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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1902)
BOY TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Brooding Orer tha Suioide of aa Uncle ' Bnppowd to Be the Cause. RESENTS THE HUSBAND'S INTERFERENCE 'ratloaa Belnar Made to Tender D. K. Tkompioa a Reception Before Hie' trputirt to Take Hli Tost la Brasll. fFrom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Dec. 25. (Special.) Adalbert Lemon, the 10-year-old aon of Rev. H. A. Lemon of Bethany, committed suicide yes terday sfternooa by shooting himself with a 22-callber rifle. No cause for the act of the child la known, unles It can be ex plained as the result of morbid broodlngs over the fate of an uncle who killed hlm alf In the same manner last August. He shot himself while he was standing by the porch of his father's house and died at 7 p. m. Physicians who were sum moned made a hasty examination of the boy, who had shot himself lo the abdomen, and determined upon an operation. The viscera had been penetrated In seren (laces. An effort waa made to suture the wounda, but the efforts were of no avail, aa the hemorrhage and the shock attend ing the wound were too severe for his small frame to withstand. Before he died the boy told his parenta that the Idea of aulclde had come Into hla bead several weeks ago and that he bad Wn thinking of It ever since. The boy was admitted to membership In the Christian church of Bethany several weeka ago, but bad not manifested any sign of unusual fervor In his belief. A newspaper clipping giving an account of the death of the uncle by suicide last August had been In the boy's hands before the deed and undoubtedly preyed on hla mind to the extent that he determined to' take his own life. The coroner has de cided that. It will not be necessary to hold aa Inquest. T Haa Another .Man. Dora Martin, with a rather at tractive figure, was the . moving cause In a shooting scrape which took place this morning at T o'clock on Eaat O street. Her husband, John R. Martin, engaged In aa alternation with Relgh C. Poole over their rights to the affections of the woman, with the result that he waa shot at twice by Poole and severely wounded In the hand. Poole was arrested and locked up at the police station pending the filing of a. complaint charging him with assault with Intent to kill. Martin and hla wife came to the city sev eral days ago from Holton, Kan., and went to live at 1605 O atreet. His wife secured employment aa a chambermaid and he went to work at day labor. 'Something more than a week ago the wife met Poole, who wears better clothing than her huaband. and forgot ber vow to cling to the one whom aha had wedded. A quarrel caused the couple to live apart. This morning aa the wife left her room to go to work ahe met her husband. Pnnte kn m-a mtanA- I n- t .... . . ..... ' ..xfrv . ' "'pp,e1 Mked Martin, what you doin' with that woman?" I Martin, in mild aurprlae at the question as to his right to apeak to hla wife, re. piled rather tartly, and the woman began to move away. Poole drew a revolver from Ms pocket and began ahootlng. Ths flrat shot broke several bonea Id Martin a right hand. The aecond -shot went wild, Martin fell to the ground and Poole ran down the street Id aa attempt to escape. He was arrested by an officer who waa hurrying tip to the scene of the shooting la reasons to a hurry call. ' "' - Martin was taken to a surgeon. His hand Is badly mangled and It was neces eary to remove aeveral of the bonea. The man who did the shooting is employed aa a Janitor In a downtown office building. Nothing Is known as to his antecedents. Arrested oa Release from Prison. Jamea Leasing, who was sent up from Washington county for horse stealing, was released this morning after having served a term of fifteen months. When he came to the city to take a place that bed been promised him he ran afoul of the police and waa promptly arrested and held until the Omaha train was resdy to leave at 1:40 p. in. He waa taken to the station In charge of an officer and huBtled off to Omaha. Mandamus t'onaty Jxlge. A mandamus suit will be filed shortly to compel County Judge Waters to pay Into