Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Murderi Kansas PoLoeman in Gold Blood
During Black Men's Blot.
Victim Falls to ths Ground and Diet
Few Honri Later.
Harriet Eim to Telephone Pole and Btrinp
Eim Up.
Trouble Arises from Draakea Afrlcaaa
Careaalag; at Christmas Ball Ml
fteslatlagT Arrest Wkn I'siae.
aosafally Aaked ta Be Qalet.
PITTSBURG, Kan.. Dee. 25. Montgomery
Oodley, a negro. ws taken from the jail
here today and lynched by a mob because
early thta moraine ha (hot and killed Mil
ton Hlnkle, a policeman, who was trying to
protect himself against crowd of unruly
hot with On riatol.
Tha negro Jerked the officer's pistol from
the holster and shot him with It frem be
hind. Two hours later a mob gathered and
took Oodley from the city jail, where he
bad been Incarcerated, and hanged him to
a telephone pole. As he waa choking to
death one of the members of tha mob cut
bis throat and ended his Bufferings.
A large number of negro men and women
from tha Tartoua mining camps In the vi
cinity, among them Mont and Joe Oodley,
brothers, were drinking and carousing at
a ball Hlnkle requested them to be quiet.
Tha Oodley brotbera answered him In an
Insulting and Insolent manner and ha tried
t arrest them. They resisted and Hlnkle
blew his whistle for help. He then began
to usa his club In order to protect himself
from the onalaught of the crowd. He waa
holding his own against three of them
when "Mont" Oodley grabbed the officer's
revolver and, placing the muitie behind
Hlnkle'a right ear, pulled the trigger. The
ball passed through his head and came
out over the left eye. He fell to the aide
walk. Other officers pursued the negroes,
all of whom started to run whan tha officer
fell. The Oodley brothers were both cap
tured and locked np ta tha city jail. Hln
kle waa carried to the city ball, where he
died at 1 thle morning.
Mob Btornaa City Jail.
The newa of the murder spread and soon
a crowd waa gathered about the Jail, shout
ing "Hang him!" "Burn him!" "Oet a
An attempt was Bret made to rob the elty
marshal of his key to the jail door, bat
be convinced the mob that they ware not
In bla possesalon at the time. A crowbar
and hammer were then procured and the
Jail doors "battered and broken open.
Oodley cursed the mob when ita leadere
nteretf lie Jail,, hut blr emraw left fclav
whan he began to realize that death waa
near. He began to' supplicate and beg for
officer to protect him, but they were
overpowered and taken care of by a portion
of the mob. The negro was then dragged
from the Jail Into the yard and given a few
momenta to talk. Ha told so many conflict
ing stories about the affair that the mob
became Impatient and hurried him about
three blocks away from the Jail. Procuring
a rope on the way they hanged him to the
atep-plna of a telephone pole. The rope
broke on the first effort and Oodley fell to
the ground. At thla Instant some In tha
crowd cut his throat on the left side, sev
ering tho Jugglar vein. Thla brought . a
more meralful death than waa Intended.
He was then hanged again.
Oodley came here from Pierce City, Mo.,
where tho cltliena of that town drove the
negroea out about two yeara ago. The
mob left hie body hanging for aeveral
hours before It waa cut down.
Great excitement prevails among both
whites and blacks aa a result of the lynch
ing. Belligerent crowds have been on the
etreets all day and have made ugly threats.
Numerous negroes have been locked up for
carrying concealed weapons.
It Is expected that there will be further
trouble between the vacee,
Ood ley's brother was burned at the atake
t Pierce City, Mo., nearly two yeara ago
at the time of the aati-negTO troubles
there, following an assault of a young
woman. Mont God ley waa driven from
Pierce City then.
Decide aa Haw Hailroad Paralleling
Haw ley's Colorada at Soother
Texaa Mae.
DENVER, Colo., Dee. 15. The Tlmea to
day says tha announcement cornea from an
apparently authentle source that the
. branch ft the Texas ds Pacific railroad frem
Weatberford, Tex., to Mineral Wella, Tex.,
ta to be extended to Trinidad, Colo., where
connection will be made with the Denver
A Rio Grande, thus giving Denver another
direct road Into Texas and the south.
It also aaye tha Denver Rio Grande
will expend something like $2,000,000 im
proving lte roadbed between Denver and
Pueblo, In contemplation of lncreaaed
traffic a a reault of the extension of the
Texaa dt Pacific.
Further Improvements are contemplated
from Trinidad and Walsenburg, Colo.
Tha road from Weatherford to Trinidad
will be about 450 miles long and will form
a link which will glv the Gould system Its
own road from New Orleans to Ogden,
Utah. It will form an outlet from all tha
northern Pacific eoaat towna to tbi lead
Ing gulf shipping points and give the Gould
eystem a new connection In tha west. It
will alao assist Mr. Gould's policy of mak
Ing himself Independent of the Hawley
Ilarrtman Intereata In the event of an ex
tension of their fight, as It will be a par
allel road to Mr. Hawley'a Colorado dt
Southern Texaa road.
