Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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Will ! take nftfll la m. r !
ela edltlnw and " P- "
lor Murilta w4 Sawrtag !.
states, I l-2e r4 Oral lasernsi,
la wont thereafter. ohlat takes)
far leas than 8". f the rs lnh
II. Ihraf ajaWertlsemewts enwet
ran eeserll elf.
Advertisers, ty reanesllast
nerval cheek, ran har answers
rr la inhered letter la '
f The Itee. Awswters address! will
.e ellert araaralaliaa
efcerk lr.
s i i .11
rmn, rirr.s. ami Tnnirrn.
Talk about rutting the rr'" on cigars,
what others give joti and then flml out
what we offer oi tmr H for :'.c ranni't
he touched by the people who have SlsHed
this war. fur' lin y find that their Imi kbone
not stiff mouth lo hump against Hmh
argest rlgnr ho)o 'c can avo th
fotimmfT, who Is so often dcei1ed liy
these people, the Jobber's profit and the re
tailer's profit, and sell 1 bt m cigar Ilk the
ones nfTerrd In thm and M for 2-V, 14
for J fx-, and they r not made by the
trust, cither, hut manufactured In our own
factor. When we rut we cut at all our
Itore at the same Mne.
V. F. STOF.CKF.R, Pre.
Our Mora "A" headiiiartcrl you will find
at I4c4 I Vmgla;our store "H. " 21 Sojth Itith ;
ouf store "C ' on will find t iis South
JMh; nitre "IV at the of liith and
Farnam, In Mye rs-Dlllon Drug Co. plar of
inCHAN'lfAl. engineer, accustomed to
superintend erection, rtc, mould accept a
position; terni nHmahle. Address D.
Frederick, OailtomiA St. A i!2M
Unm.K-AUKO lady wlahoa poaltlon aa
hiujit k'Mixr In nilowf r i family. A.litrrt-a
O 41. lipp. A ; 2
WANTK1) tor V. 8. army, aMrtwidlod un
married m n lwtei-n f.Rp of 11 and X.S,
ctllrptia of I'rltPd State, of good char
acter and tpmpprate hahiiw, ho can
peak, read aim ante Kngilh. For In
formation apply to RpcruitiiiK Ofticra,
lf.ih ami I.iye Pta., Omaha, and pont
effWc hulidiOK, Uncoln, Nb. B 1
00015 mpaacn(tcti wanted; high aaianca.
A. l. T. Co., Zll So. lSih St. -Ms.;8
WANTKP 2 i-od huatlcra. Open until
p. m. Weatcin Art Co., 1.14 Nirhola nu
W"ANTF.1 Stcnopraphcr with aoma rx-
tarnce. Addrcra O., Vet office, Council
!luffa. ll-MMl
WANTKl-Two ld awaka travcllnB
man to neprracnt ua In Iowa and Mia
aourl: prefer thoae who have hud ex
perience In aolllng goorla to fsrmera; will
pay rciulr weekly awlary and commit"
alon, and will guarantee a hunler a per
manent poHitlun and itood income. Ad
dresa, eivlng referencea, S t, He.
KAXTFIV-An tntelllcent, up-to-dat Scandinavian-American
to travel In northern
Iowa and aouthern Minnesota; prefer one
who haa had experience In aoitcitliig In
mall town and on rural routea; we will
auarante a good income to a huatler;
aalary or commission. Addre;?. giving
referencea, h 6, Hce. 13 MMO
TAXTS rreased lfic; aulta. Sftc; we call
and deliver. 115 S. 16th, upi-tslra Phone
22h. B MK70 J 17
'ANTKr, two grood hustling asleamen. H.
B, Ridgle.y Mat. Co., H1 S. bih t.
li-14 St
WAKTKD, at onco, experienced hot aoda
man. 8. K. Vhaley & Co., 416 Broadway,
Council l'tluffi.. U M118
WOKTHT young man or woman to take
a. holarkhlp In Omaha'a leading bualneKa
and shorthand college and pay for It
when course la finished and position se
cured. Addrexa S 21, Boa. B-M157 J4
Wan4"F.T Oapahlc young man, experl
rnced In sale of stock foods. One having
acquaintance with stock feeders pre
ferred. State experience and salary.
Addresa, S 81. Bee. B 178 2k
AMATKVTt attors and aclressea wanted
for dramatic company; long engage
ments; hank references furnished. Ad
dresa A to ermilon, S. 1
B Ml 99 Kr
V AN'TKli Voimg msn for ofrlce work at
home; $'.f per week; particulars for
flump. J. O. Kllla Copying Co , Perry,
la. B Mu2b Sl
A'AN'TK1" A rood huslnesa man. Nc
hraaka Furniture and Carpet Co , 41K V
24lh at., South i)mhx. B M224 2f
WANTKO T'enson to call on retail trade
anfl agents for manufacturing house;
loral territory; salary' H9.70, Tld wecklv
and expense money advanced, previous
experience unnecessary; business succee.
ful; enclose eeir -addressed envelope.
Standard Mouse, Cavton bldg., Chicago.
B WlM !
ANTED-Men, everywhere., good pav, to
distribute clrculura, advertising matter,
tack sl;na. etc. No canvassing. National
Adv. Bureau. Chicago. B 29 fix
YOl Nrt MAN TO TRAVB1; W rponth and
expenses; experience iinncceassrv ; send
references Wllllama Co., Chamber Com.,
IVirott, Ml h. B 'M
"WANTFD Men to lesrn barber trade.
