Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19

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Immediate Buainegi Qaiat Owing to Crnal
Holiday Dullness.
wholesalers. Mow Invoicing; and Mak
Ids; PrtparaHom for Spring; Hual
", Which They Kipert Will
Be Record Breaker.
Business In a wholesale way Is prilc
tlrally at a standstill and not much ac
tivity la looked for until after the rim of
the year. Jobhera are busy, however. In
voking and getting their stork In snaps
for spring goods. Traveling men are spend
Inn their holidays at their homea, ao that
they are not taking sprjng order. Retailers
are alan Invoicing and netting their goods
In ahape after the ruah Hint was experi
enced previous to- Christmas day. Accord
ing to all advlcea received, merchants
cleaned tip their supplies of Christmas
gnoila fnurh twtter thiin they anticipated,
and In fact had the beat trade on record.
That waa true of the country store aa well
aa of the Stores In the lurger towna. The
demand, though, waa not confined to strict
ly holiday goods, for the cold weather mode
all klnda of winter weight goods very popu
lar and merchants went a long way toward
selling out their stocks of staple lines. With
continued cold weather jobbers look for
a very nice reorder business to set In Im
mediately after the first of the year. They
also expect telr traveling men to find
merchants ready to place their advance
orders for spring lines, owing to the. suc
cessful trade they have had so far In
winter lines. Unless something unexpected
happens to change the general situation,
the feeling Is that the spring trade of 19oJ
will break the record of I'M by a wide
Collections have also been showing great
Improvement and now no complaints are
heard on that score. In the early part of
December, before much cold weather had
arrived, there was aome talk of slow col
lections, but now that merchants have'been
selling out their stocks they are meeting
their bills with unusual promptness.
The markets have shown very little
change during the week under review.
Everybody seems to be waiting for the new
year and as a result there have scarcely
been any quotable changes worthy of men
tion. The outlook for the future, though, is
very encouraging, as the demand seems to
be fully up to production, so there Is no
chance of goods accumulating. The general
Impression seems to be that merchants are
safe In buying their spring lines at present
Active Preparation for Spring;.
Business with local dry goods houses Is
very quiet, as the usual holiday dullnesa
prevails. Active preparatlona for spring
are being made, however. Travelers are In
oft the road having their samples remod
eled, trunks repaired and getting ready In
every way for the spring campaign of 1903.
Tralnloads of spring goods are arriving
and every available foot of space la blng
used to display the new lines, which they
claim are much more extensive than they
have heretofore carried. The growth of the
dry goods market In this city has been
exceedingly rapid during the last few years
and Jobbers have been able each season to
show a big Increase In their sales over the
preceding one, and they expect this coming
spring to make even a larger Increase than
ever before. This year haa been very satis
factory, both in sales and In results, and
wholesalers are calling attention to the
fact that Omaha now stands In the front
rank with the leading western markets.
There have been no quotable changes In
the prices of leading staples since last re
port. The mills claim that stocks of cotton
goods are well under control and any
change from the present basis will be In
the direction of an advance.
Hardware a Little Unlet.
Wholesale hardware men also report Im
mediate business rather dull. Merchants
are busy in the country getting their stocks
back In their usual form and invoicing, so
that they will not order more goods until
after the first of the year, even though, abey
are short. In the meantime Jobbers are
Invoicing and making preparations for the
future, so they find plenty to dv They'all
have a good word to say regarding thetr
Christmas trade and their reports irom
the country Indicate that retailers, also did
a good business.
So far aa the market Is -concerned, there
Is not much to be said, as prices are Just
about on the same basis they were a week
ago. There Is not much buying In any
quarter at present,- though, and probably
will not be until after the first of the year,
but no very radical changes are looked for,
except those cauaed by the readjustment of
freight rates.
No Changs In Groceries.
There was not a single change In the
grocery market during last week that Is
worthy of mention. Bugar la In practically
the same position it hue been for the last
several days, and so, also, are dried fruits,
canned goods, farinaceous goods, cheese,
rice, ooffee, teas and all other staple lines.
The markets are apt to hold about steady
at Chrlstmus time, but that aa been the
mi. this vear to a areater extent than
usual. Jobbers say they do not look for
any Important changes until alter janu-
arv 1
f ratio was exceptionally heavy ' with
hoiMMjjli.m ii n to Christmas day. but the
last two days of the week were rather
quiet and Jobbers look for a light demand
the rest of this year. They are making
hat r,ri,arut1nns for next month, however.
as they expect a very brisk demand in all
. Heavy Rnbbers In Demand.
There waa a verv good demand all last
week for arctics, felt boots and all that
class of goods. The extreme cold weather
made such a demand In the country that
retailers' stocks were soon exhausted and
sent In rush orders to local Jobbers. With
continued cold weather wholesalers say
they will do an enormous business all next
Leather goods Jobbers also did a very
satisfactory business, especially In Christ
mas sneclaltlea. Thev are not counting on
much more business, though, the rest of
this year.
After January 1 their traveling men will
start out after spring order once mor
and thev riuect to meet with good suc
cess. Retailers have sold out their winter
lines In good shape, and tnat always en
courages early buylna of spring lines.
Traveling men so far have taken more ad
vance orders than ever before up to this
time, and they hope to keep up their rec
ord during the remainder or. the season.
-i Frnlt and Prodne.
The demand for fruits was exceptionally
neavv the nrst or last week, nut tne de
mand, the Utter part waa very limited
The cold weather, of course, also had a
tendency to cut down shipments. The
ChrlHtmus trade aa a whole was very sat
isfactory and stocks were cleaned up in
good shape. Christmas decorations were
also In good demand and almost everything
was disposed of except one car that arrived
Ho far aa rtuotatlons go, there were al
most no changes at all, and the ruling
Prices will be found In another column.
The market on turkeys held up In good
snape. and trie wholesale price ruled from
16o to Ifc. The demand waa sufUclent to
take all that was offered, except a little
stock tnat arrived late Wednesday after
noon, ami aa there haa been very little
trade elms Christmas, most of that stock
I still In Jobbers' hands, although they
have been offering It at reduced priced.
The market on chickens, ducks and geese
aim held fully sleady.
There was no particular change all the
Week In the market on butter and eggs.
110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Neb.
Telephone 1S1U.
CHICAGO, Dec. 27. WHEAT The whea
market ha been dull and featureless.
llii'i Ho range. ' Trade baa been of no
importance elilK-r way. Argentina report
weather settled and favorable. New York
reports u loads taken for export. There
were 16 loads of Manitoba wheat sold from
lake port. Argentine shipments only 32.tnO
uu.neis. Blocks Simula Increuae liberally,
receipt have l.en 511.000 bushels and
shipments only bushels for the week.
Flour Itldn from Londou are reported bj
surr. i riaie nouses here turned out
cars and 6. AX) bushels of No. 1 r..rt
I UHN-Mnrket has teen lirm for the near
futures, but only very little change In tb
May end July. In December there are
uvtaaionai trades In small amounts which
srs hard to nil and affect prices by good
tractions, in January there has be
some covering by those who sold at higher
'cvs. iew lora reports I loads taker
for exixm. Slocks here will Incrrai lil,r.
ally. Weather la favurabl fur nuovement.
baniple ere steady.
OAiii-tiats have been firm and rather
cine. mere nas Deen prunt taking by
local bulls. The buying haa been by com.
nimaion house. There ha been .1
"I'lpping buslneas, with sales today of su.uuu
tnuihela by one coru.ern jt Is said over
bMlr t ha .(A.b r. . atHk.uvl . . . . .... , .
