Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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By Mrs.
(Author of -The Admiral's Ward." "A Crooked" "Blind Fate." "Her Dearest
(Copyright. 1902. by T. C. McCltire.)
"You have not been very diligent this
tnornlng; you bare not touched that beau
tlful oak there to the left, and you began
It yesterday," she aald.
"Tea," he replied, touching the picture
ith a fine bruah, hla head to one aide,
with critical air, "but the light went very
soon when you left me."
"la that meant for a pretty speech?" she
asked, with a frank, playful amlle, allowing
row of pearly teeth.
"No. I never make any. The light that
failed me was daylight not the light of
your eyea. I never Insult you with fine
Tho speaker was a man of perhaps 30;
not tall, but above middle hcipht, broad
ahouldered and atrongly built, with a plain,
resolute face and light, gray, penetrating
yes. The scene of their conversation was
ft glade in Thoreaby woods, opening upon
the slope of a hill, from which the speak
ers could see a stretch of moorland and a
wide expanae of Indistinct, mlaty blue
country beyord. The trees were already
showing the rich tints of autumn.
"I wonder how you manage to make your
pictures tell something?" said the girl.
"They are merely treea and grass and flow
era; they are aad, or bright, or solemn
Just as rest bits of landscape make one
"Come, Mlsa Norton, that la a fine
peecb. Indeed. 1 did not know you were
mo good a critic."
Bhe laughed gaily. "One sweet speech
deserves another," she was beginning,
when a fine, red-browc Irish setter ran out
from among the trees and Jumped up at
the speal-er. Bhe stooped to stroke the
dog the color rising In her cheeks, and an
indescribable joyous look radlatipg from
her lips. The artist gazed at her as she
careaaed the animal lovingly, an expres
sion of. pain contracting hia brow.
"There, there! Down, Bran," she cTled,
trying to repress the dog's too ardent dem
onstration of affection.
"De Burgh's dog, Isn't it?" asked the
painter. "I suppose bis master Is not far
"It Is Impossible to say. Isn't he a lovely
creature T"
"Whot De Burgh?"
"Ton know I mean the dog." she re
turned, laughing. "Do you ever paint ani
mals, Mr. Ashton?"
"Yes, two-legged ones, sometimes."
"What a cynical speech! But I have
lingered too long talking to you dinner
will be ready before I reach home, and
Grannie hates to be kept waiting."
"And 1 wonder bow aoon you will
reach home?"
"In about twenty minutes. I am not
going to run myelf out of breath on such
ft glowing morning."
8be drew up her head with a displeased
air, put on her hat and turned away, walk
ing for a few paces along the leafy ave
nue, till ahe reached a narrow path leading
Into th9 recesses of the wood on the left.
Bhe had not proceeded far when from
among the trees a young man In shooting
garb, with a gun on his shoulder, sprang
forward to where ahe stood. A tall, alight,
distinguished figure, well set up, with a
soldierly air. His hair and mustache were
dark, hla eyea deep blue, and at the mo
ment angry-looking. He was undeniably
handsome, and looked an aristocrat from
head to heel.'
"At last, Orace-at last!" he exclaimed,
leaning hla gun against the' stein of an old
thorn tree, and then catching both her
hands In his own. "Why, In heaven' name,
did you stay on talking for such an ago
with that grim chap Ash ton? Did you not
feel I was waiting and watching between
the treea until you started?"
Grace listened with a
tremulous smile ,
nP,J .he,r-Cl,0.r T' Td g0,nB!.t
"No, Captain de Burgh not, at least,
till Brsn Juanped up at me."
8he atrove to draw away her hands as
she spoke.
"You might let me hold your hands for a
minute or two, Grace. I doa't know when
1 ahall tnurh thtm avAtn " unrl tin utnnnaA
to klsa them. "I have bad new.-bad for ,
me. at leaat. I am recalled to London-
must start this evening so many of our
fellows are on leave-they want my valua- !
ble services."
"Going tonight?" ah exclaimed, In a sur.
prised tone.
"Even so. .Shall you mlsa me? Will you
ver admit that I am anything to you?
You are so coy and cold. Grace, it is death
to leav you I cannot live without you.
What apell have you cast upon me?"
