TIIE OMAHA DAILY IlEEt SUNDAY, DECKMHEK 28, 1902. 13 Amusements Cnrtstmai week found the peopla ready to tx amused, and for once at least tbe tnansrer had something at the theaters to amuse them. ' Floradora," with the big- est ana brnl company that erer saosj the J worn ann music in unibi, aid record bus Iness at the Bora, and well deserred the patronage It received. At the Orpheum the bill was not notable for any pepeelal feature, but raa of a generally good sort, so that all bad a chance to see something, and It, too, had splendid patronage. At both houses the spirit of Christmas prevailed, and all hands enjoyed the holiday to the tmost. ' f This - week will mark the turn In the "half-time" In the Boyd season. It has been notable 'th many respects already, but as la usual, the better part of the feast Is to come. Several companies have been com pelled to give vp their Omaha engagements, but none of any particular moment. Mas cagnl was one of ttfese, and Mrs. Brune .another. Orace Cameron would have ap peared here it her company could have been kept afloat. Manager Burgess has been able to All In thee gaps In his book ings fairly well, and bas had very few open nights so fnr. Not a great many ap pear on the list for the rest of the season. With the exception of Sothern and Robson, the really Important engagements are yet to come.' The Mansfield engagement will be for two nights, April 28 and 29. William H. Crane will play "David Harum" here Wfore that time. Mary Mannerlng Is com ing in "The Stubbornness of Oeraldine." Kyrle Bellew will be here with his great word play, "A Oentleman of France;" Blanche Walsh In "A Daughter of Ham Hear," the new play written for ber by Btanlslaus Stange, based on Flaubert's "Salammbo;" William Gillette la to pre sent "Sherlock Holmes" here, and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Goodwin are coming in "Altar of Friendship." ( Of the comic opera variety, some new ones are. coming. On the list la "A Chinese Honeymoon," with Adole Rltchl-3 and a bunch ot others; then come "The Chaperones," "Flddle-De-Dee," "San Toy," "Princess Chic" and "Prince of Pll sen," only one of faem ever heard here. Mr. James O'Neill will be here In a new play; Anna Held la coming In "Tbe Little Duchess ;" Uertrude Haynes and her choir will be here with "The Fatal Wedding;" Williams and Walker have a new play, "In Dahomey," which they will present, and then there are others. Contracts have been received and dates fixed for the appearance of the attractions named. Others, some of them of much Importance, are down on the Hat, but the time for their coming has not been definitely fixed, and Manager Burgess does not want to make any announcementa until be la absolutely sure that tbe play or player will be here. This partial list is a most attractive one, however. A letter' fronr. Joseph Haworth to the dramatic editor brings the Information that he will not be with the revival of "Corlan ton," but will finish the New York engage ment and probably the season with Mr. Mansfield. Mr. Haworth la playing the role ot Casslus In ''Julius Caesar," and has made a remarkable hit In the part. It is a '.Ittie difficult to think of "Corlanton" with Corlanton left out, but the attempt '.a to be made. Mr. Haworth doubts the feasi bility of offering the play In the cut, for the reasons et out In The Bee at the time the original company was diBbanded at Kansas City. He has the utmost faith In the play, and believes that with efficient management it would have succeeded, but as it has been so thoroughly identified with the Mormon church. It seems doomed at any rate, doomed to the moat bitter and unrelenting opposition from the religious bodlea of the country that are opposed to Mot monism. This Is Indeed unfortunate, for, aa a matter of fact, tbe play no more exalts Mormonlsm than Judaism, or Gal vanism or Roman Catholicism. It is not founded on any fact ot history, the claUn of the advance agent notwithstanding, and baa In no sense a bearing on any especial form or creed of religion now taught. It does convey a deep and wholesome moral lesson in a much more palatable and ac ceptable form than commonly aet before tbe publ'c by the theater. It teaches that "the wages of sin Is death," that to a good man death has no terror; that there Is a reward for virtue, and that vice la surely and sharply punished. And In Ita every aspect It. exalts religion in the abstract, not the concrete. Its original backers were klladvlsed In exploiting it as a