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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1902)
TIIE OMAHA DA1L.T HEEi SUNDAY, DECEMIIEH 28, 1002. A GREAT ING The Grandest Sale Ever Held in Omaha Begins Monday, Dec. 29, at 8 O'Clock Every department in the store united in the most sensa tional value-giving ever con ceived. All stocks will be sacrificed at this sale, goods at almost incredible reductions. U CLEAR SAL Ji 4 o nnwn S I U 1 i J m m m mi J HAVE planned this sweeping reduction of stock on the most extensive lines ever attempted in Omaha. Conditions have aided us and we are able to announce a grand clearing sale of every line of goods in our store in qualities and assortments almost boundless. We find that our stocks are too large at this time and in order to make a great reduction in the quickest possible time we have slashed prices cutting them far below the limit that others dare to go. Tomorrow we reassert our supremacy in the western mercantile world. Clearing Sale Petticoats All of our $1.00 moreen and mercerized eateen black and colored petticoats with ruffles and corded KOt around the bottom Clearing Sale Price 75c Wrappers at 25c All of our percale and other colored wrappers.also Indigo print wrappers, on O Cp main floor bargain square Clearing" Sale Price.. $2.50 Wool Waists at $1.00 Our entire stock of French flannel ladies' waists, beautifully trimmed and nppliqued, all of this fall's styles 1 AA Clearing Sale Price .'. l.VVJ 75c Wool Fascinators at 21c Our entire stock of strictly all wool knit and crocheted fascinators all colors Clearing Sale Price stvlU 25c Double Knit Mittens 15c Ladies' and children's all Saxony Wool double knit mittens, plain and iCp fancy back, 25c quality Clear ing Sale Price 50c and 75c Golf Gloves at 39c Ladies' and children's all wool golf gloves in black and great variety of fancy colors, worth 50o and 75c Qp a pair Clearing Sale Price OVC Clearing Sale Underwear nisses', Children's and Boys' Fine and Heavy Ribbed Vests. f f Pants and Drawers, worth up to 35c, each lvIC Ladles' 75c Underwear at 29c Heavy ribbed and extra hoavy Ofl fleecy lined, In ecru and silver gray, all sizes, each SzrC Boys' and Olrls' Heavy Australian Wool Underwear r s. 60o quality, at OC Infants' and Children's Heavy Fleeced Underwear In pink.'blue c and silver gray, imall sizes, at, each OC nisses' and Children's Heavy Weight Camel's Hair Underwear -4 j all sizes worth up to 35c, at each OC GREAT REDUCTIONS IN CLOAK AND FUR CLEARANCE $5 3.85 Host Remarkable Bargains In Popular Cloaks and Furs THESE PRICES LAST DURINQ THE CLEARINQ SALE ONLY At $5.C0 Choice of 600 kersey jackets Mont Carlos and 27-inch coats popular colors worth easily J10 and 112 each, at 19-Inch, 27-inch and 30-inch long, ker- One big table of fine kersey coats 27 eys, meltons, etc. odds and ends, Inch and 30-inch long, also 42 and from the $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 45-inch cloaks, well lined, high storm lots all go -j q collar, many worth up le"0 to $10.00, at At $8.50 Choice of fine Monte Carlos, all tho novelties of the year, Q EJA any one in the lot worth 113.60 and rcany as high as $18, at OeOVJ Astrakhan Capes Fully 30-inch long, rich glossy cur), genuine satin lining, worth up to 820, at 24-Inch Astrakhan Jackets Good heavy furrier's satin lining, storm collar, worth as high as $25, at American Stone Marten and Canadian marten scarfs worth easily $2.00, at . , $12.90 and $15 Scarfs -Of fox, Siberian squirrel, etc., at All the Isabella and Sable Fox Scarfs Single and double, large bt ush tails that have Bold at $17.50 and $19, at 200 Fine Oolf Skirts-Odd lots, worth up to $6.50, ut Silk Skirts Choice of all the odds and ends; sold as hlch us $15.00, at ... Children's and misses' 12.00 skirts at .., All the children's coats, worth $6.00, during clearing sale, at. Children's Coats at 98c Choice of 200 children's reefwrs and box coats, with and without capes, worth $2.0, during this clearing sale ..85c .2.98 Black cloth