Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1002. IN I-OMT'IIOMDIY IKrH. How Monrr hloh C ame In Toif look In a; May He "pent Fraatably. NEW YOitK, Dpc. 2. Happf the young girl who. armed with a Christmas check from somo lovlnn rplatlve, bsIIIps forth these day to Join the thrones of chopper. If bewlldpred bachelor uncles only knew the posslb'llllps of checks after the great holiday they would never worry their heads about selecting other Christina gifts, for with the first of the year comes a general stashing of prices In the big shops, and strictly up-to-date goods can be purchased for one-third less thsn was anked for them a week or so earlier. More over, who can measure the Joy of the woman who folds In her purse a snug little aum which, with a free conscience and no thought of that great damper, economy, she may spend Just to please herselfT The larger the check the greater the care should be excrclited In spending It, for with femlnlno trinkets of all aorta over- VELVETEEN AND LAMB WALKING COSTUME FOR YOUNO GIRL. flowing show casea and counters one Is apt to dissipate ono'a cash and have noth ing really good to show for It In the end. On the other hand, there la an indefinite pleasure In owning one or two really hand some accessories of the toilet which will lend distinction to a costume. , Bags should come first under this classi fication. There Is no one thing which In dicates the up-to-dateness of a woman like this small but eloquent trinket. Small, because no well bred woman allows an ac cessory of this sort to stand out too strik ingly In her general scheme of dressing; eloquent becauee to the initiated It speaks clearly of dollars and centa. Opera Bute Is the Thin. I "By her bag shall you know her," la a tip not' to be despised. We have had the Tun on chatelaines and wrist bags, and now the. opera bag la the thing. In It you may carry your handkerchief, your change purse anything. In fact, save your opera glasses. Still you must call It an opera bag. Naturally It follows that silk la the prevailing fabric for these receptacles, and the . richer and heavier it la the better. Flimsy silk Is worse than useless for this purpose. Both oblong and square bags are shown, and the roost popular patterns are the Pompadour and Persian silks and the gleaming brocadee that our great-grand-mothers delighted In. A woman who Is handy with her needle can have several of these bags for the amount of money she would spend for one secured in a shop, for one pays dearly for the cunning workmanship displayed on the bags In windows and show cases. They are beautifully tailored, so to apeak, and cord ing and lining give the real finishing touches. Among the beautiful patterns which can be reproduced is a pale blue satin, em broidered in silver thread and tiny Jeweled spangles. This is made up with stiver mountings. A brocade of yellow roses on white ground Is finished with a heavily chued -mounting of gold and yellow rib bon. The bags which combine perfectly with the frock are very correct, and the woman who has a really handsome velvet sutt should have a bag made of exactly the same material. The mountings can be purchased at pricea varying from $1 to $10, with prices much higher it one desires gold or Jeweled effects. One of the new est mountings Is a curtain pole effect, tiny rings being attached to the bag and then run on rods to match. These come In ex quisite woods and metala. If one still yearna for a chatelaine bag for street wear, either steel beading or the chain mesh in dull silver with Ori ental Jeweled finishings is the best. Here the pendent effect gives a real Oriental scheme, and draws the line between the bargain counter bag and the real article. In purses, snake-skin, which holds lta own, goes well with almost any frock. New Theater Hat. - Another trifle whleh will add greatly to any woman's wardrobe Just now Is a new theat.- bat. If, in a moment of enthusi asm at the openlug of the aeason, she In vested In, a white evening hat. a new hat Is probably a necessity by this time. Here the Chrlatmas check works Ilka a charm. for a distinctive theater bat la regarded by the average woman aa a luxury. While the picturesque hat still holds its own for evening wear and pale plumes are masters of the situation, a woman will look about for something more simple in head- . wear unless she has delicate evening frocks and cloaks. This may also be said of elab orate decorations in fruit, which flashed upon our v'ltlou at the beginning of the season. It takes a atunnlng girt to carry II thla style of trimming and for frequent wear it actually becomes tiresome. Much wiser is the selection of a hat in which A SUN OP BEAUTY IS A JOV FOREVER Da.f. FELIX GUI R AI D'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OX MAGICAL BEAUTIEIER rM Tia. Ftmplaa. I rack la, stalk FtUSM. A x Huh aa akia ilia y, .. won. W.