Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
TOR IUR-HFAL r.STATR. D. V. SHOLES CO. 110 N. T. Life. Tel. jrt. Bargains im B. 2th .. -Oxitn-ft. lot, 8-room all modern cottage, good repair Inside, nicely arranged, all modern but furnace OWN E R (ICING TO SELL BY JAN OFFER"8 MEANS WK W"'NT A GOOD 2214 N. 2Mb ave.. half block Lake at car line, large 8-room house, fine Inside ar rangement, full lot, sewer, water gas " fixtures. In exceptional! floe repair' new roof, newly painted (two costal, all papered throughout and repainted and oiled Inside. This la a great big H-A-R-O-A-l-N. PRICE $1,860; 0 cash, tha balanca to ault. . ACRES 0,"i'r"'.,?,"r Country club at a' bargain. Price $150 per acre. Thia la just H mile north of tha Military ava. car Una. . TRADES AaSLN8K?,TI.ON OP IN DAW. BO? L a" cl?ar ftr OMAHA Improved .-J!.!?"11 Tut ,n a ',M1 miney besides. sZa.ouo handsome residence- for a good large tract of land. Thle la a fine home. Owing to poor health owner would Hka to gu abroad and will not rent It. Flnt oppor tunity for eoma one to come Into tha olty and put In land for entire price. 130,000 for fine brick building near P. O. renting for $2.K per year. Will take part cash or mortgage and part In good land. FARMS ? ?SJZ , ml,e frora WAHOO, BAUN DERS CO.. the beet COUNTY In the state; all good lnd, about I-l bottom, balance an eaat alope. with Just medium Improvements. A rattling good purchase If can be Bold by JAN. 1ST. Do not fall to see thla. LARUE MST OF LANDS IN NERRA8KA. ASK FOR PRINTED LIST. . RE-116 28 DOUGLAS COUNTY REALTY CO.. First Floor N. Y. Life bldg. 659. 83 1-3 per cent below value; ffith and Blnney; 3-etory frame, 8 room; modem, except furnace; hard finish; city and cls tern water: front and back atalra; ce mented cellnr; good barn; party muat give up the house and will cell, If taken at onoe, for $2.6W on favorable terma. Ml. 1 atory, room,, frame, lot J'xlOK, on grade; nice little home; well located, on North 26th at.; $1,450; eaay terma. 652. Nice house of 6 rooms; lot 60x150; good ocatlon; a "snap;" it taken at once, 654.' On 8. 22d, one of the beat cottages In the city; see thia If you want a complete home at the low price, $1,700. 644. On N. 8"th and Dodge. 7-room house; south front; lot 70x160; owner paid 91.700 for lot alone; for quick sale, our price, $2,000. 1003. Bargain; farm, 820 acres, 4 miles south and one mile weet of Pierce, Pierce county, Neb.; rich loam, clay eubaoll; 100 acres level, balance' slightly rol'lng; adapted to any crops; west quarter all In pasture and well fenced; east quarter In cultivation, except 20 acres of meadow and six acre of alfalfa: all nicely fenced with woven wire; buildings good and nearly new: 4-room frame housei well painted Inside and out; frame barn for 11 horses, well painted; frame granary, hold) 1,000 bushels; good frame hen house, 12x12; double corn crib and wagon shed combined, rolling doors at both ends with good atone foundation; nice young f;rove on north, south and weat of bu (Ici ngs: good well and windmill; good nllk house, with double milk tank; also good tanks for atock, holding 30 barrels; sup ply tank of 100 barrels; capacity to water 600 head of stock at any time; Incum brance $2,800, 8 per cent Interest, due three years from March 1. 1904; can be paid If purchaser deaires at any Interest pay ment day. This Is the best farm In Pierce county at the price asked for it. Price, $30 per acre. Owner's reaaon for selling la that he la advancing in years and la left alon and cannot care tor so large a place. Sea ua or write ua If you want a bargain. HOMESEEKERS' ASSOCIATION, First Floor N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. RE 813 28 Feed For ?00 Head Now on the Ranch. If you buy our Frontier County Ranch you can ship your cattle right out plenty of "roughness" to keep ihem till grass comes. We believe it Is the greatest bargain you will ever be offered at this price, or we couldn't afford to advertise it Costs nothing to investigate. Write for particulars. POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL 420 New York Life. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Building. On N. 21st, near Manderson, a neat 4-room cottage, full lot, only $1,000; eaay terms. In Hanscom Place district, a neat S-room cottage, lot 75x130; price. $1,400. On N. 20th at. boulevard, north of Mander son. a 4-room houae with gaa and city water; price, $1,400; $400 cash, balance $20 per montn. In West Farnam dlatrlct, near the new boulevard, a 7-room all modern house; price $2,100, Must be seen to be appre ciated. In Bemls park, 1 block from car line, with T rooma all modern, new house, floe shade trees, full lot; price $3,250. . vacant lots. Two lots near 32d, on the north side of Lin coln boulevarl; price $1.06o. A tine south front lot, east of 34th, on La fayette avenue; price $550. E-MW 30 WHAT? HOME IN HANSCOM PARK FOR J52.500.00. Eight rooma, alt modern, near ear Una and ai hnnl. owner haa not consented to this figure, but think we can get him down to It. Let ua show tt to you. THE BYRON REED CO.. W 8. 14TH ST. 1111 MAMCAM CHARLES IM vv I i-i-ini'i jwi Farnam street. KE M7 HOUSES and lota In all parte of city; also acre property and rarm land, i ne y. a. 1AIU4 V7 K . a L- mbI Hiatal fll-mt Mlnrt v rf-a m ills ncuiaana -.-res.