' V i Employes af Telegraph Comaaay Will
Kaw Vear'a Day,
MEW YORK, Dec. 15 Clarence H. Mae
hay, president of the Postal Cable and Tel-
graph company, la planning a New Year'
. surprise for the elder employes of that con-
It haa been reported that John W. Mae
Viy under hia will left the older employes
t the Postal a gift for January 1, IMS,
proportioned to their term of service, but
whether the gifts ware to be mad by the
Ulaar ar sea baa not been afftcUll stated.
lay Their Cantata and Afterwards
Attack Crewe af Two British
The steamer
Moana, from Australia, , 'ughl news
or aa attack oa ths rec. hooner
Lilly by the natives of Ma., f. the
New Hebrides. They murderer
Henry Atkinson, a Britisher, and w.
two of the crew.
The schooner ... t.lrln. a... . ......
Who had been emnlnved In Maw r.UHnniei
by French planters. One of these consigned
to maiucoio naa died when near there and
Captain Atklnaon decided to bury the body
ashore Instead of at sea. When be landed
he waa attacked and his rifle taken from
him by the blacka. He waa then shot and
killed with his own rifle.
Some of the native crew tried to im
the dead captain's body, but the natives
who had just landed aided those ashore and
the crew fled, two of them being wounded
aa they swam back to the schooner.
Tne attack waa the reault of minermtlilnn
attached to the burying of the dead body,
the natives believing It necessary to kill
tne whites to prevent further deaths oc
curring among them.
The schooner Pearl was attacked on thla
Island a few days later. She called at
Espigle bay, la another part of the Island,
to land natives and was fired upon and
several of the native crew were wounded.
Moroccan Pretender Says He Weald
Not Be Saltan, hat Wants V
Christiana Oaated.
LONDON, Dec. 25. The correspondent of
the Tlmee at Fei, Morocco, describes the
situation there as having become most
serious owing to a large Increase In tho
number of the pretender's followers, whom
the government troops are too weak to at
tack. - Reinforcements amounting to 12,000
men will leave there tomorrow, and addi
tions! forces of Irregular cavalry have bean
called out. -
Many tribes, not already In rebellion, ar
wavering and are ready to Join the rebels
In the event of a serious government de
feat. The pretender la fully supplied with
everything necessary and has distributed
hie forces over a district where they can
be either collected or dispersed quickly.
The Times correspondent adds that the
pretender's position la a atrong ane. He
professes not to claim the throne for him
self, but merely desires to 'overthrow the
sultan on account of his European tenden
cies, and If aucceaaful propoaes that tho
rebel shall nominate a new sultan frem
some Shereeflan family who would promise
to continue the war against the Christiana.
Rolling; Mock Travels Whca Groand
Beavea Under Rassiaa Slesaala
ST. PETERSBURG. Dec 25. According
to the latest advlcea from Andljan, Rus
sian Central Asia, earthquake (hock era
continuing there. There aro four or five
alaaaals dlatartaoeea 'daftyf- a particularly
violent aeries of shocks occurring during
the night of December 22 and tha follow
ing morning, which et all the rolling
stock of the railway in , motion. Traffic
la still auapended on the railroad and the
military authorities are taking over con
trol of the line for seme distance from
Andljan. The damage so far baa reached
many million dollars.
Maka for Plteairn After Shooting;
Caatala aad Second
VICTORIA. B. C, Dee. 25. According to
advloes from Honolulu, the British cruiser
Shearwater has left there for Plteairn and
other 8outh 8ea ialands and will make a
search for the mutineer who left the ahlp
Leicester Castle after shooting the cap
tain and killing the second mate.
The mutiny occurred 100 miles from Pit
calm and It waa believed that the mutineer
may have reached that place.
Hoaolala Thief date Threo Years far
Stealing from Americas
HONOLULU, Dee. 17, via Victoria. B. C,
Dec. X6.Pedro Rodriguea, the Porto Rlcan
who robbed General Mile and Colonel and
Mrs. Maus while they were In Honolulu,
has been found guilty of larceny In the
first degree and sentenced to three yeara'
bard labor In Oabu penitentiary.
Rodriguea atole a quantity of clothing be
longing to Mra. Maua, also soma jewelry
and some valuable private paper belonging
to General Miles.
Italian Kin a; Coaarratalatea lavantor
aa Saeeeaafally , Overcoming;
Transatlantic Difllealtle.
GLACE BAT, N. 8.. Dec. 26. The follow
ing measage by wireless telegraphy has
been received from the king of Italy by Mar
coni In reply to bla transatlantic Mar
conlgram. I learn with great pleasure of the great
reaulta you have achieved. They constitute
a freah triumph to you and a greater glory
for Italian aclence.