Practical course given by free work; ex
pert Instructions; tools presented; wages
Ssturdvvs; hoard provided; oatalog.ur
free. Motor Barber t'ollikri, lnft1 Iiaiu-Iui
St. B 3nl
V ANTKr-Maneer for Omaha; a reput
able financial Institution offcra managc-met'-t
of Its iima'ia tiuslncss; requlrea ex-pei-li
ni-ed business man, whi Is (nej'j.'e: lo,
rollahlo, lioncsi , gmid r"f'reii. cs ryui-.l,
financial experience noi reoiils't. Ad
dress, full particulars, Mercf ntile Finance
Company, 1,4 I M. Salle St., ChicHgn, ill.
b :as
AXTED Kvperlenced dress goods calen
It'ili; min t furnish fc'ood. M fer-ncea. K el
ley, Sttget Co. B M.U4 3'"
POY for rallrned office ; must be brlpbt.
well educstcd, Indus) Won and from to
IS years old. Address In own hand wrlt-
mg, S 4:i. Bee. B M'W 29
ARK ynu Interested In latest electrical de
vices" If so. send your name and Hdoress
for free circulars and full Information.
Aridrevs Electricity. Box UI3. Cllv
BAP TiKBT MKN-Y011 can double your
present Income by representing us; 110
membership fi e; state renc to the rlrtit
man. The ltitcrnailoiuil l.uw and Coi
Ifw'tloii Co., Dayton, Ohio. B
CtR.Tl.AR niSTF.lPrTKKS evervwhers"
to S7 jer thousand earned lilNtrflnt
ters' Nstloiml l inon, t'lnt Inni.rl O
B IT! If
VAVTCIi. but led b.wr driver; must have
experience In similar work en give good
recont me ni a i to ii m
OOOD all-round printer wanted at once:
gitod. pernihiieitt poniiion f-r rij-M pnri ;
rime wares exacted. The lni:inr,
O'Neill, Neb. H M3
PKTl'rTI KS. every legality, nood .lar
ev erlr-'e iinnecevsnry. Interim tlonal
I'.-tectlve Agencv, Milwaiikeu. M't
H 2x7 W
3 KVTS or b'lys. copy letters at home and
return tn us; tl2 a 1 ' paid week!'';
sotvl addrrHsed envelofie for oopv anil li
Htractifwis liitsi I'eii Co., K7 Nhsmmu
St.. New York. 2f
iNTEl.l.lOKNT votle who neei nu Income
addreSM I'rivifrcailei , ltox l'X, 1'hllaiiol
pllla. it
state given pcrriiapeu;. pie'isMnl. irotliKble
einpliiyiiieiii mar limn. V InUe or t.ri
tipie Addre'B.. Prateruai. Tliames fiiilld
liiu. New York. 1 -JV
with rlt to Introduce poulrrv comcoumi.
stralub) sla"v lni'i'lai M !g , I a nt
M. liinsiiia, Kan. H u. V
Pl'R W:EsI and traveling exiu'tows
ltd salesmen for tiaklng po .1 r and ex
' tracl- i viwrleiioa uiiuuccaar. I'urltv
... ,''i.i....A .
Opens January 5.
Boyles College!
TirstNFSS IlKrAllTMF.NT Pook-ksep- j
Ing, B.tpld Calculation. Business Arllhnie- I
tic, Fenmanshlp, Spelling. Office r-rlll and t
Bnrking. Buslnrsa rrnrtlcr. Buslnesa Cus
toms, Commercial Law, Practical drain- I
mar. j
SllonTl!NP PF.rAMTMEXT-Phort-
hand. Typewriting, Mimeographing. In
dexing, letter Filing. Spelling. Penman
ship, letter Press Copying. Manifolding,
Buidt-.ess Correspondence, Tuni tiwtlon.
Language Lessens.
Our Night School affords an opportunity
for young people to secure aa thorough
business or stenographic training at the
day school. The same studies are taught,
the same teachers are employed and every
facility for thorough and practical work
la furnished.
Students admitted any week
day. Apply for advertising literature
Boyles College
K. T. Ufr Bldg
WANTKD A jroung and energetic man to
travel and sell custom made shirts and
underwear in a territory In which we
have an established trade. Address, with
particulars as to pust business experi
ence. Bm kley Custom Shirt Mfg. Co., St.
l.outa. Mo. B 24S-2S
CIVIL service government positions; H.9SS
appointments this year. This Is 4.682 more
than last year. Kxcellent opportunity for
young people. Catalogue of Information
free. Columbian Correspondence Coiloge,
Washlnglotv l C. B-M2.S2 )
WANTKD, Inventors, patentees and me
chanics and everyone tiMereeted In pat
ents and Inventions to send for our In
ventors' Oulde. This 60-rage book sent
free contains full Information about pat
ents How to obtain a patent. How to In
gantly printed book sent free to any ad
vent for profit. How to sell a patent.
Thia elegantly printed book sent free to
any address. O Mera Brock, Patent
Attorneve, KA Kleventh St., N. W., Wash
ington. IV C. B-261 2S
WFCHAN1CS qualified for advancement.
Our free boiklet. "Are Your Hands
Tied?" tells how thousands have doubled
or largely increased thitr earning capacity
thr.-iigh ' our spare time instruction by
mail. Write to the International Corre
spondence Schools, Box ltWv Scranton,
Pa., or cali day or evening, Omaha office,
6S7 Pax ton block. 13 i57 as
appointments to be mnde; examinations
In everv state; circnlsr lnl, giving full
particulars as to positions, salaries, etc.,
sent free. Address National Corres. Insti
tute, Y ashlngton, IV C B
Winter Term Opens Jan. 5, 1903,
A. C ONG, A. M., LL. B., Prest
Such is the work being accomplished for the students of this conservative, up-to-date
school that notwithstanding we d oubled our floor capacity this year, yet
from all indications every soat will be t aken during the winter session. Many are
securing their scholarships in advance tn order to make aure of their accommoda
tion. If vou are thinking of a Business or Shorthand and Typewriting education,
call or send for our new and elaborate catalogue, and after reading It no doubt will
remain as to what school you will enter.