"Oh, do not say such wild things. You
must learn to do without me, and you
will when you are away when you think the apreadlng walnut tree,
of what la due to your station, your fam- I "Mr- de Burgh Is off to town rnroute for
lly. I am not a fit wife for you, and men I acme place abroad, no doubt for no one
hav more to live for than love and private ; ty LoLdon In August. I met the
Ufa." I whole procession Just now on their road
"You don't know what I feel what I t0 the atatlon madam in the barouche,
suffer. You are never abaent from my j coachman in hla powdered wig, brake and
mind, my heart, waking or sleeping. You . Plr loaded with luggage, and young Hope
know, my darling, but for my cousin and ' tul de Burgh beside madam, who looked
godmother, whom I must not offend, I
should mak you my wife before the world."
"It I consented," ahe added.
"And would you refuse Could I love you
so Intensely if I did not Instinctively feet
there was some answering chord in your
heart T"
Ha had a sweet, soft voice, and an Im
passioned flow of worda, which he well
knew struck deep Into the hrt of hla
Grace Norton was the granddaughter of
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Bar Signature of
$m Feo-Slssita Wrapper Bstow.
roi nuoumxt.
rot tAiiow wii.
I Vary will ul M
Links." Etc.)
a former huntsman in the employment of
Squire de Burgh of Thoresby Chase, Mld
landshlre. His was one of those old Nor
man families, wherein falling a direct male
heir the estate passed to the daughtera.
The late squire married twice. His first
born was a daughter; and some 20 yesrs
after her birth his second wife died In
giving him a son and heir. This boy grew
up the idol of his father, and a favorite
with all who served him.
Now. Jim Norton, the huntsman, saved
the life of this highly valued young man
by extricating him from under a vicious
horse, which had fallen with hla rider after
taking a dangerous fence out hunting. In
thus saving his young master's life, the
huntsman lost bis own as a fierce kick
from the struggling animal broke hla
skull. Mrs. Norton waa, therefore, pen
sioned off and given a comfortable and
picturesque cottage to live in.
To draw the links even closer, one of the
widow s sons enlisted In the same regiment
to which young Harry de Burgh was gai
etted, and when, some years after, Charles
Norton, who hsd attained a sergeant's
stripes, and his young wife were carried
off by typhu." fever, In the Ill-drained, 111
ventilated barracks where they were quar
tered In Dublin, Captain de Burgh arranged
ror the transfer of a poor little dellcato
baby girl to the care of ber bereaved
grandmother, and even left a sum of money
with his lawyer when he went to the Cri
mea tome years after, to provide for the
little creature's education, that she might
be enabled to earn her own bread. From
thla campaign the heir of Thoresby never
returned. His sister succeeded him, and
married a man of birth and fortune, shortly
before her father's death. Later she, too,
was widowed and childless, so that Graco
Norton's lover was heir to her broad lands
and as much of her considerable savings
as she chose to bequeath him.
Mrs. Norton was a clever, sensible
woman and had gone through a checkered
life with courage and constancy, and these
latter days had been infinitely brightened
by the society of her young granddaughter,
who was indeed a charming companion.
The humming of beea and inaects, the
heat, the soft silence of the afternoon
lulled her Into a prolonged nap, and Grace,
an open book on ber knee, aat by her aide
In a low wicker chair dreaming delicious
dreams, her whole frame thrilling at the
memory of de Burgh's passionate caresses
snd fervent declarations.
From these conditions she was roused
by the closing of the gate which led into
the little green with ita border of flowers,
which separated the cottage from the road.
Looking up, she saw Ashton coming up tho
path, laden with a painter's paraphernalia.
"Ah," he exclaimed, "are you both eu
Joylng a nap?"
"And Grace Is tired, I fancy," said gran
nie, rousing herself. "She must have wan
dered far; she waa so late for dinner."
Grace felt the telltale color mount even
to her brow as she met Ashton's grave,
kind, pitying eyes.
"I thought she would be late " he said
carelessly; "she stayed on discussing my
faulty work till nearly 1 o'clock."
"And very bold of her to find fault with
a gentleman like you, air," said Mrs. Nor
ton. "Have you had a bit of lunch, Mr.
"Yes, I wandered on till I found myself
near Woodbrldge, and had a crust of bread
and cheese at the Three Fiddlers."
"Theu you'll like a eup of tea with me
and Grace, air?"
"I ahould Indeed. Mrs. Norton." '
"Tell Nancy to set the tea things under
the big walnut tree, Grace, my dear."
Grace felt grateful and annoyed at the
same time. Asbton had shielded her, but
that flA fait It tlArnKlkfv tn An an nrnvari
... . . , fc . . . .
the idea of her tender secret being
known to another, andl that other a man.