- ...a aataetlaa. U au " U l" oi any-at r' ana u a tut It Hit U I KupMU .d. AMtl V ' VVVn-xV III Iwauiartall "' yfg-TCA r V lia aaaw. D- I ' N Xy f JJt. Brr aal U I y I lady at laa kaaV W taa U aalWaOl "As you ladies will um them, 1 recent mend 'Gul'KAL'D H CHAU' aa the least harmful of all tha skin preparations." For sale by all drugglsta and fancy goods tiaai- ra in tha U. 9. nd Kurope. K HD. T. HOPKINS. Froe'r, 17 Great Jones Bt.. N. T. 3 li5ErCrjaT THE DOMAIN OF WOMAN. good lines and dainty flowers Join to give an air of smartness and dressiness. Here, too, one may throw a sop to Cerberus in other words, coquette with the question ot tails or no tails. If its wearer ia afraid of the long, very pronounced drapery at the bark in velvet or lace abe may cut the Gordlan knot by selecting a bat with a bow almost Alsatian In lta simplicity, yet drooping enough to cover the hair. Two toquee on such lines were displayed by a Fifth avenue importer and one now graces the head of a popular actress. The first is In light blue of the forget-me-not shade and la built on rather broad lines, fitting snugly to tha back of the hair. The foundation in folds of satin taffeta, which also forms the bow In the back, held in place by a long, narrow steel buckle. The rest ot the' hat is encircled by forget-me-nots. The other hat waa of rich cardinal vel vet In the same ahape, the flat crown being overlaid with autumn leaves in richest tints and the bow being o! liberty taffeta, held with a large rhlnestone buckle. Its beauty consisted of the perfect blending ot the crimson tones in velvet, ribbon and foliage. Among the very newest things for chil dren are bedroom accessories that reek of comfort for cold mornings. Tha bath robea are particularly enticing, being shown In eiderdown flannel in solid colors and varl ous combinations. Cunnlngest of all are those In warm crimson with pointed hoods and belts with "really buttons and straps," aa the owner will describe them. Care should be taken to select large gar tnenta for such use, aa they not only abrlnk In washing, but are worn by children at a time when freedom ot action la a sacred privilege. For the nursery pillow fights and other morning and evening frolics they are, above all things, enticing to childish eyes, MARY DEAN. "I TUB NAME OP JOSEPHINE." Story of a Hemarkable Philanthropist In Xew Orleans. ' There died the other day in New Orleans a man who was In some respects the most notable character In that city, Alexander C. Hutchinson, president of Morgan's Lou isiana & Texaa Railroad and Steamship company. He was one of the most suc cessful captains of industry In the south. . He was generally regarded as . a cold, austere and even parsimonious man, and yet it turna out that there was no man In New Orleans whose heart was fuller of sympathy for his fellows, of sentiment, of love of the beautiful, and whose hand was more generous in charity. Indeed, in the extent of hie giving he seems to have been the first of the city's philanthropists. What most distinguished his philanthropy was his systematic effort to keep It aecret. It was his habit gruffly to repel those who ap plied to him. for charity and Immediately to cause a quiet inveatigatlon ot their cases. If they were found to be deserving of aid it waa promptly and generously given them, but secretly, and In no other name than that of "Josephine." He was passionately fond of flowers and embowered hla home in them. He waa de voted to art, hla residence being filled with the rarest pictures, atatuea and booka, while his taste for muslo made him the leading; spirit in maintaining French opera In New Orleans. The death ot hla beloved wife, who had shared his taatea, left him desolate, except for the comfort he"found In alleviating want in her name. 1 So live, dear friend, all through your life, That be It short or Inn Though other may not know youf name, iiiey ii not iorget your song. It waa thus he lived. The Picayune aays that "he would send a message of cheer and help into some darkened home, and the recipient knew not whence it came. No ona ever sus pected him. How could they?. He waa so gruff, ao stolid; so determined to keep up the appearance of anow and sleet lying' above his heart of gold. If you would have barely hinted that