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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1902)
THE OMAHA PA1JL.Y IlKEFUlllAY, D-KnivtHKH 20, J02. 1L10W -SOW MOD BANK ,'Kan rrora Iowaig kj.ititi of Cub Wlula Ha Bleep. H L OSS. ABOUT SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS Talef r.ptf r Hotel noon aad Remove Holl of Raak tlllta from t ar--atk ; Hea at Sleeper. The old Idea that downy pillow, filled with toft feather, afford better protect tlon for valuable! placed beneath It and sleepy head than the strong Vault of the banks prirtad the 'Mndolhg of TheedoM Frederlcksen, a resident of Atlantic, la., who Jourayed to Omaha Christmas era and brought a Urge-sited bank foil. Bnrsuie of hla belief In pillow protertlon, Fred erlcksen now mourni the loia of $30 In crisp government eurreflcy, which he re ported to the police early Christmas moru la Frederlcksen came to the 'city on busi ness, and before leaving Atlantic drew from the bank nearly $600 lb (lih. Thl be placed In hla Inside pocket, thinking that It would be aecure from the ahrewd methoda prac ticed by the light-fingered gentry. After hla arrival here he went to the Klondike bote) And registered, retiring about 12 o'clock. Between that hour and I o'clock Christ maa morning hla financial condition under went a sudden cbange and be waa reduced nearly to poverty. Before retiring he took the preoautlon to protect hla valuable by removing hi vest and placing It beneattl his pillow. ( Wake l a Loser. Fredertoksen did not awaken until early .la the fnoWng and hFe. fit-It thought waa ot hi easn.y, Upon looking for hla temporary $nk he nearly fell In a faint vhn he found tbitt- fttrMntf the night aome thief had en tered .bl . room and removed the big roll without waking him. baety aearch failed to produce any ' rfcim". Hla gold watch waa not taken. Prelderlckaen, greatly agitated, rushed Into police headquarter and poured bl tale of woe Into th ear of Captain Moatyn and Detective Dutroj He vii unable to give any clue. t .!.'." Frederlck'aen waa rendered nearly pennt lesa by the vlalt of the thief, a the only eaah he poaaeaaed waa' T centa, which the vlaltor left him. ,j NEW STEAM TABLES FOR BEE Dmti WmiiIiI by Recent Explosion y la. Sterootyolaa; Rota Mad Good 1 ' Wlthoat Interraptloa of Work. . I- " j The Bee, haa just completed Installing A two new steam tables In Ha atereotyplng fm m,.tk,tb plac of those disabled by the explosion which occurred Decern ' i bee 1L During the period si doe elapsed, covering two complet weeks, the paper has been produced without laterruritton or , serious delay on a single steam tarble, a achievement. It la believed, unparalleled In newspaper annals, taking Into considera tion the fact that two editions of the even , Ing paper and three editions of the morn . Ing paper have gone to preaa dally. A alight ' conception Of the difficulties overcome may be had when It I stated that last Saturday In the twenty-four hour " preceding the publication ot the Sunday Issuer of The Bee the atereotvelna flnr. ,. atent turned . out fifty-nine matrices, nan--. 01 lag aa many form, which would consume ..7, Wt""'"" Jteara labl with out allowing for any loaa of time between . , Jt la needle to ay that with the : new plant at It command The Be ta tn better position" tHV ever before, In point of Inc'cnnhlcnl faclflf.-js, tor promptly get . ' ; tltt; out a inodera -owpper. V; KEEP;: BOXING DAY TODAY 'kasilleb iva Will Coatlaa Chrlatata by Glvletr lafcordlaafes ,i J .v -. r vPreseata. 1 In England, whll th celebration of Christmas begins as lewher, on Decem ber f. M Observant lasts well into Janu i ry, or at all event did until th atrenuoua . Ufa, pf modern, day le4 men to out ehort ,' their, holiday and make haste to get rich, though now th 2tta Is on of the few ot the supplementary dsys, which Is still observed with befitting honor. It is known m. Boxing day and la kept throughout the British lalea a publio holiday, when It I , proper and almost neceeaary to bestow gift m all In .a subordinate position. Th men who deliver letters, the Ula . graph messenger, ths servant o' th household, th underling In th offlc. all expect to b remembered on Boxing day ' and brav I th man who neglect th eu- File a Timely Kick ( Th Association of Long-Suffering Hu band mot la speolal session at th call of ( th president, T. Reginald Marlow. '. After, th usual banquet had been die : V& of and cigars were la order, om on mildly Inquired what the row waa about anyhow. ' The honorabl . president adjusted hi Tuxsdo to the correct after-dinner atti tude and gated aoulfully upon hi fellow members. 