Crawa Drawa from Alabama aad Mas.
aachaaetta Row at Trlaldad for
Thaaaaad Dnllara.
PORT OF SPAIN. Trinidad. Dee 25. A
race which had been quietly arranged be
tween the boats of the United States bat
tleships Alabama and Massachuaetts, over
a distance of three miles, for a stake of
21,000, waa decided today and resulted la
a tie.
The time over ths course waa 2 minutes
and 21 aeconds.
Attoraey General's Daughter Haa ta
Abandon Her Trip to
Jannn. '
WASHINGTON, Da. IS. Miss Rebecca
Knox, daughter at the attorney general,
who returned from Pittsburg for Christmas,
la quit 111 at the Knox hem on K street.
Mis Knox, who waa to have started for
California aa Saturday t Jala her auat and
unci la a trip t Japan, baa ba obliged
t Klv up tb Jours.
Hag Not Yet Mad Up Mind to Aooept or
Befasa Arbitration Proposal
says Claim af "early Twa Million
Bolivars Mast Be Paid Before
X Feacefal Means af Settle
xoont Ara Agreed To.
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
CARACAS, Dee. 25. (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) President
Castro has replied to a proposal alleged to
have been received from Washington con
sentiur to the submission of all difficulties
to The Hague court of arbitration. He Is
now at La Victoria and telegraphed his
answer here, where It has been trans
mitted to Secretary Hay.
La Vela, the port of Coro, la open, the
only Venezuelan porta weat of La Ouayra
which are blockaded being Puerto Cabello
and Maracalbo.
The price of flour has gone up here $2
a bsrrel.
I callod on Mr. Bowen today, but be
knowa nothing definite about arbitration,
although be expecta an early and peaceful
settlement of the troubles with European
He declined to be Interviewed, explaining
thst ths State department at Washington
would think It reprehensible If h talked
for publication. A Veneiuelan official In
forms me, however, that the power con
ferred upon Mr. Bowen by this government
Is without reservation and that all tha
American minister Is asked to do is to get
the best terms of peace for Venexuela he
Washington Officials la Bed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. No Information
could be obtained in Washington tonight of
the report coming from Caracaa that the
proposition had been made to President
Castro to refer all differences to The
Hague tribunal. Secretary Hay had re
tired when the dispatch arrived and no
other official of the State department waa
able to give any Information en the sub
ject. It Is known that only two days ago Pres
ident Roosevelt had not determined whether
or not to accept the proposal of the allies
or to urge again that tha question should
go to The Hague. If, a atated, the sug
gestion has come from Washington that
the matter should be arbitrated at Tha
Hague, that conclusion probably ' waa
reached at the long conference the presi
dent had with Secretary Hay yesterday aft
ernoon when the two offlclala were together
for. some time considering the proposals
from the alllea.
The dispatch to President Castro through
Mr, Bowen suggesting arbitration at The
Hague must hae followed that conference
The offlclala here have refused abso
lutely to say anything on the aubject alno
the receipt ' of the proposal from the al
llea or even to give out anything bearing
on the terms of that proposal, though the
Impression here tonight la that an early
determination of the matter' will be
reached. ' . - - ' ,'
' No 'matter who arbitrates"," the-" feeling
bere 1 strong that the United Statea gov
ernment. If the occasion arises, will 'In
sist thst the existing blockade be called off
while the arbitration Is In progress, the
presence of the blockading; fleet along the
Veneiuelan coast being considered a men
ace to peaceful conditions. But the great
est objection to a continuance of the block
ade pending arbitration will be" the loss
to American shipping Interests, which this
government does not believe should be tol
erated. It waa atated at the State department
today that the president bad reached no
decision In regard to the Invitation of the
powers to arbitrate the Venezuelan mat
ter. It Is possible that this decision will not
be forthcoming for several days, as corre
spondence Is still being exchanged dally
between the State department and the
foreign office with reference to the In
vitation. Secretary Hay was at the White House
early today and held . a brief conference
with the president oa the situation.
Asks Caah la Advance.
BERLIN, Dee. 25. The Lokaller-Anselger
publishes the following statement, which
waa evidently Inspired by the Foreign of
fice: The German government haa excluded
from the scope of arbitration a claim of
1,7(10,000 bolivars, which must be paid im
mediately In caah before arbitration can
be begun.
The paper adds that It I understood
here that if President Roosevelt agrees
to arbitrate hi acceptlon will Involve an
Indirect guaranty for the payment of any
ROME, Dec. 25. The only condition
which Italy ha attached to Its acceptance
of arbitration are that all points shall
be submitted to tb arbitrators, so that no
questions shall be left undecided, and that
Italian clalma mutt be conaldered on an
equality with those of the other power. -What
la llnara Trlboaal Fort
PARIS, Dec. 25. Baron d'Estournellea
de Conatant has notified the foreign min
ister that he will Interpellate the govern
ment on the reasaembllng of the chamber
concerning the disregard of article 27 of
The Hague convention ahowa by the al
lied power in coercing Venezuela.
