Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee. -
PAGES 1 TO 10. g
KSTAllLISHED JUNE 11), 1871.
Tamine Facet the PeawntJ in Many Prov
inces in Russian Empire.
Bnfferings of the Usually Humane People
Are tendering Them BrutaL
eioouudrels Haunt the Villages on Lookout
; for Friendlesi Girls.
problem of Government la ot Only
How to Provide for Temporary
Want, bat to Enable Farmer
to Pat la Spring; Crop.
(Copyright. 1902. by Frets Publishing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 27. (New York
World Csblegrsm 8pectal Telegram.) The
Russian government la face to fare with the
grave queatlon of how beat to feed 15.000,000
hungry peasants. These distressed peasants
re acattered oyer numerous province In
central and eastern Russia and, partly, also
In the southeast and along the Volga. In
the grrateat hurry the government haa aent
commissioners Into the famine districts ab
tnake Inquiries and report.
On the auggeatlon of Finance Minister
Witte, the government forwarded $1,000,000
worth of rye to the threatened districts, but
there la an uneasy feeling that It will not
reach the right hands. The government alio
bought $7,600,000 worth of rye and wheat to
be forwarded after the reports are re
ceived. v The villagers are not only suffering them
elvea, but the cattle arc dying by the tens
of thousands and their horses have to be
old, as they cannot feed them. The out
look for the spring plowing seems hope
Ices. Untold millions will be needed for
relief If the peasants are to keep their
lands In cultivation.
The usual consequences of a famine al
ready ere In striking evidence. The
humane and merciful traits in the peas
ants' character are disappearing under tho
tress of hunger. Those with large
families are In a deplorable state. The
girls are leaving for the big towns, where
they come to grief If they fail to get Im
mediate employment. In too 'many eases
they already have fallen victims to scoun
drels on the lookout for friendless and
homeless girls.
nrlllatr Their Children.
The worst feature of the horrible situ
ation Is that some fathers of families are
soeking people who will buy their chil
dren. It acldom happens that a boy Is
old, but cases are becoming alarmingly
numerous of men selling their women
relatives for money enough to buy a yoke
of oxen for the spring plowing. In most
cases the girls are only too willing to go,
for it mean warmth and plenty for them.
The purchasers are doubtful persons, who
have been haunting the villages for
What becomes of the purchased tirls Is
not known, but It Is feared that most of
them become white slaves In the villages
of the provinces of Damara. Somatoff and
Term. The police are on the track of the
dealers, but In Russia offenders of this
class know how to "square" the police.
Another shocking thing Is the Infant
mortality. Typhoid fever, hunger, scrofula
and measles are cutting them down by tho
thousand. Not every -village has a doo
toT and If the wretched parenta take any
Interest at all In saving their fchtldren
tVy have recourse to the dangerous sim
ples or Incantations of the "wise woman."
Finance Minister Witte, a many sided
man. Is working hard lately establishing
temperance committees throughout Rus
sia. The more temperance, the less reve
nue, but Mr. Witte himself Is a tetotaller
and he wants temperance spread among
the people. He Induced the czar to decor
ate the men and women who are the most
active In temperance work. He makes no
secret of his fnr tatniati-...
the various offices of the department he
Grund Dachess of Meckleahara
ekwerla Furnishes Food
for Latest Goaalp,
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
MONTE CARLO, Dec. 27. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
The grand duchess of Mecklenburg
Bchwerln. a cousin of the exsr, sister of
the Grand Duke Michael, mother of the
future queen of Denmark, of the present
grand duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerln, haa
gone Into retirement. It is given out that
she haa the measles, but the gossips of the
Rlveria look wise and are hinting about
the blood of Catherine of Kuasla running
la her vslna.
She la a handsome woman of 42 and ao
unconventional In her manner as to give
the scandal mongers delight. Her hus
band, Orund Duke Frederick Francis II
of Mecklcnburg-Schwerln committed
suicide six years ago and the rumor was
then current in fashionable circles thnt
he killed himaelf because she flirted with
a British officer. The story Is now revived
that after her husband's death a woman
friend expressed td her surprise that she
should carry on a flirtation, whereupon
the grand duchess is quoted aa replying:
"All my women friends have devoted ad
mirers and 1 could nV be behind hand.
Although society Ja the Rlveria' la
notoriously tolerant there is talk now of
a rigid aocial boycott.
