Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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yet known;
AHT. J'Ptr'ill.i, (int. -
A. PICK PITTS, Surnln Tunnrl.
i. UILI.IK8. Parnla Tunnel.
Mtm. TltliTTKH, l'etrolla.
H. H. I.AWRKNt K, WHlfr.rrt, Ont.
II. fl UK KM A N, Oil firlns or Hensalt.
NKHol.AH JKFFKIK, l,nnon.
Ul.KN RiiAI.KT, Fort Huron, Mlrh.
OI'Y Ie I'K.NCI KH, I,t tY""e, Mich.
nn 1'KNNWAHnr.N anh mhb. fenn-
IVAHDK.V. oil HprliiKK. Mit-h.
J. II. 1IfCK ltru.-eneld.
u H. lU'HWKI.U I'ort Huron, Mich.
WII.HoN MdKTONi rlili-ap. -
Al.KX M. CA.MK.HuN, J'etrolla, Ont.
EDWARD ROYCK, tiled In London hoa
pltal. . - Y 1 -
M!Tlt. tralnrnnn.
Miss LOTTIE LYNCH, Port Huron;
Sled In London hospital.
ED DEISAI.'d, l'restott, Ont.; died tn
London honpllHi.
MKH. J. B. KARNES, Woodotork, Ont.
AKC'MIK lOl'OLA88, AlvlnBtnn, Oftt.
M 1(8. RoDLEY. I'ort Huron, Mich.
VIOLKT RROt'K, t'hlrnro, aeed 11.
OKOIMSK HlltKHULhKll. Barnla, Ont.
Partial Mat of Injared.
J. J. Cuthbertaon and wire, Port Huron,
Flossie Cuthbertson, Tort Huron, Mich.
James P. Hamblln, Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. Samuel Cummin. Port Huron, Mich.
Hattle Northcy, Peterboro, Ont.
Jamea R. Northey, Peterboro, Ont.
Nctyie Cootc, Chicago.
Frank F. Baker, London, Ont. - i
SW N Morse, wife and three children,
Thomas H. Coote, Chicago. " .
Edward Deeant, Frescott, Ont.
Dr. Baall Harvey, Chicago."
Mra. J. N. Btewart and child, Oahkoah,
Wla " " '
Ruaaell Qui nn, Chicago 4 1 " '
James Danes, Woodatock, Ont.
Beatrice (Jeddea, Sarnla, Ont.
. Albert Lamonty Wyotnlag, Ont. , .
1 Mra. W. C. Ott and Margaret Ott, London,
, ,Pnt.
K. Shawl. Btrathroy. Ont.
W 8. Cote and wife, Flint, Mich.
(.', J. K.-MeDonald, Btrathroy, Ont.
Annie Sinclair, Komoka, Ont.
Mra. Pugaley, London, Ont.
Carl Btewart, Oshkosh, Wla.
Robert B. Jackson.
Hobart Stewart, Oshkosh, Ont."
' 'Jamea Balnea,-Woodatock, Ont.
Of the injured, Frank E. Raker has a
dislocated " shoulder and- lacerations;
''Thomas Coote, injured on the hip;
Mrs. Cool, bruises and Internal In
juries; Carl Stewart, fractured hip; Robert
Btewart, broken arm; Mra. J. H. Stewart,
fractured . Jaw and lacerationa; Ruaaell
Qufnn, bruises, burns and acalp Injuries;
V'Mrs. J. J. Cuthbertaon, Internal Injurlea,
lacerationa and brulsea; Flossie Cuthbert
'.' eon, bruised; J. J. Cuthbertaon, f-ctured
Jaw: and lacerationa; Mrs. Samuel Cum
' Tnlrtga, cuts on face and head; Dr. BbbII
. Harvey, lacerated, injured on head and
; bruises; John Blerd, fractured arm, Injured
j hack and scalp Injuries.
- ' Bodies Frightfully Managed.
,r , The bodies taken from the wreck were
Trlihtfully mangled, some of them almost
'"beyond recognition. The acenes attend
ing the removal of the dead bodies from
the wreck were pitiful in the extreme,
Several famlllea were on the train and
the car was ailed with the anxious cries
T of those separated from their loved ones, I
.not knowing whether they were killed or I
Miss Nellie Oeddes of Sarnla waa among
the killed. Bhe was returning with her
.. sieter, Beatrice Oeddes, from a visit to
relatives In this city. Beatrice was
slightly Injured and was brought back to
London on one of the early relief trains.
Not finding her sister here she became
convinced that she had been saved and
had. gdhe on to Sarnla and this tnoratng
.BeatripQ, left, confident that . she. would
mere meet ner sister Nellie.
The train bearing the dead reached here
this afternoon. All the undertakers In the
city were called Into service. There were
twenty-five bodies In all, and soma of them
were crushed beyond resemblance to human
belnga. , ' '
The bodies were placed In a row In the
"'tralhehed for identification. There were
. , seventeen men and alx women, well ad-
vanced In yeara, one young woman about
.. , iS, and one 11-year-old girl. A number
were Identified by' papera found In their
Injured Maa'a Story,
. Ruaaell Qulnn of Chicago, whose hands
, , were badly scalded, said In describing the
. VI . can hear the crash yet. Instantly
everything waa pitch dark. When the
craah oame I waa just about to go to sleep.
jVln lesa time than It takes to think a single
. thought, It seemed, I Was occupying the
best part- ot two seats. - My legs were In
, . ,one seat and my body in the other. I lay
...across the back ot one seat and could not
.move.' There were three men on top ot me
and they were like myself, unable to stir
.,, .1 yelled to them to get off, but It waa all
Boa fa la a, Itchlasj, Icabky
Bkla Diseases.
