Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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Tire omaiia Daily Ree.
X ITjr Tve (without Rundav), On Year. 14
Ually Be unci Sundav, One Year )
Illustrated Hee, One Year I "0
Sunday Hee. on Year 2.'
fceturnay Hee, One Year l.M
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. l.tM
Pally Pee (without Sunday), per ropy... 2c
Dally Ufa (without flunuHV), per
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. 17c
Bimday Bee, per ropy oc
Evening Ree (without Sundayl. per week 4c
livening Ree (Including Sunday), per
week t"c
Complaint of Irregularities In dllvery
Should he addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha-city Hall Building, Twen-ty-flf'h
and M Street.
Council WuffH-lO Fenrl Street.
Chicago 1VK Cnlty Hull. ling.
New York-ZUIS I'ark Row Building.
Washington 5il Fourteenth Htrett.
Communication! relating to new and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, an.:
George H. Tim hock, secretary of The
Bee I'ubllshlng Company, bring duly sworn,
aye that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Hunday Bre printed during the
month of November, 1SK, was as follows:
t SI.470 It SH.438
t XU.4BO 17 SO.ttIK)
S1,04M IS 3O.K70
1 4 1,09 fo SO.HHO
84.KIVO tl '..... SO.tKlO
1 81.210 22 8t,410
1 80,340 21 8,31u
IIU.STB 24 ao.24
JO 81,300 26 81,000
11 3U.VT0 n 3I.OOO
12 80, TOO 27 30.TK0
II 80.S20 28 31,130
14 80,780 2 31.4.HO
U 31,810 2M.478
Total naa.wio
Less unsold and returned copies.... t),!WT
Net total amies 22.7a
Net average sales UO,75S
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 30th day of November, A. D.
1J02. M. B. HCNOATE.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Only four days' respite before swear
Ing-off day. '
AH those holiday bargain will look
like 30 cent as boou as theso auuual
clearance sales iret under way.
When Governor Mickey steps behind
the pie counter he will find a hungry
crowd of pie biters six rows deep In
front of It.
'The danger Is that the Venezuelan
trouble will be all patched up before
we have learned our new geography
lesson thoroughly.
Attorney General Knox won't want
for financial resources for the legal light
upon the uulawful trusts. But neither
will the trusts attorneys retained on
the other side.
The 144 revolutions that have oc
curred In Venezuela are not to be taken
too seriously, but rather as the Latin
American expression of the Jcffersoulan
doctrine of frequent rotation in otlice.
Whether Dr. Lorens came to this
. country to make more money of more
fame, or both, is Immaterial. Buftlcetu to
know that he has relieved a suffering
humanity and made many people happy.
Governor Mickey has very good rea
sons for planting himself firmly against
the claw-hammer coat. David Butler,
the first governor of Nebraska wore a
claw-hammer coat every day, but he
was Impeached and removed from office.
Whatever yet remains to render Mar
coni's method commercially available. It
has gone far enough to raise an agita
tion in Great Britain of the need of
government supervision of all wireless
stations, very suggestively the proposi
tion Is first put forth by the naval au
thorities. The legislature of New Hampshire has
voted to submit a woman suffrage
amendment to the people of that state,
Just to keep the suffragist agitators
busy. They will not be so busy, how
ever, as to prevent the sisters In Ne
braska from besieging our legislature
for a similar concession.
It would not be strange If the re
ports were true that Tresldent Roosevelt
Is beginning to show the physical effects
of the strain to which be has recently
been subjected. It would not le
strange either If President Roosevelt
would begin to show visible signs of
the fact that he Is not as young as he
was when he occupied the executive
iuanslou at Albany four years ago.
After all, was there any real need for
the preclpltaucy of Eugland and tier-
many In blockading Venezuela and es
tabllshlng.a' state of war? Why should
not all this negotiation about arWtnt
tlon have been carried ou aud coucluded
before overt acts of hostility were com
niltted, especially as those acts consti
tute the greatest embarrassments to ur
bltrattou? It Is a most serious business
that England aud Gcrmauy have cu
tered upon and It Is to be hox-d that
they will not get out of it without belni
Impressed with the necessity of golug
somewhat slower uext time.
President Schurman's suggestion that
we will make a mistake If we try to Im
pose the English luuxuage upon the
Filipinos wtlltugly or unwillingly Is
licit lug several notes of dissent, but It
Is noue the less dictated by prudence.
W have section of this country where
English Is only an alternative language
and have only by slow degree suc
ceeded lu tusking it the accepted lan
guage. In the Philippine the transfer
proves I iHtuud to 1 still slower. It
will Ih the part if tct for u to make
the Filipino wnut to learn the Euglish
language In preference to the Squish or
Utlve tongues to which they are accus
tomed. If they can lie brvught to that
point ths other obstacle lu the way
wlU ba easily surmounted
mssiru. rvrvBE nimcvLtits.