. .... " . vi i uuuer
i K'nirset tor sale
ko jlONij-The provlaloa market
oiued strong; sold off on local ofterlnss.
Jauuary pork w strong and advanced oa
shorts covering. There hat been no special
feature to the market; trnrte rather slow.
Condition of Trad nnd Quotations on
-Staple and Fancy Prodne.
FOOS-Fresh stock. 84c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. c; old rooster-,
I'⁣ turkeys, U13c; ducks, Mj9c; geese,
"Vtf e spring chickens, per lb., MjHV'.
DHE93ED POULTRY Hens, giftc; young
chickens, byr; turkeys, i:317c; ducks, hit
11c; g-ee, lo-jillc.
lil'TTER-Packing stock, 17317Hc; choice
dalrv. In tubs, aiiJlc; separator, ZS'SSOc.
FRESH FISH Trout, loc; herring, Sc;
pickerel, Sc; flke, tr; perch, to; buffalo,
dresaed. 7c; suntlsh, 3c: blueflns, Jc; white
fish, c: salmon, lc; haddock, 11c; codfish,
l-c; redsnapper. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per
lb., SOc: lob-re. green, per lb., 2-Sc; bull
heads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 2oc;
halibut, 11c.
CORN-New, To.
OATS 34c.
RYE-No. i, Vf.
RRANi-Per ton. $1150.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No.
1 upland, to.sti; No. 1 medium, 17.50; No. 1
coarse, 17.00. Rye straw. WOO. These price
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair, receipts light.
OYSTERS Standards, per can, 2Sc; extra
selects, per can, S.rc; New York counts, per
can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., S1.7&;
bulk, standards, per gal.. 11.45.
NEW CELERY Kalamaxoo, per doxen.
Zc; Utah, per doien, 46c; California, per
dozen, for stalks weighing from 1 to 14
lbs., leach, 4Vo75c.
POTATOES Per bu.. 60c.
SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes,
per bbl., $3.:; Kansas, 12.25.
-TURNirs Per bu., 49c; Canada rutaba
gse. per lb , lc.
beeth Per basket. vc.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doien.
11 50.
FARSNirS Per bu., 400.
CARROTS Per lb., lc.
GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dosen
bunches, 4."e.
RADISHES Southern, per aosen ouncnes,
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. a; siring
beans, per bu. box, 11.50.
CABBAGE Miscellaneous lionana swea,
per lb.. l4c. ,
UMUMS- isew nome grown, in cs,
cr bu., 7fie; Kpanisn, per crate, slid.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., n.W.
TOMATOES New California, per 4-bas-
ket crate, 12 75.
CAULIFLOWER California, per crate,
PEARS Fall varieties, per box, 12.00;
cilorado. per box, $2.26.
ArriiCO VKWirrii, wr uiii., " "
than. $4; New York stock, .25; California
Bellflowers, per bin box, $1.60.
GRAPES Catawba, per basket, 18c;
Malagas, per keg. $.O0'R7.00.
CRANrtKRRlES Wisconsin, per bbl..
$10; Bell and Bugles, $11; per box, $3.50. -
BANANAS Per bunch, according to site.
LEMONS California fancy, $175; choice,
ORANGES nonda urignia, w.o; Cali
fornia navels. tZ.; California aweet J aftas,
II sixes, $2.75. 1 - . ' .
DATES Persian, in to-io. boxes, per id..
6c; per case of Mb. pkgs., $2.26.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $1;
Turkish, per S5-lb. box, 1418c. .
UUAfu Kin r 1 lonua, t.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case,
llUKK-Kfw 1 org. n.oo; per dpi., j. i.
SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per bbl..
$2.26; per bbl., $3.75.
popcorn per id., ze; sneuea, c
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c: No. I green, 5c;
No. 1 salted. 7c: No. a salted. 6Hc: No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., SVsc: No. S veal
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, m2a;
sheep pelts. 25S75c.; horse hides, $1.50ii2.6u.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. i soft shell.
per id., 13c; no. z nam sneu, per id., uc;
Brails, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., Li'4c;
small, per lb., 11c; cocoandts, per doi., 60c;
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.,
6V4c: roasted peanuts, per lb.. 7c: black
walnuts, oer bu.. 11. 00: hickory nuts, per
bu., xi. do; cocoanuts, per iw, H.
nuotes the fallowing crlces: Iron, country.
mixea, per ton, u; iron, stove piate, per
ton, $8; copper, per lb. 84c; braa, heavy.
per id., svtc) ornss, ugni, per id., tfcc;
lead, per- lb., 8c; cine, per lb., 2Hc; rub
ber, per id., Wic
Si. liOnl Grnln nnd Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. $7. WHEAT Quiet; No.
-rea. casn. elevator, nominal: iracg. 74
74V4c; May, 76H&76c bid; No. I hard, 66
CORN-Steady; No. 2 cash, 5Hc; track,
46W8 December, 46c.
OATS Firm: No. t cash, 32Hc; track,
tu$c; may, jc Dia; jno. z wnite, a&c.
RYE Steady at 4fiMHc.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents.
$3.3&ijp3.60; extra fancy and straight, $3,050
su: ciear. ."wa.uu.
SEED Timothy, steady. $2.90(53.40.
CORNMEAL Steady. $2.30.
BRAN Higher: sacked, east track, not
HAY Easier; timothy. $11.00(516.00: Dral
rie, $10 50ro'12 00.
BAGGING B-164J7 l-lte.
PKOVlSlUPwB Pork, higher: lohhlnsr.
tandard mess. $18.60. Lard, weak at 110. ITU
Dry salt meats, quiet: boxed extra shorts.
$3.12H: clear ribs. $9; short clears. I. So.
Bacon, quiet; boxed extra shorts, $10.60;
Clear nu, iu.ou; snuri clear, sit.
METALS Lead, steady at 13.&5tfM 97U
Spelter, dull at $4.464.60.
POULTRY bteady; chickens, 8Vic; tur.
keys. 114c; ducks, 12c; geese, 8c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 23930c;
aairy, ictif.u.
.J . .... ., a. "J . 1 I I n
Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, bbla 8,010 11.00
Wheat, bu 64,0u0 64.000
Corn. bu.. 108.000 7booo
Oats, bu 61,000 44.000
Kansas City Grnln nnd Provision.
cember. 3c: May. estKiffeHMic: cash. No. !
hard, 67t&6Sc: No. X, 6 otic; No. i red, 660
on:, tiv. a, wywjui. , rth nara. khuwc; re
jected, 64c.
wkn-uecemoer. I7c; May. 7,e: casn.
No. 1 mixed, 74l&374c; No. I white, 88c
No. 8, 374c
oats wo. 3 wnite, ssc.
RYE No. 1 44c.
Receipts. 8hlDments
Wheat, bu 18.400 3.6"0
Corn, bu 62,100 76.900
Oata, bu 13,000 tO.OOO
Philadelphia Prodnco Market.
Scarce and firm; extra western creamery.
SOc; extra nearby prints, 3c.
EOGS Firm and In good demand: fresh
nearby, 28c, losa off fresh western, 28c, loss
off; fresh southwestern, JMjZTc, loss oft
rresn soumern. ac. loss on.
CHEESE vulet but firm: New York full
creams, prime, small, 1314c; New York
full creams, ratr to good, small, 131340
New York full creams, prime, large, wia
New York full creams. lair to good, larae.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 27 WOOL-8teadv to
Arm; medium grades and combing. 17'2G4c;
ugni nne, iiiuc; neavy nne, ugiK; tub
wasneo, i(bc.