IOHEI-Permanently cured by taking
- ooianro oiooq uaun. u aesiroys ins
acilvs polsun tn the blood. If you have
v. , r . -, , , .-- ' . , .
A?? Ya.laU,
Swollen Ulanda. Klalnsa and Humus on (he
Pklu, Mucus Pati'hrs In Mouth, Sore
Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored BpOtS, all Livers on any part ot the body.
Hair or Lyebrows fa Ulna; out. take
Uotaalo lllovd ttalm,' eronrnnteed
to core even tne Worst ana moat deen
' seated cases where doctors, patent medi
cines and hoi SDrtnus fall. Heals all
aorea. stuns all aches and rains, reduces
all awaillnga. makos blood pure and rich,
completely changing the entire to(iy Into
, a clean, neauny condition. u. tl. M. naa
cured thousands after reaching the laat
Stages ut Uluod Pulaon.
. Ota - Rktinstlin, Catarrh, Bene
Itehlac Humors, Scrofula,
are caused by . an awful Poisoned Condi
tloa of the Blood. B. B. B. slops Hawking
and Spitting, Aohea and Palhs, Itching and
Bcratching; cures Kheumatlsm. !.'Htarrh
heala all Scab. bcaUs. fc.rupUr.ns, Watery
Blisters, foul festering Bores; by giving a
pure, healthy blood suitply to affected parts
Blood Balsa Cures t aartra of all Kinds
Suppurating Swellings. Ea'lng Bores, Tu.
mors, ualy U'.crrs. It kills the Cancer
I'olson and heals the eorea or worst cancer
perfectly. If you have a persistent Flra-
pi. Wa't
Pains, ta
take Blood Balm and they will dis
appear before they deve op Into Lancer.
. i ui,iutiki.a.
Hoy m lurce shmci tw ssf
ti'MacuL iae aa 4iret.Ml. Uotanie
lVlaaiBt.M. If.. llrnrn
when the rshf I Wjr is !.
If eat eared year aaeaejr will
Botaalo Blood Halm U. B. H. Is
Pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly
testra for W years. Composed of pure
Boianlo Ingredients. Strengthens weak
kiduavs and weak cures dyspep
sia. CompUtto dirst-llona with each bottle.
old la Onsas ky Boston S:ore Drag
Ileaaruneat, lUtfc and Uooalas t.
la t oaarll Bluds fcy R. 1. Anderson,
(MO Broadway. In Beat Oaaaha ky
Dillon Drasr
Tall or write any aaeve alerea.
Blood Balsa aeat kr tiartu on re-
-it e4 eve.
In rain. Partly a fro4) tbem again lay the
body ot a poor old woman.' 1 do not know
who she was,- but I know aba was dead.
Blood flowed from her wounds In a great
stream. The men above ma received moat
of the flow and one of them was nearly
choked to death. He could not. lift the
woman's body. He could not budge the
apace ef an Inch.
'Oh, It la too horrible. I can never for
get It. My lurk was to bare the steam
pipe bealde me burnt. Both my hands were
held against the escaping stam. Struggle
aa I would,. I eoulit not release tbem. While
my hands were held against the Jagged end
of the pipe, my body was perishing In the
awful cold. The steam ceased In a little
while, but not, aa you see, before the skin
was peeling from my hands.
"Then I was doomed to wait for twp
hours. It seemed two days, before I or the
men pinned upon me, together with the
dead body of the woman, could be lifted."
Iroa Ream Plan Men Dowa,
Dr. Baall Harvey of Chicago described hla
experience after the collision aa follows:
"I waa pinned down and could not move
a hair's breadth. An iron bar lay acroaa
my head, and It la a wonder It did not
crush my skull In. I waa held In auch a
vice that I could not close my Jaws. My
mouth chanced, I suppose, to be open when
I was caught, and It waa a fortunate thing
for me, for I had to breathe through my
mouth, and Ood Knows how hard It was to
do even that I believe I came as near to
dying aa It Is possible for a man to do and
not d'e."
Dr. Harvey said be suffered terribly from
the cold and was absolutely helpless when
rescued; ' '.'."' " . ' ' :
Freight la Reported Safe , and E
press Goes Ahead to
PORT. HURON, Dec. 27. There are con
flicting stories as to 'the direct' responsi
bility for the Grand Trunk wreck at Wan
stead, .but it la plain that It .was through a
miscarriage of orders. Both conductors
had instructions which. It Is alleged, clear
them of -blame, but the 'attempt to throw
the responsibility 'on Andrew Carson, the
operator at Watford, Is 'not In accordance
with the facts as 'hear as can he' learned
It la asserted In the Brat place that the
train dispatcher at London sent an order
to Watford for No. 6 to pass the freight
at Wanstead,' the- scene ot the wreck, be
fore the express reached Watford. How
ever, the operator at Wyoming, the first
station to the weat of Wanstead, reported
that the freight was still there. The dis
patcher thereupon, according to Watford
advices, cancelled the meeting order at
Wanstead and when the express reached
Watford, according to running rules In
force, It had a clear right of way to the
next scheduled stop, Wyoming.
Unfortunately after NO. 6 had left Wat
ford it was discovered that the freight had,
after all, started for Wanstead. All poe-
lb'e efforts were made to Intercept No. 5,
out e operator at Kings court junction,
an Intervening station, who should have
been on duty, could not be reached and
Wanstead was not a night office
There was no earthly means of stopping
the Impending catastrophe. The Wanstead
operator, who lives about sixty yards from
the station, saw the Impact of the two
trains and immediately rushed to the sta
tion to call tor aid. He 'had 'no sooner
opened the key than the message' was
flashed to him to stop No. S. - But It was
too late.
Cannot fnderatand Blander.
