m-ct'inhor 28, ltXr2. Tmu Illustrated Ben. Pubilshed Weekly by The Bee Publishing Company, Hee liulldlng, Omaha. Neb. Price, 6c Ter Copy Per Tear, $2.no. Kntered at the Omaha Poatofflce aa Second Clans Mall Matter. . For Advertising Rates Address Publisher. Communication relating to photographs or artlclea for publlrntlnn should be ad dressed, "Editor The Illustrated Bee. Omaha.." Pen and Picture Pointers THE ILLUSTRATED UEE. f : ill i ft 1 il fSrNR Hf the really Important bodies I I which haH recently met In Ornnhi MB vnn i nu missionary couicrencn of dignitaries of the Presby terian church, who gathered here to consult In reference to the work of th" church In the mission field, at homo and abroad. While the matters under the con trol of tho N'ebraHka synod were Riven foremost attention, plans were also de bated as to ways nnd means for forwarding the undertakings of the church In other directions. Nebraska Presbyterians are be coming no important fnctor In the affairs of the general body, as the loenl Interests of the church are Increasing In all direc tions each year. With the growth In mem bership nnd the addition of new churches, schools and the like, the added attention from the governing body Is natural. Thus the consultation of the workers over tho mission matters wns of great interest to tho members, nnd because, of their wide diffusion In the slate, of Interest to tho public as well. Another body of missionaries In a large oense which met In Omaha at the tamo time was the Nebraska Real Estate Deal era' association, made up of men actively rngnged In the promotion of settlement of Nebraska. This body Is not of great age, but It has taken hold of the task, self-set, George & iui i.-n inrj nisiory or me news I paper men of the national capital nils a iiiiui so acccpiaoiy ami so eomi lelely lilted the office of sec retary to the president as has Gem-go Bruce Curie lynu. I doubt very much fif there ever was a man who figured In the official history of Washington so constantly under the gazo of the public, and whoso duty It Is to meet so many men of national reputation, officials nnd newspaper rorre spondents, who wns so unlversully admired for his sterling worth, his manly qualities and his lovable disposition as Is the secre tary to President Roosevelt. Mr. Cortelyou Is a many-s'ded man. In addition to splendid training In the schools he has had outside training which pe culiarly fits him for the close nnd confiden tial position whlch he occupies. When Orover Clevelund took Mr. Cortelyou from tho Postofllee department, where he held a position In the fourth assistant postmaster general's office, .and placed him In the White House as an assistant secretary, he unconsciously picked cut one of tho few men W MILE Henry Drummond was call ing on a friend on his lust visit here, reports the New York Times, he was Introduced to a party of American girls. very formal you are here when Introduced," he said. "Now In "How you are England we always shake hands. Whir do you do here when you suy goodbye?" "Oh, wo kiss," said tho youngest of th party, a charming girl of 16. "Ah, that's charming," responded l'rof. Drummond; "suppose we say goodbye right now!" A tramp asked Chauncey Depew for a quarter and. when he got It, begged to know the giver's name. "Who may I say was so kind-hearted?" "Oh. never mind; that's all right." He Insisted, and Depew finally raid. "Call it Grover Cleveland and let it go at that." As ho was going away the senator asked his name in turn. But the tramp hesi tated. "Oh. I beg you to let me know whom I have had the pleasure of meeting lu this happy way." "Oh, well, call it Mr. Depew and let It go at that." Depew funned himself and let It go. Theatrical people are like ministers In at least one respect. Mi st cf them have a big stock of stories to tell. Apropos is this from the Philadelphia Record: "Several theatrical people over a mldn'ght ruppcr were talking about effective photcgraphs, and after all the rest had aired their views It was up to Malcolm Williams 'Last summer, while I was playing an engage ment In Providence." he said, 'we put on "Romeo and Juliet." and I bad time photos taken In the Romeo costume, oue of which I sent home. I have a gnat almlrer in my little sister Gladys, aged , and when Gladys saw the photograph she quite went Into raptures, according to the letters I received from home. In fact, she wrote tue one herself, or rather she prlnud it which was a gem In Its way. "Dear Mall",' she wrote, "It was a beautiful picture of W. C. MORROW. AFTON, la.. PRESI DENT OF" IOWA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. with a vigor that promises results. Sing ing tho praise of one's own wares la not a dimcuK undertaking at any time, and If the wares have tho ndmitted merits of Nebrnska real cHtate, tho task Is made a pleasure. In pushing their own business along legitimate lines the real estate men are pushing the Interests of the people, for It la Impossible for the real estate broker to prosper unless