The Most Elegantly Equipped School West of Chicago
Two entire floors newly furnished.
Klegait solid oak, roll-top desks and revolving office chatrs for all the students of
the Banking and Commercial Departmenta.
Vale lock, Oxford box desks for the students of the Shorthand and Typewriting
Dopi;rtrre.nts. , ,
Sb.imo.ivi In typewriters, SK.OftO.flO In fixtures. Ten more new Re.ming-ton typewriters,
laten models, making over 60 standard typewriters.
Headquarters for Pure Gregg Shorthand
The author of Gregg Shorthand has given this school his highest indorsement.
The following are a few of the kind remarks of visitors:
"Yoitr Commercial Department looks like an immense counting room."
With such surroundings and elaborate furnishings the students must certainly
enjov their work.' J
Your catalogue trulv Indicates what you have and what you are doing. It cer
tainlv is ihr finest and most elogant pros pectus ever put out by a business college."
Students may enroll any time. Oad or send for a copy of our catalogue.
Winter Term Opens January S. 1902.
WANTED, a few pupils to learn book
keeping free and pay for tuition from
their earninsra after we place them In po
sitions: vou can learn at your own home
in a few weeks without luss of time or
rnone ; we guarantee it; we teach you
lreo and get you a position. Write fee
full Information and our free book. " How
to Suooted in Business." It tells you how
you can letter your position and make
more monrv. commercial Correspondence,
Schools, Drawer O, Rochester, N. Y.
DKTKCT1VE Shrewd. reljib) man wanted
in very locality for profitable secret serv
ice. Experience unnecessary. "Write
American Detective asoolation, Indianap
olis, lnd. B-237
TRAVF.lJNi? men by large manufacturer.
Liberal salary. Advancement. Kxoollent
opening bright, eiwrgeuc person. Ex
perience iiimecew.ary. Sllvcrton Com
pany. Ch'eago. B 236
EVFBYWHF.RE. to sell Ijimbert Type
writers. Monroe at Co.. kU is. 16ih St.,
i una ha. tSi
TO SE1.I., side linn, easy seller, large
prolitK, sells everywhere; carry sample In
pocket. Address S Bee. Council Bluff.
an" J13
SA1FSVEN with experience for tine line
bruMhcs; sell Isrge consumer), on com
mission; exclusive territory; references
rei;uireu. bikt Mfg. Co., fiulllvun. lnd.
V19 30
WE HAVE an exceptionally good propo
sition for traveling Hi lesnien who art in
potouoii to take up a ante Hue to cull upon
puhllthcrs only No sample to carry.
Kxrlustve territory. Addresa, Zi2 Temple
block. Kansas City. Mo. ii a
i TRAVPLINV, ealesmnn for Netiraska. No
technicai knowieitve. but actlva, all-
aroiuui but Her tablisnea, nign rated
lio.ise. I ; JriililiiK". sialoa Ml-i . il V .
Atwater. rxtroli. Mich 2Ti y
tAPARI.E slismn to cover Netiraska
with siaple Una. H'eh eotnmiSKioiia with
advance ot !'" mniiihly. f'erinunent jio
sm n to rl:hi man. Jese Jl. Smith Co.,
Iwrroit. Mich. 2f
W ANTKI lnime:intely. by reliable Cleve
li.nd hiuise. a WKIeawaWe mnn with good
biwiinos eKterunce for lw to complete
our travi'ling force titundurd line.
Church i Co.. Kliastone liidg.. Cleve
land, o.
WANTED, first -eluas Traveling man Janu
ary 1 to sell staple article to retsll furni
ture irwile as Mle line (letter goods and
chetiper prices than rnnint-tltura. Sella
resoiiy b phntouraph. Appli.'ation nuisi
be made ut once AUdre-w MnhlFur lnh
Co.. i Dearborn St.. Chicago. f'Tt' 2f
SALESMAN, specialty, experienced travel
ina tit PI! vuinticv; beat firoposlrlor ever
tireso'tert , -iandbrd line, leading uatiu
facturur, "cra.'ker-tack udverlinni plan;
Injures order, nriirlv' everv fowl,, com
mission artvsnced: avennfee K- on aach
order. Box Int. Mlnmupol. Ultu.
WANTED, suleamen. bv maiuifactunr nf
groeert.' stei'taltle.: give exia.riHiice fulty;
good !. -v to tiarii wurkora, AUtlrvaa
iiua i, CliWatfu, la,
Do You Read This Page?
So Docs Everyone Else.
That's Why Your Ad On This Page Would
Increase Your Business.
of the
Omaha Commercial College
17th and Douglas
Monday morning. January tth, the largest class In Shorthand and Typewriting
ever organlred at the Omaha Commercial College will begin Its work. Scores of
young people who have been Investigating the superior merit to ba found In Mosher
Shorthand or Oregg Improved have made up their minds to learn It In preference to
any other system, for the reason that It can be learned In half the time, written more
rapidly and read more taslly than any other system yet devised. There must be
some reason why all of the leading buslnesa houses of Omaha prefer student of the
Omaha Commercial College as atenographers. The reason Is not far to sek. Our
course of study Is more thorough than can be found elsewhere and our students
always excel In these subjects. If you want to become a stenographer and secure a
good portion when you are through school. It will pay you to begin at the opening of
the Winter Term. Monday morning, January Sth.