Ashton was a London artist, full of abil
ity and Immensely Industrious, tolling
painfully up the first thorny steps of an
artlst'a career, with little or no money and
no Interest. For the last three autumns
he had taken rooms at Mrs. Norton's cot-
tage for Thoresby wooda and the country
rou.nd bund"nt. "objects for brush
"uu nl"- ur lu nH
"nd distrusted Burgh. and having cast
RW,V ner 0WD flrst faint doubts and '.-
lowea a aencious nooa oi aosoiuie trubc in
her lover's honor and Integrity to inun
date her heart and submerge her reason,
she began to consider Ashton in the light
of an unfrleudly spy, and was consequently
! rather cold and distant toward him. Aah
I ton waa perfectly unmoved, however, and
' seemed quite taken up with the fraarant
i tea and crisp rakes daintily served under
nnur v ennnirh "
"Ah, yes," aald Grannla, "the dear lady
haa but poor health since Mr. Herbert died.
She waa round here in ber pony chaise
yesterday and told me she waa going to
aome place with a queer name in foreign
parta. It's little pleasure she has, In spite
of her great possessions. I hope Mr.
d Burgh will be a comfort to her, but,
law, sir, ycung gentlemen are so extrava
gant and thoughtless they do say Captain
de Burgh haa cost her a lot."
"Oh, be la rather fast and made a good
deal of in London. You aee, he la no end
of a catch, and few men can keep tbelr
heads under those conditions."
"Have another cup of tea, Mr. Ashton?"
asked Grace, to whom even these good
humored comments on her idol were Irri
tating. "And. try another cake; I made
them thja morning myself."
"They are the ne plus ultra of goody,"
he cried. "I shall devour the plateful If
you give me my head. Now for another
kind of greed. I want you to give m two
more sittings. Misa Norton, and then your
portrait will be finished."
"I believe my respected godmother is
going to live forever," aald de BuraL one
wild wintry morning In late November,
when be waa walking besld Grace la the
sheltered alley of the old pleasaunce near
the mansion, yet out of sight. "8b 1
going to winter on the Riviera aad is really
much better and begins to see people. I
cannot stand much more of this, 'Grace. 1
shall blow my brains out it you do not
corns to the rescue."
"But. Hugh, you do not wish Mrs. de
Burgh to die for your gratification?"
"Yea, I do; I would sweep away every,
thing and evaryon that stands between
us. Are you startled, my darling, because
I am ao wicked? You look white; I wish
you had more pluck, and trusted m more.
Then we might put aa end to this slow
torture and link ourselves Indissoluble
If secretly."
"No. Hugh, you have hinted at a secret
marriage before; but that I will never
hear of, on your account aa much as my
own. We are young; w enjoy seeing each
Other frequently; we can afford to wait."
De Burgh replied by aome very bad la a
l4 luii.'cd. Grace replied with spirit,
and a more serious quarrel than they had
ever had ensued. Next, day de Burgh left
to return to his regiment without a recon
ciliatlon, and Grace began to doubt If life
were worth living.
It was about a fortnight after, toward
toe ena or which de Burgh wrote to the
object of his rather fiery passion a penitent
eiier, wnicn revived her sinking snlrlts
when one crisp, bright December dar Dirk
Ashton presented himself most unexpect
edlya staff In his hand and a knapsack
on hla back. He had walked up from the
nearest atatlon, some seven or eight miles,
and asked hospitality for the night. He
looked bright and well, and Orace was
conscious of a sudden sense of help and
protection in bis presence.
r-. i . .
L-unog me evening he addressed most
or his conversation to Grannie the old
iaay seemed to be much cheered and in
Next morning was wet and blustry for
cnange oi wind came in the night. Still
Orace and Ashton did not find the time
hang heavy, as they employed themaelvea
In repairing and painting various articles
of furniture and shabby woodwork for
Ashton was a superior carpenter. Besides
this Ashton had a brief Interview with
Grannie, who aeemed In remarkably good
pirns, out, to Urace's surprise, after din
ner declared she had caught cold, so would
retire to her room and take her nan there.
"I do not think I ever knew Grannie do
sucn a thing before," said Grace. "I hope
sne is not ill.
Whereupon Ashton spoke. First he told
of a bit of good fortune which had befallen
nim a crusty old acquaintance, to whom
he had shown some kindness, believing
him to be very poor, proved after death to
nave been not poor, but miserly, and be
queathed all his savings to his artist friend.