tho whole state Is pros pering ns well. That tho business has ad vanced beyond the methods of the mere boomer Is proven by the character of the convention and tho breadth and nature of the discussions and tho quality of the pa pers read at the sessions. Addlsen C. Harris and Miss Mary Lucy Lewis were united In marriage at the homo Bruce Cortelyou, Seretary to In this world especially fitted for the trying, exacting duties of a secretary to a president. It seems to me that George B. Cortelyou was designed for the position he now occu pies., and I believe thnt every newspaper man at the national capital will Join me In this statement. The duties of the position of secretary to the president have been Rreatly enlarged since the days when Cul ver C. SnlfTon was secretary to General Grant nnd Daniel 8. Umnnt filled a like position to President Clevelund. The office today Is much more Influential than It ever was, and George B. Cortelyou has made it so by reason of his splendid ability, his diplomacy and his suavity. I'nder the most trying circumstances Mr. Cortelyou pre serves an evenness of temper that Is the mnrvel of those about him. He never loses his head, he never gets "rattled," he never says or does the wrong thing. Always a gentleman, because he wus born such, he Is forever courteous, kind and obliging, but with an unswerving loyalty to his chief. For ten years I have known Mr. Cortelyou personally. I have seen him grow, I have Gleanings From the Story you, but I think It would have been lots nicer If you had your pants on." ' " Street Cleaning Commissioner Paul Igle hart came back to the city hall this week from a gunning trip in Anne Arundel c unty. relates the Baltimore Sun, and brought with him a supply of new stories told in the historic obi South River club. The cue thut particularly took Mr. Igle hurt's fancy was thut of the Irish servant girl who one day asked her mistress what was the meaning of the word "kismet." After thinking a little while, the mistress said: "Why. Bridget. It Is another name for fate." A day or so afterward the mistress dis covered Bridget hobbling down the stairs, evidently In great pain and walking very lame. "Why. what on earth Is the matter with you?" she asked. "Oh. sure, ma'am." was the rep'y. "I've got bunions on my kismet." "Between presidential terms," said Sen ator Depew, "President Cleveland wen' hunting In tho Adirondack forests one time. He took along Chick Bruce for a guide. Chick Is one ef the best guides In the mountains. They were waiting for a shot at tt deer. Mr. Cleveland sat on a log with the muzzle of his gun resting against his heart. Chick saw where the gun iw and fairly yelled: "Here, you blanxd old fiol. in that gun loaded?" "I guess It Is," Mr. Cleveland replied humbly. Chick grabbed the guu and found It at full cock. Then he turned indignantly to Mr. Cleveland and said: "Suppose that gun had gene off and yeu had i.illed yourself, what do you think would have happened to me? Durn you, don't ou know I'm a re publican?" j They were talking about Colonel Thomas P. Ochiltree at the Waldorf-Astoria, re lutes the New York Tribune. There were throe men in the party, and the news had JOHN C. SIMPSON OF KNOXVILLE. Ia., FECRETARY IOWA DEPART MENT OF AGRICULTURE. of the bride in Adams county. III., Decem ber lfi, isr,2. They came to Nebraska In the fall of 1872, Mr. Harris having been engaged In farming, which he continued on coming to this state, buying a farm In Cass county, which he occupied up till March, 18113, when his advanced years caused him to retire from active work. Fourteen chil dren were born to Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of whom ten remain Veral D., Orvllle P. of Ashland, Slater of Pueblo, Colo., and R. Q. Harris of Omaha, and Meedames Asa Crane of Lincoln. John Fltz Roberta of South Omaha. Misses Ada of Lincoln, Rose of South Omaha and Daisy and Mania of Ash land. A number of presents were received by Mr. and Mrs. Harris and nil their friends extended hearty congratulations upon their fifty years of married life. The Nebraska duck hunters never en Joyed a more fruitful sason than the one watched his progress, and I do not know of any man in the limelight of publicity who has deserved more the things which have come to him than George Cortelyou. Mr. Cortelyou was born In the city of New York, July 2fi 18B2, and is therefore 40 years of age. He Is descended from one of the most conspicuous revolutionary nnd colonial families nnd his father and grandfather were prominent figures In the business and social circles of New York In their day. The names of George Bruce and Peter Crollus Cortelyou are Intimately associated with the typefoundlng industry In this country nnd for nearly half a cen tury they conducted ns partners the lead ing type house In the world. Among tho friends and associates of Secretary Cor telyouls grandfather were Horace Greeley, Henry J. Raymond. Hugh Hastings, Thur low Weed and others of the Brooklyn coterie of Journalists and