LONDON. Dec. 27. WOOL The arrivals
of wool for the first series of the 1902 auc
tion sales amount to 96,648 bales, lucludlna
.i,iAAf lorwmrucu uirvci iu spinners.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Dec. 27. WHEjiT Mar
ket steady; No. 1 northern. T!iiic; No.
ntrtnern. lovkvisc; May, uc.
RYE Steady: No. 1. 6Hc.
BARLEY Firm; standard. Mc: sample.
Kansn City Llvo gtoek Market.
ceipts. 700 head; market unchanged: native
steers, 8?.Tbu.ui; lexas and Indian steer
12 76a4.: cows and heifers. II 7o4i3.00: na
tiv rows and neirsrs,; Blockers
and feeders, iz.wjcm.uu: bulla. K lhtiA 23
calve, $2.754.5; western steers. $3 0i&6 30
western cows, u was a; cattle receipts fo
the week. Il.OuO head.
HOOS Receipts, J. 000 head: market 5rl0c
higher: bulk or sales, H4-.s0; htavy
$6 4 7 4(16.56; packers, Mluu46; medium
$6 yi(ut.0; light, ?6.1f3 ii; Yorkers,
4o: pigs, 10; receipts tor ins week neaa.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none
market steady and nominal; mutton. $3.00
4 10; lambs. Hiot6; rang wethers.
$301460; ewes, $J.Di.4 ; receipts for the
week, a,ouo neaa.
t. Lonls Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. . CATTLE Receipts,
100 head. Including 60 Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
64 i.-t 00. wltn strictly fancy wortn up t
$'.75: dressed b-f and butcher steers. $4.00
tie. 75: steers under I.ouO lbs . $3.7M 0o
siockers srd fevdere, $2 toi Jf; cows snd
heifers, t! tt4 ou: canrrs 11 hxlil 50: bull:
U 6OU4.00: calves. $4 .Ouui.40; Texas and In
dian steers, $3.iOa4 80; cows and heifers,
i W3 so.
HOOS Receipts. T ooo bead; market ac
tive and 6v)oc higher; pigs and light.
All Commodities Ire in bat Blight Demaid
on Board of Trade.
Wheat and Oats Close I'nrhanged,
'Torn Rise Slightly, While Pro
visions Oscillate Between
Small Losses and Gain.
CHICAOO. Dec. J7.-There wsi little do
ing In either grain or provision pits today,
but In spite of the extreme dullness the
market exhibited steadiness. May wheat
closing unchanged. May corn He higher
and oats unchanged. May provisions were
2Wc lower to 2Vii5c higher.
The only feature In the wheat pit was
the steadiness manifested In the face of a
very dull market. Receipts In the north
west and at prlmarjy points were again
small and helped In maintaining prices.
There was a tendency early toward higher
prices, but realising by the bull leader held
the market and fluctuations were confined
lthln a very narrow range. May opened
nchanged, a shade higher, at 77V77Sc,
nd sold between 77c and 7"Hc. closing
nchanged at 77VC. Clearances of wheat
nd flour were equal to 247.400 bushels. Pri
mary receipts were 676,600 bushels, agalm t
618.900 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and
Dtnutn reported receipt of Zi7 cars, wnicn,
Ith local receipts of 59 cars with only
one of contract grade made the total re
ceipts for the three points of 336 cars, com
pared witn 4 cars last weeg ana cars
year ago.
Cofn ruled extremely dull In the absence
of influential news. Nearby deliveries were
firmer, due to covering by a few scattered
short lines. The weather was a weakening
factor, being clear and cold throughout the
west. May waa c higher at the close at
43ic, after selling between 43V(j;43c and
43Vic Local receipts were 266 cars, with 7
of contract grade.
Oats ruled steady, with only a ngnt trade.
nd there was little change In prices. The
cash situation was again a bull factor and
traders were largely on tne bull slue, way
loeed unchanged at S4c. after ranging be-
ween 33Tc and 34VsC. Local receipts were
2 cars.
Provisions were stronger at the opening,
Influenced by a light run of hogs and higher
prices at the yards. I'ackers were not as
active buyers as they had been for several
days previously, and with no outside sup
port the market sagged and part of the
early rise was lost. The trading on the
whole was light and the close wns steady,
May pork being 2Hc lower at $16.45, with
lard 2Hj5c higher at $9.55 and ribs un
changed at $S.67H
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.
50 cars; corn, 230 cars; oats, 235 cars; hogs,
36,ooo Head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. CIoe.Yest'r
Wheat I
Deo. 74?, 75 74 75 741
May TTWH, 77 77i, 77H,77Vi'u34
July 74V'6 74 74, 74H 74Vi
Dec. 4 4Wi 45H 4SH 4614
Jan. 44Vt 45Vi 44 4&, 44'4
May 43H'&tt 3 43'i& 43 4Z
Oats ,
Dee. 32H 82M, .12 33 32,
May 33T'tf34. Si 33Ts 34 84
PJan7 17 20 17 30 17 20 17 20 17 024
May 16 60 16 60 16 46 16 46 16 47
Lard i
Dec. 10 40 10 42H 10 35 10 42 10 30
Jan. 9 974 9 97 9 95 9& 924
May 9 674 9 60 9 524 55 9 524
Jan. 8 55 8 674 8 624 8 524 624
May 8 724 8 724 8 674 674 8 674
No. 2. "New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOL'R Oulet but firm: winter patents.
$3.40183.50; straights, $3.HV3.30; spring pat
ents, $3 40ft3.70; straights, $2.903.20; bak
ers, $2.262.7B.
wheat wo. z spring, Ysuvac; o. a, kw
73c; No. 3 red, 74V75c.
CORN-NO. 2. 454I&464C
OATS No. , 324c No. 8 white, 324J?33o.
RYE No. 2, 49c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 30042c; fair to
choice malting, 45g56c.
HEED No. 1 nax. . i: io. l nortnwest-
ern, $i.Z4; prime timotny, ciover.
contract grade Jl't.85.
PROVlBiONB Mess porg, per pni., u.
sides' (loose), $H.6)8.75. Dry salted shoul
ders (boxed), IS.26ig8.50; short clear sides
(boxed). i8.iH(0.o.
Following were the receipts and shipments
ol flour and grain yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments,
Flour, bbls.
31,800 , 10,200
Wheat, bu..
. .2x3,800
.. 36,000
.. 71,300
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu....
Rye. bu
Barley, bu.
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter marKet was quiet and easier: cream
eries. 1K&774C; dairies, 17ft2Sc. Eggs, steady.
10HS on, cases returned, idc. cheese, nrm.