the county treasury feea which he has col lected during bis term of office for perform ing marriage ceremonies. Two of the county commissioners have passed a resolution demanding that the county attorney tak.u aome action to aeoure the payment of these fees Into the county treasury. This con tention Is denied by Judge Waters, who in slsta that he la Juit aa much entitled to the fees for performing the marriage ceremony aa are- the ministers of the gospel who per form them. He Is willing that ault should be brought to determine his rights. let at the Capital. A holiday air prevailed throughout the city today. A few business houses were closed all day. All were closed after 13 Some Quaint Features of Life. A curioue attraction at a public house ear Bromley, England, la a second-hand ooffln. It waa made by the village car penter, who frequently made cases for Darwin's collection. One day work being acarce the carpenter asked for something to do and wss told by Darwin that be could make blm a coffin, which he did. The body of Darwin Is said to have lain In It for two days before his burial In West minster abbey was decided upon. A new coffin was then provided and the first passed Into the possession of the carpenter and at bis death was bought by the pub lican. An Indian traveler In Tibet who aaw the Orand. Llama in 1882 thus described him: "The Grand Llama Is a child of 8, with a 'bright and fair complexion and rosy cheelrs. His eyes are large and penetrstlng, the I shape of his face remarkably Aryan, . though somewhat marred by the obliquity of bis eysa. The thinness of his person waa probably due . to the fatigue of the court ceremonies and to the religious du ties' and asretio observance of hla eatate. A yellow miter covered his head, and Ita ,peadant lappets hid his ears; a yellow .mantle, draped hla person, and he sst cross-legged, with joined palm. The throne on which he sat was supported by carved lions and covered with silk scarfs. The state officers moved about with becom ing dignity." "Honey" Vaa Keuren tells In the New York Press of the disappointed patrons of one of New York's popular restaurants when thuir favorite brand of whisky gave out. The proprietor, needing more room In his cellam. gathered together something Ilka '100 doraljohns. some full, some psrtly v full, of as many different brands of whisky, which b felt obliged to keep la atock, evra though called t-r only once in a year. It was a matter of pride with him to have a little of every knowa distillation All theae brands, regardless of age, color, pivot, quality, lsiu or test, acre emptied o'clock. The hotel lobblea were deserted. Even the politicians have sought their family roof trees for the enjoyment of the Christmas cheer. Governor-elect Mickey went to Osceola to spend Christmas, but will return tomorrow. Governor Savago spent the day working on his message. The merry Tule tide waa ushered In with elaborate ceremonies at many of the churches Isst night. Today at St. Theresa pro-cathedral mass wss celebrated at S a. m. At 11 o'clock a. m. a special musical program waa given. Tonight seversl of the churches had Chrlstmaa treea and exerclacs for the children of their Sunday schools. Talk of City Election. Artlve preparations are now In progress to bring out candidates for the mayorallty nomination next spring. The two wings of the local republican organisation will come Into active conflict, according to a promi nent politician who was seen todsy. Reception to D. E. Thompson. The committee that was appointed at a meeting of the Commercial club Tueadsy night to prepare for a reception In honor of D. E. Thompson, the newly appointed minister to Brazil, has appointed the fol lowing promluent cltixens of the state mem bers of the executive committee to take the preparation tor the reception In hand: W. A. Oreene, William Ieonard, Attorney Oeneral Prout. E. C. Hewlett, W. C. Wilson, C. O. Crittenden. Dr. C. F. Iidd. C. D. Mullen, J. C. Hnrpham, E. R. Sixer, Henry U Meyer, A. J. Cornish. J. H. Miller, John T. Dor an. George J. Woods W. B. Har greaves, K. H. Stephenson, W. J. Bryan. T. E. Calvert, J. 1 Oreene, Captain James t'osgrae, Kdward Ulgnell, A. 