- V, fugea fur sale; 21 years' experience. Iy tu; W A I .r. ma n Nb. : stive crong, land prices each Co.. etc. ChrUtUii, Xork. Nab , AV C HOMESEEKERS AND INVESTORS lnvesttitMte. v The Big Bend country of eastern Wash ington. Cheap Iinds, Sure Crops. , flood Climate. Unexcelled for a ruin, fruit and live stock. Fur further Information call on or address WASHINGTON LA IS l) CU., lncrporaled W AT E It V 1 LLE, W ASH. . . RE RANCH and farm lands for sale by the L'nion Pacific Railroad company. B- A. McAUesler, land tomiulskloiur. Inlon Pa- cine lleadquuriera, umana. neo. RE eO IU PROVED HO-acre farm, $2."4 Eaay term. Uod home or Investment James Pearson, Uermantown. Neb. RE-MJ4-a- 5S DOLLAU8 an acre will buy one of the best .so acres In B-irt couniy; gooa im provementa; part cash. Address G 17, ( CAN 8EIJj your farm, ranch, city prop erty, -.wild and unimproved land, any place, anywhere. Hnd description and cuwh price and learn how. Customers all over the country. W. E. Ward. Colby, Kan. Kkr 140iiA for 11th nd Cass. M.fc") for 12 feet, eaat front, by 16 ft. deep West Karnam .lli-trWl: choice and sightly JOHN N. FKL.NZtK, Opp. o"d V. O RE-314 J P. 0(O NEW house, all modern. In Bemla park; could posalbly take lot as part pay ment: $5ott for a nice little home, well and cistern, good bara. fruit en lot. B. R. BALL, N. Y. Life. Phone Fl$? RE-44J $40 ACMES of school lsnd for sale or trade lease runs 3 years; thla la good alfalfa land and for ranee stok: haa aorae good hay claims neat te It that caa be taken up; will trade for cattle, horses, aheep or stock or bara vara. ri. c- vtimams. Uurwsii. tteW -tut-m h FOR SALE-lRBAL ESTATE. , GEORGE P. BEMI8. Telephone 5. f'axtnn Block. NICE LITTLE MOM EH at reasonable prices and easy terms. tn you want one? Neat 4-room cottage. $Tk. New S-room cottaaa. $0. Oood S-room cottage, $1.2fi0. rleaaant l-roora cottage, $&X Ilome-liKe -room cottage. $7y. Also I t I, and 8-room cottages and riusea in ninerent parts of the city from $4n0 upward all prices and terms. Come and see us before buvlng. nNl.v a tu va urtnv before 10 per cent will be added to former l'ricea or Howere' addition lots on new car line adjoining and overlooking Miller rrlt Only $7$ to $150 or more each; oniy $o down and only $S per month. Also a few lots on new Harney car line, near 3d and Parker streeta, only IIM each, and same terms as above ANrt fivrv e nirt vmi' TlfA.T.WE CAN GIVE YOU A MO DI8- i-uuiST on the I or 4 unsold lots in Sey- .. . nuu., iit-bi run snu pin. GARDEN. FRtMT Aisin Twi-rif irpra IS uteres, west nt Plnranc, tl Till 21 acres, near Florence, $2.W0. 10 acres; any reasonable offer. I acres, near Ruser's park, $l,SKn. 10 acre, near Ruser'a park, $1,260. s acres, near Boutn Omaha, $1,550. 1 acres, near cltv limits IVKim. 4V4 acres, near Omaha, $3.onn. t acres, near Krug park, $7,000. l-i acres,, near Omaha, $5.fl00. 40 acres, near city, $8 per acre. iwany otners; come In and Investigate. tAKMH. Well Improved JoO-arre farm. In Burt couniy; e acres under cultivation, K) acrea pasture; big orchard and plenty of email fruit: orlre. t.V tier acre. Choice 80-a i-re farm. Improved, near city; mntmy level Bottom land; price, IM per acre. Improved quarter section, near Greeley Center. N.b.. 12.500 Fine 160-acre farm In Sarpy county, near Bpringrneia; good improvements; price, $o per acre. EXCHANGE. Handsome, modern, 10-room house for 180 acrea good rarm land. No ohjection- to email Incumbrance. Price. $7.6iO. Modern 8-r. house (built this year) In West f arnam district, win take goon cottage as part payment on same, f'rlee. $5,000. 80 acrea near city limits; will sell or trade lor desirable cuy-residence, fries, ISO per acre. GEORGE P. BEMI3. Telephono 54. . Paztun Block. His R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor. Bee Bldg. 127x297 feet adjolclng Country club grounds, 4 blocks from car, $300. l-rnom house, Asa Charles St., eaay terms, $9 ' . I 7-roora, entirely modern, on paved street, ore blook from car Hne, $3,000. l-room modern and good barn, lot 110x150, on paved street, $.1,700. ft) acres adjoining the town of Blair, first class Improvements, good orchard. $6,000. 130 acres, 7 miles southweat of Falrbury, well Improved, $2,600. 140 acrea, H mile from La Platte; stone house and jpam, good, bearing orchard, Xutt Dcr. acre. & S2o acres In Btanton county; 10 acres In cultivation; 7-room nouse, bam, sneas, cribs, windmill, orchard, $6,000; $1,000 cash, balance easv terms. Write us for particulars about any of the a Dove. Kt-S4 ar BETTER THAN AN OIL WELL FOUR 4-room cottages, city water In each, montniy rental ku; price, ti.eoo; part caan, balance time, In South Omaha, J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton block. RE 339 28 CALIFORNIA IF THIS la seen by anyone who wanta to exchange eastern property for a tract of 4oo acrea of finest land, partly In fruit, situated alx milea from Eacondldo, south ern California, please addreas or call on Homeseekere' Association, first floor N. Y. Life lildg., Omaha. RE 331 28 CHOICE CHEAP CLEAR Building lots just west or cudany s, B. umana, on easy terma to close out a Milwaukee estate Quick. CI I A3. E. WILLIAMSON. RE 336 28 FARM FOR RENT. 70 acrea, unimproved, six miles N. W. of Omaha, near uenoit riace, n per acre. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St, tut mm n FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 400 acrea of Minnesota land. Address, M. uirrerdang, Le Mars. Iowa. RE M297 J -2 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? t4f atAi a 4A SSTI at ah eannk 4aall A k J UU w sa.1 1 V . s-r ii b mi va a ea west tho farmers and stockialsers about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Thla agricultural weekly goea to 40.000 homes of farmers and stockralsers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an ad la small I cent- per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER UmAHA, NEB. RE-404 SOUTH FRONT LOT on California street car line. A bargain at $4U0. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th street. RE-197 $500 For a house that coat $2,000 to build. The lot free; one-half mile from Hanscom park car line. You better look thla up tomorrow, for it's a bargain. The Byron Reed Co., 212 b. 14th atreet. HE M 197 i ' - " as FOH KEHT-UOL8E9. TO MOVE right gat Omaha Van Storage Co.; office, ttllVs tar nam, or Tela. 156S-W3. D Ml Uf"M ,n Prta of city. The O livuwbu uavu Co., Mi I Bee Bldg. FOR RENT, one l-room bouse, with gaa, water and sewer: ;ust been placed lo flrst-claaa repair; In good location. C. M. Bachmann, iMl Paxton block. D-17S FOR RENT, forty acrea In the city limits of South Omaha; small houae, excellent Company, IM Douglaa St.. upstairs. D23J HOVSFS. G. G. Wallace, Drown Block. D S4( -ROOM modern, near High school, 127. 5a t-rot-ra house, Mta and Charles, $O.0O. lnq, ata cap. Ave. lei. Si, nooison. Di&l HOUSES and flat. Rlngwalt. Barker block. D-ttis I-ROOM modern bouse, 2317 Charles. Tele phone A-fcx. D MAGGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. HM. D-k44 7-ROOM house, 242 Sprague. Tel. bM. D-M33 HOt'SES. $6 upwards. Uemia, Paxton Blk. D-so Vtl 8. 1JTH ST.. a-roem dbttage, city water, rental $10. William K. Poller, receiver. 14 xirown DIUCK. U AlAS FOH RENT A fine located l-room cettage, 25J6 a. Ilth St., fl-. Also a good 7-roora house, liii N tld St., $15. The Omaha Realty Co., 1JU1 Douglas St., upstulra. i-il MODERN 7-roora houae, near park. 1501 Ho. Uih. D 752 HOUSES 11 nsrfs nf the Itw R. C. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. D a VANS and baggage wagona. Tel. H95-U4&. D-54 FOR RENT, l-room house. Just newly rape red and repaired, all modern except urnat-e. tid St and Poppleton Ave., $14. Two a-roora houses. SJih and California Sis., all modern, city water and sewer. tl. One 4-room house, 27th and Curolng Sta., city watar, $iu. CM. BACHMANN. V .7 Paxtcm Blk. ' D-52S $4 FOR THE WINTER; Heat t-room cot tage, I4U S. Second St.; t-room house and email barn. $414 8 Second St.. worth $10. ts until May 1. Walter Ureen, 8. nth St. . D 2o6 2j IC-KOOM tnodern houae; underfeed soft coal furnace. 3tj Douglas. $60. Hicks. D Hi 2S CENTRAL, stssm, modern, 4-room. corner flat aiaard, XM N. Ifcxi. THE OMAHA DA1L.Y JtEE: SUNDAY, DECKMUKH IIS, 1!K)L. When The Power Canal is Started Omaha Real Estate Prices Will Jump Detter Buy One of the Bargains Below Before the Rise in Values FOR RET-H019F.S. DOUBLE FLAT. 111 Howard St.. 12 rooms In first-class repair, new plumbing, two bath rooms. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 14 Farnsm St. D M9S7 Jl REDUCED PRICES FOR HOUSES TO RENT. Pee PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Building. Telephone 1781. D Soft 28 FOR RENT, $30 9-room modern house, 2201 Poppleton avenue. $25 9-room modern house, 422 North 39th st. $20 8-room modern house. 2438 8. 20th St. $a0 10-room modern house and barn, 2210 Poppleton avenue. H2 8-room modern house, 4621 Farnam at. $17 7-room moilern hou-e and barn, 704 S. 36th St. BRENNAN I.OVE CO.. $ 8. 1.1th St. D 874 Janl FOR RENT, 8-room modern house, except furnace, No. 21'33 Ohio St. Inquire at 4u3 Karbach block. D 290 28" SIX-ROOM modern blouse. In first-class condition, $:0. 1518 N. 28th St. D 31028 SIX-ROOM cottage, 2120 N. 28th St. D M309-30 PAYNE. BOSTAVICK A CO. 110 N. 87th, -r. and barn, only $12.50. 714 8. 16th, 7-r., modern, $22. 619 S. 20th, -r., city water, etc., $18. 4H12 Nicholas, fine 8-r., modern. ".S. 2213 Miami, good warm 8-r. house, all mod ern except furnace; reduced to $22.50. $318 Hamilton, good 8-r. all modern new house, H block from car, $22.50. 2312 Lincoln blvd., splendid 8-r., all modern new nouse in Uemls park. Special In ducements. Ill 8. 18th, good 10-r. house, very close In, partly modern, at $35. We have some more desirable hojses, well located rrom s to in rooms each, on which we will make special Inducements on ac count of season. PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO., 601-2-3 N. Jf. Life Bldg. D 320 28 FOR RENT Six-room cottage, 2211 Cali fornia St.; rent reduced. Klve-room cot tage, 805 N. 18th street, $11. Inquire at 607 N. 19th street. D M346 30 BISIMES9 CHANCES. INVESTORS, ATTENTION. Write ua regarding lnveetments that will net you from 10 to 18 per cent, and abso lutely aafe. Western Realty and Invest ment Co., Fremont, Neb. Y 806 J13 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCagje building. Y-992 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter Where located; If you desire a quick sale send ua description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Uk of Commurce bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y-MU9 D.U WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your buslncse or property quick sue J. H. sue J. h Y-M990 jonnson, i3 im. x. iice. FOR SALES complete stock of second-hand lurnuure; aoing a good business; nne lo cation; store can be leased or stock can be removed; this can be bought at a bar gain; reason for selling Is bad health. Ad dreas P 49, Bee. Y-Um PERFUMES, 2,000 kinds. Catalogue: Sher man & Mcconnell Drug Co., Omaha. Y-M822 D8 GOOD location for a bank; brick building, fine fixtures, safea and time lock for $900.00. Address P 69, care