While the agreement to submit the
Venezuelan dispute to the arbitration
of The Hague tribunal gives assurance
of a peaceable settlement and makes a
most Inijmrtant precedent for such con
troversies. Intelligent students of con
ditions In South and Central America
and of the relit t Ion of the I'nlted States
to the southern countries se the possi
bility of future difficulties which It may
not be practicable to submit to arbi
tration, as In the present case. So far
i the payment of their Just debts to
relgners Is concerned, It seems a
asunable e.xiK'ctatlon flirt hereafter at
ast such of them as have a stable
government and sufficient resources will
make an houest effort to meet their
ibllgatlons. The Venezuelan episode
hould certainly impress upou them the
xpedienry of doing this. , They must
iow fully understand. If they did not
fore, that the United States will not
Mold them from the responsibility in
urred by repudiation or a mTsistent
neglect to pay what they owe. This
otiiitry does not propose to protect
those who willfully practice dishonesty
toward creditors.
Hut the financial obligations of the
southern republics to foreigners, al
though very large, are not the 1 onlv
thing out of which future trouble may
rise. The fact must be recogulxed that
colonization by Kuroponns of the Conn
ies of South and Central America will
go on. Many subjects of Kuropean
nations are already settled in those
countries and It Is certain that within
he next half century their numlters. In
the temNrate xone of South America at
least, w ill be enormously Increased. As
a recent writer points out, should fric
tion arise between the Kuroponns ami
the governments under which they live.
he story of the ultlanders in South
Africa will be repeated. In that event
foreign governments would Interpose In
behalf of their subjects and then would
arise the grave question ns to the course
of the I'nlted States. It Is easv to con-
elve of circumstances In which arbitra
tion could not be Invoked and the only
settlement would be through war.
Another thing out of which future
trouble may possibly grow is the fight
for markets. The question Is not so
much the acquisition of Spanish-Ameri
can territory as the control of Spanish-
American markets. Where European
capitalists have lM'iietratetl, there
American capitalists are sure to fol
low. Competition has already resulted
and collision Is only apt to follow, es
pecially as the countries lu uuestlou are
excitable republics. European capital
ists are vigorously supported by their
respective governments. Shall Ameri
can capitalists be left to shift for them
selves? It is held by sony to be an
Implication of the Monroe doctrine that
a working method for guaranteeing to
European powers adequate protection to
the personal freedom, lives and property
of their eltlzens in the Spanish-American
countries must be devised. Will the
best efforts of the United States to se
cure such protection be satisfactory to
the European governments? If not.
Interference, even to the extent of hold
ing territory indefinitely, is not unlikely.
Obviously the duty or obligation the
United States has assumed regarding
the independent countries of the west
ern hemisphere Is not so simple as most
jvople are apt to think. We have
maintained this relation for more thaa
three-quarters of a century without hav
ing any very serious trouble, but we
cannot be sure that we shall have none
for a like period In the future.
modi:h ci viliza Tiuy.
In an Incisive article In the current
number of Harper's Magazine, compar
ing and contrasting conditions and Ideals
in the east and In the west, former
Chinese Minister Wu Tlng-fnng gives
expression to some terse declarations on
the subject of civilization, which carry
Instructive lessons. "There Is a disposi
tion in some quarters." he says, "to con
fouud civilization with political ascend
ancy. Civilization does not mean merely
the possession of the most powerful
battle ships or the most effective guns.
It means rather the victory of man over
his environments. It is a curious fact
that those nations which have contrib
uted most to civilization have fallen a
prey to their less civilized foes." And
further ou he defines civilization again
as "the sum of man's efforts to advance
from a lower to a higher level." "Every
nation," he adds, "has had problems
to solve In the course of Its history, and
In reckoning human achievements the
contributions of each people should be
taken into account so that the experi
ence of oue should Inure to the profit
of all."