product of Mormonlsm and insisting that it Is based on facts of Mormon history, and were un fortunate In talking of taking It to New York Just at a time when there was an un usual outcry against Mormonlsm and everything that pertains thereto among the people ct the eaat. Deplorable aa theae ' circumstances are, they in no wise detrsct from the real beauties of the play, nor les sen Its dramatic value In any degree. With a little pruning and rearrangroent of Ita arenes. "Corlanton" ought to be one of the best plays ot recent years. Fbr their own aakea it Is to be hoped that the eastern people will overcome their prejudices long enough to give the piece a hearing In event ot Its being taken to them. Ethyl Barrymore Is the latest of young actresses to fall a victim to that mysteri ous malady which haa placed so many ot them out of commission recently. She was playing two parts, one In "Carrots," a one act piece, and one in "A Country Mouse," and waa winning for herself much pralae. But nature gave out and Miss Barrymore wss forced to close In the middle of the week in New York and Is now In the coun try for an Indefinite stay, nnder a doctor's care. .Maude Adams will. It Is announced, be able to resume her work in February, ahe having been an Invalid alnce early last summer. Julia Marlowe is Just recovering from her attack of nerves at Baltimore early In the season. . Lulu Glaser la an other, and Georgia Cayvan haa been laid up for months from the effect of nervous breakdown. Medical experts, looking for a i ! Always tha Samo Good Old f M SM ah o) dew 12) Is Lb bo Th. Prlda of Ullttmkea Send Postal Card tor Now Brocaara which lis why PL ATX OcER g RIGHT BLATZ UALT-VI VINE (NON-INTOXICANT) TONIC FOR THE WEAK Ail Druggists or Direct VAU eiATI SKEWING CO.. Milwaukee omaha avaacH. 141S Dalaa . Tel. IML new fleM, might find In these eases some thing on which to exercise their capacities for Investigation and analyals. Speaking of Lulu Glaser, here Is a gem from the published works of her press agent which as yet has not been given in the west : tails Glser Is the possessor of a rsre Jewel, and when asked receatly as to Its ilstory, said: "I was playing In The TJon Tsmer,' with the Francis Wilson opera company in Omaha, and we were working our way toward the Pacific coast. During the first night of our Omn engagement I noticed a young man sitting In the front row ot the orchestra chairs who kept his eyes on me, and smiled divinely all the time I was singing. My stage career had not been of long duration at that time, but I set my admirer down as an ardent admirer of that strenuous class who seem to have nothing to do but ogle stage women. I must admit that I did feel rather flattered, particularly as he came every night and puraucd the same tactics. "In San Francisco on the opening night' there sat the same smiling youth, and again he seemed to be Intently interested In my singing. 'It's a sure case,' thought I, and wondered what the bold man would do next. But he did nothing. Nobody knew who he was, and there seemed to be no way of finding out. One day while out driving I came lace to face with my adorer. I nerved myself for the meeting. It came. There was no sign of recognition on the man's face, and his smile had given way to a look of sad ness. "That night I received a note from the man whom I thought waa smitten with me. 1th the note came the Jewel. The writer said he was to sail next nay for China, and wished to thank in for giving him so many pleasant Hours. "His name was appended to the note, and Inquiry revealed these facts: He was an Italian who loved music; was making a tour of the world, and was stone blind. "I have sent the stone to a number of experts in the hope of finding out what it la, nut none or tnem seems ante to ten me. So I call it my 'lucky blind man'a stone.' " ComlnsT Events. 