Baron d'Estournellea strongly supports
the contention of tha United States that
the Veneiuelan trouble ahould be referred
to Tha Hague court. After pointing out
that the preaent la juat the contingency
contemplated by article 27, he says:
The conflict rests between Venesuela a.d
several of the signatories to The Hague
convention and the formal obligation that
France and the twenty-five other powera
aigned la not. only being Ignored, but we
obaerve a systematic Interdiction of The
Hague court of arbitration by the Euro
pean governments. An explanation haa be
come necessary It cannot be objected by
the allied powers that Veneauela took no
part In the conference and aa it la asking
for arbitration an occasion exlsta for re
minding the powers of the obligatlona they
aigned and ratified. Neither can the reply
be made that statea. unlike Individuals, are
free not to obaerve their engagements and
that moral obligations exist only for Indi
viduals or for the weak, aa thla point of
view la precisely contrary to the principle
that The Hague conference sought to se
cure. WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, Dec. 25. The
American Red D Una steamer Caracaa has
brought the remainder of Ita cargo her.
The warshlpa of the allied powers ar us
ing searchlights to watch the coasts of
Forty vessel ar aow ' detained at La
Mar t'ateh Hawaiian Flah.
HONOLULU. Dee. 17, via Victoria, B. C.
Dec. 25. Fishing In the shallows and
swamps of Honolulu harbor, prohibited by
the Board of Health her oa aoeount of
the aevere cholera epidemic In the Orient,
Is about ta be removed, aa condition la
tb tar eaat are Improving,
Tea Mea Kaawa ta Have Died la
Trlaldad Smash aad Other
Arc Missing.
TRINIDAD, Colo., Dec 25. Development
indicate that the wreck on the Colorado ft
Bouthern Just outside of this city last night
was the most disastrous In the history of
the rosd, where freight trains alone were
concerned. It is knowa tonight that at
least ten men were killed, and rumor baa
It that several more bodlea will be un
earthed before the wreckage la cleared
The list of known dead:
ELMER PEARCE. engineer, alngle, Pu
eblo. J. FOX. fireman.
M'DKRMOTT. brakeman, recently
arrived from Boston.
J. W. GOLDSTRAP, engineer, Trinidad.
DEVEREUX, fireman. Pueblo.
PHIL LANDIS, who boarded the train
at Lndlow, supposed to be a contractor.
L. F. RICHARDS, brakeman.
KING, a machinist, riding as a pas
senger. Two unidentified bodlea are exposed to
view but have not yet been removed from
the wreckage.
It is feared that several miners who
were supposed to be riding on the freight
train on their way to Trinidad to apend
Chrlatmss, are among the dead, but as they
paid no far there la no record of how
many were on the train, if any.
Wrecking crews worked diligently all day
clearing the tracks and succeeded in re
moving the wreckage of the engines.
The freight cars are plied in a great beap
on the right-of-way and It will require all
day tomorrow to get thing In shtpe for
running tralna over tha road at this point.
In the meantime all Colorado ft Southern
tralna are going by way of the Denver ft
Rio Grande. i
BATTLE CREEK, Mich.,' Dec 25. In a
bead-on collision on the Grand Trunk rail
way near here tonight-the engineer, James
Kerwln, and the fireman. Theodore 8chlau
bert. of the light engine were Instantly
killed and the engineer. Brown, and fire
man, Burkhardt, of .a freight train were
fatally injured. '
The engines collided while going at full
speed. The light engine had been sent out
from Battle Creek to meet and help pull'
the freight train to thla city.
Veaerable Mlaaoarl Senator Thaagkt
to Be Only Maa Who Can
Do It.
LOUISIANA, Mo., Dec. 25. The Louisiana
Times, a democratic newspaper, will an
nounce in ita issue today that 8enator
George Graham Vest Is willing to succeed
himself In the senate.
The editor of the paper, E. E. Campbell,
declares that he haa thla from a reliable
authority and lptlmates that Mr. Vest
would take bla seat again because he Is not
pleased at the thought of having William
Joel Stone for a successor In the United
Statea aenate. .....
Tha Louisiana Times will say: ''
We are reliably Informed that George
Graham -Vest is not averse, to succeeding
himself as United Stales 'to for -another
term. We know Juat as "reliably that
he Is not and never has been a party to any
agreement by which any well known lobby
hit waa to have thta. the highest political
gift that the democratic party of this great
state can bestow.
It may be that when he was suffering
bodily Ills a lot of cormorants surrounded
him and Induced him to say he would not
be a candidate. He need not be. The only
reason that ever existed for such declina
tion ha been removed, for his health ta
now excellent.
