Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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President and Fimilj Gather in Libra of
Excnt.Te Kaniion.
Far flecoad Tin la rifteea Years
Roosevelt Falls to Art Saata
flaas la Peraea at
Oyeter Bar.
WASHINGTON, Dee. IS. Snow, which
begin filling lit laat night, gave Wash
Ington a genuine Christina appearance to
la. Intereat cantered In the doinga at the
White House, where early thla morning
the president and hla family repaired to
the library, prraenta were eichsngod and
many boxen and package which bad come
!rora cut of town were opened. There wire
I large number of Caller and many gift
the abape of bandaome floral piece mere
received, and loon after breakfaat the
president, Theodore, Jr., and Lieutenant
Ferguson of the Rough Riders, who I a
Shlt Houae gueet, took a long horaeback
ride, returning In tlma to Join the rest of
:he family at lunch, wtlh Captain and Mrs.
At the homes of the cabinet officers the
lay was quietly obaerred.
Tbe president and Mrs. Roosevelt enter
tained a number of friends at dinner to
slght In the newly furnished state dining
room. The guests Included Senator and
Mrs. Lodge, John Lodge, Captain and Mrs
Cowlee, John Elliott of New Tork, Mrs.
Charles Henry Davie, Misa Davis, the
Messrs, Davis and Robert Ferguson.
At the Mexican embassy tha dy was
celebrated by a supper tonight.
Oyster Bay Miu Prealdeat.
OY8TER BAT, Dec. 15. For tha second
time In fifteen year President Rocse
velt did not act aa Kris Krlngle In person
at tb Cov acbool, Where hla children
war taught prior to hla elevation to tha
head of the nation. Laat year tha presi
dent waa so much employed with his pub
lic duties that be was unable t attend
the festivities.
A , telegram waa aent to the president
telling him how much the children appre.'
elated hla glfta, which arrived yesterday,
and wishing him many mora years In hla
present position.
Cleveland Observe Day Simply.
PRINCETON, N. J., Deo. 85. Ex-Preal-dent
and Mrs. Cleveland passed Christmas
day in their home on Bayard lane, Prince
ton, N. J. The holiday was observed sim
ply, observation being given chiefly to
making merry with the children.
A big Christmas tree, hanging full of
good things for the four children, atanda
in the library, tha headquartera for tb
little onea.
Saow Covers New York.
. ' "' W' 't0K.D' J5.'-eV tork en-
H"1 .."nlt Chrmaa" this year. Early
Sorbin snow, began falling and by
thB lima tha people were awake the ground
;. thickly covrc, ' ;
' In all ' tha chuVrhea anaxlal r-h.l. .....
,.-r'7!ce werv.eld,tiia. music, being,, the
H feature in mol of $eo.. , Bishop .Potter,
f . . Vr.acaj .rroiestant episcopal
, Church and conec(fa'V .M n'ew'ajjar and
chanfel Jusf completed Archbishop Farley
celebrated pontlftpaf "high mass at 8t, tat
' ricVs cathedral. ' ''' "
, WmVjs' to" the needy, to th' sick ' and
tho in .prison were 'given by thf cor.
LI It t'.beln aerve;a In'all 'the hcisWls lad
"1t liable' W.tllutlorif ihro'uihoarte! cily
e. -e,i.d aabtortsj' to sa Christmas entritx
"'tlvth Solvation -Army' wa carried 'but
cuccsssfully; Tbe army gave away nearly
-i Y00 dinners etr- the-" Grand Ceatref Palace,
' i!aota kroner Was calculated' to feed By
persons. It was uncooked and served in a
basket., , .... , t
. Archbishop, Is Dlaed.
U . BAVANN Aft. On., Dac. 26. Mgr. Dlomado
Falconer, titular archbishop of Larlasa and
papal- hpostollo delegate 'to the' United
' States. celebrated -solemn pontlflcat ' high
Mil IB the cathedral of St. John tha Bap-
tlst this tnornlng.- A-banquet waa tendered!
. -. him tonight at the-residence of J6hn Mc-
Doaough. Tha.' other.' guests of honor were
Bishop Benjamin 9. Ketley add Mgr. Rooker,
- secretary to-Mgri 'Falconlo. Tha prelate
i wlU remain here seteral days a the guest
' of Bishop Kelley. . -
Bathers Oat Modal.
. .rLOHDOV,, Dae. 25. Kin ..Edward - and
-.- Queem. . Alexandra. ...spent , Christmas - at
i Sindrjngham for tha first tlma alnce their
, ceaaloii.,xTha goyal family. Including tha
prlncf .and princess of Wales, Princess Vic
- tora. the duchse. of . Fife and Prince, and
, fCingeas.Charleg of .Denmark, attended an
early aervlce, at Baadrjngham church, which
v,Wf4 beavUtully 4eoorated.. Tha king after
' wrq pereonMly directed, the annual dis
tribution of beef and game to tie employee
and tenant oa tha Sandrlugham estate.
London.. and the south of. England gen-
orally enjoyed clear and cold Christmas.
' Id, aplte of; tha low temperature there was
" th,,,nti gathering In Battarsea park of
tha twahty men who take their early morn
' (n dip. -there all the year round. . 8Uver
' medal , war presented to asven among
tha bathers,' who had not missed a single
day during the previous year. .