'On the Stroke of Twelve" will be the Boyd's melodramtlc offering this afternoon and tonight. For thrilling situations, cli maxes and scenes "On the Stroke ot Twelve" cannot be excelled by any of the thrillers that have preceded it. A daring escape from Sing Sing prison, a desper ate fight in a counterfeiters' den and the sensational scene in a pawnshop are only a few of the many very strenuous scenes shown. A larger cast is employed and the scenic and mechanical environment are most elaborate. Lovers of melodrama can anticipate a treat In this attraction. Alice Fischer, a new star, will be at Boyd's theater Monday for an engagement that will Include Tueaday and Wednesday and Wednesday matinee. Miss Fischer In her plsy has the distinction of a 100 per formance run at the Victoria and Wal laces theaters. New York, early In the season. While a new star, she Is an act ress who has an excellent reputation In metropolitan centers. In "Mrs. Jack" Miss Fischer is said to have a splendid comedy vehicle. It Is from tbe pen ot Grace Liv ingston Furniess. Mrs. Jack Is a widow who, although she never lived happily with her husband. Inherits his millions, to the. exclusion ot his brother and sister. She Is of the west, of a broad, frank and honest nature and shocks and discomforts her husband's snobbish relatives because sh.e Insists upon providing for a heterogeneous collection of individuals actors, prise fighters and poor relatives whom her hus band had befriended In his lifetime. Sus pensive Interest Is. lent through a codicil to ber husband's will. la the end his for tune goes to Mrs. Jack because she bxs given shelter to an humble relative. With Miss Fischer's spirited and highly humor ous exposition of the title role, a cast ot clever comedlsns and fine stage pictures the play has proved to be a laughing suc cess. The New Year's attraction at the Boyd will be "At Cosy Corners." with Adelaide Thurston In the leading role. The en gagement will include the special matinee New Year's day and the ovenlng perform ance. Miss Thurston will be remem bered here for her work In the dainty com edy, "Sweet Clover," laat season. In her present play Mlis Thurston Is said to have the best vehicle tor the display of her talents she ever had. the enacts , the role of a beautiful young violinist who seeks rest after an arduous concert tour In the sleepy old town of Coxy Corners, Mass. She Is subjected to the petty jealousies of the gossipy spinsters of tbe little vil lage, while the male population lose their hearts yto her, Including the young clergy man of the village church. The episodes of tbe play center about the courtship of the young woman and the clergyman. The usual quaint characters found In a Small country town are introduced and furnish Ita comedy. Pretty and effective scenery Is employed with unique light effects. "The Burgomaster" will be seen at the Boyd for three performances starting Fri day night. The old favorite is promised,' with complete new scenery and costumes and with many of the old favorites In their accustomed roles. Ruth White will be sflen In the prima donna role and Gus Welnburg, the creator .of the part In that of tbe Burg omaster. Doodle Von Kull will bo enacted by F. R. Runnella and Oscar Flgmsn, who was tbe funny floor walker In "The Female Drummer," will be seen as E. Booth Tark Ington, the old actor. Georje Broderick, of comic opera fame, will be the Harlem Spider. In the laat act of the piece It has been materially changed. It is now in three scenes. The first shows the seashore, the second Wall street. New York, and the play closes In a beautiful garden on the Hudson river. New York. A great many new aonga and humorous situations have been added alao. Klaw & Erlanger's stupendous "Ben Hur" will be at Boyd's theater the week of Jan uary 6, the sale of seata for which opens Wednesdsy morning at I o'clock. "Ben Hur" Is a dignified dramatlxatlon of General Lew Wallace's famous book of thst name. Tbe opening tableau Illustrate the meeting ot the three wise men In the desert and the revelation to them ot the "Star of Bethle hem" which signaled tbe birth of Christ. From the first tableau the scene changes to the roof top ot the palace of Hur In Jerusalem; shows the juarrel of Ben Hur and Measala, the accidental knocking from the terrace ot the tile which strikes Gratus, and tbe arrest of Ben Hur, his mother and his sister at the Instigation ot Messala. Tha play thin takes the spectstor to the galley of Arrius. the Roman tribune, on which Ben Hur Is a slave at the oar. The galley is attacked by pirates. and sunk, Hur saving the life of Arrius. Ben Hur Is adopted by Arrius. becomes a Roman and la next seen In Antioch, In the houss of 8lmonlds. his dead father's steward, where be meets Esther. In tbe grove ot Daphne, whither Ben Hur goes to seek Messala, who Is training for his coming sppearasce In tha chariot race, Hur avea Baltbaaar, one ot the wise men, and hla daughter, Iraa, from a tragic death under the wbt-els ot Messsla'a chariot. Tha intrigue of Iraa, who seeks to lure Ben Hur's besrt from Its alleglancs to Esther, and whoae real char acter Is disclosed to him when she