'Gentlemen, a you ar probably awar. Christmas draw near" J"I aay, old man," drawled young Law renc . "why can't you let ua n)oy tb ,ta(unc .of a Jolly good dinner? Not that i lit mind It much thl year, though. When a man' got a wife to do hi Chrlat- iia shopping " '' Law re ace had been married only a few r moatha-and no waa still vain over th f,ct- , ' '"Tftis neighbor on" ths right looked on him wltl) pity...... "Thaf where you betray your Ignorance, my boy, :Wait until ah naa shopped tor .yeu, jsr more, particularly, wait until h ' ha bought you ftw Chrlatmaa present and, jrou'y., perjured your soul la youi ' efforts to tnak her believe tbat ah haa i. Had yew. supremely happy." "HearF1 Hear!" , every preipect of a rlsiag vt.e. befor any qusstlen had been put aad h boaorabl president beat hi after dinner coffee spoon la hammering tor or- '"Gentlemen, according to th rules of this association, tb president state tba object of tha meeting. So her gee. Wt'rt all dead sick ( this Christmas tommyrot: ' Down wttk tb practle of wive giving injposslbl present to hus band" ,Crleo of "Right you rl" "Hs's a Jolly good fellow!" etc. "Shut ap wilt your ' catlaued th president, climbing dowa from hi pari ; Uameptary pedestal. "Now, see her. I want to buy my wa allppsrs. If I'm measured and fitted for my shoe, why not for my slippers f Why should I wear , velvet horror thst don't lit, (imply bcus th rose oo th toe match my amoklng JaoketT" . , . . . "Tkat a aeibi&f," Utsrruftsd Helm, torn and falla to bestow the looked -for Christmas bo. " ' Juat bow the cue torn originated la hard to aay. there have been many theories advanced, but perbap the most likely ta that of a noted profeenor, who found In the habit a aufvival of the Roman featlval of Saturnalia, at which slavea were feasted and master became for the none as slavea themetilv. However this may be, the cus tom baa llted on one side of the Atlantic and died on the other. YEAR OF DELAYED TRAINS Ilallroaa Man Says It la Da aorta; of Cars ss Rnaxlae. "I bav been In this buslnee for over twenty yer and never bav known pas eecger traits ta run on as poor time as they hat don thl year," said on of Omaha' veteran' railroad men yesterday. "It I a tact," he continued, "that roads generally have failed to observe schedules thla year. 1 warrant If comparison could be made It 'would be found tbat mora train were late toot times In the last year than In any other similar period ot Omaha's his tory. . . "Now, It will b Interesting to look Into the cauM ot thl condition. Some will tell -you, glibly, that It I due to the unprece dented volume of traffic and Indirectly that la Correct.' , But that doc not fully explain matters, it la true that, taken aa a whole, thla ha been the greateat year for pas senger and freight bualnesa In the coun try history and Omaha, the gateway to the great west, ha opened her portal to un usually large horde of travelera thla year, but ! here observed that at time when th paasengsr traftlo was th heaviest the train might be making th beet time they had mad during th year. So that doe sot explain It. I was her In one of the old depot year ago when round-trip excursion tickets were sold to California for 15 and 4h rush .of travel waa something tremen dous, but the train all mad good flme. "Th almpla causa la th general short age ot rolling stock. All these roads, or at leait , nearly, all of them, are abort on engines and many on car, and they almply bav been Unable to meat th condition which, thl unheard ot era of prosperity haa thrust Upon them. The railroad magnate who ire given credit tor being th most