The prevailing distress among the utu
employed Wrought firth "en unusual nam
i'ber.,$ chariUWs all sections
. ol9&daD. aapeciaJly la the east eptVv,.,
,A aexara gal .awept the nocth, coat. of
Great Brltalntoday and. caused considerable
damage to ab I piping and waterfront property
" on the Clyde and the tyri. ' -
mmjf alaaXllaa Gold Away. ,
.' BERLIN. Dee. 25. Emperor William
apsnt Christmas In his usual way. Hla
majesty took a walk thla afternoon in the
tana 8oucl park and distributed bright gold
cIvjs Ir.esJ from the mint, among tha gar-JeiaVak'watohbien-'
' t 4 ''
After dinner. 1tt '4 o'clock, he Chriamaa
tr4 ten lighted In tha Shell hall of the
haw palate. 1U the children of tha im
perial family-ware.' present and a'qh!hd
his er her own tree of a else proportionate
o tha ag of the child.
:-RaasDaa with Mayor.
ROM. DocT i-All taablonahh) Home
weuad trp'CtrrStntasf das- at the American
dmVaaay.. where Mr. and Mra. Mayer eater
(alnrd. their frtenda at atdaac. .
' Among the Americana present wera Gen.
ral aadMrs'. Clorta' af Washington, fcftks
Carew, ter-IH-Thw of Prealdent Raose-
.telt; the St. Louis fair commlaaioaere. W,
A. Evarta of New Tork. Joba Maaoa LMtle
OTHBoatoa and Tar Chapla of New Tprk
Among, the,. Christ maa felicitations re
cetveQ by 'Ah' pop today were greeting
frojEifperorVrancle Joeepb an,d tbf
aunga or epaia, f ortugai, tseigium aad amx
ny. -
hlajs, iajXeTetadg at' Chleaca Who Has
Beeh Waated far Usg
..r:..Ta. ,'.
1 SAN-a-Ra MCipVCa:.D. .24.-WUliam B.
towing, who waa arrested la Chicago a
; tho twrge ,er-tudulemry ' uaing tha
2,'ntta t(ca taH. 'has hn wanud by
'tatar awtOoHtHMT'tf (hie city for th laat
) aauihev - .
f Hi left her oa July e haoi arte a cea-
Tuctlug fur some Urn tho "BtsiadaaSi ' ttl
PremoUoa aad Iaveaiatat cempasy.
Loss Reaches Halt Mlllloa, Inelad
lasT Doeaaseats Which Caaaat
Be Replaced.
MARLBOROUGH, Maas., Dec. 16. A Are
which broke oat in the city hall at mid
night entirely destroyed that building,
which contained all of tb city offices and
departments, also the armory of Company
F, Fifth regiment, and tbe Marlborough
public l.brary. The total loss will be $500,
000. None of the contents or papers of any
tt the departmenta were saved. The li
brary contained 1,000 volumes and docu
ments of Incalcuable value, which cannot
be replaced. The building was a four
story rtroeture and one of the flnost In the
City. It was valued at between $"76 000 and
f 100,000.' The building was wen covered
hv Insurance.
Owing to the wires being burled ' under
! falling walls the city was rut off from tele
: phonic communication with, the outside
world. ; .', -
Michael O'Brien, 40 xtars old, wis burled
beneath the falling wsl s and ja thpught to
be fa'el'y Injured.
PEAfiODT, Masa., Dec. 25. Fire which
broke out about midnight In the brick
building of the Vaughan Machine works
and did- damage to the extent of $25,000
broke out afresh at 2 o'clock after it was
supposed under control.
This second fire waa under control even
before the Salem department arrived. Only
a small portion of tha eecond building and
the roof of the dwelling hous were burned.
The manager of the Vaughan Machine
company atated that the loss would reach
Fleelaa; Mam r)rosa with Charge af
raall Shot aad Attempts
HOT 8PRIN08, Ark.. Dec. 25. Jack Don
ohue, chief of detectives, waa killed on the
at rest by Frank Dougherty, a race track
follower, today. Dougherty, It la claimed,
had struck a woman with an axe, and
Donohue came up and attempted to arrest
him. Dougherty resented and shot tha de
tective over the eye, killing him Instantly.
He then started to run up the street,
but had only gone a short distance when
a boy, who waa in a buggy, got out a shot
gun and ahot him In the face and breast.
Dougherty then fired a ahot Into his own
head. Tb doctora say he cannot live. H
waa taken to the police atatlon and crowda
soon began forming and there waa talk of
lynching, but on the assurance that the
prisoner could not survive hla wounds the
crowd dlspursed.
latcreatlaa; Maaaaertpt Loft hy tho
Widow of Famoas Presi
dent. :
' WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. Mrs. Grant ha
left a very Intereating and valuable manu-.
script of personal reminiscences which she
began when hen distinguished .husband, waa
writing his memoirs, and has added to It
from time to time aa her health and dlaposl-,
tlon permitted. ' It consists of 200 or 400
pages' xf tynaarrlgtaa matter, sufficient fr a
book of ordinary else, and neatly tied up
In chapter with blue ribbon. Bb de
scribe many Incidents In Uer-ttowstlc ex
prlnee,' beginning wtth .Wre her
mar,rjage. an4 iea .important, facta con
cerning General Grant that have never been
published. Her stories of army life, events
that occurred while aha waa living to tb
Whit House, and her description of the
attentions which the' general received dur-.
ihg'tls' tour sroand the world will be 'av'
valuable Contrftmtioa to history
Draakra laldter Alas at Proprietor,
HI Kasploy aa Fellow
Army Maa.
HAVRE, Mont., Dec 25. A ahootlng
scrape took place at' the Half Way houae
between Havre and Fort Aaalaibola laat
ritght, fir which two- aoldiera op tho Twenty-
fourth infantry were ahot. Frank Cants,
whe waa wounded in the' breast, will prob
ably die. Private Robinson waa tbe other
victim, hut not seriously hurt.