appears at the chariot race la the colors of Mes sala; the chariot race Itself, in which the hero wins by smashing the wheel et Mea sala's chariot, the Roman falling beneath tbe feet of his horses and being crippled tor lite; the conversion of Ben Hur through Balthasar to Christianity; Ben Hur's visit ta tne vale at ta Ispers (Hlnnom) t visit his mother and sister; tbe scene on tbe mount of Olivet, and the miracle of tbe cleansing of the lepers are other points In the plsy which VII be recognised by all readers of the book. The aeventeen tableaux In which the drama wilt be represented re quire more mssiive scenic equipment and elaborate mechanic essentials tbsn have ever before been used in a dramatic pro duction In this country. The most elab orate effect Is the rsre of the chariots be tween Ben Hur end Messala In tbe arena scene. The eight horses appear to be gal loping at full speed around , the arena, whereas In reality they are galloping over moving cradles) or treadmills within the space of their own length. The Illusion of their hesdlong dssh Is intensified by a mov ing panorama, which makea tha horses ap pear to be going forward, though they are really always galloping over the same spsca. The bill opening a week at the Orpheum with a matinee today will be another holi day attraction and on New Year's day a special matinee will be given. Among the entertainers will be George Felix and Lydla Barry, two clever people, who furn ish amusement of a favorite and typical kind associated with vaudeville. Felix is a funny comedian and intermixes his ict with unique acrobatics In an unobstrustve and pleasing way. Miss Bsrry Is a come dienne who can sing and dance. On each of their former visits they scored heavily. Gus Williams haa not visited Omaha In a long time, his last visit being as co-star with John T. Kelly. Last season he wss ono of the stars at Webber A Field's thea ter, New York. In vaudeville be Is said to be repeating hla success with his Inimi table German comedy. "Tomorrow at' 12" Is the title of the new playlet In which Katherlne Osterman and company will ap pear. Fox and Foxier, the former a com edy juggler, the latter a well-trained ca nine, will make their first local effort, which will likewise be the case with Phyllis Allen, a prepossessing and stately contralto soloist. Hanlon and Singer are acrobats, tbelr specialty being on Spanish rings, sel dom being seen here more that once a sea son. The klnodrome pictures will be en tirely new, Including one of more than or dinary Interest, for it Is a local view. It was taken from the front end of a locomo tive coming from Council Bluffs to Omaha and shows a panoramic view, crossing the Union Pacific bridge and entering tbe union ststlon. The last regular Wednes dsy matinee will be given on Wednesday, December SL Commencing on January 8 the midweek matinees will be presented every Thursday. Plays and P.ayers. Marie Cahill's New York run In "Nancy Brown" will begin on February It at the BIJou theater. Mark Caron and Let tie Fenn of "Mc Carthy's Mishaps" were married in Denver on November 26. Herman Q. 8mlth will Join Mr. and Mrs. Royle In "Friends" at Seattle, Wash, as business manager. Warren J. Fergtaon, agent for "The Scout's Revenge," Is ill with typhoid fever at the General hospital. Montreal, Canada. Madge Fox, the wejl known "flip-flop lady," who a few weeks ago dislocated her arm, Is back in vaudeville and making as big a success as before. Her arm still troubles her, but not enough to Interfere with her work. On December 12 Walter Pennington plays 1 at short notice one of the Antlphull In Stuart Robson's production of "The Comedy of Errors." Mr. Holt, who met with a painful accident, was able to re sume the role on the following night. W. J. Henderson Son have In prepara tion a scenic and electrical production of Marie Corelll's "The Vendetta," dramatised by George A. Lawrence, who will be fea tured in the character role. Time le being booked rapidly by Mr. Lawrence in New York. Louis J. Russell, starring In, "The Middle man," haa been receiving highest praise for his fine portrayal of the old inventor, Cyrus Blenkharn. The season thua far has been highly successful. Mr. Russell's plans for next season will be announced shortly. Mrs. Flske has been so successful In "Mary of Magdala" that her Shakespeare plans have been set forward for at least a year. After her New York engagement she will go on the road and will probably visit the west, going as far as the Pacific coast