Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Union Leaden Go to New York to Confer
with Bailroad Owners.
It la Thoh that Mr. tlarrlman Ilaa
Called Conference In Jltw York
with View to Adjusting
ihe Trouble.
An adjustment of the Union Pacific strike
Bow teems more probable than at any stage
alnce negotiation wore opened between
president Burt and President John McNeil
of the International Brotherhood of Boiler
Makers and Iron Shipbuilders. leaders of
the atrlke are on their war to New York
to meet In council with the heads of their
respective organizations and the men who
control the affairs of the railroad. This
conference has been railed by President E.
H. Harrlman of the Southern Pacific aa a
result of his conference with President Burt
and It Is looked to for a solution of the
President McNeil was Joined at Kansaa
City by Ed Kennedy and Dave O'Donnell of
Omaha, presidents, respectively, of the local
and district boiler makers' lodges and the
boiler makers' helpers, and proceeded to
Now York; Tom L. Wilson, for the machin
ists, left for Washington to meet James
O'Connell, president of the International
Association of Machinists, before proceed
ing to Now York.
' President Burt, It Is understood, has re
turned to New York after having spent the
last two or three days In Chicago, and will
participate in the conference. No positive
information aa to the president's actual
movements can be obtained from headquar
ters, but It was said there yesterday
that he would not be In the city for several
days. He was to have returned yesterday
and It Is supposed changed his plans to con
form with those of Harrlman, who evidently
called tho later conference after Mr. Burt
left New Tork. There was a report that
Mr. Burt was In Omnha Wednesday, but
this could not be verified. At his residence
the statement was given out that he was
not expected home until Friday.
Striker Are Hopeful.
Strikers now feel little doubt of a settle
ment. They claim that the loaning of en
gine to the Vnlon Pacific by the Southern
Pacific complicated the situation In such a
manner aa to force a settlement or precipi
tate a general strike on the Southern Pa
cific, and this Mr. Harrlman, It Is said. Is
determined to avoid at all hazards. Furth
ermore, since his last trip over the system
President Burt has made statement which
clearly Indicate that he has been deeply 1m
pressed with the necessity of a settlement.
The president committed himself with less
reserve than ever after completing tbia tour
of the road. He went to New York Imbued
with the demoralized conditions of the mo
tive power and the Inability of the com
pany to Improve conditions until peace
waa restored between it and its old em
ployes. He admitted that the company's
engines were gradually falling prey to the
atrlke and that aome action must be taken.
Old railroad shopmen estimate that it will
take the Union Pacific many months to get
its motive power back to normal shape
after the atrlke la settled. Cold weather
has aggravated the situation materially.
Ovraero at Bnildlnara Will Comply
with Recent Orders of In
apeetor Carter.
"In response to the notices sent out last
Week I have received a number of replies
assuring ma that the fire escapes demanded
will be placed upon the buildings of the
wrltera Just aa soon as . the construction
companies can get to it," said Building In
spector Carter.
"The equipment for the Her Grand hotel
has been already ordered. The Merchants
hotel has ordered a structural Iron com
pany to go ahead with the work, and the
Windsor hotel will do the same at once.
The Paxton annex proprtetora have signi
fied a willingness to meet all requirements
of the law. The Bemla Omaha Bag com
pany has let the contract.
"From the proprietors of some buildings
I have received no responses to my letters
and shall begin proceedings the first of the
year If they still fall to let me Vnow what
they Intend to do. I realize that escapes
cannot be put up before that date, but the
contract can be let and the work started
as well by these aa by the others who have
responded. They will all receive additional
notices this weak from Deputy State Labor
Commissioner C. E. Watson."
ix the: good old fashioned days.
Powdered Wigs Formed an Important
Adjanet to a Gentleman's Apparel.
It is safe to aa that the majority of bald
men of today would gladly revive the old,
dignified custom If they could. But they
can do the next beat thing to it; that la, to
revive the growth of the hair nature gave
In caaea where the hair root or hair bulb
haa not been completely destroyed by para
altea that Infest It, Newbro'a Herplclde will
do wondera In the way of stimulating the
growth of lifeless and falling hair. De
stroy the cause, you remove the effect. That
la the euccessful mission of Herplclde.