New classes will also be organised In the Business and Telegraph Departments.
Our Actual Business Department will be run In full blast. The work In our Tele
graph Department will be better than ever before. Our Board of Trad" meetings
will be the largest and most Interesting ever had. If you want at Business Course
or a course In Telegraphy, the Omaha Commercial College is the place to obtain It.
The busiest place In Nebraska for the next three months will be the Omaha Com
mercial College. The outlook Is for more than 500 students In all departments. The
work we shall do will be the best ever done. Abundant entertainment ot high char
acter will be provided during these months. We shall have athletic exhibitions,
public entertainments, a lltersry society,, a series of public lectures, a school of law,
classes In elocution, besides our regular work In all departments. Why not attend a
college where you will have seme literary and social advantages, besides better oppor
tunities In the course of stuoy you desire to take.
Call or write at once for any particulars ou may dc-slre. School will be In ses
sion the coming week. Visitors ate aiwajs welcome. Our new Illustrated cata
logue free to anyone.
commission and other cash premiums
offered by an established
to first-class, experienced salesmen. Ref
erences required; samplea ready Jan. &.
Address, Box 418, Chicago.
WANTED Capable traveling salesman for
Nebraska to start immediately afier Jan
uary 1; one year contract; bond reqjired.
Box , St. lxuK Mo. Si4 ZS
SALKSM AN WANTED One experienced
traveling grocery salesman for Nebrik
territory for coming year to fill vacancy;
ralarv I12S per month and expenses; tefer
erxes, interview. S 36. Bee. 277 J
WANTED, traveling salesman for exten
sive, fine line of advertising novelties,
signs, leather goods and cajendars; new
line ready January 1; permanent position,
exclusive territory; must he experienced
In these lines; state experience In detail
and send several references. Augus;
Cast Bank Note & Utho. Co., St. Luia,
WANTED For coming year, experienced
travel lag salesman tor Nebraska: we want
a salesman, no novice nerd applv. Box
F.14. Chicago 102 !).
WANTED, girl for general housework
family of four; good wages to rieht
party. None but thwcMfhiy competent
iiiip tia apply, la e. 4. in til. Tel.
Aa6 C M667
liW Girls. Call Canadian office, l&th ft Dodga.
C H40
I viAMtu, giri inr trenerai nousiwnrk;
good wagea, small family. Mrs. Simerai,
I bit N. feiih ave. C nd.vs
WORTHY" young man or woman to take
scholarship in Omaha's leading businaaa
and 8horihand college and pay tor li
when coarse Is finished and position se
cured. Address 'Jh. Bee. C Mlue J4
WANTED tlrl for general housework.
i 2MB Mason tit. C ltSti
I WANTED workllg housekeeper; small
i taniil ol adults. 372S N. lNih si.
I C-M17
W ANTED, a competent girl for general
housework at MM I'ark Ave. C 2M 2t
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Aira. Thoniaa 1 . Hall. '22Li
Sherman ave. C
WANTED, woman aa working house
keeper In smull family of adults. Address
fc 40, Bee. C 13i
WANTED, experienced girla. Hub Laun
dry, ll N. 12th. C 3
SEAAIfTRESS wanted: work at home; big
ih. Send stamp. Mra. Nance ijiinjisun.
AVM. fit lltltU lk
C S.. 28
WANTETv-Olrl to do plain light house
work liavenpori. Take I'urnnm car.
I C M8'Jt
Home writing only; takes scarcelv nny
ot your time; postal will bring full ite
i tallk. IilHlnructo Co., I'ark bqUHrtj,
lint-ton. Muss. c :
WANTED Fliwt class waist and skirt
maker. (Mitv exptrlenced people ned
apols. A Seeblck. 4(, Sherman St.. Deitd
wood. S. D. C a,
lib PER THuI'SAVD rupvtng letters at
i homn. either sex. send two etams fur
' particular. Illacknvy Co.. &UL.7 HaistKd,
I Chicago c
WANTED, a gtr for general housework;
good wages. 1117 S. lolti Ave
C M3C7
LA I Hi-Si or glrla, eony letters at home and
return to u; (ii Hr thouaand paid
wecklv: send addresaeil enveloii. ftir oopv
and Instructions I ntlwd i'an Co. IT.
.iiau Su. New York.
c-t:i 8J
WANTED, girl for general housework:
small family. Apply after Sunday at J8S
N. st Ave. C 288 26
GIRL for general housework: small famtlv;
no children; no washing. Afiply 820 North
23d St. C 2S6 2f
"WAXTETJ, a good girl for general house
work: must be good cook; referencea.
191S St. C MCS2 Ki
LADIES or rents, copy letters at home;
no names to supply or addressing en
velopes; nothing to buy; 12ft a 1.0iK paid
weekly; send addressed envelope for copy
and application blanks Dractical Mfg
Co., XX Market St., Newark, N. J.
C 270 28
WE ARE now selling at FVbruarv prices;
ii 85 buys any hat in the house. Pennelt,
the upstairs milliner, 15H Douglas St.,
over the Singer office. C
INTELLIGENT people w ho need an Income
address Proofreader, Box lis, Philadel
phia, c
LADIES or girls, copy letters at home;
nothing to buy: 112 per thousand paid
weekly; send addressed envelope for copv
and instructions. United Pen Co., 87
Nassau St., N Y. C
WANTED, lady In each county to manage
business, old established house, solid
financial standing; straight bona fide
weekly cash salary, ilh, paid bv check
each Wednesday, with all expenses, direct
from headquarters; money advanced lor
expenses. Manager, 352 Caxton Bldg.,
Chicago. C
WANTED Good girl for general house
work; good wages; no w-ashlng. XZ1
Poppleton Ave. C M311 tb
WANTED At once, lady bookkeeper. Call
ritun iny lauary, jvonn jaam street.