Omaha Bee. Y M691 J13 IF YOU want to get In or out of business or buy or sell property communicate with Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Life bldg. Y-M178 FOR SALE, bottling works til a lively city cf six thousand; no opposition; good ship ping facilities and large territory; large profits; a good chance for anyone wishing a profitable business. Address S 32, care Omaha Bee. Y 195 28 A GOOD paying drug store for eale on good terma or exchange for Income prop erty. A rare chance. B. W. W. Weber, Valparaiso, Neb. Y 294 28 FOR BALE Cheap, the stock of the late H. W. McBrlde, In Blair, Neb.; dry gooda and shoes; store to rent; best loca tion In Blair. Correspond with Iura A. McBrlde, Administratrix. Y-M306 30 $30 TO $40 EARNED monthly on $100 In vested by our new method of successful operation. Larger and smaller amounts earn In proportion. Weekly payments. Accounts withdrawable on demand. We refer to banka, mercantile kgenclea and hundreds of satisfied clients. Particu lars free. J. D. Irving & Co., 302 Broad way, New York. Y 300 28 DIVIDEND NOTICE. All deposits made with us receive a guar anteed weekly cash dividend, paid on each and every Tuesday throughout the year. Your money beglna to earn thia profit on the day of receipt and continues to do so until withdrawn. Inveatments made with ua are amply protected; your money Is prefectly safe and can be withdrawn at any time. Endorsed by business men and mercantile agencies throughout the country. For full particulars address H. E. Whitman A Co., Callaghan Bldg., Ran Francteco, Cal. Y 245 28 DON'T SPECULATE IN WILDCAT 8CHKMK8 Inveat your money In a legiti mate business enterprise where you are protected against loss. STIPULATED WEEKLY DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT. No stock, betting or mining preposition. Write for .descriptive book let, sent free. Demarest A Co., Parrott Bldg., San Franclace. Cal. Y-244 2S FOR 8 ALE, fine line of staple and fancy groceries and confectioneries; lunch coun ter and muchlne bakery In connection, baking from 800 to l.uio loaves dally: alck neaa cause of aale. Address J. A. Lowry A' Co.. Clarinda. la. Y-251 28 GREAT PROFIT8-$25 and upward earned monthly on every $W0 Invested; write for booklet; dividends weekly; money can be withdrawn any time: highest references. Theo. Btein A Co., 60 Broadway, N. Y. City. Y 259 28 $25 BRINGS A STEADY INCOME. daya ending Dec. 13, l-f made $H8. 6 daya ending Dec. 2i, !-." made (1. day ending Dec. 27, $25 made $9. A guarantee to each one of our clients to clear from $10 .to $luu each week. We have been In the racing business six years snd our systematic betting is so perfect that we never have made a losa. Write for partlcuiara. references, etc. tl. 8. Williamson A Co., 1104 Market St.. guile P. San Francieco. Y 246 2S .TURF SPECULATION 1? you are inter- ested In turf speculation send for a copy of my Weekly Review. James Roberta, U0 Liberty St.. New York. Y-25828 Bl'Y May wheat and corn at once. Margin It 2e per bushel, which will amply pro tect you, and your money should double within 15 days. Do not delay. Buy Im mediately. $60 will margin 2.000 bu. $1"0 will margin 4.0O0 bu. Remit by cash, draft or xatal order. Send for our free book, "Modern Safe Methods for Inveat ments." Flower A Co., Brokers," Trad ers' Bldg., opposite Board of Trade. Chi cago. Y 242 2s DOES your money earn all it Is worth? On Nov. Sd we Increased our 1 per cent weekly dividends to 4 per cent, which, to gether with the quarterly reserve fund dividend, will net you about 6 per cent weekly. This la the earning power of your capital placed In a conservative, legitimate enterprise such aa we offer. Write for our booklet and other Informa tion. Highest mercantile references and testimonials from old. satisfied clients. The Mason-Teller Co.. Dickey Bldg . Chi cago, 111. Y-2X 28 TO TRADE Drug store; good location; good bualneaa; for real estate. Address 8 42. Bee. Y-464 FOR SALE, at auction, atock of groceries anJ groceries natures, meat market fix tures, 2 horses and delivery wagon. In quire of Joseph B. Tradeuburg. First Bl-IESS CHANCEi. AN ESTABLISHED cereal food company desires the services of branch office man ager; compensatijn ZMV per annum; highest references required and given: op portunity of a lifetime for right party. Addresa "Cereal," Box 2484, Battle Creek, Mich. Y FOR EXCHANGE, choice, clean stocks of merchandise Invoicing from $6,000 to $20,. OKI. Every stock listed, personally In spected and guaranteed as represented or expense-i paid. Owners will exchange for part cash and farm lands or good Income property. Describe your properties fully and give Value first letter, stating about slxe deal you can handle Can match any fair, square deal offered. What have youT Don't write unions you mean business and can back up your representations. All letters carefully answered. Personal attention given to each deal. Established since 1W. Address Charles W. Somen. 607 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. Y SPLENDID opportunity for the right man, qualified to handle Investment securities; must furnish satisfactory bank refer ences; rermanent employment and large compensation for energetic and Intelll- fent effort. Write, us for particulars, loch & Navln, 1136 Broadway, New York. Y 269 28 TURF 8PKCULATION-If you are Inter ested In turf speculation, send for a copy of mv Weekly Review. James Roberts. 