Relieves tho Apprehension that II
Intended to Abaadoa Moat
(Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
WANTAGE England. Pec. 27. (New
Tork World Cablegram. Special Tele
gram. )Rli hard Croker paaaed Christmas
quietly at Moat house. He gave himself a
Christmas preaent in the shape of two nw
properties adjoining Letoombe estate. One
Is the Whits bouse, which at one time ha
rented from its owner. The other Is the
Pewltt farm. Both combined embrace
about 130 acres. It la reported that he is
negotiating for another farm called Angel
Down. All thess together comprise laud
valuable for horse training. These ac
quisitions will Involve large alterations for
Mr. Croker s purposes, sod the acquiring
of them has relieved the tear of the Let
co tube peopie that be was tired of Moat
house and meant to transfer himself to his
Irish property at DaiUtrry,
OnTer to Bny Hl Block of Rasslaa
Sleeping; Car Stork Is
Tnrned Dona,
(C'opyrlKht, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Dec. 27. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) J. P. Morgan
and Charles M. Schwab have now acquired
about one-tenth of the 200,000 shares of the
International Sleeping Car company, which
will aoon have cars running through from
Moscow, across Asia, through Siberia, to
Vladlvostock, on the Pacific ocean. The In
ternational Sleeping Car company's latest
issue consisted of 60,000 preferred shares.
Mr. Schwab applied for them all, but the
directors, alarmed at the thought of allow
ing the head of the American ateel trust to
get too large an Interest, only let hlra have
6,000. A few months later Mr. Morgan came
to Europe and bought 6,000 and 8,000 shares.
Subsequently the shares rose and Mr.
Schwab Increased his holdings until he has
something like 14,000 or 15,000 shares.
Mr. Nagelmackers, the head of the sleep
ing car company and the superintendent of
the great railway which connects Moscow
with Vladlvostock, Port Arthur and Port
Paid, said to a World correspondent, In
talking of the stupendous enterprise:
"The sleeping car company la now run
ning Us trains from Moscow to Irkutsk
and Lake Baikal. A dining car is added to
the ordinary trains on the other side of the
lake, which go ss far as the Manchurian
frontier. Next June trains will run to
Vladlvostock, Dalnl and Port Arthur. From
Moscow to Port Arthur the distance Is over
(.000 miles.
"At the commencement the Journey will
take about twelve days, but when the line
gets into good working order we hope to
cover the distance In nine days. Pas
sengers from London or Paris by the Trsns
siberian railway now .reach Pekln and
Shanghai In about twenty days. In a few
months the time wUl be reduced to four
teen days. The same Journey by the old
steamship route takes from thirty-six to
thirty-eight days.
"At the beginning of 1903 firms In Europe
will be able to send mall by the new route
and receive replies In the time that a
letter has hitherto taken to travel one
way only.
"I myself have seversl times received In
Paris letters from Pekln In twenty days.
If my letters miss the Transslberlan con
nections and come 'by steamer they gen
erally take about forty days.
"I would like to call the attention of
the enterprising Americans to the fact that
Siberia Is a new, unworked country, rich
in minerals, coal and especially gold.
Without a railway its immense resources
are valueless. With regular transportation
service its possibilities are Illimitable.
The western part of Siberia is a very rich
agricultural district with vast cornfields,
only awaiting developments.
"Every day two freight trains - leave
western Siberia loaded with butter and
eggs for Rlgo. A part of the produce is
distributed In the big towns of Russia and
a large quantity Is sent by steamer to
various parts of Europe, especially Eng
land, where Russian butter la sold aa the
product of the best Normandy farma.
"Although the journey only takes half
the time required by the old route, the
fare Is about $40 less thaa by steamer."
Mow the Highest Salaried Soprano
at the Paris Opera
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Dec. 27. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Miss Mary
Garden of Chicago had a grand reception
at the Colonne concert. She sang "Demoi
selle Elue," which was given for the first
time. Miss Garden has a charming voice
and fully Justified the high opinion enter
tained of her by Sibyl Sanderson.
. A French critic, describing her triumph,
says: "To Interpret this harmonious com
position there Is required an artist like
Mlis Garden Impalpable as a white snow
flake, which should sing ethereal aa a ray
of light, which might speak liquid as the
sky, which might live. She did not sing.
She-exhaled the music of Claude de Bussy."
Manager Carre of the Opera Comique Is
about to revive "La Travlata" for the
young American alnger, and owing to her
success in "Peleas and Melisande" the man
agement has raised her salary to $500 a
month, which makes Miss Garden the high
est salaried aoprano at the Opera Comique.
Starts Work Early la the Moraine and
Keeps at It Steadily, Taking-
Ko Recreatioa.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing; Co.)
LONDON, Deo. 27. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) George
Westlnghouse is here now, taking things
essy at bis hotel for the holidays after
two ujlnths of hard work.' There la no
busier man In London thaa this great
engineer. At 7 o'clock In the morning
he is out to his city office three hours
before the leisurely English capitalists
think of starting to work and often before
that hour he Is speeding to Manchester to
see his enormous establishment there,
which is quite aa large and Important as
bis Pittsburg house.