What Minister Wu socks to emphasize
Is what we are too apt to overlook,
namely, that coplc may enjoy a high
degree of civill.-atlou without succumb
ing to oue particular brand of civiliza
tion. For example. Minister Wu frankly
admits that the Chinese have much
to learu from Occidental peoples, of
which he considers us Americans the
most advanced type, but he would like
this coupled with an admission on our
part that we can. perhaps, tiud some
thing worth learning from the jteoplos of
the east. The idea that to civilize the
Orient we must Americanize its Inhab
itants he would reel as Just as unten
able as the suggetitlou that we might
never attain to true civilization until
we should adopt all the Chinese tradi
tions and customs
The pith and iolut of the whole mat
ter then Is simply this: We are ut
priding ourselves on having brokeu the
houds that confined our visinu within
national limit, yet lu reaching out
luto wider fields we are lu danger of
losing night of the achievements of
other peoples In ail effort to Impose
upon them In a day Institutions It took
centuries for u to develop. Civilization
I but relative It is the coucomltsnt of
evolution through the survival of the
fittest lu laws, custom, arts, Industrie
and Institutions. The very fact thst
civilisations other than our own have
survived Is proof conclusive that there
Is substance In them had civilization
been constantly at a dead level all the
world over, It Is morally certain none
of the great nation or races would have
n.ade as fast progress as they hare or
have reached the points of vantage now
occupied. ,
How much American capital has
done In the development of Mexico Is
shown In a statement by the United
States consul general at the capital of
that republic, who estimates that $r),
000.000 gold Is the amount of American
capital Invested In Mexico. This
amount has practically all been Invested
within the past quarter of a century
and alsiut one-half of It within the past
five years. The development of the rnll
road systems has ln-en to a large extent
done with American capital, which rep
resents alsuit 70 per cent of the total
Investment In railroads. The mining In
dustries of the nelghlwrlug republic
have drawn a large amount of capital
from this country, estimated to lc $S0,
WKMMW, while a very considerable
amount Is Invested In agriculture aud
American capital Is going stendlly to
Mexico aud finding there profitable em
ployiint. It Is at present especially
active In developing the agricultural
and manufacturing Industries atd the
progress made in the last few years
(slves promise of great results lu the
near future. Mexico offers a fine field
for enterprise lu these directions, the
agricultural possibilities, particularly In
the cultivation of coffee and cane sugar,
being great, while manufacturing,
though as yet lu Its Infancy, gives
promise of good returns under the pol
icy of protection aud the liberal en
couragement of the government.
It goes without saying that American
Influence In the financial and business
affairs of Mexico Is strong and steadily
growing. It dominates most of the rail
road Interest aud it is felt In other
ways, manifestly to the material ben
efit of the couutry. It appears not Im
probable that within the next quarter
of a century most of the Industries and
n large part of the commerce of Mexico
will be controlled by Americans, the
tendency at present clearly pointing to
Pensioning railroad employes prom
ises to become general and it Is a pol
icy that Is to be heartily approved.
With the beginning of VMS seven rail
way systems will have established pen
sion funds for the benefit of the men
who have given long terms of years to
faithful service. All the pension plans
adopted are reasonably liberal, but the
most generous of them as a whole Is
that of the Canadian Pacific. This pro
vides that all officers and employes of
the company who have attained the age
of 65 years and been ten years or longer
In service shall be retired and pen
sioned. The pension allowance is to be
for each year of service 1 per cent of
the average monthly pay received for
the ten years preceding retirement.
Thus if an employe has been In the
service for forty years and received an
average for the last ten years of $T0 a
month, the pension allowance would lie
40 per cent of $50, or 20 a month.
In the clrcfilar Issued by the president
of the Canadian Pacific announcing the
new departure It is said: "The com
pany hopes by thus voluntarily estab
lishing a system under which a con
tinued Income will be assured to those
who, after years of continuous service,
are by age or Infirmity no longer fitted
to perform their duties, and without
which they might be left entirely with
out means of support, to build up among
them a feeling of permanency In their
employment, an enlarged Interest lu the
company's welfare aud a desire to re
main In and to devote, their best efforts
aud attention to the company's serv
ice." It is not to be doubted that this
will be realized. Every railway com
pany that has adopted the tension sys
tem will, it can confidently lie pre
dicted, find It advantageous In the .di
rections Indicated by the Canadian Pa
cific's president. It will .prove an In
centive to faithful service, to a .desire
to remain with the companies and to a
disposition to maintain jH-aceable rela
tions. The policy is wise and commend
able from every jtolnt of view.
There will be general approval of the
vigorous effort of the government to en
force the law against the use of the
United States malls for fraudulent pur
poses. Durlug the last two years the
attention of the I'ostoffice department
has been especially devoted to this class
of cases, and a great number of prose
cutions have l?eu successfully carried
to conviction. The cases have covered
so many phases of the federal statute
that Its broad effect may now le ascer
tained from the decislou of the courts
and it Is of far-reaching importance.
Comparatively few have any ade
quate idea of the enormous exteut to
which the mails have been aud are
used for fraudulent purposes within
the meaning of the law, for it Is only
recently that the postal authorities have
devoted such systematic aud compre
hensive effort to Its eiifon-eincnt, but
the fact reu.aius that any scheme or
device with the Intent to defraud In
which use Is made of the mails reqders
the offeuder liable not only to debar
ment from the malls, but also to Impri
omueut aud heavy fine. What makes
the matter more serious Is the re
source of the department for develo(
lug the legal proof of the offeuse and
of the federal court for tun-urlug con
The most notalde recent vindications
of the law have lieen lu the get-ru-h
quick proiHtsitlou ami lu fraudulent
mining, oil and imilar schemes with
the prospectuses and other printed mat
ter and corresKndence of which the
mails hare been loaded for years, and
which have been the means of robbing
Ignorant unwary and susceptible peo
ple of unuumlcred millions of dollars.