skirts, worth $1.75, $2, $2.50, at .9.50 12.50 .98c .7.50 12.50 2.98 .5.98 ......98c All the children's short an& long A Oft 98c 62c HOSIERY CLEARANt nisses' and Children's Fast Black Hosiery Some , with double knees, worth up to 20c, all sizes meu a i leuium ana neavy weight Wool Socks In sil- f ver grey and camel's hair worth 20c. go at a pair vfC Misses' Children's and Boys, all wool Hosiery in fine P and heavy ribbed, 23o quality at IOC Ladles' Plain and Heavy Ribbed all wool Hosiery me- f dlum and heavy weight, worth np to35o go at a palr...lOC Ladles' Fast Black Heavy Fleeced Hosiery in plain auu uuuou bupn, quality at. 121 2C worth $10, clearing sale.. A II the Finer Grades of Children's Coats, worth up to 117.50 during clearing sale -.- at o.9o HANDKERCHIEF CLEARING Big Lots of All Kinds of Handkerchiefs in plain white and fancy borders, some slightly mussed, worth up to "1 lOogo at 2C Ladles' and lien's Handkerchiefs in white and fancy colored borders, some with lace Inserting, others embroidered; also a lot of ladies' plain all linen hemstitched handker- e? chiefs which sold up to 2( c each, all go at. OC 50c Silk Handkerchiefs at 15c Closing out all the ladies' and men's plain and fancy silk handkerchiefs, hundred of styles many worth up to 60c each, all on 4 f ' bargain square at IOC 7 CLEARANCE OF WINTER CAPS and Odds and Ends of Men's Furnishings. AH the 50c Caps at 25c All wool caps ia the Brigh ton, golf and golf yacht styles, Just in for cold weather, during this clearing sale r e at 5c TV AH the 75c and $1 Caps at 50c-Made of beaver. tsuYon. ciovu, cmncnuia, and silk plush, in this season's popular stylos for men and CTr boys' wear, during this clearing sale at UuC All the $1.50 and $2.50 Caps at 98c-Our very very finest caps made of choice kerseys, broad cloth, finest cheviots and heavy serges, in the styles most popular this year, durtne Vk " this clearing sale at UNg Children's Wool Tarns 200 dozen, camel's ifkr. hair, assorted colors, at lJC Children's Wool Toques 300 dozen in if fancy stripes, at IOC All our 75c awd 50c Underwear at 25c All the broken lots of fine fleece lined, derby rib- r , bed underwear, at All our 89c and$l Underwear for 45c AELn In all the wool and wool fleeces, at t:OC All our 35c and 50c Neckwear at 25c Puffs, four-in-hands and teck?, all pure eilk, 25C All our 75c and $1 Gloves at 50c Genu CAn ine cordovan, calfekin, dog skin, and fur back, -JvyC Way's 50c and 75c Mufflers at 25c 200 r cr dozen all wool sweater neck mufflers, at wOC Grand Clearing Sale of Silks SILKS ON BARGAIN SQUARE 4. BOO yards of plain and fancy silk novelty velours, 27 and S6-inch fine lining silks, Roman stripe silks, black peau de soie, black taffetas, black armure brilliant, pretty fou Ivrds, and a lot of fine length in wait- A ing and trimming silk, worth up to $1,50, ' Kj C during this clearing sale, yard J7 Black Taffeta Silk Department We f- C have about 3,000 yards of fine black guaranteed tuffeta, f all widths from 22 to 88 inches They are not remnants but good lengths up to 2o yards of one kind We want to close out the entire lot at quick selling price, worth up to CI. 25 during this clearing sale, II J at, a yard Every yard of our pilk velvet waistings, coronation vel vet cords. 2 and 3 tone hair line novelty JsW ilf velvets, plain and check velvets, orinted warp J GtW 4 velvets that sold up to $.00 Jf L . During this clearing sale, at, yard -A V-' 3, 500 yards of every kind of high class eilks, consisting of dress silks, waist silks, beautiful printed warp silks, fancy dress grenadines, swell Lyons silk for party gowns, etc AaWf ir ' and a fine lot of velvets, rJ r-m antique and facotme in silk department M "1 . During this clearing sale, at Clearing Sale on Dress Goods. 25c Dress Ooods at 10c a Yard Plain and all wool H f plaid d ress goods, all them a yard wide I J C clearing sale price, at yard 75c French Flannels at 25c Black French Flannels, also triquood French Flannels in colors C clearing sale price, at, yard K , 54 in Golf Skirting and Suitings, regular Qp price 1 yard, during this clearing sale at v $1.00 and $1.25 Dress Ooods Camel's hair serges, zibolinos, P" f canvas, etamines, granites, cheviots, eergos, etc., CIJC black and all colors clearing sale price '. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE OF $150,000 Stock of Men's Suits and Overcoats A Clothing clearance of the greatest magnitude ever known In Omaha. We must clear away our huge clothing stock and We are Selling Regardless of Cost or Value Choice of our entire stock of Men's m Q $15 and $18 OVERCOATS and SUITS at $0.i0 Choice of our entire stock of Men's m -v f $10 and $12.50 Overcoats and Suits at ipOUU .These elegant garments all come from our recent purchases from the east. Every Suit and Overcoat a model of beauty. Not a garment of our recent purchases escapes the cut. Prices all Slashed to Close Out the Immense Stocks. NEVER SUCH A CLOTHING OPPORTUNITY IN OMAHA. Men's $5 and $6 Pants at $2.98 Made of Hen's $3 and $4 Pants at $ 1.50 -Fine cas- simere, worsted and cheviots. m tha sold all season for C3 and M. I HI I in the latt fn.hiAn r J L J Vi t - ZSKJ Now at. Boys' $3 Knee Pants Suits at $1:25-Ages 8 to 8, fancy larger sizes up to 15 years, with double breasted coats. up to iJ, at All worth Cape Overcoats from ages 4 - f to 12, wool materials and sold I f for 14 and to, basement Accumulated odds and ends in children's vejteo suits ages 3 to o, in me oaseaient at.. 1.25 85c Great Basement Clearing Sale Monday we begin to close out our entire otock on hand of all kinds of winter goods at about one-fourth their regular value. All the balance of our stock on hand of light and Cp dark outing flannels, goes at a yard. ......... All the balance of our stock on hand of cotton Xr and shaker flannel, in remnants, go at', yard 2 All the imitation French flannels Cr at, per yard U2L All the swansdown flannels , 71r at, per yard JL 2C All the mercerized and plain black sateen g at, per yard OL All the high class Wvily mercerized Italian . 1A cloth, worth 40c, at, per yard 1 vlL All the balance of stock on hand of comfort Xr calico, ut, per yard Choice of our entire stock of comforters, worth 1 O up to $2.50, go at, each xj Closing out all the wool blankets, former price C Q was more than double, go at $4.98, $3.98 and VO Closing out all the odds and ends of lace curtains, all in one big lot, only 1, 2, 3 and 4 pair of a kind, worth HQn up to $2.50, go at, pair VOC JJundreds of other bargain lots in the basement. Jm m it & 'mvB 'ft 1 i I 1 ' , REPLY TO PRESIDENT NASH Andrew Eosewater Adds Another Chapter to Powsr Franchise Ooutrovsrey. DENIES SOME PUBLISHED STATEMENTS City ElBcer Admits that Oppoaltlaa 11 a Gained Ita Tolat tor Present, at Pronlitt to Coatlaae the Coatcat. OMAHA, Do. J7. To the Public: Voder data of December 23 Mr. F. 'A. Nash, presi dent of the local electric light company, has for the third time within the past sixty days appeared In print In protest against allowing competition In the sale of electric light and energy in the city of Omaha. What he saya may be summarised aa abuse, peraonal calumny and downright deception. I am assailed at the outaet because I have erred the public during the greater part of thirty years In the professional capacity of engineer. I fall to understand that it la any leas creditable to boneatly and faith fully serve a municipal corporation than a railway or other corporation. The natural presumption being that the length of public service la a measure of reputation honestly earned, more so even la public than private Ufa. By way of diversion I am charged with responsibility for all the rotten wooden pavements of Oniaba. Considering that I was not city engineer during the period when wooden pavements were laid la Omaha and that I publicly advised against wooden pavements prior to that period, all of Mr. Naah's calumnies, though haviug not the re motest bearing on the cheap power ques tion, fall of their purpose. Mr. Nash Intimates that I violated confi dence