Na Transfer, Km Trouble Oa at Chi
cago, Off In Florida.
Through passenger service will be es
tablished for season on January 6, 1903,
over Pennsylvania Short Line via Louis
ville, Macon and Atlanta. Leave Chicago
1:40 p. m., arrive Jacksonville and St. Au
gustine second morning. Dining and ob
servation cars. Ask H. R. Deling, A. O.
P. Aft.. 248 South Clark street, Chicago,
about it.
Good breakfast King Cols Whole Wheat
Pan Cakea.
RITCHIE nerembvr 26, 1908, John O.
Ritchie, awed S4 years.
Funeral from resilience, corner Thirty
eighth and Ida streets, Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock.
Hew Year's Presents
Xim a
gut Oat w
aarrt firing- All goods
At 25 and 50 Per Cent Off-
Tbfa't aVtv. Traoitixtg Cases, Military Bmahaa. Mirrors In folding, sharing ant
laodX fflaKfcas Satur. fiat and Clmh Brushes. Traya, Ink Walls. Pea Wiper.
ftVaxsgo) BbfuVcJL er- An elegant Una si new style hand-decorated .Tahmdura at
Jjaat 1K njijr 'vco price. 15e up. Lady DciOs with long hatr paxnpaeour
srjjlb.. ic-'.iii-' au3 Ji.Eti; now Juat haff that price,. Pertains AininJaen, 12 ba
fbai j3 JtatiUiiiB ll 81 -OS. Boxea of Writing Paper at all prlcaa 7Cx boxes for
trt;; Xi'aO) luxL-m Juv tIJK. 130.00 Bala PUiowa tur tla. 13 tor 1.14. U tar
JK&lM. jCa.HU) Ita l tartuarg Plaaaa tot tXW $10 fur Ik. COB tur JUSu.
Original of Tale that Waa Twisted
Into aa Abaard Fake About J.
V. Root of This City.
The full text of the dispatch which was
distorted into the senRatlooal story printed
In a local paper, making J. C. Root, sov
ereln commander of the Woodmen of the
World, of this city the moving figure In
court scene at El Taso, when he was here
in Omaha all the time, aa published aa a
special to the St. Louis Republic, Is as
Fort 8mlth, Ark., Dee. 22. Miss Agnes
Frlzzel. who has taken a lendlnz nart In
the prosecution of A. C Moot on the
charge of criminal slamler, suddenly Inter
rupted the court proceedings this afternoon
by firing a shot from a revolver, pre-
sumnbly at the defendant. The bullet
tmrcly grazed the head of Colonel lirlz
xolara, leading counsel for the defense,
but did no further damnge.
Hoot fled from the court room quite pre
cipitately and asked to be locked up In Jail
for protection After a brief Imprlaonment
his friends induced him to return to hln
Shortly after the shooting Colonel Hrlz
zolara denounced the court for permitting
such conduct In the court room. A few
I minutes later the colonel had a set-to with
James Frlzzri, a brother of the piaintlrr in
the suit, and they drew their revolvers in
the court room, but bloodshed was averted
by the prompt action of the chief of police,
who was present and disarmed them both.
The men left the building in opposite di
rections, but If they should meet on the
street a killing might follow. Excitement
Is running high and no one can tell what
the night will bring forth.
The trial of tho slander case was called
this morning. N-early the whole of the day
was taken up by the hearing of evidence.
Mips Frizzel sat at the table with her
attorneys and actively engaged In the
prosecution of the rase, not only suggest
ing Important matters to her counsel, but
frequently engaging In the questioning her
self. When all of the testimony waa In this
afternoon the court awked the attorneys
how much time they desired In which to
make their arguments. Miss Frlzzel arose
and replied that the plaintiff desired an
hour and a half. Judge Bryant of the
counsel for the defense remarked that he
pitied the jury If that much time was to be
consumed; that the defense desired only
half an hour.