It was A. C. Hutch inson who waa finding out the hidden Bor row of tear-laden hearts and aeeklng to alleviate them, no one would have believed you." For many years no one knew who "Jose phine" was, in whose name so much good was being done. According to the Pic ayune: "In tha name of Josephine I send these gifts;" that waa the way the legend ran" for many and many a day, coming Ilka a flash ot sunlight into an alley and garret. Into an asylum and orphanage, into the homes for the sorrowful outcast, and ev erywhere bringing new life, new purpose. With the simple, rough scrap of paper came offerings of . coal, of groceries, of wood, ot clothing, of money substantial gifts that lifted the clouda at the darkest moment. "In the name ot Josephine;" that waa all. and nothing more. And ao after a while people began to ask: "Who Is Josephine, whose the memory -that la ao dear that such royal deeds are done In her name, such unexpected blessings fall across the pathwaya of the miserable and forsaken?" ' A little over a year ago the city was taken by aurprlse that a generoua .friend had donated the mim of $50,000 to the Charity hospital ot this city for the erec tion of a home for the Training School tor Nurses. One day last November the Marine Journal of New York published an. article saying that It had leaked out that A. C. Hutchinson waa the giver of the beautiful home. Then the Picayune published the story of "Josephine," and It waa the first real glimpse that the world had Into tha real character of Mr. Hutchinson. It was a story that waa copied far and wide, and seemed fn Its entirety more like an echo from the agea ot faith and charity than a living, breathing product of thla preeate age. "In the name ot Josephine" thla rich and powerful man left a nobler monument among his people than the great transpor tation system which he bad bulldsd up and he made a better disposition of his fortune than if he had hoarded it, to be fought over by relatives, devisees and lawyers. HI SBAXD'S FINANCIAL RIGHT!. ease Domestic Haeatloas Illaaslaatea by the Conrts. Haa the husband an exclusive right to his own money? Apparently not. If the decisions of courta are of binding tore. It waa not long ago, reports the Chicago Tribune, that a St. Louis Judge decided a wife could go through her husband's pock ets, of course "unbeknownst" to him, and take therefrom whatever aum abe could find to apply to household expenses. An other Judge In New York recently decided that a wife could purchase what wearing apparel she pleased without consulting the husband and have It charged to him. and that he must pay the bill. Now cornea third Judge, down In Maine, with decision equally momentous as well aa far-reaching. It seems that one Mrs. Harrison of Portland, being hard up for money, ia the dead of night reaehsd aader Mr. Karri ecu's pillow while that eareleaa IndlvMsal waa lustily snoring, abstracted fl,M for fee ewa ansa, bet considerately iW3i left $50 for his uses. This showed that she retained about one-twentieth of her old sympathy and affection for him or that she thought he could get along on much less than she could. When Mr. Harrison found what Mrs. Harrison had done, and that she wouldn't give up the plunder, he was twenty times angrier than he ever was before, and had his spouse brought into court upon the charge of larceny. The Judge at once decided that a wife cannot steal from her husband and Mra. Harrison went scot free, and Mr. Harrison was out ll.ono In cash, besides acquiring the humiliating knowledge that his porketbook was liable to domestic Invasion at any time. Of course all these decisions are based skating dress Squirrel. OF BLACK VELVET upon the theory that man and wife are one, hence the wife cannot steal from the husband. Once this deduction becomes firmly settled in the female mind it will be "hard lines" for huBbands. Not all women are aa considerate as Mra. Harri son. There are those sufficiently grasping to take the entire $1,650. But what can be done about It if the courts go on this way? Who will be safe?' It women 'wero only content to be the half, or. even the better half, and divide equally, .the out look would not appear so depressing, but In those cases which thus far have been made public the woman haa taken the whole of the money, except In the case of Mrs. Harrison, who considered herself en titled to twenty times as much of the con tents of his porketbook as he who thought he owned it ajl. If this goes on much longer the man- who Is bold enough to enter upon the "holy estate" of wedlock might 'as' well