la referring to the contents of his en gineer's couadeuilal reports ea mjr plans. The fact is that I gave publicity to a part of Mr. Main's report, only after Mr. Nash's at tempt at willful misrepresentation through a published Interview citing my plans as inferior to the others In point of mag nitude and merit. Mr. Nash's reference to my infidelity to the Fremont and Columbus projects Is equally untruthful. I never was employed on the Columbus project. I went there on a telegraphic call of Its president and looked over the field a part of one day, receiving no pay nor making any re port thereon. Aa to the Fremont canal pro moters. I did not seek tbtn; they sought me, and so far I have yet to get one cent for anything I did for them, although I prepared reports, profiles, maps and esti mates from time to time for all the in vestigators of their project. Including even Mr. Main. As to the Seymour Park project, if Dr. Miller can truthfully show where I hare ever done any underhand work against it, I will be pleased to have him do so. More than that, It he can show that I ever vio lated any obligations, professional or per sonal, .to him or his company, I will be pleased to have him say so. My public reports, as wel as the Dies of the press, bear teatlmony to the fact that without pay or hope of pay I did as much as any doien people In Omaha to advance that en terprise, not blindly, but conscientiously, looking to the publio and not my Individual Interest. Mr. Nash states that In fixing the maxi mum price for street lighting I deceitfully name 165 per year for aro lights of present standard of 462 watts, twelve hourj each day. Intending to charge twelve times that amount. Mr. Nash doubtless understands more about table d'hotlng aldermanlc mu nicipal excursions, huuilug and fishing parties, etc., than electrical matters. I pro tern to understsnd the English language and Insist that my ordinance is clear and unmistakable, and if not, by has Mr. Nash's aldermanlc quintet, which reported on a new ordinance after consulting nla, used the same language la lis last ordi nance? Mr. Naob slates I am trying to sell light by the horae power kilowatt. Strange that all the electricians and card rates of electric coporations specify a rate per kilowatt hour based upon the ex. tent of horse-power energy consumed. A consumer of average one horse-power aa ergy pays more per kilowatt hour than It he consumes an average of ten horse power. The difference betw.een Mr. Nash's com pany rates for power and light is that It charges 15 cents for electric energy used for light, whilst it charges 10 cents for the same energy If used for power. Ia my ordinance rates, 3H cents Is made the charge for the same energy, regardless whether applied to lighting or for power. In this, as in the rase of arc lamp, Mr. Nash's councllmanlc quintet has followed my language in Its last ordinance nur tured Into life by the aid and support of Mr. Nash's company. In conclusion, I d em It proper to state that the power controversy has not been of my seeking. Ever since I have sought the solution of the power problem, lndepend- ently of others, I have been beset by every species of currish attacks, instigated by a central source, the location ot which la so manifest that it Is entirely needless to point out. In undertaking the gigantic task ot put ting life Into a power enterprise that It successful would lift Omaha out ot a slough ot despond and set It on a progressive pace once more, I soon discovered after attempt ing to do so through certain organizations, that I would share the fate of all others, unless I broke away from the old moorings and put the enterprise on a footing Inde pendent ot the local electrical company and its allied owners. This required an inde pendent franchise to sell power in Omaha. I had a right to expect the assistance of Omaha cltlxens in this effort. Instead, a number of dependents of certain corpora tions, backed up by a solid five of the city council, at once set out to sandbag