"It is not a fortune." concluded Aehton,
"but two people of moderate tastes and
habits can escape starvation on it. Then,
aa It never rains but it pours, I have sold
a few, pictures and have a couple of com
missions for next year. Being thus puffed
up with conceit, especially with the con
sciousness of pockets not ab.-olutely empty,
I have resolved to ask what I do not for
a moment think I deserve."
"'And that Is?" aslied Grace, with a
kindly glance from the soft, sad eyes she
uplifted to his.
"By heaven, I can hardly venture to put
my wishes Into words. Miss Norton Orace
the dream of my life for the last two
years has been to win you for better, for
worse, till death us d.o part. I want to
make a quiet, unpretending little home for
you, where we both can take care of
Grannie, and, oh, above all, I want the
Infinite Joy of your companionship. Do
not speak at once, dear. I see, I feel you
are going to say no. Think how much I
have at stake and take time."'
"It is uaelesa to put off my answer." she
said In a low. reluctant voice. "I am
quite sure you would be Infinitely good to
any girl who was so fortunate as to call
you husband, but I must say no It Is Im
possible that I could ever be your wife."
"What la the Insuperable difficulty? Tell
me have you promised yourself to de
"Why do you ask?" exclaimed Grace,
with wide-open, startling eyes.
"To answer your question would Involve
a long explanation, but the instinct of
true love warns me what to fear. Then
I Implore you to try to put him out of
your head. He will bring you only sor
row." Suddenly Ashton stopped and pressed his
hand to hla brow. "Fool, fool that I am
to dream of turning you against the man
you love! I must renounce all hope yet
do not take everything from me. Forget
that I ever forced my foolish dreams and
desires upon you and treat me as If I was
a friend a brother. All I ask Is to be
of some use to you, and Grace you may
want mo yet. I will never offend you
"But you hav not offended me. You .
why, Dick, you are not going?"
"Yes, for the present. I am stronger
than my neighbors. I want to be alone
but will come again soon. God be with
you, Grace."
He kissed her hand and was gone.
Grannie's surprise and regret knew no
bounda to find her guest had flown while
she slept.
"My darling, how pale you are your
aweet eyea look ao large and sad!" ex
claimed de Burgh when Grace and he met,
some three or four weeks after Ashton's
vloit. He bad ventured to visit her In
her pretty, comfortable sitting room for
Grannie had a cold and kept her own bed
room. "Do you think me a negligent lover to
stay away so long? You see, Mrs. Fiti
herbert de Burgh sent for me all the way
to San Remo, and I dared not refuse. How
ever, I did not go for nothing my god
mother promises to clear off my debts and
they are no trifle. So I must not offend
her at any rate till I get my debts paid.
Were you wretched without me, oh?"
"I am very weak, Hugh, but when you
are away I am awfully miserable."
"We must put an end to that," exclaimed
de Burgh with cheerful decision. "I can
not live without you. Still, my godmother '
must not be offended. I am sure, Grace, I
you are too sensible and high-minded and I
highly educated to rare what people say,
so long as you can hav your own true lav !
with von mnA knn nothing ..... .I... I
my devotion to you. Why should we not
snap our fingers at empty ceremonies and
be all In all to each other? You under
stand, my darling, it will be so secret a
marriage that we will let no clergyman or
registrar into our counaela. We will be
husband and wife before God until a aafo
time comes to avow the tie between us.
Why, what la the matter?"
For Grace had started and struggled
vehemently to escape hia grasp, while her
cheek had grown auddenly white. "Tho
matter! I don't know. I am not sure do
you ask me to live with you In a union un
blessed by the church, unsanctioned by the
"Well. If you choose to put It In that old-
fashioned aspect."
"Do you or do you not?"
"My own darling, you know what I
hould choose if circumstances were not
too strong."
"At last I understand you. Mr. de
Burgh, there la the door; never darken it
again. Goodby and goodby forever. You
can never excuse or wash out this Insult."
'But, Grace, you are ao hasty ao unrea
sonable. It you bad a grain of patience
all would be light."
"If you do not accept my diamlssal I can
leave you."
"How infernally aelflah women are!"
mused de Burgh, walking hastily away.
She would not sacrifice one lota. She must
know the impossibility of marriage tor me
with a girl in her grade. She is a fool, too
I could have provided for her and given
her aa easy, luxurious life. She never
cared a rap about me; she only wanted to
be Mrs. de Burgh of Thoreaby Chase. By
heaven, she looked equal to it. She is
lovely. I'll se ber tomorrow. I'll win her
back; I will not lose ber."