understand that her surren ders his financial rights, and that when he and the charming creature become one they do not share the money lointlv. Either she takes the whole or they share In the proportion of fifty for him and 1,000 for her. It is a discouraging outlook for man, who but a brief time ago was "tho tyrant." AMERICAN WOHKIG WOMK.X. A French Woman's Observations and Conclusions. A companion piece In' a' way to "The Workers" of Walter Wykoff appears In the December number of the Revue deg Deux Mondes, under the title "L'Ouvrlere aux Etas Unls" "The Working Woman in the United States." In order to study the life of the American working girl for herself Mme. Van Vorst, the author, de cided to go Into the factory and earn her living aa best she could. Her first expe rience was in a pickle factory In Pitts burg where the work was hard, conditions far from Ideal and the female employes daughters of foreign-born parents, mostly Germans, Hungarians and Irish. After a i jeaa, erj J . brief apprenticeship Mme,. Vap. Vorst found'; ; that she cciuM earn from 90 rents to I 05 a dar'afrece work." .After' a few Weeks In Plttsburk she left the pickle factory and went to Perry, N. Y., a town near Buffalo, with a mixed population. Here the author found what she considered the true type of, the American working girl, the granddaughter of a line of Immigrants who had been fashioned through many gene rations by the Influences of environment. The chief Industry of Perry Is a shirt fac tory which gives employment to several hundred young men and young women. Mme. Van Vorst, after studying the Terry type of ouvrlere became convinced that the difference between these working girls and their more fortunate sisters In tho larger cities Is largely superficial. The working girl In Perry, she Insists. Is sepa rated from the woman of fashion in New York only by a few years of culture and cultivation. Theee girls have none- of the aspects of the "wage slave." They were gay and laughing and full of vitality. They chattered continually about their love af- fairs, their work, their wages gad, .the WITH YOKE AND MUFF OF SIBERIAN superiority of existence In tho city as compared with existence In the country. They never spoke, however, of domestic duty, of the kitchen or of housekeeping. Man and dress were tho favorite themes. Saturday night after they had received their pay they swarmed the stores and spent what remained of their . wages for finery. "I don't want to economize," se,emed to be their motto. From Perry the writer went to Chicago, where she established herself In a tenement, worked first In a aweatshop, then In a printing office and studied, another phase of Industrial life. As a result of It all she concludes that while the working women of America are-divided Into the two common types, the women of the household and the women of the factory, tho latter class has produced a variety of workers 'that exist only in tho United States. Tho woman who Is forced to earn her living has always ex isted, but In the United States machinery has brought Into existence the woman who works not to earn her own living, but for her own pleasure. These are two classes tliO80 who ilvo at home, but contribute something toward their own support, and those who live at home and spend their wages wholly for personal luxuries. The Industrial complications which they have produced are apparent even to a foreigner who devoted only a few weeks to the Amer ican factory. The girls who are not com pelled by necessity to work for a living lower the wages and the standard of living of the women who are forced to depend on their own efforts, while both lower the scale of wages within certain limits for men. Tho remedy proposed by Mme. Van Vorst is somewhat Utopian, to express the case mildly. She herself confesses that It would be chimerical anywhere but' In the United States. It is neither more nor less than a plan to turn from machine work, all these girls who are supported either In whole or In part by their families by offering them free instruction In industrial arts, appren ticeship In useful trades and the possibility of attaining through education a superior place In the wage-earning clabs. The end ot all this is the formation of a class of SMART COATS FOR SMALL MAIDS. . CALIFORNIA ? No matter how you want to go, "Southern'' or "Scenic' route, in a tourist sleeper or aboard the finest train in America, the Rock Island is the line to take. Don't make any mistake about that. Thro' tourist cars daily from Kansas City and once a week from Omaha to Los Angeles