Mr. Westlnghouse takes .no recreation In
London. He hardly ever goes to the thea
ter and no one has ever seen him at a race
meeting. HU work is his life. Every
railway train in the United Kingdom Is
fitted now with his air brakes. He will
return to Pittsburg early in February.
Empress of Chlaa and Geaeral Miles
Eitkssx Flatlerlaa; Speeches
la Pekla.
PEKIN, Dec. 17. The dowager empress
and Lieutenant General Miles exchanged
flattering speeches at today's audience, the
dowager assuring General Miles that the
aucresa of the American army waa assured
under a commander ao celebrated.
Officials here discredit the reports that
General Tung Fu Slang and Prince Tuen
are moving on Sian Fu with troops. The
missionaries, however, sre said to be re
piovlug from that region.
Bllssard Greatly Daaaaea the Hawses
la Coastaatlaople and Small
Boats la Harksr,
age was dons to this city and ita environ
ments by the recent snow billiard.
Roofs collapsed and many small craft la
the harbor and la the Bosphoroua were
wrecked or daahed to pieces on 'he shore
aad othera drifted seawsrd.
The Black aea fleet Buffered la a similar
Position of sir. and Mrs. Leiter at Durban
it Worrying Lord Canon.
Lady Gunon's Mother and Sister Must
Therefore Stand Back in Lbs.
All Indications Point to Ita Being One of
the World's Great Spectacles.
Grounds on Which Ceremonies Take
Place Are Fall of Memories of
the Mutiny as Well as
Mogul Times.
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec 27. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Volumin
ous correspondence has passed between
Lord Curzon, viceroy of Indta, and the
Indian office with regard to the places to
be occupied by Mrs. Leiter and Miss Daisy
Leiter of Chicago, mother and sister of tho
vlcerlne, tit the splendid state ceremony
at Delhi next week, when King Edward VII
Is to be crowned, by proxy, emperor of
In the ordinary course of things Mrs.
Leiter and her unmarried daughter would
not even precede the wife of a captain of
a line regiment, which fact the viceroy
thoroughly realised months sgo.
Nevertheless he spared no efforts to have
special permission given from headquarters
providing that his wife's relatives should
go before the representatives of foreign
powers. Had it been possible the arrange
ment would have been for them to be In
cluded In the personal staff of Lord and
Lady Curzon. Notwithstanding the strenu
ous efforts of Lord Curxon, the Indian
office refused to make such an exception as
would establish a precedent and give
offense to many peers and peeresses, who
resent any move of this kind, considering
It their right to hold the places by reason
of rank and seniority.
Ceremonies to Be Masrnllleent.
The coronation ceremonies at Delhi, be
ginning Monday and continuing to January
10, will without doubt be one of unpre
cedented magnificence and will live forever
In the memories of those fortunate enough
to be present. The total area of the durbar
camp is seven miles long by five miles
broad and the whole will be lighted by elec
tricity. On the right of the vice regal
camp will be that, of the governor of Bom
bay and his suite and next to It will be
the camp of the commander-in-chief. Vis
count Kitchener, who Is in India super
vising the maneuvers preceding the durbar.
Fifty-four of the leading princes of India
have been Invited by the supreme govern
ment and most of them have accepted, but
many chiefs of lesser rank will be preaent
at the Invitation of local governments.
Lord and Lady Curton will enter Delhi
at 11 a. m., December 29, seated In a golden
howdah on the back of a state elephant.
This elephant Is the largeat In India. It Is
worshiped by the natives as an Incarnation
of one of their lesser deities. Its mighty
tusks are gllden.. Gold, silver and precious
gema gleam in the aunltght from Its crim
son trapplns. A hundred elephants will
follow in its train. Other elephants will
raise their trunks and trumpet a salute as
the "god" elephant goes by with his im
perial burden.
Prosrram of the Dsrbar,
The official ceremonies will be as follows:
December 29 Arrival of the viceroy at
11:30 a. m. and state procession to the
December 80 Public opening of the In
dian Arts exhibition.
January 1 Coronation durbar at noon or
early In the afternoon. Btate dinner in
viceregal camp at 8 p. m.
January 2 Flreworka and Illuminations
at 10 p. m.
January S A chapter of the India orders
will be held in the fort at 9 p. m.
January 4 Btate service at 11 a. m.
January 6 Review of the retainers of
native chiefs.
January 6 State ball In the dtrwan.
January 8 Review of British and Indian
troops at 11 a. m.
January 9 Reception of native chlefa in
viceregal camp.
January 10 Public departure of the vice
roy. An assault-at-arms will be held on two
afternoons In the arena, subsequent to the
coronation durbar. Cups will be given by
the viceroy for this competition, as .also for
the polo, foot ball and hockey tournaments,
which will take place In the course of the
fortnight. A garden party will be given on
one afternoon by the viceroy In honor of
all native official guests at the durbar, and
the massed bands will play on aeveral oc
casions for the entertainment of visitors.