Miss Krizzell replied that a woman's char
acter was at otake and plenty of time
should be allowed. Colonel Hrlzzolara, who
had been watching Miss Frlzzel, had gone
Into an ante room to warn Root of danger.
As he came out he heard Miss Frizzel's
statement and he loudly objected to any
such remark In the presence of the Jury.
He had scarcely linished speaking when a
shot rang out.
There waa Instant pandemonium. Every
one in the court room arose and made a
dash tor the doors.
t.'olonel Urlzzulara, seeing a revolver In
the hands of Miss Frlzzel, seized her arm
and wrested the weapon from her before
she could tire a second shot. Instant
they were surrounded by court officers who
eemed to think that the colonel waa try
ing to kill her.
After firing the shot Miss Frlziel became
hysterical and completely collapsed. She
was removed from the court room to her
home, whero her condition Is said to be
When the smoke cleared away Colonel
Brlzzolara took occasion to denounce the
court In the following language:
'This court through its vacillating con
duct during thla and the Weetfall trials Is
responsible for thla violation of all court
decorum. 1 his court can Impose a tine
upon me for contempt If it so desires.
When Judae Kowe recovered from his
astonishment he replied:
I am not responsible.
Yon are resnonKlble and wholly respon
sible," continued Colonel Urlzzolara, "and
I so assert without any qualification what
ever. You may tine me for contempt if
you want to."
Pnlonel Rrlzzolara. while talking; to Chief
of Police Fuller later on, was approached
bv James Frlzzel, who made inquiry con
cerning the court incident and intimated
that if Colonel Brlzzolara aaid anything
concerning his sister he would be held
personally responsioie.
Colonel Brlzzolara drew a pistol, aaylng
that he had said nothing about Frtxzel's
sister,' but was ready to be held account
able for anything. Frizxel also drewt his
Chief Fuller disarmed them both and they
departed In opposite directions.
Tha slander suit grew out of statements
made by Root, who was then publishing a
paper here, reflecting on the character of
Mies Agnes Frlzzel.
As soon as Miss Frlzzel fired, Root, find
ing himself unhurt, left the court room in
haste and went to the county Jail, where
he asked to be locked up. Later he was
driven to the home of Colonel Brlzzolara,
his chief counsel.
Colonel Brlzzolara refuses to leave the
street and aa Jamea Frlzzel Is also without
fear there may be trouble between the two
if they meet again.
Miss Frlzzel Is at her home quite 111, the
result of the reaction.
The bullet Just grazed Colonel Brlzzo
lara's head, but the supposition is that
the shot was Intended for Root.
Excitement resulting from the Incident Is
running high.
On Nature'! Plan.
Colda are quickly cured by Chamber
laln'a Cough Remedy.. It acts On nature's
plan, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs
and opens the secretions, effecting a per
manent cure. It counteracta any tendency
of a cold to result in pneumonia. It la
pleasant to take, both adults and children
like it. Price 25c; large size. 60c.
Announcements of the Theaters.'
Tha Ornheum Will present a matinee thla
afternoon, and with thla evening's perform
ance Captain Webbs educated aeals ana
sea lions and the other pleasing featurea
of the merry Christmas week show will
close their engagement. The bill for the
happy New Year, which opens for a Week,
commencing matinee tomorrow, embraces
wll-adlusted variety. George Felix and
Lydla Barry are among the leading vaude
ville favorites. Gus Williams, the famous
German comedy atar, will be another of
the principal features. Kathryn Osterman
and company will appear In their latest
success, entitled "Tomorrow at 13."
Others are Fox and Foxle, clown Juggler
and trained canine; Phyllis Allen, con
tralto soloist; Hanlon and Singer, Spanish
ring experts, and tha klnodrome, ahowing
a panoramlo view of the ride on a train
from Council Bluffs to Omaha.
A Beantlfnl Caleadar.
The 'Milwaukee Railway haa published
an artlstle calendar tor 190B. six snceis,
10x15 Inches, of beautiful reproductlona In
colore of pastel drawlnga by Bryson. Price.