A large proportlou f these schemes are
violations of the express terms of the
law. The range of circumstances, such
as false representations regarding the
officers of the companies, their property
and capital, their profits, etc., which
the courts hold to constitute a fraudu
lent and therefore criminal undertaking
if the malls are used. Is very wide and
renders any attempt thus to make gains
by deception exceedingly dangerous.
The fact that the mails are absolutely
Indispensable to the highest fucceaa of
most of these schemes to defraud Is
certain with the continuance of the vig
orous policy of the department to give
the public a protection which It has not
heretofore had.
The people of Nebraska will be
gratified to learn through the Lincoln
Journal that "a large number of the
members of the Incoming legislature are
getting tired of the assumption that
they are branded with tho name of a
corporation and some of them are ach
ing for a chance to show that they can
get out of the pasture aud kick up their
heels any time they want to." This is
doubtless true, but the corporation
managers are making ample prepara
tions for corrnling all the mavericks and
high kickers by the distribution of a
generous supply of complimentarles
that will permit the bearer to travel
without pay In first-class style on every
passenger train conveyed on rails
within the state of Nebraska. If
there are any more trusts and mergers
organized In the year liK2 there will
be no chance for a poor little trust to
squeeze In anywhere durlug the year
An Inspection of a map on which are
marked Admiral Dewey's disposal of
his fleet, shows that he has established
a genuine blockade around the Euro
pean cordon in Venezuelan waters.. He
has stationed about fifty warships of
all degrees In a vast crescent whose
horns rest at Islands ou the coast of
Venezuela, the array Including the most
powerful battleships lu the United
States navy, and It Is placed in the
precise strategic position that would be
occupied If hostilities were anticipated.
I pon the whole Uncle Sam's Hoot
triklngly symbolizes the Monroe doc
The Chicago city council Is wrestling
with a public nursery ordinance, de
signed to regulate places where Infants
are received, or retained for hire or
award while under the age of 3 years
for uurslug and maintaining apart from
their parents for a longer period than
twenty-four hours. The proposed regu:
latton of Chicago baby farms is very
suggestive of twentieth century evolu
tion. In olden times women worn or.
pected to take care of their own babies
without thp aid or consent of a city
Negro colonization In Hawaii aud the
Philippines Is only another form of the
colonization scheme that has been re
peatedly proposed as the solution of the
negro problem and as repeatedly re
jected as Impracticable. The negroes
of this country, north or south, no mat
ter how much dissatisfied with existing
conditions, would prefer to bear the Ills
they have than to flv to those they
know not of. The negro problem will
have to be worked out right here In the
United States.
Crave Qaeatlon tnaol-red.
Indianapolis News.
The army board ha decided on blue fac
ings Tor officers' uniforms, though there I
a strong sentiment In favor of white fac
ings, and the end le not yet. Looks like
another case for The Hague tribunal.
Kept on the Jump.
Chicago Record-Herald.
A trolley line has been opened In Porto
Rico. This thoroughly dispose of any dan
ger there may have been of Porto Rlcan
revolutions. The people wili be too buay
dodging the car hereafter to engage In po
litical disturbances. ,
A Fart Worth Rrmrnbrrlng.'
Detroit Free Press.
All those people who delight to talk
about Latin degeneration might do worse
than to remember that the gentleman who
is now sending wireless telegrams across
the Atlantic ocean Is not an Englishman
or an American, or a German, but an Ital
ian. Hesitated on the Brtak.
Chicago Chronicle. .
We were upon the point of lauding as
most upright, wise and learned a St. Louij
Judge who has enjoined a boycott until we
learned that the boycotters were members
of a plumbers' supply trust. This, of course,
puts another face upon the matter. The St.
Louis Jurist will have to be impeached. .
. Another I'erll Boh I p.
Minneapolis Journal.
The la'est American peril discovered by
an Englishman Is that there are too few
children In the I'nited States. He fears
the approach of a when a handful of
Americana will be lost on great conti
nent, as the Indian were before them. Our
population Increased 14.0ofl.0o0 In the laat
Growth of I lie Drag; Habit.
Bocton Globe.
Inquiries from phyMcians In all section
of the country show how rapidly and how
fiercely the appetite for stimulating drugs
Is growing. Hospitals and sanitarium now
derive no small part of their patronage
through the treatment of victims of them.
Physicians In private practice discover
these secret drug habit among their pa
tients and specific drugs whose uses are
understood universally are openly adver
tised broadcast. The slaves of drugs are
multiplying everywhere and the wrecks are
drifting dangerously near the shore.
('' Debt to America.
Philadelphia Record.