and San Francisco via El Paso. Tourist cars three times a week from Omaha to San Francisco and Los Angeles via the "Scenic1 line through Colo rado and Utah. Golden State' limited leaves Kansas City daily and offers unrivalled service to all points in Southern California. Berths, tickets and full information at all Rock Island ticket offices, or addressing, hand workers who would add quality of production to quantity of production. Hand industries that had been destroyed by the machine might be resuscitated under these conditions and give a true Industrial art. This Is not Impossible, of course, but It Is temporarily Improbable, unless the public can pay enough for petroleum to warrant Mr. Rockefeller. In turning his attention to this particular form of scientific benevo lence. WOMEN DEMAND CAR SEATS. They Are Pnrialng the Might Course . In New York. , . . ,The expected has happened at last. " '.'Ad vanced womanhood, scorning longer to ask or to expect little gallantries from the de spised male sex, has organized to demand as a right what seems. to be generally de nied as a courtesy. ' .Women of New York who have swung on tho straps of overcrowded street cars and stepped on the foot of men sitting In front of them have formed the Car Passengers' Rights society. Instead of appealing to the Innate gentlemanllncss of the men.passen gers they will first make an attack on th street railway companies, arid falling here they will appeal to the legislature. These women have adopted a wise course, Thny are keen enough to recognize that the man who pays a nickel to ride In a street car is as much entitled to a seat as is the woman who gives up a similar amount. Instead of asking the men ' to waive this right they will seek to persuade the railway companies to furnish seats tor every nickel fare, or else to secure legls latlon compelling the companies to charge only half fare for passengers who are forced to stand. As the average woman Is a confirmed bargain nunter, 'this latter provision, enrorcea, mignt keep every Btreet car strap In Ootham decorated with Its femi nine burden while the men were permitted to enjoy the full measure of comfort to be secured by a 5-cent fare. But. even In the face of this possibility, the new society is to be wUhcd every sue cess. In Chicago its progress will be watched with lively Interest, In the hope that the society may form branches and make the movement general. For we have been known here to let an aged woman hang on to a strap until she died which, by the way, is no less a re flection on our courtesy than on a Bystera ot transportation so funereal In Its prog C. A. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A 1323 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. beautifully illustrated of California, Interestinof, instructive, I practical sent free BtMaVaaiaiM ress as to make death In transit seem not wholly anomalous. For and Abont Women. Mrs. Harriet Earl Hunt and tier daughter, Mrs. Kathryn Hunt James, the first women to go Into bimlneBs In Slonx t'lty, la., have I'lihllKhecl a paper called "The Stylus" for twelve yenra. Mrs, KHz Wnlforrt Keating, who has Just 11el in Santa,. Ana, Cal., was tho (lnuRhtcr of Captain Anthony ForbPS of the Hrltlsh army and wa born on tho Hock of Cibraltar while her futhcr was In com mand of tho fortress. Mies Florence Haywnrd. who has been appointed special commissioner of the St. TOILETTE OF BLUE AND BLACK TAR ' TAN WOOL, SQUIRREL PELERINE i AND MUFF. I.ouls exhibition to E-jrope, is said to be the first woman who has been appointed to such un Important post. She was born In New Mexico and has lived In St. Louis since her childhood, though she was for several years a resident In this country as corre spondent of one or more American news papers. Miss ' Frances Power Cobbe has Just passed her eightieth Mrthday and la spend ing the winter at Clifton. England. The occasion was celebrated by the presenta tion of an album and an, address. The al bum contained the signatures of &k) men and women of note. Including tho ducheas of Sutherland: Mark Twain, six- bishops and the master of Halllol. For eighteen years Miss Cobbe was honorary secretary of the society she founded to oppose vivi section, and for the last four years she has been prwident of the Hrltfsh Union for tho Abolition of Vivisection. Her arti cles dealing with the betUtr treatment of women, children and animals have been numbered by the hundred. Frllla of Fashion. Chinchilla Is used for trlmminr smart costumes of velvet In dark violet, gray and Drown, A soft, leather covered