Oanta wae drunk and quarrelsome; and
fired throe times at John Doiaa, proprietor
of the place, afterwarda wheeling around
and ahootlng at L. Orovee, the' bartender,
Who replied With a shot at Oaats. Ganta
then ahot Private Boblhson.
hlpwrecked Meat iasTer froaa Ilaaaer
aad. Thirst ' Whlla Wave
. , ( Break Over Theaa.
VICTORIA, B. C. Doc. 25. The rescued
captain and crew of Ketch ' Marqulae of
Llnlibew hate been brought to Launceater
by a 'ateamet. They were picked up In
Buss atralghta, where they had remained
on a small rock, two miles and a half from
tha mainland, without food or water and
wtth tha sea aweeplng over them for three
days. Ketch waa wrecked clOss by and
they' ultimately 'patched up a broken dingy
which- enabled the seven unfortunates to
refch the .shore. .';!' ' .
British Ccaapaay geeks Tit I' to Faa.
" ' ' tatagf Statlda lsfvfUria 1
HONOLULU, DeeH.-le Vlctorla.tB. 0..
Dee. 26. Th"BrltUB:'CalU. tOmpanyr own
ing the Rod Line frotn.VanooUfr to Aus-
tralla via Fanning maad. ha,e imade aa
effer to James aad Henryrfiiokawll-of Hono.
I'lula to purchase their -'half .tajteraat la
Panning letaod. ,"JEtav" relg -owns the
ther half.lnteaaJM . S t t
. James Blcknell 'leaves ton Sag Francisco
on Seaiaadia and may cloe a bargain with
tha British eovpamy after be arrives.- r
WJ.V.HelU rrlaeef
LONDON, Do. 2S. Tab Rom ' eorra
snondent of tha DarTfHalt tehracanha that
aa an outeonie-f tti negotlatlMia with the
Saxon oourt the' pope-baa sent a prelate to
Genera to Inquire tnte the atreomstanc of
the fttghtef thd erowa prkaceaa.' with a
view to arranging' a. raoeoclllation.- The
report is,' however,' uneonflrmad. .
Gives masons girls';, pome
PLUaielahla "Maa Seead Halt Mlllloa
Dollars ' to Celehrat ,
PHILADELPHIA, Dee. ' 25. Announce
ment waa mad today that -William L.
Elklaa will found a home la ihre city tor
orphan girls, daaghters of Free- Masona of
Pennsylvania, that will eost 1500,000.
Mr. Elktns gave hla peeoad Chriatmaa din
ner to the resident of the Masonic home
today , And aaaounced the Chrlatmas gift te
tbe grana looge o( reansytvaaia. The
grand officers of - the ' ledge -vrocepled the
gltu .v ,
Tt tXatn A, I n4 J PT
Take LazaU Broao Qutala Tableta. Thla
aignature' v f ' oafsry boa.
Express Oar, Baggage and Bmcker on tha
Alton Are Tele-ocped.
llr-ad Ead Colllnloa Orran Between
Two Freight oa the Chicago,
reorla A tt. I.oala. Kllllaa;
and Injuria Others,
BLOOM1NGTOM, III., Dec. 25 The pro
jection of a heavy freight .apglne . on to
the main track of the Chicago A Alton
last night' reaulted fh the" wreck of the
southbound from'Thlcago 'and the express,
baggage and smoking cart rwerc telescoped
and overt jrned, while the engine plunged
Into an embankment. There ere 200
passengers on the train and all were badly
shaken up and bruised.
1 Those ,mcjMsrriously Injured are:
Sam lie 1 Livingston' Palmer bouss, Chi
ago, knee sprained. -1
A. C. Branher, Danville, 111., aubject to
rheumatism, ill from exposure. ,
Mrs. M. 8, Rogers, 4333 Evans avenue,
Chicago, left knee sprained and bruised.
M. M. Merry, Bloomlngton, wrenched and
E. J. Harper, Normal, back sprained.
Ben Eckcrt, 233 East Ninth street, Chi
cago, hand sprained and wrenched.
H. H. Olondon, baggageman, Chicago, leg
apralned and bruised.
H. E. Humphrey, conductor, Chicago,
bruised and sprained.
William F. Leaning, engineer. Blooming
ton, hurt internally; aerloua. ...
John Rlordan, fireman,' Bloomlngton,
Colllalon Betweea Freight.
IB a head-on colllson between two freight
trains of the Chicago, Peoria ft St. Louis
at Petersburg last night Flremsa J. A.
Wright of Springfield waa killed, both legs
being cut off. Both engineers were badly
hurt and other members oLJha crews oaln-
. fully bruised.
One train was standing at the depot
t when the other crashed Into It, being be
yond control. Tha orooertr lnm will ha
folly $50,000. v .
Trowble of ftallroad Mea Not Over
Whea Roast I Oats
CHETENNE, Wyo., Deo. 25. (Special.)
Although the Cheyenne a- Northern has
been ouened to traffic more traiiMa la
, peeted, for the anow Is blowing and drift
ing oauiy in tne country and the cuta fill
up rapidly. The Denver rotary will be re
tained on the Cheyenne Northern for
tha 'present: Trainmen .who came In from
tbe north' last night atated that in many
places sno-w -waa plied twenty and" thirty
feot deep on the tracks.
' taAi 'QUETTBy'MlcV. Dec. 25. A sever
storm baa been raging-over tbe upper pe-.
nlnsula of Michigan for, twenty-four hours!
Today street cay traffic atopped and railroad
transportation became uncertain." The torn
pefature"ie belowero."'''' ''
. . XO.VJSVILLE, .Ky .fi Ua.-JThllf '.Waa a
eold Christmas income" -parts' of -theoouth
roaay. . in-Tcmtsviiie' the- tmTeratOre-- wae
15 degreea abdV, se:mWWW. ' ft'
4Mt. ' A i -
lahla ' the ' tKsfvnnrrxirfcW AlaM..A' Vn.