List at Viceroy's Gnests.
The actual list of the viceroy's guests st
Delhi Include Mr. and Mrs. Leiter, the duke
and duchess of Portland, the earl and
countess of Lonsdale, the earl and countess
of Crewe, Lord and Lady Wolverton, Lord
and Lady Elcho, Sir Edgar and Lady Vin
cent, Sir O. Goldle, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Lyttelton, Colonel and Mra. Charles Har
bord. Ftank Curxon, Mrs. Cralgae (John
Oliver Hobbea), Sir M. Bhownaggree and
Barring Dupresse.
Cat lllstorle Groaads.
The ground upon which the ceremonies
connected with the coronation durbar will
take place is not only specially connected
with the roll of honor of the British em-'
plre, for the famous ridge bounds it on the
eaat, but la also specially associated with
the assuming of imperial authority, as the
Shamlimar gardens, which witnessed the
coronstlon of the only great mogul emperor
subsequent to the founder of the present
city, namely, Aurungteb, the ornament of
the throne, are but a short distance to the
west. The durbar itaelf will be held in the
great Bawari plains, upon the same site as
the Imperial .assemblage which signalized
the assuming of the title of Kalsar-I-Hlnd
by Victoria, the Brat queea-empreaa of In
dia, January 1. 1877.
The amphitheater In which the durbar
will be held ia somewhat different in shape
from that constructed in 1877 and has
been built in a horseshoe form, with the
Imperial dais at the upper end instead of
la the center as then.
Inalds the wedges of seats will be a
circle road, by which the viceroy will
drive up to the dais and In front and be
hind the amphitheater will be drawn up
the troops which will lend military splen
dor to the display.
The road from the viceroy's camp ta the
(Continued ea Secoal Page.)
Always Among" Invited Gaeats Where
Klasr Edward Is
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 27. (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegrsm.) American
beauties are the first ta receive the coveted
Invitations, It seems, to nearly every din
ner which King Edward now honors with
his presence. At a dinner given this week
by Lord snd Lady Brougham two of the
three Invited women were Americans. The
dowager duchess of Manchester was one.
She looked nice in a black and .white lace
gown with some diamond stars on the
But unquestionably "the" beauty of tha
night waa Lady N'aylor-Leyland (Jennie
Chamberlain before her marriage). In a
robe of shimmering gold tissue, with a
small tiara of fine diamonds on her dark
head. After dinner, when the party moved
for a game of bridge the king and tha
marquis of Soveran, the Portuguese min
ister, looked full of admiration for the
pretty American. Some pleasant and evi
dently agreeable time passed between tha
monarch and the lady in the golden dress.
Among the guests at Lady Llster-Kayes'
dinner for the king were Mrs. George
Cornwallls-Weet, formerly Lady Randolph
Churchill, whose diamonds flashed with
great effect; the dowsger duchess of Man-
Chester, Mrs. Laurence Townsend, wh
was much admired and who shows unus.
taste in dress, wearing Worth gowns .
ways; and Mrs. Chauncey, In do'
white, with pearls.
The tables were superbly decors
gorgeous blooms brought from t
of France. Orchids and pink r
plied high In a gold bowl In 1
Lady Llster-Kaye wore gray' ti,.
' .re
i and
had a diamond parur In her hair.
guests were Lord and Lady Howe, the
marquis of Soveran, Duke . Michael and
Countess Torby.
Craig Wadsworth has gone to stay at
Rugby at Arthur James' place, Croton,
where Mrs. Cavendish Bentlnck and her
pretty daughter are also visiting. Mr.
Wadsworth Is already a most popular
young man and In great demand for all
the parties where the girls are Invited.
They all like him. He is a delightful
dancer and it is said he Is quite unspoilt
by his success. .
Asred Marquis of Donearal Finds a
Taker la a Pretty Nova
Scot Ian Bride.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 27. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) A peculiar
disclosure Is made in the leaking out of the
facta, not hitherto known, concerning the
marriage this week in London of the octo
genarian marquis of Donegal to the 24-year-old
Canadian heiress. Miss Gertrude Twin
ing, granddaughter of a great shipbuilder
of Nova Scotia...
There appeared laat spring an advertise
ment In the London newspapers that created
no end of speculation, since It offered the
title of marchioness, which, of course, In
cluded a husband and a. seat in Westminster
abbey for the coronation terenaonlca, In
Itself a frantically sought for privilege. In
return for a settlement of $1,000,000 upon
the annonymoua marquis. The strangely
assorted marriage of the marquis of Donegal
and the lovely young Canadian miss Is the
upshot of this advertisement, by which a
coronet was put upon the market. At the
time the advertisement appeared Its sponsor
was supposed to be the marquis of Donegal
and the fact that he had a title to confer
In return for cash became generally known.