120 Liberty street. New York. Y 281 28 GREAT PROFITS 125 and upward earned monthly on every $100 Invested; write for booklet: dividends weekly; money can be withdrawn any time; highest references. Theo. Sleln A Co., 60 Broadway, N. Y. City. Y-2S0 2S O. W. PARRY A CO., co-operative book makers, pay from 6 per cent to 6 per cent on aums of $20 and upward. Your money subject to withdrawal on de.mand. The bent paying safe Investment in the coun try. References: Satisfied Investors, busi ness and prominent mm. Write for book let which thoroughly explains our methods of operating. O. W. Parry & Co., 214-215 Century Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Y 278 28 K. J. ARNOLD A CO. of St. Louis. Mo., race horse owners and bookmakers, in vite the speculative public to an Investi gation of their methods. This Is an old and long established concern, amply re sponsible and reliable In all Its dealings. A rigid Inquiry Into their business will develop a condition unattalned by any other Inveatment proposition ever offered for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made In amounts of $50 and upward, subject to withdrawal la full on demand. Dividends paid In cash fifty-two times every year. The best pay ing aafe Inveatment In the country. Refer encea: Banka, trust companies, commer cial agenclea, St. Louis business men and prominent men everywhere. For full par ticulars addresa, E. J. Arnold A Co., 9th and Pine Sta., St. Louis. Mo. Y FOR SALE OR TRADE-A full line of farm Implements and buggies doing a good business in a lively town of 6.000; a good bargain. Addresa Lock Box 1163, Plattamouth. Neb. Y GREAT openings for business of all kinds. New towns are being opened on the Chi cago Great Western Ry., Omaha exten sion. For particulars address E. B. Ma gill, Mgr. Townslte Dept., Fort Dodge, la. LANESBORO, Carroll Co., Ia., on the Omaha extension, Chicago Great Western Ry. ; fine place to locate; started October 7. growing rapidly. For particulars ad dress E. B. Magill, Mgr. TownBlte Dept., Fort Dodge, Ia. Y MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN MONEY. A safe Inveatment. weekly dividends; suma of $20 and up received; your money al ways at your command and all money to your credit can be withdrawn on demand; we have earned and paid between 5 and per cent each and every week: thla la no gambling, but a legitimate business prop osition; best of references throughout the United States; write for booklet, free. Address H. Brolaskl A Co., aulte 403, 856 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Y SMALL stock general merchandise, cheap; account of health. A snap. J. H. Phil Hps, Friend. Neb. Y SUCCESSFUL advertising only possible by our select lists of pullers; our expert ad vise and Advertiser's Pocket Guide free; avoid expensive experimenting. Guenther Bradford Advertising Agency, Chicago. Y 328 28 ONLY guarantee against losaes Is reliable Information on fakes as published by the Financial World exclusively. Write for free copy to 119 Dearborn CL, Chicago. Y-327 28 SEND for free book, Facta and Figures, explaining option trading; $2o.o0 margins 1.000 bu. two cents. Osborn Grain Co., 17 Old Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. Members Chamber Commerce. Y 825 28 GENERAL MDSE.-$3.000 to $20,000 clean, ataple stocks, doing good business In llvo country towns; can handle good Improved lands for some of these. GROCERY STOCKS $1,000 to $4,000, doing well, can be had right; In city and country. HARDWARE $2,000 to $6,000 staple atocka. city and country: cash and good Im proved land will do. DRUGS $l,6u0 to $6,000 clean stocks. In and out of city; good Income property for some of these. SHOE STOCKS $3,500 to 6.0OO fine, clean, staple lines; Improved land at right price for former; what have youT IMPLEMENTS AND BUGGIES Al $5,000 atock; live Nebraska town: good land at value for business. FLOURING MILLS 60 to 76 bbls. capacity, fully equipped; good business; well lo cated In Nebraska; thrifty community; $6.0ik) to $8.0UO; good land will Interest. HOTEL8 20 to 60 rooms, well furnished; city and country; good business; furni ture for sale: reasonable. ROOMING HOUSES 7 to 42 rooms; fine lo cations, in city; furniture at right figure. NOTICE I alwava know of someone who haa a atock of gooda or other business to deal, and I know of someone who haa land to deal for something else. NOW tell me what you have to sell. AND tell me what you want to buy; THEN If I don't find you a deal, WHY. you mav say I never try. i. H. JOHNSON. N. Y.'Llfe. REAL ESTATE. LOANS, INSURANCE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Y 338 28 LIVERY stock for sale; our entire livery atock. hack and baggage line, mall routea, theatrical transfer; bent location: no op position; business established 31 years; bent imvlnir businesa In the cltv: popula tion lu.OUO: reason for selling, owner leav ing city. Addresa B 44, Bee. x mjoi or READ THIS LIST You can find any bust nuas you want in Omaha or country towns. Hotels, raaiauranta, cigar stores, pool halls, grocery stores, general mer- DaiMlise si ores, Bnoe siorea, launories livery business, hardware atores. Imple ment BtiK-ks. news stores, confectionery stores, harness shop and atock, meat marketa, manufacturing businesses, office bualtvess, country newsuapere, blacksmith shops, bakeries, barber shops, saloons, rooming houses, flour mill, and all klnda of business pi. ices for sale. Every place. All alaes and prices. Call on me If you want anything. I ran suit you. WIL LIAMS, Room 411, Mcuague building Y 345 28 FOR EXCHASCK. WANTED, good farm