,'aTea.'at-mVdn,lghl, a .'drop ct 1. deraes In
wiJ7ijiiir..-oiiT i skckjaawpais iv, tl
Kaaaa ,'city Maa hoo'ta 'wlfo aad
Self to Eeeap paUe ,.Ceart .
KANSAS CITY, Deo. 25, William P. Hol-
lenback today, while in a fit of rage cauaed
by domestlo trouble, ahot his -wife three
times aa ahe lay 111 la bed, drove hla 17-
year-old . stepdaughter Into .the etreet at
the point of a revolver and then killed him
self. The wife Is seriously wounded.
Hollenback and hla wye h,ad quarreled
ispeatedly of lata and recently aeparated
by mutual agreement. He was to have been
tried In the police court tomorrow oa the
charge of ill treating her. and tried today
to, effect a reconciliation. ..Failing la thla
be locked the ddora of the apartment, and
with the remark, "Here'a , Cartstmaa
present for you," shot her ae ahe raised
herself in hod to receive hla expected, gift.
Then ho turned the weapon upon hla step
daughter, who managed i to unlook a door
and eacape. r After which he aent a bull at
Into hla own. heart and died inatantly.. He
waa 40 .year of age and . welghmaater for
an elevator company, ,..-' '
Kaaaae City Soothers Vaa'RealsTas to
Take Poat oa Meataaa v. -
" Road.
KANSAS CITT. Dec. 25.-J A Ed son,
genoral manager ef tha Kansas City South
ern railway, has realgned and will sue
seed i. M, Herbert as manager pf. the
Denver Rip Orande, the , Rio- Grande
Southern and Rio Grande Western., roade
of tha, Oouid,Jooky. pjpunteln-. railroads.
Th,e.' change becomes effective on Jan-
Tbe office which Mr. Edson vacatea will
ha abolished . and B. p, . Dickson, now su
perlatendent of aaaintenance and way, will'
Uka'-up the duties' of general manager Un
der the title of general superintendent.
asHHaaaaa s
Eaa-tneer aad Fireataa SatTer Serloaa
- V. laiarle. jaf Pastcager . !
Bseap. .
' . V ' .
. . JCHICAOO. Deo. 5c A-North western pas
stnger train from the .Pacific eoaat due
i bare at 11.-20 p. m.,.cpl(ded wUh: a-awltch
eaglna at-Franclaeo avenue and tbe-engineer
and firemen of both engines were aerl
oasly lajuredi --None of the passengere wera
The paaaeager train waa two hour lata
end . waa running at a high rate of speed
avhan the accident occurred. Both engines
were demolished.
Xetea ' low Maa Die at Dahane
.; After Proatlaoat Political
DUBUQUE, la.. Dee. 25. Mhaea H. Hami
19 yeare old, died tonight..
He waa far many yeara editor of the Du
buque Herald and waa a national ' demo
cratic committeeman from 1171 to ltM. and
served ae state senator aad poat matter of
Dubuque during Cleveland's admlulatratiosj.
' ajnanwaaaaaa) i "
7 lr4 Wllleaahhy'd Broke.'
LONPPN, Dm. 21 Lord VlUoughby ds
Broke died en the eteamer Australian near
Aden ear December It, aad wae haiisd at
Men Are Aeeaaed of Passing Five
(si Cheehs oa Merchants
of City.
With the arrest laat night of Thoma
Mo of 1M7 Webster street by Detectives
Heitfeld and Donahue, the police have In
custody the Isst of the men who are thought
to be the parties who forged and circulated
five bogus checks en tbe First National
bank with aa aggregate of about $180. These
forgeries fi.-st came to tbe attention of tho
authorities through the complaint of J. N.
Nelron, a dry goods man at 2222 Cuming
street, who had cashed a check for IS'i.
8ince then four others heve turned up.
George W. Stover, a confectioner at 14 IT
North Twenty. fourth street, cashed a check
for 114.75. taking out (0 rents In payment
for candy which the stranger had pur
chased. Three two checks were Identical as to
payor and payee, being aupposedly drawn
by W. L. Eeabrook of 408 North Sixteenth
street on the Frist National, In favor of
Oeerge Sutton or bearer. The man who
passed them on the shopkeepers claimed
to be 8utton and to live at 1611 Cuming
street. After Nelson had csshed the $1i
check he became suspicious and called up
Seabrook, whose name was algned to the
same, by telephone. Seabreok denied
knowledge of the checks and Nelson went
to the First National bank, where he found
that Seabreok had no deposit. Nelson then
put the matter In tha hands of Heitfeld and
Donahue. From the dry goods man and
from Stover deacrlptlona were obtained
which lead to the arrest. Moss will only
be charged with passing forged checks, aa
the police believe that he waa guilty only
to that extent, and that Frank Betta of
2624 Sherman avenue, who. waa arrested on
the night of December 22, is the person
who forged tbe names and wsa the head
of the business. James Schults of Forty
ninth street and Underwood avenue, who
waa arrested at the aame time because hs
was often In company with Betta, has been
released as he le now thought not to be
The prisoners are young men living with
their parenta and the principal haa not for
merly been arrested. Moss waa convicted,
together with Arthur Sylvester of 719H
North Sixteenth street, of thieving from
the Her Ur.hata11r shop and was, at the
tlrae-ot- hts arrest, out on good conduct.
Large Nniaber of People Wind Xp
the Chrtatana Holiday la Thla
The dancing halls were merry until ft
late hour last night with Christmas dancers.
At Chambers' Dancing academy tho
guests of tbe Crescent club danced through
a program of eighteen numbers, consist
ing of waltxeS, two-steps, five-steps and
lancers. About eighty Couple were present.