It came to the knowledge of Mrs. Twining,
who was credited with most ambitious aspi
rations for her attractive, accomplished and
wealthy daughter.
At any rate, an arrangement waa made
whereby the ancient marquis was to be pre
sented to the young woman. The patrl
archlal marquis waa enchanted at sight of
the tall, alender and dark girl from across
the sea, who already bore herself with
daintily poised head, like any queen. Within
five weeks after he had been presented to
Miss Twining at the Isthmian club he led
her to the altar.
The final pre-nuptlal agreement provided
for a settlement of $40,000 a year upon the
marquis, who la In hla 81st year.
Remains of Archbishop of Canterbury
Iaterred In the Cloister of tho
CANTERBURY, England. Dec. 27. The
remains of Dr. Temple, archbishop of Can
terbury, were Interred In the cloisters of
Canterbury cathedral today.
The obsequies were carried out aa sim
ply aa possible, in accordance . with the
late archbishop'a desire. Representatives
of King Edward and Premier Balfour wero
present. The archbishop of York, Dr. Mac
kngan, officiated at a portion of the serv
ices. Simultaneously memorial services were
held at St. Paul's and the other cathe
drala In the United Kingdom. The lord
mayor. Sir Marcus Samuel, and sheriffs at
tended the aervlce at St. Psul's. Foreign
Secretary Lansdowne and United States
Charge White were among the congrega
Bodies of Trader aad His Compaaloa
Foaad on Boat by a Mall
WINNIPEG. Man., Dec. 27. A French
halfbreed courier who arrived at West Sel
kirk, thirty miles north of here today, re
ported that he had called at the cabin on
Snake island, Christmas morning, to de
liver mall to Captain J. Petbertll of th
Dominion Fish company's steamer Daisy,
and found the body of the captt !n. Close to
the corpse was the unconscious' form of a
Frenchman, PetherlU's companion.
Tbs Are had burned out and pools of blood
on the floor had frozen around the bodiea.
The Frenchman's body was half frozen. It
Is believed the murderers are Indians, with
whom the captsin had dealings, and who
at this time are very ugly.
atlas; Edward Vetoes Pr I ace's Scheme
to Eater a Stock Brokerage
(Copyright. 19o2, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Dec. 27. (New York World Ca
blegrsm Special Telegram.) On vetoing
Ibe Prince Francis of Teck's proposed ap
pointment as a decoy partner of the stock
broking firm of Pan mure, Gordon ac Co.,
King Edward allowed him $10,000 a year un
til he can get soma Job far alia.
Princess Louise Makes Biggest Scandal
8ince luicide of Prince Bndolph.
Kept the Staid Sazon Court in Constant
Turmoil for Years.
Turns Her Back on Veterans of the Court to
Danoe with Lieutenants.
Ramon of Attempt at Reronelllatloa,
bat Princess Fears Fate of Prlaeeaa
of Cobarsr If She Enters Ger
many or Aastrla
(Copyright, 1!2, by Press Publishing Co.)
'ESIlEN. Saxony, Dec. 27. (New York
, a . Cablegram Special Telegram.) Not
, the awful tragedy at Meyerburg
---'ly fourteen years ago, when Crown
.nee Rudolph of Austria and the lovely
ountess Maria Vctsera were found dead
,ogether, has a roysl scandal created sueh
amazemnnt in the courts of Saxony and
Austria as tho elopement of Crown Prin
cess Louise with her children's French
tutor, Andre Giron. The members of the
Saxon royal family and the courtiers are
or pretend to be astounded as If a bolt
from the skies had descended on the king,
and royal family and courtiers bear them
selves ss If such a calamity had happened.
First, a description of the woman who
has stirred all Europe: The Crown Prin
cess Louise Is 32 years old. She has a
well shaped, straight nose and fascinat
ing eyes that sparkle eloquently. Her
chin slightly recedes. Her brow Is broad,
but low, her eyebrows are particularly
well arched. Her teeth are fine, her mouth
large but well cut. She has the true Haps
burg nether Hp, rather fine, protruding,
the underllp that was the Hapsburg fam
ily's distinguishing mark for centuries.
Her masses of dark hair are always
effectively dressed in heavy plaits, wound
around and around the back of her head
and resting well on her well molded neck.
Although the mother of four children,
her figure Is perfect. She Is graceful and
always stylishly goVned, and though her
enemies say she has the manners of a
peasant (and in truth she Is democratic),
she attires herself like a true aristocrat.
Nevertheless, her gestures, manners and
movements prove her a woman of high
physical energy. Although she has very
many valuable jewels, most of them wed
ding presents, she rarely wears more
Jewelry than a pair of beautiful pendant
earrings and hairpins with tiny diamonds,
emeralds and rubles.
. Commences Flirt lasjr Early.
