Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY I1EE; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2G, 1002. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Bweipti of 0ttl Oauiad Pricei to Improve. HOGS ADVANCE FIVE TO TEN CENTS Active Dmui for Fat Sheep and Uabi of Good tlaallty at Stronger Prlcea, Advaaee for Week Being; .Ten to Fifteen Cento. .' '. SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 24. Receipts were: Cattie. Hogg. Sheep. Official Monday 2.506 $.433 M Official Tueeday 2.429 6.UW1 6. till Official Wednesday J.zii o.ail 911 Thrae days thla weak.. 147 17.430 Sam daya laat weea....ll 641 2 10 Same wk before lg.To") 2.41 8a ma three weeks sgo... 13.711 2o.3i Same tour weeks ago.... In. 615 24.092 Bams day laat year 4.&dt 20,61$ 10.K74 30.241 3o.li3 31.Hf-6 27.H3S 1.179 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following tabre anowa the. receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha for the year, to data, ano eompanaona with laat year: im. J9tl. Inc. Dec. Cattle 9s,5$7 1S6.2W Hon 741 2,304, i 1V0.2M . neap ,..i,?2.3V7 l.J,77i 414.607 The following table enow the average price ( hoga soM on the South Oman market Ue laat several oaya, with com parisons with former yeara: Data. 1 1901, 1901.lJ0O.llht.l.lS7.189 D4W. 1. Dec t. Dc a. Dec 4. w l i IM-Ial l7e 07H a 12 I OS I 6 964,1 Mil V4 I 4 a Mi 05 f 6 V4 n, 13 14. a Mi a 21) V'j 2 Ml 6 24, 12 6 04 1 I (Ml I 06 t 4B I 7- i a Toi 4 4 4 4k, I 81i 10 t ao) 4 M I (mi 4 111 1 HI I 4 ? 1 .l I U 4 t& I 4 2 I Kit 4 73 I 4 U I M' 4 8C I koj M I I9 I W 4 83i l 4 7i, I S8, 4 1i I 4 7 4 4 4 tU 4 01 4 oi 4 Ui; I 4 (H 4 80 I l a, I ie I 17 1 36 aai 3 3ii tU I ail I I 33 3 27 3 )W I V 3 28 3 aj 3 M I 37 1 I 47, I 33) I li 3 2o a w 3 11 2 14 I 21 1 3 M 3 V I I6 3 W 3 00 4 1i 3 in 3 1J 3 21 3 l.l I 21 3 16; 3 17 3 2 tJOl 3 22 t 1W 3 24! 3 17 4 2j I 1 3 31 3 17 4 aii 3 li I 3 13 3 33 3 2ai I 17 3 24 3 3 2i 3 17 3 2i 3 la Dec. a.. Dec Dec Dec. Dec a. 7... ... ... 10.. Dec 1L. Dec. 1., Dec. II.. Dec 14.. Dec. 1&.. Dec. lb.. I a lb, Dec 17 Dec Dec lt, (T7HI i'-i 1.. Dec. i. pec 21. Dec. ft. pec a. Dec. 24. I 2k Iodlcatea Sunday. The official number of cara of stock brought In today by each road was: Raadi. Psr.l 1 1 r. U Yl mnr. -.., M. at BL F. KV , Vabaah Union Pacific ayatem.... C. 4k N. W. Ry V., K. & M. V. R. R C. Bt. P.. M. & O. Ry. B. 4 M. Ry C, B. at Q. Ry C. R. I. 4k P. Ry., eaat. llllnola Central Total recelpta 11.. 2 1 17 V) 8 29 3 13 6 6 6 8 9.. 1-9 1 6 9 1 18.. 55 98 9 The dlapoattlon of the day'a receipts waa aa follows. ech buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated; Buvera. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 144 24 Swift and Company vm i.irn 1.661 210 l.oll 4t9 2,lo4 ..... Armour & Co 231 Cudahy Packing Co 6 Armour, from Hloux City 140 Vanuant & Co 48 lobman Co lit) W. I. Stephen B H. K. Hobblck , 4 Dennla tt Co l Other buyera , io 293 Totals 1,450 7.361 1.238 CATTLE The.-a were hardly enouah cat tle hare this morning to make a market, but all the packera aeemed to want a few and buy are atartad out early and bought up the batter grades aa rapidly aa thev arrived, and In a good many caaea paid fancy prices for what they got. It waa, of ecu ras, a, very uneven market, with the mora daetrabla cattle selling to the best advantage. The few cars of cornfod tee re on aale sold easily a, dime higher than yeaterdry. The quality of moat of them waa rather Inferior, though aa high aa 4.K waa paid. ' As compared with the close of laat week the general market la fully ZSc higher, and some salea have been much better thnn ' that' Par Vers have evidently hnd to have few cattle to till their more urgent ordera and the extremely light receipts have '-forced them to advance prlcea. The cow market waa ulao stronger this morning. Prices have advanced during the week luat about the aame aa on ateera. If anything, though, the cow market has been mora uneven than the atcer market. Can riers and cuttera. In particular, have sold -at very uneven prlcea, aome sales being a good aeal higher than others. Bulla, veal calves and stairs did not ahow much change thla morning. Bulla have been atrong all the week, but still prlcea have not advanced anything like aa much aa on steers and cows. The same la true of stags. There were not enough Blockers and feed era In the yards toaay to tell anything about the market. Buyers evidently did not want many cattle owing to the fact that tomorrow will be a holiday and then the ' end of the week will be close at hand The better gradea of atockera and feeders have commanded atrong prices all the week but the Inferior klnda have been neglectd and hard to dlapoae of at any price. Kepre aeulatlve aalea; , BEEF STEERS. Ha, At. Tt. Na. 1... I... 41... I. .. II... 1... 10... 40... II. .. At. Pr. ... 610 4 00 4 00 ...1044 4 10 ...1100 4 10 ...1111 4 10 ...1130 4 36 ...1114 4 40 ...1317 4 70 I IM I 00 II..., I..., 44..., 4... II... t..., II... II... ... lit I 60 ...1040 ( 60 ...1111 I 40 ... lit l a ...1001 I 46 ...1004 I 76 ... lot It ...MM I M ...m 4 iii BTEERS AND HE1FKRS. K... tt..., 1... t... ' 1... I... 4... I... 4... 4... 1... a... 4... I.;. 1... I... I... , I... a... 4... 4... ... I... 14... at... ... ao... i... a... .1011 4 00 li. .. S3! 4 M 1064 4 M H4 4 00 II... cows. 640 1 M II 4...., 10...., 41...., I..... 14.... 1...., 1.... I.... 1.... I. .. II. ... I II I 4...., I I to I 14.,,., 14.... M... 1.... II.... I.... 14..., 4...., 10...., II I.... I M IM 1031 I 04 lit I 00 174 I 06 IIDO I 04 0 I 14 1170 I II 1000 I It 1100 I 1 1094 I It 1101 I 10 1011 I ( 1161 I 1167 I M 1M4 I It 1236 I 29 1011 I M 1040 I I .... n i ao iim i as io a tt itii a m 1114 a 40 1170 3 44 10M a 44 1IU I 40 ni i 44 114 114 1041 60 Ull I 64 1047 I 60 1000 I 00 ....... 660 I 00 1140 3 10 116 I U 1060 I 16 Mi l 676 I 40 ........ 710 I 60 7N t 60 til 64 , HI t 60 W0 I 40 1107 I 40 Ml I 40 171 46 , im t as in i it , art i tt , 16 I 76 mi a it IM I 14 , Kl 3 76 1010 II Ml I 71 ,.. 1104 t 76 , M IS ,.,v...1044 M Ill IN ........ M4 I M t.... 5:::: f$.... , KI4 I M ., 1300 I 00 .1114 3 71 COWS AND HEIFERS. 4WJ I W HEIFERS. 1 60 I 34 - I. ...... ....J 4U. I M 1.. .im i n . . . . BULLS 1 1100 I 10 I... 1 M.UM 171 1... I. ..... ..1670 I 74 , 1.... ....ISM i u ... .1110 I 16 ....1414 l ..M s' ....KM a a ....1KM I 44 ...1444 a 40 ....17J0 M ... .14.14 146 ....IIM 1 ....1M4 4M I. I44 6 1 i. ,. ...ta. a M . U4. Ul I M 1 IM I M 1 1444 I OS 1 ,..1470 00 1 ,....HJ IM 1 .....147 IM ' 1 1004 1 16 - ... 1 ...... CALVES. 1 IM Itl 1 1 v 74 I M 1.... .' I T. IM I M I.... BTAOS. 1 ISM IM .... 110 4M 120 I M 111 IS 1124 I M STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. $ 4M M t ...1414 It . 1 7M M M Ml I M 64 4 M 14 Ill 4 M w... IM I 46 . ... i Duck Brand Cattls Co Neb. cowt Si W70 I 71 v!4 steers.... (MS 3 7 Vail O.-Colo. 18 steers.. v 807 $ 40 3 cowa..... 747 1 16 $ bulla 10M t icow i 660 2 00 HOOS Thera was- another light run of hogs hers today, and aa packera had to -h,IM.i?T. th mrk rvM fairly active vand 6910c higher than yesterday. The bulk of the aales want from $4 2a to $4 30, and aa high as $.U waa paid. The light weights aold largely from $4.24 down, with the lUum ' going largely at $ t74 3.J,,J1 Prtn4i 'aa aold from $6S24, to $616. Tbeis waa ao particular change In the market, though the lata arrival of a few trains delayed the clone until a late hour. . Lirht receipts and a fairly good demand caused prices to move steadily upward all this week, and the total advance for the three days amounts lo about 30c. The aver age prlos today waa at the hlgheat point reached since th third weak la November. Representative salea: . Av. Sk. TV ia...u..iM ... im n nt m im " tut aa u ... im :n ...171 ...14 ....101 Ill ....117 ....IM ! ... JK ....Ml ...HI .... IM ....16 14 Ill 14 ....3.11 .....11 ... IM ....111 ....121 ....123 ....144 ....147 ....:io 14 40 M 00 10 I to 2I4 0 IIS t!' n u 1 n K I IS 16 It H t n I a 4 25 25 15 IS 16 16 15 17... ... '... H .. 