MONTREAL.":, Deo". J7.-Suprlotendpl
ncuuigan oi ins urana iruna railway says
his information la that about, twenty-live
were, killed and. thirty injured. He 'cannot
underatand, he sayn, how the operator, who
la charged with the mistake, made such a
blunder. He la ope of the oldost and most
reliable operators we have. The auperln
tendent aald he went Into the service with
the Great Western In 1S87. It appears he
failed to give the order to the passenger to
meet the freight. , , ,
Collision On Illinois Central.
LOUISVILLE.' Ky., Dec. J7. A fast paa
senger train ot the Illinois Central, bound
for Cincinnati from New Orleans, crashed
into a work train at Caneyvllle, eighty-tour
miles from Louisville today,
Three men were instantly killed and two
Injured. One of the engines waa demolished
and the other' engine and three ear were
Th killed-
ROBERT SMITH, engineer ot work train.
Elizabethtown, Ky.
THOMAS BELL, fireman work train,
W. O. ROBERTS, fireman passenger train,
Central City, Ky.
The Injured:
Louis Cofer, engineer passenger train,
Louisville, badly bruised and cut.
John Bandett. passenger, Loulsvlne, arms
cut and body bruised. '
, Collision on Missouri Palfle.
PAOLA, Kan., Dee, J7.A bead-end eol-
llaion occurred between two freight, trains
on the Missouri Faclflo railroad a mile west
ot Dodson at 1 o'clook last night.
Killed: .
T. P. NORTON, brakeman, Bedalla, Mo.
William Bedell, engineer; badly scalded.
Bpauldlng, brakeman; head cut and
gash on arm.
J. W. Hill, engineer; badly brulaed.
Both firemen were slightly injured.
- Train- Goes Into DMe-n.
CLEVELAND, 0.. Dee. 17. The weat
bound paaaenger train, which left here laat
night on the Cleveland Pittsburg road
I - - -
today while running rapidly and went Into
the ditch. -
J. A. Allen, baggageman: Albert Thornton
and Edward French. Pullman porters, all
received slight Injuries. It is said no paa-
sengers were hurt. The accident war caused !
by. enow tilling In a switch.
1 nr-DDV
I MtnttT
fsarleaone ' Actress Bwnllawe Bitter
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17. Dolly Earle, a
member of the "Merry Widows" company.
playing at a burlesque houae here, com
mitted auielde tonight in her dreaalng room
by awallowlng carbollo acid.
8he left the following note, addressed to
J. A. Falllnger, Rochester, N. Y.:
"Forgive me all; can't etand trouble."
'Miss Earle was about to years old. Her
home la said to be In Oklahoma. Bhe for
merly was a member ot the "Runaway
Girl" company, which stranded here about
two weeka ago, and Joined - the "Merry
Widows" company In this city.
Entire Estate does to the Wife
the Ex-eaket of tke
NEW YORK. Dec. 17. The will
Thomas B. Reed was filed here today.
It gives all his estate to his widow, Mrs.
Buaan P. Reed, and makes her sole execu
trix, a bequest to his father and mother
ftavUid lapsed by tbolr dcaUa,
Doeg Kdl Take Eoeeate Views of Hia
ChanoM far ths District Attotnoyibip.
Millard r. ainsrleton of Omaha Pnt
Forward aa a Candidate for
Minister to Liberia In
Cnae 4tm Vaeaney. T
From a Btaff Correapondent.)
WABH1NQT0N, Deo. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) W. F. ' Gurley, accompanied by
Mra. Gurley, Is In Washington on a visit
to Mrs. Gurley's parents. Mr. Gurley, in
addition to celebrating the holidays with
his wife's relatives, Is looking after hla
candidacy for the United States district at
torneyship of Nebraska, the vacanof In
that office being due shortly after the new
year. Mr, Gurley has filed a number ot
recommendations for the place With Sen
ator Millard. Today Mr. Ourlfy said that
In view of the candidacy of Lindsay and
Summers, he could hardly be regarded as
candidate for the ' office.
"I do not know what my chances are,"
he said. In reolv te a Question. "So far
aa i can Judge from newspaper .reports
there are only two candidates In the run
ning. It 111 becomes me, therefore, to
speak of my application' tor the position.
I have filed a. number of testimonials and
I. hope they will have consideration. Be
yond that I have no knowledge aa to how
conditions stand in relation to the district
attorneyship matter."
Mr. and Mrs. Gurley expect to remain
In Washington until New Year's.
Baaadere la Removed.
.The Indian office has, after great consid
eration, taken action upon the charges filed
against W. G. Saunders, bonded superin
tendent at Safttee agency la Nebraska, by
the Civil Service commission, and today
sent a- letter notifying Mr. Saunders his
services would terminate upon approval
of the apoplntmcnt of hla successor by the
secretary of the Interior. It U understood
that Wllbert A. Negley, how in the classi
fied service, will be appointed to succeed
Mr. -Saunders. Mr. Negley . was recom
mended for appointment when H. 0. Balrd,
former agent at Bantee agency, was re
lleved from duty by reason ot the Indian
appropriation bill falling to appropriate
any money for pay of an agent. Senator
Millard, however, protested against the ap
pointment of an outside man and won over
the Indian office to his way of thinking.
Mr. Saunders was appointed agent for
few boura and then covered Into the civil
service as bonded superintendent. Mr.
Balrd resented the manner In which he was
relieved from duty and filed cbargea with
the Civil Service commission, which were
Investigated. As a result of that Investi
gation the Civil Service' commission de
manded the removal of Mr. Saunders. Sen
ator Millard, who haa been a friend of Mr,
Saunders, asked that the matter be held
up. until he could go over the details per
sonally with the commissioner ot Indian
affairs and the secretary of the Interior.