But a greater reason than his Improved
health why his name should be imed is
that George Graham Vest seems to be just
now the only man that can aave his party.
If those who are sincere In their protes
tation will take up the name of Senator
Vest as his own successor, W. J. Stone may
yet not be senator.
Congressman Champ Clark, D. A. De Ar
mond, M. K. Benton and others could help
this movement along, much to the benefit
of their chances for future promotion.
Will some one lead off.
la Fear Hoatha Take Oaly Ona Fee,
Though Operating; oa Scores
of Patleafs.
NEW YORK. Dec. 25. Dr. Adolf Lorens,
who returned to this city from Boston to
day, while discussing bis visit to this
country aaid In an Interview tonight:
There Is one thing I want to say, and
that Is In regard to finances. 1 see It re
ported I have made In this country $160,000.
Now, as a matter of fact, I got one fee
of 130,000 In Chicago, and In the four months
I have been here I have earned Just that
aum. My practice at home In four months
la worth that.
True, I have seen a number of private
patients In each of the cities I visited, but,
as you Americana aay, In no Instance have
they more "than paid the freight." Aa
a matter of fact, it haa been the physicians
of the various cities who have profited by
my visits. They are my colleague, and I
am glad they did, 4ut you see, I remained
only two, three, four, or perhaua five days.
During that time I was working in tha
hospitals, in the clinics. The private pa
tients began to come In and they were
operated upon by the local surgeons who
had witnessed my clinics. But 1 am glad
I came. The trip haa been the crowning
success of my life. My trip here haa been
aucceaaful ethically, but not materially.
Dr. Lorens spoke gratefully of the hos
pitality be bad received at the bands of the
Sllvertowa Expects ta Complete First
Link la Oeeaa Wlra
BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 25. The following
cable waa received today from the steamer
Btlvertown, now laying the cable vbet ween
thla city and Honolulu, and which expecta
to reach Honolulu tomorrow:
"Latitude 22.2 north, longitude 156.22
weat. Total cable laid, 2.109 knots.
Westher moderate. Wind northeast. Ex
pect buoy Friday morning."
HONOLULU, Dec IT, via Victoria. B. C,
Dec. 25. The Honolulu Chamber of Com
merce, Merchants' association, Builders'
and Traders' exchange and other bodlea are
preparing to celebrate the arrival of the
cable ship Silvertown, which will establish
communication between here and San
There will be a general holiday and a
large public meeting will be held.
The conduit which Is to bring the wires
Into the local office of the company from
the landing at Walklkl la nearly finished.
Doctors Issao Right Bailella, Giving
Favorable Restart af Patleafs
NEW TORK. Dec. 25. A bulletin Issued
tonight by the physicians la attendance
upon Cornelius Vanderbllt reads:
Mr. Vanderbllt haa bad a good day and
la uoldiug. Htm taijirwvwtueul be baa wad.
Killioi Dollan Would Be Only a Beginning
Bhonld it Spread.
Maay Interesting; Stories Tald of
Pnblle Men Who Freanent tha
Capital af tha N
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. (Special.)
While the Importance of the subject Is not
generally appreciated, It Is still fact
that no other haa come up in congress at
this session which la of greater moment
than the proposition to spend f 1,000,000 in
an attempt to stamp out the cattle disease
which bas broken out In New England.
Ibus far the foot and mouth disease, as it
is called. Is practically confined to Massa
chuaetts and Vermont. It waa, without
doubt, brought to Boston from Europe In
the fodder of a consignment of horses.
Just as soon aa the Department of Agri
culture learned of the outbreak prompt
steps were taken to prevent Its spread.
But It Is estimated that there are at least
15,000 cattle suffering from the disease in
the states named. Many affected animals
have been transported from place to place
In railroad cars and these cars doubtless
contain the germs, whlcb may readily be
carried to every state In the union. It will
cost the federal government more than
(500,000 to pay for the cattle which must
be slaughtered and burled' In New Eng
land alone. Shdnld the diseaae spread, ten
times that sum would scarcely pay a t:the
of the cost whlcb the government will incur
In enforcing the provisions of the law ap
plicable to cattle disease.
Fifteen years ago pleuro-pneuraonla was
epidemic, to all Intents and purposes. In
the north and central Atlantic state. The
Department of Agriculture at once took
vigorous ateps toward stamping out this
dtsnase. So effective were the methods
employed that pleuro-pneumonla has been
substantially driven out. Foot and mouth
disease is of European origin. It Is one
of ths worst complaints from which meat
cattle suffer, because one siege Is no safe
guard against another. An animal may re
cover and become affected again and again.
Fortunately the herds of the United States
have buen Immune from tha. disease for
many years, but if the New England
epidemic la not stamped out promptly there
Is danger of It spread to every state In
the union. . Therefore the necessity for
prompt preventive measure is recognized
by the Department of Agriculture and con
gress. War of the Wlae Mea.