That domestlo trouble existed In ' the
palace haa been notorious here for sores
time. The court officials and. cw,t .council :
lora aay that for the first few years of
her married life the crown princess hesi
tated to outrage the stern religious senti
ment which dominates the court. But even
when she 'was married stories were told
of her unconventtonalltlea and It was !
whispered '.hat her parenta, the grand duke
and duchess of Tuscany, found it Impera
tive to dismiss from their castle at Salz
burg, Austria, a male tutor. For the
youthful archduchess had a distinct pro
pensity to flirt with any and every good
looking man she met.
The crown princess' -relatives and the
court officials hoped that the crown prince
would control his wife's waywardness (for
outwardly at least he Is pious) and that
the rigorous system of etiquette at tbla
court would transform her Into a model
Saxon princess.
During the first years of their married
life Frederick Augustus passionately loved
his beautiful young wife and alwaya wore
over his heart her miniature, framed In
rubles. Both were intensely fond of their
children, which were born to them in quick
succession. The crown princess has always
been devoted to children and gave much of
her energy to planning parties, treats and
excursions into the country for the little
ones of the court. Before such an occasion
she haa remained up nearly all night pre
paring gtfta with her own handa.
Throws Aside Restraints.
However, as her fear of the king and
queen and of the austere princesses grad
ually wore off, Louise Antonette threw
sslde the irksome restralnta of court life.
Immediately she fell into deeper disfavor.
Undaunted she went the way she had
chosen. At the court balls she danced with
the handsomest officers, Irrespective of their
rank. She would turn her well-rounded
shoulders on a veteran whom her father-in-law
delighted to honor and choose for her
partner the best looking sublieutenant.
She delighted In dancing and enjoyed her
self with such abandonment that once,
three yeara ago. King Albert ordered the
musicians to cease playing. Then he, with
his wife and family, who were vastly
shocked, swept from the ball room. This de
lighted her many enemies, and. Indeed, the
incident seems to have been the turning
point from whence she descended to Andre
She hsd been publicly Insulted. Forth
with she threw all the conventlona to the
wind and governed her conduct only by
her wishes. She outraged etiquette by tak
ing long walks alone; she went shopping
unaccompanied by a lady In waiting or even
a maid.
She ran up bills for gowns and millinery
In Dresden, Vienna and Paris. Her ex
travagance further alienated her from her
father-in-law and his entourage. Her hus
band implored her to be more dignified, but
she became more and more reckless.
Nominally Vader Arrest.
At least five times she was placed under
nominal arrest and restrained In her palace
at Wachwltx.near here. Soon her only friend,
even among her own family, was her uncle.
Archduke John of Austria, whom she re
sembled. In domestic Ideas at least. He
renounced his titles, becsme John Orth,
married the woman be loved and went on
a voyage, from which he never returned.
The crown princess has much warm Tus
can blood in her veins, and to thla her
Austrian relatlvea attribute ber conduct.
However, the recent history of Hapsburg
princesses Is related here sufficiently to ex
plain the eccentricities of any member of
that house.
The crown princess developed a taste for
private theatricals, which would have been
harmless enough had she not engaged ac
tor to teach her their art, and chosen them,
not for their talent, but tor their robust
comeliness. This, of all sbs baa done, ssy
(Continued on Elxth rag )
Forecast for Nrhriifka-Partly Cloudy,
with Possible Snow Flurries Sunday;
Warmer. .
1 Millions la Rnasla Are Stnrvlnsr.
Titles la the Front Rank at Durbar
Dresden Scandal Stirs F.nrope.
Thirty Killed In Train Wrrrk.
9 Garley After Attorneyship.
Yoalhfnl I. over Attempts Suicide.
3 ni from Nebraska Towns.
Plattsmoath Hoy Locates Father.
4 Sluar rralwi of Idaho aad Vtah.
Snath Omaha ews.
Mara Pays Hla Dividend to Barkers
Boxer Rebels nierous In China.
5 Legislators Talk About the Charier
Papers to Prove I p on Circulation.
Western Cities Short of Coal.
O Past Week In Omaha Society.
Miss Opp Has a Cosy Home.
T Allies Disappointed Over Chnnae.
Sehenie to Merne Paris Gas Plants,
Cardinal Has arrow Eseape.
Robbers Take All of Bank's Cash.
8 Connrll B ufTs and Iowa Kews.
I'roinm of Live Stock Convention.
Weekly Review 'of Sports.
lO Andrew Rosewater on Power Canal
lis In the Domain of Woman.
13 Amusements and Mnsle.
14 Editorial. '
10 Gospel of Civil Liberty.
City Drains the Rural Schools.
15 Story, "Seven Secrets."
Ill Markets and Financial.
2 Sixty the Aae Limit on I. P.
Cannot Settle Strike In East.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday I
Hoar. De. Hour, Dear.