golf score book has a four-leaf clover painted upon the outside, Toilet sets" of Ivory and ebony are 'on- splcuous, as well as the perennlul silver productions. ... The latest In umbrella stands Is a brass affair In umbrella shape, the Inflated sores serving to hold the umbrellas. A handsome muff chain Is decorated with Irregular-shaped pearls,' matrix, varl-colored sapi.hlres and rubles. Fur U used considerably on evening gowns, HitHTlan squirrel combining ad mirably with white, gray or yellow chiffon or crepe do chine. , White net and crane Browns for debutante wear are given a distinct charm this season by the Introduction of Tiny ieed pearl ga- lona ana uutton roses. An old-fashioned looking ulece of fanrv work is a small work basket of silk, wbli h appears to be supported on the outside by number or scallop shells. While a multiplicity of colors la ohserv- able In the bead card rases and ixs ket books that greet the shopper at this tlma ot ine year, white and gold appears to be me tavorue cumDitiation. n white enamel and Kerns Is a dainty necklet, showing an artistic ble.idlng of color. Sapphires In tints ranging from the familiar dark blue to pink, yellow and blue, rubles and green and yellow chrysubels being the atones linked In the necklace by preuy uesign in enamel. Chrysanthemums, with a fringe of un opened bud. brlxril red Virginia creeper. i'arma violet witn a rringe or stalks and roses flecked with brilliants and combined with tiny row bud trulls, are a few of the lovely i fleets In floral garniture for kowiis ot black net or crepe brought out this season. As embroidery for evenli.g shoes turquoise s blended with KOld on black and white. and emeralds mingle with tine gold stltch ery. Khliiealonea. finely rut Jet and steel spangles aro utilized inr the adornment of black satin and kid shoes, and an extreme fancy is butterfly embroidery dscorallna the toes of some beautiful thot. booklet descriptive i on request. It It mide from the pure ulce of grapes, naturally fermented. Bouquet exquU lie. Dr. Burktiart's Wonderful Offer. 5c5lXM0KTHSTM r"Uflt LiLiLLAKJ VL mi pa un il TT. Purkhart's Vegetable Compound Is an Infallible remedy In cases accompanied by Want of Appetite, Sour, llloated Stomach, Sleeplessness Dlzzlnesx, Coated Tongue, Headache, Stiffness In Limbs, Catarrh, Night Sweats, Had Preams, Pains In Hack. Under Shoulder and LaUrlppe. 10 daya trial free. All druggists. 1)11. W. H. Ill HK II WIT, Clnrlniiad, O. Cirse OF CURED BY WHITE RIBBCH REMEDY No taste. No odor. Can be glveu in glasa ot VVaici, tea,, or collte without Jutliauia fcilottleUKti. White ItlbLot Remedy will cure or de hiruy the diseased appetite for alcofiudO stimulants, whether Ui patient Is a cuii liruied Inebriate, a "tippler," social drinker or drunkard. Impossible for anyone (a have an appetite tor alcoholic liquors aflsr using White Ribbon Kemedy. luUuraed by Meuibera t W. C T. V, Airs. Moore, press superintendent of We mail's Christian Teinpcrauce Union, Ven ial a, Calilornia,, writes: "1 iiavs tested White Kibboii Kemeuy on veiy obstinate drunkards, md the cures have been many. In nua "axe '.be Itemudy wa. given m Ci'etly. 1 cheerfully recommend and Indorse . While Ribbon Remedy. Membeis of our Union are delighted to find an economical treatment to aid us in our temperance work." Drusglsts or by mall, II. Trial psckage free by writing Mrs. A. M. Townsend (tor years oecreta'y of a Woman's Christian Tempers! ce Union), 218 Tremont Bt., ttua ton. Mat.. Sold In Omaha by SCHAEFER'S Phorw, 747. B. W. Cor. Kith and Chicago. Oooda delivered KKKK to any part of city. Evory Woman a mill mnuinn .r. ' m, .1 . tii, aiOUl lb WOlldarfOl MARYTL Whirling 6prV TbnawMiaierrtt. V turn ana ourfus. iai M- Mom CooTanlan. for II. lutuiaie-l tyjok giT full is.rllrrlrt ftnt riir!-' I'.iift In- Boom Z.6 Tlmae Bids.. N. t. VOW For -Sale by BCUAEFFR'B CUT KATE lUlL'O STORE; Corner 161 h and Chicago Sts.. Omaha. rv wieMilTlK-j csatisw trEmiYRQYAi. PILLS 11 arlalaal aad Lmlr Vaaolaa. Klth?-. '"'' "h'y l.aSla..M W.a) M VtU .1 slain ! ig.v asm saw.. - . nasi PnSrss BtViitUHi mmm lm.t- UC.DI fcr PptlMUrm. TsUMaltvU m-A It. .Jl.. . t k. tart Mali. 1 O.OttO Teti?Liu. I !ri.i- t klr.raUrHralMl ( tLM fci n. Muliii fter. fUUJw Afc KW VI IILK ATIOf. Tour Fortuns Told Free Wo D ink ftVUIBHl will WHIM JO cm ft HurifjopL fUfttl Inf f your .vim nv InUrnctu.g boot on A ttuiorv, U yoa aV-iMl U Lt of your tnrtb tva for return pnUjte. Our rHnri i" ymtp hpvv tvrf fuiJ of Lop evnd Mat. AdOrt MaOatXlHl 07 KY8T11XZ9.U . vmuaft., T. ftt?- iMitnV V.FWOHE DDLLAR V A DRINK ft x