25 cents. On sale at City Ticket Office,
1504 Farnam atreet.
Iowa. Nebraska. Minnesota.
December 24, 25. 81. January L
Very low farea.
1401-1403 Farnam atreet.
Publish your legal notlcee In The Weekly
Bse. Telephono iJi.
st. IBS ytm ever re eel re a present 70a did xtnt expert?
a New Tear's prwut lor It? Then read tb Bsa of pretty
on our Christmas ahelvea win ha aola
Nebraska Bar Animation ConTenei in
Omaha Early Next Month.
Topics of Timely Interest to tha
Leajnl Profession to Be Dis
cussed by Leading Mem
bers of tho Bar.
The annual meeting of the State Bar as
sociation will be held in Omaha January I
and 9, the sessions during the day to he
held in room No. 1 at the Douglas county
court house. The headquarters will be at
the Her Grand hotel, at which place, pre
vlous to the first scaslon, the secretary of
the association will have an office at which
will be received applications for member
ship, which must be signed by three mem
bers of the association in addition to the
applicant, and must be presented In time
for the council to pass upon before they are
presented to the convention.
The first session will convene at 2:30
p. .m. Thursday, at which time the presi
dent, S. P. Davidson of Terumseh, will de
liver his annual address. This will be fol
lowed by the reports of standing commit
tees, as follows:
Committee on legislation affecting the
profession, R. W. Breckenrldge, Omaha,
Committee on legal education, H. H. Wil
son, Lincoln, chairman.
Committee on law reform, W. D. McHugh,
Omaha, chairman.
Committee on Judicial administration, C.
B. Letton, chairman. ,
General business and the reports of spe
cial committees will follow. For the enter
tainment of the visitors the members of the
Omaha bar are arranging a smoker to be
held Thursday evening, details of which
will be announced later.
The second session will open Friday
morning at 10 o'clock with a paper by C. S.
Loblngler on the subject of "The Popular
Ratification of Constitutions IU Origin,
Growth and Legal Necessity." This will
be followed by a paper by Prof. Charles
A. Robblns of the University of Nebraska
on "Preparation for the Bar."
Papers on Legal Questions.
Friday afternoon the program will open
with a paper by W. H. Kelllnger of Auburn
on the subject of "The Relation of the
Telephone and Telegraph to the Rural
Highway," followed by a paper on "A
Point in Insurance Law," by Halleck F.
Rose of Lincoln, and a paper by Jamea H.
Mcintosh of Omaha on "The Power of
Congresa to Regulate Industrial Corpora
tions." The election of officers will then
take place.
The annual addresa will be delivered at
8:15 p. m., by Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews,
chancellor of the State university, who
will speak on the subject of "Socialism."
, At 9:30 will take place the annual ban
quet. Because of the meeting of the state
association in this city the Douglaa County
Bar association has waived lta annual ban
quet and will Join with the lawyers of the
state in the feast. The banquet will be
at the Her Grand hotel and will be the
occasion of the opening of the new ban
quet hall of that house. The tickets will
be, as last year, S5 each, and members of
the Douglas County Bar association,
whether members of the atate association
or not, are invited to be present. All who
expect to be present are requested to notify
R. W. Breckenrldge at hia office In the
New Tork Life building as soon as pos
Francia A. Brogan - will preside at the
banquet and the toaata are as follows:
Nebraska," Hon. E. G. McGllton, lieu
tenant governor; "The Judiciary," Mr. Jus
tice Sedgwick,' "The Profession of Law,"
Charles J, Greene; "Success to Bard well
ag'ln Pickwick." Arthur C. Wakeley; "The
Statute In Such Cases Made and Provided,"
Charles O. Ryan.
Frank Btockwell Haa Narrow Escape
from Fatal Injury la Saloon
The announcement by Dr. Rustln that he
found it necessary to trepan the skull of
Frank Stockwell of 1313 Capitol avenue and
that the condition of the latter la serious
gives a graver aspect to the row In which
he waa injured Wednesday night and It la
understood to be the intention of the police
immediately to apprehend and arrest the
man who atruck him.