11. Weir, ('. Ia Eaton. F. M. Hall, Roscoe Pound, Oeorge W. lloldrege, Omaha; L. P. Funkhoiiaer, S. H. Burnham, D. C. Van Duyn, Frank E. Moore. Omaha; C. J. Mils. Kalrbury; Ben T. White. Omaha; J. E. Haitm, Omaha; J. B. Dlnsmore, But ton; J. I). Pope, Friend; Charles Sloan, tteneva; Frank Helvey, Nebraska City; Q. C. Kallsbark, Aehland; F. I. Fose, Crete; Byron Clark, I'lattsmotith; C. E. To!t, Omaha; Allen O. Fisher. Chadron; Mr. Robertson, Norfolk; Thomas Murray, Dun bar; Edward Roaewater, Omaha; Dr. & F. Ashby, Fairmont; J. J. McCarthy, Ponoa; C. J. Bowlby, Crete; E. N. Allen. Arapa hoe; C. B. Rogers, Wymore; A. Campbell, MeConk; C. C. Chase, Omaha; Dan C. Olf fert, Point; R. B. Schneider. Fremont; Smith Caldwell, Edgar; Mayor Miles, Hast-Ina-a: W. H. Ferguson. Hastings: E'W. Ounther, Albion; H. C. Andrews, Kearney; Oeorge Mcisner, Shelton: M. O. Ie 3hel ton; J. Q. Ross, David City; 'J. P.' Lnfta, Ttkamah; J W. HolmqulMt, Oakland; Ed ward i.puiKe, umana; m. LpfliKe, Omaha; J. O. Vilker, Ong; R. F. Kloke, West Point; William Stuefer, West Point; Sam Wolback. Orand Island; Thomas Con nor, Grand Island: J. D. Haskell,. Wake field; J. O. Mllllgan, Wakefield; D. Mathe son, Norfolk; George Haase, Emerson; Peter Burlett A'lburn; Charles Marshall, Douglas; S. A. Buck, Berlin: John Steln auer, Stelnauer; W. F. Huff, Stelnauer; T. E. McDonald, Danbury; B. E. Aahtol, Danbury; F. 6. Wilcox, McCook; Mr. Franklin, president Citizens' bank, Mc Cook; Moorhead A Weaver, Falls City; F. W. Samuelson, Humboldt; O. N. Cooper, Humboldt; P. J. angdon, Gretna: A: W. Clark, Papllllon; F. R. Clark. Wahoo: J. N. Echman, Pawnee; E. R. Qurney, Wln alde; C. F. Ound, Blue Hill; F. Johnel, Blair; H. M. Child, York; A. I Clark. Hastings; George F. Boyd, Oakdale; W. G. Gaines, St. Edward; W. S. Clapp, Kearney; C. K. Cull. Oakland; J. R, Phelan, Alliance; A. D. Welton, Greenwood; E. T. Kearney, Jackson; C. M. Brown, Cambridge; J. M. Rankin, Cambridge; R. H. Rankin,- Cam bridge; A. G. Hagadorn. Curtis; Ed L. Willets, Alma: J. M. Cox. Hampton; Bradt A Goodman, North Platte; E. E. Good, Peru; !. J. Titus. Holdrege; H. E. Bush, Holdrege: E. O. Titus, Holdrege; C. W. McConoughy. Holdrege; J. H. Miles, Falls City; J. I Slocum, Falls City; E. T. Fergu- aon, friend; L. E. Houthwlc m. Murphy. Crete; C. B. An J. U Tldball, Crete; C. F. C'a lcr. r'riena; a. Anderson, Crete; Calhoun. Snrlnr- fleld: A. Bnearman. SnHnefleld: Mr. Cole man, Springfield: H. A. Wlggenhom, Spring field; Irvi Miller. Stanton: W. N. Richard son, Red CloiXl; M. Bentley. Rod Cloud; C. Potter, Red Cloud: J. T. Bressl.r. Wayne; A. U Tueher.. Wayne; H. Behllng, Tork; J. A. Sunderland, Omaha; Hon. J. H. Mil lard, Omaha; L. T, Sunderland, Omaha; John W. Tramell, Oxford; I. Bhepherdson, Rlverton; W. E. Reed, Madison; Senator W. V. Allen, Madlaon; C. . Burnham, Ttlden; T. B. Hord, Central City; G. P. Biasell, Central City; N. A. Duff, Nebraska City; Henry Ragata. Columbus; H. 8. El liott, Columbus?, Mr. Splecfl., Columbus; Jonas Welch. Columbus; J.. H. Galley, Columbus; I. Gluck, Columbus: R. 8. Dickenson, Columbus; T. FrtedhorT Colum bus; J. Houseman, Bradshaw; Ralph Btan ley, McCool; Mr. Ranaom, Norfolk; Henry Harkson, Davey; A. I. Beemer, Beemer; O. K. Lewis, postmaster. Falls City; Captain Adams, Superior; Charles Hunter, Inavale; W. P. Pierce, Wllsonvllle; H. 6. Miller, Holbrook; J. N. McPheely, Mlntfen; L, D. Richardson, Fremont; W. H. Meeker, Greenwood; Rev. L J. Harrington, Or leans; R. J. Kilpatrlck, Beatrice; F. M. Wetherald, Hebron; Dan Cook, Beatrice. CORNSHELLER TAKES AN ARM Polk Connty Farmer Meets "with Serious Accident While at Work, OSCEOLA, Neb., Dec. 16. (special.) Mr. Charles Tlmm, ,a prosperous' farmer who lives In the valley, met with' a se vere accident yesterday while he was feed ing a corn shelter. His right arm got caught In the machinery and all the flesh below the elbow wss torn away. Dr. Shaw was called to attend him and has great hopes of saving the arm, but It will never be good for much. 1 Injnred Planting; Fire. . RISINO CITY, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special Tolegram.) This afternoon the house of Ferdinand Albright burned to the ground. The fire