Council Bluffs. C 28
LADIES to work dollies and centerpieces
at borne; all materials furnished; highest
prices paid; no canvassing. Send stamped
envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Elv K.ldg.,
Chicago. c 328 2X
LADIES to do piecework at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from
17 to (12 weekly; send stamped envelope
to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago.
C 1121 28
WANTED, girl for housework; two in
family. 13S. South 27th St. C m 2R
WANTED, a girl for general housework.
Mrs. Shook, 114 N. 26th et C MM2 J6
YOVNQ lndy for office work: must write
good, rapid hand and be ouick at figures;
state salary. Address S 4i, Bee.
c Msa
DEUEI European Hotel, 13th and Faraara.
E Im7
(1 PER WEEK 422 So. 18th St., one block
south of court house. K B-U
STEAM-HEATED rooms, HO per month.
Barker Hotel, 13th and Jones Sts.
AETNA HOUSE, European, lEih and Dodgs
E bin
ROYAL HOTEL, European. lBth & Chlccgo
E iiot
L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone "ho.
I ROOMS tor light housekeeping. 1112 So.
inn ut. b. m,i
CENTRAL, steamheatad, furnished room.
220 N. Zii St. E 70
F.lEfiANTLY furnished rooms In new I
modern home; hot water heat: referencea. i
ltilb Webster. E MMfc JIG
DESIRABLE steam heated rooms, private, I
detached house, close in. 221i Farnam hi. i
E Mink 28 A NT steam-heated rooms. Capl- j
tol Ave. E 1!U
WELL furnished room, with board to one
or two gentlemen ltjio Chicago.
E M2 8ti
220 N. 17TH, NEAT steam heated rooms.
E 31b J27
DES1 RA RLE rooms, walking distance. 2224
I urnaiu. li Al'tf,; j;r
STEAM heat nice alse; would unfurnlnh.
21K N. 2Ud St. E M:7 J2
NICELY funilBhed rrwiiT for lltrht hoime-keeplns-
1014 California St. t M3Ci 2"
PlRMkUED atoons AkD buaru.
PRIVATE family, but) South 2ith avenue.
1 l'I:MSHEI room on first flour and one
in. aecond. 212 S. 2.":b 8 1. F SM
BOARD by day or week : meal ticket,
21 nival; home cooking iicl Kurt.
F H1 J2
NICELY' furnished rooms: steam heated;
wltn or without hoaru; terms ruaauiiabie
Midland hotel. Kith and Chicugu.
F-M2H7 Jl
TWO unfurnished or partly furnished; light
bouseseepiiiu u uebirea CM til Murv
a vs. U-Alai
TWO unf urnlalied rooms, east front, elec
tric lu-ki, lieatea. wulking Ulrtlaiica.
lioterem e. AUCreaa, b Bee
THREE rooms, well heated and lighted,
lur liouaekHeping. M So. 17tn St.
O &Z 18
TWO unfurnished rooms, east mini, elec
tric light, be.ned. waiktiig dwianue: ref
raucaa. AUdraaa si to Ml im
The Van Sant
716, 717 AND 713
New York Life Building.
This school la devoted exclusively to the
teaching of shorthand and typewriting,
together with Instructions In sll branches
cf office work usually required of the
The equipments are first-class In every
respect, and the methods in use are mod
ern and effective.
Students receive the entire compensation
for work done by them while In the
school. Many students have earned more
than their tuition while In attendance.
Tuition may bo paid monthly If preferred.
Monty will be refunded for unexpired
time If students wifh for any reason to
leave the school.
A trial week Is given free to enable stu
dent to judge of the character of the
The winter term opens January 6, IK.
FOR RENT Store In Hrst-clsss location;
rent teecnahle. Apply R. C. Peters &
CO., ground floor. Bee Blag. 1 Jto
CENTRAL, grocery, drug, meat market,
with nxtuiKs; alMi nut laundry, wiia
ctexm heal and power. Titani, ja N. ua.
i frtk
FOR RENT The building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at bit arnam SU It hum
lour stories and a basement which was
lormcriy used as The Bee press room,
'ihis will be rented very reasonably. IX
'nttrestt-d apply at ofhee to C. C. Rose
water, secretary, room WO, Bee building,
OFFICES in the Bee oullding, ilU.UO per
month up. Rental prut includes heat,
light ana janitor advice. H. C. Peters
A.- Co., Rental Agents, Ground Loor, Bee
Bldg. 1 i7H
FOR BENT, building suitable for whole
sale purposes at sis Karnnm. :x9U, tour
stories and first-class cemented basement,
eevalur, fire ana burglar prool ajil,
office counter and fixtures. For price and
particulars lncftiire C C Rosewattr, secre
tary The Bee Building Co.. room lim, Bee
buildup. 1 kljC;
FOR SALE, complete outfit of furniture
and stove. Call at 1716 N. S3d St. Phone
L 2wl I M8Jk
ELEOANTLT modern, hot water heat,
suite of two rooms in new brick building,
ground floor; good location for business
offices. Call at 1616 Webster St.
1611 Howard St.. llrable room with full
basement; (no. 00 per month.
1 M9at J4
Only stone office building in Omaha.