Huotatlons of the Day on Various
NEW TORK. Deo. 27. FLOUR Reeelots
80.323 bbls.; exports, 17,002 bbla.; steady,
without change: winter oatenta. I3.604l3.70:
winter straights, W.4C4j.56: Minnesota Dat-
ents, $4.0O4i4.2O; winter extras. $2.86u3.16:
Minnesota bakers', $3.2553.40: winter low
grades, 2.85Ji'2.96; rye flour, dull; fair to
ooa, j.lorflj.4o; cnoice to fanry, J3.fxiT3.80:
uckwheat flour, steady, 12.3(.35. spot and
to arrive; corntneal, sleady; yellow west-
mm 1 1 in. Allu SI 1 W V. ....... 1 .... I .. ao .. 1
... UI.IIUJHIIIC) a.UIIie-?,
RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, f. o. b., afloat,
BARLEY Steady; feeding, Jg-lOc, e. L
Buffalo; malting, 4oh, c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT ReceiDts. 96.8SO bu.: snot, firm!
jno. i rea, etc, elevator; ino. z red, oc, I. o.
d., anoat; jno. i portnern, uuiuth, 874c f.
o. D., anoat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba. bic
o. b.. anoat. in absence of cables or
other Important news, wheat was dull all
day, but steadily held on the strength of
corn snd light offeringa: the close was
steady; December, 4c off, under deliveries;
May, 814'1 6-lttc. closed SI 4c; July, closed
CORN Receipts. 4.400 bu.: exports. 3H.K99
bu.; spot, steady: No. z. too, elevator; 684c,
f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 yellow. 60c: Decem
ber corn advanced a cent on covering, and
all positions up to May were also affected;
stocas oeing ugni ana grading still poor
tha December ootlon closed In higher! .Ian
uary, 40 up, and May, unchanged; January,
tVt4tf55c. closed 65c; May. 48 7-16$!84c,
closed 484c; December, etTttjtBc. closed 6.'c.
OATS Receipts. 138.000 bu.: exports. 25.210
bu.; spot, firm; No. 2, SVifSSHc; standard
white. 384c; No. S. 74c; No. i white, 394c;
No. I white. 8S4tr385.c; track mixed west
ern, nominal; white, 38 Q -13c; option market
was steady ana quiet.
HAY Quiet ; shipping, KfiTOc; good to
choice. i5cjtl.00.
HOPS uulet: state, common to choice.
1902, 2937c; 1901, tVg26c; olds, 7ffil24c; Pa
cific coast, 1902, 25tr31c; 1901, iita'Mc; old, 1'tt
HIDES Quiet: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs..
18o; California, 21 to 2a lbs., 19c; Texas, dry.
24 to 0 lbs., 24c.
WOOL Firm; domestic fleece. 25830c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady: family. $16 00
(18.00; mess, $10.5011.00; beef hama, $2.xy
LOO; packet, $14ft16; city extra India mens,
'5.jr.; cut meats, quiet; pickled beUten,
j - ... a -rc . I. ,1 v. . . 1 .( .. j nr.:.u c.
ao. H'tJ i, iiiwirM Fiiuuiucia, fa.Mi3.w(
pickled hama, $11 253ll.f0. Lard, firm; con
tinent. $11; South American, $11.50; com
pound, 7.604W 75. Pork, firm; family, $18;
short clear, $7123; mess, $18.0018 60.
bUTTr.K steady; extra creamery. 28c:
extra factory, 164ffl84c; creamery, com
mon to choice, Clire; held creamery, Zi'it
26c; stats dairy, 3ui(j.:'6c; renovatod, 164
CHEESE Firm: state, full cream, fancy
small, colored, tall made, 14c; late made,
U4c; small white, fall made. He; late
made, 13Vul14o; large colored, fall made,
14c; late made, 134c; large white, fall made.
14c; late made, 134&134C.
KUUif nrm; state ana t'ennsyivania,
average best, ZSc: refrigerator, 154'u-lc;
western, fancy, graded, 2oc; western, poor
to prime. 2oi25c.
TALLOW Steady: city. Bc: country.
POL I.TRT Alive. nominal and un
changed. Dresaed, Irregular; western chicks.
I2tal24c; western fowl. 12c; western .tur-
kevs. lTtiisc.
METALS The metal market was quiet
today, but steady, a there was no pres
sure to sen. copper, aun and unchanged.
at $11.00 for standard. $11.75 for lake and
$11,624 for electrolytic, and casting, nom
inal: tin. firm, at $6 OOa ai. 25 : lead, oulet
at $4,124: spelter, weak, at $4.75; Iron, quiet
ana nominal, uncnangea.
Sew York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Deo. f7. MONEY On call
steady, with all loans at per rent; time
money oulet at per cent for eu and 90
days and 4 per cent for six months;
prime mercantile paper, g per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Slightly easier,
with actual business In bankers' bills al
4.oJbu4.ftb87S for demand and at $4 aU4 8i25
for sixty days; poeted rates M M and $1 874
commercial bills, HK.'44.83H.
SILVER Rar. 41m:; Mexican dollars. Hie.
funding 2, registered, 1'; do cou
pon, 1""4; Ss, registered. 1074: do coupon,
I1; new 4. reentered and coupon. i;io4;
old 4a, regltered. 1"9; do coupon, 110; 6s,
reelsttreil and coupon. 1H.
The closing tjuotstlona on bonds ars as
V. 8. ref ta, reg.
do coupon
do S. ivr
do coupon
do Bfw 4a. reg.,
do coupon
do old 4a. r...
do coupon
do Ba, reg ,
do coupon
Atchlaon (en. tt.
do ad). 4a
Bal. A Ohio 4a..
do 14a
do conv. 4a....
Canada So. ta
Central of Oa. ta
do la Inc
Chea. Ohio 4'y
Chlcaao A. IWa t. N sni.
..lox't M'V Central 4..
..10V So Is Inr
..100 Minn, ft 8t. L 1
..II', u . K. A T. 4s.
..US' do IJ
..lot N. T. Tentnl U
..111) I do n. I'k...
..1"S N. 1. C. tn Bs
..)i3 No. Pacltc 4a...
..K'l I do
.. tt K. W. c. .
. Tt
. 4
. 4
. at
. TIti
. lH
. 7
..101 Hetillni fen. 4s.
.. l St L A I U e.
5a. ...1134
..104V St. L. A 9. P. 41
. 7
. M
. t.'4
. law,
. 7S4
. T4
. .1,
. Vk Bt. L. B. W. la....
..lit ' do Is
.. T'i 8 A. A A. P. 4l...
..113' So. PlcHe 4
.. 0 an. Rallvmr (a
.. M Tn A Pacini- la
C, H g. a. 4
C. M
C. A
t ft P t 4a . .111 T . tit. U. W. 4a
N. W. e. Ja IM4 I'nlnn Parlno 4a
C. R. I. P. 4.
lii"V do four. 4a
't Wlta.h la
M I do 2a
in drb. B
lui '4 Wert shore 4a
r c r 1 n L 1. i
Chicago Tar. 4a
Colorado Bo. 4a
I 'enter Se R. f). 4a.
Eria prior lien 4a..
do general 4a
r W. A D. C. )..
Hocking Val. 4.
St Wheel. L. K
M'4 Wia. Central 4a
110 IL'on. Tobacco .
Market Is I'ncertaln nt First, bnt
Close Firm nt General Advnnee.
NEW YORK. Dec. 27. The stock market
halted In an uncertain way today before
the publication of the bank statement, and
after a dip following the publication was
strongly supported and closed firm at gen
eral recoveries. Hock Island and Amalga
mated Copper were effective leaders. The
24 point rise In Rock Island had no other
explanation than a good statement or earn
ings for November and claims for very
lnrge future earnlnes. The buying of the
stock was concentrated and was attributed
to western orders. The movement In Amal
gamated was reported to be due to buying
on account of rival Interests, which was of
fered aa corroborative evidence of the ru
mors of an agreement to end the copper war
by arbitration. Amalgamated Interests put
out disclaimers of these rumors. The stock
advanced 3 on very heavy buying. There
was palpable profit-taking In Brooklyn
Trsnslt, Manhattan and under cover of the
new movement In Rock. Island. Reporta
from the west of a threatened breach In
railroad relations growing out of the recent
contest In Colorado Fuel caused a break in
Denver & Rio tlrande preferred. The de
crease of over $2,000100 In banking reserves
was larger than foreshadowed. Borne re
lief waa felt, however, at the decrease In
loans, although It was small, as there was
some apprehension that loans had been ex
panded during the week to obtain funds for
the liquidation of foreign obligations.