Pew things reflect greater credit upon
the I'nited State than the fact, stated
by General Wood before the Amerlian
Academy of Political and Social Science,
that there bis not been case of yellow
fever In the east end of Cuba for three
years, and son In Havana for mo;e than
one year, though "the disease bad never
been absent from Havana a single day la
170 years." The Immediate result of this
to U that (or three years there baa
been no epidemic of yellow fever In sur
southern states. The last epidemic I es
timated to have cost the country In busi
ness st least $100.0000,000. Happily Cuba
Is disposed to preserve the condition cre
ated under General Wood snd the lower
branch of the Cuban Congress ha Just
voted $400,000 to aid the city governments
In maintaining good sanitary condition.
WIT, lllMOtl .(Ml SATIRIC.
Mental Rift Merely Pesiesiri To.
aether by One Person,
Portland Oregonlan.
A real humorist Is a man who without
spasmodic effort uses his gift as mere con
diments to the expression of his happy
thought; but your quark humorist la one
who strings Ms Jokes like beads, not ma
terially to lllustrste thought, but to make
his quips and quirks constitute the whole
burden of his empty speech. This effortless
power of humor, which wraps some gifted
men like an atmosphere. Is a very rare
gift. It has been possessed by none of our
notable public men In any large measure
save Mr. Reed and Abraham Lincoln. Great
wit and power of satire have been exhibited
In many of our leading statesmen, but fine
humor has been denied to them. Fine wit
Implied a keen Intellectual vision; fine
humor Implies more than this, for human
earnestness and sympathy underlie humor,
while fine wit does not date from moral
aenslbillty, but not seldom from Intense
cynicism of spirit.
The humorist belongs to the land of
sweetness and laughter and light in litera
ture, the land to which we may fairly claim
our own Hawthorne, Lowell, Bret Harte
and Holmes belonged, for they all had wit
mingled with wisdom, sense warmed and
lighted with feeling, moral sweetness and
humane sensibility married to intellectual
light. Tour true humorist Is the man who
make the body and form and Juice of all
sound and lasting literature; he Is the fel
low whose color are always fast; he Is the
philosopher of the permanent as separ
ated from the transient In human feeling
and action. Your mere satirist. Is a differ
ent being. Your humorist Is an optimist;
your satirist Is a pessimist. Your humor
ist Is the prophet of the permanent, while
your pessimist is the prophet of the tran
sient, tho present; he feels nothing but the
chill fog that obscures but never ex
tinguishes the orb of day. In life or In
literature your satirists, your prophets of
pessimism, are, when sincere, morbid men,
the pure flame of healthful genius black
ened with the gloom ,of s diseased spirit.
Humor is always the sign of unspoiled spir
itual health, while satire is the symptom
of spiritual malaria.
Call It Simply Tonaress' and Let It
Go at That.
Baltimore American.
Several of the papers are discussing the
use of tho expression, "Tho" congress,
which there seems an inclination to sub
stitute In some quarter for congress.
Periodically the expression bobs up and
when It does It Is generally used under the
impression that it Is superior to the plain
word congress, both grammatically and in
elegance. There is an assumption, more
over, that authority 1 to be found for its
use In the constitution itself and the early
custom of the republic. These people have
evidently read only one part of the con
stitution. That document speaks of congress in
both ways. The" seemo to be used when
it is intended to designate congress a a
distinct and separate branch of the gov
ernmentthat is, to distinguish it from
any other congress while in other in
stances the article "a" is used or both of
them are dropped. Writers contemporary
with the adoption of the constitution, or
figuring shortly afterward, do not use the
"the" men such a Jefferson, Chancellor,
Kent and Bancroft and It Is ridiculous to
suppose that they would have dropped it
had It been the custom to use it. The
a&semptlon that there is superior wisdom
or elegance in the use of the phrase "The
congress" appears to be gratuitous.
This doe not contravert the right of a
person to use such an expression. It Is
merely intended to show that there is
absolutely no reason for preferring it to
the usual method of speaking of congress.
As there are fully 75,000,000 of American
citizens who. speak of congress and not of
"the congress," It Is a matter of some Im
portance for them to feel that when they
do so they are committing no offense
against good taste. Congress will survive,
whether It be railed "the congress," "
congress" or "congress." all of which
epithets are bestowed on it by the consti
tution, but to call it simple congress will
not convict anyone of s capital offense.
The Former Kot Incompatible with
the Latter.
Philadelphia Record.