with the play. Lillian Walbridge has sued Herman L. Roth, who engaged her for Boabdll and diamlssed her after nine rehearsals on the ground that she le too tall for the part. Miss Walbridge thinks that this fact should have ben apparent at the time of her engagement. The New York'Ufe Insurance company haa secured all the seats at the Casino, New i urn, ior uecemDer au, wnen it will enter tain Its employes and agents at a per formance of "A Chinese Honeymoon." Two new songs by Olacomo Minkowsky and i urns uunnam were added to tne attrac tion. After a tour of sixteen weeks In the east "My Partner" closed at Colorado Springs on December 15. This course was decided upon because of the failure of the Hall-Barton California circuit to book a continuous tour on the coast. Financially the tour has been profitable and the man agement brought the entire company back to New York. The exchange of Christmas greetings among player folks waa a little more elaborate than usual this year, an excellent sign of the prosperity they are enjoying. One of the most artistic of the lot Is the II. tie folder sent out by Mr. William Gil lette. Ita Inscription Is: "This Is to remind you that someone Is wishing yoj the mer riest posrible Christmas and tbe happiest possible 1903." Jacques Futrelle, for many years In news paper work In New York and who has been dramatic critic on the Atlanta Journal and later the Richmond Leader, haa been made business- manager for the George Fawcett enterprises, with headquarters In Balti more. Mr. Futrelle succeeds Will A. Page. Mr. Fawcett has two companies this sea son. With Mary Shaw he heada one of these and the other la headed by Frank Gill more. The holiday numbers of the papers de voted to the theaters were unusually am bitious and attractive this year. While the Dramatic Mirror did not depart from Ita customary dignified demeanor. It put out a number full of excellent entertainment for both mlial and eye. The Dramatic News, which Is always full of good things for the profession, had 120 pages, printed in the best possible manner, and each page one of excellence. Both of these numbers will be preserved with care by those who have them. Though It has been told many ttmea be fore, there Is a bit of polite sarcasm at tributed to Playwright Augustus Thomas which Is well worth repetition for the bene fit of those who have missed It. It occurred during a dinner at the Lambs' club, at which Marshall P. Wilder, the diminutive, waa a speaker. When he arose and placed hla hand upon the table In the approved style of after-dinner speakers, his head wasn't very much above the top of the wine glasses. He had st proceeded beyond the usual nervous Introduction to his re marks when Thomas Interrupted him, and declared, in severe tones: "Mr. Wilder, It is customary for a speaker to rise when be is addressing the members of this club." Two young people of Brooklyn went to Percy Williams' Orpheum the other night, says the Dramatic Mirror, and when they could not got seats on account of the crowd, they wert off to a minister's house and got married. A first-class marriage ceremony in Brooklyn earns about the same aa two good seats In a theater, and this case prove that when two, a young man and a maid, start out te have a good time In Brooklyn, they nr bound to have It at all hasards. The thoughtfulnesa and soli tude of the young hero of this episode Is remarkable, even In thia age of swift move ment. The theater's loan was the church's gain, and the young folks are probably satisfied. Although they could not get In to see the vaudeville entertainment, they will probably find married life full of variety. Th death of Thomas B. Reed reminds Stuart Robson of the first and only time he ever met the statesman, ' l waa In tba evati of tha Sttoreliam. In Washington, laat winter, when a large man entered from the ottice door. At once I recognised him from the Several pictures I had seen, and I fear my curiosity got the better of my politeness, fur 1 could not resist the tempta tion of staling at the man I ao much ad mired. Caught In the act, I lowered my eyes and pretended (o be Interested In a pretty child, who was talking to her doll, whan Mr. Reed said, wrth a U.ifh, 'Take a long look at me. Mr. Kobson; I have been looking at you off sod on for ir.ar.y a year, so we'll try and call the matter even. It honors most mea of my calling to meet one of yours, for or ivslixes that If we politi cal fellows could distribute as much hap piness to mankind as you