originated from a defective flue. Mr. Albright, In the attempt to extinguish the flamea, fell oft the roof, severely In juring his back and sustaining a sprained ankle. The household goods were saved. Loss $400, with no insurance. Into a cask, and the mixture was tabled "Blank's Private Stock." A few old cus. tomera were let Into the secret that for the asking they might have a wee nip of something very fine at only 20 cents a drink. Having sampled, they whispered to their friends, and presently men were walking blocks to "put oil on the troubled waters." "Babies never get seasick. I have car- ried thouaands of them in my time," said an American line steward, according to the Philadelphia Record. Vand In rough hef ' V" Lhe'.r f"hV;- moth"- brothers and ai.ters i keel over like soldier. " V':Ut n0'" W'h th! babies. Whether It be rough or smooth at sea. a .baby I. , always an exo.lent sailor -rosy, jolly and with the appetite of a horse. Do you know the em anation ef this singular fact? It la as simple as the fact is strange. Babies don't get sesalck because they are accustomed to the rock ing of the cradle. That movement Is much like the rocking of a ship. A baby aboard ship, therefore. Is merely a baby in an unusually big cradle, and there la nothing odd to him about the rocking, for it Is what, he has been accustomed to all his life." . . . - David Mather, a Coanectlcut Tankee, waa one of the Dodge City "bad men." relates Everybody's Magaxlae. He once remarked, "These killers are all murderers. All of em ioos tor tne Deal of It.' U I made up my mind I hsd to kjll a man. I'd rather find him asleep thaa any other way.". ASTien he waa deputy marshal at Loa Vegas a man stepped up to him. put a platol in bis face and aald. "You're the fellow who. goes aroend here klllln' people. I'll just Ci you out right now." Mather threw his lands before his fsce gad backed off. "No.' no!" sa14 he, "you're mistaken. I'm your friend, I'm no killer. I'm peaeeable. I'm your frleud. I'm your friend." The puixled avenger hesitated and droned bis guu-baad TIIE OMAHA DAILY TIKE; FKTDAY, DECEMBER git, 1002. RILLED BY HEAVY TIMBER Prominent Fanner Near Oook Mseta With a Fatal Accident. POWERFUL BLOW LANDS OVER HIS HEART On Ran of the Timber la Caaaht In the Machinery anal the Loose One Files Aroaad and Strikes Him. TECCMPEH, Neb.. Dec. 25. (Special Tel egram.) A crew of men with a power saw were at work sawing up a lot of heavy timber at the home of William Holsrher. a well-to-do German farmer, five miles north west of Cook, yesterday, when an accident occurred which cost Holscher hla life. In aome manner the end of a big timber was caught In the machinery and the loore end was hurled around with terrific force and struck Mr. Holscher In the side, just below the heart. He fell to the ground and expired Immediately. Besides recetvlnv serious internal injuries, three, ribs were broken. No blame for the accident at tached to anyone. Mr. Holscher was well thought of In the community. He was agsd about 40 years, and leaves a widow and three sons. ROBBERS LOOT KANSAS BANK Blow the Safe and Take Bvery Cent of Money la the Iastlta tlon. SUPERIOR, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special Tel egram.) The State bank of Webber, Kan., aeven miles south of this city, was robbed last night of )1,600 In cash. Today being a holiday the robbery was not discovered until late this morning. The vault of the bank was built of atone. The robbers dug a hole through this large enough to admit a man and then dynamited the safe, which waa Inside. Getting into the safe they blew open the steel chest and got the money. They did not leave a cent. There Is no clue whatever to the robbers. The bank carries ample Insurance and will lose noth Ing. The bank was started Just a month ago. W. R. Dick of Liberty, Neb., Is pres ident; Qeorgo Scoular of this city, vice president, and Marshall R. Dick of Liberty, cashier. Knights Templar Chrlstmaa. ' FALLS CITT, Neb., Dec. 25. (Special.) Christmas day was appropriately observed by Mount Slnal commandery No. I, Knights Templar. In ita hall In this city In the forenoon at 10 o'clock. The following pro gram was carried out: "Ancient