44... 71... 10... 41... 76... 71... 77... I. .. 64... 64... 64. .. 74... It... 71... ao... i... 60... 61... 41... 41... as... 64... ...144 ... ...174 40 .. IN 41 re I ?7i, 17 41 nv, I7Mi I I t7L i I rt'4 r nv, 10 43 10 10 10 no I 10 I JO t r i im I2V6 15 36 ...Ml ...174 ...141 ...IJ7 ...111 ...IJ ...171 ...IM ...10 . . . MS ...I(.7 ..14 ...161 . ..IM ...4 ...170 ...174 ...Tti ...114 ...111 140 40 IM 14 400 110 ' 140 40 411 10 iro no 120 wo ;i.. 47.. 40.. f.l.. 44 . 4.. 64.. I.. n.. 76.. . . M. , 60.. .144 .314 71 JI4 4 2$ 66 V 41 16 16 BMtEP There were only Jiiet a few cara of aherp and lambs In the yards this morn ing, and the market ruled active and atrong on good stuff. Aa high aa M 50 was paid for some western fed yearlings, which looked considerably higher thtin the aame kinds have been telling for of late. As compared with the close of last week, the better gradea of both xheep and lnmhs may be a no ted l(V(il6c higher. Supplies have been light all the week, and as packers have had quite liberal orders, they had to pay stronger prices. The commoner klnda have not advanced aa much as the Inferior gradea, but still even thoae are selling fully " ip as iney were a week ago. Feeders have been rather scarce all thla week, and the demand has been sufficient to take what was offered at good, strong prices. Quotations for fed stock: Choice lambs, ISOrtfrtVisS: air to good lambs. 4502y; choice year'.lngs, MOW84.60; fair to good yeartlngs, 13.754? 4 00; choice wethers. 3.B 4 00: fair to good, I3.2683.0; choice ewea, l3.fiVO4.O0; fair to good. 33.003.30: feeder lamba, 33.OfuJM.O0; feeder yearlings. $3.0ng3 50; feeder wetl.rrs. 12 TAffi 25; feeder ewes. 11.50 Representative aales: No. 6 cull ewea 10 cull lambs 5 cull ewes 177 western ewea 21 western ewes 153 yearling ewea 95 western lambs 246 western fed 23S feeder ewea 63 western ewea 62 feeder lambs Av. . 9 . 69 . 81 . 4 . 106 . 64 . 60 . 89 . 88 . 88 . 47 Pr. 1 60 2 60 2 50 S 20 3 25 3 60 4 25 4 60 2 50 3 8u 3 IA) CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Cattle riosr rioll, llosi W-ak, Sheep I'.lse t nerenly and Lambs Steady. , HIA0. Doc. 24. CATTLE RecelDts, l-.0"o head; market opened strong, closed dull; good to prime steers, $6.VkH6.55; pocr to medium. $3.0041-5.26: stockers and feed ers K.Mi 4. 60; cows. $1.2V4j-l.iiO; heifers. $2.00 .)60; cunncrs, 31.2C.irr2.10; bulls. 2.0Cia4.60; calves, $3 0U&7.25; Texas fed steers, 33.50IU) 0. w. 9iSR''''P," 22nn n"1"1; tomorrow, K.OCO head; left over, 4.500 head; market 6 loc hlgher; cloned weak; mixed and butch er , 36.WKfrfi.40: good to choice heavy, V5.45 fW.C0; rough heavy, $6.W(f,4i.35; light, $5.S0Qi 6.20; bulk of sales, $C.lf"i6.3o. BHKKF AND LAMHS Receipts, 12.000 head; sheep, unevenly higher lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, $4.00(ij4.60; fair to choice mixed. $.7.04i4. 0U; western sheep. $4.00 fvt.SO; native lambs, M.0W8G.90; western lambs, $4.0f4j.85. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. 6.582 1,532 26.314 6ti9 9,777 4,568 Cattle Hogs Sheep Knnaas City Live Stock Marlte. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,38 head; natives. 3B.67V; 5,000 na- win vuint; wean, iuc lower; cows and heifers, steady to higher; stock- .wiu Muwer; cnoice export and dressed beef steers, $5.20Co.00; fair to good, $3 254i6.15; stockers and feeders, $2.004.25 western fed steers. 2.50i&a.2o; Texas and Indian steers, $3.00 4. 2.i; Texas cows, $2.25 100: native cows. $1.5OJ4.00: native heifers, $J.40; canneis, $1.0U(6'J.oO; bulls, $2.25414.00: calves, $2.7&3.25. ' HOOS Receipts, 6,000 head; market 5T?10c higher; top, $6.45; bulk of sales, $6.2o(4i.40; heavy, $6.356.46; mixed packers, $2.00i4.40: h6W(I2V,O.30; Yorkers, M.25j6.r pigs! AND LAMBS Reoe4pta, .1,100 head; market steady; native lambs. M.000J $3.0O43C9j; native wethers, $3.0084.60; west- ere, $2.bCj3.36. St. I.oals Llva Slock Market. , SI-J1?' .t)'- M.-CATTLE Recelpta. 1.500 head. Including 1 inn T..n. ... - , " ia.ii.. nnmil i ,go, demand, active and atrong; .native ,..,.,...,B oiiu expuri sieers, 4.iHKfi.0O: dreAaed beef and butchers' steers, $4.2541 6.60; steera under 1,000 pounds, $3.754j3.0O; Mockers and feeders. $2.50tr4.0t; cows aid heifers, $2.264i4.76; canners. $1.50(&2.50; bulla $2,504.00; calvea, $4.00417.00; Texas and In dian steera, $2.40fj5.0u; cows and heifers. $3.20ff3.45. HOO B Receipts, 2.600 head; market firm and higher; pigs and lights, lfi.liyfj6.3i; packers, $6.255j50; butchers, $6.354;i6.60. SHE2P AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market steady; native muttona, $3.40 94.10; lamba. $4.0lj-j.50; culls and bucka, $2,750-4.00; Blockers, $1.50(52.50. rVer York Lire stork Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 24. BEEVES Re celpta, 2,263 head; market lOtfj'.'Oe higher; bulla and cows uneven; salea 1015c off; steers, $4.4ot6.Nu; oxen and stags, $4.40ti4.75; bulls. $J.6(Ya4.30; cows, $1. 504.25. Cables steady. Exports today were 500 cattle and 3,646 quarters of btef. CALVES Receipts, 1.174 head; steadv; veala, $5.009.60; little calves. $3.50tft 1.50; barnyard calves, $3.COf3 40; westerns. $3.5541! 3.65: city dressed veals, steady. lli&14c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,4(3 head; aheep steady, but slow, for all but top gradea; good iambi In fair demand and fully ateady; others very dull; sheep, $3.00 64.00; lambs, $4.5tJ(&tS.00; culls, $3.50(4.00. HOOS Receipts, 6.270 head; firm; state hoga, I6.35&I1.46: few choice pigs, $6.50; mixed westerns, nominal. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 24. CATTLE Receipts, 1,177 head; Texas and westerns, $3.2r4fS.75; cows and heifers, $2.0074.40; veals. $2.SOi4j76: bulls and ctaga, $2.50(4.50; stockers and feeders. $3.00$M 50. HOU8-Kecelpts. 6.797 head; 5c to 10c higher; plga, light and light mixed. $6.151) heavy, $6.2o.46; bulk. 6 35; medium $ti. 3 Ull 8.40. and SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 329 head; 15c to 25c higher; top western lamba. $5.40. Sloax City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, Is . Dec. 24.-(8pecial Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 3uu; stockers Bteady, killers strong; beeves, $3.5rjfro.5t); cowa, bulla and mixed. $1.6oti3.75; atockera and feeder.r. $2.6oi&4C0; yearlings and calvea. $2.351 3.7S. HOOS Receipt 4, 4.500; market 610c higher at lu.luii; bulk, $5.9u4jti.20. Stork Im Sight. The following were the receipts of live stock at tha six principal cities yesterday: ......!.. li i , L . iiiiRi, oneep, Omaha Chicago Kansaa City St. Ixiuls .. Bt. Joseph Sioux City Totala .. . 1.213 .12.000 . 2.S38 . 1) . 1.177 . 300 6.916 911 22.000 l.luO 2.500 6.797 4.500 1J.OO0 1.1"0 600 - 329 .20.527 41,813 14.840 NEW YORK GKNKRAL MARKETS. Caotatloas of the Day aa , Varleas . 6 . . . 4TomiMOlltlea. , ' JEW YORK,11 Dec. 24.-Hollday in grain markets. HA Y Dull: shipping, &5370c; good to choice, tjct J1.00. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 19"2, 2J7c; 111. 24t!o: olds. ?Tr72ttc: j'B. clAc coast. 1902. 254j-J1c; 19)1. 23ijik:; olds. 7f HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 26 Iha . 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. LEATH ER Quiet. PKOVISIONS-Heef. steady; family, $16 H 618 00; mesa. $10.5ill 00; beef hams. J20.60.M 22.00; packet. $14.t)0(a 16.00; city extra India bm. $2u.'JO(f28 00. Cut meata, ateady; pickled bellies. $s.759.75; pickled shoulders. $8.2&US.60; pickled hams. l 1.3f4i 11.50. Lard, easy; wettern ateamed, $10.70; refined, easy ; continent. $M.90; Bouth America, $11. 5o; com pound. $7oot7.75. Pork, dull; family, $18; short clear, 21 0ur23.uu; mesa, lilt TAI IA)W Easy: city, bor,c. RIC Quiet; dumeatlc. fair to extra, 4lic. BL'TTRK Recelpta. 