politicians, and the open-handed hospitality of Peter C. Cortelyou, sr.. In his beautiful home on tho heights In Brooklyn and at his summer residence on Staten Island made him one Just come in that their former comrade had died at Hot Springs, Va. Just then a tall man, thin-faerd and smooth shaven, with long hair combed back, of his ears and his baldness hidden by a slouch hat, Joined the circle, and handed to the mem bers of the group nearest him a paper with the corner of the page turned down. "See .hit?" said the tall man, a he pointed to an article headed, "Colonel Thomas P. Ochiltree dead. Heart trouble cause of death. Statesman, Journalist, pro moter and humorist. His long career in the public eye. Well known In Texas, New York and Europe." The others simply glanced at the paper. They hud heard the news. "Well," said the tall man, "the world will laugh less for having lost 'Tom.' That's what I've always called him." "He used to tell some wonderful stories," remarked a small man, who looked as if ho had not yet got his growth. "He could always go you one better. I remember one time how he upset Lord Lonsdale, when that Englishman was entertained here on his way home from an expedi I n t; Alaska. His lordship was regrrded by some of his admirers as a wonderful ex plorer. He was quite a lion. I remember in particular a dinner which was given in his hener by Hermann Oelrichs. "Well, Ird Ixinsdule told many thrill ing stories, ami an audible 'eh!' went around the table when he finished telling of a petrified forest in Africa. In which he found a number of petrified lions and ele phants. As the Englishman lapsed into si lence and the applause sank to an echo, all looked to Colonel Ochiltree to defend his nationality and beat this petrified liou story. " 'Texas,' said the colonel, after a pause, has Its petrified forests, but al' hough they contalo no petrified lions they ar- remurkuble for having petrified birds fly ing over them." " 'Nonsense!' raid Lord Lonsdale; 'that Is Impossible. Such a phenomenon Is con trary to the laws of gravitation.' " 'Ah. that's easily explained.' responded Colonel Ochiltree, quickly. "The laws of ADDISON C. HARRIS OF ASHLAND, Neb. Just ended. That the provision of the law which limit 8 the dally number of birds to a gun to fifty and the total number that one man may have In his possession at one time to fifty is wise Is again shown by ths picture published this week of a party of Beatrice men taken as they ware return ing from a hunt on the Blue. Not that these men are game hogs, for they are not, but only sportsmen who cheerfully comply with tho law; In fact one of them writes to The Bee that the party had to loaf In order not to exceed the log.il limit, so good was the shooting they found. It Is only another evidence of the fecundity of Nebraska's waters as well a the soil of the state. Iowa maintains a state agricultural de partment as a part of the state govern ment and annually delegates from the county and local fair associations and from counties and from county farmers' insti tues meet nt the capltol and select a board to manage the state fair and publish a "Year Book" of valuable informal len for agriculturists. This year the board met and elected Hon. W. W. Morrow of Aftou President Roosevelt of the most popular and best beloved men In tho community. George B. Cortelyou's home training and associations were of the best and after attending public and private schools he graduated from the Hempstead Institute In 1879, and at the age of 16 entered the State Normal school at West field, Mass. Completing an advanced course in study there, he was graduated with honor nt lf, having prepared for Harvard university. Instead, however, of taking up the Harva-d course, as he fully intended, he entered the New England Conservatory of Music nt Boston, where he pursued several courses of study and tutoring in English literature classes of teachers from the Cambridge High school. While in Boston he became a private pupil of the late Dr. Louis Maas formerly conductor of the Philharmonic society of that city. During his musical studies Mr. Cortel you took up phonography and became one of the best phonographers In the country He came to Washington In lS'.H as private secretary to the fourth assistant post- Tellers' Pack gravitation down there are petrified, too.' " "Well," remarked Congressman Morse of Kentucky, quoted by the Philad. lphla Press, "you fellows have told a bunch of mighty stale stories and perpetrated a pun as an atrocious climax. I think I can tell one that will break up this party. It is suggested by my friend's reference to mint Julep. I suppose none of you ever heard the story of the origin of the mint Julep?" There was a stampede from the cloak room. Everybody went save Brandegee the new member from Connecticut, elected to fill vacancy. To him this story was told- "In the early days In Kentucky a stranger stopped over night with a distiller, who had some fine liquor and a very notable spring of water. Growing