But Hugh d Burgh resolved In vain.
Day after day he aought to se Grace. She
had caught a chill, which turned to fever,
and for long no one sav the doctor, the
nurse snd the poor, bewildered grannie
had a glimpse of the fascinating Grace.
The blustering winter's day on which
this Important Interview took place Dick
Ashton was beginning to put away his easel
and brushes preparatory to taking a brisk
walk to Hampatead, when tb old woman
who ruled hla very modest establishment
aa cook and housekeeper Informed him that
1 i
a gentleman wished to see him, at the
same time handing him a card on which
was Inscribed, "Dr. Cornelius Macdermot,
H. I. C. 8." .
'Show him up," cried Ashton eagerly,
"and bring in some tea," he added, as he
roused the fire to a bright blaze.
'My dear doctor," he exclaimed as a
short, stout, red-haired man, with twink
ling keen gray eyea, a short, broad face
and a turned-up nose, entered the room,
"you are most. welcome. I bad no Idea
you were In England."
The doctor's visit was a welcome Inter
ruption to Ashton's sad, solitary musings.
The military Esculpius had served his full
term and retired on a comfortable pen
sion; he was consequently In a Joyous mood
and not too careful of his money as be
came a bachelor of rather luxurious ten
dencies. So Ashton found himself carried
off to theaters and suppers and other re
eorta, which he found helped, as the doctor
asserted, to rouse his soul.
One very foggy afternoon, too dark to
work, too unpleasant to go out, Ashton aat
over the fire trying to decipher a letter he
had Just received. It was written In a
very Illegible hand by the steward's wife
at Thoresby at the request of Mrs. Norton,
to explain why she had not answered a
letter of his making Inquiries for her and
Grace. From It he gathered that the latter
had been seriously 111 and was now slowly
recovering. He hnd.rlrrn. Intending to re
ply at once, when the doctor came In.
'I've Just come to bestow my tediousness
on you, my boy. What ..cutthroat weather
no comfort lnd,oora or out,,' Wha'.'s the
matter, eh?"Heard of the tdeatli of your
sweetheart or the loss of jfeux fortune?"
'Well, neither, exactly, 'have heard of
the Illness of a charming: girl whom I
sorely wanted for a' sweetheart, or, rather,
for a wife, only she wouldn't have me,"
said Ashton. who had no email vanities. .
"Begad, ahe must be hard, to please and
a fool In the bargain. Sure you are a nat
urally domesticated animal. You'd Just be
model husband. ' Is she bad still? If so,
Introduce me to the dnrllng, and I'll soon
put her to rights, for, though I say It my
self, I am a devlllbh good doctor."
"Well, the youpg lady in question Is on
the mend, still, 1 wish you could see her;
If the weather improves next week .would
you mind coming down to the country for
a day or two?"
'Not I. I'm game for anything. Where
does your Jewel hang out?",
'Oh, in Mldlandshire a place called
'Thoresby I seem to know that name. I
say, Aahton, light up the gas, man. and let
me see those works of art; these with
their faces to the wall, en penitence. Are
they your failures?"
"Yes, In a sense; things I have failed to
sell but some of my best work."
"Turn them round, my boy. - Sure, I'm
going to start an elegant little bachelor's
box myaelf, and may be I'll want a few
pictures to brighten It."
The friends accordingly lit ' up and be
gan to criticise and discuss the neglected
canvases woodland scenes, sketches of
purple moorland a great variety of sub
jects. At last the pastel portrait of a girl
more charming than handsome came up for
"Aahton, who la that?" cried the doctor,
when Ashton placed It on the eatel. And
he rose to Inspect it then stepped back
and drew nearer again evincing a great
amount of Interest. "I fancy I have seen
that face before."
"I do not think you have," returned Ash
ton, "for I do not think the young lady
waa born when you were last in England."
"Ia It the dr.rllng herself? Yea then,
man alive, don't you let her go easy. Try,
try, try again. Nothing aucceeds Ilka per
severance. Fulth, It's the face of a nice,
kindly, human angel. What's ber name, if
I may make so bold?"
"O, Norton. There Is nothing to conceal 1
about Grace Norton."
"Grace O. yes but I do not know Nor
ton." "Her father waa In the army, but her
grandfather waa huntsman to de Burgh of
Thoreaby Chase."