. Washington la the battle ground of war
ring wine . merchanta. -Tho fight for su
premacy In the fields of the hot bird and
cold bottle, which was started last winter,
bas grown In intensity until bon vivanta
are now wondering where. It wilt stop.
Tha agents who - handle the wlnea have
worked themselves Into a frenzy over the
competition to supply the table of those
la high place and to derive from - their
victories .the frulta in the form of -effective'
advertising. Ail of. the , win houses
hive representative bere,- whose business
It la to see 'that their brands reach the
tables of the .' president, members of the
cabinet, senators and others prominent In
the social life of the capttol. They spare
no expense In their efforts to establish
their goods In the homes of the official
and social leaders and then to get the fact
that they have succeeded conspicuously
before the public, who are Invited to Imi
tate the example of those who set the pace
in eating and drinking.
At the dinner given In honor of Associate
Justice Hsrlan of the supreme court at
Willards' Tuesday night three brands of
champagne were served and the enterpris
ing representative of the wine house suc
ceeded in getting the name of each brand
printed on tha menu card. This aurprlscd
no one as It haa become a custom to pre
sent the name of the brand In that way.
Last February when the president gave the
dinner to his royal highness Prince Henry
ef Prussia at the White . Hquse the menu
carda were the most expensive that could
be obtained. They vera hand-painted and
the supply was limited to one for each
guest. - The champagne agent got the name
of his wine on the card and then had photo
graphs of the card taken and distributed
copies for an advertisement. The-other
wine merchanta were thrown into a panic
over the victory of. their rival and since
then they have been doing their best to In
troduce their wine by furnishing them
without .cost, and in some Instancea they
have been known to pay large auma of
money to the men wbo aerved the dlnnera
for the privilege of supplying them. All
they ask in return waa that the name of
the brand be printed on the menu cards
and that consent be given to print as an
advertisement the announcement that their
wines had been supplied exclusively at the
dinners. This bas opened up an entirely
new field to enterprising caterera and also
to butlers wbo possess the commercial
spirit. Both classes have scored heavily In
a financial way.
Depow I Shy. ,
Senator Chauncey M. Depew, whoae fame
as an after-dinner apeaker Is world-wide,
haa bee an especial object of attack by
the wine agents, but so far be baa. escaped
their wiles for his name baa not appeared
among those of hosts who ara advertised
as partial to a brand of champagne. The
senator has been approached repeatedly by
agents who hsve endeavored to persuade
bim to permit them to preaent him with a
case of wine for trial. Nothing was said,
of course, about an endorsement of the
brand In rase It pleased bim, but It was
understood by the senator that such an en
dorsement was expected and that the real
purpose of the agenta was to obtain It. The
senator has Invariably declined to receive
the wine. Mr. Depew la very abstemious In
bla eating and drinking and he attributes
hi excellent health to that fact He re
cently told a friend In the aenate that It
was his custom to dine at home before go
ing to a formal dinner and that be never
departed from thla rule. He added that he
aim ays drank the asms brand of wine and
when that brand was not served be did not
drink at all. When be takes dinner at the
home of a friend he make inquiry as to the
wine that will be served and If It Is not the
brand he usually drink he does not hesi
tate to expreas his preference and request
that It be supplied. In this way ha Is en
abled to atlck to that which best agrees
with him. Ths win agent bas not suc
ceeded In obtaining Mr. Depew'a permission
to advertise bla preference for bis brand.
Stories Told of Reed.
Btoriea of Mr Reed are still being told
la tb capltol cloak room. A member yesterday-
recalled a sharp remark of ths
speaker's at tb expense of Roland B. Ma
bany of Buffalo. Mr. Mahany was well
versed In parliamentary law and ba never
(Continued on Fourth Pag.)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair and MUder
Friday; SntuMay Fair, With RIMng Tem
perature in Kaat Portion.
Temweratare at Omaha Yeaterday!
Hoar. urn.
a a. m. . . . , .
H a. m. . . . , ,
T a. m. . . . . .
a. m
a p.
8 p.
4 P.
5 a.
T p.
t p.
an. .... .
m .....
m .....
O a. an. .... .
1U a. ra
11 a. m
12 m
Moaraera Have to Visit Cemeteries la
Street C'ara While Owaera
Pilot Hearar.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 25. The cab and car
riage drivers' strike, which began at mid
night last night for an Increase of wages,
has extended, until now 890 out of the 670
drivers In the city are out. Of the seven
teen stables that had agreed to the demands
of the mn, only one Is said to have lived
up to Its agreement.
During the day many funerals and social
functions were Interrupted by the strike.
Seventeen funerals took place, at which all
the mourners bad to go to the cemeteries
In street cart. The hearses were driven
by tho owners, owing to the scarcity of
drlvera. '
Many of the members of the Liverymen's
association have signified their willingness
to pay the wsge scale, but will hot recog
nize the union. Thla Is now the point at
Issue and the union offlclala feel confident
they will gain this In addition t the raize
in wages in less than a week. There are
two funeral cars In the city, which will
accommodate several funerala a day. These
are being called for. .