8tockwell ataggered Into the police sta
tion Thursday afternoon and reported that
in a fight In a saloon at Thirteenth and
Dodge atreeta he had been hit with a cuspi
dor and asked to hf ve the wound dressed.
The surgeon did so and In making hia ex
amination discovered a fracture of the or
bital arch of the right eye. It then Beamed
that the wound, which it an Inch higher
must have been fatal, waa not particularly
serious, but the later developmenta have
caused Dr. Ruatin to take a very different
Asalatant General Freight Agent Rx
plalua S.-ne at tho Prospec
tive Increases.
George Morton, assistant general freight
agent of the Chicago, Burlington aV Quincy
of Chicago, la in the city apending part of
the holidays with hia relatives. Mr. Mor
ton says that the first ot the year will bring
uo general increaas In freight ratea en
western roads, that the only advancements
to be made by these roada will be on those
commodities on which the rates were re
duced aome months ago aa a result of the
cut made to compete for transportation on
steel and structural Iron for the Denver
packing house. Ratea on all these articles
will be restored to their normal baala.
The Central Passenger association decided
aome weeka ago to effect a general raise ot
8 per cent In rates, but haa alnce decided
that thla ia not enough and now la holding
a meeting In Chicago to devlae another
boost It possible.
Chrlatmaa ( Seat by Head at
'Frisco System te
President T oakum, who la personally very
popular with the employes all over the
'Frisco system, manifested hia appreciation
of hia subordinates' co-operation by send
ing out this mesiaga on Christmas day:
To all employes of the 'Frisco system: I
wish you a merry Chrlatmaa and thank you
for the hearty co-operation which haa made
tha 'Frisco system what It is.
copy of the message la posted at the
local 'Frisco offloea.
MertaJlty Statlatlaa.
Births and deaths reported to the Board
of Health for tha forty-eight hours ending
at noon Friday were:
BirthsPeter Nelson, 119 South Eleventh
street, daughter: A. A. Wyman, $414 Cali
fornia street, dajghler; Ola Olauo, UU
Ohio street, son.
Deaths J. C. Smith, St. Joseph's hospital,
aged t yearn; Mm. fmelt Jaenike, tA
Meredith avenue, aged 4e years; Oeuar W.
Anderson. t North Twenty-eevaath atreet,
aged U months; Andrew Maaatua, Mu Mouth
hUevaulh street, aged, U axa
Year Meat)
fa Oar leak
A Grand
of the Men's Furnishing Goods Odds and Ends
Today we will btgin a yreit cut prtce ail: of od it aa i end from all tlx
winter ttockt of men's furnishing goods as well as the brokrn lines left over from
an immeuse holiday trade To clear them aw'iy quickly tee have priced them
at figures far beloio their proper ft-jure.
AH of Our 75c and 50c Underwear at 25c
In this great sale we Lave put all our somewhat broken
lots of 50c and 75c underwear. Here is -
fine fleece lined and derby ribbed under- S .
wear for JiS
All Our 98c and $100 Underwenr at 45c
This underwear is in the all wool and wool y C..