land In Iowa or Dakota In exchange for surplus stcrk of dry goods clothing and shoes; stock all new. In first-class condition. Address S 80, care Omaha Bee. Z M177 28 GOOD residence In Omaha, clear, for pay ing drug atore In good slied town any where In the west; will buy store build ing. If cheap. Address Druggist. N Y. Lite, Omaha. -o5 28 7-R(X")M modern house, large lot, paved atreet. large barn, Hanacom park dlatrlct, wish to trade equity for vacant lot. A NEW all modern house In Hanscom Place, paved atreet. near car. M ould like to trade for smaller place; prefer aame district.. J. U. bhcrwowd, W7 N. Y. Ufa ag. . W4iU FOR KXCHAStiE. FOR EXCHANGE, double 3 story brick house, modern, -to exchange for western land; always rented. J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton block. Z-S40 28 FOR EXCHANGE 830 actis Fall River Co.. S. D., 2 miles from a good town on the Elk horn road; land almost level; good soil, clear of encumbrance; a fine chance for man to run a small dairy business; will exchange for a 6 or (-room houae In Omaha. Address 4324 Farnam. Z-850 28 EXCHANGE for house In Omaha or So. Omaha, B-room house In Mo. Valley, Iowa, almoet new; rents for $10 per month. Ad dress 4324 Farnam St., Omaha. Z S49 28 FOR EXCHANGE 760 acres of fine Platte Valley farm, well Improved; yielded 45 bushels of wheat per acre 1902; good al falfa land: 10 acres nntural timber; will exchange tor $2,600 or $S.6H) stock of gen eral merchandise: thle farm 4 mllee from good town on U. P. R. R. Address 4524 Farnam St.. Omaha. Z 848 28 MEDICAL, DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and lrregiilorltles of women, from any cause. Fxperlenced and reliable. 1513 Dodge street, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 8233. -899 Jl MARRIED ladles, suffering from irregu larities send 4c to Dr. Parger, Station A. New York, for 'Parker's Periodical Pills." an unfailing specific M236 MARRIED ladlea, suffering from Irregu larities, send 4c to Dr. Parker. Station A, New York, for "Parker's Periodical Pllla," an unfailing specific. M36 CONSUMPTION, cancer, acute diseases, cured without knife, on children, man or wife. Prof. Johnson, 10th and Jones, Omaha, -254-28 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pllla are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children; 30 years' practice. Office, 2205 Cuming. Residence telephone, F-2790; office. B-2836. DR. PRIES. German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience In confine ments; cures sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladies who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal interview Is Impossible state your case fully, Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Addresa R. F. Pries, M. D., Iul3 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. LADIES: Use our harmless remedy for delayed or suppressed menstruation; It cannot fall; trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. BISTERS In despair. If you have a sup pression write and I will send you the remedy which gave me relief. Mrs. Amanda Green, 216 Btate St., Chicago. DR. NEUMEISTER'S Sexual Restorative la a -certain, spoedy. permanent cure for norvoua debility In Its various forms and from whatever cause; restores lost vigor, Increases nerve force; price, $1.00, at drug gists, or by mall upon receipt of price. Valuable booklet free. Neumeister Fam ily Med. Co.. Kansas City, Mo. Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured; a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell. M. D.. 524 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb., graduate of lielievue Hospital Medical college, new York City. LOST. MANDOLIN, lost from car. $10 reward, no question- asaea, return to tiul Leaven worth. Lost 229 28 LOST, Scotch collie shepherd dog, name x.eo. Kewara lor return to ji h. zvtn hi. Lost-231 2s LOST, at Chambers' Dancing academy or on SS4th and Hanscom farK car, lady s gold pin. shape of wishbone and pansy. with diamond center. Finder will please return to 1720 8. S2d Ave. and receive re ward. Lost M28 2ir SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat free. Om. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. -9S8 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, BOYLES college. Court reporter principal. im. x, j-,ue. louu NEB Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. loo MANUFACTURING, P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma chinist. 101 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sates, u. Anoreen, tTop., iua no. loth BU CABINET making, 116 Bo. 17th. Tel. L-2353. TIN. COPPER AND SHEET IR0N-A11 work promptly done, satisfaction guaran teed. A. Monroe, 1607 Davenport St. rnons wxu -aiH j PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fees unless success ful. $18 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. -446 PATENTS Sues A Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, D. C. No fee If we fail. Illustrated hand book free. Only western firm having a vtaaningion omce. raieuis sola. . M843 Janl DANCING SCHOOL. ATTEND Morand's school or Wed. assem biles and learn the latest waits fad of the eastern cities, toe moat graceful waits ever Introduced. Classes for beginners row lorming. aquus, xues. and f n. ; children) Saturday afternoon. Private les sons. i'Hon Wi. J LAVNDBI. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 8c: collars. 2c; cufla, 4c, 17J0 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783 -114 DETECTIVE AGENCY. LAri. i nun. c unMicn, pnvata detect ive. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-2832. M JII WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. nli'KII WATflfra A XTT-i ytxitit-t n -w Repairing promptly done; satisfaction at. -M445 J6 PHONOGRAPHS AND IPPLIEI. ALL MAKES talking machines; send for catalogue. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. AH klnda of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T, Ochiltree, tula and Lake sueeU. -$7 MI-IKS AID MMI-HS. GOLD mining stocks In strong demand are safe and profitable Investments. The Black Hills gold mines produce a larae and steady Income. For that reason they are much In demand and are a splendid non-speculative Investment. Big for tunes will be made by investing In tha Columbus Consolidated, Hidden Fortune. Dakota, Spearllsh. Gladiator Consoli dated. Horseshoe. Oro Hondo. TVsdwood Standard. Jupiter, Grants and Potsdam mlnee. Write today for prospectus and Inside prices. I hin t miss a good thing. Burt Rogers, mining broker, Deadwood, 8. D. r 23 FI-JiNt IAI INCREASE YOUR SAVINGS. ABSOLUTELY guaranteed weekly 8 per rent dividends paid to sunscrlbers on in vestments of $30 and upward: profit pay ments made weekly; all deposits subject to withdrawal on demand; htghiot finan cial, commercial and professional refer ences, covering a period of thirty years; write for particulars. The C. E. Hand Company, 168-71 Broadway, New York City. -260 2s- RUMMER RESORTS. LAKE MINNETONKA Cottngea for sale and to rent for lake season hy JAEGER A TORELLE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BICYCLES. $24.60 BUYS '1 HE NEW HIGHEST GRADE 4-drawer drop head, oak cabinet tlemilne SINGER Sewing Machine; $20 for the New Home or Domestic; $21 for the White, Standard, $22; Wheeler A Wilson. $24; Minnesota, $U20; Rurdlck, $12.85; Heroco, $8.96. For free sewing machine catalogue and most liberal free trial offer cut out and mall this notice to Scars, Roebuck A Co., Chicago. HATS RENOVATED. HATS dyed and blocked, latest style. Ramser A Kerr, 207 N. 17th. Send hats by mill. M618 JU IIORS BLANKETS. HARNESS, saddles, suit cases and valises. Corrlsh, 1210 Farnam st TeL 2314 -178 D2 SEEDS AND POULTRY StPPLIES. E. II. ULLEftY A CO., 1U1 Howard St. MSH .112 COAL AND FEED. J. B. HEATH, 2309 Cuming St. Tol. B2S69. M9H8 J 19 BALK 1IES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co., 811 North 16th, us coal and wood. HALD A RICE. 608 8. 16th St, Tel. 1238. -281 J 2 FIR DRESSING. O. B, GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 S. 13th. 109 HAIRDRESING AND MANICIRING. ADROIT Hair Baxaar. 1620 Douglas St. , f41 JanT BAKERY. THREE LOAVES home made bread for 10c at Boston saaery, 420 North 16th street. 277 J 4 AVTOMOBILE8. ELEC, automobiles. Delight, 1119 Farnam. - . -107 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans ceaspools and vaults, lemoves garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. I6th. Tel. 1779. -106 PAWNBROKERS. RAflT.m f AM OfflM Mll.kl. lug; all business confidential, uul Douglas - 111 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 B. 16th. -Ill THE DEPOT 00 time. L M. R Tel. 780. -112 MILK DEPOT. MRS. H. FILLEY, 1210 N. 24th st. M810 Jan9 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1605 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 119 CUT RATES Member Am. Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. W. C. Norrls, 1406 Farnam. Phone a nia. 280 J2 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. EGGS, 20C PER DOZ. T. A El Batterton, grocers. 324 N. 18th St. -2to EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATES lessons In bookkeeping, etc G. R, Rathbun, Room 15. Cora l Nat. bank 120 LIGHTNING HODS. OMAHA Lightning Rod Co.. 1512 Webster St., manufacturer- of and wholesale and re tail dealers in copper cable lightning rod. 2o9 J -1- TYPE WRITERS. WHY nay more Lambert. 126: sonerlor to $100 machines. Sent on approval. Monroe ss c-o., u w. ;tn alt., Umana. wss TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 606 8. 13th St. -M77S CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. Plerson, Suth and Burt; Tel. L2KS6. ISO J Si MASttUERADB COSTUMES. THEO. L1EBEN, 1018 Farnam, costumes. M116 MASSAGE. I FACIAL massages. $1.00. 1711 Dodge. 435 Jant OSTEOPATHY. Dr. Grace Deegan, 638 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2M8. -110 GID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suit 615, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 14. 1 110 CANDY AND CIGARS. ALSO school supplies and laundry office. wra- J- iatni, n. -tlu gu -M645 J1J S UPHOLSTERING. OMAHA Furniture Repair. W'ks., 1201 Far nam. 1 si. itai. 349 Janl PETERSEN A LUNDBURO. 116 8. 17th. CARLSON A CO., l Leavenworth. TeL zl. 83 Jl GOLD AND SILVstR PLATING. OIL PLATING CO.. Bee bldg. TeL 253B 267 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramga Bldg. -l-'l BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS snd aluminum casting, nickel plat ing ar.d finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co.. 41 N. Mam 01.. Council bluffs. . PRtlPFRTlE MA14iKI. vTTfa rn am s mTth & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER. EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS. and fiscal agents of , CORPORATIONS. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 ;,Ki imihtihu. BCHROEDEP Sign Works. 20 S. 17th. Wi also ship signs, write us. if. a Junes II AND LllNDRT. FAMILY washing a specialty. 