1 3.15 28
WANTED Canvassing agents In every
county to solicit sunscnptions to THE
Steady employment, with assured good In
come. Agents In the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily (tin to tlix per month. Ad
dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee building, Omaha, iiii
WANTED Ladies and gentlemen to sell
magnetic c.uahion sole, rubber heel shoes
in every state; large profits; write lor
particulars. Magnetic Shoe Co., Niantic.
Conn. J Ml".':i 29
WANTED Manager In every city, county
to handle best paying business known;
legitimate, new; exclusive control.
Phoenix Co., It W. 28th St., New York.
J 293 2H
WANTED, energetic man In every county
In the United States to open office and
take charge of our business. New article
which oestroys odor of liquor or onions,
called "Ntx-e Won't Te.ll." Has made a
hit throughout the country. Made In tab
lets and chewing gum form, vjulck seller
and repeater. Sold to saloon, drug and
cigar trade. i2i will start you. Profits
(bm to (ami monthly. Nix-e Companv, Chi
cago. J 2M4 2H
AGENTS and mail order men. Our patent
screw buttons for pants, coats, vests and
shoes simply screw In; no sowing. Five
cents, half dozen. Sjilral Button Co., 1
Devonachlre St., Boston, Mass.
' J-2C2 2S
WANTED FtrFt-class traveling man Jan
uary 1 to sell staple articles to retail
furniture trude as a fide line; better
goods and cheaper prices than competi
tors; sells readily by photograph; appli
cations must be maoe at once. Address,
Michigan Desk Co., 40 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. J 2G3 2f
AGENTS A million overcoat owners will
buy our newly patented Name-m-Ynur-C.nat"
coat hanger this winter; (.(CI sold
last week by eight agents. No sending
orders in tn be filled; you make and de
liver hunger on the pot; sample with
your name on and particulars, JOc.
Aluminum Hanger Co., C W. Van Huron
St., Chicago. J 23t 28
SIDE LINE fiFFERED by high rated
corporation on uncovered ground. Sev
eral earn t2f Weekly. Factorv, V O.
1371. cw York. J-247 28
AGENTS We have the fastest selling
household article on the market, with big
protit t" agents, and as an Inducement fur
you to handle our goods we will aund you
atisoluteiy free a latent Improved rubber
and gold finished toi;ntulti pen for your
own use. Send Ifr for a sample article
and you will le-e've p n ut the same time..
Mention paper Address c. G U'urren
Co., Madison. N. J. J 241 28
"WE PAY (01 a week and exiienses to men
with rips to introduce wiultr compound
International Mtg. Co.. I'arsona. Kan
J 272 28
WANTED, nil ag nts tn eevery county: re
liable., energetic men to sell on commis
sion tn farmers and thresher our line of
lot; h -fane lubricating olih. greases, also
root, bum end house pain's Anply at
once AodreMp The VVooiiiund Oil and
Grease Co.. Cleveland. (Hiiu. J
AGENTS, don't work for others: learn a
profession in ten days thul wtl! pay (lu
tn tii icr day. I'rof. S. A. Weitmur, Ne
vaau. Mo. J
SCRANC6. Co.. Eikhuri. Intl.. Insures
persoi: from So to M. bi veiilnen year in
buslnesa Liberal contruet tu agent.
WANTEIs An agent, either gentleman or
iMriv. in each town to tnke iirtlert. fur
sklru- munr to order. Ktvlmh swell dreaa
ery will appreciate tliem Big luiiuee
ments to riglit pnrt Tin Loiunm LaUiu
Tullortng Co.. ICS; Olive St.. Bl Louis.
WANTED A plwce fur student to work for
iarc ano rooni itf iirni. iubhii..p
iege, Bovd Ttoeatar. lot. '4Vf
WANTKD, to rent, house with one to Ave
acres of ground, not far from car line,
March 1 or April 1. Address S. K. Pe
K-:X5 2s
OENTI.FM AN and wife w-ant pleasant
room and bosrd In desirable neighbor
hood at $10 to $11 pt r week. Address . 4,
Her. K Ji.S JS
WANTED, five carload of second-hand
furniture; highest prices paid Lrop a
csrd or telephone 7:l Jot Irvine. J N.
16th at. K M Jl
WASTKD-To rtirchase a modern 9-room
I residence In good location; cash; answer.
N-M2K a
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1110 Dod(te. Tel.
M2fl. New and secondhand, bougnt, slJ,
exrhenged. O tt-1
NEW and secondhand vehicles for salt
cheap. II. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth.
P fi
FOR SALE Good saddle pony, cheap.
Charles Reynolds, 5J3 Camden Ave.
P 2Hfi 2
FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib
bing, combination ladders. MU Douglas.
W Until
FOR 8ALE. phonographs, superior to any
ether musical Instrument. Is up. Tba
Wittmann Co., lt-1 Faruam. Q Sou
INDIAN goods and relics. Ul Farnam.
W Ini
CHRISTMAS perfumes. Writ for catalog.
Shtrman t McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
y Mii i
SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables;
billiard tables repaired; a large stock of
cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc
The Brunswick-Balke-Coilender Co.. 4i'7-S
. 10th. Q-MTSJ J7
IDHAND safe cheap. Dertght. 1118 Farnam.
TWO good double sleighs. 145 and I: newly
fainted; Rorkaways, depot wagons,
(roughams. Drammond Carriage Co.,
lMh and Harney Sta. Q-M71S JanlJ
FREE FOR XMAS Oold-edged glass bottle
of choice wine, corkstrew with every
order of Prlmo Whiskey, rrlce (3.10 gal
lon; charges prepaid. Meyer Klein,
Wholesale Liquor Dealer, i-3 No. 16th,
Omaha. Q MJC1
SELL Bitters as side line on commission;
fine article, well sdvertised. 2ri Cuming.