fleeces never before sold at such a low price as-
35c Muf.lers for 5c
400 dozen oxford muftlers, made up of fancy plaids and
other popular patterns neat and warm, at great SZ
special price of tJL
All Our 35c and 50c Neckwear at 25c
Here are neckties in the puff, four in hand and" Cp
teck styles, all pure silk and all newest patterns
All Our $1.50 and $2.00 Under ear at 98c
. Wool and camel's hair underwear, all the fin- QOp
est grades of the season, at VOL
All Our 35c and 50c Gloves at 25c
ilorsehide, clafskin and faced gloves, warm O tC 0
and comfortable, go at awOL
All Our 75c and $1.00 Gloves at 50c
Made of genuine cordovan, calfskin, dogskin CT
and fur back, go at OUL
All Our 50c Men's and Boys' Caps at 25c
Warm winter caps just the thing for snappy ry ES
winter weather, at aayOL
All Our 75c and $1.00 Caps at 50c
Handsome and durable caps in all this season's ES Cr
shapes, at" OUL
Ways' 50c and 75c Mufflers at 25c -
200 dozen of these all wool sweater neck muff- ry
lers, the warmest protection for the neck aawOC
All Our $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Mufflers at 98c-
These are French folds, automobiles and Q ft r
quilted oxfords, many worth as high as $2.50, at V OC
' r l
Windows Ll
Omaha Oflleera Hold Hint aa Order of
Felloe of Montreal,
Upon Information "received from Mon
treal, Canada, authorities, George P. Le
vllle haa bees arrested fay Sergeant Gibbons
and Detectives Savage and Davie and will
be held at police headquarters until the ar
rival of Canadian oflleera, or until word le
received concerning the disposition of the
case. The charge registered against Le
vllle la "fugitive from Justice."
From the meager facta which have been
gleaned regarding Levllle's case it Is
claimed that he engaged In a private
mining enterprise with a Mr. Rosenthal.
Their plana are aald to have miscarried and
Levllle waa held accountable, it la claimed,
for $700 which Rosenthal la alleged to have
given to him to handle. A partial settle
ment Is said to have been made by Levllle
with Rosenthal when he is said to have
suddenly left Montreal, coming to Omaha,
where he has been residing with hia wife
at 1319 Pacific atreet.
The authorities in the Canadian city have
been notified of the arrest and detention of
Levllle, who le well known in Omaha, and
has, aa far aa is known, alwaya borne a
good characters He la the aon ot a former
well known contractor here.
litr-Oae Coart Cases 'the Result of
Celebrations aa Christ
inas Day.
The aftermath of the Cbriatmaa celebra
tions was to be eeen in police court yes
terday, when those who had been corralled
by the oflleera did not escape with a cheer
ful greeting from Judge Berks. Fines and
aentencea were conferred rapidly that the
sixty-one cases which were on the court
register might be disposed ot during the
forenoon session.
Among the -fines and aentences which
were Imposed were: Henrietta Fercot and
A. Fercot, fighting, $5 each and costs; Gray
Yates, suspicious character, fifteen days;
Thomas Barry, drunk and disorderly, fif
teen days; H. E. Maltaie, vagrant, fifteen
days; Dolly Morgan, same, fifteen daya;
Hugh Etherton, drunk, $1 and costs; John
Roach, charged with entering a residence
on St. Mary's avenue, ten days; Felix
O'Connor, Insulting women on the street,
$S and costs; Herbert Roberts, carrying
concealed weapons, $4 and costs; E. T.
Smith, assault and battery, ten daya.
Tell This tu Year Wire.
Electric Bitters cure female complaints,
surely and safely; dispell headaches, back
aches, nervousness or no pay. . 60c. For
sals by Kuhn A Co.
riorlaa Exearalaa Via "Dixie Flyer"
Ob Tuesday, January 6th, an excursion
will be run from Neorssxa to Florida with
through aleeplng cars from Omaha and Lin
coln, via Burlington Routs to St. Louis and
the "Dixie Flyer" Routs from there to Jack
sonville. This excursion will be a personally con
ducted ons and will be In charge of Mr.
Oeorge W. Bonnell, C. T. A., B. M. R. R.,
Lincoln, Neb., who la thoroughly familiar
with the points of Interest snroute and la
the stats ot Florida.
Aa you pass through Cairo, Martin,
Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon,
and make a It-hour stopover at Chatta
nooga, where an experienced gulda will
conduct the party through Chattanooga
Park, pay a visit to Lookout Mountain and
other points of Interest; the trip will be
aa Interesting and Instructive one.
An early application for aleeplng car
apace Is suggested. Ask for copy of Illus
trated booklet outlining the trip at 140!
Farnam St.. or write W. H. BRILL, Dlst.