player fellows do the world would b a damosd sight better for IV i' Musical The Munchoff recital at tbe Boyd Isst week wss esslly the most conspicuous event of the Christmas season, and as such wss trested In The Bee of Wednesdsy In a signed article by the regular musical critic ot ths staff. But there were some things In connection with that most interesting recital which should be spoken of, and yet which do not belong exactly to a critical review of the artist's work, for the reason that some would be sure to say that there was an Insinuation against the artist. First, I would suggest that la a city of the Importance of Omaha, and at an event of the Importance of Miss Munchoff's re cital, it ought not to be necessary to send an Inexperienced man on the stage, before an audience which (Ills ths theater, to try to open a grand piano This Is no criticism of tbe gentleman who tried to do his duty, but who wss seem ingly unaccustomed to the knack of opening a piano ltd and putting it in place. The manager of Miss Munchoff's business or tb local agents ot tbe piano should have soen to that. The actual tacts In the case are these: Act 1, scene I. Curtain raised. Flower ing potted plants In center at footlights to be removed to left and right of center. Grand piano, closed. Enter the "opener." Opens drop lid over keyboard and retires. (Gentle sighing back of scenes). Act 1. scene 2. Same as scene 1. Re enter "opener." Spars all 'round piano for an opening. Finds a pair of "openers," namely, hinges, raises to the limit, looks for prop-stick; finally finds It and props as beet ha can. Act ll, scene 1. Enter another "opener," or rather "closer," after tbe piano solo, In tending to close down the top of piano, for the accompaniment work. Closes down everything. Exit. (Soft Imprecations be hind the scenes). Enter pianist and flutist. Pianist opens lid of keyboard and essays to place sliding draw board of music rack in position. Flutist assists pianist and flutist assisted by prima donna, who has entered, tackle the refractory muslcrack for several tedious moments. Act II, scene 2. Prima donna turns to audience, charming in her wonderful self possession, and say a in her sweetest tones, "Stein y" (and she really ought to bavo exposed the names of the careless ones who made possible such an Inauspicious opening for her flrst home concert). Audience catches the spirit. Great applause for the quick wit of the singer. Pianist and flutist continue wrestling with muslcrack. Com promise. And to the second remark. Why should musical Omaha be compelled to listen to such an instrument as wss heard at that concert? I care not what the name Is, which appears In gilt letters on the fall- board, the piano waa not satisfactory. In the middle and upper strings it was very unresponsive and lacked resonance. Is not Omaha big enough to make It ad vantageous for any piano-making firm to present a fine, first-grade "concert grand" at such affairs for the advertising secured thereby? Every traveling artist has his piano shipped by a factory to the towns of his tour. Should not eastern factories realise that Omaha Is not exactly in the backwoods? Lest this be construed into an attack on the local agents of the piano in question, who are enterprising business men of good standing, I will add that the piano played by Mr. Arthur Hochmann, for which I do not think there is an agent In Omaha (though I may be mistaken) was not a sat isfactory Instrument for his recital. I do not often And fault with the local piano men. tor they are all good fellows, and personal friends, but here I think, that for the aake ot concert goers, I have a real grievance. Let us have the best in the piano manu facturer's art at our large public musical events In Omaha. Why not? The third point that suggests Itself to me Is that ot applause between the verses of a song. A song, above all things, should not be applauded until the singer evidences the fact that It Is at an end. Interludes are connective threads and should not bo drowned out by the clapping of hands. The artist can do much to stop this. Fourthly and lastly when a pianist con sents to plsy a solo or two at a vocal re cital, in order to lend an air of variety. It should not be considered that tbe instru mental solo Is meant as an accompaniment to, and inspiration of loquacious chatter. Yet such a construction seemed to be placed upon the pianist's appearance In the second part ot the program at the concert under discussion. There was a