wlde-twat and progressiva fellow n th country, were caught napping that' time. They did hot foresee thl enormou Increase In bullae coming In time to prepare ade quate means of handling It aa It should have been handled. Now, you will find that carcety a road tn thl part of th Country has failed to order new car and new en gine, especially the latter. But thl doe not necessarily promise Immediate, relief from th congestion that haa set In! The englaemaker throughout the country are already covered up with order that cannot possibly be filled by the last ot 1903, ao that If thfi enormous Increase In volume of bulns has come to itay, and there Is lit tle doubt that It has, It will require mora than year tor the railroad to catch up with the situation." Of Iterst ta Stock Raisers. A number ot letters bav recently been rclt4 by th Nattenal Cornstalk Rem edy company ot Omaha, Neb., from farm er and ttock raiser In Iowa fend Ne braska highly oommehdlng thl remedy as a certain prcventlv for th cornstalk disease. : The letter apeak for them selves and can b seen at the company' offlc at any tlm and by anyone. An effort ha been made by certain par- tie, for aom unknown reason, to Injur th company by an article recently printed In th newspapers of thl otty. Th eornpaay 1 o confident of It mer it and that it will do all claimed that It will furnish the remedy to any stockman or farmer, nd It It doe not prevent the dis ease If fad according ta direction th en ordering netjd! pay .nothing. Tha above ahow th confidence placed In th remedy by the ompoy,. nd th , letters received from those, who ar. utlng It exclusively prove It scllablllty. The remedy I pro tested by registered trad mark in th pat ent .o Ace , at. Washington. ? .The general offloe of tbe f'Nattonal Corn tatk Remedy company" la at 427 Ram block, Omfena, Neb., to whom all order hould be addressed. NATIONAL CORNSTALK REMEDT CO., J. R. Mt'lR General Manager. Publlah yeur legkl netlee la The Weekly Be. Telephone til. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. , 1 ??'. J". C,rl'" Pnrtln the holiday with friend and, relative In David City, Zer Snow, attorney for the Pacific Ex aTmard0"1"'' l PorlUnd r,- - et the -r" I'eilma and wife of the "Floro doV,JPnV,"n togethar with Mlaa Hasard Pl!!... r.'OB Qt tb am cuwpny, are at th Millard. who deal In real estate. "My wife bought me a waisteoat last Chrlatmaa. It wouldn't meat by aa Inch In th front, but b wtnttd to Insert a 'T la the back becaus Itr waa so sweet and1 went so well with her nrw dinner gown." "Imagine Holme In a dov-colored bas ket cloth, cut on th blaa and dotted with red tars l" interpolated a wit. "Well,, it wasn't quit sa bad aa that" "Aaytklag ta bad enough." groaned Frli bl. wk waa juat recovering from the grip aad saw ta world through dun-colored pectacle. . Lat year I got th tip tbat my wif wated to present me with. a new moklag jackal. I coached my tailor, and gav her ladyship $10. Christmas morning th dear wetnan led up t on of those rsady-to-wear opsy corner lor flt.M. On th aear-ftllk couch cover was spread out a borne-mad amoklng Jacket. She'd ripped UP my second best Tuxedo for a psttera aad ther wer tuck, or frills, or something of th sort, under my arm, o that I couldn't rale my, hand to my head. Th blamed thing won't 'wear out, and ah haa never ceased to congratulate herself on hoe much more she got for that twenty than It Scott, my tailor, had mad th smoking jackat." Thoapsoc. who is paying teller In th Green Perk bank; , ow aonieUilng ahlay from hi breast pocket aad laid It rvr atly on th table. "Ther, geaUcmea, la a bit of vertu that I have ba carrying' about tor two long year. 1 can't lose It. nor can I gtv it away, because my monogram stares m In th ." r . Th asaoclatlM "rubbered" to a maa, and saw a richly sngraved clgaretu ease. ' "Now, I'll leav It t you fellow." eoa tlnued Thsmpsoa, plaintively; "have I vr ba known t mok a cigarette T" A choru at "no" answered hla question. "And my Wife heaven blaa her bought thl bees use h said th cigar cases wer bulky they'd (poll th hap of my pock!."'