4.461 pkgs; ateady; tat dairy, ito26c; creamery, extra, 2bc; crenmerv. common to choice, 21tiJ7Uc. CHEKSE Recelpta. 4.2E4 pkg.; ,lrm; fancy, large, atate. full cream, colored and white, fall made. U,ul4c: late made. 13 c; fmcy, small, colored and white, full made, UVHc; late made. UulSWc. EGCiS Recelpta, 3.1C5 pka. : steady; atate and Pennsylvania average best. 2&c; west ern, poor to fancy. 2mu26.'. I'Ol'LTKY Alive: Dull; chickens. 10c; turkeys, HWoc; fowls. 11012c. Dreased: Irregular; western chickens. llifW.c; west ern fowls. lKjjlic; wratern turk -yi, 17Htil8o. II E TA 1-8 The London metal mtxketi were oi en for only half of the aesclon to day and will remain closed until Monday morning. In today trading tin advanced m to 118. 5a for spot and 118 for future. The local market waa also firm and higher. pot cloalng at 35 -A.10a. Imdnn de clined Za Id on ro.wr. with aot &1 and futures at til tim td. Locally copper H . 71.. 71.. H.. 14.. M. . .. Ml . . .. 14.. 7.. was unchanged and nominal at $10.71 for standard, $11.56 for lake and $11.45 for elec trolytic and casting. Lead waa unchanged at 10 ins 3d at Ixmdon and locally at 4. Spelter waa unchanged at 19 17a 3d In London, but declined another 6 polnta In New York, closing at $4 75. The foreign Iron markets were steady, with Glasgow quoted at Ma d. Locally Ircn remained ulet. Warrants are nominal. No. 1 foun ry northern Is quoted at $3.01125.00; No. I foundry northern, No. 1 foumlry south, ern and No. 2 foundry southern soft, at $!.Ot't4.3.00. OMAHA HOI.KSALK MARHRT. Condition of Trade and ((notations on Staple and Kanry Prodnce. EGOS Candled ttock. 24c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 7itf74c; old roos ters, 4ftoc; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 8Cg'.n ; geeae, 748i:; spring chickens, per lb., H'u? kc. DRESSED POULTRY Hens, 8c; youn. chickens, lie; turkeys, 16Culc; ducka, lo4 11c; geese, Inc. BUTTER Packing stock, 1717Hc; choice dairy. In tubs. 2"i:lc; separator, 291f30c. KRKSIf FISH Trout, Milne; herring, F.c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed. 7c; sunflsh, 3c; bluellns. 3c; whlte flsh, 9c: salmon, Ific; haddock, 11c; codfish. 12c; redsnapper. 10c; lobeters, boiled, per lb., 80c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bull heads, 10c; catnth, 14c; black bass, 2oc; halibut. 11c. CORN-New, 40c OATS 32c. RYE No. 2. 46c BRAN Per ton, $1360. HAY Prlcea quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $8.oO; No. 1 medium, $7.50; No. 1 coarse, $7.00. Rye atraw, $6.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair, receipts light. OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c; extra selects, per can, 3oc; New York counts, per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal.. $1.75; bulk, standards, per gal., $1.45. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. TREES 4 to 6 feet, per doien, $1.76; 7 to 9 feet, $3.50; 6 to 7 feet. $2.50; 9 to 10 feet, $4.50; large, for school and church pur Poses, 12 to 14 feet, each. Jl.0lxiil.50; extra large, 15 to 20 feet, $2.Oufa4.00. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 2x2x4 feet (about 50 lbs.), $4.00; per bbbl., $1,50. LONG NEEDLE PINES Per doxen, $2.50 3.00. MISTLETOE BRANCHES Per lb., SOc. EVEROREEN WREATHING! In colls of 20 yards, per coll, 9oc; five-coll lota, WREATHS Magnolia and galax wreaths, per dozen. $1.5O'?f2.0O: evetgreen wreaths, per doien. 31.50fa2.00; holly wreaths, per dozen. $1.50fj2.u0. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per dozen. 25c; Utah, per dozen, 45c; California, per dozen, for stalks weighing from 1 to 1V4 lbs., each, 4fai5c. POTATOES Per bu., 60c. SWEET POTATOES Iowa Muscatlnes. per bbl., $3.26; Kansas, $2.25. TURNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gas, per lb., lc. BEETS Per basket, 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dozen, $1.50. PARSNTPS-Per bu., 40c. CARROTS Per lb., lc. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dozen bunches, 45c. RADISHES Southern, per dozen bunches, 45c. WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; string beans, per bu. box, $1.60. CABBAGE Miscellaneous Holland seed, per lb.. l4c. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu.. 75c: Spanish, per crate, $1.75. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.60. TOMATOES New California, per 4-bas-ket crate. $2.75. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $2.50. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2.00; Colorado, per box. $2.26. APPLES-Western, per bbl.. $2.75: Jona thans, $4: New York stock. )3.26; California Bellflowera. per bu. box, $1.60. GRAPES Catawbas, per basket, 18c; Malagas, per keg. $6.07.00. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin. Der bbl.. $9.60; Bell and Bugles, $10.60; per box, $3.26. . TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.0cfi150. LEMONS-Callfornla fancy. $3.75; choice, $3.60. ORANGES Florida Brtghts. $3.75; Cali fornia navels, $3.60; California sweet Jaffas, all sizes $2.76. DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxea, per lb., 6c: per case of 30-lb. pkgs.. $2.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $1; Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 1418c. ORAPE FRUIT Florida, $6. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case, $3.75. CIDER New York. M.60; per V, bbl.. $2.75. SAUERKRAUT-Wlsconaln, per V. bbl., $2.26; per bbl., $3.75. POPCORN-Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12H lbs., 8Yc: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c; dry hides, Mfl2c: sheep pelts. 2.Vfr75c; horse hides. $1.5or'2.50. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. I soft shell er lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; :razls, per lb.. 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12Hc; mall, per lb., 11c; cocoanuta. per dos., 50c; chestnuts, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6',4c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1.00; hlckiry nuts, per bu., 11.60; cocoanuta, per 100, $4. OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotea the following prlcea: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, $11; iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb.. 8'4c; brass, heavy. per lb.. 8Hc; brass, light, per lb., 5V4c; lead, per lb., 8c; zinc, per lb., 24c; rub ber, per )b.( 6Hc. SfT Looli Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 24. WHEAT Steady; No. 2 red. elevator. 730; track, 74c; May. 77c; No. 2 hard, 6W7314C . CORN Strong; No. 2 cash, 44H344c: track, 4414140; May, 384(839. OATS Steady : No. 2 cash, 32c; track, 33c; Mav. 33Hc; No. 2 white. 35c. RYE Firm at 49c49,4c FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $3.33 fi3.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.05(83.30: clear, $2.9O(f3.0O. SEED Timothy, steady. $2.90i3.4O. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.30. BRAN Firm; sacked, eaat track, 71(g) 73c. HA Y Easier; timothy. 111. 004115.00; pra rle. $10.5Wfl2.oo. IRON COTTON TIES $1,074. BAGGING 6 6-16&7 l-16c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing standard meas, $17.K('18.(. Lard, un changed at IIO.I'H. Dry salt meats Dull; boxed extra shorta, $9.124; clear rlba, $9.00; short clears, $9.50. Bacon Dull; boxed ex tra shorts, $10.50; clear ribs, $10.50; short clear. $11.00. METALS Lead, steady at $3.K. Spelter, lower at $4 46. POULTRY-Lower; chickens tp.d springs, 8V4c; turkeys. lSal3i4c; ducks, 12c; geeae, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 233oc; dair ies. lKUtc. EGGS Steady at 22c. Recelpta. Shipments. Flour 4.000 13.1XK) Wheat 54.000 94.000 Corn 12H.0OO 38.000 Oats 47,000 45,000 'Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 24.-WHEAT-Spot: No. 1 northern spring, no stock: No. 2 red western winter. Iim, 6s HVtd; No. 1 Cali fornia, steady, fia od. Futures: Eaay- De cember. 6a 214d; March. 