"De Burgh? You do not say so?"
The doctor stopped abruptly and kept
unwonted silence for a while.
'Look here. Ashton." he exclaimed.
"rain or shine, let's go down next week.
Where do you put up down there, wherever
It Is?"
'Oh. I always tske my rooms In Mrs.
Norton's house a delightful, roomy cot
"Could ahe put ms up, too?"
"I have no doubt ahe could."
Ashton was shocked to see so great a
change in Grace when he and his friend
took up their abode at Woodland cottage.
Though the local doctor had been dismissed,
she wss still pale, weak and given to al
most unbroken silence, but she confessed
to sleepless nights, and seemed scarcely
to care about getting well.
"Will you let a poor old sawbones like
myself do what he can to bring back th
life to your heart and the light to your
eyes, my desr young lady? I'm unknown
to th faculty here, but you see I've lived
among the maglc-mongera of the east, and
I know a thing or two."
During Ashton's short stay he kept a
strict gusrd over himself; nothing could be
mot brotherly and unloverllke than his
manner and conversation. Grace again be
came thoroughly at horn and at eaee with
Macdermot was the first to depart. He
Syrip.of Fk$s
the-best fajrvily laxative-
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
had business very serious business In
London, he said; and so, after an effusive
farewell, he departed.
Mrs. de Burgh lingered In Italy, but, to
the satisfaction of ber heir, made a will
which Incorporated her private savings
with the entailed property. Dick Ashton
worked and faintly hoped. Moreover, he
sold his work. He was all the more dili
gent because Macdermot waa very busy
about some mysterious law business "of
great importance, faith," as he said him
self. He was always running to and fro
between Dublin, Manchester and Edinburgh.
Whatever his quest, he seemed highly
pleased with his success, and from time
to time pronounced this unconnected eulo
glsm on his own shrewdness and penetra
tion. In the midst of this tranquility came a
bolt from the blue sky. Mrs. de Burgh had
died auddenly at Rome.
There was mourning and lamentation at
Thoresby Chase, and a huge funeral, when
the poor lady's remains were brought back
to He among those of her forefathers.
Hugh de Burgh was solemn and Imposing
as chief mourner, but exultant at heart at
having come Into bla kingdom, and, though
still bitter at Grace's steady rejection of
his advances, and by no means recovered
from his passion for her, on the whole
thankful that he was not hampered by a
low-born wife.
The day after the funeral a strange rumor
began to be whispered among the domestics
and personal attendants In the great house
that tome desperate adventurer had put In
a claim to the property the child, It was
supposed, of the late lady's soldier brother,
who ha fallen In the Crimea. It was non
sense, of course, but might give trouble.
This strange report gave everyone a great
deal to talk about, and it was remarked
that. Instead of remaining to transact busi
ness and go Into mattera with the agent
and the late lady's secretary, the new lord
of Thoresby went off back to London.
Two evenings after, while everyone was
oppressed with a sense of coming trouble,
Grace and her grandmother were almoat
frightened by the unexpected arrival of Dr.
Macdermot, In a state of mixed gravity
and excitement.
"My dear ladles," he said, "you'll excuse
this Intrusion when I tell you my errand.
FIrat of all, let me congratulate you, Miss
de Burgh for that's what you are, no Ieaa
on coming Into your property. Now, Just
sit down and keep quiet," for both had ex
claimed with amaxement and incredulity.
"The day Ashton showed m your por
trait, my dear young lady, I thought I
knew your face, so I went home and thought
and thought till I was able to place It. The
face yours reminded me of was oi a sweet,
elegant creature, the wile of Harry de
Burgh, a great friend of mine. ' Well, I
knew the pair of them, an' 'twas tbey were
the happy pair. By and by came the in
evitable baby. I was at the christening
Just before sailing for India. Next I heard
of the doath of the sweet mother, then my
poor de Burgh went off on someone's staff
to the Crimea, and was smong the first
shot by those muruerlng Russians. Well,
when I came down here and saw you,"
waving his hand to Grace, "I saw the like
ness stronger than ever. 'Begad,' said I
to myaelf, 'I'll look Into this matter,' and
this Is what I did."
"Mark me," he continued, checking off
the beads of his discourse with a fat fore
finger on each digit of the left hand. "First
I went hot-foot off to Dublin to the bar
racks, and looked up the registers of that
bad year when the typhus fever raged.