- "Boy, what' th use of keeping thl upf latsrrupted tb areatdsnt. "We've all bee ther. W v had hand-paiated shtvlag ease with tissue paper that wilt at the sight at a rasor. Ws ve had of eushloa tbtt Uoked betur after all on th asv trawlaf roe at tivaa. Wv aad AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Street Improvement Being; Dlcu4 bj Oounoilmen . and Taipayer. PLAN TO LEVEL TWENTY-THIRD STREET Chrlat-aas Paaaea Wlthaat Rxelteateat r Work for Police Drpartmeat lr Crop Proailaos Well Magle City Gosala. Improvement In the street of th city are continually being discussed by council men and taxpayers. Th most recent prop osition I to do some grading at Twenty third and P street and at Twenty-third and M atreeta, ao aa to make a good dirt road driveway from the southern part ot the city to the Omaha line. Th greater portion ot thla street Is In good condition, having been worked by the road machine during th fall. Those who Ilk to drtv aver that if th two hump mentioned were taken eft the street there would be aa excellent driveway of over a mile. There aeen to be no opposition to th I expense attached to thla work and It la pre aumed that the proper petitions and ordl nances will be arranged during the winter, ai that work can begin In the spring, While It I especially desired tbat Twenty-third street be placed la first clsa con dition th member of th council assert that the work proposed will In no way In terfere with the keeping ot other etreet the city In good condition. Improvement bonds may be voted later on, but a there la no certainty about this th work already proposed will be don at the expense of the property ownera directly In terested. alet Chrlatmaa. A -far aa the police were concerned. Christmas passed off quietly. Only a half doxen arrests were msde and only a por tion of those tsken Into custody were de tained all day. There waa nothing unurual to mar the serenity of th fore and conse quently when the night fore went on It had little to do but look pleasant and pa trol almost deserted street. Maklaar lee Rapidly. Tastcrday'a cold weather made Ice rapidly and If there la a continuance ot the present cold spell, dealer her aay thay will b able to commence cutting by the end of the present week or th first of next week. Th thaw dtd considerable damage to th lea, but in a way It benefited the crop, aa It melted the snow.' Icemen say that sine the snow is off th loo will make mora rapidly than with a coating ot anow on top. Plenty of men ar waiting around th cheap lodging houaea, waiting for th an nual harvest to commence, and it is thought that there will be no lack of help when active work on the Ice field commence. Favor Pardoalna; Board. The Taxpayers' league ha named a com mittee, composed of Mayor Prank Koutsky, Attorney W. C. Lambert and Dr. W. H. Slabaugh, to preaent to Governor Mickey the resolutions adopted by the league re garding the appointment of a pardoning board. The governor la urgently requested to recommend to the legislature the enact ment of a law creating for the atate of Nebraska a pardoning board. Further, th" league appeala to th member ot the com ing legialature to aupport such a recom mendation. Coal Sapply Aboat Evea, The packer are dot any too far ahead on their coal aupply, but enough la coming In to keep the plant running. It was stated laat night tht tha. cold snap had delayed shipments slightly, but the packer do not appear alarmed, as It I up to th railroads. Tha packer say: "No coal,' no packing houae products shipped out." Sine thla expression ha been mad publio tha packera do not teem to fear a coal famine, a tha railroad ar anxious to haul out packing bouse product at all time. Maarle City' Gossip. Miss Jennie Levy has gore to Des Moines to visit friends for a week. W. O. Sloan Is on tha. eick list. Ha Is Buffering; from a sever attack of r neur onal lam. . s .Mrs. Dcnna Alberry leaves. . today for Waterloo. Ia., where ah will visit friends for a week. The railroad men Injured In th Bur lington wreck In th yards Monday night are getting better right along. Anthony King and wife of Dunlap, la., are here, the gueata of Mrs. James Han nlgan, Thirty-seventh and T atreeta. Clyde Lake, who shot himself about a week ago, is still alive and the attending physician says that he will doubtless re cover. CRACK SAFE AND GET AWAY swasBsvjT-aaai Bmralare Carry 0T llaadred Dollars la Caah for Their Troable. Burglars, thought by th nolle to h.