The club'a next dance will be on New Year's
In RoyaC Arcanum ball, -Council Bluffs..
Tha Independent Order of Bona of Rest,
a social organization of seventeen years'
standing, danced until a late hour la Wash
ington hall. (-The .program .consisted of . al
ternate waltsef no two-steps.
The Fraternity'--Dancing club crowded
Crelghtoa hall wtth almost 250 couples, a
lpU(jh.iargTetten4iicer-thai , usual- at
lta weekly dancea. ' Everybody" enjoyed the
lively dance.
0.tfWfTrvjWr-wrs' crowded ' laat night
with ihvelrteaf ahe eolored aoclety of the
clty,.tj oCjCaslpj being the first dance Of
the Eureka club, of which Jerry Smith la
chalrmanTWllMtri'"Bnrith-ecretary and M.
C, Dulaney 0Hr.jnanager. Almoat eighty
eouplea made merry until 2 o'clock. It 1
hoped to' holdrsmpathjy dancea through the
Seaaon. ri:
NorfhDaota Keetaarant Boras.
WIMBLEDON. N. D,. Dec. 25. Jesse
Forsyth and Harry- Sinclair, -were perhaps
fatally burned In a fire that destroyed
Frank: Arcanenu'e , restaurant and an ad
joining building owned by Andrew Juan.
James Lefted and Frank Arceneau were
seriously 'burned, but will recover. 'The
fire waa caused by a gaaollne explosion.
W. I Love "of the" United States' army
passed through ' the city yesterday.
Perry Phlfltps, charged with the larceny
of 126. will have, hla hearing In pollci court
lhls rooming. .
John Maggerd. who Is said to have main
tained a nuisance on Webster street, will
be tried In' pence court today.
J. W." Watson snd wife of Lincoln, N.
C. Buwen of. Fuller ton. and W. F, Moian
and wife of Nebraska City are in the city.
H. C. Flatt reports to' the police the Imts
of a msndoiln, which was stolen from him
Chriatmaa evening while he - was riding
home on a car. ...
M. J. Ftelda of Clarkaon. Neb.. Judn F.
O. Hamer of Kearney, Neb., and Attorney
w. n. Miles oi Bianey, MeD., or guests
Of the Henstaaw.
Charles Blopm, who mads a serious mis
take In not Remembering where he p.aced
hla money, which afterwarda was found In
hi aock. will have hla hearing in - police
Court thla morning.
W. H. Alexander imbibed too freely of
Chriatmaa Invlgorator and disturbed the
peace on Officer Crowe's best. He escaped
a Christmas sentence. and will have bis
hearing thl morning. . .
F. C. Bchnetder and wife of Eustis, Neb.:
A. W. Schneider and wife of Holbrook,
Neb.: E. C. Underwood of Nelson, Neb.,
and Mayor William Haller of fclaJr, Neb.,
ar at the Merchant.. 4
Nebraskans at the Her Grand: A. Ja
cobean and wife of Hastings, W. L. Mate
and wife etf Piainvlew, o. N. Herford of
Ashland, W. . Ooggtn of Columbus and
H. L. Bcoggin of Bridgeport. -
Unable to', meet the prevailing market
f rice' for turkeys,' sneak thieves provided
heir Chrlstmaa dinner yesterday by effect
ing an entrance Into the commission house
of C. H. Mullen Co., 41h Houth Eleventh
atreet. and ' carrying away five dressed
Bennle Thomas, a 10-year-old boy living
at .Terjth and Cuming streets, was last
night arrested on complaint of C. II.
Havens, who accused hlra of taking coal
away In a little red wagon from com
plainant's yard The young prisoner waa
entered en tbe register with a charge of
petit larceny to" answer.
- John Roaoh. - a roomer in the Elkhorn
Valley house, was last night arrested be
cause N. N. Robertson found him Inalde
tha door of 'hla houae at-Nineteenth atreet
and BU Mary avenue. , When discovered
Roach asked to be given something to eat,
but the police are holding him on the
theory that'hw waa there for other rea
sons. -
At o'clock yesterday evening 'Alexander
Enla, a young colored man, was pushed
from a north bound Dodae street car by
Ed Davis, the -conductor, because EnU re
fused to pay his fare. The negro fell flat
and waa unable to arise. It waa at first
thought that he Waa aeverely Injured, but
later It waa found that hs was only drunk.
Enla refuaed to 'pay DaWs, saying that
he had glvo his fare to tbe conductor
whom Davis relieved.
Sergeant Dan Baldwin brought Joy to
three households in his neighborhood on
Christmas eve by aasumln the role of
Mr. K. Krlif I, which, he Is fittingly able
to portray, lie clad himself in the garb of
the tolly old annual visitor and lavishly
distributed presents In three residences
without disclosing his Identity. Tbe day
shift st polloe headquartera claim they have
a grievance, as the sergeant forgot to call
there while making his rounds.
William Holme wearied Christmas eve
because there wse "nothing doing" and
sought to make hla own excitement by
starting In to clean out a Saloon on Capitol
avenue. He started ss soon as he entered
the place, the patrolman on that beat
stated, and fought his way even with the
bar. Here he was met by the a'llea ef the
proprietor, .who rushed upon him. In the
conflict W. Stevens was given a vicious
attack, causing his retreat wttb a gaping
gash under hla eye. He waa hurried to the
office of the poltee Burgeon, where Dr. Mick
attended him. Btevens was surrounded an
snad to do aa unconditional suirnder, but
not until his feature resembled a map of
Vanesuela. H is charged with assault and
battery aad wlU have hia scaring thia
nt'KM It Hit I'fi, in02.