about the spring was a quantity of mint. The stranger mixed the mint with the liquor, spring water and some sugar, and he and the distiller got far into the night repeating the dose. "Next spring the stranger passed that way again; a woman came to the door 'Where's the old man?' the visitor asked " 'Dead.' replied the woman " 'Dead?' "Yep; a fellow came along here last spring and taught him to put grass in his licker and it finally killed him." " Among the many stump speakers who in vaded the middle west during the first McKinlcy campaign, says the Philadelphia Ledger, was Corporal Tanner, the w,H known pension attorney. At one small town lliinols he was suddenly taken il and the physician who had been snmnn ned directed, among other things. ,hat he soak his feet in hot water. "I don't think that would do any g0u,i raid the corporal with a serious air feenng' nt?" dr,r ,!h so' t.ue'r'l" d0v.Wn a hU ar,ifll',a' ""I tutes, the other replied: t burl" X ' b'h kh( t " 'D 63 at Ge"a- Impervious to criticism, though by no means oblivious of it, relate the New York I MRS. ADDISON C. HARRIS. as president of the department, an honor richly deserved by him. He owns a mag nificent farm in Union county, which he has personally farmed for many years and in which he takes the keenest delight. At the same time he is a man of culture and broad views and is conspicuous In state affairs in many ways. The board re-elected unanimously as secretary John C. Simp son of Knoxvllle, who was last year elected to that place. The fact that he was vir tually manager of the most succes-tful fair the state has ever had was sufficient war rant for his re-election again. One of the features of the Elks' trip to Salt Lake City last summer was the mount ing by a Jolly party of Colonel J. J. Dickey, the well known Omaha district superin tendent of the Western Union Telegraph company, on a passing water cart, and keeping him there while a photographer took a picture of the party in all sorts of attitudes supposed to Indicate abject grl"f and Inconsolable sorrow at the defection of a convivial companion. It Is a well known fact that a water cart has no terror for Colonel Dickey. master general. Mr. Cortelyou's record In the Postofllee department, known to Gen eral Maxwell and Postmaster General Blr, sell, came to the notice of President Cleve land, and when Executive Clerk O'Brien resigned to assume charge of the Wash ington bureau of tho Boston Transcript Mr. Cortelyou was transferred to the executive mansion and was appointed stenogrnpher to the president November, 18!)3, and three months later was promoted to the position of executive clerk to the president. It may be Justly said that within the administration of President McKlnley the importance of the office of secretary to the president grew to the dignity of a cabinet position, and in many essential particulars it is so regarded today. There Is no man in public life today who so Intimately en Joys the confidence of President Roosevelt as does Secretary Cortelyou, and should tho bill creating a Department of Commerce become a law there is no man would so ably fill the position of secretary to the new department as George Bruce Cortelyou. EDGAR C. SNYDER. Times, Thomas B. ReeL according to his Intimates, hardly relished tho title of czar" so generally conferred upon him in the days when as speaker he ruled a frac tious minority In the lower house of con gress. "'It is an epithet, not a sobriquet.' ho once remarked to me," said a friend of the ex-speaker the other day; "but I remember title CCaSl0n When he reaIly enjoyed the "We were walking along Pennsylvania avenue one day, when a newspaper wagon dashed up to the curb near us, and the driver called to several newsboys: 'Here yare. boys, new extra. Bomb thrown at the czar!' , " 'w' K'an.' replied one of the urchins. That , a fake. Here's the czar comln" up the street.' "Mr. Reed shook with convulsive appro, elation of the newsboy's idea that there was only one czar-a certain ponderous man from Maine." The friends of a w'ell known West Side rZT T,VUle,Iy lauh'nR 0Ver the pat k . h She made t0 the butcher the day before Thanksgiving apropos of the fes tUe turkey, relates the Cleveland Leader. fh. . n' ,he moat markpt Pt'-k out he b,r(1 for ,he TnankssjvnK dinnpr anJ there found a number of her neighbors, a 1 on (he same errand bent. Conversation turned upon the high prices asked for tur Kes this year, and the butcher, as he aressed a bird for one of his customers, re- w . k a8UaIly that 11 W89 '"""ly thlnr that the turkey, didn't have any galls this "It is easy to account for that." said the LTfw," "n'S ,he bu,phers who have the gall this year, asking such exorbitant prices for turkeys." The butcher's loquacity received a sudden neck, and when the woman went to the desk to pay for her turkey the cashier, no is the butcher's wife, turned upon her a cold and haughty shoulder, refusing even 'o look upon her. Since then this woman nas teen persona non grata at the butcher shop.