-a been expert, mad a successful haul Chrlatmaa eve from th harness stor of Lon; Sufferinj Husban.s Air Their Grievances. necktie that would fill th soul of a Dutch comedian with Joy. We'v had fountain pena that wouldn't spout on demand. We'v had handkerchief and neoktls cases that yawned and acattered our haber dashery to th four wind of heaven. And now th question Is, What's the remedy?" "Lt' give our wive laat year' gown," suggested Johnson. "They'll cut 'em over," said th pessi mistic Frlsbi. "Try near-gold amoklng net!" "What la the matter with chartering a yacht and taking to aea?" "Lf have a typewritten Hit of thing w don't want mad for general distribu tion." . , Tba president demanded order and an nounced: "The debate 1 closed. Th ecretary will now read some resolutions which he ha been framing up whll tb rest ot you were trying to he funny. Let her go. 01111." Thl I what the aecretary read: "Whereas, We, th member ot th Aso elation ot Long-Suffering Huabanas, nave In times past jointly and severally suffered greatly In body and spirit from th loving ministrations ot our affectionate spouses, who, at varioua and aundry tlmea prior to th merry Chrlatmaa aeaaon, have sur reptitiously relieved ua of all loose change and auch big billa aa they could lay haada on. for the purpose of purcbaalng glfta which we do not and cannot uae, bs It "Resolved, That we, the members of the aforesaid association, do hereby pledge our selves to give and contribute to th asso ciation hereinbefore mentioned, ia th per son of It treasurer, all those money which In tlm paat we have left In our trousers pockets aa a snare and a temptatloa to th sharers of our joy and sorrow, th am to b devoted t some just and worthy cause; and be it 'Resolved. That thla Juat and worthy causs be declared to b a smoker to be given at uch reasonable tlm after th Chrlatmaa holiday aa ahall be decided by the president best fitted for aa exchsngs of experience and a dcclsloa as t th valus of th plaa herela preposed." Th rolaUoa waa adopted by acolama-Uou, J .fftfc't) - V Jim Dumps at Chrlatmaa formerly JJli2iV JV'rr" Was cross and cranky as could be. Jr I 1 yYf I t-fTV f l Butseshlmnow among the holly 3 I yfmmmMmj 1X Vll J) From satins; Force grown spry and Jolly. f Vtrl if 1 Luis You'll find, by looking hard at him, 1- f ' i J i jfeywl That 8anUCIaus Is "Sunny Jim." A brings peact sSf nJCm IW w and good wU. rU ' CTl t C rr "'Twee Food haa been a wc-nderfnl loon to tri,'' ' J?a7 lf ' Qf'1 fjJjT m JrS and I have eaten almost three ewes now. ' I want to ' mSv9. H L. rV jra. I li ' Sjavflv thank you vary much for the benefit 1 have received iVv jpbV eJ I ?i3V. V ,. , V from Ik 1 aau't see how I ooald have got along with- ! M) I A ir-Saav i 'A7 J out It. B. H. Muxia," L o O c V S? Sw J H IV7C Alfred Cornish, 1210 Famam street. The midnight visitor pried open a back wtndnw with a Jimmy and applied their attention to the safe In th stars, securing $100 In caah and escaping without leaving a clue. The burglar drilled Into the strong box, broke the leave of the combination and worked without iear of detection In the obscurity which th stock and partition of the store afforded them. A brace ant bit and check taken from the safe were i found upon the floor. ' Amueamouts. At the Boyd. ' The English musical comedy, In two sets, entitled "Florodora," JQook by Hall. Music by Leslie Stuart, Principal In th Cyrus W. Ollfaln, proprietor of the la land and the perfume of Florodora.. Charlea Dox Captain Arthur Donegal, Fourth Royal Life Guards, Lady Holyrood's brother ..Wlllard Curtlss FTank Abercoed, manager tor Mr. Oil fain of th island of Florodora Charles H. Bowers Lesndro, overseer of farms. ...Alfred Cahlll Anthony Tweedlepunch, a showman. . pnrcnoioaisi, nypnomsi ana paimisi Dolores .7. .......,.AIf C. Whelan Corinne