Knight hood," J. R. Cain; "Grand Commandery of Nebraska," George W. Holland; "Mount Slnal Commandery No. 3," D. D. Reaviss; "The Lambskin," D. W. Bowles; "Knight and Sybollc Masonry," W. E. Dorrington; "Our Absent Sir Knights," A. E. Osntt; "Knighthood of the Future," J. R. Cain, jr. - All the churches had some sort of enter tainment and treat for the children Christ mas eve. ' Flarht for FALLS CITT. Neb., Dec. 25. (Special. The fight for the postofllce Is warming up at this place. The republicans who have grievances against the present incumbent, E. D. Lewis, who is a strong candidate for reappointment, called a caucus to bo held at the court 1 bouse Monday evening. About forty of the faithful responded. By a close vote of those present it was de cided to support J. J. Tanner for appoint ment aa against Mr. Lewis. The fight In the eaucus was between J. J. Tanner and B. Slmonton, but Mr. Tanner won out by a few votes. The fight ia a warm one. STEALS FROM THE SHERIFF t Dakota Officer Gets Poor ' Pay for Kindness to Liberated Prlaoner. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Dec. 25. (Special.) Fred Richardson, who waa only a short time ago released from the county Jill, Is again in trouble, being charged with an unusually bold crime. Upon being liberated from the county jail, Sheriff Huston, through pity for the released prisoner, gnve him work. He returned the kindness by stealing a quantity of property from the shcr'ff. This might have been overlooked, but when Richardson went so far as to purchase a team of horses from a Sioux Falls man and gave aa security a mortgage on a team of. horses, lumber wagon and set of double bfrness belonging to the sher iff, R was deemed best to put a damper on his enterprise. He is also accused tit hav ing stolen two loads of barley from a farmer living on a farm where he (Rich ardson) haa been at work recently. Rich ardson haa been arrested for mortgaging property not his own and for the theft of the barley, and, as the result of his pre liminary examination, has been held for appearance at the next term of the state circuit court. His bonds were fixed at $1,000, which he was unable to furnish. by his side. As Mather shoved his pistol back In the holster, he glanced at the corpae and remarked. "Now. don't make any more mistakes." Somebody told him one day to look out, that Bat Masterson would kill him. Sometimes he stuttered slightly. He said, "No. I may kill him. He will shove bis gun in my stomach and orate. I'll turn 'round, put my hand In the middle of my beck and ssy, 'You shoot me right there; you cn ao u-' He will drop his hand by nls aidc nd ,nen be'll c-c-climb the golden stairs." A" uctloa sale In Shanghai of some BpoUs from the tmper, ,.e, ,t Pek, ho ere 1. no mania for curio. In the Celestial Empire. The account Is from the North China. Herald, and a Uel U .qulv.lent to 60 c(.nU or BO ordI 0 .... Ihc price of silver. "The imperial sedan chair uaed by the emperor on his way to the Temple of Heaven was one of many curios offered. Appeala to the patriotism of the Chlneae purchasers brought a price of 11 tsels only for the chair. A set of beautiful drawings, said to have been made by the members of the imperial family with their finger nails, found a purchaser at. 60 taela, while So taels was forthcoming for an elaborate square of Imperial embroidery In gold. The same amount was asked for a small bloodstone vase, and also for a larger one in cloisonne, dating from the Ching Tab dynasty. Beautifullv embroidered Imuri.l robes and skirts eversged from 20 to 50 taels apiece. Among the numerous josses offered, the largest, a mssstve braaa Image wss sold tor 50 tsels; 45 taels secured a magnificent tiger skin, while a couple of leopards, so far from rivaling their couala ia value, were knocked dona for 2 taela apiece. Historical interest as well as In- trlnalc beauty brought T taels each for four porcelain, plates belonging to the Chlng- loong dynasty. Other Imperial fellca la- eluded a white jade seal and a braaa cup of the Gobi dukty, each of which realised lo taela.' THI WILSON DISTILLING OO. BalUaaora, HeV v HOT SPRINGS VICTIMS DIE Han Hurt in Fool Boom Explosion Sioonmb .to Injarieav' ' IVE MORE DEATHS ARE EXPECTED j Arrested Driver Flada Caeollne Flow lac fro In Cellar Mel Cloaoa Win dow, fcnt Gaasee stench betters Clarers en Floor, Abo ve. . "" 1 "' "tifi . i. i HOT SPRINGS. Ark., Deo. : 26. William Helwlg and Joe Kenney, both of Hot Springs, victims of yesterday's pool room explosion, died during the night. Thus far these are the only fatalities recorded. although four mora - of the victims are likely to die. These are: C. R. Donnelly, Chicago; Will iam Metiger, 12 yeara old, Hot Springs; Thomss O. Zlei, engineer, Arlington hotel. Hot Springs, and W. S. Mclnemey, Louis ville, Ky. Driver Explains Accident. Benjamin Murray, the driver of a gaso line tank wagon, who waa arrested charged with criminal negligence. . made a state ment this morning. He says he made a connection from hla wagon to the gasoline tank In the cellar under the pool room. Upon entering the cellar be found twenty or thirty gallons of gasoline overflowed n a large pool on the floor. Fesrlng an explosion, he rushed to an open window and closed It. He aaya the door waa then opened by a negro porter and the gases coming Into contact with the lighted cigar. In the pool room Ignited and the explosion followed. Murray was blown against the side of the cellar, but escaped with slight Injury. All thi injured are receiving the best of treatment. Most of the physlcisns in the city have volunteered their services and are looking after the wanta of the unfor tunate victims. Charles Walker, partner of Mr. Chambers, said today the wrecked building would be rebuilt at once. He, with aeveral em ployes, was on the second floor when the explosion occurred, but 'all escaped to the street in safety. The authorltiea are going to make a thorough investigation of the carelessness which Is alleged to have caused the dis aster, and today officers were atatloned about the wreck, who kept all persons away. Today two men arrived from Little Rock and wanted the privilege of taking out some pipes, but the mayor refused the request, stating that he would not allow anything to be done until representatives of the oil and light companlea and the prose cuting attorney could go over the acene. An inquest was opened tonight on the body of William Helwlg, but after aome formal evidence was postponed until wit nesses can arrive from Little Rock. R. C. Chambers, who was badly mangled, Is a little bettei, but the physicians do not offer encouragement. Besides hla frac tured arms and left leg hs haa several bruises about the body and hips that have made much trouble In handling the case. THISTLES AND DASDRIFF. Aa Interesting; Parallel and a Valaa ' hie Dedaetlon Therefrom. Cutting down thistles no more relieves the land of thistles than does scouring the scalp cure dandruff. In each case perma nent relief can only come from eradicating permanently the cause. A germ that plowa up the acslp In searching for the hair root, where It saps the vitality, causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness. If you kill that germ you'll have no dandruff, but a luxuri ant suit of hair. Newbro's Herptelde la the only hslr preparation la the world that curea dandruff, falling hair and baldness by killing the germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Wanes Are laereaaed. PITTSBURG, Dec. 25. Employes ef the Buffalo, Rocheater Pittsburg railroad have been granted a T per cent Increase in wagea, effective December 1. The com paay employea about 12,000 men. almost all of whom will benefit by the raise. Good breakfaat Kiag Colo Whole Wheat raa Cakea. Established 1823 WD'L PENSIONS FOR WESTERNERS Snr-vlvore of the .Ware Ceneronsly , Renaeasfceredl the General Goweraaaeat. WASHINGTON. Doe. 26. (Special.) The following; penaloaa hrae been granted: laeae of December t: Nebraska: Original-Smith A. Hartwell, Pawnee City, M; Orln Reed (war with Spain), Oi alalia, $11. Increase Reissue, Etc Moses Furlong. Auburn, . tiO; Homer A. Paranelee, Mllford, III. Iowa: Original Albert De Wolf, Dea Moines, $g; Chester B. fltUaon, Waterloo, 110; Herbert Northey, Dubuque, W; Hiram Avery, Montour, H; William T. Ztmmer, Centervllle, tlO; Ouatav W. Relchmann (war with Spain), Tama, $7.60. Increaae, Reissue, Ktc Charles Bchotte. Lucae, $24; John W. Hemphill, Jdedlapolla, $8; Ovid P. Welding, Sioux City, $12; Mallery Moore (deceased), Des Moines, $12. Widows, Minors and De pendent Relatives Ann Ward, Dubuque, $12; Esther L. Williams, Mancheater, $H. South Dakota: Increaae. Reissue, Etc. Harlow M. Be a be, Huron, $17. Bneklea'a Arnica Sa:ve. The best in the world for Cuts, Corns, Boils, Bruisea, Burns, Scalds, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Cures piles or no pay. 25o. For aale by Knhn A Co. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair lav Iowa and Nebraska and Not SO Cold In the Latter State. For Nebraska Fair and not ao cold Fri day; Saturday, fair, with rising tempera ture In east portion. For Iowa Fair and continued cold Fri day, except not ao cold In northwestern portion; Saturday, fair, with rising tem perature. For Illinois Fair and continued cold Fri day; Saturday, fair and not. so cold In north portion; fresh to brisk north winds. For Mtesoarl Fair and continued cold Friday; Saturday, fair, with rising temper ature In north and west portion. For Kansas Fair aad not ao cold Fri day and Saturday. For' Montana Fair Friday, except anow In ex ere me northwest portion; warmer In eaat and north central portions; Satur day, probably snow. For Wyoming Generally fair Friday and Saturday. For Colorado Fair Friday, warmer In west portion; Saturday, fair. For North Dakota Fair and not so cold Friday: Saturday, Tncreaaing cloudiness, probably snow; warmer In cetttral and east portions. For South Dakota Fair and not so cold Friday; Saturday Increasing cloudiness and warmer. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Dec. . Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three yeara: 1901 1101. 100. 189t. Maximum temperature ...4 43 SO 1 Minimum temperature $ 28 14 11 Mean temperature 0 M 22 It Precipitation 0 .00 .OS .05 Record of temperature and precipitation si umana tor mis aay ana since March L Normal temperature Deficiency for the day Total excess sine March 1. Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day Precipitation since March 1 20 .. 20 1SS OS Inch OS inch ..2S.61 Inches Deficiency alncet March 1 .43 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, ISO).. l.M inches Excess for cor. period, 1M0 11 Inch neaorta front Stations at T P. M. 5 5 C ; 3 '3 ; 3 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, clear Valentine, clear North Platte, clear . Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear Hapld City, clear ... Huron, clea- , Wllllaton, cioudy ... Chicago, snowing ... St. Iuls, clear St. Paul, clear lavnport, snowing Katun City, clear . Havre, clear (Ml .00 ; .00 it! .o 62 .00 4 .M loi .U0 141 .00 t M .T oi iit .uo 11 i .00 t OS) .T O-.'l 02 .00 12 li .00 08; 12 . asl aw .uo 10 (4i .00 Ui tii ,T Helena, clear .... Iltamarrk, clear . Galveston, cloudy indlcatea trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local rocecast Offls'ai That's All ! BUSY YEAR FOR INVENTORS Patent CfEoa Keoorda Shsw Largs Inoreasa in Number of Inventions. , BIG TRUSTS ARE THEIR BEST PATRONS Present nmm la for Aatonsohllee and Largreet Haaaher of laveatleae Re late to Them, and ' Motive Power to Drlvo Thorn, . ., . . WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. The report of patents ahowa that the number of applica tions for. patents and trademarks for the year ending June SO, 1902, was 61.268, an Increase of 2,183 from the previous year, and, although the force waa recently In creased, the office Is choked with business and there waa ao much to do that 11,042 applications could not be disposed of. . The following table will show the num ber of applications for patenta, trademarks, etc., for the years named: June 80, 1S93 43.589iJune 30, 18W 44,21t June JO, ltw 9,206jJune 30. 1898 40,320 June 30, 1895 41.014; June SO, 19U0 45.270 June 30, 1896 46.0451 June 30. 