The senator haa presented his aide of the
case to the Interior department The Civil
Service commission has demanded that ac
tion be taken and today Commissioner
Jones diapatched a letter notifying Mr
Saundera that hla successor would be
shortly on the-way te relieve him ot his
duties. .
,. Ilnarleton After Liberia Mission.
Millard F. Singleton of Omaha la a candi
date for minister to Liberia, to succeed
John ' A. Crosaland, present minister.
against .whom charges have been preferred.
While Singleton's name haa not been
fortnally agreed upon, It Is understood that
the Nebraska delegation will do' all -they
can for this well known colored 3an of
Omaha. . Mr. Singleton, haa been a leader
among the colored men of Nebraaka tor a
number . of years. It Is atated be ta-well
equipped for the position and should the
vacancy he declared In view of the charges
Bled against Crossland, that hla name will
be presented on behalf of the colored mep
of Nebraaka and adjoining atatea,
Senator Millard la dne to arrive In Omaha
tomorrow, having left for the weat yester
day. V
Raral Rontea in Iowa.
These Iowa rural free delivery routes will
be' ettabllshed February Is Manly, Worth
county, with two carrlera, area covered,
forty-five aquare tnllea; population, 1,015.
Thornton, Cerro Gordo county, with two
carriers; area,- forty-eight aquare miles;
population, 990.
Hearroea Murder Maaon aad Bach Ac
rases Other at Sabaeaeat
GREENWOOD, 8. C Dee. 27.W. K.
Jay, a young farmer of the Troy section
of this county, was murdered yesterday in
his own yard by Oliver Wldemad and hla
wife, two negroes living on the place. In
furiated neighbors seised the murderers
and a few hours later both were lynched.
Mr. Jay on returning home on Friday
afternoon heard Wldeman abualng his wife.
He went to the cabin and ordered the ne
groes to quit. Immediately afterward Mra.
Jay heard, the report of a gun and aaw the
two negroes . running . away. Calling for
her husband, she received no reply, and
looking around found him dead In a pool
of blood. . .
The alarm waa quickly given and par
tiea were aoon scouring the country tn
pursuit. .The negroes were captured and
i no m aoano wieusvu iu ujuiuci, ni ui
inuuest the man. however, said
both acknowledged the murder. At the
the woman did It and the woman accused
the man..
While In the custody of a conatable on
the way to jail they were atopped at the
Wlnterset bridge by a mob and both were
Jay waa a prominent Mason, having been
a high official In the grand lodge ot South
Give aenvenlr Albasa to German
Newspaper Wfclefc Baaoaeted
Frlace Hoary.
NEW YORK, Dec. 17. A committee of
newspaper men, representing the guests at
the Prince Henry banquet given by the New
York Btaats Zeltung, today preaented
commemorative souvenir album to the man
agement of that paper. The presentation
waa made by 8t. Clair McKelway ot the
Brooklyn Eagle on behalf ot the committee,
at a luncheon at the Hardware club, and
waa accepted by Herman Rldder of the
Dtaata Zeltung.
The album Is a large volume, bound In
dark blue levant morocco and lined with
heavy blue moire silk. The leather surface
Is embellished with imprints of the mono
gram "N. T. 8. E-." and with massive sit
ver mountings. Bundles of 'rod a tied with
ribbons, all of silver, form a border or
edge to the cover. The principal decora
tlona of the cover constat of two sliver
medallions, one bearing the anna of Oer
many," the other thoae of the Vnlted Statea,
and between them the Initial "H" eur
mounted by ' the coronet of the German
Prtnce. The silver clasps are ornamented
nlU ivy leaves siubvllalng trlcttdaMp, aad
Id relief tfir Sate of the dinner, February
2d. 1901.
Tee title page la an elaborate piece Ot
handwork, richly Illuminated In colore and
gold. The shields ot Oermany, the house
of Hoheniotlern and of the United States,
with a wreath of laurel aad Ivy leavea, and
a quill, symbolical ot the press, are grace
fully entwined Into an effective headpiece
for the Inscription.
FhajtokTapbe. of the German emperor,
PrUice Henry and President Roosevelt and
thftee connected with his visit te America
are Interspersed through tho subsequent
page, which contain in addition the formal
Invitation, toast list and menu.
(Continued from First Page.)
amphitheater will pass through the princi
pal bodlea of troops encamped at Delhi;
the cavalry camp, however, will be further
up the Grand Trunk road, hear Badll-Ka-Baral,
where the battle ef June f, 186T,
waa fought, and on the nearest aide of It
will be the camp ot the ruling chiefs of
the Punjab.
The camp oi the ether ruling chiefs ot
India will be situated at various points
on the western road from the Lahore gate
of the city to Rohtak, and on the south
western road from the Ajmere gate to the
Kutb and great will be the display and
furious the firing ot aalntes as the viceroy
visits each of these entitled to the honor,
the most highly JJrlted of all honors by
thij great' fudaforiea of the Indian empire.
, a, 'One) of Old! Chiefs Survives.
Of the ruling chiefs of India one and
one only, who was-distinguished as a ruler
In 1877, has survived to be present In 1902,,
the Rajah I Rajgan Raja HI ra Singh, C.
C. S. I. of the Nabha state In the Punjab.
The chiefs ot . Haldarabad and Baroda
were minora then, and the. chief ot Travan
cor had Just attained his majority. Every
other state among the leading ones in India
wilt be represented on this occasion by some
successor of the chief preaent In 1877.