Pass.. Agt.. Illinois Central Railroad,
Omaha, Neb. ,
Cut Price
lYidenoe. of Weakened Motive Powe' of
Union Paoifio Bailroad.
How President Bart's Own Ipeelal
Waa Pnt la tha Hole" for
Twelve Hoars for Xaolc
of Engine.
Eight Union Paclflo freight trains are re
ported tied up between Omaha and Valley.
They have been there for two or three days
and the chances are feood for them being
there two or three daya longer. There are
no engines to move them. It is said that
some of the cara contain perishable goods
and that therefore the loss will be large.
Officials of the Vnlon Paclflo positively
refuse to discuss any matters relating to
their motive power, but it la insisted by
etrikers that the situation haa reached a
point where eomethlng must be done. Fur
ther delay, they hold, ia not only Imprac
ticable, but almost
The eight trains between here and Valley
.am io do only a part of those tied up
on the Union Pacific because there are no
englnea to move them. All this stagnation
la attributed directly to tha effect of the
atrlke, which offlclala of the company so
persistently urged aa late ae a week ago
was ao trifling as to be unworthy of at
tention. When the head of the motive power de
partment stated about a week ago that his
department waa In extra good condition
President Burt's special train waa on a
aiding out west waiting for an engine to
come along and haul it a little further to
ward lta destination. The engine which
had been pulling the president's train had
been detached to carry No. 10J, the new
exclusive fast mall train, weet, which has
orders for the right-of-way above every
thing else. Mr. Burt's special waa "In the
hole" for twelve hours.
Decrease ia Locomotives.
"Although there was a decrease of 8.41
per cent in the total number of locomotives
owned. It will be seen that there baa been
an Increase in the capacity of t.49 per cent,
resulting from the greater capacity of the
locomotives purchssed to replace the lighter
weight Jocomotives placed out of service."
This- )aan extract of the annual report of
the Union Pacific for the fiscal year ending
June SO, 1902. It goes to show that the
company haa reduced the number of Its en
gines, and this smaller number of engines,
of even greater capacity. Is therefore one
explanation of the constantly diminishing
potency of the motive power of the Union
Pacific aa a result of the depression
wrought by this strike of six months. The
waning of the engines hss been more
noticeable since the cold weather Bet In.
"There ought to be a settlement soon,"
remarked a atrlke leader yesterday morn
ing. "Certainly the company will not try to
hold out agalnat such conditions as these
much longer. The seriousness of the situ
ation has never been overdrawn. Mr. Burt
himself admitted that when he returned
from bis recent trip over the road and Just
before he left for New Tork City to con
suit with Mr. Harrlman and othera he
urged one ot our men not to go over the
road again, adding that he had been there
once too often already."
The I'erll el Onr Time
Is lung disease. Dr. King's New Dis
covery tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds
cures lung troubles or no pay. 60c, $L
For sale by Kuhn 4b Co.
Hellla Ratea.
On December J4. ti and II and January 1
the Chlcsgo, Milwaukee EL Paul rail
way will sell round trip tickets to points
within too miles at fare and one-third.
Final limit. January Z.
City Office, 1S04 Farnam BU
Every department in this entire store will have
specials to offer at
Greatly Reduced Prices Saturday.
For the remaining days of the year we are getting
stocks in shape for our ANNUAL INVENTORY. In
order to take up as little stock as possible we have
gone through every department and selected such ar
ticles which we do not wish to carry over. It is our
object to close them out at greatly reduced prices.
We will make it an object for you to buy even tliough
you may not need them today.
Sale Starts Saturday.
a tcs
Makes the ekin
smooth and white
Ask Tour druggist for It or come to 16th
Has Ever Been Found
in the Enamel of
Protected by Dselilon ef United Statu Court
Pasted on Every Piece
If substitutes are offered, write us
This trade-mark is on every piece
of genuine Agate Ware.
fifoM hy Flrst-cliM Pi-pirtmnt and Hon
fandahlng Stares. Send fur new Booklet.