1W1 48,075 June 80, 1897 47.74?june 30, 19U2 51.258 The falling off In 1898 and 1899 Is at tributed to the Spanish war. The commis sioner of patents explains that when the war broke out the Inventors of the country directed their attention to guns, projectiles, torpedoes and other military supplies, but before they had accomplished anything the war waa over and the. Incentive for such developments waa removed. Thus the time and labor employed by these Inventors was practically lost. There waa no demand for their Inventions and, therefore, they hes itated to pay the fees necessary to secure patenta, and either withdrew their applica tions or did not present them at all. Inveatera Follow Fads. "Inventors are extremely sensitive to pub lie fads and fashions." said the commis sioner of patents. "The rage Just now, for example, Is automobilea, gaa engines snd all forma of horseless carriages. A few years ago every Inventor In . the country waa designing bicycles; then they turned their attention to dynamos, and when the war broke out they dropped electricity and begin to devise new guns and forma of ammunition. They Invariably follow the fashions and whatever happens to be the rage, and the falling off lo the applications In 1898 and 1899 waa because the demand for military supplies bad ceased. The business of ths office this year has have thick hair .at. a i -V IS" jUJkl mc comDiui. ant you can do as Mr, Chism did; you can stop this falling with .'V Ayer's HairVigor It will probably serve you better than that, for it makes the hair grow, and keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Always restores J. a A TEH OO., been larger than aver before, aad part leu-' larly In the lines to which you allude. In machinery, electricity, agricultural Imple ments, Iron and steel of all forms. Instead of retarding invention the trusts have en couraged It. Inventora are at work harder now than they ever were before. Competi tion In Improvements and novelties wss never so keen. The applicatlena for im provements la agricultural Implements due. Ing the last year have Increased about 25 per cent more thaa ever before In tho same length of time. The applications for improvements In machinery show an un usually healthy growth, and there Is no prospect of Us diminishing. The applica tions for Improvements in electricity have been so great that w have had to divide the work among three divisions where wo only had one before, snd 9o per cent of the Increase Is In the very lines Of manu facture that are controlled by what you call trusts. Trnsts Take Good Men. "'" "We have another and very embarrassing evidence, of the activity of the -trusts In different lines of inventions, for during the last aeven months they have coaxed away thirty-five of our best examlnera to look after their patent business.- We cannot keep the best men In this office because the government . pays very poor salaries compared with those that the trusts csn afford to offer. Nor have we been able to 011 the places of those who have resigned, although the Civil Service commission bst held six examinations, and we have actu ally advertised for men. The Increase is business baa been so great that last yeai congress gave ua a lot of additional exam lnera, but the list remains unfilled because we cannot get the men. It la not true that the trusts are discharging their Inventor! and patent lawyers. Oa the contrary, they not only coma here and take away our best experts, but they go to the technological Institutions throughout the country and offer laducementa to the most proficient members of the graduating classes over year." Oa Katnre's Plaa. Colds are quickly cured by Chamber Isln's Cough Remedy. It acts on mature 'i plan, loosens ths cough, relieves the lungt snd opens the secretions, effecting a per manent cure. It counteracts any. tendency of a cold to result In pntumonla. it it pleasant to take, both adulta and children like it. Price 25c; large else. 50c. Below Zera la Dakota. B0NE8TEEL. S. D., Dee. 25. The ther. memeter standa at 12 below xero and th SnOW Is two feat nti t h. v... u..-t atock on the range Is dying. v$yr7 anoihor comb-full " About a rear ago my hair vaa falling out badly. I began to usa Ayer'a Half Vigor, and the falling was promptly checked. I still osa It one or twice a week to keep my hair soft and glossy." y Marcus L. Chitm, Ford, Ky. You certilnlv cannot if it keens com in it out hv - color to gray hair. Lowell. Hsit.