1318 N. 24tt ' W. AVI. r Ulft U. .V. DB IIIVBUII, -MS8S J SHOEMAKING. SHOES made for lame folks. J. T. Miller, V N Kith. M:7 JS 41 SIC. T1IOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. MERR1AM. comfortable winter home. Tel 13 r - -tv3 , elllltlS TO OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY, 1916 Farnam. 76K J1S STORAGE. OM. Van 6tor. Co.. lbllVi Farn. Tela. 159-ROJ. EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tel. 1195-1145. K6 .LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PK.CE, 28 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. tui NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys ana collectors svery where 102 NEB. COLLECTION CO., SOS N. Y. Life. Man ) AILWAY TIME CARD Con tinned. BURLINGTON STATION- 10TH A MASON BarllasTton A Bllssonrl Hirer. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice ind Lincoln s a 5:40 sm bll:E5 am Nebraska Exprest, a 8:40 am a 7.46 pm Denver Limited , a 4:26 pm a 6:46 am Black Hills and'Puget Sound Express all:10 pm a S:10 pm Colorado Vesllbuled Flyer a 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pm a 8 17 au Fort Crook aud plaits- mouth b I M pm Ml:05 am Bellevue A Pacino Jet.. a i:M pm a 8:27 am Be I lev ue A Pacific Jot. .a 2:00 am Kansas City, St. Joseph tt Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:45 am a 6:05 pm St. Louis Flyer a t:10 pm all:0n am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 ara Chlcaaru, Burlington k Q.t lacy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:30 ara Chicago Local a 9 30 .'.m all:00 pm Chicago Limited a 8.05 pm a 7:30 ara post Mall 2:46 pro UNION STATION I. OTH AND SJARCY. Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:60 pm The Fast Mall a 8:26 pin California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all:80 pm Eastern Express a 6:30 pm The Atlantic Express... a 7:30 am The Colorado Epeclal...a 7:10 am a 8:40 ai.. Chicago Special a 3:40 am Lincoln Beatrice and Btromahurg Express.. b 4:00 pm bl2:60 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:16 pin Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 pm Chicago, Rock Island A Paelfle. EAST. Chicago DayllgHt L'fd..a 5:00 am a 6:4! am Chicago Daylight Local.a 7:00 am a 9:35 pm Chicago Kxpresa du:id am a o:uo pm Dee Moines Express.. ..a 4:30 pm 1 11:50 am , Chicago Faat Express... a 6:35 pm a 1:26 pre WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..a 6:50 pm a 4.55 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pro Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:0 pm al2:40 pm . Chicago Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 ara Mail a 8:00 pm A 8:30 am Local PIojx City a E 10 am a 8.50 pm Daylight St. Paul a 7.16 am al0:25 pm Daylight Chicago va 8 00 am all:20 pm Local Chicago ....t 10:55 am a 6:10 pm Local Carroll f 4:00 pm a 9:50 am Fast Chicago a e:60 pm a 4:06 pm Fast St. I ul a 7:55 pm a 8:15 am Limited Chlcngo a 8:10 pm a 9:20 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm 0 9:60 am Wabash. 8t. Louis "Cannon Bail" Express a 6:55 pm a S:20 am St. Louis local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am al0.30 pm . Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A Bt. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 1:05 am Mtnneapi.Ha A St. Paul Expreas b 7:20 am blO:3S pm Chicago Express alO:35 pm Chlcaao, Milwaukee gt. Paul. Chicago A Omaht Ex..b 7:40 am b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex a 1:00 pm a 7:50 am Missouri 1'arlHu. St. Louie Express a 10:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C, and bU L. Ex al0:50 pm a 6:15 am WEBSTER DEPOT 1STII A WEBSTER Fremont, Valley. Elk horn Missouri Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. ivau. uvi Dimi'ii. e.w pro a h ,w ra Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pm 6.00 pm Hastings, York, i'avid City, Buperlor. Geneva, Exeter and Seward. .. . $:00 pm b 1:00 pm Bonesteel, Uncolrt. Nio brara and I imom...b 7:80 am' bl0.26 ara Fremont Local c 7:30 am , Cblcaao. SI. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:30 am a 910 pm Sioux City Paasengei...a t:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 8:46 ara j Missouri I'aclne. Nebraaka Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 ara a Dally. o Dally except Sunday. d Dally except Saturday. e Dally except Monday, o Buuduy ouly. T . A 11,., U . . I .- . ,.M - a, STEAMSHIPS. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE Resumption of trips by the mammoth popular iwlr.-acrew steamers Common wealth sn4 New England, to the Mediter ranean from Boston, direct to Gibraltar. Alglera. Genoa. Naples and Alexandria. Lay pi. "New England" .. Jan. 17. Feb. 28 "Commonwealth".. Jan. $. Feb. 14, March 28 ..To Axorea. Naples and Genoa. Vancouver'' jttn. 10, Feb. 1 Cambroman j,,,. jj. Marc h U Proceeds through to Alexandria on the January and February voyagea 1 '" "llloga Boston to Liverpool; Port land. Me., to Liverpool. For rates, bonk. .!. PPly to txicul Agent or COM- N . .. ICE. 69 Deurburn St.. Chicago. j RAYMOND A WHITCOMB 8 19th annual auu OF OLD TOhXICO will leav January si. and a second tour. Mulling the MARDI GKA3, also leaves February U. Entire trip is made In spe cial private veatibuled train of finest 1.1 ' T T 11 1 K'J I. 1 . . . """ . uiiiin.. u. n.i car lours CO till fonila frequently during whiter. Parties to CUBA, PORTO RICO. FLORIDA WEST INDIA CRUI8E. January 16. laf Annual tour to Egypt and HOLY LAND Jauuarv 31. Write ? booklet ri""-'' g I tew. Ill Clark st, Chicago. M2XI 26 1