Dan McLeod How Wean Catch-as-Oatch-Oan
Championship Belt-
Wlllla to Go nn In ilte of HI Con.
dltlnn, bat Ills Mniasrr lie
fuses and Forfeits the
WORCBSTEn. Mass., Hoc. 25. Dan Mc
Leod won the Amrrlcnn catch-as-calch-can
wrestling championship todRy and the $l,f00
eud of a 12,000 purss by getting the better
of Tom Jenkins.
Jenkins was Buffering from a bad Icr,
the result of blood poisoning;, anl the pain
caused by the points of a brass buc-l;le en
trrlng the fl.'sh of thla lpg mad.) him
quit in the third bout.- In order to protect
lb Injured part Jenkins hnd a leather ban
dege with a steel strip down the ftur.t of
the shin fastened with brass buckle. Two
of tneso were broken In the jnrly par
of the match au I the braes dtM into his
flesh, until the pain was unbearable Ind
he wae afraid of further blood poisoning.
He had wrestled twenty mlnutea in the
third bout when he told McLeoil the con
dition he was in and tald be was willing
to quit and call the match a draw or go
ou wrestling. McLrod insisted on t-ou' inn
ing, but Jenkins' manager refused to let
the big fellow go on and forfeited the
Jenkins won the first fall by a three
quarters Nelson In 59 minutes and McLeod
got the second in 24 minutes on a crotch
end halt Nelson hold. The match was fast
from the start, McLeod being on the ag
gressive almost all the time.
MoChesney gaatchea Half Lena-th Vic
tory la New Orleans Christ
mas Handicap.
V V W ri T3 T f t VJ oe ii'a. i i.
Mcl'nesney Wire' th winning favorites.
Bcotch Plaid was run up 13C after he won
the second race anil bought In.
ine mnsimas nanoicap, Witn Jl.ouo added
and worth Il,35 to the winner, wont to
McChesnev. He was ridden by Rcdfern
and ran a sensational race, winning In a
drive by half a lena-th from Old Hutch.
i McChesney had a rough trip. He got caught
in a jam at tne nrst turn and Hetirern Had
to pull up to keep from going down. In
the run home he came from seventh place.
Weather clear; track fast. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Hlth won,
Jane Holly Second, Epidemic third. Time:
Bccond race, selling, one mile: Scotch
Plaid won, Andes second, O'Hagan third.
Time: 1:42 1-5.
Third race, handicap, seven furlongs:
John Peters wort, W, J. Dcboe second, An
tonlus third. Time: 1:28 1-6.
Fourth race, Chrlatmas handicap, one
mile: McChesney won, Old Hutch second.
Federal third. Time: 1:4111-15.
Fifth race, five furlongs: Imn L'Etlenne
won, Ben Mora second, Sim McPhlllls third.
lime: i:ui
Sixth race, ona mile and a quarter, sell
ing: Cogswell won,, Adelante second, Gin
Spray third. Time: 2:10.
Christmas Handicap Valla to Favcurlte,
Who Troves Vlctorloaa , ,r
. - In Gallop.. ,
SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 26. FJght thou
sand people witnessed excellent racing at
Ingleslde today. The weather, waa good
and the track in fine condition.
The feature waa the Christmas hand tnp
at a mile and a quarter 'for a purs of
M.390. Seven clever performers went to the
post, with None! fav'crlte it 3 to 1. 'He
won In a gallop from Besele Mi Jarthy and
Slddon 8., both of whom closed fast. Nones
was tha only favorite to score during the
afternoon. Rtsults:
First race, Seven furlongs, selling: da
lr.nthus won. Hand Press second, Platonlus
third. Time: 1:30,
Second race, fix furlongs selling: Matt
Hogan won, Jariettre D'Or second, Jim
Hale third. Time: i:15.
Third race, futurity course, selling: Utile
Margaret won, Orfeo second, Onyx third.
Time: 1:134.
Fourth race, one mile and a quarter,
Chrlstmaa handicap: Nones won, Hissle
McCarthy second, Slddons third. Time:
Fifth race, seven furlongs: Arabo won,
Durasso second, Oavlota third. Time: 1:28.
Sixth race, one mile, selling: Bill Massle
won, Sweet Tooth second, lllowaho third.
Time: 1:41 .
A. J. Stanley, City Salesman for the
Hclnts Pickle compaay, la
I'nder Arrest.
A.' J. Stanley, living at 2126 Sherman
avenue, was arrested yesterday evening by
Detectives Bavags and Davis on a charge
of embeztlement, preferred by the local
agency of the Helnts Pickle company and
by Baldrlge ft DeDord, attorneys for the
Pittsburg Surety company, which had as
sured his bond. The amount pf shortage,
so far as known, la 2600. The prisoner
waa city ealestnan and collector for the
Helntt company. He waa held last night
by Captain Hase for $1,400 bonds.
. The shortags was first discovered only a
few days ago. at which time it accidentally
became known that Stanley was about 2350
short. When asked to explain the matter,
ha said that he had lost tbe money, which
he had collected while out on hla rounds
and had put in a blllbook which had been
lost. He said that he would aquara tha
matter In a few days. Aa the travelldg
auditor ef the company was due here from
8t. Louis in a few days, the matter, was
allowed to stand as It waa. Now that an
examination of tbe book haa been made, it
haa already been found that there- Is a
shortage of 2800 and It is not Improbable
that further amounta may be found missing.
Stanley la a young married man and haa
been in the employ of tha company for
Just a year. He haa heretofore beep re
garded a trustworthy and capable. It is
possible that the matter may he settled
without prosecution. It is thought thst
not Improbably the falsification of tbe
books has occurred alnce Maaager Charlea
Homrlghouse left here about two months
ago. The prisoner admitted at the polloe
atatlon that ha had appropriated money
to hie own use.