The heavy drop In cash reserves and the
enormous expansion In credits of the banks
of Kngland and of Germany attracted at
tention. This 19 not nnnormai in tne great
central banking Institutions abroad, and
there Is always a quick and violent return
of funds into the reserves after the turn of
the year. The retention of the 4 per cent
nanic or Kngiana rate, nowever, is not 01
much significance, as the bank has been
charging 44 per cent. And $100,000 was
trahnrerred to New orieana tnrougn tne
subtreaBurv todav. and the squeeze of De
cember shorts In corn disclosed the possl-
hllltv of an emergency from tnicago lor
money. A feature of the day was a numoer
of sharp advancer in inconspicuous siocks.
The following are tne closing prices on
the New York stock exenange:
.. MV, 80. Railway
. .1'K"h da pfd
.. t Tnu A Pacific
.. i .Toledo, St. L. A W
..132 I do pfd
.. 7:4 Union Pacific
.. 47t do pfd
.. K'-k Wabaah
.. 70S do pfd
. 134
. 924,
. 40
. 24
. 46
. I
. 2H
. 41'4
. 244
. 334
. 2
. (24
do pfd
Bal. A Oblo
do pfd
Canadian Pacific
Canada 80
Chea. A Ohio....
Chicago A Alton
do pfd
Chicago, Ind. A
L... 74 Wheeling A L. E.
do pfd
1 I do 2d pfd...
Chicago A E. III..
Chicago at N. W..
.195 Wia. Central
. ltW do ptd.
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd.........
80 lAdwna Ex
.. S Amarlt-an Ex
..217 U nited States Ex.
,. 17V4 fWalla-Fargo Ex..
.. 2V Amal. Copper ...
Chicago A N. W..
Chicago Ter. A Tr
do ptd.
. 34
. 4H
C. C. C. A St.
L.... KVaiAmer. Car A F...
Colorado 80 274
do pfd
do lat ptd 4
Amur. Us. Oil...
do 2d pfd 43
do pfd
American 8. A R...
do pfd
. 411
. 42
Del. A Hudaoa 14
Del. L.. A W Z50
. 14
Danrar A R. U..
40 Anac. Mining Co....
ii...i.u. n 1-
. V4
do pfd
. S4
. S04
.... 4 Colo. Fuel & Iron...
.... S6 Cons, nas
. ... 41 Cont. Tobacco pfd...
.I..1HKV, Oin. Electric
.... 7S4 Hocking Coal
.... 96 Inter. Paper
. ...HSH1 do pfd
.... S8' Inter. Powtr
70Vi Laclede Oaa
.... 45 .National Biscuit ....
....116 'National Lead
....13SNo. American
146 Pacific Coast
....13!l4 Pacific Mall
JIVPfople'a Oaa
.... 17 iPreaaed 8. Car
,...1084 do pfd
....ll)7v Pullman P. Car
.... 26 Republic Bteel
6 I do pfd
....172 8ugar
.,..1524.Tenn. Coal A Iron..
.... 7214 Union Bag P
....81 do pfd
.... lot I'. 8. Leather
16.'.H do pfd
.... 14 I'. 8. Rubber
.... M I do pfd
7TI U. 8. Stael
74 do pfd
.... 80 Weatern Vnlon
.... 71 4 Amer. Locomotive..
27 'i do pfd
.... 14 K. C. Southern
....17S do pfd
,...12V4 Rock Inland
.... 4H do pfd
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd.......
. l4
Great Nor. pfd..
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illinois Central .
Iowa Central ...
do pfd
Lako Eria A W.
do pfd
L. A N
Manhattan L....
Mat. at. Rr
Mn. Central ...
Mn. National ..
Minn. A at. Ii..
Mo. ratlfic
M.. K. A T
do pfd
N. J. central ..
N. Y. Central ..
Norfolk A W...
do pfd
Ontario A W....
Paunaylvanla ...
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
St. h. A 8. P...
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
8t. L. 8. W
do pfd
81. Paul
dti pfd
. 18
. 71T
. (
. US
. 48
. 2K
. lit
. 88
. 184
Boston Stock Qtiofntions.
BOSTON, Dec. 27. Call loans, 67 per
cent; time loans, 6rj4 per cent. Official
closing ol etocas ana uonas:
Atchlaon 4a IM, Allouei
.. 4
.. 834
Oaa la..
89 Amalgamated
Mai. Central 4s..
do pfd
Boston A Albanr
. . 78 Bingham
.. 84 Calumet A Hecla.
.. K Cantennlal
..257 Copper Hango ....
..194 Tiomlnlon Coal ...
.. 17
.. 884
lioalon A Ma
N. V.. N. H. A H... 174 Franklin
Fltrhburg pfd 141 Iale Royals
Union Pacific loo4 Mohawk
Mai. Central 234 Old Dominion ....
American Sugar lVilOaceola
do pfd 10 I Parrot
.. 1044
.. 064
.. 24
American T. A T. .. ,1834'Qulncy
Dominion I. A B
40V Tamarack
Uen. Electric
Maaa. Elactrlc
do pfd
United Fruit
V. 8. Steal
do pfd
Watalngh. Common.
.177 iTrlnliy
. 854' United Btaloa
. 934 Utah ..........
.11014 Victoria
. SoVWlnona
. 844, Wolverine
. IMS Daly Waat
. 16 I
.. 9U
.. 224
.. 26'
.. 44
.. 4
.. as
.. 884
Iondon Stock Mnrket.
LONDON, Dec. 27.-Closing quotations
Conaola lor money . .. 93 New Tork Central. ., .1534
do account 88 1-14 Norfolk A Weatarn... 1i
Anaconda 44 do pfd. . 814
Atchlaon 84 Ontario A Waatern... 81Ti
do pfd 102 Paunaylvanla 794
Baltimore A Ohio... .1024 Rand Mioaa
Canadian Pacific
1364 Reading
, $84
, 444
Chtaapaaka A Ohio
ChUaso O. W
Hni do lat pfd
2II141 do 2d pfd
Boutharn Railway...
2i I do pfd
414 Southern Pacific
93, Union Pacific
174 do pfd
tl4 United glatea Steal.
46 I do pfd .
. 24
44 Bt. r...
Pa Beers
Denver A R. 0 -.
, 964
. 4
, 664
, 674
do pfd
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Illlnola Central
144 W aoaah
, 21) 4
Loulavlllo A Nash... 130 I do pfd.
. 444
Mlaaourl. K. A T ... 274'
PAR SILVER Quiet; 22 J-16d per ounce.
MONEY 4 per cent. The rate of dls.
count in the open market for short bills
Is 44i44 per cent and for three months'
tins 4 per cent.
New York Mining; Quotations,
NEW YORK. Dec. n. The following are
tne closing prices on mining stocks:
Adama Con.
Little Chief
.. 9
.. i
.. t
.. 12
.. 48
.. 30
Brunawlck Cos...
Comaloik Tunnal
Con. Cal. A Vs..
.... 20
.... 40
.... 4
... (
.... 61
.... 2
j Phoenix
sierra Nevada
Hmall Hopea .,
Horn Kllver
Iron Silver
Leadvllla Con....
