Cnltarian church. You know Mr. Barrows Is a Unitarian minister?" "You don't say lady's carriage, for there are separate drive ways for such vehicles, and clean out of sight. . Tho ground plan of one of these big costly apartments is as Intricate as that of a coun try house. There are foyer halls, passage ways, arches and aleoveB, bay window con lervatorles, floors of hardwood or mosaic, mail chutes, telephones, hot and cold water, hot and cold air, gas and electric ranges; two to three bath rooms, with separate servants' toilets and elevators; a blessed plenty of closets for every conceivable need; open fireplaces, brave In tllework and brasses; mirrors wherever they should be. and occasionally where they should not, and walls hung with whatever stuff the fancy of the occupant may demand. Nearly always the windows supply enchanting outlooks. Rents rise with the floors. The higher one goes, the more one pays. Tho con struction is supposed to be fireproof, a fact that Is largely considered in the rents. Some few of the houses have automobile rooms In the basement and charge butter ies from the surplus of their electric plants when lights are not requited. Nearly all havo perfectly eqtili peil laundries independ ent of the tubs iu each kitchen. Store rooms are, of course, provided. But guest apartments are rather new. These are suites set apart to be rented in single rooms to tenants hospitably inclined, but who lack space for guests. Servants' quarters out side of and apart from tho main manege recommend themselves as an Innovation equally desirable. So do the sun parlors which crown some of the roofs. These fur nish excellent play places for little folks and old folks in stormy weather. Everywhere there is a laudable attempt to let in the light and make the most of It. In tho upper streets and avenues of New York, which are almost solidly apartment built, one sees nearly every imaginable de vice for ventilation aud brightness. The days of the air-shaft are plainly numbered. Even In tenement construction there Is a chance that tho central court may oust It. WV T TIME IN UTAH COLONEL J. J. DICKEY "ON fo?" responded Reed. "Why. I thought Burrows was a religious man." The ab surd humor of this remark Is heightened by the fact that while Mr. Heed was not a member of any church, he and his family attended the Portland (Me.) Unitarlau church and helped support it. By way of illustrating one of the differ ences between Lords Roberts and Kitch ener they are telling this story In Lon don: Just before "Bobs" left Cap -town he assigned an officer to a particular duty and asked how soon It could be done. The colonel said In about a fortnight. Iord Roberts said pleasantly: "I know you will do the best you can." Later the colon. I told Kitchener about the matter. "Now, colonel," said the new commander, "If you can't do it in a week we shall have to see about sending you home." The Job was done in the time set by Kitchener. If large ears are Indicative of honesty, then the possessor of the greatest amount ')f that noble virtue in Mas.suchusi tts Is Governor Crane. When an ambitious poli tician learned that there was a vacancy in the capitol he saw, in imagination, those ears. They were a token of honest dealing in political reward. He mentioned the va cancy and the ears to a friend and received the encouragement "that those ears are too big not to lend ttfcmsclvcs to an ap peal from an honest man." Some weeks later the acquaintance elicited an expla nation from the disappointed office seeker. But it is a far cry from tenements to the costly piles where rents tor a single suite vary from $;t,000 to IJO.ooo a year. Till Is tho merest outline of a few salient points. The house, with Its fur nishings, represents an investment a little beyond $:t,tm0.ono. That Is far less won derful than that it is hardly exceptional. It Is merely a conspicuous type among the palaces built for the modern captains, of industry. There are liner one and very much costlier, where the owners aro con noisseurs, with a weakness for collecting objects of fabulous cost. These gentlemen collectors often store within a single room art riches surpassing a king's ransom. l'ossibly the owner of millions prefers to display them mainly in a great country iwtute. Then for the scant city sojourns be wants only what the French happily call a foot of earth, a place where he can rest and poise himself between flights. It mint be luxurious, of course, even In camps and lodger, so-called, there Is a palpald" trail of gold dust over everything, lie has choiie between several excellent things, all warranted costly enough, yet not entail ing too great burdens, lie may establish himself at one of tho great hostelries, built, fays an irreverent wit, "to provide ex (iuslveness for the masses." Or ho may set up his foot of earth in an apartment hotel; or. If he Is willing to go to the level of mere millionaires, he may live under his own vino and fig tree, In a cosy apartment, renting for anything between $3,000 and $20,000. It Is the big hotel which most often catches the cream of the gilded cream. Life goes tripping there, with a holiday aspect, to the liveliest piping. The very spectacle Is inspiring and belter than half those the play houses offer. That Is, to a mind wholly material and seeking surcease from vacuity, with no sort of mental or emotional strain intermixed. If tho n dweller is newly rich and yearns to be known and noted, he has but (o inuke himself severely exclusive in order to be come the center of interest. Ho may rent , I k iil "It sr.',. '7 - t ; ;.' -V vi, THE WATER WAGON.' "I thought the governor was an honest man," he said disgustedly, "but he's too honest for me. The governor admitted that he had retired a clerk, but there wus no vacancy. He had divided tho work among the other clerks, and thus exacted from tbein a good day's labor." Major Charles Dick, who Intends to bo tho next republican candidate for governor of Ohio, says he got a lesson when trying his first law case which has kept him hum Mo ever since. Ho was a student In a law