thoughtless, but not the less disturbing, inclination to talk and to "visit" whlls the pianist was pre senting gems of musical composition, and I am sorry to be obliged to chronicle the fact that-this tendency was exhibited In some of the boxes now, I said, "some" of the boxes, not "all" to such an extent that the rights ot those who sat near said certain boxes were Infringed upon. And now for the postscript, which, I am told, is the necessary adjunct of all letters: When will Omaha printers take sufficient Interest In . their art to "set up" German words properly that Is, to put those two little but Important dots over certain vowels tne "umlaut" I think they call it? The German diction of Miss Munchoff was a delight, but tbe "un-umlauted" words on the progrsm seemed strange In deedeven to an Irishman. In this, day and age. when new terms of nomenclature are being employed, It Is hoped that the word "knocker" r ill be abolished.' Tbe musical department of The Bee has long since discarded the term, be cause of its Inartistic and ambiguous ap plication. And so said department, having In view "the proprieties." will henceforth, when necessary, beginning January 1, 1903, at midday, describe all hoaest and, earneat artistic objectors as "Knockullsts" or "Nocullsts," meaning persons who try to restore the mental eyealght of those who are suffering from musical or critical as tigmatlam. The mualcal critic ot Th Be wlahes all ot his friepds and foes, knockers and Knockullsts, a happy and prosperous and successful New Yesr, and many of tbem. At All Saints' church today the music will be reflective of the Chrlstmastlde. In the morning the choir will sing Buck's Festival T Deum la B flat, Stanford's Jubilate in B flat and Stainer's anthem, "The Hallowed Day," wtth a carol by Weat, "Ia.the Fields with Their Flocks." In ths evening service th Msgnlfjcat b Somervell, the Nunc Dimltls by Stanford (male voices) and anthems by Stalner and by Vincent, together with solos and duets, will be presented. Mr. 8imms has pre pared most interesting programs. Mr. Martin Cahn of Chicago, formerly a prominent Omaha planlat ha been visiting her this week. At Trinity Methodist church Mia Marion Hail, a graduate H the New England Con servatory of Music, will sing "Save Me, O God" (Randegger) at the morning service The National Conservatory of Music of America, under the direction of Mrs. Jean nette M. Thurber, announces Its entrance examination for the following year in theae words: The semi-annual entrance examinations will be held ns follows: Singing, opera, piano, organ, violin, 'cello, rontrnhnon, harp and all other orchestral Instruments. January 6 Momlny, H a. m. to 12 m , 2 to 4 p. m. and S to p, m. For further par ticulars, address the secretary, US East Seventeenth street. New York. The choir of the First Methodist Episcopal church will present an excerpt from "The Coming of the King" at the morning service today, and Dr. Damrosch's "Ring Out, Wild Bells," at the evening service in conjunction with the regular music ot the church. THOMAS J. KELLY. SCOTCHMAN jSJHE PIONEER James. Bowman Lindsay One of the First Advocates of Wireless Telegraphy System. LONDON, Dec. 17. When Mr. Marconi lee tured at Dundeo he gave full credit to the Scotch Inventor, James Bowman Lindsay, for being the flrst man who thoroughly be lieved In tha possibility ot long-distance wireless telegraphy, fifty years ago. He contended that Lindsay's system was not considered practical on account of the enormous electrical energy required, even for the most moderate distances and the necessity of placing Immersed plates at a considerable distance apart, but he ad mitted that the Inventor would have done much more It he had lived In the present time. Lindsay's biographer has delivered lec tures of these early experiments In wireless telegraphy and has exhibited tbe original apparatus and diagrams. The tilography, which will be published shortly, will con tain many of Lindsay's letters on the sub ject, which prove the originality and feasi bility of his experimental work. It Is not generally known that Lindsay took out a patent for his method ot wire less telegraphy. He began experiments In the grounds around Dundee In 1844 and re sumed them In 1863 at Portsmouth. WOMEN FAIL TO HEAR TRAIN Two Lose Their Lives in a Tragedy on Crossing- In Pottstown, Illinois. BLOOMINGTON, III., Dec. 27. Wrapped heavily In furs, Mrs. James Messen ot Pe oria and Mrs. John Jones ot Pottstown, both prominent In their respective