Hank Clearings.
OMAHA, Dec. 27 Bank clearings for the
weeg as compared with the correspondln
ween last year:
.fl.T.lM 84
. 1,(42.740 54
. l.(Uti,759 US
.' i3.483
. 1.1U7.6U2 00
Monday ....
Tuesday ...
Thursday ..
Saturday .
$1.2 5-'3 44
1.346.&04 UX)
l.i3l,oo)i 8j
toi.iU 28
Totals .' $6,020. 1U2 34 $6,061, 45 tt
Ut crease il.M ta
ST. LOl'ia, Dec. 27. Clearings, $5,097,535
balancea, 1,221.30; money, steady at btfti
iht ceo i.
CHICAGO. Dec. Clearings $20,113,471
balances, $2.621.Jh5; New York exchange, 15c
premium foreign exenange, unctuiiied
sterling posted at $4.61 for sixty days and
mi m inr ueniunu.
NEW YORK. Dec. 27 Clearings, $226,452,
v6s: balances. $10.22.16.
BOSTON. Dec. 27. Clearings. $22.J47,7b3
osiances. si.Svid.rji.
I'll I LA DELPHI A, ' Dec. 27. Clearings,
u.uu,v; Daiances, 4,4'j-,iu; money, s pe
BALTIMORE. Dec. 27. Clearings, $3,6J5,
ie; raiancea. 9k.o40.
CINC INNATI. Dec. r.-Cleartns. $2 248
4V; money. per cent; New York exchange,
1 per ten 1 uiacouuu
wing to Lig-ht Eeceipt fat CaUla.Bome
Highar Than a Week. Ago.
Fat sheep and t.nmbs In fSood Demand
All the Week kt Strong; Prler and
Not Much Change Developed
In tno Feeder Trade.
Receipts were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 2.606 4.2.12
,.. 2.W ,il B.731
.. 1.3b 7,25a 1.1)
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
mclal Weonesday..
huruday (holiday)..
Official Friday
Official Saturday
Total this week 8.810 26.787 13.2"
Week ending Dec. .... 17, 247 64, MO 44.315
Week ending Dec. U... .27,313 67,t 4S.31S
Week ending Dec. 21.720 54.4.W 4a.6V.l
Week ending Nov. 2S....1S.239 36.4W 41.0..7
Same week last year.... 6.90S 37,326 4,966
The following table shows the receipts
of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year, to date, and comparisons with
last year: 1H02. iwl. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 18.875 811.628 186.S47
Hogs 2,216,132 i,3$.t3 170,8ol
Sheep 1,726,440 l,3o7,;tf 417,675
rue following table shows tne average
price of bogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, who com-
arisons witn former years:
Date. I 1301. 11901. 1900.I1S99.1898.1S97.1SD6
Deo. 1...
Dec. 2..,
a oxu
4 84
I 71 I 36 I 33 I 1$
ioi a 2si a zoi a t
a 2ii
3 2o
Dec. ..,
Deo. 4...
I 1341
l u
3 1a
1 11
8 09
6 92!
( 04
4 681
$ 81
I 3
3 21
Deo. ...
Deo. ..,
4 77
4 81,
4 81
S 80
$ 36
$ 21
3 23 I 00
3 171 3 19
Dec. 7..
3 81 i 28
1 mi 3 jwi
S t I 21
I i
S 921 I
IK I 37)
I 96' 8 38
8 96i S 3J1
3 96 $ 27
4 Oil 8 3"
eo. A.
6 0641
5 12
6 OK
6 94
C M4
6 094
4 781
4 82.
Deo, ..,
13 I 31
3 13 3 21
8 15i 3 17
3 20
3 231 3 28
3 24) 3 17
3 1 3 17
Den. 10.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 12.
a I
t 34 1
Dec. 13.
4 81
4 86;
4 81
Dee. 14.,
Dec. 15.,
Deo. Iti..
S lkWi
Deo. 17.,
Dec. 18.,
6 lf4
6 24l
4 83
4 73
a zb
3 98
1 92 I 28,
3 941 3 28
3 ai a 11
a zb
6 061
3 81,
3 33
8 2S,
3 24
3 21
3 16
3 18
3 17
3 74
3 17
3 19
Dec. ID.,
4 771
Dec. 20.
Dec. 21.,
Dec 22.,
Dec, 23.
Dec. 24.,
Dec. 25.,
Dec. 26.,
Dec. 27.
4 79
4 811
4 011
4 02
3 32
3 34
3 371
3 47 1
6 (01
a 1
6 36
4 04
4 S6
3 26
a i ae
3 20
3 34
6 3fii,
6 41
4 89
4 83
4 11 3 50!
4 09 3 141
Indicates Sunday.
Indicates holiday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Il r'l.
C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 6 S
Wabash Ry 1
Union Pacific system. 6 11 1
C. & N. W. Ry 1 12
F., E. & M. V. R. R. .. 10 1
B. & M. Ry 1 13 1 1
C. B. & Q Ry .. 11
C, K, I. & P., east 6
Total receipts .... 13 66 S 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, euch buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co..
Swift and Company
Armour & Co
Cudahy 1'acklng Co
Armour, Hioux city
Ijotiman & Co
Livingstone) & Shaller...
Dennis & Co
Other buyers
Totals 631 4,U3 366
CATTLE There were lust a few odd
bunches of cattle In the yards this morning
and almoBt nothing waa offered for sale.
For the week receipts were only about halt
as large as for last week, but there Is
quite an Increase over the same week of
last year. The demand was In fairly good
shape, so that sellers had a good oppor
tunity for advancing prices.
A good proportion of tne otreringa an
4) IS. al woa-ilar i-iAnal SB TAst -i4V nnrn fail ntnaea VttiO
the most of them were only short feci and
or tnat reason could not be classed as
choice beef. Packers, though, had to have
a few cattle, and, owing to the light offer
ings, they had to pay considerably, more
money for what they got. Wednesday was
about the high day of the week, when
prices showed an advance over the close of
he previous week amounting to safely
25fa40c. On Friday, however, the feeling
was not as good and several salesmen found
ney could not get Wednesday a prices,
t looked as though packers were waiting
for a big run on Monday. This weak under
tone to the trade left the market rather
uneven and the advance for the week
could not be put at much over 2Xa3ic.
The top price of the week was $5.30, which
was paia on rrioay ror a wen iattenea
bunch of steers weighing 1,510 pounds. The
bulk of the cattle are selling from about
H:& to $4.75.
The cow market was active and stronger
all the week, owing largely to light receipts
and a fairly good aemana. ah kinds 1m
proved and the total advance could bo
quoted at 25ff40c. There did not seem to be
any more on sale tnan packers naa orders
for. so that tho week closed up without any
weakness. Choice cows sold largely from
$3.50 to $4.25; fair to good from $2.50 to $3.50,
and canners from $2.00 to $2.50.
Bulls and stags were also a little stronger
for the week, but still they did not advance
as much as cows. Veal calves were also
strong all the week, choice ones selling up
to 86.
The stocker and feeder market was very
quiet all the week. Shippers evidently re
alized that Christmas week was no time to
send In stock cattle, and aa a result receipts
were extremely light. Ihe demand was of
course very small, but still prices showed
very little change from the close of last
week. Representative sales:
No. At. fr. No.
At. Pr.