At noOn 60,000 Illustrious representatives
of every race, creed and color will as
semble la a mighty arena beyond the walla
ot the city. J
Seated on glittering thronea, placed high
on a dale,, draped In Imperial cfimaoh and
gold, the center of 'that unparalleled as
semblage will be Lord Curson, governor
general of India, the British king-etnperor's
direct representative. Beside him will be
the klng-emperor'a only living brother,
Arthur, duke ot Connaught. At hla left
Lady Curson, the viceroy'a American wife,
daughter ot Levi Z. Letter of Chicago.
The viceregal camp, where Lord and Lady
Curson' hold court, Is the chief glory of
thia wonderful encampment. The tents are
hung with the costliest embroideries that
Indian looms can produce. They were de
signed . by Lady Curzon and are master-
pleoes of Oriental work.
Rich aa India is in luxurious textiles and
resources of pageantry, the appointments
for the durbar have been chiefly Imported
from France and England. Imported archl
tects and decoratore have heen at work tor
months transforming the governor general's
favorite places into gardens, palacea and
In order that the rest of the world may
learn about the magnificence of the affair a
special telegraph office haa been equipped
tor 100 operatora. The wires will have a
working capacity ot 1,000,000 words per day.
RepoMleaa Candidates File Contests
for Seats In Colorado Cta'o
x Legrlslatare, '
'J ..' .. .'. : , . . ;
DENVER, Dec. J7, The republican tight
tor control ot the legislature was formally
opened today when contests were tiled with
the secretary ot atate by fifteen . repub
licans tor the house from Arapahoe county
and the' four float districts. Contests were
also filed by the three defeated repub
lican candldatea for the senate.
The contest papera contain over 1,000
typewritten pages and declare that Frank
Adams, C. L. Burpee and C. F. Wilson, as
member! of the Fire and Police Board, R.
W. Speer, as president of the Board of
Public Works, and Hamilton Armstrong,
as chief of police, conspired together to
steal the election In Arapahoe county.
It ta alleged that 10,000 fraudulent names
were placed on the registration lists; that
of 8,000 qualified persons 1,000 were Imper
sonated and 'voted by others; that the
county clerk. Julius Achele, prevented
1,500 voters, 2,000 ot whom were repub
licans, from registering, and that the
Board of County Commlsaioners appointed
corrupt and criminal election judges in
many of the precincts.
The contestants demand that the entire
vote ot fifty-one democratic preclncta In
Denver be thrown out. If this la done the
democratic pluralities of over 4,000 would
be converted Into republican pluralities of
1,000 to S,000.
Contests were also filed against two
democratic representatlvea from Las Ani
mas county and ths office of state superin
tendent of publlo Instruction.
Arelle Clafc Collects larvlvora of
Many Faneona Exnedltlona at
Aaaaal Baaqaet.
NEW YORK, Dec. 17.-The ninth annual
dinner of the Arctic club, founded In 1891
by the survivor a ot the Miranda party, was
held tonight.
Prof. William H. Brewer, Yale professor
of agriculture, was toastmaster.
Others present were Henry Btederbtck,-
a survivor of the Oreely expedition; Dr.
Frederick A. Cook, the leader ot the Bel
gian expedition; Colonel David A. Brain
ard, a survivor of the Oreely expedition
and-a member of Baldwin's party last year,
aa well aa a member of the Lockwood ex
pedition; Langdon Olbson of ths Peary
1861-92 expedition; Brldgeman of three ex
peditions; F. 8. Taylor ot ths Oreely re
lief party; Anthony Flala, who. It is said,
will head the next Zeigler expedition; Rus
sell W. Porter, Rudolph Kersting, Amos
Bonsall, president of the Philadelphia Oeo
graphlcal aoclety and a aurvlvor of the
Kane expedition; H. C. Johannesen, the
navigator of the Vega In the expedition ot
Prof. Nordenakjold in 1178, and Evelyn
Baldwin, the leader of the Zeigler expe
Chleaa-o will Celebrate Haadredtk
Anniversary la September at
Heat Year.
CHICAGO. Dec. 17. The 100th anniver
sary ot the permanent settlement ot Chi
cago will be celebrated on a large acale
nsxt September, according te plana made
at a preliminary meeting of bustnesa men
The plan, which haa the sanction of the
mayor, la to have the celebration last five
or alx days. The tentative program In
cludes mass meetings, fireworks, Indus
trial, electrls and military paradee. yacht
races, athletic tournaments, patriotic and
religious exe-clses and educational con
ference. The first permanent aettler la Chicago
waa John Klaale, who came here with his
family la the taU ot llOt,
Dorr Howard EhooU Hlmxelf Becanae Ha
Believes Rival Wins.
hootlas; Oeeare la Room Where Rival
and Aahjeet of Caahi's Conflict
Are llavlna- an later,
Dorre Panford Howard, aged 16. had so
deep a boyish affection for Wllhelmlna
Sadler, aged IS, that he twice shot himself
In the breast yesterday that he might not
be an obstacle to her marriage with hla
older and more proaperoua rival, Walter
W, Dary of St. Louie, who haa been Inter
eated In the girl since she was an Infant
and Who Is aald to have assisted financially
In having her well and thoroughly edu
cated at Mount 8t. Mary'a convent, Caa
tellar and South Fifteenth streets.
The shooting occurred at 1:46 yesterday
afternoon In room 8 at the A; cade bqtel.
Thirteenth and Douglas streets, which was
the apartment of Daly'a friends, Richard
Schuman and wife, and to which Mlaa Sad
ler had been Invited by both the gentle
men. Dr. Powell, who attended the boy.
reports that one of the bullets of the 82-
caliber revolver he used glanced oft the
aternum, or breaat .bone, to tte left and
did no harm whatever, and that the other
entered at the median lino to the left of
the aternum botween the seventh r.nJ
eighth ribs, paaaed to the left through tho
cheat wall and lodged between the ninth
and tenth ribs, from Which he extracted It
after the lad had been taken to the Cen
tral hospital at 2212 Beward street. Dr.