6s ld; May. 6a A. CORN Spot: American mixed new, qulef. ' $ kl; American mixed, old, ateady, 6s 4d. Futures: Inactive; January, 4a 6d: March. 4a iyri PEAS Canadian, ateady, 6a T4d. FLOUR St. Louie fancy winter, quiet. !8a 3d. HOPS At London (Pacific coaat). firm, 6 15a to 7. PROVISIONS Beef, extra India mess, steady. 113a 9d. Pork, ateady; prime mess western, 90a. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, I3. Bacon. Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., quiet, Ms Cd: short rlba, 16 to 31 lbs. dull. 48a: long clear middles, light. 28 to 31 lbs., quiet. 48a 6d; long clear ml I dlca, heavy, 3a to 4 lbs., quiet. 4s; thort clear backa. 16 to 20 lbs., quiet, 4ns; clesr bellies, 14 to 16 lbk., dull, 5s. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet. 43a. I.ard prime western, in tierces, dull, 60a; American re fined. In palls, dull, 55s. b UTTER Nominal. CHEESE Firm; American fineat white and colored, 69a. TALLOW Prime city, dull. Km 3d; Aus tralian in londnn. firm. 31s 2d. Importa of wheat into Liverpool laat week were 31.3o0 quarters from Atlantic ports, none from Pacific porta and 26,u00 quarters from other ports. Importa of ccrn from Atlantic ports last week were 14.KM quarter. The Provision exchange here will be closed on December 25 and 26 and January L t'hleaso Provision Market. CHICAGO De. 24 BUTTER Quiet and easier; creamery, 18ij274c; dairy. Kruioc. EGGS Steady; loss off, caaea returned, 25c. CHEES E Firm ; twins. 13c; dalalea, 134c; Young Amerlcaa. 13'c. DRESSED POULTHY-Steady; turkeye. 15ill74c; chickens, ltjlOc. Philadelphia, Prodac Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 24. BUTTE R Weak and old lc lower: extra western creamery. 29c; extra nearby prints. He. tCJUl tjulst but steady ; reeh aaarby, 27c, loss off; fresh western. 27c. loos off freeh southwestern, 284f29c. loss off; fresh t HKLRE-Unchanged; New York full cream, prime small, l.4flri4c; New York tair to good small, 13nj l.4c; New York prime, large. 13c; New York fair te good large, u'gidVlC. Peoria Market. Dec 24.-X)RN Lower; uen PEORIA, No. 3. 410. OATS Steady No. I white. 314c NEW YORK STOCKS AKD BONDS, Market Closes Firm at Top Notch of Day's Prices. NEW YORK. Dec. 24 The stock market closed firm today at the top level of the uny, wun net gains in a few or the prom Inent railroads, and specialties reaching I point or more. The day s movement of prices was not of much significance and the dealings were on a very small scale, except in the local traction group. In which there was oomo Inrso buying without any definite explanation. The trading was Idle nearly to ine point of stagnation at times, and the brokers gave more attention to playlnV pranks in celebration of the eve of the Christmas holidays than to trading in stocks. The Produce exchange celebra tion began midway of. the session of the Stock exchnnge on the same floor and separated only by a low partition. Specula tive str.tlment may easily have been tinc tured by the festivities. The distribution of Christmas donations was on a liberal scale and helped the prevailing cheerful sentiment. There was apparently soma outstanding short Interest also which ohoas to cover for the holidays, especially ss many brokers are preparing to leave town ior tne rest or the week. The strength of the local tractions had a aentlmental effect on the whole list, the rise In Brooklyn Tranalt extending to over 4 polnta. No definite explanation of the rlsn was forthcoming, but old rumors had renewed circulation of a passing of control to the Pennsylvania. Suaar alao was well sustained at a recovery from yesterday's sharp decline. The most active period of the trading, however, was during the de cline of the morning. The maintenance of the call rate at between 9 and 10 per cent was the depressing influence. The block ade restriction enforced by the blocking powers or ia uuayra on the steamer Caracas occasioned some uneasiness, tnougn or little direct Influence. The an nouncement of wage Increases by the New York Central and the Atlantic Coast line called renewed attention to a tendency which is general throughout the railroad world. The passing of the dividend by the St. Joseph Island first preferred explained yesterday s lnte break of 84 points in that stock, to wnicn was added a 34 point de cllne today. Canada Southern was also i sufferer from the reduction in Its dividend rate. The great influence of these two cases was not encouraging. The rise of 13 points in Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling was unexplained. The stiffness of the call money rate and a hardening of the time market were not effective in checking tre rising tendency In sterling exchange or the falling tendency in New York exchange at interior points. At Chicago the New York exchange fell back to par, after iiavlng ruled at 40c premium last week. More than $500,000 was again transferred to New Orleans today, but $250,000 waa paid out by the sub-treasury on transfer of Alas kan gold from San Francisco. Yesterday's heavy customs collections, coupled with the falling off In pension payments, haa resulted In a wiping out of the sub-treasury s earlier contribution to the money market. Money Is also rising In London and there were contlnue.l large transfers by cable to that center today. There was some distributed activity In the bond market, but the price movement was rather irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,080,000. United States new 4s ad vanced 4 and the old 4s 4 per cent on the last call. The following are the closing prices on tne jew xoru hiock exchange: Atchison .. MHl do pfd .. Ila Texas ft Pacific... .. 7 Tol., St. L. A W. ..11 I do pfd ..ltoi tnlon Pacific .. "1 I do pfd 174 a4 14 444 M 1 114 41 14 H . I do via D. & O 4o pfd Csnadlui Psetflc. Canada Southern.. Chca. & Ohio.... Chicago A Alton. 4o pld .. 44 Wabash IZS.I do old. 10 W. 4c L 11 do Id K4.. Chlcsiio. I. A ! Chicago K. 1 IM Wis. Central... W 474 en nf4 Chloato a Ot. do lit pfd..'.. do td pfd Chicago N. Chicago T. at T .. so lAdaais lufiaa .74 Am. Sipeeae Jd ..ill - V. a. Caprees .. lt W.lls-rarge Kg m do pfd C. C. C. tt St. L, Colo, ftoutharn do lat pfd , II, Awl. Corner. ........ Wit M4 Aai. Car A Pouadry.. 144 zil ao pra 414 Am. Llneeed Oil. .. 16 .. If ::S .. I4H .. 41 .. 7i4 ..JlOSi .-HI ..114 .. lH .. II do 2d pro ... . Del. 4t Hudeon. Kale.. L AW ... t do pld ...las Am. Smelting tt ...146 do pfd ... 4 Anaconda M. Ca. ...Ik' Brooklrn R. T... ... 144 Colo. P. 4c 1.,.. ... 6. ,Con. Uaa ... 4 Con. Too pfd... Denver A R. O..... do pfd Erie do lat pfd , do 3d pfd Ot. Northern pfd... Hock. Valley ..... do pfd Illinois Central..,.. Iowa Central do pfd Lake "Erie A W do pfd L. 4c N Manhattan L Met. 8t. Ky. Mrxlran Central Mexican National.. Minn. A St. L Missouri Pacific M.. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central Norfolk A W do pfd ...1N4 Oeneral Electric ... ... 17 .Hocking Coal ... 44 lnt'n'I Paper ...14441 do pfd ... 174 International Power, ... 4a Laclede Oaa , ... 4T National Biscuit ...111 National Lead , 70 61 It ... 46 ... 14 ...114Vg ... 14 ...114 No. American. ...14T Pacific Coaat ...lit Pacific Mall... ... 11 People's Uaa 10114 ... 14 Pressed Rteei Car...,. 404 ...104 ' do pld 11 ...104'. Pullman Pal. Car IM ... J.iH Republic Steal II ... 661 do pfd 74 ...165 Sugar Hsu .UlHTenn. Coal tt Iron... . 01' v. a. at r. 10.. .11 do pfd . 10vi 1'. 8. Leather... .IMS do pfd . 434a V. S. Rubber.,. .14 do pfd . 11 V. 8. Steal . 71 do pfd . HI Weatern Union . . 004 Am. Locomotive. . 14i j do pfd . eu K. C. Southern.. ,17H do pfd .IM Rock laland . 63V do pfd . 131 , It , fl Ontario A W . li'a Pennaylvanla Rradlnt dn 1st pfd . an . 16 . au "'4 , MS . Il4 . 17H , 11 , 11 644 , 43 . I2fc do Id pld St. LAS. P do 1st pfd do Id pfd 8t. L. 8. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd So. Pacific So. Railway , ir York Mousy Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 24 MONEY On call firm at 6610 per cent; closing offered at 6. Time money firmer; elxty and ninety daya and six months, f per cent. Prime mer cantile paper, t per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE Firm, with artutl bualnesa In bankers' bills at $4.8875 fur demand and at $1.83125 for sixty-day bills. Posted rates, $4.84 and $4.87. Com mercial bills, $4.82H-.83H. SILVER Bar, $4.o3. Mexican dollar. $8c. BONDS Government, atrong; railroad, Irregular. The cloalng quotations on bonds are as follows: U. 8. ref. aa, rag 1074 L. A N. unl. 4a 1014 do coupon 104'e Met. central 4a T7V do la. ....107 do lat Inc lo7Vi Minn, tt St. L. 4S...10IU ....1154 H . K. A T. 4a I74i Hi "4 do Ids It N. T. Central Is 101 14 du coupon ... do aew 4s, rag do coupoa do old 4a, reg. do coupon do 6a. rug itt - ao gen. sho 106 1034 N. J. C. gen. la 1S4H 101 No. Facile 4a 101 4a liil'tk do la 73 do coupoa Atchlaon gen do ad. 4a B A O. 4a , do I'.aa do conv.' 4a..., Canada So. la..., Central of Oa. to i n. ac w. e. 4e oe ,...101', Reading sea. Mi at. L. at I. M. a. 6a..lLlia io4 it. u a a. r. to.... 07 toe at. L. a. W. la 16 106 '.4 do Ida do 1st Inc t p. a. at a. r. 4a.... C A o. 4a 103'e go. Pac'lc 4a sou Chicago A A. !.... 71', So. Rallwar to 124 C , B. A Q. new 4a.. M Texae A P. la 114 c, m A st p a 4a.ui t , at. lav. a., im C. A M. V. a. la.... il.1l. Union Pacific 4a 104-v c , k. I. A P. 4 10ii' do coot. 4a lueu C.C.C. St at. L. a- 4s Wabash la liu Chicago Ter. 4a. 04 . 4u . Sd....a,...,i(kn Colo. A 80. 4a It I da -neb. Bo :.. 7414 D. A R. O. 4a 1004Weat Shore nj Erie prior lien 4a ts W. at L. E. 4s ti do gen. ea aa ,mo. central la 11 Pt. W. A D. C. la.. Hocking Vol. 4V,. . 114 .104 Con. To. 4a. I oadon Stork Market. LONDON. Dec. 24. Clnglna Quotation.. Consols for money .11 i-ia ew rork Central. ...lstu ao m wnuri. 71 KS ll 114, us 44 us US Anacanda "-v do pfd Atchlaon 644s Ontario at Weatern. da ofd 102 PsnnsrlranU Canadian Pacific Ui'i Rand Mines Chesanealta ft unto... iv sicaaing Chicago a. w -.. 14. a at. P.... DeBeera Itenrer A R. O ... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Id pld Illinois Central Loulselll It Noah. Mleenurl. K. a T. . 3i do 1st pfd .17', I do 14 pfd . II Southern Railway.. . 40 I do pfd . II Southern Paciaa.... .. 44S .. 44 ..100J4 , M e 4 aloe Pacific. . 44 I do atd an US . 47 Tolled Stales ataal .144',' do pfd .lMt wabaeh . 14' do Dfd .. IIS BAR SILVER Steady at 22d per ounce. . . 41 MU.Nfcr 4 per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for short bills Is 4B4Va'per cent and for three-months' bills 4 per cent. Xew Yrk Mlnlna; 4)notatlona. NEW YORK. Dec. 24-The following ars the closing prices on mining stocks: A da ma Con Alice Ilreece Dmr.ewlck Coa ( omrtock Tunnal .. Con. Cel. A Va Horn tillver Iron Shear Leadvllla Con 16 , U 46 , I t 126 lit Oi 1 iLlttle Cblet ... lOntarla Ophlr Fhaenlx .... I ....17; ....114 .... I .... 10 .... II .... 46 W ....16 Potoel lavage Sierra Nevada clmall Hopeo .. standard Bank Clearlaa-a. BOSTON, Dec. 24. Clearings, $2J.41$.933: balances, $2,091,944. OMAHA, Dec. 14. Bank clearings, $1.03.. 7r9'; corresponding day laat year. I1.SM. ti85; decirase. lilt.SW 77. CHICAGO. Dec. 24 Clesrlngs, $2.919.i81; balances, $1,J8,M6. Htm York exchange. par. Foreign exchange, sterling, posted at $4M for sixty days and $4.8J14 for demand. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 24 -Clearings, $S.,1S5; balances, $3,O,0'i. Money, per BALTIMORE. Dec. 24-Clesrlngs, $3,564. 204 . lalanree, $r80.131. Money, per cent. t .CINNATI, Dec. 24 Money, per cent. New York exchange. 40c discount. Clear ings, $3,482.3(10. bT. LOUIS, Dec. 24-CTearlnga, $7.5!.180; balances, $S1.970. Money, steady, Byti per cent. New York exchange. 25c premium. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. Clearings, $.f, 172,794; balances. $13,899,873. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Dec. 24. Money was In setivo request today and the supplies were short, considerable cash being owing to the Bank of England.. Discounts were harder. On the Stock exchange no business was trans acted In the mines except In Contangos. Consols were steady. Americans relapsed, and there viae a few realizations, but they were afterward disposed harder, became Irregular and closed quiet. Urand Trunks were firm. Kaffirs were maintained. PARIS, Dec. 24 Prices opened hesitating on the bourse today, but led by foreigners they gained aome firmness toward tho clore. Industrials were firm. Rio tlntos receded on New York sdvlces, but subsequently rallied slightly. Kafilra were firm and more active. The private rate of discount was 1 15-14 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 99f 374,e for the account. BERLIN, Dec. 24. Business waa hesitat ing on the bourse today owing to New York advices, but prices were fairly maintained. Iron ahares were advanced. Canadian Pa cific relapsed. Discount Tats for short bills was 2 per cent; for three months' bills, IVx per cent. Celt est Market. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 24.-COTTON-Qulet and steady; sales, 1,959 balea; ord inary, T4c; good ordinary, 7c; low mid dling, 7 11-lfc; middling, Sc; good mid dling, g ll-isc; middling, fair, 9-iic; re celpta, 24.996 balea; stock, 3. Ill bales; fu tures, quiet and steady; December, 3 17 S.18c; January, 8.18c; February, 8.23&8 26c; March. 8.2S(fi 29c: Anrll. 8 31.S3c: Mav. 8o74i.3Sc; June, 3.40i6.41c: July. 8.43D.44c; August, 8 18c bid. NEW YORK, Dec. 24.-COTTON Opened quiet and steady at unchanged prices, ral lied a point or two and then eased off 3tj4 points, only to turn steadier again, with the close very steady at a net loss of 2 points to a net rise of 3 points. The In fluences at work on the market were first bearish and then bullish. The early ca bles were unsatisfactory. Early indications aa to the receipts for the day were under the mark and the local contingent started an Incipient raid In the absence of public support. Later,, however, public support became somethlntr of a factor, following advices pointing to sn unsatisfactory show ing oy tne week enders and tending to change statistics through large exports and large home consumption. As the day advanced local shorts covered and there was some investment demand, which gave the market a firm undertone up to the close. The January situation remains un changed, such as to keep the market In a state of uncertainty. Ihe total transac tions of the day were estimated at 60,000 bales. ST. LOITI8. Dee. 24. COTTON Steadv: middling, 8vc: sales, 1.000 bales. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 24. COTTON Snot. quiet; prices 2 points lower; American mid dling, lair,; goon middling, 4.681I; mid dling, 4.52d; low middling, 4.4od; good ord inary, 4.2d; ordinary, 4.16d. The sales for the day were 4.000 bales, of which 1.000 balea were for sale and export, and Included 7,500 Daies. American middling, good, December, 4.50d; December and January, January and February and March. March and ADrll 4.4934.50d: April and May. 4.61d: July and August, 4.51d; August and September, 4.45 4.4UU. Oil and Ronli OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. 24. OIL Credit bal ances, $1.51; no shipments; average, 93,320 bnis. ; runs, 102,121 bbls; average, 77.0UO bbls. SAVANNAH. Dec 24. OIL Turpentine. nrm, at 40.24. RO8IN Firm: A. B and C. $1.50: F 31.50; li, Jl.70; H, $2.00; I, J2.35; K. $2.85; M, $3 36; N, $3.56- W. O., $3.80; W. W., $4.20. Niiiw iork, Dec. Z4. OIL Petroleum, firm; turpentine, firm. ROSIN-Firm. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 24. OIL Tumentlne spirits, nrm, eye. nosin, common, 4s 74d. Petroleum.