Mlsa Qrace Hasard Angela Ollfaln Lady Holyrood ,.MIs Isadore Hush tt would be telling to lay how many time "Florodora" has been heard la Omaha, but it Isn't violating any confidence to aay that the present visit 1 In many waya more delightful than either of th others. For one reaaon, we are again given an oppor tunity ot bestowing applause on friends of former yeara. For example, Isadora Rush, popular with Omaha people since her first visit, and who look better than ever, and who, while not pretending to especial ex cellence a a vocal musician, managea to alng acceptably and act charmingly, and thu win mor than ever th heart of th people "down In front." And Corinne, rem iniscent of many, many thing ot a dead and, gon paat she BtlU ha ber Colorado maduro complexion, her hair of midnight hu and ber sparkling eye that hoot out tboss aam old coquettish glances so that Dolores lives again In the ghoat of a former Carmen. And Mr. T. E. Whltbread, who, Ilk May de Sousa, "used to llv In Omaha," lead the clerk and. atarta off In "Tell M. Pretty Maiden," and haa mad good with th management to th extent thai on to night he will be given a chance to alng the part et Lord Abercoed. Mia Orac Haxard I on of th nw one for Omaha, and she aang a sew song last night, which was easily th hit of the piece. "The Fellow Who Might." Mr. Alt C. Wheelan, too, was j a siranaer ku ua uvivre ibsi uigoi, ana yet hi Tweedlepunch performance waa ao much to our liking that w feel w know him real well now. At any rat, be will never be considered Strang ia Omaha again, ao matter what he doe. Two remarkably large auditteea crowded Into the Boyd at tb matinee and evening performance yesterday, and the people wer a goodnaturad - aa th moat ardent advocat of th Chrlatmaa apirlt could ask. Bo th people on tb stags worked very hard to entertain th people who paid to aea them, and th rasult waa that both afternoon and evening th plec went with a anap and not a slip of any kind oc curred. Thre mor performance will b Uvea. rnRSOMAlXT COSorCTED riorlda Esearaloa VI "DUlo Flyer" Root. Oa Tuesday, January th, aa excursion will b run from Neoraaka to Florida with through sleeping ears from Omaha and Lia rola, via Burlington Rout to St. Lou I aad th "Dlxl Flyer" Rout from ther t Jack sonville. This xurloa will b a personally con ducted n and will be la charge of Mr. George W. Bonncll, C. T. A., B. M. R. R.. Llncola, Neb., who la thoroughly familiar with the point of Interest earoule and la th stat of Florida. A yoa pass through Cairo, Martin. Nashvills, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon, and make a U-hour stopover at Chatta nooga, wher aa experienced guide will conduct th party through Chattaaoota Park, pay a vlalt te Lookout Mountain and ther point of Interest; th trip will b a interesting aad iaalructlv oa. Aa early application for Bleeping car pace I suggested. Aak for copy of Illus trated booklet outlining th trip at 140) Farnam 8u, or writ W. H. BRILL. Diet. Pasa. Aft., Uiiawif Caatral Rail re ad, Omaha, N.a. CALIFORNIA? No matter how you want to go, "Southern'' or "Scenic'' route, in a tourist sleeper or aboard the finest train in America, theRock, Island is the line to take. Don't make any mistake about that. Thro tourist cars daily from Kansas City and once a week from Omaha to Los Angeles and San Francisco via El Paso. Tourist cars three times a week from Omaha to San Francisco-and Los Angeles via the Scenic'1 line through Colo "rado and Utah. Golden State limited leaves Kansas City daily and offers unrivalled serviqe to all points in Southern California. Berths, tickets and full information at ail Rock Islan 1 .-ket offices, or addressing, C. A. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A , 1323 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. rasp FRICK CLAIMS MONOPOLY Says He Factories Can Compete with Million Dollar Steel Oernbin. TRUST CONTROLS ORE AND FUEL SUPPLY latervtewed Coaoeralag; Corporation, Ho Deellaea Jlontlaatioa to Exeea tlvo osaao, bat Basa Baalaoaa a Greatest Achievement. PITT8BURG, Dec 15. "There I no v cancy In the presidency of the t'nlted Etatea Steel corporation, or any other ex ecutive position that I know f, and even If there were, and I should be offered onn, my own affairs require to much of my tlm that It would aot be possible tor m to consider anything of the kind." Th abov statement was made by H. C. Frlck. "I am much averse to newspaper Inter views," he continued, "but my nam haa been ao peraiatently used In connection with position In th United State Steel corporation tbat I rather welcome the op portunity of making thl statement. I hav retired from active bualueaa and nothing would Indue m to tak any position that could claim my time from my own afsira. I am a director In the L'nlted States flfel corporation, bealdss being a large stock holder, and am much Interested in It uc csss, aad whll I am willing to give all tb tlm aad attention required of ma a director, I could aot accept any position that would require my dally aad exclusive attsotlon. "I ana a thorough believer la the latrinsi T- ' P. S. Write for "The Golden State" a beautifully illustrated booklet descriptive of California, Interesting, instructive, practical sent free on request. value of th property, tb various constitu ent companies ar also wall organised and hav capable men In charge of tnem. I bad an opportunity during th recent In spection of meeting a number of the presi dent and other of th constituent com panies' management and was delight! at tha enthusiasm and Interest showu In their varioua organisations, and, after all, th management of those various constituent eompanlea la of greater Importance than the personnel of the executive eontmltt ot Ui t'pltsd Statea Steal corporation. "Th executive aad Bnanc committee ar composed ot able men, who ar giving th business of th corporation arful ttn tlou. "Mr. Morgan baa aetompllshsd a great many big thing la hi tlm, but b never put anything together, ta my opinion, that ha th merit, or that did mor for the capitalist, laborer and mnsumer tla when he formed the United Statea Steel corpora tion. Ita position, ao far aa ore and fuel are concerned, 1 Impregnable, and without or and coal, It doe not batter how r--b money It may have, no concern can become aa Important factor la th tl business." TEARFUL CHRISTMAS TALE Maa treat Ksaoraoa, low, Tell Folio that HI Wile Deserte4 Bias. A tearful Chrlatma UI waa poured lata th ear of Desk Sergeaat Marshall at Po lice headquarter yesterday meralng. when a sobbing stranger, giving hi nam aa F. Robinson, residence, Bmeroon, la., ttood. before th Wicket aad wept boeaa of al leged unfaithfulness aad desertion by bl wife, Tllli Roblnsoa. Roblnsea told tb officer tbat hi wif had r bean called to Omaha the night bsfore by a telegram which she said had beea ent by a relative here and which Informed her of atcknes In bey brother' family demand ing her immediate departure for thl city. He later dlaoovered, he claimed, that tb dispatch waa a decoy and had beea eent tor tb purposs of affording hla wif aa oppor tunity ta leav him without arousing sus picion. He cam to Omaha on. th first train and tonnd that Mr. Roblnaoa was not at the bom of tb relative, but had dlaappeared. ROBBERY AT SHOP'S HOTEL Strike Breaker Carries OaT Cask Be loatlaa; to III llooa Mate, j . Gordon Forsyth mad a grjsvous error Chrlatma evening when he failed ta bla hosiery to the mantle and await th coming of Santa Claua with th hop that tb foot apparel would be filled with timely gift. H Blled hi owa aock befor ho retired for th evening, in a room la th Union Pacific abopa hotel, by placing hla roll of bill, aggregating $o, therein, to preserve It from being clutched by ethers. After retiring be slept soundly, all too soundly, for during th night hi root mat, by keen manipulation, uceedd la cutting a bole of aufflclent site In tb hosiery to permit th removal ot Forsyth's lucr. and then dlssppeared. Th vletlm pent a gloomy Christmas waiting around , police headquarters for th arrest of th thief and th recovery of bla cash. Health aw bkii coat.. . A fw e ot Dr. King's New Lit Pills will claose, ton and Invlgorat th wbols system. Try them. Only tie. For sal by Kuha Co.