Powell further believes the boy can be
about again In a week, providing no com
plications develop. In that caae the wound
might be very serious.
Girl and Her Lovers.
The girl la the daughter of Mra. M. A
Sadler, proprietor ot the employment
agency and rooming houae at 1194 North
Fifteenth atreet, but has not been living
with her mother since December 23, at
which time she became at age, and because
of what she describes as an estrangement
between tbem went to room at 1709 Cali
fornia street. Her youthful lover Is the
son of D. S. Howard, proprietor of the
Cumberland rooming house, directly oppo
site Mrs. Sadler's, on Fifteenth street. He
was in her employ until she became
alarmed at the attachment forming be
tween him and her daughter. Later he
waa with the A. D. T. company as a mes
senger boy. and tor the laat two weeks
haa been disengaged. '
Daly is a member of a St. Louis adver
Using firm and came to Omaha the day be
fore Christmas to be the guest of his
father, C. C. Daly, who Is manager of the
Kvans-snyaer-Bueii company, and rooma
at the establishment ot Mrs. Sadler, whom
he knew seven years ago, when both fam
ilies lived In Fort Worth, Tex.
Story of the Girl.
In an interview given at the hospital by
the girl late last night she stated that It
was during their Fort Worth residence that
Daly took a fancy to her. She stated fur
ther that she did not see him again until
he called at her California street rooming
place Christmas day, remaining but a few
momenta. Later he Invited her to call at
the room of the Bchumana at the Arcade,
and upon her doing ao, he proposed Im
mediate marriage,' she says, which she de
dined, because too young, and for the fur
ther reason that she had a very strong
liking for Dorre Howard. Frtday she met
Daly on the street, by accident, and he
urged her to call again at the hotel, which
she promised she would do "at o'clock
Saturday morning, After this meeting she.
encountered the boy, told him what had
transpire! and waa persuaded by him not
to go. At 1:S0 yesterday afternoon, sBe re
lates, Daly and hta friend Schuman came
to her California atreet room JuBt as she
was packing her trunk to go to the home
Of the Howards to live. They Insisted,
she says, upon her coming to the hotel, and
finally, "to get rid of them," she promised
to call at 1:80 it they would go. They did
ao, and she went, aa abe had promlaea,
though young Howard waa protesting and
accompanied her to the hotel, pleading to
be allowed to go to the room with her.
She found the room vacant and had
started down the stairs, when she met
Daly and . Schuman coming up with a
Christmas package tn the latter's hands.
Mrs. Schuman joined them at about the
Same time, but both the Bchumana left
shortly and Daly, ahe atatea, renewed hla
request for her hand.
Loved and Lost. -
At this juncture Dorre knocked and waj
admitted by Daly, who led him out agalu
Into the reception room and there told htm
ot hla (Daly's) long Interest In their
common friend. The boy was angry and
tempestuous, the girl says, and finally she
persuaded them both to go into the greater
privacy of the Schuman apartment, where
she perched upon the left arm ot the chair
Dorre was occupying and sought to soothe
him. At this tears cams to his eyes, which
so mortified him that he apologized to
Daly for seeming babyish In hla presence.
It la the girl's story that Daly answered
that he rather admired him for It and
walked to the north window with his back
toward the two. ,
A minuter later Dorre la eald to have re
marked as tragically aa a boy his age could,
that he "had loved and lost." and 'waa
going." He grabb-d bla hat from the bed,
the girl states, ana -rose abruptly, turn
ing hla back toward her rid thrusting both
hands into his overcoat pocrts, with his
hat under hla left arm.
The next abe observed waa the la(h of
hta pistol aa ha fired the flrat ahov with
the weapon pointed toward htm. She
grabbed hla ahoulder, but be fired a aecond
time, Instantly, and fell over against her.
Bhe let him atnk gently to the floor,
acreamed, and ran from the room. Turn
ing, ahe saw him reaching for his pistol,
which had fallen from hla hand and Still
contained, aa ahe afterward learned1' three
shells. Rushing back, ahe grabbed It up
and laid It upon the dreaaer. Behind her
came Mra. Kelley, the houaekeeper, and
Very soon a aultlolent number ot othera to
fill the room. The boy was helped after a
time to walk .to the elevator and out to
a back, which bore him to the hoapltal,
the girl seated at hta side with hla head
upon her shoulder, and Daly and a hotel
employe on the seat opposite. At the
hospital the girl waa forced to relinquish
her hold and sent Into another room, while
Dr. Powell and Mlaa Compton, the bead
nurse dreaaed the boy's wounds and placed
him under the Influence of an anaeethetio
long enough to remove the bullet. e
Girl ataya by Him.
The girl Is still at the hospital, assisting
In auch waya aa ahe can. Schuman ia
aald to have come out later and to have
remarked that a boy who would do a trick
like that ought to go to jail, which ao In
cenaed Howard'a father, who had arrived
at about the aame time, that a personal
combat between the two was averted with
difficulty. Howard'a father haa a belief
that aome sort ot conspiracy exiata agalnat
hla eon, but doean't appear to know exactly
why he tblnka ao. He atatea that Dorre
haa carried a platol for soma time be
cause ot a fear of the Daly family. He
further avers that herafter Wllhelmlna
aan make her home at hla house it she
chooses and that be will rotect her at
the, same instituting an Investigation Into
the shooting ef yesterday te make certain
that all la aa It appears.
Dr. Powell bellevea the boy shot . him
self. The hotel employes say that he hlm
eelf said so at the time, and the girl states
that although she first blamed Daly for tho
episode, he waa not even looking wh"n the
ahota were fired and did not go near How.
ard until after othera had reached the
room. 8he states also that Dorre told her
he holds none responsible but himself.