V-M771 jia
NEW and 2Jhand typewriters. U1S Farnam
Q si!'
FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing
six per cent interest, payable every six
months, has about 2H years to run; good
security and endorsed by responsible
party; amount, (1.8. Inquire C M.
Lachmann, Room 124, Paxton Block, .
W 67
ONE tin dish heater, suitable for hotel or
restaurant: one heating stove, (T; one hot
water beater, suitable for bath room or
btrber shop: one laundry outfit complete
and one good sleigh cheap. Applv M. J.
Franck, Midland hotel. Ji.Ih and Chicago
St. Q M2o6 2f
75 LADIES' and cents' watches. 150 dia
monds, left in pawn, good as new. selling
tit half price. Diamond Loan Office, 14el
lHiuglaa. Q M237 J-24)
These machines have all been thoroughly
overhauled and are In rood condition and
are very cheap.
One Domestic Machine (10.00
Two Slngera. square bed, with latest
head (16.00
Pir.ger, high arm (Ki.w
Singer ( 2. im
Singer Tailoring (12.00
One Howe ( S oO
One St. John ( t oo
One While (10 .no
New Home (10 (Hi
Household do. til)
Household (10.00
Modern Drop Head Machines, slightly
ueed, of any make, very cheap. These are
such machines as the usual agents will
sell j'ou for new. We rent machines for
7&c a week or (2.00 per month and repair
and sell parts for any machine manu
factured. Nebraska Cycle Co.
'Fhone liua. Corner liilh and Harney.
Thone B61S, 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs,
'Phone 4365. 612 N. 24th St., S. Omaha, Neb.
See large ad on Page 12 of illustrated
supplement of this edition.
ANYONE omatemplating taking a business
or short hand course can secure a life
scholarship in one of Omaha s leading
commercial colleges. For particulars ad
dress 8 47,. Bee. t-M.Hi4
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1014 Cass street
MME. GTLMER, genuine palmist, SIR 8 15.
MADAME LUCRET1A, medium. 1W Chi
cugn street. 6 M3S4 J3
Can Instruct you as to the proper course to
pursue. Her advice is baaed on scientific
principles and she employs only scientific
methods ot Instruction. She has devoted
her lite to the study and practice of
pulmiatry and probably tin other ierson
in the profession has achieved as much.
See her. Parlors, 3IA E. lath St., In Gran
ite block, 2d floor S
SEND fcor and stamp, with dste of birth,
and get trance reading of your past, pres
ent and future. 1 tell full name, dates,
full name of future husband or wile,
with age and dale nf marriage; give ad
vice on love, business, marriage, specu
la tions. divorce. chaiigH. etc.. and tell
whether the one ynu love Is true or false;
guarantee satisfaction. Address Mme.
I it-V ere, Box tfl.'i, Kansas City, Mo.
XX 28
MME. SMITH, baths. 11 N. lu, Id floor, R. 1
T MJ12 Jo
Miss Ivertng, massage baths, 601 N Uth St.
IL1 Jam.
MME. AMES, vapor baths. 134 N lith R 7.
GRACE Q BRYAN of Kentucky. 72"' S. 13th.
T M-Mi' J17
MRS DAVIS. 1821 Howard St., baths
T AUli. &
MME SA'"NDERS gives magnetic treat
ment. 181 Leuvui, worth si. Fiat 1
1 M1C7 a
' )-a- - '
Wl, ItOY. chiropodaii, corus and superflu
ous hair removed by eieotrmu v. i;
I renser block. U C7
VIA VI. V. oman Way to Hualth. Hums
treatment, liuoklet tree. 'Mi. Iter Biuk.,
Omaha U Ins
RUPTURE C"t'HEI No knit, no puin, no
detention trom liusiness Send for booklet,
N Y. Life Bldg.. limaUk
L (7ti
GRAAIOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
sua retail. Colilii 1'ialio Co., bil: Douglas
DR. R M JA'KHi'iN. suac.ialiat tn clirunlc
diseasea. iJS, Faxuuib bL CuiihuIiuM. iu
Xrew, V-iU
SOCIALIST headiuartera. 51 N. Ith St
literature ot all kinds, trtln; on al
U 22 Jsnl
TELETHON E 7 for L M. E. mej'ngera
PRIVATE hospital bffore and during con"
bnenient: babies boarded anil adopted.
Mrs. Gardels. J4 Lake. Tel. Rcd-14
I' r"I
PRIVATE hcspltRl for ladles liefcre and
during conlinem-nt ; babie adopted. 27uj
B. liith St. Mrs. Hsher. Til. F-ZJ3
U-MJ38 Jl
ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton.
B. J. Scannel). agent, e,e Wore block.
ANY CAPE of dandruff cr falling of hair
cured for (1; 30 years" experience; this
is no fake, but absolute cure; if not
cured wl;l refund mot cy; can also give
mmiy testimonials; ladies can call or
address, except Saturdnv. T. J. Clark.
2419 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. U Mvl4
TRIVATE hospital before and during con
finemcnt; llrst-clas In ivery rtspect.
babies adopted. Dr. U U Miller. H
Blondo at Phone F-lUi. U-M1
lonable cleaners, dresses, suits, r!uak.
draperies, rugs, lsce curtains: we dys
carpets. U M.24 J15
CHIROPODY manicuring, facial and spe
cial massage taught and practiced. A.
Mayer, bli Bee bidg. Consultation free.
Tel. 171&. U MU7.
ELITE PARLORS. C1J S. ICth St.. 2d floor.
PRIVATE sanitarium for lsdles before an!
during conPnement. Dr. and Mrs. Uerlsch.