One of the compensations of poverty has
been, the belief that a scarcity of food
and the absence of luxurious and even of
comforts promote long living, while un
timely death is the common fate of those
who can afford costly foods and drinks,
soft beds and whatever a luxurious taste
can suggest. Statiatics have sustained this
view. A German statistician has gathered
from the cenaus returns of the various
nations figures which show that there are
proportionately many more centenarians
among the poor and uneducated than
among peoplea whose educational average
Is high and whose plane of living is
exalted. The censua returns have been ac
cepted as accurate, or at any rate, as the
only source of official Information. Socio
logists, therefore, have drawn impressive
lessons concerning the rewards of Invol
untary virtue. No doubt many of those
whose poverty compels plain living would
be glad to accept a shorter span of life,
with better opportunities for enjoyment,
in lieu of a century of hunger and bard
ship; but having no choice in the matter
they are disposed to boast of their longe
vity. Very recent social statistics of England
show, at least, thatpa long life ia not in
compatible with riches. Of 206 persons in
that country who. In dying this year, left
each an estate valued at more thin $500,000,
six were over SO years old, fifty were over
80 years and the average was 73 years.
This is far above the average of an equal
cumber of poor people taken haphazard.
It Is explained that a considerable propor
tion of these long-lived rich men Inher
ited their wealth and had lived from in
fancy to death In luxurious circumstances.
As far a known not onf of the group had
the alleged benefits of a meager dietary,
a hard bed and the constant anxiety about
the immediate future which is common to
che centenarians who clove their days of
destitution in the almshouse.
Perhaps the late Prof. Owen's investiga
tions and conclusions offer the true ex
planation of the seeming inconsistency of
the statistic. He found that in no single
case was there any ducutueiaary proof
as to the real age of the pauper centenarian
and he Inferred that most of the very aged
among the permanently destitute are with
out any accurate kno ledge of thetr ages;
that aome'ilmas In ignorance and sometimes
In order to become the center of unusual
attention the uneducated poor gtv to
the census taker ages which he has bo
means to verify. Perhaps the rich do eat
too much and meet too few hsrdships, but
this 1 probably lesa dangerous to life
than la continued nalf-starvatioa and exposure.
Graphic Pen Pletnre of the Renowned
llr. Lorens nt His Work.
Some call him lo-RENZK, some LO-rens,
some LAW-rens, some LAH-rents. some
Lah-RENTX. It makes no difference.
The Viennese Is no gtaat. I expected to
see a Uollava. He was a very tender
little street Arab, playing the violin tor
crown and florins. The exercise of finger
ing the strings must have given bis left
band Its power of manipulation ia blood
less surgery.
In his Immaculate white toga he look
less like a butcher than many eminent
masters of th scalpel and saw. His arm,
bared to the elbow, is brown snd hairy.
His wrist Is Bat and broad, a wrist for
strength. HI hair, one reddish-brown,
genuinely Clslelthan, 1 fringed with white.
His beard Is not nearly so big and bushy
as it appears in his pictures. His modest
habit of looking down has given his neck
a forward set and his Ihoulders a stoop.
He Is neither Imposing, Impressive nor
commanding, says Victor Smith la th
New York Press.
You would not turn to look at him a
second time In the street.' In the operat
ing theater 400 eyes critically observed
him. Th benches, made of structural
steel, slate and gasplpe, are in tiers so
steep that their occupants presented an
almost vertical wall of faces.
A few well-gowned, middle-aged women
were therV," besides hslf a dosen clean
cut, white-capped, whlte-aproned nurses.
The visiting women may have been doc
tresses. Dr. Virgil P. Glbney, who Is as
strong as a bull moose and as hardy as a
red roller In a steel mill, made a bluff
and hearty master of ceremonies. When
he escorted Dr. Lorens into the pit there
was an enthusiastic round of hand-clapping,
which being ended, he said, swing
ing hi arm In a half circle: "Gentlemen
(and ladies); HE needs no Introduction!"
Dead silence followed. The good doctor
had almost overlooked the women. Dr
Lorenz addressed "Gentlemen" only, tak
ing no notice of the women.
After a short prefaco read from a for
midable mass of typewritten copy Dr.
Lorenz' first subject was brought In upon
a table by two white-robbed attendants
and transferred from that to the operating
table. It looked like the corpse of a little
girl. Her hair seemed very blsck snd her
skin very white, excepting her face, which
was flushed. Her stertorous breathing be
neath the ether cone, held by a young
doctor. Indicated the fast approaching
end of her struggle against the anesthetic.
Presently, with a sigh, she passed Into
that state of temporary death which knows
no pain. Then Dr. Lorenz, remarking
quietly, "Gentlemen, we have no time to
lose," laid down his manuscript snd set
to work.
At times I felt like shooting the Vien
nese. It was beyond my belief that a deli
cate, crippled, sick child could hold to
gether under the fierce twisting, bending,
stretching, hauling, crushing and wringing
of two powerful men Loreni and Mueller.
It was like a breaking on the wheel. It was
like a crucifixion. To follow the demon
stration required every ounce of moral
courage and will power thst I possess. And
those critical surgeon sat there with hap
piness lathered on their faces. Fifty of
them were past 45; the rest, about 150, were
between 25 and that age. To look at them
you would have believed them capable of
more concern at a eat fight.