communities, failed to hear an approaching train while crossing tbe Northwestern tracks at Potts town last night and were instantly killed. Tbe train did not stop at that point and waa running at a high rate of speed. Strike In Overall Factory. PEORIA, III., Dee. 27. Another strike has been declared by 200 of the employes of the J. N. Ward & Co. Overall factory In this city, the action being taken at a special meeting of the United Oarment Workers' union. Peoria local, held late yesterday. President Targaer, who arrived here thla morning, stated that he had approved of the action and that the strike is now on. AMISEMEMS. HIOHTOM Telepnone 1S31. Week Commencing Sunday Mat Dec, 28 TODAY 2:15 TONIGHT 8:15 Felix and Barry Vaudeville Paragons. Gus Williams "Our German Senator." Katharine Osterman & Go, Presenting "Tomorrow at 12." Fox and Foxie The Funny Clown and His Dog, Phyllis Allen Contralto Soloist. Hanlon and Singer Marvelous Gymnasts. . Kinodrome New Life Moving Pictures. Prices, 10c, 25c, 50c. Special New Year's Matinee Thursday, January 1. Mr. Kelly.... TEACHER OF . Singing, Tone Production Interpretation Davldge Block, 18th and Farnam OMAHA COLLKGE OF MUSIC AND FINE ARTS (Incorporated.) VOICE, PI A MO, PIPE ORG A3 String Instruments and Art. Terms and Prospectus, P. H. WRIGHT, Rams Bid;. College 'Phone. 1101. Res. 'Phone. A-245S. HOTELS. The MILLAROrh"A--B- mibbniiw0mlll Lsdln Hotel MPKCIAL FKAlXHfeC. LUNCHEON. FIFTY CKNTS. U:M to 2 p. m. SUNDAY, :30 p. m. DINNER. 7Sc dlUJII ,MK4n I tsted an enlargement of this cafe, doubling its former capacity. Mil IB lOtK HOT SPRINQS, ARKANSAS. ; PARK HOTEL "CQL Finest Cafes West or Hew York. t0.M la Recent Improvements, Open Jan. Srd to Msjr 15th. Voder New Mansgcmeat J. & Uajrss, C. A. Brant. Lessees. frt .. SI1 AMI JKHK TS. BOYD'S THIS AFTERNOON TONIGHT. THE THRILLING M ELO-IMIAMA, "ON THE STROKE OF TWELVE" See the Pea of Counterfeiter, the I'snsihiin Si'fsr an the Interior of Slnsj fin Prison. l'rlrrMt Inre. U.-.c. Me. Muht. SMc. T!c. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY-MAT. WEDNESDAY The Merriest ol riirth Makers, MISS ALICE FISCHER ' In the Fnnnlcst of All Farcical Comedies, um$. Direct From It Triumphal 100 Nights at Wallacks and the Victoria Theaters, Njw York PRICES-riatlnee, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. New Year's Day and Night Matinee prices, F RETTY--DAINTY-PETITE FRIDAY, SATURDAY NIGHTS - SATURDAY MATINEE And Still the Craze! The Great and Only "11111 ' SUCH GIRLS Headed by Gus Welnburg and Ruth White, Bigger, Better Than Ever Prlces-riatlnee, 25c to $1.00. Night, 25c to $1.50. SALE OF SEATS OPENS WEDNESDAY BOYD'S ENTIRE WEEK Commencing MONDAY Matinees Wednesday and Saturday KLAW & ERLANGER'S Stupendous Production of GEN. LEW WALLACE'S oil itf.iisM.Mi1 miss w Dramatized by WM. YOUNG. Music by EDUAH STILLMAN KELLEV. The Most Successful and Most Impressive Spectacle Ever Produced PRICES: Lcwer Floor Balcony Gallery Excursion Rates on All Roads for "SEN HUR" Patrcns MAILORDERS fXVff.Rorr3o".'l2i,r MAIL ORDERS SALE OF SEATS OPENS WEDNESDAY 8 Pi C Si I,nti !! ii O K 8 ii o ii PURE . 7.t p--y ii S. HIKSCli & WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. ....WHY STAY.... Ul A GOLD OFFICE? Warm Rostns $10.09 Up if j TIIE BEE BUILDING. i ' Rental pries Includes Heat, Light, Water and Janitor Service. R. C. PETERS & Co, Ground Floor Rental Agents. Dee Bldg. . uj.LJ,'mmtmimuwiVLiMnrm. turn u mmiiMaiMJs'.'jiiwwBis, Contain nothing but pure, healing ricdlclnal Ingredients &c a Bottle at Howell Drug AMI "KMK'TS, WOODWARD & BURGESS, Managers. mmn Run of Night, 25c, 50c 75c, $1.00, $1.5fc. Special Matinee New Year's Day. 25c and 50c. ADELAIDE THURSTON SWEET CLOVER In Her New and Successful Comedy Drama, "AT COZY CORNERS" Night prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,00, Seats on sale Monday: . SUCH SUCH FUN MUSIC JAN 5. inn ITU tXBSXttSRB&XKBBtD SI.OO and $2.00 75c, SI.OO and SI.BO BO Cents ssess"e7"WTsjss s... . , . A CONNOISSEURS PREFER IT Juaker SDaid Ryei is preferred to all other brands by those who know Koil Whiskey when they taste it. For Bggnog, Hot Punches, High. Balls, or for any other purpose requiring an absolutely WHISKEYS it is unequalled. Carefully distilled and thor oughly aged, bottled and sealed under the most rigid sanitary conditions, it is the most perfect Whiskey made. For sale at all the leading bars, cafes and drug stores. COMPANY, KANSAS CITY, MO. Howell's Anti-Grip Capsule; Co., lttb and Capitol Avenue.