86Ji California st. Terms reasonable.
U-MlA'7 Jl
Mrs. Jocabson. 2306 N. 20th t. U-17 J21
A WEALTHY, attractive lady, unhappy
and lonely, seeks husband to share her
wealth and affections Address "Amiable.'"
71i Locust St., Room w-, SL Louis, Mo.
v-rr 2
WEALTHY, lonely, kind-hearted gentle
man, with elegant home, seeks wife tc
share his home and weslth. Aodress "Mr.
Roberts." 17 Holland Bldg., St. lxu's. Mo.
v -::4 at
WE ARE now eelling at February prices:
(1 8a buys any hat in the houe. I'ennell,
the upMatrs milliner, lid 4 Douglas St.,
over Singer oBice. T.T
SUPERFLUOUS hair, werts and moles per.
manently removed by electricity; consul
tation free and confidential; sll work
guaranteed. Mu- Alltndrr, It LI Douglas.
Particulars end -pHge, illustrated iaper
FREE. Address. Nat l Institute ot Palm
istry. Grand Rapids, Mich. IM
PERSONAL Tour fortune told from tralle
to imvr; eena uime ana oinn aaie ut
facta. Prof. L Lalour. Columbia, Tenn.
U 226
Dr. Agness V. Swetlsnd. M. D.. a woman
doctor lor women. Specialist in women's
tiiseasea. 1517 L'odge- U 317 2s
DIVORCE cases, iirompt. successful, dam
age and estate caes, etc.; advice Ire": no
charge unless successful; ben lawyers;
everything strictly confidential. Legal
Aid Society, postufhee oox 70", iimhha.
U 312 S
Y'OUNG lady would like to correspond with
gentleman; am good-looking and have
rome pros;ecta of an income from a rich
aunt; man mjM be pleasant and agree
able. Addn.FS S M. Lee. U
BACHELOR, and am tired of It; would
like to correspond with young itdy with
view to matrimony; have home . f this
world's goods and promise to lie L'ood to
orr.e young lady. Addrees S 4S, Bee
4V PER CENT on business projierty.
I per c'nt on residence properly.
Options tu pay whole or part any time.
W. Si. MtlKLL. 401 fc. liTli ST.
VV- 74
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
ettaie. Bretiaan-Love Co., tub bo. 13th.
W 76
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bondi
and warrants. R. C. Peters at Co., 370,
J arnam St. Bee Lid. W Vbl
4 TO P. C money. Bemls, Paxton Bik.
W H7li
FARM and city loans, low rates. VV. H
Thomas, First Nat. Bank fclu. Tel. lht
FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros . 180
Farnam. W H7
WANTED, city loans and warrauta. W
Farnam Smith at Co.. liiu lainum street
W Du
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1C2I Iiouglns.
Best expluitis out mttnods
We loan on lurmiure, pianos, warehousf
receipts, etc or IX you have a permanent
position we can make you a
Without security, except our own agree
tnetit to rejmy. Our eervtoe is quick anc
conndeblial and we alwaja try tu please.
All we auk la that you tve us a cull be
tore you borrow elsew here.
IIS Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 25,
CEstabliKhed 1SH2. 3uti S. lGih St.
Every' man or woman in Omaha. Soutl
Omaha and Council lilut fceLting s
salary call and get our nwni j on nut
plain note, without publicity, mortgage
or lndursvr.
Goods remain in your possession ; you ge'
the full amount of loun without deduc
tion. Our I'vmtm of payments the easitist
Our rates are uasily Hie lowest. V uin
to pleuse
Get Ofl Elevator al Third Floor
Room 306. PAXTON BLOCK.. Room SOB
X 2"!
MONEY loutied on furniture, live stuck
jewelry to aulurled people. Foley Loa,
Co.. Sue. to DuO Green, Burkui block
bA.LA.KiED 'EoPLE, merciiauta, team
stera, buariliiig bouses, etc.. without se
turlty; eabieit terms; 4 oflice lu prin
riiial ultieh. Tulnian, 440 Bouid of Trad
Bldg X IM.
WE LOAN money on furniture, piunns nn.
disnionoa lw rate. Any length of time
BANK. 14U4 1 axiiam. upsiaira. Tel. A-21U
X ut
(22 Paxton Pluck, liith utid I arimm St.
Top Floor.
MONEY loaned on plain mite to salarw
people; business contiUenUal. lowest rates
614 J ax luu tuuek. Tlie J. A. liut'ou Co
MONEY loaned on pianos furniture. Jew
elry, borae. cow, flc. C. F. Reed. 211) S 1.
Room K44 J'lixion block I'bone F22W
Tills fiinipuiiv ih tin private bank nf tb
wage-uaruitr it lid suutried employe. 1
you have a oriiiuiient posltinn us cicrs
bookkeeper, salesmi., tiiuelilniHi or urtt
san of anv klnu. you inn nbtain on you
note, without security or mourner;
M unt lily. M ut it hi v WeoHv
lim return to us ii). l a", .
( o return to us ... l.lst 1 1 I, :fc
2 reiurn lo ua .-. - !.
I li. re' urn to u 4 '' 2 tK Its.
(lur offices are private atul our hUHlncMM
ronliuential. From b a. ni to 7 p. n.
X-M Mi 31
BOARiiiku lioi ti:k.
WANTED, the addr sm s and rules ol
thtrtv (ii good boarding house within
ten biocKs ot loiyd s theater tot nintrt
ol the ''jinn Hur" chfirus ami iiiechAiin-.
Auureas Manager Bun Hut, Boyd theater.
rSA. 0