Two Handred Thoaaaad Dollnr Dam
age Done la Bloomlagtoa
Chrlstmaa Blase.
BLOOMINGTON, 111., Dec. 25. Fire which
broke out tonight In the middle of tho
building occupied by W. A. Nicolaue ft Co.,
dry goods and ladles' furnishings, destroyed
that structure and waa only prevented
from licking up the double atore of C. W.
Klem, wholesale and retail dry goods, by
the hard work of the firemen. The build
ings were new and as nearly fireproof a
It waa possible to make them, and to thla
la attributed tho fact that the fire spread
no further.
The loas on the Nlcolaua stock la - put
at 275.000. Tha Klem atock of 230,000 la
badly damaged by smoke and water, but It
la difficult to estimate the loss tonight.
The building adjoining the Nlcolaua
building to the west waa empty, and aa
the wind waa. In the other direction loss
on that structure will not exceed 25,000.
The total loss will not be far from (200,000.
Charles Abrams. assistant fir chief, fell
from a ladder while fighting tb flame and
waa badly Injured.
Prisoner. Slip Sheriff., aa , Way., to
Conrt, Steal BnsTgry aad
I Escapes.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Dec. 25. A man
named Paul Ford was arrested at the Grand
opera house on Tuesday night during a per
formance at the Instance of Captain Smith
of the United States army, who is sta
tioned at Frrt Sam Houston. Ford was
charged with having aecured $50 from
Smith several months ago on a worthless
He was placed In the city Jail and yes
terday morning turned over to the sheriff.
As he waa being taken Into court Ford
made a dash for liberty, gained the street
and disappeared. He was pursued, but not
About a quarter of a mile from the sher
iff's office be took possession of a horse
and buggy which was hitched in front of
a resldenc and drove rapidly from the city
and has not been heard of alnce.
Steamer Laat Seen Battling; with
Wlad aad lea -Has Been
Given Up.
TOLEDO, O., Dec. 25. The steamer A. I.
Hopkins, lumber laden and bound for To
ledo from Amherstburg, Ont., baa been
given up for lost.
Hopklna left Auheratburg on Tuesday
morning at 11 and ordinarily would bave
arrived bere three hours later. The Mon
roe, plera lighthouse, twenty-two mile from
here, today reports having aeen the ves
sel on Tuesday afternoon, when it waa
struggling with a terrific gale and was
battling the Ice. Finally It turned back
In the direction whence It bad come and
baa not been beard of since.
Indianapolis Limited Wrecks Coaeh
Fall of Union Traetloa Pres
ident's Gaeata.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. 25. Tb
Union Traction companies' "limited" car
from this' city, to Anderson and Muncte
collided with George F. McCullough's pri
vate car seventeen miles from here today
and Bart Fraaer, motorman on tha "lim
ited," was ao badly crushed that, he died
shortly afterwards. , ,
- The "limited"' was wru filled with pas
sengers and all were more or less bruised.
The private car was conveying party of
Mr. McCullough'a friends to thla city. None
of thom were injured.
New Jersey's Assistant Chief Haa Sec
retary af Relief Aaaoelatloa
NEWARK. N. J.. Dec. 25. Francla J.
Meeker of the Newark Firemen'a Relief
association Is a prisoner at police head
quarters, charged by William C. Astley,
assistant fire chief and president of tb
association, with embezzlement.
The specific- charge as sworn to before
Judge Lambert la $5,000, but the defalca
tion, it la aaid, will aggregate $10,000 or
$11,000. Meeker baa been aecretary of the
association for twenty yeara.
Movemeata of Oeeaa Voaaels Daa, SO.
At Now Tork Arrived: Celtic, from IJv
erpool and Queenatown. Sailed: La tUvole,
for Havre.
At IJabon Paaeed: La Tourane, from
New York for Havre.
At Queer.Mtown Bulled: Teutonic, from
Liverpool for New York.
At Havre Arrived; La Tourane, from
New York.
At London Arrived t Manltou, front New
fire Does Considerable Damage at tie
Union Stock Yard?.
Structures for Homing 20,000 Head of
Sheep Totally Destroyed.
Iitense Gold and High Wind Hake Their
Work Diffioult.
Geaeral Manager Kenyoa Give Dire.
- tlona for Reeonalraetloa Beforo
the Biasing- Hoofs Fall
to the Groaad.
The big sheep barns at the Union atock
rards in South Omaha were totally de
stroyed by fire Thursday forenoon. It is
estimated that the loss will be a little
over $50,000, fully covered by Insurance.
Just how the fire started haa not been
scertalned. All that I known so far Is
that one of the employe discovered the
blase and Immediately sounded the alarm.