my en terprise, and so far they have aucceeded. Mr. Nash, like Mephlstopbeles, may gloat at the success of his aeducUve Influence he Is welcome to his bosom companions, but let him remember that crooked deeds like curses come home to roost. Free junket ing excursions, special locomotive trips, fishing trips, hunting trips, profitable in terests in contracts, cash loans, cash ad vances and "dark horse" gifts are among the alluring and seductive devices which always succeed In securing the measures which, the electric wizard directs to be passed or doomed to defeat. The curtain has gone down on the flrBt act of "The 'Powers' Behind the Throne." The second act is yet to be played. In the meanwhile the publio will be asked bow It likes the performance. Tho play It must be conceded, is exciting, though it has ele ments of danger both to the publio morals and public safety as well as to the per formers themselves. ANDREW ROSE WATER. PRATTLE OP THE YOUNGSTERS. Sunday School Teacher Now, Harry, can you tell me who Adam was? Harry (aged 6) Yes. ma'am. He was the fellow that discovered the world. Teacher Can you explain the difference between a king and a president? Small Pupil A king la born and a presi dent has to get himself elected. "8ay, pa?" "Well, what?" . , "It the shortest days of the year are In December how can February be the shortest month In the year?" Mother (sternly) Willie, you took some of those preserves from the pantry. Willie (shrewdly) Oh! who told you that? Mother No one told me. 1 suspected It! Now, tell the truth, didn't you? Willie Ma, "children should be seen and not beard." "See my new shoes!" sail little Alice, dis playing them proudly to the man who lived next door. "Yes, Indeed," , he said, admiringly, "they're daisies." Alice looked a little disappointed. "I don't think Mr. Robinson knows much," said she to her mother when she was going to bed that night. "Ho doesn't know the difference between shoes and flowers." An Intelligent looking boy walked Into a grocer's shop the other day and, reading from a paper, said: "I want six pounds of sugar at 6Vi cents a pound." "Yes," said the shopman; "that will bo 39 cents." "Eleven pounds of rice at 6 cents a pound." "Sixty-six cents." "Four pounds of tea at 50 cents a pound." "Two dollars." And so he continued: "Five pounds of coffee at 25 cents, seven tins of milk at 10 cents, four tins of tomatoes at 9 cents and eight tins ot sardines at 15 cents." The shopman made out the bill and handed it to the lad, saying: "Did your mother send the money or does she want them entered?" "My mother didn't send me at all," aald the boy, seizing hold ot the bill. "It's my arithmetic lesson and I had to get It done somehow." go They Harried Hint Along;. Chicago Post: "You must have enjoyed the comments of that country couBin of yours. He's a strsnger to art. Isn't he?" "Of course." "And so original In bis remarks. Did be see that copy of 'The Temptation of Bt. Anthony?'" "Yes." "What did he say about it?" "He aald ft waa the first time he ever wivhed he was a saint. After that I hur ried him along." Publish your tegtl antlees la The Weekly Bte. Telephone iJ4 RELIGIOl'9. Rev. "Joe" Jones, brother of Rev. "Sam" Jones, is dead. , The late Dr. Parker's first sermon was preached from a crossbeam spanning a saw pit in a village in Northumberland In lMt, whom lie waa 18 years old. Mrs. John Murray, who was sent to the interior of China twenty-six years ugo from New York by the American Board of Presbyterian Missions, has Just died at 81-Nan-Foo, China. Father Robert Eaton of Farmlngton, England, who has been In this country so liciting funds for a memorial church to the memory of Cardinal Newman, an nounces that he has already received tC2,!rk'. BiHhop Partridge of Kyoto believes that there must be an Oriental type of Chris tianity, Just aa there is an Occidental, and that the Protestant Kplscopal church of America cannot be transplanted to Japan. The pope Is an enthusiastic philatelist, and the priests of Cashmere are