office and was getting nothing for his lime exet pt opportunity to associate with lawyers. His first case was In a petty court and he Indulged in some skyrocket oratory. After the trial an old man who had known him all his life said: "Charlie, be you tnakin' much at the law business?" "No, I am not getting anything, being only a student." "Well," said the old man. "strikes rue ye're gittln' purty well paid, anyhow." Congressman Hepburn was very busy at his desk In the louse one morning when a page announced: "A gentleman In the lobby to see you. sir." "Tell him I'm not in my seat," said Hepburn after looking at the card. The b:y, a st urdy-looking c'mp, did not move. "But you are in your seat, sir," he answered in matter-of-fact tones, "and I can t say you are not." The Iowa man looked at the lad angrily, but seeing that be was in earnest moved into the va cant chair of his neighbor. "Now tell him 1 -J the state apartments; the cost Is but a paltry thousand n week, and several gen tlemen have tried to take them upon yearly lease. That will set all the folk who know of it to staring and talking whenever ho ventures forth, so that all In a breath the slate apartment's occupant finds himself a celebrity. He can Increase the celebrity by having his meals served In private and If he wishes to approach a seml-sen-satiiual climax there must be a man lu the corridor keeping a weather eye upon all who approach the door. l'rlvney of th's severe and unbending doscript Ion brings a reward of publicity truly grateful to aspiring climbers. A royal atmosphere and a truly royal disregard of cost mark and dignify stale apart merits. There are, perhaps, ten rooiiM in them -music room, parlor, breakfast and dining rooms, reception cuhintt, private secretary's den, chamber, dressing room, and a bath fit for a Roman emperor. All the woodwork Is solid mahogany, the lloors are deadened, the walls hung with brocade at $10 the yard, or priceless, genuine, an tique tapestry; or paneled lu rich woods ami overlaid with marvels of the potter's skilf. The big bed stands upon a dais, out of deference, possibly, to u royal shade, for It belonged originally to r famous king. The rugs came straight from l'erla, ami more than bulf the furniture is costly an tique stuff. The other moiety Is nil hand made and beautifully wrought. Each room has a separate color note, but all melt In sensibly Into an Indescribably harmonious whole. Here Is something beyond the glare, ami gilding, tho flambuoynnt frescoes, onyx and brasses, and mosaic, so plentiful else where In tho great structure. Tuste und genius, severely refined, wrought hero for the perfecting of all things. It is not strange that somo few occupants find them selves out of harmony with their surround ings, bored, and In a degree envious of thn folk who havo lighter and gayer, If lc dlsl iuguished, quarters. These ininglo with the throng In palm room and smoking room, mount with the awed sightseers to tho dizzy heights of sun parlors up In the fif teenth story, and take afternoon tea in the palm room aud the corridors where tin drees parade warms tho hearts' cockles o' f"iiilnlno onlookers, while men play softly on stringed Instruments as tho tou drinking mill gossip go forward. y The apartment hotel is very unlike all this. It is no more thun an ordinary hand some apartment, with exemption from housekeeping cares. Materially, It is less gorgeous than the big hotel, yet more ornate than the average apartment house. In It one can be truly a private person If one chooses. One can also dine In public with almost the same show of damask, glitter of silver and glow of (lowers Inevitable on the dinner tables of the bigger places. There are great ball rooms, foyers and roof garden dining halls. The buildings are light and airy throughout, well built, but each bears In some subtle fashion the earmark of Its construction era. Change Is the apartment hotel's law of being. What was the helghth of fashion five years buck Is distinctly out of architectural fashion In this present year of gruce. One can rent here apartments complete to the tlnest detail, or wholly empty, or only partly furnished, so as to leave room for one's special litres and l'enates. The ten ant has little to do beyond paying the rent. Light, beat, service, meals, all are looked out for by the management. It Is au easy life, and so easy that it often ends by be coming strenuous. Variety Is Impossible lu the menu, or rather that sort of variety which satisfies palates strongly individual. So In the main it is a life suited only to very lazy, or very busy, people. There must be a great plenty of such folk, for apart ment hotels continue to multiply and flourish. I'm not In my seat." boy briskly and went sage. "Yes, sir," said the to deliver tho mes- The Critic publishes a skit purporting to reproduce a conversation between Andrew Carnegie rod King Kdward. The former confides his "rule of life" to the monarch in the following words: "It may bo summed up In the phrase, 'When In doubt found a library.' I find the rule admirable and most restful. If I receive a begging lettir and don't know how to reply to it I found a library and when that is over the solution is simple. If I miss a train I found a library. If dinner Is late I found u li brary. The other night I couldn't slei p. 1 got up and founded three libraries. On wet days when 1 can't play golf it's some thing fearful tin- number of libraries I found." The crown prince of Siam seems to be a si rt of financial agent for his government and an advance agent for his royal father, who, it is sahl, is to visit us this year. The prince bus been sounding neverul New York capitalists with a view of interesting them in the development of his country. While being shown through Columbia uni versity the other day the prince had his attention called to the chair of Chinese literature and history. "That is good," said the royal tourist, "ami where is that c.f Slam?" The professor who had him in low diplomatically replied that us yet onlv a beginning bad been made in the oriental department.