Dr. Lorens speaks fair English, but Is
hard to follow. HI demonstration was
tedious because of hi effort to explain the
minutiae of every detail. HI thirty min
ute seemed as many hours to me, because
I feared he might kill the baby. At last
the climax. Did you ever try to break a
hambone across your knee, or aero a billet
of wood? There was a round-edged piece
of maple on the table, about the size of a
brick. When the child's hip was placed
upon this, and Dr. Lorenz, one hand on the
abdomen, the other on the thigh, laid all
of his 195 pounds thereon. It was evident
that something must give way. Even those
blase surgeons leaned forward expectantly
and ceased for the moment looking so
weary and satiated. Then came to every
ear a aound as of a man throwing hi ankle
out of Joint, and we all knew that the poor
little cripple' awful deformity was cured.
The head of the femur had entered the cup
shaped cavity of the acetabulum, which had
been denied It since birth. And those sur
geon who looked so tired of life actually
clapped hands and said "Bravo!"
Dr. Loreni could have finished the dem
onstration la five minutes had he so de
sired. But the labor is terrific. It Is a
simple matter of hands and fingers and
weight. The Viennese was greatly ex
hausted. It makes an ordinary person feel
queer to see this man correct la a few
minutes deformities that have existed for
years, and that by the mere "laying on of
hands!" The Viennese is no hypnotist,
mesmerist or worker of miracles. He pre
tends to no divinity. But wouldn't you
rather have bis hans than all the millions-of
little old Carnegie?
Dr. Mueller works llko a Trojan and
seems never to tire. His enthusiasm never
flags. The Instant Dr. Lorenz' hands drop
after the completion of the dlarthroaia Dr.
Mueller summons half a dozen nurse and
proceeds to place the subject In plaster. His
method is a liberal education In the plas
tic art. His rapidity Is a marvel. The poor
little thing's legs and body are hermeti
cally sealed, so to apeak, the limb nearly
at right angles to tbe body. In which po
sition tbey are to remain for six or seven
months. How on earth the child recovers
from the bruising and awful discoloration
of the tissues is to me a mystery. If I
.were so abused my sufferings would be
acute for many days without plaster. Im
agine your pain in a vise! Gods! Imagine
the anguish of a child on recovering from
tbe ether and its utter helplessness In
Before the plaater set Dr. Mueller cuts
certain openings with a hook-billed knife,
and does it with ao free a hand that I
tremble lest the blade go too deep and
butcher the child. But he know hi busi
ness. He is a master workman, pr. Lorens
explains, while tbe plaster is helot put on.
that the child will be able in a few weeks
to amuse Itself by pushing across the floor
a small table or chair on rollers, sittiug
on either nd using the feet as propellers.
I suppose that is nearly tbe limit of
amusement for months. Above the belt Its
movement will be unrestricted.
Pr. Lorens ha all along Insisted that
patient who bad been successfully treated
should be Instructed to walk without
crutches, so tbat the limb could get a
chance to develop naturally as soon as pos
sible and sustain its own eight. He thinks
too much dependence can be placed oa
crutches, and while demonstrating yester
day he told a story.
"When I was In Salt Lake City." he said.
"I was called downstairs In the hotel to
are a case. There aat a girl about It.
weeping, and as older brother was also la
tears. I sked mbat the trouble was. at.J
she said that two year ago she fell and
hurt ber hip and had had to use crutch
ever since. I examined her later In
hospital and found not the slightest trace
of injury. She had pais ahen she till. to
years before, and started to use crutrhes,
and after that Imagined she couldn't got
along althout them. I threw (hem assy
and told her to alk and she did. That is
the only (alracl ' save performed la
Old age has Its sunrise ss well sun
set. Self In the sermon la like sand la tho
A siren's voire la ths choir cannot rover
a sinner's vice.
He has a beggar's idea of prayer to whom
It Is only begging.
No snan become wis until he ha often
called himself a fool.
God will always set th plctur of char
acter la a worthy chamber.
Forethought I better tha afterthought,
b6t Innerthought I beat of all. ,
Yoa deS't need to treasure your sorrows;
you will always And enough when you
need them.
The footprints on the sand of time all
lead at last to the great white throne be
side the tldeless sea.
The men who worked th turkey corner
laat week proved themselves prize gobblers.
Colorado and Main each posses woman
Justice of the peace. Heretofore woman
has been s mere figure In the justice bus
iness. Every time sliver drops 1 cent the re
public of Mexico lose $1,800,000. Nations
as well a individuals often take a drop too
Now la th accepted time to put the fin
ishing touches on aew resolutions. The Job
bs the merit of affording excellent mentsl
Striking proof of the theory of "life
aftr death" Is afforded by the resurrection
of ancient and modern stories credited Tom
Reed and Tom Ochiltree.