- raltned. firm. Unseed nil. firm is. . vxtoruieti on, ntiu renneti, spot, aiaaoy, sib t vtn. 4'etTee Market. NEW YORK Dec. 34. Soot Rio market quiet; no. 7 invoice. ftVc: mild aulet: Cor. dova, 7HCfl2c. Futures opened dull and un changed and continued Inactive, most of the tranaactlnna representing! switches. There was no feature In the foreign news; a nrace or noiiaaya were at nana and the local trade indifferent. The close wu quiet at a partial decline of F polnta. Sales looted up xi.uuu Dags, including: December. at 4.40c: r eDruary, 1.40c; Aiarcn. 4.711c; May 4.8o(sr4.uoc; June, 4.c; July at 4.90c, and September at 5.15c, Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. EVAPORATED APPLES The market showa the usual pre- noiiuay dullness, put prices remain steadv. Common are quoted at 4&5c; prime, S',," ic: cnoice, o(fiovsc ; rancy, 113114c. CALIFORNIA DKIKU FRUITS Snot prunes are steady to firm, but rather less active. -Suctatlons range from 3l4c to "4e ror an graacs. Apricots are steady nt 7VT 12c In boxes and 7Hft'10c In bags. Peaches also are quiet but steady at 120 ISc lor peeled and SiglOc for unpeeled. Nntvar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 24.-8lTGAR-DulI; open kettle, z-nwdsc; open kettle centrif ugal, 8 7-18'&3c; centrifugal granulated 4 3-16(iMc; white. STe4 1-lrtc: yellow, JH 4c; seconds, zsrud o-loc. Molasses, quiet; open kettle. i?'i.zc; cenimugai, id.'ic. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. BUG A R Raw Bteady: fair refining, 3 7-16c; centrifugal, 0J test, 3 lb-inc. Molasses sugar, JJ-ltic. Ho- fined, steady. Molasses, quiet. Whiskey Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 24. WHISKY Steady at $131. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 24.-WHISKY-Steady at PEORIA. Dec. 24.-WHISKY-On the basis of $ for nnishea goods CINCINNATI. Dec. 24 WHISKY-Distll-lers' finished goods on basla of $1.31. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 24. DRY GOODS Buying of heavy brown cottons for export to China continues and the tone of the market for these goods is firmer. There Is no change in the home demand of any moment. Print cloths are quiet,, but ateady. In woolen goods business, is mostly In kerseys for overcoats and cloaks and prices are Arm. Gold la Transferred. NEW YORK, Dec. 24 The subtreaaury today paid out $250,000 on telegraphic order from San Francisco and transferred $500,000 to New Orleans for local banks. The total transfer for the day to New Orleana was $560,000. Waal Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 24 -WOOIFIrm: me dium gradea and combing, 1720tyc; light fine. 1619c; heavy fine, 13f15c; tub waahed, lSfc. , NEW YORK. Dec. 24. WOOL Firm. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. Opinions filed December 17. 1902. ' The fol lowing opinions will be officially reported: 10424. Ayres against Wolcott. Appeal from Merrick. Former decision modified. Judgment. Holcomb, J.. 1. To aet aalde a conveyance of real ea tate on the ground that It la fraudulent aa to aubaequent creditors, such a creditor muat allege and prove that auch convey ance waa made with Intent to defraud subsequent creditors snd In contemplation of auch future Indebtedneaa. . 2. The allegations of a pleading and ths proofs thereunder must agree. $. Where It Is alleged that conveyances of real estate were made to defraud exist ing credltora and tha proof ahowa such conveyances were executed and delivered prior to the Incurring of ths Indebtedneaa the petition under the proofs will not. aim. tain a Decree In favor of the plaintiff. . r.viaence examinro. ana aa to two of the alleged fraudulent grantees held auffl cient to support the flndlnga and decree of the trial court In their favor. 5. Where conveyancea of real itQ t which have the effect of hindering, delaying or defrauding existing credltora are ex ecuted In favor of the relatives of the grantor, It la tha rule In this state that auch grantees are required to ahow by aatlsfactory evidence the bona fldea of the tranaactlon. A On rehearing the decision In Ayrea v Walcott et al . 42 Neb., 806, la modified, and as modified adhered to. a 102. County of Saline against County of Gage. Error from Gaga. Affirmed. Albert C. Division No. $ 1. The liability of a county to contribute for the coat ot the construction or repair of a bridge on a highway extending along the line between that and an adjoining cotgaty Is purely statutory, and the statu tory liability Is baaed on aectlons 87, 88 and 89, Compiled Statute. 1 When such bridge Is constructed snd the entire coat thereof paid by one county no esuae of action arises againat the ad joining county for contribution In tha ab sence of a contract In that behalf to which the latter county la a party. X Where repairs oa such bridge arc paid for wholly by one county In ths sbsence Of a contract (n that behalf, to which the other county Is a party, no cause of action arises against tne latter unleee It haa re fused to enter Into a contract therefor. 4. That the latter county allowed Ihe work of construction to proceed without objection and when completed guarded the approaches to the bridge, and that Ita In hsbltar,ts uaed the bridge, would not top ine county nor its taxpayers rrom denying the validity of a claim presented bv the former county to the latter for half the cost of such brldKc. 5. That such rltlm was allowed bv the board of the latter county Is not available as an estoppel on an appeal from the order allowing such claim. 11156. Clark against Thornburg. Error from Quite. Affirmed. Sedgwick, J. 1. If the locaMnn of section and quarter section corners by the original government survey can be ascertained they are not to be moved, but will control all other nir veye; but wnen the marks of the govern ment survey have been obliterated, and the location of the corners by that survey can not be established by witnesses who know where they were located, resort must be had to other evidence, and In the absence of any other proof the measurements indi cated by the field notes of the government survey must control. 2. Where a division line. stmnoHed to he the true line established by the government survey, has been acquiesced In by the par ties Interested for more than ten years. It Is conclusive evidence of the location of Ihe boundary line; but whether such line was agreed upon, or has been acquiesced In aa the true division line. Is a question of fact t be submitted to the Jury In a proper vase. U8G0. Eaton against Eaton. Appeal from Otoe. Reversed. Sullivan, C. J. 1. There ran be no valid marriage with out the consent of the atate, and a positive prohlblt'on does not evidence consent. 2. It Is not the policy of the divorce law to encourage bigamy. Therefore, a person who has been released from wedlock by Judicial decision Is not permitted to Indulge the hope that If he marrv arfaln In violation of the statute the marriage will be valid unless the decision Is reversed. S. Section 45, chapter xxv, Compiled Stat utes ior isui, is preventive and not merely repressive. It Incapacitates a divorced person from contracting a valid marriage while the Judgment divorcing him la sub ject to possltile reversal. 4. In this state the only essential of a valid marriage is the free consent r.f com petent parties to live together In the mar riage relation. 5. Where a marriage contracted In good faith la void by reason of some removable Impediment, the parties may, after the Im pediment has been removed, become law fully vnlted by continuing to live together with the Intention of sustaining toward each other the relation of husband and wife. And even where the existence of the Impediment anil its removal were unknown continued cohabitation evidences consent to live In wedlock. . Changes or modifications of existing statutes as an Incidental result of adopting a new law covering the entire subject to which It relates are not forbidden by sec tion 11, article til of the constitution. 