There I found that Sergeant and Mrs. No
ton and their little girl all died, and were
buried In a churchyard near by. I ssw the
stone put up by poor de Burgh. Then I
went off to Leeds and copied the register
of the marriage. Then I came back to the
church at Bayawater, where the baby was
christened, and found the entry of the bap
tism of the child, and copied that. Next
and this wss the stiflest Job of all I called
on the family lawyers In Lincoln's Inn
Fields, and told my tale to a tremendous
Snuff-the-Moon of a cbap, who apoke to
me as If I was not fit to dust bis shoes.
Faith, I made him change that tune.
"I ahowed him my copiea of the registers,
and asked him to go acd look for himself.
Then he remembered that In his father's
time, Major Harry de Burgh made aome
provision for the education and mainten
ance of a child called Grace Norton, but did
not give any explanation, so they all con
cluded it was an Illegitimate daughter. But
the caeh was now all expended that was
all he knew. Then aa old gray headed
clerk came in with a telegram, and Mr.
Freahfleld th head of th concern asked
him If be knew of any communication from
the late Major de Burgh subsequent to bis
sailing for the Crimea.
" 'I don't know of any, sir, but every
paper concerning his affairs Is la the deed
box bearing his initials,' replied th clerk.
" 'Ah, Just so!' says 8nuff-the-Moon. 'You
see, sir, I can really give you no Informa
tion.' "With that th old clerk says: 'If 1
might suggest, Mr. Nlcholls, who has state
set up for himself, was on rather friendly
terma with the late Major d Burgh, and
he might hav had aome private communi
cation.' Snuff-the-Moon said It was highly
Improbable. However, I got Nicholla' ad
dress and sure enough, Nlcholls had a
packet confided to bla car and labelled,
'Not to be given to anyone sav myself or
on authorised by me.' Nlcholls did not
know that de Burgh was married at the
lime, so be kept the parcel.
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To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
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Louisville). Ky. New York. N. Y.
shot was we opened the parcel and there
we found a full confession of everything,
so we are Just on a road of velvet. I have
taken -the liberty of appointing Nlcholls
your solicitor. In eighteen months you'll be
of age and entitled to paddle your own
canoe; till then may I ask for a glass of
water? My throat is as dry aa a "hip
with talking."
"I'm sur my Oracle would never be so
ungrateful to the family we have served
so long as to rob Captain de Burgh of hla
birthright," said Grannie, solemnly and
"Why, bless your soul, ma'am," cried the
doctor, "sure she is the family herself,
and remember, she owes a duty to her dead
"I am too daxed to speak," said Grace.
"I cannot believe that these landr nd
wooda, the great house, the horses and
carrlagea everything can be mine. It
makes me tremble. But whoever and what
ever I am, you will always be my own dear
Grannie," embracing the old woman.
Seldom had a case been dwelt on with
more excitement and Interest In society
then the de Burgh succession. It was
soon decided as the object was only to
prove publicly and satisfactorily that
Orace de Burgh was "the heiress of
After matters had become public Grace
and Mrs. Norton came to London to avoid
the gossip and wonder of their surround
ings at Thoresby, Dr. Macdermot acting
as guide, philosopher and friend.
"You are not going to foreign parta with
out aaylng good-bye to the Lady of
Thoresby,"- he exclaimed one morning
when he had called oil Ashton and found
him packing. "Faith, you are the queereat
fellow ever I knew. Bhe'll be hurt bit
terly hurt If you do not go to see her.. Do
you know, I am not at all pleased with
her state of health. She Is pale and thin
nervous and in a depressed condition.
Come along and tell me what you think of
"Ob, she doesn't want to see me."
"How do you know? You come with me.
What do you think she bas been ind gone
and done?"
"How can I tell?"
"Thrown twenty thousand to the dogs,
no less to the dogs or rather to ono
puppy. She pays all de Burgh's debts and
gives him a trifle to begin on. He has ex
changed from the Guards to a regiment go
ing to India." '
"Has he!" exclaimed Ashton, In great
surprise. "I anticipated hla succeeding to
Thoresby by right matrimonial. I am cer
tain he was in love with Grace I mean Miss
de Burrh."
"And small blame to him. Come, get
your hat, man."
Ashton opened hla Hps to say ' no," but
that disagreeable monosyllabic refused to
come. He thereupon obeyed in alienee.
The sitting room was unoccupied when
they weregyshown up to Miss de Burgh's
apartments In a well known hotel and
Ashton, looking round, noticed that this
only a temporary abode In a hotel there
was a homelike look about the room.