Before any of the firemen arrived the en
tire main structure was In flames and great
clouds of black smoke rolled Istlly away
towards the south. The smoke attracted
the attention of people all over the city
and within half an hour after the flames
broke out the yards and surrounding fence
were almost black with people.
The main structure was 700 feet In length,
0 feet In width and thirty feet high. It
was constructed of timbers and waa
eheathed on the outside with corrugated
iron. The floorlna- waa f vitfinA t,.i-k
LThlg building waa erected several yesra ago!
- rear tne stack yarda company found
a need of Increased capacity and erected an
addition 200 feet long by 200 feet In width,
thirty feet high, eouth of the bin barn.
Thla building waa similar In construction
to the other and was also destroyed.
At the time of the fire 9!3 head of sheep
were confined In pens In the big barn. When
the alarm was given some of the men at
hand bustled out 600 hesd Into the altera
and these were savetj. the balance were
smothered to death.
The barns burned had a capacity of 20.
000 head.
The loss on the aheep Is estimated at
$3,000, fully covered by Insurance.
Hard Fight for Firemen.
When .a general alarm waa sounded all
of the packing house companies responded
to assist the city firemen and the stock;
yards department. On account of the beat
and the Intense smoke it was a difficult
matter for the firemen to make their way
Into the building for quite a time. Then
the Intense cold delayed the making of
coupling and the throwing of water. Every
available stream waa turned onto tbe burn
ing buildtnga and It waa by extremely bard
work that the fir was put out WJthouV la
spreading more than It did.
When It waa aeen that the big barb was
doomed and the wind waa blowing brfskly
from tbe north, driving the flame toward
the addition, every effort waa made to atay
the flames. Men at tbe nozzles of hair a
dozen lines of hose waded through' slush
up to their boot tops and turned streams
on the rapidly advancing flames. Thesa
men did their best to save the addition,
but as the breeze freshened It waa found
useless. Then the attention of the depart
ment was turned to the covered runways
leading to the tracks and chutes whera
I sheep are unloaded. By bard work the
chutes and runways were saved.
Many of tho men from the packing bouse
fire departments responded to the alarm
totally unprepared for such a hard alege.
ouuie caiue wuuoui caps ana otnera with
i out gloves. Quite a number of men were
j forced to retire on account of froatblte.
i M.i jt i j - . .
I'uitM iuuucu luuv uu uuuua sua ear nd
kept at work.
Will Rebuild at Onoa.
After the fire was under control General
Manager Kenyon waa seen In hi office by
a Bee reporter. He aaid: "Aa far at I
can learn, no cause for tbe 3 re can b
given, but I propose instituting an Investi
gation at once. Perhaps in this way t can
determine tbe cause. The fire In tbe big
barn spread rapidly, so that It aeemed as
If the entire structure was ablaze at once."
Continuing, Mr. Kenyon aaid: "For the
Union Stock Yards company, I want to re
turn thanka to the city fire department
and tbe packing house departments for the
excellent work performed under very try
ing conditions. You may state that tbe
new hog division was not damaged at all
and that all shipments of sheep will for a
short time be diverted to this portion bf
the yarda. The sheep barns will be re
built at once." '
Mr. Kenyon directed Engineer King to
at once wire for material for the construc
tion of barns to take the place of thota
destroyed. Tbe work of removing tbe
wreckage will commence today,
Mayor Koafaky Work Hard.
Mayor Koutsky was on tbe ground early
and he did everything be could to help the
firemen. He bandied hose, waded up to bla
anklea in water, and when the fire waa
under control be dropped his work and
sought a .fire. ' He was covered With lea
from bead to foot. W. L. Holla Id Was
another volunteer wbo did food werk ao
did J. 8. Walters, assistant superintend
ent of tbe yards, and W, H. Crewe, ehlef
of the Joint Car Inspection association.
Many of the employee of the packing
house rendered assistance In carrying liaea
of hose and helped In various ways.
Two Incidents occurred whlcb discon
certed the firemen to tome extent. Tbe
first waa tbe report which went over tbe
lines that the Omaha packing plant waa
on fire. Thta rumor took a portion of tbe
crowd away for a time. Then came tbe
report that an alarm from Armour's bad
been sent In. Tbe way tbe crowds flocked
over the fence and across tbe tracks aid
down the runways was a caution. Tbla r
port, the same aa the other, proved (round
Presldeat of Order Slaja Final Papra
Bringing- All Societies Under
On Head.
SYRACUSE, N. T.. Dae. 15Jamee 9.
Dolan of Syracuse, prealdent of the An
cient Order ef Hibernian, bag aigned final
papers whereby tha order throughout ths
world ta brought under one governlat
board. The ratification ef the agreement
to amalgamate societies In tbe United
States. Canada. Australia and IralanA oom
a in nature or a cnrislmas greetla
tbe presldeat.