.,1260 4 90
1 970 2 86 1
U 1168 4 10
1 940 I 26 8
..110 I 00
..1240 9 20
..1U21 9 26
..1U0 8 26
..llMO 8 60
..1100 I 6
1 9.10 I 86 2
1 1180 I 80 10
1 UU0 1 65 1
t 1180 I 8
t. 946 8 16 I
1 1200 8 00
28 848 3 H
1 1440 I 10 1...
1310 I 25
1 1440 8 88
HOGS There was a very Hsht run here
this morning and the market opened right
around a dime higher on the heavy hogs.
The lightweights were somewhat neelected
and In most cases did not advance as much
as the heavy hogs; the better weights sold
largely at ao.iis ana o oo witn a load
weighing 337 pounds at $6,624; the lighter
loads sold largely at $6.45 and from that
down to $6.25 for a load weighing 189 pounds.
xrauing was luiny active, so mat uie nun
was soon disposed of. A late train arrived
about 11 o'clock, after packers had their
more urgent orders filled, so that the close
of the market was slow and weak, es
pecially on the lightweights,
ine receipts lor ine wee, nave Deen very
llaht. showing quite a decrease, both as
compared with last week and with the cor.
responding ween oi last year, ine table
above will show the eact ttgures. Owing
to the moderate offerings and the good de
mand prices advanced steadily all the week,
showing a net gain of 3&('4oc. This advance
carries tne maraei to tne nignesl point
reached since November 7. Representative
At. 8b. Pr.
No. ,
At. an. Pr.
6 80
( 45
10 4 28
... 8 to
... 4 86
8 86
40 874
48 8U4 i'JO 8 45
88. .
80 6 46
1 45
..249 120 8 45
..20 1W 8 46
..257 80 8 46
40 I II),
.221 120 1 40
..2C8 180 8 45
48 -
8 44
..21 ...
6 46
8 45
6 46
4 10
1 40
9 40
9 40
8 40
8 424
8 r&
8 46
4 46
8 48
8 45
8 45
8 45
4 46
4 48
. 11
. .114
.. .263
9 4Vi
6 474
6 474
6 47',
6 474
9 47V,
6 47i,
8 60
6 60
6 60
8 60
9 64
8 60
6 47 V
. .39
. "4
. m
8 45
6 46
8 a
8 624
SHEEP There were only shout three cars
of shep here today, so there was not
enough with which to make a fair test of
the market. A bunch of ewes sold at $3 HO,
which was pronounced a good, strong price.
Kor the week receipts have been very light
as compared with the last several weeks,
but as compared with the same week of last
f ear the supply was nearly three times as
arge. The demand, though, was sufficient
to take all that was offered at good, strong
prices. Kach day's offerings changed humis
freely and the week closed witn a good,
strong undertone to the trade. There bus
been very little change In the prices paid
all the week, so that the market can brst
be dracrlbed by calling It sctlve and a trim a-
oil all desirable gradea of both fat sheep
IM' larnbs. Tha : hlf fat ' slotT " bn. ' of
course, not been In as good ilcmaii'l. hut
still prices have held about steady on even
thnt class of stin k.
Feeders have been In very light supply all
the week, wo that although the demand his
been limited, as Is usuiilly the ci at this
sesson of the year, the market has held
Just about steady on good stnfT.
(Quotations for fed stotk: Choice timhs.
(""iio.La; 'air to good Irtmt's, $4 SofS oot
choice yearlings, $4 Ukt4 SO; fair to good
yearlings, :t.7.Vn4.0O: choice wethers. $.) A4
IW; fair to good, $:t.2T.it3 aft; choice ewes,
3.nii4540rt; fair to good. XOO'n360: fee,ler
lambs, $3 0i"u-4.ti0; feeler yearllnaK, $3.("i3 &"(
feder, 7Vn .1 2," ; feeder ewes, $1.60
If! 25. Representative sales:
No. av. rr.
2"6 fed ewes . 3 8')
41 fed wethers 89 4 33
Hogs Are Dime Higher Sheep Steady
Cattle Nominal.
CHICAGO. Dee. 27,-CATTLE-Recelpts,
700 headi market nominal; good to prime
steers, $.i.5"4)6iO; poor to midlum, b.i'W
5 00; stockrrs and feeders. $2.Wni.5rt; cows,
$1.2.'ti4.6u; heifers, 2.('ii5.36: canners. $l.2.Vi
2 40; bulls. $2.l."B-4.4t; calves, $.l.lKf.i7.);
Texas fed steers, 3.76'uj.(t.
HOlIB Receipts todav, 12,0iv hend; esti
mated Monduv. 35.OI0 head: left over. S.lik)
hond; market PV higher: mixed nnd butch
ers', $R.lUoS.ti0; good to choice heavy, i.6iif
675: rough heavy, $fi.2i!i,.5"; light, $6.96(i
6.3i; bulk of sales, $6 -V.di 6 60.
SHEEP AND LAM H9 Receipts, S.1O0
head- market steady; good to choice weth
ers, It.dt'fyt.aO; fair to choice mixed, $3.o,"'f
4IK: western sheep, $4.iKiif4.50; native lambs,
$4.0iv(i6.(iO; western lambs, $4.2.'(t!6.UO.
Olliclal yesterday:
Cattle 8.iW 2,8!J
Hogs 14.1!1 , 73;
Sheep 10,289 1,6)7
Ht. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket.
ceipts, 376 head; native, $S.7tr(i6.Zo; Texas
and westerns, $3.2T"nT).7fi; cows and heifers,
$2.wOfl4.4rt: veals, $2.60016.75; bulls nnd slugs,
$2. 5i (f 1 1.66; yearlings anil calves, $2.0&4.2;;
stockers atid feeders. $3.(X(4.36.
HOOS Receipts. 4.144 head: light and
light mixed, $.20'iv&24: medium and heavy,
$;l mtfui.t)"; plus, $1.25111.15: bulk, $6.4241 6.65.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. avshead;
active and stronger; top western lambs,
Slonx City Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY, Ta., Dec. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300 head; mar
ket steady; beeves, .!a"iii6.5ii; rows, bulls
i i ,1 t-l imSi'I 7. .In,.,iira ami Lfilrn
nil'l IIIIATTM, Vb.wv.'.i .1. ... , ... k.
$2.5013. ho; calves and yearlings, $2.2.n Vi5.
H'lliS Keccipin, l,lw.t nmi ; inni iw'l aw
higher, at $6.90416.50; hulk. $i.2Aii6.35.
..i..L-i, ax.-i, I amuu lin.liu lint hend
r. ci my i' .,.-......, ..... .... -- - -- - ,
steady; 13 lambs, 96cti$1.76; 29 mixed, $1.34(0
Stock in Slant. ,,'
The following were the receipts of live
stock at the six principal cities yesterday:
t;attie. nop, oni-cp,
Omaha .
Kansas City ..
St. Louis
St. Joseph ....
Sioux City ....
Totals ,
2.U" )
2,383 24,887
nnlntta tSratn Market.
DULT'TH. Dec. 27.-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1
hard, 714c: No. 2 northern, 71ic; No. 1
northern, 734c; December, 73'ic; May, i6c.
OATS DecemlKT, 314c; May, 334c.
17. Farnam Smith
& Go.
We offer Union Stock Yards
Stock, Siuth Omaha, at 105,
1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1084
YOU CAN make: a
by the aure and safe system of the Co
operative Turf Association, a corpora
tion with a capital stock of $100,000,
doing business under the laws of the
state of South rakota and licensed by
the states of Illinois and Ixiulslana and
cities of Chicago and New Orleans.
nished to BOOKMAKERS and POOL
ROOMS. One good priced winner
wired each day at an extremely low
price to the clients throughout the
country. If you have Idle money,
money to Invest, money that should be
earning money, a POSTAL CARD will
bring you our little booklet of useful
turf Information with our ENTIRELY
by PRESS and PUBLIC and recom
The Co-Operative Tart Associa
tion, Inc., Ketr Orleans, La.