Several Weaaded Itallaaa Takea to
the Police Station la Patrol
Six Italians, two revolvers, a knife, aa
axe and a Hp figured in a celebration at
131 Jones street last night which snded
In the police atatlon. William Bruno and
a knife are charged with cutting with In
tent to wound, John Popperell with
mayhem, knd P. Mareuso, D. Oermo and
Frank Bruno with disturbing the peace by
fighting. The police were unable to da
tsrmlne Just what cauasd the fight, because
ef lack of an Interpreter, but it la sup
posed to have been a womsa. William
Bruno started with the knife aad sut
Popperell oa the bead and Mra. Popperell
likewise. Popperell had an axe and with
It chopped Frank Bruno, who waa armed
with a revolver aad butcherkalfe, la tha
arm. Finally Popperell threw aslds his
weapon, and gettiag "a good hold, bit off a
good part of William Bruno's lower Hp.
Tbe parties were taken from the blood
spattsrsd room In the patrol wagon- A
second revolver waa said to have beea
I nourished, but no shots wsre fired.
nar Refinery Wall f'ollnpee aad
Bury Mea Ueaeath the
NEW YORK. Dec,. 25 Fire which broko
eut early this morning destroyed the coop
erage plant of the Arbuckle Bros', sugar
refinery, located near the East river front
at Brooklyn.
The large force of fire engines snd fire
men which wss summoned succeeded In
confining the flumes to the cooperage shops.
No estimate of the loss has ss yet been
given out.
Durl'ig the progress of the fire one of
the walls of the building felL burying the
tncmbt-rs of one of the fire companies be
neath ths mass of brick and other wrrckatr..
When the. other firemen arrived they
found Michael O'Tooln was dead and
Tliomn Coppitiger, a battalion chief,, and
Thomas McCarthy, seriously hurt.
The battalion chief. Copplnger, died after
being- taken to a hospital and the dead
body of the assistant fireman,- Thorns
Jeffrie, was 'found In the ruins, of the
fallen wall, if
- . .
..Will Itet'nrn from' Florida oa Tnrsdny
to Re'sonie Illinois State
'. . ' Helm.
BPRINOFIELD. III., Dec. 26. Covcruer
Yates, w'ho la now in Florida for his
health, did not spend Christmas In Cuba,
as expected. He wss 10 have sailed on
Wednesday', but the boat on which he was
to have taken the trio did not start. '
j; A message received at tho executive of
.'fioa ' today states that the Governor and
i Mrs.- Yatei will return to Springfield pext
Tuesday, as he It greatly Improved in
health and it. now able to assume charge
'Of state aRaira.
Impossible to Proeore Feed or to Con
'''fey lire Stork to Other
. " Quarters.
. . DENVER, Dec. 25.Thousanda of cattle
are reported to be starving to death op the .
range -in nortnwestern Colorado.
..The Humane society Appealed to the own- !
er to rescue their stock, who have ex- j
plained that they. are pcWerlees to do so..
Tho cattle are snowed In on the high range
In Routt and Rio Grands counties, with
out pasture and without water.
Jt la Impossible to get feed to tbera and
equally impossible to drive them Into suit
able winter quarters. v .
Dalnth Man Freesea to Death with
Scattered '. Preheats Strewed
' , Aronad Him. -
-. t:
, DUIXTH, Minn., Dec. 25. George PJydell,'
aged 5, with his arms full of Christmas
prraenta ; tor ' friend and relatives, fell
ffohi xhaju8t4aa within five .feet of . his
home -tonight; tend froie to - death.
-11' lie--nir0ne-n'a Utile house
ronieWJTiithraVeiiue..- heir the harbor'
ft-ontA-Wlrer he? conducted a- confectionary
'n;V'r;fote? 'Jo clly authorities took
.cjtiara,. of blaVafieote. Thti ihermonieter
ha -registered' 20 degrees below, gero for
ttrentji-four hours. "' ' ''
ln)ae( la a falooa Rove.
' ."" a resrilt' it B fight In' a ealoW at f hlr-
teenth - -and . Dodge ' streets " Wednesday
night, Frank StocSwelt of 1312 Capitol tv-
enue suffered a fracture or the orbital
arch of fila right eye. The Injury Is prob
ably not serloue,' buflf the blow had struck
an-1hch higher It Would perhaps have
caused death BtockweH, who came to the
police station yesterday afternoon to have
the wound dressed, eald that he had been
hit by the edge of s cuspidor which had
been thrown at him. No arrests were
Chicago News: A life of eaae means a
life of discontent:
Love may be blind, but chaperonl seldom
Life seams to be one protracted sleep to
ome people.
Young men know tt all, but old men have
the coin.
"Soap dirt cheap" la the way a Kansas
grocer advertise H.
It takea a strong corporation to threw a
bridge across a river. .
. Never Judge m woman's mind by tbe time
It takes her to make It up.
If a roan who -la Injured In a railroad
wreck falls to recover hia holrs will try to.
One trouble with the average reformer Is
that he has no other occupation.
-: Fear of being an old maid Induces many
a girl tq choose tko wrong husband.
Clovea are responsible tor the first breath
of suspicion In many happy families.
Some young men are prejudiced against
work beesuse they tmaglns that being hired
lewera them. -
When a man wins a bet he seta his bat
on the back of hi head; when be loee be
pull it down over bis eye.
A "cursory gla'n? over an undertakers
booka will convince Aay. man that he savea
ergfced deal, every ear by not dying.
English Hler Geaproeben.