What the Mother Tells.
Mrs. M. A. Sadler, mother of the girl,
conducta the Hotel Monadnock, and a mea
aenger and employment bureau at 119
121 North Fifteenth street. When seen by
a reporter for The Bee laat night ahe made
this statement:
"This boy, Dorre Howard, waa a mes
senger boy for me about a year. During
that period he and my daughter met. I
vni-eu a growing intimacy between thrro
and took steps early, I thought, to keep
them apart. I placed Wllhelmlna In tho
Mount St. Mary'a convent, here In Omaha.
She had been In a convent seven years In
San Antonio, Tex., where we lived before
coming to Omaha, three years ago.
"I thought I had solved the problem
when I sent the girl back to the cenvent,
but I found, to my utter dismay, that I
had utterly failed. The Tooy, egred on
by the unwholesome advice of Md'.'r peo
ple, proteated hla love and relentlessly pur.
sued his determination of meeting her. Ily
some mesns or other he found this possible,
even after she was In the convent. The
girl, I learned, had been taught by some
of this boy s treacherous friends, that she
was a martyr because she had a mother
who refused her the privilege of running
the streets at random and allowing her to
keep company like other girls. This
poisonous advice found lodgement In the
glrl'a mind. I soon found all my pleadings
In vain. Presently the girl was dismissed
from the convent. The slaters did all they
could, but like myself, were opposed by
too great and bad Influences. The g rl
left the convent, came home, but waa
hard to manage. Thla aurreptltious court
ship continued, despite all my efforts to
prevent It. Finally I consulted legal advice
and iaeued written notices to every mem
ber of the Howard family to keep off my
Stenosirapher Assists Capld..
"I had a stenographer In my employ to
whom I committed my secrets, thinking I
could trust her. I invited her to make
her home with me and help me break up
thla companionship. To my horror I
learned that thla girl, who was my daugh
ter's senior, had betrayed my confidence
and was in collusion with the other side.
I dismissed her and about then my daugh
ter became of age. Feeling the dignity
which came with her 18th birthday, ahe
gathered up her belonglnge and left my
home. Thla waa the 28d of the month.
She has not been back since. Bhe made
her home with thia former stenographer
of mine, where the Howard boy called until
the landlord of the place set hla foot down.
Then my daughter was Induced to move
her things to the boy's father's place,
which Is Juat opposite my place. I de
layed the movement somewhat, but my ef
forts were finally baffled and the girl waa
dragged Into that place. I thought this
Waa the limit.
"I determined when t heard that ahe was
being taken In there that I'd get me a gun
and I'd atand at the foot of those stalra
and I'd annihilate the whole Howard fam
ily before I'd see a daughter. Of mine
dragged up those stairs.
"Well, the other day an old friend of our
family and a distant relative, a man with
whom I was once associated In business In
Texas, came to see us from St. Louis. Ct
was Walter W.' Daly of the firm of Daly
Broa., general advertisers there." I" con
ceived the Idea of getting Mr. Daly to help
me out of thla dilemma. Mr. Daly had not
seen my daughter for five years, when she
was a little girl, but he had alwaya ad
mired her and I believe he still has great
admiration tor her. "
Daly Tries to Heln Mother.
"I laid the matter before Mr. Daly. He
agreed to do what he could. His efforts to
meot the girl at Howard'a failed. Finally
he sot a friend ot his at ths Arcade hotel
to let him have the use of bis room. He
got the girl's consent to meet htm there.
The girl waa on her way to the Areade
yeaterday afternoon when ahe met thia It-year-old
lover ot here, and he walked to
the Arcade with her. Wllhelmlna. kept her
promise to meet Mr. Daly and the two were
In the room talking, when 'a knock came at
the door. Mr. Daly opened the door and
admitted thla boy, Howard. Daly treated
the boy courteously and when the lad tried
to atart a controversy about Daly'a being
there with the girl, Daly very tactfully
switched the conversation. Boon the boy
tried to resume his attack on Mr. Daly,
and to make a long story ahort Howard
grabbed his pistol and -turning It toward
him, fired. Before he fired the second shot
the girl caught htm, but not in time to
stop the trigger. The boy fell to the floor,
the girl gave way to loud crying and Mr.
Daly ran for the clerk. The boy made a
statement In which be aald, repeatedly, that
he shot himself. It waa a very unfortu
nate thing for Mr. Daly, who waa drawn
Into the matter entirely at my request, but
of course no one would attempt to connect
him, wrongfully, with the affair.
Mother's Heart Involved.
"I am of course deeply grieved at the
outcome ot this thing, but I havedone
everything that an earneat mother could
do to dissuade my daughter from receiving
the attentlona of thla boy. I have had not
only the stubborn will of a very obstinate
young girl to combat, but the unrlghteoua
Influence of meddlesome and treacheroua
outalders. I never allowed my daughter,
who Is my only child, to roam the streets,
and these people have Impressed her with
the Idea that I was abualng her In thla
aort ot treatment. My daughter is a beau
tiful girl, cultured and refined. ' I have
tried to keep her eloae to childish waya and
even have kept her In ahort dresses. I
am aatlafled of her character, and though
I would give everything I possess In this
world to have averted this.- I am -blessed
with the consolation that the girl Is pure
and feel confident ahe will yet come around
all right. I have not seen my daughter
since the shooting."
Carrlagre Washer Jackson Alma Well,
bat Inflicts Only llh
Alvln Ogle of 2002 Cuming atreet waa
ahot In the abdomen by Henry Jackaou
on Caaa atreet. between Fifteenth and Six
teenth atreets, yesterday evening about I
o'clock, but the bullet, whloh struck one
inch below the navel, waa deflected to the
right and the resulting wound waa alight.