Ita. m...... A 1 p. m li
On. m H Up. m 17
T a. m...... tl :t p. m IN
Ha. m 7 4 p. m...... 19
a. ni N n p. m lit
10 a. m 1 II p, m 20
11 a. m i;t T p. m ill
lit m 14
Widow of General, Daughter of Sen
ator, and Noted Authoress
la Dead.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 27. Mrs. Jessie
Benton Fremont, widow of General Fre
mont, died at her home in this city to
night. Mrs. Fremont was noted as .much for
what she did as for who she was, for, be
sides being the daughter of Senator Benton
and the wife of General Fremont, she was
the author of several well remembered
Sho waa bOrn In Virginia in 1824, but
afterward removed to Missouri with her
father, where she met and married Lieu
tenant, afterward General, Fremont In 1841.
Among her better known works are "The
Story of the Guard," "A Year of American
Travel," "Far Western Sketches," Souve
nirs of My Time," "Sketch of Senator
Benton" and "Will and tho Way" stories.
Mrs. Fremont, during her younger days,
waa a great social favorite In Washington
and had great Influence among the mem
bers of congress. She had unlimited faith
in br husband and it, was . her-Influence
which" secured" him 4Wuloa from tho
army authorities to make the explorationa
which later proved of such great benefit to
his country. The order once secured General
Fremont hastened to put his plans Into
execution, but his enemies would have de
feated him at last had it not been for his
faithful wife, who secured knowledge of
the fact that the order had been revoked
and hastened a messenger to St. Louis,
where the general was outfitting, warning j
htm to cut loose from civilization at ones.
She did not give tho reason why, for she
well knew that the general s Ideas of mil
itary duty would Induce him to abandon the
trip If he knew even Indirectly that his or
ders had been revoked. The general knew,
however, on receiving the word from his
wife that it was urgent and acted on the
advice without hesitation, though bis prep
arations were not yet complete. Thus it
waa that this woman's wit saved for the
United States a vast empire.
Up to a few years ago Mfs. Fremont
was exceedingly active for one of her age,
and on her birthday was showing her
friends how agile she was by executing a
dance. Her foot caught in a rug and she
was thrown and suffered a fracture of one
of her lower limbs, which made It impos
sible for her to walk more than a few
ateps thereafter.
Her home haa always been the mecca of
young people, of whom she was very fond
and who were equally fond of her.
At one time she waa In straightened cir
cumstances, but the government voted her
a pension and admiring frlenda of beraelf
and the general purchased the beautiful
home In which she spent ber last days.
TusT Mrnaales Tkrongh Frosea Waters
Carrying; Help to Schooaer
TOLEDO, Dec. 27. After a battle of nine
hours through the Ice, the tug American
Eagle late this afternoon reached the ice
bound schooner A. L. Perklna off Toledo
Aa the range lights sre out, no effort
was made tonight to bring the boat Into
the city, but unless some accident occurs
It will be brought through the ice tomor
row. Signals indicate that the crew Is all
right. f
Texan Officer Arrests Aliens and
Holds Them aS Wlt-
LAREDO. Tex., Dec. 27. H. M. Course,
United States immigration Inspector, today
captured, near Fort Worth, a party of
thirty-five alleged Imported contract la
borers. They will be held to testify against tbs
Movements of Ocean Vessels Dee. 37,
At New York Arrived: Philadelphia,
from Southampton; Minnehaha, from Lon
don; Philadelphia, fron. Hoiithumiiton;
Amhorta, from lilasgow. Bailed: Klrurla.
for Liverpool; Mongolian, for Glasgow;
Minneapolis, for London; liljcher, for
At Liverpool Arrived: Devonian, from
Bunion;, from New York. Bailed:
Canadian, lor New York, ( mlirUt, for New
York; Oeorgta, tor New York.
At Southampton Hulled: Kt. Taut, for
New York, via t'herlKmrg.
At Sclily Passed: Rotterdam, from Ams
terdam for New York.
At Cherbourg Hailed: St. Taul, from
Southampton for New York.
At AJitwerp Billed: Finland, for New
At Havre 8ttllud: La Lorraine, for New
At Hong Kong Arrived previously: Hong
Kong Maru, from Han Francisco, via Hon
olulu, Yokohama, etc.
At Yokohama Arrived: previously; Tosa
Maru. from feWattie (or liona Kooa.
Grand Trunk Pacifio Express Collides with
Freight in Ontario.
Raging Bliztard Obscures Track and Hides
Danger Till Too Late.
Injured Passengers Moan Amid Debris of
Broken Oars.
Exposure Hastens Death aad Probahly
Leads to Some Loss of 1.1 fe Which
Mlaht Otherwise Have Been
LONDON, Ont., Dee. 27. A trsln wreck
bringing death to over two score of passen
gers and terrible pain and suffering to
about thirty-five, occurred at 10:10 o'clock
last night at Wanstead, Canada, a station
on the Sarnla branch of the Grand Trunk,
forty miles from this city, when the Pacific
express, flying westward at the rate of fifty
miles an hour, and crowded to Its capacity
with passengers returning to their homes
from holiday visits, crashed Into an east
bound freight.