The man who Is a genuine millionaire
nowadays I of necessity an aeronaut. Th
row of ciphers hitched on to his pile com
prise his stock of balloons.
"A set of false teeth." exclaims a North
Dakota paper, 'wait an owner at this
office. Owner can have the aama by prov
ing property and paying a dollar hush
money for not advertising where found."
W'hat with Maacagnl's baggage attached
and Ave of Duses trunks delivered1 by mis
take to Mrs. Doose, who keep a grocery
store on the South Side, Chicago mutt ap
pear to eminent Italian a very unsafe
Admiral Frank Wilde, in command of
the Asiatic squadron, ha been condemned
for physical disability by the naval board
of medical aurvey and relieved from duty.
On hla return to this country he will be
placed on the retired list.
Admiral Beresford says he doe not want
to see another acre added to tbe British
empire. The last real estate transaction
Britain had a hand in made a deep Impre
slon on the Imperial pocket and touched
the taxpayer on a tender spot.
A poem four feet long celebrating the
Greek victory at Marathon wa found In
one of the tomb of Egyptian king. Mod
ern versifier whose songs are buried In
waste baskets should provide more enduring
tombs and achieve fame a few centuries
Few men of his years are as active In
businesa affairs a Abram B. Hewitt, ex
mayor of New York, who Is now turned $0.
It is sixty years since hi name began to
assume prominence In the commercial and
political life of New York City, but be
show no sign of retiring as yet.
Florence Burns of Brooklyn, who figured
In a recent murder case; Pearl Hart, the
stage coach bandit, and a dnmitiiMt m.
llneux case, are diligently elevating the
stage In Greater New York. No doubt the
stage could bear a allgb. unllft. but the
first essential Is a copious downpour of
eniorwe of lime.
"Santa Teresa." the
lieved by the Yaqut Indian and many Mex
ican to possess divine power, ha sued
ber Indian husband, G. N. Rodriguez, la th
Los Angeles. Cal.. courts for divorce. It I
auegea the marriage was forced upon the
young woman at the point of a revolver
her impetuous admirer at Clifton, Ariz.,
June zz, 1900.
Chicago Post: "Wht did the lovers
querrel about?"
"She wanted him to promise to love her
forever and ever, and he aaid he wanted the
day for himself."
Philadelphia Press: "Ph says she would
not marry him if ho were the last man o.i
"What nonsense! If he were the last man
any woman would marry him Just to spite
the other women."
Smart Set: Fludubbe Do you suppose
that girl Bllkin Is to marry I a rich as
she is said to be? ,
Plnhedde No question about It I know
Town Topics: Mrs. Von RJumer The
doctor told me today that my vltalitv was
at Its lowest ebb between 4 and k In the
Von Blunter That's the reason I alwiv
try to get home about that time.
Chicago News: Growells (at the theater)
Mrs. Neighbors certainly dos look charm
ing tonight.
Mr. Growells Yes. She has a husbard
who like to see her dresaed decently and
Un t loo grouchy to pay fur it.
Washington Star: "And do you never
wlh t.v expertencs loves young dream"
asked the romantic young; married woman
of her bachelor brother.
No. sir." replied he. 'for, yoj know,
dreams go by eonirartra."
Judge: MV11l you marry mV tremb
lingly Inquired the boneet youth of th ooy
daughter of th grass wldw.
"Oh, kind sir." answered the diffident
maid, "you must ask matrons l;rt."
"I dad." avers the truthfjl swain "but
she said she couldn t have me, ss she wss
engaged to old lioldrox."
James Barton Adams in IVnver Post.
The New Year is coming snd people
Just In the same oM way
That ilrlrk will be rut from their list for a
Just in th same old way.
With m.iral internum our bosoms mill
The .,hI tesoluttoM from sojl-founts
ill well
Enough to pv every' highway In aell.
Just In the same oid .
We'll giant' o'er th ear thst'u dying a
J.l iii the ame ol.l wav.
And vow that th r.txl will not be s the
Just In th same old way.
We'll vow thst we'll shed cur trsntgret-
ions sn1 lns
As s:vkr in the spring shed their o'.d
v lr.ter skin.
And ent,-r the New Yar as bright as new
Just In the same oM way.
In a riling each manly Ro)vd" we pre
pare Jnt In the same old way, "
W II read and rrvU them with studious
r. ,
Just in the same old way.
Our vils will expand with a feeling moet
When all of th list w have Saally acaa-
And (hen we wl'.l sign them with reoaiwa
Just in in same old way.
In h tKaa a month we'll t ftl'ed with a
J .tat In the same old way;
Well wih the rrform Un would shew us
a turn.
Jum in ihe ma old wav.
W e It vww the M tempter at first with
Thrn laosn at the thought he rsa bring
t harm.
And ocn wall b off with htm, arm tiaae
ta arm,
J aat la it asm tUd way.