11NH2. Union Stockyards National Bank of South Omaha against Bonrd County Commissioners of Thurston County. Error from inurston. Reversed and remanded. Oldham. C. Division No. 2. 11994. Gillian against McDowall. Error from Nuckolls. Reversed, with Instruc tions. Pound. C. Division No. 2. 1. An assignee of a mortgage whose as signment Is not of record Is barred by a decree foreclosing a prior lien in a suit to which his assignor, who appeared of record as owner of the encumbrance, was made a party, unlese he recorJs his assignment prior to the recording of the deed under Judicial - sales pursuant to such decree. Goodwin v. Cunningham, 54 Neb., 11, dis tinguished. 2. A decree of foreclosure of a prior lien In the ahwence of an express adjudication based upon proper Issues will not have tha effect of determining the validity or stand ing of a subsequent lien as between the par ties thereto, nor of preventing the subse quent encumbrancer from enforcing the same, ss to such parties, against the prop erty or anything representing It In their handa. 4. A mortgagee Joined as a party defend ant in a suit to foreclose a tax lien may not be sued by the Initial letters of his name under section 2S. Code Civil Procedure, al though so designated In the note and mort gage by virtue whereof he claims a Hen upon the property In controversy. 4. In such case the proper course Is td proceed under section 141, Code Civil Pro cedure, by stating In the verification of tha petition that the true name of the defend ant could not be discovered and obtaining personal aervlce of summons aipon him. 5 Unless a defendant sued bv the Initial letters of his name under section 148, Code Civil Procedure. Is served personally or makes an appearance In the case, the Judg ment or decree rendered therein Is not binding upon him. . . 1 8. As taxes on real property are a lien upon the land itself, not merely on some In terest tnerein, wnere a tax lien is fore closed within the time fixed by law, but subsequent encumbrances are not barred. such encumbrancers are not relieved of the necessity of redeeming therefrom. In a suit to assert their liens, by tne fact that the ststutory period for foreclosing the tax lien has expired. Merrlam v. (Kiodlett, 36 Neb.. 384. followed: Goodwin v. Cunning ham, 54 Neb.. 11, distinguished. 12176. McCoy asalnst Lane. Error from Douglas. Reversed and remanded. Albert. C. Division No. 8. 1. A guardian has authority to bind the estate of the ward by a contract for serv ices reasonably necessary to the preserva tion or management of such estate. 2. Where auch contract provides that pay ment for such services shall be made out of the estate of the ward the fact that the guardian signs It In her individual, aa well as In her representative capacity, doee not make her a necessary party. In the former capacity, to an action thereon, where It ap pears from the contract as a whole that It was not intended to bind tne guardian per onauv. 3. A claim for services rendered In. pur suance of such contract In within the pre pare lurisaiciion 01 ine county court grant ing tne letters or guardianHnip. and mav be enforced In such court as a claim against ths estate or tne ward. 4. -Where such court acquires Jurisdiction to Issue the letters of guardianship and ap points tne guardian, tne ward residing: within the lounty. It acquires Jurlrdlctlon of the partlea for all purposes of such mat ter, and no summons is required to obtain Jurisdiction of the parties for ths adjudi cation of clalma duly filed againat the es tate. 5. That the compensation provided in the contract la to be meaaured by tne value of the real estate of the ward) and that auch claim, if allowed, must be paid out of the real estate for want of pemonal property belonging to the estates, does not make auch proceedings an tctlon concerning real property, nor deprive the county court aa a court of probate of Jurisdiction. . wnere it appears tnat sucn contract be fore it waa acted upon waa nubtnltted to tne county court, and was ratined and ap proved by It. In the petition for the allow ance of a claim' for the amount due on auch contract addressed to the same court or to the district court on appeal from auch court. It 1a not necessary to allege that the compensation sped nod In the con tract is reasonable. 12713. Baty against Klrnad. Error from Madison. Affirmed. Loblngier, C. Divi sion No. 1. 1. As between Individuals possession of land acquired from the federal government may become adverse from the moment the entryman la entitled to his patent, and if there la no evidence aa to when he became so entitled tt Is proper to refuse an Instruc tion, which leaves- It Jo the Jury to deter mine when the norsesslon became adverse. z. wnere In an action ot ejectment de fends nte rely on a paper live inu also st sn alternative defense upon adverse pos session, an Instruction which defines the latter, though tt Ignores the former de fense, is not prejudicial to plaintiff. 3. In thla atate potscaslon may be ad verse, though the claimant occupies under mistaken belief that the land la actually part of another tract and that the true boundary la different than It really la. 4. Evidence of admissions uy an occupant tending- to show that hla poaaegslon waa not adverse, but which were not made until after aufficlent time had elapsed to vest he title In him by adverse possession. Is properly excluded. a. in Determining nounaary lines Between lands the testimony of a nonexpert who claims to have located the line from gov ernment monuments then In existence, may be accepted by the Jury In preference to hat of surveyors wno nave iiintienuentiy located a different line Independently of such monuments. 6. An ax-eemrnt between adjacent land owners Aa have the exlxting boundary line resurveyed is not auch an admUelun of its Incorrectness aa will Interrupt a claim of adverse possession by either 12231. County of lxgan againat Carnanan. Appeal from Logan. Reversed. Sullivan, C. J. ... 1. The collection or a land tax by juoicihi aale, wltnout an antecedent sale by the county treasurer, la not forbidden by the ronetltutlup. but la contrary to the pro visions of the revenue law. 2. Section 3. article Ix. or the constitu tion, which provldea that the right of re demption from all aalea of real estate fir the nonpayment of taxaa or BMH-lal aoaeHa tnents shall axlat In favor of the owner fur not leas than t o years, refers uotn lo ad ministrative and Judicial salea $. It Is wltr.ln Ihe power or the legisia ure to authoils a judicial aale ot land for the nonpayment of taxea without a prior administrator aalu. but In eucn caaea he purcnaser wuum tine ine imin euojeci o the owner's c-tmstliutlonal right of re demption. . . ft. q 1. urucie v, 01 uie revruue nw, considered apart, does not give no action for the foreclosure of a tax lien hsf cluslvely upon an assessment and levy, but In connection with the suci-eeillng sec tion It gives, or did give, sn action for ths lorecloeure of a tax deed or tsx sale certl ncste. 5. As the law now stands no action for the foreclosure of a tax lien can be main tained unless based upon a tax deed or tax sale certificate. t. The remedies provided by the legisla ture for the collection of taxes upon real estate, being adequate and elllctent, are exclusive. 12215. Cunningham ngalnst Holmes. Error from Dawson. Affirmed., Hastings, C. Division No. 1. Where a negotiable promissory note has been, before Its maturity, duly Indorsed and delivered In escrow wllh the contract of Its purchaser to convey In considera tion of It certain land, and proceedlnga were necessary to enable the purchaser of the note to convey the land and carry out the contract for which the note waa taken, the fact that such proceertltiHS were not C tnpleted and the contract not fulfilled, and the note not delivered by the depository to the purchaser until after It matured, will not deprive the buyer of the rights of a bona tide purchaser" before maturity whero he has completed the transaction In Ignor ance of anv defense. 