In a few minute Graco entered. 8he was
very almply dressed, but her frock fitted
and suited the wearer admirably.
"Am I a snob," Ashton asked himself,
"to think her more distinguished than she
used to be? No, she 1 really. It's careful
dressing and complete certainty of her po
sition. But. how white and nervous she
looks. Ab and sweeter than ever."
"And you are going to desert us?" she
was saying. "Where are you going. Mr.
"I do not exactly know somewhere along
the borderland of Rusaia and Clrcaaala al
most every country is hackneyed now."
"I wish you would not go, Mr. Ashton,"
exclaimed Crace, playing nervoualy with
the tassel of the scfa cushion, against
which she leant.
"I cannot flatter myaelf that my going
or staying can make much difference to
"I hate to part with friends true friends
Ilk you."
"Why do you rank me so high? How
havs I proved myself?"
"By offering to share the smiles that
fortune beatowed upon you with me your
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Inferior In social rank and in many other
things also."
"Because I vii greedy to secure the
greatest prlre life could give mt."
"Ob. do you think so still? Oh, Dick, do
you not will you not understand me?"
"My God, Grace! What do you mean?
You are above coquetry and vanity what
am I to understand?"
"When I seemed a poor, humbly born girl
you offered me the best you hsd. Now
the wheel haa turned though you can never
be anything but a gentleman. And I am
rich In all things save one. Will you,
Dick, will you supply the deficiency? I I
want your"
"My love my Jewel it Is It has always
been yours since flrst we met."
How He Once Sent at Lock of Ills Ilnlr
to President Lincoln.
John S. Mosby, well known as the com
mander of a guerrilla band In the service
of the confederacy during the war of the
states, and who is now a special employe
of the Department of the Interior, showed
a willingness to talk about his wartime ex
periences to a reporter of the Washington
Star a day or two ago. The latter inquired
into the truth of a story that he had en
tered Alexandria In disguise.
"Oh, that story Is nil nonsense," said
Colonel Mosby. "I never went to a place in
disguise In my life. These stories arosj
because of the rapid movements of my com
mand. Why, there la an official telegram
on fll In the War department stating that
I waa In Washington In conference with
Wilkes Booth the night of the killing of
President Lincoln. It Is needless to say
that the statement was known to be false
by moat of tbo federal generals.
"Yes, I frequently got close to Washing
ton during the war. Many a time I would
ride up to the hill up yonder across the
Potomnc and look down upon the city. I
might have one or two men with me, and
we would soon disappear. Just over on
the Virginia side early one morning I met
a Mra. Barlow on her way Into Washington
with a wagon full of vegetables. Her hus
band waa a federal soldier, and she was a
northern woman. She had a pass to go In
and out of Washington, and drove Into the
city often from her farm. I naed to go to
her houae often and get a cup of good coffee.
Of course, she gave it to us, knowing that
we rather bad charge of things all along
on that aide of the river. Well, on thio
particular morning Mrs. Barlow had a pair
of scissors hanging from her apron. After
I had talked with her awhile I said:
" 'Mrs. Barlow, lend me your scissors.'
"Bhe handed them to me, and I reached
up to my head, got hold of a bunch of hair,
cut It off, and said: 'Mrs. Barlow, please
take this lock of my hair right in to Lin
coin and say to him that I am coming In to
see him soon and will expect a lock of hla
hair in return.' She looked much puzsled,
but she said she would do it.
"I found out afterward that she rode
straight to the Wblto House and gave tho
hair to the president personally, refusing
to give It to anyone Use. The. president
wss amused and laughed heartily. No, I
was not afraid to do this, because I knew
that by the time the president could at
tempt to catch me I would be thirty miles
away. President Lincoln never made an
attempt to catch me, because he knew that
I would be somewhere else when his men
arrived. Many people took Information of
me Into Waahington for the purpose of
trying to bring about my capture.
"I covered the entire south side of the
Potomac for many miles each way, and the
largest number of men I bad In 1864, when
Sheridan waa In the Shenandoah valley, was
five troops of cavalry, a to'.al of 250 men.
With that command we captured all the
arms we needed, all the ammunition, food
and clothing, and had a wagon train running
to Lee's army frequently with supplies we
had captured. No. I was never a general, f
was a private In the First Virginia cavalry
for tb first two yrars after the war, and
began raising my commsnd after that time,
beginning with one troop of cavalry. Each
man was armed with two pistols and a
saber. We had no carbines."
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