intending to present to him next year, on the occa sion of his silver papal jubilation, a unique collection of obsolete stamps of Jem ma and Cashmere. Rev. D. 8. McCurry of Gainesville, Oa., Is 72 years old and has done active work In the Baptist church for forty years, in ttils time he delivered 9'j sermons, married 621 couples, baptised 4.013 persons and con ducted Ull funerals. By the will of the late Wllllan Pitta of Taunton, Mass.. t&.OuO la bequeathed fur the erection of chapels and conducting- mis sionary work In order to spread the Kpls copal faith among the negroes of Oeorgla and other southern slates. A hitherto unknown portrait of Martin Iuther, painted by L,ucas Cranacti, the celebrated artist and burgomaster of Wit tenberg, has been uncovered In. the town church of Wittenberg. It is pronounced to be the best portrait of Martin Luther in existence. Rev. John L. Bcudder, the Jersey City Congregational preacher, sull continues to run a boxing clai-s In the basement of his church and has now started a skating rink In a big tent. The reverend gentleman strongly advocatea the Idea (hat the mis sion of the church includes the cultivation of muscle as well as morals Rev: Thomas McUrady of Butte, Mont., has left the ministry of the Catholic church on account of disagreement with hi bishop on the question of socialism. Father Mc Grady had been for some time outspoken In advocacy ot socialistic ideas, and re fused either to retract ur reiuuln Slleiit at the mandate of Bishop Mats. LA HO II AM) IXDISTRY. .,T.he.rumb" of laborers required to cultl vate the tea crop of India la Wi6,0o0. Within the last five years the Jabor or ganlsatlou. of New York Mate have ? creused In membership 75 per cent. It is estimated that W per cent of th employes of the cigar trust aro females, and the great majority are minors. The compensation act give full rights to Canadian working- men to sue and collect, this law being tur better for the workers than any similar laws of the United Htatee. According to statistics published by the New Jersey bureau of labor, union car penters In that state average J2.C3 a day for fifty-three hours a week, and non-unlua painters U-13 a day and fifty-eight hours. -?,htn!W. A'!-Amerlcan railroad In Alaska will ne itdt tv1lu ....... . . li.. n-v,. V. "". "u will c:osi llb.UW,. 1 , Entral Venezuelan, catine of the 1. . T v" ""cunjr in nouin America. I K Don ion uii.i tm i, .i, . ' iv uiiiea long. 11" dlmeullea In Veneauela . .j " ci umn in Aiasxa. There are great possibilities In the teel plates, or wide rail for general use, which have been laid on a block of Murrav atreet 'h NTW Y.utk .tHy- TrHia have been made showing that it requlrea less power by 37W per cent to move a load on these rails than on Belgian blocks, and in starting the saving of power 1. 6o per cent or more! These rails can be laid in any street They obstruct nothing, and If they make it lle to move loads more rapidly thev will Increase the capacity of the atreet. The great Bessemer eime, which a few years ago was the largest In the world, has been outdone Fuel oil ia the cause of lis .lng Its rank. The new design is called the Shay geared locomotive." It Is now In use on the Kl 'ao extension of the Rock Island. In the division exttmdlnir from A .unogordo N. M to Cox Cam ,n "ty-, S mile, there Is a total elevation of t 0u0 fe "t The grade rangea trurn to Sv ntr cent The last part Is coupled with ve?y heavy curves. Where to tlnd an engine which would operate economically under such con ditions would be puzzling ,(ne. -jV all this was udded. however, the fact that the nater along this part of the line U aVrong ? alkali, and the engine must carry a tai k large enough to am.ply it-lf for the round trip of tt miles. Till, locomotive was trie It weighs 2mi.o pound. It Is now hauling" twenty-seven cars, weighing nine tons each, up the at per cent rad at an uveratje speed f live or six miles an hour, with the m" amount of fuel aa two tntrlnea hd required before to do the same work. Cost The