Tom Riley, who waa with Ogle, went with
him to Hart's saloon at the corner of Six
teenth and Ca atreeta, where they tele,
phoned for the police. The Injured man
waa taken to the police atatlon, where hla
wound waa attended to. Jackson was ar
rested and charged with ahootlng with In
tent to kill. Ogle la a driver and Jackson
a carriage washer In the employ of the
Cotton Livery company.
The affair waa the outgrowth of a row
on the proceeding evening. Friday night
J. W. Cotton, the liveryman; Tom Riley. ureeoni Van G rdea. Ogle and
. Murnhv were In the Midland
J hotel bar. Ogle and aturpny were ooxiug.
According to Ogle's slatermht, he' acci
dentally hit Murphy tn the mouth and the
latter became angry and left the In
company with Cotfnn. Shortly after Riley,
Van. Ufirdrn and Ogle r.lso loft the saloon
and outside met the othe'r two. who wtre
waiting for them. According to Ojtle. Cot
ton and Murphy attacked him and he lit
self-defense knocked them down. The
party then dispersed and Ogle wcDt home.
Yesterday evening about t o'clock OrIo
and Riley were coming down Cass atreet
between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streoia
and encountered Jackson, who waa evidently
under tho Influence 'of liquor. As thoy
neared each other Jnckson aald: "D n a
man who would beat up old man
Cotton." Ogle made aome reply, acknowl
edging thnt he had knocked down their em
ployer. Jnckson then fired.
The prisoner aald In regard to the shoot
ing that Ogle had been looking for h m to
do for him and cnrrlcd a revolver and
knlf?, and had often assumed a bullying
tone and made threats about the stafclo
at night. The wounded man, on the o-.
trary, avers that he had never had any
trouble with JackBon.
The bullet struck squarely In the cen
ter of the abdomen, but Waa nVflectetl
around to the right by the fntty and mus
cular tissue, and made Its exit about, six
Inches from the point of entrance. It was
afterwnrda tound In Ogle's shoe; k'Thi
wounded man la one of the veteran hkek
drlvera of the city.
Mow la Prohahle . In , Nebraska and
Ions, Althonali Temperature .
Will Be Higher.
..WASHINGTON, Dec , 27. -Forecast ;
For Nebraaka-i-ParUy. clo.tdy Funday.
with possibly tiaht, auow flu'rlea; . warmer
In . aat . portion ; . aouthcrly .wlnu.
For Iowa--$now and .warmer Sunday,;, fair
Monday, colder la weat, enow .In cast por
tion. , ...
r For Kansas Haln or , enow, warmer, Bun
disy ;Monday, fair, colder. . ... . ..
, For Missouri Rain or now and warmer
Sunday; Monday, fair, colder In weat, rain
or snow in cant portion.. . . , .. .
For Illinois Cloudy and warmer Sunday;
rain or snow on Monday; ftrsh te o)ith
eaat wlnda., .
For- -South Dakota Fair Sunday, .codor
In southeast portion; Monday, fhlr. ,
For Montana Fair 'Sunday and Monday.
For Colorado Fair In west, snow and
Colder In eaat portion Sunday; .Monday
probably fair. . .?
Fer Wyoming Fair Sunday, except
probably enow In southeast portion; Mon
day, fair. . , . .
For North Dakota Cloudy Sunday, prob
ably anow tn east portion and south por
tions, colder in northwest portion;. .Mon
day, fair. . , ' - '
All Wool
more no less.
and Vest
Xo snoremno leas.
WE WILL GIVE $100.00
to any ont who will And. a thrend ot
cotton In any ot the goods of which
wo nsako.yonr elothes.. ;
ah -m ask la a trial and you will be con
vinced of what we eay.
Grand Parjis Company,
205 N. (6th st ;
New Tork. Chicago, Kansas- City (a
other placea. .-' ' .
KjtrEiFl eE V a. A iv M
Vihy Hot
Ton have been to Europe
Ton have seen Calttornla and
Colorado. Why net try Mex
Icot It la worth while. ,;.
The curious architecture;
the vast plaias, where the en
tire population of the city
gathers nightly to listen, to
the stirring strain of a mili
tary band; the rare beauty of
the women; the plcturesius
attire of ths men; the primi
tive methods of agriculture'
these are only a few of, the
score of things that can b
seen and enloyed In Mexico
Cut out this -ad. aend it to
ua, and we wilt mall yon a
book about " Mexico. Telle
Just what you want to know.
Tiekol Office, (323
Farnam St.
IimUi(i nnsrsisl
J!wU7 L liuaiiurs f alccr.ik.TJ
,., Cnvoa.'' rslulaM. aut auw
PslulaM, sad
lfU.f.tii.., As or ."eaa, ?
I-' V.s aa.Ti, a r 1 jrvmu
kNMsA''il Is'ie.iM QnaseTanfrV
I I niCC My Monthly Rag Jlatnr never falla
LAUItO BOX FRfcU. Dr. F. MAT, Bloom
Ington, 11L
Office of Lee-GlasH-Andreesen Ilsrdwar.
Company. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 1J, l.-No
tlce Is hereby giver) to the stockholders oi
the Lee-Olass-Andreesen Hardware com
pany that the annual meeting of the stork
holdsre of the company will he held at tht
officee of the aald company, corner of Ninth
and Harney streets. In the city ef (aiha
In the atate of Nobranka, on Tuesday, Jan
uary 13, A. D. at I o'clock p. m . fi
the purpose electing a board of direr-tore
for the company to serve 'during tht
eneulng year, and to transact au h olliei
business aa may pe presented at such mini
ma; II. J. f.KE. President.
W. M.. GLASS, Hecretar,
Oil Dlut