Here It the advertisement of a hotel at
Ostend, translated' by -the New York Tri
bune: 'hotel 'In den Koophande!.' Place
Vanderiweep, to one's face' the Station
(fairway); Oetend.' Tennoua from Peter
Vatldnkerckhove Houlappel. Telephone
331. -'Breakfast from t o'clock tbe morning,
ordinary at' noon to 1 o'clock. Pottage:
Two plains of meat and legume. Dessert:
Beefsteak to the potato, on hilling; at
whole hour tenpence. Milk, coffee, tea,
chocolate, beer ef the country and out
landish." One would like le know the pre
cjsa difference between Belgian beer aad
Outlandish bees,
, , ( Th Miner's Uaahtr.
Chicago Poat: "Ah.", said tb count,
"sis ees not t lady I would have for my
Wife. She. ess what you call plain."
"But her father owna a coal mine," re
plied the general manager of the Interna
tional Title and Trust syndloats.
r. "I oare not for lis gold mine. I"
- "Not gold viae. I said coal mine bard
''Ah. my dear friend; How beautiful sis
lady ees! My heart be what you call leap
wla lovsl'!
riima tea wear out Bmokesand sprays
do not euro. They relieve symptom
Instead of removing euusos : wuen as,
we lake A ultima mu thoroughly out of
the syatJin Ibat tMithlnc reirmlns
which oao produce an atliM-k; BuOerura
are soon al.le to work, rat. slwp and
. stand a'pusur wllUout the alUtilcot
return of Asthma. Being rlLt In
principle our treatment doe what
' relleni " cauont do. We cure to stay
cured tt vera, Innr-standlng and pro
Duuneed "tnouratle"oasa. Ifyouar
skeX.lcaI,itU berauae you are Iguorant
of ourrraat work. Htnc Ine4 we bar
treatml fiuio Asthma and Hay termr
sunurarm. If yiu dflelr eouiplet re
llf, bsalth restored, and do nturn of
Asthma, writ ttt our Ink 7 J Pre,
r. saoi.p uiaa, aiuaraxio, tt. .
ntase In Adirondack Slays Mother
aad Her Three Thll- "1
rea. '" .
MALONE, N- T.. De?. 25. Four perfena
were burned to death today In Plercefleld.
a pufp and pnner manufacturing town In
tbo Adlromiacks.
The fire had gained such headway before
It was discovered that Mrs.. M. J. McOov
ern. daughter and her three children, who
were Bleeping ou the lower floor, were not
able to get out and nil were burned to
death. One of the children, whose body
wait found close to a. window, hnd evidently
made desperate efforts to escape. Thti pro
prietor and hi wife, with a few boarders
on an upper flocr, eersprd by jumping, out
of the windows'. One mad waa seriously
Want Hwrean eif Ini-nUarratloi. .
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 2" (Special.)
An effort will be ruade to have, the Incom
ing legislature eslnhllsh a Sutfl Board of
Immigration or a Bureau, pf Statistics, an4
the governor will probohly tc prcyaOed
upon to make recommendttyn for one or
the other In hi mrssaRC ,tg"..tle .leUla
ture. Two years sgo hj attempt was tuade
to secure a State Hiireau-o) Immigration,
but the bill -met . with considerate, opposi
tion, the office of state geologist, being ere
atcd as a compromlsn. Bui the work pre
scribed for .this .oflVJal la confined to tho
examination of .minet, prospects, etc. and
the good to be. derived by 'hn state 'Is to
a great ixtcnt. limited,, especially aa re
gards the development of Ihe .state's, ag
ricultural and. past ornl wealth. .. ..
Always ilia Samo
Good Old
Tha Pflda of Mllwaukse
Send Postal Card for New Brochure
" which tells why '
All Druggists or Direct
1411 Doaala St. Tel. toal.
'I .'."-W -4V
That'l what' iadlee y 'of, '!''
, The California Umlted. .
, A Private campartmonts. ample
dressing-Toom. and, strva(loa t,t
, parlor, all daintily furnished,,
Perfect dining car meala.. .-, ,( -,.,
Chicago to California in lees, thaa -v
three day. , , ,iV,T r....
Why stay at hornet
Tha California tour described la. our
hookp, mailed for 10c in stamps.
Address Passenger Office,
Atchison, Topeka ds 8aata Pe Rail
way, Dea Moines, la.
Santa Fe,
Forty Slses,- lOo to too Each.
RICHARDSON LiHUU CO., Distributors.
Deputy sXat--Voteeinarta v
Pood Inapeoter.
Oa ad Infirmary, Sfth and kaaoa aTta,
timaha. Neb' Telephone' 6..
BOYD'S ijegrr
tonight, Saturday Matinee
and night, . ' '! :
Ths Best of All Musical Comed'ie.''
Company of 76, Including Isadora Rush.
Cortnnn. AlfWhenlgq.' - - -
Prices Matinee, iae to Tl 00; n'ljtht; tlo
to 11.50. i ;..:-.' i.i ...) '
Prices Matinee, tuc; night, '25c; 60c, 75c.
Telephone 16fU.
Matinee Wednesday, Satttrdar', ' Sea.
day, lliia Every MHht Hits.
Webbs Seals and Sea Hunt,' Jules and
E la Ganlson, Stuart . Harrii and
,'LW,aU VVn. ",n1 Whlard Westenberg
Bro.. Adei PuryU Onrl un.i the odimc. '
PRICES-lOc, 25c ond 50c.
Tha miluro;::
tUtH aad Doiiu, aT.
1 M A U . - . 7. "S
.a , n turn.
mm lauili tl0t-J
, --
itlrfl 1 i . . .
- - r r. I
tlviti v . .... V
su p. m.
" . .'
nieaoiiy lncreaing busrtiers' h. m
taiad an enlargem. ."t Si ku c i' a m"1
d) c e iy."..:
It IS-J- .'.'.r .-".
. -j- ..j -';' .'f "h
Real Cb2
Of (XcA
(scstI ,-v,il';'!B I