Return Gifts
and New Tear's Drenents are now In order.
and while e are more than satisfied with
our Christmas trade, we still have a nice
assortment to select from. If you have
had enough Xmas end are again ready for
the necessaries of life, Just cast your eagle
eye down thla Ht.t and compare with what
you are paying, thou remember who It was
who made it possible for these prices to be,
11.00 Genuine Peruna Hartman'a 61c
$1.00 Pierce's Medical Discovery too
$1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription.... 64o
$1.00 Paine'a Celery Compound 74a
$1.00 Her s Malt Whiskey (want It .... 62o
PURB 75a
25c Genuine Caetoria 24o
EOc Wlxard Oil 'o
$1.00 Temptation Tonic 2&o
We control the entire output of the Temp
tation Tonlo Co., and have new atock.
$1.00 German Klmmell Blttera 75o
$1.00 Botanic Blood Balm 76o
il.OO Cramer's Kidney Cure guaranteed 78o
GOo "Catarrb-Rem" guaranteed SOo
t el. Tel. S. W. Cor. JHlh mm Chlaae.
Barber shop, buffst, library,
observation parlor, magaslnea,
datlf papers, market reports,
and aa uarlvaled eulslne.
Beventh season nsw equipment.
Chicago t California In laaa thaa
three dara.
Why stay at homsT
The California tour described In out
books; mallad for 100 la stamps.
Address Paassnger Office. Atchison.
Topeka A Santa Fe Railway, DS
Moines, Ia.
Santa Fe
!lsiiiia t-
Charter OakSiovesRanGa
All Club
and Capitol Avenue.
25 cents a bottle
They get cold and have eorna, Just
take the big onca. Our bore' $1.50
shoes fitted by salesmen that know
how to lit shoes, that prevent eold
feet and corns. There is eomethlng
about these boys' shoes that make
them the beet kind of Christmas
We have, too, a fine line of boys
allppers that are made Just like
papa's, with heels In the low cut
Faust style.
You can have Christmas shoes and
allppers properly fitted after Chrlat
Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Home
1419 rARNA.n STREET.
25o Mennen's Talcum Powder for lla
$3.60 Marvel Whirling bpray Hyrlngs
for koj
$1.00 fwamp Hoot (Kilmer's), wa sell.. 74o
11.00 White Ribbon l.lquor Cure 7oo
Wc Neala Catarrh Tablets, we sell .... 40o
$1.00 Newbro'a Herplclde, we sell 740
60c Syrup Figs, genuine, we sell 34o
25c Mistletoe Cream, we sell hkj
600 Agnew s Catarrh Powder, for io
$1.00 Wino Cardul, we sell ic
60c Wakelee's Camelllne, for io
tlurllcld Tea for I0o
luo pure 2-grain Quinine Pills for iio
$1.00 I.Isterlne (Lambert's) for Wo
60c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, for .... H'Jo
26c Shrader's Fig Powder for 2o
$1.00 Pierce's Medicines for o
One-pound Mixed Bird Heed for 4o
26o Graves' Tooth Powder for 12o
doc Mull's Grape Tonic for 4oo
$LO0 Husteitera Bitters for , 74o
$1.00 Coke's UandrufT Cure for 76o
U'c Coke's Dandruff Cure for io
26c Kra use's Headache Capaulsa for .. too
'iba Kirk's Juvenile Soap for 10o
True Violet Soap box, 3 cakes for .... 2fK
26o Brown Bronchial Troches Ifio
6uo William's Pink Pills for H'Ms
26c Orungelne for 1
26c Brandreth's Pills for l'Jo
Write for our Catalogue of Drug", Per
fumm and Rubber Goods.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists.
Cor. Kith and Dudge. Omaha, Nab.
Winter Shoes
Examine our beautiful window dis
play of men'e aboea. If they strike
your fsncy and you are not too proud
to wear a $3.60 or $2.60 pair of shoes,
coma In.
We bare only 13.60 and $1 M ahoee
and yon cannot pay mora If you
wished to
We aell shoes from our factory to
the wearer and divide tha profit with
Bhoea Give Satisfaction.
J0 So. IV. 1