The latest cellmate of the tntalltles is
thirty killed and thirty-five or more In
jured. The darkness of the night snd the raging
of a blizzard added horrors to the wreck.
Fire broke out in the wreckage of the day
coach, but it was smothered witn snow,
which was thrown on it before It gained
any headway.
The Pacific express is a fast train. Last
night It was delayed two hours by the heavy
travel and at Wanstead It was speeding to
make up time. The freight waa working
slowly east under orders to take the switch
at Wanstead and allow the express to pass.
In the blinding snow storm neither engi
neer saw the other train approaching, ap
parently, and the freight had Just com
menced to pull In on the siding when the
passenger train camo up.
Trains Come Touether.
The shock was awful. In a second the
baggage and express cars of the passenger
train telescoped into the day coach. Thla
day coach was reduced to splinters . and
fragments back to the last three windows.
As It was crowded, the results were ter
rible. Fire that broke out waa quickly
smothered, but the fire was scarcely more
dangerous than the cold. For three houra
or more Injured passengers were pinned
underneath wreckage, crying plteously for
help, while they Buffered from exposure to
the elements.
Exposure probably hastened the death
of some of the Injured and caused the
death of some of those who might have
been aaved l( it had been only a queatlon
Of ;' rlcatltig them from the .wrerrage- -
TIm Itillinan cars stayed on the,. .truck
ana were comparatively . uninjured, al
though the passengera In thorn - were
severly shaken In the shock.
Work of Relief.
As soon as possible word was sent to this
city of the wreck and a relief train with a
dozen London doctors was dispatched to the
Half a dozen bodies were recovered within
a short time this morning and a number of
wounded removed from the wreckage.
Trains were made up to send the Injured to
Efforts to Identify the injured and dead
were attended with difficulty. The dead
bodies taken from the wreck were - fright
fully mangled, some of them almost beyond
Edward Boise of Prescott was taken from
the wreck alive, but he waa so frightfully
Injured that he died two houra after being
placed In the hospital In this city.
J. A. Lamonte of Wyoming waa the night
operator at Watford, the telegraph station
nearest the siding at Wanstead. Responsi
bility for the wreck haa not been fixed. It
is said by some that It came through a con
fusion In orders for which Lamonte waa re
sponsible. Lamonte was in some way in
jured in the wreck.
Wreck Is 'Complete.
The wreck waa complete, and It Is thought
that hardly a single , passenger In the
smoker escaped injury. The other csra of
the passenger train remained on the track.
Word was quickly sent to thla city and
doctors were soon on the scene. The work
of removing the dead and injured waa then
proceeded with.
Among the known dead are Engineer Gil
lies of Sarnla Tunnel and the fireman of
the express engine.
The Ill-fated express consisted of two
baggage coaches, a smoker, two first-class
coaches and two Pullmans. The smoker,
which was telescoped by the coach behind
It, bad the roof fall in. Imprisoning the
passengers. It waa In this car that most
of the havoc and loss of life occurred.
Passenger Orsraalses Brigade.
The wreck, shortly after the collision,
caught Are and but for the heroic efforts
of a brigade of passengers, organized and
led by an old man, who was himself a
pasenger on the train might have been
more disastrous to those pinned down in
the wreck.
.By heroic efforts this brigade put out th.l
fire by throwing snow on the flames with
their hats and hands. They then turned
their efforts to getting out ths wounded,
who had tbelr Bufferings Increased by a
blinding snow storm and the thermometer
at zero.
The Injured were taken to London by
special train and the work of Identifying ths
dead and relieving the sufferers waa hur
ried as fast as possible.
The accident Is said to hsve been due
to the failure of an operator to give orders
to the express train to meet the freight
at the station.
One of the passengers describes tha ac
cident as follows: ,
We were running at about forty miles ait
hour, when, without the slightest warning
the two trains m-;t with terrific force. On
examination It wns found that the two en
gines were ditched. The bugs-age tar was
thrown on top of the Mrst-cUss roach, in
stantly killing a great many and pinning
about fitt oiher pussengrrs In the debrU.
The screams, moans and prayers of the In
jured was heartrending. '
One poor woman begged that her child bs
saved, as she was dying. The Utile one wns
carefully taken from the wreck and will
probably recover. The mother waa after
ward released, but only to die in a few
About thirty people- were killed and forty
badly Injured, some of whom will die.
The trainmen, ss well as every pasKvnger,
did all they could to rtlluvs the sufferings
of the victims.
Ideatlded Dead.
Following Is list of the dead so far aa