12275. Anderson against Server. Error from Lancaster. Affirmed. Oldham, C, division No. 2. Unreported. Evidence examined and held sufficient to aiistntn the judgement. 12288. Ketrhtim ugalnst Ply. Appeal from Sherman. Affirmed. Duffle, C, division No. 3. Unreport-d. 123V. Lindeaood against Easton. Appeal from Dakota. Reversed. Amea, C, divi sion No. 3. Unreported. 12321. Caasell asalnst Ashley. Error from Clay. Affirmed. Albert, C, division No. 3. I nreported. Where an anneal la taken from an order of confirmation and a supersedeas granted nd a receiver of the mortgaged premises Is appointed pending such appeal, a tenant of the mortgagor Is entitled to the crops growing on the mortgage premises at tne time of such appointment, as sgalnst such receiver, whether such crops ars mature or not. 12323. Hammond 4 Hammond sgalnst King. Error from Nuckolls. Affirmed. Kirkpatrick, C. division No. 1. Unreported. 1. An instruction presenting a new Issue In the case, which has not been raised by the pleadings or litigated on the trial. Is properly ret used. 2. Evidence examined and found sufficient to sustain the verdict of the Jury and tha judgment thereon. K.137. Omaha Bridge and Terminal com pany against Reed. Error from Douglas. Affirmed. Hastings, C, division No. I. L'n- . reported. 1. A mortgagee who Is a party to con demnation proceedings for right of way over premises has a right of appeal from award of damagra for the taking of such premises Independently of the owner of the fee.. 2. Such right of appeal on behalf of a mortgagee Is not lost nor suspended by the tiling of a claim for payment of thn mortgagee against the estate of the mort gagor. 3. Evidence In this caae held aufficlent to sustain an award of damages for $5,059. 12338. Supreme lodge, S. and D. of Pro tection, against Underwood. Error from Cherry. Affirmed. Albert, C, division No. 3. Unteported. 1. A certificate of membership In favor of a person therein named as beneficiary In a fraternal insurance company organised for the benefit of its members and bene ficiaries. If not voided by the suicide of the assured, In the absence of a provision In the contract of Insurance to that effect. 2. Where It Is claimed that the application Is a part of the contract of Insurance, In such company, such fact must appear from the language of the policy, application, con stitution or bylaws of ths company, or by apt averments in the pleadings of the party thus claiming that It Is, 12339. Brabham against County of Custer. Error from Custer. Affirmed. Pound, C, division No. 2. Unreported. 1. All orders made and proceedings had by a county board In the establishment ot a road are required to recorded, hencs an error from an order establishing a road such proceedlnga can be shown only by u duly certified tranacrlpt of the road record and a properly aettled bill of exceptions containing such matters considered by the board aa were not to be recorded. 2. The original files and papers are not a transcript within tha meaning of section $46 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and cannot take the plaee thereof nor supply defects therein. S. It Is not necessary to enter upon the record an express finding that ths public good requires the road to be opened. 4. The words "et si" following the name of parties to a petition -In error are not a sufficient designation of any persons not expressly named In the petition, even though such persons were parties before the inferior tribunal.. . 12346. Miles against Walker. Error, from Frontier. Comml-.ialoner's opinion. Division No 1. Unreported. 12354. Bollinger sgalnat Knox. Error from Otoe. Affirmed. Oldham, C, division No 2. Unreported. 1. Defenses to a petition for distribution under a will which allege that the cross petitioner was omitted by mistake from the will and alao that she la provided for In the third clause of the will are incon sistent and a rule of the county court re quiring an election on which of these de fenses the cross-petttloner will proceed is fully warranted. 2. A will contained a specific bequest to one living child and a clause bequesting "all the residue of my estats. real and personal, to my other children," naming them, "share and shsrs alike," and also a condition that "If any one of my children nhflll rile. In mv .life lime Ijiavlnw lue 11 a n. 'descendants, I direct thai hU or her share shsll not lapse, but shall be paid to such descendant In equal proportions;" held, that the heir at law of a child who waa deceased before the execution of the will la not entitled to participate In the distribu tion of the residue of the eatate under thla provision. 12351. Fremont Foundry and M. company against Norton. Appeal from Butler. Barnes, C, division No. 2. Unreported. 1. The acceptance by the creditor of a debtor's rheck for less than the whole amount of a past due liquidated account will not operate as an accori snd satisfac tion, unless such check is accompanied by the condition that auch acceptance ahall be a full satisfaction and payment of the whole debt. 2. A check for a less amount than the contract price for a stesm boiler was sent by the debtor to the creditor without any condition as to Its acceptance and with a statement in the nature of a set-off or counter claim which, if allowed, would bal ance the account. The check waa accepted and the amount thereof credited on tha account: the debtor waa immediately noti fied of that fact, immediate payment of ths balance was demanded and the debtor waa Informed that hla claim would not be con sidered. Held, that the acceptance of the ' check waa not a bar to an action to recover the balance 'of the debt. 3. Evidence examined and held aufficlent to sustain the Judgment. 12276. Oakiry against Csrr. Error from -Incaster. Reversed. Loblngier, C, divi sion No. 1. 1. Notlcs of dishonor of a promissory note Is sufficient If sent to ths laat Indnraer by the first mall of the day following dis honor, even though such Indorser Is an agent for collection merely, and he Is en titled to one additional day to notlfv tha Indorser Immediately preceding him. 2. Where such last Indorser receives ths notice of dishonor on Saturday hla notlrs on the next prior Indorser Is timely It served on the following Monday. - 3. The notice served by the laat tndoraer need not be actually prepared by him, but he may adopt and utilise for that purpose a notice aetit to him by the proteatlng of ficer addressed to the next prior Indorser. 4. In an action on a promissory note, sn averment by the holder that he caused due notice of dishonor lo he served on the last Indorse.- but one la sufficient, In the absence of a motion to make more specific, to admit evidence that the notice waa given to the last indorser and by him transmitted to the one next prior. 12355. Smith sgalnat Boyla. Error from Kearney. Affirmed. Duffle, C, division No. 3. 1. A tenant has a reasonable time after the termination of his tenancy to remove his family and personal effects, and Is en titled lo free Ingress and egress for thai purpose. 2. A tenant does not forfeit his right tr , personal property belonging to him by neg, lectlrg to remove It within a reasonable1 time after the expiration of hla lease 3. A tenant who Is denied the right of entry to remove hla gooda may treat suck refural aa a converaluu. , P. B. Weare. Pres. C. A. tVeure. V-Prsa Established 1862. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGC UmmVR Vtfr.;w Pntr-- UllAIV IR4VI4,,. M-oESJai riOKDI Bought and sold for rash or future delivery - . OMAHA BRANCH .110-111 board of Trad. Telephone !516 rao W. E. W.rJ. lxcal i-nagef . HIP I S TOt H ' HIDES STRANGE BROS. HIDE C0.; loss city, lawg.