A few shares of stock paying 21 per
cent per annum and which In the near
future will pay even greater dividends
for sale at $100 per share.
If permanent, must be the result of abso
lute honesty. The Grain and Stock Mar
kets offer a fertile field for fraud, too often
worked by the unscrupulous.
If we could so write an "nd" that
every render would say, "This looks
like an honest bailntai) I'll Investi
gate It," we could doable our Subscription
list in a week.
80 ner cent of our subscribers renew at
expiration. It's no trouble to hold them,
but we want 'new ones. I-t us "show
you. Send ror our free DooKiets or try
our forecasts on grain and stocks for a
week. It only costB $1.00. Then you'll-re-new
for a year, because IT V1IL PAY
5 a. year for dally forecasts.
40S Mailers' Bid sr. CHICAGO, ILL.
LY 8 per cent dividends to subscribers on
Investments of $20.00 and upward; protit
payments made weekly; all deposits sub
ject to withdrawal on demand; highest
financial, commercial and professional ref
erences covering a period of 30 years; write
for particulars. THE C. E. RAND COM
PANY, 16D-171 Broadway, New York.
Property located. In the. Black Hills, near Lead. Bouth Dakota. This Com
pany controls 645 acres of ground and has the extension of the wonderful ore
deposits of the llomestake and the Hidden fortune Companies. The Home
stake Co.'s stock has advanced from $1.00 to $115 im per khare, and has never
mUsed a dividend In the past 22 years. The Hidden Fortune's Company's '
stock started a year ago at about 60 cents, and Is now selling for $1 2b per
ehait;, and will undoubtedly advance to much higher figures immediately.
There Is no reason why Columbus should not do as well. If not better, than the
above companies, as their property covers part of the same ore d posits and
they have the experience of the above companies to guide them. Heavy de
velopment work is being carried on In the Columbus prop.rly and a 60-ton
mill Is now In operation, the profits from which are paving the expenses of
the development work. Humlreda of thousands of dollars worth of ore has
been shipped from this property, and the extension of the Homestak veins
have been opened up for a mile in length, which gives you an Idea of the mag
nitude of this pro;erty. A limited amount of stock is now offered at 76 Cents
BOON AS THE ABOVE BLOCK Iti DISPOSED OF. The stock is fully paid
and non-assessable. $ lot), Oo Investment In Homestake shows profit of over
$10,000.00. There Is no reason why an Investment In Columbus should not do as
wll. Write for full particulars. Hidden Fortune at II. ZS per share Is also an
i excellent purchase. v You are undoubtedly familiar with the conditions of this
most wonderful property.
Offices 11-1S Brown Palace Hotel,
References: Western Bank, Denver, Colorado.
rooting; Their Interests They Form aa
F. nornaa nnd I'ovrerfnl Com
bine, Realising; Fnormons
One of the noteworthy moves In the
financial world that Is attracting a great,
deal of attention Is the pooling of Interests
by small Investors. A St. Louis firm, the
National Securities Co., Is the prime mover
In the plan. This company receives the
money of thousands of small Investors and
combining them fJrm gigantic sums which
enable them lo successfully transact enor
mous deals that pay handsome profits to
the Individ jr.l members of the 'pool. This
Is another phase of the Cel. n unity of In
terest Idea made so poplar u' J- Plerpont
Morgan, the only ilirf. rence Is that thla
company Is composed of an unlimited a um
ber of small Investors, while Mr. .Vtrgau's
companies ure composed of a limited num
ber cf rich men. The National is the first
company organised on this new plan, but
because of Its wonderful success It Is but a
Question cf a short t-nie null many more
will enter Ihe Held. H Is a well known
fact that a man of money has thousand of
opportunities to make profitable invest
ments that r.cver come to the man of small
means. In popular Ungu..gc, "It takes'
money to mnke money." By this success
ful plan of combination the small investor
with from fifty to a few hundred dollars
secures the same opportunities that corns
to the man of millions, and us a conse
quence realises the same enormous per oent
of protit on his Investment, however small
It may be. It can, be safely said that a
more marked departure than this plan waa
never, made In the world of money, and
those who tako advantage of tho opportuni
ties offered by this company will realise
more on their money In a week than they
would under ordinary conditions In a year.
The general plan upon which the company
Is op rated does not materially differ from
that employed by the National Banks. The
Investors of the company occupying the
same position as the stockholders of the
bank. Each and every lit daya a dividend
la declared and each Investor receives a
draft for his profits during this time. The
investment is amply secured and investors
run no risk whatever. The entire capital
of tho company. One Hundred Thousand
Dollars t$l"U.000, stands between the Inves
tors and Ions. The majority of the mam
moth fortunes of this country were mads
by almost exactly the same methods ns
those employed by the National Securities
Company. Combination la the keynote of
present day success. The small Investor,
by placing his money with thst of hundreds
and even thousands of other small In
vestors, obtain all the advantages of enor
mous capital, and his money earns as much,
dollar for dollar, as that of the mllllonaUe
"Captains of Industry," while small sums.
If Invested alone, earn but 3 or 1 per cent
and are usually tied up for long periods of
time. Investments In the Natlonnl Securi
ties Co. pay more than this each month
and are subject to withdrawal at any time.
Upon Investing the Investor receives a
Certificate of Deposit stating on Its face'
that a sum equal to 6 per cent a month Is
guaranteed, payable monthly, and giving;
the holder of the certlilcate the right to re
turn the certificate at any time he may
choose and withdraw his Investment In
whole or In part Instantaneously. This la
without question one of the greatest op-
fiortunltles for safe and highly profitable
nvestment In the entire financial world.
It Is worthy the careful consideration ol
any man who desires to rapidly accumulate
a snug bank balance and yet have his
money Invested where It is at all times sub
ject to Instantaneous withdrawal and pro
tected from loss by a company whose finan
cial standing and reliability Is beyond ques
tion. The National Securities Company Is
rapidly extending Its field of operations and
to arouse additional Interest Is Issuing a
booklet explaining fully Its plan of opera t-'
lng and giving full information In -regard'
to everything an Investor would want to
know. The booklet Is sent free to all who
write for It. Address t once, National
Securities Co., Dept. 11, St. Louis, Mo.
"The One Way"
Giving full particulars how to make
your money earn a regular monthly
income without risk or Iohs. We have i
never had a dissatisfied customer. We
make good incomes out of modest In
MONET. Write at once to
American Finance & mortgage Co.
Ill WaU Street, New Tork.
P. B. Weare, Pres. C. A. Wears, V-Prea.
Established 1S2. '
Member of the Principal Exchanges,
Private Wires to All Points.
Bought and sold for cash or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH, 110-111 Board of Trade.
Telephone ljld.
. W. E. Ward. Local Manager.
We execute ordera for 1,000 bushels and
upwards. Deliveries made In Chicago and
Kansas City. All ordera will receive care
ful and prompt attention.
Tel. 103U. OMAHA. NED.
Up-to-date mining paper (fully Illus
trated, containing u 11 the latest
news from famous gold camps, In- ,
Thunder Mountain
(J, S. Mining; Journal, l&tl Nassau st.N.V,
Slonx City, Iowa. v